T11E SCTl ANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 2. 18!)4. STELLE & SEELEV 134 Wyoming Ave. ORGANS V will show you what you want. (If-oe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD -USE THE- SNOW WHITE FLOUR NEWS 1 I SIDE Hiss McHugh's Party for Miss Murphy, of Blnghamton. LARGELY ATTENDED RECEPTION A Pol jider Thinks He Can Get More Aldermanlc Justice in the Central City Prospective Lecture on Japan by a Native of That Country The Grounds of the Scranlon Field Club Attract Favorable Notice. ' And always) have jood Brejid. 1IANUFA; TJRED ANE FOR BALE TO THE TKADlE BY The Westo i ill Co, EEWARB J? .COUNTERFEITS ) Bright lights wer flashinj? in Boers' hull ou North Main avenue last even ing, the occasion being a recaption in honor of Miss Winifred Murphy, of Iiinghauiton, eiven by Miss Kate Mo ling!, of 1034 Lafayette street at whose home she is at present a guest. The party assemble! nt Miss McIIngh's home and about A 30 o'clock adjourned to Beers' ball. The hall was tastefully fitted up for the ocoasion and many hours of enjoyment were spent in dano- lbs party left the dnnce hall, to meet atfiun at Miss McIIuuh's home wuera a reception was held and re freshments served. Atnone those present were Misses Kate Gurrell.Sadie idcuulre, Tessie Uarev, Mngmo Durkin, Mains Cooper, Ssrah Uilroy, Anna Madijian, Anna Shields, Minnie Caw ley, Kate Roouey, Kittle McHuiih, Lizzie McHngh, Ilannan Winn, Kate Hairon, Winnie Murphy, Aisoes (iur rell, Curistje Qarroll, Fannie Coyne, Mrs. McGoldrick, Miss Doyle, Lizzie Linttoruiau, Susie Pneser, Surah O'Couuor, Ida Straus, Emma Butts, Lizzie Ilealey. Sadie Durkin, Kitlie McHugb, Nellie Mabon, Miss Lynch, and Messrs. P. Missit, P. Hannon, Joseph Louis, James Burke, Eldla -Walsh, John Uo&uQ, Will Cummincs, Phil Cawley, Will Lurkln, John Larkin, Johu Killy, I'. I. Uriluii, John Dnrkin, Joseph Donnelly, Jo? Taylor, Thom;is Jen nings, Junes F. Mitchell, Frank MoCaw ley, Joseph Nolau, John Walsh. Dr. McGraw, Thomas Duffy, Thomas Loftus, William Counors, Michael llawley, M, Fay, Frank Brown, G.io. Dunn, Eddie O'Malley M. Clifford, i nomas AlclTOldricir, Kicliard Jen i ings, John Doyle, D. Gibbons, James iigi'U una John Duvino. morning for Lake Ariel on the joint excur- on or ids scrauton street unptisc ana rtnity Lutheran churches. A most en- ovnble day was spent, bevcral carloads left the Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad depot at 8.80 o'clock. Tbe funeral of Goorge, the interesting young cnild of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Web- Der. ol aus JNortn Lincoln avenue, who died on Tuesday, will occur this morning. be remains will be removed on tbe 9.55 Delaware, Lackawanna and Western train for Paradiso, wtiere interment will be made. The Sunday school of the Simnson Meth odist Episcopal church will run their an nual excursion to Fnirview tomorrow. The train will leave the new Delaware and Hudson depot at 8 a. in., and will, no doubt, carry a large crowd of excursion ists, as the Simpson Sunday school Is noted tor its oujoyuuio excursions. An interest ing feature of tbo affair will be a game of ball between the married and einglo men of the school. As there are many good players on both sides a good game may be ooked lor. TROUBLE OVER A COW. 5Fmt',ie POPULAR Purich Cigars ,JfrivE THE INITIALS G., B. 8t Co., fmnrlnt1 on Eanh Blflnr. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. tut 11 1 UUtsK bULAKK. Dr. H. B. WARE PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT 406 Sprues Street. Cfflco'llours:'1-30- A Lively Scans lu the Sanctum of Alder man John. The c rt room of Alderman Owen D. John ''in the Fourth ward, was scene of bitublo last evening cauaod by a suit brought by Mrs. Rafter, a resident of 1 woutieth street, ller cow got Into the yard of a Polnndor named Marquis Popovick, ami destroyed uumui-r of vegetables and other plants in tbe garden. Tue c.ibo was so misconstrued thnt eithr plaintiff or defendant could uunuy no ricoatnizM. Tbo scene was tnaile lndrivous by all parties talking t once, chiingiug their several tunes to suit tue occasion. Popovick stated tha e would go to tbe east side for a hear ug its tbe laws were different over there. A committee canBistlng of Mor gan Lake, Patrick Herrick and John Drown went appointed to assess the dumages. SCRANTON FI&LD CLUB. To the Republican Party of Lacka wanna County: I hereby announce that I Will be a candidate for the office of recorder of deeds of Lackawanna county before the next Republican convention. H L. HALSTEAD. PERSONAL. Judge II. M, EJwards le.'t yesterday for Atlantic city. V. L Andrews and party have returned f I'd in Long Branch where they spent a week. Dr. C. E. Richards, of Nowton, was shak ing hands with his many friends in town yesterday. .Mrs. C. Levi and daughter, Tlora, of rvnu uveuue, are visiting relativ 'l Pat. trsoD, N. J. , i Mrs. J. G- Capwell, of Factory ville, is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs, A. A. Brown, of Kixth street. Judge K. W. Arcbbald has again re sumed his judicial labors having been much bouentod by bis sojourn at Cottage City. John A. Gale, of Uaieton. Potter county, is visiting friends on the South Side. Mr. Gnlo is connected with one of tho largest tanneries in America. Richard Lindsay, tbe accomplished musical director, formerly with the Mackay-Kenny opera troupe, has arrived in this city from Boston, and will locate in . bcranton permanently. Charles Hamilton, now of Wilkes-Barre, but who last season was tbe doortender and advertising agent of the Frothingbam. was in the city yesterday. Today he will superintend the clam bake of tho Lleder kranz at Lake Ariel. W. A. Youngs, day clerk at the West minster, has relinquished his position and will leave today for New York. He will be accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Hone well and children. Mrs. Hopewell will also go, to Perth Amboy, N. J., where her brother is ill. Its Court la a Popular Social Rtndtz- VOUB. The tennis court of the Scran ton Field club, on South Hyde Park ave ue, is an object of much attraction to people on this side. The games are watched with an interest which we hows the fascination of tbe refined amusement Many match games have been daved and great skill in wielding the tennis acKet lias been ncniiL'eu bv John R. Edwards, Charles Daniels and Edward Thayer. The brilliant plays of these young men have created considerable comment. This gaino should by dodu- ar for Its cultivating and refiniuz in fluences. Ecranton'a Bualneaa Interests. 1 he iribiwk will soon publish a care fully compiled and classified list of tbe leading wholesale, banking, manufactur Jng and professional interests of Scran ton and vicinity. Tbe edition will be bound in book form, beautifully Illustrated with Photogravure viewa of our nnhlln huilil. lugs, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citizens. Ho similar worn has evor given an equal rep resentation of Bcrauton's many induf. iri. ai. win uu au mvuiuaoia exposition ol our Business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be nn nnequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well as the city at large. nprteiuttives or. i UK TRIBUNE) win can upon tiiosk whohb namks re dkbired in tnis edition and explalu us nature mure tuny. Those desiring views of their residences In thlc edition will please have notice at the office. Stated by II. B. Cochran, druggist, Lan caster, Pa.: Have guaranteed over 800 bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters for dvs- popsis, sour Htomncb, billions attacks, liver ana Kidney troumes. Euoklen's Arnloa Salra. The best salve In the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt lihenm, Fever cores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It If guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Trice US cents per box. t or saie oy aiattnews Bros. ., , ... '', - . ' ' 840.000 Eohool House No. 27. ' E. L. Walter, architect, bids to be opened this month, to bebnilton Columbia avenne. Jbots lor sale on this avenue at low prices iur b uriei period. Arthur Frotbinoham. 0UNCILB1AN HICKEY'S BIRTHDAY Being Twenty-Nine Years Old, the Century Hose Company, of Which He Is an Honored Member. Pre sented Him with a Gold Chain. Church Picnic Held Yesterday Per sonals and Shorter Paragraphs. IE WAS KOT LENIENT. Ten Offenders Sent to the County Jail in Oua Load. AKIorraau Fiizsimmons held police court yesterday mid as a con- senucuee Sheriff Fahoy has ten new boarders. Uf late tbe police magis trates have been somewhat lenient with offenders and it seemed to have bad a bad effect, for each morning tho crowd of prisouers arranged before the station bouse desk increased in proportions. Yesterday every man called up for a hsuring either bad to pay a good-aizou fine or spend his vaeatio i in the connty ail. Duly one bad mousy and as a re sult the patrol wagon canacity was tested to its utmost after the hearings. John Dolan, who in June last at tempted to take a prisoner away from Officer Boland and afterward stoned tue officer was given a severe lecture and thirty days to digest it. Thomas Murphy, drunk and asleep on the side walk, got five days. Peter Fad den, druuk and disorderly, was given free board and lodging during the entire mouth of August. Richard Murphy and hidward Jennings, drank and dis orderly, received thirty-day sentences. l atricK Gil bride, drunk and exposing his person, not Iiva days. Richard Getteus was givon thirty days for be ing drunk and disorderly, A verv serious accident oetnred yes terday afternoon at 3 o'clock to Michael Reap, of Willow street, a driver in he Doilga mines, lie was kickoo. in tho abdomen bv a vicious mule and his stomach was almost shattered from the force of the blow. The youocr man was walking behind the mule when tbe beast shot ont his heels withl lichtning rapidity. The mine ambulauco conveyed the yonng mail borne and Dr. Haggerty was sent for. He found Reap s stomach lacer ated from the injury; but, his opinion la that ho will recovar. The vonna: man is a son or Patrick Reap, of Willow street. PRESENTEO WITH A GOLD CHAIN. POOL MATCH IN SIGHT. Famous Flayers May Be Hare Hxt Winter. The sporting fraternity of this city, particularly the billnrdjelement.mayjbe given a chance in tbe near future to witness a tool tournament between tbe crack players of the country. The new billard parlor of Jerome Keogh, lo cated over Rose's Lackawanna avenue store. Is rapidly hearing completion and it is iu this pine that the matobes ire proposed for next winter. It is intended to procur the attend ance of DeOro. champion of the world and sucn uoted players as oiioruian, Powers, Clearwater and others. The new room will be arranged so that it cia be amnitlioatoriZMl. WAR VETERANS' RE-UNION. Will Be Addreasei by Many Notable Epsakern. The Sevrn County Veteran nssocia lion, composed of tho Union veterans of Wayne, L:ickawanna, Luzerne, Wyo niing, Susquehanna and Bradford ooun lies, of Pennsylvania, and Broome county, New York, will meet in annual re union at D arview on Wednesday Aug. l.j In addition to Governor McKlnley, of Ohio, who will probably ba present, the lo, lowing prominent men are among the list of speakers: Ex Gov esnor James A. Beaver, past depart' mont commander; Thomas J. Stewart, sretiry of internal affiirs. Hon. Job B. Robinson, of Media, D -la ware conn' ty, and Congressman Joseph A, Scran ton, WILL LECTURE ON J. PAN. A Celebrated Japineao Missionary Will Lecture on Tueeday Next. Kengo Moriva, a reformed Japanese, whose ancestors wen Shiuts high priests in-Japan, will lecture next Tuesday evening in the Jackson Street Baptist cbnrcb. The affair will be held under tbe anspiaea of the Young Peo ples union. Air. Moriva will lecture on the manners, religion and customs of his people, which will no doubt be very interesting. He became connected with the . Christian theory through American missionaries and is now here finishing his education in college. Ransom Township Vjtars Want Election District'. A petition is being signed among; tho citizens of Ransom township for signa- ures which will usk the court to di vide the township into two election districts. At present some of the residents of the district have to travel eight miles to cast their votes. Thoy think that too great a distance and want tho conrttogive them a more convenient poll. ARE NOT SLOW AT MAYFIELD. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. Constable John Davies is sojournincr at Atlantic laty. . George Zintell -In doins tonsorial work at the Vest Side cigar store. B. J. Neville and son Tbnmns. of Fair- viow avenue, areiu jnow Yoric city. Miss May. JoneS. of Price street left yesterday to visit friends at Windsor, N. Y. Miss Delia Evans, of Wilkes-Rarre. In tnaeuestor Miss Ida Phillips, of Putnam street. Miss Grace Acker and Edward R Hughes are enjoying the breezes at Lake winoia. Mrs. George Henderson, of Elmira. hn returned home from a visit with friends tnis siue. The Mendelssohn Choral societv held rehearsal last evening in tbe First Welsh uaptist cnurcn. Rose Edwards, of Edwards courts. 1ms returned from a two weeks' visit with friends in Syracuse. . Mrs. George T. Jones and sister. MIks Annie Jeremiah, of Lafayette street, are . . i i t . tin I visiting n unite iviuuia. Mrs. T. w. Mansfield and Mrs. M. Houser, of Chestnut Btreet, are visiting menus in oouii, tuwusuip. Miss Mable Baldry of Bonth Hvde Park avenue, has returned home after a visit with friends in JNew Yoric city. The members of the Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church will picuic at tue itonnd woods on Aug. v. The Scranton Traction company has placed a gang of men at work repairing the tracas on worm juain avenne. Miss Jennie George of Parsons, has re turned home from a visit witb Mrs. Wil Ham Sproats of North Bromley avenue. Mrs Thomas Phillips and daughter Mar garet, of Washburn street, left yesterday ior n ten uays' sojourn at Atlantio City, ' Mr. and Mrs! A. J. Lnhrlnnnil rinmrhta Lily, of Washburn street, will leave today iur uswego. iney win spend their vaca kiuu hi, Aiexanaor uay. lbe members of tbe Plymouth Cnncm. gational church will conduct a lawn social on Friday evenine at the home of William i. varies on Washburn street. Rev. Reese Lloyd, of Oakland, Cal., gave . ..uvuu iwiuri last evening on "Biblical i-ropnecias.-' m was held In the First Con. gregationai cnuroh. A large number of people were preient and the discourse thoroughly enjoyed. . A largo number of people left yesterday DISTANCE IS TOO GREAT. IS SOUTH ickel Reap, of Willow Street, Kicked In tbe Stomach by a Mule. LACKAWANNA HOSPITAL DONATIONS. Gifts Contributed Daring: July Are Ac knowledged. Donations to the Lackawanna hos pital during July have been acknowl edged as follows: Flowers by Miss Kingsbury. Miss Vanderveer, Miss Raub, Mies Clay, Miss Krigbaum, school 30, J. R. Clark, Boys' Mission band, Mrs. Nicoll; pa pers from Mrs. IN orris and Mis. Wes ton; slothing from Mrs. P. Albro and Mrs. Moses Andrews; flower bad filled by R. W. Palmer; fruit from Dr.Roos, Mrs. J. P. Dickson and Mrs. WiUar.l ; 125 loaves of bread from Greenwood Accidental fund. CouLCilman P. J. Hickey Remembered bs Hla Associates. Counoilman P. J. Hickoy, of the Nineteenth ward, was 29 years old ou Tuesday and he was presented with t valuable cold chain in honor of tbe oc casion by bis associates iu the Century Hogs company, me presentation was made at Mr. Hickey's hotel, where his friends had (fathered. Distrlot Imi gineer Louis Schwass, on the part of tho Century Hose company, presented the chain to Mr. Hickey and u was re ceived bv him in a very happy speech, Tho Mozart Quartette club luruished excellent music. ST: PAUL'S CHURCH PICNIC. Was Enjoyed YaBterday at Central Park Garden. Tbe congregation of St. Paul's Gar mau Evangelical Lutheran cnurcu. at Beech street and Prospect avenue, held rjicnio yesterday at Central park Miss Emma Notz was the successful contestant for the cake. She had col lected over $10. The picnic was a finan cial and social success. Last niaut the Women s Aid society conducted an ico cream social at the church over which Mrs. Notz presided in charge of the committee of alfuirs. Vocal and instrumental music wus a part of the social that highly pleased all who attended. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC. Enelinh Branch of Hlokory Street Chinch Will Flcnie Auk. 16 The English speaking branch of th Hickory Street Prtsbyterian church will conduct a picuic at Laurel Hill park on Thnrsday, Aug 10, and if the weather is not favorable ou that date, the pinniu will be postponed until Auz. 17. The pastor of tho ehurch, Rey. Au gust L uige, is determined that tbe pic nio will not be exceodad in point of ex cellence by any other such event this season. ; SOUTH SlOt JOTTINGS. Muaio Boxai Excluslv&ly. Best made. Play any desired number of tunes. Gautschi & Sons., manufacturers, 1030 Chestnut stroet, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrial organs, only o and $10. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. Dn, C C . LAUiiAcn, dentist, Gas and Water company building, Wyoming ave nue. Latest improvements. Eight years in Koranton. CHINA HALL You ftSeed Them And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cooL Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tennis. In & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. . SOLE AGENTS FOR LIBBEY'S CUT GLASS LARGEST LINE OF Haviland & Co.'s Cllina Wbite nnii Dacoratod, Silverware, Lamps, Chamber Sets, &... IEICHEL & MILLAR Ii6 Wyoming Ave. 308 Lacka. Ave. CLEfRIe SALE I II 0QZ S To 13 -J Hit tn in km r lace Cans I ma be closed out at LESS than half value. CAPS, worth from 39c. to $1.25, will bo closed out at . . . a . . . Two Mrs. Peter Hartman, of Cedar avenue, is seriously ill. Mrs. John Kilcnllon, of Eouth WTashing ingtou avenue, with her family, is visiting at Lake Winoia. Mrs. Michael Wetter, of Cedar avenue, returned yesterday from a week's visit in Wilkot-Barre. Adolph Ragher, of Beech street, will leave in two months for his home in Fraukfort Uosscn, Germany. John PJ Douahoe. of Stone avenue, will leave In Sentomber for New York Culleue of Pharmacy, where he will begin a courso in pharmacy. Christian ReldcuDach, aged 5 yean, 9 months. 23 days, son of Charles Roiden bach, of Alder street, died yesterday morning from typhoid fevor. Funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services will be bold at the Hick ory Street Presbyterian church, and inter ment will be made in nttstou Avenue cemetery. NORTH END BRIEF3. No Delay Tolerated b Officials at That Fluoe. Prothonotary Pryor was yesterday directed by Mathew G. Noary. secre tary of the school board of Mnyfiold to enter judgment against Tax Collector Michael White and his bondsmen. Jeremiah O. Sullivan and E. T. Ed munds in the sum of 857. 93, This judgment is entered on taxes for tbe present year that White has not as yet paid. DAN Ht.RT'5 NEW PLAV. , It Will Ee Frcduoed at San FrancUoo on Au?. IS. ' Dan L. Hart, of Wilkes-Barre, whose southern play, "A Daughter of Dixie," was produced nt tho frotbingham last spring, leaves for San Francisco Aug. 18 to assist in tho initial performance of his latest comedy, "Washington. D. C." Dau Sally, of "A Corner Grocery" raine. and company will appear in Mr. Hart s recent play. The author has the best wishes of numerous Scranton friends for the suc cess of his latest dramatis effort. ANOTHER SLANDER SUIT. This Tints Mrr. Euaanna Eonnus la the Plaintiff. Mrs. Susanna Honnus believos her self a much aggrieved woman and has brought an action to recover damages against Casimir Drahnnd, who, she says, slandered her lufsmonsly. The action was begun yesterday for the fair plaintm by ex-Judge W. H. Stanton. It is alleged In the declara tion that tho defendant publicly charged Mrs. Honnus on July 25, with using nnraitnmi to oer mainage vows. She thinks ahe lias been injured to tbs extent ol $-j,uuu. T. II. C. A. at Enoampment. Tbe Yonng Men's Christian associations ol the state are arranging to have an tin sociatlon tent, with reading room, corre spondence tables, out-door and in-door games, etc., at the division encampment JNatlonal uuard or Pennsylvania, at Gettysburg, Aug. 10 to 18. Copies of TllB tribune win oe Kept on nie there. Lawn Bazars, Befriy-sratori, Ioa Cream FrMzerr. 1 have now on hand and will sell at cost price: 19 Lawn Razors, '18 Refrigerators, ' 15 Ice Cream Freezers. Come and get one before they are all gone. Tuob. F. Leonard, - : ' 505 Lackawauna ave. ' Building- Material fcr Sals. Inquire at Conrad Schroeder's Commonwealth Building. office, If a Tornado Should Strike Scranton It would cause little more surprise to our citizens than FREEMAN'S NEW SPOT CASH PRICE LIST HAS DONE WATCHES, DIAMONDS.JEW LRY, SILVERWARE, ETC., never have been sold before at such prices; but, rememberthere is no CREDIT at Freeman's. Miss Alice Lackay, of Park Place, is spending hor vacation with friends in Pittstou. The many friends of Benjamin Davis, Garfield house, will be glad to hear of his recovory from ins recent illness. The funeral of J. L. Thomas, butcher. took place yesterday amid many tokens of respect, intormout being made at Wash burn cometery. Tho Excelsior Athletic club will hold f social this evening at O'Don noil's hall, when a prize ticket for tho round trip to New York will be awarded the successful competitor. Alossrs. Dollon and Murray are arranc. ng a fir.it class congress of novelties in the armory, for Weduosday next, when in ad dition to the above, the foilowiui will an pear: Mile. Sylvia Lorraine, Bertie Stev ens, Robert 1 homos, Miss Emina Was field, Bart Morrison, Rowley and Murphy, John W. Mack, Peacock sisters, Cnnlk Gordon, Mins ( Srace Dinsmore, Billy Mar tin and John T. Skiff. Great excitemont was caused at Bull's Head yesterday by the bolting of Kavosa & nrro's Daaery watron, which was luiallv smashed bv colliilinz with telephone pole. The horses took fright and bolted up the held and turned into North Main avenue, colhdinz aeainst the teluphono pole and leaving tho almost tot ally wrecked wason behind them. Tbev galloped toward the city but wore cancht and placed in the Eureka House barn. Ra- vosa & Pirro are Italian bakers doing business nt iui Lackawanna avenne. OUNMORE DOINGS. Mrs. Lee Smith is recovering from her recent illness. Miss Lonsettie Miller has retnrned home from Brooklyn. B. W. Cooney and M. Mulrain SDcnt Sunday in juoacow. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Uonnigan spent yesterday in iiyoe rara. Mrs. Hugh Donuolly, of Blnghamton. is Visiting relatives in town. Tbe drama eiven by the Loval leaaue last nigut was a periect success. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Letchworth will spend today at Harvey's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Costello and son left yesterday for a two weeks vacation at At lantio City. Daniel Labar and family, of Lake Como, Wayne county, are visiting Mrs, George impson on uiaaeiey street. The Union Stars, of Dunmore, defoated a rdeked club by the score of 8 to 10. Bat. teries Qulnu and Hajtgortyj Cnnion and Payton. Struck out By Cnnion, 14; by Quinn, 3. Uite Unions, Id; f lcked club, 2, The funeral or Thomas O'Horo took place yesterday afternoon from bis late residence on Walnut street.- Interment took place at 8t. Mary's cemetery. The Young Men's Social, Literary and BenevO' lent society, or wnicn aeceasea was a mem' ber, attended in a Door, Pillsuury's Best makes best bread. Our line of Groceries is complete and you can rely on them being the finest. If you want a delicious, high-flavored TEA, try our New Crop JAPAN for 50c; worth 75c. C. DITCHBURH 4.7 LACKAWANNA AVE. WILL BUY A FASHIONABLE SOFT BRIM STRAW HAT AT CONRAD'S. U OOF tlnnlnu and soldering all done away with by the use or iiAK'iiiAN'8 r A ENT PAINT, which consists of lneredi' n wnll-known to alL It can be implied to tin. galvanized tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwelling whtcli win prevent absolutely any crumbling-, crackiRg or breaking of the brick. It will outlast tinning ot any kind by many years,and 11 cost does not exceed ono fifth that of the cost of tinnlnir. Is sold by Sua JOD or pouna. uoncraoiB iukbq oy AMXUMU UAU1MANN, K7 UireaSti c. i 3 m At less than HALF VALUE and other goods in proportion. i IiacaE!3tS35:aEU?E;!ira5!!SEJBia523J?B!lJEDIIDiBlI2E!C!!l!33Bi:!!Sli!!II!H!!!IBIH!:!illllJ Scientific Eye Testing Free By DR. DR. SHXMBERG, The Specialist on the Eye. Headaches and Nef. vousness relieved. Latest and Improved Stylo of Eyeglasses and Spectaclo3 at the Lowest Prices. Best Artificial Eyes inserted for V. 305 sritLCE ST., Opp. Old Post Office. It's a Great Shock "V .1 PJtV H Ma.'. . li&Jr .-.- . ..',P'.I'.UIKI lfe.5 .iS.'iv ".'jf MILTON W. LOW BY, I Atfys, 2J C. H. VON STORCH. ( ton av.. t. fothe folks who are claiming thoy undersell til others to find that without tho loast fuss or blnater we are itiviiiff customers tho ban ifit of such opportunities ai these. A Strictly High Uraao i.ieiit-weigna Wherl, 1804 pattnrn, fur $110 easli. 1H9II pattern, neoi, lor sin. lHOliiattorn. i00 Wheel, lor 85 easlw rhese prices make the business at our store. FLOREY & HOLT Y. M. C. A, BUILDING. THE CELEBRATED PIANOS at Present Ihi- Mn.t Popular and Preferred by Vsrerooms : Opposite Columbus Monument, 'r jftah'.n.on Am. Scranton, Pn BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DB. (t. EUGAIt JJEAN has removed totllO Bnruco street. Bcrauton, lJa. cJust op- posito courwiouso biiuare. ; Hit. A. J. CON NELL, OIBco !Sll WashlnRtoa XJ avenuo, corner Biiruca street, over Francko'a druir utoro. Konidonco. 3112 Vino St. Ollico hours: lO.iln to 12 a. ra. and to 4 aud li.iiU to 7.110 p. m. Uunilay, 2 to 3 p. m. lli. W. E. Al.l.EN. Olhco cor. Lack XJ wanna and Washington lives.: ovor kioou uril ahuo store; ollieo houiw, W to 13 n m. and Uto 4 p. in.; eveuiuna at roaldouco, aliH. Wnsliliigton live. Uis- hros nf tho Kva. Eiir. Noso and Throat; ollico, 1 W youiiun are. Kooiileueo, Viua street. lUi,CL. Klil'.Y, l'ractieo hunted to XI cm DM. L it. MATES. IIS WashiiiRton Avenuo. Ollico hours. Bto9 a.m.. l.JOto H and I to 8 p.m. Kesidouce 1XHI Madison aveuua I OH M I. WKX'tS. m ii OIllcoH K! aud 5: .1 Commonwonlth buildincr: roaidenoa 711 Madlsonavo: olllce hours. 10 to U i to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays 2.M to 4, evenings at residence. specialty mado of dhoiisiM of the eye, ear, nose ana turoat ana Rynecology. 1 H. K A Y, 2M Peon Ave. ; 1 to 3 p.ni ; call SHSJ, XJ Dis.of woniiMi. ubstotries anil dis. of clnl I.AWYKKS. I M. a RANCH'S O . flco. Na 17 Bnruo House. Bcrunton, la,; Law and Collection of. flco. Na 817 Bpruco St., opposite Foroat coliectiona a sneclalt' throughout 1'ennnylvama; rellaule correapou enta in every couu ty. ll.SSUi'S e HA.U. Attorneva and Counaot o lota at Law, Commonwealth bnlldingv waamngton av w . n. j bssi'p, . Hoiiack K, Hard, W. H. Jeskup, Jr. liniJ.AKD. WARItKN A KNAl'l'. Attor. V neya and Couimolors at Law, Kenubliuao bnildinv, vv anhinrton avo., Hcranton, l a. TENRY M. 1 buildintr, PEEIjY- Law offloea In Pries lii Wiiahlnnton avenue. .RANK T. OKk-LL, Attorney at Law. Room . 5. Coal Exchange. Bcrauton, Pa. Washing H. Kiuare. AMES W. OAKtYlRD, Attorney at Law. rooms S3, 64 and ( Commonwealth bT'g. s AMUEL W. EUOaR, Attorney at Law. odlce, 317 Hprucoat., Bcrnnton, 1 A. WATRES, Attorney at Law, 121 J . Lackawanna aue.. BiTaiiton, Pa. P. BJ11TH, Conimellor at Law. Office, , rooms 51, 55. 56 Commonwealth bullillnz. R. F1TCHEH, Attorney at Law, monwenlth builoiiii;, Scranton, 1'a. Com- C. COJIEUYS. 31 Spruce st. DB. RI'.l'LOOLE, Attorney-Loans noso . tinted nn real est ite aocurity.40S Sprnoa. Bf, K1LLAM, Attornov-at-Law, lai Wy . omimrnvonne, S.-rnnton. OCHOOL OE THE LACKAWANNA, Scran O ton. Pa., prepares boys and eirla for eollctrs or buiiiuota: thorouKhl; trains young children. Catalogue at rotjuust. Rkv. Thomas M. CKs WALTRH H. BCKLL. IISS WORCESTER'S K1NDEROARTEM il and School. 4U Adams avuuuo. Pupili received at all times. September It. Nest term will open t 111 M ISTS. C. LAU13ACU, Surgeon Dentist, No, Uj . Wyominc ave R M. M'KATTON. offlcn Cn;il Fxrhnnire. LOANS. rpilE REPUBLIC Savings and Loan Asso X ciatiou will loan you money on easier terms anil pay you hotter on Investment than any otner nssocintiou. (. all on a. M. UAL,L.r.ii I'ER, llime Bank bnildlnv CLARK & CO.. Scoilamon. Florists and Nurserymen; atoro 140 Washington avenue; green bouse, laoO Mortn Mam avenuei utorp tcleplionn 2. ' GR. . a. THAS. OH AND UNION TEA CO.. Jones Bros. 1V1KE 8CIIEKNS. "I OS. KCETTEL, 5i5 Lackawanna avonn f I Kcniptun. Vs.. mannf'r nf Wire Screen HOTELS AMI ltESTAlirtANTS. U1E 1117-211) Wyoming nod- WESTMINSTER. nye. Rooms heated with steam; all mo em Improvementa. C. M. Thuuan. Prop. rpiIE ELK CAFE, VJ, and 127 Franklin ave- X nuo. Rates roasnnnnlo. V. ZiEOl.En, Proprietor. WliS'i'iUlbTER HOTEL. W. G. sche: Bixtoonth street; ono block east of Broi W. G. SCHENCK, Managnr. . ono Diock east or Brood' at I inou Binaru, Now York. wajl American plan, JUljOpcr day and upward. OYNE HOUSE, European plan; 'good Open day and night. Bar aup best. P. H. COYNE, Proprietor. J rooms. plied with the OCRANTON HOUSE, near D, J aenger depot. plan. L. & W. nas. Conducted on tho buropaaq VicTcit Koni, Proprietor. AHCHITKCTS. 1A"IS 110UPT, Architects. Rooms 2i, XJ 85 am E. and 2S Commonwealth b'ld'g. Scranton, L. WALTER, Architect, BOB Washington avenue. Office, rear ol T.i L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Prio J bniliiinc. 1-M VashinKton Ave.,Scranton. MISCKI.LANKOUS. UAUER'S J) balls, picnics. ORCHESTRA - MUSIO FOU dings ami oonoort work furnished. For terma address it J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyomlnj ave., ovor Hu'bert'a nmsio storo. BWART8 WHOLESAH Pa. BROTHERS, PRINTERS envelopes, paper bags, twine. 1J0 Washingtoa aye., Scranton TTORTON D. II lumber, Price buildlnft Scranton, a I EOARUEE li L supplies, rt arenouse. Pa. irORSES AND CARRIAGES FOB XL at 1,'33 Capouso avenue. SALI D. L. FOOTE, Agent 1 JATTERSON & WILCOX, Attorneys and x counaouora at Law; ouicea a ana s uiurory building, boranton. Pa. ROSWKLT. H. PATTlnSO Wti.MAM A. Wilcox. LFRED HAND, WILLIAM. I. HAND, At- ii. torneys and building. Rooms 19, SO and Connsollors, Commonwealth 21. r F. BOYLE. Attornev-at-Law.Nos.lD and V T ( 20, Burr building, Washington avenue. BROWN Oil Cloth, TM W. Lackawanna avenue. VHANK P. BROWN & CO., WHOLB P sale dealers in Woodware, Cordage aid Ladies Who Valuo A refined complexion must nse Pozzonl't Paw, Itjiroducejoftneautif der, I k