THE SCRANTON THIBTTN'E THURSDAY MOItNING. AUGUST 2, 1894. BASE BALL Scranton Breaks Away from Her Remarkable Winning Gilt READING DID IT QUITE HANDILY Darkness Prevents Finishing of Game at Harrlsburg with Allentown. Pottsville and Lancaster the Other State League Winners Standing of the Clubs National and Eastern League Summaries Notes of the National Pastime. FTER winning six teen straight Kames, Scranton yvsterday , Buffered defeut ut the bunds ot Torrey sou's Reading blue oladknickerbockers. At Harrisburg durk ness uloue rrevent ed tbe Allentown atfgregatiyu f roin re nuivini- a dose o( de feat by Jakey Hnston's first season's champions. Manager Rmdull's PnUa delphls colts lost to Lancaster and Pottsville moves np tbe column by de Tenting Huzteton, The following table gives the per centages of the clubj, tbe number of gumes won and lost by each, and their standing in the championship race: Won. Lost. PorC't. Fcrauton If 4 .810 5 .750 9 .550 10 .500 It .45') 13 .419 ia .a50 17 .150 Allentown 13 Pottsville 11 Laurastor. Heading Hiizletou liarrisbiirfi.... 10 9 , 7 3 Fhiladdphia... SCllliDCLE FOR TODAY. Scranton at Rending. Allentown at HarrinburR. Uazlrton at Pottsville. Puilndelpiila at Lancastor. WE BEGIN TO LOSE. Scranton' Look String of Victories Broksn by Riadliiir. Special to the Hamilton Tribun. Reading, Pa.. Aug. 1. The Scran toa club, flushed with the prestige of sixteen consecutive victories, faced the Rending club today, and was defeated with very llttlo trouble. Heavy hitting marked the game on both sides, but Reading excelled. Scranton wss unable to buuon iis bits, while those of Reading seemed to come just when needed. Patctwn was unable to hold Yerkes and retired in the sistlt iunin ? in favor of Rogers. who can4ht osplendid garni, The score: READING. It. O. PO. A. E. Miller, If. 1 1 8 1 0 Leidv, of. 2 1 1 0 0 Turreysos, 3d 3 3 3 7 0 Ueuauiont, lb 8 2 9 0 0 Henry, 8b 1 2 5 2 1 Eustucf, .9 2 3 2 1 1 r-umehouBe, If 3 2 0 0 0 Gouauart, o 3 8 8 n 0 Southard, p 1 1 2 1 0 Totals 17 18 27 12 2 SCRANTON. Yv'etztl, s. s 1 2 0 7 0 noSan, is. t. 12 8 10 Pntcben, o., r.f (J 1 5 0 1 MohKey, lb 0 2 11 0 0 Pbelau, 2b 1 0 8 2 0 Staltz, 1. f 2 3 0 0 1 Rogers, c.r.f. 0 0 4 8 0 Wemlake, 8b 0 1 1 2,0 Yerkes, p 0 3 0 0 0 Totals. S 13 27 2 Reading 3 4 2 0 0 8 1 2 0-17 Borantoo 0 01021100-5 Earned rues Reading, Sj Bcrantoo, 3. Two bane hits Torreysou, Shineboose, Staltz 2, Verkes. Three base hi ts Torrey son, Wetzel, Masaey, Uome rnui Eus tace. Total base bits Readlu?, 25; Scran ton, 20. Stolen buses By Reading, 2; Scranton, 1. Left on bares ReadiuK, 8; Scranton. 7. Double plays Wetzel, Rog ers and Mussev. mruclc out Uy Yerkes, 7. First on balls Off Sonthard, t; YerkHH, 6. Passert balU, Patchen, 2. Tims !i.l5. Umpire Mitchell. Sacrifice hits lleau mont, Henry and Wetzel. Attendance, 1,200. OTHER STA1S LEAGUE GAMES. At Harrisburg Harrisburg , fi 4 2 0-11 Allentown..... O 0 1 28 Hits HarrUburg, 14; Allentown, 3. Errors Harribburg, 2; Allentown, 4. Bat. teries lieany, bprugel and Wente: Don ogliue and Mllllcan. Umpire Valle. Qauie CMiltd in fllth iumnt; with Harrisburg at the out, and two runs to and two men out, on account of darkness. At Lsnoaster Lancaster..,. 8 4 0 0 1 0 2 0 010 Philadelphia . .0 8009100 0-0 Hits-Laucaster, 12; Phlladolphia, 9. Errors Lancaster, 0; Piiiladr-lpUia, 7. Batteries Mayer and Cote; Cuinming and Kotb. At Pottsville Potuvllle 0 0 1 0 4 5 0 8-10 Iiazletou 0 23040009 Hits Pottsville, 2S; Hazleton, 17. Er rorx Potuville, 3; Uazlnton, 6. Batteri.-s Everson, Fojc and Potts; Jordan, Fee and Moore. NATIONAL I SAG US. At Washington first game Washington...!) 021020008 Baltimore 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 20 Hits Washington, 4; Baltimore, 10. Er. ror Washington, 1; Baltimore, 3. Bat teriesMercer and McUuire; Glunaon aud Kobiujon. Second game Baltimore 1 0 0 5 0 0 4 1 x II Washington.. .1 02 10000 03 Hits-Baltimere, 14: Washington, 11. Earors Bttltimor, 2; Washington. 8. Bat. tt'ries Iuks nn4 Roblueiu; titockdale. bill livan and McGuire, Umpire Hoayland, At Philadelphia Brooklyu 0 2 0020 1 005 Philadelphia..! 0020201 x- fl Hit-Brooklyn, 8: Philadelphia, 11. Errors Brooklyn. 1; Philadelphia, 9. Bat. teries Btein aud Ear ley; Carseyaud Cross, Umpire Campbell At Pitt burg Cincinnati.... 1 0010009 1-5 Pittsburg 8 2 1112 14 x-13 ilits Cincinnati, 11: Pittsburg, 19. Er rors Cincinnati, 8: nttsborrr. 1. Battar. les Parrott and Morptay; Coioolougli and dububu. umpire uauuey. At New York Boston 0 0(5100201000 4-1 JHew XOM...U oauuoiOlOli 5 Hits BoBt'iii. 14; Now York, 10. Errors YOU CANNOT GO to Carlsbad, but you cau have Carlsbad brought to you. Proouro a bottle of genuine imported Carlsbad Sprudel Salt ana dis solve a tcaspoonful of it in a tarn, blerful of water. It is the best natural aperient and alterative extant Best taken when out. door exercise can be had. Noth ing is "juat as good" when you can get tut genuine imported ar-tide. -Boston, 8; New York, 1. Batteries Staler and Rvan; Meekin and Farn;l!. Umpire Em. He. At Cleveland Cleveland vs. Louisville game poMpoued, wet grounds. At Chicago 8t. Loois 1 0109091 1-8 Chicago, 0 2 6 4 4 8 1 8 8-24 Hits-St. Louis, 13; Chicago, 27. Errors 8t. Louis, 5; Chicago, 7. Bntt'Ties Haw ley, Hason, Twinebam and Peltz; MuOill and Klttredgtt. Umpire Lyncb. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Oar winning streak Is broken. How long will it be before Scranton wins sixteen straight? It ii a fortunate thing for Soranton that Allentown did not win yesterdny. Tbe roleaxe of Pitcher Flaurtghan bai been recalled by the Philadelphia club. The locals most have forgotten how to bat as soon as they got outsiue the couiines of the city. Aloxauder Donoghuo's prophecy whs correct. Soranton ' did begin to lose an suon as it went away from bom, E. K. Myers, of Harrisburg, refused to attend tbe State league meeting in this city Taenday night because he said it was not legally called. The ritnr Base Ball club defeated the Sous of K. t by a score of 32 to 13 on July 1:9 on tbe Hollow grounds. Batteries, boi uiaut and Hiuz for tbe Stars aud Hclirid-r and Day Hoinz for tbe Sins of rest. Two gamei of base ball have been sched) uled for ijuturday aftarnoou at the b''so bull park. The first will be between tue Greeu Ridge whenlmen and the 8rrantnu Bicycle club at 2 o'clock. At o'clock the game between the Young Mou'a Cbtiitiau asaociatiou hnd Eureka teams will be called. Tbe latter promise to be interest ing aud will probably attract a large num ber of spectators from the fact tbut it will be the flrat of a scries of rive games be tween the two clubs acknowledged to fee the best amateur teams iu the city. FINANCIAL ANJ COMMERCIAL. Stocks and Eouii. New York, Aug. 1. Wall stroet re view. Additional engagements of gold for export to Europe amounting to $1,815,000, and talk about the damugo to tbe coru crop lod to a weak market for stocks dur ing tbe early hours of bualue-w today. The bears concentrated their efforts ou tbe Oraugors aud succeeded lu forcing a decline of in Burlington and Quincv, X in Ruck Islnud, in tit. Paul uud X in Northwest. Tbe bears are duvoting tbeir atteution to tbe Urangers and are busing their campaign on tbe reported damage to the coru crop. The sales were only l0, 743 sliaiej. Net changes show l'ms of V per emit., Chicago Gh leuding, Ameri can Sugur gained aud Vew York Cen tral H- Tlio following aompiots table snowmpt thi ilsy's fluctuations iu activo stacks is supilit J bdiI ruviseil dally by LBr A f ttllsr, btocit brukui s, IZi Wyoming avonua: Opoa- Hl,'b- Low Clo.1 iUK. est. ost. tut. Am. Cot. Oil Au Hustr. mi W)i loaMi IWH A.T.&8.F t i m S ('an. So,...'.,,, Con. N. J UNIU WM IOfi'4 10il Chic A M. W. JIKSJ HWj 10 m-i W., fl. Q V-4 ;a JWj, "15i Chle. (Jan, JSM 7U C C.C. 8t. Ii.... uUa sin, Col.. llock.Val. &T D. U D..LSW lIHls UV'A ita UM D. C. F in lit ml trie 1.114 1" 1-:S 1" o. E. Co :r.u aiu Like Shore W-1 livfi 14 l'-U li. A N 4oW 4.4 4SK Munhattan Hi! ill 112 ll&'lj XI lis. Pc l!4 Ui Km U Nat. Lead , N. Y.&N. E 14 U 14 lt'4 N. Y. Central IMi Ulid 'Mi I'TM n. y.,o.w nw, i45 N. y.,8. W 14 14 IS 11 u. s. c. Co idu aw jt4 iMf-i North Piic .... Korth Puo. pf Omaha 31 W,i 114 Pac. Alail ........ ..." .... .... ItmdliiK 17 17 17 17 Hock Island M MH, -i K.T 1U la 14i 8t, Paul , 07 U &7 tti 67 T..C.& I Texas & Pae rAi H Union Paulrtu V 7J 1 ' Wabash pr Wtstwu Union MX, H Mi L. E IU 10 HI 10 W. ith. E.pfU ibii Chicairo Grim and Provision StHANIoK. Aug. 1. The follow ln quota tions ars supullua aad Cirroirted dully by La Bar & Fuller, atouk brokoM,121 '.Vyoauu uua. W3E AT. Sept. Dio. May. upomr.u B6)i (ni .... liiKncst 4 S7 Lowest. ft) HI ClosiUk'..., I'JH LAU .... COKN. OiM)iilD W4 .... 4IM lilubeat 4K .... 4V Lowest SHU .... 44'J Closing i'h .... 4'fj Oponinj H .... J:U4 niKuesc .... n, Lowest il .... :a Closine t'.n .... POKK. Open ng J273 Ilillhest 1WI Lowost 1-72 Closlue VJ1S LAUD. Opening BUS liiKhest Ill) , Lowest .' (losiiiR , b'J'i killJlU' lili3S. Openliig , CC'J UigheHt M!5 Lowost , 6i J Closing IXui Kew Yoik Troduce Market. Kew Youk, Aug. 1. Floub Vi'eak, dull; freely offered. Wiikat Weak, Jfsc. liinher, f rm; No, 'i red store nu l elevator, Bfijjc; elloat, 85Ke.; f, o. b., SOjo. ; unftndtd led, U.iudc. i Wo. 1 noi'timru, Gu'i.,11 lc. ; up lions were f -tirly ai tiv.t and inv,:u!.ir,clos lng firm at jac. a ivauce; Ueivmbr and Sopteiuber must active; niiim iucluded Ho. 2 red, clol'-g Autfat, 55c; rep. ember, h'.: October, 53c.; Doceuibr, 8Jto ; May, 5c. conn Dnll, firm; scarce; No. 2, Uz, olevatnr; 65c. aflout; options were fairly active and lKulvjC higher, cloiiug fl; m; Beptcmber, iluy and December iinwt active; Augmt,51c; beptmnber, 62; Jc; Octotiev, 6c. ; Novmuber, 51e. ; Decem ber, 4o ; ilav, 4Uc. Oath Fairly active! Armor: optioLP, dull, firmer; August, 34&: September, 3Sc.j s))Ot prices, No. 2, 4oc.i No. 2, white, 41o.j No. 3 Chicago, 42c; No. 8, UiKu: No. i white, 40o.: mixed western. 4tc.i white do., alu54c.; white state, 41ho4c. titsv Dull, steady; family, $12atl4 extra mes, fsfl5(. Hkkf H amh Dnllut $22. Tieiiceu Bkef yuiet, steady; city extra India mens. tliulS. Cut Meats-DuII, aleady; pickled bel lies, 12 pounds at 7at pickled should era, 6c; pickled hums, Hal2c. Middlib -Nominal. Lard Steady, doll; western steam, $7.80; clty,C)fc.; September closed at JtliO; rettued, dull; continent, $7.60 bouth America, 87.85; compound. tlaOVo. Pork Firm, quiet; me8s,8Mal4.50; extra prime, nooiiniil. Butteb Firm: less active: state dairy, 15u20c; do. creamery, 17a22V; Pennsyl vania, do.,, 17a23u.; wouturn dairy, 12Kal0ti.; do. creamery, 14u23c; do. factory, 12al5a; elgis, 23c; imita tion creamery, 14al7c. Cuisbk Steady, 'dull; state large, 7a 8a; do. fnnoy, bc.; do. raall,7Jn!c.j part skims. 2X5Jio.: full skims, lUa'c. Eoos Unlet; steady; state and Penn sylvania, lOo.: western fresh, 13a 14a; do. per case, tla3.25 Philadelphia Tallow Markst. PniLADBLraiA, Aug. 1. Tallow was dnll and nnnhanged. Prices were: Prime city In hogsheads, 4Wa4Jc.; prime country, ia barrels, 4-Ko.; do. dark lu barrels, 4c; cakes, 4Xj'c( grease. 83c Real Merit Is tbe characteristic of Hood's Barsaparilla, and it Is manifested every day in the remarknble cures that medicine stceomplinhes. Hood's Korsapa rilla is the kind. Try it, "Hood's Pills are the best family cathsr tlo aud liver medicine. Harmless, reliable, curs Constipation. cunEs Constipation. CUUE8 Constipation. t write that you may know the pood I have received from B. H. B. I was all out of heulth and suffering with con stipation and biliousness. I tried other medicines, but th 'y failed to do any good. At Insl I bought a bottls of B. B. B. aud before I bad used It all I went to work as well as evor. Ocs Nki.soM, Sox UJrvinetin,Warrenoo.F Acts On the Bowels. BTJ3 A Word. Tants of aft kindt cost that much, ea pt Situations WanteAwhicA are inwrf Help Wantsd Male. aWed-aTXi7iTToT a nidi, w. r nitoii Wnnd Workinir Com pany, L:ini'ed ll,rANTED M AN TO MANAGE BUA.NCH V offleu at Hcraiiton; aaUr.-, Jl.WU your; JiiK) cnsli and referuneo ruquired: eoiumur rial referenm furuishod. Koom 15, Old I'Mi Bnlldinp. tpjxla! fuoticas. OFFLE OF 'I UK SCUAiiTON HTEtL Company. Tue annual meotiuu of tlio stockkoldere of tin above company for tho olectiou ot prosidont aud dirjetors will bo hokl at tin oillua of the cjinpuuy in the city of Hcraiiton on UliurwUy, tho second duy of Au glint next, at 4 o'clock p. m. No trustor of stoek will le madu lor twolvo days next pre odiui tbe datu of the abova inootiii(f. 12. P. KiNONlJtJUy, Kocretary. Ho anton, Pa., July 17, 1SHI. . V6uANT TlilSliEIilC-HEPKIJIT 1 Frank L'wlle's lllustratod Weekly War Illustrations lud-IS'l,!. Tw j Volumes Fullo, llii.J'1; payable monthly. W')0. Uel vered by express roiiip'.ote, prepaid. Addrns P. O. iiOOUY,, Mcrantou, Pa. 1ILAMC UOOKS, PAMPHLE'l'S. MAMA J sinas, inc., tK'und or rebound at Thb TimiUNb uflice. (uiek work, housonable prices. MEAL TICKKT8 CAN BK HAD AT H4, coiner Spruce stroet and Fraukllu ave nue. Iwonty meal ticasts lor t'4.W. Oood tubln board. For Rent. TOH HEN T-NICELY-FC X . 1SH ED H AL L J. suit ii!- for lodge rooms. JOltN JER JIYN, llw Wyoming avenuo. Rest Cstat. tJCUAToN UK AL E8 A'l'E AND O Vr.i4TlIKNT AOENCV. offors barifiiins as f.l!ows: CITY HUHINESn PKOPESTY. 40 ft. front by 50 ft. deep, on Spruce street, rents (or S70J 810.000 40 ft. I rout by DO feet duels on Spruce Btreet. corner alley 10.500 'lhi-se together give 80 ft. front on Spruce str.M-t lie tw. en Petin mid Fra- klln, with alloy ou sldo. Hpruce street property is udvauciug rapidly. CITY RESIDENCE PROPERTY. CO KM. U MOSftolS AD VINE Streets, lot 50x.i, twndwvllinun, V,'03. giving a nice i'' n!donce and sn in' mj for small invcstnient; ALSjO A PLOT UK LOTH, givin 12J It. trout ou ilo iro avenue, near Vine street. Then) uiaUu a iirst-cliiss residence plot in a dc-irublti locnllty. If lo: hoU iu ouo plot will sell above separately. W EST SIDE. Lot SOxltiO, South Main avenue, adjoining residence of Smi b B. Mott, prh e, SAioO; also lots on Kock street and West End place. Only four left. com THY PROPERTY. A BEAUTIFUL HOilE AT DALTON. PA., modern house, upriiijf wator piped int i it from hill buck, burn for three horsej aud two cows, liiiinoiy with cements i lloor, youiif; fruit, iln.i lawn, Krand oullook; ouo aud a half to threo aero.', as desired, ?a,l0. A so lots of ubout sino size en Western BIoiio, Dalton. Cull or aihii . SMITH 11. JtOTT, S'annger, No. 4il Luck, avo. rear board irate. Publls Sale. 'fHK UNUdKSIO.N'Eli MLL SELL AT A public aaU on M iihIj.', August 6, 1S.I4, ut 10 o'clock a. ra a', Its odlc . 404 Lackawanna avenue, fl to.-n (l5)Hnar"Suf tuocujiital stock of the r-urunton LacuCurtaiu conipaoy, held ai collateral s?cuntv onnu oy du no XHii L VJnAlVA.iNA TRUsT Ai.D SAFE Di Pi BIT CO. .I'llv 2il. I'M i rchitccta' fiotlci. A RCHITi C'1'8' NOriCE-COMPETITIVK x V ilan and fpeciflrations nro invito ! tor a citv iMLillnir to b.i used for lire d -partnifiit bouse anil police patrol sta'ii.n. A prospoo'u of tlio buiLlli.K mav be "Cin at the ol';i;e of the city clerk, ..t which ottii-c the s'dd p i ns end M'eclt'cii lohs are to be HiilruiUed on or ti loro Wedn sday, August 2.', I!il4. By older of city councils, M. T. I.AVKLLE, City Cle k. Bcrnnlon. Pa.. .Inly 'M Wit. lncorp.ira.lon. VOTll'3 18 K'CK' PY filVEN THAT AN i.i appll atiou will i -.s to theUovornor oTt iestut) of ieuosyivan a, on Friday, tlio tenth day of Ang':t A. D. lm. by W. ' . Con n-ll. W.W.Van fnko, H. W. H,h. rts, Hnion Caterer mil Horace K. Hand, uni. r t Act of .ViScniUy ol lb G iniii' of Pennrt-ivciiii, ei.tUled " u act .'0 pn.vida ' r th' in "rcoinli iii mi l reu'aiioii of ' Or 'ain ." m 1 ns," nop'owl Arrh 2l't i. I-SI4. ' '! ' " nipi)!eu O'Hii tlirou. for t'w clia. 'e Hi u lot ndid c rpoii't'on to bo culio '. "r , i i ,iy Aii.i J-'.ialu nipjiny." the crura t':- .tti.l objoct of uh c'i ii iho rnaniif.i "ur : n i ikiIj oi bui dii g brick, p.i insr brie!;, lib's and o m-tioiiw m it from clay, sa d .. t'.i, r k and mlnrati.or ettbor or ull of them, uud fui tliose purpasi' to have aud pos-ioss and enjoy all the rights, bouuilts and privileges o! sal I nit of an hem biy aud Us KiipDl-nionts, JI.8SVI S & HAND, Solicitors. VOTICB IS HER 'BY OIVE THAN AN ll apidh ation wi I be mads to ti:o (lover- nor or Cemmyivanin on rrlili.y. toe third iluy of Avineit, 1M4, if Kimuid P. Boyer, Oeorgj W. B-irnea, B. Di ksm, o. 8. Johino i atv! li. M., unj-r tlio A'.to; Assmubly entitled "All n 't to pvovllo for the in. corporation uud reitulitioa of OMtam rovp ira'touH," appro .'oil Aoril 2itb, 1H74, rnd t!in Hiipplements tuereto.for t charter of mi int'-nde l o.ii norall.iii to bo culled "The Wy cinini oil Cmiipniiy," the nharaitter and ob ject ot which is the luiuin;,-, pvoduuing. seil it:i.' and tt .ring ot oil, and for t :cso purpusi n to have, pome and i-vj j all thi rijh f, b-m fltH and privileges ot s.ioU act of anacm blv an'1 supplements thereto. WI.LAt.D, WAK'-IEN & KNAPi', Solicitors. lliOiha,.1 VMithrsll i.;i.tii-rslll JSrs.Winslow's Soothiuji Syrup h s ben osed for over fifty years by millions O.' mothers for their children wbilo tulblnr. with perfect success. It soothe the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; curtM wind colic, and is the U'st retnody for di arrhoea. Fold by di nptfiats lu every jurt of the world. Bo sure uud ask for "ilrs. VVIuslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no no other kind. Twenty-Ure cents a bottle- Fatal noolcot is little short of suicide. The consequences of a neglected cough are too well known to need ropeatlug. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures a osujli promptly. Hold by all dealers on a guar antee of sutiiefnotiou. When Baby was slsk, we gave her Castor!, When she was a Child, she cried for Cantoris, When h became Miss, she clung to Costorla, Whoa site had CUUdron, she gvo them Castorfav CEl CENTRAL RAILROAD OF It J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal usod exclusively, inaurlnj clvKuliuess and comfort. TUIK TABLB IN HTKCT MAY 20, 1E01 Trains leave Berantou for Pittston, Wllkes Earre, etc., at 8 20, S.lfi, 11.30 a. m., 12.50, 2.00, S M, 6.00, 7 i, 11.05 p. m. Sundays, 8.00 a. m, 1.00,2.15, T.lOp. m. For A lantio City, 8.30 a. m. ' For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.30 (express) a. in., 12.50 (express with Buffet parlor car), 8.30 (express) p. m. Sunday, a 15 p. m. For Maoch Chukk, Aixentown, Betrli bum, Eastob and Philadeli'Iiia, 8.20 a. m.. 12.u0, 3.80 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. la. Bunday, 2. 15 p. m. For Lono BiiABcn, Ocean Grove, etc, at v r. '''rouifj ear) a. m., u.i p m. For Reuding, Lebanon and Uarrtsburjr, via Allentown, B.20 a, m, 1250, 6.00, p.m. Buuday, .l'i p. m. For Pottsville. 8.20 a. m., 12.50 p. m. Keturniiiif, leave New York, foot of Liberty street, North river, at 0.10 (express) a. m., l.ln, 1.U0, (express with Bullet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.IH a. m. Llave Philadelphia. Keadln? Terminal, 9.0) s. m., Z.60 and 4.U) p. m. Sunday, U.27 a. in. '1 brouKh tickets to all points at lowest rate! may be had on application in advance to the ticket aveut at tho station. H. P. BALDWIN, . r, Wen. Pais. Agent J. R OLHAUSEN, Gen. Sunt DELAWARE AND HCD SON KAILKUAO. Commencing May 20, 1S02, trains will run as follows: Trains leave Bridge Street Station. Scranton, for Pitts ton. Wilkcs-Barre.etc, 8.00, il.07, 10.42 a. m., 12.10. ),i5, 4.16, 5.L), 0.15, 0.1a uud J 1 . : Jj p. m. For New York andPhlla riftli hia. 38. 4.10 ana 11.80 p. m. For Homiwiiilo (li'om Delaware, Lackawanna and westom depot), 7.00, S.30, 10. 10 a.m., bi.00 m., 8.17, 6. 10 p. m. lor Cnrboudalo anil Intermediate stations, 6.40, 7.00, n.iio, 10.10 a. m.. 12.00 m .2.17, 3.25,5.10, 6.20 and V 35 p m. : f r..m Drldtfo Street Depot. S.m a. iu., S.lrand 11 a6 p. m. v F.iht express to Albany, faratopia, tho Adi rondack Mountains, Boston and New England Eoiiits, 6.40 a. ni., arrlvmif at Albany 12,45. aratok'a 2 ai p. ui .niid leuvinir Scrauloii at 2.17 p. m., iirrlviuK ut Aloany at 460 p. ia, Sara loL'ii, 12.55 . m ., and Boston, 7.00 a. m. Tne only direct route between the coal ftold and Boston. "Tho Leudintt Tourists' Route of America" to tho Adirondack Mountain re sorts, Lakes (ieorge aud Cbaiaplaiu, Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and through train service between stations on all divisions Dela ware and Hudsou system, may be obtained at all Deluwaro and Hudson ticket ofHces. H. ii. YOUNG, J. V. BUliDICK, Second Vice President. Gen. Pass. Ait. ill AY li. 16J4 Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via. D. &H. K H. nt 7.46n.m.. 12.05, 2.IW and li. p. in. via D., L. & W. B. It., 0 00, 8.00,11.20 a. in., and 1.30 p. in. Loavo Scranton for Pittston and Wilkes Barro vinD.. L. ft W. K. K., 0.00, tlOa, 112) a. ta , l.Wl, a 5(1. (i.07. 8. 0 p. in. Leave Scauton for Wbitu Haven, Ualeton, Pottsville and all points on the Bearer lileodow aud Pottsvllfe branchos, via E. & W. V.,,v:a D. SH.H.H. at i'.4r.a.m., 12.05 MB. 4.: 0 p.m., via D., L. in W. R. It., 0.00, 8.03, 11.20 a.m., l.UI. ai'lp.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton. Rending, Harrisburg and all Intermediate points via D 4t H.H.K. 7.45 a m .12.0,, M, ll.SS p.m., via D., L. & W. R.,t.0j, 11.20 a. m.. l.'M p.m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhnnock, Towan 1 1, Elmiru, Ithans, Oeneva and all luiermedi it i points via D. Sell. K.R..8.loa.m.,12 0jand 11.3S p. in., via D. L. St W. R. K., 8.0.4 a.m.,1.) p. in. LeavM Scranton for lt'iohestor, Buffalo, Ni agara fulls, Detroit, Cbiuuzo and all points west via D. & U. B. R., H. '5 a.m.,12 05,9. 15.11.8 p. m , via D. L. & W. B. R. and Pittston Junction, SOS a.m , 14W, 8.60 p. m., via E. at W. II ii.. 9.41 P. U). For Elmlrs and tha west via Halaunuo i, vli I, ii It. K. It. t.ih tt,m 12 0',.U) p. m.. via D.. L. & W. K.H., .S.Uti H.m., l.;i(i i,d 0.07 p. in. Pullman parlor snd sleeping or L. V. chair ens on all trains between L. A B. Junction or Wlikes-Barro and New York. Fhiladdphta. Buffalo ami Suspension Hridtra KOLLIN II. WILBUR, Gon. Supt. CHAS. H, LKE, (im. Pass. An't, Phlla..P.. AW.NoNNEMACllER.Ass't (Jju.Pass. Ag't. South Betblehom, Pu. DELAW y HE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTER. -J KAH KOAD. Trains leave ScranUn as follows: Express for New York and all points Knst. 1.10, 2.50, 6.1C, 8.0uandl)6ia. in.; 12 55 aud 3.50 p, m. Express for Easton, Trenton. Pbiladulphia and tbe South, 5.15, 600 and .5 a. m.; U&I and i.M p. in. Wanbiugton and way stations, 8.55 p. m. Tnbyliauna accommodation, o 10 p. m. Expr as for BiiiKhamton, Oswego, Elmlra, Corning, Uxtb. Dauaville, Mount .iorrii aud Buffalo, 12.10, 2 15 a. ui. and 1 24 p. in., makiug close connection ut Buffalo to all poults iu liiJ Vet, Northwest uud Southwest. Bai h aceommodation, H a. ra. Biughamtou and way stations, 12.37 p. m. .Nio.n l o.i ucooinuiodal.ou, Ut. 4 p. U). aud 8,1" i m. . Llngbamton and Elmlra Express. 805 p. tu Express lor Cortbi.'id, Syracuse, Oswoo, t'tica aud Klchfkdd Spriugs, 2.15 a. m. nu.,1 1.24 p. in. Ithaca, 2.15 and Ruth fa rx and 121 p. m. lor Novtluimlierl:inil,l'itlKou, Wii jo Barre, Plymouth, bloouisburg aud Danville, making clojt.) connections at Northumberland for Wllliamsport, Harrisbura, Baltimore, Wush liiKtm and the South. Koi tiiuinb-rland mid intermediate stations, (J.ou, b.5 a. m. and 1 Jo aud 0 07 p. m. Nauticoa una intermediate stations, 8.0S and I1.2U a. m Plymoiiih aud liituruiedi.tti stations, 3.:iiand 8.5' p. m. . Pulluu.u parlor and Uoeping coaches on all cxp'eBs trams. , . , l'or detailed Information, pookottltn . tabla, etc., apply to M. L. bmith, city ticket oilloj, It'j Lui.kawauuuuveuiu. or depot ticket oilica. T.-'Rir. AND WYdIIIMJ VALLEY It AIL VJ load Trains leave Mcranlou for New York nr.-l iu termodintu polntjs ou the Erio ralroad at ii ;v'i a. in. and X.24 p in. Also tor llouosdale. t cwley and local points at H :5, 0.45 -m , aud 3 21 p in. A'l h' a' i, io through trains to anl fioin Ib u f l.ilu. . ii additional tttdu hmves for Lake Ar elat fi.lo run. and arrives nt S.-rau- i ton from the L.ik i utS l a m uu.l p.m. drains leave lor xcoi-uarrn at . i . ui. and 3.11 p. in. ?:.V1TU Hit ,'. ('!) . In-.':.. nn!;nl, ft .003,000. i xiiij voni.f. i;i;t siMii: im "A JuHnr mtea it a tkr mrnia. ThtsT.adlcs'Knllil rn ocli MmigiilnKld'nuN touKoot doiivuriij free anywhurt in tliu U.S., on receipt ot i;an. sionuy uraer, ,e iar a i .so. ay tlio Iiuihs 11 iterea for this boot ro wo outzr- fiius tlia,)i:, tlyte unit term'. and i: any oau is not sucisiuo Fi'V-'ici.!i e will refund tlio money SltK''J' ' V oriuudauutlierpalr. Opora 'VV',',i"iv''1S, Tlio or Comiuon Sen, w(.M.a 1 If IV ?.' V ci i iu b mi' i nun zoi. tnityvnrtie; tf uiu fit you. k ui... -.-;xi'iTl!tw (lata. leguo FRCE Oexth Shoe Ga., Rtclal firm re vuur; AYLESWORTH'S Heat Market The Finest In tti titj, Tbe latest improved far Dishing, and apparatus for keeping meat, batter tad eggs. 823 Wyoming Ave. m FRED WEICBEL At bis newly-renovatod and licensed Hotel at CLARK'S SUMMIT, is bow prepared to fur. aish trarelini men aud aedtal psrtisa with the LATEST, NIfW-STYLBD Bias.elngle or double, to take them to lake Wiuola. Oravol Pond and all suburban points ana Bummer resort at reasoaable prloea. A large livery b arn eonneoted with ootel - tor Uav el lug publlo. Ladies' luslin Underwear, kirfs, Special i 1 SKIRTS FROM 50 CENTS TO $4.00 GOWNS FROM 50 CENTS TO 4.25 COVERS FROM 25 CENTS TO 1.50 None but the best materials used. Superb workmanship. Lat est novelties. Correct shapes. Pine IFitore Mattresses Are NOW Made and Sold VERY CHEAP by "T1 n J 7, 1 1 8 n Tne Scranton Bedding Company, Ill 981 See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid 0.ik Ledroom Sott We soil Furniture as cheap a? any house In the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. m m 20? fs BSAKBHOOD ! ( I t71 lliiin. Riinh i. Wniib ' vrl Lo3ti)anboo(i.Nlbtlr ,Ji7J lnlii'ueratlvoOryaiisof eltlierseicaused by overexertlon.youthful errors. B-rfi eiososlTe U!0 eftehaooo.opluruoritlBiulanti, rblclileud to InOrmltj.Con- i. iliuuipuomji Infsnlly. ''(A itiy omli iireeild. With liJfLLvu... i ,.. ntfCf.Efll'SilAl-TttiUSINj.inxjtiitr. AUdiens sstC SEKOCO.. Masonic Temple, ClUCAOO. 1LU For Sale In Scranton, Pa., by H. O. SA.NDEHSON, Drufrgist, oor. Washington Mul. Snruce streets. afs j OK ft 1'hoareat remedy t&msm; f "O genoraii ve witt'e to cutj bur Hub lyO. M. UAUul-.. iiiu.-l Vew ditrovery. 0J .-it M '""" aie uro Iiuliie iuil AttTt.iu. P'"i'l't'" " .' llJ,Sl.i oprbiiibymiiil,6b.isefirSV With (r.r i. Jf'1"1' k" i"" n"'-n ainisnice lo curt or refuud tbs meaay. AJii: PtAL t IT'lllJIB (JO.- Clalbd,Ohio. Foraale by JOHN H. FHclPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wycmlng Avenue and Spvucsi Street, Scranton, Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ bClUNTOX A JJD WILKES-BARKE, 1A.. WANUFACTIj'KEKS Oi LocomotiYas mi Stationary Enginas, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office, SCRANTON. PA. ' SI f'i l . 'S le li. ii H i El Xi. Ibsa There U no smoll of amoko ALE- and will list twjaty-oaa diyj loajar. lit th ib timiwi must dtspin of our stojk of Olothinj and Gents' Furnishings- by order of the iusumiics companion, wlio have already given out the contract to repair our store, which wm damped Saturday night, June 16, by tho explosion and ike in the building of oar neighbors, Messrs. Davtes & Grifliu. Clolbing Sold at 33 Caits oa the Dollar Less Thaa Cost tojak DO.N'T DELAY. . COME AT ONCE. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. AH ACTUAL SAVINGS- OF 67 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. We only mention a four bargiim; all other goods sold at equally astonishing low prices. BOYS' PASTS. 13c. Two for 25 Cents. Men's Suit3, for'y sold for Men's Suit3, for'y sold for Furnishing Goods and all goods that are damaged at your own price, This is NOT a Permanent Fire Sale. It will last rm SIGN. OF THE BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. EsTMEXT DOOR TO THE BUHNJSD DAVIE3 & GIUffFN -BCUiIMNCl. Gowns and id-Summer Sale Now On WALLA6 209 imm m. BESTOREB "NERVE SEEDS. ThU wondstrful rj4j uM BslsMit kg curt til avrvtma dl MflinnrT. T.faRf Ura.n Ptiwar. fluudacbe. WaketulncKS. jjmlsilons, Norvoiisneso.alldralBsand losso power lao eeeurnoaiu vesipocnei. ot peroo. iri s BO order wear! van written iruarautee to eure .lu. 1,. all.lp, fnvll. tflkn DR.MQTTS vi d u v vinvT-oT-a.-n for nervous prostmtlon and all nervous dlsoasea of organs or eituer sex. snta as Nervous ProstratK n, tall una h m mtr.u mm u k:&':& I'i or to1 ftnhood, Impotoncy, Nightly ISmtRilo&s.Yotittaful'KiTOT. ""V' .j? Alntal Worry, excessive useo To6ucpo or Opium, which lead toCon S iT'A-sr' fiUtuDLlon and InndnltT. With mvmr RA esnlor slvn s srHttakt-. itimi. orrufund the money. 8n!d at 91.4K per box. 4i boxes t lUl . i'. mi Avfiiitn. RESTORE LOST YIGOR Wtl brtee von op in a wssk. tola Willi WRITTFl KsrTwualiFeillly, l.oas OIHeliial l'w?r in sunn J US" S lock m y or fire about thara, aa l thjy arj WOW GOI MEN'S PANTS, 50c. Never Bip, $10, now $175 $16, now 8.25 BELL CLOTHING HOUSE Corset Covers WASHINGTON AVE 0pp. Court House. CORNER LaCka. and Adam, Ave. Dr. ID. Grew The Phllnriolnlil. Cn,.iij- ui. " ' - .n i.ti.BMlU uia wwna staff of English and Gorman phvaleiaOAl are now nernn.nAntlv ln..t.A t ' 811 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON. The doctor is atrraduate of the University of Pcnnsylvania.formerly demonstrator of plivtl olony and siirirery at tbe Medico-Chlrtirgical College of Philadlphia. A spMalty of Chronle, Nervous, Skin, Heart, Womb snd Illood diseaees, DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SISTEH The symptoms of which are dirtiness, lack of confidence, sexual weakness in men sud wo roan, ball rising In the throat, spots floating befure the eyes, lose of memory, nnable to con centrate the mind on one subject, easily Startled when suddenly spoken to, aid dull, distressed mind, which unfits them for per tormina the actual duties of life, making han- ? loess Impossible; distressing the action of he heart, causing flush of heat, depression ot spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in tfie morning as when retir ing, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, constipation. Weakness of tho limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us immediately and be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you havo been given up by your physician Call upon the doctor anil be examined. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Uebility.Scro fula.Old Sere8,('atarrhPUes,Famale Weakness, Affections of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Denfncss, Tumors. Cancers and Crip ples of every description. Consultations free and strictly saored and confidential. Office hours daily from 9 a. m, totp.m. Sunday 9 to 2. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE BOOKBINDING DEPT. bas excellent facilities to do lis work, and ceo) please the most fastidious. ANVTMIMQ IN THI LINI OF SOOKSINDINO. TUT US oquilly a good as before, BOYS' SUITS, 65c. Single and Double-breasted. Damaged Water. Men's Pants, sold for $5, now $2.00 Boys' Suits, Sold for $3.25, now 1.35 only 21 days longer. V A -si