The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 01, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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The Brooklyn Bridge
For Sale.
Kot in blocks of five, but two
Wocks for live. Not the bridge
that spans tho East river between
the cities of New York and Brook
lyn, but tho one that adorni our
north window. Tho white bridge,
ns unique iu its way as tho White
City; made not of steel, but Cas
tile Soap 7,000 cakes being used
in tho construction. Tho Soap is
a pura Castile,so pure that it will
iloat; and in order to introduce it
to the people of Scranton iu a fit
ting way, we have bad this beau
tiful bridge constructed. It is a
work of art, a thing of beauty ,and
worth coming to see. Don't fail
to bring the children along.
The Soap will bo sold
2 Cakes for 5 Cents.
Don't fail to lay iu a good sup
ply, and as our reserve stock is
limited, it will be impossible for
ns to let the bridge remain loug
intact. ,
Let ns remind you of a number
of Bargains in connection with
our Mid-Summer Sale, now going
Ladies' Wrappers,
colors, 85c. each,
Duck Suits, large assortment,
$1.69, $2.50, $2.98 and
Laundried Shirt Waists, 49c.
each; were 79c.
Figured Swisses, 122, 15, 18,
20 and 25 cents,
All-wool Challies. 39c: real
value, 58c.
?s-Wide Printed Percales, 8c;
formerly 12c.
Stainless Black Hose, 25c;
regular price, 35c
Point de Gene Laces, 19c and
29c; were 2bc. and 35c,
A rpflncd school homo. Pr'pjres for the
uesi cu eg a.
'i horouKh courses in Music and Art.
Teachers' Uaaa tlves bo-t preparation for
Commercial Course includes Typewriting
sua Miortnami.
Poai lor.s s curel for Graduates,
freud f ,r now illustrated circular.
K Jt. LuuMiS, A.M., Principal.
Miss Mame Ruddy, of Miners Mills
is the guest of ber nnnt, Miss Ellen
Grady, of Drinker sireet.
Miss Anna Healy, formerly of this
place, but now of New York city, is
visiting ber parents on f iue street.
Mr. and Mr. M. J. Brown, of Jussup,
spont fannaay here.
A child:belonging to Jam's Seaolon.
of Franklin street, was buried Sunday
iu St. Mary a cemetery.
James ealon. of Olyphant, spent
fcu.-Jay here.
No one should fail to attend the
drama entitled "Ruined by Drink," to
be produced hy the Loyal league thi
evening in Odd Fellows' hall.
liurtfl irs entered the tailor shop of
SI. J. liiulnon on Chestnut street baa
day night and took several srtioles of
A Japanese student from Svracns
pre.ichcil in the Methodist Episcopal
cutircu sanaay evening.
Allan Secor is spending bis vac ition
at Atlantic City.
Tue JHsnes B. Moyles and Margaret
Cuick, of Archbald. called on Dan
mor Iriends Sunday.
Thomas O'Horo, of Walnut street.
ui!'i at nis home Mon 'ny morninz
after a lingering illness of miners'
Tiio following is the cast of charac
ters that mil take pirt in the dram
produced by the Loval Legion this
evening: Air. Tlmckery, a wealthy
merchant, L. W. Dillon; Mrs. Thack-
ery, bis wife. M. Jackson ; Miss Ila.
their daughter, Grace Powell; Littl
Agnes, their little girl, Jennie Edon
Miss Tnckmore, Lizzie Wethorill
Billy Brady, poet. Arthur Johnson
Dr. Thos. Fairfield, Thos Henwood
John Hayden, saloonkeeper, Henry
liryer; Turn Horn, Thackery s book
keener. J. S Click; Snowfl ike. Tbaok
ery's sorvant, J. K. Easterltne; Jiminv
newsboy, Garfield Aogroun; Joe Slug,
JJayton bills; foliceman, Will Young
Mrs. Warden, of Grove street, is so
jourmng at Ocean Grove.
Miss Julia Meoban, of Pittsburg, i
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T.
O'Donell, of Di inker street.
Today's ball name between the M
Ker.zle club and the Price Librarv
club will be played on the ground
back of the Taylor school, The game
will bt called at C o'clock. Yesterday
Captain McKenzie bad bis men out for
nrnctice and all showed tin well. Mr.
Harris put bis men through tactics at
the Library ball in tbe afternoon,
There will be plenty of oolice protec
tion on the grounds and no one need
foar of atteuding. Efforts were mad
last night to have Burges Griffith uin
pire the crame. but there was some dig
satisfaction, fearing that be would flue
the players their mouth a salary. All la
dies are Invited to tbe game. No
charges for grand stand. Admission to
park free.
Havh t'SF.n Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for
cronn and cold", and declare it a Ausitiv
cure. Contributed by William Kay, 670
PJymoutn avenne, buffalo, 14. i.
Highest of all in Leavening Powei.
iXjm rowdier
Mrs. Solonio'i Siurmor, of Sturmer
11a, while croeiinur the bridge early
Monday evening, nal tbs misfortune
to loss ber gold wiitch by it dropping
from bar watch pocket. Luckily it
happened At a point la the river wlr
the water is shallow. The services of
small boy. who happened to be close
by, were enquire.!, and after divine
several times he succeeded in taking it
from its watery bed.
Councilman Knowles, Mtiloney ana
Lynott returned from their juukoting
trip Monday evening. They left the
alance of the party in Nw York citv.
JUiohnel UUli'fnte. of bcranton, lor-
merly a resident of Market street, whs
in town Sunday looking after the po
litical interests of M t. Samlo, or
Serimton, who is anxious to represent
the Twenty-first senatorial district in
the legislative balls next year as a
Jay Kinitiand Andrew Wyluskesleave
today for a fishiuK trip tin the river.
heir objective point is Wyalusing.
Mrs. S trati McbLilo. a widow of Pine
street, died yesterday Afternoon. Fn- announcement later.
Amonir the excursionists who will
leave this morning for Atlantio City
over the Jersey Central road are the
Muses Annte bbaughnessey, .Maggie
Kearney, &irah A Foy and Agnes
Miis Uoyden,
of Delaware avenne,
visited in Ssrunton
West Pittston,
Mrs. lbotnas Mead, of Duryea,
visited ber parents in Sebastlpal Mon-
C. C. King, the printer, circulated
among Scruntouisns Monday evening.
Miss Morris and Miss Mulligan, or
William street, leave Friday for a two
weeks sojourn at Atlantic City.
The Misses Axnorn. of William
street, left for East Bangor, Pa., for a
week s recreation
Messrs. M. A. Ford, W. M. Fay and
F. Gallagher Ufton tbeL-high Val
ley night line train for New York. Af
ter transacting some business in tbe
metropolis they will continue their
journey as far as Asbnry Park, where
they will puss tne ensuing two weeKs
n general recreation.
Mr. and Mrs B. C. Sayre. who have
been visiting Dr. Parke's family, left
yesterdar for Northfield, Miss.
P. AO Boyle and family have re
turned from their summer outing.
J. L. Cke will leave for Atlantic
City tomorrow, He will spend a week
at that seaside resort with bis family,
who have been there for tbe past
W. A. Fassbauer, who was formerly
usistant sop Tinteudent of the Metro
politan Life Insurance c unpiny at this
ulare, h is been transferred to the
Slihin 'kin office.
Professor Barrel!, the Lehigh uni
versity instructor who was itij iredin
tbe West Pittston shaft last week, beg
so far recovered that be was able to be
taken from tbe PuWton hospital to bis
boarding house ia Wilkes-Btrre yes
terday. Chief Engineer Isaac Motster, of tbe
Lehigh Coal company, is in charge of
the company's three collieries in thix
district, until a succesior is appointed
to the late Colonel M.ison.
The Electric Light company has n
force of iii'n at work changing tin) po
sitions of many of tbe arc l;ra:n nn
Main street, in order not to conflict
with tbe trolley wire of the tractiou
Robert Mercur, who was injured in
the West Pittston mine accident, is
improving rapidly.
Mr. and Mrs. Mos Bnrcunder. of
Wilkes-Burre, vuit-d friends on Will
iam street yesterday.
Airs. Keup and daughter. Mrs. 13. A.
O'Mnllev, and granddaughter, Miss
Grace O'Malley, left yesterday for At
lantic City. They will also " visit As-
bury Park.
On Tuesday or next week. Aug. 7.
Joseph Cray, of Oregon II dghis, will
leave tor his old homo In England, to
visit his aged mother, who has been
seriously ill.
Hie funeral of Jacob K. Huhler.
who died last Saturday, took place yes
terday morning fr m the home of W.
11. Walter on Luzerne ovenue. Bnet
services were conducted by Dr. Mc
Auuliy, of tbe Methodist church, as
sisted by Dr. Smith, after which the
remains were taken on tbe 10:17 LMn
ware, Lackawanna and Western train
to Shickshinny. Interment was made
in the Pine Grove cemetery, near
Electrio Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well known
find so popular ns to need no special men
tion. All who have usuil Electric Bitters
sine the same rtng of praise. A purer
medicine does not exist and it is guaran
teed to do all that is claimed. Electrio
Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver
and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, lloils,
Salt Khenra and other affections caused by
impure blood. Will drive Ala!aria from
the system and prevent as well as cure all
Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache.
Contispation and Indigestion try Electrio
Bitters entire patisiacuon guaranteed,
or money refunded. Price SO cts. and $1
per bottle at Matthews Bros., Drug Btora
Mrs. Daniel Golden and daughter
Emma, of Lnhlgh, are visiting at the
borne of Mr. and Mrs. Homer English.
Professor and Mrs. II. E Barnes,
who have been visiting their friends in
York state for tbe last four weeks, re
turned last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Evans, of
Carbondale, called on Mrs. John Ken
dall last Sunday.
J Fnzler Miller, who represented
The Tribune's encyclopedia lust win
ter, was a caller at the Harrison House
here lust Sunday.
Carp of Thanks I hereby take this
means of thanking all who so kindly
assisted us dnring the sickness and
death of my wife. John Mitchell,
Mrs. Nellie Qiick.of Dunmore, called
on M. and Mrs. J. P. Hollister, lust
James Dolph and son Milo, are visit
ing at Lake Como.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Walters, of
Scranton, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Jaoob Dopew, o i Snnday.
Miss Sadie B. Frew, who has been
spending a few days with her parents.
of Packer street, has returned to Lake
Wlnola to spend tbe remainder of tbe
Mrs. John Campbell, accompanied
oy ner aaugtiter. Mrs. dames Aiexan-
Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
dor, will leave for New York today
from whence they will sail tomorrow
for London to spend a few months with
Miss Eva Vessie of Olvnhant. Is the
guest of Juaute H Dick of North Maiu
Josephine, the 4-inaiithg-old infant
of Mr. und Mrs. John Clifford, who
died on tmnd-iy night, was buried yes-
tetday afternoon. It was interred at
St. Mary's cemetery in West Avoca.
John B. Law of West Pittston.
called on West Avoca friends yester
Charles Aikman of Packer street,
West Avoca, is serionsly ill.
On Monday evening in the Young
Meu's Christian association parlors was
held a special meeting to consider as
to whether or not to continue the asso
ciation. Only about twenty-five wore
present at the meeting. Tnis attend
ance alone was anytninz but encour
aging and after a careful consideration
on tbe obi'ct of the meeting it was de
cided to discontinue the Young Mmi's
Christian association in Carhoudale.
The association will be closed to tbe
public this evening, and arrangements
lor settling up accounts aud making
some dlsposi.ion of the furnishings aud
fixtures will be made later.
Lust evening was the first presenta
tion of the operatta entitled "Cadet's
Picnic," gtveu iu the Baptist clupil,
imfore a good-sizid au Hence. The en
tertainment will be repeated this even
The following party of young people
mil iyed la evening at Crystal L ike:
Misses Iona Tyler, Flora Allen, May
H illock and Messrs. H. G. Likely, W,
1). Frank aud G J. Benton.
Mrs. W. W. Copeland and daughter
lirace, Airs- Alexander Copelaud aud
Miss Grace Merwin, who have been
spendinir the past few weeks in Nine
veh, N. Y, returned borne Mouday
List evening about 5 o'clock the
team of horses belong to G. W. R y-
nolds & Son, Lincoln avenue grocery
men aud driven by William Hender
son, became frightened aud made a
dash for liberty. On Spring street tbe
driver lost his balance aud was thrown
from his seat and as be fell one leg
caught in the trace and he was dragged
some diHtance, receiving erious in
juries which will disable him for some
time. The wagon was also badly
Dr. Rupert Tyrrell, of Windsor, N
Y,, was a Carbon, I ale visitor yesterday.
Gordie Dimuck is spending this week
in Wayne county.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Snanle and son, of
Green, N. Y., are visiting Carbondale
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Tyler and
daughter, Mildred, of Forest City,
called on friends in this city.
Mist Emma Bryden, of Nineveh, N,
Y , is visiting relatives in this city.
L. A. Bissettand family are home
from A bury Park.
Samuel Arnold, of Winton, while
nunting on the mountain near the
Pierce Coal company's mine on Mon
day, had his una severely injured by
the bursting of the gun he carried. He
was taken to Lackawanna hospital tbe
same evenlnif.
Mrs. Patrick Quinn, of Minooka,
called on friends lie re yesterday.
The contract for tbe repairing of the
bridge at Monroe street has been
awarded to Michael H ivers. The sup
ports will he strengthened and the
bridge will, in other respects, be placed
in nr't-class condition.
Squire Gildea and M. F. Barrett
luave today lor a ten days trip to Phila
delphia and Atlantio City.
1 ho Hose compmyof this place In
o-mnection witu the Scrantmi Press
lub, will run unx:ursion to the great
regattu nt Lilte Ariel on the 14Mi lust.
1 his will undoubtedly Da the ufjateat
event of the season and the Hose com
pany has been fortunate in being
placed in a positiou to accommodate
the large number from this region who
will attend it. Hie tickets are now on
sale nt all stations on the Delaware and
Hudson line. Further particulars con
cerning tue excursion will Do given
Forest City.
Dr. Knipp of West Pit.ston, is visit
ing his nephew, Neil Bluckmau, of
u-iquehanna street.
Llnis 13. Ldwuris and faintly re
turned yt-sterday after a weeks visit
with friends and relatives in Scranton
and Factorvville.
Mrs, B-njmin Maxy visited in
Binah .niton Mouday.
L e H. Horton of White's Valley.
was in town yesterday.
Among the Scrautoniuns in thii
place yesterday were E A. Gilmore,
r . f. i'.ilmer una T. J. Kelly.
Attorney L. P. Weduun is at Sub
qu h anna's county seat for a few days
Kev. 11, A. Jt'ine, tin evangelist from
Binghamton, N. Y., will preach in the
Uaptist church in t'ns plaoi next Snu
day morning anil evening.
The Forest City Athletic Bise Ball
club do hereby accept the challenge of
the Unioudale ball club, and will play
for any amount or money the Union
dale club can furnish. Guns to be
played at U ilondale, Aug. 10,
Mrs. W. G Trim visited her duuuh
ter, Mrs, J. B. Crawford, of Jermyn,
Ed. Corey, of Unihndale, was a busi
ness vlti'or in town yesterday.
T. A. Brxshear, general superintend
ent of the Wruudit Iron Utngecom
pany, of St. LouU, Mo., returned Mon
day to this city, after an absence of
two weeks iu the first mentioned city
tie is pleased to report tue arrival oi a
young son at his borne.
James Waters' 6 -year old daughter
wbo Was taken sick on Saturday morn
ing, died Tuesday at S a. m of scarlet
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Woodrnff left
yesterday to' visit friends at Fuotory-
Mr, and Mrs James Smith have just
returned from visiting friends in Mou-
roe eonnty.
All Kresge returned yesterday from
visiting his parents at Bear Creek.
Sous remarkable cures of deafness nre
recorded ot Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil.
Never fails to cure earache.
Nat E.deston. the bright, hustling
littlo newsboy who formerly handled
The Sceanton Tribune, bnt now car
ries New York and Philadelphia pa
pers to many Houesdale homes and
business homes, met with a serious ac
cident yesterday afternoon that will
send bin) through life crippled, tie
was on th second fl or of H. T. & G
II. Whitney's livery stable helping the
stable boy cut bay. His band cot un
der the knife, and in an instant it had
severed the four fingers and thumb
from his left hand. No complaint or
sigh escaped from the little m in's Hps,
only the words, "What will my mother
say when she sees this?" and "Will I
have to so throuifh life this wav? Dr.
Burns was summoned and be was taken
to his office for treatment.
Mrs. Coo Durlanl entertained a
large number of ladles at tea at her
home on M in street Friday afternoon.
Mrs E. B. HanWutiergh and Miss
Harden berg h, of Surtnton, left for
Block Island vesterday where they will
spend some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Urossley and
children, Jumes and Bertha, returned
yatrday from an extended sojourn at
Snort Beach. Conn.
Edwin F. Torrey. ir., who bus been
confined to the homj for a few days
with sicklies?, is nut again.
Misses M. E. Hull aud E K. Kull,
Churles Honsor, Olyphant, and H. T.
Huustr, Stroudsburg, were in town
yesterday. Tbe Misses Hull will take
charge of the kindergardeu this fall,
commencing in September.
a red Lehman, sr., died at nis nomt
yesterday afternoon at the age of 713.
He is survived by five children, Mrs.
Dora Winkleman, Mrs. Lizzie Hag
meyer. Mrs. J. J. Kibhns, Mary Loh-
man, Fred Lohmau. Tbe fpneral will
take nlnce from his late rest lencs on
.Main street at u p m. today (Wedues
Tbe mnslcale by the soholurs of Miss
K -en at ber studio on West street, last
Friday eveniug was a very successful
i.ff iir aud was attended by the many
invited friends of the saholars. Tne
programme consisted of piano duet,
Miss Annie Shav and Miss Keen ; piano
solo, Miss Leila Ueilly; piano
solo. Millie Weaver; piano duet
Miss Grace Bailey, Miss Francis Soete:
Piaao solo, Maggie Weaver; piano
duet, Kate Brady, Harriet Kelley;
piano solo, Tease Soete; piano duet,
Jlary Tessie, Francis soete; quartette
(instrumental), violins, J Kurb. Miss
Keen, Leah Lott, pin no, Agatha
Sweeuey; piano duet, Mibs Uch, Ltla
hhay; vocal duet. Miss tt.en, iuiss
Vetter: niano solo. Francis Soete; piano
solo. Alias Ucb: violin solo. Liaan uou.
accompanied on piano by Miss Keen ;
vocal solo. John Washman, aecom
punied by piano and two violins; piano
solo, Mabel Long; quintette, violin,
John Washman. J. Korb; piano, Loan
Lott, Miss Keen, Miss Goodwin.
Dr. Lozan of Scranton. wm give a
stereopticau lecture at the armory Fri
day nigut, for the benefit of company
E. Admission, 2j cents.
J. S. Lowden returned home Mon
day from an extended visit with
men 1b in tbe connty.
Edward Barnard of Scranton, was in
town yesterday.
Minnie Tingley and and Kittle Sum
merton visited Boss park on Friday.
L. D. Miller s bouse ou Main street.
is receiving a coat of paint.
Mr, Charles Cnrran is visiting
friends In Susanebanna. '
Grace and Mabel Sullivan, of JNew
York city, ar visiting at the residence
of John Mallane on Lackawanna ave
Tbe funeral of Mrs. William Scotten,
who died Monday night, will be held
on Thursday morning at 11 o'clock at
the houBe andtll.30 at the church. 'Ibe
iuterment will be in Kose uui ceme
Mr. and Mrs. George Dennis have re
turned from their wedding tour.
Cnnrles Feruuson and Spencer Fisk,
of Bingbamtou, are visiting at the res
ident of J. O. Snow, on Chase nvenu
William Trowbridge and family are
camping at Tiir l ikes
Mrs Patrick UiS eii is visiting ber
parents in Friendsville.
Secretary Adair, of tbe Haiiroad
Young Men's Christian association, is
moving into Tiuin is Hatctiin's iioam
on Main street.
Mrs. W. L. Huyward, of Oneonta, is
visiting friends in town.
F. T. Rosjs, of Great Bend, is having
feed mill built at that plaoe.
Joseph McLeod and wife are camp
ing at Three lakes.
The river h very low at this place.
George Stone and wife, of El mi r a,
are visiting friends in thupl-tce.
Mrs. James Davis visited Biugbam
ton yesterday.
Rev. M. J. Watkins, of Factoryville,
is calling on friends in town
Mrs. Jucobus, who has been to
Chadron, Neb., to visit a aister who
lias been seriously sick, has returned
Nellie D-ilivern, of Hornellsville, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Charles Cap
well, ou Williams street.
Mrs. Nellie Hirdrastle, of Washing
ton, U C, is visiting her mother, Mrs
Joseph Wesley.
Miss G-otvio Capwell is visiting
friends and relatives iu the Parlor
Mrs. Dora Parmer, of Hoboken, N
J., Is visiting at the residence of C. J
Lungley on Front street,
Mrs. Fred Patten, of Biughnmton,
is viHitimt ber parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Patrick Miinnery.
Mrs. C. M. Jackson, of Binghamton,
is visiting friends in this city.
Mrs. S. E. R is), of Chase avonne, is
There will be a special melting of
the R. C. Dn Bois Hook and L idder
company in Fiivmm'a hall this (We U
Tired Feeling
So common at this season, is a serious
condition, liable to load to disastrous
results. It Is a sure sign of declining
health tone, ond that tho blood Is im
poverished and Impure. Tho best and
most successful remedy Is found In
Which makes rich, healthy blood, and
thus gives strength to the nerves, elas
ticity to the muscles, vigor to the brain
and health to the. whole body. In
truth, Hood's Sarsaparilla
Makes the
Weak Strong
Bo sure to get Hood's and only Hood'i
UnnHti Plllo are niirelv verretahlft. nf
ectlT harmless, always tellable and beueflcl-
nesday) evanins at 7.30 n. m. A larce
attendance is desired as business of im
portance is to bo transacted.
Mrs. Dennis Sil.illne nnd Mmtur
Charlie Clark, of Bingbatnton, are vis
iting frl-nds and relatives in mis place.
mind ttuin riKe, wno has been visit
ing friends In the Parlor City, has re
turned borne.
Alice and Kittie Sutnmnrton n vis.
lung friends in Buffalo.
Mrs. CBarles Montany, of Pittston,
huu airs. u. uiauiem in, of Factory
vilie, are visiting at tbe realdenon nf
Cburlos Capwell.
.' V
The Elmhurst Base Ball club will
play the Dulton club at Like Ariel
Aug. 7.
H. G. Thayer has the coutraot from
the borough council for fencing the
new stray pound.
George L. Adams, superintendent of
the Union Tanning company, wus a
visitor, to this place yestsrday.
Ilirold Btttin, who his been spend
ing bis vncatiou with hlsgrand parents.
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Bat tin. returned
borne Monday.
It is a question of bnt a few weeks
when this oorough will b) amply sup
plied with water by a stock company.
C. C. Clay is the possessor of a pat
ent harness that works to perfection,
it having been duly tested. A stock
company will be formed to manufac
ture tbe same.
Mrs. Charles Swindle snent Sunday
visiting friends iu Wayne county.
Miss Inez Olds, who has been sick
for some time, is improving.
Okl Forge
Dnncan McMurtrie. wiio was kicked
by a horse sometime ag,'s improving.
S. Brodhead, jr., made a business
trip to S:rantou ou Tuesday.
Unite a number of onr people at
tended the excui'Biou to Mountain Park
on Monday.
Miss Johnson, of Enston, is visiting
at t lie boineof Thomas Drake.
Miss Courtright. of Taylor, visited
iriends iu this place on Tuesday.
Professor F. R. Coyne has returned
from a weett'a visit in Syracuie. N. Y.
George Drake, sr.. and family have
returned from a stay at Harvey's
Miss Kit Stark is viaitine friends in
New Yurk state.
C. L. Crane, of West Pittston. was a
caller in town this week.
Professor L. B. Brodhead has re
turned from a visit with friends in
Montrose and viciuity.
Mrs. J. L. Race left on Tuesday for
a week s stay at L ike Carey.
Willie Watson, oldest son of William
Watson superintendent nf the Presby
terian Suuday school met with a sad
accident yesterday while at the depot
waiting for the excursion train. A
coal train was eoinu by and he tried to
jump on tbe caboose, his feet slipped
and lie went under the car which
mangled bis right leg in a horrinle
manuer. He was cotiveyed to bis home
and urs. fier and mown, of Avoca
were summoned. After an examina
tion it was found necessary to ampu
tate tne leg a Dove tne lines.
Twenty car lo.ds of excursionists
left with tho Presbyterian Sunday
school excursion to Mountain park yes
terday morning.
Rev. and Mrs. Lindermuli expect to
leave this week on a few weeks' vaca
Feet Sore and Thumbs Useless. Doc
tors nnd Jlcdlclne no Avail. Ter
rible Suffering. Cured in Four
Weeks by CUTICUKA.
I have a hoy, fifteen years old. who had tho
eczema so oiiensivetnat 1 cnuiiiiiot stay In tne
loom wiiu mm. i ne poor m.y sun ereu tern my.
His leet. wie-e li.rrih v sure ' lie
could not wear any shoes, and
had therefore to s'tny at homo
from school. When he put on
dry slot-kiln's in tho liioriiinir.
they would in ono hour lie sat
urated with moisture, ami very
ollensive even in tho coldest
weather. Tho diseaso lieeau
toHpread over his hoilv, espe
cially his hands ami hitlers.
The Ihumhs on lioth his hands
Itccaiue stilt ami ns useless as
two withered sticks uf wood. It would ho use
less for me to try to tell the siiffonnn this lioy
endured. I took him to two ilillerent doctors:
both gave him lots of medicine, hut all to no
use. lie crew worse. 1 therefore desruire. I of
ever having him enre.l. Ono day I snw the great
benetlts promised to tlioso who would use ( in
CI KA Kkmkdiks. 1 went riphtaway to the drug
Btore and bought them. However,'! used them
according to directions, nnd to-dav 1 sav truth
fully to all the world, that my son is entirely
cured, thank (Jod and thank tho discoverers of
CtTi.'i iiA Kkmkdiks. Thev cured him iu lour
weeks as sound as a gold dollar.
ovius &a Aut, MsnKiu village, n. y.
The almost miraculous cures dailv effected bv
thol'i'Tici'itA Kkmkkirs prove them to he tho
greatest skin cures, blood purifiers, ami humor
remedies ever compounded. Their wonderful
pninilaritv and sale are due to the cures ell'eeteil
by them, and this is the most substantial evi
dence of their curative value. Sale greater
than the combined sales of all other blood and
skin remedies.
Bold throujrtiout tho world. Trlco. CuTirrnA.
60c j 8or, l!6o.; Kcsolvekt. $1. 1'ottkii Duiiu
AND CUEM.Com., Solo Proprietors, Boston.
3-"Uow to CuroEkin Diseases," Dialled freo.
', hlai-kheailH, red, rotiiih, chapped, aud
etui curea uy ittutua boai
Weakness, Soreness. Lameness, Ftrains,
and l'lilni relieved In one minute by
the litlcura Anil Tain l'lnster.
lrst aud (July l'uln killlug floater.
Manufactured at the Wnpwallopon Mills, Lu.
Hiiue county fa., n.i at wu
niiugtou, Delaware.
General Agent for the Wyoming District,
118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa
Third National Bank Building.
THOS. FOnii, Pittstnn. Pa.
JOHN B SMITH SON; Plymouth, fa.
E. W. MCLLIUA. Wilki-e-Barre, Piu
Acents for the ItuDuuua Com
pany's JUIgU ttxwlosivea.
Eureka Laundry Co.
Cor. Linden St and Adams Ave.
Covai Housa SgcAua.
All kinds of Laundry work guarante
tne DeBt, ,
Handkerchief Purchase
- BY
400 and 402 Lackawanna Avenue.
E have just purchased for cash
at 50c. on the
Ladies' Handkerchiefs, the entire
stock of an importing house retir
ing from business.
Sale Commences Saturday, July 7
5c. Handerchiefs, sale at
10c. Handkerchiefs, sale at .
15c. Handkerchiefs, sale at .
25c. Handkerchiefs, sale at ,
39c. Handkerchiefs, sale at .
50c. Handkerchiefs, sale at ,
.1 II JL j&Bzmi iL -flialLfL a.
We can serve you well. All the
desirable kinds are here and at
right prices. Then we have
other kinds of
Floor : Cohering!
Linoleums, Mattings, Art Spares,
Linen Crumb Cloths, k
Byzantine, Smyrna and Oriental
Rugs all sizes, from a single door to
sizes large enough to cover an entire
406 and 408
No tales or history
we sell
dd and
You will find money by attending our
Odd and End Sale
It is cheap goodness not cheap cheap
nessthat distinguishes our
Idd and End Sale
Figures are eloquent
cate the value we are giving at our
Odd and End Sale
From a critical inspector you will turn an
eager buyer at our
Odd and End Sale
Goods marked in plain, large, low figures
Odd and
dollar 32,220 doz.
. 2ic.
. 7c.
. 12c.
. 19c.
Lacka. Avenue.
Building. Carbondale.
goes with the goods
at our
End Sale
when used to indi
End Sale
. v )
I )