The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 01, 1894, Image 6

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Tuosd:vy still, and all manner of
thing!) lnul huppi'iiud and wero still to
huppuu iu tho hurrying hours that fol
lowed Sunday night. The garrison woke
at Tuesday's rovcillo iu much perturba
tion of spirit, as has boon said, but by
8 o'clock and breakfast tinio ono cause
of perplexity was at an end. Relief had
come with Monday alteruoou and Alice
Kenwick's letter saying she would not
attend tho geriuan, and now still great
er relief in the news that sped from
mouth to mouth Lieutenant Jerrold
wus iu close arrest. Armitago and
Chester had teen again iu consultation
Monday night, said tho gossips, and
something new had been discovered
no one knew just what and the toils
had settled upon Jerrold's handsomo
head, and now ho was to bo tried. A
usual iu such cases, tho news camo iu
through tho kitchen, and most oflieers
beard it at the breakfast tablo from tho
lips of their better halves, who could
hardly find words to express their senti
ments as to tho inability of their lords
to explain thu new phase of the situa
tion. When the first sergeant of Com
pany 1J camo around to Captain Armi
tago with tho sickbook soon after 0 iu
tho morning the captain briefly direct
ed him to transfer Lieutenant Jerrold
on the morning report from present for
duty to "in arrest," and no sooner was
it known at the quarters of Company B
than it bogau to work back to oilicers'
row through tho medium of tho servants
and strikers.
It was tho solo topic of talk for a full
hour. Many ladies who had intended
going to town by tho early train almost
periled their chances of catching tho
samo iu their eagerness to hear further
But tho shriek of tho whistlo far up
tiio valley broke up tho group that was
so busily charting and speculating over
iu tho quadrangle, and with shy yet
curious eyes the party of at least a doz
en matrons and maids, wives or sisters
of tlio officers .icnvried past tho dark
ened windoTvsof Mr. Jerrold's quarters,
and through tiie mysreriuus passago west
of tho colonel's silent house, and down
tho long stairs, just in timo to catch
tlao train that whirled them away city
ward almost ui soon as it had disgorged
the morning's mail. Chatting and laugh
ing and full of blithe anticipation of the
glories oi! tho coming geriuan, in prepa
ration for which most of their number
had i'eund it necessary to run in for just
au hour':; shopping, they went jubilant
ly on their way. Shopping done, they
would all meet, tako luncheon together
at the Woman's Exchange, return to
the po-.-t by tho afternoon train and havo
plenty of time for a little nap before
dressing for tho gcrmau. Perhaps tho
most interesting question now tip for
discussion was, Who would lead with
Mr. Rollins? Tho train went pufiiiig
into tho crowded depot, tho ladies has
tened f'Tth and in a moment wero on
the street, cubs and carriages were pass
ed in disdain, a brisk walk of a block
cr.rried the iu to the main thoroughfaro
and into th'j heart of the shopping dis
trict, a rush of hoofs and wheels and pe
destrians there encountered them, and
the roar assailed their sensitive and un
accustomed cars, yet high above it all
pierced end pealed tho shrill voices of
the new; boys darting hero and thero
with their eagerly bought journals. But
wonieu bout on germans and shopping
have timo and ears for no such news
as that which demands tho publication
of extras. Somo of them never hear or
herd tho cry: "Indian!"
"Hero, y'are! All about tho killiu of
Major Thornton an his sojers!" "Ex
try! Lxtry!" ,
It is not until they reach the broad
portals of tho great Stewart of tho west
that one of their number, half incredu
lously, buys a copy and reads aloud:
"Major Thornton, th infantry, Cap
tain Lnugham and Lieutenant Bliss,
th cavalry, and 80 men aro killed.
Captains Wright and Lano and Lieuten
ants Willard and Brooks, th caval
ry and some 40 moro men aro seriously
wounded. Tho rest of tho command is
corralled by an overwhelming force of
Indians, and their only hope is to hold
out until help can reach them. All
troops along tho line of tho Union Pa
cifio aro already under orders. "
"Oh, isn't it dreadful?"
"Yes, but aren't you glad it wasn't
ours? Oh, look! There's Nina Beaubien
over there in her carriage. Do lot's find
out if she's going to lead with Rollins. "
Vas victis ! Far out iu tho glorious
park country iu tho heart of tho Cen
tennial Stato a little band of blue coats
sent to succor a periled agent is mak
ing desperate stand against foarful odd9.
Less than 200 men has the exalted
wisdom of tho department sout forth
through tho wilderness to find and, if
need be, fight its way through five
times its weight in well armed foes.
Tho officers and men havo no special
quarrel with those Indians, nor tho In
dians with them. Only two winters bo
foro, whou those samo Indians wero sick
and starving, and their lying go be
twecus, tho bureau employees, would
give thorn neither food nor justice, a
small band mado their way to the rail
way and wore fod on soldier food and
their wrongs righted by soldier justice.
But another snarl has come now, and
this time the bureau pooplo are in a
pickle, and tho army ever between two
fires at least, and thankful when it isn't
six is ordered to send a little force and
go out thero and help the agent main
tain his authority. Tho very night be
foro the column reaches the borders of
the. reservation the leading chiefs oome
in tamp to interview tho officers, shake
hands, bag tobacco and try on their
clothes, then go back to their braves and
laugh as they toll thero are only a hand
ful, and plan tho morrow's ambuscade
and massacre. Vas victis I There are
women and children among the garri
sons along tho Union Paoiflo whose
hearts havo little room for thoughts of
germans in tho horror of this morning's
tidings. But Sibley is miles and miles
away, and, as Mrs. Wheeler says, aren't
you glad it wasn't ours?
Out at tho fort thero is a different
scene. The morning journals and tho
clicking telegraph send a thrill through
out the whole command. Tho train has
barely whistled out of sight when the
ringing notes of officers' call resound
through the quadranglo and over tho
broader drill ground beyond. Wonder
ing, but prompt, tho staid captains and
eager subalterns como hurrying to head
quarters, and tho baud, that had como
forth and taken its station on tho pa
rade, ull ready for guard mount, goes
quickly back, whilo tho men gather in
big squads along the shaded row of
their quarters and watch tho rapid as
sembly at tho offleo. And thero old
Chester, with kindling eyes, reads to
tho silent company tho brief official or
der. Aye, though it be miles and miles
away, fast as steam and wheel can tako
it, tho good old regiment in all its
sturdy strength goes forth to join tho
rescue of tho imprisoned comrades far
in tho Colorado Rockies. "Have your
entire command in readiness for imme
diate field servico in tho department of
the Platte. Special train will bo thero
to take you by noon at latest." And
though many a man has lost friend and
comrado iu tho tragedy that calls them
forth, and though many a brow clouds
for tho moment with tho bitter news of
such useless sacrifice, every eyo bright
ens, every muscle seems to brace, every
uervo and pulso to throb and thrill with
tho glorious excitement of quick assem
bly and coming action. Aye, we aro
miles and miles away. Wo leavo tho
dear old post, with homes and firesides,
wives, children and sweethearts, nil to
tho caro of tho few whom sickness or
old wounds or advancing years render
unlit for hard, sharp inarching, and,
thank God, we'll bo thero to tako a.
hand and help those gallant fellows out
of their "corral" or to have ono good
blow at tho cowardly hounds who lured
and lied to them !
How' tho "assembly" rings on tho
morning air! How quick they spring to
tho ranks, thoso eager bearded faces and
trim bluoelad forms! How buoyant and
brisk even the elders seem as tho cap
tains speed over to their company quar
ters and the quick, stirring orders aro
given: "Field kits; all tho cooked ra
tions you have on hand; overcoat,
blanket, extra socks and underclothes;
every cartridge you've got; haversack
and canteen and nothing else. Now get
ready lively!" How invpressiblo is
tho cheer that goes up! How wo pity
tho swells of tho light battery who have
to stay! Howwistiul those fellows look,
and how eagerly they ihruug about tho
barracks, yearning to go, and, since that
is denied, praying to bo of use iu some
way! Small wonder is it that all tho
bustlo and excitement penetrates tho
portals of Mr. Jerrold's darkened quar
ters, and tho shutters aro thrown open
and his bandaged head comes forth.
"What is it, Harris?" he demands of
a light batteryman who is hurrying past.
"Orders for Colorado, sir. Tho regi
ment goes by special train. Major Thorn
ton's command's been massacred, and
there's a big light ahead."
"My God! Here, stop one moment!
Run over to Company B and seo if you
can find my servant or Merrick cr
somebody. If nut, you como back quick.
I want to send a noto to Captain Armi
tage." "I can tako it, sir. Wo'ro not going.
Tho band and tho battery have to stay. "
And Jerrold, with trembling baud
and feverish haste, seats himself at tho
samo deskwhenco oa that fatal morning
he sent tho nolo that wrought such dis
aster, and as ho rises anil hands his
missivo forth, throwing wido opeu tho
shutters as ho does so, his bedroom door
Hies open, and a whirling gust of tho
morning wind sweeps through from rear
to front, and half a scoro of bills and
billets, letters and scraps of paper, go
ballooning out upon tho parade.
"By heaven!" ho mutters, "that's
how it happened, is it? Look at them
go!" for going they were, in spiral ed
dies or fluttering skips, up tho grassy
"quad" and over among tho rose
bushes of Alice Renwick's garden. Over
on tho other sido of tho narrow, old
fashioned frontier fort tho men wero
bustling about, and their exultant, eager
voices rang out on tho morning air. All
was life and animation, and oven in
Jerrold's selfish soul thero roso respon
Bivo echo to iho soldiery spirit that
seemed to pervade tho whole command.
It was their first summons to activo field
duty with prospective battlo since he had
joinod, and with all his shortcomings
as a "duty" officer in garrison and his
many frailtios of oharacter, Jorrold was
not tho man to lurk iu tho rear when
thoro was danger ahead. It dawned on
him with sudden and crushing force
that now it lay in the power of his eno
mies to do him vital injury; that he
could be held here at tho post like a
suspected felon, a mark for every fin
ger, a target for ovory tongue, whilo ev
ery othor offlcor of his regiment was
hurrying with his mou to tako his
knightly share in the coming onset. It
was intolerable, shameful. Ho paced
the floor of his littlo parlor iu nervous
misery, ever and anon gazing from tho
window for sight of his captain. It was
to him he had written, urging that ho
bo permitted a few moments' talk.
"This is no timo for a personal misun
derstanding," ho wrote. "I must see
you at once. I can dear away the
doubts, can explain my aotion; but, for
heaven's sake, intercede for me with
Captain Chester that I may go with the
command." ,
As luck would havo it, Armitago was
with Choster at tho ofilco whou tho let
tor was handod in. He opened it, gave
a whistlo of, surprise and simply held
it forth to tho temporary commander.
"Read than" he said.
Chester frowned, but took the noto
and looked it curiously over.
"I have no patience with the man
now, ' ' ho said. 'Of course, after what
I saw last night, I begin to understand
the nature of his defense, but we don't
want any such man in tho regiment
after this. What's tho uso of taking
him with us?"
"That isn't the point, " said Armi
tago, "Now or never, possibly, is the
time to clear up this mystery. Of
ooui-se Maynard will bo up to join us
by tho first train, and what won't it be
worth to him to havo positive proof that
all his fears were unfounded?"
"Even if it wasn't Jerrold, there is
still the fact that I saw a man clamber
ing out of her window. How is that to
bo cleared up?" said Chester gloomily.
"That may como later and won't bo
such a bugbear as yoit think. If yon are
not worried into a morbid condition
over nil this trouble, yon would not
look so seriously upon a thing which I
regard as a piece of mere night prowl
ing, with a possiblo spieo of romance."
"What romance, I'd like to know?"
"Never mind that now. I'm playing
detective for tho timo being. Let mo
seo Jerrold for you and find out what
ho has to offer. Then you can decide
Aro you willing? All right! But ro
member this while I think of it. You
admit that tho light you saw on tho
wall Sunday night was exactly liko that
which you saw tho night of your adven
turo, and that tho shadows wero thrown
in tho same way. You thought that
night that tho light was turned up and
afterward turned out in her room, and
that it was her figuro you saw at the
window. Didn't you?"
"Yes. What then?"
"Well, I believo her statement that
she saw and heard nothing until reveille.
I believo it was Mrs. Maynard who did
tho whole thing without Miss Ren
wick's knowing anything about it."
"Becauso I accomplished tho feat
with the aid of tho littlo night lamp that
I found besido tho colonel's bedside. It
is my theory that Mrs. Maynard was
rostless after tho colonel finally fell
asleep; that she heard your tumblo mid
took hor littlo lamp, crossed over into
Miss Renwick's room, opened tho door
without creaking, as I can do to your
satisfaction, found her sleeping quietly,
but tho room a trifle close and warm,
set her night lamp down on tho table,
as I did, throw her shadow on tho wall,
as I did, and opened tho shade, as you
thought her daughter did. Then she
withdrew and left thc! doors open
both hers and her daughter's and tho
light, instead of being turned down, as
you thought, was simply carried back
into her own room."
"That is all possible But how about
tho man in her room? Nothing was
stolen, though money and jewelry wero
lying around loose. If theft was not the
object, what was?"
"Theft certainly was not, and I'm
not prepared to say what was, but I
havo reason to believo it wasn't Miss
"Anything to provo it?"
"Yes, and, though timo is precious
and I cannot show you, you may tako
my word for it. Wo must bo off at
noon, and both of us havo much to do,
but thero may bo no other chance to
talk, and beforo you leave this post I
want yon to realize her utter innocence. "
"I want to, Armitago."
"I know you do, so look here. Wo
assumo that the samo man paid tho
night visit both here and at Sablon, and
that ho wanted to see tho same person
if ho did not como to steal; do wo not?"
"Wo know that at Sablon it was
Airs. Maynard ho sought and called.
Tho colonel says so. "
"Presumably, then, it was she not
her danghter ho had some reasons for
wanting to seo hero at Sibley. What
is more, if ho wanted to see Miss Ren
wick, thero was nothing to prevent his
going right into her window?"
"Nothing. "
"Well, I believe I can provo he
didn't. On tho contrary, that he went
around by tho roof of tho porch to the
colonel's room and tried there, but
found it risky on account of tho blinds,
and that finally ho entered the hall win
dow what miu'ht be called neutral
ground. The painters had been at work
there, as you said, two days before, and
tho paint on tho slats was not quite dry.
Tho blinds and sills wero tho only
things they had touched up on that
front, it seems, and nothing on tho
sides. Now, on the fresh paint of the
colonel's slats aro tho new imprints of
maseulino thumb and fingers, and on
tho sill of tho hall window is a foot
print that I know to be other than Jer
rold's." "Why?"
"Becauso ho doesn't own snob a thing
as this track was mado with, and I
don't know a man in this command
who does. It was tho handiwork of tho
Tonto Apaches and camo from tho other
Sido of tho continent. "
"You mean it was"
"Exactly. Au Indian moccasin."
Meautimo Mr. Jerrold had boon mak
ing hurried preparations, as ho had
fully determined that at any cost ho
would go with tho regiment. Ho had
been burning a uunibor of letters when
Captain, Armitago knockod and hurried
ly entered. Jerrold pushed forward a
ch-"'r and plunged at once into the mat
te u isiuo:
.ioro is no timo to waste, captaiu.
I i...vo sent to you to ask what I can do
to bo released from nrrost and permitted
to go with tho command. "
"Answer tho questions I put toyon
tho other uis-lit and certify to your an
swers, and of course you'll havo toopol
ogizo to Captain Chester for your last
night's language."
"That, of coarse, though you will ad
mit it look 'd liko ripying. Now lot mo
bring different methods. The big, bulky
pills such as our grandfathers hod to put up
with won't do to-dny. Medical science has
gone beyond them. It has given us some
thing bettor Dr. Pierco's Pleasant Pellets;
tiny as mustard seeds, but moro effective
than anything you can tako. That's .be
cause their mcthodt are moro natural.
They have a peculiar strengthening or tonio
effect on the lining membranes of tho intes
tines, which gives a permanent curt. They
prevent, relieve, and put an end to Bilious
ness, Constipation, Jaundice, Dizziness, Hour
Btomach, Sick or Bilious Headaches, Indi
gestion, and every like disorder. ,
"Incurable" cases of Catarrh ars cured,
perfectly and permanently, by Dr. Bage's
Catarrh Remedy. Tho makers of this medi
cine guarantee it to benefit or cure, or
money refunded. By all dealers in medi
ask you, Did he teiryou who the lady
"No; I told him."
"E)w did you know?"
"By intuition and my knowledge of
previous oiroumstances. "
"We have no time to discuss it I
make no attompt to conceal it now, but
I ask that, on your honor, neither you
nor he reveal it"
"And continue to let tho garrison be
lieve that yon wero in Miss Renwick's
room that ghastly night?" asked Armi
tago dryly.
Jorrold flushed: ''I have deniod that
find LW0?11 have proved my alibi could
"What can I do to be. released from or
restt" ,
I have dono so without botraying a
woman's secret. Must I tell?"
"So far as lam concerned, Mr. Jor
rold," said Armitago, with cold and re
lentless moaning, "you not only must
tell you must provo both that night's
doings and Saturday night's, both that
and how you obtained that phbto
graph." "My God! Inonocaso it is a wom
an's name. In the othor I havo prom
ised on honor not to reveal it."
"That ends it then. You remain hero
in closo arrest, and tho ohargos against
you will bo pushed to tho bitter end. I
Will wrjto them this very hour. "
to be continued.
Chipper Chestnuts.
When the shoestring of a girl 87 years old
comes untied, you may be very sure that it
was by accident; ulso that she will have tc
tie it. up herself. Somerville Journal.
The only apparent effect of advanced
civilization seems to be that children begin
to worry at an earlier age. Atchison Globe,
Lady How is this Insect powder to b
applied? Assistant (nbsentruindedly)
Give 'em a teuspoonful after each meal
mudain. Tit-Uits.
Mrs. Twitter (listening to phonograph)
It's just like having your husband here at
home, isn't it? Wife Mercy, no! Itncedi
an attachment to smoke, growl about th
dinner, lose u lint, kick the dog and sweat
to make it perfect. Chicago Inter Ocean.
A Chelsea man sent 50 cents to New York
to get some advertised directions telling
"how to nvnid sunstrokes." When thedi
rections came, tliey read, "Never go out o!
doors in the summer time excepting af tei
dark." Somerville Journal.
Wo have found out that some of the
dresses girls wear do not cost more than
cents a yard. Some of the cirls have a wa
of making these dresses look as if they cost
$1 a yard ut least. Atchison Globe.
"Should actresses murryf" inquires t
Cincinnati paper. Of course. llowcouU;
they be divorced without it? Kansas City
McAtkins (very tiresome) Want to heat
something funny? OldCrusticus No. I'vi
heard it before. Harlem Life.
When a man takes u partner iu business
these days, it i9 an indication he want!
someone to divide expenses, not to dividt
profits. Atchison Globe.
Sunday is a good day for writing letters,
and Monday is a good day to forget to mail
them. New Orleans Picayune.
Nodd I would ask you up to mj
house, old man, but my wife is busy mak
ing pies for lur archery club. Todd
What do they want pies for? Nodd
Targets. New York Herald.
Win n n man finds a nice old fashioned
well, he also discovers that not long u;;o t
cat fell in it. Atchison Globe.
Manama Remember, Johnnie, it is tin
soft answer that turueth away wrath
Never raise your hand against a boy yoii
dislike. Have you today? Johnnie No
ma'am. I gave Tomniiu Taddles my new
ball bat to lick a fellow for me. Chicagc
Inter Ocean.
It never cools a man oil when the street
sprinkler throws water on liiiu. Atchison
It is a difficult matter to fence iu a bow
legged man he always has au opeu gait of
own. Richmond Dispatch.
Preacher Little boy, do you know when
you will go if you play ball on Suuduyl
Little Boy Yes, sir; toile baseball ground.
A book a','ent attempted to sell a Frank
ford politician an encyclopedia. "Cyclo
pedia?" exclaimed the Frankford man.
"No! I don't want it. Wouldn't have Unit
to ride it." Philadelphia Record.
When a man gets to thinking that he is
indispensable to his employer, it is general
ly time to hire some ono else to tako his
place. Somerville Journal.
"Kr man kin run iuter debt," said Uncle
Eben, "but when it conies ter gittiti out he's
gotter crawl." Washington Star.
People who go to grand hotels have much
to put up with, and they who ride in crowd
ed st reet curs have to stand a great deal.
New Orleans I'icuyur.e.
Bucou Does it take your wife long to
mukc up her mind when you ask if she
wants to go to the theater? Egbert No;
it takes her longer to make up her face.
Yonkers Statesman.
A West Walnut street mau vTlio told his
colored valvt to get out what he needed
for a bull was surprised when he found
a razor in the pocket of his dress coat.
Philadelphia Record.
So long as Sing Sing stands New York
needs no other monument to her public
men. St. Louis Globe-Dcniocrut.
A Tablevrurc Collector.
"Mrs. Swiper has a nice collection ot
tableware, hasn't she?"
"Oh, elegant; but I have noticed that it
is of various patterns."
"Yes, but that is because the restaurants
she visits have different styles." New
York Press.
An Act of Frlendlluem,
"Why, I thought you and he Wo.e one
friendly footing?"
"So we ure. I kicked him merely for his
own good." Exchange.
When llaliy Tut on Punt.
It's a day we all remember, and It's scene of
solemn stale
Still ousts unlearn of sadness, when at home
we ooncreunto,
For a baby form Is missing, and no childish
prattle irrauts
Its music sweet, refreshing, since the baby put
on pants.
'Twas a transformation truly, and ft marked
an epoch grave,
It took away dear babyland and boyhood to us
The change could bo discovered with the
slightest kind of glance
At tho pride flushed face of baby-that day he
put on pants.
It closed the door of lullaby and opened wide
the gale
That loads from arms of mother to the hill of
man's estate;
The light of dawning future 'cross the fragrant
pathway slums
Of baby and hithralls hlm-on tho day he put
on pants. '
-Atlanta Constitution.
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from dises-es of the digestive organs (ou
Btipntinn, Inward piles, fullnens of blood in
tbs head, acidity of tho stomach, nausea,
heartburn, tfiigustof fool, tu inussot weight
of the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or
fluttering of the heart, chok ng or auffucat
lug sensations when iu a lying posture, dim
nun of vision, dots or wobs b. lore the sight,
fever and dull pain in the h ad, defti'loucy of
perspi. ation, yellowness of ttio sktn and
eyes, pain in the side, chest, lim lis, and sud
den ftuh8 ot next, burning in the flesh.
A fow dosesof RADWAY'S i'lL 8 will free
the system of alt tho above named disordeis.
I'rlon 85c. per box. Sold by druggists or
sent by mall-
Send to DR. RADWAY & CO., Lock Box
80S, Mew York, for Bo.k cf Advice.
Val of the best quality for domestic nse,and
ef all sizes, delivered in any pari of the cit
at loweat prioe.
Order left at my office.
Rear room, first floor. Third National Bant
or sent by mail or telephone to the mine, wuj
receive prompt attention.
hpeclal contracts will be made for the salt
ana delivery of Buckwheat CouL
I ptrtn&nofttlr omrd y:
I in af w tu asin vy wv
L ah ..- I
l rmm
rmitiwpcootitnd lOO-pan book. IHtittrittd fiwn Ks, 3
I illmmpoiloUT4.ftM by mil WhawiiTotfrprttir lYL
( mam 0TCT117 Tii, wr iwaeio Remedy win
panuvnr oar. vui ni.aui tu iiwuros ui.
For Delicacy,
For purity, and for improvement of the com
plexion, nothing equals Pozioni's Powder.
! The Original Raw Food
Summer Complaints,
The above brands or flour can be had at any of the following merchants,
who will accept The Tribune flour coupon ot 85 on each one hundred pounds
of flour or 60 on each barrel of flour.
Kcrnntnn-P. P. Pries, Washington, avenue I
Uold Jtoita! Brimd.
Dunuioro-r P. l'rico, Gold Modal Brand.
lJunmoro-1'". D. Jliuiley. Huperlativo lirunl.
Ilydo far k Carson & Davis, Washburn St.
Uold Medal Brand; J soph A Mours, Main
avenue, Superlative Brand,
Green Ridgo-A.L.Hpencor.dold Medal Brand.
J. '1'. Me Halo, Superlative,
l'tovidenco l'enner & Cliappcll.N' Main avo-
nuo, tiupnrlativo Brand ;0. J. Ullloipia, W.
Markutatroct, Gold Aiedul Braud.
Olyphnnt .1 limes Jordan. Superlative Brand.
Peekvlllo SharT-r & K. 1st Buperlativo.
Jermyn C, l). Winters & Co. Superalatlve
Archoald Jones, S mpson & Co.. lold Modal.
Carhondalo-B. 8. Clark, (luld Medal Brand.
t N- Filter ,fc Co tiol I Mo lll.
Dsaler in Choice Confections and Frnife
1437 Capouse Avenue.
Wholesale and retail dealers' la Wagorjmakers' and Blacksmiths'
That will GIVE you beautiful new pat,
terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal weight, ounoe for ounce,
of your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
7o always may be what we might have besn,"
lilt LUiWH m.
Scranton, Pa.
12 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
TRY US. other. A.ldre.fcaVf: MEEUCO.. Masonic Temple, CHIC.aao.UJ.
For Salo in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, .Drugpist, Washington
nnrl Snri;ce strcots.
,mAk for SS. IIOTT'S PEHSTEOYiT. hlII ana tana no otner.
SWtrSend for ciroular.
f or Naln byC. M. IIARKIS. Oruirctat,
SotnaHlBM needs reliable, monthly, regelating medicine. Only haralu(mj(
the pureat drugs ihould be lined. U you want the beat, get
Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills
v.. .u ..i. ..j ,.i
- TboIuW BentTwleM.l.0O.
Fpri1f " by JOHN' H.'. PHELPS,
Spviica Street, Scrahtori. Fl.'
fnmthtX 7. IWtonw, Xoui.WS.
The Flour
"Chicago, Oot 81. Fh first official!
announcement of World's Fair din
plomas on flour has bsen made. A
medal bas been awarded by tb
World's Fair judces to the flour manu
factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co ,
in the great Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee reports
the flour strong and pure, and entitle!
It to rank as first-class patent floor for
family and bakers' use.'
Taylor-Jndge Co.. Gold Medal; Athortoa
& Co., Superlative.
miryea-Lawrence Store Co.. Gold Medal
Mooslc-John McOrindle, Gold Modal.
l'ittston-M. W. O'Boyle. Uold Medal.
L ark's Green-Frace & Parker, Superlative,
Uark's bummtt-F. M. Young, Gold Medal.
l)altou-S. E. Finn & Son, Uold Medal Brand.
NicholMjii-J. E. Harding.
Waverly-M. W. Bliss Ss Son, Gold Modal
Factory ville-Charles Gardner, Gold Medal
Hopbottom-N. M. Finn & Hon, Gold Medal,
Tobyhanna-Tpbyhanna Lehigh Lumbs
Co., Gold Medal Brand.
Oouldsboro-S A. Adams, Gold Malal Brand,
Moscow Gaige & Clements, Gold Medal.
Lake Arinl James A. Bortree, Gold Medal
Forest City-J. L. Morgan A Co., Gold Med
H onneli
(.d In car. .11 M.noui dll
ene. such s Weak Meraorr. Loss of Brain Power. Heartache, Wokefulnona,
LontManbood.Nliilitljr Kmlion, Nrouine,alllnlnaiid lo of power
ln(.neraiiveoiK"o' iuirmiraijforerniiraun,jouii.. -- - p,---oieecHe
ubo of tobacco, opium or ttmulanta, which lead to nUr"l,i'' 'i
iMimptton or Innanlt jr. Can be carried I n Teat pocket. 1 per box. lor ".
hy moll prepaid. With a order wedve written n,'vf
Hr?t The only aafe, iure ancl
. Dliuu." - - -
ever offered to Ladies,
especially reoommond
ed to married Ladies.
trice $1.00 per oic
187 Henn Avenue.
in L Tho manlne (Dr. Feal'il neTsr dleso.
Address i-iAi Msmouin Co., ClTland,0.
Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avcnu and