TUE SCTtANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNINGr, JULY 31. 1894. MATCHLESS SHAW PIANOS. STELLE & SEELEY, 134 WYOMING AVE. VZBEB, SIIAW, EMERSON, NEW ENGLAND FINEST LINE IN THE CITY FOR THE PRICED MEW AND fECOND HAKD ALL FRICES GOOD BREAD -USE THE And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB BALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston ill Co EEWARE 0? COUNTERFEITS I THE 6EMUINE POPULAR Punch Cigaro HAVE THE mmvs G. B. Be Co., Imprinted nn Eflrih 01rgr. Garney, Brown & Co. MIT's. Dr. H. B. WARE PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT , 406 Spruce Street. Office Honrs: jS1,1-80-( 2 TO 5. PERSONAL. Miss Gilmore, of Scranton, recently visited Miss Nellie Knight, of West Pitts ton. Miss Nellie Campbell, of West Pittston, h is been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. K Piyor, of Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McCullock, of Pres cott avenue, ure spending their vucatiou at Delaware Water Gap. Mrs. II. A. Bushnell and Miss May Jones leave tbia morning for a two weeks' visit with irieuus nt Windsor, N. Y, Arthur Davis, Burt Harrington and Lew Davie, of tho West bide, and Richard Wil liams, of Taylor, spent Sunday at Camp bell's Ledge. Charles L. Ileiznun, of Reading, a student of Georgetown university, is a gUPBtof his schoolmate, Frank J. Levari, of Piatt Place. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Adams left last even ing for New York city, whoro Mrs. Adams will undergo a surgical operation at St. Marks' hospital. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Fox and Miss Helen Clark, of Carbondale, and Mrs. Sears, of Buffalo, mother of Mrs. Fox, are visiting Mr. Fox's father at Niagra Falls. N. W. Bryan, Wiikes-Barre. passenger agent of the Lehigh Valley, inspected the new Delaware aud Hudson depot yester day and pronouncod it a "dandy." Mi4, and Mrs. James Fiddings, of Maple ton, Iowa, and Mrs. George Brown and dausC'te',i of WBt Pittston, are visiting Prof.,H. L. Burdick, of Capouse avenue. Mr A. T. Heiser and dauehter. Lizzie: nton, are at the Fellow's cottace at ine camp ground. Her. J. Or. Eck- tbe presiding elder, will begin his er'g residence there today. and Mrs. C. D. Simpson, Mr. and T. H. Watkins, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Law were among the cnests at irthday celebration held at the Bear residence of Albert Liowis. Says the Philadelphia Bulletin: "Blnhon I'Hara, of the Soranton diocese, rjaid a visit to Archbishop Kyan during the past week on bis way to Cape May, where he expects to spend a week or so for the benefit of bis health. He will stop with big brother, Dr. Michael O'Hara, who has a cottage as Cape May. Tho venerable pre late has not been well for some time past." eran ton's Business Interests. The Tribune will soon publish a care folly compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scran ton and vicinity. The edition will be bound In book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravure views of our pnblic build ings, business blocks, streots, etc., together with portraits of leading citizsns. No similar work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Scrauton's many indus tries. . It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well an the city at Urge. Representatives of The Tribune will call upon those whosk names are desired in this edition and explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences In tnls edition will please have notice at the office. Eucklen's Arnloa Salva. The best salve in the world for Cats Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 85 cento per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. , PIANOS ORGANS . .. A Foe to Dyspepsia 1 SHOW WHITE or scry Wffnwl man, snmu Mr J JolZn c $40,000 Sohool House No. 27, E, L. Walter, architect, bids to be oponed .this month, to be built on Columbia avonue. Lots for sale on this avenue at low prices for a brief period. ABTBUB FnOtHINQEAll. NEWS 0F1SI IE Unique Entertainment at the Sumner Avenue Church Tonight REV. THOMAS BELL ACCEPTS Will Be Pastor of the Plymouth Con gregational Church Old Hose Car riageof Columbia Company Goes to Great Bend Property Owners Ob ject to Telephone Poles Move ments of Persons and News Notes. A dime entertainment and sooial will be beld this evening under the auspices of the Sabbath school classes of Mrs. Gregory and Rov. R. G. Jones in the Suinuer Avenue Presbyterian church. Some o.f tho best local talent in the city will take part in the enter tainment, among whom will be Mrs. Powell's Ladies' choir. The fan soelal will bo a novel fea ture, as each adult will ba pressnted with a beautiful fan, Cake, cream and coffee will be served. ACCEPTED THE CALL. Rev. Thomas Belt Will Ba Pastor of Plymouth Church. Rev. Thomas Bell, of South Dart mouth, las written to the Plymouth Congtegutional church accepting the c;ill tendered him to become its pas tor. Mr, Bull is a fine preacher as was manifested during, the Sundays he offi ciated in the church. lie is eloquent, but addresses his au dience In clear and plain language that the humblest van understand. He will arrive here on Saturday, Sept. 8, and assume bis pastoral duties the follow ing iltiy. Tho members of the church have expressed their approbation of the acceptance, and his career as its pastor will, no doubt, be a happy one. HOSE CARRIAGE PURCHASED. Ths Old Fire Apparatus of the Colum bia's Carried Away. C. C. Simon, burgess of Great Bond, has purchased the old carriage of tho Columbia company. It was taken to a shop to be repaired yesterday and will be conveyed to Great Bend for use in that borough. The carriage h:ia seen servico In this city for several years, but it is yet in good condition. Mr. Simons is at the head of the new fire department, the equipment of which was urged forward by a recent conflagration in that place, which did much damage. AGAINST THE POLES. Business Mn Objtot to Having Them in Front of Thslr Prepirty. Joseph A. Mears and V. A. Phillips are making strenuous objection to the new poles of the now poles of the Cen tral Telephone and Supply company which are being placed in front of their properties. Mr. Phillips has served a notice on the company that no poles should be placed iu front of his property on South Main avenue, Tho poles are mora sub. Mantis! and better iu appearance than the old ones. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. fTho West Side ofllco of tho SfllUXTON Tut uxEis Incited at Hi) North Main ave nue, whoro subscriptions, ailvortisemonts and communications will receive prompt atten- tlon.j T. M. Miller, of Washburn street, is in Atlantic City. J. P. Sanborn, of Jackson street, is in New York city. T. M. Miller, of Washburn street, is rus ticating at Atlantic City. Mac Southberg, of Plymouth, called on Scranton friends yesterday. Mrs. A. Greenwood, of Garfield avenue, ia visiting at Owego, N. Y. Miss MugRie McNulty, of "The Oak, " has returned from Now Jersoy. Mrs. J. Roberts, of New Orleans, is vis iting Unclortakor Will Price. Will Davies, of Ithaca, spent yesterday with his parents on Lnfavette street. Mrs. Whitburn, of Betidoe's court, ha9 returned from a visit at Carbondale. MifS Jennie Foster and Mame Kaunas. of this side, are visiting Nicholson friends, Miss Anna Mangan, of Tenth street, is spending tho summer at Pocono Summit. Fred Warnke, of North Main avenue, will spend three weeks at Lake St. John. Miss Ella O. Evans, of North Hyde Park avenue, is visiting her brother, Dr. Evans, at tho poor farm. Mrs. John A. Phillips, of Mnuch Chunk. is visiting at the borne of Benjamin Phil lips on Jackson street. The Misses "Habbletr, of Plymouth, are the (meats of Misses Auna Mav Jones and Gertrude Hinckey, of thissido. Miss Gertrude Henckley, of North Main avenue will leave ou Saturday for a two weeks' sojourn at Harvey's Lake. The ladies' choir, under the leadership of Mrs. G. Powell met last evening in the Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church. Rev. Reese Lloyd, of Oakland. Cal., gave a most interesting lecture on the "Prophet" last evening in the Plymouth Congrega tional church. David Parry, of Glenrichey, Clearfield county, authorized collector under the Umteil .Mine Workers, is hore ana will have committees at the different shafts at the beginning of the month. BILL POSTER REESE ARRESTED. He la FInad for Taoklng AdvsrtUine Eannara to Talegrrapn Poles. As announced in The Tribune re cently Bill Poster Raeie is in trouble with the police department on account of his having tacked advertising ban ners to the telegraph poles against the express order of the chief and in viola tion of the city ordinance. Yesterday Reese was arrested and fined $3 by Alderman Fuller. Hi claims that inasmuch as out of town advertising agents were permitted to use the telegraph poles for advertising purposes that he is biing unfairly dealt with. Building- Material for Gale. Inciuire at Conrad Schroeder's office. Commonwealth Building. A CRUEL SEPARATION. Polios Offlosra Coma Between a Gang- of Thirsty Travelers and a Car of Baer. For some past thieves have been tapping the freight cars standing in the Jersey Central yard and yesterday the watchman detected a gang of them armed with tomato cans in possession of a car loaded with baer and ale which was being returned to" out of town breweries. Chief Simpson was notified and a gang of officers soon had eight of the gang in custody. , Tbey were given a hearing by Alder man Fitztimmons yesterday afternoon. Six of them proved themselves to be oriage Guilders ana can vi need the al def man that they had arrived in town only a short time before they were oaptured. When they landed in the yard from a freight train tbey were in vited to have a drink by the other two prisoners and ae it was only natural for a tramp bridge builder to acoept a drink tbey partook, without making extorsive inquiries us to the o wnership thereof. The two who were'ot bridge builders stated that they had been directed to the beer car by men employed in the yarue ana bad been told that the station ageut had given the switchmen per mission to help themselves to the beer, which he said wan no good to anyoue.it having becomo flit. As they uli hud the nppearainto of beine workinormen and proved themselves for from being trumps, tne aiaerman gave them a lec ture and an ordvr to leave town before nightfall. They went awav rioiciuir and with a determination to buy their Deer or arain kegs when they are thirsty hereafter. NORTH END. fTlie North End nftlcn of tlio RrnAKfoH TliimiNEiK located at tlio Lewis Drui; btoro and Jehu's Store. Wuvno avonuo. where nub- sor ptions, advertisements and communication win receive prompt attention. J AGAINST SUNDAY FUNERALS. Congregation of Frovidencs Churches Take Decided Aotion la Hatter. The Welsh Baptist, Puritan. Congre- national, Welsh Congregational and Welsh Cilvauistic Motnodist churches each recently appointed two lay mem bers to consider np?cial features in the Sunday observance movement. An united meeting was held when it was decided that each church be re commended to nuks a rule not to re coguizs Sunday funerals unless they were regarded as absolutely necessary. Each ot the four churches decided to adopt the recommendation to that the rule is now strictly euforced. It ought, however, to be observed that the movement was entirely taken up and supported by the lay members of the various churches and was not the outcome of the personal feelings of the various pastors. The practise of holding funerals on Sundays being ob jected to mainly ou tho ground that it disarranged the work of humlny schools and inconvenienced church work generally. SUDDEN DEATH OF j. L. THOMAS. Ha Had Been I I for Only Thirteen Houra. The manv friends of J. L. Thomas, late of 1461 Albright avenue, were shocked to hear of his death which took pUoo yestorday morning. Mr, Thomas, who was a butcher, carried on his bus iness on Saturday and although com plaining for a few d.vys did not com plain of any serious illness until Sun- lay afternoon. He was in great pain until yesterday morning when be died ut 1 o'clock lif ter an illness of about thirteen hours duration. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 2 p. m. from the residence, interment nt Washburn Street ceme tery. Mr. Thomas was well known at Taylor, where he resided for many years. He has been in Providence for about threo years, and leaves a widow and an adopted son. Mr. Thomas was a native or Wales, bnt adopted America as his home many years ago. OPEN AIR RELIGIOUS SERVICE. It Was Held at tha Square by Rev. D. UT. Kintar. A lnrge number of members from the Christian church headed by their pas tor, Rev. D. M. Kinter. held the first ot a series of open air services on the rquare Inst evening. A large audience listened attentively to Mr. Kinter's re marks which were admirably suitable for the occasion, They were practical and to the point. He alluded to the questions of capi tal and labor, government and politi cal parties and demonstrated how the working men oonld help to improve in all directions if they were but influ enced by Christian motivos. NOETH END BRIEFS. Thomas R. Jamoa, painter, of Wayne avonuo, is recovering and able to walk out. A lnrge number of Providence trades people patronize! the Hucksters' excursion to lake Ariel yestorday. The Rev. Georgo Guild loft yestorday tor IU3 vacation wincn no win epeua prin cipally with bis parents in Now York state. MrB. Simms, of Green street, will spend n Rhort vacatian at Pittston with Mir. Vaughan who has been visiting her old mends m tnis section. Charles Martin tha woll known host of the Bull's Head hotel is improving slowly aftor his fall from the car, but it will be sometime before he is able to do without the arm-sling. Cow Strayed to garden 32S Oak streot, Monday: (description, white and yellow); ownor may hnvo possession by paying costs of advertisement and damages. Ap ply ubove address. The fnnornl of Charlotte, the little daughter of William and Annie Hobbs, of 323 Warren street, will tako place from the residence this afternoon at 3 o'clock, inter ment at vvasnnurn street cemetery. A Welsh newspaper, tho Herald Gymraeg. mav be seen at Jehn's Btoro with an illn h trited account of the R yal eisteddfod. It has two pages of excellent photographs and scenes well Known to scranton Cymru. A cow which strayed to the garden of Thomas Simms, 3J8 0k street yesterday, did considerable damage. Mr. Simms has eudoavoured to find tho ownor, but with out success, and an advertisement appears in dur columns. It is noted that although a large number of Wolshmen from Hydo Park have left to enjoy a vncation in Wales this summer, scarcely one has loft from North End; but several families will soon be on the ocean from Wales to make their home in this section. The scholars of the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday school are busy making ar rangements for the annual picnio at Laurel Hill park tomorrow. Special cars will run from tho church aud a welcome is extended by the teachers to those de siring to enjoy tha pleasures of tho day. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTE S. Judge R. W. Archbald was in court yes terday attending to duty ntter having spent a pleasant vacation at the seaside. Owen Finnetran. Georce W. Moriran. John Campbell and Michael Walsh were aischargea from the county Jan yesterday under the Insolvency law. Truman J. Ackerly, of Scott townihii). wag vesterdav Honointeil bv the court to succeed Stephen J. Miller, deceased, as poor director of the Northern Luzerne Poor district. William Donghor gave bail in tho sum of t "i00 before Judge Archbald yesterday. A charge of passing counterfeit money is ponding against liitn. Charles Dongher became his bondsman. R9solutlonsof Funaral Slraotort, At a meeting of the Funeral directors of Scrauton and viciuity the following pre amble and resolutions were passed: Whoroas, Death bas removed from our midst or friend and associate, Owen Cusick. Rosolved, That we, so far as possible, attend the fuueral of our deceased frioud in a body, wearing the usual emblem of mourning. Resolved, We hereby tender to his be reaved wife and lamily our sincerest sym pathy, and may God iu His mercy give hor that consolation that human sympathy is nnable to give. T. P. LETcnwoRTH, Secretary. Funeral Directors Association. NOTES DFjP IE Jons Rosen's Idiosyncrasies Place His Son George In a False Light. HE CHARGED HI WITH ROBBERY And Hunted the Town for Him Yes terday Morning Before Daybreak. Bugino Will Answer at the Bar of Justice Littlo Girl Strays Along South Side Streets Will Organize a Bicycle Club. Gossipdom was suppliod yesterday with an engaging topio when the whis pers of the absconding of Geerg Rosen wore penetrating tho ears of the house wives. George Rosen is a son of John Koson, tlio Cnlarnvenne hotelkeper, whose mysterious disappearance in New York during the recent Saengerfost caused no end of comment. The old gentleman's montal faculties are beginning to weaken unci he is af fected with hallucinations during which lie appanrs to feel that his fam ily is arrayed against him. On Sunday evening he searched tho house for a screwdriver, and uftor finding one be bngun to take oil all the locks from the cupboards aud doors in the honst, im agining that he was then making his place of business more burglar proof. At 4 o'clock yesterday morning be arose from ted and after hurriedly dressing started for the Delaware, Lackawanna und Western depot. Every person he accosted was asked if ho saw George Rosen, whom be said had robbed him during the night and was then escaping to New York. The amount ot money he churgd his son with running olf with was pOO. This was but another freak of the old gen tleman's, and after a fruitless search for his supposed prodigal son he went home and forgot all about his wild goose chase. A LITTLE GIRL LOST. Annie Bolan Visited Friends on Pitts ton Avenue and Etayad Too Long. The 9-year-old daughter of Edward T. Dolun, of O'Connor court. Bellevue, left home at 10 o'clock yesterday morn ing ia company with a girl named Kelly, without the knowledge of her mother and took a trip to the South Side. The little girl started home alone after dark List night and lost her way. She wandered along Pittston avenue and was picsod up near the German cemetery. She was taken to the central city and given in care of John F. Doyle, of Bellevue, who brought her safely home. BUGINO UNDER BAIL Alderman Storr Holds Him to Appear at Court. Owen McGann, of Cherry streot, whose boy was maltreated Saturday eveuing by Matbias Bugino, of Pros pect avenue, had a warrant sworn out yesterday before Alderman Storr, of the Nineteenth ward, for the arrest of the bellicose Bugino. Tho evidence of the boy's father places Bugino in an uncomfortable plight. It is said the boy it blaek and blue from kicks aud is unable to leave his bed. SOUTH SIDE BICYCLE CLUB. It Will Ba Organlaid bv the members of Soranton Athlatio Club. There is to be a bicycle club organ ized on the South Side among the members of the Scranton Athletic club. Several of the boys are experts on the wheel, and not only to band together for mutual benefit, bnt also to encour age the sport is the objsot ot the now club. There will be a meeting in the latter part of tho week at Marker's pool rooms on Cedar avenue, to take steps toward a temporary organization. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. William Scholl. of Cedar avenue, is af focted with severe lntlamatory rheuma tism. Mrs. Patrick Corcoran of Cedar nvenne. is sinkiug bo rapidly that her death is but a question of a few days. Mrs. Conrad Bockerly of 415Birch street. is so seriously ill that her family fear her lease of life is but a short one. Washington Camp, No. 430, Patriotic Order Sons or America, held a nuslness meeting last night at Freuhan's hall. Mrs. S. S. Spruks returned at 6 o'clock vesteidav eveninir from Atlantio City. where she had been staying for three weeks. An ice cream social will be held this evening for youngladies only, at the South Side Young Women's Christian association rooms. . The Sunday School class of the Evan gelical Lutheran church of Cedar avenue, of which Rev. F. Holter is pastor, will bold a summer festival at Laurel Hill park today. Rov, August Klein, of this side, will leave In Suptember for Atalanta, JN. x., to which place he has been extended an in vitation to become pastor ot a German baptist church. Adam Wickel, of Ki Maplo streot, re ceived an injury to one of his oyes Sun day which is very painful but not liable to result seriously. He is employed at the Llectric Light works. The Mozart Qnartette club beld a re hearsal last mailt, nji memoera oeing pre' sent. The club is fast approaching a stage of excellence that will soon place them foremost among organizations of its kind, Mary, the C-yar-old daughter of John Roache, of 732 River street, foil down a (light of stairs at home yesterday and was seriously injured. Her body was seriously bruised internally and her face gashed. Dr. A. J, Kolb attended her and reports her Injuries not ratal. ROCKAFEllOW MAY CONFESS. It Ia Intimated That Ha la Preparing- a , - Formal Btatiment. Explaining bis promise to disclose just where the money went which he was convicted of embezzling, ex-Banker Kockafellow, of W likes liar re, said, just before be was imprisoned in 1'hilu delphia the other day : ' T realize I have made a mistake in keeping thediialosure back so long, but I allowed myself to be guided by the promiso of three men, whose names I cannot divulge, who know quite as much about the affair as I do. They had promised to come to my cell to see me before I was sent to the penitentiary and were to draw up the etatement to gether, but I shall act Independently ana snail not spars thsm. BIRTHDAY OF A NEW SOUL Another of tha Raaoua Misalon'a Unlqu Annlvaraarlaa, ' The first anniversary of the religious conversion of Charles Dunn, a Dela ware. Lackawanna and Western brake' man, will be celebrated this evening at the Rescue mission. The exercises will Include a testimonial address by Mr. Dnnn and a praise eervlea. fol lowed by a serving ot light refresh ment. The event is the continuance of a custom of the mission to publioly rejoice upon anniversaries ot notable conversions. Mr. Dnnn, while not what could ba termed a bad man, drank some and was addicted to gambling until he be came interested in the work of the mission. He then relinquished his worldly pursuits and for a year has re mained steadfast in a proper walk ot me. SILVEIl IN WAYNE. Specimen of the Quartz Sent to the Assay Office Scranton Parties Interested in the Mine. Silver has been fouud in Wayne county and from inexpert testimony it siudged to be there in paying quan tities. A sample of it is now in pos session of one of the interested parties n this city and another was sent to the asay olfloo in Philadelphia yesterday. me gronna upon whioa the succeBs- fut prospecting hits been done is ownod bv a company composed of P, H. Pacr Victor Koch and S. P. Fanner, of this city, and two parties from Uonesdalo and one frqni Hawley. Victor Kocli has a piece of the quartz on exhibition at his hotel. The particulars of the find count not be learnsd as the interested ones ar.i uot anxious to give it publicity uutil tney are Balistied us to whether or not they have all the land they want in that vicinity. It is quite evident from the muk-up of the company that new El Dorado is situated not far from the capital of Wayne county. Lawn Razors, Rofrigeratorr, Ice Cream Fretzera. I have now on hand and will sell at cost price; 19 Lawn Razors, 18 Refrigerators, 15 Ice Cream Freezers. Come aud got otio before they are all gone. Tiiom. F. Leonard, 5U5 Lackawanna ave. Go to Poyntclle, Excursion Rates One Hollar. New York, .Ontario and Western rail road will run excursions Wertnosdny and Saturday. Train leaves Scranton K30 a. m rotumlncc leaves Povntelle 4.50 p. m. Good fishing. Muslo Eoxqi Exclusively. Eest made. Play nny desired numbor of tunes. Gautschi fe Sons., manufacturers, lliao Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Won- derful orchestrial organs, only 15 and $10. Specialty: Old musio boxes carofnlly re paired und improved with new tunes. More rill&bury Flour sold than any other brand made in the United States, SOLE AGENTS FOR LIBBEY'S CDT GLASS LARGEST LINE OF Haviland & Co.'s Cllina White and Decorated. Silverware, Lamps, Chamber Sets, WEICHEL & MILLAR Ii6 Wyoming Ave. If a Tornado Should Strike Scranton It would cause little more surprise to our citizens than FREEMAN'S NEW SPOT CASH PRICE LIST HAS DONE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEW ELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC., never have been sold before at such prices; but, remember there is no CREDIT at Freeman's. Our line of Groceries is complete and you can rely on them being the finest. If you want a delicious, high-flavored TEA, try , our New Crop JAPAN for 50c; worth 75c. C. DITCHBURH 427 LACKAWANNA AVE. Mil m IMMVX id You Need Them And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool. Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tennis. ESairtiii & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. ITU :, li v. 1 li P 308 Lacka. Ave. 3 To be closed half value. 1 56 Boz. Lace Gaps CAFS, worth from 39c. to $1. 25, will I be closed out at . ...... GU 3 I PfflBLLIMEK Y At less than HALF VALUE and other goods in proportion. fttliiUISlHHSIligllDiSHBHECigiiHmS Scientific Eye It's a Great Shock ... .1. ... ... "V-.-Tv'tt ''' y fothe folks who are olalmlncf they undersell ill others to find that without the loust fuas or bluster wo are Kivliifr customers tho Don tflt of such opportunities as tlieso. A StrloMv UIrIi Grade Uaht-woleU Whpl, 181)4 pattern, f. i'SllO cash. 1803 pattern, 1B0 Wheel, for S75. 1804 pattern, 8100 Wheel, for 8casl). these prices make tho business at our store FLOREY & HOLT Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. WILL BUY A FASHIONABLE SOFT BRIM AT CONRAD'S. Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Have removed their office to their Warerooms, NUMBERS 141, 143, 145, 147, 149, 15J MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE NUMBER, 86S4 THE CELEBRATED fa MM I Ml I PIANOS It at rment tlw Mont Popular ul Fttremd by Ltuimn Ariiaia Warerooms : Opposite Columbus Monument, 200 Washington Av. Scranton, Pa. STRAW w I W 11 out at LESS than I Testing Free By DR. DR. SHIMBERG, The Specialist on the Eye. Headaches and Ner vousness r.lieved. Latest and Improved Stylo of Eyeglasses aud Spectacles at the Lowest Prices. Best Artificial Eyes inserted for ?5. 305 Sl'Rt'CH ST., Opp. Old Post Office. tl. A. HULBERT'3 City Musio Store, WIOMIUa ATE.. BCKJJKTO STFTWAT SON DECKER BHOTHEB1 AT ERANICU & BACK tffiaat WULXZ & liAUUU Alsca large Mock of flrtIasi MUSIC All MERCHANDISE HtblO, ivlU Another Advocate of tRS. IIENWOOD & WARDKIX: GKKTLEMEX It a (Turds me Ri'fal pi 0 as n re to it ate that your new pronrsi of extracting teeth was a graml tucceis Is my ease, and I heartily rneouimend It U all. I sincerely hope that other will teat Its merits. Your respect fully, CAPT. S. Ji. UUYANT, Scranton, Pai Henwood k Wardell, DENTISTS, S16 Lackawanna Ave. Will on and after Mnv 21 mnk a great rednq tlon in the prices of plates. All work guaa antesd first-clans in every Darticular, 1 A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREE1 BICYCLKS AND SPORTING GOODS. Victor, Gcndron, Eclipse, 1ovelL Diamonl andOthor Wheels. ROOF tinning and solderlnpf all done away with by the use of HAKTMAN'S PAT ENT PAINT, which consists of iufrreditnts well-known to nil It can be applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet iron roofs, also to brick dwellings, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling, craokiufr or breaking of the brick. It will outlast tinning ot any kind by many yenrs.and it's cost does not exceed ene fifth that of tho cost of tinning. Is sold by the job or pound. Contracts taken by 1K1UMU UAUXUANN, 6.7 Biroh Si Ansssfhene WJV & W WW