THEY PURCHASE PUBLICITY in journals that are on the up ward jump. An EIGHT PAGES--5G COT.Tr"-jU SCRANTON. TA.. TUESDAY MOUSING. JULY 31. 1894. TWO CENTS A COrY. ,-- THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FEOE CIRCULATION A1SI SGRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHE PAPER LIVE BUSINESS MEN Don't tia tip with down- at- the - heel newspapers. R MORNING THE STATESMEN ARE WHIG democratic Tariff Coni'crrecs Still at Among Themselves. War REPUBLICANS ARC SPECTATORS The Senate and House Conferees Are Unable to Agree Upon Various Items of the Tariff Bill and Each Faction Proposes to Stand by Its Colors Deadlock Liable to Last Until Next March Republicans Are Ready to Vote at Any Time. Washington. D. C. Jnlv 00. IFIEN ttio tar.ff conferee met to day nt 1 o'clock Senator Harris called tln ni to order and in 11 brief speech referred to th condition of Mr. Voorhees, chairman of the senate finance committee, who, ho said, whs a very sick man and wus worse today than he ban been at auy time since he became ill. There was that in the tone of Mr. Harris' brief reference that led the committee to think that Mr. Voorhees was much worso than even Mr. Harris enrud to ay. After referring to Mr. Voorhees' condition, Mr. Harris, as temporary chairman of the conference, speaking for the majority, said thoy had been unable to agre and that there was necessarily nothing for th conference to do but adjourn, which was don,sub ject to the call of the chairman. Noth ing was laid that would indicate to the Republicans What the Democrats had been (lisr "jug, or how they considered theaitr 1 Whei. '.Harris made tho state ment that j Democrats had been tin- at'lo lo agree a;'d tuat they would con sider t;ie question further before they nL'.T.n called the conferees together. Mr. Allison, ppeuking for the Ktpubli cans aid that bo hopad the Democrats would git together and attreo upon something as soon as possible as the country was anxiously awaiting fitiul action and that such action should be bad. nnpcnucANs ready to vote. After tiie conference adjourned Mr. Aldrich said that tlie bill passed the st-nnte on the third of .Inly almost one mouth ago, uud that since that time the ltepublicans had not contributed to any of the delay. They were, he said, ready to vote on the conference report and end the matter as they believed the country was entitled to action, lie publicans, he added, had not engaged in the recent debato in the senate, nor bad it been their fault that the senate conferees hud been unable to come to gether and submit some sort of a re port to the seuate, Every day of delay that went by, said Mr. Aldrich, was chargeable against tho party in power. It is apparent, even to the casual ob server, tnat the house Democrats huvo determined not to accrpt the senate bill without some concession?. Time of the four house conferees, Messrs. Wilson, Montgomery aud Turner, are willing to remain iu session until the f mrth of next March, rathor than sur render to the senate, Mr. McMillan, of Tennessee, the remaining member of the house committee, is more liberal and is willing to meet the seuate conferees in n more conciliatory spirit. Tho house conferees know, however, that their position has th-3 indorsement of the president and Speaker Crisp as well as that of a majority of the leading num bers of the party upon the floor, and this is a great encouragement to them. Last week there was considerable talk of a recession on the part of the hone, and the acceptance of the senate bill us being letter than no bill. These sentiments were expressed again in the house today, but not to the same ex tent as formerly, while it was signifi cant that those who insist upon tho hous9 bill wore more dotermiued in their position than ever. SENATE EXPECTED TO YIELD. .Notwithstanding the deadlock in conference, the belief was general to day among the house Democrats that a bill will yet be agreed upon. Tho house Democrats insist that the senate con ferees will yield on some of the points in dispute although the senate conferees maintain that tbeir bill ranst remain oneuanfren, aim mat u amended in nny total particular, it cannot pass that body. Sonator Vilas, of Wisconsin, who is one of the spoke men of the administration on the lljor of the senate, is quoted as advising a nouse Democrat today to urge bis asso ciates to stand firm and that the senate would yet meet them at least half wav. Other senators are said to have spoken in a similar strain to tbeir bouse friends, and It maybe that this en couragement from the north end of the lspitol bus not been withont its effect on the house. Mr. Springer, of Illinois, had numer ous coherences this afternoon with members of the house with respect to me caucus wuion win he bold on Tbnnday instead of Tueidar of this ween. v mm vuo projection 18 fiercely coinnauea ny a large number of Deni ocrats, air. springer insists that the caucus will be held, and tuat before Thursday or this week the call will bear the signatures or tuty or sixty gentlemen. He denies the report that any consider able number of Democrats have with drawn their names, an J says that all but three of the original signatures re- main. The call has not the endorse ment of Speaker Crisp, or the Demo cratic members of the committee on rules, but appearances indieate at the present time that a caucus will be held on Thursday unless the conferees "get together during the interim. THE JOKE DIDN'T WORK. Girl flayed the Qbott Racket and Was Shot by Her Lover. Colcmdcs. Ind.. July 30. Dr. C. Beck was visiting his sweetheart. Mis Grace Cohoe, at Newbern lust night when the took - it into her head to frighten him by playing ghost Sh left him on the ysranda, saying she was going for a drink, She threw n sheet over her and came npon him suddenly from around the house. Dr. Beck drew his revolver and called on the figure to stop. lie called three timet but the girl heeded him not. Then the doctor shot twice. One hull entered Miss Cohee't abdomen mid another is lodged in her leg. She will probably die. SLUGGING AT CHESTER. Prominent Philadelphia Bruisers Fight a Ten-Bound Craw. Chester, Pa.. July 80. Ted Collins and Myra Coons, of Philadelphia, fought a ten-round draw on the out skirts of this city this afternoon for a purse of $150. It was one of the gamcst battles seen in the vicinity of the Quaker city for many years. Coons weighed in at 135 pounds and Collins ut 11S. Owen Zsiglor was be hind Coons und "Jim" Mclleavy was behind Collins. "Jeck" Morrissey was referee aud about 200 spectators saw the fight. Collins had his nose broken and both eyes nearly closed, but ho proved game to the end. MORE PAVING PROJECTS. The; Wilt Be Considered by Common Comniitt.o. The paving committee of eomnion council will meet Thursday night to consider the West Lackawuuna avenue and Piuestreet paving ordinances. They were referred to common coun cil from tho select body July 20 and July 12 re&pjctively. DAMAGE BILLS. Estimate of Sums That Will Have to Be Paid to Settb Losses from Debs' Strike. Chicago, July 30. Notices were served today by Samuel D. B. Foster, attorney in fact for several railroads, of damages claimed ngaiust tho city of Chicago and the county of Cook for loss of property during the American Railway union strike. Tho notices were served on the mayor, citv lork, the corporation council, the ciiy nttorney and on the pres ident of the county board, the county clerk and the county attorney. Tne enregate damages claimed are OtiO, This represents only about one- euth of the actual damage claimed, many roads having several d iva left in which to hie th-ir claims. The roads which filed claims todav with tho mount of damages are as follows: Lake Erie and Western, $10,000; Da- truit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee, if'2'20; Chicigo and Northwestern, $410; Chicago .Refrigerating line, $1,1)00; hew York Central and Hudson liiv Railway company, $34"; Monon. $'3u'0; Flint and Pierr Marquette, $75; Chi cago and brie, S10U; Swift liefrigera- or line, :j00; Armour Refrigerator ne, SlOO; Central Car Trust com pany of .New York. 51500; Chi cago and Grand Trunk, 12,150; Grand lrunk railroad i (jrand lrnnk company of Canada, Sj.IM.j. liesides these claims shippers hied through Mr, Foster claims amounting to nt least $200,000. This was done by the shippers on the express declaration of the railroads that they will pay no claims whatever made against them by shippers for damages to freight bandied during the strike. Tho general managers association takes the ground that the city and county in not furnishing adequate pro tection to the railroads are directly re sponsible for nil damages to freight. The dumages by the railroads in the alove list ere mostly for cars burned utter July 1. It Is believed tnat many more isuits for damages will be filed by shippers who lost heavily on perish able freight during the strike. DEADLY THOLLEY. Nino-Year-Old Boy Almost Cut Id Two. Fhiladkmmiia. July 20 A pnrtio ularly horrible trolley accident oc curred this afternoon on the Chestnut branch of the Philadelphia Traction company. A trolley cur was speed ing out Belmont avenU) somu twelve miles an hour, when a 0-year old boy named Willie Shaw jumped off the back of an ice wagon and with a lump of ice in botb his little hands rau across the track directly in front of the car. He did not quite clear the rail and the car struck him, knocked Mm down, aud the front wheel passed over his buck, almost outtiug the child n half. Th9 boy was taken out from under the car and, strange to say, was still alive but unconscious. He was picked up and hurried away to a hospital, wnere ne died in twenty minutes. IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. All the fountains at Lebanon have been shut oil to economize water. Rather than 20 to jail for neglect to rush sewer improvements, nil 01 wiuiarasport'i councumen gave uau. For trying to drown noitrhbors' cats Thomas Murray was sent to tho work house irora i'lttsburg. The intorlor of the old stato canitol a Hnrrisburg is being frescoed and other wise greatly Deuutiiuu. A band crushed by a piece of falliutr rock In a Lnzerne mine caused lockjaw thut killed K. T. iiavousteiner. The liuhtlcg of a natural cas well at Kane, Ignited aud blew up a glycerine magazine. It shook all that region A foul-tipped ball glanced during a game at Girardville yesterday and broke the skull of Patrick Alaban, of Byuoi ville. lie seems to be dyiug. Undercraduatos from the Unlversitv of Pennsylvania aud from Lehigh took part in the formation of n chapter of Alpha iau umega, at f ittsburg. Aired Mrs. Minnie Sheslonstahler. Pittsburg, distrusted banks, hid her sav ings for years (marly $1,110) between feather beds, and was robbed of tho entire ooara. Lightning struck a number of dwellings and barns In f-hamokiu during a great eioctricai display last night. Limon tfohner sustained the largest ln.n. 7.000. Hia burn. with four head 01 stock and all bis crops uurutm up. it was partially lusured. The deadlock in the Twenty-fourth Re publican congressional district wus finally broken at Pittsburg last night by the nomination of F. E. Acheson, of Washing inn flnimiit nn tKfiU u..iUfc - tl vvtM whuvj, M tun lidVbU UUIIUU HUpO wood, of Fayette county, retired at the enu oi me zwiu omiot. PANESE IRE j 1 wording to the Chinese Accounts They Re fused to Give Quarter. ERNASS SHOT BY THE URINES The Kow Shung a Target for Tor- pedos Deadly Missies Exploded with Terrible Effect Passengers Upon the Transport Were Cruelly Murdered by tho Japanese Although Non-Combatants Chinese Troops Massing. Shanojiat. July 30. T HE following is the latest Chinese version of the Binking of the troopship. Kow Shung, char tered by China for the China Merchants' Trading and Steamship company: When tho Kow Shnng was overhauled by the Japanese cruiser, the latter sent a boat alongside the ransport with a prize crew to take her to Japan. The Japanese boarded bar and ordered her commander, Captain Galsworthy, an Englishman, to pro ceed to Janan. Ho refused. The Japanese then withdrew to re port to the commander of tbeir cruiser. he latter then opened fire upon the transport, using the machino gnns mounted in the tops of tho Japanese ship. This fire wrs so well directed t soon cleared the Kow Shunit s decks. The cruiser then discharged two tor pedo s nt tho transport, sinking hir and drowning nearly all of about 2,000 persons ot board. Colonel Von Hanue- in a German, formerly the viceroy's aide-de-camp, and a number of other foreign officers, were among those illed by the fire from the cruiser be- oro the torpodoes were discharged. iheeltect ot the explosion of the torpedoes is reported to have been ter- itio. (j.iping holes laree enonirh to pull a bout throngri were torn iu the steamers side, and throanh these the water poured, drowning between decks those who did not leap overboard. GERMAN'S SHOT. According to tho reports received here two German passengers, who were on their way to Korea, in order to settle np bnsiuess nil iirs before the war broke ont 111 earnest, jumped overboard when the transport began to siuk and succeeded in awimuiiuu to the Japanese cruiser. But in suite of their appeals to be taken on board nnd their announcement that they were non comhatants, they were shot by Japanese marines. A number of Chi nese who swam to tho cruiser shared Ihe same fate. The J inaness absol utely refused to give quarter. ibe transport sauk near SntiMont island, for which Captain Galsworthy was steering, intending to beach her, under the fire of the cruiser, when the fatal to.pedoes were discharged. A l'rench warship, the Lion, attract ed to the spot by the sound of firinir teemed op us the tri.nerort sank, and succeeded in rescuing s -ma of the Chinese soldiers, but all the foreigners are reported to have boen killed on board the Kow Shung, or drowned when sho sank. Tho Japanese, accord- ng to this report, are sad to have be haved with an utter disregard of the laws of civilized warfare. Reports that n large Chinese artnv has crossed the northwestern frontier of Korea and is marchinc down the peninsula nro confirmed. A second army is hastily 1 (iii.p:,ing to follow the first. No details have been re ceived of tho battle said to have taken place at Asan bntwecn the Chinese and Japausuo forces. CHINESE STEAMERS CAPTURED. It is reported that several Chiueso steamers have been captured and 11 nnmber of others destroyed at Takn by panuso cruisers, fatoamers often wuit a week nt Takn before tbey are able tocros tho bar, and it io suid that there was a fl.-et of Chinese steamships on laitu when tnoy were surprised by the Japanese warships and either or.p- turea or sunic. Torpedoes have been placed in the Shaweishun Channel of theYaug-Tse- Kiang river in order to compel vessels to pass within ousv range of the Woo- sung forts. The branches of the Chinese Imnerial Maritime Customs at Chemulpo, Fu- suan and Luuasuun continue business, receiving the Korean duties us usual Japan, so far, has uot interfered with the collection of thoso duties. FAITH AT FORTY. Mrs. Uriah 6. Iioory Can Now Danes Without Hor Crutoho. Reading, July 30. Mrs. Uriah S. Henry, nged 40, fell down stairs some time ago and injured herself so badly that she was obliged to use crutches. Last night sho visited the Rescue Miasion Holiness Christians, who be lie ve in healing by faith. Mrs. Henry presented herself at the altar, was auointed by the pastor, Rev. William P. Austin, and a uiouivnt Intter dropped her crutches and shouted for joy, declaring that she was bealtd She walked without assistance to her home and bus experienced no pain whatever since. The cure is regarded as a miracle. CHASED INTO A STEEPLE. A Colored Man Held Prisoner 200 Fst from th Earth. Cincinnati, July 30. In the steeple of St. Philomena's Catholic church, 200 feet above ground, is held imprisoned an unknown negro, who whs chased up there by tho po'dce. He will be starved out. The fellow was discovered among the coal in the priest's cellar yesterday morniug by a servant girl. She screamed, and the negro ran into the yard and upstairs into the attie. The girl's cries attracted a crowd, and two policemen went into the church to ar rest the negro. He was discovered ly ing on a beam, but when knocked off, he jumped up and shot several shots at bis pursuers and made for the belfry door. He rushed iu, ran down the steps BL000 THIRSTY to the choir loft, jumped forty feet to the floor below, sprang up and ran through a door leading to she steeple, up which he disappeared. ROLLING MILL RESUMES. Reading Iron Company Will Employ Two Huodred aud Fifty Men. Readinu, July U0. After an idleness of several months the rolling mill of the Reading Iron company resumed operations today, togother with the slisct mill, giving employment to 250 haudB. The other departments will start up on Tuesday night. This morning 400 foreign laborers employed by Contractors Leshor & Sou ou the sewer trenches struck because they have not receivod a cent pay iu six weeks. The contractors s.iy the reason they are nnable to pay their men is because they have been unable to sell the house swage bonds given them by the citv. All the money received from the city thus fur is $17,000. It is probable that councils will help the contractors out of their troubles, aud that the men will resume work tomor row. KILLED DY CARS. Man, a Child and Two Horses Meet Daatn on the Traolt. West Chester, Pa., Jnlv U0. As the result of a collision at Waynesburg uuction last evoniug, two deaths re- resulted today mid two other victims are badly injured. James waiiy, a farmer, was driving over the Wilming ton and Northern railroad when struck by tho train. In the carnage with him were his wife nnd two children. Roth horses were killed nnd Mr. Wally and 0110 child have died. DEPUTIES SWORN. Large Number of Men Taken to the Pardee Mines to Prevent Threat ened Outbreak. PniLUPSBURd, July 30. A large umber of men of this place wero to- ay sworn in as deputy sheriffs. They will be seat to the Pardoe mines, oper ated by Magee & Linglo, where a suf ficient number of the old men have signified their intention of returning to work at the 40 cent rate to warrant the operators in malting a start. This s the urst attempt that has been made to start any of the mines on the Beech Creek railroad at the 40 cent rate. It is iutimated that Osceolo, as well as in the Honiz lale district, several more mines will start up at the sums rate. The leaders are doing all in their power to prevent the old men from re turning to work. If the vVners in this region return to work at 40 cents grois rate it will eventually bnug the ten or twelve thousand miners -in Central Pennsylvania who have secured the compromise price, down to their level. FAVORS THE FLAX. Dibs L'.kos Ganeral Schcfleld's Flan for Enlisting Llf Workmen. Terre Haute, Ind., July 30. Presi dent Debs' attention has beeu called to Major General Sehofield's recent inter view advocating investing the presi dent with authority in time of need, as during tne present strike to enlist up to bO,U0O men, and that when tbous ands are idle and the danger is easily foreseen, be should enlist men out of work, thus reducing the number of unemployed nnd putting idle workmen to defending their own shops against rioters, tho temporary soldiers to go back to work 111 their shops when the crisis ir past. President Dabs said: 1 imi heartily n favor of that plan, as it strikes me as being a sensible one. I a 1:1 in favor of all measures that will insure order luring trouble of this or any other sort 11 m opposed to disorder. Ganeral Sehofield's plan, I think, would com mend itself to all persons desirous of secunug order, and 1 believe it would prove effective. TO IMPEACH GENERAL OLNEY. Petitions From South Dakota Citiz.ns Are Presented. Washington. D. C. July 80. The first two of the proposed patulous for the impeuclimont of Attorney-General Olney for his part in the late strike troubles, which officers ot the Knights of Labor came to Washington to pre pare and circulate, were laid before congress to-day. The petitions came from citizons of South Dakota. FLYER AND THE FREIGHT. E:i(tlnoar and Fireman on tho Baltimore and Ohio Iautnntly Killed. Cincinnati, Jnly 30. The royal blue flyer of the 13 iltimore and Uhlo south western from St. Louis struck a freight train two miles west of Aurora, lud. thirty miles out of Cincinnati ut o'clock. The ongineer and fireman of the pas senger train were killed. A tramp was also killed. Passengers unhurt. TICK3 FROM THE TELEGRAPH. After throe days' mystory, the mar dered 18-year-old daughter of Amos Jones, of Grllllu, Ox, was found in a lake. For whistling In court Thomas Mcln tyro, a Hurtford (Couu.) boy was fined for contempt, and indignant citizens paid tne uau. Investigation shows a tS3,00O shortage In the accouut of ex-Treasurer S. W, Fer guson, ot the Mississippi Levee board, at ureeuvuie, miss. Objecting to Wilbur Hnghes' attentions to hie daughter, uuuuoiiaudoe, or Aliens ville, Ky knocked the lover down and kicked him to death. Mayo collage, the loading educational Institution of Northeast Texas at CooDer. Delta county, was destroyed by fire this morning. Los, 11UU.UUU. GrasDine a telephone wire that crossed trollev wire. Frank Manner, a Fort Wavn (Ind.) laborer, was instantly killed, and his wife fell dead at the news. Despite Judge Gray's writ to prevent the hanging ot murderer uranK r. Miner, at Dallas, Tex., the state attorney will pro ceed, denying tne judge s autnority. George Buteman, 85 years oid, of Cam bridge, Mass., swung a hammock from the chlmey on the roof of his boarding house to escape the heat The chimney collapsed and liateman was taken from the debris dead. SENATE BALKS 01 THE THISTLE Mi Million Dollar Appropriation Stagers Some of tho S'.atesniju. BOTHER ' CONFERENCE IS ASKED The Exccssivo Heat Causes General Apathy in All Proceedings of the Senate Populist Allen, of Nebraska, Introduces a Bill for the Relief of the Several States of the Union A Resolution to Recognize Hawaii Is Offered by Mr. Boutelle. Washington. Jnly 30. T HE points that mark today's ses sion of the senate were an op pressive heat, and, as a result of it. a ceneral apathy in reuard to all matters of legislation that came up for action. Throughout most of the ay there was not one-third of the senators present. The vice-president, However, was back in the chair and Senators Hoar and Morgan were also their seats after an absence of several weeks. The conference report on the agricultural bill was prosentod and agreed to, but there was one point in the bill 111 winch no agreement had been reached by the conferrees. That wus the senate amendment appropria ting a million dollars for tho extirpa tion of the Russian thistle. Tho B -nate uslsted formally on that amondmeut aud asked the house for further confer ence. The house joint resolution ex tending the appropriations up to and ncluding the fourteenth of August was passed. JMr. Allen, the 1'opulisc senator from Nebraska, introduced and had roferred to the committee on finance a bill hnv ing for a title "for tho relief of the several states of the Union" and for distribution emong the states, nrcord ng to population, of SjO.OjUOOO in treasury notes to be issned for the pur pose and to be used "for the relief of the worthy poor." R-piyment to the government is to be secured by state bonds bearing 2 per cent, interest py- able in not less than throe nor more than ten years after dato. HOUSE PROCEEDINGS. After the morning hour today in which tho committee on military nf fairs succeeded in baying passed a few bills of comparatively no importance, the session was wasted in. a vain llort to get consideration ot Mr. McRao's measure ontitled a bill To protect publio forest reserve turns. The committee on rules bad given blm this afternoon for its con ideration the vote to be taken at 4 o'clock, but the opposition which was quite active among the representatives of western states in which these reser vations lie, was sufficient to prevent definite action on the order. The bill has been before tho house on several occasions und bos always been antag onized. A resolution recognizing the new R?publlo of Hawaii and directing the president to notify f resident Dole, 01 the recognition was ottered by Mr, Boutelle, Republican, Maine, as a mat ter ef privilege, lie asked Its im mediate consideration but Speaker Crisp ruled that it was not privi. eged and It was referred to tho committee on foreign allairs. Mr. Rotitvlle explained that the resolution was a copy of one introduced by Mr. McCreary, chairman of the committee on foreign nlf.iirs. on January 5!7, lb'JO, recognizing tho Republic of Brazil, and bo asked of the chairman, as the real author of resolution, that prompt action, which be said the house had a right to expect, be taken, FIGHTING FLAMES. Fortit Fires in WUoonaln Continue to Engage Attention, Milwaukee, Wis., July 30. Advices received at the main oflices of the Wif- consln Central road say that the high winds have subsided in the northern purt of the state and the forest iires have gone down, irnin service lias been resumed and all trains are again running on time, vy tonight all damage to the road will have been repaired. ritieid was again threatened last night and throe hundred citizens were out fighting back tho flames. The uight was favorable and the danger was averted, with some nssitauoe from Phillips. Near Mod ford the enraged farmers surrounded the house of a man, who bud started a forest fire, for the put- nose ot lynching him, but he had left, uovernor recks pnrty back iiom Phillips this morning says the city will be rebuilt at once, better than ever. This time more brick and stone will be used in tho dwellings. HEALTH OF THE CITV. Thirty-Six Deaths Occurred During I Last Week. Thirty-six deaths from all causes oc curred within the city during the past week, a decrease of six deaths from the week preceding. Only one death was from a contagi ons disease, typhoid fever, though three cases ot typhoid and two oases or scar let fever developed. The present week promises to show an increased rate of mortality from the fact that fourteen bnrial permits were issued from the board ot health yesterday. ANOTHER GETTYSBURG BATTLE. Btersoptleoa Will Illustrate Dr. Logan's Famous Leoture Tonight It is probable that the public gener ally and the members of the Thirteenth roeiment narticularly, will compose a large audience at Rev, S. C. Logan's lecture on the battle of Gettysburg to night at the armory, it is given pri marily to prepare the regiment to Droosrly observe and study the famous battlefield which it will soon visit in eucimnment. A pleasing (eatura ot the leetnre and one that will add to its instrustiveneBS will be en exhibition of stereopticon views by Rev. D. W. Skollenger. BEES IN A CHURCH CORNICE. Workmen R?ptUrlDK th. Roof Opposed by a Num.rous Colonv. Ei.ucott City. Md.. July 30. When the workmen came to teur off the roof of the Ellicott City Presbyterian church, which is being demolished to give place to n new church, thev stirrod up a numerous and influential colony of bees, which hud made their home in a cornice of the old building for years and years. The bees tought ou the intruders, and had to be smoked out nnd massa cred before the men could go ou with their work. The honey which the in dustrious little insects had boarded up was takon out, and it filled a big tub aud a pan, making all toll not much less than 150 ponuils. THIS MORNING'S FIRE, A Cow Sli.d In McCann's Patch Takes Fire In a Myeterious Manner. A cow barn belonging to John Mc- Ilule, of Pleasant street, took fire in some nnaccountiible way about 1 o'clock this morning, but was discov ered and extinguished with a few buck ets of water before any sorious damBgo resulted. An alarm was sounded from box 34, but tho fire was out before the com panies arrived. l'OLICirnilCES. A Schedule Rate Has Been Adopted for the Benefit of New York's Protectors. New York, Jnlv 30 According to several Chinese merchants in the office of Tom Loe. mayor of Chinatown, to day, a certain Chinese society, called the Hig Sing Tong, has issued a sched ule of prices by which police protect ion may be bought during the adjourn ment of the Lexow committee. Those Chinese who are engaged in occupa tions outside of the pale of the law, it is declared, bavo the club of further revelations before that committee held over their heads by this society, unless they pay schedule rates while tho com mission is not sitting. The treasurer of this society is saul to be Wong Get, who testified before the Lexow committee that the Chineso paid for protection by tho police, which protection they did not get. It is said that Get di l not obtain all the credit for the shrewdness of his evidence, as its effect, which he is presumed to have forsecn, was to let Chinamen know that the society meant to obtain pro tection for whut money na-1 been given to it. The more wily Chinamen have como to doubt, however, that the soci ety has done anything more than take the inonej. Ihe schedule ot prices now circu lated is simple. There is no pretense that tho money 13 to go to the police now. The Chinamen aro threatened with tho prospect of having their indi vidual business given in detail be' ita the Lexow committee, of which com mittee a great dread has been inspired, Gambling resorts, according to the schedule, hav to pay IJ10 a week, the opium joints $10 a week and those who have a room of ill fame must pay ii a week. FELL OVER A RETAINING WALL. But Ha Was Too Crunk to Be Killed or Evan Seriously Hurt.. At nn early hour this morning po lice officers brought to the station house a man who had fallen ovorlthe 12- foot retaining wall opposite the Lacka wanna Iron and Steel company's store nevr tho blast furnace. Outside of a few bruises he didn't appear to be hurt in the least. He was so drunk that be could not. tell his name. The oflleera who found bim say that a sober m m would have been kille or badly wounded by the fall. ON A TOUR OF INSPECTION. Lackawanna Lumber Company Directors Ltave for Potter County. A number of tho directors ot the Lackawanna Lumber company left iu a special Pnllman car nttachod to this morning's 12 10 Delaware, Lackawanna und Western train for Mina. Potter county, to inspect the company's tim ber tract m that locality. Tho party will bo absent several days nnd is composed of the following: Cyrus Jones, William Connoll, C. P. Davidson, J. L Council, Henry Uoliu, jr., J. W. Peck und iJ L. Peck. HE CLUNG TO THE BOTTLE. As a Conipqa.noa of Carrying- Wslghti Ha la Itun Down by th? offiosr. A dark brown son of Ethiopia with the same hued taste in his capacious mouth stole a bottle of dark brown taste remover from the Jackson House at an early hour this morning nnd bolted up the dark alley with his priz?. Officer Memzor was on the heels of the thief iu tin instant and after a brisk chase arrested bitu aud locked him up. SOCIAL THIS EVENING. Miss Anna Ansley Will Provide the Pro gramma at T. W, O. A. Rooms. Miss Anna Ansley will provide the programmo for the social this evening ut tho ioung Women s Christian asto elation, 203 and 200 Washington avenu , The Mioses Pearl aud Lielia t'orter, also Miss Ella Griffiths will be among the participants. A beany welcome will be extended all young women, especially strangers in the city. 1 JUST OFF THE CABLE. The German Infantry are delicti ted with their tests of aluminum poutouus. They can be handled by one-tuna ot the num ber of men required for the old boats. Prince Bismarck will receive n PoRen deloeation of 7oO at Varzin tho first week In September. It is expected he will give them a review and defense of his policy toward tne social uomocrats. WEATHER FORECASI. WAsniNOToN. Jnly 80. forecast tor ea.wrn I Vmnsifrrtnta, fair. wet winds. For western I'enn- sylvama, local rains, variable winds. R FILEY'S CLOU SALE -OF- Commencing today we offer our entire stock of Scotch Ginghams at 19 c. Per yar1 Those who know the quality of our will realize the fact that they are the best value in the market today. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS' Wholesale and Retail H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. Lewis, Reilly & Da?ies Comfort-Giving Shoes The only kind that give it, for tho summsr, is our "Service & Kumfort" ' j3 in colors and black. Lewis, Reilly & Da?ies We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctor ia needed you aro promptly told so. "NVe also guarantea a perfect fit. LATEST STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street. " eiHBHAMS GINGHAMS i. j. ram