The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 30, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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tuPv.i.Hr y THr
Onoe within dooi-s it was too dark
for Arniitage to see tho features of bis
lieutonant, and ho had his owu reusous,
for dosiriug to read them. Mr. Jurrold,
ou tho other hand, seemed disposed to
keep in tho shadows as much as possi
ble. Ho uiado 110 movement to open tho
ihuttors of tho one window which ad
mitted light from the front, and walk
ed back to bis bedroom door, glanced in
thoro, as thouRh to see that then) wero
no occupants, then carefully closed it ns
ho returned to face his captain. Ho took
off his holmct and placed it on tho cen
ter table, then thrusting bis thumbs in
side tho handsome, gold broidered sword
belt stood in a jaunty attitude, but with
B very uneasy look in bis eyes, to hear
what bis senior might havo to say. Be
tween tho two men an invitation to sit
Would buvo been a superfluity. Neither
lad ever remained long enough iu tho
other's quartern, sinco tho exchange of
the first oulla when Jerrold came to tho
garrison, to render a chair at all neces
sary. 1
"Be good enough to strike a light,
Mr. Jerrold." said Armitago presently.
Boeing that his unwilling host made no
effort ou hi i own account
"I purposed going out at onco, cap
tain, and presume you cannot have any
very extended remarks to mako. "
"Yon cannot see tho writing I have
to call your attention to without a light.
I shall detain you no longer than is nec
essary. Had you an engagement?"
"Nothing of great consequence. I
presume it will keep."
"It will havo to. Tho patter I have
come upon will admit no Cchor delay.
Light your lamp, if you please."
And Jen-old did so, .'i wly and with
much reluctance. HeTviped his foro
head vigorously the instant tho flame
began to splutter, but as the clear,
steady light of the argaud gradually
iproad over the littlo room Armitnge
could tee the sweat again beading his
forehead, and the dark eyes were glanc
ing nervously about, and tho hands that
Were so firm and steady and flno tho
year before and hold the Springiield in
80 light yet immovable an aim were
twitching now. It was no wonder Jer
rold's score bad dropped some 80 per
ccut His nurvo bad gone to pieces.
Armitage stood and watched him a
moment; then he slowly spoke:
"I have no dosiro to allude to the
subject of your conversation with Mer
rick. It was to put an end to such a
thing not to avail myself of any in
formation it might give that I hur
ried in. Wo will put that aside and go
nt onoo to tho matter that brings me
back. You are aware, of course, that
your conduct has compromised a wom
an's name, nnd that tho garrison is
talking of nothing else."
Jerrold grasped tho back of a chair
with one slender brown hand and looked
furtively about, as though for some hopo
of escape. Something liko a startled
gulp seemed to work his throat muscles
an instaut; then bo stammered his re
ply: .
"I don't know what you mean."
"You do know what I mean. Cap
tain Chester has already told you."
"Captain Chester came in here ami
made an unauthorized inspection of my
quarters becauso ho heard a thot fired
by a sentry. I was out. I don't deny
that But ho proceeded to say all man
ner of insulting and unwarrantable
things and tried to force mo to hand in
a resignation simply becauso I was out
of quarters after taps. I could account
for bin doing something so idiotic, but
I'm at a loss to comprehend your tak
ing it up."
"The most serious allegation ever
made against an officer of tho regiment
is made against you, the senior lieuten
ant of my company, and the evidenco
furnished me by tho colonel nnd by
Captain Chester is of such a character
that unless yon can refuto it and clear
her name yon will have n settlement
Tfith mo to start with, and your dis
missal from tho regiment"
"Settlemojit with yea? What concern
have yon in the matter?" interrupted
"Waste no words on that, Mr. Jer
rold. Understand that whero her name
is concerned no man on earth is more
Interacted than L Now answer me.
You were absent from your quarters for
somo hours after tho doctor's party.
Somebody boliovcd to havo boon you was
seen and iked at for refusing to halt at
tho order of Captain Chester at 8:80 in
tho morning. Tho ladder that usually
hung r.t your fence was found at the
ooloucl'u while you wcro out, and that
night n womi.u's uamo was compromised
Iwyond repair unless you can repair it
Unless you prove beyond poradventuro
Where you wero both that night and last
night, prove beyond question that you
wero not whero you are believed to have
been, her name is stained and yours
blackened forovor. Thcro aro other
things you must fully explain, but thoso
first "
.Jerrold's face was gr-wing gray nnd
sickly. Ho stared at I. stern eyes bo
foro him and could mako no answer.
His lijis moved dryly, bu mado nc
"Come, I want to hear from you.
Whero wore ypu if not with or seek
ing her? Namo your place and wit
nesses." "By God, Captain Armitage, tho
army is no longer a place for a gentle
man if his every movement is to be
Spied upon liko this I"
. "Tho world is no place for a man of
your stamp is perhaps a hotter way of
putting it," said Armitago, whoso iln-
gers wore twitching convulsively, and
Whose wholo fratno quivered with the
effort he was making to restrain the
tago and indignation that consumed
him. He could not he would not
believe In her guilt He must have
this man's prooi, no matter how it
" might damn him for good and all, no
matter whom else it might Involve, so
long as it cleared her precious name,
lie must bo patient ho must be calm
Y? t - P rV .
a V.M .. V fit v
J t Ln'iMKOTr Co
and resolute, but tho man's cola blood
ed, selfish, criminal concealment nearly
maddened him. With inflnito effort ho
controlled himself and went on:
"But it is of her I'm thinking, not
of you. It is the uamo you havo com
promised nnd can clear and Hiiould
clear, even at tho expenso of your own
iu fact, Mr. Jerrold, must clew.
Now will you toll mo where you were
and how you can provo it?"
"I declino to say. I won't bo cross
questioned by men who havo no author
ity. Captain Chester said ho would re
fer it to tho colonel, and when ho asks
I will answer not until then."
"I ask in his name I am authorized
by him, for ho is not well enough to
moot tho ordeal."
"You say so, and I don't mean to
dispute your word, Captain Armitage,
but I have a ri;,'ht to demand somo
proof. How am I to know ho author
ized you?"
"Ho himself gave mo this letter, in
your handwriting, " said Armitago, and
opening the long envclopo ho held forth
the missivo over which tho poor old eolo
nol had gono nearly wild. '"He found
it tho morning they left in her gar
den." If Jen-old's faco bad been gray bo
fore, it was simply ghastly now. He
recoiled from the sight after ono fruit
less effort to grasp tho lottor, then ral
lied with unlooked for spirit:
"By heaven, Armitage, suppose I did
writo that letter? What does it provo
but what I say that somebody has been
prying and spying into my affairs? How
came tho colonel by it if not by fraud
or treachery?"
"Ho picked it up in tho garden, I tell
you, among tho rosebushes, whero sho
whero Miss llenwiek had been but
a fow moments beforo, and whero it
might appear that sho had dropped it "
"Sho I That letter! What had sho to
do with it? What right had sho to road
Armitago stepped impulsively for
ward. A glad, glorious light was burst
ing upon his soul. Ho could almost havo
seized Jerrold's hand and thanked him,
but proofs, proofs wero what ho needed.
It was not his mind that was to bo con
vinced; it was "society" that must be
satisfied of her utter innocence, that it
might be ablotosay, "Well, I never for
a moniout believed a word of it. " Link
by link the chain of circumstantial ovi
denoe must be destroyed, and this was
only ono.
"You moan that that letter was not
iutonded for Miss Renwick?" ho asked,
with eagerness ho strovo hard to repress.
"It was novcr meant for anybody,
said Jerrold, tho color coming back to
his faco and conrago to his eyes. "That
letter was never sent by mo to any wo
man. It's my writing, of course I can't
deny that but I never even meant it to
go. If it left that desk, it must havo
been stolen. I've been hunting high and
low for it. I knew that such a thing
lying unmiid louso would bo tho cause
of mischief. Cod! is that what all this
fuss is about?" And ho louked warily,
yot with infniito anxiety, into his cap
tain's eyes.
"There is far more to it, ns yoa well
know, sir, ' ' was tho stern answer. "For
whom was this written if not for her?
It won't do to half clear her name "
"Answer mo this, Captain Armitago.
Do you mean tiiat that letter has coin
promised Miss Renwick; that it is sho
whoso namo has been involved, nnd
that it was of her that Chester meant to
"Certainly it was and I too."
There was an instant's silence; then
Jen-old began to laugh nervously:
"Oh, well, I fancy it isn't tho first
time tho revered and respected captain
has got away off tho track. All tho
8amo, I do not un'au to o.orlwok his
language to me, and I may say right
now, Captain Armitnge, that yours,
too, calls for an explanation."
"You shall have it in short order,
Mr. Jerrold, and tho sooner you under
stand the situation tho better, fcio far
as I am concerned, Mitw Renwick need
ed no defender; but, thanks to your
mysterious nnd unwarranted ubseiioo
from quarters two very unlucky uighw,
and to other circumstances I havo no
need to name, and to your penchant
for letter writing of a mast suggestive)
character, it is Miss Renwick whoso
namo lias beci brought into question
hero at this post and most prominently
so. In plain words, Mr. Jerrold, you
who brought this trouble upon her by
your own misconduct must clear her,
no matter at whoso espouse, or' '
"Or what?"
"I mako no threats I prefer that
yon should mako tho proper explana
tions from n proper senso of what is
due. "
"And suppose I say that no man is
called upon to explain a situation which
has been distorted nnd misrepresented
by tho evil imagination of his follows?"
"Then I may havo to wring tho truth
out of you and will; but, for her sake,
I want as littlo publicity as possible
After this display on your port I am
not bound to show you any considera
tion whatever. Understand this, how
ever the array of evidenco that you
wero fololiiously insido Colonel May
nord's quortcrB that night nnd at his
cottage window lost night is of such a
charaotcr that a court would convict
you unless your alibi- was conclusive.
Leavo tho servico you certainly shall
unless this wholo thing is cleared up. "
"I novcr was anywhere near Colonol
Muyuard's either last night or tho other
night I was absent."
"You will have to provo it. Mcro do
nials won't help yon in tho faco of such
evidence as wo havo that you wcro there
the first time."
"What evidenco?"
"The photograph that was stolen
from Mrs. Maynard between 2 and 4
o'clock that morning was seen iu your
drawer by Major Sloat at rovoille. You
were fool onough to show, it to him. "
"Captain Arrnitnyo, I shall bo quite
able to show, when the proper tinio
comes, that tho photogrnpu I showed
Major Slout was not stolen. It was
given me."
"That is beyond belief, Mr. Jerrold.
Onco and for all understand this case.
You have compromised her jjood namo
by tho very mystery of your actions.
You have it in your power to clear her
by proving where you were, sinco you
wero not noar hnr; by showing how you
got that photograph; by explaining how
you cauio to writo so straugo a letter.
Now I say to you, will you do it instant
ly, or must wo wring it from you?"
A sneering smilo was the only answer
f a moment, then:
"I shall tako great pleasuro in con
founding my enemies should tho matter
bo brought beforo a court. I'm sure if
tho colonel can stand that sort of thing
I can, but as for defending myself or
anybody else from utterly unjust and
proofless suspicions it's quite another
"Gooel God, Jerrold, do you realizo
what a position you aro taking? Do
"Oh, not at all, capfain," was tho
airy reply, "not at all. It is not a posi
tion I have taken. It is ono into which
you misguided conspirators havo forced
me. I certainly am not required to com
promise anybody else in order to relievo
a suspicion which yon, not I, havo cre
ated. How do you know that there may
not bo somo other woman whose namo
I propose to guard? Von have been real
ly very flattering in your theories so
Armitago could bear no more. Tho
airy conceit and insoh-nco of tho man
overcame all self restraint and resolu
tion. With one bound ho was at his
throat, his strong while hands grasping
him in a sudden, viseliko grip, then
hurling him with stunning, thundering
forco to tho iloor. Down, headlong,
went tho tall lieutenant, his sword clat
tering by his side, his slim brown hands
clutching wildly at anything that might
hear him up, and dragging with him in
his catastropho a rack of hunting
pouches, antlers nnd ono heavy double
barreled shotguu. All camo tumbling
down about the struggling form, and
Armitage, glaring down at him with
clinehingtistsandrasf ing teeth, had ouly
time to utter ono deep drawn maledic-
Wiih (Die huuiul he una ut hix Ihrnat.
tion when ho noted that tho struggles
ceased, and Jerrold lay epiito still.
Then tho blood began to oozo from a
jagged cut near tho temple, alid it was
evident that tho hummer of tho gun had
struck him.
Another moment and the door opened,
and with anxious faco Chester strodo
Into tho room. "You haven't killed
him, Armitago? Is it as bad as that?"
"Pick him up, and wo'll get him on
tho boel. He's only stunned. I didn't
even hit him. Thoso things tumbled
afterward, " said Armitago as between
them they raised tho dead weight of
the Blender Adonis in their arms and
bore him to tho bedroom. Hero they
bathed tho wound with cold water and
removed the uniform coat, and presently
tho lieutenant began to revive nud look
about him.
"Who struck me?" ho faintly asked.
"Your nht)t!.:nn fell on your head, but
I threw you down, Jerrold. I'm sorry
I touched you, but you're lucky it was
no wok-o. This thins is going to raiso
a big bump here. Shall I wnd tho doc
tor?" "No; I'll como round presently.
We'll sco about this thing afterward. "
"I) there any fueud yon want to see?
Slmll I send weird to t.nybody?" akod
"No: di.M't let anybody coma Tell
my il;-ik(-r to bring my breakfast, but I
want nothing tonight but to bo let
"At you will let me help you
undress and get to bed?" said Chester.
"No; I wish you'd go both of you.
I want tui''t peace and there's no.uo
of it with either of you."
And s i I'u y left him. Later Captain
Chester had gone to tho quarters and
lifter much parleying from without had
gained admission. Jerrold's head was
bound in n bandage wet with arnica
nnd water. IIo had been solacing him
self with a pipe nnd a whisky toddy and
was in a'not uimatniv.lly ugly mood.
"You mr.y consider ymiKwlf excused
from fluty until your faro is well again,
by which time this matter will ba de
cided. I ;-.'l;::o:.ish you to remain hero
and nr.t leave th;1 p.) t until it is."
"You can pn i-rc!::.r;;c.;;):d sec what
you'll mako of it,"v;r.s tho vehement
reply. "Devil a bit will I help you out
of tho thii.';; after this ni.Jit's wurk,"
In one of tho Glasgow schools a yonnv
loy came himself for ulutittatice. The bead
master asked his tmrne. The boy iu replj
said his mime was Jc:k.
"Hut what is j our fatlier's nmnef"
"iMy fayther's ca'cd el'ler me." I'it-Uitt.
Fully Comprclicmlcil.
Teacher As the twig is bent the trco is
inolini'dl Ijo you understand that f
15iy Yes'm. Wen biejelo boys grow up,
they'll wall; w it li a si imp Good News.
Consumption conies. A slight cold, with
your system in tlio scrofulous condition
that's caused by impure blood, is enough to
fasten it upon you. Consumption is I.ung
Beroftilu. You can prevent it, nnd you can
euro it, if you haven't waited too long, with
r. rieree's Golden Medical Discovery.
For Scrofula, Weak Lunics, Bronchitis,
Asthma, and all severe, lingering Coughs
1JIEBCE (maraniccs a (jure.
Beforo tnltlnpr tlm
Discnvrrv" 1 would
hnvo four ov tlvo bud
voiitflilnir spoils every
day nnd would oouirii
ui immthftiln of solid
wlilto lidtli, mid beforo
I took ono noma it
stopped It. I could not
wnllt across (lie room
with tho pain in my
Nick and sides; hut soon
tin- tiilitl wus all imm '
and I could sleep well at
niK'it. my. trenernl
health Is much lienor
sinco tnle.'n the "Golden
Mits. Lincoln, though I huve been
Obliged to work hard on a I nrm.
Glen Annan, liurun Co., Jii&,
W 1
Find Out Your Trettlett Point and Then
Muko the Very Moat of It
It is extremely interesting when three or
four nttructlvo women of fashion, who are
not too old to be vain and not young enough
to be giddy, get together aud exchange con
fidences. Their placidity of retrospection
is charming and what they say usually has
a point aud a moral. A group composed of
a few very successful and contented women
of this kind was assembled at a recent re
ception. The beauty of a young girl pres
knt had been spoken of.
"Whun-1 looi at her," said one of the
complacent ludlen, "1 am reminded of the
euae with which all girls can achieve a pbys
icul Hucceus if thoy will only do a little
studying. For years we were telling her
what a pretty mouth she had. It was only
pretty then in a crude way, but gradually
she began to make the best of it, and now
tho first observation that is mado about her
is sure to refer to hor expressive and ex
quisite lips.
"She hud a far better basis to start on
than another girl of mv acquaintance, who
was ambitions to shine os a belle. This
girl used to look ut herself in a mirror and
frankly acknowledge that she was far from
lovely. No feature was delic.ito, and her
coloring wus commonplaco to a degree.
Her hair was just the least bit pretty, but
pretty hair is never remarkable. Tho
young woman had boeu out uearly a whole
season when one night a man said to her
that she had an original aud graceful gait.
"She was thrilled. It was really the first
honest compliment bIio had ever received.
She t bought it over, and then wont to work
to discover what it was in her walk that
called forth the admiration of the man.
She soon learned that it was a slight swag
ger, an involuntary swaying of the hips
and shoulders. She accented this swagger
very discreetly, and before long sho heard
every one talking about liur fascinating
walk. Presently she was (luttered by see
ing tho greatest beauties attempting to im
itate her, but none of them could do it
with tho nutiiral grace that sho exhibited.
She at once begun to gain a confidence that
hitherto she had lacked. At dances sho
was sought after by tho best men with the
same assiduity that was inspired by the
huudsomest belles. She bloomed, us u rose
encouraged by the sun and dew will bloom,
nnd soon sho gloried in the Uncst figure of
her set, as well as the most captivating
walk. She was, as one clever fellow put it,
the most delicious girl iu tho back that
mortal eye could wish to see. It would
have been n joy to watch her walk a thou
sand miles.
"Well, sho was tho rage, and mado ono
of the most desirable matches of the year.
And I tell my girls when they complain
that they aro not so pretty ns somo of their
friends, that if they are not clever enough
to hit on some attraction to take the place
of mere bodily loveliness, by tho time they
are twenty they won't be worthy of a
mother who overcumo with the utmost
ease such drawbacks as a turned up nose,
a stunningly large mouth, and a collection
of freckles that would have fitted out a
whole country school of small boys." New
York Sun.
Kubtic Sympathy,
Uncle Hiram Say, Mirnndy, the d d
fool won't have a drop left when he gets
home. Look at it leak! Truth.
Tho Troubles of Matrimony.
Employei Late again, John. Can't yot
manure to net here on tiine-f
Employee I can't sleep nights, sir, anc
am apt to be late iu the morning.
Employer Il'm! Sleeplessness. AVI13
don't you consult a doctor and linel out tlif
Employee I know the cause, sir; itissb
weeks old.
Employer Oh! Xew York Press.
Ti.ok Her l'nrt.
Edith What a imick turn for repartee
Hurry I'riuce hasl
Mabel Lot be never says anything tc
wound one's feelings.
Eiii.h Aud then he's no gallant! You
should tlp'tik the world of him. He was sc
prompt in your defense the other day.
fc'omelji'dy remarked, "There are no frills
on Mabel Stone," and Harry replied, "On
the contrary, she is distinctly plain." Bos
ton Tiameript.
ills Scheme,
The Amateur How Isit all your photo
graphs uf people uhow their true expression
so well?
The Photographer I never tell a cus
tomer to '-look natural." New York Tel
egram. Bcccham's pills arc fot
biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, when caused
by constipation; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Book free ; pills - 25c. At
driistorcs,or write B.F.Allen
Co.,365 Canal St., New York.
Meat Market
The Finest In the tit)
; The latest Improved fur
nlahlnRs and apparatus for
keeping meat, butter and eggs.
' 823 Wyoming Ave.
Pin r(!if AM sorauHmUyoimd pvl
i 1
OdV. under mwctr. tacked lv .(Xk) ca.l. I-V'i
j HfefrnmiwplrMrl,fronrmii1 Whun Hot Sprint?
ltitiYt tjroou ud 100-Bue beck. tlluMntM iron
tud Mtrcanr AUl
our Mnitlo Romorty win 1
'Vyf cure. COOK RfU:
iui 1
Physicians by the thousand recommend
Space will not permit the publica
tion of one per cent, of the names of
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BOV1N1NE indispensable in treating
all such cases. Here are only a few
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great food BOVININE is:
L. B. Swormslcdt, M. D.
J. R. C. Gowell,
B. Ihnton,
J. W. Bell,
J. E. While,
J. W. Conliclce,
T. W. Hcrbcit,
W. J. Martin,
S. I). Dewey,
W. S. Morrison, ,,
S. H. Moore, ,,
W. W. James,
Washington, D. C.
Wilmington, Del.
Waterloo, la.
Pittsburg, Pa.
Toronto, Can.
Scramon, Ri.
Washington, 1). C.
Pittsburg, Pa.
Richmond, Va.
St. John. N. II.
Indianapolis, I nil.
Philadelphia, Pa.
These and twenty-five thousand
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BOVININE in all children's illness.
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Htipation, laward piles, fullness of blood in
th? head; nenity of the sioniuch, nauses,
heartburn, oiiust of fool, lu lnussof weight
of the stomach, sour, s.nM u or
nuiiorini: 01 tue neart, chok nit or suitoi at
inir seimntions when iu a 1 y 1 ti u postur", 'Hin
Iii 81 i f vision, dots or webs h fre the s uht.
fover nnd dull pnin iu the h ad, dcnVionuy of
perspii ation, yellowness of tho skin and
eyes, pain in the tldo. clioit, limbs, and sud
den llush-s of heat, burnine: in the flesh.
A lew dosesof KADWAY'S 11L 8 will froo
tlio system or all tho above named disordeis
l'rloi) 25c. per box. 8old by druggists or
sent bv mnll.
Send to DTt. IIADWAY & CO., Locfc Dox
Made a well
Man of
Tint uniar
KKNIILT 1" 0 1.V9. Cures all
Nervuuit lUaiMwa, Ku'linc Memory
Pure-Hi. KleoiiU HSllrMK. MirTitlv r.mU.
lUmi, otr., euu:',-il hy past aliuHes, Kivos vigor nnd pise
toKhiunki-uor'jaurt, and ipil.-kly lait nurclv restoren
l.o.t Mwm1hm,I 111 olil or vouiifr. lviilveun li'il la vent
pm-ket. Price I.M n pai'Uiik'e. Si il'oi- ft,V0O with a
writ On aimrnuter to t-nre or money refuiiili-il. llon't
' '-..'"V uiiipi iiicuiieo m-iiv'l rtell you OHM A-ftlft
IMirotinn. ill st on ImvhK. I.IIAI nnti.,tl,., r
he jot II. wimvIIUpiiiI Hliy mall iiponreerllit
ofprlen. I'atiiiihk't 111 sealed envelope free. Aililrca
Oriental Meuli lit Co , Prapi., Chltijo, 111., rouraftmn,
SOLD by Matthews llros., WholDsalo and Retail
prneuiHts. SCKANTON, PA., and oUicr Load-
1UK UlUlilSlQ,
At his newly renovatod and licensed Hotel at
CLAKK'S SUII.MI'I', is now prepared to fur
nish traveling men and siclal pirtles with
or double, 1 1 tako them to I.ako Will' la,
(I ravel Pond and all suburban points and
Hummer resorls at roason ible prices. A 1ft ro
nvoryoaru oonnuctod with notol for, travel
lint public.
For Delicacy,
For purity, and for Improvement of tho com
ploxion, nothing equals Pozzoni's Powder.
Summer Complaints,
1 IIxJ
1 V V ' MIL M .Ma
The abovo brnndu of flonr can be had at any of the following merchants,
Who Will nrennr. TnnTniunu,, en,,., ,,.., or: ...1. . 1 .
of flour or G(J on each barrel of flour.
Ecrnnton-P. r. Trico. Washington avonua 1
Gold Modal lirand.
Dunuioro-K. P. l't lno. Gold Medal Brand.
ljunuioro-K. D. Slanley. Snperlativo Hrand.
Uyde Park Carson & Davis, Washburn SU
Gold Medal llr and; J sepli A. Hears, Mam
avenue, Superlative Brand.
Oroeu KiiWe-A.L.Spencor.Uiild Medal Brand.
J. T.ilctli.lo, Kuperlativo.
l'lovldi nco tenner AS Chnppoll.N Main avo-
cuo, rjuperlative lirand;(J. J Uillojplj, W.
Market street, (ioid Med il Uruud.
Olyphnut James .Ionian. Superlative Brand.
Peckville Shalf-r JJ K -ls-r Superlative.
Jermyn C, 1J. Winters i Co. Suporuiativo
Archliald Jones, 8 mpsuii is (Jo., (lold Medal,
t'arbonilalo B. S. Clark, (iold Medal Brand.
IlrmcHiialR I. N. Foster & (Jo. Gold Modal.
liiuookaM. H. Lavcllo
Dealer in Choics Confections and' Fruits.
1437 Capouse Avenue.
S. X I) K 1 1 SOX S KNG I IG2I
Bittenbender &Co..S
Wholesale anil rttail dealers' in
That wa will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal weight, ounoa for ounce,
cf your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved fro3. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
XIo always may bo what we might have beon,"
Scranton, Pa.
2 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
5XJ ".Ms. iiieh bs Vek
lnc!oiiorutlvoOri!inof ottUor!Xcauedbyovcresortlon,outUftilTr
CKuR oiiwkIvoujo oi tiibncco. opium or ttlmulnnts, which IcimI to Iutlrmltr, Lnn'
v w-'AnBuniilimorlnmiiltT. Cnn bo carried In Teat pocket, (k 1 per box. B for o,
' ' v"V "i"11 1'ivinilrt. with a orrter wo ijlvo a written nurautee c"rJ
i.i.v, ir A. .jmwMfwor rt'niiia memonf v.
ntr lillt ANIl Ai-Itti Uiiii.U.uo ulUur. AiiareM Sinn: mtcucu., ilasoulc leuipio, tmuwv.
For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druggist, ot- Washington
Hnd Snruce utroots.
' '.ac-.'k j- o..j ni.,i.
I'orHitla liyC. M. HARRIS, DriiL-uUt,
Bometlmasiieedi a reliable.
the purest drugs
Dr. Psal's Pennyroyal Pills
Ther am prompt, utte anrl cort&In In rosnll. The eemiliie (Dr. Teal's) new dlsap.
rwint, Addresi tfiii Msoiaao Co., Qotolauu, 0.
For sale by 0HH H. PHELPS,
tpvuee Mreci, 5.fiinTen, Pa.
from thtX I. Tribune, Aou.J,ISM.
The Flour
"Chicaqo, Oct 81 Fhe first offloiat,
annonnctment of World'a Fair di
plomua on flopr baa been made. A
medal baa been awarded by the
World'a Fair jndsei to the flour manu
factured by the Washburn, Croaby Co ,
in the great Washburn Floor Utile;
Minneapolis. The committee reporta
the flour strong and pure, and entitle
it to rank aa first-claw patent flour 09
family and bakers' use."
Taylor-Judge Co.. Gold Medal; Athertoa
ii Co., Superlative,
riuryoa Lawrence Storo Co., Gold Medal.
Moosic John McCrlndle, Gold MedaL
l'ittston-M. W. O'Boylo, Gold Medal.
Clark's Green-Fraco At Parker, Puperlatlve.
Clark's Summit K M Ynninr MH,.l
palton-S. E. Finn & Sou, Gold Modal brand.
Nieholion-J. E. Harding.
Waverly-M. W. Bliss As Son, Gold MedaL
I' actory vine-Charles Gardner, Gold Modal
Hopbottom N. M. Fiun & Hon, Gold Medal.
1'obylianna Tnbyhanna At Leliiia Lumbjf
Co.. Gold Medal Brand.
Oonldsboro-S A. Adam Gold Medal Brand,
Moscow Galpo & Cloments, Gold Medal.
Lake Ariel James A. Bortree. Gold MedaL
Forest City-J. L. Morgan tc Co., Gold Meds
a. txgL STEEL
Wagonmaken' and Blacksmithg'
Mpnioi T. Lots of Brmln Power. Henilnch. WakefulneM,
i irfinnriron. mhq nil inirii. AT"
Tho only taft, are anft
' reliable Vemalo PILXi
ever offered to Ladies,
onnnniallv recommend.
1 .1 a PU. iu MnuAuac
... i r.Ztr lit boxin for Si.r.(().
187 l'nn Avenue.
monthlT.rMmlitinff medicine.
Onlr hiralMi CS4
should be uocd.
11 you wout kUV WW, B"
Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and
1 A