TIIE SCEANTON TRIBUXE-PniDAY MORNING, JULY 27, 1S!)4. GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Fw wvll-lnformed coal mu, nya tbs Stockholder, express any other opinion than that the anthracite coal trade ii rapidly nearing a crisis inch ai baa not been experienced since the combination wat formed by Mr. Wo Leod. Harmony no longer exists umoug the larger produolng aud car rying coinpauies and, while a show la being made or restricting the output and maintaining the circular of prices, It is. ef.er all only a show. Beneath the surface pretty uincu the Bame con dition exists aa prevailed before the Reading "combine" went into effect. Prices are being cut right aud loft, and ivveral of the eompnniesare producing considerably more than their quota. The Lebigh Valley is charged vritli be' ing the muchief maker, aud the pres ent fight is between ttiat company and the Lackawanna. The latter charges the Lehign, Valley withovernrolucing, and makes this excuse for doing the same thing itself. Its right to do this la hardly to be questioned, but it is not the way to settle the present dillL-ulty; it only tends to make the situation more strained, for neither the Reading, the Pennsylvania nor any other of the laigo companies will stuad idly by nnd see their butineis go to a rival com pany throngh methods thtt nra at luast questionable. If the Valley and the LacKawanna cut prices or produce wore than their quota, so, too, will the others; thty will be compelled to do so to protect their own interests, aud chaos will follow. Strenuous efforts lire being made to wurd oil the threat ened danger; meetings are being held every week to effect a settlement aud ad just all ditterences, but so far little progress has been made, and today the situation Is 8uoi as to justify ths belief which exists among the authracite trade, ntmwly, that a crisis is rapidly drawing uear. Tbo gross recei(ta of tb Rvlt-i railroad for Jnna wre $1,037,300. gross expenses $1,020 459 net receipts from other sources $oil. JS 5'.'. allowing a profit for the month oi 1,030, CJ9. De ducting tquipment paymeut.i, turmitiul truckage aud fixed chargos there U a surplus for the month of $13 715 ucaiust a surplus of $1?9,3S7 in June, 1S'J3. The seven uioutua of tne current fiscal . years show a deficit f fl,l'Jt5.2G4 against a deficit i'l tlie corresponding pariod of last year of $1,022,051. The cross receipts of the Reading Coal ami Iron compiuy for June were $2,348,933; operating ex penses, improvement, etc., $3,137,242; profit froai mining, $211,741. Ueduotiug fixed charge, there is a surplus for the month of $39,533. against a deficit of $93, 133 in June, 1S93 The seveu months ot the currant fiscal year shows a delhit ol $352,313, agalust a deficit in the cor-rp-pouaiug period of last year of $700, 159. Respecting the talk about the re sniuption of dividends by the L-shigh Valley company, an official says: "We ure not tulnkiug about dividends at preseut. We are satisfied to meet fixd charges, which we are just about do ing. Wo have not bad a good month's business for over a year, and before dividends are resumed ic will require an extended period of good all around business, and this is now jujtiu sU'ut." The present is no time for any opliinis tio views so far as the railroad situi tion is concerned. Earnings are the reul criterion of business.and they now are on a very low level. The first half of 1494 has been an exceedingly poor one lor the railroad.', aud tne improve ment ninst be very deuidod before many companies will be able to resume dividend. According to Receiver Pus Mou, of tbo Reading, nothing will be done in the line of re organiz itiou be fore the fail. It perhaps never occurred in the his tory of railroading in Pennsylvania, soys the Hurrisburg Star-Independent, that a depression in wage earuias was so general and widespread as that which was the condition of all the roads running north, south, east and west, since Jan. 1, 1894 Tbo paralysis of drpreiaion was tuesame everywhere in the mining and manufacturing regions, and bad its origin in like causes everywhere. First earn a gradual decrease in mining, which was speedily followed by a fulling off iu iron production, the causes of which were at first attributed to a bolinf that the tariff was to bo reduced on impor tation of Hues of manufacturing, which conld not possibly compote with the foreign product in the sums line. This was followed i at once by a depression iu railroading, the result of the (stop page of mining and manufacturing, which together produced conditions or much distrs?. There wera periods sinoe April, 1394, when railroader! in this, part of the stHt did not work more than six days in a month, aud that too at partially reduced wages. Peo ple who do not comprehend the exact txtont of these conuitious, cannot un derstand thdr ellecta. They depressed every line of the retail trade of a local ity, aud reduced the cash circulating medium of such localities to the small est possible fractions in thoir aggre gates. For the first time in nearly lour months hundreds of men on rail roads, in their shop, and in many other lines of manufacturing made six days last week, and will make their largest wages this month this yeur. There is no describing the delight of the men who will be benefited by this re viral of trade and commerce, manu facturing and merchandising. The Philadelphia Tim is has learned that the new ticranton and Pittston Truction company will be operated by the Scranton Traction company, and a leaso embracing that feature has al ready boen drawn up and signed. Gen eral Manager Beetern refuses to affirm or deny this report tat The representatives of the trunk lines and the Central Trnffij associa tion will hold a meeting iu New York today, at which will be discussed the recent redaction in freight car rates from three-fourths of a cent to one lialf of a cent per mile. The one -half cent rate is now in effect on all the roads in the Western association, com prising the lines west from Chicago and the Mississippi river, and an effort will be made to extend it to the Central association and the Eistsrn Trunk-line association. Minor Industrial Notes: Frank Pardee has been granted a patent on a breaker jig. The Tresckow coal washery will resume work in a few days. The Honey Brook collieries are becom ing somewhat scarce of empty cars. The new addition at the Crystal Ridge breaker has been put in operation. Railroad freight business, from Pitts burg east and west, is decidedly better. Work at the new No. 8 stripping, Crys tal Ridge, is prottresing rapidly. The ecoad steam shovel will be ready for operation in a week. Several buudred men will be employed there. "Pennsy's" shops at Altoona will here after be operated four instead of throe days a week. South Dakota hns increased the tax rate on railroads, telephones, telegraphs aud sleeping cars. With enough soft coal on hand, the Reading Iron company hopes Jo sturt its rolling aud sheet mills next week. The Lehigh Valley has issued uotices re. dnciug the time of shop bauds to eight hours a day aud five days a week. James F. Blnnchard, tlio artesian well borer, has succeeded in lluititiB a good Bup ply of wuter for Driftou collieries. Lehigh Valley rar aud upholstery shops at Eaatun, will be cloned this week, ou ac count of the coul Unfile suspension. The Delaware aud Hudson Canal com pany has placed tin order for 160 coal cars with the Jackson & Wood in company. Frank K. Sturgis, formerly president ot the New York .Stock exchange, has been elected president of the United States Cordage couipuuy. Heading's seven uational banks show a falling on in the aggregate deposits for the last quarter of f 1 I V, M'i.W, and iu discounts and loans of $100,701.1.!. Tlio Dickson aud Mauville broiikors of tho Delaware ntul Hu.lsou at Ciroeu Kidgo aro both undergoing extensive repairs, aud as a coiisuqut'iico both places are nil.;. Tlio Now York, Husqueunuua aud West ern couipatiy lias also li t au order for addi tional cars. Their order calls tor 400 cars aud is In the bauds of Moouey, Dougal it Co. The Stisquelmnunand Western road has placed un order with tho liogors Locomo tive Manufacturing compauy for eiht fi'eight-piuueiiger engiuee, tho delivery to be made iu six weeks. General Truffle Manager John Taylor, of tho Lehiuh Valley railroad, who with Mrs. Taylor, baa been abroad traveling through England, France und Germany, will reach borne about tho middle of August. The Kcbencctndy Locomotive company has received au order from the main Cen tral road for twelve mognl engines, tlve passenger engines and three six-wheel switch engines, tho order to ba complied with directly. . A Quarter Century Test. For a quarter of a century Dr. King's New Discovery has been tested, nnd the uiillious who lmvo received benefit from its use testify to its wonderful curative rowers in all diseases of Throat.Chest and Lungs. A remedy tli.it has stood tho test so long Bnd that has given so universal satisfaction is no experiment. Each bottle is positively guaranteed to give relief, or tho money tvill ben-funded. Itisadmitted to bo the most reliable for Coughs and Colds. Trial bottles Free a'. Jlatthmv Uro's. Drug Store. Laro size 50c, aud $1.00. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Stocks and Eundj. Tho toll iwmtf oompioto tahle snowing tha day's fluctuations in aetiva stocks is Buppliod and rovined daily by Lallar & fuller, slock brokers, 1-1 Wyoming avouno: Open- Uiih- Low Clou in;. est est. lag. Am. Cot. Oil Am Simar. UHMj 104 'i lol'H UK A. l. ; o. a r . i 4 Can. So. W 411)4 Cell. .N. J Chic & N. W lid Ml 101 1)4 B- & Q -4ig im "i-i Cbie. Ous. 74 'A 7:,i T i'ij C. C.C.& St. L.. 3iK 8i)4 UjH (.01., uoca.vai. s 1 1). Sc ii D.. L. &V 1ft! ba It D. &C.F is w 17T4 t.rie it J 1 11 1 i (4. E. Co :il M :ti i.ii Lake shore V'-Z I'M 4 llinifc l..u$ i.. acn nj ": Mi n!j H:iuuaic:u Ill'-.j II) JlOj J I.) Miss. Pac Sl4 Sl'-j 21 Nut. Lesil o79rf o-)j 17,s N. Y. N. E .... .... N. Y. Central !7 Vi 1)7 S.Y.. O. & W Mi ll?4 I4I4 141.1 N. Y.. S. & W 0. S. C. Co OI nj ) N'orth Pac :n; :ou l.K'. :it .oi tQ roc. pr i; 11 i.i Omaha 81)4 3))-4 Wb Pac. .Mail Ri-ttdliie 17 176 1" 17ts Roek Island l" ,' C1i a.T iH llt 1114 14- 8t Paul 5Ts -u w ST5i fin T., C. & I K J7' iK'l 17 Texas & Pac ' j M W4 Mj; Union Paeltic l' H'i xii. Walmsh n' 1V:h 1:1-14 i;i-H Wcntrn Union Mg I -4-!g 1II--4 . 1 j. t J'-U W. & L. E. pfd 40 3D u.l Chlctso Gr.H'i mid Provtitoni. SrnASToN, July 0 The following fjuota tious are supplied au I comiflt'id daily by Iu l!ar& Fuller.BtociC brouurs,Ul Vyo.am ave nue. WHEAT. .'"'v. Sept. D.c. Onenlnu lV o IliKbest Mi-V, 4:i!; 4-i'fi 4:.i 4.i -i4 4-4 1.0 .vest,, C ! su.if OpiMiir.,' ilinrhost l.uWftst cioiiutr UA'l rt. Opening IliUu-t Low.-st U-'MliL" poKi:. Open.iif; Hmlicst LnWt-st Closing L.AKD. Op-nini,' MiKhcHt Lowt-st t losinsr HHnitT nn;a. Cpinlnv HiKbi-Ht I.i.wost. (.losing .Viu :i!ti 1:1.7 I'.r.i l'7 1 1-7H PjV) i.;o 0:7 rs7 r.i'i tt.0 I i'ii7 ( r,7 i,7', i.i7 Ii'i7 Gi j (Ji7 New York Pri.duci Markot, New YoitK, July 0. Fi.ouu Neg lected, weiik. V'hp:at Dull, lower, closing firm; No, 2 red store and elevator, St.'a'io'i.'i.'c : nfioar, M&'Aa. i. o. b., o'-Xiii!.")-.; unciuded red, f;0.i.",5c. ; No. 1 northern, (W;4,'(53c. ; options wore dull and weak, but ;ilosod steady at J-jV. under )oalonl.,y: JJeceml er and optoiiibnr most active: nales included No. 2 rod elo-ing .Inly !!e. ; Aniri.st, f)lc.; heptember, 5.c: October, M'c. ; Decuinher, .'y'c.j My, (il'c. t;oiiN Fair y active, firmer: Nj. 2, i- h49c. elevator; BUJtnfiUc. nlloat; opt ions were moderately active and firm Alas! Time Has Destroyed Illusions. Unlike Pouca do Leon avo do not search for tlio Fountain of Perpetual Youth. Tho explorer of today Is tho business man. lie seeks success. Tho best aid to it is health. At all seasons does Johann Huffs Malt Extract help to give ithelp to keep it. At no time is it more useful than in these months of debilita ting heat. Look for sigualuro of "Johann lloff" on neck label and do not bo imposed upon with worthless imitations. Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sole Agents, NoW York. , at Kale, advance: September most ac tive; Julv, i'Je.; Auunst, i)Jic: tiv- temuer, 4bc; JNovomUer, 4Sc; Uecem ber, 45,'o.j ilay 4a Vc Oath Dull, sterniv: onthn'. dull.Qrmer: July, SSc; August, Vic Soptemhoi', .t.',c; uctooer, iiie.; io. a wlilta July, ilswo.j Bpot price-.No. a.S'Jo.: No. 2 white. 41a4'ic; No. 8 Chicago, 4J,: No. 8 iSc: Jo. 0 wbite, MIc; nusod westorn, 41a4'Jc.( white do., 40a5;ic; white state, 4tiiic. bEWf Steady, quiet; fuuuly SPJaH; ex tra mess, fSu8. &0. liKKF Hams Dull; $21. TlKHCBU liKKF Steudv. nnir.t! rifvpxtrn India muss, fl7nl8. Cut JIkats JVlore active, firmer; pickled bellies, PJ pounds at 7" . e - niciilcd khould- eis. 03c; pickled hatua, 11), a 1 2c. Kiiuui.tH- aunuual. Lakh I lull, llrnior. westorn Btpiim. closed Sr.JiO: city, t)?4.; July J7.30; fop teinber, J7.W, relimd, firm; continent, i.f)5; South America. 7.ia: compound, Bail'ic. I'oiiK Dull, steady; mesa. $MaU.5, extra prime (lUalU ."ill. M'Ti'Kit l'iriii, quiet; stiito dairy, hmu lHc: do, creamery, l.Val'Je, ; Pennsyl vaniu, do., loWal'.lc; western dairy, 11)411 li)c; do. creuuiery, lSalHo.; do. fac tory, 1 l)j14,Vc. ; tlgiiis, Wo. j imitation creamery, l")al"ic. CntiiSK Dull, easier; state lnni, TJja S'ic. ; do. fancy.'ic; lo. small, T'aDc; part skims, !!ia&Jc; full skims, l!a'.i2c. Kims Fair doniaiid; etate and Pennsyl vania, loalAXc; western fresh, liittl'l.'iic; do. per case, flail. Philadelphia Tallow Market. I'lilLAHKLi'iilA. July 2fi. Tallow was dull and iinchauc,od. Prices were: Prime city iu hngsheitdslj'Ha-t.Vc.; prime country, in barrels, 4,'sc; do. din k iu barrels, !),'ja 4o.j cakes, 4,'ac.; crease, UJic Cri'iioisiui: a Youni,' Lndy, "Sho would bo a pretty girl for but ono thine" "What's that?" asked Charley. George Her faw is always covered with purple and red blotches. Charley Ob, that's easily enough dis poned of. Used to be the hattio way my self, but 1 caught ou to the trouble ouo day, nnd got rid of it in no time. Ueorgii What was it? Charloy Simply blood eruption', Took n short course of P. P. P. 1 tell yo.t, it's the boss blood corrector. The governor had rliMiimutisin so b.ul that you could hear him holler clear across the country every time ho moved. l!e tried it, nnd yon know what an alhlotio old cent he is now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy a pointer, she would tbauk them lifter wards. All tlio drug stores sell it. " Foil colds, croup, nsthiua, bronchitis and sore throat uso Dr. Thomas' Keloetric Oil, and got tho genuine. Vilicn Dn!iy was sick, we gave her Castorta, When she was a Child, sho cried for Custoria, When slie became 5!lss, i;ho ehmi; to Ca.itoria, Wheasiio had Children, she gavuthau Castorkv WEAK MEN Y0UR ATTENTION ....... 1. i.,.i.., IS 17.I.1.I.0 TO TI1U Ureat Knglisb Utniedy, Gray's Sp;ciQc Kedicine IF YOl) SUFFER from ir!T;M. nrj'it " Vulls De bility, Weakness ot Body and Mind, Sperma torrhea, and Impotoucy, and all diseases that arise from over-iudulKOii'-y uiid self-abuse, iu Loss tf ilemory and Power, Dimness of Vis ion, Prematuro O'.d Aico and many other dis cuses that lead to Insanity or Uoiisumptiou tad anoariv itravo, write for a pamiihlet Address GlUY MhDKTNE CO.. Buffalo. X. Y. Tho Specific llediciue is m 11 by all drue ylsts at 5 per package, er bix packages for fo,or sent bv mail on reeeipt of money. i.nd with every JS.UU order Vc (1:ARAiTa 11 euro or monoy refunded, m ( "On account of eoe.nterleits wo luivj adopted tho Yellow Wrapper, the only Penn ine. Sold in t-crantou In- iiatth.avs hru.s ami rmizer Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates to? Farms, Lawns and Gardens. Hi!H Atlantic Refining Co. Slanufactuiors aud Dealers la ruminating and hlmtM Linked Oil, NuptU.H nn'l Gustv j linos of nil (tw'o.i. Alio Oremio, j pinion Cireaso und Colliery Com. pound ; kIso, h l:ir.;o lino I'm nifli.ie Wax C'andlej. Wp alao humllo tho Famotw CROW ACME OIL, the only family afoty turning oil in the mnrket. ViUIAM MASOM, Manna:P. OHioe: Coal Iixchuii.), Wyomiurf At ork nt lJluo liroo. ' AYLE3 WORTH'S Meat Market The Finest in the City,' .'The latest improved fur DlahlnRt and Apparatus for kepintf mat, buttor und ega. 33 Wyoming At , Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ava. coubt Housa UquAua. All kinds of Laundry woikfianrautoj! tha boot. it B C3 $11 MM P'iQn ny.vv mivoii V v On August Gail &Ax's NAVY Long Cut TOBACCO. ALSO r0 K I, KG A NT GOM) WATCH HS. 75 H ANDSOMi: MAXTEL CLOCKS. 100 lil.EUANT MCKKIj WATC1UCS. Savo your Empty Papsr Wrappar3. Your Dealer can furnish full particulars. IffFiOUIY SOAP I -r.nnr"--.-. . MARK. "SI Is an Improvement in Soap. In the Trolley Soup old inriliods and nwtcrinls ate s;iipuist.tkd by new ohm. Tho Trolley Soup leaves the clothes sweet and clean and lasts lunger than other soaps. Ask Your Grocer for It If he does not kep it send us order for 20 BARS FOR TRIAL FOR $1.00, or fur a liox 100 cakes 75 pounds $.1.50. Joseph p.Thoma.g Elinton, 227 Chestnut Street, Phila. SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co. U. E, CHOI'UT Proprietor. rrlll.S JIO'.'SK is strictly t'MnpT.mi-'(, Is ii"v I aid wi'll ruriiislu-1 iiikI l'K.V'-:i) T '111K 1'L'III.IO THK YICAIt KuU.VD; is lnc;it''d ra'.dv;iy l);twi't!n MDatf.no nil 1 .S.-rau-toti, (.a .Monti-DS) :i!i(l 1 j.'tcK (i .'iii!i i H:illrn:id, six niile-s from i)., 1, Ss W. It It. at Alford S:aii, uud ll'.-.milx fi'om Mmtr.io; ai-pa-'ity, ';itlity-l!vu; thren miuutug' walk f roui k 1!. tatl(in. COO!) I!I'AT. l !IMN(i TACKLE, ic-, 1 Jit-.E T.) Ill i:sis. Altitudn iilid'.t- lout, wimlllir' in thin io.iui-t thu Adirondack u:id Cutikill Mouu- tllllK I inn proven, plontjr "f slial-i and lioautifnl sc.-iit-rv. making a .Summer Hetjort unox-OL'iU-d hi b..;iiity and cb ipnoxs. lJuMonii; pH"ai.:i, swiiu.i, cro pi it tfr ound.f, &i: C'uld Spiin,' W'atur nnd pl.mty of Milk ltitU'4, 1LV lo per viuuU. 1.5U pi-r day. l-.'srar.,iini ticktits sddat all stations onD. L. & W. linus. i'ort. r mi.-i'ts all trains. ilFViXr. KlidK CO., Itir'p. rcpltal. 81X30,000. 1JKST tit.no HiWK IN THE WOULD. UA doiifir itirrtl U a dollar tartwl." . This Ladles' Solid Fronrh Donijiila Kldlliit. ton Loot dclivcr-.'d frt-o nnywhoro In the U.S., on oaxiooi; uenvcr-ja irt-o iinywi "Ti receipt oft J-;Mi,-tL ' 7 Or l'oBtal '. ' -. ' ' ,r " 3 Kqnals eve V' ' ''j 'old la nil V 1 AV. receipt of Cuafi, ilnnny Ortlc-r, AOio ler i..iu. . every way tho bonn nil rctnii smro inr AVo m:;ko this b(.ot yj oumolvpfl, tlioroforo wo lur- h Hit ii:u j'if tiyti mu icffo and If nnyono ti Lot Ballad, a wo will rt-.'nni! dio inuupy or n-nd nr.otlu-r pair, oncru loo or Conimnn con"?, widilis C. 1. L. & EH. VVV I'd V-5- 'l 1 to 8 and half Vllii I1. t:'''t-'B. lSenl yourskc; ." f- - ire will ft won. V"r-' tie,.,v''-.''".:!;, i FREE ft fn idi rrnrnri or irrn Ol;jL. BOSTON. aJLiSS. Sp'Cl'il trrtua to Jluiltri. MT. PLEASANT AT KIOTAIL. Cor' of thn tioft rpinllty fjr domostlc ns,nfl of allHizoR, ik-livorod Iu any lart of tha cit; St lowest prioo. tlidur loft at my ofRVo, NO. IIS, WYOMING AVr.NTJK, Hoar room, flrt floor, Thir I Nation-! Bant or Ment by mail or telephone to tha inlno, will receive prompt ntt.mtion. 1-1 cciul eonirarU will bo mado tor tho udi aJidUullvcl j of Uuckwhenl CoaL WM. T. SMITH. and vlpor id?Vj lemoi-'U. anrm ...unjieiKU i--:,nv r,u,, n':-"l liv, etn., miii-iv iiii-i.I l.y IM'. I'. Ill- iin -il luml'.u Pcin.-'ts . With ifrlllrnniiarnnliQIocort. Solii It Jl.lii'ltUWS lti;U8.,liriit!Biils. Bel ontun, l'a. 1 ;-i 11: Mitl-IT ci:irm;;-, t-.elie-l ly i.'.-J.i.ui,;. il. ftp 1 in..'-, tii.l lu-J-imff-. b .ok. ii;-i:tir.t.(l lr9inV.! i !'oi.!.l't-it...'.,ftvf l.y i.ll WlniiliniSrlnin P' 1 .tut.- .i.i, our ifyi r-'omnjj will rl-J puillvjlv nm. Hil U. .It.H (I).. rhtavw. IK.Jrj H E Scranton Tribune m JOB DEPT. . . . Every description of Job Printing in the best style of the art. Promptness aud Punctuality a particular point. Experienced, practical and com petent men in charge of each branch of the work. We do not make a sham show ot cheapness and curtail the quantity or quality of the work. Dancing Orders, Hangers, Cards and Posters a Specialty. BUI Heads, Note Heads, etc., printed at short notice. Estimates on all kinds of printing, small as well as large, cheerfully given. The Scranton Tribune Job Dept. 13 ONE Olf THE BE8T EQUIPI'ED E3TA11LIHHMKNTS IS ' XUECITV. AvAoAi"CASH nvvpiy PRIZES 15th, 1894, to consumers of Dr. EX Grewer Tlio riilbdclplili, Sp.v!nlt,nii1 Iih nmnr'lntoi stuifnf Kturlili ami (li-nnnn jiliviioniw, aro now iicrin.inontly lnr.-itml at, 8tl KI'IIL'CH ST., SCItWTON. Tho ilnctor is accrnilnntnof tlio Univorsity of Pfi.iiHylvaiiia.foriiioi-lv iloinoimtriiturrif plivBi r.l'wy and hiiivity at t'io Mi-ilk-o-('liirui t;ic:il C'nlli'iro if I'liiliid.-lphi.i. A Kiiccialty of riirniiio, Knrvous, KKin, llL-art, Womb and IllOIHl lllSiMSU'. DISEASES OF THE HERYOUS SYSTEM Tho symptoms of wlildi aro dl.zinosH, lai-k of conliiii'iii-o, H'Xiinl wimiImicss in nn-n nnd wo man, ball r iBiiiK in tbo throat, iotB llo'iting bffnro tlio ('yon, Iush of memory, mm Hi: tui-iui-rontrato tlio mind on ono Hiilijocl, cilv Btartlod wbon Kiuldoiily fimlii ii to, and dull, (HHirrwii'd mind, which linllts thorn for licr o actual duties of life, nuiiiiiiLliap pincKs impni-siblc; ditrcMdun til" ad inn of tlio heart, rantitiK Hush of heat, dpri-aioii of ppirits, evil forrbijiliiik'H, cowardico, fear, (Iri-ams, mi-lain holy, tiro eimy of cumpany, fooling an t Ircd in tlio moriiini; as when n tir Inir, bicU of ent ity, liorvoiiRneHs, trembling, confusion of thoimlit, depi-o.4iin,Cnstip:ition. weakness of tho bnilis, etc. TIiomi hi aU'ected should consult un iniiiinliatuly and be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you hnvo been pi vn up by your physicim cull upon tho doctor ami be cMiuinie l. J 1 j cures the worst cases of Nervous Uulility.Scr e fula.t lid S'. res.l atniTbPiles.Feiiiiilo We.ik nuss, Ali'ectlonH of tho tye, Kar, Noso and Throat, istlmia, lieiil'niss, Tumors. Cancora and L'rip pleH of evory (lescriition. Consultations fi-co and str;ctly sacred and confidential. flico hours daily from tla. iu. toll p. in. Sunday U to Z I Robinson's Sons' Beer Brewery L'annfacturers ot tlio Cclobratci PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, M Mmi Eank cf Scranton. ORGANIZED 1S72. CAPITAL, SURPLUS, Tlil bank ofl'.'n fn i;c;,i..;tov rvcry fnrillly uvi ai l. ,1 hy their Imlmirrs, buiU liens nnd reHpitiiMliiiiitv. Speciul Mllentluu e.Tll In IiiihIiiohs no count, lutuieat j.ni.l un tiiuo Uepolu WlLi.TAM rONM-I.f, T'irsldrnt. Oi.O. II. ( AH.1N, flco-l'i-iildoiit. H II.l.l.;u )l, K, ti,leh miticcroits. tV Ittl 11 111 Council, tioorsn It. 1'ntlln. Alfrctl Hand. James Aicbbal.l, iieni-y '.Ivllii, jr., William X. fcuith Lutlior t; ..n..n TIIIO National Bani of Scraatoi lUJAMZHD 1SJJ. CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30,000. FAMOTX HINES.n'reiildent W. W. WA i'SON, Vice Preaidjnt A. E WILLIAMS, faultier. cnti:cTnn. BAMtTBr. Hinm, .iamot M' Evt:nnAtiT, lHVtNd A. KlNlllt. I'lKIKT a FINI.KV, JoStrll J. jKKJiytf, HI. H. KliMRMFIU. C'uas, f. llArriinwi, John T. Poiuuu. YV. W. Wa wun. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL Tills bank Inyltoa tha patronage of business men aud firms generally. BUSINESS AND PI10FESSI0NAL I'll Vnlt 1 AN.i A.Mt M l.Hr.O.NN Dli. (i. KluiAR UKAN has removed to 1116 Spruco street, heiaiiluu, la. (.Just op I osito couri-houso sjquai e. Dli. A. J. CONNEl.L, tlllleu Sol WashiuKtoQ RVenio. loiuer hpruca atreet, over 1 rai.cKo minis i.tore, ltesidonco, ili'i Vino St. Ulnco hours: iu.dotoiaiu in. and '4 to una t M to 1.-JU p. in. HUMday, i! to 3 p. to. Wt. i. i. Al.l.KX. Ullico cor. Lack I-' wanna and Wasliiuirton aves. : over Loon ard tli.io stole; ol.ico hours. 111 to 1- a. m. anJ lito 4 p. in.; eveuiuiis at luulilouco, OlliN. U nsl.ilitoll live. Ilf.l.'. 1.. I KI.V'l'rieTtieo hiinied to 1)11 1 eases of til j liyo, Kar, Noso and Throat; illlco, lH Wyoiuiuavo. hosideuce, Ui Viii (treol. ( J". I-.M. tJA'l'KS. lii Washnmlon Aveiiin. I ' I 'llieo hours, 8 to u a in.. 1.UU 10 K und t 1 1 S p.m. lle.-iri nco;jill .Madi- oa uv nu IU1I.V i,. Wh.VX'., ,i. l., Oilleo. !!! and oT I'otmimmvealtii buildini,'; residi-nco ill ...udiHonuvo; oltlco hours. U to li :.' to I, f t-i t; Suiidn.ys 'i 'l t-H. evi-ninm at residence. A peelalty mado of di'eas"S of tlio eyo, ear, iiosj and throat and (,'yiiocoh.sy. J) It. h A v. Hi l'i -in.Avo. ; I to II p. in ; ciillo:;. .-tn.,.1 ,,MI-II. illt.-illll I iei a no ii is, in run. l. v v i:ns. I M. C. KANi.'K'S Law and Colleetion of- I . lice. No, ili7 Kiii-u.-o nl., opposite horoit l!ou-e. Hcraiitwn, i'a.; collections u tpecialty thioiudioot l'i sylvauiu; reliablo eorrospouU- eiits iu every county. , j Kiinoi'.-i A: iiA.,iJ, Attorneys and founs.d lors at Law, Commonwealth butldin HUoUlllKUiU III! W. 11. JlKS'l JtoiiACi-: IC. llANa V. 11. Jl -SL-I', .III. UMI.I.ALB. WAlYltKX K.SAl'i'. Aitor noys aiel Counselors ut La'.v, Jli-reiblican I uildiiK', Washington uve.. Sei antoii, I'a. lATTI-:iiMJ.S & ILi'uX. 'Atlon.v.i and i (-i.ousellois at Law; oUicunO' uud b Liorary Lul)d..,L'. buianton, I'a. KoMwiti.t, 11. rArraiiHOM, Vll.l,IAM A. Vll.l'IIX. V i.i ILEit IIAN'l), WILLIAM 1." il AND, At J torm-ys and ( 'omisellors, C'omuiouwealth I nil liter. Hoi.uis 111, 11 and Jl. i 1'. IttiVLL, Attoriiey.at-Law.Nos.l'J and - "'u' !'"T b'tildiu.', Wasliiiinton iivoneo. J J L.N it Y SKK'l'y L"aw"o;liees in i'rila I I buildini;, l2il U'ashii.u'ton aviiue. jltAMC 'I'. Olvi.l.L, Attorney at Law. ltooia J fi. Coal i'xchaiip.. Scranton. I'a. ill L'I ON W. I.CWKV, I Atfys'227 Wt.Uiin? C. II. VOX S'liiki'll, (ton av (. H. Hipiaro jAi.KS V. ( JAKl'i Hill, Attorney at Law, .1 roo'iis ill, IV! ntul l)". Commonweu'lth b'lV- t'AMb'LL W. LDi.i.Alt, Attorney at Liw. I (inice, :i 1 7 Sin-r.cest., Scranton, In. ' A. WA'I'UKS, Attorney at Law, til i J. Lackawanna nne.. Seiaiifon. I'a. 1) I'. hiUTII. Couieebor at Law. onico. . r.-'ito-; al. im. V; t'oininenwi.aitn huildinL'. a ' K. I'l i' ' 'liLii. Att-iiney at Law, Com v nio'iwea tit beiiiiin.:. Srianton, i'a. I . COMKliVS, :t'l Si. nice si. J) Ii. Ll-if 'L( Hi LK. j ttnrnev Conns Tie ro. tiated on real estate sei i.rilv.io.-i Sprue". j) K. KILI.AM, Atlornevat-Law. Jai'Wy. '.im.ii.: ;n - inie. - t union. SCIIOi'i S SCHOOL, OF TiiK LAC'RA WANNA. Scran- O lull. I'a.. lirnnares hov:. Mini eirls fnr....llr.. or bui;::iosd: tliorouihly liaina vouiil- cbildrrtn. Catuiouuo at leuuujt. ilr.v. TnoMAft M. CAM V.'AI.TljU 11. l'.l lil l. ji.ss voitci:sTEi-. KiNu;:HUAitf i:n 'i and tchi.ol, ill Adams avenuo. I'upili r. ceivel at all times. Next torm will opou S"l t.'iiher :i. tii.N i ivr. rM. A. TAr-'i'. L.l.i.is,7l':l "'TtirWash". ' itmt oi Ave. Hp.-cialty in l'orcolain Lest' rations. Crown and I'r'dtrn Work. 1 C. LAUliACll, fuucou Dentist. No, llj V ' . . votnnitr av. v- --t AT I'l IV. ..!M7lVll-y."i COINS. rpL'l: ijr.l't'ltl.lO Savings and Lean Asso jt ciation willloau vim in .ney oa eai.-r terms uiid pay you better on lnvustmeat than any "'her LssiKitioa. IVI on S. N. CAi.LLN T'F.I). ll-ii... Hans- Vui'dMv sl.Mis. ( 1- I'LALIC U CO., Seelpnien, Flonsti VJ end Nurserymen; ttoie 14U Washin'toti rvenuo; preen in itn:o,UJ North Main uveuuo; 1 tore lotel-l-iai-. 7s-.' n: vs. UliANH t'Mib 'll-'.A Co., .lon.'s Kr-.s. W IKK Si V.V.I SS. I OS. KL'KTTKL, ni l Lackawanna avennui ' S.-rar.tnn, l a., irannfp ,,( Wtr.- s(.r,...ns no i i t s ami i:TArr.AXT. "'j'lli; VtT:.!IN.viEK. U;-2W Wyom.na .1 nvn. liooit'.. h -a'.ed with stei.n: all mod ern lmprover.i nis. C. 11. Tiiumas, i'rop. 'V-ilV. l'LK CA1-K. l'iaud 1J7 Franklin avo-1- nuo. . liiatts reas.. nable. 1'. Zii.iii.i-u. Proprietor. V' L&i'jUAo'il-'H HdiKl. W. i. i-v'HL"CK. X.iii.i(tr. .uteenth street, ono block ast of liroaaway, nt L'mou t-iimi'i', New York, .inerb-.-iii plan, f.i.Op.-r day ai d upward. 'CYXL LoL'si-;, Liiropean plan; .(.-ool looms, l oeii day and uihu liar uu; plied wltu thu best. I'. IT- coYyr., rronrlctoT. (Jl liANTON HOOK, n -ar 1)., L. A- W. pa ' lenijer depot. Conducted on tho Kuropeaii j Ian. Ym toh Kiii-m. Proprietor, i MIAMI (.TON TK AL. 'Ille larsost alld liesT i;iuppc. h.otel in Alleiaunvu, i'a. j ratoj I-and S.'.uO per day. Vii'ioi't n. rAnsrn, Proprietor. AU( Mill-.; t. A1S A: liCL T I, Al-clllteet.. liooius 111, liCLT'T, At-L'lllteet.. Koon: r L'i ami "e t oniieoiUM-illtil I. id V. l ratltoTi. L V, Al.i'liii, A'rehit.ct. 0:lleo7icar T't I it IV it V'jis'.iiu'. ion av -ti'ie. If L. l'.UoWN'. Areli l;. Architect, Price I bn:kPii:. Il'.i ashinxto-.i Ave.,Srrantot!. MM III. I AM'Ot S. 7a r i: u 's t ' i:i i i i :stu'.vm i'.sio ToTi .1 ) l alls, picnics. pavlioH, reception, wed-i,in..-s aud concert work furnished, l'or terms i il.lro'.-j K. .1. P.auer, conductor, 1 IT Wjoininu HV".. over ll.lllierl's musie stove. oirroN D. swauts-wholesale lumber. Price lniil.'il.i , Scranton, Pa. 1 lOAUlll-.i; LKOTHI'.UM, PlIINTI'.Us)' Jl supplies, enveloees. paper l.npi, twinn Warehouse, lliU Washin,;tou uvo., bcranto-i. Pit. 11 UKSi.X AND C'AimiAHKS l-'Ott SALE ut I r;;j Capons", i venue JJ, L. I'OOTI', Apent. 'HANK 1'. l KinVN & CO.." WHOLE" I salo den 'ers in ooilware, Cor tao and oil Cloth. i'.II W. LucktiM atitift avenue. LV.KA 1'i.NN liO.-S, lnuld-rs imd iamtrac i tors Yards: Corner Olive si. and Adams t:ve ; eornor Asjist. uud Penn ave., Scranton. Tlie GEXUIXE Ncv llavca ill" Pianos ESTABLISHED 18G0. Kew York Warerooms Xo. 80 Fifth Avenuo. E. C. RICKEB & CO,, Bole dealers iu this suction. OrriCE-121 Adams Aro., Telophono D'IM'a For Delicacy, For purity, nnd for Improvement of thooora I plcxlon, nothing equals Pozzoni'r Powder. If Rll ftlhiinbr THE DICKSON MAMUFACTURING CO. 6CKANTON AND mLKfCS-EARRE, PA 1IANUFACTORER8 0 Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Aut'.racito coal aaod exclusively, ' insurlna cleanliiieas und comfort, TIME TAIII.K Ii EIFECT MAY 20, 1891. Tmlu Icavo Hcranton for Pittston, Wllkee. Tarro, itto., at An li a. m.. 12 Da II Oil l ull, 'L) , 7.10 p. in. 1 For A'huitic City.' 8.20 a. m. ' ' l or Now York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.23 (express) a. in., 12.5U (nxjirosa with Buffet parlor car), 8.110 (express; p, m, Bunday, tli Fim MAnrn CnrNK, Am.Hntown, Prthls v' .."''W"1 1''"laiiki,phia, 8.a) a. m.. BmAirt Vis ! m0XUUIit l,hiMe) v- o ,F,u,r L'".N0 BiiABc'n, Oceas Giiovb, otoH at 8.211 vvtth t.iroinfl, car) a. m., p. m. tor lteadiiiif, Lehanpn and llarriaburg, via 2 i I ' p m '"' 145U; 6,' p-m- WiaY' For l'ot taville, a. m., 12.50 p. m. ItetnrtiHtK leave New York, foot of Liberty f in "iVi V.U, r,v,'r' Mt !uo (""Press) a. m.. l.lo, l. A 4..U (express with Buirot parlor car p. m. hundav. 4.ll a. m. . Leave Philadelphia, Headlnz Terminal, 9.0J a. in , 2.0d and 4 Hi p. in. Hunday, a. iru ihioiii;h tickets to all points at lowojt ratoi may ho had on application iu advnuoo to tha ticket uicout ut thj tuition. U. I'. BALDWIN, J. IT. OLlIAt'HES, 0'-Aaent (leu. Supt DELAWARE AND HUD bON 11 AI LliU AD. rommenelinr ilay 211, 18H2, truiiw will run us follows: Trains leave lirldno btroet Station. Keranton, for Pitt ..... Mlll t. 4 ir fUDv i"ii. "iiaeK-narro, eic, n.'w, V ff U " - ' -la, tm r una ii. t-j p. ill. A r For New York and Pblla- ' , , dolphia, 800a. in, 12.10, ijt Z.. 4.10 and 11.30 p. m. For Iloiiosdalenroin Delaware, Lackawanna mid v. ostorn depot;, 7.00, B.UU, 10.10 a.ia, 12.UU Hi., 2. 17, 5.10 p. in. Fur Carboudalo and intermediate utatlona, 5.4'J, ;oo. 8.:, 10.10 a. m., 12.00 m., 2. 17, 8.2."j,6.10, l 2i and 0 S.", p. m. ; from liridife btreet DopoW 2.ol a. in., 2. Land 11 06 p. m. Flint express to Albany, Saratoga, the Adi rondack Mountains Boston and New England point, fi. 40 a m arriving at Albany 12.43. rarat'ii.'a 'I'M p.m. .and leavim; Hcranton at 2.17 p. in., arriving ut Alimny at.W.' p. iu., Sara toga. 12 V, a. in , and B .ston, 7.00 a. m. 'J lie only direct route between the coal floldl and lloston. "The Leading Tourist' 14out of Amei iea ' to the Adirondack Mountain re hortii, Lukes (iuorjje and Chauipluin, Montreal, etc. Timo tal'Ies nhowini? local and throuith train Borvlco between stations on all divisions Dela ware and Hudson Hysteiii, may bo obtained at ull Iii.lawaro and Hudson ticket ofllceH. 11. (i. YOUNG, J. W. BL'HUICK, Eeeoud Vice 1'reaidotit (ion. Pas. At, . ay u, im. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia an4 New York via. D. A' ii U K. at 8 a.in., 12.1(1 1 and 11. ai p. in via D., L. & W. U. It., 6.00, fc.'H.ll.) a. m., and 1.I4J p. m. Leave hcranton for Pittston and Wilkes tarro v'a D.. L & W. K. K., 0.OJ, 408, U.iU a. in , l.ijo. ion. 0.07. i. -o p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Hazlston, Pottvillo and all points on tho Beaver Meadow and Fot taville branches, via E. tc W. V.. tiio a.m., v.a D. U H. Ii. K. at 8 a.m., 12.10, 2.K 4 .10 p.m., via 0., L. & W. B. K., 0.00, b.Oi ll.2ila.iii., LSI, a..iu p.m. Leave h ranton for Bethlehem, Eauton. P.oj.-linu, Harri'-bui-gt and all intermedial poinu v a D. A- II. It. IL, Ham., 12.10, lLlti p.m., via D., L. & W. H. K.,6.00,8.08. 1LS0 a. m Lao p.m. Liavo Scranton forTankhannock, Towanda, Elinita. Itbaea, Oenova and all intermodiite po uts via D. ic II. K.K.,l'.W a.m.,Lil0and 11.3 p. in.. via D. L. Ss W. K. K.. 8.0-i a.m.,l.H0 p. ra. Lexve Scranton for K"ohstor, Buffalo, Kl BK.iva Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all polati west via D. A: U. It. ft. 0.07 a.m., 12 10,.1.U1.J P- in., via D. L. ic W. R. B. and Pittston JunctViii, 8.08 a.m., 1-30, 8.o0 p. m., via E. & W. It K..S.41 p. m. I'or tunica aud th9 west via Salimmoi. via D. ,v It. it. P.. t'.uT a.m.. I3.1t),ti.i5 p. ra., via D, L. is W. It. Ii. , 08 a.m., 1 l and 8.07 p. m. l'uilinan parlor ud aieepitm or L. V. chair cars on nil trains b-tureen U & B- Junction or Wilkes-Barro uud New York, Philadelphia, BnlTalo mi l Huspeniion Bndire. Uul.LIN II. WiLBUK. Oen. bupt. East Div. C1IAS. S. I, KB. O-n. Past. Aif't. Phila.Pl. AW NiNNEMACHIiB.Ass't OdU.Paaa. Ag't, South Bethlehem, Fa. DEI.AWAKK, I.ACKAWAXNA " AND WESTERN RAll.KOAD Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express for New York and all points Kaat. 1.40, 2.jU, 6.1.', ts oiaud O.iaa. in.; 12 &i and 3M p. m. Lipress tor L.iston, Trenton, Philadolphta ami the South, 8.00 and V.Si a. m.; U6 uud 'i.bl p. UL Wa.him;tn and way stations, 8.55 p. zn, Tehyhanna accommodation, 010 p. m. l.xpr ss for Biutihamton, Oswego, Elmira, roniin, Hath. DaubVillo, Mount Morris and Butlalo, 12.10, 215 a. ra. and 124 p. m., making clone conttectious at Butlalo to all point in tli West, Northwest and Southwest. Bath accommodation, a. m. Binghnniton and way stations, 1- 37 p. m. isieuol.ou acvomniouuliuu, at 1 p. m. an! 6,1" n. in. Blnehauiton nnd Elmira Express, 6 05 p. m. Kxpresa for Cortland, bjracuso, OnwetfO. L'tica aud HichfitU Springs, 2.15 a. in. and L2i p. m. Ithaca, 2.15 and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.24 p. m. loi'Nortliumberland,Pittston,Wilkes-Bsrra, Plymouth, Illnomsburg and Danville, miking cliwe coiimvtions at Northumberland for Williaumport, Harr.sburg, Balumora, Was higton nnd tbo Sonlh. Niirtiiumberlaud and Intermodlato etationi, 6.0H. U.io a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. in- Nauticofd sua intermediate stations, 80S and 11.20 n. ra Plymouth and iutormefliata btatiomi. 3.ot'and 8.5; p. m. . l'ulliu.in parlor and sleeping coach os on all express trams. , , ... ... For detailed information, pocket tlm? Ubles, etc., apply to il. L. Smith, city ticket offloa, to La. kawaiiuaavouue, or depot ticket otno. VE YrKK. ONTARIO AND WESTERS x RAILWAY CO. TIME TAIII.K IN HTF.CT SVXDAV. JUNE St Tr.iliw leavo Scranton for Carbondalo at 8.30, lu.'ki a.m. and 6 lop.nv For Hancock Juuctiou, 10.55 a.m. and 6.10 p.m. Trains leave Hancock Junction for reran ten, Ha m. slid 2 05 p m. Trams leave Cni l'ondala for Scranton a' 7 21 a m. and 3.31, 5 lit p.m. St'lt AT(tN i' I VISION. In I licet Juno2llh, ISflt. Korlh Hound. HOUIII HOUIld. 20.1 2011 '201 202 S04:2OO Stations L, r ? a e rt - V. : C W .3 y. ; (Trnlns Pnlly, Ex- I cepi Minoay.) IAitIvo Leavei Ml N. I. Fronkllti 8t, 741 , 7 55 , 810 , 7 in! 7 00i West 4'.'ud Hlreet weehavikeii Arrlvp LeaveU Ml M 8 20 I i:l . 8 ;0, 1 O'.i . 7 5-iivrn1 . t r. 1 1 1 - ti-. 7-t" I2 40A lluni'iek Junction llnnceck SinrllKht. I'reston I'nik COIIIO 6 001 2 ' 5i 6f6 1! 11 , 6 IN' 22i , 6 25l 4 811 . 6 3 J; 2 41 p 7!8'l2ii 10 111, 7 3:ii'J Ifjinoi rsataa Oe-.l T HMiuri- w is, 7n-'ii ji ;w n.Mlii .hi n is Poyntello lleliiinnt Pleasant Mt. I'liloudalo Forsel city Caibondale White ItrldRO Jluylleld Ji-rinyn Archlliuld Win ton Feckvlllo Olyphnut Blckson Throop Providence l in k Place Mrautou 64 3 501 4 M 2 6S; 4 M 8f 5 05 am 608 8 10, 6 18 II !,'! A Mi 10 CM. 7 10 7V4 8 341 681 fllf-lfllliO, ti 12 fti 4 il .... 10 01 0 11,11 -:: Il 01 OM tl H' 8 5; o ac.ri i ir.. ksi (li.'lll ll 8 Ml 6 SMI 07j 8 41 fi'Jtill 0.V Hit 7 27(3 881 5 87 fi 82i8 43f5 42 81 8 451 6 45 5 51 661 7 4iH 8 61 7 41! 7 48 7 52 8 Ml 8 68. 6 63 4 Oil 6 04 4 07 6 07 .14 6 111 II 01; D.W II 14 II i'l 8.W 7 66 4 10 6 10 8 00 4 14 811 8 02'f4 17 6 18 609 4 Si), 6 0 fli 111 llik',7 K 3.' 0 11)110 &R; tj 8ii P M A II A I.Mve Arrive1 A Mr MP M All trains run dally except Bunday. f. riKiil0.es that ti olua slop on signal for pas. Bcneui'H. Mcure rnics via Ontario Western before piivclinlnir tickets and nave money. Day and KlhstiCjLiiresstotho West. .I.C. Aiidwson, Gen. Pass. Agt. ' T Flltcroft, Div. I'oss, Ast. scranton, Pa. General Office, SCEANTON, FJk, rt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers