T1IF, SCTiANTON T TH II UJsTE FRIDAY MOItNIKtt. JULY 27. 181)4. 3 MATCHLESS SHAW HMOS. STELLE & SEELEY, 134 WYOMING AVE. VZBEH, SHAW, KMr.icsoir, J MiWIiNOLAND .FINEST LINE IN THE CITY POR THE PKICEX WKW ASI) l:COM) HANI) am. rmcss GOOD BREAD -USE THE- And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB SALE TO nit; TRADE B The Weston MID Co EEWARS 0? COUNTERFEITS 1 THE fif ND'NE POPUlftB Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS E5. & Co., Imnrint.il rn Each Clftf. G-arney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. llLKi UOL'ni'i 6'JtAliK. Dr. H. B. V7ARE I EACTICE LIMITED TO THE EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT 406 Spruca Street. Offl:e Hcurs: j 9 TO 11.30. To 5. PERSONAL. Senator nnd Mrs. 51. E. McDonald and son are at Atlantie City. N. A. Ilulbert and family have left for a short stay iu York state. N. A. Hnlbert and family are visiting friends in New York eity. Miss .Mnrau Duffy, of Price street, is spending a seasoa at Mt, Cobb. Deputy Prothonotary Myron J. Kasson leaves today on a ten-days' visit to bis father at Montrose. Professor Hoyden Evans and bis select singers will jjivo a farewell concert on the evo of their departure to Europe. Alex Woolsey, W. F. Ilowells, Edwin Wnrren ami Ueorge Sctiyndler, popular mniibers of tho Biiighaiuton firedopart ment, are visiting in the eity. Miss Bertha Powell, daughter of County Tieaxiirer I). W. Powell, retnrnad home yesterday after a plea-ant visit among lriend at New Philadelphia, Ohio. Fred Weichel, jr., Charles Silvis, John M. Conrtright, Nathan Collenilar, Fred b'one, Charles fctone nnd Jud Colleadar, if Clark's Summit, have returned home from Buttermilk Falls on a llslun; trip, and brought about ninety flue bass. T. K. Lnufcr, the versatile editor of Representative Howard Jlutchler's Easton Express, paid a flying visit to .Scrnuton yesterday and was shown some of tho at tractions of the city. Mr. Laufer regards Bcranton as the second eity in the state, in point of life and enterprise, Pittsburg ranking Hrat. Thomas Voylo. the experienced steno grapher of tho Scranton Supply and Ala chiuery company, has been spending the past lew days At a lake in New York elate with a party of youug ladies from Oly pha:.t and vicinity. He returned last evening much delighted with the pleasant time he enjoyed. Dr. Uiiniel B. Strong, of Starrneca, left his tine stcck farm and superior horses long enough yesterday to run down to r-craiiti.n and shake hands with lor:d friends. The doctor has a 8-year-old geld, ing that ho predicts great things of. The animal won first prize at the wreat Bend races the other day, and may be entered nt one of the Driving park matinees some Saturday soon. Mr. nnd Mrs. John E. Roche and a party of young ladies leave this city this morning lor L.uke vvinola, where they will Sjieud tie next two weeks. The younz Indies or tno party are: Misses Rose Morrison and Mame Campbell, of t'arnoudale; Agnes ond Jlamio Nail in, Kittio nnd Maggie Baunon, Mary Murphv, Kutharine Kelly, Sarah Walsh and Katha rine Kenrns, or this city. They will stop at the Hiawatha cottage. fcr.inton' Buiineas Ir.toro.tt. Tub Trihune will soon publish a care fully compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Hcrnnton aud vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure views of onr pnblic build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citizens. No , similar work baa ever given an equal rep resentation of Scrauton's many iudus tiies. It will bean invaluable exposition of our business resources. bent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be an nnequallfd advertisement of the city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail ot good results to those concerned as well as the city atlarge. Representatives of Tub Thidunb win call upon thosb wiiornt namks are desired in this edition aud explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences In tnis edition will please have notice at the officu. Muiio Boxes Exoluslvly. Best msde. Play any desired number of tunes, uautscm & Hons., manufacturers, 1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orcheitrial organs, only (5 and $10. Specialty) Old mnsio boxes carefully re paired and Improved with new tnnes. mm orbans p 1 II Foe to Dyspepsia - SNOW WHITE FLOUR . II OF WEST 1 Dr. Eagerly Discharged on Chirga Br:o2M by Kerl and Connors. KEELEY WAIVED A BEARING Will Make His Defonse In Quarter Sessions Court New Sinking So ciety Organized to Competo at the Septembsr Eisteddfod - Officers That Are Proposed Personal Men tion and Many Minor News Notes of Intorest. A continuation of the oases of Will lam A Cnunora against Dr, Hagitorty for lteopinir mil niHiiitainiiitr a if nm irlitiir linuso, ami Michael K-eloy fur nmnaiuu tne sti)i, whs heard yester day morning t 9 o'clock before Al derman T. T. Moittan, ot the Fifteenth ward. Attorney J.ihn 1! Collins -pened the case for thw plaintiff, llu stated that all gamblinir irid similar houses lira, nucordinsr to thu common and statute laws, imisiiiiC'S. "It is mi uuli'tfil way of obtaining money," he a:tid, "and we claim that those people i-sr.-iblisiied n '.'iimiti:,' house. Tlie net of March 31, 1MG1, says they should be abolished. Ic is n y.rent temptation to onr younir men whoso welfare !- oftimes ruined hy indul gence in this uufiiVious business." Mr. Keoley was then sworn nnd slated Ids pliio of business wis ut i)JG Lackawanna avenue. IN s li I it was a place similar to tho Stock i xch-itu:-" with tlio exception that they had homes names on the UlaeKDoarit imteau oi ijrain, etc. On being fur:lmr exam ined ho s:iid that Dr Ilaoirty was in no way ennueete 1 with tip establish ment. Mr. Kn-ley s-dd hi only part ii r is n Mr Kirk whos offix is sitn !it I on ililTrrent rnco tracks at New Voi'k and other pi lees. Fvrfd Stalk attorney for the d feiise.stuto I that he saw no reason why Dr. II Kk'criy should bo h-dd, as no evidence could ho produced milking him competed with the nffiir. II vr;u discharged. A iieurinjr was waived by Keel-y in the cisesof George K-rl and William Connors ntoinst lum. Dr. Hiigiturty becoming his bail for ;;:J;)0 in each instance for nppearancs at i Uo nest term of court. SIKGIHG SOCIETY ORGU4IZI3. WHICorrpite at tho EhttdJfcd in Sup- tembsr. For many nights past voealists havo 1 eeii boldiiior meetings in Daughorty's hall on North Main avenue. A marked interest is now bein taken in nimic il matters, on ncc.iunt of the eisteddfol to be held in L .urel Hill psrk in Sep tember. This sooioty is known as the Mendelsiohn Choral society. John H. Kelly has been elected temporary chair man and Thomas Marshall secrotary. William W. Evans was appointed com mittee on hall. A rehearsal of the so ciety will occur this evuniug in St. David's hall. The followinc committee wag ap pointed on permanent organization: William Vt. Evms. Rfse Davies, D.ivid Stephens, Rjesa Hopkius aud Eiias Williams. These are the names of the officers submitted by the com mittee aud approved by the choir: President, W. G. Daniels; vice presi dent, Roland D. Thomas; general sec retary, John It. ,d wards; recording secretary. Thnmss Marshall; treasurer, Joseph D. Lloyd; conductor, William, W. Evans; executive committee, John T. Watkins. Thomas (Jr. Evans, W. U. Daniels, John H. Kelly and Joseph I'. Lioyd. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEW3 NOTES. fTlio West Sid offlco of tha SPn.NTo Thi I've 1:4 located at 113 North ilain ave niio. where subscriptions, advortis jmeuts and communications will roeoivj proiuut atten tion. J Police Officer James Saul is on his annual vacation. Mrs. J. II. McNulty of Hampton street, Is at Lnlio N mola. Miss Clara Fuller of Cnrbondale, is tho guest ot friends on this side. Z. A. Stone of Lafayette street, is visit ing his lather at JJoylestown. Mrs. Cavanauiih, of Chestnut street, buried a child yesterday arternoan. Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, of Hampton street, is recovering irom au illness. David Jenkias, of Jackson street, has ac cepted a position at the star drug store. Miss Sarah Oilgallnn, of Archbald, is visitiug Mrs. J. T. Kearney, of Jackson street. Mrs. P. II. Davis ot Shamikin has re turned home after a visit with friends ou this side. Orlando Wilson, of Philadelphia, hns been tprnding the week with frieuds ou this side. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Caw ley, of Price street, was buried yesterday afternoon. The Tabernacle Congregational church will run uu excursion to i'arview on August 10. Mrs. Michael Timlin, of Pittston, lias rot timed home after a visit with friends on this side. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Dimmick, of North Sumner avenue, are spending tho week iu Asnury v arK. Robert Morris Lodge, Order of Ameri cau True Ivorltes, held a business meet ing last evening. W. L. Nash, of North Hvdo Park ave nne, is taking inventory at the Bliss mine, turnover towusnip. T. H. Joner, E. E. Rjbathan and Rev. vv. S. Jones, will leave tomorrow on tour through Wales. R. R. Chase and daughter Katie. North Sumner avenue, are. visiting friends at Juiar.sioru aim summit mil. The yonnc people of the Sumner Avenu Presbyterian church will give a dimo ou teriniumont aud fan social on Tuesday evening next. VEROICT IN SHE JINSKY CASE. Juiy Cont.riti It.lf with Saylnar H. Killed En worth Givln.ky. Coroner Kalley was in Archbald last evening to. inquire into the cause of the death of Ewortli Gi- yinsky, who was shot by'Michael Sht vitmkv on Monday ufternnoii. The jury sat in the offloa of Justice of the Peace Mnnley uud heard the testimony of several witnesses. There was considerable difference in tho evidence; so much so that the jury was unable to discern what malice, if nny there was in the shooting. They, there fore, merely said In their verdict that the death of the deceased resulted from a shot from a revolver la the hands of Michael Shovinsky. MRS. CORWIN'S POSITION. Was Unjustly Arrested, She Says, and Wants Dimiiii. Mrs. Elizabeth Corwin, of the North emu, turongn Attorneys Uulslander vosonrg, yesterday beiran a trespi ISS8 uiv iu i us sum or jUjUuu dams against John Gnv ges vis. She alleges that on Jan. 23, 1894 John Gnv earned u vrnrrnnt tn I,. Issued against her before Alderman JUaiiey, or the Thirteenth ward, on tha cnarge or assault and battery, of w hich hnre she disclaim all pnilt, anil li'irires that such suit was brnniibt ns lh,o result of a conspiracy to injure bcr ond character. Constable lWnnrd Davis served the warrant on Mrs. Corwiii; and at the hearing t tin alderman rtiwwd her to furnish $200 hail to await the action of he craud jury. Kho was nnable to furnish bail an I was imiiriau-ied for welvo hours, until bail was procured by her. fnrthe indiLrnii i-i oho claims dam uhb iu the sum of sfJljOyi). TWO RENOWN ;0 SCULLERS. Th-y Will Comsat ut lri Club Rmratta Au ir. 14 The en'ries bi'inir r civ d for tho Press dub reiratu at Like Ariel on Auk. 14 show Hint some of lh best nrsineo in the country urn to coiupste. Among those wlio will contest nre th" wo latest am ileurscull'TS iu Atn 'i - ea They nro Elwin H-!-y, of l'hili- elpliin, rowi li in the V-sper club, who now tno Am-ncua caanipton, an t Ilium Am, iu. of tho Miitml Udwiiil,' lut', linlf do. Tno entry of thu latter Was reeelV'-il yivteril.iy moriuuir, mat f Heillev thrt other day, 'I'h i rcgat.i will be iMici of tim n Hi 'lold this yen1. VQ3K1KG A ie KISD CF A CMS. It Is Most Likely a Swindle a id Should Be Watched For Wears a Lottery Guise. The police ar t on tho lo ikont trr n young l; i'i'i:(!ninan who is canvassing hia city In tun f it -ro its or a lottery. Ho tried to do bminess with (Jrocer Iteed y sti-rday and it was throuirh Mr fieed's information that tho - tii cers wer. put on tno track: or t:io or feudor. If lie is ciptured Im will hnvo to either answer f.r b-in .1 lottery lunut or for bring a downright windier. Ili8gatnn is a now ono an 1 rather nuiii'.ie. tie siys lm represents the lu terualionul Rinkiiiic companv. of !212 jroadway, N. Y., which rontvni li. aimn operates al in L union, t aria and liet lin The victim, if hn catchiM one, p ays tJ3 a month for 15 motitl-.s and at tha end o! Hut tltno he receives his :J'(0 back, pro viding that in the meantime he has not drawn ono of the prizes which are distributed nt quarterly drawiti'.' nnd whieh rati','0 in value from SoO to SlO.OdO. The company purports to exist ou lapses ami the in lerest derived from tue money paid iu by the investors. Mr. Ked snsnicion was nrnns 1 from the first, snd when the fellow de clined lo give the names of anv person who hud purchased his bonds, ns l:t calls them, he li c ini satisll.'d that the ti.ing was a swindle, lie made an appointment to se tho fellow at a later hour, nnd in the meantime notined Captain Elwavd. Tlio follow returned to see Ued, nut In was out. Ho rur tl.tr report of bis operations has baa received. PASTE THIS IN YOUR HAT. Information Rexardimr Street Railway Transfer Tickets. The Scranton Traction company pub lishes the foliowi'ii; information re garding transfer tickets for the benefit of the traveling public, so that no con fusion may occur and that unnecessary conflicts betwesn psssungers and con ductors may be avoided: Transfers will he issued from lino to linn a follows: From Providence and Peckville to Hydrf Park, Liurol Hill. Beilevuo, South Sida, Nay Aug Falls and DiMiiiore Suburban. From llyda Park cars to nny other line iu lb city, Bellerne excepted. From Green Ridge People's to Ilydo Park, Laurel Hill, Uellevue, South Side and Nay Auj falls. l'rom Laurel liill to Uydt Park, Provid-ince, Groen Ridga Peoplu's, B :llevtio, South Sido and Green Uidge Suburban. From Oellevue to all but tho Ilydo Park lines. The South Side transfers to all lines. Nay Aug Falls lint) to every other line except Laurel Hill. From Green ltldga Suburban, to Hydo Park, Laurel Hill, South Side and Nay Aug Falls. From Dnntuore Suburban to Hyde Park, Providence, ballevue, South Side aud Nay Aug Falls. People coming into Scranton from the b ise ball park, after a game of ball, will be transferre 1 to any line in the city, provided they corns in ou the spe cial cars that ru i from the base ball park only. People living in HydsTark can ob tain a transfer good from one Hvdf Park line to any other line rpsralin in the same section. Passengers c in get on a car at nny point, pay their fare, an I after receiving a transfer will bu permitted to get of at a point where the car they desire to take passes the line on which they have received the transfer, the transfer to be used ou the lirst car that pauses to their ilostiuatiou People going out on the Laurel Hill line cau obtain a trannfer ut No. 0 Planch whic i will he goal on Branon car to Brady's store, or they can obtain a transfer nt Dtnimoro corners which will tie good on the. Dun mors Suburban to Horati & Henley's store. . People living in the vicinity of Brady's store can take the ilranoii car at that ulauw and Dy paying itieir lure ontnin u transfer to tiinrel Hill Park cars nt tho junction with Branch. People coming into Scranton and wishing to go to tin depots across the Hyde Park bridge will ask for a trans fer to Hyde Park. Tins triinsfor will also bo good on tim LViIIbvui line. ' People) cmiing into Scraut-m ou riyuo l'nrK, iseiiuvue, bonth bide or Nay Ana Falls lines mid wishing to no out on tno Ure-n ludgi or Dunmor.i Suburhnn lines will hi given a transfer which will be good pa eithur line, This gives the paanenger the privilege of taking the tint car going lit that di rection. People living in Dtinmoro mid wish ing to go to Green llidie can take the Dm, more Su; uroan car au.l by paying laro can obtain a transfer winch will be good from Washington avenue and Marion streot to Green Ridge on the Green Ridge Sntnirbuu line, Groen Uidge p-'oplo wishing to go to Dun more will be ucoommodited in like manner, Brooklyn Uriilsr. In Soap Onp of tho most remarkable show win dow displays ever seen in this oity Is thnt winch will appear in tun double wm dow of Uonuau's Grand Depot, Wy oming avenue. .1. u. minis, u pro- irviioiiiii wiiiuow uecorator irom tno H. & O. A. Roever company of Cincinnati bus with asslstan's ben on gaged upon it for two days. It consists of a faithful reproduction of the big Brooklyn bridge iu Castile soap. Somo 7,000 cakes are used in the construction of the same and the completed work is n novel us well as handsome production. The abutments nnd cables aro all produced. The acces sories upon and under thu bridge, In the slmpe of wngonB aud boats, put tho finish lug touches on. PiLi.RBunT Flour Mills have a capacity oiK.ouu parrots a uay. " us i sum she Social Given by Patriotic Guards to Young Ladies Wlio Assisted at Ficnlc. THE ENTERPRISING YOUNG MEN They Contemplate tho Purchase of Land aud the Erection of a iiuitabla Hall Barber Zing Injures His Finder Death of Mrs. Catherine Nealon at Her Homo on Prospoct Avenuo-Olhcr Uorm of News. The members of Company A, Pa triotic Guards, tendor-d it social lust iiilfht to the voting ladies who so dili gently assisted ns table waitors at the picnic and lieliHd to m ike it n succeis. Tids ortraniz tion consists of a promi- nsiit numner .if young mn whoso oh. j et is to become proficient iu military rill. The proceeds of the picnic will he devoted toward purchasing rirl-s and other fquipinen'a Tho company f -els gntefui t ) th'i b-ilcry lirm of Seli.itit-r Bros., for an expensive cuke tiiat was douat "d to tho picnic. The c ik wes h i, n p-.-opri-ite gift, and was surmounted by tho figure of a soldier in full uniform. It was won in a con-conti-Ht tiy Misa Annie Urydaii. Anothr cake from the snm firm dei-oratud wi'h a repritsentation of llu Gt-.ld'""o! Lib rty was won by Miss Lillie Kra.-lici: Thu social last night was u most ct.j ivable i;ffiir. Fred Jones nod L mis lliuserjtn furnishod the inn iie mid William Meister was prompter. H-frsshiunts w.-r- served tiy a committee from the company. The young ladies who were tendered the social last night areas follows: Mrs. Michael Tr-ster, Mrs. Lottie Kerl-.otT. Mrs. Fred C. Erhardt. Mrs. August Wevineyer nnd Misses H innah Meyers, Louisa Storr, Mollie ilarinian, 11a J !i rtm in, Maggie Euleii. L'zzi Ililtz, Tillie Wust Iifahl, Wanda Westpfihl, Minnie Kiuelick. Mary Maniz, L'zzie R uen, Minniei Miller, Annio Drydon, Lstm 11 rman, Annio Naegeli, Minnie iMii l -r, D ra U-'Utclili-r, Annio Colemeyer, Uosie liry.ien. BARBER ZANG'S FINGERS CUT. He ttruc'i EN Kami with a Hatchet Yestoidiy. Barber John Zing, of Pittston ave nue, is a good m hi at tho tonsorial rade. but at the carpenter busiusss be is not hopeful or winninir renown. Yesterday he wbs not very buiy iu the all.-riioon and turned his leisure hours to profit by getting a hammer aud saw to put a li 'wscreoii door on nts shop. After he bad bung the door, he was cutting a piece of India rubber ta at tach to the sill so that the door would slam against it noiselessly. lis used a dull tomahawk to cut tho rubber with and one of tho blows of the as claucsd from the rubber and he was cut on the thumb and forefinger ot the left hand very, deeply. The injury, however, loes not prevent biiu troiu attending to business, although his forefinger is nearly severed from bis hand. PLANS OF YOUNG MEN'S INSTITUTE, That Society Ma7 Buy the Lot Nar the Cu'.varr. Colutnbm couucil, Yonnz Men's In stitute, composed of over loO young men, is considering the purchase of plot of ground on Pittston avenue at the corner of Brook streot. If the in stitute can buy the land nt a reason able figure it is understood tnat nego tiations will at once be opened with William Connell & Cx A hall will be built and fitted up in the most approved style. Tho location is eyed by other societies with a view in the same line ns the institute pro poses to follow. There were rumors to tho effect that tho plot was about to be donated to the William Counell Hose company, but there is no foundation whatever to the stories. DEATH OF MISS CATHERINE NEALON She Was a Pious aud Upright Chriitian Woman. Th death of Miss Catherine Nealon of 732 Prospect avenu at an early honr ysterday morning, after a short illness, removed from this life ono who hnd lived according to the precepts and teaohings of righteousness. She passed away from this sphere consoled by the sacrament ot her church. P, F. Paddon, of Power's drug store, was her nephew. Tha funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 9 o clock with a solemn high miss ot requiem at St. Peter's cathedral. In in-nt will be made in Hyde Park ceme tory. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. Mepnen fjrsco, or i'lttston avenue, re turned home yesterday after a week's visit down ihe valley. Misses Ji tigiista nnd Christie Blehler, of New l ork, are visiting their aunt, Mrs, ivero, oi i'lttston avenue. K. R. Connolly, Into South Side cone spoiidoutof TllK TliiliUNK, has accepted position ns conductor for thu hcruutou fraction company, iiosepn Oswald, the I'lttston avenue tailor, who left, three months ulto on aviti to tiernianv. miled for homo Wednesday aud is exiccted to nrnve here on Aug. I. Company A, Patriotic. Guards, will hold a business meeting at Fi'tiebau's hull to niu'ht. Next Tuesday night the members will drill at the Ho nth Side Base Ball park. The Scranton Athletic club, at a meet lug lust night, accepted the invitation of the f-'neugerruiido to attend its picuio ou Aug. U, aud ali-o the invitntiou of the fur Vi-reiu to pui ado with thvm iu lull uniform uu AUZ. U0. NORTH END ERIEF3. fThe North K.tnl o(lli-o of tho KrnANTON TlillH NK Is loeiitod nt tlie l ewis Di-uk btore and .leliu's Store, Wayne nveiiuo, where soli Her ptions, advertisements and communication will receive prompt attentioa.l Willie Mtilchrome, tlio boy who fell from the roof of a house pear the Miuviue, is progres iug very favorably. A car went rft tlio track last evening at Weston switch and a block f some tjpie resulted where several cars were detained. Again complaints aro mndo of the Inva sion of sidewalks in Providence by lockless wheelmen. The udewnlk from Putnam street to Bull's Head seems'to be claimed by them. A mnn of thi ninnoof Thomas llcUinley, of Parker street, was arrested last evening at the instauco of his wife for a brntnl ns Fault iu the course ot which ho siuashod his furniture. Tho North End patrol wagon conveyod the prisonor to the sta tion bouse. Lieutenant Bpellman made the nrrest. Tho court of Aldorman Horau roiemblod a steam bakery when William Wallace mid John Mnzzee discussed their mis understanding before a host of Polanders. Tne former churges Mazzee with having taken his mining drill machine, and he re plied that he bad purchased it from a man now In jail. The alderman decided thnt Mnzsue mnst return the machine und pny the costs of the suit. At a meeting held last evening, Armor Thomas, presidio's, the North End Choral union was organized as a permanent insti tution and also in view of the Laurel Hlil competition on Sapt. 0 and 7. The to How ing omciais wore appointed: President. Armor Thomas: vice president. Moraan H. Williams: conductor, William M. Da- vies; iif-sistant, W. u. Hatkius: secre tary, Thomas Davies; treasurer. Wesley Mitchell: press committee. T. Owen Charles, J mil R, Davies, Henry Colo. A Urgn number who were preaent were en rolled. REAL ESTATE CONTINUES ACTIVE. Eq tare Big Djal on Court Hou-e Tr prty Talked Of. And stilt another large estate deal Is on the tapis. This timi it is the Mo ld nney property on the comer of Adams avenue and Spruca siro". C. P. Davidson has secured an option tipiiu it and if ncgoti itious aro hucuss ful it will bu his in tne courso of a few divs. ' The det,.ils of tlio propuod la isfnr could uot t learned, but it is sai l that the land will bring a Very ncy figure, Y- sturdily witnessed the triinsfor of a 'irarson avenue nrop rty. S. N. Callen- ilar piucliHSi d tho lioilio f the late Dr. George 1). Tnroan for i"J:!.0OI). This ucludes ll.e house mil lutnitiiro. The prop-rty bad been upon the market ouly a few days wlimM:. Callundur secured it. Tmy ilia Wtbir nnd got the best. At Oui-rusey Bros. M.YKK!KI. BMITH-CAttUUKY-Juk ll, 1S!H, nt St. Patrick's church, by tho liev. Father Dunn, Johu F. Sinil'i, of Peranum, to Miss JauuC'irbrey, of Glasgow, Scotland. 1)1111). JORDAN Patrick Jordan, nt his lato resi dence, Uutiiriore. ruuerul baturday nftoruoon ut 8 o'clock. SOLE AGENTS FOR LIBBEY'S COT GLASS LARGEST LINE OF Haviland & Co.'s China White and Decorated. Silverware, Lamps, Chamber Sets, &.. WEICHEL k MILLAR Ii6 Wyoming Ave. If a Tornado Should ' Strike Scranton It would causa little more surprise to our citizens than FREEMAN'S NEW SPOT CASH PRICE LIST HAS DONE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEW ELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC., never have been sold before at such prices; but, remember there is no CREDIT at Freeman's. Our lino of Groceries is complete .and you can rely on tlism bsing the finest. If you want a delicious, high-flavorsd TEA, try our New Crop JAPAN for 50c; worth 75c. C. DITCHBURN 4i 7 LACKAWANNA AVE. THE CELEBRATED i.n at rrMont Hi- Most Popnlar snd 1'rcfrrreil 1. L'tftilMlK AMIMS. Warercoms : Opposite Columbus Monument, . to V'-sohlnj-jton Av. cranton,P- R OOP tinning and soldering Ml clone away with hy the uso ot H AKTW AN'8 PAT ENT PAINT, which consists of ingi-edl nts well-known to oil. Jt ran Do applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to liriok awemncs, wnii-n win pruyeni absolutely any crumbling, cracking or lirenklnar nt tho brick. It will outlast tinning ot any kind hy many yenrs.and it's cost does not excood one fifth that of 1 ho cost of tinning. Is sold by tne jod or poana. sjoniraois tasna oy MOMU UAU1MANN, fcJ7 Birch Si Mill HALL I'm ! v. .y v ' " '"-) You Meed Them ; And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool. Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tennis. srt-rr -lnr Custom Tailors and Clothier3, WYOMING AVENUE. v. II L iLs 308 1.EAREHI 111 ioz Liob Oops To be closed half value. CAPS, worth from 39c. to ba cIo33d out at . . , I At less than HALF VALUE and other 1 goods in proportion. jj Scientific Eye It's a Great Shock fo the follts v.in are claiming they nnderse.l ill ntliers to find that without the lenst fuss or blunter we aro ifivlnc custom' rs the ben efit of Biieh opportunities as these. A Strictly HPrh Gvade I.lKlit-welgHr Wheel, 18P4 pikltnru, SI 10 easli. 18113 pattern, ml 50 Wheel, fop S75. 1804 pattern, 100 Wheel, lor 85 llv theso prices make tho business at our store. FLORBY HOLT Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. ViOTOR SASH. 3 Ccrrect!! AND JUST THE THING FOR THI3 EOT W2ATESS. THE 1IATTEII, Sells Thsm. Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Have removed their oflico to their Warorooius, NUMBER9 141, 143,145,147,149, 151 MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE NUMBER, BOSH. "IF AT FIRST YOU " tit n 1 Lacka. Ave. C5 SAP F xd2 W u xk tin Lisa out at LESS than 1 ? , vviil Li tUWa Testing Free By DP. DR. SHIMBERG, The Specialist on tho Eye. Headaches and Uer. vousnet-s relieved. Latest nnd Improved Style ot Eyeglasses' and Spectacles nt the Lowest Prices. Bl?;-t Artificial Eys ins -rt.)l for $5. 303 Sl'ULCl-: ST., Orp. Old Post Office. II. A. HULBERT'3 Glty filusio Store, IV YOMLNQ AVK, BCKANIO 6TEIVWAT SOI DKCKF.H miOTHEIia E-ltAiMCU & EACH VILAV1Z, Jt UAIUU tsastl ,U a larg-o stock at flrstsslast MtSICATi SIEHCHAND19U HliblC, fe.m. tlU Another Advocate of DUS. II KS WOOD WARDI'.LL: GKNTl.LMI NIt oflorda me great yleasuro to statn tbat your ni-v ftrootsij of extracttnif teeth wna a Brand sucoeti IS my cine, ami I heartily recommend it t all. I sincerely hope that othara Trill test Its merits. Yours resppctfully, CATT. 8. E. BHYANT, Eoranton, Pai Hsnwood & Wardell, DENTISTS, SIC L,acka wanna Ave. Will on and after Mav 31 ninke a irreat rodatf tlon In the prices of plates. All work gttaB antesi flrat-cLisa In every particular. A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREE) EICYCIiKS AND SrOKTINQ GOODS. Victor, Goni'.ron, Rellpso, LorelL Diamonl and Other Whsela. DON'T SUCCEED," TRY Anaosthene '
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