i TIIE SCRANTON TIUBUNE -FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 27, 1S94. BASE BALL Scranton Takes the Second Scheduled Game from Reading and Is Still lied for First Place. ALLENTOWH IS ALSO A WINNER The Philsdolpliias Vary the Monotony of Continuous Defeat by Taking a Game from the Disgruntled Harris burgs Pottsville Turns the Tables on Hazleton Standing of the Vari ous State League Clubs National and Eastern League Summaries. Notes of the National Sport. LLENTOWN and fwA Scranton still con- M.ral5 tiliue t0 ,lol(1 flwt IVjY2jC3. P(:itioa jolutly. and ff?si&lf aieacb elu j U pluv fyrJA In if excellent ball, the is.like,y t0 rL.1! continue1 for some v K'j ZAP longer. li J 4 Tbe only ehunne iu Vj the order of tbe sv centase column is SV. tbe moviuu up of rottaTlllo to a ti with Lancnstfr for second place. riiiUrielnhia broke its loog string of defeats by winning a gemo from Hurrubwg. Tbe followiu? table gives the per centages of the clubs, tbe number of games won and lostbveaob, and tbeir standing in tbe chatnpionsuip rase: Won. Lost. PerC't. Scranton 13 3 I sln Allentown 13 8 (0'J Lancaster 8 7 .53.1 Pottsville 8 7 .5a3 llnzletou 7 9 Harrifcburg 6 10 .1!7" Koatling 5 10 .IMI Philadelphia.... 2 1 .133 SCHEDULE FOR TODAY. Lancaster at Scranton. Allentown at Heading. Pbiludelpnln at Pottsville. llarrltburg at Ilazleton. ANOTHER VICTORY FROM READING. Lccals Had No Difficulty D.faatlng- Boys tn Fact.d Blu. StUl Bcrauton keps ndlinir to its string of victories by defoatiair lieaa in;; vesterduy It wou its twelfth con secutive gauie, which is quite a re. marltable record. Tb victory wss compiratively easy and the Scranton players did not have to exert taeiuiDives uiucb to win it. Yerkee was ugain sent in to pitch for the borne team, but in the first iuuiDg he sbowed that be bad a luine arm and Fltinaitbau waa substi tuted for hiui in tbe second. Although Flauairhan wss somewbat indirpssed. bu pitched winning ball. Daring tbe inning tbnt Yerkes pitched, he was found for two uingies. During tae re uiulndar of tbe jjume oiiy four siDgles hii'I two doubles wert inude off Flanitguun. lie gave three Lasts on balls and strucs; out five men. At tbe Out lie bad two singles und made one of scranton s seven runs. Tbe boys in tbe faded blue from Reading presented a somewhat patcbed up team. Torrersou was sick and Fox took bis place ut second, wbue Dusty Koofleg trumped around among the daisies in right garden. Jones was tbe Rsadiug twirler unl be was found safely twelve times by tbe local batsmen. Tea of these were singles and the others two-baggers. Tbe hardest bittiug of the game was done by scranton in tbe tbird inning, when singles were made by Wetzil, Hogan, Pstcben, Rogers and Westlakv, winch resulted in tnroe runs for tbe borne team. Three singles aul a double were made io the eighth which netted three inor runs. Tbe ouly runs Reading secured were made in tbe sixth bs the result of a iwa-base drive by Fox and Goodbart's force bit Score in detail: R. II. P.O. A. E, Wetzel, s. s 1 1 8 2 0 Hogan, c. f. 1 1 4 0 0 Patcben, a 0 8 5 4 Mamey, lb 0 0 8 0 Tlielan, 2b. 1 0 2 4 Staltz, L t 12 10 Rogers, r. f 2 8 1 0 Westlake, 3u... 0 1 2 .0 Yerkes, p 0 0 0 0 Flauahan, p 1 2 1 1 Totals.. , 7 13 27 11 READING. R. R. P.O. A. Miller, If. 0 2 3 0 1 Leidy, cf 0 0 2 0 0 Beaumont, lb 0 8 10 0 0 Henry, 8b 10 8 5 1 Eustace, ss 1 0 8 3 0 Fox, 2b 0 8 8 2 1 Oooahart, c 0 14 10 Jone, p 0 0 0 1 1 Ehoades, rf 0 0 10b Total ; 2 1 27 12 4 Rcranton 0 0801003 07 Reading 0 0000200 0 2 Earned runs Scranton, 5; Rending, 1. Two bane hits Rogers, 2; Fox. 3. Sacri fice tits Westlake. Stolen bases Patcben, Beaumont, Fox. Double plays Wetzel to Phelaa to Massoy. Struck out By Flnnaghan, 5; Jones, 3. First base on balls Off Flanagllfen, 8; Jones, 2. Wild pitches Flanaghan, 2; Jones, 8. Pawed balls-Uoodhart, 2. Time 1.C5. Umpire Corcoran. OTHER STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Ilazleton Hazleton 1 1 000 01 0 03 Pottsville 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 x 11 Hits Ilazleton, 12; Pottsville, 11. Er rors Hazleton. 4; Pottsville, 5. Batteries Jordan and Moure; Fox and Potts. At Allentown Allentown....2 01021 10 07 Lancaster...., U 0000180 15 Ilits Allentown, 7; Lancaster, 0. Er rors Allentown, 5; Lancaster, B. Batteries Bonagbue aud Kelly; Bcbotble and Cote. At Philadelphia Philadelphia. .0 6 1 8 0 4 0 1 1-14 Ilarrisburg....O 0222000 06 llits-Pblladelphla, 10; Harrlsbnrg, 6. Errors Pbllad dphia, 4; IlarriNburg, 10. Bstteries Callahan and Roth; Heine and Bmink. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At New York Now York... 00180130 x 17 Baltimore.,.. 0 0008010 04 Hits New lork, 18; Baltimore, 8. Errors New York, 8; Baltimore. 5. Bat teriis Gorman aud Nelson; Hawk and Robinson. UmplA Emslie. At Washington A'ashlngt0D...5 000000005 Pbllnderpbla..l 1000080 04 Hits-Washington, 11; Philadelphia, 10, Errom Washington, 1: Pbiladolpbia, a Iflitteries Maul and MoOnire; Taylor and Orady Umpire- Hoagland. At Boston Brooklyn 3 0 8 0 0 0 0 8 215 Boston 8 8080000 10 Hits Brooklyn, 32; Boston, IX Errors Brooklyn, 4; Boston, a Batteries Gastrlgbt, Stein aud Earle; Staloy and Nichols and Conuaughton. Umpire Ho Quaid. At Plttsbnrtr PittBlmrg ...... 0 1 801 50009 uevemuii l oauuouoo a Hits-PittBbnrg, 10; Olevoloud, fl. Er rors Pittsburg, o; Cleveland, 8. Battorltta ltilt..n FlirMr. Mnrl Snail)! ATiiIIhiiH ailll Ziiuiuer. Umpires -Lynch and Uurst. EASTERN UiGUS. At SprincBeld-Biuabumton. 13: Spring- Bold, 11. At Syrucuse Syracuse, 6; Buffalo, 5. At Providence Providence. 10; Willtos- Barre, 4. JOHNSON IS NOW PRESIDENT. Be Euccseda layers as Ilsad of tbo Stats Lsagua. Fiuladku-uia, July 20. The StBte Base Hull It-ague meeting did not ad journ until nearly 2 o'clock this morn ing. A rule was udooted that nil the clubs except Philadelphia ure to pay the visiting team halt tbe gatv receipts with a $.0 guarantee, and one of in cas of rain. In the case of Puiia dvlubia it was decided that visiting clubs shall receive only US per cvtit. of tbe gate receipts as tbe boini team lias to pay such a blgli rent for tbe grounds. . K. Myers resigned as president of thele:gn, and A. 11. Johnson, ownr of the AlU-utown team, was elecUd to snocted bim. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. An effort is to boniado to nrrange for an exhibition gam betwtieu Scranton und Wilkes-Uarro in tbeueur future. The disbnuding of tbo Troy club may result iu Scrannm guiug iuto the Easteru League if the 50 per cent, of tbe gato re ceipts scheme is uot amended. It is doubtful if Charley Cnmpau will ever play ball ngaui. In tbe name in t lie Southern league ou tbe Fourth vt July he injured his rigbt leg, tariug a llguuient loose troiu the knee cap. The tie for first place between Hcrnnton aud Alleutovvu still contiuues It is ouo of the most notable races in base ball of recent years and la beiug watched with Interest by ndmirors of tbe national game everywhere. P.eading bns sliced Pitchor Southard, who bas been at bis uome lu this city for tbeimst few duvs. lie pitched for tft Jose4i, M i., during tbe early part of tho season, lie is a south paw and has gooil curves. IieadiuR has also signed Wallace, the Frauklin pitcher, whom Manager Swift was urged to eigu some time ago. At tbe meeting of tbe stele League at Pluludeliibia W eunesdav uiuht It was ue cldsd tbat visi'.iug clubs shall receive .10 per csut. of th-j Kate receipts or a tfuarautre. This actiou does ut nua favor with the members of tbo Scranton assuciatiou and at a mooting to be held next luesday uight by tue stockholders, tbe mutter will be considered. Tbut play of Ausou's inoneof tbe Chi- caae (tames is likely to furuitb consider able discussion for some time to come or uutll Nick oung gives tinal judgment. From present testimony McQuade is the eulv umpire to allow it. kuislle uaviug ue clared Tucker out twice last year for tbe same thing. Ansou, it will bo remem bered, jumped from one box to the other to bit a ball which was iuteuded to give hi in tils base. AlcU liulu decided that An son did pertectly right in jumping over tbe plate. When asked If a batter were to step over any of tbe other three linos what LUs decision would b he said: "Out." "Then if o batter steps fourteen inches across the plte frrm one box to the other heisnotonif" "No," was the reply. It is common for players to chung from one box to tbe other to annoy the itcber when he is a little wild, aud if tbt-y can do that before he delivers tbe ball, wuy can they uot do it as it is comiug up? Tbo legal position of tbe batsmau is within tbe lines. He can turn bis face, his side or his back to the plate iu fa.t, take any posi tion as long as be keeps bis feet inside tbe batter's Hues. Philadelphia Bulletin. WHIRLS OF THE WHEEL. Chr.rles B. Brook, tbe colored rider, has withdrawn bis suit for ii.OOU damages, in stituted against tbe Ataluuta Wheoiman, of Newark, for refusing to accept bis entry in their rcsut roud race. The class B men Bud themselves in a pre dicament, Tbe manufacturers only want to hire tbe very best of them aud tho.io few cracks win all the prizes. Hence there is nothing left for the medium pace riders. Tbe latter would welcome professional rac ing. Zimmerman seems to be a great name in athletics aud sporting Hues. A. A. Zimmirman is tbe world'e clmmpiou bi cycle racor; Gus Zimmerman, uf New York, is the clmmpiou riilo shut of tbo world, and Al. Zmiiliermau, a westbrnur, is famous as a wrestler. An earnest effort is being made by Presi dent l.uscomb and bis collmignes to in creaso thfe membership of the League of American Wheelmen. Tbe chief consul of tbe various divi-ious bave b-nn in structed to begin recruiting proceedings at once, in order to enroll all wheelmen iu tbe orgnuization. Chicago will have a big circuit race meet on Aug. 2, 8 and 4. There will be no other meets of any importance ou tbo'o dates, aid tbe presence ot all tbe cracks is couuted ou. One of tbe features will be t he one mile uupaced, llvina start, for class B men. It is tbo intention to establish a record for this, and it will really be tbe best test of a rider's ability. Sanger, Titus, Johnson, Bliss, Taylor, Bald, Tyler, Mc Donald, Kennedy and Taxis will take part In tbis event. Tbe record breaking tournament of th Waltbam liicycl club will take pl.ice next Saturday . Tyler, who will attempt to lower Bliss' world'-i record for the mile, is training at the Walthum track, and is reported to be riding vry fast. He is confident ef his ability to rido tbe distanoti in lm. 50s. Nat Butler will try to establish a new two mile record. A. W. Porter will try to regain bis supremacy as tbe fastest Class A mile record breaker, and there wiU be two or more Invitation races. GENERAL SPORTING NOTES. Chlcngo sporting mon aro trying to bring Joe Choynski and Steve O'Donnell topotuer In that city, but it is doubtful if tbe autuoritiws will allow it. The Ariel club has secured Jerry Mar shall, the featherweight, who has been so hot after Dixon latsiv. He will box four rounds With Benny Peterson, Tbe Seaside Athletic club, of Conoy Island, will open Aug. 1. The programme embraces a catch-as-catch-cau wrestling match, ono six and two ten-ronnd boxing bouts. Boxing seems a bard game to kill. Now that It bas received a temporary quietus in Boston there are signs of a healthy re vival at New Orleans, Coney Island, Buf falo and other places. A quiet movement is on foot In New York city to start a boxing elub which will far overshadow the Seaside Athletic club. The detall, it Is stated, will be ready for announcement in a"bout a week. James J. Corbett, the American pugilist, who sailed tor New York yesterday, said tn an interview lu Belfast tbat he bad no Intention of mooting Fltzsimmous or any body else until be bas settled accounts With Jackson. Mothsrsl Mothers I Mothers!!! Mrs.Wlnslow'8 Soothing Syrup bas been nsed for over Utty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens tho gums, allays all pain; cores wind colic, and is tbe best remedy for di arrhoea. Sold bydiuggists in every part of tho world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup." and take no no other kind. Twenty-dye cents a bot tle. Qoinbt troubled me for twenty years. Since I st arted using Dr. Thomas' Eoiee trio Oil, have not had an attack, Tbe oil cures sore throat it once. Mrs. Letts Conrad, Staudish, Mich., Oct. 24, '83. era A Word. TanU cf ell Midi cost that mv pt HtluatUmt Vunled,which ore inssrU Help Wanted Male. jOtrTrKl) CT.iAH5IAKErW AND K"L-l.-rs. male or fuimilo.a tUECKEll BKOH., 41CT nuhJ!a n avenue. UTANTEU-lV YOU AUK A CATHOLIC. uueuiil(ivo 1 mill will work l"r per week, write ilaeCoimull Bros., 11 Frauklin Ktl'l'Ut, Huston, Muu For Sale 'OH SA1.E-A NEW $:.1M WII.fNiX AMI White orjun lor a.du at a Uariiain. tall ut 4 llollsti'iiil plaeu. i;oit SALE-A HOUSE AN L) LIMIT J' bpi- iii; Wilson. Uti" . ortli llroinloy avenue. HETAILOKorKKY BUSINESS KOlt HALE It (luitnr a pmtttalile bust less. B''t reaom (liven. A l.li'.-Htoi- :nll m .1 O. At'KKKM AN. Special Notices. )U!KLI.JO CUCUMISEUS - AN Ditli" 1 Leh'liton biis much pl-usuro in uuuo.inc ins' to hie vnstotiHi'i ef Borairton and Uelgli liuriuv tnvviiH, and to any others interested, tint b lias li e prnopuet of another nnmunso ir'ji of the faviTbu p'.rk lug cucumber u:id invites tlp-ir orders either by mail or thni idh bis agents, who will call at their huun.'.i. 'I linsu w ho are particular about die kind and (ji.atity or their cueuuiliers me advised to onler early, us tk crop throughout th eoiiu trv is ruperled Inrely a Uilme, and as the liirhtdst trout chucks the crop and a shurp lM8t eude It. 1'i'nes thu Kaius as heretofore, namely: Nos I. - and 3, (jUerkin fIisji, 2) ceu.f ,ail ents uml ;.Ti i-entM ur Klu r.-ni -ctivelv : No... 4.5 an I IS '-o d fashion pickle" siz.-B. 4U cents, 4i cents und SU cents per 10) respjctively. i luase di rect orders to ANDKKW LEIGUTON, Glenburn. Pa. July M, IM. . OVFIt E OK THE SCKANTON STEEL (.'onyiany. The annual meeting of the stockholders of tin above company for tho election ot projiJunt and directors will bo held at t'uo oilice of tho company iu the city of Scranton ou Thursday, the second day of Au gust next, at 4 o'oioci p. m. No transfer of stock will be made for twelvo days next pre ceding the dutj of tho above moutiii tr. IS. P. K1NUM1UKY, Secretary. Sc. anton, Pa., July 17, IMH. v6u' ant" this " "kelk'-ueVkinT 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly War Illustrations IvII-Wm, Two Volumes Folio, Slu.ji); puyablo luoiitnly. ?-0U. Dol.vorod by express oniplote, prepaid. Address P. O. JIUOUY, 018 UibHon street, Scranton, Pa. T L A siT HOOK 5,ArpiiTE MAUA 1 sines, etc., bound or rebound at Til TliiBl'NK uulce. Wuick work. Ueasouable trices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BK HAD AT 144. corner Spruce street and Frauklin ave nue. Twenty meal tkkeU for $14U. Oood tuble board. Loat. T OST-BUOWN SHAWL ON JULY W J J between Minooka store und Taylor. Kindly return to Mrs. Catherine Joyce, Mi nooka, Pa. T OST US VINE STKEET. BETWtEJf l J Monroe avenm and Erie and Wyomins depot, a tan leather seat lu two parts. Finder awarded by feturuing to 312 Lackawanna avenue. Public Sal. rpUE UNDEHSH4NED WILL SELL AT JL public sale ou Monday, August 0, 1804, at 10 o'clock a.m.. at its rooms on Lackawanna avenue, 111 teen (15) shares ot thu capital stock of tho Scrautou Lacs Curtain company., beld as collateral s-'curitv on an overdue no'e. THE LACliAvv ANNA TKUBT AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO. July 2il. h!d. Ren Estate. CCBANTON REAL ESTATE AND IN- O VESTMENT AGENCY. offers bargains as follows: CITY BUSINESS PROPEP.TY. 40 ft front by 50 ft. deep, on Sprnco street, rents for j;00 310,000 10 ft. troni by 50 feet deep, on Spruce street, corner nlley 10,500 These together give Ml ft. front on Spruce street betwi.cn Pnnu aud Frai kliu, with alley ou si-io. Spruco street property Is advancing rapidly. CITY RESIDENCE PROPERTY. CORNER MONROE AND VINE streets, lot 5Uxb5, two dwellings, iO.iUO, giving a nice residence and un inc m; for small Investment; ALSO A PLOT OF 8 LOTS, giving IB) ft. front on Sloaroo avenue, near Vino street. Theio make a lUst class rvsidonce plot iu a de-li'ablo locality. II i.ot sold iu one plot will stll above separutelv. WEST SIDE. Lot GOxISO. South Main avenue, adjoining residence of Sml; h B. Mott, pri. v, ?2,i 50; also lots on Itock street and West End place. Ouly tour left. COUNTRY PROPERTY. A BEAUTIFUL HOME AT DALTON, PA., modern bouse, spring water piped int i it from hill bin k, barn for throe liorsoj und two cows, hennery wit'i oemnntil floor, young fruit, tine lawn, grand outlook; ouo aud a half to thre-5 acres, us desired, o,onu. Also lots of about s ouo size on Wostorn Slope, Dalton. Call or address SMITH II. MO I T, Manager, No. 421 Lii'-k. ave.rear board trade. Legal. INSTATE OP EZRA DE WITT, DECEASED. J Notice is hereby giVen that a rule has been grunted to tlmw cause why June ti. lie Witt, executrix of the last will and testament of suid decedent, shall not bo discharged from the duties aud liabilities of her appointment, Application will ho mado to have suid rule made absolute und the executrix discharged, July 2, 10I, H a PRICE. Attorney for executrix Architects' Notice. A IlCUI f I CI S' NOTICE-CO.MPETIT1VI5 j V pi ms aud sped ideations are iuvitedor a cit- b illrtinu to bo ivol for flro department 1 ous) nnii police patrol sta'iin. A prospvo'us of tli" building umv bo seen at tho oflico of the cit y clerk, at which ofllee the suid piunsnuit sperlticatlons are 1 1 be submitted on or before Wednesday, August 22, 1.-.K4. By order of city councils. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Herrnton, Pa.. July 24, ISM. Proposals. CEAI.Fl PROI'iiSALS WILL BE RK. O colved at tho ofllce of the secretary of the Scranton Bo ir I of Co itrol until Weuncsd.iy vonliig, August 8, 1x21, to furnish tho fo low ing school supplies, samples of the Various uM ! to ac.o up.iny lb i bids: 'I wenty llvo roams commercial not",0. pound dnUniil Jill s or i tlier paper ciiudlr good: 175 reams foolscap. W-pound Oaltbuid Mills or eiiuiil-, 1' 0 voatns letter hiuds, 10 pound to M, Oakland iUlls or eipial; I'M paeka.es euvel open, No. 12, 40 pound manilla: Wl packages envelopes, No. II xx white; ilO.dO'l to 5ti,0(Kl ptds, tlx". I'1" sheets to pail. 4,1 pound to riiDi, 2lx:i8; 15111 to !iU,0(U spelling blimlts; 2 bsrrolf Ink, Carter's souod black or rtufford's unlviirssl: luo to f 0J dozen penholders, F.agln No. 14J7, or other bolder equally gcol; 401 to 6H gross Eatabrook's pens, No L'.'K; 150 dcr.en teachers' lead pen cils, Dlxou's cabinet or F'aglo with rubbsr tip; 15 gross I'-nglo druwing medium; 25U gross pupils' pencils; 6) to 1(10 dozen slates, 7x11, noiseless; 500 boxos slato pencils; 510 to 803 boms enameled crsyoi; 25 boxes colored crayon; 6J dozen, felt erasers ; 6 to 10 dozen poltiturs, with felt or rubbor tip; 26 to 50 boxes rubber bands, No. 10; one grois bot tles lmiclhtgn; pencil nrusers, No. (0 to 120 pr pouud; 22i Tracey's cl iss records; 60 waste baskets, 13 iuch straight: 25 granite water pails; 25 uraulto wash basins: 125 graults dip purs; 100 foatbr dusters; 7e dust pans; 50 wt 1 bruihei; oOO brooms. One-half ot above to be fnrulshud by the 1st of September and one-half later In the year. The board ronerves the right to rejrot any or all bids By order of the Board of Control. EUGENE D. FELLOWS. Beerstary. Situation Wanted. UTANTED-A POSITION BY BTRON(4. V healthy man as watchman. Best of rofersnces. Addreni Peter Ulll, 1420 Summit avenue, acranwn, ra. Vt ANTED POSI (ION AS HOUiEKREP- vi f i tynu VT VUiRU TV IUUITi hard Woiker, neat and lutellignt. A good pormancut position au object. Unlimited tes timonials. II. E. W., Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG man; who Is uot afraid of work, milling to do most anything. Sober and reliable. D. D. Ullti Jac-kson street. QITUATION WANTED BYAOOODGIRL; 0 can do general Douse work: will give ret- ernnees it required. Address No. 2L Tribune urjji wucea ca Financial Statement I FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE CITY of fcoruuton school distriot. Treasurer's report of receipts and disburse ment from June 1, Mil, to July 2, lttul. Casli baluuce ou hand June 1.1 SIU $ 85,079 85 Cash received Irons vaitois sources rh follows: School taxes 172.7711 S7 State appropriation 74.IKS H7 From collectors Itl.oDI 71 From treasurer, lut. on sinking fund tl!8 OS From E. I). Fellows see'y.. 471 41 High School beuus 1".0.47C t.i Interest on said bonds i!,l-W M Hcgisterud taxes 2S 44 Total receipts 7. J4W1,8T0 60 ninbtirseinents for ra re lv-riod. Qcnernl school account.... '.'12,4:17 OJ School buil ling account... GyW4 114 liitei-Mt and sinking fund und High Sehuol building iiccountH 0.(1113 SI) Collectore'coiiimissious..., 1.1KM IH Treasurer's commssiou.... S.tUJ Tl 27N.IK11 81 Balance cash on hand July 2. 1SU1. . . .217.WW 17 l(. 14. Di.OOKS, treasurer. Expin Iturcsfor tho year ending Juuo 110, USUI, as show u by the books of the s 'crelary. Teachers' warrant S 10C,S7 US N irht sKhools S,;sf tk 'IllcelH ft :m 00 Janitors llkl'Jt ) Kepaii s. labor aud material !M,'Jnl Id Supplies a.V,il78 Coal and wood 0,11-2 11 Printing niul advertising.. 4SH 45 Home and wagon I'M !W Insuraniai ,7.11) III Has, wuter and telephones. 1,0!M 20 Hents 2.7S11 H.i Kmdirnrtun and drawing !!,2n2 2i) Legal e. easi s fi.V 21 New Furniture l.tKU IM) Toxt books ll),u.ll K Tax refunding 111 5 New High School 15 1W 07 Kuihliiiguccuiiut 40.UH7 U.1 Incidentals 1,068 fU Total 8a0,3i9 88 Disbursements by buildings. No. 1 0, 41 No. 2 5.-.HD 411 '. 8 BUSI 2e No. 4 2,711 till No. D a,:;m 4(1 No. U 2..VI7 U7 .'io. 7 HII7I No. 8 4,iU.ri J No. II 4.IM 4.1 'ft 10 5,417 70 No. 11 4,"lH !i No. 12..,., 2l,:li 11 No. Ill l,o;3 115 No. 14 in,;m in No. 1.3111 7 No. 10 6,nfS at No. 17 2,snl Kt No. IS 5,ir, ii-j No. IU "twj KU No. 20 1,211; 72 No. 21 aolH 63 No. 2! , 1,4113 01 No. 23 1511 42 No 24 INU 72 No. 25 M.sill (m No. til 2 72l 00 No. 27 2.IIIII f No. 28 5,40.") 01 No. 20 a,72." 07 No. 30 4.3VI 1)0 No. 31 ; fi.liil m No. 32 U 277 24 No. 33 1,s:,l K No. 34 1.3H7 14 No. 35 4,2ti5 41 No. 3..... 15,27(1 21 No. 87 1,350 54 Training school 1 205 00 tmieors 5.13D 00 Now property 6,UO0 Ot Tux refunding IU 23 Legal expenses 655 21 (Joucral repairs, supplies t xt books, etc. as above stated 89,107 00 Total 523(1,350 88 2,'tl EUGENE D. FELLOWts, secretary. 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE DAL 1 Un Indinieudcut Hcdiool District for tbe year eudmg June 1, 1804. TAXES. Amount lovlod for school pur poses $701 93 Amount levied for building pur poses 850 U Total amount of taxos levied. .. $1,052 07 necEiPTs. From - state anpropriation for the your ending June, 1801.... $611 Oil Balnuco on bund from lost year 383 03 From NorUi Abluuton township for tuition 71 0) Fr-m ii. A. Gay for tuition re ceived from pild pupils 8 80 From collector for taxes col lected 002 70 Total receipts $2,070 21 EXPENOlTUltES. For repairs on buildings 8 07 50 For teachers' wages 003 75 For fo s ot collector ($42.70) and treasurer (33.70) 70 40 For tuel and contingencies 72 05 For salary of secretary 20 nil For debt and interest paid SOU 50 For other expenses 24 00 For school text books and sup plies 238 71 Total expenditures S1.7G4 40 Cash on band S 805 76 IlESOUHCES. Cash on hand JWi 75 Amount due from collector 45 17 Total 8 350 02 LIAWLIT ES. Amount of bonds outstandiug.S2.G00 00 ?2.ono oo Liabilities In excess of res nrcos 82,210 ( 0 wltuctsour hand this sixth day of July, 1801. EDWARD MILES, Prcsidont; A. BALL, Secretary. . . . . . l. ... Banking. 1 EPORT OF THE CONDITION XX, OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Scranton. iu tho State of Pennsylvania, at tue close oi uusiuess, umiusouy, uuijr io, iojt. RESO LUCES. Loans nnd discounts $1,758,387 7) OverdruttR.secured and unsecuri-d. H.2il(l 31 17 H luaids b snenrn circulation... Ml ,0 li Stocks, securities, etc S,0o7,t'2t 50 Banking house, furniture and Ux- t-.irca 30,000 00 Tine (tsnii fiutiouul biinlij. Cnut re serve Uitents) 22.0B1 52 Due from State banksand bank -rs.. 22,is Hi fiiiofi-oiiiapprovedreaerveugeiits.. 82H.IKi 12 Checks mid other cash items 11 u4n ill l.ji-L;iu;;c for clearing house 6II'I8II5 Notes of other national banks 0,050 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels aud cents 1,121 65 Lawfid uiouey rcsorve in bank, via: Specie 9 81.810 01 Legal Tender Notes.... 1U.015 00 202 731 CO Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 pet- cent, of circu lation) 3,000 00 Duo from U. 8. Treasury other than 5 per cout. redemption fund 1.IKX) 00 Total $ .07,50 78 LIABILITIES. Cupiti-.l stock paid in f iWOJUiO 10 Surplus fund 7J0,UU0 00 Undivided prollts, less expeuscs nnd taxes paid 123 518 87 National hank notes outstanding... 72.0HU IM Dun to oth-.T national banks 07,520 70 Due to Slate bunks nnd bankers.... Vi,810 07 Individual deposits subject to chock 4,SV.SS72 Demand certificates of deposit..,. 111615 ID Certilled checks 1,154 02 Cashier's cliecks outstanding 82 25 Notes and bills ro discounted None Bills payable None Liabilities other than those above stated None Total $.V7,5W 78 State of Pennsylvania, County of iacka wanna, ss.: I, ISAAC POST, cashier of tho above-namod bank, do solemnly swear that tlio above state ment is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief. ISAAC POST. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to beforome this 25th day of July, 1804. W. H. JESSUP, Notary Public. Correct A t test : JAMES BLAIR, I W. F. HALLSTEAD, Dlreotors. J. A. LINEN, ) The Scranton Tribune Job Department ! well equipped with tbe latest styles of type Superior Workmanship Low Prices and . Promptness . ought to be Inducement to the trade. Connolly Ladies' luslin Unci Special Mid-Summer Sale None but the best materials used. Superb est Hotel Wayerly European Plan. Flrst-olass Bar attschaA. Depot for lierguor A Engel's Tanobeauser Beer. IE Cor, 15tti d Filbert Sts, Phllaii Most desirable for residents of K.K. Ponn', lylvaida. All conveniences tor travelers to and from Broml Street statiou and tha Twelfth and Market Street station. De sirable for vlrltit.g Sarantonlaus and pee. tie in tbe Anthracite Kegiou. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. BWILLV Is WALLACE E ' ifiEeuiui:Ei3B.asciaiii:isiai3aaBSiaiEi:iiigaia There h no smell of smoke SALE MOW QQIMQ and will last twenty-oue d tys louder. Iu that tituj wa mtut dUpm of our stoik of Clothiuj and Gents' Furnishings by order of the insurance companies, who have already giveu out the contract to repair our store, which was damaged Saturday night, Juue 16, by the explosion aud fire in the building of our neighbors, Messrs. Davies & Grifliu. Clothing Sold at 33 Cents on the Dollar Less Than Cost to Make. DOS'! DELAY. COME AT ONCE. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. AN ACTUAL SAVING OF 67 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. We only inentiou a fow buvj.iitn; all othor goods sold at equally astonishing low prices. BOYS' PARTS, 13c. Two for '15 Cents. Men's Suits, for'y sold for $10, now $4.75 Men's Pants, sold for $5, now $2.00 Men's Suits, for'y sold for $16, now 8.25 Boy3' Suits, Sold for $3.25, now 1.35 Furnishing Goods and all goods that are damaged at your own price. This is HOT a Permanent Fire Sale. It will last only 21 days longer. THE Hi SIGN OF THE ELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. KT.NLXT DOOU TO THE ni'UXKU D.VVIKS & GRIFFIN BUILDING. &SOSS, POSITIVELY THE LUST WEEK Bankrupt The balance of stock on hand will be sacri ficed. without mercy to convert it at once into spot cash. Short lengths of Silks, Dress Goods and White Goods at any price to dispose of them. Now Is the Accepted Time. erwear, owns and SKIRTS FROM 50 0ENT3 TO GOWNS FROM 50 CENTS TO COVERS FROM 25 CENTS TO novelties. Correct shapes. 209 WARNING. We hare lately had Feather lledt and Vittowt brought to utty ttramjers who wished to dispose of the same and from whose actions we believed the Jcuthert didn't btlunfj to them. W will have no dealiny.i with tuch partial. We wish to caution people against giving into the hands of strang ers who claim to represent tis, any Feathers, Carpets, etc., which then wish rtnovuted. Any of our agents can easily identify themselves, or if any one who wishes work done in our line, will drop us a tard or call at our factory, we will promptly attend to their uanfsand mill en deavor to merit the confidence of everybody. TUE HCRSATOX BEDDISQ CO., CM and box Lacka. Ave., Cor. Adams. ml mi See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Set! We soil. Furniture a3 cheap aa any house la the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. io: in 201 ur Stock Damaged y Water. or fire about them, and they are S PANTS, 508. Never Kip. CLOTHING FOSTER & CO. OF THE GREAT T 316 AND 318 LACKAWANNA Gors e! Covers Now Oil $4.00 4.25 1.50 workmanship. Lat WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. O. mm m equally as good as before. BOYS' SUITS, 65c. Single and Double-breasted. CO. HiSE Sale AVENUE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers