r ?Wa ECKAJJTUJf TKlliUJNJS TJIUKSDAY MOKJNlJNbr, JULr SU, 1SIJ4. GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES The American Iron and Stoel niocI Btion bag received from tba tuauufiic tnrers complete tatiscica of tin pro (taction of pig iron, besieuior stnel Ingots and baiaemtr ateul rails in the Uultvd States In tbe first half of 1894, also coinplot statistics ot tbe slocks of pig Iron wbloli wers on linnd and for sale on June 30 last. Tbe total production of pi iron in t li United Stnt8 in the first bulf of 1SU1 wus 2, 778,843 gross tons, OKsinst 3.561, CS4 tons in the second half of 181M an increase of 150,399 tons. As compared with the first half of 1893, howvtr,th production in the first bulf of 1894 hows a grsut decline, the figures fr the first bulf of 1893 being 4.503.018 tons, or 1,814 933 tons more tlmn the productiou in ili first bait of 1894. The production of pi iron in tho last twelve months, from July 1, 1893, to Julv 1, 1894, was 5,279,507 gross tons. In 1803 tbe production was 9.157.0U0 tons. Not since tbe dull year 188 ) navs we made as little pic iron in one year ns in the lust twelve months. Four stutis which nitido pig iron in the first brtlr of 1893 made none in tho first balf ,,--'of 1804 -"Massachusetts, North Carolina, '' luuiaua and MiuuesoU. Five other statss show only a nominal prolnctiou of pig it on in tbe first balf of 194 Connecticut, Maryland, Texas, Mis souri and Oregon.. Tbe number of fur uncus which were in blast on June 80, 1894, was 108, find tbe uuinbor ont of blast was 408. No titua in the mod ern history of the Amuriciu iron trade huve so few furnso'S been in blast as on June 30, last. Of the 517, thirty- six tons of unsold pig iron which were under the control of the makers on June 30, ,229,705 tons were charcoal pig iron. Thi following table gives tbe pro duction ot tS'Hiemxr steel ingots in the first half of 1S91 la the figures for the periods mentioned are iuoluJaJ the production of Bessemer steel by tbe Olapp-Uriffltus works and Robert Btssemer works. Firt balf 1891, I'-nn-vlvauii, 1,127.559; Illinois, 252,080; 0'iia 171,048; other stuts, 114.707. Total, 1,007,454 Tbe following table gives the pro' due; ion of besaeuvr steel raili und auctions including street rails, iu the first half of 1894. In this statement wh do not inclu'l') street and other lies-s-m r rails which were rolled from purchased bloomn Fennsylvauin, 284, CGI ; Illinois, 85 955; other states, 19,388 Total, 399,404 Ttie great decline i-i tie production sf both bosseiner steel inuots and rails in the twelv months begin ning witu July l, 15'JJ, is siiowa ty a comparison of this production with that of tbe first six months of 1S93 In th-ss six months we produced 2.003 057 gross tons of inputs and 701 240 gross tons of rails; iu tbe l it twelve months we produced 2,791,083 tons of ingots and 731 517 tons of rails. Iu no year since 1879 have we mnde so few steel rails ns in the last twelve months. Tbe sales agents of the Rtithrucitu companies will meet today. They will not advance pricts and will probably recommend a restriction dnriug Ang us! to 60 per rest, of tbe capacity 'lhe Liacisawanna is opposed to uny greater restriction. The trade in this center is very dull. Prices which ruin are about tbe May circular of from 25 to 40 cents per ton under the July cir cular. A dispatch from Washington ssys: 'O:io result or the publication a fev months ago of tbe promising perforin mice of gas motors us applied to street cir propulsion In Gsrmnny bis rf"n to fl .oil the author of tbe report. United bules Consul Inson, at Frankfort, with letters from eugineers and other interested p'.-rsou', asking for m.iru do tuiis. In compliance witb, tiieir ra- qnests, tho consul has jait submitted unother report, describing xp.riment made iu Euylaml with the shiu mitjr which allow even better results, tne cost of operation being so far b)low that of ulectricul or horss railways as to mark a new departure in sir-.-et railway nietnods. Tbs consul my Urn Llebrig patents hove been acquired by an Euylish syndicate, ana tho motor has lieen vastly improved in ouj wav and especially whereby it muy be readily adjusted to cars already built for cable, electrical ami liorsn powr. The report gives in detail a description of the mechanism, showing how it opor ates witu grat economy un'ler tne Tsstly different ondirtons of heavy and light traffic, and says tint tli im provements made have largely reduced . lis costs. "The car resembles uny ordinary horsn car, running quietly and easily, eiuil tinit ueitUer ijioke nor steam, and is easily controlled, stopping on a down grade of one to twsnty-thrue in its own lriigtb. - Its weight nile l with pus seugers is live and oue-h ilf ions, nn 1 1 f.T lias it costs 2 cents pt-r mil against 7 cents per mile or fodder and bedding for horses, lhe first cost is about tho same as horae car with tun olevn horses required to draw it. A sjuci tl car is being made In hiagland for ex'n bitlon in the United States nex: Oj tober." Tbe New York Herald's Paris difpatcb says: "A raco was started this morning from Paris to Konen, of vehicles, the motive power of which was petroleum or steam. Twenty one earring's took part. The corre spondent at Mantes telegraphed that it was just 11 o'clock when tne Cunte De Dions cuius steaming over tbe Itva Du Kol, full ten minutes ahead of ail others. The Prince Da Sagan and Cap tain Li Place were in ths Cointe Da Dion's carriage. The correspondent telegraphed in the evening that tbe Couite Ds Dion's carriage arrived at Itonen at 5 25 p. m., ahead of oyery tning. Tbe correspondent adds: "I rode my 'cycle from Mantes to Hjuod, f tarting an hour ahead of the Com to, but ut tbe Gaillun bill bis carriage passed mo, going ot the level at tuo rate of 28 kilomter(17t miles) an hour. Tbe earrings charges the bill like an express train. Not even Ziminermaan could bave kept up with it any length of time. M. Peougot's petroleum motor was tbe only carriage auytning like able to compete witb tbe Cointe De Dion's." Tbe new system of smoke combustion adopted iu some ot tbe Euglisu plants is reported as provisg decidedly satis factory as compared with previous ar rangements. ' Tbe apparatus is fitted in furnaoe having bars four feet long, tbe height of tbe bars from the top of tbe furnace being fifteen inches, and, about seven inohes from ths for ends of tho bars, an arob it placed five inches deep, by means of wiiieb. tbe smoke is turned downward upon ana turougu he fire. Below tbe bars a door is placed about three feet from the front, t,y meant of which tbe amount of jiisugbt allowed at the back of the I urnace it regulated and more equal proportion forced up to the front By this door the bars are kept cool, owing to the additional quantity of air, and thus preserved, und the air is thor oughly mixid with the smoke us it passes through the fire, thus assisting in its combustion The published statements in this esse show that by tbe use of such a system a saving or over 25 per cent. hRS been effected, the quantity of sinoko has been greatly re duced and the residue from the furnaoe in the shapa of clinkers is diminished 00 per cent. i a i The rights and duties of the drivers of vehicles and the manager, of an electric ear as respecting each otbor wera fixed recently, by a decision of the full bench of tbe supreme court of Massachusetts, in tho esse ot Alex ander Ellis against tho Lyon and Bos ton ltmlroud company. Mr. Ellis was riding in a buggy witb his daughter along Bench street, whon his horse be came frightened ut the sound of the motor and continued sounding of tuo uoug of an electric car and run away, throwing Mr. .bills and bis daughter from the carriage. The evidence tended to show that the electric car was 100 feet away when the unimul first took fright, and that the motor- man continued to sound bis ironir, The defendant contended that it was not negligence on bis part to sound tliu gong, but rather a duty which is owed to pedestrians and other travelers on thestreots. The court, however, said: It is a well known fact that mor horses are frightened at thoir first view of a moving electric car, esp-c- ially if thoy encounter it in a quiet place away from tne distracting noises ot a bmy city street. It is only by careful training and u f re quant repetition of ths experi eucj that they acquire courage to meet and pass a car on a narrow street without excitement, lhe rights ot tho driver of u horse and manager ot an oleclrio cur under such circumstances are equal. Ech uny uss the street, and each must use it witli a reasonable re gard fur the safety and convenience of the other. Tne uiotoriiviu is supposed to know that his car is likely to frighten horses that are unaccustomed to the sizht of such vehicles, wnile niot hurses are easily taught, after a while, to pass without fear. It is bis duty, it he sees a horse in the street before him that is gre:itly frightened at tho car, so as to endanger his driver or other per sons in the street, to do what be rea sonably can in the management of his car to diminish the fright of the horse, and it is also bis duty in running ths car to look out and see whether, by frightening horses or otherwise, be is putting in peril other persons lawfully using the street, ou foot or with teams. Of couisi, the owners and drivers of horses are required ut the same time to nse csre in proportion to the danger to which they are exposed. The defend ant's exceptions are overruled, and ac cordingly the verdict of $2,000 for the plaiutili is sustained. The Reading eolliories ars evidently not doini; much in the way of restrict iug their output. For the week ended last Saturday the compauv's tonnage smonnted to no le thau 241.750 tons, against 217,094 tons for the snme week I:st year, an increase of 24.0)0 tous. For tho year to the end of last, week shipments aggregated 7,328,250 tous, while in the corresponding period of last year thoy amounted to 8,278,551 tons, lhe decrease this year, there fore, is 0.i0,294 tons, lhe statement does not show, however, what propor tion of this tonnage was sold and the umouut that went into stock. The lat ter is now unquestionably very large, and if close restriction in output is not soon commenced there is Koing to be some livtly tutting in prices indulged In t:erore cold weather comes. Minor Industrial Notss: The Illiuois steel plant, at Milwaukee, uhs resumed wilu ,oOl) men, aou the Ful lor-Warren Stove works with 400 men. W. A. Littirop, 6uprintendent of tho Lalihru Valley Co;il and Auviifation coin piiuy, spent two davs last week inspecting company property la tlio vicinity or iotts vine. Despite the strike, with its expensive in terruption of bnsiuets, the Pullman com- pauv lias declarer tlie usual quarterly dividend of $1 per share, payable Aug 15 to siioiKnoiuors ol record Au;. l. The IVunt.ylVR.niu Schuylkill Valley rail ro:id l.tu appealed from tlie deeiu m of Judito Eudlirh which stopped the company iron, cuiiHiiH-niiL' an udituional trarn on lilver stict, P.edUing, over tho Headings right or v. ay. The Pennsylva ill rairoad has decided to construct a branch leading from its niaiii line at iiouiistown to tue coal lieids in noniersei county. me rnu will pass tlirout;n ,iulitilowii aiiu will open up and ueveiop a run territory, Tho dinic.il'.y exisiiug nmoiiR tho cm ployes of J. h. WenU & Co, at Mivo IirooK, is nbjut settled. A numlK'r of lii' rebellious Hungarian workmen on (heslrij plngi wnre discharged yesterday and their places filled with Itulinns. . It I nii'iouncjd that the Lohljh Vall.'.v slid Reading companies have abandoned the u-i nt H;,ft coal on tln ir enipnes end changed nl! to anthracite. Tnx is the re sult i f a series of long and careful experi ment!!, -which proved it cheaper in the cud than bituminous. "It Is proposed," nay the Philadelphia (Stockholder, "t build n bn mspuuHinn bridge in Sornnton, Pa., over tho Delaware iiud llu(lou,th Jersey Central, the Ontario and Western. mid the Lackawanna in place of a viaduct, the subject of which has n before the local authorities for sometime." Tha contract for buil.lin r the projected now electric railway linoi in the northern part of Laucaster county has lust bwn awarded ,by tho 1'euinvivauia True tiou company to a construction company The HrHt line built will be that from Lancsstor to Columbia, and tho Work ou this will be commenced without delay. Altogother nhont fifty milei of nuw elec tric roads will be bin It. FINANCIAL AND COM IVIE RCI AL . ttocki and Ponds. New Yoiik, Julv 25. Wall street re view: OneuinK dculines at the btock ex- cli n n go were characterir.ed by atrcnuth j far us .ngar wns concerned, but tha ren. era! market for a time was dnil and stendy. Estimates of gold sbipments !, Baturdny s steamers ranged from fd.Oli), Olid to 5,0(i0,00(). The general list, showed lut losses of to 1 per cent, for the day, but 8uer galiiod 1 per cunt. Total salosjwere lU.b'JO shsres of which m.SOO wore SuRar. Tim tollowine coinpioto tamo siiowiuit ths riav's fluctuations in aattve stocks Is aiionli.,.1 find rovisH dally by Lall ir A l''ullor, stock brokors, Ul Wyomlnir avenue Open- Hl;h irnr, est. Am. Cot. Oil Low est. Clos iritr. m 40 104" 741, 85H Am Biinar. 111! low 49 Jiii" 7f ilu'!4 1(1314 iltj 40 lOt" 74'( s-2 A. T. & a If, Can. Ho. Cltn. N. J Chic A N. W.. O., B. A Q ,'idi" . "S . 749 Chic. Oas. CCU A 8t. L.. Col., Hock. Val. AT, D. AH D L. A W D. A O. F irle O. E. Co 18 Oil LakoHhora I2'.n L. A N 45 WsnhatUu 115 Miss. Pao ai. L,paa 88' g-X-N.E. P. j . i voiurai.,,,,,, v N. Y..O. A W li K. Y.. j B. A W 14 u . . v. t'o 21 nortn rao.. North Pao. bf....,.la Omaha. Pao. Mall ! im m n, yi H"M Vi IBM H Kml laiW laisj Id Vfii 45 4.1 l Wa 114 I uu m mi i m h:& nriu iw iii um vi wvj wvi, 7t, 3 ! 11a m mi no ki v iiii m iiii Reading Koek Island.. .. i?4 v't Wi H.l" 11H ll-H MS !e''4 !U 'i" 'm M4 MM! lli'i - lu l!, 41,4 111 415a T Bt. Paul T.. V,. 4i I Texas l'o L nton I'ai-llle Wnliu,h p.- Western Union W.&U E W. &U lipfd. 41 Chicago drain and Provisions. Ri nANTOB. Julv 23 The followlns nnota- tlona sra lupplltia nu t Oorrontu'l dull by La- bar 8s uuor,atocic uroRorj.l.i. voininz ave- uuo. WHEAT. Jn'v. Pnt. M.4 Oil om Di'c fo 0(i-ia OncnliiK... HiKtiext.,.. Lowesi,,.,, CloHiinr..., MM fiM4 6IS H-ig 41 41 4"1 4o)i aiw i :u MH KM ' i .'.: 1JMI m IMS fliil Hi;:) limi ail Opeulin tlljjlteht , Lowest CloHlut: OATS. OpeuliiK , Hlidiext LowcBt CloHinir ss L'B ?4 l'J-0 l-'-vl l'.-'Jl 1M) 4 S.1 ll7 ll'i r.M Cm li:.J l7 1'UKK. (Wieninir lllL'lll'St , Lowest (. losing Op nhiK IliK'hi'st l.(IWVHt I lo8ni? KUOKT lilliS. (M-ninir llinlu'st owost Cloaini; NfW York froauce Markot. New YoitK. July 25. Flouk- -Dull, nnctianijed. liKAT Fairlv artlvs for export, ' llrm; No. tf red store and elevator. (i4.'n.ri."i5jC.; nlloat, Mario ', f. o, b., 5Su0iic.; im- ctaded red, SOiiiiUc.; !No. 1 liorthern. WJi'i.Oa' j'c. ; options closed llrm ntjo-itor-d.iy's prices: trading dull and chiefly switchinir and sculping: Decern her and N'ptomber most active; sales Included No. 3 red clonine ftljic. Julv: Auirust, nsKc: Bcptomber, SOe.: October, 67Jfic. ; December, eowc: Muy, lh'.is.iHKc. Corn Dull, lower, wilb options closing llrm: No. !i 4s4'.ic elevator; 4'J'iaonc. ntlout; options Were fairly active and K to llc. lower; September and Decern ber most active; July, 4s,Jic.; Auuusr, IbJic: September, 46xc.; October and No vember, 47c; December, 45c ; ilay 4ac. Oats Dull, steady; optlcn', dull, rinmi- nally lower; July, 8H.; Aui-'nst, iU,4i'c.; beptemnor, 38sc-: Oetobnr, -c.: spot prices. No. 3, 4ila4te; o. 3 white, 41u43u.: No. 3 Chicago, 4'.'Xc: No. 8 Pc; No. 3 white. 18c: mixed western, 41a4c.i white do., 8SJn55c. ; white state, liS'annc. Uekf Quiet, steady; family fl3al4; ex tra mess, S8 .50. liKEF IlASis-Dull; $31. Tieiicku bEBF Dull, steady; city extra India mess. $l7a18. Cut SlEATs-Quiet, stendy; pickled bel lies, 13 pounds at 7)o.j pickled shoulders, ejt'e.; pickled hams, nH'all'c. AiiiiDLES - Nominal. Laud Firmer, quiet; western steam, $7.3K:city, 6c; July closed J7.37, nom lua); September, $7.37, nominal; refined, quiet; continent, $7.50; South America, $7.75; compound, flaO'j'c Pork Quiet, steady, salps 150 bbls; mess, $14al4 S5, extra prims $l.'Ul:i.50. Uuttkr Light demand, llrm: state dairy, HJalSc.; do. creamery, 15lal0c ; Pennsylvania, do.,15)al9o.: western dairy, lKal4Kc: do. creamery, lXaltlc.; do. fac tory, llal4c. ; elgiiis," l'Jc. ; imitatiou creamery, PJalSe. Ciieksk Dull, steady; state Inrpre, 7-i'a 0c. ; do. fancy, 9c; do. small, "'u'.ilic.; part skims, 2a5ic.; full skim, lj jii'Jc. Eogs Light receipts, firmer: state and Peuusylvauin, lSaloc; western fresh, la al4c.; do. per case, ilalt. Philadelphia Sallow Market. Philadelphia. July 3. Tallow wbr dull and unnhtinged. I'riees were: Prime city in hoi;heads,4n4c.; jiriuie country, in barrels, 43c; do, dark in barrels, i!'4u 4c; cukes, 4,c; grease, i)ie. A Quarter Century Test For a quarter of a contury Dr. Kind's New Dlscovory lias been tested, nnd the uiillious who have received benefit from its use testify to its wonderful curative Eowers in all diseases of Thront.Chesfc nnd lUngs. A remedy that bus stood the test so long and that has given so universal satisfaction is no exporimont. Each bottlo is positively guarantved to givo relief, or the money will be refunded. It is admitted to bo the most reliable for Coughs and (.'olds. Trial bottles Free at Matthew Kro'a. Drnu Store. Large sine 5DC, and $1.W). For colds, croup, iisthnwi, hronclillis and sorj throat use Dr. Thomas' Kclectric Oil, and got tho getiuine. Whe:i !!:.'; was sir!:, wo pivi? l.er CastortO, When fc'ja was a Child, she cried for C'a.'.toria. When die became 3'ii-T., she chin;; to ('listeria. When sho hud Children, 'iho gave thiu Cantoris, at! Scranton Tribune JOB. . . DEPT. jTlVEKY description of Job Printing in the best style of the art. 't Promptness and Punctuality a particular point. i Experienced, practical aud com- i petent men in charge of each branch ! of the work. j We do not make a sham show ot ' cheapness aud curtail the quantity j or quality of the work. Dancing Orders, Hangers, j Cards and Posters a ; Specialty. Dill Heads, Note Heads, etc., printed at short notice. Estimates on all kinds of printing, small as well as large, cheerfully given. The Scranton Tribune Job Dent. 13 one ok the best kquiited establishments in the'city. Ladies Who Value A refined complexion must use Pozzont'( Poth dor. It prodncea a (oft and, bountiful skin. 1 prmiMUUroard ! In 'JO I01R) Jyi lit , wnaer rutmnty, bck&d by e..M. k.sj TtDFOOTIKna iwpik dtob . luuiirtna inns 1 Urofrotnp(.pleurfld,finhvniBlI WhtnHt(Ttrlni iud Monmrj(kil, Onr MfiRlo Remody wllllLa potlUTrirmn. cool RUMIV Nl. Oilw, 111. ' q PI cvnvA HEADACHE HEADACHE Cl'HKS HEADACHE 1 iss Lottie OAnsoN, of Rar nunc, Midi., wntos: "I have boi'ii troublod with a terrible I h'!idiirhi.i lor aliouttwn yenrs slid could not iri-t unythinic to In lp '" i'Ut at lusi a ti iond ndvisil mo to tnkoyoiir liint- I'hl K llLoOO DlTTKIlB, wllich 1 did. unci aflor takim; to boilli'S, I Inivu not had the iK-adacho sillco.,, Wit A . .. 3 JL j: JO";..-:. titles l--.KiNV.-:i-1".-:Vr.V1 h an Iinprovcmcut in Soap. In tho Trolley Unrip oM methods and materials nrj st;ptrsedt:d by new one.!. Ths Trolley on leaves tho cloUios sweet and clean and lasts lor"er than oilier soa;i3. Asi Your Grocer for it. If he docs nut keep it send us of .'cr fur 20 BARS FOR TRIAL FOR $1.00, or for a I!ux 100 cakes 75 pounds $4.50. Joseph p.Tiiorn'a.l EIIpntoD, 227 Chestnut Street, Phila. ' SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Susqu hanna Co. U. E. CHOFUT Proprietor. fIIIS IIOI'SE is strictly temperaneo, is now I aid well fnriiish.id and OPKV-:!) T"i 'IHK PUBLIC THW YKAK KoUND; is located midway between Montrono an I Hcran ton, on Alontroso aud l.au:(aw.iu:ri Kailroad, vix miles from I)., It, & W. It It. at Alford Blntion, and flrn milei from M nitrm i; ca iia ity, "iKlitj-livus three niinutus' walk f roin K. K. station. GOOD Hi AT. l lsIIINC. TACKLE, &C-, HIKE Tit 4iLi:lS. A'.titudn about i.MH) foot, equalllntt in this respect tho Adirondack u:id LttHill Mountain-. 1 ino Krovos. plenty of shalo and bo, nit if ul scenery, making a Siiniiner ltesort unex ceded In beauty and die ipness. Dancing pavilion, switus, crofuet uroundti, &c. Cold Sprinj V titer and plenty ol Miik. Kales, 7 to 810 per week. 81. GO per Uey. txenrslon tickets sold at all stations on D. L. k W. liiKi. i'ortt r meets i;il trains. !!KTEU KHOE CO., Inc'p. rupltal, 81.000,000. IlKST Sl.r.O MIOK IN THK WOKLU, "A dollar tated it a dnllar earned," k This Ladles' Solid French Innnla Kid Bnt toa lloot delivered free tinywhore in tbe U.S., on roceipi ot cam, Monty urcior, or postal Noto lor $1.S0. liqmls every way the boots sold in nil retail tiorus for $:..'.!. Wo mako this boot oui'folves, thereioro tre guar" antee Un ft, ttilc and vear, and If uny ono is not satlslled tto ulll refund tho money 'X orHcnaanotncrpatr. upera I j -A-'V la or Common pcime, it inV, V wlililK O, It, E,fc Kli, Ja t ' I- slic 1 to S and half ''A Pi I' '-I N slues. S,n,l Hour iter.- Bara Shoe GO?,K?i& MT. PLEASANT AT JUCTAIL. Onntflf tbn host quality fjr domestic nee,anj Of nil Hi,,jn, dolivorod ill any pal 6 of tk( cltj at lowest price. Orders loft at my office, NO. 118, WYOMING AVENtTK, ftesr room, first floor, Thir l National Bank, or sent by mail or telephone to tha mine, will receive prompt attention. t-peeial oolitrni'ts will be made for the (all and delivery ut Hnekwheat Coal. YWL T. SMITH. 1 my i, - V A t nnd viper qnlrkiy l uMoreU.V.'U ieoeel'), i.C'l:;!' Cilllrt.-ieflS. l:y I'.iti.le.i It en ily. Willi riit,n latiirnui'Mucurj, Sola b lii.'11'UbUII lltU4.,l)l'U;ji.l., .VI union, 1 1. hi:i',-U' . iif..:l ,,v IMLAMII. II, . r.., t RT ., PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM C'. Marvelous Cure S in Blood Poison Rheumatism I f t..t- P. P. P. puHlloB tho blood, bnlld" tip tlio venk nml uohllltntod, Klvia tt' fnptli ti werikouiHl norves, expoln ilitiviMiiH.ulTluK Uiu patlont heullli und JiniHjin'H whoro Rlckness, Klnnmy I... l;ni:i and luselunlo ilrnt prnvnlluif. Ft-r tipliimry,n''(ioiulnrv nnd tortinry pyilil(is, lur IiIu'.mI ioiunlnK. moron riul L'OlA'in, nmlnrlu, dyip,.i.-n, nnd In itlt hiuml mid nliln ill5iuiu.e, llko l.liitfhna. tIimtiIo. 11I1I nhmnln nli..,rM. c: 2" tclUT, lU'aid iinml, holla, ory.'IpKlun. rv ectvnvj- wo niny eay, without foar of S" eniitrailK'tlnn.tliatP. P. P. In thehinti blood pnr'ikr In 1)10 world,nnd mnkea . nuxltivo. uncedyaudliormunentouroa niillcn:ii"i. Lndlos whoso syniomn nro poisoned vw" ami wlumo blood Is In an Impure oouol tlnn, duo to im-nHtrurtl lrretcularltlon, nro nooullnrly honollteil by the wim j' Uorful tonto and blond oloaualuK prnp jrjv - ortli'sof P. P. P. - Prickly Ann, Poke Hoot nnd PotnMlnm. 5 I can spe:ik in tho hlKlieat terms of your mcdictue Irein my own persona! . InowlodK'o. Iwasar"etodwIihhear dlneiise, plenrUynnd rlieumntlsm for rH -j;-, years, waa treated by tho vory bes6 n, ptiyalcinnaann spent hundreds of dol- furs, trlod every known remedy with" out llndl.iK relief. I have only takoa "" . on8 nottlo of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully ay It has done me mora fTi kihiiI than nn y tli 1 11 I havo ever taken. I chu reeomniend your medicine to all SUTiororsoi tne aoove niaeasoa. 8pr jgfluld, Qreen Oountji Mo. Restores Lost Health ' " Dr. EX Grewer The Phllndelphls Pporlal'st.nnd his sssoclafod staff of RnulNn and (lernian phvsieians, are now permanontly located at au srnucM hi., hck nton. The doctor is a wad nn to of tho University of Pennsylvania, formorly ilemonstrator of plivsi oloey and suri-'ery at the Jlodlco-Clilruruieal Colleiro of l'hiladeltilila. A specialty of Chronio, Norvous, Skin, Heart, Womb aud Wood diseases. DISEASES OF THE HERYOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dizziness, lark of conlldenco, sexual weakness in men and wo man, ball rising Iu the throat, spots flouting before tho eyes, lossof memory, unable to con centrnto the mind on olio tmhjont, csilv startled whi'n suddenly spoken to. and dull, eistressed mind, which unfit h them for per forinilir theaetual Untii'S of liTo, malt Iiik hap piness inip'sible; tlistresli if tho action of the heart, cum in; tlunh of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, ttn-Iain holy, tiro easy of omp.niy, Icellni.' as tired iu tho nioniiiiK ns when ivtn- lint, lack of enertiy, nerveusiu'ss, trembling, eonfiisiou of thought, dopres-iioii.constiii-itiou. Wenkuets of tho hinbs. eic. Those so itU'octed should consult us immediately und be roster- eu to perfect neaitn. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED, Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been Riven up by your physician call upon the doctor and be examined, lie euros tue worst cases of Nervous lX-lelity. Scro fula, Old Stores. CutiirrhPllos.Kemulo Weak no n, Affections of tha Eyo, lOar, Noso and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors. Cancers und Crip ples of every description. Consultations froo and strictly sncred nnd confidential, (ifllcn hours daily from 1) a. 111. to U p. m. Sunday 0 to U. j? - . 1 ammm Eank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200,000 SURPLUS, $250,000 This bank offers to depositors every f noli Ity warranted liy their balances, busi ness aud responsibility. bpeclal attention t-ivrn to business ao cuunta lutt-rest pulil on time deposits. WILLIAM CONNFI.I4, President. (iliO. II. I ATMN, Vice-President. WILLIAM H. l'litK, Cuslile. D1KKCXOUS. William Council, Georirn II, Catlln, Alfred Maud. James Archbald, Henry llulln, Jr., Milllaui X a.uitu. Luther THIS National Bank of Scrantoii CHOANIZED ISU CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30,000, FA MIT L niKH,;rresldent. W. W. WA'iSON. Vice President A. a WILLIAMS, Cashier. MKKCTOHS. SAMI'ltL IIlNPS, .1 AMPS M" EvF.nnAltT, Ihvino A. FiNen, PiEitcK R. FiM.tr, Johi.l'ii J. JiiiMW. M.S. Ki:mi:iikk., ClIAS, P. ilAlTllLWS, JoIlN T. PuKTIiU. W. W. WA'ISON. PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites tho patremga of business men und tlrms jjeu. rally. Pimples, Blotches 3 sfc.V and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Trouble Are vnllrt'l.T rcmovnU by IM.U Prickly Ash. foko Ronfc nul rota atuni, tue tfrualvut biuj'i puiitltr cu earth. Abrihictk, O., Jnly 21, 8M. Mnsgiti. LiriMAN Hkiih. , ttvimmih, (in. 1 Dkah Si iiii I b.tULlit .llmllluoP TnurP. H. P. nt lli't Kiirlnp. Arli., nml 11 fins iiuiiu niu nnirn jtium i luui iiii months troatmeiitat tho Hot HjiriOKa. Hobd three biotli'H '. 11. 1). Ki'ipeouuny youia. JAR. M. NKVTOT, Abordeen, Drown County, O. (upt. J. D. Jolintlon. -aMT To all whom 1t nny eonrernt I hr-rn- '"5? by teatlly to the wonilerful uropertlea . fj) Oil. 1'. 1. IOT ITHi'lU'll I'l 1 mitTored for sovoral yoars wli It r.n un slk'htly and dlsiiirroiiaolo eruption on my face. I tried every known reme dy hut In Tiiln, niii.il V, V. 1'. va uacd, aud am now entirely cured. (Bigued by J. I. .KillNSTO.V,'. buMluilill, ua. tSkln Cnnc?r Cured. TetHmonyfrom lhe Manor of SejUtn,Tcx, flKqtMN, Tkx., Jnimnry 11, WX Mkskkb. l.ipeMAN ltnn:4.. rSavuniiiih, On. t Heutltmenl hnve tried your P. P. P. for adtneftBe of tho skin, usunlly known aa akin eauoer.of thirty yeur.v sliiiiillntr. and found (trout relief: It Duriuea the blood and roniovemill lr- rilftlion Irom the sent of rim dtsonse and prevents any anrendipu of the . (ores. I havo tuken flveor six bottles and fool oontldeut that anntlier course , 7T will eltect a cure. It has ulso relieved me from Indigestion and stomach Oi7 troubles. Yours truly, OAPr. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. Book 00 Blood Diseases Mailed u ALL DHUGQISTS BELL IT. LIPptVIAN BROS. V PB0PBIET0B8, JUppmnn'a Illock,8aTannah,0 T3 hsrd BUSINESS AND l llVSII l.SS A.u hlJ !... O.N S "I )K. Q. kUUAH DEAN Inis removed toll H.ruca street, hcruuton, 1-n. (Just op I.osito euuri-houso bquur) I )U. A. J. v-UNNfcl.L, Olllce liel Wttahinntun f J avenue, coiner Hprm alreut, ovuf JratickosdruR ttora Uosidenco, Kl VlnesU Otlico Hours: 1U.S to Vi a. la. and D to and .;w to7.UI p. m. Bunday, it to 3 p. ra. W. K A 1.1, KM. Lillien cur. Lack Jt- wanna and NVuslnuirtou aves. : over Leon ard kh.Hi sim-e; olhco hour;, IU to 13 it t und to 4 r- w.; evouuua ut luaiduuc u. v. ll-hlliKtnii uv i'J jK. Ul,. I'KKV, I'raotii-u lnniUiit to Ui I t ciittoN of thu Kyo, Ear, Nnsu und Throat; I'lUi-o, ll Wyounutf avo. Uusiduiioo, oil Vius Jtreot. lt. 1...M. UATKS. IBS WsshiiiKton Avenuj. J' ot'.icu boms, 8toWu.ni., i.;ju to li audi to p.m.iui..idoncu iln'J lladl--ou uvmua H'll.N U WKN XAM.' VilUcOT Ic! "auU .' ' ( omiiioiitt'cilili lmildini?; nwiduu "11 Wadlsonavo; olUc-o hours. U to tl, Z to 4, T to I); bundays 'I'M Ui 4. evc-niuifli at ri sidonoa, A ltei'ialty niado of divons o tho oyo, ear, uoad (ml throat and cynocol'ii;). l.A U VI '.Its. 1 11 uavi-it-i 1 ...... ............ . vZ,XTol -, ., , u. , . ui.i t lion, a t)iir:iHiiy throughout remixvlvantu: i-.-i 1:. I . l.. ...,r,...w,,ii,r. ents in every county. 1 KhsGi-n a MA.MJ, Attornoys and CouiibuI t lorn st Law, toimnouwca.ih ImlldiUi wuslunnton av W. 11. Jehsi-p, IIoiiack K. Kaho. . - W. H. jKhSUl'. JlL AIMLI.AKD, WAKltK.V & K.VAl-l', Aitir- noysniid Counw.orsat Law, K'puLuicaii buildmi.',W iwliitintin nv;vHiMantoii. Pa. )ATlhUno. 4. wi.i 'i. Attoriii-ys and 1 Coiumtllors at Law; ollicos 0 and Library building, licrauton, IV HOSWKI.L H. PATTBnSOSi I1.I.IAM A. l II.COX. A LKItKDllA.VU, WILIdAMJ. 11A.NU, At- ii tirilOVS Hlid fnnnvnllMrj fWi.ii,nuf.ltk ajl'limt. Kwms lllA 20 and 'l vv 7 F. liOYLK. Attornev M.I.nie K,. Id ut rt 20, llurr buildini;, Washinuton av, nuo. 11 EfHV. M. KKKLY Law olHe,-s in Price ouuouiir, vv asnni,nin avtnuo. I RANK T. OKi.LL, Attorney at Imw. Hoom oalKKcnann. Scranton. Pa. MILK in W. iA hi', ('. 11. VON STOHC1I. I Atl'ys, WasbitiR I ton av., t. II. touaia IAMKSW. (MKMiliD, Mtoruoy at Law, " rooms i CI, M and (S, fomnmnwealth b'l'tf. VAJIL'liL W. LUdAlt, Attorney at Law. A. VATiiKS, Attorney nt Law, 4il 1. Lfo-k.-nvanna nil".. Heranton. Pn. P. hJllTH, lunuiellor nt Law. OiT'ce, 1 rooms '!, i. fid ('iiiiiinii.'iweaith builiiine. ' K I lTt'lilt. Attorney at Law, Com . niomvi'u tb liuilniuK, 8"raiitiin. Pa t.'. U.M htivs, o.'i'sni ni e st 1). U. Kr.l'Liiiii.i.' in,..,.... , ...... lt , ,JlfnIin tiated on real cutnto security. 4I Hnruce. 1 l'.KIIvLA.M, AttoruevatLaw, IM Wy ouiiDKaveiiuo, Si-rantun. M lltlol.ii. (JCllUUL 01' THE LACKAWANNA, H-rC,y O ton. Pa., nreoares liovs and cirls ffiri rilleffs or buHiuexa: tliorouiihly truius youuk cbildroa T.r.v. TnoMAsM. CKnx I Wai.tkh H. Biiei.l. AI1SS WOIiCT.bTEli'S KINDEHdAItTK "1 nn'l frhool, 41- Adams avenue. Pup t ri coivul nt uil timo Kcit torm will oiiu'a Septe 'iilior It. l) , t IM S. Uril. A. TAFT. D.D.S, ll'l Nnrtli Wash inttmi Ave. Sn.ei:il-v in l'urcolnin KiMtonitiiiiis, Crown nnd liri'lee Work. 1 C. LAUIIACH, &ars;oou Dentist, No, Hi AV'ynniitur live. li. ii. .-'I ItATT. "V. .li..,. c.eii I'veliin"- l.liA.Mi. 'PllF. JiEPVIiLIU S.iviiK's and Lean As:r X ciittiun will lonii vou in .miy on eaier teniH and pay you buttur 011 Investment than uny dtlier assiviitiou. ('ail ou S. ,N. CALLi.N I !:!?. 1' me ItriM'r 1 iruVe,- sKi:is. CJ. K. CLARK & CO., Sei-lsmen. Florists and iiurryiiKu; Ktoro I41I Washington nventU'; croen hotiso, Uj) North Main avenue; iter" ti'leplinii'i T1'.1 1 t:.s. MIAMI INIoN 'I FA I'll.. .Ioik-m Urns. M IItK S( CKIN l, I OS. KL'LTfEL, fni Lacliawannii avenuj, Scrnntrii. lJn . l'.'.T'iil'r f Wir-- f-ree,is IIOTFI.S A.! i:it.M HANI'S jUlM KMM IN .sTI.it, il7il. Wyoming X itv,i. Foonw lieatud with stoam: all mod n iniprovci'.u nls. (.'. M. Tiii maw, prop. MM1K ELK CAFE, lii nml 127 Franklin avo X nue. Kates reasonable. !'. :cii:iu.Kn. Proprietor. LSXju.aTi:!i IH'i KL. W. (i. r-CHLSCK. Manairer. Sixteenth street, 0:10 b'.ock 'Wat of Broadway, nt Union square. New York. Amerii'im p'an, !f.. .m i,t ilav nml upward. C'OYXE HOCtSK. Lurifan plan; tool ' rooms. Ciion day and uijht. Bar sup plied witu tbe best. P. IT. COTNF. Proprietor. I'l ItANTON "liOUSK. "near l U t W. pa O toniter depot. Coiiilccti d ou the European plan. VirT'iit Horn. Proprietor. ( KAMI CENTKAU J lie largest and ImT J eipiippol hotel iu Allontowu, Pa.; ratei 12 and ?2.j0 pur day. Vhtok D. PAnxrn, Proprietor. Al:ciilTi:'is. UA VIS A- llOl'l'l', A"el:lt-ct.H. Hoolns 21. t'fi mid 'St l'MOinii'iii-i-aitli li'id'c. SiTHiiton. rL. Al,IFl7, Ar. li-.t-N-tromctfrioaroi Jm inn a:.!iir.lo:i nv.'iiue. 5 L. liliOWS". Ar.h P.. Architect. Price 1 , liiinriih;. I'.'.i i sliiiiLrlou Ave.,Scranteii. .11 i:i 1 I ut s. li A lKKrS " i;CI I l.sTlt A - Jii'Slu K03 m .-...,. j,,.,.,, -, -.i.i 1 a, hi ' l'lll'U.1, WUll t.iinrs aiu concert wm-k tMnilnlnid. Kor tormi stlilivsfl K. I'.au'T, cr.Miuciof. H7 Wyuiuiug live., jV'r Hii'h-'ft'fl iiuifH tlrt. llnin'dN' 1). SWAHTS-WHOLESALE I 1 liimlier, Trice I nil lin.:. Snnmnn. Pa. MI.H.H(li;E ilUlVil! Flis, POINTERS'" Hipimea. mviopes. papjr Iiiiitk, twniA Wnrelioiiao. 1:) Waaliiuiftou ave., Scranton, Pa. KWKSKK AX 1 1 i.'AliKIAHEk VO.i SALE nt 1.M3 I iipinu 1 -venue 1). L. FOOT F, Apotit I, RANK P. ti.'Ovy.N A CU.."' HOLE 1 B'llo ill :il"!s in iieilw are, Coriiai;e and oil cictli, '.ll W. Lackawai'.iai avenue. IZiiA i'i.nN & sd.S, build rs aud nintra -J J tui H. Yards: lonier uluu st. and Adaim live.; corner Ash st. aud lYnii ave.. Seranton. The GENUINE Now Haven "Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED I860. Kew York WTarcronnn No. SO Fifth Avenue. a C, RICK Eli & CO., Bole dVilera In this section. OBTICE-121 Adams Ave., Telephone B'l'd'e Eureka Laundry Co, Cor. Linden St. snd Adams Ava. Couht House byuAus. AH kinds of Laundry wotk gnRranleo? tn beet, THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING COl CCH ANTON. AND W1LK E9-BARRE. PA, 1IANCFAOTDRER8 Ot Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. 1 General Office, ECRAUTON, PA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OP K J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal usod exclusively, insuring cleuuliness and comfort. TIME TA11LE IN X'FECT MAT 20, 1894. Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, Wilkes. Bnrre, etc., at 8 3, H.li, 11.30 a. m., 12.50, 2.00, MS' I ""' U-Ui P- m- Bundays, .W a. m, 1.1X1, 2.1.1, 7.10 p. m. For A'lantio City. 8.20 a. m. l'or Now York, NowarK and Elizabeth, 8.20 (express) a. m., l-'.M) (expross with Buffet parlor car), IS M (express) p. m. bunday. JUS p. m. Foil MAi-cii CniiNK, At.lentoww, Bkthls IIJ.M, I'.Astoh and Piili.AiitXPiiiA, .M a. m.. U..M Mi 5.110 (except Philadelphia) p. m. fcntidsy, a.lfjp. m. Kor Lmno riiiAMon, Oceaw Gnova. etc at .M i;iili tnrouKh car) a. m., 12.5X)p. m. For Heading, Lebanon and liarrlsburer, via if 1 m'"' bM " m'' 1ZM' 6'' p'm' Bmdayi For Pottsvllle, 8.;na. m.. 12.Hlp. m. lleturnini;. leavo New York, foot of Liberty street, North river, at II 10 (expross) a. m., l.ln, 1..I0, 4.:i (express with Bullet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, .; a. m. Leavo Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, 9.0O n. in., VJM and 4.3 1 p. m. Sunday, 6.H7 a. m. IhroiiKh tickets to all poinUat lowest ratas may bo had on anphcatloa in advance to ths tickot auont at tha station. U. P. BALDWIN, J. II. OLHAITSE, Ag9Dt (Ion. Supt. DELAWARE AND HUD HON RAILROAD. C'oiiimonoiuK May iW, 1892, t ruins will run as follows: Trains leavo Bridge (Street Ktution. bcranton, for Pitts ton, WllkesBarro,etc,8.l, .'.07, :)7, 10 42 a. m., 1Z10, l,X. z:m. 4.1U, Mi, (1.15, .li and 1J Ml p. m. Kor New York and Phlla doitibla. KlUla m. 12.10. l.th. HW. 4.10 and 1 1. TO p. in. l'or Hiinesdnle (from Delaware, Lackawanna and western depot), 7 0U, b.au, 10. ID a. in.. 1H.09 111.. 3i. 17, 5.10 p. ill. For ( urboudalo and Intermediate stations, 6.40, 7 00, b.:0, 10.10 a. in.. 1H00 in.,2.17. 8.25,5.10, tl Si and 11 Xi p. in.; from bridge Btroot Depot, if.ni a. in.. y.KnuJ 11 :;5 i'. m. Fust expreas to Albany, Haratoea, the Adi rondack .Mountains, lioatun aud New England point, 5.40 a in., arriving at Albany 12.45. t-aratoua 'i.'M p. in. .und leaving Scrauton at '2.17 p. 111., urriviun at Albany at8.6 p. m, foars ti ira, 12 0j a. 111 , and B;Bton, 7.00 a. m. 1 lie only direct route between the coal fields and UuHton. "The Leading Tourists' Bout of America" to the Adirondack Mountain re aorta, Lakes Uuorifo and Cbamplairj, Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and through train sorvico between atatlnns on all divisions Dela ware and Hudson aystem, may be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson ticket offices. H. I. YOUNU, J. W. BUKDICK, Second Vice Preaidont Gen. Pass. Agt. .11 A V IS, lw4. Train leaves Bcranton for Philadelphia an New York via. I), ii II. H K. at a.m., It 14 'i.SH and 11.35 p. m. via D., LW. &, 0.00, b.o.ll.aj a. 111., and 1.80 p. in. Leave fc-cranton fir Pittston and Wilkes-P- viaD.. L. & W. K. K., 8.00, a08, 11.2d . , 1.80, 8.60. (1.07, a. 0 p. m. in?" Scranton for White Haven, Hazleton, itlivillo nnd all points on the Beaver iBudow and Pottsville branches, via E. 4r W. V., ti I" ii.m.. v a D. & li K. R. at 8 a.m., 12,10, 2.38. 4.1C p.ia, via D., L. & W. U. E, 6.00, 8.1 11.20 a.m., l.M, a.VI p.m. Lcnve Scranton for Bethlehem, Eaaton, Rcailir.g, ilarriaburz and all intermediate r unts via D. & H. K.H., 8 a m . 1110. .3a, U.a) r m.,via D, L. & W. li. R.,0.00,8.08, llio a. m, l.'yt p.m. Ieave Scranton for Tnnkhannock, Towanda, Elruira. Itbaca, Genova and all Intermediate luinu via D. & H. K.R.")7 a m..L! Iu and 11.81 p. 111.. via D. L. & W. K. R., 8.0H a.m.,1.80 p. m. Leave S'-ranton fur Rochester, Buffalo, Nl a tram Falls, Detroit. Uin-ago and all points went viaD. ic 11. li. B. .07 u.m..l2.10,.5.11.5 p. in., via D. L. ft W. B. B. and Pittston Junction, M am., 10, 8 5j p. m., via HAW. It ri., 3.41 P. m. For Elmira and ths west via Salamno, via Ii. A 11. it. li. V.o; a.m., lilO.C.16 p. m.. via D, L. Ai W. K.K., .KOsa.m.. l.M snd 6.07 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. & B. Junction or Wilkcs-Larre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and HtiBpenion Bridire. KOLL1S H. WiLBUIt. (Jan. Supt Ks Dir. CI! AS. S. LKii. iitn. Paa.4. Ag't jla.P. AW N INNEMACnEK.Aas't 07 A. Ag't, Sor, h P.oihleliem. Pa. DEI.AWABE, LACK A ANNA' AND ULSTERS RAU.HOAD. Trains leavo Scranton as follows! Express for New York and ah points East. 1.40, 2.50, 5.1.", 8 IU and 9m a m.; 12 6i and 3.50 p, m. Express for Canton, Tronton. Philadelphia and tli.i South, 515, B.00 aud t.6j a. m.; U5f and p. ul Wasliiuptmi and way stations, 8.55 p m, Tiilivliunna aefommodation, 8.10 p. m. l.xnr as lor Binuhaiiitou. Osweeo, Elmira, renins;. Bata. Pansville, Mount Morris and BulTalo. 12.10. 215 a. m. and 124 p. m., making close coni.octioua at Buifalo to all points in tb W..... V .. .1. ....u.. A ...h.BU, 11 est, nuiiiinwi miu ouuiunnu lisiih accommodation, M a. m. Bingliamton and way stations, 12.37 p. m. Mcuol.ou accommodation, at t p. m. anfl 6 I1' 11 111. Binchamton and Elmira Express, 6 05 p. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oawegoj L'tica and Kichficli tiunnjrs, ilj a. m. and l-M p. in. Ithaca, S.15 and Bfth !a. ra. and U p. m. For Noriliumboriaud,Pittaton,Wllkes-Barrsv Plymouth, liloomaburg aud Danville, making closi connections at Northumberland for Willianuport, Harrisburg, Baltimora, Wasln ington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate (tatlo. , 6 00, ti.6.) a. m. and 180 and 6.07 p. m. Nanticoae aim intermediate stations, 8.W aud ll.Si a. m Plymouth and Intermedial stations, 3.50and 8.5; p. m. . Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all "for detailed information, pocket time tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket 0 ffloe, 1. 1. iiHwaniiaavcnue. or depot ticket otnos. VEW Y11BK. ONTARIO AND WESTERS a UA1LWAY CO. T1MH TAHI.K IN IVFF.CT BfNDAT. JUN 24. 'I rains leave Scranton for Carbondala at 6.30. II1..V1 a.m. and 610p.m. For Hancock Junction, 10.55 a.m. and 6.111 p.m. Trains leave Hancock Junction for Fcran ton. Ga m and'JOSpm. Trains leave Carlum dale for Scranton at Til a 111. and 9.31, 5.34 p.m. RCKATiN - IVMON. In Fllrct Jnne 24lh, 18D4. Korlh Itiiiinil. outk Bound, 80S oa oi J Stations (Trains Dally, Kx. I ccpthuiiduy.) M 'f r- ff v H 1 1" ... ill"! P MP H Arrive' " Lcavei N. Y. Franklin 81 We."t 4'.'ud street Weeliawken Arrive Leavel Uuucock Jiuictlou, A h it 1 Ifc . K 1(1 I 1V.1 . T5 I'OTIi! . 7 m1 a iv . T IMS 411 A TO ece 818 tii ltnncork SliulUht l'reston Park C01110 Poyntclle I'l 2 2-i 131 a 4i Sen 0 8 r 11 7 is rje,,:(i m. 7:i!),:i! ihiOoii 7 win a ti.vj! J UlliU'l'l VAHi Til-ill ;; BiW, CM II Hi l.V 0 4 4 60 4 55 6 0S llclmoiit riesaaut Mt, I'nlondale Foi'Set I'tl.y Cmbmdnle White Urlil?e Jlayllrld Jerinyn . Archibald Wlnion l'pi'kvlllo Olvplinut Dickson '1 hi oop Providence park Place Horanton 6 4S M S Mt 8 ua 18 SB SOU- BIN 8 19 6 18 8 51 5 84 7 10 TS4l n is into Hi: fiWSl ....lI'.HI T IT18 881 5 87 fi fU6 8 485 41 (linn ai not, :iai 1 1-;1 s srl (IH-'flllS KM 7 81 8 40 0 41 7 4,H 151 8 51 T 431 8F4 IU T48 851), tli 7 1 4 04 6 04 (54 4 07 07 T 08 4 10 8 10 8 (H 414: 814 8 Ot fi 17 a is nsi!n 11: sMi fi W 1 1 0T H 41 I! HI II (1 1 H II 0 111.11 01 HSlll (1 14 II ( H f(l IS (HOT, 8 0 lOilO .'16 8 8t I 8 05j 4 ft), 8 A UT u'r M P X A M'A U l.ravo Arrlvel All trains run dally except Sunday. t hiifi,iiH'3 that trains stop on aurnal tor pam Bonccrs. ? (.euro rates via Ontario 4) Western before r'UirlKodng tickets and save money. Day and. Nllisrt Express to the West.. J C. Anderson, Oen. Pass. Agt, T. Plltcrott, Dlv. Pass, Agt. Scranton, Pa. 208 9fl 20a P M l S?asi A Nl .... in.... .... 7 55 .... .... 810 .... Mr M .... ....