The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 26, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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COPvmuMT, 1694 BY'THl
Before guard mounting, almost half
ui hour before his usual timo for np
puiu'iug nt the offlee, Colonel May
wi'd hurriod into his desk, sunt tho or
icrly for Captuiu Chester, and then tho
jlerks in tho sergeant major's room
heard him close and loek tho door. As
Hie subject of tho shooting was already
indcr discussion among tho nieu there
issombled, this aetioa on tho part of
tho chief was considered highly signifl
sant. It was hardly live minutes before
Chester came, looked surprised ut find
ing tho door locked, knocked and was
Tho look on tho haggard face at tho
Jusk, the dumb misery iu tho eyes, tho
ivrath and horror in it all, carried him
baok 20 years to that gloomy morning
in tho casemates when tho story was
passed around that Captaiu Maynard
bad lust a wife and an iutimato friend
ilqring tho previous night. Chester saw
It u glance that, despite his precau
tions, the blow had come, tho truth been
revealed at ouo fell swoop.
.''Lock tho door again, Chester, and
jomo here. 1 have suino questions to ask
Tho captaiu silently took the chair
which was indicated by a wave of tho
tolonel's hand and waited. For a mo
ment no word more was spoken. Tho
Did soldier, white and trembling strange
ly, reseated himself tit tho desk and
covered his face with his hands. Twieo
aj drew them with feebly stroking
movement over his eyes, ns though to
rally tho stunned faculties and faco tho
trying ordeal. Then a shiver passed
through his frame, and witli sudden lift
Df the head he fixed his gazo on Ches
ter's faco and launched the ouestiou:
"Chester, is there any kindness to a
man who has been through what I havo
iii telling ouly half a tale, as you have
The captain colored red. "I am at a
loss to answer you, colonel," he said
after brief reflection. "You know far
nioro than yon did half an hour ago,
and what I knew I could not bear to tell
you as yet."
"Aly God, my God! Tell mo all and
tell mo nt once. Here, man, if you need
stimulant to your indignation and can
not speak without it, read this. I found
it, open, among the rose-bushes in tho
garden, where sho must havo dropped it
when out there with you. Read it.
Tell me what it means, for, God knows,
I can't believe such a thing of her. "
Ho handed Chester a sheet of uoto
paper. It was moist and blurred on tho
first page, but tho inner pages, though
damp, were In good condition. Tho
first, second and third pages were close
ly covered in a bold, nervous hand that
Chester knew well. It was Jerrold's
writing beyond a donbt, nd Chester's
face crew hot as he road, and his heart
turned cold as stono when ha finished
the last hurried line:
My Daiiuxo I must see you. If only for a
moment, before you leave. Do not let tills
alarm you, for the more I think the more I am
convinced it Is only a bluff, but Captain Ches
ter discovered my absonce early tills morning
when spying around as usual, and now he
claims to have knowledge of our secret. Even
If he was on the terrace when I got back It
was too dark for him to recognize me, and it
seems impossible that ho can have got any real
cjuv. Ho suspects perhaps, nnd thinks to
force mo to confession, but I would guard
your name with my life. Bo wary. Act as
though there worn nothing on enrth between
us. and if we cannot meet until then I will bo
at tho depot with the others to teo you off, and
will then have a letter ready with full particu
lars and instruction:!. It will be in tho first
thing I linnd tn you. Hide It until you can
safely read it. Your mother must not be al
lowed a glimmer of suspicion, and then you are
safe. As for me, even Chester cannot make
the colonel turn against me now. My jealous
one, my fiery sweetheart, do you not reallzo
now that I was wise In showing her so much
attention? A thousand kisses. C'omo what
may, they cinnol rob us of the past.
I fear you heard and were alarmed by tho
(hots just after 1 left you. All was quiet whoa
1 got home.
It was somo seconds beforo Chester
could control himself sufficiently to
speak. "I wish to God the bullot had
gono through his heart !" he said.
"It has gono through mint through
mine! This will kill her mother. Ches
ter," cried tho colonel, springing sud
denly to his feet, "sho must not know
it Sho must not dream of it. I tell you
It would stretch her in the dust, dead,
for sho loves that child with all her
strength, with all her being, I boliove,
for it i3 two mother loves in one. Sho
had a sou, older than Alieo by several
years, her firstborn her glory ho was
-i-but tho boy inherited tho father's pas
sionate and impulsivo nature. Ho loved
a girl utterly beneath him and would
have married her vhon he was only 20.
There is no question that ho loved her
well, for he refused to give her up, no
matter what his father tl ireatened. They
tried to buy her off, and Bhe scorned
them. Then they had a letter written,
while he was sent abroad under prctenso
that he should have his will if ho camo
back in a year unchanged. By Jove, it
seems sho was as much in love as he,
nud it broke her heart She went off and
died somewhere, and ho came back
ahead of time because her letters had
ceased and found it all out. Thero was
an awful cotne. Ho cursed thorn both
father and mother and left her sense
less at his feet, and from that day to
this they never heard of him, uover
could get the faintest report It broke
Eenwick killed him, I guess, for he
died in two years, and, as for the moth
er, you would not think that a woman
to apparently full of lifo and hoalth was
iii desperate danger. She had some organic-
troublo with the heart years ago,
they tell hbr, and this experience has
developed it so that now any great emo
tion or sudden shock is perilous. Do you
ndt see how doubly fearful this oomes
to us? Cliester, 1 have weathered one
awful storm, but I'm old and broken
now. ' This tMa beats ma Toll me
what to do. "
Thfl Rnnrufii who Bilmif. a faar vneu
Eo was thinking intontly.
oes sho know yon have that let-
ho asked.
J 1 1. T-i 1 3 I1T 1 . 1 1
1 1 come away. She was in the
parlor singing softly to herself at tho
very moment I picked it up, lying open
as it was right there among tho roses,
the first words staring mo in tho faco.
I meant not to read it never dreamed
it was for her ai;d had turned over tho
pago to look for tho superscription.
There was none, but thero I saw tho
signature uud that postscript about the
shots. That startled me, and I read it
hero just beforo you came and then
could account for your conduct some
thing I could not do before. God of
heaven, would any man believe it of
her? It is incredible I Chester, tell mo
everything you know now oven every
thing you suspect. I must sco mv way
And then tho captain, with halting
and reluctant tongue, told his story
how ho had stumbled on tho ladder
back of the colonel's quarters and
learned from Ku 5 that some ono had
been prowling bade of bachelors' row;
how ho returned thero afterward, found
tho ladder at the side wall aud saw tho
tall foiui issue from her window; how
ho had given chase and been knocked
breathless, aud of his suspicions and
Leary's as to the identity of tho stran
ger. Tho colonel bowed his head still deep
er and groaned aloud. But ho had still
other questions to ask.
"Did you see any one else at tho
"Not while he was there."
"At any time, tlicn before or after?"
And tho colonel's eyes would tako jio
"I saw," faltered Chester, "nobody.
The shade was pulled up, while I was
standing there, after I had tripped on
tho ladder. I supposed tho noiso of my
stumble had awr.keiiod her."
"And was that all? Did you see
nothing more?"
"Colonel, 1 did see afterward a wom
an's hand and arm closing tho shade."
"My God! And sho told mo sho slept
tho night through never waked or
heard a sound!"
"Did you hear nothing yourself, colo
nel?" "Nothing. When she camo home
from the parry, sho stopped a moment,
saying something to him at tho door,
then came into tho library and kissed
me good night. I shut up tho houso and
went to bed about half past 13, and her
door was closed when I went to our
"So thero were -two closed doors,
yours aud hers, and the broad hall bo
twecn you?"
"Certainly. We have tho doors opou
all night that lead into tho rear rooms
and their windows. This gives us abun
dant air. Alico always has tho hall door
closed at night."
"And Mrs. Maynard, was sho asleep?"
"No. Mrs. Maynard was lying awako
and seemed a little restless and disturb
ed. Somo of tho women had been giving
her some hints about Jerrold aud fretting
her. You know sho took a strango fancy
to him at tho start It was simply bo-
"I saw the slrjniitvrr nnd thnt postscript
(Oiuul the oiofs."
canso he reminded her so strongly of tho
boy sho hud lost. Sho told mo so. But
after a littlo sho began to discover traits
in him sho did not like, and then hi:i
growing intimacy with Alice worried
her. Sho wotdd havo put a stop to tho
doctor's party, to her going with him,
I mean, but tho engagement was matlo
somo days ago. Two or three days since
she warned Alico not to trust him, sho
says, aud it is really as much on this as
any other account that wo decided to
get her away, off to see he r Aunt Grace.
Oh, God! How blind we are! How blind
we are!" And poor eld Maynard bowed
his head and almo-t groaned aloud.
Chester rose, and in his characteristic
way began trumping ljeivously up and
down. There was a knock at tho door.
"Tho adjutant's compliments, and 'twas
timo for guard mount. Would tho colo
nel wish to see him beforo he wont out?"
asked tho orderly.
"I ought to go, sir," said Chester. "I
am old officer of tho day, nnd thero will
bo just timo for mo to get into full uni
form. "
"Let them go on without you," said
Maynard. "I cannot sparo you now.
Send word to that effect Now now
about this man this Jerrold. What is
tho best thing we can do? Of course I
know what ho most deserves, but what
is the best thing under all tho circum
stances? Of course my wifo and Alico
will leave today. She was still sleeping
when-' I left and, pray God, is not
dreaming of this. It-was nearly 2 beforo
sho closed her eyes' last night, and I,
too, slept badly. You have seen him.
What docs he Bay?"
"Denies everything everything
challenges mo to prove that ho was ab
sent from his house more than five min
utes indood, I could not, for ho may
have coma in just after I left and pro
tended utter ignoranco of my meaning
when I acousod him of striking me bo
fore I ordered the sentry to fire. Of
course it is all useless now. When I
confront him with this lotter, ho must
give in. Then lot him resign and gbt
away as quietly as possible bjfore the
end of tho 'Week. No one uoed know the
causes. Of course shooting is what hi
deserves, but shooting demands expla
nation. It is better for your name, hers
and all that ho should bo allowed to
live than that tho truth wero suspected,
as it would be if he wero killed. In
deed, sir, if 1 were you, I would tako
them to Sablou, keep them away for a
fortnight nnd leave him to me. It may
bo oven judicious to let him go on with
all his duties as though nothing had
happened, as though ho had simply
been absent from reveille, and let tho
whole mutter drop liko that until all
reniiirk and curiosity aro lulled; then you
can send her back to Europe or tho east
timo enough to decide on that but I
will privately tell him ho must quit tho
service iu six months and show him
why. It isn't the way it ought to bo
settled, it probably isn't tho way Armi
tago would do it, but it is tho best
thing that occurs to mo. One thing is
certain. You and they ought to get
away at oneo, and ho should not bo per
mitted to sto her again: I can run the
post a few days aud explain matters
alter you go. "
Tho colonel vat in wretched silence a
few moments. Then ho arose:
"If it wero not for her danger her
heart I would nover drop tho matter
here never! I would seo it through
to tho bitter end. But you aro probably
right ns to the prudent course to take.
I'll get them away on tho noon train.
Ho thinks they do not start until later.
Now I must go nnd faco it. My God,
Chester, could you look at that child
und realizo it? Even now, even now,
sir, I believe I believe somo way
somehow she is innocent "
"God grant it, sir!" ;
And then tho colonel left tho office,
avoiding, as has been told, a word with
any man. Chester buttoned tho tclltalo
letter in an inner pocket, after having
first folded tho sheet lengthwise, and
then inclosed it in a long oflioial envel-:
opo. Tho officers, wondering at tho
Colonel's distraught appearance, had
!omo throughm in, hoping for informa
tion, ana tiien nail gmie, unsatisfied und
disgusted, practically turned ont by
their crabbed senior captain. Tho la
dies, after chatting aimlessly about tho
quadrangle for half nn hour, had decid
ed that Mrs. Maynard must bo ill, and
whilo most of them awaited tho result
two of their number went to tho colo
nel's liouso and rang tho bell. A
servant oppeared. "Mrs. Maynard
Wasn't very well this morning and was
breakfasting in her room, and Miss
Alico was with her, if tho ladies would
please excuse them. " Aud so tho emis
saries returned unsuccessful. Then,
too, as wo havo seen, despito his good
intention of keeping matters hushed as
much as possible, Chester's nervous ir
ritability had got tho better of him,
and ho had maiL damaging admissions
to Wilton of tho existence of a causo
Of worrimcnt and perplexity, aud this
Wilton told without compunction. Aud
then there wan another excitement that
fet all tongues wagging. Every man
had heard what Chester said; that Mr.
Jerrold must not quit tho garrison un
til ho had first come and seen tho tem
porary commanding officer, and Hall
had speedily carried tho news to his
"Aro you ready to go?" asked Mr.
Jerrold, who was lacing his boots in tho
rear room.
'"No. I've got to go and get into
cits' first"
"All right. Go and bo lively! I'll
wait for you at Murphy's, beyond tho
bridge, provided you say nothing about
"You don't mean you aro going
against orders?"
"Going? Of conrso I am. I've got old
Mayuard's permission, and if Chester
means to revoke it ho's got to get his ad
jutant hero inside of 10 seconds. What
you tell mo isn't official, I'm off now!"
And when tho adjutant returned to
Captain Chester it was with the infor
mation that ho was too late. Mr. Jer
rold's dogcart had crossed the bridge
five minutes curlier.
Perhaps an hour later tho colonel sent
for Chester, and tho captaiu went to his
houso. Tho old soldier was pacing slow
ly up and down tho parlor floor.
"I wanted you a moment A singular
thing has happened. Yon know that
'directoire' cabinet photo of Alice? My
wifo always kept it on her dressing ta
ble, and this morning it's gone. That
framo tho silver filigree thing was
found behind a sofa pillow in Alice's
room, and she declares sho has no idea
how it got there. Chester, is thero any
new significance in this?"
Tho captaiu bowed assent
"What is it?"
"That photograph was seen by Major
Sloat iu Jerrold's bureau drawer at re
veille this morning."
And such was the situation at Sibley
tho August day the colonel took his
wifo and her lovely daughter to visit
Aunt Craeo at Lako Suulou.
Wills In Aneieiit Greece.
Wills were introduced into Athens by
Solon, though in many other parts of
Greece they were discountenanced, Diog
enes Ijiertius gives copies of tho wills or
several celebrated men, such ns Plato,
Aristotle and others. Beforo Solon's law
no man was allowed to niuku a will, the
wealth of deceased belonging in certain
proportion to the members of their fami
lies, am! even after Solon only an Athenian
citizen lmd the privilege of liequest, the es
tates of slaves and foreigners being conlis
rntcd for this public Jiso. AH the Year
A bcrew Loose Somewhere,
riiisband Why dou't you wear your new
Wife It is unbecoming, or else it is out
of style, or possibly It is a horrible misfit.
I'm not sure which, but I must look like
a fright or simpleton in It.
Husband Why soP
"All my friends praise it." Now York
What a Minister Says.
TrinUll Station, Morgan Co., Ata.
Dn. R. V. PiEUCEi Dear Sir In tho fall
oi lust year i sutlercd
from rheumatism In
my left shoulder ami
elbow. I tried a great
many remedies, rec
ommended to me by
friends, but they all
failed to afford relief.
From the time I ben-no
Doctor PlerT-c'g Golden
Medical Discovery, uu-
til I felt that I was
cured, was a period
.1 oo wring four or Ave
nonius, rv mil' inm ul
taek lasted, I suffered
a treat deal, and could
nut dress or undress
Rev. W. Williams, myself. Although I am
7,1 years old, 1 now re
gard my health as splendid. I had spent a
great deal of inoucy previously, In various
tee kinds of medicine, but the " Discovery," from
tho duv I commenced until I was well, coat
only four coi.LAits.
Accept my gratitude, and I Ng to subscribe
myself. 1 Your friend,
These Are Words to Remember In Dressing
the llouie's Infant Ruler.
The scarfs, tray cloths and other small
articles of decorutive tablo linen thnt have
bo long been embroidered with red are now
to have tho design worked in ono, two or
threo shades of yellow. Pretty round
doilies uru shown madu of fine white Unon
and edged with point de veuise. Jut In
side tho edge of the linen a small pattern
Is embroidered with gold colored wash silk.
These doilies would go well with the itJ.
1 1 terra 1
m wm Mr M
111 mt
( 1 Lwm Miwuamiia! MmlimtMWUM fill
and crenm damask luncheon cloths and
napkins now sold, which are ns brilliant
and soft ns silk, 'i'hei-o is really nothing
quite as dainty for tho table ns pure whito
linen, however, hemmed rather than
friiifr;'d, nnd by all means hemmed by
hand. Machine hemming on table ani
bed linen is an Incongruity which should
never be tolerated.
Reverting to the subject of tinted houso
linen, It Is u good plan to buy towels that
havo not a colored border, for in the wash
ing und boiling that towels so frequently
pass through the color is sure to fade more
or less, even if it be red, which is most
lasting, uud an appearance of ago and
shabhlncss is thus produced long beforo the
linen is really worn out.
The latest thing in fancy work is tho em
broidering of small squares of coarse ecru
bolting cloth with Japanese silks in Per
sian patterns, the squares to be turned to
account in making cushion covers, him
brequlus nnd other decorutive articles.
Joined by wide bunds of dull bluo ribbon,
they would make a very pretty baby car
riage robe, although nothing can equal for
that purpose a white cushniero goatskin,
which is light, warm and appropriately
infantile looking. Excessive elaboration
is out of place iu a child's uppurtcnunccs.
The more exquisitely simple and ucut they
aro tho more rellned will they appear.
That is why a baby's toilet articles should
be of china und ivory rather than of silver
and its lawn gowns hemstitched und
tucked instead of richly embroidered.
A sketch is given of a brushholder of
heavy olive cloth. The pockets uro laid
iu plaits on each side at the bottom to al
low sulllelent room for tho brushes. The
top of the back pieco and the face of tho
pockets aro embroidered in geometrical
patterns in colored silks and gold cord,
and the edges are pinked.
Four uud Its Multiple of Ten.
The number four was anciently esteemed
tho most perfect of all, being the arithmet
ical mean between one and seven. Omah,
tho second caliph, said, "Four things come
not back tho spoken word, the sped ar
row, the past life, tho neglected opportun
ity." In nature thero are four seasons,
and the four points of tho compass.
Forty, a multiple of four by ten, is one
of the sacred numbers, The probation of
our first parents in the Garden of Eden is
supposed to have been forty years. The
rain fell at the deluge forty days and
nights, and the water remained on the
earth forty days. The days of embalming
the dead wero forty. Solomon's temple
was forty cubits long, In it wero ten lay
ers, each four cubits long and containing
forty baths.
Moses was forty years old when be fled
into the laud of Midiau, where he dwelt
forty years. He was on Mount Sinai forty
days and forty nights. The Israelites wnn
dored in the wilderness forty years. The
Saviour fasted forty days und nights before
entering upon public life. The same time
elapsed between the resurrection and the
ascension. Chicago Herald.
In a Hospital.
A Visitor to a hospital in Paris, in which
diseased children of the most wretched
class are received, wrote homo:
Charity, so often with us cold and irrira
in its dealings with tho poor, puts on a
merry, tender face here. The walls of the
hospital wero gay with colored prints.
Flowers brightened tho windows. In the
baths into which the grimy, scared babies
aro coaxed on their entranco floated tiny
swans and ships with red sails to entice
and amuse them.
Tho doctors placed dolls and bonbons
on the operating tablo ns prizes beforo the
patients wero brought in, and addressed
these ragged, blcnr eyed children of the
slums with the courtesy duo to princes in
disguiso, as "Monsieur," "Cherie,"or"Ma
gentille demoiselle." They put hope and
courage into the souls, as well as health
into the bodies of their patients.
A Cheeky Uoy Gets a Tass.
A few weeks ago a boy about twelve
yenrsof age found his way into President
Depew's ollice in the temporary absence ol
the doorkeepers. In a businesslike way he
asked for n pass to Albany and return.
"Why should tho New York Central carry
you for nothing?" nsked Mr. Depew.
"Well, I'll tell you bow it is," said the
boy, looking the famous railroad magnate
straight in the cyo. "My futhcr bos given
me just money enough to pay my fare to
Albany and back. I am going up to visit
my cousin. If I buy my tickets I won't
have any money to spend, and thnt will
make my visit rather stupid, don't you see?
1 thought that you would be good uatured
enough to help me out by giving mo a
pass." ,
The boy got his pass. New York Times.
The Queen's English.
An English bicyclist was coming nt great
speed down one of the steepest streets in
Edinburgh when his machine capsized
nnd landed him In the middle of tho road.
Two carters were passing, and they prompt
ly came to his assistance.
"Maun, hoodid ye faf" kindly Inquired
one of the carters, to which he received
this answer:
"I was coining down that declivity with
such velocity thut I last my gravity and
fell on the macadamized road."
The carter turucd from the unfortunate
rider with true insular contempt.
"C'wa', Jock," ho said to his mate. "It
I'd kont thecratur' wis a forrlner he would
hae lain In the gutter langenouch forme."
Weekly Citizen.
Among the ancient oriental nations,
with the exception of the Hebrews, men
and women wore earrings, the latter con
sidering that they should bo reserved for
the soie use of the gentler sex. Homer
makes mention of this method of adorn
ment in his descriptions of statues repre
senting several of the mythological dohies.
Equal parts of cream tartar and saltpeteY
make an excellent remedy for rhoumatlsm.
Take one-half teaspoonful of the mixture
and divldo it into three doses. Take one
of these dosos three times day.
Ei Robinson's Sons'
Manufacturers of the Celebrate
100,000 Bbls. Per Annum,
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Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
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Booms 1 d 2 Commonwealtb Eld's,
liade at the M00H10 and RUSH
Lsfflin & Band Powder Co.'i
Electric Batteries, Fuse; for explor
ing blasts, Safety Fuse and
RepaunoChemical Co. 'a High Explosive!
Atlantic Refining Co.
Manufacturers and Dealers In:
OlnmlnallDg anl Lubricating
Linseed Oil, Kapthas and Gaso
lines of all graJes. Axle Grease,
Pinion Grease and Colliery Com
pound j also, a large liuo of Par
rafllne Wax Candles.
We also handle tho Famous CROW?)
ACME OIL, the only family safety
burning oil in tho market
Office: Coal Exchanso, Wyomlaa At
Vv orka at Finn Uroulc
Meat Market
The Finest In the City.
The latest improved fur
nishings and apparatus for
keeping meat, batter ami eggs.
S23 Wyoming Are.
Made a
1st Do v. V K ": ' h
: kk Well Mar,
lotUOafW ofMe
THE GREAT 30th hay.
produces tho above roMilta In lav. It at'tr
t.owtrliilly ami quickly. Cnn-a wlii-n oil other foil
loung men will regain their Inxt nioiiliooil. and old
men will reenvor their youthful visor ly tiitint
KKVI VO. It quickly and wiruly restores Nervous
neHB, Lout Vitality, Inipotnncy, Nightly Emissions,
Lost Power, tailing: Memory, Wonting Diseases, and
all eireets ot selt-abuso or excess ami indiscretion,
which untlts ono for nnly. business or marriage. It
not only cures by KtartliiK at Hie seat ot disease, but
is a great nerve tonic r.nd blood builder, bring
ing back tho pink glow to palo chcpkna'idro
storing tho Hro of youth. H wards off Jnsoulty
and Consumption. Insist on having BE VIVO, no
other. It can bo carried In vest pocket. By well.
il.00 per packago, or six tor 15.00, with a posl
tlvo written eunrttntea to euro or refund
I ho money. Circular Iren, Address
For sale by Matthews Bros,, Druggists,
Soranton, Pa.
frou life.
l.jrllic.f jr. - till
The abovo trnrnl of flour can be hal at any of the following merchnnts,
who will accept ThrTribunb flour coi'pos ot 23 on each one huaJred pound
of flour or 60 on euch barrel of flour.
Ecrr.ntin-F. P. Prlc, Washinuton syonm I
Uold JIHa' Iir.ind.
Piinmore-P. P. Price. GoM Modal Crnnd.
lJunmoro-K D. Manluy. buperliitlvo bran 1.
hydo Park ':irsou & Davis, Wa-blmrn St.
Uold Ik' llrand; J ho; ill A. Clears, Mum
avnnuo, Buporlativo Krnri l.
Green Kidue -A. USpcncor.Uuld Modal Brand.
J. T. McH.ilo, Superlative.
1'iovidenco I'enner & ChappoH. N' Main ave
nue, Huporlativi l;nmd;(J. J. Uill jinid, VV.
Msrkot stroot, (lold Mcdil Brand.
OlyphHnt-Jurnes Jordan, Superlative Brand.
Peekville Slialfor JS K. 1st SuporUtiva.
Jormyn-C, l. Winters & Co. bujwralativo
Arohbald Jonos, 8 mpsm & Co.. Hold Modal.
Carbin)ale-U. H. Clark, Uold Medal Brand.
lloncsdal')-I. N. Fostnr & Co. Uold Melal.
V-. M TT T,-.vr.lU
Dealer in Choice Confections and Fruits-
1437 Capouse Avenue.
Wholesale and retail dealers' in WagonraakeM' and Blacksmiths'
That wa will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVE3 SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal weight, ounoa for ounca,
of your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved fres. A large varisty of new pat
terns to select from at ,
ilercereaw GosineSi
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
Wo always may bo what we might have boon,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
SiSi V ? TiC oaMi. miPh as Wonk Memory, Luss of Utnln Power, ltetnlacho, WakelulneM.
m, V J r ' jrtNi M:thlnHHl, Nightly Kiii'ftfliuiii, NiTvoiitmoitMillriniiuminctloNHor power
Ml i;i iiiiii.iH'mllvoOrnniisofoltliorsexcRiiaiMlbyovoroiortlon.youthftilcrro.
i "S'STS 1 i-xnisslvo iinii of lolmoco, opImuorntlTiiulaiits, wulculr-id to Intlruiltr. j'n
I'lSSv ik. '5inimiiiilor,oi!nanliy. Clin bo cnrrli'd In vest pocket. If 1 per box, for sjj.
I MlNt.-'V "V... . ...I ..-...,.,1.1 U'll I n rninMur .n .1.. . wi-lll.n .n.p.nlM to Clirt
otFOfit AND Af other. Autlruas XVKKVli HtKltcO., Alasuulo Temple. CUiUkuu.-
For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by II. C. SANDERSON, Druggist, cop- Washlng;toD
nd Siwl'Co Btroots.
AJnW& Wnk-it F """""'r 'or ncrvona prostration and all nemos discuses of
aS5 i 'JVwTV sfSv i t- ,jm iwwrativu orrnns of either aux. such aiMmnu Proatratlrn. Pali
fv f J3fWf'( ' "r KSl mo"''oik1, Impotoiicy, NIBhtiy Koilsslon3.youthtu Emirs,
IHCiaMa-S l""toJ Worrr,exewu.lvo use-ut TobScooorOplum. which leailtoCoa
mmptliro and Insanity. With every S order we Hvo a written guar
Fur byC. M. HAKKl.i, iJrutuiat. lu; i .11.11 Avenue.
dSK Inroluotnry Kmlsaioui n -
uid iiu.itliuT CMiHiiniftion or Insai lit,
' . fir.lpr wf, uiu u.ii.
. rial, MI.IHCINi.
For sale, by JOHH H. PHEtPS,
Spvuca Street, Scranton, Pa.
from Iht K r. Zritaifie, Xov.l. IWA
The- Flour
"Chicago, Oct 81. Fh first official
announcement of World's Fair dH
plomas on flour has been mads. A
medal has been awarded by th
World's Fair judges to the flour manui
factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co ,.
in the great Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee reports
the flour strong and pure, and entitles
it to rani: as first-class patent floor for;
family and bakers' use." '
Taylor-Judge Co., Gold Medal; Athorto?
& Co., .Suporlativd.
riuryea-Laivrenco Htore Co., Oold MedaL McCrindlo, Quid Modal
l'lttston-M. W. O'Doylo, l Medal.
Clin k's Oreen-Fraco He Purker. Suporlattvo.
ClHrk's Summit . F. M. Young, Gold Medal.
Lalton-.S. K. Finn & Hon, Gold Modal Branl.
hul-ion-J. E. lliirdini;.
WHvirly-M. w. Hllss 4s Bon, Gold MedaL
f actory villa-Charles (iardner, Gold ModaL
Hopbottora-N. M. Finn & Son, Gold Mudat.
Tobyhanns-Tobyhaiin & Lealga Lumbjr
Co.. Uold Medal Brand.
Oonldsboro-S A. Adams. Goll Medal Brand,
Moscow Gaige ft Clements, Gold Medal.
LaUs Ariel Jamos A. Bortree. Gold ModaL
Forest City-J. L. Morgan ft Co., Gold Ueds
6P1UNG ?
ThU troiidiTlul reined? ffuit1
Clnuilnr frps. Hold by all ilntinMsts. Ak forlt, takt
Will braca yon tipln a ,
uoa anr ivnn. If nofflactnl, aueb troubles lewi
H.ixiirar hoi tir mail, biM- for M. With e. r
... . ri.fiin.l 111. mnnu.
CO.. Cloftlauil, Ulno.
Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avcnut and