The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 26, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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tit txaton Zxifaw
Published oar in 8cRNTeN, P.t Tmi
Niw York Ornes Tmaum simome. raaaa a.
Cray, Manaocn.
For Oorenior:
if ct.ntkh.
lor LUutenaiit fWtvriior:
WAl.'lEK i.YOX,
Tor Auditor (ivnrrnt:
OF I.AM '.STi:iI.
I or Secretary of Hrrnal Afnlr:
of I'uii.Ani'.i.riiiA.
lor Con fv.wif en f-Iai '(.'
(iKO-(iK F. HLTP,
1'lrrtlon Timi', Nov. O
Its pikkotoky census gives "tlmt
town near Sorantmi" 41,"l0 pojml.v
tlon, or nbout 40 pi-r cent, of tho popu
lation of Us illustrioiiH ami ccloliratud
Unwise Advocates.
The eil'di't to promote the cause of
compulsory education in this state by
secret caucuses is unwise.-; aiul however
well meant, it will do more harm than
tfnod. The furtive gathering of secret
society lepreseutatives said to have
been held in llarrisburg this week for
the purpose of promoting this needed
reform makes a mistake to involve in
fictitious mystery a subject that needs
to shun no publicity, however conspic
uous. The proposition that children
should be educated in tho public
(schools, or in private schools where the
equivalents of a public school educa
tion are taught, requires of its advo
cates no resort to star chamber tactics
nor hocus pocus. It is a Irani;, plain
anil sensible proposition, to be seen and
studied of, by and for all men, the
more the merrier.
The platform of true Americans with
reference to this line of furtive advo
cacy is one of uniUalilied hostility.
There is nothing in the proposed re
form that calls fr bolted doors. The
notion tiiat obtains in some circles
that unless the progressive duties of
American citizenship be muilled in a
deal of secrecy and thimblerigging this
country will go to the dogs, is false
and ridiculous The patriotism that,
in time of peace, has to exact a hailiug
sign and a pass word from its votaries
is not the same patriotism that makes
men heroes. In the final analysis it
will be fouud to be not far removed
from Heltishuess and self-seeking.
Aluch more to our liking, much more
iu keeping with the liberal teachings
of our times, ia the kind of patriotism
advocated the other day by Theodore
IlooFevelt, when lie said at Chau
tauqua: I want to prench tlio doctrine of practi
cal politics timl decant politic?. Tu amount
to tiny rLingt iu cur p .litical lifu you have
to be practical. Ur.t the man who tbiaka
tout practical politico m-'utia b:ul politic
is tin eDetny of the country. Stout ein
1 lutical'y tbe ilocaloyti4 nud the golden
I iiic Uo have a plsc ia our political strug
gles VW uro bound ia bouor to cam tho
name stantijrd of morality iu cur political
as into our private life. Every man, and
t-ypcciHlly every educated m:.n, must go iu
iilU do Hii tl.cro U ia lnm to sue tlmt wo
have c'.t- an, decent covorumenr, and if be
dors Dot be i-oiuos very near beiug a trai
tor i the stain. Moreover, bo must act
i'S uu American, lie must not bring .11
rnce cr reli.ioas qu.iLioin. He muit act
toward uiiU trom ttie t:iudpoint ofijooJ
ciilzpn-ihip r!o:ip. I am un ntiq mlilhd
tc lievT 111 Amer:caa ideas. I be. leva iu
the public huIiouU. I am asjauiat any state
oriialioniil aid lii-inu give:: to parochial
Fcliuols. Exactly in tho tame wuy I am
v.ttevly against the Americaa Pi,otu..ttiut
i:p-ofi;tif n, bccunu I urn r.iaiDit any
body that icekt to dwcrinji'iale
ia p('litl'jal nnU social lite Kpaitint
Aiuvrirnn citi2?n9 bocaui of their creed.
I would oppoie, tooth and nail, tin Catho
lic who uiicriiuinateB ii:iiudt a l'rotetauc
b-cnami lie in a l'rutv-ttaut. And 1!l
oppose tlio Piotostant who frutn Hiiiiilar
r asm itifttrritninnU'ii nfWtrjc a Catholic.
e have c .it to by dociut men and
if are rep.l Anieric ms wu will Ay no
heed whatever to a man's creed or a uiau'n
birthplace so long as he honestly and in
f:oni faith tric-n to fulfill the duties of
American ritinnjilnp. Wo denvoid that
the mau who huuium lure from abroad b.'
ri me an American pure and dimple. L t
him clebrate the Fourth of July as hi? na
1 itnial holiday, not St. l'utiicli'dday nor t l.e
birthday of kaiser or queen, 1,-t Slim be
(on.aau Auieiicau, not un Irish-Amoricnn
or a (Termun-Americun. Let him become
an Amertcau straight out, pure and simple
nnd vote purely a au Americua. it ho
clow this it 19 simply an outrage not to
treat blm procmely a-t well na we treat nny
iiaiive bjin Atnuiicttn cit:zcm, no matter
what bis religious belief may bo.
It is tinio in theso matters for good
citizenship to coino out into the open.
The cause of truth and justice will
never be permanently injured by frank
ppeaking. If compulsory education is
of value, it is because it tends to make
citizenship manlier. It cannot be of
value along lines tliatcultivate strategy,
chicanery and self-deception. We are
of those who scout the idea that any
race or class or faith, anarchists pos
sibly excepted, is secretly plotting to
overthrow this government. We re
pudiate the suggestion that our Catho
lic fellow citizens harbor any such
design; just as we would repudiate a
counter suggestion charging nefarious
purposes to Protestants as a claws. Let
us get rid of theso miserable little
prejudices; let us, one and all, get out,
man to man, ia the clear sunlight of
real fellowship.
Henri Watterson turns away from
the nauseating spectacle at Washing
ton sick and sore at heart "There
was,'! lie says, "but one key to the
situation, and that was the Chicago
platform. If our leaders had trusted
to this, and this alone, they would
have electrified the country, have
forced the traitors to their individual
accountability, and, having lost a bat
tle that was destined to be lost, they
could Lave adjourned congress, ap
pealed to a united party and looked
without a fear or a blush to Novem
ber. As it is, and for the time being,
all is lost, honor included, and what
was a year ago a resistless and cenfl-
deut army, Hushed with victory, is to
day, a host without a lender, wander
iug aimlessly in the wilderness of fac
tion and despair." Wo are slowly
gravitating to tho conviction that our
esteemed blue grass confrere is au
idealist, whose measure of content
will never be tilled this side paradise.
Maine Hkithuvass, Iu renominat
ing Tom lieed, threw out a free hint to
the Fifty-fourth congress.
The Hospital Problem.
The contention of the state board
of charities that state aid to local in
stitutions of mercy is based upon an
erroneous principle is doubtless well
founded. It docs not seem fair that
the people of Nescopeek, for example,
should by obligatory taxation bo
forced to help defray the expenses of
maintaining hospitals in Wilkes
lliirre, l'itt.itoii, Ashland or Carbon
dale. The Ihvt duty of each citizen is
toward his own household; and, in
precisely similar manner, the Ihvt duty
of each community is toward tho un
fortunates withlu its gates. As an ul
timate proposition it should undoubt
edly bo decreed in so far as the state
board of charities lias jurisdiction in
the premises, (hat no funds belonging
to the state and derived by general
taxation, shall be voted toward the
establishment of local eleemosynary
institutions until the localities which
desire such institutions shall llrst have
exhausted every reasonable ell'oit to
establish them themselves. This is
sensible, fair and proper, and carries
out the familiar adage that "Provi
dence helps who llrst help them
selves." JUit while this is the reform which
should be ultimately approximated, it
is not cue that can be brought about
in a day. The precedent of appropri
ating state funds for the erection and
maintenance, in whole or in part, of
hospitals for the accommodation, pri
marily, of workmen injured in the an
thracite coal mints has been estab
lished iu this commonwealth; and it is
no more than just that the people of
Scruntou, w ho have iu years past been
taxed to help maintain such hospitals
for the numerically smaller com
munities of Wilkes-liartv, Ashland,
Pittston and Carbondale, should re
ceive considerate treatment in return,
now that the overcrowding of the use
ful but limited Lackawanna hospital
lias presented them, also, with the neces
sity of providing amplified hospital ac
commodations. We are pleased to see
that Colonel II. M. Boies, this city's
representative on the state board of
charities, fakes this rational view of the
subject, and is disposed to use his in
lluence with the board in behalf of a
proposed appropriation of state funds
conditional upon the nmnifcslaliou of
a local determination to supplement
the state appropriation with liberal
homo subscriptions.
' In this connection Tjik Tjunt'XE de
sires to express renewed confidence
in the availability of its suggestion
that instead of expending money iu a
dubious attempt to patch the old hos
pital into a semblance of convenient
dimensions, the butter plan would be
to move energetically toward an en
tirely new hoapital, to be located, if
possible, upou an entirely new site.
The forty thousand Scraulonians who
reside on the West Side, and who rep
resent a dominant proportion of the in
dustrial population of our city, deserve
the convenient presence of a first class
hospital. We suggested the other day
that a site at Bound Woods would
prove un attractive locution. This idea
was advauced without deliberation;
but it has already fouud appreciative
assent, and with, the right kind of en
ergy at work in the solution of the
problem, there is good reason to hope
that a new miners' hospital on that
charming wixidland kuoll could be
In any event, the subject is before
the community, and discussion is in
I the opinion of the esteemed
Baltimore American, "the nauseating
sycophancy of his subservient organs
will not meet such grave accusa
tions as were deliberately made on
Monday agahmt the executive of the
nation. Tho Democratic party is
scarcely prepared to admit that its
mie-t trusted leaders are base liars
while, the president is immaculate."
A more siulcleii "turning of the tables''
luis rarely been known in politics
thnn was accomplished by Senator
Gorman. Even the voluble Cleveland
himself has not yet recovered his
power of speech. Wo are Hearing tho
end of the Grover Cleveland myth.
It ENCoi'itAOKS us (o notieo how
easily, gracefully and almost joyfully
our esteemed contemporary, Colonel
Boyd, bolts down the Judge Bhone
crow, newly illustrating, thereby, that
fallible man can, when stern compul
sion drives, get used to anything.
Wb agree with Professor Harris,
United States commissioner of educa
tion, that "the newspaper is surpassing
the library in teaching people to read."
The future of American journalism is
radiant with promise.
Tjiohe Democrats of Crawfords
ville, hid., who are talking of running
Debs for congress had better first wait
to see if Uncle Sam does not elect him
to the penitentiary.
One quick proof of Grover Cleve
land's shrewdness in favoring Demo
cratic editors for ofllce is seen in the
press comments on his quarrel witli
M R. CiiEVEiiAND is kind iu volun
teering to keep Benator Hill company
outside the breastworks.
ys are sorry to see that Commo
dore Singcrly's nomination for gover
nor has tamed and weakened the tone
of his usually fearless newspaper until
now it ranks merely as one of many
commonplace jourualistio echoes, and
noi 1 no nrst one at that. Policy, wnat
queer capers, alius, are committed In
thy name!
Hoke Smith's paper, the Atlanta
Journal, is severe upou tho gentleman
from Maryland. "Gorman," it says,
"lias carried into the senate the meth
ods of the ward politician by which he
crawled into promineueo, and when
he comes to the consideration of great
qucMtious lie uses the tactics by which
ho manages his local heelers in Balti
more." Mr. Cleveland's secretary of
the interior appears to forget that had
it not been for the "methods" of Ar
thur Pue Gorman there would toduy
be no Cleveland administration to
jeopard the country's prosperity and
no asecroUry Iloko Smith to ull'ord
contemptuous amusement to gods and
fij THE
Pie Counter.
A story current in Washington linn it
tlmt a deputation from Colorado recently
called mi tin) presidmit aud told him tboy
hn I arranged for u t nr hunt iu their state
for the prtKideut and his cabinet. Tho
dil-Katiim was headed by Secretary of
Agriculture Morton, who introduced the
members. 'Ihe speaker, in an eloquent
way, charuclerittic of tho boundlen8 west,
drew an animated picture of the sport iu
which tho president was nolieited to take
1 art. Tho prcM lent lietnned attentively,
ami after others in the delegation hud
spoken their piece?, bo said substantially:
"1 have a bear hunt here at tho oapitcl up
mi tho bill tlint is K"l"K to occupy all t he
time you gentlemen think I have ut my
di-pond. If I don't burst the nun, and the
au muiiiiiou doesn't run out bytbe time lnm
through with the sport, may bo I'll accopt
your invitation, but 1 may be permitted
to say that you gentlemen do nut yet
know what a bear Hunt Is. You bad better
oUy here aud joiu tne."
Naming tiih Daisy:
They talked of Modern, Aurora nnd Flora,
Of Mabel and Marcia 111. d Mildred and
Debated the ipiestiou of Iteleu, Honors,
Clarissa, ( nuiilla and Phyllis aud Fay.
They thought of ilarcella, Eatella aud
Considered Cecilia, Jeuuuutte nnd Paul
ine. Alecin, Adola, Annette, Arabella,
And Kihel and Kuuicc, lloiteuso und
0:io liked Theodora, another Lonora;
Some argued for Fditb, and 6omo for
For Madeline, Adeline, Lilly and Loia;
Aud then, after ull, they decided on Jane.
J K dye.
Another interesting Cleveland anecdote
is wild by tiie Now York Sun. It relates
to the campaign of ISM, whou Seuntor
liornmu wuh t,iven full direction to man-au-i
the Democratic presidential candi
date's campaign ui he saw lit. The inci
dent win related to the Suu un follows by
biani.d Miiutiiug; "It oue day came to my
knowledge that Governor Cleveland bad
written a document bearing- ou the cam
paign. Ictiuuottell you, for certain rea
tons, what that document was, hut I be
lieved it would have a:i important inllit
c nee, and not a very g :od one at that, tio
1 wired to Gorm.'.u, asking him to coma
immediately to Albany. He catne ou u
lat train aud met me. und I told him of
the C'Mitents ot the campaign document
that Governor Cleveland utd writtou. lie
was a- teuudod, aud be harried up to see
the governor. At that couverjafiou Gor
man naked the guvoruor the nature of tho
docULiieut,rommding him pleasantly at the
time 01 ins runner words, ilat ue.Uonnau,
was to run tao ciimpain, Gorman added
that if :hu d-.icumei.t was of any imp rt
ancoil would do no harm toxubmit it to the
chairman of the national committee. 'All
ri'-ht,' navti Cleveland, und ha handed out
the document, Miylng, 'What do you think
of tour, liormanr uoimau read the doc
ument over very carefully und tbeu. with
out a wcrd, he tluu(,'ii, into the grate, auy-
1 1 1 U, iuul r what 1 thiaU or that document.
Cleveland jumped out of hi chair and
hopped up and down 111 bin uuger, nbout
ing, 'No man alive can burn tiny douumeat
of mine. What do you mean, nirr' 'Why,
irovernor,' said Gorman, as coolly as you
plin.-e, 'you said that 1 wan to run this
cninp.-iigu Ruroi'dinir to my own discretion
Tho ci'Ciimcnt that 1 have just throwu
into tho tire in about as uuwme a manu
script iu ever came uudor my notice.'
Cleveland ncaiitiioe was tramping about
In his ig', but Uormiiu wan as Cool us au
icehcig. finally Cleveland Organ to laugh
at l.liuiel,. ile ttiiieuilieivd an remark
ti Gormau ou the llmt ij,ie.vicvv, aud the
two mm parted liiendv, but nut nul l
( levelniiil (.ml to.u U.nua:i Unit he wh'
ibe cooicat Eon of-a gnu he hud ever met."
As Anoucas Si.anoub:
The Vunk on imiliimony bent
I.i swift in taking ui.tlon;
He tods bin ;irl, to nil intent,
'ii.nt she's nis chief attraction.
Foi her h:s hands he'll neatly i;iuve,
And wear abnormal cellars.
But, oh, bis fit sr. and only lovo
Is doilma, dollars, doll irs!
Mr. Wad linger, tho Pottavilla attorney,
who was a feilnvv-piis"tiipr with M.ij ir
Warrun ou board the New York, and soino
of whi.-iii iinpresiious 1 b 10 European Mgbts
lilive to 11 (pi ! d 111 this column, contends
Unit our enusiijs are "nm in it" iu
rui'iuad 1n.1i.1er1. lio cuii 'Scarcely mi r
mihe liny i;ood rensou lor continuing the
prcFont abniiiin iolo little coops used lor
.ii'S"ii;'oi c acins aud labeled Brat, second
u'n'i 1. id clan , unless it is part of the all
i t.l i l i mania to preherve eveiything
in .1. i. tiutui'.inwd. Beml-(n casionnliy you
v. ill h. ) a cur on the onior of our Pullmau
cinir or i iirlor, but about one-bait the
Mze i'f the American car-it won of eo
between, sujipiniive of a denperalo effort
to Bet there." The Loudon police courts
interestod Mr. ndliuger, lu the Uow
street court ho suw, iu loss than ton
minuti'S, three uiilortunales "inilrunded'
to prison. 'J'be dofoiidiiiitti nro not BWorn.
The policeman who made the nr rent, tells
bis story, under oath, and then sentence is
I Muouiieed. Another odd thing lu Mr.
Wtidlinger's opiiiii-n was the fact that nil
tho bamswrii of L nidon uro supposed to
be members of the Temple, or "lint listers'
church," nn J to attend iu Kervlcos regu.
liny. With lei pect to this treatment in
Unhand Mr. W'niilinger sayi: "I d-em It
II sinipie act of justice to Euglishuien, and
my duty, to correct an erroneous iinprea
tdou vxisliug in America, to ny that the
utmost coni'teiy and attention is shewn to
Americana everywhere. Iu fact, it op
penred to me that the way to secure the
bent of attention wh to malw known that
you ate from the United K.ates. Thin is
randy .necessary, as the Englishman
teems to have the happy faculty ef dis
tiiiuuiahing the American tourist from
any other foreigner ut a single glance. I
11111 Convinced that KngllHb snobbery exists
only with tho English dude who visits
America, nnd not here."
A Fair Cheat:
One evening not so long ago, whoa cooler
was the weather,
I to my love a gnmo proposed, just two of
us together.
The stake were kisses, she bold stakes,
And 1 was well contented.
. I played to win. aud you may guojs
All bluudors were prevented.
But scarcely bud tho game begun
When idle grew tired of playing,
An.) starting up cried out ia fuu
"Faith this is too delaying.
You're sure to win, I always lose,
We'll play no nioro together."
8he hold the stanos, so I hold her;
Hut then, could 1 do better.
The game was mine, I took the stakes,
All I could win or borrow,
And ns I left she shyly said,
".Lot's play agalu to-morrow."
WUket-Barre Ntwt-VeaUr.
iVcm riiri Commercial-Advet i ter.
In bis tearful letter to Professor Wilson,
the riiiner. President Clovelund. the L'reat
tariff expert of six years' standing, says;
- jiv puuuo lire bus been so closely, reuttoa
to the subject: I have so longed for Its
accomplishment, and I have so of tun
promised its realization to my fellow
countrymen as a result of thrir trust
auu contldenco in the Democratic party
tbat I hope no excuse is necessary for
my earnest anneal to yon that iu this
crisis you strenuously insist upon narty
nouesty and good taith ana a sturdy ad
herence to Democratic principles. I be
lieve theso are absolutely necessary con
ditions to the continuation of Democrutia
existence." Tlie yeuruiug and longings of
a very iat person for economic rerortu are
always touching. This is especially the
case when there ban been much sacrnd pro
limiimry "cousecralion." Something should
be done to reliovs the tension of Mr.
Cleveland or he may break bis suspenders.
The Diffirenc.
Xew York Commercial Advertiser.
Breckinridge, of Arkansas, our new min
ister to Russia, served as a private iu the
Confederate army and ns u "cuckoo" to
President Cleveland. For "cuck loiag" he
wbs renudiattd by bis constituents, but
for Confederating bo ia highly estee mod.
Are Equally Pshtnd the Tints.
&lincu Post.
Debs Insists that the strike is still on.
There are some follows in the woods of
Arkansas who haven't heard yot tbut tho
war of the Itebellion is over.
Apportionment of Bapubllcan Represen
tation Anions the Various DUt'iots.
Ptirsuaut to a mooting of tho Republi
can County committee neld on July Utli,
1SU4, tho Countv Convention will be
hi-ld 011 Tuesday, Heptoniber 4tb, WM, at 10
o'clock a. 111., iu the court house at Scrati
tou, fertile purpose of placing in nomina
tion candidates for the following named
offices, to bo voted for at the next general
election to bo held November 8th, 1MI4:
Congress, Eleventh district; Judge, Forty
tilth Judicial district! shorilT, treasurer,
clerk of courts, prolhonqtary, district at
torney, recorder of deeds, register of wills,
and jury commissioner.
Vigilance committed will hold delegate
elections on Saturday, September 1st, ls!M,
between the hours of 4 and 7 p. m, They
will nlso give at least two days public
notice of the time and place for holding
said elertinus.
Each election district should elect at the
said delegate elections, two qualitted per
sons to serve as vigilance committee for 0110
year, nnd have their names certified to, on
the credentials of delegates to tho Couuty
The representation of delegates to the
County Convention is bsed upon the vote
cnstbiHt fall for Fell, candidate for judge
of t.npreuio court, he being the highest
ofllcor voted for at said statu election.
Under this rule the several election districts
are entitled to representation as follows,
Archbidd borough
1st ward, 1st (list..
1st ward, !M Uist..
3d n urd
Blakely borouiik
1st ward
kid ward
ad ward
Bonton township...,
Clifton township....
Covington tuwnship
Cuiboudide towudiip-
.Northeast dit....
Northwest dUt....
No. II dist
Carbondale city
1st ward, 1st (list..
1st ward, 3.1 dist..
"d ward. 1st (list..
&1 ward, !i.l dint...
2d ward, lid dist..,
M ward, 1st dist..
3d ward, 2d dist...
3d ward. 31 dist...
4th word, 1st dist..
4th ward, i-'d (list..
4ih ward, 3d dist..
Mil ward, 1st (list . .
oth ward, 21 dist.,
etli ward, lstdist..
Bill ward, lid dist..
Dickson City hero
1st ward
lid ward
Dunmore borough
1st ward, 1st dist.i
lsi ward, 2d dit..
2d ward, 1st dint..
2d ward, 2d dist...
3d warn, 1st (list..
3d Wdi'd, 2d dist...
3d ward, itd dist...
4th ward
Mil nurd
Oth wind, 1st (list..
(ith ware, 2d (list..
Elnilmrst lownship.
Fell township -
1st (list
2d dist
3d (list
Gleuhurn boro.mli..
GoukUlioro borough
(i: oeiithild township
Jefferson township.
Jcnnn borough
lt ward
2d wird
"d ward
Lackawanna towns p
riontn dint
West dist
K' nt
Norlheiiet dist....
Southwest liist....
Lnl'lumo boruuith,
iVisdisou township,.
Newton tonsli:p...
N. Ahhitft'n towiifl'p
Uhl Forgo township
Attest: 1st (list 1
1 2d dist 1
1 3d dist 1
1 4.h dist 1
1 Olyphant birough
1st ward 1
2 2d ward 2
t 3d ward 1
1 Hansom township... 1
1 Scott township 2
I Hcruuton city
II 1st ward, 1st (list.. 3
-I 1st ward, 2d (list.. 1
0 1st ward, 3d dist.. 3
V 2d ward, 1st (list.. 2
1 Sid ward, 2d 8
2d ward, -d dist... 1
3 2d ward, 4th (list.. 1
li 2d ward, Oth dist.. I
1 3d ward, 1st dist.. 1
It J ward. 2d dist... 0
0 4th ward, 1st dist.. 2
1! 4tli ward, 21 (list.. 2
1 4lb wurd, Sd (list.. 2
0 4tliwurd,4thdist.. 3
1; 5th ward, let (list.. 2
Mil ward, 2d disc. 2
1 5th ward, 3d dist.. 3
2i 5th ward, 4th (list.. 2
lj Btli ward, Istdlst.. 1
2' Uth ward, 21 dist.. 1
III Tth ward, 1st (list., 1
7th wurd, 2d dist.. 0
21 !lh ward, 3d dist.. 1
1; Hth ward. 1st (list.. 2
Ktli wind, -d (list.. 2
1 lltli ward, Is' dist.. 3
1 Uih ward, 2d dist.. 3
I 10th ward 2
1 lltii wurd, IfKdst. 2
1: llth wuid, 21 2
1, llth ward, 3d uist. 1
1 12th wind, 1st 'list 1
I 12th ward, 2 1 dist. 1
1 l:ith wurd, 1st disc 1
1, 13th wuid, 2d (list. 2
l! 13th ward, 3d dist. 2
1 14rh ward, 1st dist 2
I lull ward, 2d dist. 2
1 loth ward, 1st dist 3
li l.ith ward, 2d dist. 2
1' ldth wurd. 1st (list 2
1; Pith wurd, 2d dist. 2
1 litli ward, 1st dist 2
1, 17th wurd. 2d dist. 3
1 Istli ward 1
I I'.'th ward, 1st dist 2
2 lUth ward. 2d dist. 1
2 Hull waid. 3d (list. 1
1; lth waid, 1th dist 1
-I l.Hth w.ird, 1st (list 1
2 Until wurd. 2d dist. 1
1, 20tn wurd, 3d (list. 1
2- 2i8t ward. 1st dist. 1
3; 21st wstd, id (list . 2
1 S. Abington towns'p 2
1 SprliiK Brook t'v u'p 1
1 Waver. y linrungh... 1
1 Vintun borough
2 1st dist I
1 2d dist 1
2i Total P1
J. W.
Kl'iT't. 11
I l.'.i J. J. .1. 1
INDUCTION on our entire
liuo of CARRIAGES.
& CO.
422 Lacka. Avenue.
Tor many years ttia Piano has stood in the front rank3. It lia been admireil so much for its
puro, rich tone, that it has become a standard for tone quality, until it is considered tho highest com
pllmont that can be paid any Tiano to say "It resembles Clio WEBER."
We now have the full control of this Hano for this section as well as many other fine Pianos
which -W9 are selling at greatly reduced prices and on easy monthly payments. Don't buy until you seo
our goods and get our prices . ( '
There's No Use
If wo didu't talk we wouldn't say anythingand sometimes wo don't say
much whoa we do talk. Tho most eloquent thing, after all, is a price. A
cold, naked fact that is, that strikes right home to our inner consciousness,
like a bullet from a rille.
When we hung out a sign with some figures ou it, stop a bit aud examine;
it's worth your while, even if you are In a big hurry.
Here's a Modern Instance:
The Finest Imported Zephyr Ginghams
Some of which commanded 40c. early in the season,
your choice now of the lot, 15c.
The Balance of
All-Wool Fr
Not a bad style in the lot; some of them actually
worth 65c; your choice now 39c.
ur Basement
in Q
We have on sale about 100 dozen Men's Summer
Gauze Shirts and Drawers at a price lower than ever
quoted before. Only 19c.
Black Cloth Ground, Heavy Gold Embroidery, 53
feet high and 4 fold. Price $3.98.
With the New Valves
Out of Sight.
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Boys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are mak
ing extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels,
311 Lacka. Ave.
A Full Assortment
Letter Copying Boob
A 500-pago 10x12 Book, bonui)
in cloth, sheep back ami corners,
guaranteed to give eaiU fact ion,
Only 90c.
Reynolds Bros.
Stationers end Engravars,
317 Lackawanna Avo.
Dr. Hill & Son
f ft tooth, 15.50! beet ft, IS; for (.olfl oapfl
nil teeth wltlmut platen, callo.l crown nd
tirldiro work, cull for prion and referenoej.
TOKAI.G1A. (or rxtrncttutf tU without
pain. Noetlier. Kogan.
mm nun
ench Cheliies
e:izsE0ii;iiEsiiQaEi9gcaeaiigiiiiessissccs3iE:uuas!i:iBiSEB:3ii3iiiiEi eebebiieiiiiibes
Selling Agents,
I 227 Lacka. Ave.
m -mm
To kep bonso without
f a Refriiterator. 1
GliT THE bEST TilE 1
FHE season is clos-
ing. We are sell
ing the remainder of
our stock at a greatly
reduced price.
513 Lacka. Ave.
(1W and Muck),
and Get the
r 1 --1 r - - - - -
Having had 12 yoars' oxpirlenoo l!i the Bicyol bnal.
nM and tho aionc? for leading Wheels ol al radm
wear, prepared to guarantoo satis faction. Those In.
tendin; to purcbaae ure luntad to call and ezamln
our com ploto lino. Open evenlaga. Call or send ituia
fur catalucues.
:: House
Situated at summit, of the Xew York, On
(irioa:id Wi-suTii Itiiilway. 2200 feet abOT
i.a- Tne highest strain railroad point in the
Seven fino lakes within from three to
iwenty minntm' walk from hotal or station.
Two bass lakos couveniunt-perch, piokorel
nd other common varieties of fish, several
other lakes within half hour's dnre.
For a day's sport and recreation take New
Vork.Otitarlo and Western railway train lea v.
i ii g Sr.rauton at 8.80 a.m. .arriving at Poyo telle
ut 10.10 am. Upturning, train leave loyn
Ullo 1.53 p.m., arrivinuin Soranton i!9p.m.
$8 TO SjllO VEll WEEK.
Houso nccominodationa, 60.
Veterinary Surgeon and
Veterinary Dentist.
TKIErilOKE 8013.
Prompt attention to calls for troatmont of
all domostic animals.
Veterinary Medicines carefully compoundod
and for salo at reasonable prices.
trj'f.f.ti,b?. niumo f""irtRo Works. 121
DIX COLRT, ijcrauton, wharo 1 direct shoe
liiK aftcraoous.
Gra.hiflto of tho American Veterinary Col-
lllffll ntlll tlllt (Mllllliliiat. W..!.! n -,......-..
tivc MoillI'lllO.
Well, Sir!
Yes, sir! We
have ft special
ist here to fit
you who does
nothing else.
Sit right down
f f and have your
eyes fitted iu
a scientific manner.
Inserted ia THE TRIBUNE t tilt
ra IDS.