I LIVE , BUSINESS THEY PURCHASE PUBLICITY in journals that are on the up ward jump. MKST Dou' t tie tip with vv 1 uuwn-ai- me r tv .1 1 J 1 1 - W.. newspaper' WIWll qUMOMMF wtWUm? EIGHT PAGES 5G COLUMNS. SCRANTON, PA., TIIUBSDAY MOIilNING. JULY 20. 1SD4. TWO CENTS A COPT. i THTtoB SENATORS TALK ANGRY TONE Another Caucus on the Tariff Warfare Brlugs Out Some Su&esilve Truths. SENATOR SMITH'S LS09 WABXSSG Unless the Protective Features of the Senate Elll Are Retained He In- forms His Colleagues That the Measure Will Nev? r Become a Law. The Louisiana Senators Repeat Their Demand for a Favorable Sugar Schedule. Washington. Jniy 25 P the action of today s D-.-inocratle caucus is obeyed tomorrow will witness uu end of the debate on the conference report of the tariff lii II and that measure will go back to the conference without instruction. After u debute lasting over threo hours yestorduy and upwards of that tiuio to day Mr. Jan-is' resolution that the bill b sent buck without instructions was agreed to by nunuiuiona consent, al though at no tiuio did Mr. Vilas give the assurance to the caucus that he would not press a measure to strike out the differential duty on refined sugar. Mr. Vilas said he was in favor of working out this differential because he believed by so ciomr much of the opposition that was manifested ngainst tue bill would be removed and the way would be paved for 1 be adjust ment of the difference between the two houses. With this duty which he said was the chief bona of cnuteuti m, out of the way there could be nothing to interfere with u speedy settlement of all tho troubles and tne early pas su: of the bill an 1 the approval cf the president. For that reason Mr. Vilas said it was his intention to press the motion und cause it to prevail if possible. THE SUGAR SCHEDULE. Mr. Caff-ry and Mr. Blar.cbard said they would iuidst that tliov be given the 40 per ceut. on raw sugar, the of n ceut differential ou refined, which benefited their people as much as it did the refiners, and lh.it the bounty for 1891 should be paid the growers of uur in this country and the treaty with Hawaii abrogatad. TJaless this Whs done they served notice on the caucus that they would vota against the till Mr. Smith, of New Jersey, warned Mr. Vilas that be was trifling with a weighty subject when be. talked of changing the bill which had been the result of eo much hard work in the senate and which bad only psst d by a very siiui majority of one vote. Mr. Smith add thai a number of senators who had been opposed to tho incjtne tax had been induced to vote for the bill because, the. sohedulea relating to , the industries of the treat states they represented bad b en arranged so their ebons would not be compelled to shut np or their worKuien thrown out of employment. Any attempt to cbungo tbU sugar schedule or any other schedule striking at the salient points of the bill would, Mr. Smith said, be hailed wito satis faction by those who had bolted the income tax, because they were verv sick of their bargain and would jump at anything that would release them Irani it. Mr. Smith also said that it was u very serious mutter whether the bill could evT be got back to confer ence , so narrow was the Democratic majority. f TH13 STRIKE IS BROKEN. Young-alowr, 0., Street Cars Rnuma Opfriti-n with Non-Union Men. Ysusqstown, 0., July 25 After a tie up lasting several weeks, owing to a drike of its employes, the Youngs town Street Csr company resumed ou oration todny with non-union men. Ties were piled on the track at the western lerruiuns of the road earlv in the day by the strikers, and cars stone 1 in the eastern part of the city, but no one was lnjurod. IN A SHARK'S STOMACH, Whin Cut Opm It Was Found to Con tnln a rhilcl'i Fineer. New YoitK, July 25 A shark nine feet long and captuted in the Sound off Uyster iiay, U L, was towed nshore today. When tho shnrk was cut open its stonincli was found to contain a ohild s finger, which bad been badly lacerated iy me snnrK s ic.-tn. TO INVESTIGATE FACTIONALISM. Ifmplre Plate Republican Committee Ap to'nte a Corps cf Tlarmonia're. New Yokk, July 25. The Rapnlill rim t late committee today itppoiuted a committee of five to investigate and seme tue local uisputos Between xival local organizations in this city and dj rituuea. The makmp of the committee is de cidedly in favor of the Piatt and Mul holland factions. ELEVEN STRIKERS ARRESTED. Held at Butte, Mont., far Interfering With the United Ftntes Mailt. Butte. Mont., July 25. United States Marshal McDerinott. yisterday bronht to the city eleven of the leading strikers at L mn. Mont, lney are nil charued with conspiracy and obstructing the mails. Warrants will be served today on sixteen Butte men. , DEBS AND OTHERS RELEASED. Allowed to Enter Ball ta tho Sum of 67,000 Each. Chicago. July 25 Messrs. Debs, Howard, Keliher and Rogers, of the American Railway nnion, are at lib erty under, tail ponding the hearing of tue various oases against mom. mey wr this afternom required to cive $7,000 bonds each, oovering five new Indictments in addition to tue eonUinpt oises brought by the government and the Santa Fe railroid. The bearinir of the contempt cases was continued until S-pt. 5, and it is the purpos-) of the defendants' attor neys to force a hearing on the indict ments before the contempt cases are ngaiu called. NEW LABOR UNION ORGANIZED. 'ants to Amalgam.itn tin Entire Army cf Workmen. riiiLAPKi.t'iiiA. July 25. The report at a new labor union lias been organ ed in Chinna-iv which will takn the ace of the Kniulits of Labor and ventually gather under one bnnuor le entire army or working men in merica.wns ridiculed by labor lenders i this citv. At the Kniehts' headnuartors tho re port was characterized as "all bosh.' WIFE MURDRZR OIZS HAPPi. iennett Suff ri th l'ualty for Uack lnflr Hie Wifa to Tleoss. Ml mimito .TmIv 9. rT.nii v rtnnnetS. colored, who cut h'.s wife to pieces with i knife in May, lVJii.was hHiiirvu today tithe Shelby county jail yard in tho oresence of a f mall crowd of oflicials and newspaper men. The execution was without incident, lie died happy, and said he was going to heaveu. CAPITAL IS FLAME SWEPT. Three Firemen and Moro Than One Hundred Horses Perish in a $500,000 Washington Elaze. Washington, July 25 A fira which started in Knox s staoles at Lt and Sec ond streets, uortnwrst, at 2 o'clock this moruitii;, destroyed a block of build ings. Turee hivmen lost their lives, Reveral others wore injured and over 10U heavy draught horses perished, A number of men were buried uudvr fall it) tr walls. Besides the horses nearly all of tho company's exprtss wagons and tho con tents or a lare Btornge liuudiug were burned. The Adams Express com pany's stables adjoining tho Knox build ing to the lint tl: were almost entirely consumed. Eii;ht two-story houses on the alley, north of the Knox building. md two small fr.iiii) homes back cf tb Adams stt.bles were destroyed. Six or eiykt other residence hou-s wre more or less damaged. Mitchell s blacksmith shop, on Second street, was crushed by falling walls. The total loss will exceed 500,000. The onuiu of the fire is still un known. ThiTo were six stablemen mid two watchmen iu the building at the time, aud the watchmen made the rounds of tho building vry hour. The flames were fkit discovered in the stable near some small dwellings at the northwest corner of the building. Montreal It Viaited 07 a Severe Fuini- tuio fti' Fire. Montreal, Juiy 25 Libbs & Co.'s extensive furniture establishment was burned today. Loss S125.0J0. Two firemen were injured. SUICIOE BY FIRE. An Indiana Woman with a SulclJal Mania Deetroye Herself. Sullivan. Ind July 25 Mr3. Raines, wire of Steele R lines, snperiu- tendeuc of city schools, wi:s burned to death while visiting relatives iu the country, a few miles from town. Mrs. Raines has been deranged for some time. Sho had suicidal tondency, A few weeks ago she attempted suicide Dy Hanging, but was prevented. IS SHELDON DE-0? P-irie Pdlo relieve That the Young American Was Murdered. Paris, July 25 The police are mak ing inquiries tor a young American named bbeldon, of Chicago, who ur rived in this city on July 12 with a friend named Bentou. Sheldon has been missing since July 1-1, and is believed to have been mur uered. EVENTS IN CUR OWN STATE. Tho Easton postofllce will remain open on Sundays in spite of tiie petition of l.SIH luuiviuuals for banu.iy ouservanca. A mns nieetine of miners at Houtzdalo decided to contiune thu s'riks until the operators agree to pay the compromise rate. iwvcn-year-iin dames uihson ana a 4-year-old Polish boy followed a funeral all tho way from Shenandoah across liroad mountain to Poitsviile. Itev. Dr. J. B. McColInngii, editor of the Philadelphia Methodit and one of the beet Itnown Methodist clergymen in the fuiianeipinii conrerence, died at his sum mur home at Chester Heights. Tho president V' sterdav named the fol. lowing Pennsylvania postmnxters: Emil 1 1 oil, Aiixlla: jobu L. Cinniiilnus, Mans field: Alhrecht Kueule, Norristuwn: M. a Longnker, Pottslown; Robert 11. Evans. Iji :.. ...in - " uiilirttviiie. The doiegat.es to tho twenty-fonrlh con groasional convention cauciis-ed all morning and then adjourned until Monday next without taking a Imllot It looks now as if Aobeson may bo tho lucky- can didate at Monday's meeting. Attorney General Hensel has decided that a licence granted by the state medical council Is prima facia evidonce of nronnr qualification to practice and whnu this snail nave ooen exuioiteu to n protlionolary the production of a diploma ts unnecessary. The controversy betweon the Norfolk and Western Knllrond company and the individual operators of the Pocahontas coal noltls nas neon terminated ny tneaU' rupt withdrawal of the railroad company's arbitrator and a complete cessation ot ne gotiations on his part. Tho aspect of the (striking .Slav coke woi liers at l onnoll viIIh looks threaten ing. Hundreds of them nuirconl about armed to tho teeth. Manv disnlnved re volvers and knives in their Lelis while otuors carried shotuunB. The strikers kept up a continual canuonadins vvitb bombs and dynamite. Their object was to mgmeu nsgro wornera. FRESH FOttEIGN FACTS. As the result of a heated ilinrhsslnn in the French chamber of deputies, M. Uou viers has challenged M. Jourdans, Socialist ueiiubj. The Wesleyan conferancn In T .mulnn re jected the report of tho special committee proponing io create a new oraer ol separ- uie uuoiriuuu oi uisuops. 0 STS TO JBEGUARDED The Petrd and Concord Are Ordered to th3 Scene of Warfare. UrJCLE SAfsi WILL REGAIN1 NEUTRAL Tho Japanese Minister Says That He Does Not Anticipate Serious Con sequences from the Firing by Koreans Upon Japanese Forces. Nevertheless Secretary Herbert Will Have Two War Ships on Hand in Caso They Are Needed. Yokohama, Jap'in, July 25. APANESE troops have begun a a forward movement agaiust the pcsitioii8 occupied by tho Chi nese troops in the same country. n A bnttie is daily exp'ctel. AS VIEWED l WASHINGTON. Two Warship- Aro O.dered to the Scene of Hostilities. Washington. July 25. Secretary Herbert lias prepared orders for the Petr-1 and Concord, now on duty with thu Behring Sea patrol iljet, to proceed immediately to the Clnnose station. This rction has bean taken because of tho threatening aspect of affairs iu Korea mi l the lulniuiislration's desire to see that American interests have full protection, lhe interests of tho United States m that section of the globe are much more important than is generally sup posed. In ndditiou to the great tea trauo with Chun, thero plys regularly between the. United States and Japan aud China otio of the very few lines of steamers iu the foreign trade that sail utider tu American &. It is felt that our xiting trade relations may be pnralyz -d by a war Starting iu Korea mul involving Cnina and Japan. The United States will not at present, hw ever, if at all, unite with any foreign power in making demand on China or Japan or Korea. It is felt to bo incon sistent with our established policy to do so. JAPANESE MINISTER'S VIEWS. Tho Japanese niinistar this afternoon had received no further advioes in r- gard to the tiling by Korean forces (in stigated as wns alleged by the Chinese representative) on the Japanese forces now encamped in S:onl, the capital of Korea. He therefore was inclined to tielieve that the incident would not bring about serious results A ti offi cial of the legation said: "Iu the event of a war t.etweeu Japan and China, the ports in China and in Korea where the United States and European powers have re ceived certain concessions by treaties, would unquestionably be respected, and left outside of the limits of hostili ties." He concluded by saying: "Japan has made three distinct proposals to China for the settlement by arbitra tion of this matter. She has done everything possible that a salf-repp.-ct- Ing nation consistent with honor, could do. Every proposition that has been mads to China has been ignored, and it is clearly apparent that China is urg ing the Koreans on," MISTAKEN -FDR BURGLARS. - Boy Shoots His Father and bister, Kt'ltr.s Them Both. Birmingham, Ala., July 25. John Collins, a gardener, residing in the out skirts of Cunningham, thought he heard thieves iu his garden early this morning, and with his daughter Maggie, 2G years old, arose nnd went out to investigate. The closing of the door awoke Mrs. Collins, who aroused her son Willie, telling him burglars were tryiug to get in. The boy got a Winchester and going out mistook his father and sister lor burglars iu tho darkuess and shot them both. The father was killed instantly; the girl will die. IT RAIN E0 LIV FROGS. Pecp'.a In a Maouchuiiotla Town Given a O.-'-at Suiprl9e, C'AMHiilPUE, Mass., July 25. It rained Irons at Cambridgcport during a lierci shower this afternoon. Tens of thousands of them fell over a small area perfectly formed little fellows, dark brown, almost tilack in color, not more than an inch long, and Willi un commonly prominent eyes. Where they came from and how they got here scientists must answer If they can, bnt here they lire, and none the worse for their aerial journeying They appeared in a twinkling, and streets nnd sidewalks fairly swarmed with the liveliest sort of a hopping army, where not one wns to be seen a minute boforo. STILL AT LARGE. Deputies Fureuinir the Alabama Miners Who Firfd on tho Ponee. Birmingham, Ala., July 25. This morning's advices from Coalburg, where the Hudson, father and son,laet night killed and wounded ' several deputy sheriffs, state that the authors are still at largo, with ofibors iu pur suit ot them. FINE RACING AT CLEVELAND. Third Day of Grand Circuit M-jetlng Charaoterlz-d by Fast Trno'.t, Cleveland O., July 25. A fast track, perfect weather and a big crowd characterized the third day of the grand circuit meeting. The first event was the 2.21 trot. There was a big field, Mahogany being the favorite. lie won the first two beats aud his stock went out of sight, When May Best won the third heat the talent thought Muhogany was laying up, and still olung to him. He whs doue, however, and May B 'St won out handily. The time was remarkably fast. Iu the 2 15 pace there were twenty in Hu ftuLI Itluv T-lMTltna u Innnninil rank outsider, surprised 'everybody by winning out after tiiiishlug eighteenth, fifteenth and seventh in the first three heatH. Mn ilinwnd n remarkable, burnt of speed in the fourth heat, coming un- uer me wire in a llf KloUe, in the 2 20 trot, was a strong favorite and won three straight heats after the first. MORE MIRACULOUS CURES. Said to Huvu Been Effect -d la a Oathollo Church In Gotham. New York, July 25. -A nw deposi tory for the relio of St. Anno has been presented to the Roman Catholic church of St. Jean Baptists, iu East S-venty-sixth street, where the relio is exhibited. It is st niowhat similar in shape to the repository containing tho host, nnd lhe piece of bone from tho wrist of St, Anno is shown iu the cen ter of tho leueptacl. During the past woek there has been a revival of interest in the relic, the occaaion being a Novena preceding the foi.st of St. Anne, which is Thursday next. Many miraculous cures an said to have been performed among the faithful who havu attended the ser vices. SIR JOHN'S Of FR REFUSED. Georee Gould D:es Not Wish to Race in Cork Harbor. (Jueexstow.v, July 25, Sir John At noit, of the city of Cork, has offered 100 for an ocean race betweeu the Vigilant end Britannia, iu whicn the Satnnitii may also tako part, provided the race ho finished in Cork harbor. This condition is not favorably re garded by Mr. Gould, who thinks the channel too narrow for a race. Captain Half declining to race the Vigilant to.lny for the roason that the repairs to her uuff wo.-e not completed. Captain Carter offered to waive the rigiit of the Britannia to sail over the course provided the Vigilwnt would raco tomorrow, but this offer was re fused. STRIKE COMMISSION NAMED. Th) President Chnoine John D. Kern an and Niche lae E. Worthirigtoa. Washington, July 25. The presi dent bus announced the commissioners to investigate the controversies be tween certain r.ii.rouils and their em ployes connected with the recent strike as follows: Curroll D. Wright, who is de signated by Btrttnitf, ns one of the commissioners. John D. Kruan, of New li'ork, and Nicholas E. Worth- iuglon, of Peoria, 111. IS SHE A WOMAN BRIBER? Wife of a Ch.ciKO Millionaire Held Upon a Grave thugs. Ciiicaco, July 25 -Mis. Warren Springer, wife of the Chicago million aire, was hel 1 to the grand jury 'today iu tho sum of $5,000 on a charge of jury bribing. Mrs. Springer is accused of attempt ing to bribe tvvo jurors, through their tamilios. iu a condemnation suvt in which her husbjud was interested. STEERAGE RATES REDUCED. Thiugvalla Line Cute Frici of Steerage Passage to $12 New York, July 25 -The Thing. valla lino reduced its steerage rates from Slo to S13. This company's ships carry the greater part or the steerage pnssengors between New York, Christiana, Goth enburg and Copenhagen. LEWIS HOLDER HANGED. The Murderer of Giorgn Bickfoid Dies Very Gaml. Fort Smith, Ark., July 25 Lewis Holder was hanged in the jail yard here t ilia morning. Holder innrdered Goorgo Bickford in December, 1S91. TICKS FROM THE TELEGRAPH. The New York Republican state conven will meet at Saratoga Sept. lii. Old-time telegraphers will have thoir an nual reuulon in isaltitnore &ept. la. Tho American Association for the Edu cation of Colored Youths is in sesoiou at Baltimore. T anty-eight cars, piled up iu a Havana (N. i.) wreck, cover the body ot lirnKB' man Daniel Wright. Tho government's claim for $ 13,000,000 on the Leland ntnntord estate has beeu re jected by Mrs. Stanford. Jumping from tho third story of a Wheeling hotel, W. H. Peoplos, of Pitts burg, received fatal hurts. By tho caving in of a cistern's walla at Winona, Minn., three nricKlnyors aud Hoary Uuobach, aged 0, were killed. Robbers overpowored Dick Gales at Frankfort, Ind., uud threw him into a like, whence he escaped with difficulty. By a train wreck nt au open switch at Fredonia, N. Y Richard Franklin, aged 1(1, who was picking up coal, was fatally hurt. Deserting the Church of England, Rov. MeAttrs. Strickland and Johnson, of 1'red ericton, N. B., have joined the Catholic church. For $0i).00ri. the Standard Oil company bought up the Held and franchise of the Erie County (N. Y.) Natural Gas Fuel company. A woman forcer, supposed to be tho much-wanted Mrs. Kaie Bradford, of Brooklyn, N. Y., has been arrested at At lanta, On. W. O. Kelley, cashier in the freight of- flco of the Missouri Pac.illo railway at St. JiOiiis, has been arrested for a f7J,0UU cm bi z.lonient. Ou accouut of a lobster war botween French and Em:lih fishermen on the Newfoundland coast, a British warship has boon sent tnere. Chnririnff executors with fraud. Mrs. &riLh V ftlillur (Ulna Cor fcl (lill) or rnnrn due from the estafe of h3r truthor-in-law, d. vv. L,auu, or Portland, ure. A wholesale slaughter Of whites by ne groes in Kimpsou county, Miss., was pre- veutod by the whites uareiug ol the Bchome. lhe negroes were lasnoj. In a desperate fight at Jofforsouvillo Unit.) prison William mower, a wuite cini. vict, fatnlly pounded Bob Bu'ikner. col ored, and was bluiseli terribly slashed. Mrs. Seoly has been arrested at Angola, O.. for beatimr to insensibility NelLio Ray. the 14-year-old daughter of a neighbor who had ued water Trom her spring with out authority. The Society of the St. Vincent do Paul of New York ty. has anaounced that the council goueral in Paris had prohibited the admission to -membership ofaioue engaged In the Uquor business. SENATE'S IRK IT Thoso Who Expected More Verbal Fire works Were Seriously Disappointed. CLEVELAND'S ORS DAY CF REST The Only Incident of the Day Was Oc casioned by Senator Quay, Who Slyly Moved to Put Sugar on the Free List, Thus Throwing What May Develop Into a Firebrand Into the Enemy's Camp Quiet Day, Also, in the House. Washington, July 25. TIIE crowd was disappointed at to day's senatorial debate on the question of agreeing to the re ii nest of the house of representa tives lor further conference oi tho tariff bill. It was not ot bo exciting or interesting character as wus tho d. -bute on the iirnl three days, and there was uot u ii allusion made except a vary rtuioto one, to the president's famous letter to Mr. Wilson. There wre three speeches, tho longest by Sen ator Ciiilery.of Louiaiaua.and t wo short ones by Senators D iviiela and IIunton,of Virginia. Mr. Caffery's speech was in advocacy of his motion to have a modi- had fuar bounty paid for lb'Jl aud in favor of a fair revenue duty on sugar. Failiug ia getting such protection from thu bugur iuterest of Louisiana, Mr. Ciiffery d"dared, "more in sorrow than iu anger," that himself anJ his col league would be forced to antagonize the bill und to part tho ties which now bound them to the Democratic p'irty. The speeches of Seuators Daniel and Uuuton were called out by a desire to correct au error iu the report of Mr. Gorman's speech of Monday hut. which represeuted them, with senators lrom lour or live other states, as being so inimical to the house bill that they would have voted agaiust it. Mr. Dan iel declared that he had named no con ditions to command his vote aud that, whether tho bill ns it would lie finally fix -d In conference suited him or uot, it would have bis support. Mr. Hunton expressed himself in favor of the propj.-ed duty of 40 cents a tou on coal uud iron ore and of 40 per cent, ad valorem on sugar as fair revenue duties and hoped that there was patriotism enough in the Demo crats of both houses "to give und take. BKNATOn QUAY'S MOTION. A motion was mad by Mr. Q nv so to amend the motions of bjuatur v il is and Gray as to put sugar ou the free list. The whole matter then went over till tomorrow without action. The seuate at 2 SO proceeded to the consid eration ot executive business, aud. a 3 12, adjourned till tomorrow at noon. Iu the house Chuirmau Martin suc ceeded in huving passed three pension bills of u general nature. Iheso were house bills to amend the geueral net of June 27. 1890, by providing pensions for widows and orphaus of soldiers who died or were killed in discharge of duty and who did not, therefore, re ceivo discharges from the service; an tnorizing fourth class postmasters to administer oaths to pensioners; and to txtend during the term of their na tural lives the pensions granted to in sane, idiotic or other permanently helpless orphan children of a deceased soldier. The svnate bill to pension Frances Corse, widow of th late Gen eral John M, Corse, at the rate of $100 a month, was also passed. CONTRACTS THAT WILL BE LET. Street and Bridges Committee Paeaed Upon the Bids. Masonry contracts for culvert nnd stdewalk work wtll bo recommended from last night's meeting of the streets and bridges committee to select council tonight as follows: Culvert over L giett's creek nt North Main nvenne, Julius Maier. $2,l!)0.;i;l less $250 for old stone now ou ttio ground; the two next lowest bidders were John Stout nnd Corcoran & Donohuo in the order name I. Improvements on the Prospect avenue culvert over Stnltorii meidow brook, Corcoran & Donohue, s;0'J8. Improvements on the Pittston avenue culvert over Sfeltord meadow brook V. II. OTlarn, $307 50, Curbstones and sidewalks on Si utl; Main avenue, V. II. O llara, C5 cents per lineal foot for curbing and 17 cents per snuare loot tor sidewalks. Curbstoties, Bidev. alks and gutters on Seventh street, Walter Greaves, 5S ceuts per lineal toot for curbing, 10 cents per square lout (or sidewalks, 5 cents por tquaro yard for gutters. TABLES TURN tD THIS TIME. The Boarding Mistress Easts thu Boardrr Out of $1S4.50. Special Officer John Tiernan is now in Ireland looking up Mrs. Luos Y etidlo, who is wanted b.-re to answer thu charge of stealing $124 50 from Stephen bergair. Sergair boarded with Mrs. Van lie at Riley's Batch, and kept his savings iu a box iu his room. Some weeks ago he was badly injured nnd until lunsday last be laid lu tho Lackawanna ilos pital. When he was discharged In went to bis boarding house ouly to II n that Mr. Vendle had died and that Mrs, Vendlu the uext day after the funeral married uuother man uud moved to Hazleton, taking the boarder's money box along, lie interested Aldermau Fllz-iimmons iu his case and is now waiting lor the return of his boarding mistress. A CURIOUS CASE OF LARCENY. It All Depends on What the Law Re garde as Due Season. Andrew Seeley. an old man, is in the station house cbsrged with the larceny of a watch from William Rourke, au employe of Wills cz liiggins. Kourke it seeius. entrusted the wutcb to Seeley for safe keeping and the latter pawned it with Green. When he heard that the ollicers were after LIui, ha went to LACKED deem the Wiitcli nnd although tho police had secured tne watch, he reim bursed the pawnbroker for the money advance 1 on it. Sedey is trying to show that he only peculated with the watch and in tended to return it in dus season. A DEPLOR.BLE CASE. Sad Picture Preexnted to Officers When Tiny Go to Make an Arrest. Bryan Collins, of Orchard streot was fiud $25 by Alderman Fitz-timmons'yes-terday for threatening and attempting o kin ins family with an axo, on the night previous. Collins was mvl with drink and might hava curried out his designs but for Dm tinidy interfereuco of OIHcers Z '.nir and Dyer. Wneu tho oilio-rs want to ths honie they found the children, six in num ber, sleeping on a straw tick in the back yard and the wife watching over them to alarm them should thoir Iriiik-crr.zid father find them. Col lins himself, ax) in hand, was hunting through thu house for his wife and children, Their qtiartors, or rathsr quarter. for the house has but one room, is not lit to live iu. The room is but twelve fact sqr t and is used for cooking, luep1 . and every other purpose to wi' .uabouse is generally put. That e.K'lit persons live there and keep in beaitu is more than ono who has suen their Equaiidiiess can understand. II LOCKS LIKE CHGlSa Three New Haven Physicians, Includ ing Prof. Russell of Yale, Thus Diagnose the Case, New Haven, Conn. July 25. Ex- Road Commissioner Thomas H. Sulli van is lying at the point of death with what is believed to" be Asiatic cholera. List evening shortly after 0 o'clock be left his place of business on Cburen street complaining of feeling ill. On reaching his borne be grew rapidly worse His family physician was called md diagnosed the case as choiera morbus. All the itsunl remolies were admin istered without favorable result. Another doctor was then called aud the two remained with their patieut until midnight when tho sytnntoms of rapidly approaching death be came apparent. Profossor RussjII, of the Yale medical school, was then summoned. When be arrived at 2 o'clock this morning Mr. Sullivan was almost pulseless and hud been given up by tue other physicians. Dr. Russell performed the operation of iufueing a saiiue solution and the patient rtvived Moon. Both dootors say that the symp toms are those of Asiatic cholera. At nooa Mr. Russell was still alive. but little hopes of bis recovery are en tertained. TWO HOUSES DESTROYED BY FIRE. The Insurance oo Building Will Not Cover Lose. Two houses situated at the corner of Blakuly and Drin'ter stroets in Dun mors owned by John Stautoa were de stroyed by fire vesterday morning. This is the second attempt made to burn the same hnihlings Oa the night of July 13 a fire broke out in tho same place, but was extinguished be fore anv damage was done. At 2.30 yesterday morning the fire wns noticed by Frank Gam, jr. He gave the alarm and the Independent and Neptuiu Hose companies re sponded. The fire had gained head way and got beyond control. Both buildings were burned to ths ground. The building on Biakely street was known as tha Forest House, run by Jaracs Judge and Authony Henley. lhey carried .i.nurauce, but not enough to imlemnify thsiu. Tiie.r loss is estimated nt $700. The upper floors of the hotel were routed by Williuin A. Gaul, agent of the Met ropolitan Life Insurance company. His effects were not insured ami wore to tally destroyed. Harvey I. Joaos oc cupied the building ou Drinuor street nnd conducted a milk depot and ice cream parlor. His property was fully injured. The buildings were worth $1,50!), aud were injured for $2,700. Tue sen titnont of tho people of Dtinuioro is that the firo was the work of incendi aries. LINDEN STRUT PROPERTY SOLD. Purohaecd by JamoB W Oakfoid from Si. L. J-lnir f -r $24,000. Tho unimproved 50 foot Irotit plot of lind on Liu Ion ' street, opposite the c iurt house, has been purchased by Jatnes W. Oakford from M. L. Blair for If M. 000 'J ho tnopcrtv was putchased in 188 from tite Hi rhett estate for $9,000 and has ouly beeu u ed for tbostotuge of wagons, contractors' material, etc. Mr. O.ikforl lias not announced what use or disposition he will make of thu properly. SMOTHEFiE J IN A Bin, The Child of a Mil or Dies a Horrible D-ath in a O ain Funnol. At.toosa. July 25 Winl playing in his father's flour mill at Tyrone t -day, Ambrose Buyer, 7 year-old boy, hid in a corn bin. Corn whs pouring iuto the bin rapidly, and he could not get ont in time. The child was drawn into a narrow funnol, uud died by smothering. FOR TWO NEW STATES. Senate Committee R-.'porte Favorably on Now MbxIco aud Arizona. Wasiiinuton, July 25 Tho full senate committee on territories has or dered favorable reports 011 the' bills ad mitting New Mexico and Arizona to Btatehood. These -bills have pissed the house. Will Not Use Pullmane. Boston, July 25. Tho New England delegate to the national convention of Catholic abstinence Hftcioties to bo held In St. l'aul, Miu 11., next, mouth, at a meet ing l.'iHt night unaiiimouKly Voted not to Ubu rulliuan cars during the trip. WEATHER FORECASI. Wasiiinotok, Jnly 25. Forecast for Thursday: for A'u.veni i'emi-suh-ania, fuir: s'iaht cAanoc.- in tcmjjeratui-e; ou(iwet tvmU, r 1 I CLEAR 1 D 1 i 0 AU2J SPECIALS IN Muslin Underwear FOR THIS VEE: Four Specials in CORSET COYERS 15, 23, 25 and 39c. each. Three Specials in r!T7T! in 29, 33 and 50c. each. Thre3 Specials in DRAWERS 29, 33 and 38c. a pair. Two Specials in CAMBRIC GOWNS 98c. and $1.19 each. Three Specials in White Shirt Waists 93ci, $1.38 and $1.69 each Special Designs in UmbrellaSkirts , Special Line cf Children's Undsrwaists From 10c. each up. 510 and 512 -Lackawanna Ave. MINERS' Wholesale and Retail. H. A. Kingsbury 313 Sprues Street. Lewis, Reilly & Davies Conifort-GiYing Shoes The only khd that givo it, for tha summer, i3 our "Service & Kumfort" Shoes in colors and black. Lewis, Reilly & Davies We Examina Eyes Free of cliargo. If a doctor is needed you aro promptly told so. We also guarantee a perfect fit. LATI3ST STERLING ' SILVER NOVELTIES The Jeweler, 0 8 Spruce Street, 0 I . WE