THE SCIt ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. JULY 25, 1894; COST DOESN'T GOVERN PRICE LADIES' uck Suit s Elegant Material, Stylish Cut, Broad Revers, Proper Set, Wide Hems, full sweep of Skirt. Nothing mean or skimped. Generous value in every stitch. Ladies' Duck Suits White Ground, with Blue. Stripes . Now $1.79 Were $ 3. Navy Blue Ground, with White Dot, Now $2.69 wf3.75. Plain Tan, Now $2.98 Were $4. White Ground, either Blue or Black Figure, Now $3.15 Light Blue Ground, with White Polka Dot, Now $3.25 Were 3. This value shrinkage is limply awful, and summer only half over. GORMAN'S K EYSTONE Academy FACTORVVILLK, PA. A refined school homo. Prjpires tor tha best o. l.ejj a. 'i horouidi courses in Mmic and Art Teachers' Liass tivos bust preparation for Tcsohini;. Commercial Course includes Typewriting and Sknthand. piwi ioi.s siTurod for (iraduates. tund . r iiuw illuHinite.) circular. 1'. JI, LUOAllS, A.M., Principal Olyphant. The sui iutsilitfence was received" bero yesterdny of tils death of Mi H i Tnivera at tier borne in Siliabnrv, UJ., of typhoid fnvor. Sh whs a daughter of the lute Dr. Travi-rs of thii placr, i.D'l leivea a lur; circle of young friti'ls hero. Miss Miunie and Annie Hoban who have been visiting Arch bald friends, relumed home yesterday. Miss Ida White, of Carbondale, who hns been Tinitiug Mrs. J. F. CamtaitiK' for tbe pant week, returned to her honn yesterday. Air. William Drown, of Brooklyn and Miss Etiie Moyles, of Scran ton, nre visiting the Misses Mason of the West Side. Tue Ladies' Aid of the Presbytnrinn clinrch will raet at Mrs. J. L. Pdtti Krww's this afternoon. 51 IBs Baruetta McHule is visiting at Gri-u Ridge. The Young People of the Presby Uilan Sunday school are speuding tbe day at Lily lake. . T. M. Voyln is spending his vacation at Lnke Qnag. One of the most exciting game of bise ball this season took place here yesterday afternoon .between tbe Browns and the Browns, jrs. , for tbe championship of the town. Tae for mer .team were victors. Tin con test was very interesting from the start, the teams playing a sort of a see saw game. The Juniors made a bold fight, but the timely batting of the Browns caussd their downfall. The following is lbs score by inuings Browns 0 a 0 1 1 2 2 z 8 Browns, Jrs 1 0 0 2 2 2 0 07 Battone6 O'Hara and Barry; Walsh and Bhendun. Wyoming. William Bingley, who cam to this country about elevan mouths ago, will leave today for New York, where he will sail Thnrday morning at 11 SO on tbe Anguata-Victoria to Southampton. Mrs. S. A. Lake was taken ill Alon- day. bnt was quite comfortable last evening. Mr. Dennis and family cams from Wilkes-Barre abont six weeks ago and have Leeo staying at John Williams, on Sixth street Last week their children were taken very sick. Since that time two have died, aged 5 and 7 respeC' tively. Monday morning Drs. . S. llays and C. P. Knapp held a postmor tem examination and decided that tbe ohlldren's deaths were caused by in flam at ion of the bowls by eating green frnlt. . William Pollock, of Beech Haven, was visiting bis aunt, Miss. McKee, on Sixth street. Mrs. Nelson Huffman, who was taken tick Sandsv. was a little better latit evening. . Nelsou Huffman. who has been spend lug u few days with friends in Jersey, is exoccted home today. Qeorge Eyke, of Forty Fort, spent Sunday with Bnrtis Space. Mt physician said I could not live, my dver out of ordor. freanently vomited greenish mucous kin yellow, small dry humors on face, stomach would not retain food. Burdock Blood Bittnrs cured me. Airs. Adeluido O'Brien, 872 Eicbango street Buffalo, W. 1. ! Highest of all in Leavening Powct. Carbondalc. The committee in charge of the nr raiiyeruouts for the fifteenth annual reunion of the Sovnn County Veteran association, which will occur nt Far viow on Aug. 13, are busily working fur tlio success of the iillair, mid their efforts nre m eting with - the greatent etictiui'i'g' inMt. They hnvo received word that ltjv. llotiry Wheolor, late chaplain of the S v.'iileenlli Pennsyl vania, cavalry, will be present on tiiat day and deliver an address. The fol lowing speciiil mts have been secured for round trip tickets: Binghinntoii. Kirlcwood, UttHt Bond, Hickory Grove, $1 25; Siwiiu-limiiiii, Brandt, Starruccn, $1; Thompson. 80 citits; llrriclt Cen lor, 40 cents; Uuioudale. S3 cents; For est C'i:y, 23 outs; Wilkes-Barre, $1 ; Parsons, Miners' Mills, Mill Creek, lit) fonts; L.irlin, 85 cents; Yatesvilb-, i'ittston, Avoch, Monsic, Minooka, 80 cents: Dicksou, Olyphant. 00 cents; Pcttkviil, Winton, Archbiild, 00 cents; Jorniyn, jlayftald, 40 cents; Carbon dale, oil; iloiioadule. 50 conts; Way nui t, 15 cents. William Churchman and faiuilv, of Philadelphia, arrived to spend the summer at their cottage at Cryatul hike. Miss Jessie Wetherby, of Way no street, left yesterdany for a visit with Clifford frieuds. Yesterday nfternoou shortly after 4 o'clcch tho residents and pedestriaus along Main street were thrown into considerable excitement by seeing an Italiau with a cotl I l ick face and in working aiiir hustled to the city piisuii by special officer. The crowds following him siii'l he had killed a man. It vr..s l -.irii-d l.-itt-r that he had not killed a bint), lut La J seriously irjured a fellow workman. They were return ing from work when, it is understood, i bey hud some words, and tue vicious Italiau ntruuk bis victim a terrific blow on the head with his dinner pail, in flicting a sevore scalp wound. He mi promptly Uk-;u into custody to await the reults of his deed. The in j ire J man's name whj Rjin ino, bnt his as sailant's name eould uot be learned. , J. W. Dimoclt, district deputy grand reueut of Carloudalo Couucil, Koval Arcanum, accompanied by Dr. II. C Whveler and George S. Kimball, were in Honosdale last evening attending a meeting of the Honosdale council. Mi9 Francis Daley and Mrs. O. L. U,leysp-tit Monday evening in Clif ford as gutsts of the latter's parents. The Mitchell Hose company with their iundioLU team of sorrels were iu Archbald last evening where they participated in the firemen's parade, which was had in honor of the Arch bald Hose company's excursion which occurs today at F irvlew. Miss Adeila Williams returned to Clifford yesterday after a brief stay iu irboudale. Tho game of baso ball at Simpson vesUrduy betweun the Crescent an I Veuui social clubs of this city resulted n a victory for the former with tin- score 18 to 10. Henry Johnson, of Philadelohia, is guest at the bom of L. C. Hathaway, on Salem avenue. A site for a new cemetery for Cr- bondale has finally been decided npou. It is the lloscoe Lea farm, a tract of land situated about midway between this city and MayrMd, on the line of the Carbondale Traction comuany's line, and contains about 100 ucres of land beautifully situated on the west side bill. The new cemetery will be known as Crookside cemetery. Mrs. Jo3"ph Herbert and daughter. Addie, of Dund ff street, spent Mon day with Peckville. frieudj. Yeiterday afternoon while Exuress- man P. A. Walker was hurrying his hnrs? down Salem nveune toward the Union depot to meet tbe 4.10 passenger train one of tbe hind wheels of his wagon came off, delaying him for a few moments. The boree was stopped and no further damage done. Miss Annie Hutaliins, saleslady at the Globe enjoying her aunual vacation. An ice cream festival was held last evening on the iawu la rront oi tne residence of ex-Mayor C. E. Rettew, on Johns street. Tbe event wag given un der the anppices of the Young L'tdies' guild of the Trinity church, and proved grand success socially and finan cially. Miss Grace Alexin.ler.of Tarrytown, N, Y., is the guest of Miss J. Alexan der, of Main street. W. J. Roberts, of Jones Bros.' tea store, is spending his vacation at Elk dale, Susquehanna county. Stationary engiuo'iNo. 10 on the grav ity broke down late yesterday nfter noou causing a stand still of all trains leaving Honeslulo for this city eft.r that tune, Conductor lioll s passenger train due iu this city at 5 o'clock p. and Conductor Hubbard's ps3rGger train due hero at 7 p. m. up to a late hour lust evening had not arrived. The accident only caused delay to trains coming from Iloneidale hut did not in terfere with trains leaving here for Honesdale. So owing to Conductor lloff's delay in arriving hern on time, us to enable him to return to Honosdale at C p, in. a special car was sent over to carry tbe passengers, also a car load of Delaware and Hudson shop employes from this city was sent to the scene of the accident to repair tbe damages. No one wua injured. Spnolmnn Cases. S. II. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, bis liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and ho was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running tore on bis leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottle of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Buck leu's Arnica Halve and his log is omul and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., bad bve laree fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Buckleu's Arnica Avoca. , Mrs. John Haslie and Mrs. Robort Oliver attended a funeral yesterday at Yatesville, William English made a business trip to Pittston this week. M. J. Farrell bat returned home from the west, where bo has beon for several years. Mrs. James Dueble and Mrs. William Ridgley will leave for New York bn Friday, from whence they will sail for England. A large number attended the Old Forge, Central aud LangcliSa Ktg Latest U. S. Gov't Report funds' excursion yosterday to Lake Ariel. The homo of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, of Miller's Grove, ha beon bright ened by the arrival thereat, on Satur day morning, of a chubby littlo 'n. William U'M illey v8 ti visitor at the county s-at this wevlc. The be d me-tiniM of the M ody campaign started in Avoca last evening. Evnugelist lilies pre idled in the Lang cliff. Presbyterian church. Tonight he will will preach in tho Moosto Pres tiyteriau church; cm Thursday evening in the Brick Methodist Episcopal church nt L'ickawanna, and on Friday evening in Avoca Methodist Episcopal church. All meetings will commence at 7.30 with praise service. The re union of nil churches will be held in the Primitive Methodist church on Sun day morning, s-rvic-s commencing at 10 HI o'clock It' is desired tout all singers gather n.irly ami form a utrong choir. Gospel Hymns Nos. 5 and 0 will be nsod. Mrs. Miriam Shales, of Wilkos-Barre, is visiting friends on Packer street. The murriagrt of J. J. Curloy nnl Mhs B Mmilt-y will take place this afternoon iu St. M iry's church. Rov. M. F. Crane will idli'iatu. William Liird, Alexander Allan, William Murdoon, Alexmder Liird and Thomas McMillan went to Tuuk hsnnockaMouday evening on their bicy cles. They returned home last evening and report having a good tim-J. The Woman's Christian Temperance union will hold its regular meeting to morrow afturuoou at tho nsual timu and place. Miss B. Fadden is the guest of Mis Ella U'Malley, of Main street. Lake Winohu The season is uow at its height and the surroundings of this picturesque sheet of mountain watur teoiu with life. Hotels, cottages, etc , are well filled with people, and continual enjoyment is tne result. Besides the hotels and cottage boarding houses, there are nuiiioroiii camping parlies whose numerous w.iiU teuts scattered among the trees tend to enliven the prettiest lake scene that northeastern Pennsylvania can boast of. Every train brings more guests and the end of this week will Mud the boarding facilities taxed to their utmost and the season at its height. Dancing is en gaged in at the Wiuola House every evening and grand balls are given at the latter place and at tbe Lake House at Mill City every Saturday night. Messrs. Shoppard and Lohmann, of Wilkes-Barre, two young artists of musical ability, have been engaged to furnish terpsichorean music at the Wi lola House, and every evening finds a jolly party of young people tripping die light fantastic to their delightful .trains. Young's orch"8trn. of Tuiikbannock, ilays at the Lake House iu Mill City very Saturday eveniug. Few balls rooms can be fonnd to (jnal those of the L ike and Winola .otels. Both Proprietors Frear and Rogers exhibit thes adjuncts to thoir nouses with much pride. Tho Binder cottage is occupied by a party of young ladies from Hydu Park and the central city. Among them are the following: Misses I la Thompson, Victoria Watkins, Mre. Smith, Kite McMillan, Ellin McMillan, Sadie Mac Kutchwo, Miss Haywsrd, of Kingston. Mrs MacMillan is acting as chaperon. Colonel Lewis and family will va cate their cottage on July 27. Mr9. Guernsey's Sunday school of x, Liiiue ciinrcti are enconced in a comfortable cottage on the. Scran ton side. William Glasgow Green, the popular baritone of the, Jersey City Reformed church, was a visitor at tho MsoMillau cottage this week. Mr. Green has an enviable reputation in New York musi cal circles, and' has heen honored with oilers of an engagement with a no less rentable opera company than the Lillian Russell. Among those registered at the Win ola Houe are the following: Mrs. Stahl and family, Mr. and Sirs. Crawford and family, of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs, Lees und son, of Plymouth; George Sharps. Percy Waters, J. b Gallagher and daughter, E. E. Smith and wife. U. S. Hull. C. R. Sanderson. Iloldeu Tripp, of Scran ton; H, S. EIshII, of Duryes, and many others. Forest City. Sufnuehaniia county's oil boom at Brooklyn if. from all appearances, a thing of the past. Dr. R. H. M. McKenzie, of Taylor, i student at the University of Pennsyl vanin, visited Saturday with his old time friend, Alfred Davis. Rev, J. (J. Ilouaii, pastor of the Methodist Eiiiscopil church, 1ms Ih- gan a scries c.f abort mid-Bmumi sermons commencing last Sunday even ing with the following subject: "What to Believe Concerning the JLiible. " On subsequent Sabbaths the following sub j -els will be talten: "What to lJeluve with Respect to the Doitv;" "What to Believe Concerning Redemption ;" "What to Believe in Regard to Pruyur. George Kisthiirt.tliit popular hutuher spent Sunday with Giusou friends. Joseph Davis, of Taylor, was a caller in town Saturday. A merry-go-round has b en erected on the vacant lot b'twen the Forest City House and Harlutig's liquor store, nnd tbe vonng cuiidreu or the borough are enjoying themselves to their heart's content. The Vanillins Cornet band held their first picnic Saturday in V. nulling grove. It. was a very onioyable lift lir, as well as a financial success. Nathaniel Davies defeated all competitors in the nnoit contest. 1 1 the evening the For est City Cornet band ami the Liberty Fife and Drum corp of this place were in attendance and rendered a nil tub r of choice selections. Lewis R. B'van visited friends in Vandling and Forest City Saturday. Tho HilUldH collieries in this place will be idle today, thus affording ample opportunity to all who desire to atteiid the id amnio tli excursion nnd basket picnic to Like PoyotolU by the Suu day schools of thin pi ice. Lake Poyn telle is an ideal place for a day of pleasure and recreation. Train leaves Forest City on the Outarlo nnd West ern at 8 30 a. m., returning leaves the lake nt 5 30 n. m. Tickets for round trip, adults 00 cents, children !13 cunts. George S. Dunn, the genial Uatirlo nnd Western station agent at Jermyo, cperit a short time in this place with his parents Sunday. II) was accom panied by Miia Rich, of Jetmyu. Hallstcad. Grand jurors drawn to serve for week emnnencinir Monday, July 30: Josiah Fuller. Auburn, farmer; Stephen Howard, Auburn. farmr; JamesWells, Clifford, mechanic; Iiofeios Sptfford, Diuiook, farmer ; Daniel Dvit, Frautt lin, tanner; William Salisbury, Frank lin, farmer; Milton E. Bircbard, Forest Lake, butter worker; Putrlck S. Kane, Forest Lake, farmer; . Silas Squires, Great Bend towmhip.farmer; Theodore Mesick, Great Bend township, farmsrj Birney Ri'ckhow, Great' Bend borough, clerk; Henry T. RiubunWoo, Harford, frmr; Alva A. Allen, Hirford, farmer; Auton D. Barnes, Herrick, shoeiuakor; Charles Jay, Herrick, farmer; Andrew Blank, Harmouy, fore man; William Sullivan, Hallsteai, track foreman; Elnur Tower, Lenox, farmer; Dawion Elwurds, Montrose, machinist; Fred J ly, New Milford borough, clerk; Nicholas Irvine, Oak land borough, gentlemni ; Aaron Wood, Rush, fanner; Samuel Elw ir is, Kutli, farmer; John Squires, Spriugville. farmer. Mrs. F. D. Lamb nnd son, Fred, were calling on Biughamtou friend) the first of the week. Tho B-'iiii-aiinual meeting of the Sn-quoliannn County Medical society will be hold til Hopbottom Tuosday, Aug. 7, at 10 o'clock a. in. The usual reduction of railroad fare is expected. A cordial welcome is extendod to all regular practitioners. George Mnjor, of Binghamton, la the gu st of his bioluer, N. O. Major, on L ickHwann i avenue. L D. Sawyer visited Binghamton yestord iv. Luroy B.irne, of Eltnira, is visiting his grandparents, Air. and Mrs. M. S. L iwe, on Maiu stroet. Tbti cottiign meeting of tho Railroad Young Men's Christian association on ! rid ay uvauiug will be held at the homo of Matthew Summerton on Miiu tivut The cottngti mei-ling on Sun- l.-iy ut 3 !!0 p. m., will be addressed by Mclvllar, of Binghamton. Mr. JMcK filar was a former general scre- arv of tin Rtilroad Young Men's Christian association at Whitehall N. A. A, McCre.iry and wife, of New York city, arrived h-re Monday to spend the Bummer. C. J. Langley visited Binghamton yesterday. Elizabeth Paulino, of Hackettstown, JN. J., is visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Tiffany and Miss Jennie Currier went to Afton on their wheels on Saturday, returning home od Monday. W. D. Rusling, of Hackettstown, N, , is visitiug his cousin, Miss Jennie Currier. Miss Mama Ileff-irmiin, of Phillips burg, N. J., and Sidney Hall, of Hackettstown, N. J , are visitiug their uncle, Mr. Satnuol Hull. Mr. Samuel and son Charles and daughter Clara spent Monday at Rose park in tlinghamlou. Marvin Barnes, the hustling and genial driver of tbe Hallstead Fire com pany s engine, the Nay Aug, made the run from Hallstead to tbe fire in Great Bend Monday night in four and one half minutes. Charles Dugan, of Kingsley, who has filled the place of Mictiual Hays so creditably for the past three weeks, has returned horn. Hattie McCroy is visiting frieuds in .New Milford. Fred Barnes Is visiting Cortland friends. Mrs. Henry Talmaae la visiting friends in lunkhannock. Born To Mr. nnl Mrs. Frank Jack son, July 2.1, a girl. Gertrude Read, who has been visit iug frieuds in Afton, has returned honi'. Tne Mothodist Episcopal L lies' Aid society oi tun place win give a supper at tho home of Miss I la Corby, on Piue street, Iriday evening. Mrs. Homer Robinson, who has bean visiting frieuds in Afton, baa returned home. Frank Carlton.a wll liked cornelian from Scranton, is visitiug frieuds iu this place. Mat tie and bidio Doty, of P.iterson N. J., ni visiting nt the residence of George Wilcott, on Chase avenue. Mrs. i red Koss is visiting frieuds iu Hopbottom. lhomas Heath, of Montana, is visit ing friends in town. Mrs. John Simpson visitod Bingham ton friends Mon oiy. Subscribe for Thk Tribune, the lead ing orauion papar, only 4j cents per month. Lawyer Cummin-;, of Binghamton. was in town yesterday aud caugnt i fine string of bass from the Susque ha n tin. Miss M;iry Scot ton, who hat been visiting friends in Biughamtou, has re turned homo. The teachers' meeting on Friday evening will be held ut the borne of S. B. Chase, on Pine streot. Ralph Street, of Scranton, a form resident of this place, is visiting frieuds and relatives here. Woi'M) you rido on a railrond that uses no duuger signals? That cough is a signal hi uauger. llio sntest cure is Dr. Wood Norway Pino Syrup. Sold by all dealers on u guarantee ot satisfaction. Montrose. The fire in Great B -nd on Moim attracted a good deal of nttontioti here and about fifteen of oar male population drove over to see it. Hiram llihbird is sufftiring with lame kne v Ha full on the alduwal last winter and hurt his knee, but did not bother nt tho time, It began swelling atmut two week ago and ia now very much swollen and painful. Company G, N. G. P., had six n men in the ranks on Monday night, R. M. B istwick was at the lake yes tenlay lulling. Dr. U J Slsckav was In town on The Past Guarantees The Future The fact that Hood's Sarsana- rilla has cured thousands' of others is certainly sufficient reason for belief that it will cure you. It makes pure, rich, healthy blood, tones and strengthens the nerves, and builds up the whole system. Remember Cures, Pe Sure to get HOOD'S and . Only HOOD'S. Hood's Pills aro especially prepared to b taken with liood's Sarsayarllla. 25c per box. H Monday to visit hU patients, but hns rtnrued again to uia studies in Now ork. Tho Epworth L?agn- cabinet held an niportant Uljetlu: at the naraouaze last evening. A real old faihloned one. rintr nlrnna would be well patronized if they were to pitch their tent here. Miss Eva Pratt, ot Scranton. is the gnest of hir annt, Mrs. M. E. Hedden. George Daunts has resigned his poai tioa as clerk at the Tarbell House. Deputy Postmaster Boatwlek avalii ssrving Uncle Sam's pa'rons after an onjoyabl time spent at Heart lake. irjcy feweet, of bcrantou. is here tbe giu-it of his uiothor and calling on his many irmmis. Optician E. L. McKenzie. of Bing- umton, has been in Montrose for a few ays fitting poople with imperfeot eve- iglt. A large number of farmers took ad vantage of the rain and came to town yesterday, giving the town a lively ap pearance. , Dunmorc. Evangelist L. W. Snead will take charge or Wednesday evening's prayer service iu the Presbyterian church in the abseuo of Rev. James W. Wil- iams Mrs. G. S. Maloney is sojourning at Lily luke. Miss Margaret Monroe, of Brook street, is very ill. Mrs. Gilday, of South Scranton, spent esterday with her sister, Miss Biua Hiiggerty. William Miller was caught botween prop and got his foot hurt iu No. 1 shaft. 1). Compton was in town Monday. Miss Harrington entertained a few riends Monday evening. Ine Young Men a Temperance so ciety, of Sport Hill, will rnn un excur sion to L ike Ariel Aug. 13. Miss Lillie McCullouah. of Philadel phia, is tho guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. W. Wert, ot Jllakeb'V. Among the Sunday visitors to Dun- more Were the Misses J. Cogglns. Thomas and James Nealou.of Olyphant. juiss Alary wnlsi-. formerly or this place, but now of New visiting her sister, Mrs. O. Beglin. Miss K. O'lloro, of Bloom street, la lsiting her sister, Mrs. Daisy, of Phil adelphia, The Misses Anna McGowan and Maggie Barretr.of this place.are spend- ng their vacation at JSew lork and Baltimore. The Epworth league of the Method ist Episcopal church will run an ex cursion to Glen Onoko on Aug. 23. 1. P. .Letchworth has erected a beau tiful white bronze monumeut ou the Weaver property. Jennie and Aollle buglo have re turned from a pleasant visit to Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Murray sailed ou Wednesday lust from New Yolk for au extended European trip. S. U. Oilly, of Cripple Creek. Colo.. is visiting bis sister, Mrs. J. W. Pinell. Mrs. J. U. urnwn, of the West Sido; Mr. und Mrs. William Rogers, of Philadelphia; Mrs. D. J. Johnson, of rem Hall, busqualiannu county; Lr. M. Rogers and wife, of Dundaff, and Mrs. G. E. Reynolds, of Scranton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Letchworth last vaek. Mrs George Maxwell has returned from New York. Mariin Bold, of Wav.-rly. m ule a snort visit with M, Lulz Monday. D. K Oakley has tWrted to build a dwelling bouse on Q.iiucy avenue. Bynn Adams, of hUuctriu avenue, has gone to Harford to spend a few weeks. Mrs. lhomas Warner has returned home. GIVEN UPALL EiOPE Eczenta, Turning to Blood Tolson. Treutcd by Specialists Seven Months without Ouo Partlelo of Success. body mm SORES. Condition Terrible Life a Burden. Trior! CUTICURA. In Three Days At tends to Business. Curo Permanent. In the snrinc of ld I took that dreadful ';in disease, Eczema, which turned intoldnod in. 1 consulted tho best known specialists in litis city. 1 ney treated uie lor seu'n lnohtha tail 1 never derived a particle of pood from any of them. ii I lev bad given it up as a hopeless cure. I was covered with sores from to foot ; 1 had ning sores all over inc. sonic of them ss larc as a box of vour Cn iccitA. It cost me hundreds of dollars with these so-N- called specialists. My JTi - connitioii wrs terniun, v.r oik ltlo wad a most n mm eu ,,virT fr to m6, 1 could not eit, .iVUS.. i driuk. or sleep. I was trhablotowalknndhau given mvself un as dead 1 tried all medicines imaginable, until n liiend who hud got relief advised mo to try ('flicritl kkmkiiif.s. i sent, out ami got mem, ni'.u wneu I took tho first iloso of your ( i tii tka uksoi.- vest 1 felt a little better; wllh three boxes of your most vahialila ( uticcra and one bottlo ot 'OrirrnA Itrsoi.vEST I was a new man. In three .lavs I w as ui walking around and attend ing to mv business, and it Is tho ( I tii'I'Ua und ('i ticritA Kkkoi.vent that saved mo from (he Jaws of death. This is two years ago. I wanted to sen if it had heen driven out of my system, and I can say 1 have- never had any tmiihlesince lortwo years. i ;.. i-. itnn.iii. 2925 Tonn. Ave., l'ittsburgu, l'a, Pnld fhrotinhont tho world. Trleo, CmmtA, 60c ; Hoap, '.'6c;'xt, fl. I'iittkb Dauu AND Ci'.EH. Coup., Mole Proprietors, Iiolon. jCij-" Uow to Curo Skin Diacascfl," mailed frco, nifJIl'l.KS, t!':el, red, rottch, rh:ippod,and I IIEI oily eioii ciircu liy UL'Tlct Hi ritui'. NcrVOUS instantly relieved by a Cutl- cura l'lastor, bocauso It vl Mtl5CU1ar talizes the nerve forces and henco cures nervous paius. TicuKncu weakness, and numbness. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND BrOHTIKGr Manufactured at tho Wapwallopon Mills, Lu. kiub cuuniy ra anu nc vu minuton, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District, li8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa third National Bank Building AOKNCIPS. TITOS. FORD, PittstDii, Ta. JOHN B BMITH A SON ; Plymouth. E. W. MULLIGAN, WillcM-Barre, Pi fa. I. ARents ror tne itopauu pnuy'a High Exulosivea. UhemtoaJ Com- MR. FRED WEICHEL At his newly-renoratod and licensed Hotel a CLARK'S SUMMIT, in now tu-unared to fur uisli traveling tnnn and sxial parties with tho LATEST, NEW-KTYLKD KlU.S, sini or double, to taku them to I ako Wind Oravel Pond and nil suburban point an Summer resorts at reasonable uricen. A larj llvory Oaru couuocted with uotol tor travel POWDER lug public L IIICItIEI3B3BESSa3EBGIIlIi2BSeBIIEI3II8BIE:ilBIIZIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUSlBIIllIIICeHll GREAT Handkerchief Purchase - BY - THE FAIR 400 and 403 Lackawanna Avenue. JE have just purchased for cash ftf at c;oc. on the dollar 32,228 doz. Ladies' Handkerchiefs, the entire stock of an importing house retir ing from business. Sals Commences Saturday, July 7 5c. Handorchiefs, sale at , 10c. Handkerchiefs, sale at 15c. Handkerchiefs, sale at 25c. Handkerchiefs, sale at 39c. Handkerchiefs, sale at 50c. Handkerchiefs, sale at THE FAIR 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE. aaeiBasaisaEaBiisiscsiBSGEBasaBflsniiBizEmiaiBiiBiiiBsiiiiaiisiaiiBBieEEieiiBEinisiiik'q IF YOU ARE We can serve you well. All the desirable kinds are here and at right prices. Then we have other kinds of Floor " CoirerixigB Linoleums, Mattings, Art Squares, Linen Crumb Cloths, fic. Bvzantine. Smvrna' and Oriental Rugs all sizes, from a single door to sizes large enough to cover an entire floor. IRR SIEBECK 406 and 408 BRANCH STORE: Watt No tales or history goes with the goods we sell at our Odd and End Sale You will find money by attending our dd and It is cheap goodness not- cheap cheap, ness that distinguishes our and Figures are eloquent when used to indi cate the value we are 'giving at our dd and End Sale From a critical inspector you will turn an eager buyer at our Odd and End Sale Goods marked in plain, large, low figures at our Odd and End Sale Yi-fTrni "MinI'm-'-TMifti iij jyJiiij- i.'.--T-.l.-iiM . 2y2c. 5c. . 7c. . 12c. , 19c. 25c. THINKING OF Lacka. Avenue. Building, Carbondale. End Sale End Sale :t. fry- -.:i-.f '