The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 25, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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The weekly statements of coal ship
meuts over, the Ilnutiugdou and Broad
Top railroad, which were suspended
. during the coal itrike, are airuin bsiiiR
iisueJ. The bipinenti last week were
the heaviest in the history of the coun
try, Kg-regatlnfr no low than 75, Git
tons, of which 16, OSS tone came frum
the Broad Top region Itself, and 59,501
tons from the Cuuiberlund region. As
C lupired with the eorrospoudiiig pjr
i M f last year this is an increase of
87,643 tout, tbe proportion of increase
being nbout 100 per cent, for the Cum
berland region and 125 per c?nt for
the Broad Top region. This increase
reduces th decrease for the year to
date to 278,104 tons, the total tonnage
liRvini.' been 894 039 tons, against
1,173,113 tous tor the correspouUius
period lust yeiir. Three weeks ago tbe
decrease for the year amounted to 330,
009 tons, bo that th increase since then
Us been equal to 81, 8M tons. At this
ratu it will not tuke long for tbe com
pany to rosover the loss it sustained
clarinsr the early dull month of the
year and the time the mines were
closed and trafllo practically suspended
by the miners' strike.
The reorganization committee of the
Pennsylvania and the Matyland Steel
foiDDanies. beld meeting Id Philadel
phia yeeterdav. At the conclusion of
the meeteng Effingham B. Morris, the
eh airman, announced that the plan of
reoriramz itlon bas been agreed upon,
"Over 90 per cent, of tbe creditors have
assented to the plan," said Mr,' Morris,
"aud a sufficient amount of pre
ferred stock has been subscribed
to warrant the committee in declaring
tbe plan for judicial sale to be effective.
This course was adopted by tbe com
mittee aud the time for subscription
by all stockholders to tue new prvtur
rd stock was extended until October
1 next. Stockholders holdiug ttio pres
ent common stock wbo dj not avail
themselves of this opportunity will
then Lw wiped out, as tbe company
will now be re-oruamzjU tor ttie oeiie
tit of the creditors and sutscribers
to Hie new pivf-rrel stock to the
amount of $1,5110.000 only. The pay
ments ror tuts stoeS will tw in iuaca:i
ments at convenient periods, begiuuiui:
Jan. 1. 1893 Proper notices are being
sent to butu creditors und stoiKJOiajrs,
ileclariug that the amicable adjustment
has been abandoned aud tnat tue plan
for judicial sale is successful aud has
now ueen made elective.
A Dulutb dispatch says: Henry B.
Shield, the new manager of tbe Bi-
wabik mine, purchased by Pittsburg
parlies, hag been in the city all the
pist week making arrangement for
pushing tbe enormous contracts mad
by this company. Though work lias
been under way only two mom a, ship
ping ore will begiu next week, and
tbe output for the rest of this iaon
will be 100.000 tons a month, or 3 000
tons daily, lue method of mini ug will be
entirely changed during the wiutnr, to
prepare lor the iuimeuse output expec
ed next year, 5,000 tons daily for 2)0
days. 1 br steam saovels are at worn
now, and 275 men, some of whom me
putting lu uti exteuMva . sys'om ol
trackage. During tbe wiutur 750 meu
will be worked, so that all the following
season four steam shove's can be
worked mining.
Minor Industrial Notzs:
A new fan bas been placed in operation
at the Lawrence colliery of tha Connell
toal company.
All the collieries of tbe Cross Creek Coal
Compauy, as well a, these of A. S. Van
lckle, will work full tiir.e this week.
. "Thomas tL Dibble, of Scrmton, who
M tiitoresteil lu coal lauds la this vicinity.
transuded here Monday," says
ti.o I'ottsvmo Chronicle.
Tlio Reading has appealed from tho set
tli nieiit of the state's fiscal officers in im-
poking a ttix of f.j3,O0 J on bonds held by
rertuiu churches and charitable institu
Tho Rending Coal and Iron people have
flpited cut that the cost of miniu;; per ton
in June wan the smallest in auy J urn for
ten year.", :n spite of the heavy expense-
requiting from the flood.
General Lehigh Valley Traffic Manager
ohn Taylor, of JJethleheni, and his vifo
Iiuvo gone from London to llamburg.
They extinct to leave for home on the
steumcr Ciunpaguia. which sails on Aug 11
TIih state bun awarded to ,1. liayard
Ileury, 4lary McIIxnry Cox and James
VntU Mercur 15 40(1 U!t as iuformurs' fees
in the escheat i'ae nf John R. I'ehn against
the Atlnniic aim Great Western Railroad
John S. Lazams, trafBe manager of the
indmiiurali. D-catur ana vvestem. has
gone to Pittatou.Pa., says the Indianapolis
Journal, to attend the funeral of his
mother, who died on Tuesday, at tbe ago
ol o yeurs.
Experienced railroad men say that
tnry nave never Known a stme or the
magnitude of tl'at inaugurated by Debs to
oollause ao suddenly and completely, or ti
leave within few ilava of its ending so
lew eviaences ot navingexisteu.
At a meeting of "drnmmars" of the
traveler' Protective asoriation, in Read
intr. the immediate passsEo by cuusrross o:
the bill permitting railroads to place on
raio a interchangeable tmlengi
The Coming of Summer Is Supposed
to End the Social Season.
' Dinner?, Cotillion1 and balls aro
done. Society seeks rest at the
shore or mountains. But is it
foundt Fashion's sway still rules.
The belle and chaperone alike are
futigued. Almost as much to do
as in the city. Just as tiring be
cause it is so hot.
Johann Hoff's Malt Extract
then taken makes the Bummer
easy. It banishes fatiguu, and
fortifies ujie system for Winter,
aids digestion, gives health and
Beware of imitations. Look for
signature of "Johann Ilofl" on
neck label.
Eisner & Mendolson Co., Sole
Agents, New York.
book with groater allowance of baggage
was strongly advocated.
The Riadiuir manaeenient bas arranged:
to effect miDortaut economies in the coa!
and iron department that will result in
reducing the cost of miuing eotisiueruoiy.
A system of rigid accounting will bo in
augurated, which will compel greater
carefulness by miue bosses.
It is stated on irood authority that Lniis
SnarpleBs is to return to Fottsvillo mid u
periutend tho tnnchiuo work and machin
ery at the Pottsvilla Iron and Steel com
pany's rolling mill. Air. frtinrpie.-s lor
uierlv hold this positlou before bo wont to
tha Readiug Rolling mills sevvrnl years
The monster 120-ton locomotive of Coxe
llr Ii tlm cnul nnora'.ors. have been
found too heavy for ima on tho Lehigh di
vision of the Lehigh Valley railroad, ex
tending from Jlauoh Chunk to ji.asiou.auu
the Coxes are baviug six lightor olivines
built at the Baldwin locomotive works to
roplace them.
Shlnmonts of Pocahontas coal over the
Norfolk and Weetorn railroad for tbe
week ended July 14 airirrccated 7S.1S15 tons,
an increase over the same woo It of last
yearot L'0,308 tous. For the year to dato
named the shipments nave ammititeu to
l,Sl2,747 tons, an iucrease of 141,053 over
the corresponding period last year.
Supoi iuteudout Kudlick, of the Cross
Creek Coal company's collieries, has issued
u general order waruiug all employes to
use ureat cure iu handling powdor aud ex
plosivea uW iu iiiiuiug. The order also
warns the men to keep within the hounds
of tho miuo laws iu every particular, ro
sptcting the uso of this deadly article.
Tha Pennsylvania railroad reports that
the quantity of coal and coko origiuatiug
ou and carvied over its linos east of Pitts
burg aud Erie for the year thus fur has
bean 7. US.Oii". tous. compared witn 10,-
010,4.r.5 tous lu the corresponding period
of lb'.'l a decrease of S.BJ4.7S! tons, of
which 5.701,515 tons were coal, a decrease
of 2,30a,O67 tuns, and 1,353,152 tons coke, a
decrease or l,5'J4,o31 tons.
Tbe Pennsylvania railroad is uow hand
ling at Columbia about 4 000 cars a day.
This Is an exceedingly heavy movement.
and It tbe average is muiutained to the
end ot July the mouth will be about the
heaviest ot tho year, notwithstanding the
met tnat lue movemeut was very utut
prior to the beginningof thepresent week.
There has also been a noticeable increase
iu through passeuger truffle within the
last few days.
A Quarter Century Test.
For a quarter of a century Dr. Kino's
New Discovery has beeu testod, and the
millions wbo have received beneut from
its use testify to its wonderful curative
powers in till diseases of Throat, Chest aud
Lunipt. A remedy that has stood the test
so long and that has given so universal
satisfaction isuo experiment. Kuch bottle
is positively guaranteed to give reller, or
tho money a ill be refunded. It is admitted
to be the most reliable for Couchs and
t olds. Trial Pottles Free at Alatthnw liro s.
Drug Store. Large sue 5'Jc, and 1.00. '
Foil coins, croup, asthma, bronchitis
and sor throat use Dr. Thomas' Kclectric
Oil, ai.d got the geuuiue.
Stocks and Fonds.
New York. July 24. The attention of
operators was centered in Chicago Uaa at
the opening ot the Mock exchange this
morning. Suar for a time was relegated
to tlio rear. Lnicajo was opened heavy
and in a. iirrv sold down to J. acainst 74
at the close yesterday. After the selling
r.bated tho stock rose to t and closed at
i4x, a loss of 'i per point tor the dav. i?u.
car was far less active than on yesterday.
but Milt it Ogured for 57,400 sharrs In a
irraud total of 122,733 hares, ft a'lvanced
at the openiug to 1U5.4, fell to 104, ros
tj lo.")?'!, aud lu the late trading declined
to lu3'i.
There were indioations of liquidations by
thoKo responsible for the recent rise from
105. Wusutiigtou news still govern tbo
fluctuations iu tne stock aud bulls claim to
be as confident as ever that the trust will
set nil thif nrotection it needs. Diatillinv
aud Cattle Feeding are feverish within a
unrrow ranee aud sold at 17Jalt9I.
closing at 18. The railway list
was irregular, but in the maiu lower
during the early session, but subse
fluently improved and closed firm. Atchi
son and Northern l'ncilio matters came in
for a good deal of discuisinn. Amon2 the
active mil way stocks ht. Paul showed tho
greatest strength, lu; the gain was nnly
'4 per cent., the stock Belunc nn to 5S.
O.natia common, ho'.vever, on light trading
roo i louii'i.
The realization in American Sugar at
tue ciosa uul uot eltect the railway "roun
which left off flan. It is conceded, uiiUmk
there is n tnutei'iiu cu.ijl'o in the mnrku
for sterling eschaugo before Siturday
mat coiifiuaiuuie iruiu win iiavo to Os fur
warded on the day named to France and
Austria uecotiittiuns are now peadiu'' for
tb" fhipm 'iits of at lcaH three uiilii u of
dollarr. the net cnanzes In stock or th
duy show gains of to 1 p-r poiot iu tlio
general list. Union 1'aciDi: lost , Chi
rnso U:is l, i ana'ia southern i, lend ':
Sugar lJi, Liuseed Oil gained V','x rising to
10lj. ,
Tin) foil iwm.T compiot ) fame anowin? ttie
ilay s llii.itu.iiioiis in autrM sioclis is Hupphml
ati'i revisi'd d uly by St Fuller, stouk
oroiiurs, ii vt youiin aveu.iu:
Opotl- til :'h- I.OIV (Jlot.
im. iwt, Bt. pi
Am. rot. on 25 :.") sr, v:
Am Mttsar VHH Vtfli l' ll'i IUH
A.T. ft a. If :o. M, :,ij ;i
v an. no i.'M, r.' 411
( un. N. J
Chin & N. W 1WA PlPi KIIM lip
Q., v. y 7.) r.M
Chic. Oas. U;4 ::i
C.U.U tc 8t. i..,. 5M aen 8?S iWlj
Ol.. HOCK. VUI. i
I). ttlJ liioii 1:1 mv i:mi ijn.ri,
D 1j. 4i W li2 lt):ni iwi Hii
D. & (J. F 18 Jf-iMj i;;s 1H
ft, t. ( o M'a tfH
hi.ti .uoro .... ,.,
j. !4 1f.J4 4.",'.
MitnbHttan 1 111 lln 1 1 r. ' 11, 1
Mian, i'an -IVft -'lj X4: !iM
Nat. Ltad Ml At ;ia!4 lis;
it . 1, s ji, r, 11 11 14 14
N. Y. Central
V. Y..O. & W IO4 14f U 141
N. 1., S. As W
U. S. C. C( 2ij i9i 0'4 0!.i,
North Pan 3'H n4 :i'S
North Pac. pf U;s l.JSi VS I
Knc. Hail
lieooiiiif 17 17 17 1
liwl; Island 1)7 1)7 niiji i.i'nM
it.T hiK, H'l H'-
y l'ul fW 6KU ox'
T., C. & I is 11 If ISl
Texas & 1'uo H-M Km 8 Wl.
Union l'a. l;,c . II aij KJi
Wnlnwh p.' lVi l.m tint, mk
Western 1'nlon Mil -H H)
V".& l K H m m.t HM
W. & L. E. pfd 43 4J.i 48 t.
. CblcnffO Ctrxtn ai Provisions.
ScrAntok, July Sl.-The followlnif quota
ttnnanra siiDullsd aud Oorrnntwl dallv br l.t
Bar A Fuller, stock brokers, Ul Wromia are-
WHEAT. Jnlt. Sept. Den
Onenlns (2 KIM mi
HiKhOHt fi'i mi U,
Lowest,. UI1S U.'o IK)
Closmif U UII..J W
Opening 4"M
Hiuhuat Vg 4 i-ig
Lowest ; iMi
Closing U1 im
OponiiiK 32
llilihest !
Lowest Ill 2. !
CloKiUV ill 2'i4i
l'OKK. '
Oponihg K'45 12
IliKhest 1253 I-.-5S
Closing Yiii J:r2
ODfllillL' (tl fW
IiTuhoBt ' uxi mr ,,
Lowest IMi IKS
. lositiir wt ua ,.
HHuliT KlUa.
nponlnir riw IK ,.
IliKhest hii ItVi ,.
Lowest , im i.2 ,.
Closing (VjA bu ,,
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castortsv
When she was a Child, she cried for Castor!,
When she became lllsa, die olungVo CutorU.
When she hod Children, she gave them Castolo
. c l ..
, ..ty -
Kw Yoik Vroduct Morkst.
Nkw Yoiuc. July 84. Flour Dull.
enk, freely olfernd.
itKAT Hull. ;,c. np witn options ilos-
Ing tiniii No. 2 red titore and elovntor,
5i;V'u5f)C.; utloat, 55Vo.; f. o. b., S'-JaSO.'.;
i.uiuileil rtu, mOhooc: xno. l northern.
U3VKCii'ja.: oplions wore fairly active and
irivgnlar, closing firm at KaVc. over es-
lurduv: Decern tor and September most
active; July, 64Jc; August, 55tic. : hup
tomber, 6i;c; Octolior, 6 ic.j Decem
ber, 6lis'e.; May, 1SU5, (Vie.
uoiiN Dnii, higher, lirm: Ho. i, 4U
4'JXc.; elovator; 4ils4'ii5l)c. uiloat; op
ens were tatrly aoiive and M to le.
higher; clo.-iuiT firm; September uioNt ne
ve; juiy, 4ts:c: Aucusr, i'Jc: re lum
ber, 4bjj4c.; Oclotier. 4,,'e.: November,
4Bc; Dieinber, 4j .
Oath Dull, lower: onthn'. easier, dull:
July,3Uo,; August.S'JJ'ijc.; Seplenilier.a'c;
uctoDor, iic. snot prices, No. 4. 4iiii4Jc.;
No. a wbite.41e.: No. 2t1ilcai!0.4!JUa4Jio.:
No. 3 ttic; No. 3 white, 10c; mixod
western, 41a43e.j wlnto do., DUaKlc.; white
State, liVa.Uc.
Uekv Dull, steady: family S12al4: ex
tra mess, S8.oD.
1IKKF HAMS-Dull; f'Jl.
TiKiiUKU liKKP-Stendy, dull: city extra
ndia mesa. I7u18.
Cut ilEAT.s-Uulet. easier: pickled bel
lies, l'J pounds at 7icj pickled shoulders,
6lc; pickled hums, Halltv.
11 1)1)1. Kg Mo initial,
Laud Dull. steady: western Btcatn,$7.20;
city, Ul'jtf. j July closed f".:.1."), nominal;
September, $7.25, nominal; rollued, easier;
continent, f 7.5(1; bouth . America, (7.75;
comooumi. O.iti'j'c.
Pouk Dull, sieady; mess, SHaH.ilo, ex
tra prime f i;i.ii:i SO.
llun'Eit-iaiicy nrmer.goou demand ; state
dairy, 1441bc.; do. creamery, 15 gallic, ;
eniisvlvania, do,, l;).',,allo. ; western dairy,
lOH'aloi!.; do, creamery, lHalSc.: do. fac
tory, lU.aHHc; elgiiis, l!c; imitatloa
creamery, lvwaisc.
Chbksb Ouiet, steady; stato larcre. 7'4n
uc; do. fancy, v:.; do. small, i!ull'i(c.j
part skims, 2 Wa5Wc: full skims. lUii'iu.
tutis firmer, lamuy active; state and
Pennsylvania, 15o.; western fresh. lUal4a:
uo. per case, fiaa.
Philadslphia Tallow Uarkst.
Pbiladglphia. July 24. Tallow was
dull and unchauged. Prices were: Prime
city in hogsheads, 4a4Xc; prime country,
in barrels, 4kc,; do. dark iu barrels, lii'jii
4c.j cukes, 4,sc; grease, 3Xc
Miss E'.izilioth lil ins Ashelmnn, of
the Wist Sidf, is visitiug Miss Dela
Kmipp, of Ltreenwood.
A verv pleasant birthday party was
tendered Albert Morgan lust night at
hu boms ou Miner hill by bis iii iny
friends. A good time was enjoyed by
This morning M. F. Judge and P. F.
Cusick will leave for Lake Winola to
spend a week's vacation at tbe Lawler
cottage at the lake.
John Fwaly, of (Jreenwood, died yes
terday foreuoon about 11 o'clock. Tho
deceasel was a young man aoout 80
year of age and tuucb respected by all
wbo knew him. The funeral will be
announced later.
John Mangan, son of Patrick Mau-
gau, of Uilmore avenue, died yesterday
morning at au early hour after it short
illness. The funeral announcement
will be made later.
The Mayflower Biso Dill club bold a
well attended social nt tbe Temperance
ball last night. Davis orchestra fur
nish-'d innsic.
Anthony Kishler, a Polimdor, of
Ureenwood, winlo enjoying tha frnits
of the picnic Monday night, imbibed
too freely and was relieved of bid
watch and $00 in cash.
John Forrester, a hnndsoma yonng
widower of Carrs Patch, and Mrs
Thomas Marley, a comely widow of
this place, were united in marriage
Monday evening at bt. Joseph church
After the o?remouv the bridal couple
repaired to the home of the groom's
sister, where supper was servod to in
vited friends.
The game of ball on the Greenwood
grounds Monday afternoon was one of
tbe most interesting gams of tn sou
son, Ureat interest was manifested oc
botb sides by the players, Ttie Dluss
were made up of suine of lue best local
talent. John Hastings filled the box
for the Mayfliwers for half tbe game
and vus succeeded by Cusick, of the
Scranton City league. Shea, the pitcher
for tho b.uos, did very effjctivo work,
keeping the Mays down to a email
number of bus. 1 lie feature of tlm
mime was tlio one-handed uitcli m ule
t'V Ciuick. Tho score at the end stood
b to 7 in favor of tbe Mayflowers.
Charles Coyne, of Gilmore iivenn
Saturday uiifht, while under the intl i
eucn of liquor, w3 robbed of the sum
of !"; 11 on Ids way home. C oy no was
in coinp iiiy with some other compan
ions at the time, out it seems nl if ho
mill dnwu and went to sleep and after
war li wns awakened by Pat Thornton.
uho cl'iimed he knew where the money
whh. Yesterday Coyne had n warrant
sworn out for the arrest of Thornton,
churgtn hi ui with the stealing. Wit
uetses swore that they heard him say
that bo knew where tli) money was
and not biting able to ir'vj any account
of it be was held in MM ball.v
The K'0-yi.rd foot rao, which took
place ye;rday between Joyce, of 1 ore
Mid MiLouglilin, of Taylor, for SI 00 n
side, was won I'.v Joyce by four yar.!.
lhe fuuurul of Johu Mmigan, of till
more avsnue, who di'id Moudjy t'V"ii-
ing, will take place today at 8 30
o'clock. Inlenueut will be made iu
Miuooka Catholic cemetery.
Notwltbstandini,' tue inclement
wiuthir that prevailed on Saturday
;Lw Throop IIos company picnio wi s
iarg dy ettended and everybody scmiied
to enjoy himself. Tho boys are. mor.
than pleasod with the result. Owing
to the heavy showr about It o'cloii
tbe picnic wis closed mid tho gold
watch drawing whs postponed until
Monday Vsniug. An aim. i in s.ile w:m
made of tbe remaining ntull on hull,
tlickie McGarry, J. Jirnwniiig,
F. Browning and G.'org liolluml,
all of Marsh wood, spent Saturday
evmlng and Sunday in town.
Mrs. Kennedy and her little girl nre
doing well.
1 W. X Coleman took the gold ring
prizj for the btst wsltz;r at tue pinnic,
Peter Perry and bis friend, Mis
Martha Lynn, of Richmondule, wi r
iu town on Saturday.
Miss Mamie Vail, of Oueouta, is Vis -Iting
ber psrents here.
Mrs. T. J- Williams has beeu on ti.o
sick list.
Richard Bartief, of Prlceburg, wns i.
culler in town on Tuesday last.
Miss Alice, Willie and Frank Wii -hum,
of Scranton, and Miss Mav U air
field tin) Joseph Fiih ri ig-r, of Thro i; ,
spent Snnduy at Jkunt Luukont.
WEAK MEN your attention
i - is c.'.r.i.r.o TO TIIH
Urout Li-bIIhIi lleinedy,
Gray's Ep:clllc Eedicina
uoniTwiia. jutu iuinI
ilitv. Woakuual of Body and Mind. Suerina-
tori hea, nnd Impotency, and all diseases
arise from ovor lndtilKonoe and self abuse, as
Loss of Memory aud Powor, DimiiMs of Vis
ion, 1'rcmature 0.d Alio aud many otlier di,
pmhos that load to lnsaulty or Consumption
nuil an early ifrave, write for a pamphlet.
Address URAY M I.DIC1NE Co., Buffalo.
N. Y. The HpeolOo Medicine Is sold by ull
druettlsts at 9 per packaxe, or six pnckniti-s
for f5,or sent liyrnsil on receipt ot money. and
with every Jiurf order WJ. GUARA uTEE
s cure or money refunded.
4fOn aeconnt of counterfeits we hays
adopted tho Yellow Wrapper, the only uena
hie. bold iu Scranton bv ilutthews llroj.
lMSi. irlAOlM"
IligOJ Given
On August
Gail & Ax's NAVY Lonj Cut TOBACCO.
ALSO Bit Kl.fcGANT GOLD watchhs.
Save your Empty Paper Wrappers.
Your Dealer
Is an Improvement in Soap.
In the Trolley Soup old methods
and materials arc superseded by new
ones. The Trolley Soup leaves the
elotlies sweet and clean and lasts longer
than other soaps.
Ask Your Grocer for It.
If he does not keep it send us order for
or for a Ikix 100 cakes 75 pounds $4.50.
Joseph Thomag Ellpnton,
227 Chestnut rtrnet. Phila.
National Bank of Scranton
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $30,000.
FAltLTL niNKR.irrcsMont.
W. W. WATSON, Vice President.
A. a WILLIAMS, Cashier.
PAMiTEr. Hints, jamks M- rvrtmAiiT,
Jiivino A. KlNcit. PiEiieicB, Finlbv,
Joseph J. J. huvn. 11. t. Kkmi;i:kil.
Cuas, P. ilAiTUEWj, John T. Puiucii.
W. W. Watson.
This bank Invites tho patronage of business
men and Urms geuurally.
Complcxisn Frcervoci
Eemovcs Frsoklas, Pimplss,
Liver Molei, Elic!;Hcjd,
r v.-
cunnurn aui icn, aau n
eiorci iuu fci.111 iu
ual fresh nesi. nro
clear and healthy
TileTlon. BiiDcrlortD
preparaiions utki penocuy DBrmicss. ill uoi
urutaists, or mailed lot SOi is. Bcud ior Circular.
VIOLA 6K!M 80A11 ' "imriy lnwmruMo u a
iVin urll.Oatf Si)np, tuicqiiftlrd for the totlrt, and wlthmt a
rival fur tlio bitrry. Al.snliiti Ir pttro col dcliialel
oa'.ed. ai dreerM, Price 25 Ceals.
G. C. EJITTNEH 4 CO., Tos.edo, O.
l'or kaIo by Mtilthow liros.
II, riinltw.
und Juhn
EaooattB t ths Hiohmt Mtoient. Aumosmta
?, r. a nut neuralgia
oVrtUI'ii This MtNTirnr
INHALER Will euro inn. A
wn:iferlul boon to niiif'Tcri
iromoiue, more Tlit-mil.,
InftlirnTil, lieouchitia,
orlJ.W 1'EVKK. Atnrd-
imm'ttiattmicf. Anetlleient
rrmpi r. mnrcnlpnt f.i itnrrv
In pocket, renrlT to tlm on flrnt In.llcutlon of wild.
fnnllmietl t'le l.OecIO J'ermtineiil Cure.
H.'UlFfRelltniRn:inintce.lorinoneyroiiin(lc(l. E'rtce,
( Trliil free m DniKlsu. Kepiaicrcil nmll.
UU ccuu. 11. D. CBSEIUli, kir tans Rivera, Hies, C. J. L
MFMTHnj Tl"1 'i"t i"id saret remedy for
Hltn rtUU all klndlBei, treienn.lteU. Suit
iineum.n'n Mores, iiiirnt). i mo. woni.rrt)l rein
ccIt rnrPIM's. l'i-lc,nr.cU.ntl)nte-r,ai k
gUt-ior by mini jirepniii. Ail'lrensn-iMinre. &f?r
For ! by Matthew, llrm. und John
II. I'lielp
DEPT. . . .
iTt vkry description of Job Printing
in the best style of the art.
Promptness and Punctuality a
; particular point.
I Kxperienccd, practical aud com
! petent men in charge of each branch
of the work?
We do not make a sham show ot
. cheapness and curtail the quantity
or quality of the work.
Dancing Orders, Hangers,
Cards and Posters a
Bill Heads, Note (leads, etc., printed
j ' t short notice.
: Estimates on all kinds of printing,
small as well as large,
cnecrjully given.
The Scranton Tribune Job Depk
1 .ttSu' 11108. EL H I N TOriSv'J f 1
Bllf 'left'
15th, 1894, to consumers of
can furnish full particulars
Dr.R. Grewer
Tho rhlliirtolplilu FpwInl'Ht.and tils nKsncluted
stuff nf Kiiidixh anil rioj-man phvslc'ans,
. are now pnrnmncntly loi-nted t
Tho doctor 1h acrrAdilntnrif flm TTnlvnraif v rtf
1 Peiinsylvanta,fnrinrly domonstnitor of plivsi
i olouy and aurtrrrv at tho Modico C'hlnirKical
. Cnllpire of Fhlladnlnhla, A specialty of
! Chronlo, Nervous, Bkin, Heart, Womb and
1 Blood diseases.
Tlio symptoms of which aro dizziness, lack of
confidence, Mexiuil woukneHS in men und wo-
mini, bull rising in tbo throiit, Hpo'H floating
before the I'yea, lHof memory, una Liu tn con
j rontrate tho mind on olio miljjoct, oasilv
; startled wlu-ti sudilenly spoken to, and dull,
ilixtreswul uiind, wliteh unfits thorn for per
forming the actnnl duties of lifo, inaklncliap-
; pliieHD iuipot.Hible; dixtreasii.g tlio action of
tlio liuart, enuiiilig flush of heut, deprenaion of
spirits, ovll forebodings, cowardico, fear,
: dronins, nielancholy, tire ousy of company,
fooling sh tired In the morning as when retir
ing, laek of oneiw, norvousncHH, trembling,
confusion of Ihonglit, (lepres--iun,conNtlpiitioii.
WeakneBH of tho lllllliH, etc, Thoso so lilfected
should consult us immediately and be restor
ed to perfect boullli.
Weakness of Young Men Cured.
If you hnvn been givon up by your physician
chII upon tbe doctor nr.d Ijo examined. IIo
i cures ; he wi thi cases or NervouH iJeiiinty.bcro
! f ilia, Old SiTeN.rr.tnri-liPiles.Fenmlu Weiimiesn,
jio' ciioiin ui iti(9 f.(vu, r.1,1, nusu niiu j uruiti.,
Astlunn, Deafness, Tumors. Lancers and Crip
ples of every description.
Conuultationa free and strictly snored and
confidential. Office, hours daily from Da. xu.
wv y. ui. ouuuay siua
Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL, $209,
SURPLUS, $250,
Tills bank oflVrn tn depositors vcrj
futility ivnn iinled by their balances, bind
PrM and reniioiiHlbillty.
bpeclul attention uWen to bnalncu ac
count, lutcicat paid on time ilepoit
TVIL7.IAM rONNKI.t, Pruldrnt
II. ATl.I, Vico-l'rcldent,
tVILU AM 11. rtdi, t n.nlck
Wllltnm t'oimell, (;or; II. Catlln,
Alfred Hand. Jumoa Archbnld, lienry
Itelin, jr., Milium T. 'ulUi Lutlisr
HEART LAKE, SusquJianna Co.
U. E. CKOl'UT Proprietor.
'I 111S DOL'SE is strictly tcnip i-ncn, is new
I uid well f'lriiishet and iH'KM-'.li T"
i II K Pl.-Hi.lC Tlttf YI'.AH U lUND: is
loeatod malwav bjtween llontni.o an I Seriin
ton, on Mu'iti-u.-o an I ij'ic.iau' in i'i lt uli'oa I,
ix miles from i)., L, & V. It It. ut Alford
BtaMon, and ttv.i miln from M nitron; c:i
i n -ity. e.u'hty- live; three miliums' walk f io;u
U. H. station.
l;Otl lli.ATs. 1 l-IIIN(; TVCKI.IC, &C,
I KICK T. til ICS i S.
Altitllilo aboii-. L'.'KM I'oct. eiin iKIn? In this
respect tho Adirondack a id Outi.fill Moun
tains. I ino (,'rovei. plenty of shall) nnd beautiful
scenery, uiukiuir a SuiiuiHr Kesort unex
ce;led iu ben'ity and citoipn 'ss.
Uaiu'iiii; pavilion, siviu ;s cro U t ur oiind,
&c Cold S.i luu Water anil pi mty ol Milk
kutes, S to S10 per rek. Kl.fio per
bxcnrslnn tickets sold nt all statio ns on D.
L. & W. linen.
Portir meets all trains.
'.nTKIi KCOE CC.tie'p. Capital, fjf, 000,(109.
"A dallfir $nrcd tl a dollar tarr.rd." ,
This Ladles' Nnl lit treticli Donijotii VvldTtnN
tuulioot delivered frco imj'wlivro In tho U.S., on
receipt oi lsii, Money inaer,
or Postal Koto tor tln).
Kiimi.Is every wav tho boot.
Hold in ml retail Mori', for
.J.M. Wo make thin bout
oiinelvcs, tlierrfore we oii.r-
OTlfV tlio jit, l.'vt) flTlff iriw,
and If any one is not satisfied
wo win reiuna me. money
orseiHInnotlierpaU'. iipcrn
loe or i onuuon Active,
wldtlis (', JV E.J, KK.
'.:'iX,lzeo 1 to 6 aim Hair
n J-:' ''"! Nlws. Send uoHVtiif ;
ylj h!t -'iVwV vt wilt til von.
Dexter Shoe GoLK , MASS.
Mircfnl rrrm, lo jiaur:
j AT Itl'.TAIL.
i rvisl of tho twat quality f jt domestic nsftanfl
I if all, delivered lu any part of ths ettj
b st lowest price.
Orders loft at my offlco,
. Bear room, first floor, Third National Bank.
or sent by mull or telephone to the mine, will
receive prompt attention.
Special sou tract will be mado for tho sal,
and lluli vol y of Buckwheat Cud.
iM an nrrmuiMitlraunS
W t0dsff 6J y
Mnszlri Ken.
riu. niultr iinnntT. btcloS bt SV.wwci..jd
fltw proftU d IIX).Mff book, lllutralfd fraak i
llftfromppl,Mrl,frMtynail whunUotSprinit 11
us mr,tii, Our si.iplo Remedy wiic.vJ
poolUTT r. COOS KtliWY IV.. Chlraj III.M Jl
Tliird Rational
. -a h V, l..' v E 1 i
J'llYKK 1A.SS A. Mjl.UCU.Ni
1 )R. O. KLiUAlt DEAN hue removed to 016
Bpruce Btruet, Kcrantou, jpa, (Just op
pusite cuun-huuso byuare.)
1 H. A. J. CORNELL, Otti.-o liul Woslnngtua
ry aveuua. cornur Pproia strout, ovut
rancku Hdrnu Horn, lConiduiiCB, TJ3 Vine at
Oliico iinurn: lO.aii to 12 a. m. nnd S to auli
SJoJ.UU p. m. Buiiday, S to 8 p. m.
1 )K. K. aI.LICN." UUIno cor. Lack
J wanna and Vimliitietou uvos.: over Looa
ard sbuu store; ollic liourn, lu to 13 a. m. uj
S.V ,P- "! evouinifs itt rwdduucm bliX.
waslilnittou DVB.
1U.U.U i'KiSy, l'rautlfii linulnd to UI
XL "M!" of 1,10 KA Eur, Noiw aud Throat;
cfllro, ti Wyoming v Ueoiduuoo, to ViuS
DU. j M. UATKH. 126 alilnntou Avouu
OlUcn hours, 8 to U a.m., l.Juto li aud
toBji.ii,. iii'fidunco aim llmlisou avinu
I t'HW iTwt.Ni'iiTM. 1)., omoTt! and it
l.umiiiuuweallli building; realdonoe "11
Jladlaonuvo; otUce hours. W to 12, i to 4. I to
b; U 4. tvfuldiraat rcoldnnoo. A
'infinity nmdu of iljfenuo o( tho uyo, uar, nuns
sud throat und Kynooolony.
M. U UANl.'K S l.uw and Collection of
t . tlco, Na HI7 bpruto St., npixaite Korimt
Houbo. Bcranton, I'a,; collictiom specialty
throughout fennsylvunlu; rollablu curruapoua'
tiita hi every county.
lLhoUl-st; HA.viU, Attornnys and Couimol
' ', ' t Law, tJommonwcnlth liulldiuz
1 Washiualoo av w. H. Jeshi-f,
j llollAUK K. HAirn,
w. 11. jhhsup, Jn.
' tlCVH lliwl (VtnriMi.lfra Hf. T.nor 1), mn 1 .1 inn
lullilinK. Wasidnirtiiii ave.. Herantou. Pa.
liA'i"l,l,ihUN & WlLi.'uX, Attoruoyit niij
J. Couiiiuliurs at Law; odious 0 aud 8 Library
Lulldiug, bcrauton, Pa.
HnswKt.t, n. PArnmsoE
William A. Vt'iurox.
fi torneys and Conn-ollorii Commonwealth
wiblinir. Itonnw IU, 20 and 21.
VV U"VI-K, Attorney -at-Law.Noa.19 aud
JL!ll?LL''l,,'ll'n-'' WashiiiBton avenuo,
LNUY ' it. SICKLY Law ollieoa In Pries
tiiuIiliiiK, l-'l WushiiiKton avenuo.
KANK 'J'. OKr.LL, Atlonioy at Luw. Itooui
..wj-iiunHoeranion, j'a.
MILTON V. l.dWIiY, I Alt'
U H. VON HTOKC.Tl. f ton
'St WaHhing
t. H. square.
I A 11 ICS W. OAKKohU, Attornoy at 1
rooirmfH, S4 and 05, Common wealth b'
UAMU1CL W. LUliAH, Attorney "at
Ofllee, HI7 Kprucont.. Hcr.inton, 1
A. WATltlCS, Attorney at Law, til
Lackawanna aim.. Scranton. Pa.
i P. hlHlH, Counsellor at Law. Offico,
. rooms 54. tit, M 'uiinnonwe:iltli bniluinK.
li. Wl'l HEi:, Attorney at Law, Com
nionweii tli biiilniiij;, Scranton, I'a.
1 . 1 O.MKOYH. :fJI Spruce st."
li- ItLt'LtiULiC, Attornuy-Loiins neifo-
. iiiiiim vu re.u esi.llu feeurity.vw Spruce.
F. kll.LAM, Attorney utLuw, 1JJ Wy
oiuinu avenue, Uernnton.
S IIOiil.s.
O ton, Pa., prepares boys and uirln forcoUeK,
or oiioinem: tuorouuiuy trulus vouui; cuildrea,
CataloKUS at requo;t.
Rkv. TnoMAaM. Cas
Waltfb H. Bt'Ei.u
i'X and K'hool, 41- A damn avenue. Pupih
received nt untune. xeitierm wiu open
pn!.rn'ner .1.
III -N I l-sl's.
JLTAFT7iri).'Rrii! -North Wash-
Vr inton .Avc. Speelal-v in Porcelain
l.estor:itions. t rown and Bridge w ork.
C. I. ACliACll, bumuou L)ont;st, No, 115
VCIii;' live.
I HA i T 'X. filler crfl rxch-'n"c
'PUK KKI'flll.IC Savlu
J. cintion will loan ou m t
and Loan Ahko-
ner ou eiisier terms
nnd pay you better on investment than any
other us--ochtiou. (.'a'! on S. N. CAiLi-N-!FR.
D ive l!a-,:: 1-ni-din-
GK. CLARK & CO., Seeilsmen, Florist,
and Nurserymen; store 148 Washington
avenuo; preen bniise, liJ North Main aveuno;
f-torc teleii!'inrt 7s'.'
1 l.AS.
OKAND I'MON TEA Co.. Jones liron.
V. !KIC s liKI NS.
T OS. KUETTEU 6i Lackawanna nveniu
f Scranton. I'a . I'iReiif'r nf Wire Serec-in
llOll I.s AMI l:lTAVKANT.
1 avo. Kotjirs healed with steam; all nuKf
ein improvements. C. SI. Tiumaw. Prop.
'pHK l'.LK CAFE, and 1J7 FrankUn avo
i nue. Hates reaBonable.
P. Proprietor.
i Lbi'JiL.'sTEit HOTEL.
' W. O. SCHLN'OK, Manager.
Sixteenth street, cm block east ot I'.ruudway
nt I'niou Srinnre. Sew York.
An'crli'im plan, ci-miier (invalid upward.
('OYNE liot'SL, huroj e.m plan; Rood
J rooms, i pen day and uikht. Bar sup.
plied witu the besf.
P. 7T. COYXE. rrorrlctor.
St RAMON HOLM;, near D.. L ic V. pa
seiiirer depot. Conducted on tlio Kurope.ui
plan. t'H Tiis Kuril, Proprietor.
(i HAM) I F-NT.f.VL. ilie luitioai aud uT
I cniuppol ho.jl m Allcntuwu, Pa.; ratoj
t- and S.oli per day.
Victoii P. MsPNtn, Proprietor.
Aitm iTKcrs.
I AVIS lllit PI', Arcllltei-t-.. luio.iis :i.
1 ' 'Jo l.nil 'cn IVmitroi
tli D'ld'rr. Scranton.
!, L. A I. i Lit. Architect, Library imiel
i J iriT. W'Timiitn iivenu , Scranton.
L. 1I1IOWN". Arch H, Anhiteet, Pric?
buildimr. 1 J r.sbincton Ave., Scranton.
"-( 1 ! l.A KIM'S.
MAi'l'K's oliCHlCsTBA-MUSIO l'oil
J) halls, p'cnicn. psrtics, receptions, wel.
Omcrs and ooncert work fiirnlslied. por tcr:n,
address It. ,1. I'auer, eor.ducior. 117 Wyoming
live., over llu'liert's muiic store.
lumber, Price buihuiu. Scranton. Pa.
MI.tlAlIllEE "r.KOTllEtt.1,"" PltlNTKUS'
nippili'8, euvelotie. papr lapl. tVPl
Warehouse, "M W ushiiik'tou arc., Scruutoii,
at I.-.3.I Capous' i venue
u. i. i iiuTi', Agent.
7MiANK FT I iVoiV.N 0.7 V l.OU',
r. Halo dfr'ers in A oodwarc, Cordngo ami
Oli Cloth, 7.1) W. Liieknwanna avenue.
LV.ltA l'lA.N &i.S, luuiilers Tint con h
J J tors. Yards: Corner lilive St. Slid Adann
arn.; corner Ash st.' and lVnu live., Kcranton.
The GE2fUIXE Xew Haven
"Mioshek". Pianos
Now York Warcrooms Xo. 80
Fifth Avenuo.
Bole dealers lu this ssction.
OFTICK-ia Adams Ave., Telephone B'l'd'g
Eureka Laundry Co.
Cor, Linden St. and Adams Ave.
Couut Uousa byt'Aua.
All kinds of Laundry woik gnnranto
the best,
Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Anthracite coal used sxolusivelf, lnsurin
cleanliuess and comfort.
Trains leavo Scranton for Pittston, Wilkes.
Barro, etc., at 8 20, 11.15, 11.30 a. m., 12.50, 1.00,
8.:iO, 5 on, 7.2.-I, 11.05 p. in. Bundayg, .00 a. m
1.0(1, 2.1"), 7.10 p. m.
for Adantic Cltv. 8.20 a. m.
For Now York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.30
(ciiiroDs) a. m., 12.50 (expross with Buffet
parlor car), 8.30 (exprets p. m. Bunday. 2.U
p. n. ,
Foil MAurn ClIt'NK, At.i.entown, Betiii.s
iikm, hAvniH and 1'iiilaiiki.I'iiia, 8.2U a. m..
2.00, S,80,; 5.H0 (oxoopt Philadelphia; p. in.
Buniiiiy, 2 I") p. m. -
For Long IIiuhch, Oct A it Grove, eta- at
8.20 fwiih mi-ouku car) a. m Urdp. m.
H i tl Mf.ri.liix I ..I 1 tl
. .. ....,UKIMIu.u,iii kuu xinrriDuurff, via
Allt-iitowii, 8.20 a. m., 12.i0, 5.00, p.m. Bunday,
Kc.r l'ottsville, 8.20 a. m., 12.50 p. m.
Iti'turnlnt?. li'avo Now York, foot of Liberty
troi-t, North river, at 14,10 (oxpri'ss) a. m.,
.10, l.;. 4.:yi (nx press with Buffet parlor car)
i. m. riundiiy, 4.:) a. m.
Leave Philadelphia, UeadlnK Terminal, 9.03
i. m 2.00 and p. in. Bunday, 8.27 a. m.
rl )ll-..l,..ll 4i..lnU .11 n..!.... .1 1 .. .
may Ijo hud on application in advauca to tUs
ticket agunt at the station.
a. r. l3AL,uwi.-s,
Oen. Bupt.
Couimencing Hay '0, 1892,
traina will run aa follows:
Trains leave Bridge Street
Station, Scranton, for Pitts
ton, Wllkea-Barre, etc., 8 IJO.
.U)7, 9:i7, 10.42 a. in.. 12.10.
J,2o, 2.:M. 4.11 6.16, 6.15, 9.l3
aud 11.86 p. m.
For New York and Phila
delphia. 8 00 a. m.. 12.10. 1.21
2 4 IS and 11.30 p. m.
For llonnedale(from Bela ware, Lackawanna
and western deputj, 7. 00, U.3U. 10.10 a.m., 12.U0 '
ni., 2. 17, r. 10 p. in.
For ( arboudale and lntermedlats stations.
6.411, 7 00. ', 10.10 a. a.. 12.00 m.,2 17, 8.115,6.10,
0 20 and 9 . p. m. ; from Undue Street Depot,
2.1 1-1 a. in., 2.17und 11 "b !' m-
P'nst express to Albany, Saratoita, ths Aal
rondnck Mountains, Boston and New England
points. 6.IU a. m.. arriving at Albany 12.4
baratoxa 2.20 p. m..andlcavinif Scranton at 2.17
?i. m.. arriving at Alnany atd.W'p. ra. , foarar
oKa, Vl.h'i a. ra , and B ton, 7.00 a. m.
The only direct route between the coal fields
and Boston. "The Leadinic Tourists' Iiouts
of America" to the Adirondack Mountain re
sorts. Lakes Oeoruo and Champlain, Montreal,
Time tallies showing local and through train
service between btatlona on all divisions Delay
Wuro and Hudson system, may be obtained at
all Delaware and Hudson ticket ofiVes.
Second Vice President Oen. Pass. Agt.
xA. id, isul.
Train leaves Bcniuton for Phllsaelphla sn4
New York via. L). ic 11. K K. at a.m., 111CL
2.3h nnd 11. IIO p. m yia U, L. & W. R. B., o Wt
b.lK ll.Uu a. m., anil I. A) p. in.
Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wilkss
Barre via L.. L. & W. K. K., o.&J,
a. m , l.HU, B.07. if. n p. m.
Leave Scranton for White Haven, Hazleton,
Pottsville and all poiuts on the Beavor
Meadow and Pottsville branches, via E. ot W.
V.. ti 4' i ii. in., v.a U. & H. K. R. at 8 a.m., 12.10,
4 ll p.m., T l D., L. & W. B, B., 0.00, 6.04,
li. aj a.m., l.iu, a.aup.m.
Leave Scranton for Bothlehera, Easton,
Rending, Harri'-bur.t and all lntermedlats
points via D. i: H. 1L E., 8 a.m.. 12.10, 2.3 ILHi
tvm., via D., L. & W. It. K..t).00,6.0s, 1L1 a. au
I.J p.m.
Leave Scranton forTunkhnnock, Towsnli,
Elmira. Ithaca. Geneva and all intermodule
points via L. 4:11. K.R..V.U7 a in.. LI l'J and 11.31
p. m.,via D. L. At W. It R., S.0-1 a.m.,l.: p. m.
Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo. Nl
airura Fulls, Detroit. Chl- ajo and all poiati
west via D. & B. R. R. V.07 u.m.,13 10,9.1.i.ll.
p. m , via U L. & W. B. K. and Pittston
Junction, b OH a m,, 1410, 8.&U p. m., Tia E. A W.
U K.. B.-tl d. m.
For Elmira and the west via SaUmanei, via
I). A H. It. K. H.07 a,m h; 10,o.i" p. m., via D,
L. 6c W. R.K.. ,8, L and 0.07 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping orL. v. chair
cars on all trains between L & 13. Junction or
Wi'.kns-Uarre and New York. Philadelphia,
Buffalo an 1 Huspenion Bridire.
KULL1X li. WILUUIi. Geu. bupt. East Dir.
CHAS. f. LKB. (Jen. Pass. Art Phlla,P.
A.W.NoXNEMACUEB.Ass't (Jjn.Pass. Ag'fc
South Bethlehem. Pa.
Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express
for New York and all points East 1.40, tSQ,
5.P, S on aud D o.) a. m.; 12 65 and 3..W P. m.
Express for Euston, Trenton. Philadelphia
anil the South, 61 S.00 and V.Si a. m.; U&l
andJ iVlp. m.
Waphinpton and way stations, 8.55 p. m,
Tobvliaunn accounnoiiation, U 10 p. m.
hxpr as for Binsrhamton, Oswejo, Elmira,
roriiing, Bath. Da'nsville, Mount Morris and
Buffalo. 12.10. 215 a. m. and 1 24 p. m making;
close connections at Buffalo to all paints In the
West, Northwest ana soutnwest.
P.aih accommodation, V a. m.
liingliamton and way stations, 12.37 p. m.
.n icuol ou ucuoinmodaiiou, at 4 p. m- ana
610 li m. .
Blnghamton ano Elmira Express, 6 05 p, ra.
Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oawegij
Cticii and RichfiiU Springs, ilo a. m. and VM
P'lt!i'acn. 215 and Bath Pa. m. and 151 p. m.
For N'ortliuiuberiand.Pittston, Wilkes-Bsrre,
riymouth. llloorasburg and Danville, making
close connections at Northumberland for
Willlamport. Ilarnsburg, Baltimore, Wast
lni!t'n and tho South.
Nortiiumberlnud nd Intermediate stations,
6 00. U i.) a. m. and 1.30 and e.07 p. m.
NnntieoKo ana intermediate stations,
and a. m Plymouth end lutormeaUM
stations, 3.Viand S.5J d. m. ,.
Pullman parlor and sloeplng coachee on all
etc , apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket offlos,
is Laeliawanuaavenuo, or depot ticket offloe.
Trains leavo Scranton for Carbondale at
8.30, lii.ala.m. and 0 pip.m.
For Hancock Junction, 10.55 a.m. and 6.10
Trains leavo Hancock Junc'-ion for ccrsn
ton, fla m and 2 0.1pm.
Trains leave Carbon dale for Scranton at
7 24 a m. and 8.31, 5.31 p in.
In Meet June S4lh, 1804.
Morltl Uoiiml.
ouih Bound,
05 1203 120 1 1
-s5'3s 8tatl0D9
s2 & (Trains Dallv, Ex.
3 r. r I cept Sunday.)
202 ?II4 20fl
p nil lAiTlve I.favoi
7 ...
1 M ..
810 ...
... 7i.M .... N. Y. Franklin st
.... T I" .... West 4t!ud street
.... ""0 .... Weehawkon
lArrlvo Leave
M P Ml ..
8 SHi 1 l.V .
s it)! i m ,
T5-iari! .
7 M IS -in .
Uam'iMiK .1 unction
8 im
161 ...
'1 ..
si ...
prestou Parle
rhvisaiit Mt.
Forsot City
Curb nidnle
White Hrldse
May Held
Park Place
41 1
7 t. illi'lllA M
7 :K liUMll 10,
V Kl I'.' II- III 111
7 i;-.'l;Vi:i nr.ii
6 46
6 5.1
SIS 6 0S
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1181 915
8 18 818
8 341 6 84
6 4
7 Ml
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....III) 111
7 47 18 Ml f.8?
M -Ml
fl HiS4rS4i
B4iii a mill
7 8l 45 U ii
T4U 8 (II 6 51
7 8 H 6 64
7 48i 8 M 6 M
7 4 Oil 8 IU
7 S4 4 Vt I 8 17
7C 410 610
8 0ll 4 Hi I It
S0Sf4 17, 611
8 fl 4 80; t )M
Bll-'l II IK K3i
eiwfin.v 8W
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OS.'. 11 07, 8 44
flUlIll ftl 8 41
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14 II O'i 8:H
fil l!'.,f 17; 8 :I3
0 HMO ,'itl' g 8u
p 'a ma ii
Leave Arrive!
a sr up i
All trains run dally except Bundsy.
t. bIk'iiIIios that trains stop on signal for pis.
8P''cci'ire. rates via Ontario Western before
purchasing tickets and save money. Day and
fclngtatpresstothe west..
J. 0. Anderson, Oen. Pass Agt.
T, FUtcroft, Blv. la'ss, Agt. scranton, Pa.
General Office, SCRANTOH, WL