G TJlfi CI?AXTON TIJIBUXE-TVETNESDAY MORNIXG. JULY L5. 18!)4. kliDvRiGMT. l834.BY'THt CHAPTER VI. A lovely murning it was that boaniod on Sibloy aud tlio broad and beautiful Valley of tho Clcmdwater when once the Bun gut fairly above tho moist horizon. Wist and vapor and heavy cloud all seemed swallowed up in tho gathering. glowiiiK warmth, as though tlio kin,' of day had risen athirst and drained tho welcoming cup of nature. It 111u.1t havo rained at least a littlo during tlio dark Iioks of tho liiglit, for dew there could havo been noiui with skies eo heavily overcast, and yet tho short, smooth turf on tho parade, the leaves upon tlio littlo shade trees mound tho quadranglo and nil tho beautiful vines hero on tho tvel liswork of tho colonel's veranda shone and sparkled in tho radiant lit,'lit. Tlio roses in tho littlo garden and tho old fashioned morning glory vims over at tho east side were all aglitter in tho flooding sunshine when the bugler camo out from a glance at tho clock in tho adjutant's otlico and sounded "sick call" to the indifferent ear of tho garri son. Onco each day at 7:80 a. 111. tho doc tor trudged across to tlio hospital and looked over tlio half dozen "hopelessly healthy" but would be invalids who wanted to get off guard duty or a morn ing at tho range. Thanks to tho search ing examination to which every soldier must bo subjected beforo ho can enter the service of Uncle Sam and to tho dis ciplined order of tho lives of tho men at Sibley, maladies of iny serious nature were almost unknown. It was a glori ously healthy post, as everybody admit ted, and, to judge from tho specimen of young womanhood that camo singing "blitho and low" out among tho roses this same joyous morning, exuberant veil being was not restricted to the men. A fairer picture never did dark beau ty present than Alice Reuwiek as sho bent among tho bushes or readied high among tho vines in search of her favor ite flowers tall, slender, willowy, yet with exquisitely rounded form; slim, dainty littlo hands and feet; graceful arnia aud wrists, all revealed in tlio flowing sleeves of her snowy, webliko gown, fitting her aud displaying her sinuous grace of form as gowns so sel dom do today. And then her face a glurions picture of rich, ripe, tropical beauty, with its great soulful, sunlit eyes, heavily shaded though they were with those wondrous lashes; beautiful, too, iu contour, as was the lithe body, and beautiful in every feature, even to the rare and dewy curve of her red lips, half opened as she sang. Sho was smil ing to herself as sho crooned her soft, murmuring melody, and every littlo while tho great dark eyes glanced over toward tho shaded doors of bachelors' row. There was no one up to watch and tell. Why should ehe not look thither and oven stand 0110 moment peering un der tho veranda at a darkened window half way down tho row, as though im patient at tho nonappearance of souir. familiar signal? How came tho laggard late? How slept tho knight while hero his lady stood impatient? She twined tho leaves and rosea in a fragrant knot, ran lightly within and laid them on the snowy cloth beside tho colonel'3 seat at table, camo forth and plucked some tnoro and fastened them, blushing, bliss ful, in tho laco fringed opening of her gown, through which, soft and craamy, 6hone the perfect neck. "I)iily, teil my fortune, pray: Ho love ma not lie loves me," sho blithely sang, then, harrying to thn gate, shaded her eyes with tho shapely hand mid gazed intently. 'Twas Hear ing 8 nearing breakfast timo. But Bomo one was coming. Horrid 1 Captain Chester, of all men! Coming, of course, to see papa, and papa not down yet, and mamma had a headache and had decid ed Dot to como down at all she would breakfast in her room. What girl on earth, when looking and longing and waiting for tho coming of a graceful youth of would bo anything but dis mayed at tlio substitution therefor of a bulky, heavy hearted captain of 40, no matter if ho wero still unmarried? And yet her smilo was sweet and cordial. "Why, good morning, Captain Ches ter. I'm so glad to we yon this bright flay. Do como in and let me give you a rose. Papa will soon bo down." And "Do come in and let me ylve you, a rose." phe openod tho gato and held forth ono long, slim hand. Ho took it slowly, as though iu a dream, raising his forage cap at tho sumo time, yet mailing 110 re ply. Ho wus looking at her far moio closely than ho imagined. How fresh, 'how radiant, how fair and gracious and Winning! Every item of her attiro was o puro aud whito and spotless; every fold and ourvo of her gown seemed cliargod with subtlo, delicate fragrance, as faint and swoot as the shy and mod est wood violet's. Sho noted his silonet ftudhis haggard eyes. She noted the Intent gazo, and tho color mounted straightway to her forohead . "Aud havo you no word of greeting J,B UPPINCOTf C9: for me?" sho blithely langhcfl, Ftming to break through tlio awkwardness of his reserve, "or are you worn out with your night watch as ofiiecr of the day?" Ho fairly started. Had sho seen him then? Did sho know it was he who ttood beneath her window; ho who leap ed in chase of that scoundrel; ho who ftolo away with that heavy telltale lad der? And knowing all this, could sho stand the.ro smiling in his face, the in carnation of maiden innocence and beauty? Impossible! Yet what could she mean? "How did you know I had so long a vigil';" ho Hskcd, and tho cold, strained tone, tho half averted eyes, tho pallor of his face, all struck her at onco. In stantly her maimer changed. "Oh, forgive me, captain. I see yon are all worn out, and I'm keeping you here at tho gate. Come to the piazza and sit down. I'll tell papa you are here, for I know yo;. want to seo him." And sho tripped lightly away before ho could re ply and rustled up the stairs. Ho could hear her light tap at tho colonel's door and her noft, clear, lluteliko voice, "Papa, Captain Chester is hero to so3 you." Papa, indeed! Sho spoke to him and of him as though ho were her own. Ho treated her as though she wero his flesh aud blood as though ho loved her de votedly. Even beforo sho came had not they been prepared for this? Did not Mrs. Maynard tell him that Alice had become enthusiastically devoted to her stepfather aud considered him the most knightly and chivalric hero sho had ever seen? Ho could hear the colonel's hearty and loving tone iu reply, and then she came fluttering down again. "Papa will be with you in five min utes, captain. But won't you let mo givo you some coffee? It's all ready, and you look so tired, even ill." "I have had a bad night, " he answer ed, "but I'm growing old mid cannot stand sleeplessness as you young people seem to." Was she faltering? Ho watched her eagerly, narrowly, almost wonderingly. Not a trace of confusion, not a sign of fear, and yet had ho not seen her and that other figure? "I wish yon conld sleep as I do," was tho prompt reply. "I was in tho land of div.;;u.i 10 minutes after my head touched tho pillow, and mamma mado 1110 come homo early last night because of our journey today. You know we are going down to visit Aunt Grace, Colonel Milliard's sister, at Lako Sab Ion, and mamma wanted mo to bo look ing iny freshest and best," sho said, "and I never heard a thing till reveille. " His eyes, sad, penetrating, donbfing, yet self doubting, too, searched her very sonl. Unflinchingly tho dark orbs looked into his, eve n pityingly, for sho quickly spoke again: "Captain, do como into the breakfast room and have some coffee. You havo not brcakf:iHted, I'm sure." He raised his hand as though to repel her offer, even to put her aside. IIo must understand her. Ho could not be hoodwinked iu this way. "Pardon mo, Miss Reuwiek, but did you hear nothing strange last night or early this morning? Were you not dis turbed at all?" "I? No, indeed!" True, her face had changed now, but there was no fear in her eyes. It was a look of apprehension, perhaps of concern and curiosity min gled, for his tone betrayed that some thing hail happened which caused him agitation. "And yon heard no shots fired?" "Shots! No! Oh, Captain Chester, what does it mean? Who was shot? Tell me!" And now, with paling face and wild apprehension iu lit r eyes, she turned and gazed beyond him, past the vines and the shady v;-randa, across the snnshiiio of the parade and under the old piazza, searching that ctill closed and darkened window. "Who?" sho implored, her hands clasping nervously, her eyes returning eagerly to his face. "it was not Mr. Jerrold, " hn answer ed coldly. "Ho is unhurt, so far us shot is concerned. " "Then how is ho hurt? Is ho hurt at all?" she persisted, and then as sho met his gaze her eyes fell, and the burning blush of maiden ihame surged up to her forehead Sho sank upon a seat and cov ered her f:;' with her bands. "I thought of Mr. .Terrohl naturally. Ho said he would bo over early this morning, " was all she could find to say. "I Ir.ivo Been him and presume ho will come. To all appearances, ho is the last man to suffer from last night's affair," ho went on relentlessly, almost brutally, but sho never winend. "It is odd you did not hoar 'tho shots. I thought yours was thn northwest room this one," ho indicated, pointing overhead. "So it "is, and I slept there all last night and heard nothing not a tiling. Do (ell 1110 what tho trouble was." Then what was there for him to say? Tho colonel's footsteps wero upon tho stair, and tho colonel, with extended hand and beaming faco and cheery wel come, camo forth from tho open door way. "Wolcoino, Chester! I'm glud you'vo come just in timo for breakfast. Mrs. Mayuard won't bo down. Sho slept badly last night and is sleeping now. What was tho firing last night? I did not hear it at tlio timo, but tho ordorly and old Maria, tho cook, woro discuss ing it as I was shaving. " "It is that I came to sco you about, oolouel. I am tlio man to hold respon sible." "No prisoners got awny, I hope?" "No, sir. Nothing, I fear, that would seem to justify my action. I ordered No. 15 to fire." "Why, what on earth could have hap pened around therealmost book of us?" said the colonel in surprise. "I do not know what had happened orvhatwas going to happen." And Cbsostcr paused a moment and glanced toward tho door, through which Mis Renwick had retired as soon as tho colo nel arrived. Tho old soldier seemed to understand tho glance. "Sho would not listen," ho said proudly. "I know," explained Chester. "I think it best that no ono but you shoold bxar anything of tho matter for tho present until I havo investigated fur ther. It was nea.ly half past !1 this morning as I got around hero on 5's post, inspecting sentinels, and camo suddenly in tho darkness upon a man carrying a ladder on his shoulder. I or dered him to halt. The reply was a vio lent blow, and tho ladder and I were dropped at tho samo instant, while tho man sprang into space and darted off in tho direction of No. 5. I fol lowed quick as I could, heard the chal lenge and the cries of halt and shouted to Leary to fire. IIo did, but missed his aim in tho haste and darkness, aud the man got safely away. Of course there is much talk and speculation about it around tlio post this morning, for sev eral people heard tho shots besides tho guard, and, although I, told Leary and others to say nothing, I know it is al ready generally known." "Oh, well, como in to breakfast," said tho colonel. "We'll talk it over there." "Pardon me, sir, I cannot. I must get back home beforo guard mount, and Rollins is probably wailing to see 1110 now. I could not discuss it at tho table, for there aro some .singular fea tures about tho matter." "Why, in (iod's name, what?" asked tho colonel, with a sudden and deep anxiety. "Well, sir, an officer of the garrison is placed in a compromising position by this affair and cannot or will not ex plain." "Who?" "Mr. Jerrold, sir." "Jerrold! Why, I got a note from him not 10 minutes ago saying ho had an engagement in town and asking per mission to go beforo guard mounting, if Mr. Hall was ready. Hall wanted to go Willi him, Jerrold wrote, but Hall has not implied for pe rmission to leave tlio post." "It is Jerrold who is compromised, colonel. I may bo all wrong in my sus picious, all wrong in reporting tho mat ter to you at all, but in my perplexity and distress I seo no other way.' Frank ly, the moment I caught sight of the man ho looked like Jerrold, mid two minutes after tho shots wero tired I inspected Jurrold's quarters. IIo was not there, though the lamps wero limning very low 'in tho bedroom, and his bed had not been occupied at all. When you see Leary, sir, he will tell you that ho also thought it must be Mr. Jerrold." "The young scapegrace! Been off to town, I suppose." "Colonel," said Chester quickly, "you not I -mil! t decide that. I went to his quarters after reveille, and ho was then there and resented my visit aud questions, admitted that he had been out during the night, but refused to make any statement to me. " . "Well, Chester, I will haul him up after breakfast. Possibly ho had been up to the rifle camp or had driven to town after tlio dorter's party. Of course that must bo stopped, but I'm glad you missed him. It of course staggers a man's judgment; to by knocked down, but if you hud killed him it might havo been as serious for you as this knock down blow will be for him. That is tho worst phase of tho mutter. What could ho havo been thinking of? IIo must have been either drunk or mad, and he rarely drank. Oh, dear, dear, dear, but that's very ld very bad striking tlio officer of the day ! Why, Chester, that's the woist ihing that's happened in the regiment i-ince I took command of it. It's about the vor.tt thing that could have happened to us. Of course he must go iu arrest. I'll see the adjutant right after breakfast. I'll bo over early, Chestvr. " Aud with grave and wor ried face tho colonel bade him adieu. . As he turned awny Chester heard him saying again to himself, "About tho worst thing he conld have done tho worst thin:.' ho could have done!" And the captain's heart ne.nk within him. What would the colonel Lay when ho knew how far, far wor: o was the foul wrong Mr. Jerrold had done to him and his? . TO 1!K CONTINUED. jj Ke nought the Sermon. The Rev. S:;itiiiois Smith was ninny years ago vicar of St. Cm.., Nciieli.'iin. IIo made no secret at all of liis habit nf buying ready made sermon any more than liis fondness fur old port and of wiiist playing with lcudim; parishioners until initlniu'lit of every Saturday. II a was a kindly natured, easy King man, mid was popular among his eipially easy Koing flock. Hue Sunday iiiorninu on oing into tho vestry after service, lie found hisolil clerk in tears. "v liat 8 the matter, Joins!'" impured the vicar. "Oh, replied the fieri "this is a' painful surprise' to us all." "Sur prise, Jones!' Wlnil do you mean?" "Your sermon this inorniiie;, sir. Wo arc very, very sorry, and you gave us no warning." "Sernion, Jo:u s rvnnnn? What do you mean, man!''' "Why, sir, your farewell sermon. We urn all dreadfully cut up." And it is quite true that that morning the Rev. Mr. Smith had actually read t:u old farewell sermon without cither intending or knowing it. ,S;u i.lator. A Millionth 1111 A IniiiHplier. It is announced Unit I he construction of a perfect pemliilnni has lu'ti aecomilislied at hist. It n- iloiie hy suspending a lead bliot liyHmmdo lilirr of cocoon silk in a vucuiim produced hy 11 SpiiMiclu pump The shot, one sixteenth of nil flir.li In ilium eter, weihinx one third of n train. Is sum pended by a i foot lilier. and is placed in 11 tube three fourths of an Inch lit internal diuinelcr It lias 11 viliriilinj; raime of 'mo quarter of an Inch on each side of the mid position, the vacuum being equivalent to one tenth ol a millionth of an atmosphere. St. IOII t-l l.'.M'lO'l'e is liublo to great 1 functional cliaturb onco through sym pathy, liyspepsia, or hiilijrcstion, often causes it to palpl tuto in a distressing vll A way. Nervous rros- Aa'A tration, Debility and ) 31 Impoverished blood, '!! Kk Mllirnj VI! ir-fV7 no vuv rapid pulsations. Jinny times, Spinal Affections, cause it to labor unduly. Sufferers from such Nery oug AtfoclioiiB often iinngino thonisolvwi tlx victims ot organic heart diseuso. AIX NEItVOVS DISEASES, as Pa ralysis, Locomotor Ataxia, Epilepsy, or Fits, St. Vitus's Danco, Sleoplesnnesn, Nerv ous Prostration, Nervous Debility, Neural gia, Melancholia and Kindred Ailments, ar treated as a specialty, with great success, by thn Stair of the Invalids Hotel. For Pamphlet, Koforenced, and Particulars, en close 10 cents, in sttunps for postuge. Address, Wom.n's Dispehbaet Itoiau. Association, Buffalo, N. Y. !.., 1 Cures Cholera Infantum DR. W. J. MARTEN, PITTSBURGH, PA. " I have given Bovinine in quite a number of cases of Cholera Infantum and the so called v summer complaints of children, and have been grate ful beyond my expectations with the results. has in several cases, beyond a question of doubt, averted impending death from starva tion. No other food has eivcu the uniform good results that bovinine has." For sale by all druggists. THE BOVININE CO., NEW YORK. A PAIN llKMKIJY. Tor nearly tlfty jvars thin wondorful rm Mly Iiuh proved itwlf tie heat, quieliest, saf !Ht mid durest nutidotu for pain 111 lie world. tiiu tuuh ki;i.ii-f. KADWAY'O READY UrLIKP Is snfo, re iff ble and olTVettinl heeaiuo or tho utimulut' inn aetien i f tin) hndy, willing t mo to the ono mil inciting tu renewed unit increased vUor the Hlumlirriiil vitality of the p .ysleul struc ture, and thrnvsli this beultlitul titumilatinn nd iiiere.isud action thu cause ot tho FAIN in drivuii away und a nitturu1 condition rn .toroit. It is thus ilia: tli KEADY HM.1EK S'i adniinihly adapted for thu CURE ul' I'AIN ami Hiihoul tlm ri.-k uf Injury which is vuro to remit Irnm the ins.' of many of the to-called pain rcineiil'-a of tile day. In usini; luedieineu to ntop pain wo should ivoiti Mich an intl ct iu.iery on tho system. Opium, Jlorpiiiue. Killer C n aiiio and Lbloral .top pu.n hy dostroyini; meKei'po of percep tion, when tho patient Iomij the power of ferdini:. 'J his i tho most deBtructiVJ prao tice; it musks tie- Bym toiim. ahnti up, and, hiKfad o! roinown.' trouhl". breaks down tlio st' m ich. liver 11 nl hnweli, and, if enic tinned tor a length 01 time, kills the nervea and nriidueeK local or general paralysis. Thero is no necessity fur usinit theo tin eer'ain ac-nt4-, wlinn a positivu remody liko UADWAY'S HKAOlf KKUEK will stop tho most cxeueiHt'ui: pain quicker, without en Uinni; tlw lua.-t ililhVu.ty in oitimr iulant or adult. a tun: 1 on a 1 1, Summer Complaints Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus. A half to a teait-oinful of Ready Relief in a halt tuiiililor of witter, repeated ns often lis tho disch'irifes continue, aud n llannel sut united with Heady Relief placed over the htomaeli and bowels, will ullord immediate relief ami 10 n eflVct a cure. A I ulf 1 011 t-iispo infill in half a tumh'er of water will m a tew miiiute euro Cramps, pasni', Hour Ktoin ich. Heartburn, Nervous liess, Sloi psneas, Bick lleadaeho, iJiarrlien, Dysentery, Colic, flatulency i nd all internal pains. Malaria I111LS AMI KKVI lt, MOVIiil AND At. I l: OMU'Kltlih. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Not only cures tho pit cut seized with t his terrible lO' to settlers in newly-settled dis tricts, wh"re tho .Miliaria or Agno exist. huS if people expose I to it will every nioriiitiR, 011 irettinir out of bed. taltn tivulity or thirty drops of thu Heady Relief in water, and pat, wiy. n cracker, tlmy v ill esoapj attacki. This must be done before eoinp out. 'I hern is not a reiuedi il avent in the world that, will cure Fever and Ibuo and all othur Malarious, liil oub airtod hv RADW ,Y'S P so quick as RADWAY'S READY REI.IKF. i. Oc. Per Bo' tic. Sold b Druauists. The Great Liver and Stom cc.i RcMdj f or the eurnnr 11 1 disorders of tho Stomach. I.'.ver, I'owel'i, hnliieys, Madder, ' ervouf Deeist'S. l.isiol Appetite, Head- Hi -, t in. t iveuevs, Indigestion, IMieii-'-cHH P.:ver, In It men at ion ot i rir Howe h. 1 I'm aim n'1 other d luie.'i nieuiii of 'h nt'Tiial V scorn. Parelv loir-tablo, contaii.niK 1 o ui-Tcury, nnu. nils or U.'ieto' ious drills I rice, Ti co:its pur box. Sold by all d run- gists. DYSPEPSIA. Dr. Railway's Tills aro a eur i for thii com plaint. They ri'Hioiv Htrenctli to the ht iinaoti and enable it to porlorni iis functions. 't':ie Kvmptoms of Ovsp '"fin dk'ippenr. nud with them Iho liability of thu s.'stun to contract ilistMS'. iikn tlio lie. diciiiu nccordi"-. to direetions.au I ob.'-orvo what wo say of ''False si ml True," resp'-rtiiuf diet. f "'Bend a li it--r Ntuinu tn DR. RAD WAY ft !'(., l ock I!ok liiti, Now Ymk; for "FuUo mid True " UK 8 KB TO GET KaDWAY'3. -HlfcGISTtntD, ivicioe a wen Man of we." IUDAPQ ill lillKAT HINDOO REMEDY I'llunrt'KftTHK AliOVB ItKM'LTH In BO l.Va. Curn nil N.'i-vniis i)iH('nmn, MlUntf Mi nmry I'iiI'imK Hit-'fiiU'isiiOHs. Niirntlv Knits iIoiih, nic, ciiiiMfd hy )innL ubiiHfd, irtvcfl vttrur nml ulre to nhninltt'ii niiruiis. und (intfkljr Imt miri'ly rffton.-s Krt MiimIiimmI in lil orvotintr. Knstly rurrlrd in vent pick-t. l'rli-i'iH.OO nruekfiirc Six for N.OO with n writ ti'ii tfimviiiit'-c cure r irinnty n'ritinlcil. luii't lrl iiny utini iti-iilf(i (Irmrul' t hlII you atiy kind ot iviilutinn. ltiKifton liuvin,: I MAIM noiti-otlicr. 11 h - has not rfi.iit. w will hi-ikI it tV mntl unu rwt nf prico. I'iniihkt in urnlPil cnvclopo frw. Aildi-cm Orlculiil MivJUiiU?0,rroii.1thleiffo. III., oroarnKtaU SOLI) by MntUiPws HroB., Wholcsalo ond Retail l.iurt,ists. SC KAN TON, PA., and otlior Lead- g9 yrrt ( p,iy, rtar Jtf Nnhiml Flnlih Rabf Cirriut 3 I w coiiiUtt ttb i kit d atMl itLmIi, tilt, W?aU''r". ninniMlrtulMnltiia1la, Mi'U ofbNttni. rih mL.tWI; Hnlitir(l,n)IUilr.aDilriirko(M4 fbi ftun. Hhlptitd T V5Jf 00lli'1j'tTil. KKlilHriAll)Qi nirntrnqulmua L-'v?4 l,ioi. Tu.UDIn um, ttnitttli iJiitniitfMktwa p,jr -'rf.X wne-rt nfrur kinil, iliM fcmi Kiwnttt lt. Hfrtntt Ci - iW. Jftirnl!il tuny titrt. MtttiodMU oclhbbalhk(a I. il : , 9, Jl'ttTUib trim iiTpr'ul,Mkl ftt Iht lvll tutorj 4yJr-- WhtlB TO-DAT fr oitr Utf I hF.H IUiHUMi nUloflMl (U(H(!ilrniliidltfU l.ublliN4. OXFORD MFG. CO., 340 Wabaclt Ave., Chicago, III. What Is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright complexion? For it, ue Pozzoni'a Powder. j The oniy Caw Food I E. Robinson's Sons' Laqeis Beer Brewery llatinfacttireri of the Colobrntel PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT -fi C01ELLC0. Booms 1 and 2 Commonwealth BliTj 6CUANTO, VX MINING ancHBLASTING Mado at the MOOSIO ana RUSII DALli WORKd. Lafllln & Rand Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electrlo Batterlen, Fusoi for explol log blasts, hufoty Fuse and RcpaunoChcmical Co.'s Hih Explosive! Atlantic Refining Co. Manofacturora aud Dealers la! Illuminating and Lubricating 1 jjaa;2ld Linpopil Oil, N.tpth u nml Oipo linos of nil (trades. Axlo Grease, Pinion Giense nnd Colliery Com pound ; also, n lartfo Una of. Pur riifliiie Wux Candle We nlno linndle tho Fnniotn CH0W1 ACV.E OIL, tho only fmnily wifoty lui'iuug oil in the market. WILUAM MASON, Kanaj.T. Ctlire: Vvn'i lisdianca, WyouiiiU Ava t Hike at fine bruuii. AYLESWORTH'G Meat Market The Finest In the City The latest improved fur nlshinRs and appnrntus for keeping meat, butter ond eggs. S23 Wyoming Ave. RESTORES VITALITY. Made a Well Man inthlliiy. ' dft' of Me. inc ijitLAT sou, Day. proilm in (ho nliove reralt In III) iluvn. It mU limvi'i'i ully oml iiuickly. fuiv when ollotlicrs fail loiiux men will reaaln their lost manhood, ami old men will recover their youttitul vmor by imiuii KKVl O. It qulekly and miroly rektoren Ncrvmie U0R8. 1,ont Vltnlity, lnipoteiiey. Nightly EmiKsions, Lout Tower, Failiim Memory. WastiuK Piea.si . and all eiroctH ot Milf-ahiiM or exeessaud lmUticretiuti. which unfltaoiie fiirauuIy.bimiueBsorniarriiige. It not only cunw hy utartliiu at the neat of dlmme. hut iaagreat nerve tonic and blood hulliler. brinK lug bark the pink glow to palo rhreke vui ra storing the (Ire ot youth. It wardu off Jiiwinlty and Conaumiition. limiBt on Laving ItKVIVO, no ithcr. It can be carried in n rockot. Dy mr.il. 1.00 pnr package, or all for 03.OO, with u poel tiro wrliten Kiinrunteo to cure or refund tho money. Ctruulilrfree. Addreia 0YAL MEDICINE CO., S3 River St., CHICAGO. ILL. For inla by Mnttheni Droi., Druggists, hcruntou, Ta, . HOOSIC POWDER CO POWDER jtPlK. rii'ilofmi'hiil ""J. 1 A fAtJlsiw ' -3tlilAVir "r-f-S. . an: . i mi-. tr&sai t j..-r I'l.iiifit ;,?: aV--. ?;.-..i.O- 1 7 SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The nbovo 1 rnndu or flour enn be had at any of the following merchants, who will nccupt ThrTkibune Ft,ou coupon ot 25 on each one hundred pounds of flour or 60 on each barrel of Hour. tcrnnti.n-F. P. Price, Wunlilmjton avonin I Gold .Mi il.ii Ilnnnl. Ihinmore V. V. I'i k; Cold Medal P.rnnJ. liuiiiiiuro-l'. I). Miiiiluy. btit.-i'liitivii lirun 1. llyili! I'ni k CiirHjii is Duvia, Wa-hliurn Ht. (iold .Mi.'d:il llrinid; J wpli A. Hears, Mam avenue, Superlr.tive ilraiRi. Gre'ii UiiliTM A.lAS,eiicHr.tlld Medal Brand, J. T. .Mi ll: In, rui"riativo. l'lovidi ni e 1'enner it Olmiiell. N' Main avo- iiue, rjuti;rl:itivii l:i"iiuU; '. J. tiillo,pie, W. Market utruot, oM Mini il lliao'l Olyjihiint Jumts Junlun. Mupxrlativa Drnnd. l'erkvillo slmif-r & K-lH'r BupHi-latltrj. Jorrnyn C, U. V.'inters As Ct. uperiatie Arehhald Jone.i, ! iiipwrn 4s Co . U'lhi .Mr!tl. Carlniliilo-I). S. Klnrlc, Hold Medal Brand, jlonemtalu I. N. l;'oHter Si Co. UolJ ilo UI. llmookn M. Jl. L;i voile LOUIS B. SMITH! Dealer in CMcs Confections and Fruits. EEEAD AHD CAKES A SPECIALTY. FUST ICE CREAM 1 1437 Capouse Avenue. ISOM and STEEL NORAVAY IRON Mi.YCK DIAMOND SILVKlt KXTKA SPECIAL ' SANDKP.SON'S KXGLISU Ji:sS01"S KNGlilSU CAS I' ST I .Eli HUl'.SE KIIOKS WILEY & Itt'SSEl CUTTING Wliolcaalo and retnil dealers' in Biftenbender &Co..S That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal werjht.ounoa for ounce, cf your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large varioty of new pat terns to select from at fsreereau :?(1T I.At'KAWANX I HUM'!: "No star was ever lost we once have seen, Uo always may bo what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF" 0 DL. Scran ton, Pa. and 23 Commonwealth Euilding. TRY US. 4-ij Jyi pici'sxlvousn ill tiilmcco. inCpiinnttlvollrminn nl .1 -o"isuiniiliti or ItiRttiiH v. rnn iH-mrnoain veBi pooKi'i. per dux, iui KlfiO'- . uiiill im'pilil. V.'lth a m vntcr wo nlve n written mmrantee JitS: Vnr rc liiuil Hie monev. Clmilnr free. Sold by nil ilrucillBH. Afk forlt, i.EFIir.Fi,-Jl)ii'ffaU!fiG uootUoi. AUUri'ss .NERVi; sKKDCU., Jltsoulc Temple, LUICAQO.lu For Sale in Seranton, Pa., by II. C. SANDERSON, .Druggist, cor. Washington and Swi.'co streets. YBOYAL feVAsk for t'nr rirciilnr. iiiUI. MOTT'S CIIKMIC-SlLj CO., - Cloveloud, Ohio. rurSalo byC. M. HAKKIS, llrugulst. EVERY WOMAN Sotnellmsenemlitrellnble, monthlr, raftnlaUni medicine. Onlr hirsileu an4 the purest itugt ahould be ueil. II you wnl the bmt, get Dr. Psal's Pennroal Pills Ther re prompt, itte aril certain In rotnlt The mnnlne (Dr. Peel'i) nerer dUap. twint. jjeavwij where, f l.Ufc Addreu I'oaj. llitfltuijis Ce Clsreltud, 0. For sale by 'JOHN H -PHElPS, Spv'uc Street, Seranton, Pa. The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct 81. Fhe first offlciat announcement of World' Fair di plomas on flour has been mad. A medal 1ms been awarded by the World's Fair judges to the flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co, in tbe groat Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the flour Btrong and pure, and entitles it to rank as first-class patent flour toe family and bakers' use." ' MEGARGEL & CQNNELL TTIIOI.K8AI.rc AC1CKT4 Taylor JndRe Co , Gold Medal; Athertoj & Co., Huimrlative. Hnryea Lawrence Htore Co.. flold ModaL Moo.ii: John MuCrindle, Gold ModaL l'ittatun-M. W. O'Boyle, Oold Medal. Clark 'a Uruon Fraco & I'arkor, Huperlatlve, I 'lark'e Minimit-F. II. Younir, Gold Medal, lialton S. E. Finn & Sou, Oold Medal Branl Nil hLjn-J. E. liui'ding. Waverly-a. V.. Bliaa J Son, Gold ModaL l'ai:toryville CharloaUardner, Oold Mndal. Hnpbuttoin-N. M. l lnu & Hon, (iold Medal. Tobyhauna-Tobyhanna Lebiira Lumbur Co.. Oold Medal llrand. Oouldnboro-B A. Adam. Gold Medal Brand, Monrow Oaltte & Clements Oold Medal. Luke Ariel Jauiua A. Uortree. Oold Medal. Forest City J. L. Morgan ft Co., Gold Med PARLORS OPRN FROM T A.M. TO 11 P.H, SPKC1AL ATTENTliiN GIVEN To SL'P PLYINO FAMILIES WITH ICE CUE AM, TOE CALK 'JIKE MACHINERY SIMtINO hOl'T STEEL ANVILS BiLLOWS JIOKSE NAILS L AND WELLS DROS. WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRING9 II CBS BI'OKES RIMS STEEL SKEINS R. R, SPIKES SCREW MACHINERY. cranton, Wnfronmakers' and Blacksmith' & .Connell 'NERVE SEEDS. ThliKondrrDil rrmtif Hair I nnttfillofliirmlllirnoni4ll. II IV.knfi.l..... lit"! IMH'll 111 I UK .Uliui'iJ. kihiii I uni'i. iirB.imup, nn.iriuiiiD.n Iii'-i Miiiiliuoil. Nlyhtljr l'.mlB8liiii!. Ni'rTouiirtinB,iillUroliinnillO!aor power uiiiht lux cniiHiuy over exeriion.youiiiiuci-i-w. opium or stimulant, which lond to IntlrmltT, ion- : The only Baft), erne an4 reliable Female FILL ever offered to Ladles, oapeoially recommend. PILL ) ed to married Ladles. EK. SIOTT'3 PEWHTBOTAIi FILtiS and take no other. Vrlvi, Htl .llll iwrholi 6 boxes for S5.0U. 17 I'eiin Avenue. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avcnut and ,