THE SCItANTON TRIBUNEWEDNESDAY MORNING. JULY 25, 1894. X BASE Poltsvllle Loses the Second Game of tha Series to Scranloo. ALLERTOVN BEATS HARRISCURG Hazletcn Turns the Tables on Read ing and Wins the Second Game. Rain Prevented the Came Between Lancastsr and Philadelphia Stand" ing of the Clubs National and Eastern League Results Base Ball, Bicycle and General Sporting News Briefly Chronicled. S n result of yostur- terdtiy 8 btate leui;ne ball couteats the ti botweeti Scruutou and Al leutown fur Cit place reuiuini un broken, the former having won a will played uauio from Poituvilla and the latter from Harris bur;. At Reading the boiue team, lout the second Ram of tbe serUs to ilazle ton, tbiis changing pluses with that club mid goiuij into fifth pluoe. Riiu interfered with the game Bctieiluled to be played at Lancaster with tbe Phila delphia club. The positions of tbe other Statu 1 limit) clubs therefore remains tin cliauc'd. Tho following table ftives the per centages of the clubs, the number of piiun'3 won and lut. br each, nud their standing in the cb:itnpioti8hip raee: Won. Lost. PerC't. Fcranton .., Allentown. Lancaster.., .11 .11 . 8 ,fi:5 .538 .4?.) .U77 Pottsville 7 0 Iliizletuu It 8 Kuadiiig 5 8 Ilnrrlsburi; ft it Pbiladi-liiUiu.... 1 Vi SCHEDULE FOH TODAY. Reeding at Scrnnton. Laucaater at Allentown. PgttsvdlB nt Unzleton. Iiarrisburg at Philadelphia. SCRANTON'S TtSTH STRAIGHT. FottavIlU Had a Na-.row E)cpo from a Sl ut Out. In winning its tenth consacutive vic tory yeeterday Serauiou came very l.oar ndttiinistriiig a coat of white wmh to th Potuvillo club. Up to the ninth iuuiug Pottsville bad VfiMi uuable to jret n man across the pUt-, but iu that inning a rally at the but, an error by Phelun und poor throwing by RoguM from right field rnatlod l'ottsvillu to aucure three runa and KVeiJ the humiliation of a shut out. lIydion '.itched one of liia brilliaut pa woe. IIu v;a found for t-vn luib-, gwe on mail a btse on balls, and struck out three others He was yivii line snpyort. Pitchtr Wilnoii, of Pottsville, was v."t in perfect physical condition, but lti-vertbeless pitched a good auia. liiii own trror allowed Scruntoii to M-otc in tie first Junius.', and utter that thy player l)iiind liim nade effort to prvvent Mr. Wilson' error from be n miutr lonesome. Io the fourth tbe home loam iu;hIk three runs o; siiijjlu by PUlau aud Wwtl.ike, ami a double by Jo,;r!i and an error by Short Slop .'yci A donble fcy W.izal and u single by ll.gau iu the firth m-tUd an ntiier run, Tiixro va no fnrihor acor inirdcne i.y Scruutou during the gauiv. The playiug throughout the guuiw w;ii sharp und cleun, aud the game most interesting. Wlica the I'auville player j went to tho tat In the lust half of tbe ninth, a lonu ttrinc of zeros confronted them us the result of their efforts duriug the preceding eitfht inning. Potts, tiio brit Istwr, knocked n bull out t'j PUUn which th lUr failed to liHudi" (iestcrously nl .Mr. 1V.U reccbo.i first. Tighe followed with a eingb', Kills il'.cd iut to J'atciion and ou Fuller's niiilo nsnisud by bnd tbrow from rigiit field by Roger three runs were scored. How the bat tle was fought: SCRAN TON. 7 n. ii. r.a a. k. Wetsel, 8. 2 I 1 l IIokmi, c. f 0 8 2 D D pHtcbo;;, o. 0 17 0 0 5iun..y, lb 0 0 U 0 0 Pht:su, 'Jb 1113 1 Htalti, i. f 1 1 3 0 0 J('i3!-r, r. f 1 8 2 II 0 v:lake, Sb 0 1 1 1 1 Ilodson, p 0 'i 0 4 0 Totals. 5 13 27 10 8 ;POTTSVILLli a. It. P.O. A. E. Kyo Bs o a l a g Uulilen, cf o o 2 o o l'o:t, I. f loooo Tiifbe, 2l 112 5 1 Elds, ah 0 0 0 7 1 Eniler, lb 1 2 37 0 0 II 11. if 0 0 10 0 DiffliLS, c 0 18 8 0 Vi:ou, p 0 118 1 Smith, 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 7 27 20 5 Smith batted In placj of Digj-ir.s. Fi-rauti.n 1 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 0-5 Pottt!Tllle.....,.0 0 0 0 0 0 O0 83 Earned rr.un Soranton, 3. Two baue bits Wiit wl, Hogan 2, Rogers 2. Sacri fice hits Wetzel, Hogau, Patcheu.Golden, Fuller. Htoion bssus llogun, Patcheu, Pi.elun. Double plys HoOkou to PheUin to Mns?y, Ellis to Tijjho fiFnller. Struck out tiy Il(iUon 3, Wilson 2. Firtbao on lmlls By liodson 1, Wilson 1. Passed balls Ligt'lnj 2. Time 1.35. Umpire Curcorau. OTHER STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Allentown Allentown. ...1 3000200 17 Ilurrbbura....O 1000108 16 Pits Allentown, 0; HarrUbnrg, 12. Er rors Allentown, 2; Harrisburg, 2. Bat tories Baldwin and iliiiigan; ileany and Wente. At Heading Reading 1 0100000 0 2 Unzleton 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 I- 4 Hits Heading, C; Hazleton, 8. Errors Reading, 3: Uazleton.l. Batteries Cum raitigs and Goodaurt; Lukens and Fair burnt. At Lancaster The Philadelphia-Lancaster game today was called io the fourth iunlUK ou account of rain, with the score yUndiug 5 to 1 in favor ot tbe Plilladel pbias. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Wssbington Wellington ts. Phila delphia gauio, postponed, rain. it Loultviile riuclnnati....2 0000100 14 Louitvide 0 0000030 0 8 Hit-C'lneiunti, 7; Louisville, 10. Er. rorH-Olnetaiistl, 2; Loniovlllo, 2. Ant teiies Parrott and Murphy; Hemming uud Grim. Umpire Gudney. At (.'Iwvelanfl First gamo Cleveland 3 0 i 0 fl 0 0 1 8-13 tit. Louis 5 1080000 0 8 Hits Cleveland, 18; St. Louis, 13. Er- rors Cleveland, 8; St. Loul, 7. Batter ies Jdulluue and Zlumier; Brelteusteln and Peltz. Umpire Hurst. At Clovelaud Sacond gmft Clevtlaud U 0 1 0 0 0 1 01 fct. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-3 Hits-Cleveland, 11; St. Louis, 8. lir-vors-Clveland, 1; St. Louis, 3. Uattur ies Cupiiy aud Zioiinurj liawley aud Peitz. Cuapir ilurst. At Chicago Chicago 0 8 0 0 1 4 3 0 1 ,13 Pittsburg 3 0 10 110 1 4-11 Hits-Culcago. 2i; rittsbtirg, 11. F.r roik Chicago, 0; PitUburg, 5. Datteriui lfutubiiikuu aud Kittredt'H; EUret, Hum bert, Aleri itt aud Alack. Umpire Lyuch. At lioiton Borton vs. Brooklyn guine poitpoued rain. AtXevr Yoik Nw Yoik....O 0010000 x 1 Ualtiuiore 0 0000000 0-0 Iiits Ntw York, 4; Baltimore, 0. Kr rors Ht York, 8; Bultimoip, 1. Bat teries Kuie aud Farre.l: McilaUou and Itooiusou. Uuipiro-Kuislio. EASTERN LEAGUE. At Syracuse Bufl'alo, 3; Syracuse, 2. Ao 'J'roy Troy, tlj Erie, 5. At Spiiuglleld-Biughamtou, 7; Spring field, fi. At Providence Providence, 5; Wilkos Barre, 1. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Yesterday's game was tho shortest of the sea? ou. It was over at 5.33. Wilson proved a clever twirlor yester day, but he was not near as effective as Hodsoa, Fuller, tbo long drawn out first baseman of th Pottsville club, had seveutecu put outs yesterday, The Scrautoa Stars cballeuRO the West Side Stars to agamo of bull on tbe Still water grounds on Saturday next at 3 o'clock p. m. ii. Dougherty, captaiu. An swer through The Tiuuunk. The Actives of Green llidgo organized a new club and would like to cross bats with the Union Stura of Dunmoro fur a game of ball ou tho Stove works' grounds. The Actives of Ureen Ridjje challenge, no club only under 17 years ot age. E. Young. In the pnmo at Lancaster yesterday in the fourth innintr, Funlkrod, the third basemau, and Roth, catcher of the visit i n H team, collided ou tho Held with tenille force, FouLkrod beius rendered uncon scious. After nearly half au hour's work he revived mlUcieutly to be taken to his Hotel, wnero nis condition tomcat Is re garded as serious. JJIauaxer Swift has telegraphed to Pitcner Wood, of Montreal, Can., for terms. 31r. Swift bars that Wood is an accomplished nrtut with t'o'i splier;.. There is koiub talk of biirniun Kitdit Fielder Poormau, of Kunova. but .Mamuer Swift does not care about making acy change iu tho outU.ld while Honors con tinues to nit tu Hall as he is at prewut. Yesterday Uosers made two doubles and a single. Patcueu is also hitting the ball nurd aud uoiuii snUudid back Rt.m work. liarnug tho catching of bih flies bo bus noftiperior iu ito loiiae. The flaht bjtweeu Scrnnton and Allen town for Urst place is one of the ni03t in teresting in ttie history of minor league bane bull iu this state. Since last Thurs day the two clubs have been tied for tlist tilace. Uotll are ulaviui; with trreut oarn- tiitnes. apparently d-jturaiiuediiut to ailow '.he other to have enure possewiou of tlie lop notch. Today Scrim ton meets li.;ud ing, while Alientowu will struggle with Lai.castur, which occupioi second piace. 'Ihey are strong clubs and Allentown and Sciautou will nave to put up a yilt udjjed article of ball to win. llogun did some of his old tim-j bit'.iii" yesterday, baviut; two doubles aud a siuijle to his civdlt. lie Injured his moutu in the sevruUi Wlr.lo Mlitli-i - to tho homo plate. Catcher Limj saw him coming and threw LU io u:, tlu home niato on- dently for tiio purpose of detuning tlw nmiur from sllJittg. iio:; in took chances, liiiwev.r, and vrnn injured as uuova stutid, l l:at mask trick is au oM one a id him re sultud iu suveral piuvers being iujurod this season. Dirty ball playing ot that character ulv.avs luiloales aga!u,t tho player who indulges hi it and injures the L'auiH. l'ottivilio indulges in aitogethjr too much of It. NOTES OF THE TURF AttO TRACK. Yp Tamrieu won tiio Wheeler handicap at Wasnlngton park, Chicigo. ou Saturday. Ii. F. Dwyer bad tin worst day 1 a the ring this season uti Friday. Hit btst h'juvily on aimoat every race, and whoa the spol t was over he was 440,000 to .150,000 to the bad. Tiio question of tho right to soil pools ou a track on races that are being run ou ott er trucks came before Justice U.ii tiett in the supreme court, Brooklyn, .Monday, 'f he justic. beid that under the laws t;ov eruing pool solliiiK, as they stand, such traffic is illvgal. Charles A. K.dlr was ar rested on the Flushing raco tracit and brought before Justice Clinton Is. charged with having sold pools on other races within the grounds of the Flushiii'j association. IXa was held for tho i,'raud jury and Lawyer Edward M. (J rout applied to Justice Barilott fur a writ of :rtinniri to review the country judge's action. Liw yer Grout contendoJ thai under tiio Ives Pool law it is legal to Seli pools on any race3 u low? as tlm sale is otf jcted within the grounds of a liuiaK aneociatiou und wliln the mejtirig is b.'iu hold. Justice Bartlett did not lake thut view of tho mutter, lie denied t!; j moliou for a writ, and paid it was clearly the in tout! n of tho legislature that pnols chould be sold only on races iu progress ou the truck. WHIRLS OF THE WHEEL, One of the luoat interesting races in the coming meet will be for the championship of Lackawanna county. J. S. Johnson Has made application to ride under tho colors of tho Syracuse Ath letic association, Hince his relations with the Century Cycle club becamo so strained. The Green Ridgo wheelmen hsvo re ceived a sandiou from tho League of of American Wheelmen for their race meat which will occur on Wednesday, Auk. 22. Ralph Gregory is sojourning at Preston park, Pa. for a few weeks. Upon his re turn, bo will immediately go into training for the races which will occur at the Driving park on Aug. 22 under the aus pices of the Green Ridgo wheelman. Goorgo F. Taylor, the erstwhile bright star iu the cycle racing firuiameut, bus be come a shifter from the employ of ono manufacturer into that of auotbur. He la no loLger starred, but is used as a pace makor or "donkey." Chicago Iuter-Oceaa. Charles E. Whitteu, a ono-leggod bicycle rider of Lynn, has made a record for his class for a distance of 108 miles. Last Mon day he started from Lynn at 0 o'clock in the moruiug and rode to Portlaud, nrriv lcg in that city at 6.10 In the evening. The actual time for tbe distance was seven hours aud fifty minutes. GENERAL SPORTING NOTES. John L. Sullivan is still summering in Boston. The English sportsmen have not done much bragging about tbe victories over Yale and the Vigilnut. W. A. Brady, Corbett's manager, sailed lat week on tho Britannic and Corbett will sail on the Majostio Weduesday. The members of the Brooklyn Athletio club offer to back Frank Patterson, tha feather weight, agalust any 111) pound man iu tho country for $l,0u0 a side aud a purse. "Mike" Healy offers to back "Jorry" Marshall, the colored feather wotgbt pugilist, against tieorge Dixon for a stake of 13.61)0, In private, in sklu gloves, or iu public, with regulation gloves. George H. Homer and James Ten Eyck are matuhed to row a threo-mile race in bost and best boats at Danielsonville, Conn., on Augnst 0. Tire race will be rowed on Alexander's lake, and will bo under tbe mauagouient of John S. Wright. Quinsy troubled ine for twenty years. Bloce I started using Dr, Thomas' Ecleo trie Oil, have uot bad an attack. Tho oil cures sore throat it once. Mrs. Letta Conrad, Staudish, Mich., Oct. 24, '63. COWARDLY JULY. Ktrikoa Duwu Ike Tri'duiis Isabel Fatal Case, of t'bolorii Iulautura Terminate lualito ol ew Hours Mar " 1'reTOUted by (be I'so uf Laolatcil Foud. Tbe big plants, with thair roots deen' igr- ill the earth. row iVt'ii atrntiifwhmi til Julv & ZTtfy&v sun beats down on ,i them, but the flow. 01 L'i! ur droop aud die t'Hv before the fierce "ffffc heat. JfT'-V&A Babies and yonng ,! children fl the - disastrous eff-icts of beit more than others. But physicians positively deolarc tbut where tbe streugth is curefully kept up, und every pojsibility of con tagion removed by using 4'a spleudid nutrhueut." ns do,ctor call lactatrd food, tho more preaetios of high tom peratore can do no harm. For, at the bottom, cholera infantum is the result of a condition of things that follons improper feeding. During hot weather tho slightest signs of iudigestion or diarrticA should receive immediate atteutiou and bs met by a close scrutiny of the diet. Habius and young children who do not eat with relish, who aro weak ami de bilitated, "pick up" murvellonsly when thoy are put on a diet of Uctute 1 food even for u few weeks. Lictated food is taken with relish when all other nutriment is rsfused. Every element of pure mother's milk is met in lactaled food. Keep baby npon Isolated food and it will etjeupi cholera infantum aud dun grouj summer illness. No household with little children iu it should feel safe during tlies hot days iitid nights unless they know lac tated food is at band for emergencies. It is the rood upon wbiou hundreds of huppy mothers have uoutished their little ones. Sys Mrs. II. E. Chap man, of Newton Centre, Mass., whose baby is shown above, in a letter to the makers of this food: "I wish to toll you about onr baby. We tried a food .at first that baby did nut swum to like, as he always luf t half iu his bottle, Fiuallv be was taken very sick aud the doctor advised us to use lactated food, which w did at once, und from that tiiuo until this he bus cried for it evwry two hours, aud although we always give him one and it half cupfulr, be has uever left any in his bottle II is uow one year old, aud has grown to be such a fat.hoalthy boy." Every mother should try lactated food. Any druggist will sell for 25 cents a package large vnongli to make 10 pints of nourishing food, and in large packages it is even less expen sive. Motboru! Motharoll Mothers'!! JJrs.Wiuslow's Soothiug Syrup hss bson used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It sooi hes the child, softens the Hums, allays all pain; cures wii.d colic and is tho best remedy for di arrhcoa. Sold by diuggists iu every part of tho world. Be sure and ask for "Mr. Window's Soothing Syrup," aud take no no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Charter Application. VOTICE 18 Ht-IIKUY UKBM 'MAT AN niipln-a'.l in -id b; made to tiio Uovur nor of IVaiisyiv.inia, ou tho seconil lav uf August, 1 at 10a.i-i.,by Charles M..M-ill'in, ouiuvc It. 1 1 --rk. Wdli.ui ' C.ney, William J. Itooiinii:in aad M ir oa W. Finn, umiur the .(to f "An act to pr.v5dj f r tho iuciirporatiuu a iu rej illation of cir ta n vsrnorati ni." ii)tr veil Aprd It, and tin,- -ii ji '.-mrjnt s t'ir?t'. f--r th) charter o! au inti u.lod ''Tin rat on o hi callod "Tim .-vTiiiiton 'n im iey up C jiupaiiy," tii t eh 'rart m- and old t uf whieu i i for the pur pui'i,f taijmiitictiirtmeoi'stdeof iron oratoel M- or any oilmi nietai or artiidu of ciiininuree from ran al. wuod. nr l"tli, and fur tliese par in s-" to have, possess und nioy all tho rights, Imiieflts and orlvil-.-g 's oi said uct of a-iSJin bly and uuiipl -nioutit tli'-roro. 11. .i. KlRrETER, Solicitor. VOTICE IS I1EI EI3Y GIVEN TUT AN i'P ideation v. , It ho made te tn-i Oovor nor oi thj S a:e of J'eiiusylvaiiia, oa Wednes day, tho eighth day of August. 1SII, by 121-w-nl P. - un-it 's. l-re-Krii k .1. Piatt, Orlando S. Julius n, William T. Smith. Frank U. Piatt mil Jus pii C 1-lalt, uiul'-r the Act of Assi-in-lily nf tii't Cnininoiiwealih of Pennsylvania, entitlod "Ail act to provido for the iucorpor iiiiiui and regnlatio:- of certain corijoi at ons." aiHinyi'l Aiiril and t:io Niipp'nmi-iits tlH'ren, for t he I'hartjr of un inte:idi,d ci r poraiiou, to be culled "Th. heranti-n iJko triii t oast ni 'tloii Ojinpanv," tho rliaraelur and obj.ct of wnirb is tue uiaiinfa turn. fur-ui.-liiia;, orcotioii nitl installiitloii tail or either) of eie trio or stoiim plants tor ilht iac;. drilllin;, Iiiui1j.:c. ami puinpina;, or elucv '. it: l iwer noraliy, in and al out niinos or mining operations and (.levator; and lor the manufa'. liiru or tui-nisblng of all kinds of oli cti-ical iimehiii iry, aud st iiiipliaii'es uod in op.'1'a'iUi tho .saau, uad tor tlteso pur-posi-s i Lav . ml iiwri and enjoy all the i klits. hencl'tt and privileges of tiio said act of assembly and its iutjph.iinents Till )S. F. WiUiLS. Solicitor. Financial Statement. "J7IN AN CIAL STATEMENT FTHGIMU I ton Indepeuilvut Seliool Diutriot for tho year ending Juno 1, IrVI. TAXES. Amount Invlod for school pur poscfj JT01 03 Aioouut levied lor building pur pose 350 14 Total amount of taxes levied... $1,062 07 IIECEIPTS. From ctiito anpropriation for i ho year evding June. lrill....J(!ll OS Balaiiee on hand from iaat year 3f)J 03 From North Abiuttou township for tultivii 71 0) Fron G. A. Gay for tuition re ceived from paid pupils 8 SO fri'uiii collector for taes col lected tffi! 70 ' Total recolpts $2,070 21 F.XI'ENIHTUHKS. For repairs on buildings 8 f!7 M For toachers' wage DU3 75 For fo b ot collector u'f..70; and treasurer (S3.7lii 70 40 For fuel unci contingencies 72 1)5 For salary of seereUrV HI For debt aud Interest raid M) M) For other expenses 2100 For scbool text books and sup plies 238 71 Total expenditures SI 70 1 40 Cash ou band ' S05 75 UKSOUllCKS. Cash on h'and $.30) 75 Amount due from collector ii 17 Total $ 350 02 I.1AHLIT ES. Amount of bonds outstandiu(t.$2.0U0 00 2 000 00 Liabilities Inexcoss of rcsonroea 1,2111 IJ o. it nets our bund this sixth day of July, 18U4. EDWARD MILES, President; A. B ALL, PeeretHry Situations Wanted. W'TntetX'i'o1s healthy man as watchman. Best of rofornticcs. Address Peter Hill, 1420 Summit avenue, Beranton, ra. ANTEL)-F081 1'ION ASHOUSEKEKF or, by an American womaa (widow), hard worker, neat and tntolliirmit. A wood peraianont position au object. Unlimited tes timonials. II. E. V., Trieuno office. U iTOAifloirvrAkTEtCBY A YOUNtJ O man; who Is not afraid of work, willing to no most anytiuag, sotier arid rename, u. ii. 11110 Jackson ttroet. (SITUATION WANTED BY A GOOD GIRL; C? can do Koimrnl nousowork! will eivo rot erences if requirod. Address No. 24, Tribune olllce. TV TIDDLK AGED MAN. FORMERLY CAR. 11 peutor and builder of New York, desires a position as foreman; can draw plans and spi-cillo.'tlous. Adoress D. It., cor. Crane ave nue aud Parker itreet. j TANTED BY A LADY WITH FOUR t ' years e.'iperiouce in post olllce, position in post olllce of othor office. Address "U. P.," Tribune olllce i B3 A Word. tTentiof all JHnd.i coat that mveh, cpt Situations Wanted.wltich art inatrtu WEB. Kclo Wanted Females. AKuCTa U 12 H M A N lUiiL. FOR ir.,., ....l kn,. ,.....'.- TA..rii'cni.iiia ro. OUlred. A iily iiiiincillatoly at ll-HVino street Kelp Wanted Male. llfANTICD ABUYvTtII ONE OH TWO l v. . ....... ... l,.. ili-iii. Iinniniinfl Apply at jlc(j..rrali & Thoniau' Uruur Store. TANTi:t) -IF VOl AllU A, Uueiupluvel i-ud will work for .IS n r week, wrilo ilai-Couuell Jlros., 11 Franklin utient, Kontoii, iliass. f or Sale. pETXiiruU( SALE IVi diiinz a orotltubio busi less, Hi st reason eivnti. A idn ss or on J O. At'Ki'.'lM A S". Special fiotlcca. OFFP E Of THE SCHANTOS STEKt. Coiupany. Vlio aninial iin-etlng of tho st )i kholders of til ) above company for the election j( prOi.iilont and din-i tors will bo heid at tlta oitleu of th ) euinpany iu tan city of Si-ra itou o.i Tlur ad iv, too sieoiid day of Au glint next, at I o'o oeK p. in. No transfer of stork w ill hj nude for twelve days next pro eeJiug thJ dat ) of the uliovo uioetiug. E. V. KiNtl.-iiCUY, beeretary. Ho anton, Pa., July I", 1MH. ISFOKMATKlN WANT ED AS TO THE I whiHVkbuute of one John Cornier, adopted bv a Jlr. lli.ho.i (from l'iiilaiolihia, iu l.iiiiii, of L'pper Harl'.y. 8prlnj;l!eltl, lC"llyville, or i'hflou Koail p atottieo. Any inluiniation re liarduiK the same will bo thankfully received hy his n.sler, .VI rs. Kh.i 1. 1331 North T.-enty-seventh street, I'hiladeliinhi, or his brother, L. N. (Jouuvr, 333 Iraiikhn avenue, Seian ton, I'a. VEW SVSTKM OF SUCCESi-FUi. SPKCU 1 latlon in tip) Sloeit ai.d Oram market. Dividend payable weekly. J.uat week's divi dend 7 per cent. Wr.t 'for iiarruuiars' C. G. MATU..H, Medinah lluildin t, Chieago. OlflTU EIVEIlt'OOE, LONDON, GLAS UlU row, On -ou-town. Londonderry and Helfast, oa Wtiitn Star Liuj. J. A. BAU ItON.i.gout, Priceb'irg. Vou" vi'ant fiTis uiaKiTETiTiN J Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly War Illustrations lII li."i. Two Volume Folio, Jlti.M; puynhle niout.ilv. ieO. Del vered by expres-i roimilute, ),repaid. Addroii P. O. ilOODY, (il Gibson street, Kcranton, 1'u. 1LANK HOOKS, 1 Ail I'll LEI'S, JiAlU i zlnus, o'c, buuud or rebound at Till! TitinuNB ofllce. (Juiek work. Ueaaonnblo prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN I51S H tD AT 144, corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for i3.ii. Good table board. Lost. T OST-SILK WAIST, BETWEEN DELA 1j wnro, Lackawanna and Western depot and Scruntou liuiise. Address Lawrouco drug !U,re, Luckawauna avenue. T OHT-ON VINE STREET, BETWEEN li Monroe avenue and Erie and Wyoming depot, a tan leather seat in two parts. Finder awarded by returning to 31- Lackawuuua avei.ue. Public Sale" T Wll L OFFER AT PI B 10 SALE ON 1 Wednoiday, 'uly "a, 18.11, at HI o'clock a. M.. on tb premises, the leaseliold estate and term of years ere .ted by Indenture lioiu . . G. S.-liooiiuuk r to Arihur P'rotliintcl) m and l.HUi-.i Frutuiiisuiim, dated Jnue 1st, IXsx, re. riled in MortH'ag) Bok No. 31, pnijo IS4, etc., ai by rulcronco thvieto bud will fully uppear, in lot No. 8 In Square, or Block Mo. 3il. (vi Wvomiiu uvonue, on whicli thn "Frotliinnhim Ana lo''t.x)d. Tiio lot is 4U feet wide and hit feet deep to uu alley. To ms will bo made known on day ot salo. CHAS, a. WELLES. July 11, 1SH. Proposals. KOPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT i the oflico of th New York aud Scranbrn tlnal company. Peckville, I'otma., until July 25. 104, for s.iiktag an air shaft at the Ontario colliery, i u Hlxlll, in the clear, mid about 110 net deep troui run suriaco to lue uuiiiiiore vein. Conuiaiiv roserves rik'ht to reject any or ull bids. II. CHAPMAN, Insido Foroman. Rcji Estate. CCUANTON REAL ESTATE AND 1N- I.T VESTMENT AGENCY. offers lmr'-'aiiiH as fol'ows: CITY I.U.SI.SESS I itOl EKTY. 40 ft. front bv il ft. deep, ou Sprneo street, rents fi r .0J $10,000 40 ft. lront by 50 feet deep, onSpruco street, corner alley 10.500 These tonutner itive SO ft. front on Spruce street botyn n l'enn and Frin klin, with alley on ni le. Spruce street property Is advancing rapidly. CITY nKSIDENCR PROPERTY. Cf'RNER MONItOE AND VINE streets, lot 50xs5, two dwellinea, ifli.iOt. itivinu a nice resideiico and an Inci in j for small investment; ALSO A PLOT OF 3 LOTS, givmif 123 It. front on Mo iron avenue, n-ar Vino street. Theie make u llrst-class residenco plot iu a (leirsblo locality. If Lot sold iu ouo plot will seil above separately. WEST SIDE. Lot 50x180, South Main avonno. adiolniiiu mideliec of Httiith li. Mott, pri-e, t-.iM; 11I.-.0 lots 011 ltoek street and West End plaeo. Only four left. COUNTRY PROPERTY. A BEAUTIFUL DOME AT DAL TON, PA., modorn house, fprlnu water piped int it from hill back, burn for tbroo horaes anil two cows, leunery with cements 1 thior, young fruit, fine lawn, fraud nullouk; ouo uud a bait to three acres, as desired, Also lots of about suno sizo on Western Slope, Dnlton. Call or address SMITH l. MOTT, ManitBoi", No. 421 Lack nve. rear board i,ia.le. Architects' Notice. A RCHITKCT8' NOTICK-CO.MI'ETITIVB jTl plaos and speelHcatlou sro invited for a city buililinu to Im mod for lire department house anil police nr.trol station. A urosniclus Kit the bnildiiig nta v be seen at the office of tho cityeierH. at wnicn omco tno sinu plans end piieeilienlioLS are to be submitted on or before Wcdnei.ilay, August '!, HM. By order of city councils. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scrnnton, Pa.. July 24. IW4. new liOl GROSS, FOSTER PBSITIVELY THE LIST WEEK Bankrupt The balance of stock on hand' will be sacri ficed without mercy to convert it at once into spot cash. Short lengths of Silks, Dress Goods and White Goods at any price to dispose of them. Now Is the Accepted Time. S. Ladies' Black Hosiery QUANTITY 100 dozen. QUALITY The best value that has ever come from a for eign shore. COLOR Dyed by "Hermsdorf." That's enough. PRICE 25c. A PAIR. Our own stamp. Our own import. Taffeta Moires 12 per yard. Others advertise them as a bargain at, 1 5 cents. N ft Hotel Wayerly European Plan. Firet-class Bar attache. Depot tor Berguer 4s Eugel's Tannhieuser Beer. ii Cor, 15tti MdFiltatoti,, Ptilliii Vest dcsirabla for residents of N.E. Ponn tylvaula. AU conveniences for traveler to ami from Broad Street atatlou and the Twelfth aud Market Htr.ot station. De sirable for vkiting Scrautonlane and pea lie lu the Authraolto Hegloa. T. J. VICTORY, PF.0I RIETOM. OLLf k WALLACE Pipes Our Stock Damaged f IC raw BU30B33iaaaaSQ3Si;BS3IQiaEISBE!3ia3DEIIS3BE3Hlfil There is no smell of smoke and will lust twenty-one d tys loivgor. la thtt Litis. 3 y j uilhI; di-jp)ia of our stojlc of CLothiuj aud Gents' Furnishings by order of tho iusuraiico companies, who have already given out tho contract to repair our store, which was damaged Saturday night, Juuo 10, by the explosion and fire in tho building of our neighbors, Mtssrs. Daviea & Grifiin. Clothing Sold at 33 Ceats oa the Dollar Less Than Cost to Make, DOUT DELAY. COME AT ONCE. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. AN ACTUAL SAVING OF 67 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. We ouly mention a few barjiins; all other goods sold at equally astonishing low prices. BOYS' PANTS. 13c. I Two for 23 Coats. Man's Suits, for'y sold for Men's Suits, for'y sold for Furnishing Goods and This is HOT a Permanent Fire Sals, It will last m SIGN OF THE BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. GJ-NISXT DOOK XO TUB BURN1SD DA VIES & Gill f'FIN BUILDING. OF THE GREAT FOSTER & CO. 316 AND 318 LACKAWANNA 209 WARNING. He ficre lately had Feather litdt and Pillow brought to us b clraiiijcra who wished to dispose of the same and from whose actions tec Mi'i'mi the feathers didn't helonQ to them. We will have no dealings with such parties. We wish to caution people against giving into the hands of strang ers who claim to represent , any Feathers, Carpets, tto, which they wish renovated. Any of our agents can easily identify themselves, or if any one who wishes work done in our line, will drop us a card or call at our factory, we will promptly attend to their wants and will en deamr to merit the confidence of ecerybody. THE SCIiXATOX DEDDIXO CO., 002 and box Lacka. Ave., Cor. Adams. WHY mi See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Setl Wc sell Furniture cheap as any house in the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. EH1 mil & Co. M at it 3 or fire about them, aud they are HEN'S PANTS, 50c. 9 Never Rip. $10, now $4.75 $16, now 8.25 all good3 that are damaged at your own price. & CO. AVENUE. WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. ViKB.K HE. equally as good as before. BOYS' SUITS, 65c. ' Single nud Double-breasted. Men's Pants, sold for $5, now $2.00 Boy3' Suits, Sold for $3.25, now 1.35 only 21 days longer. If a Tornado Strike Scranton It would causa little more surprise to our citizens than FREEMAN'S NEW SPOT CASH PRICE LIST HAS DONE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEW ELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC., never have been sold before at such prices; but, remember there is no CREDIT at Freeman's. For Delicacy, I For purity, and for improvement of tha com pleilon, nothing oquale Ponom'i Powder. I