LIVE BUSINESS MEN Don't t up with down- at- tho - heel newspas. THEY rUIiCIIASE PUBLICITY in journals that are on tho up ward jump. , V EIGII,r AGES--5G COLUMNS. SCRANTON. PA.. WEDNESDAY MOHNIXQ, JULY 23. 1894. TWO CENTS A COrY. Hit TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER' BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AWSCRI S MEN THAI ANY OTI WwliPSi S jiypJiiJ MM BUSIilES 6 HKH1IIS PAPER HILL DEFENDS THEJESIDEiT Likens the Senatorial Conspiracy to Ibat Wliicli Slew Julius Caesar. IS GROVER'S CASSIUS Senator Jones, of Arkansas, in This Modern Tragedy, Plays the Part of Noble Brutus, Senator Vest Plays Envious Casca, Senator Voorhees, Trebonius, and the Distinguished Gentleman from Tennessee, Mr. Harris, Is Cast for the Role of . Cinna And tho End Is Not Yet. Washington. July 24 THE most entertaining ami remark able nature in thesr'at national performance on the flior of th senate whs the part pluyed in it today by Senator Hill as the defender Df President Cleveland urfainst the us Biiult of Democratic senators in connec tion with the president's now famous letter to Mr. WilBon, the ehairmau 01 the lions conferrals on the taritl bill. Mr. Hill took the around that the lot ter being oik lHeiul wus no violation of the constitution, thut it wan no attuck npou the senate, or upon any senator, but that it was isn honest effort to carry out the policy and theories of the Democratic party, and to ndvanco tho lutei-asts of the people. As to its Mnir an unwarranted uttempt to with pending legislation, Mr, Hill us K rted that the blame lay with thoss senators who, instead of acting on their owu judgment and responsibility, "badgered" the president to give them his views upon tiie compromise biil which they had prepared. "Do as I do,' lie fail to '.hem, "keep away from the white house." HILL'S SCATMSf SIMILE. lie wouurt up a two hours' speech (bristling all over with tho spikes and spears of his wit and sarcasm) by com I arinu the senatorial conspiracy against President Cleveland to that which compassed the Hssassinati'.n of Julius Caesar. Iu this historical parallel, Senator Gorman, of Maryland, stood for the "lcau and hungry Cassias," of whom Caesar said: "He ttiiuks too much. Such men art) dun Herons." Senator Jons, of Arkansas, for "honest Brutus;" Senator Vest, of Missouri, lor the 'envious Case;" Senator Voorhees, of Indiana, for Tre bonius, and "tha ditii)guihed senator from Tennessee. Mr. Harris, for Cinna." He c.irris 1 out the parallel by declaring that these senators made tho same ple which the conspirators of old made, "not that tiny loved CaPBar less, hut that they loved Home more;" not that they loved Cleveland less, but that they loved their party and the country Mr. Hill was followed by S.nator Cattery, of Louisiana, who submitto 1 a motion looking to the restoration in the FUirar schedule of a bounty for 1S91 Li a short specu (which was, however, not concluded) he accused tue Demo cratic managers of had faith in strik ing out the sugar bounty and declared explicitly lor hims If and his colleague (Mr. Blanciiard) that they would vote for the tar i tT tali if it put sugar on the fren list. Without any action, and in order to have time for n Democratic caucus, the s-uate at 3 05 p. ui. ad jourmd. I'llOCliF.DINaS IN THE HOUSE. The c tiimilUe on rules gave today's sission to the committee on public land, and in two and a -half hours Mr. MeKae (Di in. Ark), the chairman, ue-ce-il'din l aving passed fourteen bills n piTl-d from his committee. 'Iwoof the of particular importance, one providing tor a settlement of the claims by and against the stale of Ar kansas and tiie United States, and tue other providing for t!i separation of the lands in the Northern Pa cific Kraut to Idaho aud Montana, and granting paNnts to Hie settlers thereon. Tte bill which ,caiiu ovr from Sit tirday and yesUMuy as unfinished business was passed, directing the n smployment as fast as vacancies occur nfihe railway postal clerks who wer-i discharged between March lo and May 1, INS!). An hour of the session wan sja-i t in an unavailing effort to con tddtr Hie bill directing the payment to West Virginia of the amount of direct tax collected from it irrespective of claims by the tederal government against the state. The house at 4.05 adjourned until tomorrow. BURGlf RS SECURE DRY GOODS. Ih ftorecf Ihbbo A. Wtil, In Plymouth, Is Furo.bly Entured. Sveriai to the Meruit ton Tribune, Plymouth, July 21 -Durgbirs last evening made another good haul. They entered Isaac A Weil's dry goods store Mid took about $201) worth of dry i:oo is. An entrsnce lo lua store was effected Ihronith tho rear door and the goods taken were the finest in the store. l'it teen rolls of elegant eloth and what money they could find was all that was missed. Ihe money only amounted to ft few dollars. DA RK HORSE IS TALKED OF. Ib Loner Fiuht la Twenty-fourth Dis trict Kay Be Compromise). PiTTSiiUtia, July 21 The Twenty fourtli district Republican congression al conferreis met in Pittsburg this morning. Two ballots were taken, making 203 ballots in all thus far with out result. The conferrees then took a recess. There are rumors of a "dark horse" to be sprung at the next session. SLOW RACING AT CLEVELAND. Track Was In Bad Condition and Taltnt Dot Diimp-d. Cleveland, 0 , July 24. The Glen rille track was slow. The first event ws the iehed 3 35 trot RdJ Bud won two beats yesterday and was a itrong favorite in the pools. Expres liva fooled the talent by taking three Itralght heats. Rose Bud was ordered to the stable for fouling after the third heat. Sally Simmons won the third heat of the unfinished 2 25 trot in u walk. She was the favorite. .Tunics L was a strong favorite in the 2 17 trot, but could not finish better than third. Miss Nelson .aftor acting badly iu the first heat, settled down and won tha ip xt three nandily. There were about 8,CU'J people at tha track. VIGILflNTjSjHIS ONE. The Amerlein Yacht in th Lead Ovor tha Entire Course. Roche's' Point, July 21 Vigilant and Britannia started this moruing on their twelfth coutect with prospects of good racing weather, in -the first dav's racing of the regrettn of the Royal Cork Yacht club. Tho course was tho si'ine as that sailed over yesterday.' Vigilant won by 4 minutes and 33 seconds, withont counting timo allow ance, and by 3 minutes nnd 22 seconds if the estimat-d time allowance whicn she gives Britannia, 1 minute and 10 seconds, is deducted. The scoro now stands 9 to 3 iu favor of Britannia. There was an unexampled scone of enthusiasm, nnl o.'e aud nil it, as the American yacht passed the line a win ner. Eveu BritauuiH never received ueh an ovation on th Clyde. The crews of almost every yacht in the har bor gave her ringing cheers, while tho people ashore were almost frantic with euthutlasm. SWiNDLETMTOFll!LL!0NS. British Capitalists Mako Grave Charges Against Americans Who Salted a Gold Mine. San Francisco, July 21 A. C. Ren 8 haw, a British capitalist, has com menced suit in the Uuittd St.ttfs dis trict court to recover 2-15,000. II charges that the sale of th B.vir's Nest group of mines in Alaska was ufcom pHsaed by uigaiuic frauds. He accuses Jamos Treadwell, John Tread well. Captain Jamos Carroll, M. V. Murray, N. A. Fuller aud George J. Smith with conspiracy to make tin sale hy placing k'uld he uiug rock from the rich Tread woll mine adjoining, and treating tho core irotn a uiamond drill with chloride of gold to mako a showing of rich ore. Hi asserts he has a confession to the "ntire fraud. Ho declares that three British expert vvtro deceived in the salted niino. Eich one reported it would yb Id u profit of $1,000,000 a year. The enormous amount of money iuvolved,t!io prominence of the parties to the suit and tho charges of iraud, make this disclosure the sensation of the day in mining circles. The mine was pold to British investor' for $2, 500.000 in stock and $1,500,000 in bonus drawing 7 pr cent, interest. This was in liST.uud no goiJ has over boeu taken from it. The projectors of the b1u have, so far, received about $1100,000 in inouey. WILSON IS NON-COMMITTAL. Says the House Coufernas Kay Make a Few Cempromisas. Washington, July 24 Mr. Wilson, of vv'i-st Virginia, cn.iruian of the ways and meaus committee, returned to Washington today. Ho remarked in ii general way thut the house would endeavor to secure a report as nearly as possible on the lines of the original bill. He intimated that the house con ferees might be williug to make a few proper compromises, but added that their lino of action could only be properly determined after they hail again met tho lenresentativm of tlm senate in the conference commitiso. FATAL R-ILWAV WRECK. Engineer, Expresa lUaumnstar and a Faa aenirnr If .11 id in It. Loncview, Tex , July 24 A head end collision occurred betwean trains runninic at full speed round u sharp curve, 200 yards west of Forest Tue ngineer, A. D. Qninin, of Texarkana; Express Messenger Fred Marshall, of Fort Worth, unl an uuknown pasten ;;er were killed. Several others were seriously hurt. The wreck is reported n very badly pileil np and will delay trains many hours. MINERS GO BACK TO WORK. The Industrial fcituatton in Si. Clair Couuiy, Iilmole, Uiightsns. ftT. Louis, July 21 The coal miners in ht. Clair county. III., who have been ou strike for some time, resumed work yesterday. All the mines in that district are run ning on full time. IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. Tho midnight closing of all saloons is to be strictly enforced at York, siuce a man was shot iu a barroom The alleged mismanagement of the Bucks county Jad is to bj investigated by the state board of charities. Pittsburg tin workers say a great deal of Welsh tin is iu waiting to fluud this coun try under the new tariff bill. Ml1, T.HVillllL ITllU-L-Mlltiiin'a 1..1.. ... .. - - ' - - . .bi.k.i ... in a uwj l II 3 found iu a mill race at Now Tripoli, lin ks county, where ube had drowned horsolf. Euoeh Cam hart, ago J about 3 years, of Cu t nun tin mi wnu inn fivi.rltir t. lMin.nli.l piiia ami Heading train at Huuimeistowu and killed. An iivlu lii-.ili nnil nrrnc l.'til lli.f.w.. empty bojrcars on tho Lehigh Valley rail road at Welliugtou. Three buys stealiug u rule weio hurt. Presideut Cleveland and cabinet m-n nr. neetod lo review tlw lJinii:i-lviiiiiii N:.. lioiial guard during next mouth's eucaiup- luuuii u uuiayuoiu g. Oil Olieratnr T. W. Phillitis linn aimnlr r. 240-hariel well near t'oyieVillo, Jlutler couuty, nud other good wells have yielded fill tlltllV t lam... .... ..ku. ...a v. .elillvll.ill rnnntv nnnv .1ini.fn... .. 1 -J -..- ui.uoiililll ,1UUU double the $2,0U0 allowed them for the re- noi oi me poor aim helpless, uuiuly wo men aud children. Dr. E. W. M. T.nvr r.f lln.mUl, . ... -1 - j-- iiivR, ijua been appointed a trustee of the state in- Rane hospital at Danville by Uofernor Puttison, vice M. W. Jackson, deceased. In a fight over a stolon keg of beer at Rending on Sunday, two amateur baso ball cluhs almost wrecked tho residence 6f Prank Ji. btoigerwidd and injured several persons. The Democrats of Franklin couuty nomi nated William Aleiauder, of Chaiubers hurcr. foi in.ieri Hmi iiii....... i Chauibersburg, uud I). M. Omwak, of Washington, for tbslegnlaiure. Ml mi CHffi 111 HUE The Thrilling Adventure of a Mifflin County Farmer Boy. ROLLED D9WN A EMYTAIN SIDE Had Been Out Hunting Rabbits, When His Fool Tripped and Ho Was Pre cipitated Down a Ravine Just in Time to Avoid by a Foot tho Whiz zing Fast Express on the Pennsyl vania Railroad. Li'WM'own. Pa., July 21 LEROY WILLIAMSON, the 10 yoar old eon of a farnur liviug some few miles from town, had a startling adventuri yesterday morning, from the effects of which he is mill confi.ied to bis bed, and which lias actually turned the hoy's hair gray in plac-v. Young Williamson had taken his gun to do u little shooting on ihe mountain just back of his father's farm and finally got u shot at a rabbit, which rau down the incline, which is unusually steep just at that spot. Tho boy staried iu piiNiiii, running as fast as ho could. But just ut the steepest side of the mountain aud Where the thin soil had for the most lart been wnhed nway, exposing the smooth rock, his foot caught in some Irailing vino tind he fell, beginning to roil toward the bottom or tho ravine where ran the track of the Peuusvl- vania railroad. The boy was consider ably bruised, but by dint of catching at tho shrubs and vines that grow near lie managed to brenk his fall its he went, llis ear was suddenly t,tartlod by the sound of a coming train. He grasped at every plant near him, but the soil beiu pxtretueiy thin, uoue had struck root buliicieutly duop to ufford him u hold. JUST JIISSI.D THE TUAIN. A3 the train ciine rushing ou, teem ing to jar the earth and to precipitate him stiil faster, the now terror-stricken boy dug his bands and roughly booted tc-etinto tho mountain's side. If he had been able to guo-H at the tnoiu'iit when tha train would pass beneath him he might have acc derated his move ments so us to laud below before the irou monster reached the spot nnd either tiud some fin;ill- nook iu which to crouch as the train passod or scram ble np some less st 'i p incline of the mountain, but h f.und it impossible to gauge the distance nt which he heard th.. rumbling wheels nnd feared to drop lost at that very moment the train eome whizzing around tbo curve just ahead. Nearer and nearer he rolled to the foot of the mountain, gathering im petus as no wont and thou the hot nir from the engine smotu his faco. tho cinders blinding him, ho made a frantic dig into tho earth aud bounced off the mountain into the track below just as the last car whizzed by him.nnd which missud him by scarcely a foot. Young Williamson says that he fainted just as he felt the wiud from the yuuishing car touch his face. When at lust he was able to got up he was obliged to almost crawl to hut 100 yards or so from where he bud fal len, and on reaching it literally crept iu on his hands and knees to tlie great Hiirprlsi of the occupants of the hut. Hero ho fainted again and had finally to be carried home in a wagon. U.s was not able to tell bis story for some time, aud by the following day his hair was gray about bis t- mple. TWO SE3AT0I?SAN3 SUGAR. The Investliratthir Committee Said to Hava Got Strong- Evldanoa. Washington, July 24 It is under stood that tho sugar investigating committee have at last struck oil. The much talked of photograph of uti order for sugar given by a senator is in their possession, ami it is asserted that testi mony taken yesterday and to lay is di rect as to speculation in suar by two senator, wno swore that they never had any dealings in sugar. Tins is liable to lead to impeach ment. KILLED BV ELEVATOR'S FALL. Accident In a Gotham Erowery Has Vrv Seiious Eesnlti. New Youk, July 21 Throe men wera insiantly killed end two more fatally injured by the tall of an eleva tor in the Classen & Price brewery building at Fifty-tmrd street aud Eleventh avenue this afternoon, Ths killed were: Louis P.aner, lab orer, 40 years ; Tony Farr'dl, laborer, 4o years old; Berjiurd Siu.tii, 40 ye.irs ..Id. The injured were: William Em bert, 30 years old, injured internally, will die; Henry llornuaer, 30 ysursold, Injured internally and may die. KILLED FOR THE REWARD. Creeks Ehoot Saminola Oailaw for $500 Bounty on His Haud. Elfai.a, I. T., July 24 Last night Samuel Checota anil Billy Nnrcome, two Cre-ks, shot and instantly killed Frank Hawkins, a Seminole outlaw, who killed D.puty United Statos Mar shal Luzerne two years ago. A reward of $500 wus offered for his bo ly aud Checota and Nareome yeBtet day waylaid und killod him for the rb Wurd. PENSION CLfcRKS MUST GO. On Hundral and Fifty Get Notice of Thair Di. missal. 31 WA8IHNC1TON, July 21. The biff dis charge of 150 clerks from the record and pension office of the war depart ment will finally take place tomorrow. The unfortunate employes received their notices this morning. THIS LOOKS LIKE WAR. All TfUutaphio Coirmacicitlons with Jaoftnhi Town I . Cut Off. New Yoiik, July 24. The Ccntrnl Cable office of the Western Union is in receipt of edvices from Nugaskl lay NUDE HIS HAIR ing that telegraphic i ''inuiunicn tittn wiih S imonosekl and beyond is in terrupted. Shimonoseki is the most important strategic point in Japan. no solace" f5rquseh lil Ctaveland Sends a Mesasirs to Congress That Doesn't Cheer Her. Washington, July 21. The president sent a messnge to congress today stat ing that Q'leen Lil'Hikalnni had earn estly n quested the United States uot to recognize the republic. Minister Willis; the message said, had informed Mr. Parker, the queen's last minister of foreign aff-iiirs, that he thought the fenale resolution hot to interfere was tho final action of that body. THREE IHERSfflSERS BROWNED. They Had Been at a Picnic and Wcro Upset While Rowing Across the Susquehanna. Fl'tciul to Ihe Scranton Tribuna. Plymouth, July 24 At 11 30 o'clock InBt evening Shadrock Lewis, William Thomas aud Jack Richards, John Salonis, Mike TVlaiidis and Char in im Sargazish and tbr-ie Lithuainns, whose names could not lie learned, started to row across tho Susquehauna river at this place. All bud been to it picnic aud were intoxicated. During tue trip across the boat Was upset aud the tuuii dumped into the water. Lewis, Rich ards uud Thomas uud the three mon whom names could not bo learned man aged to swim asnore, but Telandis, Salonis anil S.-.rgazish could not swim and were drowned. As early us 3 o'clock this morning divers and men with grappling irons began seurchiug the bod of the river for the men. At 2 30 o'clock Salonis' body was recovered and about teu minutes later, Telandis was found. At 5 o'clock the laif body was recovered. The cor oner will hold an inquest tomorrow. IM BE LOST IN THE ICE. The Walter Wellman Arctic Expedition Reported to Have Been Crushed in the Glacial Floes. London, Juiy 24 Carl Siewwers v.iiits to tbi! Standard tliat he is in ra ceipt of udvkes from Norway that leave little doubt that the Wellman arctic expedition is lost. Experienced kiupt.ra just jvtumei from the Spitz Urgm seas . eipivss Uia sain opinion auu Colonel I'Y.ddia,;, who accompany ied Captaiu Nures' exp's.litioi in ld75, shares this bilu-. Toe Pall Ma LI (ia zelte Is in mcsipt of similar advices rom Fronuol. Arctia skijipera report that the flow of pack Ice uud its density this summer would prove irresistible to any vtsael, however strong. They Udieve thut tho Raguvald Jurl bus beau vrusbed iu the ice aud express the belief that there is a remote cLauce that the mean bars of the Wellman expedition have bbeu saved by maosging to git upon an ie Hoe, iu which cose they believe that the explorers are in a uiott dangereus position., as it is most probable that the Ragnvaid Jurl was crushed with out warning. RESCUERS MEET DEATH. Drowning Accident in Which Fiv Llvws Wars Generously Saonflo.d. Colfax, Wash., July 24. Three young men were drowned while bath ing in the Sualce river, three miles be low Penewawa. One called for help ind tho others swuia to his assistance. The throe grappled in the water, sink ing simultaneously. Fiva Women Go Eoyond Their Depth nnd Thraa Drown. Fresno. Cal July 24 Fivo women went bathing last evmiug iu the San Joaquin river, near Portland. One got beyond her depth and iu attempting to rescue bur three of the others were carried iuto uu eddv and drowned. CAPTAIN IVANS' NcW COMMAND. His Appointment Mad Eolly on the Ground of Fltiio.s. Washington, July 24. -There lins been h good deal of comment in naval circles on the selection of Captain Rob ley D. Evans, who stands almost at tho loot of the line of captains, to com mand the armored cruiser New York, the finest sen command in the navy, and a prizn which was tongh't by many other officers. Secr'-t i ry Herbert today said thnt he had hinis-lf selected Captain Evans for this command on the ground of ab solute fitness, without consultation or suggestions from any one. . TICKS FROM IKE TELEGRAPH. Koy Ilukowiskl's commonweal nr'hy was driven trom Clyde, O., at the point of the bayonet. lealoAsy caused Tlmniaa i.rown, a Coal ( ity, 111., minor to kill his wife nud com mit suicide. Tho governor general prorogued tho fourth sesMnh of the seventh Canadian parliament. Thirteen escaping convicts at the De troit, Mich., jail wcro tired ou by the guards, and all hut two recaptured. , The Republican convoutioa of the first Congressional district of Maine ro-uomi-uato.l ihoinau II. Hoed for Congress, Ten-year-old Uertha WAmiug, of In dianapolis, lad., aVan b-Ve'ir' Of a Viejghs dog six weMts ago bud d-uttl ouBuuiiay ut hydro)holila. Fifteen meu aud a Inrenwabr of (Jioop'l uiiu viiibio wo4o i-iu wuetf'-ni .n -oiiuunrst in the uiouutalus i the PUitm cfiaUWt, Mexico. Fred Pfcagler, of A-'liicnga, who has boon separated from BisAifo.''rtit(ftf(;t(fato duct his law d until her nt-Juuv. ttni MJo shot twice by WiUjuin FUtt!ler, While Mrs. Matilda Schwrtzhuber was tending bar in her tmsbaAd's Uliiciwo sa loon the was shot threo tiineg by William llahn. who then blew bis own bruius out. J. H. Ilnsa, nu IodJanapqli't, bid., shoe maker, seiit mohevto briarf trlslweHtiiertrt from Geruiany, bttt rece'lvou htsi a;iwer from herhn-lband, Bans hung himself, Thomas Cletry. nephew of Archhiihon Cleury, of Kiugstuu, was fo.u.ud.vtaggeriug about the streets of Cklukgo, aid aied shortly after beilig taken to a hospital, lie had beeu draggvd. SENATORS WILL T SURRE Causcus of the Conspirators Shows That tho Eattlc Is Yet Ou. VILAS ALOE IS SYMPATHETIC All the Others Vow with New Vehe mence that if tho Tariff El, I Passes it All It Will Be Substantially in the Form That It Left tho Senate-Vill Postpone Indefinitely Before They Will Yield. Washington. July 21 7 FEW minutes after 3 o'clock this A afternoon, after the senrte ad n j')Ur"e,, 1,10 Democrat sonators Uu went into caucus for the puruoso of formulating a programme in regard to the disposal of tiie tariff biil. For three hours the discussion continued, and at the titno without having reached any conclusion an adjournment was taken until tomorrow ut the same hour. Three members of the Democratic party were conspicuous by their shsonco from this conference. Thesj uion wero Senators Hill, Murphy und Irby, two or whom hns beu said to le ready to votsagiiinst tiie bill in certain emergencies, and one, Mr. Hill, who has time Hiid again declared his oppo sition to tbo bill bo long as the income U-x remains a )mrt of it. Every other senator now iu tho city was present except Mr. Voorhcjs and Mr. Daniels, excused by illness. Mr. Hill was not notified f Cudally ot the caucus until jii"t a few minutes before tiie adjourutueut of the senate. He was then notified iu the cloak room by tyr. G irman und ri-qiiost?d to be prpsent. Mr. Hill friuuly told the. chairman of the caucus that inasmuch as bo was opposed to the bill and would do all he could to defeat it so long as the party saw fit to keep the incom tax iu it he did not believe he ought to participate in a conference t) ut bad for its ol j ct the passage of the measure and the settlement of party quarrels. Neither Mr. Murphy nor My. Irby went ta the caucus and their absence caused some remark. THE CAUCUS AT WOilK. Soon after tho caucus convened Mr. Jarvis, ot North Carolina, offered a resolution tuut the bill b. sent back to conference without instructions of any sort to tho conferees. Tiie conserva tives, so called, the men who formu lu.ed the present bill, did none ol tho talking, but those who did talk weie as ierious in their advouicy of tho s-u tta bill us any member of the conservative s could be und insisted us strenuously tnat the senate bill should prevail. Almost all of the debate uud cross Cre between 8'uators was directeil at Mr. Vilus in an effort to induce him to withdraw llis motion to strike out ttio differential ou tvfined sugar. Mr. Vilas did not iudicate just what he would do in this connection, but made a plea for the administration. Souutors C.ff )iy and Binuchard said thut they woul I 1. content if tho senate placed a'llr." duty of 45 pur cout. ou all sugars raw aud refined and give the planters half the bounty for lifOl. This increase in the duty they Biil would compen sate them to some t xtent for the less i f the bounty which the commltteo promised them should bo given and which was d. elded upon by the torm.r Democratio caucus. If tho senate would not agroo to this change wnich Mr. Cafl.ay, especially, said wus of advantage to the growers of sugar, the Louisiana senators must insist not only on tha one-eighth of a cent differential but the bounty tiut wub promised He went further mid warned the cauciu that unloia tuis was done he and his colleague would vote Hgainst the bill. This sugar talk had gone this fur when Mr. Smith, of New Jersey, look tiie flour an 1 nmdo a short but very effective speech, in which he the caucus tnat if the differential rate was disturbed a rate Which he said had be-u promised and agreed upon in cations tueu thuro would bo forthcoming tim necessary Democratic votes to indefinitely pojt pone the conference report, COAL AND IKON DUTIES STAND. Coal uud iron ore proved to be as in teresting a subject for others of IIih southern men us was sugar, Not much was said ou the su j ;ct. hut what was said was cmpiiiilio and ctrt lin. Mr. Pugh, of Alabama, iu a short speech told his Colleagues that neither of these articles must lo touched. The pre vious caucus had agr.-ed to leave tlntn Oil Ibe dutiable li Jt and hatl fixed tilt rate, und thut ngn'i'tnenr, he said, must not bo violated. If it was and the se -ate conferees receded from the senate ameudtaents ou those items, he warned senators that neither he nor his colleague would support the bill, sud bo lik wise usnuied lle-in thai there were other senators who hoji! ready to vote tno saiuo way, iuannueh ns tin so three hems coal, iron ore and sugar wero tho three items of dis agreement. Nothing elso was iliB CUssod in detail. The sentiment was almost Boliilly in favor of the Bnitto hill. The general feeling among Dem ocrats of the caucus was that the end was in si , 'lit and that tbo senate biil would yet pass safely through the last legislative stug". and receivo the sig nature of the presiiieut. WANTS FREE COINAGE. Sepresentativs Tulbort of South Caro lina Introducsa a Resolution, Washington, July 24 Mr. Talbort, of South Carolina, introduce! in the bouse today the following resolution: "Resolved That the committee on coinage, weights and measures be re quested to bring in at once a bill for the free coinugo of silver at a ratio of 10 to 1. TO INVESTIGATE THE STRIKE. Two of th Thran Commissioners Said to EsVa Dean Chosen. Washinoton, July 24 It is Btatod that the president has, iu addition to Carroll D. Wright, commissioner nt labor, chosen Judge Lymuu Trumbull, DE of Chicago, to servo as members of tho commission to investigate the Chicago strike. ll is assorted that as soon as Judge Trumbull indicates his acceptance, the comniigsion will be announced. HARTER HAS A SUBSTITUTE. Wants a Wholenli Tariff Roduotion of Twnty Ter Centum. Washington. July 24 Tho tariff complication led Mr. Hurter, of Ohio, to draft a com prom is i tariff bill which he introduced iu the housa today. This bill provideu that "on and after Sept. 1, 1304, all exh ting tariff taxes or duties nt herein or otherwise provided for shall be reduced one-half, provided such reduction do s not bring them below 20 per cent., it b-ing tlm inten tion of thin act to allow a tariff tax tax or duty of not less than 20 per cent, ad valorem to r. iiiain upon nil articles now paying n hi ;h,-r rate. "On und after S-pt. 1. VW. all fnriff taxes aud duties in excess ot 12 per cent ad valorem shall be reduced "to and collected nt tho uniform rato of 13 per cent. 'l valorem, to which shall be added international tax-s and on and after S-'pt. 1, 1.40-1, a unirorm duty or tax of 1 percent, per pouud saall bo levied nnd paid upon all sugars and molasses having 100 degrees of saccharine strength, and a reduction of one-huudr.'diha of a c-nt per pound shall bo made for each degree of Fncchanrie strength below 100 dogrees." lCBK CF LAYING S TC A I PIPES. Now in Progress Along Mulbarry Street Manner in Which the Pipes Are Laid. Mulberry street is a scene of activity with the om ration of the finploye.i of Contractor Peter Mullen, who is ex cavating for tiie main pipe of the Econ omy Steam Heat company. From Madison avenue to the municipal building ther is u busy hive of toilers, some swingiug picks and wielding jhovels nnd others hauling and ar ranging the big iron pipes with their out. r wooden casiugs that will cover the pipes through which the steam will course. Tho main bns already been laid from the plant on j' ilersou avenue near tho Johnson breaker, along Jefferson nvo nue and dowu Mulberry street as far as Adams avenue. Tiie ditch in which the pip?s ar laid h. throe feet wide and six feet deep. The diggers yesterday near the munici pal buildiug oncouutertd bu,;a stumps and roots of trees lual wore reminder of tha days when that territory was a swamp. Many pe stopped to watch the work of tha men in remov ing thJ slumps, and several were the comments made of the pro gress of tbo Electric City. The steam fitters Hre progressing as rapidly as the diggers. Tue iron pipe for the stream is of 8-inch calibw, of different 1-ngtlis, some being IS, 2J, 22 and 21 feet long, and weighing mi an average 500 pounds. This pipe fits in side of u wooden tubing, tin lined, with a ten-inch bore the circumference of the tubing is n it quite three foot. The steam pip3 is first "covered with a thin layer of asbestos, around ' which copnr wire is coiled to keep itiu place. Around the outside of the tubing there is another layer of asbestos, ou which is spread u tar coating. Aa soon as the connections are made the pipes ur' covered up, and the dirt is tamped lightly on each aide to allow no play that might strain any of the joints or connections and possitly cause an ex plosion. At every alloy and court there is n brunch pipe b illing from the main so that It may bo ix'.en.h d ut nuy tim us residents desire it. Tiler.) is also a con nection made i:i the m ,in pipe every titty feet to which will bo attauhed tho pipes running to the hnnses. At vari ous places along tda line stop valves are put to shut off t'ao steam on the same principle as in tha water mains iu esse of mi emergency. City E.igiuet-r Phillips inspicted the work yesterday nud was sutisliud with the progress ot laying tho pipe. Tho Economy Steam Heat ompauy was re quired to Inriii .ti h ,oud to the citv mat tho streets shall ha left in ns good a condition as before tim work of ex cavating wus begun. AS ...:.) MEM GUAKO MINES. Phillp.bursr Soft Operators D tn mine to H d tht Ctiikj. riiiLirsiuuu. Pa.. July 21 If the long sink., in this rsgiou is not eff.-c-tnnlly brol; m by tin end of the week, it will no: be the fault of tlu opera tors. Today fifty guards were placed at the Atlantic shaft, forerunners of u larga body of new men expooud to ar rive tomorrow Captain Clark has been tr.msf rred from Pnnxsiiia vvney to this section uud will bo iu command of affairs. HOT FIRING fcT bf.OUl. Korean Troors S oka an Uocalltd-f jr Attack on th- Jipanoe, Washington, July 24 Mr. Tatono, the Japanese uidli.iler lute, ti diy re ceiv d it cablegram from his govern ment Buying that Korean tiv. p had made uu nncalled-for attacu upon tbu Japaues-) soldiers stationed ut Seoul, the capital, and that their tiro had been returned by he Japmese troop?. Willi what result on eithe: Bid re disiaitch dots not s ly, nor is the d; to of tiio skirmish gireu MCTHER OF SEVENTEEN. French Canadian Woman of Thirty Glv. a I ir.h to Tiip'.eti. MoNTiutAL, July 21 A remurkable case of tecuudity is reported from Ste. Genevieve. The wife of Palmer The oret, a farmer of that place, ha. just given birth to triplets for the second lime ia five years, besides baviug twins on three other occasions Mrs. Theorct, who is 110 years of ago, s the mother of seventeen children. WEATHER FORECASI. CHAR WAsntNOToN, July 24. Forscast for Jiaslern IVmimiUania: Show ers in tho earln murium;, aener- H 9 fair cfiiriiif llVdicacay, sliylilly l uuicr, southwest w'J-' FINLEY'S SPECIALS IN F0?w THIS VEEK Four Specials in CORSET COVERS 15, 23, 25 and 39c each. Three Spaciah in CHEMISE 29, S3 and 50c. each. ThreD Speciah in DRAWERS 29, 33 and 38c. a pair. Two Specials in 98c. and $1.19 each. Three Specials ia White Shirt Waists 88c, $1.38 and $1.63 each Special Designs in Umbrella Skirts Special Lin3 of Children's Undarwaists From 10c. each up. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS' ILMTIlii Wholesale and Retail H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. Comfort-Giving Shoes The only kind that give it, for tha sunimar, i3 our "Service 5 Kumfort" Shoes in colors and black. Lewis, Reilly & DaYies Free of charge. If a doctor is needed j ou are promptly told so. "We also guarantea a perfect lit. LATEST STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street. Lewis, Reillj & Davies --Pu ""V- C'pS'L 7 We Examine Eyes