' y i THE SCTl ANTON" TKIJJUNE TUESDAY MOUNLNG. ' JULY 24, 189 f. COST DOESN'T GOVERN PRICE LADIES' Duck Suits : Elegant Material, Stylish Cut, Broad Revers, Proper Set, Wide Hems, full sweep of Skirt. Nothing mean or skimped. Generous value in every stitch. . Ladies' Duck Suits White Ground, with Bine Stripes : Now $1,79 WeM3. My Blue Ground, with White : Dot, Now $2.69 w ere SJ.75. Plain Tan, Now $2,98 Were $ 1. White Ground, either Blue or Black Figure, Now $3,15 Were ft Light Blue Ground, with White Polka Dot, Now $3,25 Were $i. This value shrinkage is simply awful, and summer only half over. GORMAN'S Clark's Green. Mr. A. D. Copelaud, of Nebraska, a former resident here, is now visiting ai ner cousins. Mrs. A. 1. Aclterly, and other relatives, having been absent for tome twenty-fire years. Mr. Williams, of Scranton. bat pur chased four acres of land adjoining F. H. Greene's of N. S. D.ivis, ex oountv superintendent, and will erect a residence theron at once. George Wells and family, of Wilkes Barre, ure spending their vacation with bin parent', Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Welle. Howard E. Northup. of StrouJsburg, arrived here ou Suudiy morning and will ipend a short time with bis pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nortbnp, and will make a run to tb Falls and Tank bannock on bis wheel, visiting friends by the wny. Mr. Mellon and family, of Dunmore, who bus been spending a snort time at J. B. Austin's, roturned home on Fri day evening last. Mrs. Freeman Leach and son, of Chinchilla, called on friends here on Sunday last. ' E, J. Hinckley has had a very flick borte, bnt is now much improved. Mrs. Marcy and daughter, of Dar yen, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Albert Wheeler. .Rev. A. E, DoogUnsand wife, pas tor of the Baptist church, will take a four weeks' vaoation, spending their time with his parents and friend in Hamilton, N. Y. . Mrs. O. Chapman gave a birthday Earty in honor of her daughter, Miss eah Chapman. Anions those present Were the Misses Elleu White, of Ben ton; Christine Parker, of Waverly; Grace Is by, Marian and Evelin Mat thews, Annie and Lillie Kibble, Ivu Cntierson, Vida Bostido, Mary Marcy, of Dnryea; Carrie and Mary Wells, Mary Stanton, Jetale Mead and Hattie Mead. Presents were in order and several very fine ones received. It was a very enjoyable affair. Rev. F. H. Parsons gave a very able and exhaustive discourse hereon Sun day evening last on the life and char acter of the founder of Mothodi6in,Rev. John Wesley, to a full audience. An exciting and Interesting game of bill was bad on last Siturday after noon between the Waverly club and the Clark's Summit Hustlers, resulting in sixth inning to 87 to 7 in favor of the Hustlers Archbald . Tomorrow Arcubald Hose company will bold its excursion to Farview. Great preparations have been made for it and judging from the advanoe sale of tickets it will be very lamely at tended. Many very interesting features have been arranged. A team from Arobbald Hose company will contest in a tug of war with a team from Andrew Mitchell Hose company; tbere will be a base null game and many other feature that eannot fail to be amus ing. This evening a grand parade will be held in which all the hose oompanlei in the neighborhood will participate. Every one who can should attend the excursion tomorrow. P. P. Jordan, of Scranton, was in town Sunday. . MIibis Mary and Tillie Nealon, of Carbondale, have returned after a pleasant two week's visit with their cousin, Miss Sadie Sweeney, Misses Mamie Brown and Katie Cawlejr, of Hyde Park, who have been visiting Miss Maggie Judge, of Pine street, have returned home. My phvsicun aid I could not live, my liver out of order, frequently vomited greenish mucous, akin yeilow, email dry umore on face, stomach would not ratal a food. Burdock Blood Bitters enred me. Mrs. Adelaide O'Brien, 378 Exchange street Buffalo, N. Y. GRAND DEPOT E SUNG IN WALES Alderman D. M, Williams, or Providence, Honored at the Carnarvon Eisteddfod. WAS AN IMPRESSIVE SPECTACLE The Royal National "Song Festival of the Bards of Wales Attracts Thou sands of Auditors, Who Feast on Melody and Are Made Glad by Im posing Ceremonials Details of One of the Epochal Commemorations of the Land of Cambria. Special Cvrrcsjionihuc?. London, July M WNEmore royal national eistedd II II fod is o'er and royalty has c ist Mil its benignant suiilo on the old zs land of Cambria and everything still goes on the same. The ancient and historic town of Carnarvon, the birth place of the first Prince or Wales gave n lnngmhcent reception to its present figure bead, and in the old historic Cas tle eqnare udimtted the iiriuue and his family into the mystic circle of the famous Welsh bards. The spectacle was one nevor to be loratotten. Ihe Arch Drnid-Clwyd-fardd. a spruae youug man of 91 years. appeared iti tall headgear resuiblini a uishop s mitre and a flowing whito robe or casumere una with massive sword in band performed the eer emouy. Sir John Puleaton, formerly a next door neighbor to Scranton, in the years when be editod the Pittston Ga zette, introduced the prince, who was initiated as "lorwerth Dywysog" (liJ warl, the prince). The priuueis, in trod lined by the bishops of Bangor an 1 St. Asaph as "Hoffder Prydain (Bri tain's delight), the Princess Victoria, introduced by Lord Peurbyn as ''Bud dui"(the queen of the Iceni) The prince was more than delighted with the magnificent welcome and expressed pis regret tuat he was not able to reply iu their own language. SOME EliSTEDDFOMC FSATUHES. iue eisie.idioii w.ig iielii in the pa vilion erected at a cojt or $l:j,0UU and often was well filled. A few featiirm worth noting were the "literary Welsh policemen. "cirriej the literary blue rib bon of the eisteddfod for the third time. Charles Ashton, the Dinas Mawddy polica officer is a wonderful man hav ing succeeded in vanquishing highly ed ucated opponents in the es.iay on "The poems of lulo Gocn wicb historical and critic 1 notes thereon." The priz was '.j0. The cnief choral contest took place in the presence of I) 000 spectators. I'll) best piect s being Mendelssohn's chorm, "All Men A',1 Thiuga," and J. II. Purry's 'Yd Ynys Wen." The adjuli cators comprised the flower ot the British profession, viz: Caldicoff Emlyn Evans, PeiiewddUwniin.J. II. Roberts. and C. F. Lloyd LEion). The first prize of J7o0 was taken bv the Rhvmnev United choir and the secoud of $123 by the Cardiff Choral union. The sui'j -ct for the "coronet competition" was 1.000 Hues on Lord Tennyson and was won by Rev. Ben Davies. Congregational minister, Ystalyf era. who was crowned with the silver coronet with great pomp. SCRANTOS MUSIC SUXU. The second choral competition wan the rendition of the glee "Djisyliad y Wawr a Welsh -American piece the author of the words being D. M. Williams of your city. The priz of $250 being carried off by the Holy head Harmonic society. Out of the multitnde of poems the fallowing are certuinly worthy of reproduction. Dy- ted .Lewis sang to his highness the Welsh version of "God Bless the Prince of Wales." Ar Dwys-o-g gwlad y bryniau 0 boed ir nefuedd weu Koi iddo, gyda ciioron, Ei bendiih ar el ben. Pan syrthjo'r aur-wialen, Pan elo uii ir nef, Y net a ddalio i fyny, Ei law frenhinol ef. The world famed Lewis Morris then expressed his sentiments to his high ness: But who come here? A long expected guest. After those silent centuries long, A Prince of Wales occe more. As in those uuforgntten days of yore Ana witn mm smiling comes, gracious, serene. The fairest mother Cymric eyes have soen. And young lives, too, iu whom wo joy to brace Their mother's royal grace. THE BIG CHOIR COMPETITION' The great annual event of the eis teddfod is the "chair competition." the subject of the odo this year being fteir oacritice. .Anita intense excite ment the adjudicators declared that Aristides" was the successful bard. and the fortunate owner of the nom de plume was requested to stand if pres ent. A moment afterward, a form Was aeon upstanding, and amidst deaf ening cheers the well known features of Elvet Lewis, Congregational minis ter of Llanelly, were recognized. "El vet" wus then conducted by the bards, the eisteddfod band playing, "See the Conquering Hero' Comes,' handker cbieti wildly waving, cheers upon cheer rent tbe air, and for a lew moments the immense pavilio.i was a pandemonium of noise. Arrived ut the groat oak chair, the venerable arch-drnid for mally chaired the bard by declaring "peaoe with the uplifted sword and handing over the chair us a trophy. Miss Mnry Thomas sang the chairing song. "Cymrn Ffydd," and thus closed tbe chairing scent of 1891: one more added to the hundreds which have been so impressively enacted amid tbe wild mountains of Wales. Owen. Would you ride on a railroad that uses no danger Bignalsf That cough is a signal of dancer. The safest cure is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Hyrnp. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee ot satisfaction. Elmhurst. Rev. F. A. MutUsou. castor of the Baptist church, was unable to fill the pulpit Sunday on account of sickness Martin Devaney, of Buffalo, N. Y , hat ben spending a few days with his parents here. Charles Page, who is engaged at Brooklyn. Pa., scent Sundav with family here. J. M. Rhodes, president of the Elm hurst board ot trade, is seriously ill ut bit home. F. W. Harlow, editor of the Signal, '1th his familv. are nnennvinir tlmir new home on the West Side. Charles Curtis.' a'contmctor nf Nw York city, is visiting bis parents in this place. J. M. Warren is confined to his homo with a severe attack of sickness. The Elmhurst board of trade will meet at the scboolhouse tonight. V.v. ery member is requested to be pres ent, ana nil others Interested. juiss Maud Atberhold, of Wyoming, SCRANTON VERS who baa bpen visiting Miss Aldie Sny- nor, returned iiom Monday. u'isa J.nnie Wet.rum entertained ends from Scmnton over Similar. fri The following are the late arrivals at Hotel Elmhurst: William F. Decker, of. Siroudsburg; Miss Caroline Board man, of Culais, Me. ; Master W. Sun ford Mulford, of Montrose; Miss Rma Keen, of Honeedale; Welcome Suovsr, II. Graco Jenkins, J. Harry Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Horace E, Hind and child. Mrs W. J Mnliord, Miss Nellie F. Cooke, Miles T. Hand, Misi Anna M. Hand, W. J. Ford and wife, Mrs. Urlght, George L Breck and wife, G. William Breck, Fred .. AtusJen and wire, Prolessur E. E. Sonthworth, Samul Haintor and wife, F. C. Mc-Ke- It. Earnest Oomegyn, of Scrantou; J. E. Reynolds, of Berwick, Hermon Bergboltz, of Ithaca, N. Y. Stroudsburg. M. E. Miller won the medal at the Gun club snoot at their.South Strouds burg grounds Friday afternoon. Eight entered the contest which r -suited as follows; M. E Miller, hit 13, misW 8; C. M. Brownell. nil 8, ruis-ed 7; W. C Coollmugh, hit8 nilased 7; Milton L mh. bit 7. missed 8; II. V. Kistler.bit 7, missed 8; George W. Born, hit 7. missed 8; J. W. Purrington. hit 0. missed 9; John llngerty, hit 0, mimed 9 A telegram received late Friday af ternoon from Wells, Minn., stated that Nortou Decker's brother, Frank, has taken a favorable turn now and has a slight chance for recovery. A specialist has been sunt for and bis de cision will be- made today. Harvey A. Decker arrived nt Wells Friday. Francis E. Holler, formerly with John T. Stoiz, of Brolheadsville, but now a member of the faculty ot the Pierce College of Business in Philadel phia, was in town Thursday. Mrs. Jacob Hunger mid two daugh ters, of Newark, N. J., are the guests of Mayor II. S. Puterbaugh, They had an enjoyable trip to Like Popon oining. ' Mrs. S A B'eman, of Philadelphia, is visiting friendd in this borough. Miss N. Aluro Walton left for a visit to her native place, Tom's River, N. J. Milton Yetter und family returned from a trip to Niagara Fails and the Thousand Islands. Lawrence Grant loft recently for Honolulu via New York. lie will be j lined by ii. B. Bell and wife and Mr. Harris. John Ilenneki, an employe of C. J. Schwirz, of Est Stroudsbnrg. met with a painful accident early Satur day morning, when his uoso was broken and bis right eye severely injured by a kick from a horse. A very pleasant surprise party wns given Sirs. Bowdon and Mrs. Valen tine, two well known old ladies of this borongli. Some of the ladies present were the oldest in town. During tbe "veiling prayers were offered by the R-v. L. B Hoffman and C. D. Brod hoad. Among the guests were Mrs. E Ina Van BnslurK, Mrs. Silly Kint nor. Mm. E, leu Keller, Mrs, Pitts, Mrs. Emily Crook, Miss Mary Burnett, Mrs. John Nixon. Mrs. II. Albert, Miss Albert, Mrs. Steigerwald and Mrs. Van Dunkirk. 1 lie lawn festival given under the ntupices of the Ladies' Aid society of tlio .hast htroudaburg Presbyterian church Friday nigiit was a most suc cessful affair and quite a sum was realized from the sale of refreshments. The lawn whs brilliantly lighted and presented a pretty appearance, A largo number attended. Tub blackberry crop will be much lessoned this season in consequence of tn sevore drought or the past mouth which dried up the vines and berries to a great extent. To this same caus is attributed the short season of raspherry linn me curtailment or the supply or former years. Arthur Shotwell, of Andover, N. J . is in town the guest of J. A. and J. H. Shot well. II; came byway of Port Jervis, having muds the run, forty-Vjvo nine.', in mree iiours nun eleven trlin-ut-!B. Roe Shotwell returns with biui for a week's outing iu Jersey. James tl. Goodalo. ot Mlddletown. Orange county, N. Y . is in town. He has been visiting Mr. Frutchey, of Fairchild's. Miss Mary Slienurd, president of the Pennsylvania Women's Cnristian asso ciation, who lectured in the Presby terian church Thursday nighi.returned last night and delivered a public lec ture upon the sublet of "Practical Temperance, the Drink Evil and How to Overcome Its Havages. She ap peared at Grand Army of the Republic hall. Miss Bert Mirev, of Stroudsbnrg. is spouding a few weeks at Mount B duel. the guest of Iter cousin, Miss Marie I el leer. Clarence Klaer. of Stroudsburg. is in Milford on a two week' visit. Miss Belle Hill left for a visit" to friends in Burlington, N. J. John lngrahnm and wife, of West- field, N. J., are the guests of George E. Siauffer.' A social dance was given at the resi dence of Fred Hollecker iu East Strouds.biirk', Irauk II. Miller is spending bis va cation at Pittston Wiikos-Burre and Binghamton. Carbondale. E'ie Railroad comuanv naid thtir f n.plnyi s yesterday. :uiss liatlo iJaco is visiting Scranton friends this week. Miss GrilRH Huirlnv nf Pinnnn atraat loft Saturday fur a visit with frinmlJ in Elkdhle. Alias Sirali MnHrimh nf ftnrftaM avenue, is visiting her brother, F. E. mcuoiiid. nt bcranton. II. C LUltlur left vesterdnv fnr nn pt. trndod visit through the easu-rn states Miss Mav Ulinnr und Urnthor Ar. thur, of Wyoming street, are visiting friends iu Green Kidge. Mothenl Mothral! Mothsrtlll llrs. Winslow's Soothiug Svrun has been used lor over fll'ty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, nllays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for dl errhooa. Kold by di uggists in every part of tho world. He sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's hoothing Syrup," and take no no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bot tle. Honesdalc. Mrs. Frauk Harms hus returned to her home In Rending after a long visit with her parents, Mr. and Mr. Cog gins. 'Ihe stock of jewelry of Charles P. Eldred hat been purchased by Charles Spencer, who will op;n up the store until lately ocaupied by Mr. Eldred, near the postoflica. Mr. Sponoer is well known, having tormerly bven with Charles Petersen. Miss Muy Conrtright, nf Hawlev. h visiting at the home of Goorge Wood ward. Miss Mary E. Box, of Buffalo, and Miss Kate Conklin, of Binghamton. who have ben tbe gut-eta of Miss Holmes, left here yesterday. Miss Nell Charlesworth, of Scranton, is visiting her brother, Edward Charles worth, Mr. Hunt, of Scranton, passed Sun day in town. Pittston. After elndirtif nm ufliiviM for anveral days, the Oliver brothers. C.iarlti and Tamer, who ussaulUd the man Toolie at Duryea a few evening a:o. were ar rested and takeu before 'Squire Gilboy oi mat place yenterday tor a bearing. After hearing testimony, bis honor da cided to hold the prisoutrt in $3,000 uau eacu. John Dills qualified for the amount in both instances. The official result of the receipts of iue picnic held in Oregon grove, July 4'h, bv tbe congregation of St. John's (R. C) church, shows the amount to tie $1,114 47, John G. B-nd-r. of Frothingham street, died at 5 o'clock Sunday even ing. He was 00 years old. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 3 o clock, and will be iu charge of W. A. Nugent post. Grand Army of the Re public. No. 215. Denartmant of Pann sylvanla, of which the deceased was a member. The services will be con ducted at the house and the remains will be interred iu Pittston cemetery. The statement of the Miliars' Savin bank, of this place, published under uumoiduiy 13. shows the Institution to be in a healthy and flinrisbing con dition. It shows a Riirnlu and nrnfit account of $100 1!H ,V3, and deposits ag gregating If'J j.) 790. 87. Yesterday and last eveniug were un usually nvoiy about town in conse quence of the circus. The show gave two performances, one in the afternoon and the other in the evening, both of which wore well n.itroni)J. Tun ner- formance was good, clean and wnole- somo throughout und apparently gave good satisfaction. One of the most in teresting as well as uleuainu features of the performances was the trick manoeuverlngs of about a dozen dogt Their antics pleased both old and youug unite, and caused frequent out bursts of laughter. The town council met in sneclal ses sion in the Town hall last evening for ine purpose or considering the paving and sewering of tbe town and to bear the report of the committee having the opeuiug ot tne proposed street at the rear of the prop rties abutting on the east side of Mum street. All members were present except Tlgue and Kear ney. The comtuittue reported favora bly concerning the opening of the street. Communications received from the Sicilian Asphalt company of New York city. Muck Manufacturing com pany of Pittsburg, aud Canton Brick Exchange company of Canton, O., in viting eight members of council to visit the principal cities of the east and west at their expense, were read and immediately accepted. A motion prevailed instructing the secretary to notify the several compa nies that the council was willing and would be in readiness as soon lis the tickets arrived. Borough Solicitor lioli an stated for the information of the council that from what he could learn it wonld cost ih borough in the neighborhood of $13,030 for its share of tbe paving to be done on Main street. Such being the caso it was evident that the borough could not at the pres ent time sewer the town.sinc it would coat something like $100,000, Mr. Donnelly seeing the dilemma tbe bor ough was placed iu for the lack of funds, stated for the instruction of those present that there were several o ipitalislsof the town ready toorganiz.t a couip my for the purpose and that the company would be willing to put in the sewer at a rate of 0 per cent, inter est ou the money invested, subject to such conditions as the council might see tit to impose. Mr. Donnelly took occasion to say that he was not talking as au attorney for any compuny, neituer was no interested any more tbau he was speaking for the public good. He further stated bo was not in favor of any outside company getting the contract while there were large prop erty owners who ttood ready to organ ize a company on the above conditions, the borough to take the full control of the same at -each time as it felt tbe funds would warrant it. Mr. Heunigan intimated that the motive back of the scheme was a mercenary one aud calculated to en rich the few interested and not tbe en lire borough, as Mr. Donnelly endeav ored to make his auditors believe. Mr. Clifford in order to bring tbe discus sion to a close made a motion requesting the capitalists of the town to oj pres ent at the next moetiug und to decide npon some definite ulati. After ar ranging to meet tomorrow evening the meeting adjourned. A lamp that exploded in the house of Jos.'pu Bryden on Railroad street last evening about 10 o'clock caused au ilarm of fire to be sounded from box 03 Tbe bli-z t was extinguished with out the aid of the fire companies. Spfclmin Crsi. P. H. Clifford, Now Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, bis stomach was disorderod, bis liver was all'octed to au alarming degree, appotite fell away, and bo was terribly reduced in Hi eh and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward bhepbord, Ilarrisburg, 111., had a running mroon his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottle i of Electric bitters and seven boxes of Buck ten's Arnica Halve and bis leg is ound aud well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had hv lnrzo fevor sores on his leg, doctors said he was iucurahle. One bottle Electric Bitters aud one box Bucklou's Arnica Dunmore. On Wednesday evening, AuguU 1. a drama entitled "Ruinol by Dritik" will be presented in tbe Odd Fellows' hall, Dunmore, by members of the Loyal Lgion. The proceeds are to be expended for the erection of a drinking fountain at the comers. The fountain will be for the accommodation of man and beast. Tickets can be obtained at J. G. Bone's drug store or any meniler of the legion, tho admission having been placed ut tbe low price of Si) COIltB. ! Priecburg. John Toole, the young man who was brutally assaulted by lha Oliver broth ers at Dnryea last week, was a former resident of this place. His parents are residing here at present. , Harry Norris and family, who have beon residsnls of this town for several years, left last Friday for New York where they will embirk on the first available steamer for England on tin Bcccham's pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when Caused hy constipation: and consti pation is the most v frequent cause of all of them. Book free: oills' 2e:c. At drurrstorcs.or write li.F. Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. extended visit to friondsin their native place. Martin Neary, formerly of this town bnt now of Wilkes-B.rre. spent tbe Sabbath with friends m town. The Delaware und Hudson depot was burglarized again on Friday night and a case of men's shoes atolen. Miss Annie Owens, of Honesdale, who has been on a visit to relatives here, returned home on Monday. A large delegation of our fire laddies attended the picnic at Tbroon, for the benefit of tbe firs company which bat been organized in that new and thriv ing borough. Reese M. Thomas.of Plymouth, spent the past few days as the guest ot his coubIu, Mrs. Isaac Davis, of Hallstead u venue. Mrs. Joseph Archer, of Scranton, called ou friends in town yesterday. Taylor. Miss Annie Biseicker loav-'s tomor row morning for Massachusetts to p r manently reside. At the meeting of the Christian Endeavor society of the Methodist Episcopal church on Sunday night resolutions were adopted wish ing her abundant success. The Ladies' Aid society of the Welsh Congregational church IsJ preparing to hold a fair at an early ditt;. Isaac Benjamin and Elias Evans, of Forest City, were iu town on Saturday night. Taylorville lodge, No. 403, Kaighta of Pythias, will picnic today at Web er's park. The Electrics, of Taylor, wfll play the Unions, of Hyde Park, on the grounds back of the gradid school house on Wednesday afternoon. It is hoped tbe homo team will put up the article of ball they are capable of do ing, and not play tbe listless game thev did last Frid iv. Edward D. Davis, of Middle street, was surprised on Friday Light, the oc casion being bis twenty-third birthday anniversary. Refreshment wore served at 11 o'clock, games were played, aud all parted for their homes ut an early hour hig'ily elated at the excellent time provided. Thomas Evans, a young man of this town, preached at the Calvary Baptist churoh on Sunday night. Ray Morgans entertained a number of her friends last night. Mrs. John A. Jones and daughter Ella are homo irom Ocenn Grove. The clerks of this borough weut to Jermvn lust Friday uud were left to the tune of 23 to 10 El MeLiugblin and Patrick Joyce will run a foot race this after noon ou the Scranton Drivim? nrk for $100 a side, distance 100 yards. Peekvillc. Mrs. Nora PieUering has retnrued from visiting friends at Susquehanna. Mr. and Mrs. Sinnh An Tfitnhlu nf Carboudale, spent Sunday with friends iu town. John Jlivne. Of Nantieolcp. anrl Mian the guests of Miss Lizzie and William owaies iasi isunuiiy. Mr. and Mrs. William Sykss. of Green Ridge, visited with the lattcr's iiunr, aire. r. snedicor, lust Sunday. Mrs. Edward Davis nml M nn Af ra A h. . T-v . , . uer uavi.s nere yesterday. Mrs. Primer and Mrs. Jeffers, of hcrauton. visited with Mr lTnrv Oborts last Sunday. Manager Swift, of the Scranton Base uau ciud, was a visitor iu town vaster day. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. T?i y 1 a tit nf XTi airura. and C. K. Riirlnw nf swuntnn spem oiinaay as tile guests ot Mr. and iurn. n. uarner, ot Main street, Mrs. Brown, of North atrunt: In dan. gerously ill with neuralgia of the ueari. Charles Oraiir and wiPi li ava nnm me Doe (I hnnHuL-pptiinfv ut Poll nl fl,-a In uimui vmiaui lien s nouses. Mrs. Russell and daughter Minnie, epein ouuiay at it. j. wrens, ou iNortu Juain street. Ml'S. John Stnvnim nml ili,nr-ht..v Clara, of North stroet, who have heen visiting the former's friends in Eng land aud Wales, arrived hnma l-i.t Saturday evening and report that it minou mosi 01 in lime they were tbere. They spent two months be tween the abovit nlarsa William O. Berts has had electric bells put in his bouse All That's Claimed " I had a poor appetite, that tired feeling ana was run down, but Hood's Sarsaparilla has done nie a great deal 0) good. I have a better appetlto and do not feel tired, I can rec ommend Hood's Sarsa parilla as an excellent spring or fall medicine to keep tho blood in order. Myself and three daughters have taken over six bottles, and It has done us nmeh good. Wo do not now have to call upon a doctor, as for ' nierly, In the spring time, and I can say that Hood's Sarsaparilla is all that is claimed for it I most heartily rec ommend it, and shall always keep It in my house.1' Aliikiit K inset, Auburn, 1'a. Hood's Sarsa parilla Be sure to get fclfeS HOOD'S Hood's Pilla are tmrelv ver'ct.nhln. .imi iln lot purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all druggists. DUPONT'S MIXING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at thn Wapwnllopen Mills, Lu serna county Pa., nndatWU niinutoii, Uduwvu. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for th Wyoming District, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa Third National Bank Buildlug. -AOBNOIM. TITOS. FORD. Pittston, Pa. iJ8rNJP,,PJ,JTH HON: Plymonth. Pa, K. W. MULLIGAN, Wilies-ftarra, Pa. Agents for the Kepnun Cliouiical Com-l-nny'B High Exi.loulvi MR. FRED WEICREL At his newly-renovated aud lirtnsed Hotel a t CLAKK'S HUMMIT, is now prepared to fur nish traveling men and soelal parties with tho LATEST, NEW-HTYLED K1GS, sintrio or double, to take them to I ake Winola, Grnvel Pond and all Biilmrban points and Summer resorts at reasonable prices. A larj e livery baru oouuoctod Willi notol for travel ing public Albert Killiacy Auburn, Pa. POWDER aiinKUHniiiaiia(i!ii:iii!i9iieieiiiitgHiiiiiiiiui9iiiiii!igguiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir n ! m GREAT andkerchief Purchase THE FAIR 400 and 402 Lackawanna Avenue. E have just at 50c. on the Ladies' Handkerchiefs, the entire stock of an importing house retir ing from business. Sale Commences Saturday, July 7 - 5c. Handerchiefs, sale at 10c. Handkerchiefs, sale at . 15c. Handkerchiefs, sab at . 25c. Handkerchiefs, sab at . 39c. Handkerchiefs, sab at . 50c. Handkerchiefs, sab at . T: asssJ s ; wg 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE. 9IClEll!;S!i!eS9:illIi!3!l!SllllUIll!llli:iCIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIII!IlIIIIiIDIllIlllh?. IF YOU ARE We can serve you well. All the desirable kinds are here and at right prices. Then we have other kinds of Linoleums, Mattings, Art Squares, Linen Crumb Cloths, k Byzantine, Smyrna and Orient Rugs all sizes, 1 . floor. 406 and 408 BRANCH STORE: Watt No tales or history goes with the goods we sell at our Odd and End SaSe You will find money by attending our Odd and End Sale It is cheap goodness not cheap cheap ness that distinguishes our Odd and End Sale Figures are eloquent when used to indi cate the value we are giving at our Odd and End Sale From a critical inspector you will turn an eager buyer at our Odd and End Sale Goods marked in plain, large, low figure3. at Odd and mmmsm -BY- purchased for cash dollar 32,220 doz. 5c. . 7c. . uy2c . 19c. 25c. THINKING OF from a single door i j. . Lacka. Avenue. Building, Carbondale. our End Sale