The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 24, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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Soma memorable Outside Incidents of the
National Campaign of 1883.
Captain Oelaney Relates Reminis
cences of Interest in Connection
with the Appointment of His Friend,
General Kerwin, as Police Commis
sioner Under Mayor Gilroy Secre
tary Windom's Lukewarmness Con
trasted with the Generosity of
Ex-Senator Piatt Other Remom
brances of a Notable Political Battle.
Siteciflto the Scranton Tribune.
Uaruisbuko, July 23
THE otfcer day it wss noted iu the
New York papers Hint Captain
John U D.-hiuoy. of this city,
formerly or Lucks wanna county,
hail written to Muyor Oilroy, of New
York city, a warm letter of Itulorss
msut beoauso of liis uppointuient of
General Kerwin to a police comuiis
Bionerahip. The esteem in which Gen
eral Kerwin is held by Pennsylvania
veterans, no less than bis deserveJ
eminoncs as a representative Irish-'
American, made this appointineut so
unco subject of (jeueral iutersst
that the captain was besought ut his
cosy subnrban boms in this slty to ex
plain its significance.
'Do I know General Miohsel Ker
wlot" repeated Cuptain Delaney. "Most
assuredly, dear boy, I know him inti
mately and regard htm as the best type
of what the worldregards as a real Irish
gentleman. My personal kuowledtft of
Gcntral Kerwin dstts back to the days
of Ball Rail, Antietsui, Frederisks
bnrc, Shiloh, Gettysburg, Vlcksburg
and Appomattox, and the friendship
which was begotten of tbose fields of
carnage bas never abated oue jot or
tittle iu all tbe twenty-nine years since.
General Eerwin commenced bi soldier
career as a lieaWoant, but by bis splen
did courage, coupled with a brilliant
intellect and an intense love of the
union cause be rose rapidly from grade
to grade until he became a brig tdier
Keueral. As to bis standing a a sol
dier and a gentlemen l know ot no bet
ter way to sum it up than to refer you
to the opinions of two of America's
greatest soldiers the renowned Sher
man, dead, and tbe peerless Gregg,
living. General Sherman said to me
tbe year before bis death that if the
war bad continued another year and
the brilliant young cavalry offic-r
(Krwin) had been spared, be would
have reached one of the highest racks
in tbe army. General Gregg, the
greatest of tbe living soldiers of the
war, can be seen almost any bonr of
tbe day at bis office and I am sure be
Will take great pleasure in telliug you
what he knows and feels of and
towards General Korwin.
"General Kerwin in civil life bas
been all that he was in tbe camp,on the
march and wlien lending his xallant
Thirteenth Pennsylvania cavalry in
battle; It must not be lost sight of that
Pennsylvania and particularly the an-
auuo uuuuuee ui uiu uuiteruv.
uaIuI olaitn nn fndial U . 1 1 . 1 1 , 11 a
f amn aa a anldier wm won aa enl-
airy, juauy ui uie naunm uiu regi-
r 1. 1 i i
ma ora vr iivinir inrnnnnnr tna
1 . , j.1 .1 .
dp with mm mnnh nlaaanra aa I tin At
i ..I Af i. r 1 TT : -
t . 1 . I - XT V I. I 1. 1 : !.
tier patriots of tbat struggle be soon
found himself heart and soul enlisted
in the cause of crushed and bleeding
Ireland; and into that cause be threw
all bis splendid energies. Bat like
others of us be soon learned tbat a
baudf ul of disarmed men could not cope
with oue of the most powerful gov
ernments in tbe world. The general
early engaged in the newspapsr busi
ness, and in due time became owner of
tbe New York Tablet, a weekly Catho
lic publication. Unfortunately for the
general, tbe Tablet was iu the last
stages ot consumption when he took
hojd of it, but he injected some pure
Republican blood into the veins ot the
moribund Democratic sheet and man
aged to keep it alive a sufficient num
ber of years to educate enough of his
people to form a splendid contingent of
tiie patriotio Republican army. For
fully fourteen years tbe Tablet in the
hands of Kerwin tne patriot dealt
Democracy tbe hardest blows it ever re
ceived, and it was to his unselfish de
votion to tbe Republican - party that
tbe great body of Irish-Americans who
deserted Democracy in 1381 remained
loyal to us in 1383, withoui which con
tingent Senator Quay could not have
won his fight. It was through Gen
eral Kerwiu's bold and manly actions in
pounding Democracy that men in our
party like Senators Quay and Piatt were
attiacted to bim, and today I know of
no man in our ranks to whom the two
greatest political chiefs ot our party
would sooner turn to for counsel and
advice tban to General Kerwin.
"As to the significance of his ap
pointment and its political importance
I, must divide tbat under two bead,
first, it signifies to me that Mayor Gil
roy, as the new bead of the Tammany
organization is a clesner and better
man tban bis immediate predecessors;
in a word, he acts and proves by this
appointment that he mentis to einuiate
the late honest John Kelley. As to
General Kerwln's appointment, mean
ing deal between Senator Piatt and
Tamutany, tbat is sheer nonsense, for
I tell you tbat man doesn't live who
can trade on General Kerwin's man
hood or unflinching loyalty to tbe prin
ciples of tbe Republican party, and in
tbe next place it is both cruel end
cowardly to charge Thomas C. Piatt
with compromising with bis political
foes, particularly when be holds the
cold end of tbe poker, and no man will
charge Senator Piatt with any sncb
nonsense except a Mugwump who
don't know bim. To me it is obnoxions
In the extreme to read In Republican
papers the sneers and insinuations that
are frequently burled at such men as
Senators .Qiay and Piatt, and when
ever I see such I cannot help recall a
memorable and instructive period in
tbe campaign of 1888.
"Our treasury was empty and the
great heart of Quay was sick at thought
of tbe daily accruing obligations which
could not be met In the midst of his
despondency Senator Piatt called' to
see him, and tn less tban five minutes
thereafter I was summoned to tbe pres
ence of the two great chiefs, and Sena
tor Quay banded me bis Garfield bank
deposit book, containing an insignifi
cant looking little piece of paper, and
as the great leader banded me tbe book
he said:
" 'Captain, get in tbe coupe, drive to
the Gartidld National bank as quickly
as possiblo and deposit the note en
closed and come back us qnicltly as you
can.' ' That innocent piece of ppr was
a joint not by those pntriotic Kepub
Uoacs for the sum ot $100,000. I hand
ed my book and paper to un official of
tbe bunk, who witbout a moment's
hesitancy gave Senator Qiay orsdit for
(100.000. and when I handed the little
credit book to tbe senator bo quietly
remarked that 'I guess that will help
us out,'
''It may toeu out of place at this late
day to comm.'Ut on tbat splendid action
of these two men, who within one year
after were Ignored by the man iu whnie
interest tbat deposit was made. Yut
it is a fact that when tbe question of
choosing tbe cibiuet arose and the
choice fell between T. C. Piatt, who
first made General Harrison's nomina
tion possible, and who bad jjlntly with
Senator Q lay advanced the necessary
money to carry on the campaign for
tour or more weeks; and a man who did
not have even a voice iu his nomination,
and who when asked to deliver a speech
for General Harrison, told the commit
tee who waited upon bim that he was
out ot politics and was about to suil
for Europe to be absent during the
caiupuigu, the selection of Usneral
Harrison devolved upon the latter.
This sumo individual, by the
way, returned from Europe a
week or teu days bsfore tho eituipaijju
ended, and again the national commit
tee was urged by General Harrison to
secure bis services for at least one
speech ou the fiu4uci.1l issue, and agaiu
a committee with General (Jlurkson at
its bead, waited npon him witli tbe in
vitation. This time the committee was
more successful. It got the gentleman
to cousout to deliver one spjecb, con
ditioned, that he was to have a special
car to take him to and from his desti
nation, aud $300 in cash for his speech,
and yet this man was preferred to T.
U. P latt and given a seat in the cabinet
of tbe late president, I refer to this
incident simply to show tbe absurdity
of the idea that iieuator Piatt would
compromise bis great interest in
our party and his love of its
principles for a $5,000 position for
a friend. Tbe great trouble in Sinator
Piatt's case is that he is not and never
will be appreciate by oui party, for
certain it is that if ouo inuu ever had
good and sufficient cause to resiut and
repudiate a candidate, ex-Senator Piatt
had, when General Harrison was re
nominated; but instead of reveuting
the ungrateful treatment be had re
ceived, he turned iu and did every
thing he could, spending both his
mouoy aud bis time to help elect him.
"As to the political significance of
this appointment of General Kerwin,
in tbat is the cream of tbe wuole case,
as its political importance from a
Republican standpoint is of huge pro
portions. In New York tbe board of
police commissioners consists of three
members. One of their special duties
is to supervise tbe work done on elec
tion day, and with a board (Composed
of three men wholly in tbe service and
interest of Tammany, how easy it is to
manipulate the returns to suit them
selves? But with a brave, fearless and
sagacious politician like General Ker
win ou the board, our party is surd of
at least fair plav. There is not iu the
ranks of tho Republican party a lu iu
better acquainted with New York poli
tics than (iotierul Kerwin, He know
New York and Brooklyn as well as I
know Dim more. He is the best organ
izer in our rank in the great city. He
loves the Republican pmy because its
principles are right aud, being the very
essence of honor and integrity in all
things, be can never be anytbiug but
loyal, and it is because of Senator
Piatt's knowledge of and great confi
dence in tbe gallant Irian-American
patriot tbat he lent whatever aid
he could to have him placed where our
party's Interests needed just such a
man. Personally I am delighted over
the general's appointment, as it con
fers a well dessrred honor on a superb
man, but line all republicans who
have our party's interest ' at heart, 1
am delighted beyond uny expression of
mlue thut when our next national con
test comes urouud our leaders will
know in advance that tbe great city of
New York will buvo a man on guard
who will stse to it that we get what be
longs to us. Such is the political sig
nificance of General Kerwin's appoint
ment, and through it every man who
values fair play nnd an honest count
of ballots cast should rejoice with me
and join in sincere thanks to Mayor
Gilroy, for by his act be has honored
himself and bis great city far more
than be bas honored Gsneral Kerwin."
goranton Wholesale Market
Soranton, July 23. Fncrr and Pro
duck Dried apples per pound, (1 lie. : evap
orated apples, llaUc. per pound; Turkiih
prunes, 5a5c; English currants Satire;
layer raisins. fl.75al.KU; muscatels, ti.ooa
1.40 per box; new Valencies, 7a7Xc. per
Beans Marrow-fats. $2.95a3.00 per
bushel; mediums, fl.7oal.90.
i'SAS ureen, 11.1 Sal. liO per bushel tspUt,
I2.50a2.fi0; leutels, & to i0. per pound.
Potatokb New, per barrel, i2.4UaA50,
Onions Ilushel, ii'ic.
Butter Hi:, to I8c. per lb.
Cbkksb Kjji'a'.to. per lb.
Eooa fresh. Halite.
ilitATS-Haiiis, l.l'c; small hntus, 14c;
skinned hams, 14c; California hams.
u4C.: suouiuers, c; bolllea, iuc; aiuiAuu
breakfast bacou, lc.
Miokui) bEHV-Outsidea, 18,o.; sets,
15c; iusides nnd kuuckles, 10)10. Annw
sliced smoked beef, 1 pound cans, ll.'ii
1'okk Mess ixt $15; abort cut, $1(1.
Lard Leaf In tlerexe at Uc.j in tubt.
Oc.i in 10-pouud pails, UJfc: inS-pound
pails, 9"'C.( K-pounU pails. 10(. per
nnnnd! cnmnnnntl luril tir-,ij 7., . inh.
f Jefc. ; 10-pound paila, Tc. per pound';
o-pouiiu jiiii r, y:tc. per pouuu; il-pound
pails, 8c. per pouul.
Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel
$4.1)Ja4.30; Ohio and Indiana' amber, at
(3.60; Graham at 13.50; rye hour, al
1' iED Mixed, per cwt., at 1.00.
GnAitt Rvb. U&f.t corn. 52 tn .'i.'iti omit.
55 to t!0c. per bushel.
Ryk Straw I'er ton, f KialO,
Hay 14.00aiu.
A Quarter Century Test
For a quartor of a century Dr. King's
Ne.w Discovery lias been tested, and the
millions who have received benefit from
its use testify to its wonderful curative
powers iu all dixomes of Thront.Chest and
Lungs. A remedy that has stood tun test
so long aud that has given so universal
satisfaction is no experiment. Each bottle
Is positively guaranteed to give relief, or
tho money Rill be refunded. It is admitted
to be the most reliable for Coughs and
Colds. Trial bottles Free at Matthew Bro's.
Drug Store. Largo size 50c, and 11,00.
For coi.ds, croub, asthma, bronchitis
and sore throat use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil, aud got tbe genuine.
When Baby iras sick, we gate her Cartorla.
When she was a Child, the cried for Costorla.
When she bocame Mlas, she clung to Costorla.
Whan she had Children, (he gave them Csstorhv
Coal men in Philadelphia, as we
lenrn from the Record, are greatly In
terested in an experiment which the
Lehigh Valley Transportation com
pany, a corporation subsidiary to the
Lebigh Valley railroad, is now making.
This is nothing less than the storage
of coal on much tbe same principle as
the atorage of grain, under cover and
with facilities for handling it quickly
and cheaply. The experiment, which,
if successful, is likely to revolutionize
the present methods of coal storage is
being tried in West Superior, Wis.,
where the Dodge Cold Storage com
pany has taken the contract for the
erection of the plant, which is disigned
to store upwards of 100,000 tons of an
thracite coal und a like amount of bitu
minous The buildings, two in num
ber, will be circular, having a diame
ter of 2.10 feet nnd a height of 100 feet,
and will be the largest ot their kind
ever erected. The material used In
their construction will bo iron and
steel. The coal will be reaoived by ves
sel from Buffalo, N. Y., or other east
ern lake porta, und then bo delivered
by means of automatic buckets having
a capacity of about lwo tons at each
lift to the mitcltitury., It U then con
veyed by the trimming, or storing,
machines, set at an inclination ofabou;
the angle of repoio of the coal, and
formed into conic. il piles in the largo
buildings, the mechanism bolug so ar
ranged mat at no time dues the coul fall
so as to cause breakage.
In order to reload the coal a tnnuel
is located under each of tho larifa stor
age structures, into which the coal
will fliw, being convoyed through the
tunnel and up a suitable incline by
conveyors At the delivery point of
tbtao conveyors the coal passes
through rotary screens and theuce to
cars for shipment. This insures the
coal being delivered into the cars in n
very clean cotldtti n. T;ie screenings
are elevated und convevol to storage
buildings especially designed for their
reception. The handling capacity of
tho plaut Is limitul only by the celer
ity with which cars can be loaded und
switched. Tin gsneral shup) f the
roofs of the large storage buildings is
parabolic, and they will present u very
imposing appearance Tu bituminous
coal will be stored on the property ud
joining the anthracite buil .ling's, and
its distribution upon the storuifo area
will be acooiuplishe 1 by a movable
bridge, 250 long, traversing tlw prop
erty at au elevation ot about thirty feut
from the dock. This truss will b sup
plied with what is known us a doublo
strand, drop-flight "litiu bell" c ui
veyor, whicii will have sufil.iieut ca
pacity to convey and distribute the
coal received from four reloading tow
ers each operating a two-ton autotuatio
Tbe reloading and shipping of the
bituminous coal und of the larger
sizes of the anthracite will be accom
plished by two reloading buckets, otu
of which will be suspended from either
side of tbe overbeai truss, nod so ar
ranged as to elevate the coal under the
trnas, delivering it to tho convey. 'r,
which is now ruuning in tho direction
opposite that in which it run while
stocking out the coal. The io:l is con
veyed to the front of the dock iuto
large pockets, from which it is fed to
cars, iu a manner similnr in a general
way to that of the reloading portion of
tbe anthracite plant. A most complete
arrangement of tracks, scales und
buildings will be provided, aud a quite
extensive retail pocket will be erected
for local trade.
It is reported tbat active work in
buildiug the Baltimore Northern rail
road will be commenced during the
summer. Surveys have been inndo
from Baltimore to Delta, where tho
road will connect with the proposed
York and Schuylkill, the Pennsylvania
division of the project. Tbe distauca
by the new line between Baltimore and
York, the terminus, of the York ond
Schuylkill, will be about fifty miles.
The road is projected by John Henry
Miller, Willi'uu Gilmor and II. H.
Houseman, of Baltimore. Their aim
Is to get a direct road from York to a
Iioint near Mount Carmel, whore the
mines of the IVnti Anthracite company,
in which Mr. Miller is interested, are
situated. Tho road was incorporated
about six months ago.
Minor Industrial Notes:
The east and west coal roads are doing
au immense volume of traffic.
The striking Wabash engineers have all
been supplemented by men from tho Pan
hiu, die uud Ksaili ig.
Uross earniugs of sixty-seven roads for
the firt week nf July sl.ow u net decruise
of Jl,Co4,2A or 3j.31) per cent.
Gross earnings of thlrty-nlno roads for
the second we. k of July hIiow a net de
crease of i7JS,l).W, or 18 0.) per cent.
After long idleness for luck of soft coal
the Reading (I'a.) Iron company's pipe
mil! will soou resume full-bauded.
The rrimroso viin, working but a week
in No. 'J slope, Colt-mine, is developing in
prosperity, the coul now being over seveu
feet thick.
The Seyfert Rolling mill, at Gibraltar,
Burks county, l iu, will resume operations
tn id week, alter a suspensiuu ot two
months' duration.
S. M. Prevost, general mnnnger of the
Pemsylvauiu railroad sysium east of
Pituburg, l as just completed un inspec
tion ot tho Wilkes-Bano division.
Jacob Metz has re-lgued his position as
mii'ler mechanic at V.n M'kkle's cUlicry,
Coleraine, and returned to his Imme iu
lilnckwood. It is likely that W. J, Thomas
will succeed him.
bhipmutita of Lykona Valley cal over
the Summit Hianch railroml for the week
eudert July 14 iucrea-ed IWT tons as com
pared with the Baino wook last year. Fur
the year to ditto shipments docroated 42-3-10
Freight traffic ou all rends is rapidly as
suming normal conditions und nrurmr-
tions, uud there is nothing to prevent it
reguiuing tho volume of t wo years ago save
the general depression iu trade and manu
facturing, George ThompjoD, who receutly becamx
ns-iistuut superintendent tor I he Lehigh
Traction cumpauy has been promoted to
generul superiuteuduut. Frank .VcNelis,
oue of tbe conductors, bus boeu promoted
to assistant superintendent.
An official of thn Vnmierbilt lines says
tho report that the Vanderbilts nro to
build a line from the terminus of the;r
Heecb Creek line at Mnhaffey to Pittsburg,
in order to gain entrance to that city as a
rival of the Pennsylvania Hues, is not cor
rect, so far ns the Vanderbilts are con
cerned. The coal tonnage of tho Reading railroad
for tbe week ended July 14 aggregated
231,973 tons, un increase as compa.ed with
the same week last year, of 23,5os tons
For the year to that date the shipments
amounted to 7,036,500 tons, against 8,0ill,
456 tons for th same period iu lb)i, a de
crease of 874 051).
Following previous ) all way strikes
there has been complaint that meu who
came forward to the assistance ot the
companies in their difficulties nod en
countered not only much opprobrium but
great risk of personal injury, were, soon
after matters quieted dowu, discharged to
give place to tbe strikers, many of whom
had forfeited ull claim to considoralioj bv
nets of violence. There st-ims to te a dif
ferent tceliug amoug ruilwuy managers
now, nnd it ussuianres made by them are
to bn reliod upon those who stood bythe
roads,, as well a all competent men who
took the places of strikers, nie assured of
lite position.
Paper telegraph poles are the latest de
velopment of tbe art of making paper use
ful. These poles ure made ut paper pulp,
iu which borux, tallow, etc., are mixed in
small qmintities. The pulp is cant in a
mold, with a core in the center, forming a
hollow rod of the de-irrd length, the crosi
plectis being held br key-shapod woodfti
pieces driven in ou either side of the poll.
Tho paper polls are said to be lighter and
sirouger than thus of wood aud to be un
affected by sun, rain, dampness, or any of
the other causes which shorten tho life ( f
U wouden pole.
Etocki and Bonds. I
New Yohk. July 23. American Sugar
Refilling was again the oversbadowlnc
feature of ) eculntion at the Stock ex
change Over 11,000 shareB changed hnucb.
and the price, after breaking frequently
within a range if a couplo of points, flnal
Iv hounded up to 101 to K'5, closing ut ;
1W4".i- 'ike Healings wero attended witli !
considerable iiiiimution, some round
amounts cLangii g lumds ut intervals. '
'1 ho stock received in-ide support nil i
day, nn 1 1 tl o buying wns based .
ou dispatches from Washinuron that
the lute of the tar. ft bill
wus in doubt on account of tho dissension 1
beiweeu tho freuate nnd honsoon the sugar :
duties. Thvkhaip jump i'i Sugar led to n
rally in the general list, which belore had
shown a declu. tug tendency tn consequence '.
of the utifavoiuble character of the St. ;
Paul statement for tbe Urst two. weeks ui
July at well as on account of the lower:
quotations from Loudon, the amines on
sterling exchange and the engagement of ,
half a million dodain of gold by the teum-
hip Havel tomorrow. The totel sale
wero 810, Kit) shares, rpcculatiou left oil
steady in tone.
I'ne ton iwiuk complete tame uonriux tue
day'u ttuetuatious In active stocks is supplied
and revised daily by Lallir St fuller, stnelc
brokors, 121 Wyoming aveuue:
Open- Hi.-h- Low CM
in.', est. oat. in.
Am. Cot. Oil
Am Sm:sr. llU's Kk")t KMW 10-ISii
A. T. iV S. F 8.i W 3 Wj
din. So. ,
On. N. J
Chin A N. W llli$ llim 10 M:j
U, B. A Q 75 Vi 54t 74'
Chic. Was 7 eiH 74 74ii
('., C. C. Ht. ,.... ii H i-M l'li
Col.. Hock.Val. AT. 17'i 17'i 17!-i 17M
1). s H 1H 13ii l:J
I)., L. w iiet'ii li lists wi
n. & c. f ix'm i! i;ii
Krie V.V-i ItUl 1-lt 1S
(i. E. Co lUrki ! '" iW
Lake Shore VWi l:!l' lait V&
I,, te M iVu 1'iJh 44'lj l-i
Manhattan llM? 11. 115 115
Mis. l'ae i',; al :i
Nat. L-ad lis HJjJ
N. y. N. K H'4 H!-4 14 liM
N. Y. Centrul t'8 I'S to 118
N". Y., (. W
N. Y ., S, & V
l 8. C. Co i 21W Xi S
North 1'ac
North V-H ntf, l'J4 V
Omaha IIVhj 85, o-'j UHi
i ue. iuill
Hi-adiiii: 17 17 1IJ lllSj
Hoek Island HH tiTki ' tBj
It. 'f Wu ii'u 14-it. Mi
Ut. Paul fists' tsr 57?S .W4
T C. I ls4 1KU 1ft 1st
Texas Pne S SVli h
I'nion 1'aeir.c...
Walmsh p l'i'i
Western l iiion Mj.4
W.& L.V. 10,4
W. (!t L. E. pfd ...
1:4 l:Hi 13!t
f.'.M w,u
mi iuh n
ChitAo Grill 1 a.iiI ProTtilnn.
ScnANTow, July S3. The following quota
tions ar sapplio'l aa 1 corre.ited daily by La
HarOc Fuller, stock orokors,Ul .Vyoiuiui ava-
li IK
OA! S.
,1n'v. Rent
fiii.ti ,w
5I-1., wr, rmv
.'H'4 ai8 61
Wi 42 ....
44 lll-ft ....
4:l3B Mi ....
u 4;4 ....
as !7
't 284 ....
;i-'-H ....
liMI li'SJ
1W7 VH1 ,.
l-)7 mi ....
(Hi m ....
IS.') ....
(ISO llrO
tl Ib'i
100 1 52
it") (i-a
m e.")0
Open ng,..
HiKhont .,,
Closing ....
Lowest ,
. losing
New York 1'rcducs Market,
New York, July 23. Flour Dull,
weak, frealv otfered.
Wixtkb Wheat Low crade, tl.S5aS.50;
do. fair to fancy, ii .4di2 DJ; do. patents,
fi 751:1.20; Minnesota clear, ia.v5ia.0j; do.
str:iights, i'.h'.i 50: do. pateut, j;j.4lM4; low
citrus, Sl.Sua'J.fiO; city mills, J3.55.i3.03;
do. imtrutis $4.25.i4:f5: rve mixtures,
2'J5i'J 5'J:su peril ue, J1.0UA2.10; flue, $1.55a
Wheat Q iiet, 13nlc. lower: ilofed
steady; No, 2 red Btore uud elevator, 5I!a
64i,4'c; alloat, 55o.; r. 0. b., 5'iJ'ii5iJ:.j uu
giaded red, 50 .55c.; options were active,
excited aud lower, und closing weak at
Ij's'il'e. uuder Saturday; Dvceinber and
fei'pteniber most active; July, 54''c.; Aug
ust, ClJi'c; September, SOc.j bucumber.
corn Dull, sct.rce stronger; No. 2, 4754a
4S'c; elevator; 4S;i4'JJiC nlloat; op
lions were quiet a ;a strong at l 'alc.
ai'.Viince; September most active; July
clo-iug 4S'''.; A'.i.'ttst, 48ie.: boptember,
4SVjc; Oeudier. 4SKc
Uats Lull, steady, opth n , Briner,qniot;
July, H'Jc; August, 8. c; StHHinbei,32!c;
Oetobor, Siiie.; spot prices, Xo. 2. 41','c;
No. 2 whit", 42c.; No. 2 Chiengo, 42Vc:
No. 3 i'.)tc : No. A white, 4Dr.: mixed
western. 41:i4oi!.; white do., 41a43c.; white
state. 4 1 .Vic.
l EKK-y ih't, steady; family I; ox.
tra nie-H, m ,8 fin.
l.KiF Hams Dull: $21.
TiKiicKii liEtr l inciive, steady; city
extra India iii'-ss, fi7,iis
Cut JIkats-(Juiet, steady; pickled bel
li", 12 pounds at, 7(i4-. piciilud shoulders,
0,ri: piekh'!'. liaii.B, IWullJJiY.
iMliiDl.icH Noiiiinnl.
Laud yuiot. Ktendv; vestorn stenni,
f7.2J; oily, l,c; July, t7.'.U: 8ptm
ler, tT.'Jl); rolii.ed, quiet; co'itinent, tIM,
Hoiitli AinerU'ii, t7.t5; compouiiil. IVidc.
P011K (Julet, sti adyjtness 14al4 '.5, ex
tra pr ine iV.t ii:t 50.
HuTTKit Fair demanuVancc flrmer;tnte
dairy, I4ilc: do ermin-rv, l.Ml8'e. ;
I'eniiHvl van in, do ,15 ilS'fc'e.; western dnirv,
10i 14 '.: do. creamery, WalSsic. j do. fsc
tory, lii'iiHc. : elgias, liXc. ; imitation
crenm-ry, l alfc.
Ciikkhe Qaiitt, steady; s'nte 'nrgc, 7.:1
i)c. ; (io. tiiney, I).'.; do. siniill, TtifiiD'e. ;
pari skims, 2HJm5)c.; full skim, lVii2o.
F.tius Fair dmuiaud, choieo tlrui": state
nnd Feiirisylviiiiiii, 14.l4e.j western
fresh, ViMaWyii do. pr case, tli.3.
Philadelphia Tallow Marknt.
rnti.AnKLi'niA. .July 23 Tallow wns
dull nnd unchanged, i'rioes were: Prime
rily in hngslit-u(b.,4Ka4r,: primp country,
in barrels, ifir. do. dark lu barrels, Da
4c ; cukes, -tto. ; grease, H)c,
j3ad Blood.
Bad Blood.
Bad Blood.
1 have bien suffering ten
years with Erysipelas. Have
taken doctors medicines and
patent medicines of most all
kinds, but none seemed to dc
me any good. I finally road
up my mind to try Burdock
Blood BlttniB. Have used four
bottles of B. B. B., and thiol
myself entirely cured.
Mas. N. J. MoCATLt,
Service, Beavw Co., et,
D. fiTTrof
-t A ( Xy i VJT 1 t? VVtl
Tho Philadelphia Rpcelal'ist, anfl his atsoelated
ntnfT nt Fmrllul. n -I i.i
aro now permanently located at
The doetor Is a graduntn of tho University of
Pennsylvania.formerly ilemonstrator of phvsi
cloey and surirery at thn lledieo Clilruri!ieal
Colles-a of Philadelphia. A speeinlty of
Chronic. Nervous, Bkin, Heart, Womb and
15.000. aisoasos.
The symptoms of which are dlzzinoss, laek of
confldoiieo, sexual weakness in men and wo
man, ball rising in the throat, spo's do iting
before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to eon
centrato tho mind 011 ouo sulijout, ensilv
startled when suddenly spoken to, nud dull,
distressed mind, which unfits them tor per
forming theaetual duties of lif.i, making hap
piness iinpisihlo; distressing tho aetmn of
the heart, ciiusmg Hush of heat, depression of
spirits, evil fori-hodiiigs, eowanlieo, fear,
dreams, melancholy, tiro easy of i-ompany,
feeling as t ired in tho inorniug as when retir
ing, lurk of energy, nervousness, tremlliii,
confusion of thought, depression, eoiistlp.'ition,
Weakness of the l.uilis, ete. Thoso so 11 fleeted
should consult us Immediately and be restor
ed to perlect health.
Weakness of Young Men Cured.
If you have been given up by your physician
call upon the doctor and be examined, lie
cures 1 he worst eases of Nervous Uolnlity, Scro
fula, Old S- res.l atarrhl'ilcs.l'Vmulo Woakuoss,
Afl'ectioJis ot tho Kyo, fcar, Nose and Throat.
Asthma, Deafness, Tumors. Cancers und Crip
ples of every description.
Consultations free and strietly sarred and
contldeiitinl. Ofllco hours daily from Da. m.
toll p. m. Sunday 0 to 2.
H P.R !
sra nmm
Eank of Scranton.
CAPITAL, $200,
SURPLUS, $250,
This bantk offers to depositors every
facility warrant, d by tlielr bulances, bul
ne anil responsibility.
hpeclal attention u'ven to buslnpsi ao
counts. Interest i.aiil ou time aepoalta.
W1L7.TAM rONNPT.T, Trenldent.
i.tO. H, ATL1N, Vii-e-l'reHldent.
W I LI I t 31 li. 1LIK, Cuahieti
William Connell, (ieori- II. Catlln,
Alfred Hand. Jiiines Arehbnld, I'enry
littlin, jr., tVilll.iui T. k'oitli Lutlior
.. ii-,.
HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co.
U. E. CROFL'T Proprietor.
fl'lflS HOFSE is strictly temperaneo, is new
I aid well funiish;l ami Dl'KN' 11) T
located midway between alontro-. an I Seran
ton, on MontrosJ and LacKawaiiin Kailroad,
t-ix miles from U., L, & W. It It. nt Alford
Btation, and Uvo mildi from Mmtnu.; eit
paeity, eiiihtv-flvo; three lniimtes' walk t rom
K. It- station.
FltKK TO Ut 10SIS.
Altitudo about 2,i"H) loot, eiptalling in this
respect tho Adirondack aid Citilull Moun
tains. line grovos. plonty of shalo and beautiful
scenery, makiiii; a Siimmur liesort unex
celled in bea ity and cl.eipiiess.
Daneing pavilion, swiiu-s, era U t gr onnds
&c Cold Suing Wat.-r an I plenty of Ml.k
ItHten, l7 to SIO pel- ueeli. 11.50 per
Kxenrsion tickets sold at all st.itio ns on D.
L. & W. lines.
Port r meets all trains.
DKSTKB SHOK CO., Inc'p. ( ayltal, $1,1)00,000.
lil-JST hliOI-: IN 'i'Hli H'tlKI.Ui
"J doltar saved is a dollar earned." ..
Thl. I.aillcs' Sol lil I reneb ItongoluKldnut
tou lloot delivered freo anvwhero In the U.S.,oa
receipt of Cash, Money Order,
or I'o.tal N'o'.n for it. VI.
lCnu.-il. every way the boots
-1 in a'l retull .lores for
$i.ii0. )Vo n.ako this boot
oni'rfclvrs, tlicrefero wo guar
ante Lho til. n!jli attd trear.
and If any ono la net eaimied
wo Mill reiimu tno nieni-y
or seiiuanoi hit pair, tineva
i ue or 1 onu.-ion t?en-,
widths C, ,1V U, & KH,
I v-, y: r. P Kniea i io a ami
3!-J! f.-Wlr' h'--ii.VI.-.cs. Send i, mrize.;
Ij.Vll will HI yon.
T"i Cata.
ill I 'I'll "'I i'-Kll..
fVs'of the best qnallty fjr dom.stln use,and
rf nil dies, delivered iu any part of tae cits
at lowest price.
Orders loft at my ofuco,
Rear room, first floor, Thirl National Bank,
or sent by mail or telephone to the mine, will
receive prompt attention. contracts will b made tor the aalt
and delivery ot liuckwucat Coal.
nnd vipor qutrMf
ntr.mliv fi Binnlv .xn-.i.l l.v I K Lk iVii ih,. .m. t
ilinduu KctliL-dr. With wrhlcnifiitirftoinvlociir, auld b'
BA,","Avi9 hu0 ftCFIKT'S PROFITS.
-V. YVV'"'yoirl ulnid J. Ihcvele.Riilt
li if I ' l-ibi lor tilair fx, aiaileu lst mi-
jf V ,trrlul, airoita.sutiitamlul. af(urnllv
fiiijit'U and lully wnrraiiii l. W rite tu-duy for out
liirrtiuitMi:titalwiw oI'Mrrclfs, piutH. n-i'tUra, etc.,
03S ArVaOuaU Aveauo, - CHICAuO, ILL.
dy, nnflnrotrtBty, bwkta dj ..uu,uiUca m.
fotitiM prooli ud ltX)-ijr bxk. ill'JitrttMl (ran
llt.huu.l.MMaf.ukiinall Vk.. fl. I
uv ivui fwwn vv vy " uni uve apt iiib
ns M.roirjfMl, Our Mnlo Remedy wilil
nmlUralr nr.. COOS KUkiiuY CO. CklMm, III.
y , '..-
IU 1 1- Vir' b'-.
I II lSIl 1A.M... M, IKi.ON-i.
1)B. G. fcDUAK VEAS has removed toUld
bprucu htruct, bcrunion, la. CJuat oy
posito coui i-houso Qmr)
! A. J. .1N NELL, Oflii o Uul WuslunKton
r-J avenue, cortter Kpruee street, uvuf
ram-ku h drug etura. hesidonce, Ta Vine at.
Olhco hours: to 12 a. m. and to aud
. toi.;l p. m, Buuduy, i to 3 p. id.
' W. K AI.LKN. uttlco cor! EUcki
- wnuDa nnd Wiigliinirtou iivei. ; over Leon
ard shuu more; ollico hours, IU to 13 a. m. aud
U 4 p. in. ; ovcuiuus at luslduuee, bli 11.
j WanhiiiKtog Nve,
'lUt-CL. l'ltiiY, Tructleu limited to Uls.
J caww of tho liye, Ear, Nnso und Throat;
tUlco, LSJ Wyumiiia uvo. Uenidonee, uM Vine
OATES. Ilia VVashliiiiton Aveuu
. ' O'beo hours, to U a.m., l.uuto 3 aud t
ji.m. KoHuonco ilos Mndison av Qua
voi.N U WK.VfZ, il. I)., OlUees ti uud ;l
lorauionwealtli building: residence 711
oladiHonavo: otUee hours. 10 to 12, S to 4. f to
0, Buudiiya 2.JU to 4. eveviuKB at residnnce. A
ipeelalty made of ili-eaai-s of the eye, ear, nose
and throat and nynoooloify,
i.a vvi;ks.
,t Jt. C. HANCK-ii and Collection of.
House. Bcranton. f a.: viAU-rtu ilia A ?,,. tll it
throughout I'eniiKylvuuiu; reliable correspond.
vi. tn 111 trvtiry L'OUIIiy.
I Lhnui-A As il A.iu, Attorneys and Counsel
ti lore nt Law, Coiuinouweailh liulldiuj,
, Waehinkton av w. II. Jbssrp,
1 IIorack E Hand.
Yd1' Jrasup Jii-
WlLl.AKD, WAKKKK & K.N'Al'P, Attor
1105 8 ,u"1 ' "unelors at Law, Kepubllcan
liUlldiUL'. Vi 'asliliigton ave., .Sernnton. I'a.
! l)A'l i & "w'lLcTrCXuornoys aiel
i C'otinsellora at Uaw; otticos 0 aud S Library
; buudig, bcruutun, I'a.
Wll.MAsi A. Wll.cox.
A LI- ItKU II AND, WlLldAil.1. HAND. At-
i torilevs add Coun-.ollnrq- Cnnonotiur,.nlfh
: r.
, IJIl lilllie;
Hooins 19, 20 and 21,
1 W '-Uj'VLE, Attorney at and
I ! IMturrbiilhiing, Washington avenue-
l'.NK Jl. SKKLY Law otlleua In l'rice
building, 12(1 Washington avenue.
KANK T. OKi.LL, Attorney at Law. Itooia
' anife. nrranton, i'a.
JUL'iU.M W. LOW it V, " Att y:
C. 11. VtiN STUHCM, (tonai
227 Washing.
(J. II. sipiate
(A.MilS W, OAKI'mtU Attor
rooms ll, M ami s, (.,immonv
uev at Law.
onwealth bT'tf.
VJA.MUEL W. KU.iAH. Attorney
iJ Cilllee, ;in Snrueest.. Meranton. 1
A. WATUKS, Attorney at Law, 421
J Lackawanna nue.. Henmton. Pa.
) P. hillTil. (onn.-eiior at Law. Ollice,
. rooms 54. M, fill Commonwealth builiiin
It. i iiClirJi;, Attorney at Law, Com
ninnwea til beilninif. Scrantou, i'a.
C. co.MK(4 VS. :i'l Soi ueu -t.
DU. lti-.i Lui.iLK, Attornev-Loans new
tlated on reajfHt;ite security. 4(ih Spruca.
j) P. K1LLAM, Aliornev at LawTTWr
i-'t cunnKaveiiun. S rant ui.
M CO I.'
lCllOol. or' THE LACKAWANNA. Scran
O Ion, Ph., pn-pares boys aud itiris lorcollei;)
or business: tliorouu'lily trams vuuuk childroa
Catalogue at request.
Rev, TnoMAsM. Cans,
Waltkii H. Hi-ei i,.
and School, 412 Adains aveiiu". PupiU
receive! nt ull tllnci Isext term will open
Sejite nbor .
III . i il -.
"lrM. A. TAFT. D.D.S .', im".orth WarfT-
ineton Ave. r-pecial'v in Porcelain
Restorations. Crown and Lridgn Work.
fi - LA UHACH, burgeon Dentist, No, 115
. WyomniL' av.
l: M.
rpUK liKPCB .iC Uaviiisw and Loan Asso
X elation will lo in ou in ney on easier terms
and pay you better on Investment than any
other association. Call on S. N. CA ,L N
DKH. D me II 1 ni ,i -
( li. CLARK & CO., K-e-lsMion. Floristi
VT and Nurseryr.ien; store H Washingtoa
avenue; grren house, IUjJ Korth 11am uveuuo;
plur,' lelonhoni. ".'
UK AND IN Ton 'I LA :i.. .lonesTtros.
TOS. Kl'KTTEL, 5i" Lackawanna avennj,
Scranton, Pa . innent'r of W're ereens
'1UIE W ESTHLWrBK, 2IT 21.I Wyorainij
1 avo. Hooiim heated with steam: ail mod
rrnmprovenients. C. llLTlilAS,. Prop.
rpilE ELK CAFE. 12j and 127 Franklin avo-i-
nue. Itates reasonable.
P. y,ii:oi,rn, Proprietor.
iT' kb'i Jii.sarai llUl'KL.
' W. U. KCHKJfCK, Manager.
B.steenth streot, one block east of 1. roadway,
at L'nion Square, Now York.
American plan, iilouper liny and upward.
C'UVNU llUUbi.. buropoaii plan; good
' rooms, iipen day aud Lithe Bur sui
plied with the best
P. IT. roYXK. rmnrlotor.
CCRANTON HOCSK, near D.. L. A- W. pas
O aeiiger depot. Conducted on the European
plan. VicTnli Korii. Prouietor.
i HANI) CENTUAU" Hie laruest nud luiT
VI eqmppol hotel m AUuntuwa, Pa. ; ratoi
2 aud S2.oti per day.
V li "run r. P.Aitvrn. Proprietor.
Al l JilTCt is.
'l AV1S A- 1KH PI', Architect" KoTnns iU
I ' LJa and "it i 'i 'iniiioti vi"i ' t h ti'ld'ir. Scranton.
1 il. A Li LliT Ar. h.t.-ct. Library Tui
I J iiiL'. Wv"inin:r nvi-miv Sci-inton.
L. L1HIWN. Arch B. Architect. Price
i . liniidin?.l2tM-eshinctOTi Ave.,S(-raiit iii.
v;.( M! I A I ()( s
li bails, picnics, pantos, receptions, wed
dines and concevt work furnished. For termi
ndilress li. .). Bauer, lauiductor, IIT Wyoming
live . over Un bert's music store.
liiinbcr, Trice Luildin.-, Scranton, Pa.
l I I C.AKliiii: IlLoTilERS. PLINTIdiS'
tr.pilles, i-nvelopes. iapor bags, twmm
Vi ai-choiiao. liiO aslii:n;tou ave., ijcranton.
Hul.8.-.!'. AND l-Ali KIAOLS FO.i SALE
at lf":i l aiiom i venue
t. L FOOTF. Agent-
T1 15 A NIC T7. T HOA'.N A- 'cti s Li.H.r.
I sa'o diaieisin W oodware. Conlago anil
Ilii C'otii, 7.0 W. avenue.
L'.riA 1 i.nN at vi.,.s, 1, mid. -re and lonlrai'
1 -. tors, aros: Coriier ('live st. and Ailaim
uve. ; corner Ash st. and l'ciin ave., Scrautou.
Tlie GEJ7TJINE Xcw Haven
Mathushek98 Pianos
New York Warcrooms Xo. 80
Fifth Avcnuo.
Bole dealers in this section.
OFFICE-ia Adams Ave., Telephone B'IM'g
Eureka Lanndry Co.
Cor. Linden St. and Adnms Ave.
CoiiBX House bguAiis.
All kinds ot Laundry work ennrants
the best,
Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers,
i General Office SCRANTON.' PJL
Anfiraeito coal used exclusively, Insuring
cleanliness and comfort.
Trains leave Srranton for Plttston, Wilkes.
Itarre. etc., at 8 Si, U.15, 11.30 a. m., 12.SU. 2.00.
8.:n), s on, 7.-J-), p. in. Sundays, .U0 a. in.,
1.10,2.15, 7.10 p. m.
For A lantic City, 8.20 a. m.
For Now York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.20
fexnress) a. m., 12.50 (express with BuOtot
parlor car), 8.30 (express) p. m. Sunday, 2.15
p. m. -
Foit Ma urn Chunk, Am,f.ntown, B kt un
til: m, Kastoh and Piiii.aiiki.I'hia, 8.20 a. m..
12..i(i, 130, 6.U0 (oxoupt Philadelphia; p. in.
(Sunday, 2 )" p. m.
For Lono lliiABcn, Ocean Guove, eto at
S.'.'l) (ivnh tnrciiiga ear) a. m., YIMp m.
For Heading, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via
Allentown, b.a) a. m, 12.50, 5.00, p.m. Bunday,
2.1 i p. m.
For I'ottsvillc, 8.31 a. m., 12.50 p. m.
lteturning. leave New York, foot of Liberty
street. North river, at H.I0 (express) a. in.,
l.ln, 1.30, 4.3H (expross with Bullet parlor oar)
p. m. Sunday, 4.31 a. in.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal 9.0J
n. m., 2.00 and 4.3 1 p. m. Sunday, B.27 a. m.
Throui;h tickets to all points at lowest rate!
may lie had on application Iu advance to the
ticket aueut at the station.
. . Ueu. Pass. Agent
Oeu. riupt.
Commencing May 20, 18112,
trains will run ns follows:
l iaiiis leave Bridge street
Station. Kcranton, for Pitts
toii, Wllkes Barre,etc.,H(,
Mi7. u:i7, lO.Wa. in.. 1110,
;& ails, 4.1U. 6.10, 0.15, S.15
and 11.36 p. m.
For New York and Phila-
dulnhla. HOIn. ni. lilQ. ti'v
23S. fldand U.8U p. in.
1'or llonesdalefrrom Delawaro.Lackawanna
and westorn de)iot), 7 OJ, 1U.1U a.m., Hi.OO
in., i. 17, 5. 10 p. in.
F'or Ciirbondale and intermediate stations,
5.40, 7 III, !.:, 10.10 a. m.. lino m.,2.17, 8.20,5.10,
ti Ml aud U 35 p. in.; from Mridge Htroet Depot,
i.oi a. ui., a.llau 1 11 li6 p. m.
F'ast express to Albany, Haratoga, the Adl
rondack fountains, Boston and New England
po.nts, 5.40 a. in., arriving at Albany Ili.45.
Saratoga 'i.'Htp. m. .and leaving Scranton at lt.17
p. m., arriving at Alliany atri.6p. m., bara
toa, fi V) & in ., and h iston, 7. 00 a. m.
Tlie only direct route hetwoen the coal fields
and Boston. "The Leading Tourists' ltoute
of America" to the Adirondack Mountain re
sorts, Lukes George and Champlain, Montreal,
Time tallies showing local and through train
service Let ween stations on all divisions Dela
ware nnd Hudson system, may be obtained at
all Delaware and Hudson ticket ofticts.
Second Vice President. Ueu. Pass. Agt.
A lit, IHK4.
Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and
New Yo'-k via. U. & H. R It. at S a.m.. 1110,
2.11 ami 11.35 p. m ViaD.,L&W. K. B t US,
t.o-.ll.aj a. m.,and 1..HI p. m.
Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wilkst
Earre via D.. L. & W. It. li., S.0U, 8.08, 11.3)
a. m , 1.3a 3.51. ti.07. s. op. m.
Leave Scranton for White Haven, Haz'.eton,
Pntt'villo and all points on the Beavor
Jleadow and pottsvillo branches, via E. & W,
V.. i.4 i -.m.. v n D. & IL R. K. at S a.m.. 12.10,
2,.'W. 4 lu p.m , via D., L. & W. B. H, .U0,8,0i
11.20 a.m., LIIO. 3.50 p.m.
Leave Scranton for Bothlehem, Easton,
Reading, Harrisburg and all iutermedlata
points via D. & H. K. R 8 a m .12.10. tM, 11.31
p.m., via D., L. &, W. R. R.,0.00,S.US, lLiJO a. in,
I. 3) p.m.
Leave Scranton forTuukhsnnock, Towanlj,
Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva and all intermedlite
po.nts via D. & H. K.K..II.U7 a m.. 1210 and 11.38
p. m.. via D. L. & W. R. It., M a.m.,l.:W p. m.
Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo. Ni
agara Falls, Detroit, Chn ago and all points
west via D. & H. R. R. 11.07 a.m., 12. 10.IUU1.SJ
p. in . via D. L. & W. R. R. and Pittstoa
Junction, S (W a m., 10, 8 j.i p. m., via E. & W.
It K. 8.41 v. m.
For Kim ra and tho west via Ralaraine i, via
I I, it IL it. R. U.07 a.m., U10.ii.i5 p. m., via D,
L. & W. H. H., ,s OH a.m.. l.H) and li.07 p. m.
Puduan parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair
cars ou ad trains between Ij. & B Junction or
Wilkes-Barre and New York, Phllad.lp da,
Buffalo an-1 Snspen ion Bridge
UOLLIN II. WlLBUii, Gou. (jupt. East Div.
( HAS. S, 1,KE. (in. Pasa. A.' t, Phila.Ps.
A.W Ni iNN'EM ACHEU.Ass't ajD.Pass. Ag'U
Son th Be hlehem. Pa.
Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express
for Now York and ah points East. 1.40. 2.5(4
6,1. 8 CI and Il ea a. m.; 12 65 and 3.50 p, m.
Express for iiaston, Trenton, Philadelphia
and tho South, 6.15, 8.00 and .5i a, m.; U5
and 3.50 p. m.
Washington and way stations, S.55 p. m.
Tobvhauna accommodation, 6 10 p. m.
Expr ss for Binghamton, Oswego, Elmira,
Corning, Bath. Dausville, Mount Morris and
Buffalo, 12.10. 2 15 a. m. and 1 24 p. m., making
close connections at Buffalo to all points in the
West, Northwest and bouthweeu
Bath accommodation, s a. m.
Binghamtou and way stations, 12.37 p. m,
Nicuol-on accommodation, at 4 p. m. sua
0 M t. m.
BlnRharaton and Elmira Express, 05 p, m.
Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Osweso.
t'tica and Richfield Springs, 2.16 a. m. and IM
ii. tn.
Itnuca. 2.15 and Bath Pa. m. and 121 p. m.
For Nortliuuiberland.Pittstou, WilkesBarra,
Plymouth. Bloomsburg and Danville, making
close connections at Northumberland for
Williamsport, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Wash,
ington and the South.
Northumberland end intermediate stations,
6.0U. M a.) a. m. and 1-30 aud 6.07 p. m.
Nanticoae ana intermediate stations, sab
and 11.91 a. m Plvmouth and lntormedlste
btations, 3.5d and 8.5; D. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all
express trains. , . .. v,i.
For detailed Information, pocket : time -tablet,
etc.. apply to M. U Smith, city ticket ffloe.
328 Lackawannaavonuo. or depot Ucketofflos.
TIMIt TAlll.K IN 11'1'F.rX SfNtJAT. JUNE 21
Trains leave Scranton for Carbondale at
8.30, 1U.55 a.m. and 6 pi p.m.
For Hancock Junction, 10.53 a.m. and 6 10
Trains loave Hancock JSnctlon for tcran
ton. ti a. m nud 2 05 p m.
Trains leave ( arboailale for Scranton at
7 24 a m. and 8.34, 6.34 p m.
In 1 licet June 84lh, 1894,
Konli Kiiiinil
20,i S0!l;!0i7
- 5 5 S-'a SI
HouiU Bound,
i ' 2O2 2()4 20fl
Stations L.P
'(Trains Pally, Ex-3 5 & S &
n - v o
cept Miimay.)
V Mi
.... ' W) .
.... .
P l P Ml
"s"i i i:i .
8 -.ii i mil .
7 5-!2:l! .
r mmu ni1 .
lArrlve Leave,
V ...
N. Y. Franklin St
West 42nd street
Arrive Leave
Ml- Ul
lluucecic Juiicllou
Preston Park
ricasaut MU
Forset city
0 (XII
10(11 3 & ....
irs1 i n
I IN' 2 5 ....
a t
S l S 31 .
6 V 41 r M
7 H 1?! iielO -0,
T.'::re i h:ii nil
r 1 3 h.vj
T ill US' i ti ts1
7 ii-ill ill tl.'N1
8 4 i S 601 4 50
6 451
S 58 4 59
8 1 6 6 06
1(1 68
7 10) 8 l 5 IS
1 w 1 34 6 84
r trrra 3hi btr
(151 II 3M S 15
n I'ifiii.o '.nil
White HrldgO
.May Held
Jenny n
l'nrk Place
f'l i il in o
li WiS 43 f5 4t
It II 11 CI HI)!,
7 31 I 45, 6 45
7 4c 161 6 51
7 43 8M 5 51
7 48 8 M 6 69
7 6 4 0 6 04
7541 4UTI 607
7 68 4 10, 6 10
8 flui 4 14 8 It
SOIiMlT, 811
8 05 4 SO! S SO
ti?;u is d.v
0 S 1 1 1! SMI
SS-VII IC 8 41
0 21l: 0.; H41
0 lill 0-i' 8f.
fi 14 II ooi H.lii
fil lii fltW, 8 a:)
Old 10 56! 8
Leave Arrive!
All trains run dally except 6undsy.
f. aiguilles that tralmi stop on signal for pas.
M-cure rates via Ontario Western before
iiiirrhnstng tickets and save money. Say and
Nlligtanprcsstothe West.
J C. Anderson, Gen. Pass Agt
T. FUtcroft, Dlv, Pass, Agt. Scranton, Pa.