6 TJIE ECBAKTON TlilEUNE TUESDAY MORNING. JULY !S4. 184. I lll'vmOHTl004"BY,THC J.B UPPINCOTT Ca,"" CHAPTER V. Before 7 o'clock that same morning Captain Choster had conio to the con elusion that only one courso was loft opon for hiui. After tho brief talk with Sloat at tho office ho had increased tho perplexity and distress of that easily muddled soldier by requesting his com pany in a brief visit to tho stables and corrals, A "square" and reliable old veteran was tho quartermaster sergeant who had chargoof those establishments. Chester had known him for years, 'and his fidelity and honesty wero matters tho officers of his former regiment could not too highly commend. When Ser geant Park3 made an official statement, thore was no shaking its solidity. Ho slept iu a little box of a liouso close by the eutruueo to tho main stable, in which wero kept tho privato horses of several of tho officers, and among them Mr. Jerrold's, and it was his boast that day or night no horso left that stablo without his knowledge. Tho old man was superintending the morning labors of the stable hauds and looked up in surprise at so early a visit from tho of ficer of tho day. "Were you hero all last night, ser geant?" was Chester's abrupt question. "Certainly, sir, and up until 1 o'clock or more. " "Were any horses out during the night any officers' horses, I mean?" "No, sir, not one." '"I . thought possibly some officers might have driven or ridden to town." "No, sir. Tho only horses that cross ed this threshold going out last night Were Mr. Sutton's team from town. They were put ap hero until near 1 o'clock, and then tho doctor Bent for them. I locked up right after that and can swear nothing else went out. " Chester entered tho stablo and looked ouriously around. Presently his cyo lighted on a tall, rangy bay horso that was being groomed in a wide stall near the doorway. "That's Mr. Jerrold's Roderick, isn't it?" "Yes, sir. He's frwli as a daisy too. Hasn't been out for three days, and Mr. Jerrold's going to drive tho dogcart this morning. " Chester turned away. "Sloat," said ho as they left tho stable, "if Mr. Jerrold was away from the post last night and you heard me say he was out of his quarters could ho have gone any way1 except afoot after what you heard Park say?" "Gouo in tho Suttous' outfit, I sup pose," was Sloat's cautious answer. "In which event ho would have been seen by the sentry at tJbo bridge, would he not?" "Ought to have been certainly." "Thenwo'll go back to tho guard house." And wonderingly and uncom fortably Sloat followed. Ho had long since begun to wish he had held his peace and said nothing about the con founded roll call. Ho hated rows of any kind. Ho didn't like Jen-old, but ho would have crawled ventre a terre across the wido parade sooner than see a scan dal iu tho regiment ho loved, and it was becoming apparent to his sluggish faculties that it was no mere matter of absence from quarters that was involv ing Jerrold. Chester was all afiamo over that picturo business, he remem bered, and the whole drift of his present Investigation was to prove that Jerrold Was not absent from his post, but ab sent only from his quarters. If so, whero had ho spent his timo until nearly 4? Sloat's heart was heavy with vaguo ap prehension. Ho know that Jerrold had borne Alice Renwick away from tho party at an unusually early hour for Buob things to break up. Ho knew that he and others had protested against such desertion, but she declared it could not be helped. Ho remembered another thing a matter that ho thought of at the time, only from another point of view. It now seemed to havo signifi cance bearing on ' this very matter, for Chester suddenly asked: "Wasn't it rather odd that Miss Beaubien was not hero at tho dance? She has never missed one, scorns to me, Bince Jerrold began spooning with her last year. " -'Why, she was hem" VSho was? Are you sure? Rollins never spoko of it, nnd we had been talk ing of her. I inferred from what ho said that'sho was not there at all. And I saw her drive homeward with her mother right after parade, so it didn't occur to me that she could havo come out again all that distance in timo for the dance. Singular! Why shouldn't ttollinj havo told mo?" Sloat grinnod. A droary sort of smile it was too. "You go into socioty so seldom you don't see those things. I've more than half suspected Rollins of be ing quite roady to admire Miss Beau bien himself, and sinco Jerrold dropped her bo has had plenty of opportunity. " "Great guns! I nover thought of it! If I'd known she was to be there, I'd have gone myself last night How did she behave w Miss Renwick?" "Why, sweet und smiling and chip per as you please. If anything, I think Miss Renwick was cold and distant to her. I couldn't mako it out at all. " .."And did Jerrold dance with her?" ,"Ouce, I think, and they had a talk out on tho piazza just a minuto. I happened to bo at the door and couldn't help seeing it, and what got me was this: Mr. Hall came out with Miss Ren wick .on his arm. Thny wero chatting and laughing ns they passed me, but tho moment she caught sight of Jerrold and Miss Beaubien she stopped and sdid: 'I think I won't stay out hore. It's too chilly, or something liko it, arid went right in, and then Jerrold dropped Miss Beaubien aud went after her. He just handed tho yorjig lady over to me, saying ho was engaged for the next danoe, and skipped." ""How did she like that? Wasn't Bhe furious?" "No. That's another thing that got me. fihe smiled after him, all sweet ness, and woll, she did say: 'I connt upon you. You'll bo there, ' and ho nod ded. Oh, sho was bright as a button after that!" "What did she moan? Bo 'where,' do you suppose? Sloat, this all means inoro to mo und to us all than I can explain. " "I don't know. I can't imagine." "Whs it to see h r again that night?" "I don't know at all. If it was, he fooled her, for ho never went near her again. Rollins put her in tho carriage. " "Whose? Did sho come with tho .Sut tous?" "Why, certainly. I thought vou knew that." "And neither oldMme. Beaubien nor Mrs. Suttou with them? What was tlie old squaw thinking of?" By this timo they had neareil the guardhouse, whero several of tho men wero seated awaiting tho call for the next relief. All arose at the ulumfc of tho sentry on No. 1 turning out tin guard for tho officer of tho day. Chester made hurried and impatient acknowl edgment of the salute aud callo.l to the sergeant to send him t!io sentry who was at tho bridge at 1 o'clock. It turned out to bo a yon:ig soldier who had en listed at tho post only six mouths before and was already known as one of the most intelligent and promising candi dates for a corpoi'alship iu the garrison. "Wero you on duty at tho bridge at 1 o'clock, Carey?" asked the captain. "I was, sir. My relief went on at 11:45 and camo oif nt 1:45. " "What persons passed your post dur ing that time?" "There was a squad or two of men coming kick from town on pass. I halt ed thorn, sir, and Corporal Murray came down and passed them in." "I don't menu coming from town. WTho went the other way?" "Only ono carriage, sir Mr. Sut ton's." "Could you see who wcru in it?" "Certainly, sir. It was right under tho lamppost; this end of the bridge that I stood when I challenged. Lieutenant Rollins answered for them and pie-sed them out. Ho was sitting bc.-ido Mr. Sutton as they drove up, then jumped out and gave me tho countersign and bade them good night right there." "Rollins again," thought Chester. "Why did ho keep this from me?" "Who wero iu tho carriage?'' ho ask ed. "Mr. Sutton, sir, on tho front seat, driving, and two young ladies on the back seat." "Nobody else?" "Not a soul, sir. I could seo in it plain a3 day. Ono lady was Mi:;s Sutton and tho other Miss Beaubien. I know I was surprised at seeing tho latter, because she drove homo in her own carriage last evening riht after parade. I was on po.t there at that hour, too, sir. Tho sec ond relief is on from 5:45 to 7:45. " "That will do, Carey. I see your re lief is forming now." As tho officers walked away and Sloat silently plodded along besido his dark browed senior the latter turned to him: "I should say that there was no way in which Mr. Jerrold could have gone townward last night. Should not you?" "Ho might have crossed tho bridge whilo tho third relief was on wl got a horso at the other side." "Ho didn't jlo that, Sloat. I had al ready questioned tho sentry on that re lief. It was tho third that I inspected and visited this morning." "Well, howdoyi.n know ho wanted to go to town? Why couldn't ho havo gono up tho river or out to tho range? Perhaps there was a littlo game of 'draw' out at camp." "Thcro was no light in camp, much less a littlo game of draw, after 11 o'clock. You blow well enough that there is nothing of that kind going on with Gaines in command. That isn't Jerrold's game, even if tuoso follows were bent on ruining their eyesight and norvo and spoiling the clianco of getting tho men on the division and army team.-!. I wish it wjio his gamo instead of what it is." "Still, Chester, ho may lnve been out in tho country somewhere. You seem bent on the conviction he was up to mis chief hero around this post. I won't ask you what you mean, but there's inoro than ono way of getting to town if a man wants to viry had. " "How? Of courso ho can take a skiff ond row down tho river, but he'd never bo back in timo for reveille. There goes 0 o'clock, and I must get homo and shave and think this over. Keep your own counsel, no matter who asks you. If yon hear any questions or talk about shooting last night, you know nothing, heard nothing ami saw nothing. " "Shooting last night?" exclaimed Sloat, all agog with eagerness anil ex citement now. "Whero was it? Who was it?" But Chester turned a deaf ear upon him and walkod away. Ho wanted to see Rollins and wont straight homo. "Why didn't you tell mo Miss Beau bien was out hero last night?" was tho question he asked as soon as ho had en tered tho room whero, all aglow from his cold bath, tho youngster was dress ing for breakfast Ho colored vividly, then laughed. "Woll, you nover gavo mo much chauce to say anything, did you? You talkod nil tho time, as I remember, and suddenly vanished aud slammed tho door. I would havo told you had yon asked mo. " But all the samo it was evi dent for tho first timo that hero was a subject Rollins was shy of mentioning. "Did you go down and boo them across sentry post?". v "Certainly. Jerrold asked mo to. Ho said he Jiad to take Miss Renwick homo and was too tired to como bank was going to turn in. I was glad to do any thing to be civil to tho Suttons." "Why, I'd liko to know? They have nevor invitod you to the house or shown you any attention whatever. You nre not their style at all, Rollins, and I'm glad of it It wasn't for their Bnko you staid there until 1 o'clock instead of being hero in bed. I wish" rani bo looked wistfully, earnestly at his favor ite now "I wish I could think it wasn't for tho sake of Miss Beaubieii's black eyes and aboriginal beauty. " "Look here, captain," said Rollins, with another rush of color to his face, "you don't seem to fancy Miss Beau bien, and she's a friend of mine, and ono I don't like to hear slightingly Fpo ken of. You said a good ileal last night that well, wasn't p!ca:::mt to hear." "I know it, Rollins. I beg your par don. I didn't know then that you wero more than slightly acquainted with her. I'm au old bat and go out very littlo, R "Why Old n't ymi tell vie MIm T.aiuhW.a van ant la ic lad vhjli!."' but somo tlii::g:i are pretty clear to my eyes, and don't yon ho falling inJovo with Nina Beaabii n. That is no match for yon." "I'm sure you never had a word to say against her father. Tho old colonel was a p' rfeet type of tho French gentle man, from all 1 hear." "Yes, and her mother is as perfect a. typo of a Chippewa squaw, if she is only a half breed and claims to be only a sixteenth. Rollins, there's Indian blood enough in Nina Beaubieii's littlo iingi r to uialce me afraid of her. Sho is strong as death in love or hate, aud you must have seen how sho hung on Jer rold's every word all hist winter. You must know sho is not tho girl to bo lightly dropped now." , "Sho told mo only a day or two ago they were the best of friends and had never been anything else," said Rollins hotly. "lias it gone that far, my boy? I had not thought it so bad by' any means. It's no use talking with a man who has lost his heart. His reason goes with it" And Chester turned away. "You don't know anything about it," was ail i r Rollins could think of as a suitable thing to shout after him, and it made no more, impression than it de served. As has been said, Captain Chester had decided before 7 o'clock that but ono courso lay open to him iu tho matter as now developed. Had Arniitage been there he would havo had au adviser, but there was no other ni.m whoso counsel ho cared to seek. Old Captain Gray was as bitter against Jerrold as Chester him self and with even be iter reason, for ho knew well tho cause of his littlo daugh ter's listless manner and tearful eyes. Sho had been all radiance and joy at tho idea of coming to Sibley and being near tho great cities, but net ono happy look had he seen in her sweet and wistful faco since tho day of her arrival. Wil ton, too, was another captain who dis liked Jerrold, and Chester's rugged sense of fair play told him that it was i:ot among the enemies of tho young officer that ho should now seek advice, but that if he had a friend among tho older and wiser heads in the regiment it was due to him that that older and wis er head be given a chance to think a lit tlo for Jerrold's sake. And thero was not one among the 'seniors whom ho could call upon. As ho ran over their names Chester for tho first timo realized that his cx-snlu;re n had not a friend among the cap! ;:ii:s and senior officers now on duty at the fort. His indiffer ence to duties, his airy foppishness, his conceit and self t uliieiency, had all serv ed to create a feeling against him, and this had been intensified by his conduct sinco coming to Sibley. Tho youngsters still kept up jovial relations with aud professed to liko him, but among the eniors there wero many men who had only a nod, for him o:i meeting. "Wilton had epitomized the situation by saying ho "had no use for a masher," and poor old Gray had one day scowl iugly referred to him as "tho profes sional beauty." In view of all this feeling, Chester would gladly havo found some man to counsel further delay, but there was none. He ft It that ho must inform tho colonel at onee of tho fact that Mr. Jer rold was absent from his quaiters i,t tho time of (he firing, of his belief that it was Jerroid who struck him and sped past the sentry in tho dark, and of his co;iv.ct20H that tho sooner ilio young ofii.xr was called to account for his b'rznzc o:iduct tho better. As to the ppis-des r,f the ladder, fie lights and the foiv.i at the dormer window, ho meant, for the present nt least, to lock thorn i: his heart. But he forgot that others, too, nr.: havo lu avd thove ihots, and that ctln n too, would bo ml.'r;: imirics. to ia: i c.nti.ti:d. HI r'.!li T: Iiim,ln-. Narrow jet galous are moro used l. trimmings of all kinds than nnythiug else mid fl.it insert ions made of paillettes. Heavy (giiipure insertions iu black und white trim dresses and mantles ns well as gowns display long hanging fringes in tufts. A great deal of laco of all kinds is employed both on gowns aud mantles, with black moiro und moire libbon. CAIXEEJ MACK to health, every tired, niliiiR, nervous wo ninn. Tho mediciim to bring1 her back is Dr. I'ioree'8 KnvoiiU) Prescription. It she's weak, run-down, and overworked, Unit builds her up; if r,he sutler.1! from nny of the distressing dernng( incuts nnd diseases that alliiet her sex, it corrects and cures. Department of Pholwimphu, V. S. ArlMrryl ScUwl, t'urtmu Afomw, Va. Dn.l'iKiicp.: IharMr My wile onntnit snralc tno highly of your ' Vn voriui Prescription," It hiivinj completely cured In r if a serious womb trouble ol' Ionic stnnilln. t-lii) took llvo bottles nil orjel tier, nnd sho hns bmtio n luiae. beultliv n child been ciiuipl Kho child since. Thero Into i no return of the tiliilnt. Kho iinlv wishes every Mrs. Sahoent. P"ri ' "-", woman , , should know of tho In- eatlmatilo vnhio your "Kuvorltn I'rrouNn lion" would bo to them, aud tlinnks you, ?i-ntleinen, from the bottom of her ueurt for ho beni'lft she has received. Yours very truly, . . EUVVAU1) F. F. SAKGENT. V gr p P P Pimples, Blotches SI PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM 6- If ery Sr Marvelous Cures IE ifi Blood Poison Rheumatism and ScroMa P. P. P. purllioa tho b1ood; builds np thn viMik ami tlultllitutod, jiivea fttrnngi h tn wt'iiknud nervoi, pxpels di.);isi'i;,j;Ivinir tliw .t it-nt health mid liiil'iiifU'f.H v.'Immm .;iit' In ios., gloomy ft'clutv:. mill iittultudtt fir.-tt prevailed. I'"P primary, H;coii(!:iry nnd tortinry flyphillit, 1'irlilood poiHnnliiK. raercu ruil i oison, Uinluriu, dy.tn'psia, nnd In all blood imd akin dlsouHex, liko bloiflua, pimpU'-S old chronic ulcere, tetter, ai'jnd huii'l, liuilf, rytdpolaa, ot'.tMiiii- wo may av, without fear of contnidk'lifn,tii:it P. P. P. In the heat blood purUu r In tho world, and makes positive, t-ptiody and permanuJtt euros In all canoa. Lodlus nhuttu HystutiiH tiro poisoned and whoso blood t Iu un impure condi tion, dun to meiifltruiLl lrroKiilaritieH, aro peculiarly bemdUod by tho won dorful tonic and blood tdoaualnj: prop erties of I. P. P. -Prickly Abb, Poko Hoot and Potassium. ." fc Op- GO- Bl'KlNllT'lKLU, Mo,, Am?. 14tli, lhy.i. I Citn Mmi:ili In thi hlKlief.t tonus of your !iK:i!i'.'iuo freui im.v own pt-rsotml KnowlydKo. 1 waMuliL-etud with lumrt dMeuMfl, pk'ririMy ami rlu'Uinatira tor il.'i yoar.s, va treutt'd by the vorv best pliytiieiiuiM ana npent humlreils ot dol lar.!, tried livery known remedy with out tlndKiK relief. 1 havo only taken ono Dottlo of your 1. P. P., and can cheerfully Hay if. lias dnno me mora Hood iiian any tiling I li.ivoovur taken. I cau reeomniand ye'ir medieino toull BUUororo! the iiliovu dlueauoi. MH'J. M. M. YKARY. flpi JZtiuM, Greun County, Mo. io cs ; ft TMAOt v.x- MARK. Is an Improvcincnt in Soap. In the Trolley Soap old methods and materials are superseded by new ones. The Trolley Soap leaves the clotiics sweet and clean and lasts longer than other soaps. Ask Yonr Grocer for It, If he does not keep it send us order for 20 BARS FOR TRIALlF0R $1.00, or for a Box 100 cakes 75 pounds (4.50. Joseph iThoaag Elinton, 227 Chestnut Street, Phila. ' Robinson's Sons' Beer Brewery ltannfactarers of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbl Per Annum, AYLESWORTH'S Meat Market The Finest in the City The latest improved fur nlshinRS und uppnrtitus for keeping ineat, butter and eggs. ZtS Wyoming Ave. f'2- f RESTORES VITALITY. it Made a mnitor.-fptff 0f Me. THE GREAT .mil. Kay. pro:liip tlieubnvc rpsullo in MO ilnys. It n, ti pinviTiiilly ainl iiiit'kl.v. 'iin-H wlii'ii all otlicrH fa.l Vouiik lni-u will rejoin tlu'ir lost i):r.iiluiocl.nil old inoii will rwovi-r th. ir youlhtul visur by iikIiih Iii;ViVO. It iniirkly ami tiiirel.v roHtu.i'HNcninin-n-ss. J.ost Vitality, Jiiuhhi'Iuvv, Nittutly Kimsionn. Lost lywi'T, FuiIItiij Mi mory, Wuttma JiiHi-nsi's.aiul all rilrrtu of (ii'li-abiiHii nr cxi'hm nml iiiiliMTi'tion. w hlrli uiilltn mi" torn inly, bin-incxsor nnirriiiK.i. It not only i-iin-H by htartliiB lit tho ncnt of (liw uwi. b it lHairrt'at ni-rvc tonic nml blood Imllilcr. IiiIiik h:u bark tlio pink kIhm- to palo I'liprlm 'iU ro storiuK t'.ni (Iro of youth. It words otf fnmiiltv .! '0111.111n11ti.1u. Insist on liovivR RHVIVO, 110 itlicr. It ran lis rorrii-d In Vi nt i oi ki t. liy rai.il .l.oOporinrkaKi'.or n foriSu.OO. with a iol v! wiiMuii miiir.inti'o to niro or refund !u motley. Circ ular free. AdJrouB 7VU MEDICIKE CO.. B3 R!sr St., CHICAGO. ILL. l''nr nl by Miittlmnii lirii., Ilriitgltita, wrrnt.t... Vn Ladies Who Value A refined complexion must uso Potzonl'a Pow-j uer. it produces a toft and beautiful skin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 11 1T yi a i n n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a n a i u i i n 1 1 i 1 1 i i i v and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria-: and Kidney Troubles Are entirely removed by P.P.I. Prickly Ann, Poko Root and Potnn sluin, the grunteat blood iiurlflor oa earth. Anunnnnu, 0.. Jr.ly 21, IBM. Mnniiw. Lii'i'UAN Hp.oh., buvannah, Oa. ! Dkau Sum 1 bou(;lit a boulo of your P. P. P. nt Hot Sirliijt.Arli..Bn(l It h:iH donomo more pnul t lion tnruo months treatmentut the Hot tiprtngu. hollii throo luittlea C. (). L). Iteapectfully yours, JAM. M. KrcWTON, . Aberdoun, Uruivu County, 0. Cnpt. J. D. Jolmitou. To alt trhnm It may conrtrn: I hero by testify to tho wonderf.i! properties oil'. P. P. lor eruptions of thojL'In. I auifored for novoral years with an un uiKhtly aud disaj;rtv:tblL' eruption oa my laeo. I tried every known reme dy but In vain, until p. P. P. was used, nil am now entirely cured. (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON. HuvaauuU, Ua. Nkln Cancer Cured. Tetllmonyrom the Mayor of Seqnln,Tex, Ckqi'in. Tr'x., .Taninry 1i, lM. Mlshku. I.ii'1'Man Huos., savannah, Ga. : (irntlemtnl havo tried your P. P. P. for a diaenso of tho akin, usually kuown aa skin e.ineer.af thirty years' eiandlntr. and found itrent relief: IC purities ilio blood and removes u!l Ir ritation from tho Beat of tlio disease nnd prevents nny Htr"imintf ol tho cores. I have taken iivoor six bottlea nnd fuel conll'lMiit that allot her eoun-e wlii efleec a cure. It has tikio ralioved mo from lndinvntlon and stomach troubles. Yours truly, C'APT. W. M. RUST. Attoruey ul Lair. O O 35 O 9 book on M Diseases lielietl Free. ALL DKUGQIST9 DELL IT. PROPRIETORS, TLlppinau'H i:ii;eU,iTunnuli,Ga eeds and 11 Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & GONNELL CO. IS CO, Booms 1 and 2 Commonraltli BU'a SCRANTON, VX MINING andB LASTING Made at the M003IO nnJ EUSII DALE WORKS. Lfifflin & Rand Towder Co. 'a ORANGE GUN F0WDEB Electric Batteris, Fusbi for explol ing blasts Pufoty Fuse aud RepaunoChemical Co.'s High Explosives THE A National Bank of Scrantoi ORGANIZED 18J1 CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30,000, FAMVEL I!lKS,tPrp.1i-nt. . W. WA'l SON, Vito Prcaidout. A. U. W1L1JAMS, Casliior. I llti.CTnit. I SAMITEt. niNM, JAMKS M1 EvKRIIAlIT, litviNo A. Finch. l'w.ucr. H. Finlev. Johki'ii J. Jkhmvn, Jl. r-. Ki:miciii:iu. . CliA&l'. JlA lTllKWS. JulIN T. l'OHTEit W. W. W ATbON. PROMPT, ENhRGETIC. CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL Tills Imuk Invites tbu patronago ot business nien unci llrms Ki'u.-nilly. Atlantic Refining Co. tlanufacturora aud Denlcri ia Illuminating and Lubricating JUL Linseed Oil, Nnpthns and Gaso lines of all crudes. Axle Ortase, Pinion Grease nnd Colliery Com pound j also, a lurjo liue ot Par rafiiae Wax Candles. We nlfo handle the Famous CROWS ACME OIL, the only' fuinily safety burning oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON, Managzr. Office! Coal Exchantro, Wyoming Are. Work at Fins Brout Fert llizers K POWDER ; fTniiiif' WkV51 lv- W$3k Mm 'V SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL Thn abovo Irandii of flour enn be had at any of tho following merohonts, who will accept Thk Tmhune flour coupon of 25 on eooh ono hnndred pound of flour or 60 on each barrel of flour fccrnntr,n-P. P Prim, Washington avenao I Dunmoro-R P. 1'i ico, GoM Moilal ISrarnl. Jiuimioro F. 1). llimley. Hnporlativo Hrnnl. llyilo fnrk-Cnrson & Davis, Wip-hburn Bt. Gold MfJul Hrand; J xciili A. iluiirs, Main avenue, Suporl.itivo llraiul. Gr!Bii Hiili;ii-A.lj.Sii'iii:or.(i)M MoilalBrani J. T. Mulli.lo, Kuii'rlnlivo. l'lOTidomw l ennur & ClmppeU. N1 Main ave- noo, Hupi'iUtivo MrandiC. J Uilloipio, W. Markot atroot, Gold Mudil Drund. Oljnhiiiit-.liiincs Jonlan. Superlative Brand. Pifkville Khair-r Kls r BuperlatiVD. Jermvn- C. L). Winters & Co. fcupci aitttlro ArohbaM Junes, H lAps'jn Co . Gold Medal. Carbondnlo-R H. Clark, Gold Medal Brand. Konesilulc-I. N. Foster & Co. Gold Mudal. Wiuookn M. H. Lnvelle LOUIS B. SMITH Dealer in Clioica Confections and ' Fruits- BREAD AND CAKES A SPECIALTY. FINEST ICE CREAM 1437 Capouse Avenue. VOU W AY IRON BLACK DIAMOND SILVliU KXIUA SPECIAL HANDKItSO.WS ENGLISH JKSSOP'S ENGLISH CAS I' SXKKL 1IOKSK SHOKS TOE CALK II KK MACHIXERV SPKINQ SOU STEEL ANVILS BKLLOWS HOUSE NAILS WILEY & RUSSELL AND W ELLS BROS. CUTTING MACHINERY. lilteieiidoriC liolesalo and retail dealers' in ErPPLTES. That wa will GIVE you b9autiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounca for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at nniercereaii & K07 LACKAWANNl AVKNUIi "ITo star wa3 ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OP rl H CM f H ri m rr n R n n k Ri F nk A m mum mmw m. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. ill 15 iniiiiMiiloiHii liiraiiliy. ; mdv mini pri'imlil. V Ith a..1B. i.,.r,iu.l Ihn innnev. '"EFORtANDAfTEH USING. uoltUer. A.ldru AbUVK SEtDlU., Moaonlo Temple, CUICA00.1U For Salo in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druggist, or- Washington inrl Snruce streets. Thepreatremedf f " Kenerntlvo P'-mV xi I ! w n"u,n0,,0' impoteney. Nightly KinianoiiB, 1 outuiui ftirora, llU'UUi! AM) ll'Utt UlUMd. rr.Sul byC. M. HAUiU-,, imicln,i, .V ?. .New disrnverv. Will fffUAKAN iKR to Cure NSAL MCi enter kit, wruien 1C1NE CO., Forsal by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spvuee Strtet, Scranton, Pa. m r a mi ilifi-fiEa ilWiT The Flour Awards "CiiiCAdO, Oct 81. Fh first official innonncsment of World's Fair di plomas on floor has been mad. A medal baa been awarded by the World's Fair judges to the flour manu factured by tho Washburn, Crosby Co , In the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the flour strong and pure, and entities, it to rank as first-class patent floor tai) family and bakers' cm," MEGARGEL & GONNELL HBOLESALE AGENTS. Tarlor-JudRe ft Co., Gold Medal; Athorton & Co., Superlative. Duryoa Lawrenuo Htore Co., Gold MedaL Moonic Julin McC'rindle, Gold Modal Pittston-M. W. O'Boyle, Oold Medal. Clark's Greon-Frace & Psrkor, Superlative. Clark's Kuinmit-K. M. Vounr, Gold Medal. Ualton-9. E. Finn & Sou, Gold Medal Bini MieholHon-J. E. Hnnlin Waverly-M. W. BUsb As Son, Gold Medal Factoryville-Charles Gardner, Gold Medal Hopbottoin-N. M. Finn & Son, Gold Medal. Tobyliauna-Tobyhanna & Lehigh Lumbjf Co.. Gold Medal Brand. flonldsboro-S A. Adams. Gold Melal Brand Moncow-Oaixe ft ClomoHts, Gold Medal. Lake Ariel James A. Bortree, Gold Medal Forest City-J. L. Morgan ft Co., Gold Med a. !' PARLORS OPKN FROM T A.M. TO U P.Vt. U AIILMIIIS HIVt.N TO SUP FAMILIES WITH ICE Cr.EAil. X and STEEL WAGON WHEELS AXLES ' SPRINGS HUBS SPOKES RIMS STEEL SKEINS R. It. SPIKES SCREW o.,Scranton, WaKonmakers' and Blacksmtthi' ConneH 'NERVESEEDS. ThliwMil.rAil rBtd; ff.ar uiMdln(.N .11 ..n...4lM ciihcii, alien as w e.ia memory, i,oj or Brain rower, lleuilacue, waKeiuimn. l,iKtMnnlioHt,Nlit!itly KmlKsliinii, NervouaneiH.alidraliiannd loite( power In (ieiieratlveOrans of either sexcaanedtiy overexertion, yoothftil error, eiriwlvo use of tnhacco. onlumoratlniulnnta. which lernl lo InflrmltT.Con. ('anhoe:irrleillnTtDoeltpt. HI ner box, 6 f or . a 5 onler wo lve a wrIOen a"iiarmle lo eur rirplilnp fm. MnM h. .IIHnv.ul.l. A .k for It. take TQRED MAN DR. MOn'S NKKYERKE mi o for nervous nrostmtlon nnd nllnervotiadlaeuark of ormns of either (ex. auch n Nerrone PnwtratHn. 1eU. Mental Worry.eiceialve use of Tolmcio or 0ilura, which lead to Con. aumiiilon ana lnaanltv. With nmr. K.4nnier we lvo a written suae. ntiteetticure orrutuml the money. Sold at Sl.OO perbox. O hoxot juj ruu Avtiuuu. RESTORfc. LOST VIGOR hr.ee vnn nnln a Week oH with WRITTrtI Nervju. Delnlitv. I.oaa of Heiual Power in eith.i... M S ml. Involunt.rt Kmlaiioui from any ciniw. If ni'glMted, aucb trouble! lead I, coiiaiiniptitin or lu.ai Itr, ll.iHiper luii by mail, 6 bwafor e. with ev. r ' Cluvel.uii. Ohio. uuaxatiiee lo cure vr rwiuuu vu money, aeut Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avnu and 1 i