The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 24, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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agree that of all
Norrmanfi Moore
120 Wyoming Avonuo
Mears & Hagen
Have -your COLL A 118 starched In the ell
Vray, whn you can hare them done with sort,
tillable Buttonholes for TWO CE.NI8 EACH.
If you want
Carpets. Draperies,
Wall Paper or Window
Shades, come to us.
V fe have a full line of
goods, and our prices are
very 'low.
Williams & McAnulty
127 Wyoming Ave.
To my friends: I hereby announce
that I will be a candidate for the nomi
nation of district attorney, before the
Republican County convention.
Tribune reader, leaving for their
nimmir'i vacation enn huvu their favor.
It paper n:t tn tliem without extra
ct, by nollfvlnij tills ofllcn if tliu lo
ird change In tliu paper's Hililre...
Corcoran & Donobue wore yesterday
paid in full fur building the abutments of
the Parker street bridge.
TI.e regular meeting of the Green Ridge
Women's Cbrltinn Tempnrauce union will
he held iu their room, 01.5 Ureen Uidge
Ridge street, tbia afternoon at U o'clock.
An Interesting letter descriptive of tbo
national Welsh eisteddfod nt Cuniarvon,
at which the thu woids of a song by Alder
man D. M. Williams, of Providence, were
sunf, is printed ou tbo eighth pa;;e.
T. II. C. Malouov, of I'rovidouce, while
trying to get ou a Providence car on Lack
awanna nveuue yosterday afternoon,
slipped ai d was d ranged some distance.
He wu slightly injured about the knees
and feet.
All young women are invitod to spend
thi evening iu tbo social atmosphere of
the Young Women's Christian iiiscciatiou
at 2o5 anil 20V Washington avenue. (James
of various sorts will be indulged in. ice
cream S ctnts per plate.
Contractor Ferguson yosterday began
the excavating for the Harrison avenue
sewer at Mulbyrry street, and today will
begin at Webuer avenue uud Mulberry
street, working west. Contractor Peter
blipp rill begin the construction of the
Presc it avenue sewer today.
The funeral of the Isle IT. It. Madison
illtake place at the Elm Park church
this afternoon at 2 o'clock, and not at
Mr, Tuustall's residence,, as previously an
nounced. Those who cannot attend the
funeral at the church may view tho re
mains at the residence of John Tuustall,
8oW North Washington avenue,
The proper date of the benefit concert for
Miss Kadi Kaiser, the gifted Wllkes-Barre
soprano, is Aug. 8. The concert will be
held in the spacious Ninth Regiment ar
mory. Tickets-are now for sale and should
be engagf d earlv as the sale is rapid. The
concert will be first class in every particu
lar and will merit liberal patronage by
The Hyde Park Choral society held Us
first reheirsal Bupday evening for compe
tition at Laurel Bill park. There were
seventy members present aud judging
from the beginning thii choii bids fair to
make very credltaoli showing by bept.
6. The next rehearsal will be in Co-operative
hall on Wednesday evening. A full
attendance is desired.
Bines the last report of the condition of
Owen Cnsick there has not been any ma
terial change. He is yet in a most critical
eondition, and unless thr next few days
bring forth a change there is every hope
that his speedy reoovery will ensue. Mr.
Cusick sleeps the greater part of the time,
and wheu awake he is quite bright, beiutf
able to converts as if nothing bothered
him. The ultimate result of his Injuries
Will not be known for a day or two.
, Open All Night
at Lohman's Spruce street.
and Scienc
Baking Powder,
l!3 Features and Purposes Defended by Its
Pioneer Promoter.
His Plain Word3 for Opponents and
Critics The Mayor and the Courts
Arraigned The American Sabbath
Union Still Has Permanent Head
quarters in Scranton The Secre
tary Says Ho Is Yet Undaunted.
The Trihuse has received, with a re
quest to print, the following comtnnni
cation from He v. F. A. Dony, secretary
of tbe American Saboatu union:
The Sunday crusade so named by its
enoiuies was no child's play or visionary
scheme of dreamer?. It was a product of
circumstances and confronted conditions.
It is by no means abandoned as a failure.
The enemy may exult, but tUe Sabbath
forces are not touted. It was not a tight
of cockerels, nor a contest in which brute
force decided the issue. Its promoter be
lieved in the movement as au effort t save
an institution of g-tictiil necessity the
CbriMiuu Sabbath. It appeared tot hem
a cause iu which every CUristian in th
city should be united uiul one iu which nil
who toil for daily bread should have a
common interest. Ah they viewed it the
tKi-ularizatiou of tho Sabbath meant its
iiiadnal but certain ovei throw. They
lookid upou the holiday features of its ob-
M-imuce iu mis city, aim mo utter uisro
gurd in certain quarters and by many
business men if tlm Rnnetifir nf thn .l.iv no
one of t be darkest signs of the times, iu-
yiwujt uenanco oi law aim mo spine ot au
archy, a menace to that Christianity
Which is tllO nation' fAnmlatinn nnri nn 1...
sult to the Uod to whom as a people we
prompt allegiance.
Thllt movement- Whirh will nnl annn hn
forgotten, and whica is but begun, came
, luo tuutciu 01 me city s truest citizen
ship for her good name. It was set for
IsW Alld Order flivninnt. thA Dhumalnca ftaA.
gardof every principle of our holy Chris-
tmuiij. iui ib were tne inristian
churches, minnters and poople; against it
were the grasping, whoe sole purpose was
gain nnd there U no distinction morally,
whether it is the soda fountain or the beer
kP7 in tills Ilia nnt.r-nnu it ollaS
scts, the rabble. Every law-breaking sa-
iuuii, ouu urumei onu gamonug aen ot tue
city, the blasphemers and the scoffers at
God and Christian, were combine 1 in re
sistance to this effort of the city to cloan
itself. Tbere was a "for" and there was
un "uBinnsit" nud the "betweeus" were
the euemy' best allie.", who demonstrated
by their weakneaj the necessities of the
case. Such a contest may cover a genera
tion, but tho rout of the enemy is as cer
tain as the rising of the sun.
For three years and more the office of
the Aniericnu Sabbath union for North
eastern Pennsylvania has been in this city.
It has not been without influence. Its sec
retary has spoken of his one theme, "Sab
bath Observance," in most of tho churches;
has addressed the meetings of the pastors,
convention and assemblies, and has kept
the work of Sadbath protection before the
people. In the early part of last year
practical action was begun by the organi
zation of local committees. The success of
these committees has been extraordinary
and in several towns Fundny business has
been entitely removed. The movement is
not a crusade in any sense and those iu this
city who depreciate and criticize its begin
nings ignore aud overlook full three
fourths of its history. It began here on
Xlurch 21 last with a ten days' canvass bv
discreet Christian committees twenty
three in number whose duty it was to cou
fer with every business mnu nud repro
sentative of Sunday woik, iuvit
ing co-operation. The work culmi
nated April 1 In tho general closing
of all plnces of biiiiness on Sunday. To
their credit bs it s,aid tbere was scarcely a
saloon iu tho city tliat did not bIiow tliw
movement marks of respect. That any
proprietor ws overlooked was the fault
of individual committees and not of tbo
general management, and if any hud ex
cuse to take advantage of this fact it was
toe class above named and not the half
dozou druggists who posed as mnrtyn.
1 he first uirest was made after one full
month of argument and persuasion, and
sfter due notice to offenders, ami its sub
ject was the proprietor of a bakery who
had defied our committee and shown hiin
wlf to bean anarchist aud au iufldel. Of
tbo arrests male for violations of the net
of IT'Jt, five were druggists, two wero
cigar dealers, three were bakors and ice
cream dealers, ouo a fruit vender, nud
wheu it may be said that diligent assist
ants to the secrotary of the American
sabbath union were unable to secure
proofs sufficient to convict against a
larger number of offenders it is ho smnll
compliment to a movement which was so
widespread aud successful, and it is also a
commontaty on the heinousness of re
sisting and obstructing for gain a move
ment so full of promise. Again I repont
that not loss than SOU places of business,
previously opou on Sunday, respected aud
conformed to this movement, ilts col
lapse means the loss of these valuable re
As transparent as the light of the snu
was the spirit and motive of the Sunday
closing movement. It set nut to be con
siderate aud kinil and to reason with the
offender, no matter what might be his pur
suit. Its koy-noto was '"six days for labor
aud one for rest." It secured the honest
and hearty co-operation of nine-tenths of
those who had through force of circum
stances or otherwise offended against the
Christian sentiment of this city and the
laws of the commonwealth by the trans
action of worldly busiuess on the
Lord's Day. But one course was open to
the managers of the movement to prevent
its failure and protect its friends, and that
was the enforcement of the laws against
those who resisted and doiitid all methods
of procedure. To prosecute implies a
prosecutor. That this is no enviable posi
tlon is well known. It went begging for
Incumbents until, from a sense of duty,
the writer shouldered that burden also
In the interest of the great work. Success
ful prosecutions demanded proofs and
these were obtained in an open and honor
able way, and conviction followed in
every case, nntil the defendants ad pted
the dishonorable methods of criminating
themselves, thus distorting a pennltv into
a license and maklug the law of this'state,
which was cltarly founded on the fourth
Commandment, a nullity and a by-word.
Great thlugs were expected- ot the
mayor, who had frequently exprossed a
favorable sentiment toward this movement
of his constituents in the interest ot tho
peace and older c f the city. Assurances
of co-operation were treely given and that
co-operation was looked for in vain. The
mysiery is only explainable through poli
tical alliances whose trncks are cover -d. It
need only be said that the mayor of the
city has disappointed the expectations of
Christian people who gave him their suf
frages, aud has seemed to regard more the
pledges to the city' enemies, the vicious
and the immoral. Scaicely less were tha
expectations centering In the courts of
justice, presumably always ou the side of
morality and good order. Appeals from
decisions clearly and absolutely within th
jurisdiction of the alderman are allowed
whou delay is the apparent aud only pur
pose. Judgments are reversed ou more
technicalities; linal decisions of trivial
proceedings are delayed for mouths, until
their possible good effect is utterly de
stroyed, All these peculiarities of the
situation nud developments give proof thut
the bulk of history is unwritten. They
have had their weight iu hanineriiig a
movement which will bear thescrutiuy of
the brightest sunlight.
.A Christian city, orau iutldol city; the
best element iu the nscoudauey. or the
worst that is after nil, tho question. An
orderly, quiet, restful Sunday, as Uod
made it, uud the law conserves it, or a hol
iday with all its concomitants, paving the
way for a woik day and the enslavement
of the poorer cla-aes another problem
which It is wise to consider. To defend tho
Christian Sabbath is right; to undermine
it is wrong. In this is tbo real issue, mid
by this test will the movement be judged,
and ou this bssls ill it live or die. It is
the province ot a movement to move. The
natural order is forward, not backward;
but it may rest, and It may die while rest
ing. Let us hope not tti this case, The de -mise
of such a work means much. We uro
bad enough with a Sabbath, what Would
we be without one?
It Is wit hiu the power of Scrautou to bo
a model city. Her citizens should be con
tent with nothing less. The character of
her Sabbaths will determiue the character
of the city itself and affect favorably or
otherwise the prosperity aud happine-s
of tho people. The Sabbath Is the smile
ot Uod; to save it is to be approved: to let
it slip is to face perils and desolation
which no human hand c:;ti stay, nud
which will, sooner or later, nppall tho
slont-st human heart. The S'.md.iy din
ing movement, when under pers.-i ul di
rection of the undersigned, was ellVelive.
It reached results aud held them. For
three months It uiuiulaim-d its po-itiou at
heavy cost, aud was handed over to tho
citizens' committee tecuuso the Sabbath
union was without fuuds for its continu
ance. Criticisms were powerless nud the
devotiou of tbo Pastor's union was all
that could be desired. Wheu the writer
resigned thu chairmanship be by no
means abaudoiied the work. As secretary
of th ' American Sabba h uui n, with u
district embracing eighteen counties, he
ban surely no luck of busiuess nud respon
The Sunday movement was a child of
the American Sabbath tini iii. That or
ganization is still in I he city nud will re
main, its mission is for good ouly mi l it
has proved its riht to live. It will press
the battle, not with tho enemy's weapo is,
but with the arts and devices that make
for peace und may wiu and hold the confi
dence of all good people. Its distuct sec
rotary, with more thuu three years' asso
ciation with its great work, hu.s more
coufltieuce than ever in its success, lie
invites sympathy and co operation from
all who love tne day, assuring them thut
its work will be prosecuted with vigor and
fidelity aud with such dignity and self-respect
ii9 will retain tne coutideuce and
support of all who value the day as a day
of rest aud worship and favor its protec
tion from influences that would overthrow
and destroy it. Correspondence from
friends of the work is cordiuily invited.
F. A. Dony,
Diet. Sec'y American Sabbath Union.
Scranton, July 'ii, lb'Jl.
Edward J. Humphrey, an Ontario and
Western Employ, Iujurtd.
Edward J. Murphy, 32 years of ago,
au employe of the Ontario and West
ern railroad, was run over at Olvplmnt
last night and brought to the Lacka
wanna hospital at an early hour this
morning. Quo leg was crushed below
tbo knee aud nmputulioti was neces
sary. Humphrey sustained several minor
injuries aud the hospital surgeons were
disinclined to say he would recover,
He was on duty when the uccldent oc
curred. Long; Dlstauos T-l-phons Sub c lbri. .
Since the last regular subscribers' list
was published there has been such a de
mand for metallic circuits with long dis
tance telephones that, for the convenience
of all concerned, the names of those who
bnve availed tbemselves of this better tel
ephone service will appear in the daily pa
pers, from day to day. The subscribers
thus equipped, may be called up from a
point as far away as Chicago with the
certainty tbat conversation cuu be carried
on satisfactorily:
Consn mers' Ico company, ice office.
Consumers' Ice company, coal ollice.
C. II. Schudt, rosldenco.
Scranton Hepublican, business office.
Scrautou Kepublican. editorial rooms.
J. A. Scranton, residence.
A. D. Warinan, Lackawanna laundry.
llrown & Morris, architects,
Joseph Levy, residence.
d. W. Fritz, suddlety, harness aud
tin nks.
Kerr & Siebecker, carpet house.
Com sen ic demons, crockery.
l)r. J. Eiumett O lirieu.
S. J. burner & Sons, sceeu manufactur
ers. Joseph Ansley & Sous, lumber and plan
ing mill.
F. Carluccl, stono yard.
Clarke Bros., the cash store.
William Price & lion, undertakers.
Pocono Ice company.
Kinil Schinipff, commission and produce.
Cumiulnis Hroi., liquor dealers.
Adniiis Express company.
Wnh burn, JIoou company,
J. M. Evei liait, brass works.
Mineral Oil company.
Ackerinau liros., wholesale grocers.
Ihs Nw Etat Normal School.
The fall term of the Esst Stroudsbtirg
State Normal school willopeu Sept. !), I MM.
Marvelous success the flr-t year; 1,1113 pu
pils enrolled during the three terms, iting
uihYeut buildings, rooms carueted nud
furnished tbrou.hout with the most mod
em furniture. The best gru le of matting
on all the halls. All homo comforts pro
vided for all our pupils. A faculty of com
petent Instructors. The b-st boarding of
any school of tho kind in the state.
Training, commercial, college prepara
tory, mujio and elocutionary departments.
Our nupils enter thu leading colleges with
out further examination.
Send immediately for our new illustrated
catalogue aud engage your room early.
Address George P. Hihi.k, P:in
EsBt St'otidsbnig,,Pa,
Go to Poyntdlr, Excursion Rates One
New York, Ontario and Western rnil
road will run excursions Wednesday and
Saturday. Traiu leaves Scran l ou H.30 a.
m., returning leaves Poyutello 4.60 p. m.
Good fishing.
L,iwu Raaurt, Rsfrlgsratorf, Io Cream
1 bave now on band and will sell at cost
II) Lawn Razors, ,
10 Refrigerators,
15 Ice Cream Freezers.
Come and get one before they are all
gone. Tuos. F. Lkonahd,
505 Lnckuwauna ave.
Eucklsn's Arnloa Salvs.
The best salve in the world for Cuts
Biuises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter. Chapped Ilauds, Chilblains,
Corns and nil Skiu Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
i guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price U6 cents per
box. For sale by Matthew Bros,
Proposals Exceed tho Appropriation for N).
27 School Building.
Preparing to Erect the Now School
Buiiding in the Fourth Ward Con
tract for Furnishing Desks Di
videdControllers Get a Late Start
on Account of Committee Meetings,
but Cover Considerable Ground,
It was a full bour after the usual
time when the board of control got
down to work lust evening. Nearly all
I ha members were disposed about vari
ous p.irts ot the adjoining rooms attend
lug important committee uietings.The
leacheis' committer was in Superin
tendent Ptiilip's ollie) wrestling with
appointments for the coining y ar. The
supply committee was discussing the
question ot supplies which are to bj
advertised for soon. The Quauco and
building committees hit 1 other import
ant mutters to deal with, and as a con
eqiletice the larg, varied and atixiou-1
crowd of sp 'ctstors were k-tot wmtiun
until au hour at wincli a Ijournin ;it is
usually made.
Wheu the board was finally called to
order, the bids for tho construction of
he prop 'Sod n w school iu Green
ftidge. No. 27, were read. All the
jidlers presented two proposals and
loino three. The first bid was on thu
original plans aud the second was based
on the revised plans submitted on July
17 S-veral bi lders made separate
liures for the completion of the as
seuibly room. The t.ids folloyv;
Original. Revised., room.
Cdwln . Hughes.. u.tfl'J fW.KH) t
IVorSlipp a J, 141 U5,8al 570
iizia Finn & Mms... 8J.II71 tint)
ad win J.Wiliiatn-.. 41,47) 4li.WJ4 5u0
.1. 11. Wo .1 ey & Co. 40 U7(i 8 1, 4 18
Peck Lumber Co... 4S, WW D'J.OIIO COO
.lohn lleuore & Sou. 4 4-'S d7,37'J
Conrad Schroeaer.. il.MO 37,200
The bids were referred to the build
ing comruitt-e. It is not likely tb'U
i ii y o them will be accepts 1 as lint
$30,000 has beeu appropriated for the
Jllll ing.
O dels wer-) drawn for the pay man t
ot salaries during July. $123 i'ur UH :era
iud $11 for janitors.
O.i the r common t'ltion of the build
in ; c i.muiillee, the board decided to
idvei'ti-e for bids for the h ating ami
V'titilatmg of the new No. 19 school on
R-ti.cca avenue. The contract for
-J.OjO cnool desks was divided between
Ii.! U-iited S:ales Souool Furniture
oomp.iny aud the Handy School Furni
ture company, oi uratiu it ipus, juicu.
Another building committee recom
meiidatioo that was adopted was that
twenty-five feet of land adjoining No.
19 tilot be purchased from William
jaiit for $1,200. Mr., Evans strenu
ously objected to buying the laud or
Having No. 19 erected on Hbecca are
nuo. Lie favored the purchase
of the three lots on the corner
of Lafayette and Everstt wbioh
he said could be secured for a little
more than half what was asked for the
twenty-five additional feet ou Rebecca
avenue. Only three members coincided
with his views aud the committee's
recommendation was adopted.
A communication was received from
the board's uttorney, Lion. H.A. Kuupp,
suggesting thut the best way to tortify
the board ag linst losses by fire when a
huildiug is under course of construc
tion, was to insure toe building for the
amount of each payment as it was
made to the contractor. 1 tie coui
mutiicutioo was favorably receiveJ uud
ordered filed.
Mr. Williams, for the fitiancj com
mittee, reported in favor of granting
but j39!) 93 of the $017.91 called for in
the exoneration list of M. J. Qerrity,
collector of delinquent tnx- in the
S'.coud ward for me year 1889. The
discrepancy of 18 01, Mr. Williams
stated, was the amount of taxjs of two
parties who had paid the city treas
urer. He neglected to credit them and
is a cousequsnce, be believed, the city
treasurer should be compelled to pay
tho money, tog-tther with the penalty,
to the collector. Mr. Williumi also
reported that the general school ac
count was overdrawn and recom
mended that a transfer of $23,000 from
the sinking fund be made. The corn-
mi tteo's reports were approved of.
Mr. Jacobs, for the supply commit
tee, recommended that bids fur the
year s supplies be auvertised for. Tuo
recommendation was adopted.
Plans for the No. 19 building were
submitted by Davie & Hiiupt and ex
amined by the memoers, who looked
upon them with favor. Tliey were
placed in the bauds of the building
The president and secretary were
empowered to advertise the board iu
the pauipiilet which is being issued by
the city,
After granting the secretary, Cap
tain Fellows, leiV't of abseiio.) duri.ig
eticampment ween, tne uoaru uu-
j turned.
Timothy E. D .land T. links He Is En
titled to State and Duplloa'e.
Timothy E-B A md, who nt the last
municipal election was selected to fill
the i Hire of tax collector of Duiimore
yesterday filed with Clerk of the tVnrts
I bonus a bond in the sum of f 84.4)00
inn nona was upproveu uy ju ig"
(funster and has tbo followmg us sure
A Very
Per Bottle.
Per Dozen.
429 Lacka. Ays.
ties: Timothy E. Boland. Michael
liolund, James II. Kelly, T. J. Duggan,
Thomas Flannelly, P. D. Mauley, John
Uoland, Michael Kane and Oscar Lud
wig. 1 his Is understood to be the first step
by Mr. Boland toward making an ef
fort to secure tbe Btata aud county du
plicate for Dunmnre.
When the county commissioners
made up their list of appointments
LL-nry P. Savadge win giveu the state
mid county duplicate for Dunmore, and
t is now in uis bauds. When tin re
cent decision of the supremo court was
announced Mr, Boland thought that be
was the proper person to Uo the work
Mr. Savadgw i performing. Some time
ii go l.e filvd a boud in a much smaller
amount covering the local tux dupli
When tbe county commissioners
wero qnsstione 1 about th i m ttter yes
terday by a lumuNE reporter they raid
Mr, Boland had not made u demand
lor the duplicate, but had informed
them that be bad tiled his bond with
the clerk of the courts, lit bad not as
vet, they said, teudeted to them the
judgment bond rq'ilr-id by the com
missioners from all collectors.
fTho West Slilo olllso of the SrilASTON
Tki iineIs located at llll North Mam av
Imo. where siilisci'intliins, ailv.trus'.-meuts and
eoininuiiica.ions will ruceiyj prompt atten
airs. Sarah Simon Wi'l Have Him Ai
!ntd f r Siandnr.
David Ilirris, El ward Howell, W.
Stern 'and Mike Stern, his son, entered
null last evening be Tore Allermm
Blair for their appsarann at court.
The elder Stern is the proprietor of a
saloon on Price street, which was the
scene of a most disgraceful occurrence
t few evening ago. The m in git into
in argiiramt aud then indnl ;d in n
fight. Harris was beaten so b.tdly thut
he bad to be tak m lioiils.
A case of assault and battory was
heard before Al lerm in Blair Inst
evening. Sarah Simon, a resident of
Twenty first 8tr t, was arrested by
Constable Jerry Driscoll, on com pi tint
of her fathor-iii-law and his daughter,
who allege that Mrs. Simon will not
keep the peace, and threatened tbi in
bodily harm. Mrs. Simon wept copi
ously during the proceedings. Sue
bears murks of violence at the hands of
her husband. She gave bail for her ap
p -uraiice and says she will bring a suil
against the prosecutor for slander.
John Siilliyaii who resides near Ox
ford street, engagsd in a bout wi ll
Constable Timothy Jonus yesterdiy
while being arrested. A warrant was
sworn out by Mik - Cirn y, charging
Sullivan with assault, and wnile Jon-s
was taking him to thu station house,
the latt-r was attack. I. Sullivan has
acquired much f mo as a boxer, yet
lie suffered defeat at the ban Is of
Jones, who knocked him out. The
journey was thin p'acefuily return d.
He will have a hearing today.
Etarvicit Hsld at the First Welsh Bap
tist Church.
Tbo funeral of the late Mrs. Cells
Lewis, wife of Thomas Lewis, who
died at ber home on Lafayette street at
an early hour on Saturday morning,
occurred from tbe family residence
yesterday afternoou at 3 o'clock. Tbe
remains were viewed by a large num
ber us they rested in a handsome black
casket. Impressive services were con
ducted by Rev. W. S. Jones, pastor ot
the First Welsh Baptist church, who
paid a high tribute to the departed oue
and referred to her mauy qualities ha a
The floral tributes were many und
included some very exquisite designs.
Interment was madd iu tbe Washburn
Street cemetery. The pall bearers were
B. Bjddoe. D.ivid Jones, EtienezT
Jones, David Morgan, Qeorge Hill and
Joseph Davits.
Eugene Dale, of Keysor avenue, is ill.
Miss Tessle Burnett, of Chestnut street,
is visiting friends in lIone-dal'
Mrs. Sarah Croker, of South Bromley
avenue, is visiting friends iu Ilonesdalo.
Mrs. John S Owens nud daughter, Lena,
of Clifford, aro visiting friends on this
Evan R. Williams, of this Ride, will leave
for Mnrrietta college in September, to take
a course in theology,
John Stepheus, of North Lincoln avs
nue, has returned from a fow days' so
journ at Lako Winoltt.
Miss Mamo Kromer, of North Hyde
Park aveutie, is tliegust of Miss Mamie
Stevens, at CnrbMidale.
Fred W. Wylatid and Teter Short, of
Nashville. Tenn., were in town yesterday
ou their visit through the east.
Mrs. Charles Magnvern, of North Liu
colu avenue, and Miss Ida I'einbridge, of
Ninth Main avenue, are in Philadelphia.
The members f Columbia Iiosn com
pany, No. 6, are req'.lobted to meet at the
hoBe house on Division' street this after
noim at 1 o'clock iu full uniform, to attend
the funeral ot tue late ex-C.uef 11. it.
$40,000 Pohool House No. 27,
E. L. Waller, architect, bids to be opened
this month, to bo built on Columbia avenue.
Lots for sale ou this avenue nt low prices
for a brief period.
Aimiuit FiiOTniN(in.M.
And Right Up
to Date. . . .
We have Artistic
Designs in Wed
ding Gifts and all
the Latest Novel
ties. W. W. BERRY, Jeweler
Best Sets of Teeth, $8.00
Including the painless extracting
cl teelu by au entirely new pro
Cue, S. O. Snyder, D.t.S.
ltt& WiOUUNtf XV H
Ca:eless Handling of a R.volver Resulted in
a Tragedy at tho Ridgj.
Michael Shovinsky Was Examining
the Thirty-eiftlit Calibre Revolver of
His Cousin, Et;woth Givinsky, and
in Passing It from Ons Hand to the
Oilier It Was Discharged with Fatal
Effect. ,
Michael Shovinisky is at tbe county
j tit charged with snooting and killing
.lis cousin, E,'woth Givinsky, at tho
Ridge neur Archluld yesterday.
Shevinskv was seen in bis c .dl nt the
j ill last night by a Tkihunh reporter.
iienaua uesperate Htrugglo with the
English ilnngung.j in his effort to ex
plain that the shooting was accidental.
Shevinsky is n Pot uider and bo
it the boiis of Michael Biglow at the
Ridge. His cousin hoarded in a bouse
icross tho street. Two friends from
I'rioeburg caiaii un to visit Ui.-m yes
terday morning and about 11 o'clock
:Iim four were se.itel in a room in Big
low's house. It was suggested that the
party go to 1 rice burg aud the proposi
tion wass agreed to.
Givinsky thereupon took a revolver
from bis pocket and Inil it upon a
bureau Shevinsky picked it up to ex-
inline, it nun GiVinsUy remarked that
the weapon was uo good. Shevinsky
said tbat iu bis opinion it was a good
revolver, and as 1m spoks gave it a
twist from one twin 1 into the other.
As he did so the revolver discharged,
Hud the ball entered Givinsky'
stomach, passing nround and lodging
in the biickboii). Tie revolver was
38-caliber. Shevinsky started for
iVckville for a doctor, aud when be
returned with huu two hours later,
the wounded man was deal.
Shevinsky wus arraigned befor Jns
doe of Hie Peace Munley and admitted
the shooting. II was thereupon com
mitted to the county j .il and was taken
there 1 ist night by Constable Dougher
and Thomas Scanton.
S;i vinsky is 27 years of nge and has
.i wife iu Polnid. HU victim is 21
years of age and unm urie 1.
Buy the V.'b.r
and pet the best. At Guernsey Bros.
J-VJ U 11U111U
IS sot
i A Luxury
We will sell you an Im
proved Mexican Ham
mock for 83c. H
A fine Cotton Tillow
Hammock for . . . $1.20
Or Jot and Gold
Fringed Hammocks, $3.25
126 Penn Ave.
Scranton' s Hardware SpecirJists,
The Scranton Business College
Xew and handsome building. AU modern improvements.
Localiou the bt'st possible. Quiet aud healthful.
Two Sessions Day and Evening.
Three Thorough and Complete Courses:
Business Course. Shorthand Course. Combined Course.
Proprietors fully alive to tha w.mU and requirements of busi
ness men.
Teachers who have spent many years of active work in counting
room and class-room. Announcement of opeuing later.
Office temporarily in G iriiuv. Brown &
Co. 's store, eor. Adams Ave and Linden St.
Bon'! Overlook the Fact
That we are in the Shoe Business. Step
in some day and see how well we can
please you, both as to quality and price.
Our Ladies and Gentlemen's 3.00
S HO IBS are marvels of style and
Children's Good-wearing Shoes are our
hobby. We warrant every pair.
BANISTER'S, CDr- Lataa5ajLwi'!P hm
BROKEN LOTS at cost, or less than cost. Our Broken
Lots are in the lines of Parasols, Shirt Waists, Suits,
Straw Hats for Men and Eoys, Negligee Shirts, Neck
wear, etc. Drop in while they are going so cheap and,
savo a dollar or two.
It Will Take Hues on the Johnson Lak
Chief Engineer Ferber will send out
invitations today to Mayor Connell,
City Controller Widtnayer and the
members of the fire committee to wit
ness a display tomorrow afternoon of
the new (hmlcal engine.
The chief will bave a large bon-fire
bin It on tbe Johnson's lake grounds
and the chemicals will be turned on the
blaze. If the weather Is unfavorable
the experiment will be postponed till
Conway House,
No. 1H2 and 134 Penn avenuo, is where you
i-,.n always And the finest Hue of wines
and liquors. Everurd's Celebrated Canada
Mult beer constantly on tap. Coolest place
in tbe city.
nothing but the best.
You will be satisfied
if you call on J. BOLZ and
get some of the bargains he
is offering.
A $5 Coat for $1.49.
A $7 Coat for $3.
A Fine BlackClay Worst
ed Coat for $5, worth
Ladies' Cape3, all shades,
for 98c.
Ladies' Tailor-made Suits
for $4.75, worth $9.
During tbe Summer.
138 Wyoming Ave.
128 Wyoming Ave.
In White Black, Tana and Grey
Former Priee.s, $1, $1 23 and $1.50.
Many pe ople do not k now
what it means for a mer
chant to have BROKEN
LOTS of goods. It means
that he has to close out
tei ill
sv , z -.r'--'