The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 24, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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Trisunc publishinq Company.
Ww Vou Ofhoi i Tiiiiim Iuiloik. ha
Cray, Manuih.
i 1
i ur Governor!
I or Lhutcnmit Cn urninr:
or Auditor Crntrnl:
Secretary of Itirnut AH'iiir:
Of I'lJII.UlKll'MIA.
J or Coivjrcsitnt cn -at-Lury?:
0A1.USHA A. liROW,
I-lcctlon Time, Nov. 0.
Tun estkkmkl) Sciantou Truth will
pardon u for asking upon what ground
it " takes it" tlmt Thk Tkihuxe "o
jioscs compulsory arbitration." Wo
are not aware of ever having Miid so;
and we do have a distinct recollection
of having repeatedly said to the con
trary. Gorman's Terrific Arraignment.
Not since the exciting days of ante
bellum discission has tlio utaid senato
of the United States heard such a
broadside of denunciation as that
which Arthur Pue Gorman, the Mary
land Warwick, yesterday poured into
the ponderous political entity called
Grover Cleveland. Alining from au
uninterrupted reading of the complete
text of this memorable debate, the
conclusion is irresistible that the pres
ident has been left, iu the words of the
btreet, without a leg to stand ou.
The dignity of the senate aud the
formulae of parliamentary allusion did
not permit the application by Mr.
Gorman to the presidents conduct of
the short and emphatic Anglo-Saxon
words which readily suggest them
selves after an attentive study of the
strong evidence yesterday adduced of
Grover Cleveland's duplicity. Hut it
was enough in Mr. Gorman's behalf to
present the facts, . They cpeak out,
more emphatically than could any
words of indignant characterization, hi
rebuke of au executive whose accusa
tions of "perfidy" aud "party dis
honor" directed against others, should
rightly have been directed against
himself, since the testimony presented
by Mr. Gorman leaves the president
convicted of false witness, delusive
promises and an attitude in the tarill'
discussion deceptive iu the extreme.
To Republicans the spectacle is en
durable only as it indicates an increas
ing possibility of the realization, by
them, of the patriotic hope that industry-smashing
under free trade
auspices may yet he postponed in
definitely in time to spare the country
further havoc aud depression. That
apart, the episode is humiliating be
yond precedent, revealing in both par
tics to the factional wrangle a sense of
indifference to the public good that
might better characterize bandits and
outlaws than' American statesmen en
trusted with the responsibilities of
federal government.
That "town near Scranton" should
not get huffy about it. It couldn't be
in better society.
The principle of compulsion as
' applied to arbitration is society's de
fense against the costly ravages of that
form of civil warfare which is precipi
tated when capital and labor clash.
The principlo of compulsion as applied
to education Is society's defense against
the perils of ignorance as illustrated in
a venal citizenship unfitted for a wise
exercise of the right to vote. If It is so
ciety's right to insist upon compulsion
iu the one cuse, it is equully its risrht
to insist upon it in the other case. The
two reforms are parallel. The person
who supports the one strengthens tho
other, whether he realizes it or not.
The CLi'ii of a policeman deters for
the moment, but it never permanently
Was Harrison Ungrateful ?
The cirairnstanco related in the in
terview with Captain John C. Delaney,
published this morning on ourseventh
page, has not to our knowledge, prev
iously appeared iu print. In brief, it
is that at a critical period In the cam
paign of 1383, when money at national
headquarters was scarce, and party
prospects low, cx-Senator William
Windom, then enjoying a foremost
position in the financial life of the
.metropolis, refused to lend his aid to
the candidacy of General Harrison,
pleading a prior pleasure engagement
in Europe. lie went abroad, leaving
a discouraged party behind him; and
after ids return, when tho private gen
erosity of Senator Quay and ex-Senator
Piatt had jointly bridged the chasm,
lie was prevailed upon to deliver one
speech , only by the oflcr of a large
Bumof money and other liberal atten
tions. Yet when General Harrison was
elected, thanks very largely to the at
tentive personal energies and sacri
fices of Senators Quay and Piatt, ex
Senator Windom was selected as Gen
eral Harrison's secretary of the treas
ury, and ex-Senator Piatt, who was a
candidate for the same position, was
ignored altogether. This, in brief, is
the story that Captain Delaney tells.
Ho tells it, we are informed, upongood
authority; and it is at least sufficiently
plausible to explain many curious
subsequent faots concerning the hos
tile attitude of oth Piatt and Quay
toward itlie nianv whom they so suc
cessfully cliinupioued six years ago.
That this hostility, at times openly
oltter, shquld have had no foundation
would be an uncommon circumstance
and one almost beyond belief. It is
obvious from the surface of the situa
tion that botli these eminent party
leaders have felt slighted, rebuffed uud
humiliated. Whether they woro the
victims of a misunderstanding, or
whether General Harrison was never
sufllelently informed of their earnest
work in his behalf, will doubtless re
main unknown to the lay public.
Enough is known, however, to indi
cate unerringly that Senators Quny
snd Piatt are no fair-weather partisans,
good for service only when the skies
are bright. They belong to the cate
gory of veteran and seasoned stalwarts,
who deserve better of the party that
they serve so faithfully than tho cheap
derision and lack of confidence which
are Often their only reward.
Thomas M. Coolky's indorsement
of tho President was none the less
welcome for being a trifle belated.
The columns of a good newspaper
of general circulation afford tho best
possible means of communicating be
tween reader aud advertiser. This
fact is admitted and acted upou by the
ordinary advertiser; and there is no
reason why it should bo ignored by
the candidates for oflleo who wish to
exhibit their records before their fellow
citizens. The duty of a party news
paper to candidates does not begin
until the convention selects its noinl
nees; but iu the meantime it is proper
for aspirants to advertise in a dignified
manner, and to pay for that adver
tising as becomes honest men. The
advertising columns of a newspaper
are open to the public; and the public
is at liberty to use tlieiu within rea
sonable restrictions, upon tho same
basis that it uses street cars, hotels,
railway trains or dry goods stores.
Tliis is the common sense of a very
simple business subject, and it is as fuir
for one as it Is for another.
If the editor of the Truth wants a
brainy man in congress, we believe w o
could, with a mirror, show him where
one could be found.
Mr. Dony's Statement.
This morning, in pursuanco of its
uniform custom of according to all
persons a fair hearing, Tin: Trikcnk
prints a statement from Kev. F. A.
Dony doJiniug his position, past and
present, toward the local movement
for a better observance of Suuday.
There are several assertions iu Mr.
Dony's article with which we do not
agree, and one or two which we dis
pute in t'oto. Hut we are disposed to
let the gentleman's personal signature
carry its own load of responsibility
therefor, judging this to be the fair and
proper course to be pursued.
In tho case, for example, of the
mayor of this city we suspect that the
secretary of the American Sabbath
union makes charges which ho cannot
sustain. We do not believe that Mayor
Council is by training, iustiucts, in
tention or effect au ally of lawless ele
ments, nor that he has sought, as a
public official, to shirk or shun his full
duty as it is defined iu the statutes and
by common consent. The secretary of
the American Sabbath union will not
gain credence for his accusations
against the mayor upon the mere
weight of his own ipse dixit; nor do we
believe that he can advance evidence
adequate to sustain them. Neither
are we convinced that the common
pleas courts of this county have yet
failed to interpret the law correctly.
As able constitutional lawyers as Mr.
Dony have sustained the position that
the penalty clause in the Sunday law
of 1704 is farcical in its effect, lacking
provision for the punishment of tho
law's contempt and virtually opening
the door to its own systematic viola
tion. As to the secretary's expressed hope
that Sunday law-breaking may cease,
this journal heartily shares it, aud
can say so in the utmost frankness
without in the slightest committing
itself to the proposition that Kev.
Mr. Dony's methods, taken col
lectively, were the wisest and
aud most effective methods to bo
pursued. We do not believe that there
is one honest and thoughtful citizen in
Lackawanna county who, after duo
consideration, would wish to see the
legal restraints to wanton Sabbath
desecration disappear. This point is
not in question. Tho question Is
whether a policy which seeks the no
toriety of its salaried instrument quito
as much as the moral triumph of its
ostensible purpose is the best policy to
employ. Our opinion, very fraukly, is
a negative one,
The assertion, beforo a hearing of
the Pittston council, of one Furiuan,
representing the Barber Asphalt Pave
company, thut "the papers wjll say
anything, if they are paid enough for
it" indicates an evident instance of
midsummer brain softening. We do
not not know who this man Furman
is, but wo will wager that he will not
bear too close an inspection by tho
newspapers. The men who talk liko
that seldom will.
Some Eloquent Facts.
We cull from one copy of a daily
paper two extracts which we deem
worthy of reproduction. One is taken
from au extended report of a riot at
Duryea. It reads as follows:
There wore a hnnclred drunken men In
the street, everyone of whom carried
pick bHiKtle, base bull but or shot gun. A
Polutiiur w een dragging bis wife out of
the bouse. lis threw her into the road
and kicked her. Ho was laid low by a
blow from a club. About fltty shots were
tired while the chief aud constable wre
there, but fortunately nobody was hit.
The other extract refers to one An
tonio HuHsiau, arrested in Pittston for
beating his wife. It says:
Air. Langun uid the neighbors wore
aroused by the crlea of Husslau's wife, as
he chaned her about the homo, beating
hor. Finally she ran out doura. When
Mussina Haw the officers o.niiluu, bo
quenched the light. The officers rnuhed
lu and nabbed him. He fouM like a
demon. He was struck over thread with
a club, aud the wound iuflioted bled (or
several hours. He bad on a white shirt,
which was covered with blood, and ho pre
sented a horrible sight, when fought bo-
fore the burgess. He was fined 110, which
his wife borro'wsd from a Polauder, aud
It is difficult to believe that scones
like this are really visible in a civilized
portion of the second greatest slate iu
the American Union, within six years
of the beginning of the twentieth cen
tury. And yet these things are not
uncommon. What are we doing to
check aud to cure them? Are the in
fluences of religion, of education and of
law as powerfully turned ou tiiem,
with a view to their elimination, as
could be wished?
There are other standpoints from
which this subject might be viewed.
For instance, we might inquire, ap
ropos of the wife-beater, Hussiau,
whether tho policeman's pounding of
him into ajelly with a club, without a
warrant for tho man's urrest, supplied
a good example of law enforcement.
Put wo shall not pause to debate that
polut now. We ish merely to call
public attention to the facts them
selves. They are eloquent enough to
point their own moral.
It can safety be taken for grauted
that the man who can dominate tho
Republicanism of the foremost Ameri
can commonwealth for years must
have something in him. Ciphers do
not figure in politics to that extent.
It prohably matters little to the
Whitney coal syndicate whether Mr.
Clevelaud favors yielding to the ex
tortions of trusts or not. It has much
more practical uses for him than tho
penning of panegyrics.
The story that Mr. Cleveland will
retaliate on obstinate senators by ex
posing their connection with the sugar
trust Is improbable on its face. Ex
posure is a game at which two could
Will the fire-eaters of the senate
now try to have President Clevelaud
indicted after the manner in which
they have persecuted those two
Gotham correspondents?
The present commander In chief
of tho Democratic party is recom
mended to keep a suspicious eye on
gift-bearing David li. Hill.
Senator Murphy confesses his own
guilt when he answers accusations by
personal abuse.
Pie Counter.
Those who have tried it say a delicious
hot weather beverage is made by taking
three buunuas uud rubbing them through
a tieve; add the juice of one lemon. Pour
over the pulp a half-pint of boiliug water.
Whn cold, stir it well, sweeten ana strain.
Tnen add a buttle of soda water aud
cracked ice. A refreshing drlnlc, quickly
made, 18 that evolved by puttiug into a
tumbler a liberal tablespounful of almost
any kind of i.vrup-plueapple is always
successful a tublespoouful of thick cream,
and then filling thejglass from a syphon of
iced soda water. This Is a drink particu
larly acceptable for garden aud tennis
parties. Straws should be furnished for
such drinks as contain cracked ice and
fruit slices.
Always Complai.nino:
When we hnve fair weather,
Tho sun's tuo hot;
When the clouds gut heavy,
Too much rulu we've gotl
And though you'll deny It,
And will say 'tis rough
When we get to heaven,
'Twou't be good enough !
Atlanta Constitution.
Another delicious summer potion is fruit
lemonade, a great improvement over the
plain, picnic, circus or cburcb festival va
riety. It is made by adding the juice of
two oranges and a half pint of strawber
ries to every half dozen lemons. First roll
the lemons and carefully scrape off any
small black specks that may appear upon
the surface, then with a sharp kuite slice
them thin, taking pains to remove the
seeds. Place the lemons in a pitcher from
which the drink is to be sorved, aud pour a
cunful of granulated sugar over them.
Then, with a wooden pestle, mush
the lemons well and add the other fruit
juice, lieap a pint of chopped ice over ail
uud ullow it to stand a few moments be
foro adding the water aud remainder of
eufur. This recolpt should make fully
three pint of finely flavored lemonade.
The amount of sugar required must d
peud upou tho acidity of the fruit. When
strawberries are not in season, blood
oranxot or red raspberries may b substi
tuted, und the tlavor will be enhanced by tho
additiou of small cubes of piuenppie. Egg
lemonade U mnde by using the juico of
one large lemon with two tabletpoonfuls
of granulated sugar, the whites of two
eggs and a glass aud a half of ice water.
Mix the Union juice aud suiiar together,
add the water and thou stir in the beaten
whites of tho cgys.
Mathematically Speakino:
We went to ichool together; we lovod each
other well.
I Lolped her with her "rithmotic," she
taii(ht me how to spell.
"Oi.e ti ora one leaves nothing, and one and
one are two.
The lust 1 see, but one from onef 0. holp
me, Charlie, dof"
"If yi)U take awuy the only one, you've
nothiug left," says I;
"You have the oue you took away," she
alwhys would reply,
Ah, Prue, vou wont to Europe to "finish
off," they say:
I wonder if you ever think of me, so far
You were one, and I was one, but when
you crossed the sea
One from oue leaves nothing; tliero was
liuthing left of me,
I've loved you Ions and tendorly; come
back to me, sweet Prue.
We two shall te made one, dear, If one and
one are two.
Loiisc G'Acus in the Wisconsin.
ll! tuo face of many more elaborate sum
mer drinks, tea yet relaius its large circle of
loyal votaries. To these it may be said
thut iced tua enn be made from either
green or black tea, but a mixture of
the two is nu improvement on either of
the others aloue. Prepare tho tea in tb
morning, luukiug it stronger tbiin usual.
It is better not to swetten uutll you have
learned the tastes of the guests. Strain
and pour luto a stone lug or glass bottle
aud pluc lu the Ice chest uutil ready to
serve. Pour it in goblets and nevur
use cream. Servo the Ice cracked on
plates garnished with well-washed
fruit loaves. A way to make tea
other than by steeping in boiling wuter is
to cover the tea leaves with oolit water and
let them staud six or eight hours. The in
fusion will possets a different flavor.
Though tea made lu Ibis way Is often pre
ferred, it is not economical, as double the
amount of tea is required to intlte the
drink. RursIiiu tea is made by placing a
slice of lemon iu each cup before pouring
the boiling hot tea. Iu serving, use tin V
tumblers Instead of teacups. This is quite
as paiataoie wuen com.
The newspaper portrait! of Eugent V.
Debs are not accurate, according to Eu
gsue JTield. They represeut him fat aud
sleek, and be la not. Dibs is tall, blue
eyed, pale, smooth-shaven and inclined tn
baldness; he looks very like Bill Nye, aud
the Met that he wears spectacles eiuphn-1
sizss the resemblance. He dresses very
plainly, but neatly. He talks fluently, be
it an omnivorous reador and he particu
larly likes poetry. Of address he is caudid
and cordial; he has to a degroe that quality
called personal mairaetlsm. Fire minutes
with him would suffice, we think, to con
vince a reader of human nature that Debs
is a man of high ideas, honest convictions,
unswerving integrity, great Intellectual
vigor (or, perhaps, rather zeal), exceptional
simplicity of character and consummate
impracticability. Uis traits are those, we
believe, which, takeu singly, are most ad
mirable, but which, bunched, are very
likely to get him into trouble.
Proverbs from ini PnAiitiES:
Big words won't spilt rails.
Where fathers flee mothers fight.
Swoat is the champion fertilizer.
Most farms pasture too many fences.
Scalding tears will scar the fairest check.
Bank books contain many tales of fash
ion. Short sermons make wido-awoko Chris
tians. A toothbrush should go with every dirty
Guns without foresight shoot wide of
tho mark.
Art loses nothing by conceding modesty
to a fig leaf.
It takos many a wail to make a drunk
ard's laugh.
Dou't put your secrets in the advertis
ing columns.
Beware tho strength born of carrying
all the burdons.
Temptation relies more on suggestion
than exposure. Chicago Herald.
Apportionment of Republican Bspresen
tallon Among the Various Dlstiiots.
Pursuant to a meeting of the Republi
can County committee ueld on July 14th,
ISUt, the County Conveution will be
held on Tuesday, September 4th, 1804, at 10
o'clock a. in., iu the court house at Scrau
ton, for the purpose of plnclug in nomina
tion candidates for the following named
offices, to be voted for at the next general
election to be held November tith, lMrti
Congress, Eleventh district; Judge, Forty
flfth Judicial district; sheriff, treasurer,
clork of courts, protbonotary, district at
torney, recorder of deeds, register of wills,
and jury commissioner.
Vigilance committees will hold delegate
elections on Saturday, September let, 1SSD4,
between the hours of 4 and 7 p. m, They
will alto give- at least two days public;
notice of the time aud place for holding
said eleetious.
Ench election district should elect at the
said delegate elections, two qualified per
sons to serve as vigilance committee for oue
year, and have their names curtiticd to, on
the credentials of delegates to the County
The represent ntion of delegates to the
County Conveution is based upon the vote
cast lust fall for Fell, eaudiduto for judge
of uipreme court, he being the highest
rfflcer voted for ut said statu election.
Under this rule the several election tlit-trlcts
are eutltled to representation as follows,
Archbald borongh- 1st dlat 1
1st Wttid, 1st (Hat., 1 2d (list 1
Ut wind, U dint.. 1 addist i
-M ivurd 1 4tb (list 1
Bdwurd 1 Olynhant boruuuh
Blukuly borouifh luf wurd 1
lKtward 21 2d ward 2
2d ward X, Udwurd 1
8U wurd 1 Ransom township.,. 1
Bentou township..., l!Hcotttownhip !!
vimuu (uwusuip. ... i acranion city
Coviimton townshiD 1
lbt ward. 1st d'st..
Carbouilule township
Nortbeaet dint..., 0
1st wurd, 2d dist..
1st ward, 3d dist..
2d ward, 1st dist..
d wurd, 2d dist...
2d wurd. d dist..,
2d ward. 4th dist..
2d ward, 6th dist..
3d ward, 1st (list..
3d ward. 2d dist...
4thwnrd, bit dint..
4tn wurd, 2d dmt.,
4th wurd, 3d (list.,
4tii ward, 4th dint..
6th ward, lstdist..
6th wurd, 2d diet..
6th ward, 3d rtlst..
6th ward, 4th (list.,
tith wurd, lstdist..
0th ward, 21 dist..
7th wurd, lstdist.,
7th ward, 2d dist..
7th ward, 3d dist..
8th ward, lstdist..
Hi wuid. d dist..
0th ward, lstdist..
Ulh wurd, 2d dist..
11th wurd, lstdist.
llth ward, 2J dist.
11th wardt3d dist.
)2th wurd, 1st dist
12th ward, 2J dist.
Mtb ward, 1st dist
13th ward. 2d dist.
13th ward, 3d dist.
14th ward, 1st dist
lith ward, 2d dist.
l.'ith wurd, 1st (list
16th wurd, 2d dist.
lilth ward. lt dist
ltith ward, 2d dist.
17th ward, 1st (list
17th ward, 2d dist.
IStli ward
I!th ward, 1st diet
19th ward, 2d (list,
lllth wurd, 3d (list.
JUtli ward, 4th diet
20th ward, 1st (list
.Northwest ulst....
No. 3 (list
Carbondalo city
let wurd, let dist..
1st Ward, 3d (lint..
2d ward, 1st dist..
l!d ward, 2.1 di.t...
2d wurd, 3d dist...
3d wurd, 1st dist..
8d ward, 2d diht.. .
M ward, 8i dist...
4th ward, 1st (list..
4tli wurd, 2d (list..
4th ward, 3d diet..
Otli wurd, 1st dist.,
6 til ward, 2d dist..
6tb wurd. lstrilst..
6th wurd, 2d diet.,
bicksun Citv boro
1st ward 2
2d ward 1
Dunmore borough
1st wurd, 1st dist.,
1st ward, 2d diit..
2d ward, 1st (list..
2d wurd, 2d dist...
3d ward, 1st dist..
3d wurd, 2d dist...
8d wurd. 3d dist...
4th ward 1
6th ward 1
Uth ward, lstdist.. 1
fith wuru,2J dist..
Elmhurst township.
Fell township
lstdist ,
2d dist
3d dist
Olonbura borough. .
Gouldskoro borough
Gieunfietd township
Jefferson township.
Jermyn borouirli
1st wurd 2
2d ward 2
Jdwurd 1
Lacknwiinun towns'u
North dist. 2
ISith ward, 2d dist
Lllth ward. 8d dist
Wouth (list
West (list 2 21st ward, lstdist.
Ksstdist 3 gist ,i'ard, td dist .
Northoast dist.... 1 S. Abineton towns'D
Southwest dist.... 1 Kprinit Brook t'wu'p
LuPlunio borough. 1 Wuvtrly borough...
j.eni-uiowusuip..., wintou iiorougn
Madison township.. 21 1st (list 1
Sioyflold borough... II 2d dist 1
Newton township... II
N. Ablugt'ntowns'p 2j 'lotal 181
Old Forge township I
. Chairman.
li EDUCTION on our entire
lino of CARWAGE3.
& CO.
422 Lacka. Avenue.
For many years this Tiano lias stood in the front rauks. It Inn been admired so much for ita
pure, rich tone, that it has become a standard for tone quality, until it is considered the highest com
pliment that can be paid any Piano to say "It resembles the WEBER."
We now have the full control of this Piano for this section as well as many other fine Pianos
which we are Helling at greatly roduood prices and on easy monthly payments. Don't buy until you ato
pur goods and get our prices
Have "that tired feeling" come over you when you saw shamefully dis
played in bold-faced type that hoary mercantile chestnut
"Selling Off at Cost?"
The expression is about as old as deception some say it originated with
Ananias-anyhow it is preserved in the hieroglyphics and cuneiform in
scriptions of cities whose merchants h'ave been dust and ashes for a thou
sand years.
Our prices, when compared with others, are
It has been our practice ever since we entered into
the mercantile arena not to carry any goods over from
one year to the other, and in order to accomplish this
purpose we look at neither cost or value, but put the
price on every seasonable article so that somebody is
bound to take it. Our busy store will always verify
this assertion.
Goldsmith Brothers & Company.
With the New Valves
Out of Sight
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Boys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are mak
ing extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels.
814 Lacka. Ave.
A Fall Assortment
Letter Copying Books
A 500 page 10x12 Book, bountf
In clotb, shcop back and corners,
guaranteed to give Batis faction,
Only 90c.
Reynolds Bros,
Stationers and Engravars,
317 Lackawanna Ave.
Dr. Hill & Son
f et toetb. f&.50: bout not. ID: for Bold mm
Ind teetb without iilatos, rnlM crown and
bfldffo work. caLI for nrlooa tud iwferonflM.
TONAI.UIA, for Pitractlui twtli witboul
Mo ether, Noga.
S $
Especially Now at
Shoe Store
s Selling Agents,
I -m Lacka. Ave.
To koe p house without
n Refriirorntor. i
THE season is clos-
ing. We are sell
ing the remainder of
our stock at a greatly
reduced price.
513 Lacka. Ave.
tRvd an J lllucU),
and Get the
Opa Tribune Cffcs, tt Spruce
Having had 12 years' oiparlenoo ) i the Blcyrtn bnsL
mm And tlu oancy for lead in Whuols of al erdoj,
wear prepared to guaranty "atictiou. Those In.
Undmg to pnrohaw are invited to call and etamln
our completo lin. Oyen evenings. Call of tend staia
for catulucuus.
13181111 I
:: House
Situated at summit of the New York, On
iirioend Western Railway, 2JU3 fjet atore
Tho highest steam railroad point la the
Seven fine lakes within from thre to
wenty minutes' walk from hotilor station,
wo baas lakos convenient-poroh, pickerel
nd other common THrlptios of flh. several
'tber lakes within half hour's drive.
For a dHy's sport and recreation take New
ork Ontario nd Western railway train lea v.
m Scranton at 8.30 a.m. .arriving at Poyntollu
t HUD a m Returning, train leavei roya-
tello i.M p.m., arriving in So ran ton 123 p. m.
$8 TO $10 PUK WEEK.
House accommodations, 50.
Veterinary Surgeon and
Veterinary Dentist,
TIEIEr-HOls'E 8019.
Prompt attention to oalls for treatment of
all domostio anima's.
Veterinary Medicines carefully compounded
and for sale at reasonable prices,
Office at the Blumo Carriage Works. 11
DIX I'OURT, Scrauton, where I direct shoe
lug afternoons.
Graduate of the American Veterinary Col
po and tho Columbian School of Compara
tive Medicine,
Well, Sir!
Yes, sir! We
have a special
ist here to fit
you who does
nothing else.
Sit right down
' I p Iff and have your
1 ' eyes fitted iu
a scientific
Inserted in THE TRIBUNE ftt tbt
tate of ONE CENT A WORD.