THE SCTJANTON TKIBUNE-TUfiSDAY MORNING. JULY 24. 181)4. 3 MATCHLESS SHAW. PI ADS. STELLE & SEELEY, 134 WYOMING AVZ. KKW ENGLAND FINEST LINE IN THE CITY POR THE PRICE, MEW AND ECOKD HAM) ALL MUCKS GOOD BREAD -USE THE- And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB BALE TO TI1E TRADE hi The Weston MID Co, EEWARS OF COUNTERFEITS THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS B. & Co,, fmnrlnfad nn Enrih Clflftf. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. (tlLKi HIIU.lK DUIJAI1K. DR. H. B. WARE removed to 406 SPRUCE STREET, back of Dime Bank. PERSONAL. S. W. EiiRar and family have gone to Lilly lane icr toe bummer. Charles It. Connell Iff t vesterdny for XT... T I. 1... . iirw j 111 k (in n ousiuess trip. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Myers are visit ing friencln ot Hiirrisburg. Mr. Stephens, of North Abinton town siiip, wa a visiior to tbo city yesterday. Miss Mnrpby, of BinKhumtou, is the guest of Miss iinry McHaie, of Duumore. Police Officers James Soul nnd J. F, Jo ;en yesterday entered on their annual vacations. District Attorney nnd Mrs. J. P. Kelly have returned from an extended visit to Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. James Phillip?, of Green Rid-?.', will rail from New York today for a visit to Ireland. The firm of Penuiman & Louis, publish ers 01 we jriymoutn iriDaue, nas bcendis solved, Mr. Penniinau retiring. E. B. Peweil, a former student of Wood's college, is visitmij friends in this city. He is in the counting room of Tiffany, of New York. James W. Ryan, district attorney, and Edgar W. lieclitel, assistant diftrict attor ney, of Schuylkill county, are guests at the ot. amines notei. E. E. Robathnn and Thomas Jones, of me west man, win sail from New York tJ... I.. - .1 T . - uu oiuuruny uu me jucanui lor a .IX weeks' visit to the United Kingdom. The greater part 01 tne lime they will spend iu Wales. Rt. Rev. Bishop O'ilara left yesterdnv for Cape May, accompiiuied by Rev. p. J. Uoldeu. Ho will bo the guest of his brother, Dr. Michael O'liaro. of Philadul phin, at the tatter's cottage. John Blackwood, tho genial ex-mannger oi 1 ne rrotniugunin iu ocraniou, is to ba the business manager of the Havden Evans Concert company which will maka a tour of Europe. As John has bad a varied experience in theatrical mutters the company hnsn vuluiible man to look after too box ollice side of the tour, and if there is anything to be done to make tho venture a succcs-i those back of the scheme may be sure that Juhu will do it. Wilkes- isnrro riews-Dealer. Ecranton's Business Interests, Tin; Thiiiune will soon rinblish a mm fully compiled and clnssiUed list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests ot ticrnnton and vicinity. The edition will bo bound in book form, beautifully illuetratod with photogravure views of our pnblic build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., togother with portraits of loading citizons. No similar work has evor given nu equal rep resentation of Bcrauton's many indus tiies. It will be an invaluablo exposition of our business resources. Kent to persons ontsido the city, copies of thiB bnndsomo work will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation Is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well as the city at large. Representatives of Tint Thiiiunb will call upon those wuobe names are desired in thU edition aud explaiu its nature more fully. ' Tboso desiring views of their residences in this edition will please have notice at the office. v TnE fact that Hood's Sarsapsrilln, once fairly tried, becomes the family mediciue, speaks volumes for its excellence and me dicinal merit. Hood's Karsaparilla is na ture's co-worker. Hood's Pills become the favorite ca tbartlo with everyone who tries them, 25c, Mnslo Boxss Exoluiivtly. Eest made. Play any desired number of tones. Gautscbi & Sons., manufacturers, 1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.. Won derful orchestrial organs, only 15 and $10. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. ma r n ph it orbans 0 A Foe to Dyspepsia SHOW WHITE II tIchers drop Oaly One Vacancy Created on Acont of Marriage. CONSEQUENTLY BUT FEW CHANGES James F. Judge and Miss Agnes Kelly Were Not Reappointed Sal aries fop tho Cominc Year Tho Support of tho Bellevue Schools Will Be Considered When There Is a Better Understanding About This Year's Taxes. The report of the teachers' commit tee submitted and udoptoJ lit last night s meeting of the board of control shows that two of the teachers who have been long in tho service of tho city had been dropped. They Bre Miss Agues Kelly who nag taugnt school in this city for twelve years, and James F. Judite, principal of No. 22, who has iijo spent a'Jout a decide ti-uchnu the young idea how to shoot. E icli lound u champion among the members and tucli of thesu chumpions wuuUd to tutu it out with the committee, but whim a roll call showed that tne senti ment of the house was , decidedly with the committee, the clinwtiioiii sub sided. Mr. Notz was the first to take ex ceptions to tlie report, lis said that while he was not interested in either of tbo touchers who bad bjen dropped he would like that they be givsn u hearing if there were any charges against them. Mr. Wormser roplied that the committee had acted only after cartful consideration, and hav ing acted conscientiously they would submit their work for the approbation or disapproval of the board. Mr. Notz then spoke of the case ot Miss Kelly and asked flint her name be referred bock to the committee. W. G, O'Mallev also wanted Mr. Judge's c s rffonsidered, but rtie uiotiou to tnat eri-ct was lost by a vote ot 13 to 7, ui then the committees report was adopted, there being but one dissentar, Mr. O'Malley. intra were verv few clitnjes made among the teachers. Miss Mary Powell substituted for Miss Agni-s Kllv, dapped from No. 24. Mrs. Mary Tier- ley nils the vacancy caused by the re moval of James F. Judge from No. 22 Helen Potter, now Mrs." Robert J. Wil liams, resigned from No. lSJ'and is sue cet'deii by Emily Evans, transferred from No. 81. Mi.s Evans' place at No. 31 is tilled by Bridget Judge, who sub stituted tor Emma S. Rhodes at No. o.i during a part of the year. Miss Rhodes resuuns her place ut No. So. J. he committees report iu fall Is ap pended: RIXOMMEXPATIOX OF COMMITTF.E Schantoi. Pa.. Julv 21. 1S91. To tbo Member of the Board of Control: Gentlemen lour teachers committee I eg leave to submit the followiug report: First The rules governing the employ ment and payment of teachers shall re main as last year with the executions hereafter noted: Second Iu all buildings having not more than four rooms, and wheie the grade according to the present schedule is not above intermediate C, the sulary of the principal snail oe t.)J. Third The salaries of all other princi pals shall be as horetuf.oru, regardleis of changes in grade of building. Fourth The attention of tho bonrd of control is called to the fact that pupils at some normal schools finish in one year, even when entering these schools from the grammar grade. For en trance into our training school graduation from tho high sehool is required, nnd for graduation from the same, the completion of a two years' course. For the protection or tuosc naving completed the high sctiool and training school courses, your commit tee recommends: That no applicant holdinc a normal school diploma granted the present year or hereafter be considered eligible for ap- fiointment as teacher who bss not spent at east two years at a normal school, pro- vmea, nowever, tnat tuose who have grad uated at a normal school in one year hhall be rendered eligible by taking a one year's course at the iraiuiui: school. Fifth Owing to a lack of proper facili ties lor lower grades, schools have been continually broken up by crowdiue child ren forwnrdj hereafter all teachers will be examined to coullne their efforts to work required for the grades herein prescribed, All Coses for promotion as a result of these changes will be referred to the superin tendent. Sixth According to rules previously adopted, transfers of teachers may be rcuue by tho superintendent in conjunc tion with the teachers' committee when ever deemed advisable. Seventh We recommend that the school year open Monday, Sept. 10, the trainiu school to open one week later. Sent. 17. With retard to school facilities tor the poriion of Ltcluiwauna township nnnexod to the Sixth ward of the citjl" your :om mit'eo would suggest that inasmuch us there is doubt concerning the collection of taxes from said district for the vear lH'JI. it is advisable that the appointment of tsnchers for salu annexed portion bo de ferred to a subsequent meetimr. F. L. Wormser, George Miteiiell, F. S. Barker, (J. n. von storcn, w. is. Lnug staff, John P. Jlahon, U. J. O'Malley. The teachers as appointed are as fol lows: Principal of bish school per year.. .$1,500 00 first assistant high school per year 1,000 00 second assistant high school per year 750 00 Principal preparatory building per year 000 00 Principal preparatory room por year 750 00 Assistant preparatory room por year 550 00 1 rincipnl grammar building, nine rooms and above, per year 750 00 Principal grammar buildina per year 700 CO Principal intermediate building, above intermediate C grade, per yer 709 00 principal intermediate bui dinir. intermediate C grnde, per year. f)50 00 Principal training school por year l,ii0 00 Supervisor of drawing per year... 1,CH0 00 Teacher of elocution pur year 200 00 TEACHERS. man school. Jacob C. Lnnje, principal, George Howell, first assistant. Eiizu J. Cliiife, second assistant. Lizzie E. Mucker, prep, and grammar A. Lillie M. Mackey, assistant grammar A, Kate S. Parker, elocution. NUMbEit TWO. John Quinnan, principal, grammar C. Sarah Alelvin, intermediate A. Ulary Mcllale, intermediate B. Kato A. Kelly, intermediate C. Anna L. Fox, primary A. x Nellie Beamish, primary U. Mary A. Gregory, primary O. Margaret McGrath, primary O. NUMBER THREE. LizzioE.Penman,piiii.,prep.and gram.A. Josie Lees, assistant, prep, and gram. A. Mrs. U. L. Keuniraan, grammar B and C. Anna P. Kiesel, assistant, B and O. Hattie A. Hiirgins, prin.. intermediate A. Jesie O. Torrey, priu., intermediate B. Sarah Devine, principal, Intermediate C. Agnes Nallin, principal, primary A. Mollis Helm, principal, primary B. Maggie Renniman, principal, primary C. Frances McAlpine, primary C. .,- i, NUlIBEtl FOUR. Mary E. Lynn.prlncipal, intermediate U Margaret T. McAndrew, primary A. Maria Walsh, primary B. Julia M. Blewitt, primary C. NUMBER FIVE Florence E. Col vin, principal, int. A nnd B. Nelly A. Ruddy, intermediate C. Adelia W.atrous, primary A. leunetta futto, primary 11. iaunnh Harris, primary C. JcuuieBouear, primary C. NUMBI-R SIX D. W. Phillips, principal, intermediate C. Surah L. Boners, nrimarv A. Hannah T. Cuuuery, primary B. Mrs. M. Torry, primary C. KUMBSIt BUVKH. KateO. 0'Malley,princimit,prim. A and B. Lizzie B. Gnuglmn, primary O, NUMBlilt F.KIHT. John M. B auinotit, principal, int. A. iuary a. I'ltcher, intermediate u. Anna 11. Rankin, intermediate C. Mary A. Scot t, primary A. Annie E. Grilliii. urimarv II. Lizzie K. Z ing, primary C, NUMBER NINR, Michael II. Jordan, principal, grammar C. Knto E. O'Malley, iiitormedlaie A. Nellio L. Moflitt, intermediate B. Bessie Burnett, intermediate C. arah S. alsli. nrimary A. Mary E. Varrivll. priumry B. Margaret E. Mitchell, primary C. NUMBElt TEN. M. J. Kettrick, piincpal, intermediate A. Anna C. Malm, iiitoriuudinte B. Knto T. Lavelle, intermediate C. Mauiiie A. Murphy, primary A. Maggie S. Murphy, primary B. fliary hliea, priniary u. Kate S. Murphy, primary C. Lizzie Snow, primary C. NUJIBKtl EIJ.VEN. John E. O'Malloy, priu., gram. C aud int. A. tzzio Joyce, intermediate B. Iln McTigue, iutermMiate C. Julia Metluigan, primary A. leleu V. Jones, primary 11. Mrs. Jessie Council, primary C. NUMBER TWELVE. M. D. McCawley, principal, grammar C. Mary A. Doyle, intermediate A. Mary Caffrey, iulennediate B. Kate McCawley, iutvrinedinte C. Mary E. Curran. primarv A. Kato T, Keams, primary B. Johanna .McCaffrey, primary C. Nellie Kirby, primary V. SUM HER TIIIUTEEN. Nellie Kelly, primary C. Sarah McDonnell, primary C. NUMBER FOURTEEN. W, G. Powell, prin. prep, and gram. A. Mary L. Mason, ass't prep, aud gram. A. iiiiuiorMimn, sec. uss t prep, ana gram. A. M. Louise Williams, grammar B. Mary E. Wiliiums, grammar C. Annie E Munson. intermediate A. Kate B. Welsh, Intermediate B. Kacliol Jones, intermediate C. Floreuce Y. Irving, primary A. Martha Thomas, nrimarv A. Jennie IUiuiels, primary B. JNeltie kilns, primary ii. Alice Evaus, primary C. Sarah G. Williams, primary C. jiargarei jameison, aunox primary C, NUMBER FIFTEEN. Mrs, S. J. Ferber, prin. prim. B and C. Norma B. Nicholls, nss't prim. B and C, NUMBER SIXTEEN. M. J. Donahoe, principal intermediate A. Mary Fitzgibbous, intermediate B. Eliza L. Jordan, intermediate C. Bridget C. Durkin, primary A and B. Eliza Ward, assistant primary A aud B. iMiza fi. primarv Baud C. .'.Jary A. Laveny. assistant Drum B and C. lizzie iterriiy.assistant primary llnnuu. Lizzie Hu0'hes,ahsistant primary BuudC. NUMBER SEVENTEEN. James U Vnughan.prin. intermediate C. iiinnie Gibbons, primary A. ary Walsh, primary B. Mary E. Qniuuaii, primary C. NUMBER EIGHTEEN. John T. Jones, principal grammar B. corn c. otorm. grammar C. Jarah A. Jones, intermediate A. Muy Authony, intermediate B. iiinilv tvans. intermediate C. Lizzie A. Evans, primary A. inn iu. jHurpuy, primary u. Delia P. Ev.iub, primary C. NUMBER NINETEEN. Bridget L. Gibbons.prin., primary AandB, Anna Broadbent, assistant principal. Mary Flyun, assistant priucipal, Lizzie Wade, primary B und C. Cora II. Phillips, assistant, primary C. NUMBKR TWENTY. Annie E. Orr, inter. C and primary A, Mary Kelly, primary B aud C. NUMBER TWENTY-ONE. Mrj. Marion Bloom, prin.. iutormediate A- 1 la ( ahoon, intermeiliate B. Cora Farnham, intermediate C. E. Daisy Preiidorgast, primary A. EMzaOath William', primary B. Alary rj. Jiessersmltn, primary C, ' NUMBER TWESTY-TWO, Lillian O'Donnell. principal, nrimarv C. Mrs, Mary Tierney, aseistaut, primary C NUMBER TWENTY THREE. John J. Costello, principal, intermediate. Auna Barrett, principal, primary. isriuget m. JNorton, assistant principal. . NUMBER TWENTY-FOUR. May Powell,, . v NUMBElt TWENTY-FIVE. L. A. Lange, principnl preparatory. A. Mny Benedict, grammar A. Florence Walker, grammar B. E. Grace Laurent, grammar C. Annette R. Davis, intermediate A, Fsnnie E. Atkinson, intermediate B. Nellio Benjamin, intermediate U. Agnos A. Dolphin, primary A. Hannah M. Williams, primary B. Ida M, Christmas, primary B. Margaret Vipond, primary C. K. Claudia Williams, primary C, NUMBER TWENTY-SIX. Mr. Mnrthn M. Jones, prin. int. C. Elizabeth Silkm.ui. prim iry A. Jmiuie Evans, priniary B, Nellie Pickett, primary C. NUMBER TWESTY-SliVEN. J, B. Tlawke, prin., int. A nnd B, EllaV. Honey, intermediate C. Louise lirninaru, jinmarv a. Nellie Maloney, unnex primary B. Besse Jones, primary C. KUMBI-.R TWENTY EIGHT. II. Leo Burdick, prin., gram. A nnd B. Miuuio Driescn, annex gram. C and int. A. Lois Sancton, intermediate C Ilnniiah E. Carr, primary A. Knto Davis, primary B. Mary E. Monies, primary G Frances Conner, annex primary C. NUMBER TWENTY-NINE. Belinda Caffrey. principal, intermediate C. Annie u Uonnell, primary A. ' I'.ridgot A. Carroll, primary B. Mary A, Freeman, primary C. Ella T. Murray, primary U. NUMBER THIRTY Mnggie O'Donnell, prin., intermediate A, Saraii A. O'Donnell, intermediate B. Ella F. Donnlioo, intermediate C. Lizzie McMannmn, primary A. Ella Dougherty, primary B. Mary A. Morrow, primary O. Ella C. Jjidan, assistant primary C, NUMBUR THIRTY -ONE. M. B. Koane, principal, grnmmnr C Mny Campbell, intermediate A. Margaret Davles, intermediate B. sirs. J. D. Knnus?, intermediate C. Miuuio A. Riuker, primary A. Sophia Wade, primary B. Bina Langan, primary (J, NUMBER THIRTY-TWO. II. L. Morgan, principal, grammar 0. Lizzie Warner, intermediate A. Margaret Lewis, intermediate U. Kate Lewis, intermediate U. S irah O'Connor, primary A. Mary McOrnlh, primary B. Aunio Davis, primary B. Martha W. Vaughaii, primary C. NUMBER THIRTY-THREE. v Daniel A. Stone, principal, grammar A. Lizzie M. It a lib, grammar B. Auna E. Chase, grammar C. Kate McMoans, intermediate A. Julia I'ettigrew, Intermediate B. Anna E. lioyd, intermediate C. Mrs. Kate Gieenstead, primary A. Mary A. Knapp, primary B. Ida A. Snyder, primary 0. Jessie M. Gay, primary (J. Number tiIuity-four. Emily A. Brninard, principal, primary C. Kate Smith, primary B. NUMBER THlRTY-FtMB. W. R. Graves, prin,, gram. C and Int. A. Sophia B. Gay. intermediate B. Emma S. Rhodes, Intermediate C, lorence Driukur. pruuary A. Ellen A. Webb, primary B and C. Zelda J. Stevens, primary C. NUMBER THIRTY-SIX Elizabeth R. Stevenson, prin. gram. A. Lottie F. Cliff, grammar B. Mary Porcher, grammar O. Teresa Smith, iutermtdiaU A. Roso Cobsu, inttrmeUiate U. Anna L. Anisdun, int.srmsdlate 0. Anna Bartholomew, primary A. Miriam Wormier, primary A. Evn Short, primary B. Gertrude DaGraw, primary B. tlla 13. (Maud, primary c. Marion R, Dyer, primary C. NUMBER THIRTY SEVEN. Minnie A Raftor, primary. Agnes Evans, assistant primary. TRAINING SCHOOL Laura L. Boies. SOUTH SIDE. Mickey Noonon Trias to Inaugurate a Reign of Terror. A character, wbase rnfll'inism has- been tolerated entirely too loner by the police, is Michael Noonan. When nn dsr the influence Of liquor bis temper is terrible. Some time around list Christmas an noffensive young man, John Sullivan, of Miunokn, met Noonan in the saloon of John T. Gibbons, of Cedar avenue, and picked a quarrel. The bartender pnt Noonnn out and afterward, when Sullivan started borne, Nttonan, who bad lain iu ainbuse, attacked him and after he bad battered bim with a stone took out a jnefc-knife aud commenced to enrve bim with it, Sulliyan was brought homo unconscious ami Dr. Hag gerty was unable to say, whei calltl, wliat the outcome iifiglrt be. bullivan palled through, however, but it was weeks before he could work. Lnst Thursday a negro was pnsaiDir along Cedar avenue about his. business. Noonan, who Was drank, made an as sault on tbe colored man and bad beaten 1:1m unmercifully without any cause, when Noomin's sister ran ont of the house to check bim. lie tamed upon her and treated her sh&niefally. Just t htui Frank Leuthner, foreman of the foundry at the South works, ex postulated with JNoonan and as a re ward wus met with a dangerous dag ger, Mr. Leuthner was too powerici for his nesailant aud kept hi Id at bsy, hut w9 fortunate in excupintbe mar- derou langos of Noonan' knife. Mr. Leuthner is blamed greatly ry his friends for not swearing out a war rant for Noonan. FHILLIP5' HORSES RAN AWAY. Fortunately No One Was Injured Dor- inn Their Flight A team of horses owued by Con tractor Max Phillips ran away yester day on Willow street und at the time over u score of small children were at play on the street. The runaway team, kept up its mad gnlloD until 4t reiscbea Westttfaul's store. There the wngou collided with n tree and tore it up from the ropU, That stopped tbe UoMes. Tbe wagon was totully wrecked und tbe harness badly broken. The driver o'f tbe team was thrown from ttra whgoa but es caped Uninjured. MISS SPOHRCR IS IMPROVING. Her Memory, Howavar, fiai fcntirnly Forsaken Her. Tub Tribune desires to correct iin error in vesterdny's rsnort ot the acci dent to Miss Spohrer. She Woe em ployed at tn Meadow crook suit mul. and it was down the elevator shaft of that mill she fell and not that of 'the Sauquoit Bilk Ihill. Miss S no brers condition veiterdav was much better, she was able to walk ai out tli house. Bat a singular tiring. connneted'wirh tbe accident is that ber memory appears to have- entirely for silken her. Tbe pbVsic'.ans state that after tbe hysteria, due to tbe shock, pusses away she will become relieved of this tempo rury cioua. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. Edward Weber, of Prosnect avenue. Dr. Muulev says, is mueh improved auuVill be aiili) to resume worK in a week. Tho funeral of Philip Schank will be Hold this afternoon, the cortege moving iroiu tne taiuiiy resiueuce ut s p. in. Mrs. J. II. Brooks, of Elm street, wife ot tbo superintendent of the Meadow Brook siik'inui, is very ill. at. nor home. Mrs, John Murphy, of Beech street. mother of dohn J. Murphy, is Improving irom me attucK-oi sun-strone wnicn Delul ber last wock. The Mozart quartette, led by Profossor Karl it. Mitt, suntf several glees at tfie Dic- nic of tbe Haydn Glee club at Centra park last night. The Neptune,. Ceritury and William Con I nell companies will attend the funeral to day of ex-Chief Harry R. Midison, of tuo bcranton r ire uepartmenx. John Klein, of willow' street, lot a boiler of hot water full Ii oui his hands. yesterday una was seamed auout tne minus and feet ltie burns are not serious. Philip Ileidrick, of Willow street, re turned yesterday from. Ohio, where he at tended college the past term. Since ti e ending of the school term until bis return home he visited melius lu the Buckeye state, Company A. Patriotic Guards, will pic nic today at Central park, aud to those that attend' a pleasant time will bo in store. Tbo competent committee ot ar rangements has left nothing uudone that will furnish amusement. Good music will be provided for Uanciug and refreshments of all kinds will ho on sale at the grounds. NORTH END. The North Eird office of the RchAntom Thiiiune is located at the Ijrwis .Drm? Store and .Jehu's More, Waynn avenue, whom sub tler ptlouh. advertiNements and coiiimunlCulion will receive prompt utteutioii.l RECEPTION TO RtV. FL0VD FULLER. HM In the Prcyl'dt o M. E. Cbuieb Last Evonlne. Last evening at the ProviJonce Mwthodist Episcopal cburcli a veiy lnrgft number of tbe well-wishers of Rsv. Floyd Fuller assembled to tender him a reception upon bis visit from Florida, where be is pastor ot a large and flourishing chnrcli. Mr. Lawrence presided and tbo proceedings Opened with an excellent organ recital by Miss Green. Tbis was followed by tho singing of tbe "Gloria" by the ohoir under the leadership of Mr. Linney. In the anthem, "Great Is tbe Lord," Mr, Liuney, the conductor, and Miss Guest sau'g tbe solos. The president of the Epworth Lesguo, Henry Kern merling, delivered the address of wel come to the Kev. Floyd Fuller and referred to t'be great interest he bad tuken in tbe work of the Epworth League before he left.Provideuce and to tbe success of bis work lu the lu terrsl at Florida. He congratulated him first upon bis improved health. Mr. Fuller left Provldeiroe an iifvalid and returned a strong, bearty and vig orous man. He ODSgratnlated ttam also upon his great success iu the ruin- Istry, and that mule them fesl mo:e proud of his connection with their league iu Providence, In the name or the league he tendered him the ir hearty welcome. Mrs. Mary Dnvies then sing "When the Dewdropa Kin the Diisies." and then Mr. Fuller spoke. Ha was visibly affected. He remarked that it was a most difficult thing for bim to endeavor to express himsilf as to tbis proof of their kiudnsss. He could not but refer, he said, to the time when be was bo near to death's door, and to the earnest prayers of his dear frisndf that he should be . spared for farther work in tbe Lord's vinsyard, and as tbe prayers had been nnawered so wonderfully in t.hat instanw.lm besought their prayers for the success ot tbe great work iu tbe sunny south. Aftwr the choir bad rendered the autbem, "Oh, For a bhout of Joy," Rev. M. D. FulUr was called upou and alluded to the great trial at the time of tbe critical Illness of his son, und tbauked them for their continuous and deep sympathy. The choir having sung "AMde With Me," the large company adjourned to tbe lawn, which was illuminated by innumerable lanterns. Ice cream and cako was served. Mr. Fulhr was very busily employed in meeting the rmny friend of his boyhood, who were proud of tbe opportunity to shake hands once more ,with one who is evidently vory popular in the NortU End. NORTH END BRIEFS. Mnior J. B. Fish nnd familvare snond- ing a short vacation at Preston Park. Mrs. (lodfrev Sliarn and Mrs. William Shorts, of New Jersey, are visiting Mrs. Bishops, of Park Place. The home of Mr. nnd Mrs, William Devers. of Market strot. has baen briKht- ened by the arrival of a Hue baby boy. Rsv. W. F. Davies innusuratod a com mendable idea at the Welsh Baptist Sun day sohool on Sunday, in the shape of a public test of reaching by the scholars. Messrs. Dillon aud Murray left last eveu- iug for Bingbaniton, where thoy are en gaged to appear at Touavossey Bijou the ater. Gwyllm Morbus is promoting a North End choir to take part in tho competition at Luurel Bill park in September. Prac tice on Thursday nt Fenner & Chappel's hall. At the Royal Welsh eisteddfod a few days ago One choral competition was a glee composed c-y Alderman u. m, w hi iams. Tbe piece was rendered before tbe royal family und groat interest was at tached to tbo competition. For Decorating. U AVE just opened the finest line of choice White China (Haviland & Co. and Limoges makes), to be found anywhere. You can buy any thing from a PinTray to a complete Dinner Service. Come while assortment is com plete. WeicM & Millar 116 Wyoming Ave. The Sick to Receive Medical Services FREE OF CHARGE. FIRST MONTH'S SKKVICK3 TO KVKIlVnODV. FOB ALL DISEASES AND ALL PATIENTS. The croat Kmrllsh Staff of rhvsleiaus. Thn MOST DlSTlN.risHKD 81'F.C l.LIS 1 3 ON THE CONTINENT Tho President anil Chief UiaKnusticlau can lie found daily in tio parlor ut tuo conway house: 132 und 134 PENN AVENUE. Thev como ri-conim.-mli (1 liy royalty and the tirsr physi- rmns oi r.uriipj.- inoy treat an liioaNes. Kuntures oured bv a new process. A Pi -SI 1 1VE cure gnaranterd in all SEXUAL D13- tAbl-.b uud Wuakuessns of EITHER SEX by our now treatment. Tatiouls ireat"d by corrnspoiiuoncn aim inouioiiios Willi lull H-rei-tions sent by express. But. when t.ossl- Me, a pot-sonul consultation is prelorred. All consultations sri' helil in strict privacy. W. B. The Specialists can cure all recent us WELL ns nil lun; Ht.'indintr chronic, dillicnlt aud.oo-0 ore casus tliur nave neon ucKlectod or unskillfullv treated Calls mado lv an- poliitmont mid piitieuts treated at their homos wuou ucslred. Hours, u to I aud i to b JU For Ten Days only to introduce our NEW brand of $4.00 PER BARREL $1.00 PER SACK C. DITCHBURH 4,7 LACKAWANNA AVE. ROOPtlnnlne and soldering nil done awsy with hy the use of HAKTMAN 8 LAT ENT PAINT, which consists of inredi nts well-nown lonii. u can Da applied to tin, galvanized tin, shoot iron roofs, ul so to brlok wnllinss. which will Dreveut absolutelv anv crumbling cracking or breaklnff of tho brick. It will outlast Unulng-ot any kind by nisuy years,nd it's cost does not exceed one fifth that of i he cost of tinning. Is sold by sue joe or pooaa. uomraots tnKn dv AMXUMU UAltlMAMN, 627 Birch Si ALL Specie! Sale You Need Theirr And a visit to Martin & Delany s will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin oods. Just the stuff g Our novelty in Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. ennis. martin & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. ma 3 fc, 08 Lackawanna Ave. I Will offer some Extra SPECIALS fori TODAY a 31 dozen Ladies' Cream and Black Silk mtti, worth 39n, si ; TO CL032, 25c. 25 dozen Ladies' Fancy LTos?, regular made, worth 27)C. k j 2 PAIR FOR 2Sc. S 3 9 dozen Ladie3' Lawn Wrappers, full sleevas and trimmed, wortli SL25 FOR 79C. ; 19 dozen Men's Balbriggan Shirts, worth 39c. 1 . TO CLOSE ?Sc. m ' r. M r QDTJflT IT 53 dozen CLULDKEX'S LACE CAPS, nr. K OlLVJliilj worth from 35)o. to SI, for . . . . ZOC. S te;3!!Hsi;!rii.3i!Ksi!i!si::i8iii:!!E3!!!E:ssi!i:ic::i3!2n:HE Scientific Eye It's a Great Shock fothe folks who are cl.itmini they nmlcrselt ill others to find that witUiut tbe lenst fuss or bluster we are Kiviug custom rs tho ban (tit of such opportunities as these. A Stilctlv lllcli Grade Muht-wclgUi! IVlieel, 18114 pattern, f. r 81 10 uusli. 1803 paltio-n, MO Wheel, for 875. 1804 pattern, l(IO V heel, lor W8rt cash. These prices make tho business at our store FLOREY & HOLT Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. VICTOR SASH. 1 It is Correct!! AND JUST THE THING FOR THIS HOT WEATHER. Conrad THE IIATTEU, Sells Them. Another Advocate of DBS. IlKNtVOOU & WAKPKLL: GENTLEMUM-It afTorils me gi-enl pleasure to Hate thut your new proeosi of extracting teeth was grand anrceM ii my ease, and I heartily rooommend It t all. I slnoeroly hope that others will test Its merit. Yours respectfully, CAPX. S. IS. 11UVANT. Soranton, Pa Henwood & Wardell, DEMISTS, 816 Lackawanna Ave. Will on and after Vav 21 make a great redno tion In the prices of plates. All work guar steed Brst-cluss la every particular, iinsstae to keep you cool. summer goods is a The proper thing for n 308 Lackawanna Ave. I BMSl sua Testing Free By DR. DR. SHIMBERG, The Specialist on the E?e. npadaches and Ner vousness relieved. Latest and Improved Style of Kyeglassps and Spoctaclos ut the Lowest Prices. Best Artificial Eves inserted for f5. S05 SI'KLCE ST., Opp. Old Post Office. N. A. HULBERT'S City Musio Store, Vi i'OiliNU AVE . ECUAIO 6TF1NWAT SOI DKCKEB BKOTHEM um KHAKICU & BACii ms VLULXZ it liAUEli Alu-a largs stock of Brst-oUo ULSICAI, MEltCUANOIiMi kltblU, ElO.. EXC i..-s! -:ri rrit A.'V. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREE1 BICYCLES AND SPOUTING GOODS. VIotor, Gendron, Erllpso, LnvelL Tiianions und Othor Wliucla. Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Hare removed their office to their i "Waroroom3, NUMBERS 141, 143,145,147, 149, 15) MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE NUMBER, 8981 THE CELEBRATED in mm (rt st Pro sent tli Unit Popular aid rnftml by Upline Ariais. Wararooms: Opposite Columbus Monument, JOS Washington Av. Scran fon.Pa. Oil