THE SGI? ANTON TKIJJUNE M OND AT - MORNING. JULY 23. 1894; Several Summer Specials 50c. Women's Laundered Shirt "Waists in a larire variety of ..styles; turnover collars and shield fronts. Reduced from . . 85c. and $1. 29c. i "Women'sWoven Cheviots and ShirtWaists. Several different , styles and materials, tucked 'back and front. Sold earlier for $1 and $1.25. Jaconet Duchess A special line of choice styl es and colorings. Theso hand ', some new lawns have been the particular favorite hero for. a month past and each , . day they are shown adds to their popularity. 12 l-2c the yard. Equally beautiful . .. are the French Lawns and ; about one -third tho French price. Printed Percales, 8c. Superior finish and quality, ; attractive coloring, niado to sell for 12 l-2c. Lace Stripe Ginghams, 15c From the best Scotch makers; brought across the ocean to sell for 25c. I Standard Black Hose W arranted not to crock nor stain the feet or underwear ' Every pairnot answering this : sruarantee may be returned , and the purchase money will , be refunded. 25o. the pair; i reduced from 35c. Black Japanese Brocaded Silks , . Extra quality. Price, 75c Kegula'r $1 goods. Aever before did we show so lanie a collection of Summer Goods to select from and at prices within the reach of all. GORMAN'S ELY STONE ' x Academy FAC1OKYV1LL10, PA. A ri-fiuod scluol hoina. Prpires for tlie Ol'iC cl tl. M hi'i'ouL'ii course In Music and Art. Ti'iiohcr'j' Class nixes beat preparation fur Tt'fMihlntr. l'nmimri:ll Course, includes Typewriting ami Rnormnnu. Poal-Ions curo.l for Graduates, fiend far nuw illusimtcd circular. V. JI. LOOM IS, A.M., Principal. c . HTTSTON. The Oozette of Saturday contained en excellent double column cut of John Lelsenring, candidate for the nomination of congressman on tbe Re publican ticket this fall. If goo looks, combined with intelligence count for anything, Mr. Leisenring should bare no trouble in reaching tbe goal of his ambition. ' One of the most contented and pleas ant appearing individuals to be seen on these miserable hot July days is George S. lerrls, candidate forjudge of the orphan's .court on tho Republican ticket. Mr. Ferris, while apparently taking things eool manages, neverthe lets, to keep posted on the political moves being made in all parts of tbe county. Tbe nomination of Mr. Fer ris means his election beyond a doubt, und knowing bis fitness, Tim Thiiiune takes especial pride in predicting for bim a brilliant victory, i The. trolley line on Main street was . completed as far as tbe National House Saturday night This morning tin work of paving along the nils has been awmrdr.d to John Tait, of this, at 14 cents per yard, ine trolley wirn will not be extended from the West End for trie present. Washburn's circas will exhibit this afternoon and evening on Broad street. John A. Gillespie, Pittston manager of tbe Scranton Truth, accompanied by his brother, William, and Hoston Pow ers, left Saturday Dight for New York and the sea shore on a two weeks' trip. ' Patrick Rowan, an employe of the ftehlgh Valley road, while passing Cog. gins' confectionery store on South Maiu street, Saturday mpming about 2 o'clock, was surprised to discover the store brightly lighted, and the form o S youth actively at work ransacking the money drawer. Rowan informed Chief Loftus, who hurried to tbe scene. The thief attempted to escape, but was surprised a suddenly that he fell an easy prey to tbe officer. The robber proved to be yoong Cswley, of Port Griffith, who was captured by Detec tive George Brown sometime ago while fleeing from the Lehigh Valley depot with the contents of tbe money drawer. Speolmeo Cases. 8. H. Clifford, Kew Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism. his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles ot Elec tric Bitters enred him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had runnlug sore on bis leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottle of Electric Bitters and seven boxes ot Bucklen's Arnica Halve and his leg is ound and well. John Speaker. Catawba, O.. had Hve larire ' fever sores on bis leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electrio Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Kotherel Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mri.Winilow's Boothlug Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions or mowfrs ior tneir children wmie teeming, with perfect success. It soothes the child, sortens 4ne gums, allays all pain; cures wind eolio. and is the best remedy for di hiu'bffia. Sold by diuggists in every part of'the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup," aud take no no other kind. Twenty-tire cents a bot tle. Highest of all in Leavening Power. , ABSOHJTELY PUMB DARING JAIL DELIVERY. It Is Now Belioved That the Four Lib- eratod Prisoners Had Assist ance from the Outside. Siiecial to the Scranton Tribnnt. Honksdale, P.i.,Jnly 22. Four pris oners, Dennis UJJnntiell, Jolin IMlz Patrick, Thomas Con tie II una Albeit iMetohor, broke out or tne county j ui Friday night and uvula their escape. Over the rear door in tho corridor of tbe j ill is u heavy iron grating. of tlie bars forming this grating und measuring 3Jt by 1 inch, was sawed Into Ht one end ami partly at the othor and then broken; tbe Jincli cross roil was sawed into ut botu ends. When this piece wax taken out it left a place It iucbos f quire, through which tbe prisoners escaped. rrisouers are aiiowea rree me or ine corridor, end to this fact is due their escape. There must have been outside help, as the bars are neatly snwed into and indicate more than one day's work. Tallow was U6ed on the saw. A pro- j-ction of the Atone wall served as a place to stand on and brought the per son, sawing within five foet of tho aper ture. To crawi dowu this small hole and down the outside was a difficult piece of work. A fence fourteen or fifteen feot I'.igh surrounds the jail, but this is ens'ly mounted. When the scene of escape was visited by Tub Tribune re porter, a hat belonging to Albert Fletcher was found on tbe inside of the fence, probably dropped oil wliiie climbing over it. The footprints made in jumping over the outside were plain ly visible. Thomas (Jonnoll is about 0 feat 4 inches tall, slight mustache, dark hair, 40 years old. He is suspected of being connected with the mur.ler of Gioceiynmu Henderson at Newbury. Alrert Fletcher, 5 feet 7 inches tall, smooth face, dark complexion and dark hair, was arrested for vagrancy. Lou nell and Fletcher were seen near See ley viile shortly after midnight. They had neither coats nor hats oa and were barefooted. Dennis O'Donnell, 5 feet 5 inches tall, stout, smooth face, lifht hair, SO years old, was arrested for stealing a horse at Ketiihall. John Fi'.zpatrick, neavly 0 feet ti.ll, slim, hair partly gruy, light complexion, 43 years old, was arrested tor stealing a watcli at Starrutci. O'Djnnell and Fitzpatrick uro suspected of uoiug towards Nar- rowsburg. IIOXESDALE. Miss Harriet Russell entertained a number of her friends at a fern tea Friday evening. A delightful time was eniovtd by those present. The nearest approach to tb9 pr sencs of irenl emen lirtnir the evening were some "bachelor's buttons" in a vase on the table. Those present were: Misss Edna Davis, Lebanon; Muriel lt-ury. Seeleyville; Carrif Heft. Mbel ILift, Bertha and Etta Fu-rth, Josie Diatl rich, Minnie Smith; Cirrie S'eplins. Baroan Weaver. Annie Rogers. Julia Mevor. Annie Wolfe, Uen.i Swinton, Suie Keen, Iabel Pi nwardeu, Minnie Goesser, lluttie Pinckney, Lela Sliay, Carrie Kim lie and Flora Smith. James Aruol'1, u carpenter at Bath any, about BO years old, committed suicide Thursday by taking paris green. Mrs. Flo James, of visit ing nt tbe home of John James Guerdon Pellett, of New York, is nt the home of "his untie, Hon. E. B llardenberi:h. Edward Keefer. of Scrnnton, was in town Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Henwood, of Scranton, are visiting Mrs. Henwood's parents. George Birds.ill, of visit ing relatives at Seeleyville. The Amity Social club base ball team played a gamo at Hawley Saturday af ternoon. P. A. LBrr left for New York Saturday afternoon. Charles Spencer left for New York Saturday. - Thomas Fuller and Fred Whitney passed Sunday at Elk Ink". Would you iiilo on a railroad that nses no dancer signals? That cniiuh is h signal of dniiKer. The Hufeat cnr in Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Soid by all dealers on a guarantee of louisf.vtiou. JEKMYN. O. S. Mftines, proprietor of Hotel St. George, is slowly recovering after tin illness of several days. Miss Ada Lutey left on the Ontario and Western morning train for a visit to New York city. J. D. St cker and family are at Preston Park summer resort. Fi. A. Willman, wife and daughter, left on the noon Ontario and Western train on Saturday for Poyntelle. They remained over Sunday with their son Ralph, who is acting station agent at Poyntelle during the alseuca or Agent F. II. Pag,'. A Hungarian was killed by a fall of rock in the Delaware and Hudson Canal company's mines Saturday about 10 a. m. The game of base ball between Tay lor and Jerrayn clerks on Friday re sulted in a score of 22 to 10 in favor of Jormyn. The players afterward bad s bouutifol repast at lintel Avery. aYcITbald. The borough counoil met in adjourn ed sesfion on Saturday evening. The members present were Lane, Blake, Jones, Swift and Padden. A letter was read from Borough Attornev Jones relative to the salaries of the officers of the board of hesltb. It is opinion that the salarios must be fixed by the mem ber' of the board, Concerning the charging of two fares within the bor ough limits by the trastion company, he says: "I have examinod tbe law in regard to tbe double fare wbioh tbe Carbon dale Traction company ohargej for pas sengers riding throngh the borough limits, and fail to find any not of as sembly by which they oould be pre vented from so doing by injunction or other legal remedy so long as they keep their fares within reasonable limits, they cannot bs prevented by injunc tion from fixing the same on such basis. Had. it been provided in the original ordinanse that bat 6 cents should be -Latest U. S. Gov't Report 0 charged within borough limits it would hold; for it been decided by our courts tbat liny reasonable conditions upon which the right of way was granted to a street passenger railway company will be upheld and enforced by proper proceedings." DURYEA. Mrs. Richardson was the guest of Scranton fri;nds last week. II. D Johnson, who has been a resi dent here for the past three months, will retnrn tomorrow to his former home at Scranton. Misses Stone and Craig, of Taylor, called on friends her recently. Mies Winnie Durkin, of Mill Crtek. is tho curst of Mrs, Moran. Will Owens is learning ths drug business with O'Donnell & Co. William J. brown, who recently re turned from the west. Iihb accented a position as outside foreman for Will iam A. Connell. Thomas llislop, of Plains, was vlsit inir his brother. Dr. llislop. last week. Robert McClutchion. of Miner's Mills, has accepted a position as inside foreman t (Jonnell s new mine. E l lie O'Mnlley, of Providence, was in town on Thursday, There was ijui to an interesting cass be fore 'Siiuire Gilboy tlie other evening. It appears that the Einvorth league organized a band some time ago and engaged a young m m named Staples to teauh them, and hu illy the band dis banded, and now Mr. Staples brought suit against the members, claiming $00 for his servictB. Alter too evidence of both sides was beard, 'Squire Gilboy rendered his daemon in favor of Mr. Staple, but tbe defendants will appeal the c ise. Harvey LeRoy has gone to Scranton to reside. Dr. D. C. Mehane and wife culled on friends here Friday. MOSCOW. Mrs E. M. War ell spent last Mon day with friends in U.irb ndale. Miss Ethel Bowen, of Croton, N. Y., U upending a few weeks with her par ents in this place. Mrs. A. Davis is spending a few mo'itlis in New York and Brooklyn. ll'm Nehia llaveiistrite, of Ctirbou' d ile, wlio has been visiting her grand mother aud friends in this place, re turned homo Friday. Mr. und Mrs. Suttierlind, of Atlanta, Ga.. called on friends herd on Thurs day. Wei land Peck, of Elmhuist, called on friends hero Friday. Tnere is it great deal of sicknesa among the sui 11 children. Mrs. B-mnett and children, of Vine 'and, N. J., is ,ienling the summer with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Bsnnett. Harry DjWitt, of Port Jervis, is vis lting his father. Mrs. William Havenstrite nnd grand daughter, Edna Milone, visited Mr Walkir t G-mldsb iro last week. Mrs, O. E Vaughn is improving slowly. Miss Bessie Bortree, of Scranton, is visltiug relatives here, For, croup, nsthma, bronchitis and sore throat use Dr. Thomas' Ecleelric Oil, and get the genuine. IIALLSTEAD. Eleanor O'Brien is on the fick list, Mrs. Michael Hays aud son, John, ar visiting hlaterville Spring'. Cofjcriff'a .'-tore In Sn ik"creek, located about four miles from this place, wa broken into last night nnd twi gold watches, two pairs of shoes and other small articles taken. Tbe men were traced to this place, where all trace of them was lost Muster Joe II ays is visiting friends and relatives in Scranton. Tbe ran s on the fair ground which closed Siturd iy afternoon wera of the best and ureat en lit li-longs to Giles Carpenter, the or. 'si. lent of the associa tion, for tne i III d nt manner in which tho races were conducted and the good order maintained. M iny from out of town were iu attendance both davs. Mrs. Alfred All-n, of Uinghamton, is visiting friends in this plac The bi'iycle race Saturday was won hy William Siniiu us, of Great Bend. Mrs. Iimothy Connor nltendii t riie funeral of her ni-ce in Biiigbnmtou Siturdiiy. WYOMING. Dr. Gon nnd wife, of Chicago, the former an elderly gentleman who has not been in this plac- for a unml'or of vear:", is the gnt of his nephew, John (ion, of Wyoming avenue. Mrs. Ymgst fell from a hammock on Friday evening nnd came near break ing hor back. . She was resting quite easy on ts.ilur lay. Mrs. E iz i Casterlin was the pu'st of Mrs. b. (i Ailing Sitnrday. Mrs. William Swiiz-r was visiting friends nt Wilkes-Barre Satnrdsy. Mr?. Bowman is entertaining ber niotuor, Mrs. John Irwin, of Shenan doah. Mrs. Sarah' Breeso died at her home on the corner of Wyoming and Sixth streets Saturday, of general debility Tbe funeral will be Imld at tbe bonse Monday morning nt 10 o'clock. Mrs. Breesn was born in New Jersey, Jan 9, 1810. She bus been living here for tbe past sixty years. Her htisbund, Samael Breese, had been dead for the past twenty years. Mrs Breese leaves two eons and two daughtes Martin V. Breese, Ferdinand Urease, Mrs. Frauds Smith and Mrs. Jb. Burn ham, of Boston, Mass. Mrs. Breese had been blind for tbe past three years. WEAK MEN your attention JB W.I.LEU 'iv inn M Tn.l f. . TTn Pnmo(1tf Gray's Specific Medicine ir vnn cnrrcpfromNer- IWMTWltf. MtU Till ML .Tom I)e- bllitv. WeakrtoM or Body ana lain toiriips, hucI lmnotency, and all disomies that iirlso from ovor-lndulgeuce nd self abuau, as Lous of Memorv and Fowor. Uimnesa ot Vis ion. Premature Old Aire and mnnv other die- ruses that lead to Insanity or Consumption inn unoariy trravo, write ror a pampmoc. Address GllAY M1DICINE CO.. Huffala N. Y. The heol(lo Medicine Is sold by. all drugifists at $ por packaKO, or six packages for $o,or sent by ninil on receipt of monoy.and with evory 15.1X1 order WE GUARANTEE a cure or money refunded. " trT'Ou account of counterfeits we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper, tbe only Rvnu- ue, boiu in eorauton br juattuews erui, MM MILITARY Critic Pays a Deserved Tribute to tbe Worth ot Lieutenant Madison. ' COLONEL E. H. RIPPLE'S ORDER It Reviews the Officer's Military Career Company B and the Off! cers of the Thirteenth Regiment Will Take Part In the Funeral Progress That Has Been Made in Qualifying Marksmen Other Notes In the death of Herman (hotter known as Harry) R Madisom the Thirteenth regiment has lost one of its brightett gems. He had beeu identi fied with the reeiuient sino4 its organi- ition, Aog. U. 1877. His character and life was so pure that he was trnly beloved by every member of the regi ment. He we.s the B'ime true gentle man and genial friend in uniform or citizen's dreBs. His sunny, happv dis position so characteristic of the man, and which made him so popular with the regiment, remained with him till the last. As a non-commissioned and commis sioned officer he ueVer shirked a duty, cheerfully obeying all orders of his su periors The regiment has never been forlned for drill, parade, inspection, camp or active service bat what he was present. Tne ambition of his military lite was to never miss a duty, and even twenty-four honrs befo.e his riettb he feebly grxsned the adjutant's hand aud said, "Adjutant, I will surely be with my company in camp at Gettysburg next mouth," He was a true soldier that every meinuer in the regiment was proud or. He was tho ranking first lieutenant in the Nation il Guard of Peunsylva oia and an -fflser of excellent ability. ino state win never possess a more faithful sergeant, nor the regiment more affable, courteous, ceutlemmlv lnoer. The regimental ordtr or C1- onel Ripple mid tne company order of Captain Kellow, imhliitbed below, and which speaks so fully of tne man and soldier, is but nn echo of the lieuten ant's worth. We will indeed mls him but his memory can never beef! toed from our thoughts. He died as he lived, a Christian soldier. He asleep at tap. He will awaken at fell re veille at tbe throne of God. COtOXEL'S RIPPLE'S ORDItlt. Headquarters 13m Regiment. Tiiiui) liniOADE, N. H. P., Scranton. Pa.. July 21. 1SD4. Regimental orders No. 20. L With deep, sorrow the colonel n ounces to the regiment tbe deuennfour beloved comrade, f irst Lieutenant Her man R. Madison, Company ti, at Moses' Taylor hospital, this city, at 11.45 d. m.. Friday, July 20. Lieutenant Madison was one of the original members of tbe Sorau ton City guard, having enlisted Aug. 14, 1877: was appointed sergeant Ann. 15. 1877 first sergeant, Nov. 18. 1878: elected Becond lieutenant, Oct. 20, 18i9; first lieutenant, JNov. 3D, iMi; re-elected nrst llenteuant, Nov. 27. I b6, and again re-elected Doc. 0. ISOl, and was at the time of bis death the rnnlcing first lieutenant in the Natioanl guard of tho state. In his seventeen years o( service in the National guard be bus never been found wanting iu any of the requirements tba' mark the perfect sol dirr, upright and manly nt nil timei, affa ble and courteous to bis inferiors, willing ana prompt uimseir to ooy, ins wus character for alltrne soldiers to emulate, II. The o Ulcers of the rezimont will as sembleat tbe Sariiutqn City guard ar mory Tuesday, July 4, at p. m.. to take part in the funeral services. The u-ual bndge of niourmug will be worn by the olucem on tbn sword hilt for tbe space oi tun ty data ana tne national colors dis played at half mast on the armory on the day ot tne r nneral. liy order of colonel Ezra h. ripple. 5. Millar, Adjutant. W. order of captain kellow. Quarters ok Company B, Thirteenth Heuimext. N. O. P, fcCRANTON, Pa, July 21, 1804. Company order No. . it becomes my sorrowful duty to an nounce to the company the death of our belovi d first lieutenant, Herman 11. JIa'li son, woo died m tlm city July 20 Lieu tenant Madisju has beeu couui cted with this rompauy since its organization, i part of the fccrauton City guards, Auju 14, 1877, at which time he wa appointed rniru rergoant nnu promoted nrst sergeau November 18, 187-1. He filled these two positions Imtlilully aud ou November 18. lbb'J, was elected (as a roward for bi cl iso attention to bis duties of sergeant). To see ond lieutenant on November (0. 1381. wus elected in hc lieutenant and wat re elected Nov. 27, 1880, and again re-electod Dec. v, ly.n. a or uearlv tnirteeu years be haH belli tho rank of til's I lieutenant and for tbe past three years hu has been the senior an I ranking fir. tiinatenaiit in the National buard of Pennsylvania, a dis tinction only at'aine.t by few. Ia the death of Lieutenant Madison wo lose a faithtul friend and comrade, the regiment and Mate nn Inmost, upright, truthiuland efficient officer. We may all strive to em ulate his example. He wa faithful to every friend and duty; in his nearly seven teen y-tu 8 of service up to tne time bis health became impaired, he never misted a Mtigle roll call or shirked n siuglu duty. He has answered his last toll cull. llie long roil lias been called. lie has goue to his reward and sleeps the sleep of tbe just aud brave com rades. We will miss mm. No morn shall we hear his voice in oni councils. We will miss lil ni in our duties ns soldiers; miss him in our lioines nnd around our camp Hies. We mourn our loss mid bid liim a soldier's farewell. All members of Couiimny B will assem ble at. the armory on Tuesday afternoou. July 24, 181)4, at 1 o'clock, in full uuiidrm, wuite glove.', to accompany tlio remains to its last resting place. Any murcber of the regiment desiring to attend the funeral with Ci'inpany 11, they are hereby cordially invited to do so. By order of Caitain William Kellow, Commanding the Company, QUALIFYING THE MlN. Considerable progress lias bjen madi in tbe p ist week in qualifying the regi munt. iwo morn weeas ot good wort will result in every man being qaali fid and the regini'iit will go iuto camp for the first time with such a record. The whole nnuiber qmlifhd up to days. is 217, twenty-nine uf whom are sharpshooters. Company B is still in the lead among the city companies. while Company E has qualified Jits en tire membership. The following table gives the nam ber qualified la each company: . Rharp- juarks- shooters. ... 8 ... 8 ... a . ... 0 ... 2 men. 5 21 ' 8!l . . 23 16 38 13 18 23 183 - Total Field and Staff Company A;.., 8 24 84 2t 18 63 18 20 25 217 Company D..., company U..., Company D..., Company E.. 13 Company F.' 0 Company G 2 Company H 8 29 The board of 'officers of ths Thir teenth regiment will meet ia quarterly session at the Sorantoa City guard's armory next Monday evening Joly 30. This will be tbe last meeting of trie t oard before camp, therefore necfSBar lly an important one. ' Adjutant Millar conducted an Inter esting sehool in "guard duty" at Hones dale and Montrose tbe past week. Tbe interest and intelligence Of tbe non- comi displayed at this aouool was yry manifest, which if it is demonstrated t camp uext month mutt ratj E and G vny auneriiir. Cciouel Ripple dvaires the Dresenco of his mtire suff at lieadnnarters to night and as many Una oUiuera aa oan conveniently be presout company U Has been ohliu-ad to close its range for the pist two weeks owing to the danger to tbe haymakers, who have been harvesting hay ia tbe eloss vicinity of the range. The company will resnme qnalifvinir todav and will qualify every nun within tbe next twa weeks. FIRST COMPANY TO QUALIFY. To Comptny iu bjlouirs the honor of the first company in tbe recirnent null ifying its wntiio m 'moerslnp for this year. This company nas had the record for several years of going to camp with every man qnalifi d. Major Whitney and Militant Millar exercised the mounts tney expect to ride in camp this year, in tbe earlv morn' of last Thursday, over the hill of Wayne. M.jir Wnitney rode his handsome ciiestnut named Byron, while Adjutant Millar rod M)t Wnituay a bay pacer named Dindy. Ihe uljutant is much pleased with his mount, which Is a counterpart of tlie d ceased and always popular Billy. He is satisfied Uandy will be much admired in camp. Ibe regimental nnd brigade ma ten. s will be shot this vear at the state range, Mount Gretna, from Aug. 27 to Aug.. SI. This ia following rather closely tbe annual encampment and Iocs not give the teams much time to recover from the fatigue of camp life. The Thirteenth's team has not been preci icing together very much the pist summer, and if it is pioposed to win the cup uext month some bard work will have to be done in the interval. The non-commissioned stall: have not yet received tbe new knapsacks nor the new buttons. There s-ems to be a disposition upon the pu't of the state to avoid t quipping the non commis sioned stall Pointers for inspection and tho com' iuir encampment: JNo eiiliBtments will bo valid tbat are dated alter July 18, 18U4. lie sure to have a copy of every enlist ment paper since last eucampinout present ac iietrysuurg. t;opics) or missing general, special or regimental orders will be supplied by tho adjutant on application. Inspection rolls, muster aud pay rolls. Quaucial reports, etc., should be Completed as fur as possible before tbe departure of the regiment for camp, as it is possible the leuneut will De Inspected the urst day in camp. lie sure to nave the new buttons sewed on the coat. Lvery enlisted mun must wear tho state shoe. Lvery company should be provided with new white gloves, to bo issued to tho tnea nt assembly for inspection. Tho elo'ves should not be put on uutil after tho Uimp- sacK nus Deoasiuug. Lvery officer and man must ba present at' inspection 100 por ceut. present ii necessary in order to give the regiuiout nrst place. Inn being a division encampment the seutinels on guard will be inspected every aay. and ns "guurd duty" is one ot tn prominent feuturea in the ratings every non-com aud private suou d understand ana intelligently explain his duties as a member of the guard. At inspection of quarters Fee that no sergeant, boot black, or other person lounging or loanug around the mess tent or kitchen. Have your hair cut nnd beard neatly trimmed beiore going to camp. Scour tbe tin cup both insile and out the morning of inspection aud have the belt piute bright and gun clean. Critic. THE DIFrt RtNCE. Ifmneapo U Tone. Tuoupands or men have thrown tip good situations mid regular snlnrifs at tho cull of Dobs, and tho probabilities are that a large portion of them will b) looking in vain lor worn alter ttie striko is over, tio matter what dispoRiiion i niacin of tlie original cause ot the trouble in Pullnmn. But Mr. Debs is drawing his little f5G 03 a week with commendable rogulanty just tho same, whilo his vicn president is standing off sturvntioa with J:iS.40 11 week aud Ins seven aids togat her4 draw $-U1.8l at tho end ofovery seven days. The Magic Touch OK Hood's Sarsaparilla You smile at the idea. But if you are a sufferer from Dyspepsia And Indigestion, try a bottle, and be fore you have taken half a dozen doses, you will involuntarily think, and no uoiioi exeluim, That Just Hits It!" 1 hat sootlnii!; effect Is a maple union:' nooil s Sarsaparilla gently tones and strengthens the stomach nnd digestive organs, invigorates the liver, creates a natural, healthy desire for food, gives refreshing sleep, and in short, raises the health tone of the entire system. Ke.memlicr Sarsa- MOOCl'9 Pills eme liver Ills, coiisiipntlnn. bilious uess, Jaundice, sick headache, Imlmr.sum Ocsnp!Gxion Prssonrcd DR. HEDr.A'S Removes Freckles. Plmclt Liver Molss, Blacl.Scado, ounnum uuu ion, uuu n stores tho skin to its origi nal freshness, producing a, nlne.r and ficiillhv cora-i TOttnn. RllDeTkir U p 1 1:, -a preparations a:id perfectly bnrmlesg. At all urogslsls, or mailed lor SOcta. Bend for Circular, VIOLA SKIN SOAP rlraplr InnmimnMo u Ala imrllvtog tiotp, uuoquR'cKl far tiie toll!, nnd vlthrtit ti rlvAl lor me Dumrr. Ai.mfir jturo noa accwaij yjuui rated. At dnwliti. Prlrn 25 . G. C. BITTNF.R & CO., Toledo, 0, Fur Kale by Maltliow l'.rnn. unit John H. Pliolim. DUPO NT'S MININQ, BLASTIKfi AND BPOBTINQ Manufactured at the Wapwallonen Mills, La. erne county ra.. ana at wu muigWn, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. Gaeral Agent for th Wyoming Distrlotv 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. third National Bank Buildin AORNCIES. THOS. FORD. Ptttnton. if.. JOHN E SMITH St SON; PI E. W. MULLIGAN. Wllkes-I 'lvmontli. Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Agents for the Hepaune (Jheiuioai (any 'a High Scploelvea, . Com- 1 Parilla Cures POWDER gIHll3llHnilHl8iIHIIIIIIIIHIilllllHIIIIIIIIIIIllllll!IIIIUIIIinHIIIHlig GREAT Handkerchief Purchase -BY- THE FAIR 400 and 402- Lackawanna Avenue. E have just purchased for cash at 50c. on the dollar 32,228 doz. Ladies' Handkerchiefs, the entire stock of an importing house retir ing from business. Sale Commences Saturday, July 7 . 5c. Handerchief3, sale at 10c. Handkerchiefs, sale at 15c. Handkerchiefs, sale at 25c. Handkerchiefs, sale at 39c. Handkerchiefs, sale at 50c. Handkerchiefs, sale at THE FAIR 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE. S5E3iat!I!E5331JSt2!l!!iJ!!E!3!IlllSIJHB!E!liIilII!llJIJniJllllllMI1IIJIIIllllIlllin- IF YOU ARE We can serve you well. All the desirable kinds are here and at right : prices, other kinds of Linoleums, Mattings, Art Spares, Linen Crumb Cloths, &c. Byzantine, Smyrna and Oriental Rugs all sizes, from a single door to sizes large enough to cover an entire floor. ' 406 and 408 BRANCH STORE: Watt No tales or history we sell at our Odd and End Safe You will find money by attending our It is cheap ness Figures are eloquent when used to indi cate the value we are. giving at our dd and From a critical inspector you will turn an eager buyer at our Odd and End Sale Goods marked in plain, large, low figures at our Odd and End Sale 1" nr.--I . - - . iiii-- '- -J --1 . 2c. . . 5c. . 7c. . 12 y2o. . 19c. , 25c. THINKING OF Then have we RUGS! SBEBEC&CER Lacka. Avenue. Building, Carbondale. goes with the goods and End Sale goodness not cheap cheap -that distinguishes our and End Sale . End Sale : ' f.