The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 23, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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There was no bleep for Captain Ches
ter the rest of the uight Ho went homo,
threw off his Bword bolt and seated him
self iu a big easy chair before hid lire
place, deep in thought. Ouco or twico
he arose and paced restlessly up uud
down the room, as he had doue in his
cioited talk with Rollins some few
hours before. Then he was simply aujjry
and argumentative or defamatory.
Now he had settled down into a very
different framo of mind. Ho seomed
awed, stunned, crushed. Ho had all the
bearing and mien of ono who, having
defiantly predicted a calamity, was
thunderstruck by the verification of his
'In all his determined arraignment of
Mr. Jerrold, in all tho harsh things ho
had said and thought of him, he had
never imagined any such depth of
Bcoundrelism as the revelations of tho
sight foreshadowed. Chester differed
from .many of his brotherhood. Thoro
was no room for rejoicing in his heart
that the worst he had ever said of Jer
rold was unequal to the apparent truth.
He took no comfort to his soul that
those who called him oynicul, crabbed,
unjust, even malicious, would now be
compelled to admit he was right in his
estimate. Like tho best of us, Chester
could not ordinarily say "Vado retro"
to the temptation to think, if not to
Bay, "Didn't I tell you so?" when in
everyday affairs his oft disputed views
Were proved woll founded. But in tho
face of such a catastrophe as now ap
peared engulfing the fair fame of his
regiment and tho honor of those whom
his colonel held dear, Chester could feel
only dismay and grief. What was his
duty in the light of tho discoveries he
had made? To tho best of his bolief, he
was the only man in tho gaixison who
had evidence of Jerrold 's absence from
his own quarters and of tho presence of
some one at her window. Ho had taken
prompt measures to prevent its being
susptjeted by others. Ho pnrpos-'ly sent
his guurds to search along tho cliff in
the opposito direction, while hp went to
Jerrold's room aud'thonco baek to re
move tho tolltalo ladder. Should ho tell,
any one until he had confronted Jerrold
With . tho evidence of his guilt, and
wringing from him his resignation send
him far from the post before handing
it .in? Time and again he wished Frank
Armitago were here. The youngest cap
tain in the regiment, Armitage had
been for years its adjutant and deep in
tho confidence of Colonel Maynard. Ho
was a thorough soldier, a strong, self
reliant, courageous man, and ono for
wiioia Chester had ever felt a warm
tsteem. Armitago was on leave of ab
iehce however had been away some
time on account of family matters and
would not roturn, it was known, until
ho had effected tho removal of his moth
er and sister .to tho new home he had
purchased for them in the distant east
It was to his company that Jerrold had
been 'promoted, and there was friction
from tho very week that the handsome
subaltern joined.
Armitago had long before "takeu his
measure" and was in no wise pleased
that so lukewarm a soldier should have
como to him as senior subaltern. They
had a very plain talk, for Armitage
Was straightforward as a dart, and then,
as' Jerrold showed occasiomU lapses, tho
captain shut down on some of las most
cherished 'privileges, and, to tho indig
nation of society, the failure of Mr. Jcr
rold tp appear at ono or two gatherings
where ho was confidently expected was
Speedily laid at his captaiu's door. Tho
recont death of his fatlier kept Armitago
from appearing in public, and, as neither
he nor the major (who commanded the
regiment while Maynard was abroad)
vouchsafed tho faintest explanation, so
cioty'was allowed to form its own con
clusions and did to the effect that
Mr. Jerrold was a vronged and per
secuted man. It wa:l ,ust as tho May
Hards arrived at Sibley that Armitage
Soparted on his leave, and, to his uu
ipoakable bliss, Mr. Jerrold succeeded
to the command of his company. This
fact, coupled with the charming rela
tions whioh were straightway establish
ed with the colonel's family, placed
him in a position ' of independence and
gave him opportunities he had never
.known befora It was speedily evident
that he was noglecting his military dn
tios, that Company B was running down
much faster than Arnytage had built it
op, and yet no man felt like speaking of
ltto the colonel, who saw it only occa
sionally on dross parade. Chestor had
about determined to writo to Armitago
himself and suggost his speedy return
When this oventful night arrived. Now
ho fully made up his mind it must bo
dune at once and had seated himself at
his dcrsk when the roar of tho sunrise
gbn and the blare of tho bugles warned
him that reveille had como and ho must
again goto his guard. Boforo ho return
ed to his quarters another complication,
even more embarrassing, hod arisen,
and the letter to Arnitage was post
poned He had rccoived the "present" of his
gdard And verified the presence of all his
prisoners when ho saw Major, Sloat
still standing out in tho middle of tho
parade, where the adjutant usually re
ceived the roports of tho roll calla Sev
eral company officers, having mado their
reports, werosourrying back to quarters
fat another snooze boforo breakfast time
C to get their cup of coffee boforo going
out to the range. Chester strolled over
Howard him.
. "Wiat's the matter, Sloat?"
'('Nothing muoh. Tho colonel told
toa to 'receive' tho reveille reports for
Hoyt this week. lie's on general court
martial" . --
.'Yea, I know all that, 1 mean, what
are you waiting for?"
,"Mr. Jerrold again, Thore's nore
fKjrt from his company. "
, VHave you sent to wake him?"
("Not 111 go myself and do it thor
oughly too." And tho little major
turned sharply tvway and walked direct
td tho ,low raugo of bocholor quarters.
dived under tho piazza and into tho
greeu doorway.
Hardly knowing how to explain his
action, Chester quickly followed and
in less than a minute was standing in
thu selfsumo parlor which, by the light
of a flickering match, ho hud searched
two hours before. Hero ho halted and
listened, whilo Sluat pushed on into tho
bedroom and was heard vehemently
apostrophizing somo sleeper:
"Does tho government pay you for
this sort of thing, I want to know? Get
up, Jerrold. This is tho second timo
you've cut reveille in ten days. Get
up, I say!" And the major was vigor
ously shaking at something, fur tho bed
creaked and groaned.
"Wake up, I say! I'm blowed if I'm
going to get up hero day after day and
havo you sleeping. Wako, Nicodemns!
Wako, you snoozing, snoring, open
mouthed masher, (-'onto now; I mean
A drowsy, difgusted yawn and streteli
finally rewarded his efforts. Mr. Jer
rold at last opened his eyes, rolled over,
yawned sulkily aguiu and tried to evade
his persecutor, but to no purpose. Like
a littlo terrier, Sloat hung onto him
and worried and shouk.
"Oh, don't, 4 it, don't!" growled
tho victim. "What do you want any
way? Has that infernal reveillo gone?"
"Yes, and you'ro absent again, and
no report from B company. By tho holy
poker, if you don't turn out and get it
and report to mo on the parndo I'll spot
tho wholo gang absent, and then no
matinee for you today, my buck. Come,
out with you! I mean it. Hall says
you and ho havo an engagement in
town, and 'pon my soul I'll bust it if
you don't come out. "
And so, growling aud complaining,
and yet half laughing, Adonis rolled
from his couch and began to get into his
clothes. Chester's blood ran cold, then
boiled. Think of a man who could laugh
liko that and remember! When, how,
had ho returned to tho house? Listen !
"Confound you, Sloat! I wouldn't
rout you out in this shabby way. Why
couldn't you let a man sleep? I'm tired
half to death."
"What havo you dono to tiro you?
Slept all yesterday afternoon and
danced perhaps a dozen times at tho
doctor's latt uight. You've had more
sleep than I'vo had, begad! You took
Miss Reuwick home before 'twas ersr,
and mean it was of you, too, with all
tho fellows that wanted to daneo with
"That wasn't my fault. Mrs. May
nard mado her promise tot be homo at
12. You old eackler, that's' what sticks
in your crop yet. You are persecuting
mo beeauso they Jiko me so much better
than they do you," he went on, laugh
ingly now. "Come, now, Sloat, confess,
it is all Uc.-juso you'ro jealous. Yon
couldn't havo that picture, and I could. "
Chester fairly started. He had urgent
need to see this young gallant. He was
staying for that purpose, but should he
listen to further talk like this? Too lato
to move, for Hlout's answer came liko a
"I bet you you never could!"
"But didn't I tell you I had a week
"Aye, but 1 didn't believe it. Yon
couhlu't show it!"
"Pshaw, man! Look here. Stop,
though. Remember, on your honor, you
never tell."
"On my honor, of course."
"Woll. there!"
A drawer war. opened. Chester heard
a gulp of dismay, of genuine astonish
ment .and convintion mi::ed, as Sloat
muttered somo half articulate words
and then camo into the front room.
Jen-old followed, caught Ki,'lit of Chester
and stnppud short, with sudden and
angry chango of color.
"I did not know you were hero," ho
"It was to find where you wero that
I came, " was tho quiet answer.
There was a moment's silence. Sloat
turned and looked at tho two men in
ntter surprise Up to this time ho hud
considered Jerrold's abseneo from re
veille as a mere dereliction of duty
which w;is nsmhahlo to the laziness
and indifference of the young officer.
So far as lay in his power, ho meant to
make him attend more strictly to busi
ness and had therefore como to his quar
ters and stirred hi 1:1 up. But thero was
no thonglit of any serious trouble in his
mind. Ilisitulk had all been roughly
good 'humored until until that bet was
mentioned, and then it became earnest.
Now, as ho glanced from one man to
the other, he saw in an instant that
something new something of unusual
gravity was impending. Chester, but
toned to tho throat in his dark uniform,
accurately gloved and belted, with pale,
sot, almost haggard face, was standing
by tho center table under tho droplight.
Jorrold, only half dressed, his feet
thrnsf into slippers, his fingers nervous
ly working at tho studs of his dainty
whito shirt, had stopped short at his
bedroom door, and with features that
grew paler every second and a dark
scowl on his brow was glowering at
"Sinco whon has it looii tho duty of
tho office!1 of tho day to come around
and hunt up ollloers who don't happen
to bo out at roveillo?" ho asked.
"It is not your absenco from reveillo
I want' explained, Mr. Jerrold," was
tho cold aud deliberative answer. "I
wanted you at 8:30 this morning, and
you wero not and had not been hero. "
An unmistakable start nnd shock; a
quick, norvous, hunted glauco around tho
room so cold aud pallid in tho enrly
light of tho August morning; a clutch
of Jerrold's slim, brown hnnd atj tho
bared throat But he rallied gamely,
strodo a step forward and looked his
snporior full in the face. Sloat marked
tho effort with whioh ho cleared away
the huskincss that seomed to clog his
larynx, but admirod the spunk with
which the young officer returned tho
senior's shot:
J' What is your authority here, I would
liko to know? What business has tho
officer of tho day to want me or auy other
man not 0:1 guard? Captain Chester,
yon seem to forget that I am no longer
your second lieutenant and that I am
a company commander liko yourself.
Do you como by Colonel Mayuard's
order to search my quarters and question
me? If so, say so at 01100. 1 not, get
out." And Jerrold's faco was grow
ing back with wrath, and Ins big, lus
trous eyes wero wido awake now and
fairly snapping.
Chester leaned upon tho table and do
liberated a moment. Ho stood thero'
coldly, distrustfully eying the excited
lieutenant, then turned to Sloat: '
"I will bo responsible for the roll call
of Company B this morning, Sloat. I
havo a matter of grave importance to
bring up to this this gentleman, and
it is of a private nature. Will you let
me so him alone?"
"Sloat," said Jerrold, "don't go yet.
I want you to stay. These aro my quar
ters, and I recognio yonr right to come
here in search of me, since I was not at
reveille, but I want a witness hero to
bear inn out. I'm too amazed yet, too
confounded by this intrusion of Captain
Chester, to grasp the' situation. I never
heard of such a thing as this. Explain
it if you can. "
"Mr. Jerrold, what I havo to ask or
say to you concerns you alone. It is
not an official matter. It is as man to
man I want to seo you, alono and at
once. Now will you let Major Sloat re
tire?" Silenco for a moment. Tho angry
Hush on Jerrold's faco died away, and
in its place an ashen pallor was spread
ing from throat to brow. His lips wero
twitching ominously. Sloat looked in
consternation at tho sudden change.
"Shall I go?" ho finally asked.
Jerrold looked long, fixedly, search
ingly in the set faco of tho officer of tho
day, breathing hard and heavily. What
ho saw thero Sloat could not imagine.
At last his hand dropped by his side.
He mado a littlo motion with it a
slight wave toward tho door and again
dropped it nervously. His lips seemed
to framo tho word "Go," but ho nover
glanced at tho man whom a moment
before ho so masterfully bade to stay,
and Sloat, solely puzzled, left the room.
Not until his footsteps had died out
of hearing did Chester speak:
"How soon can you leavo tho post?"
"I don't understand you."
"How soon caii you pack up what
you need to take and get away?"
"(Jet away where? What 011 earth
do you mean?"
"You must know what I mean! You
must know that alter last night's work
you quit tho servieo ot once and for
ever." "I don't know anything of the kind,
and I defy you to provo tho faintest
thing." But Jerrold's fingers were
twitching, and his eyes had lost their
"Do you suppose I did not recognize
you?" nsked Chester.
"When where?" gulped Jerrold.
"When I seized you and you struck
"I never struck you. I don't know
what you mean. "
"My God, man, let us end this use
less fencing. Tho evidenco I have of
your hit night's scoundrelism would
break tho strongest record. For tho
regiment's sake for thu colouol's sake
let us havo no public scandal. It's
awful enough as tho thing stands.
Write your resignation, give it to me
and leavo bef ore breakfast, if you
can." '
"I've dono nothing to resign for.
You know perfectly well I haven't."
"Do you mean that such a crime
that a woman's ruin and disgrace isn't
enough to drivo you from tho servieo?"
asked Chestor, tingling in every nerve
and longing to clinch tho shapely,
swelling threat in his clutching fingers.
"God of heaven, Jerrold, are you dead
to all seii-so of decency?"
"Captain Chester, I won't bo bullied
this way. I may not bo immaculate, but
1:0 man on crth shall talk to mo like
this! I deny your insinuation. I've dono
nothing to warrant your words, even if
If yon did como sneaking around hero
last night and find mo absent. .You
can't provo a thing. You"
"What! When 1 saw you almost
caught you! By heaven, I wish tho
sentry had killed you then and there I I
never dreamed of such hardihood."
"You've dono nothing but dream.
By Jove, I believe you're sleep walk
ing yet! What on earth do you mean by
matching and killing me? 'Pon my soul,
I reckon you're crazy, Captain Chester. "
And color was gradually coining back
to Jerrold's faco and confidence to his
"Enough of this, Mr. Jerrold. Know-ins,-
what you and I both know, do you
refuse to hand mo your resignation?"
"Ox course I do. "
"Do you mean to deny to me wheroI
saw you last night?" ' ' .
"I deny your right to question me.
I deny anything everything. I beliovo
you simply thought you had a clew and
could mako mo tell. Supposo I was out
last night. I don't bolievo you know tho
faintest thing about it."
"Do yon want 1110 to report tho wholo
thing to the colonel?"
"Of coin-so I don't. Naturally I want
him to know nothing' about my .being
out of quarters, and it's a thing that no
officer would think of reporting another
for. Yon'll only win the coutempt of
every gAntlenian in tho regiment if yon
do it. What good will it do you? Keep
mo from going to town for a few days,
I suppose. What earthly business is it
of yours anyway?"
"Jerrold, I can stand this no longer.
I ought to shoot you in your tracks, I
bolievo. You've brought ruin and mis
ery to tho homo of my warmest friend
and dishonor to tho whole servieo, aud
you talk of two. or three days' stoppago
from going to town! If I can't bring
you to your souses, by God, tho colonel
shall I" And ho wheeled and loff tho
room. t ,
For a momont Jerrold stood stunned
and silent. It was useless to attempt
reply. Tho captain was far down tho
walk when ho sprang to tho door to call
him again. Then, hurrying back to the
bedroom, ho hastily dressod, muttering
angrily and anxiously to himself as he
did so. Ho was thinking deeply, too,
,aud every movement betrayed nervous
noss and trouble. Returning to the
front door, he gazod out upon -the pa
rade, then took his forage cap and
walked rapidly down toward the ad jui
tant's office. ' The orderly bugler was
tilted up iu a chair, leaning half asleep
against the whitewashed front, but his
was a weasel nap, for he sprang up and
sulutgd as the young officer approached.
"Whoro did Major Sloct go, order
ly?" was the hurried question.
"Over toward tho stables, sir. Eim
and Captain Chester was hero togeiher,
aud they're just gone. "
"Run over to tho quarters of B com
pany and toll Merrick I want him right
away. Tell him to como to my quar
ters. " Aud thither Mr. Jorrold re
turned, seated himself at his desk, wrote
several lima of a note, tore it into frag
ments, began again, wrote another
winch seemed not entirely satisfactory
aud was in tho midst of a third when
there camo a quick step mid a knock at
tho door. Opening tho shutters, ho
glanced out of the window. A gust of
wind sent somo of tho papers whirling
and flying, and tho bedroom door banged
shut, but not boforo some few half
sheets of paper had fluttered out upon
tho parade, whero other littlo flurries of
the morning breeze sent them sailing
over toward thu colonel's quarters.
Anxious only for tho coming of Merrick
and no ono else, Mr. Jerrold no sooner
saw who was at tho front door than ho
closed tho shutters, called, "Come in!"
and .a short, squat, wiry little man,
dressed in the fatigue uniform of tho
infantry, stood at the doorway to tho
"Como in here, Mwrick, " said tho
lieutenant, and Merrick camo. "How
much is it you owo mo now thirty odd
dollars, I think?"
"I beliovo it is, lieutenant," answer;
ed tho man, with shifting eyes and gen
eral uneasiness of mien.
"You aro not ready to pay it, I sup
pose, and you got it from mo when we
left Fort Raines to help you out of that
scrape there."
The soldier looked down aud mado
no answer. ,
"Merrick, I want a noto taken to
town at once. I want you to tako it
"Merrick, 1 want a note taken to toivn at
nnd get it to its address before 8 o'clock.
I want you to say no word to a soul.
Here's f 10. Hire old Murphy's horse
across tho river and go. If you are put
in the guardhouse when you get back,
don't say a word. If you are tried by
garrison court for crossing tho bridgo
or absence without leavo, plead guilty,
make no defense, and I'll pay you dou
ble your fine and let you off the'. $30.
But if you fail mo or tell a soul of your
errand I'll writo to you know who. at.
Raines. Do you understand and agree?"
"I do. Yes, sir."
"Go and get ready nnd be hero in 10
Meantime Captain Chestor had fol
lowed Sloat to the adjutant's office. He
was boiling ovor with indignation,
Which he hardly knew how to control.
Ho found the gray mustached subaltern
tramping in great perplexity up and
down tho room, aud the instant he en
tered was greeted with the inquiry:
"What's gone wrong? What's Jer
rold been doing?"
"Don't ask mo any questions, Sloat,
but answer. It is a matter of honor.
What was your bet with Jerrold?"
"I oughtn't to tell that, Chester.
Surely it cannot bo a matter mixed up
with this."
"I can't explain,. Sloat. What I ask
is unavoidable. Tell me about that
"Why, he was so superior and airy,
you know, and was trying to make mo
feel that ho was so much more intimate
with them all at tho colonel's, end that
ho could havo that picture for the mere
asking, and I got mad and bet him ho
never could. "
"Was that tho day you shook hands
on it?"
"And that was her picture tho pic
ture then ho showed you this morn
ing." "Chester, you heard tho conversation.
You wero there. You know that I'm on
honor not to tell."
"Yes, I know. That's quito enough."
to be continued. jj
A Stumi'r.
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and I rue." respecting diet.
WSund a leiter etmiu to DR. RADWAV
&t:o., Lock Box SB, Now York, lor "False
nuil Trim "
and Truo
ntnnihnl M H tj II lil
iron uu-. rtf E" W M U
.inti. tint,
produces the nbovo results In I!0 duvs. It iot
powerfully and quickly. Cures when nil 'otherj fall
loungmeu will regain their Ust lumilieod.tndeld
men will recover tlielr yonthtul visor by using
ItKVIYf). It .mli.btu n...i .
- j wu puiviy icKiuicn iinrvuus-
ness, Lost Vitality, Ininoteucy. Nightly Emissions,
ail Directs of self-abuse or eicerssud ludiHcretloii.
winch mints ono for ai udy. business of marriage It
uot only cures by storting at the seat of disease but
isagreat nerre tonic and blood builder, bring
ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks ami re
storing the tire of youth, it wards off Jnsinlly
and Consumption. Insist on having KK VI
other. It can bo carried In vest pocket. By mi ll
H1.00 per package, or six for US. 1)0, with a post
t v written gnnrantee to euro or refund
the money. Circular free. Address
For aale by Matthews Bros., Druggists,
VerBBti'11. IV
For Delicacy,
For purity, and for improvement of the com
plexion, nothing equals Poitom's Powder.
! The Original Raw Food
S! piu-s,
Made a
ut,.fjfp JrfiWell Man
AH .Man.
J)'!!'!i ,ii jtvlihot lTmuu'
-7j ixfy J I'' f v
Tlie nbovo bra nils of Hour can be hod at any of the following msrohants.
wfco will uceopt Tub TnmuNis Fi.ouit coupon ot 80 on each one hundred pounds
of flour or 60 on eucli barrel ot flour
fccrnnton-F. P. Price. Washington avonua I
Gold Medal -
Dumnore F. P. Price. Oo'.d MmVil nnn,i
jjuuiuore-F. I). JVlanley. (Superlative lirml.
llydo Park Carroll & Davis, Washburn BU
Gold Medal Krand; i supli A. Hours, Mam
avonuo, Superlative brand.
Oroeu Hidne-A.lj.Spencoi-.Oold Modal Brani
J. T.MclIalo, Kupvrlativo.
1'iovidi'iico l'enuor & Uhappcll. N- Main ave
nue, BjperlutHM Hrand;C. J Qillnipla, W.
Markot street, Gold Mud, J Brand.
Olyphant -Jiuncs Jordan. Superlative Brand.
P-fcville Shall -r Uuperlatlv.i.
Jermyn (.', L. Wl'iters & Co. Superalativo
Archbald Jones, 8 mpsou & Co.. Hold Medal.
Carbondalo II. H. Clark, Uold Medal Brand.
llonesdale-I. N. I'uster & Co. Uold Molal.
Minooka M. H. LavulU
Dealer in Choice Confections and Fruits.
PTvrnnm rnn nnnur
hi I K K A III 1
1437 Capouse Avenue.
Wholesale and retail dealers' in Wagoamakers' and Blacksmiths'
That -77Q will QIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVES SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce,
cf your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
Wo always may be what we might have been,",
ii iUKiunco.
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
hr nmll prepaid. With a
EF0H AND other. Adorem tltVK StEUtO., Alasoulo T.mple, CU1CAQO. IU.
For Sale In Soranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druggist, (. Washing-ton
and Snruce Btrocts.
? rnrvr .
Aak for EE. MOTT'S PEIfjrYKOTAT. fiul and take no other.
't iTSend for oiroular. Price $1,00 por box !"" to 5.00.
Ua MOTT'H CHEMICAL. CO. - Cleveland, Ohio.
or hale byC. M. HAllltl, Druggist,
BomaMmes needs a reliable, monthly, retnlatlnc medicine. Qnlr hinaleae and
the purest drugs should be J4. if you want the best, got
Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills
They are prompt, sate ard certain In nmlt. The aeaulne (Dr. Peal's) nerer dbmp.
' Mlat. geat anywhere, $1.00. Address l'XAi. laftMiuna Co Cleraland, 0.
For aale by JOHN H. PHELPS,
Spvuce Strtct, Scranton. D'
Stem tktS. 7. XrOtau. Jtoul.itm
The Flour
Awards ,
"Cdicaoo, Oct 81. Ph fink offifial
announcement ot World's Fair di
plomas od floor bu been mad a. A
medal baa been wrd4 by tho
World's Fair judges to the flour manu
factured by tbe Washburn, Crgtby Co,
In the great Washburn Flour Milla,
Minneapolis, The commlttes reports
the floor strong and pare, an asuit)M
it to rink hs first-class patent. fiotatIov
family and baksrs' use."
Taylor-Judge 3t Co., Gold Medal; Atherto?
Co., Superlative.
purjAia-Lawronc Store Co.. Gold MedaL
Moosie John M.,rVlnHla
Pittston-M. W. O'Boyle, Gold Medal.
Clink's Oreen-Frace & Parker. Superlative.
Uark's humtrilt-F. M. Young, Gold Medal.
lnltou-9. E. Finn ts Son. Gold Medal Brant
Ni. h.ilon-J. K. Harding.
Waverly-M. W. Bliss & Son, Gold Medal
factory vllle-Charles Gardner, Gold Medal.
Hopbottoin-N. M. Finn A Son, Bold Medal.
Tobyliauna-Tobvuauna Lehigh Lumber
Co.. Gold Medal Brand.
Oon!dboro-8 A. Adams, Gold Modal Brand,
Moscow Galge ft Clements, Gold Medal.
Lake Ariel James A. Bortrea, Gold MedaL
Forest City J. L. Morgan & Co., Gold Meds
& Connell
ThltwaiStrffll nm4j full
uim. to Mm al I .tr 4lt
o.'Ihpi. "iicn at Weak Moranrjr, Lous of Drain Power. Headache, WukelulDois.
Lost Manhood, Nliihtljr Unituslont, NerTou.noM,alldraln.andloof power
InOciierntlvoOrKSusof either urn earned by overexertion, youth rulerrra.
CTcenKlTe ue of tohacoc. opium or itlmulants, which lend to Inllrmtty.Onn
van oec.rncain Te.ipocset. s)ft peroox, iw
SS order we five a Wrlttea an
Lirfu nrrnn. no a dt n rtnicmtji. AHiori,"
ever offered to Laaioe,
specially reoommend
ed to married Ladlos.
11 t'eun Avenue. '
Pharmaciat, cor. Wyoming Avcnua and