The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 23, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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pubushco daily in 8cranton,. pa.. it thi
Trlbu Publuhinu Company.
. v , E. P. KINGSBURY,
New York Omicb i TmsuNS SimoiNO. Hum
for 6'otvrnor;
ok iK.n:w.
for XtVuoiniif (lv'rmtr:
for Auditor Vturrat:
OF I.AM'ASTi;it.
1 or iSVcrcnij M riml .1 i'iiirt:
J or Coniff-wii.' i -n 1-I.v njc:
Election Tlini', Nov. ft
We no not lieliove thut Governor
Hastings would veto a bill to appro
priate money for an ndequate stato
hospital In fcurantou.
Need of a New Hospital.
The suggestion U niudo by residents
of the West .Sldo that if It be the pur
pohe of tl:u directors of the Lacka
wanna hospital to enlarge thut much
crowded Institution of mercy, no better
plan could be pursued than to remove
the site from the central city altogether
to sonic one of the many hUjh, health
ful mid picturesque fcpots on the Hyde
Park side of the river. It is contended
thut inasmuch m many of it.-
coiiio from that portion of the city,
now necessitating a Ions carriage of
patients in ambulances, always a pain
ful operation, such a location would
briiitf the hospital ncurcst to its chief
constituency a!'.d also permit the hos
pital, through the greater availability
of land on the West Side, to have su
perior facilities nt less cost than could
be obtained .anywhere near its present
It is indisputable that the hospital
needs to be nulieally enlarged and im
proved. The question of adding on
aelditions .to a parent building little
fitted for the purposes to which it is
devoted, instead of rebuilding entirely,
will, wo suspect, be auswered rather in
accordance with the resources avail
able than according to tho wishes of
the hospital directors. In a crowded
business portion of a city like our own,
an emergency hospital is almost a ne
cessity. Fersons almost daily receive
injuries in the streets which would be
much aggravated were it necessary to
carry the patients to a remote place of
treatment. Therefore, if an arrange
ment could be made whereby the pres
ent building at Franklin avenue and
Mulberry street could be maintained
as an emergency tiud supplementary, and an entirely new and ade
quate one be erected, endowed and
equipped on 'the West Side, wo feel
sure that it would be the ideal solution
to this whole problem.
And what is to prevent? In the
11 rat place it should be understood that
the state owes to this community a
minors' hospital worthy of the name,
The Lackawanna hot pi till has done
nobly with the means at its command;
but it, lias not been, and nobody will
piv'.cnd that it has been, the kind of
hospital suited to the necessities of the
tliiid largest community of the com
monwealth and of the first largest com
munity in the anthracite mining re
gion. The state lias made liberal
provision for hospitals at Pitlston,
Wilkes-J j;ine and Caiboiidalc; and it
simply cannot .refuse, after a proper
presentation of the case, to make at
least equal, if not proportionate, ap
propriations in behalf of the metropo
lis of the hard coal fields. Here is a
thai. co for Kepiescn'alive i'arr. The
achievement by him of an cimcted'law
nppropsiating say f",D,OOJ for a state
hospital at Hound Woods, would be a
iitling climax to his many services in
behalf of the laboring classes: nor
would such a measure perish by veto
at the hands of Governor Hustings.
Meanwhile,' tho Lackawanna hos
pital could doubtless be sustained by
private beiuficonco as uu admirable
adjunct institution bridging the chasm
betwien the icini-privato Moses Taylor
lio.ipiinl on the liwt tSido and the do
sired new -statu hospital on the .West.
Sugar a "delicate subject?" Well,
rather. .
Two new minister to Itussia, Clifton
R., liieckiniidue, onco fought against
his government, later profited by tho
assassination of political opponents in
his' own congressional district, and
lnhst won renown as an obedient
G rover Cleveland cuckoo. It will
ficurccly bo denied that ho has earned
his reward,
Pklhident Dole, at Honolulu, is a
first-clans example of what grit, brain
and backbone will do for a good man.
The First Step.
The suffrage committee of the New
Yorii state constitutional convention
has made one indefensible mistake in
refusing to submit the question of
woman sufTrago to a popular vote; but
It almost ntonea for this offense by
recommending the following amend
ment to the Empire state's funda
mental law: "After January 1, 1005,
no person shall have the right to vote
or be eligible to office under tho con
stitution of this slate who shall not bo
able to read the constitution in tho Eng
lish language, and write his name; pro
vided, however, that the provisions of
, this section shall not apply to any per
" son who now has the right to vote or
to any person prevented by a physical
disability from complying with Its re
quirements." " , 1
No just objection can be made to this
proposed qualification of citizenship.
The state, in self-defenso against re
cently increasing ignorance and crime,
must advance along this line. To be
sure, it is inconsistent that the smart
est women should be declared Ineligible
when the most stupid men, with no
comprehension whatever of the mean
ing of the suffrage that they enjoy, are
permitted to assume the rank of sover
eigns merely by memorizing tho con
stitution and acquiring the manual
dexterity essential to a signature. I!ut
great reforms movo slowly, and so far
from feeling discouraged nt their own
rebuff, the educated womanhood of the
land should feel grateful that lordly
man has at last made up his mind to
move one step upward from the Cim
merian darkness of regal illiteracy, in
which he has obstinately wallowed
politically since the birth of the repub
lic. It Is the first step that is always
hardest to dare. The New York con
stitution menders have dared this in
novation in assenting to an educa
tional test. We should not give up tho
hope that their reluctant feet, gaining
strength and courage from this unex
pected exorcise, will yet sustain them
in the journey toward equal justice to
all citizens, regardless of sex.
It is FiiKAsiNo to observe that the
Scran ton ISaso ISall club is eyeing llrst
place in what really looks, temporarily
at least, like a determined manner.
The Chicago Tribuno is mistaken
when it says that Mr. Powdcrly "is
reputed to lie worth half a million dol
lars," if thereby it means that he pos
sesses that much wealth. What Mr.
rowderlv is worth and what ho owns
are two different things. We have no
inside knowledge of Mr. Powderly's
business affairs; but are nevertheless
willing to wnncr that ho does not to
day own one-tenth ef half a million
dollars; and the effort to insinuate to
the contrary docs tho gentleman gross
injustice, since it implies charges
known to be false.
We violate no confidence in saying
that sugar will continue for some
months to be, as Mr. Cleveland con
fesses, "a delicate subject."
For Those Who Stood Firm.
The Pittsburg Times is disposed to
regard as one of organized labor's
greatest victories the fact that it has
brought about in many trades annual
conferences at which wage questions
are settled for a year. The advantage
of this, to both employer and em
ployes, are, it thinks, so great and so
plain that the annual agreement upon
a scale which formerly obtaiued in
but a few trades lias extended to many.
Those who are used to it would as soon
think of giving it up as of going to
work by the week with an under
standing that their wages might be
changed from day to day, according as
the wind blew.
Hut the Times very shrewdly sur
mises that the Debs and Sovereign
policy of "calling everybody out when
ever anybody has a grievance, cannot
exist in partnership with the yearly
scale system. It cannot be written as
a proviso in a scide of wages for rolling
steel or blowing glass, or setting type
that 'this contract may be declared off
without notice whenever any other
body of men in any other industry fall
out with their employers.' Such
scales would bo worse than no scales
at all. They would not be articles of
agreement, but provocations to dis
agreement.' They would substitute
continuing uncertainty for the twelve
month periods of peace which prevail
in many industries. There would be
not only frequent strikes, but always
the threat and fear of strikes, which
would he quite as demoralizing as a
new tariff' bill every year. A contract
could not bo taken to do anything or
to make anything, with any certainty
of being able to carry it out."
It will rank as one of tho wholesome
indications of tho day that despite the
false clamor caused by such men as
Debs and Sovereign, tho great majority
of tho conservative workingnieu of the
country were not stampeded like cattle
into a causeless general strike, but in
stead stood their ground firmly and
patiently, in obedience to fair contract
obligations. Those who have very
properly been nurcilcsslv puncturing
tho puffed ' pretentions of the labor
demagogues of the land should not for
get to give corresponding recognition
and praise to the hundreds of thous
ands of sturdy toilers whom these
demagogues could not sway.
It would be a happy outcome of the
New York gubernatorial situation if
Empire Stato Republicans would util
ize Andrew D. White's return from
the Russian ambassadorship as a fitting
occasion to preseut to him tho nomi
nation of which he was wantonly de
prived four years ago. The experi
ence of Mr. White nt the convention
which nominated Fassett was almost
identical with that of General Has
tings, a few weeks prior, at tho Penn
sylvania convention which nominated
Delamater. Tlio nappy trend of re
cent events in our own commonwealth
lias rectified tho blunder of four years
ago; and it is now within the power of
the Republicans of New York to com
plete the significant parallel.
American histoky contains no par
allel to tlio celerity with which Grover
Cleveland, after winning universal es
teem by his course during tho Debs
strike, has sacrificed it in an erratic at
tempt to dictate to congress.
An interesting story might have
been written had Minister Willis nar
rated all his feelings at tho moment
that he vouchsafed recognition to the
new iepublio of Hawaii.
If the firo limits of Scranton have
recently been ndequatoly enlarged, the
fact has escaped general observation
Mb. Fassett could, this year, be
elected governor of New York against
any Democrat; and would doubtless
make a first-class executive. Never
theless, tho nomination of Andrew D.
White would he slirowd politics and
likewise good citizenship; and it would
insure the election of a man about
whom there could be no uncertainty.
It is not generally known, although
it is a fact, that the president has
power, under certain circumstances, to
adjourn congress very much as tho
quecu of England may prorogue par
liament. In section third of article two
of the federal eonstitlou it is provided
thai in case of disagreement between
the two houses respecting tho timo;of ad
journment, tho president may adjourn
lliem to such a tinio as he may think
proper. This power has never been
exercised by any president; but the
possibility that it may have to bo ex
ercised by Mr. Cleveland before the
larilf light shall have ended is worthy
of consideration. It is not likely that
a president who sees no impropriety in
instructing cqngrcss what he wants it
to do and iuftbusiug it for not doing
it, would be deterred by any delicate
scruple from resorting to the foregoing
novel method of getting congress "oil
his hands."
It is intehestinu to note that many
persons who, a few mouths ago, were
resolute in their onnositiou to com
pulsory education, aro now equally
resolute in support or mat parallel re
form, comnulsorv arbitration. Tlmo
and reflection are powerful evangelists.
The election of senators bv the
people would not mend matters, if
the quality of certain popularly eiecieu
governors be any criterion.
The Vigilant should come homo,
dock herself and try to be forgiven.
T. I . 1 . ,nMn1.. n Mnl.,Ali1u.t-a that
IV 13, J'UIUaLT, ......
Williitra Frnnis, who is a flower fancier of
long BtiiudiBR, should place la the bou
quols witU which he occasiouully fuvors
trieuda, n liberal proportion of forget-rao-
Paml et tlitt U'ucfr. Rirtfl llf&VA ifc ifl RAlfl.
not forgotten tho promised vinrtuot; but
we aro not prepared vo my mat tue peopie
of tho centrul city may not, at this rate.
toon forget all about those promiiud
The rito of tho cquluo into social favor
hereabouts, thanks to tha influence of
those wot-klv Driving park matinees, is
causing many prescient Scrantouians to
look forward to the pleasurable possibility
of a winter horso show, a la Madison
tquaro garden.
Few funnier things have happened than
the on trance of J. Bennett Smith, of
Sufsnfrus club renown, into Uio Luzerne
Congressional tight; but the jokd would be
even funnier if he were to slide through
to a nomination on the harmony plea.
His battlo cry, in any event, is catchy
enough to win. "Smith's good enough.
Let it go at that."
In Chicago Snm Small says he saw
ninrcliinir a body ot men 18,000 strong.
currying a banner inscribed: "Our Chil
dren cry tor iJronci." Ana tuoy murcnea
straight to a picnio ground and drank
1,400 kegs of beer.
Two bad Hazlotonians, John Minim and
Joseph Ziumiscki, absconded to New
York with a sum of money belonging to
their landlord, oue Wustaleuti. When
caught and searched, the men bad noth
ing: but Constable Boyle, a lynx-eyed of
ficer from Luzerne, grow suspicious at the
peculiar nppoatHiice ot zjuuilscku boot
lieelf. Ho took the boot heels to a Rhoema
ker, who tore thorn open and found 8120 in
each heel. '1 he money was in $20 bills and
ono $100 bill, and was neatly folded in
square, fitting snugly into the cavity
wincn una Den cut intn too uoel. Tlils is
interesting ns shedding light upon the nor
mal dimensions of tho Luzorne county
This is how Colonel Cockorill lets fly
his goshawk at a Britisher of onr dy:
"Thut dreadful and diseased cad, Rud
yiinl Kiplinrr. baa juit printed in a Lon
don journal u poetic nightmare which be
calls ''A Hpeclncle for tuo Compassion of
the Civilized World," It is aimed at the
Aiueriuui Hpirit aud is based nn tho recent
labor (lintui biinco in and around Chicago.
The indications are thut too feeble Euu-
linh mind of Mr. Kipling una fetched Iooho
I io qi its moorings nnd is now drifting,
tc'iiipcst-ti8Hi-. Tho poor cadger has long
uouribhed a hatred of our fair republic,
llis hostility took tho form n fow years
ngo oi marrying one or our aaugulors.
Hiuco lii blackguard hatred has been
tuteuHincd if anything. But ho is not the
only blackguard son-in-law that Liberty
bus ami wo look toward England us wo
make this remark." Mathiuks. even from
Scruutoa, I cuu sue Eugluud quail before
me coiouei s siony glare
The snuko Reason uaving set in, we pro
ceed to nnrvesi our wiunowings. uuv
tii-jt oue bears a Ifuzletoa date mark. Uu
Monduy retcr bweeuoy took his mowing
machine into the field to make hay. lie
made ono round of tho field when he saw
about three feet of live blucksuako nbove
the nncnt hayx'liding ncross tho inoadow,at
nipm spoou. ai tunes it wouui no down,
then appenr (igalii, and finally Mr. Swee
ney lost sight of it. When on the fourth
round of tho field tho knives of the machine
struck sotnothiug. Iu an instant thore
was a whir and tho head and a portion of
i ue repute rmseu in mu air neany live loot.
Though Boiuetvimt trigutoned Jur.Sweeuer
stopped tho teum, went back and fuued
iliu snake cut in three nioce.s. Hit
the parts together and found that the
mous ter uieusurea vreet io melius in length
aim was uooui mroe mouas tuicK.
Number two Is of Port Jorvts deriva
tion aud simply knocks Potor Sweeney
spcochles?. VYhtlo t?unfurd Drake, a far
mer living near Narrowsburg, wus picking;
huckloborries on tho mountains near thut
place, Tuesday moinlug, he cliscoveied a
den of rnttleHnnkis, and bofoie ho was
fairly aware of his dangerous position the
reptiles surrounded liim. Poizing a pole
Farmer Drake wUlded it with nil his
miL'ht. while the snakes approached from
ev-ry direction, ready for battlo. After
killing twenty-tlve his weapon gave out.
but he found another pole and this lasted
until every snake had vanished. When the
farmer had completed bis. work ho re
turned homo and told big brother ot tho
uiTair and togothor tho two went to the
den, where a count showed that Drake hnd
killed titty-three rattlers, the smallosi
measuring four feet and three inches in
length aud five inches in circumference.
The rattles were cut from the inukos and
preserved a mementos. There were 1)74
of them. We pause to respire.
The commercial aspect of politics in Lu
zorne county bus, it is sillu, become so pro
uouuo d that Colonel Boyd, with exquis
ite satire, now conducts a regular politi
cal atock market report, with fluctuations
corrected dally. This Is one specimen:
"Advices Iroui uolegute centers received
np to close. Plymouth, 2a3.60; Tom-
h cken. ?6aH0n.: Pittaton.f8.ouai.7S: Hazlu-
ton, (Hn4.50: Miner's Mills, hURar Notch,
Ashley. tU.MuU; Avooa, M; Freolaiul.
Homo fine specimens aro reported as in
voiced at llaeloton ana flsntlooke, which
will bring higher prices whou fully fnt
toned. Arrivals from the agricultural dis
tricts show that many choice lots of dele
gates will bo thrown upon the market
whieh may weaken aud may make dele
gates as cheap as wneat. iDe ttixtu dis
trict will send two car loads which are al
ready consigned to LeieenrinB. Agents of
tho Williams trust secured a lot at rly.
mouth. Consideration private. There
was a light demand lor the Y lttstpn arti
cle; no bids on account or shading prices.
xne mamot cioaeu wean.-
Apportionment of Espubllcan Biprsitn
taiion Amomr the Vailoui Dlttilota.
Pursuant to a moctiuir of the Ronubll.
cau County ooinuutwo uold on July 14tb,
loin, tuo County Convention win De
held on Tuesdnv.SeDtomber 4th. l&tll. at 10
o'clock a. ni., iu the court house at bcrau-
uiii, tor me purpose oi piucmg in nomina
tion candidate for the following uatned
otllces, to be voted for at tho next general
election to be held November Oth, 1SU4:
i-ongres, Eleventh district; Judge, Forty
fifth Judicial district; sherilr, treusurer,
clerk of courts, prot ho notary, district at
torney, recorder of deedB, register of wills,
and jury commissioner.
Vigilance committees will hold delegate
elections uU baturday, September 1st, 1H91,
between the hours of 4 and 7 p. m, They
will uU-o give at leiiHt two days public
notice of the time and place fur holding
Bui ! elections.
lach election district should elect at the
said delegate election, two qualified per
sons io serve as viL'iiaucu committee for one
year, and have their numcs certified to, on
mo credentials of delegates to tho County
The rcnroteiitstion of delegates to ths
County Couveil'tion is based upon tho vote
cast lust fall for Fell, caudidute for judge
of (.uprenio court, he beiug the highest
o Ulcer voted for at biiid statu election.
Under this rulo tho sovorul election districts
are entitled to representation us follows,
Archbald borough -
istdlst 1
wnru, tut uwt.i i
1st ward, 2d diBt., 1
2d ward 1
M diit 1
4i n di.-t.
..." i
01 ynhiiiit bjrouyb
klaxoly boronuh
1st want
21 2d ward ,
'i Jil ttanl.... ,
1 Ransom township
1 Si-utt tuwnslii;
1 Scrantou uitv
an win u ,
2d wurd
ttdwurd ,,,
Uonton tuwoshln
Clifton township....
(.OVilluttm tnwimliln
Cai boiidiiiu township
1st ward, 1st dist..
1st ward, 2d (list..
1st ward, &l dist..
2d wurd, 1st dist,,
2d ward, 2d dibt...
2d wurd. d dist. ,,
2; ward. 4th dist..
2d wurd, oth diet.,
ad ward, 1st dist..
3d wurd. 2d dist...
4 til wurd, lstdist..
4tll ward, 2d dist..
-1th ward, 3d illst..
Itli ward, 4th dist..
5th ward, lstdist..
Mh ward, 2d diet..
Mh ward, ad dist..
Sth wurd, 4th dist..
uthward, lstdist..
Oth wurd, 21 dist..
7th ward, lstdist,,
Tth ward, 2d dist.,
7th ward, ad dint..
Htli wurd, lstdist..
Hth waid, '.d dist.,
Vth wurd, lstdist.,
Ulh wurd, 2d dist.,
llth wurd, lstdist.
11th ward, 2,1 dist.
llth ward, ad dist.
12th ward, 1st dist
12ib wurd, 21 dmt.
Kith ward, 1st dist
10th ward, 2d dist.
Pith ward, Sd dist.
14th wurd. 1st dist
iurbueasi Ul!t.... n
Northwest dist.... 1
No. Sdist 1
Curboutlnlo uitv
ihs wara, 1st disc..
1st ward, 3d dist..
2d ward, 1st dist.,
2d ward, 2d di-t...
2d ward, BddUt...
Iki wurd, 1st dbt
UJ ward, 2ddUt...
Hd ward, 8 J dist...
fth ward, Istdlst,.
4tli wurd, 2d dist..
4 ill ward, ad (list..
Sth wurd, lstdist.,
5th word, 2.1 dist..
tlth wurd. lstdist..
Oth wurd. 2d dist..
Du-kwin Uitv bore
1st ward 2
2d ward
Dunmuro borough
1st ward, lstdist.,
1st ward, 2d dist,.
Vd wurd, 1st dist, ,
2d Wurd, 2d dist..,
ad ward, 1st dist.,
ad ward, 2d dist...
8d ward, Sd dist...
4th ward
6tb ward 1
uth wurd, lstdist..
Oth wurd, 2d dist.,
Ehnhurst township.
Fell township -
2d dist
8d dist
Olenburn borough..
Uouldsboro boroUKh
Greenfield township
Jefferson township.
Jermyn borough
1st ward
2d ward
ad ward
lttb ward, 2d dut. t
Hit u wurd, 1st illst
1Mb wurd, 2d dist.
Ulih wnrd. lt dist
10th ward, 2d dist.
Kill ward, 1st dist
17th wurd, 2d dist.
18th wurd
It'tli ward, 1st dist
10th wji il, 2d dist.
Wtb ward, ad dist.
10th ward, Ith dist
20tb ward, 1st dist
20th wurd, 2d dint.
20th ward, 3d dist.
21st wurd. 1st dist.
Laukawunua towlis'p 1
iortu cust. t
Poutb dist 1
West dist
Northeast dist...,
(Southwest dist..,,
Lal'lunio borough.
Lehigh township.,..
Madison township..
3 21st wurd, 2d dist .
IB. A bin gton towns'o
1 Spring Brook t wu p 1
i waveriy uorougn.
ljWiuton borough
2' lstdist
May-Hold borough... 1
Nowton township... 1
2d dist
N. AliliiRt'n towns'p 2
Old Forge township I
Total .
THE best investment
in real estate is to keep build
ings well painted. Paint protects
the house and saves repairs. You
sometimes want to sell many a
good house has remained unsold
for want of paint. The rule should
be, though, "the best paint or
none." That means
Strictly Pure
White Lead
You cannot afford to use cheap
iiXinls. To be sure of'getting Strict
ly Pure White Lead, look at the
brand ; any of these are safe:
"Atlantlo," "Boymer-Bauman,"
"Jewett," "Davis-Chambers,"
' Fahnostock-," " Armstrong & McKclvy."
For Colors. National Lead Co.'s
Pure White Lead Tinting Colors.
These colors are sold In onc-noutid cans, etch
enn being sufficient to tint 2s pounds of strictly
Pure While Lead the desired shade; they are in
no sense ready-mixed paints, but a combination
of perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to
tint Strictly Pure White Lend.
A good many thousand dollnrs have been saved
property-owners by havinjr. our book on painting
nnd color-cord. Send us a potul card and eet
both free.
Do you make your own Cream? If bo,
White Mountain Froezer.
choice receipts for Ice Crenra. 8nor
tiet'e Watet lees are packed in every
Refrigerators.Water Coolers,
Carriages, Hammocks
8c CO.
For many years this Tiano has stood in the front ranks. It has been admired so much for its
pure, rich tono, that it has become a standard for tone quality, until it i9 considered the highest com.
pli merit that can be paid any Piano to say "It resembles the WE BER."
We now have the full control of this Kano for this section as well as many other fine Pianos
which wo are selling at greatly reduced prices and on easy monthly payments. Don't buy until you seo
our goods and get our pricos
Have "that tired feeling" come over you when you saw shamefully dh
played in bold-faced type that hoary mercantile chestnut
"Selling Off at Cost?"
The expression is about as old as deception some say it originated with
Ananias anyhow it is preserved in the hieroglyphics and cuneiform in
scriptions of cities whose merchants have been dust and ashes for a thou
sand years.
Our prices, when compared with others, are
Especially Now at Our
It has been our practice ever since we entered into
the mercantile arena not to carry any goods over from
one year to the other, and in order to accomplish this
purpose we look at neither cost or value, but put the
price on every seasonable article so that somebody is
bound to take it. Our busy store will always verify
this assertion.
Goldsmith Brothers & Company.
With the New Valves
Out of Sight
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Boys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are male
ing extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels.
814 Lacka. Ave.
A Fall Assortment
Letter Copying Books
A COO-pago 10x12 Book, bourn)
la cloth, sheep back ami corners,
guaranteed to givo satisfaction,
Only 90c.
Reynolds Bros,
Stationers and Engravers,
317 Lackawanna Ave.
Dr. Hill & Son
f i tmth. ..VI: brott unt. IS: for eoi rftltt
tnd teeth without plutos, called crown ml
brlduis work, oaII for ricoa ud relerenoos.
: TON ALG1A, for (Xtvactiug WUl without
u 111 mum
HiLurimuu unu
I Shoe Store
Selling Agents,
1 227 Lacka. Aye.
Throw away your money
on an ordinary Eefriger
ator when you can get an
They will keap fresh meat
for three weeks in the
hottest weather. We are
selling them at a reduced
price to c'.osu out Btock
for the season.
513 Lackawanna Ave.
(Ked kin Black),
and Get the
OppL Tribune Office, IU Spruce St,
ITavlDg had 12 yearn' experience la the Bicycle bnsl.
nrm anil th at-oncr for loading Wheels of ail tradoa,
we are prepared to guarantoo atliaction. Thoee In
tonding to purchase are Invited to call and examine
our completo Una. Open evening;. Call or send stau
for catalogues.
Situated at summit of the Now York, On
tario and V ostern Railway, feat alore
Ira- The highest steam railroad point in ths
Seven fine lake3 within from throa to
twenty minutes' walk from hot U or station,
i'wo bass lakes conrenient-prrcb, pickerel
and other common vsrleties of flsh. toTeral
other lakes within half hour's drive.
For a day's sport and recreation take New
Vork.Ontario and Western railway train lea v.
In g S cranton a 1 8.80 a.m . .arriving at Poyntolle
at 10.M a m. Rotnrning, train loavei I oyn
Idle 4.53 p.m., arriving in Soranton 8.M p. m,
$8 TO $10 PER WEEK.
House accommodations, Sd
Veterinary Surgeon and
Veterinary Dentist,
TIM El'UONE 3013.
Prompt attention to calls for treatment of
all domestic animals. .
Vet jrlnnry Medicinog carefully compoundod
and for sale ut reasonable prices.
Oftlce at tho Blume Carrie Works. 121
D1X COURT, Scraulon. where I diroct shoe
ing afurnoons.
Gradnnte of tho Amorioan Veterinary Col
Inxo and the Columbian School of Compara
tive Mailicina.
Well, Sir!
Yes, sir! We
have a special
ist here to fit
you who does
nothing else.
on ngii i uu w u
I f I r and have your
If II ' eyes fitted in
Sit right down
a scientific manner.
Inserted In THE TRIBUNE at Uu
f if ffi