THE SCTiANlW TIUJiUNE-MONDAY MORNING. JULY 23. 185)1. 1 IVSATCHU.ESS SHAW PIAHOS. STELLE &. SEELEY, 134 WYOMING AVE. PIAHOS VBEll, SHAW, KMKKSOIf, HEW ENGLAND FINEST LINE IN THE CITY FOR THE) PKICKJt MEW AND "ECOND HAND ALL PRICES ORGANS 0 , - A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD -USE THE- And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB BALE TO HIE TUADE BV The Weston 111 Co EEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS J THE CENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G., B. 8c Co., fmnrlotnii m Each Cluse. Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. toLiir Hllt.vit MJtl.liCK. DR. H. B. WARE removed to 406 SPRUCE STREET, back of Dime Bank. PERSONAL. Miss Elizabeth Reedy is visiting Pitts ton friends. Miss Jennie Duffy, of Cirbondale, visited friends in thin city yesterday. W. E. Fiall p&ssed a portiou of last week the guest of Jlontrose frletids. B. T. Antrim and H. Fritz Weber, of Pittston. were in the city yesterday. Miss Ponevieve Kennedy, of Scranton, is passiue a few days with friends in Bing bnmton, Mrs. J. ?,. Sherriden and Mrs. E.Vanght, of Scra.iton, recently vi ited friends in tlavjbii niton. !'' MiDaie Crnne, of New York, is the f ft .if .Mr. unci Mrs. M. J. McUovern, of I'l:!:u 7-m,e. P. J. Imrkin, of the Valley House, has ronirned f-om a vacation enjoynbly spout at Anbury iWk. Miss Jessie Kennedy, who hns been mak ing Biughurntoa uer bo:ne for some nionths p.t, ha returned to cicrautou. OKictr Jsih Jcnef, known among his follow patrolmen us "Babe." 1,-ft last night to st-end his vacvition iu Mow York. rW.ojl Con i roller George Mitchell spent Futurday ftufiling in the Susquehanna at Ktiuinm huJ had a viry successful day. General Jlunager Halls-tend, of the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western company, sp-nt yesterday at Uicbileld Springs, N. Y. Misses Elizabeth and Arfnes Kelly, of Ash street, left the city yesterday to visit friends iu Avoca, Pittsion and Wilkes-Biii-j-e. Mrs. V'illiam Cnnnell returned Saturday afternoon from Boulder, Colo., where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. W Fultom Messrs. Thomas Kelly and Roger Hines, of Pittston, drove to this city yesterday ati! vore -msta at the residence of James IV Kelly. Mr. and Mr. II. M. Hanovor and fam. ily, of Sctanton, spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. (irifrgs, 153 Murray street, Bmgua.nton. MINOOKA. The G-eenwood Keg fund will picnic to flay ut Greenwood grove. The new building of Edward Philbin on Main ureet is abtut completed. Miss Belinda Walsh, of Port Griffith, Is visiting Mn-s B. nifcgms, on Main street. TlioMayllower Base Bnll club will bold Its nrt grand ball this eveuing at latum- Malliew hall. Tho Young Men's Tourist club of this place of this place journeyed to Mountain lake yesterday. William J. Burke, in speaking to a re porter yesterday, said that he feels sure of tho Democratic nomination for jury com missioner. John Cnsick announces himself as a can dirUte for delegate in the South district of Lackawanna township to the next Demo cratic county convention. T. A. Murray, treasurorof the Minooka Bporting and iiun club, will have a sweep stake shooting match on the Minooka grounds on Thur.iday, July SO, all comers admitted. Tho party will meet at the ' South Hide hotel before going. The citizens of this place have taken de termined steps toward stopping the erec tion of the new sobonl at Moosio. Meet ings will be held ,this weok to secure names for a petition asking court to sorve an In junction on the directors prohibiting any further proceedings In the matter. In speaking to one of our lending citizens yesterday be said a new school at Moosio is unnecessary. They have more room now than is necessary for the amount of pupils that attend. Musio Boxas Exolaiivtly. Best made. Play any desired number of tones. Gahtschi & Sons., manufacturers, J08O Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrial organs, enly 15 and flu. Bpecialtyi Old muslo boxes carefully re paired nud improved with new tunc SHOW WHITE i Corner Stone of N;w Presbyterian Cburcb Laid with Imoresslve Ceremonies. STEPHEN BARRIER DROWNED Sad Result of a Fishing Trip to the Susquehanna River Death of Mrs. Celia Lewis at Her Home on Lafay ette Street Professor Bauer's Work for the Conring Eisteddfod. Many Brief News Items. Dosplte the threatening weather a larye number of people Were present ut the nsw Washburn Street Presby terian church, where corner-atone lay i.i' (incises were held, on Saturday ittteruuon The services were opened by tho pastor, Rev. D. W. Skellinger. after wuicu Rev. J. VV. Williams, of Dunuiore, led in prayer. A largo plat form had been erdcted on the north western coruer.on which the choir and members of the clergy stood. Tho choir rendered hymn 960, "Christ Is Our Corner-Stone," in an excellent rn. tu ner, uuiler thii leadership of Rese Watkins. A Scripture reading was given by Rsv. L. C. Floyd, pastor of the Simpson. Methodist Episcopal church. ' Ou account of a drizzling rain, which b can to fall, the cornerstone was then laid by Mr. Skellinger. A copper bos was Disced therein, which cjutalneil copies of tbe Scranton papers. New. York Tribune, New York Evangelist, Philadelphia Piesbytery, copy of the history of the church, nni a list of members, orgnnizitions, accounts, of ficers and funds of the cnurou. Iu the absence of Garrett Smith, president of the board of trustees, Pro fessor George W. Phillips read a very interesting account of the church from its organizttiou to the present day. He said: "Several conferences, having been held to consider the advisability of organizing a Presbyterian church in Hyde Park, thosi most intereisod mot at the house of J. C. Plants, M. D., ou August 18, 1854, with Uev. Burr Baldwin, of Montrose, as moderator. Devotional exercises were held and it was decided :o tfLct the organization of a church. After reading doctrines aud articles of taitb pertaining to Pr.-sbyUrtanisut, aud finding them in harmony with their belief, the following persons agree to associate together as a church: J. C Pi ante, Mrs. Alice E. Plunte, Mrs. Caroline Pier, Mrs. Mary Or. Welles, Mrs. Miranda Jayhe, Mrs. Catherine Unftonhj Alpbsus B. Fuller and Mrs, Anna Fuller. A delegate Was sent to the meeting at the Presbytery, and was asked that this new ciiurch be taken under its care. Ou Aug. 20 the above named persons gave public at sent to the articles of taitb and covenant. Thus the First Presbyterian church of Hyde Park was constituted by ptayer by Rev. Burr Baldwin, and the Lard's Supper ad ministered. Ia 18o5 the church was incorporated uoder the name .of "Tbe First Presbyterian church of Hyde Park v Pa." The first recorded election or ciders was ou Jan, 17, 1857. Their first building was situated ou Bromley uveuue, north of Lafayette street, and was dedicated Jan. 15, 1857. The second building, on (he corner ot Washburn street am Hyde Park ave nue, Was dedicated to the worship of God on Aug. 13, 18C3. under the direc tum of Pastor A. L. Clark. Rev. Mr, Ciark was the first regular pastor and was ordained and installed June 11, 1801. He continued his charge until 1870 The next year Rev. V7. B. Cnllis assumed the charge, which he held for three years. In the spring of 1874 Rev. D. K. Freeman was installed as pastor, dur ing which time the church increased and prospered. The next pastor, Rev. W. I. Steiins, was installed cm Oct. 10, 1882, and maintaine.l his faithful labors iu the field until June 1, 1391. O.i Oct. 20 of the same year - the present pastor, Rev. D. W. Skellinger, was giveu the charge. During 1871 and 1873 the church building was greatly enlarged and the name changed to the Washburn Street Presbyterian church. The bnildiugwas budl.v damaged by a cave-in of the mines in 1889 and it was evident that a new church wonld be come a nec.-ssity. Iu April 1892 active measures were t ikeu aud several meet ings were held to discuss tho question, List year the contract was given out to Haven & Williams. The last ser vices were held in the old church on Muy 13. The work of removing the parsonage and the foundation for the new church, is now complete and we today lay the corner stone ot n new era with the prayer that God will bless our undertakings ad make the work redound to His glory. The fast falling rain made it necessary to conclude the ceremonies, and benediction was pro nounced by Rev. A. W. Coope' -f the Hampton Street Methodist . ial church. DEATH OF AN OLD RESIDENT. Mrs. Celia Lwle bled at Her Horns on Lafayette Street About 2 o'clock Saturday morning Mrs. Celia Lewis, wife of Th"maS D. Lwis, died at her home on Lafayette street.- Dnring her illness of only five days she suffered much, yet t ore it with 8 Christian sfilrit. Mr?. Lewis whs born in Abnrvale, South Wales, aud was 58 years of age. She emigrated to America with hur husband twenty seven years ago. She was well known, being connected witb the First Welsu Baptist church for many years nud u prominent member of the Ladies' Aid and other sooieties of the church. Decased was a kind neighbor and a good friend to all. She is survived by her husband and four children, Mrs. Johu Davies, E'lward J. Lewis. Noah Lewis and Celia Lewis. The funeral will occur this afternoon at 8 o'clock. Services will be conducted by Rev, W. S. Jones, pistor of the First Welsh Baptist church. Interment in the Washburn street eometerjh RESULT OF PROF. BAUER'S TRIP. Making' Arrangements for Organisations to Attend Eisteddfod. Professor R. J. Bauer, who left a Week HITA. ftnffMirAll hv thm alltarlrlfad committee of this city to offer induoe- mAilts to bands to anlar in nnmnatltlnii at the September eisteddfod, to be held - a. t i Tun t a v uitare. xiui pus, pft returned. wt. utan, wu:; at Keadint-, listened to an nnan ilr nnn.rt iln Yo the Germania band, of that place, an excellent organization whlob ranks among toe Dee t in the state. The famous Allontown band was also heard to good advantage' by the pro feasor during his stay at Allentowh. iiis trip on the whola moat successful, the several bands call ed upon received the inducement most favorably and meetings of the different organizations will h.i . ... convenient, for final settlement. io contest pieoe bat not as yet been deelded upon and the probability Is SUE that the eisteddfod committee may choose the overture ''Zimpa" by Herold. . DROWNED IN THE SUSQUEHANNA. Fatal Ending- of a Fluhlng- Expedttien on Satuiday. Stephen Barrier, of the, Arclibald mines, was drowned in the Susque hanna river near Buttermilk Fulls on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Barrier left his home in company with five others for a day's fishing in the Susquobanna river at uu early hour on Saturday morning, and was wading a portion of the river to stretch an outline when ho stepped in'o a hole and was drowned. His remains wore recovered by his friends and takou home. Undertaker William Price was notified of the oc currence and at once repaired to the home to prepare the body for burial. Air. Barrier is survived by his wife and three onildreti. The fuuvnl will oc cur tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. LITTLE WEST SIOE IUWS NOTES. The West Side otlleo of tho SCHANTON Tiil.tNEirt loeatnd at 111) North Main ave nue, where subscription, nrivortlxem uiits and RoramuiiiuaUuns will receive pfunipt atten tion Mrs. Georgn P. Shaw, of Moscow, was visiting friends here on Saturday. Miss Nellie Elias and JlisaLula James, of Lincoln avenue, are visiting at Cata- SHUlJUtl. John Becktold is erecting a three story brick huildiug on his North Niuth street property. Herbert Godfrey, of Wyoming, spent Sunday at the home of his parents on Tenth street. Mrs. Thomas Q linnan, of West Lacka wanna avenue, returned on Saturday evening from her visit to Brooklyn, N. Y. Jli'-s Mary Quinn ant Mist May Device, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are guests at the home of T. P. Mtilleu on North Sumner avenno. Bev. David Jones, pastor of tho First Welsh Congregational church, will leave tomorrow Worn in 3 to spend his vacation with friends In Walrg, Mrs. V. W. Wilkins, of North Rebecca, avenue, who has for several days been visiting friends at Buffalo, was joined on Saturday by hor busuaud. H. D. Morse aud family, of Jackson street, returned home on Saturday even ing from a three weeks' vacation with friends in New York state. Tho 1 11 f nut child of Mr. aud Mrs. George F. Kollow, 'of Ohestnut street, was buried yesterday afternoon. The pall bearera were Charles Mamfleld, John Hughes, Will Long and Charles Weisenflue. Martha Washington chapter, Eastern, Star lodge of Masons, will ruu au excur sion to Laka Ariel on Aug. 13, leaving the Erie and Wyoming depot at 8. Ill) a. m. Bauer's orchestra will furnish the music. Among those who were seen at Luke Winola on Sunday, from this side, wore A B. Eynou, B. O. -Morgan, David Owens, Hay .Morgan, Bert Kyuou, L'merson Owen, (ieorge GiiUtths, Frederick Pet'-rs, William Reynolds, S. M. Poster, Harry Moit, George Wiuaus. jr., Johu Stephens and Frank Mansfield. INTERPRETATION OF PATIENCE. Charles W, Allen's Sermon at the Penn Avenue Baptist Church, At the Penn Avenue Baptist church last evening Charles W. Allen, who has completed his tlieologioal studies at the University of Chicago, occupied the puijiit. Patience was his theme and in iiis treatment of the nhj 'ct he cited it ns one of the most simple perquisites of character both passive and active, an 1 tiioujh a bnrJonnome necessity it is a condition for which we should feel thankful. Mr. Allen's text was from J,imi 1, 4, "Let patience have her perfect work, mat she may be periect nnd.entire, wanting nothing." He said: Of all the tiiUiiJ uions of character or the initial virtues none are so lean and unattractive s patience, of which the simplest form issnbmlssion, endur ance. The world is larger than my convenience; nnd my eouveniouce muBt be set uri le. Liws there are unl we mns; w ,i; for tueiu. What is more splendid than to see one oast dowu, yet not afflicted yet poss'Ssing bis sonl in p itience? There must be patience with our enemies, p itience with our frieids; klrdue&a itself needs to be patient. When our love even cannot do what we would, i;;ti-inco is hard; it is Imrl when our fritm l's character has disap pointed us when our high thought finds in him no response. Iu the knowledge of our littleness, our infe riority, facing our own limitations, there must be patience with ourV,ves. But the patience tliat arises from our Knowledge of our own helplessness and tno stoical snbmision to the inevit able, does not suffice for the Christian. He is patient, not like the Spartan, tut like t lie, martyr unconscious even of his nflliction. The Christian endures as seeing Him who is iu visible. The Christian is a glorifnd man and has all the virtues of a Pagan, but they are beautified. He is to have the per fection of patience. There is a higher patience the following of a cause we neVer can reach, the waiting for that which to us will never appear. The personification of this we ste on the cfos, in Him who trave Himself for a redemption which He saw afar off. There is an infinite in each one of op, and the infinite aims at that 10 which we can never attain. "Be ye therefore perfect," said Christ. It is patience in pursuit of such Ideals as His which helps to make, us divine. ' DURMORE. . A child of John Lynch Is dangerously George Ivos spent yestorday with bis brother. James Scott is building a handsome, house on Church stroet, Mrs. A. E. Browu is spending tho sum mer at Lake Winola. Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Fritz and family spent Sunday with -Milton Ives, at Peck ville. Miss A. E. Haggerty and brother Pat rick are Visiliug frlendi In New York city. Miss Lizzie Brady wiil be tonderod a birthday party on Tuesday evening, July Edith IU, daughter of John and Emma Stanton, was buried from their resideuuo yesterday, Goran ton's Business InUrssta. unii tribune will soon publish a fnllv rnmnllnrl anrl ..Inujlll.. caro . f, f . , vMraomcu uk ot 10 leading wholesale, banking, mauufactur the rr- nig uuu uruieHHionai interests of oc ann! Vlnlmfv. Tha mlitlnn Mni l, Scranton bouud in book form, beautifully Illustrated with puowgravare views 01 eur pnbllo build- iug, uuaiuevs uiocks, sireots, eta, tog with nortraita of iamlino it... together similar work has ever given an oaual Mo resentation of Scrauton's many ind rep-idui- ines. a win oe an invaluable ex ex position nr nnr buntnnafi mnmAD. c... to ot persons outside the city, copies this handsome work will ti attract new comers und be an uneqoall d .uivuinvuiou, ui ma (.lb. 1 UO I lAtiOll 111 DO A Tllan that Mnnnl -i circu , UHW. .UU Wi 1 TMBillfa fn tliriBA'fVinf'ai-n.wl ... 11 ooo oity at large. Representatives of Tnx Tbidun wui villi upuu T1IUSB WU08B are dkbihko in this edition and Ita nattira mnm fnllv IfAUES explalu Thnaa Aaairiflir vlanrs nt ikatH residences in this edition will please Kave notice at wo ouice. s Dsatli or Philip Scbanlc, a Respected CHIzsu of C3dar Avenue. LUCKY ESCAPE OF IfllSS SP01ER She Fell Down the Elevator Shaft at the Sauquoit Silk Mill on Saturday. Frederick Fuess Hurt at the Steel Mill Yesterday Excursion of St. John's Church to Farview Shorter Paragraphs. At 12 15 yesterday Philip Schank, of 025 Cedar avenne, departed from this life after u long period of illness. Mr. Schank was GO years of nge and had suffered for tnree years witb a linger ing ailment; but his condition was not serious until a week ago. He was among the early settlers on this side and had led the life which always leaves a large measure of regret ut death.' Mot one of those among whom he as sociated bus aught but words of praise concerning him. His wi'u and two sous aud n daughter survive him. He was the father of Charles Schank, who hept n shoe store in the Arcade build ing, of Mrs. Suter, wife of Rov. J. J, Suter, of Pro.pjot Avenue German Methodist Episcopal church, and of Willie Schauk, a sou, 14 years of age. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services will be held at the Propcot Avenue Ger man Methodist Episcopal church, which will bo conducted by Rev. Gus tnve H. HntusHr, pastor of the German Methodist Episcopal church at the cor ner of Ad.imi arsnue and Vine street. Interment will be mudo in Pittston Avenue cemetery. FELL DOWN THE SHAFT. Minnie Spohrer Sustains Severe Injuries at ths Silk Mill. Minnie Spohrer, n daughter of George Spohrer, of 521 Maple street, was seri ously injured Siturday at the Sauquoit Silk mill. She is employed at the mill and unconsciously walked too close to the elovator shaft ou the floor where sbe worked. When she realized her peril the fri'gbt unnerved ber and she fell headlong down the shaft, striking on the elevator as it was descending. It hd gone but a few feet below the fl tor and ber life was saved; but the shock was so great tbirt until ii late hour Sulurday night consciousness had not returned to her, although her coudrtion at present does not alarm the family. No bones were broken and it is hoped that in a few days she Will have fully recovered, lio blame attaches to any of the employes near the elevator for the acciilent. HAD TWO TOES SMASHED. Hsavy Steel Bail Fell on Frederlok Fuses' Lsft Foot Frederick Fuess, of 1811 Pittston avenue, a laborer in the yard at the South works bad two toes smashed yesterday afternoon at his work. With other workmen be was unloading rails from a car und one of the rails fell on Ids left foot, lacerating it in a fearful manner. His heavy boot was ripped off and the wonder also was that tho rail did not cut part of his foot of. . He wus brought home lb a carriage and Dr. W. Q. Fulton sent for. who found that the injury was not quite so serjuus as at first thought, and that t uess win not oe laia np more than six weeks. SOUTH SIOc J3TTING3. AU advertising matter, news ltoms and new uUcriuticns. if loftatths foUowinir business . places, will he promptly attended to: Zaun's barrier siiop, iistutaul s store, U. W. Humph rey's pharmacy and A. J. Mulaorlg's.l John P. Donahue, of Stone avenue, is at Atlantic city. Columbus Council 1T9, Young Men's In stitute, will bold a regular monthly meet ing tomorrow night. A sign was put up Saturday at the city lino by tbe Scranton Traction company showing wborfe the ride for tbe fivecent fare ends. John Mathias, of Stone avenue, the well-known barber, will leave for Phila delphia iu September to begin a ccurse in dentistry. Edward Wober, of Prospect avenue, tho accommodatingclerk In D. W. Humphrey's Pittston avenue pharmacy, is indisposed and Dr. Manloy fears that typhoid fever may set. fe'knrles Hueater, the Cednr avenue hotel keeper, is growing more confident daily of ail ability to rapture tho nomination for recorder of deeds at the Republican county convention. The Sunday afternoon and evening ser vices at the Cedar avenue Methodist Epis copal church were well attended. Rev. E. L. Ban tee, the paMor, in the evening de livered an interesting sermon. Th' attention of tho councilmen from the Eleventh ward is respectly directed to the fact that Willow street would be much imprnvsd b'v beMng opened between Cedar and South Washington avenues. The traction company has a force of line men at work on tbe South Side line putting iu new feeders and ground wires. These additions give much better power aud tho cars are enabled to move along witb heavy loads more satisfactory. Lena Anna Beyers, aged 4 weeks,daugh ter of Philip Beyers, of Stafford avenue, died yesterday of convulsions. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, with services at the house by Rev. Mr. Zizlerann, of the Mifflin Avenue Oor man Lutheran church. luteruient will bo made in North Washington avenue ceme tery. Rev. E. J. Melley, of St. John's church, announced yesterday some important par ticulars of the parish excursion to Farview next Monday, A train of fifteen coaches will leave tho Stfol Works depot at 8:15 a. in. and run through without a stop. A train to accommodate the Scranton people will leave tho new Delaware and Hudson depot at 8:26 a. in. Excursion tickets will be gvodbn all regular trains going and re turning during the day. The Forest band orchestra has been engaged and all kinds of games will bo ptovided to make tbe day a pleasant one. , NORTH END. ' The North F-nd office of the Pcrahtoh TlilhuNE lalovated at the Lewis Drugstore and Jehu's fetore, Wayne avenue, whero stib Vr ptlons, advertlxemouU und communication will receive prompt attontioa.l LOCKED HIS WIFE OUT. lire. MoNell Regains Possession of Some by Folios Aid. Shortly after midnight on Friday night, Mrs. McNeil, of Vinegar Hill, ruar thn Notnh cams rnahinir rtnun Market street iu search of police as sistance. Her husband bad turned her and . the chlldrsn out ot the house without any provocation whatever. Officers Sloat nud John Thomas went witb ber, and after a three-mile walk found the cruel fellow in bed with a 1 the doors seeurely locked and tbe at t ratnuy scattered. Anenrdtnff In tha atnrv tntrf hv wife end children, MoNell is not fortable Without giving his family in Occasional swltohlug. The offhers ba ing gained admission, escorted him n IE down to tbe police station, and he will be charged with a brutal assault upon the object of his affections. ONCE MORE ARE TRUANTS. Th- SrODnd Disappearance of Two Firi patetio Frovldeooa Boys. Thomas and Jobu Monahnn, who were abducted by their brothers some time ago, have again vanished from tbe family hearth. A few days ugo Constable CjIo, armed with a warrant, went in search of the lads and found them at Girurdsville after a Very diffi cult search. It is thought that the present flight has been taken of their owu accord as they were more con touted with their lot at their brothers'. NORTH END BREVITIES. Mrs. W. P. Enslee. neo Belle Whntley, is vititing her elstor, Mrs, Frank Webster, of Wayne avenue. E. R. Jones, the Welsh bard Crnglas, has routod 1722 Wayne avenue. whicU he is preparing for his wife's arrival uoxt month from Wales. - J. J. Howell, superintendent of the Now York Life Insurance society, was mado happy by the nrrivulof a line baby son at his reaidouco ou Wayne avenue. D. D. EvatiB. n little boy of 0 years of ago, liviugon Wuj uouveuuo, was seriously hurt by u kick from a stray horso yester day. Soino North End people continually allow their horses to stray about, ul though warned against the practice. At tno Gi eon IU(l'e Baptist church Inst eveniug the CbritiunEudeavor society or ganized a choir with T. Oivoii Charles, of 'J iik TmntiNK, ns conductor. Rov. W. J. Ford read extracts from tho report of the greut Cleveland couveutiou and explained points of great iutcrvst. A few of tho North End solon's were as sembled at Jehu's store discus-dug the price of molasses in tho planet of Mars and when the proprietor aBkod "which is bot for a young lady to be in hope of a good enpe, or in the Cape of Good Hope." They all lied as if an earthquake was imminent. A special prniso service was held last evening at the Methodist Episcopnl church, when Kov. M. I). Fuller gavo an interest ing report as to his visit as dolegate to tho Honesdale Epworth league convention. Floyd Fuller, who is on a visit from South Carolina, gave an excellent address npon the work of tbe league in that state, and dwelt upon the racial difficulties thoy bud to contend with. Buy tbe Wsbsr and got tho best. At Guernsey Bros. For Decorating. UAVE just opened u the finest line of choice White China (Haviland & Co. and Limoges makes), to he found anywhere. You can huy any thing from a PinTray to a complete Dinner Service. Come while assortment is com plete. 'Weichel & Millar Il6 Wyoming Ave. The Sick to Receive Medical Services FREE OF CHARGE. FIRST MONTH'S SHHVICF.S FItF.l t TO KVKItYIiODY. FOR ALL DISKASES AND ALL TATIKNTS. The great English Start" of Physicians. Tho MOSt DISTl.NtrWHKI. SPECIALISTS OS THE CONTINENT. Tho President and Chiof uiagnostidau can to found daily in the parlor at tho CONWAY HOUSE LT2 and 19t PENN A VEX DR. Thoy come recommended by royalty and the firsr physi cians of Europe. Thoy treat all Di"es. Kupturesoured by a new proem. A PhsI 1 JVE cure guaranteed in all SEXUAL DIS EASES aud Weaknesses oC EITHER SEX by our new treatment ration's treated by correspondence) and medicines full di rections stmt hv oxnreaa. Rut. wlu-ti rnal. bio, n personal consultation is preferred. All consultations arc helil in atrirt privacy. N. B. These Specialists can cure all recent as w ELLasnllloiin-standlng chi'onlc.diflieitlt ana oii'uure eases mat. uavo neon neglected or miNkillfullv treated (.''ill hv mi. pointmont and patients treated at their homos wnun uosireu. Hours, u to i and 1 to 8 .TO. &peci 1 For Ten Days only to introduce our NEW brand of $4.00 PER BARREL $1.00 PER SACK C, DITCHBURN 427 LACKAWANNA AVE. ROOF tinning and soldering all done away with by the use ot HAKTMAN'8 PAT ENT PAINT, which oonslsts of ingredPnts Well-known to alL It can be applied to tin, Sal vanlzod tin, sheet iron roofs, al bo to hrick welllims, which will prevent absolutely any cruinbllnif, cracking or breaking of the brick. It will outlast tinulug ot any kind by many years,and It's cost floos net exceed onu fifth that of the oost of tinning. Ia sold by tbe job or pound. Oontraots talton by . AMTOrUO UAlUMANN, K7 Biroh Si CHIP al Sale You Meed Them And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be. wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cooL Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tennis, Sartin & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING .AVENUE. HBigZIHCHKiSaOHEiElflUIIlHtlUIIigtt IY23 Lackawanna Ave. nr y y Will offer some Extra SPECIALS for TO DAY and MDAY s a ss -: a Sj 31 dozen Ladies' Cream and Black Silk Milts, worth 39c. 5 I TO CLOSE, 25c. s 25 dozen Ladies' Fancy LToss, regular made, worth 25c. 2 PAIR FOR 25c. I 9 dozen Ladies' Lawn Wrappers, full sleovas and trimmed, worth g 1 S125 FOR 79c. S 19 dozen Men's Ealbriggau Shirts, worth 39c. 5 I TO CLOSE 23c. S I SPECIAL 53 dozen CHILDEEX'S LACE CAPS, wortn from 39c. ii!Hiai!3iBII3!3MI!!C!!lll!19ll!lHIIIIlIBIill9HillIMi;HIIIIItailllllligilllllllUUn Scientific Eye It's a Great Shock Co the folks wr.o arn cUlminir they undersell ill others to And that without the least fuss Dr bluster we are giving customers the ben t&t of such opportuuities as theso. A Slrlcflv Hlijli Grade Merit-weigh t M heel, 18U4 pattern, fur SllO cash. 1893 pattern, SMO Wheel, for S)75. 1804 pattern, $100 Hheel, tor H8S oasha. These prices ma ke the business at our stores FLOREY & HOLT Y. M. C. .A. BUILDING. V2GTOR SASH. i'- I It is Correct!! 1 AND JUST THE THING FOR THIS HOT WEATHER. Conrad THE HATTER, Sells Them. A. V. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREET BICYCLES AND SPORTING Gooua Victor. Qendron, Eclipse, LovolL Diamonb and Othor Whoclt. . mA" L.I... I ( in "A FAIR PACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR. GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO 'fv. 1 308 Lackawanna kit 1 : 25c. I to 1, for . . Testing Free By DR. DR. SHIMBERG, q I- sm J nj m mm m The Specialist on tbe Eye. Headaches and Ner vousness relieved. Latest nnd Improved Style ot Eyeglasses and Bpectaolos at tbe Lowest Prices. Best Artificial Eyes inserted for $3. 30S SPRUCE ST., Opp. Old Post Office. K. A HULBERT'3 City Music Store, : vVIOIOIIQ AVB, SCBAJiXOJfc BTEINTVAT SO DKCKRR BROTHERS Am KKJUmtH & BACK HTUll'Z St BAUUIs PBANOS Alsca large stock at Brst-elisl ORCANS MUS1CAI, MERCHANDISE uubic etc., ia Another Advocate of Anesstliene OES. HEN WOOD & WARDEIA: GENTLEMEN It affords me (real pleasure to state that your new prooeM of extracting teeth was a grand tuoeessls my eaae, and I heartily reoommaad it t all. I sincerely hope that ethers will test Its merits. Tonus respectfully, CAPS, 8. E. BBYANT. ioraoton. Pa, Henwood & Wardell, ' DENTISTS, 816 Lackawanna Ave. WUI on and after Mav 21 make a treat radaq tloa In tbe prions of plates. All work guar ' an teed first-claaa is every particular THE CELEBRATED PIANOO 4r at frewnt tk Kent Pspplar aol ttmni ky LtkUliiI Arum Wirsrooms : Opposite Onumbos Mewuent, lOS Washington Av. CofAnin.lPa.