1IIE SCBANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1S94. 2 BASE BALL. Icranton Found Things Quito Easj with Bazleton on Saturday. 1LLENT0WN AGAIN DEFEATS PHILADELPHIA Pottsvillo and Lancaster the Other State Leaguo Winners in the Games Played Saturday Standing of the Clubs at the End of the Second Week National and Eastern Leaguo Summaries Base Ball Notes. WO weeks of the I ..........I ca..ar,n in ihtk II pioushipseaaoubnve already putaoJ, with ill the clubs except rtiiludulphlu pluy inn Bnuppy bull. Dnriai: the wvek pimseil Scinutou has made the most cred itable record of anr of the clubs, wlu niug all the gamei it played, and Boiutf from fourth place to the hoad of the list, which poitiou it helda iu conjunction with Allentown, each club having wou nine raous and lost three. l'otHVille ii holditu second place, closely fol lowed by Lancaster. llazleton aud Harrisburg are a tie for fourth pluce, followed by Reading and Philadelphia, the lattur having wou but one game, while it has lost eleven. ' The following table pivas the per centages of the clubs, together witti the number of gaums won and lost by each club, and their standing in the leaguo raoe: Won. Lost. Pcrauton ....... 'J 3 AUoutown 1) 3 Pottsville 7 4 Lancaster.. 7 5 Ilnzletou... 5 7 liarmburg 5 7 Heading 4 7 Philadelphia.... 1 U Per C't. .T50 .030 .5s:t .117 .417 ,y;4 .CS3 SCIIKDLLE I'OR TODAY, rottsville at Seruutou. Philadelphia at Lancaster. Uarribburu at Allentowo. Huzletuuat Keadiug- SCRANTON MAO IT EIGHT STRAIGHT Won Another Game from Hazleton at the Park Saturday. Scranton won its eighth consecutive c;:ino at the park Saturday afternoon, the Huzletou club beiiu the victim. It was not it particularly brilliant name, but was marked throughout by hard hitting. The rain which fell durinu a portion of the t;;uie caused the pitchers to lose control of the bull to a certain extent and the risalt was that both Hodson nisd Feo were touched op very freely. Fee suffered the most aud, as he fuilsd to receivs nnythiuf like proper sapport, he iirnc'.icillv went to pieces. Then the spectators began to guy and leer him. i hut id !. s weaK point. The uudlence appwently knew it and uett up a continuous tire that com pletuiy demoraliz.'d the Cnrbondaie stronir ooy. The Hazieton plavers did not appear to te on (,'ood terms with each other inn at times their work was littlo let ter than a farce on ball playing. Teen Fee would sulk and expostulate with the players on the field and ail the time bcrantODS were plluiKun the base bits. Umpire Corcoran failed to appear ou the grounds and Catcher Fairhurst, of IluzUton and Pitcher Flanaghan were chosen to udjtvlicate. Mr. Fairhurst weut to work with tus idea that It was his duty to win the game at all baz ar. :s for ILizletou. ilia work was outrageous Flauagban thereupon pro ceeded to show Mr. Fairhurst that it was a came two could play at and thereafter the Ilazletou youth was more impartial. The score: SCBAJfTON. ' H. P.O. A.. F.. 12 2 2 2 3 10 1 )0 0 0 2 6 0 0 4 2 0 0 2 0 10 2 2 0 1 2 2 10 10 2 0 Wetzel, s. a 3 Hognn, c. f. 8 PlUchel), c. 1 Jlnesoy, lb 2 PUolan, 2b 3 Stnltz, 1. f 3 Rogers, r. f 1 Westlake, ah , 0 Ilodion.p 1 Totals. 16 17 27 7 3 EAZLETOK." a. n. p.o. a. b. Moran, e, f., s. s C 2 2 4 0 H. Ely, 1. f 2 3 0 1 1 Clark, lb 2 a 0 0 2 Jordan, rf 112 0 1 ftotuertnel, B.S., c. f.. 0 13 0 2 Conroy, 2b , 2 2 1 8 0 Graham, 8b 12 2 4 2 Moore, e . 1 1 7 0 0 Fee, p 0 0 1 1 1 Totals 9 11 27 13 9 Scranton 5 1 0 0 2 4 1 0 810 Iinzleton 0 8200031 0-0 Earned runs Scranton 5, Ilazloton 0. Two-base hits btaltz, Westlake, Ely, Graham 2, Jordan, Moore. Three-base hits MaPbey, Phelan. Home run Ilogan. Stolen bnBfls Ilogan 2. Double plays Ilo gan to Masaer. Struck out By Hudson G, Fee 8. Eirst base on balls Hodson 6, Fen 3. Pasned balls Patohen 2, Jloore, 2, Time 2.10. Umpires Flanaghan and Fairhurst. 1 . 1 , OTHER STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Pottsville Pottsvllle 8 0 8 10 0 8 010 Heading .......0 1 li 0 0 2 z 6 Ilits-Pottsville, 20: Reading. 10. Er rors PottBVillo, 8; Iteadtng, 5. Eattories Evnrson and Digeens; Rhodos, Carpenter nnd Foz. Game stopped on acoount of darkness at end of seventh inning. IMJiX JMi MSA it ir id mm Jf very Day in Month Means Beat The calendar warns you. You know lieat "wears you out" how languid you are how irrita ble; .no. sleep and' no. appetite either. Elaine it on the weather, but cure it Dy taking . Johanu Hoff's Malt Extract. Pleasant, palatablo and whole some desoribe it. Look iof signa ture of "Johann Iloff" on neck label. None other is genuine. Eisner & MendeUou Co., 'Sole Agents, JMew xoik. At Philadelphia- Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 Allen town 0 30. 0 42 Ox 0 UiU-PhilidolDbln. 5: Allentowo. 13. Errors Philadelphia, 1; AlUntown, 1. liatterieH-L'ullalmn and Roth; Baldwtu and Milligan. Umpire Mliehell. At Lancaator Lancaster 8 0 1 0 0 5 4 0 8-15 llairisbur(r....l 0 2 0 0 8 2 2 1-11 Hits-Lancaster, 18; Hurrlsburg, lu. Errors Lftncauor, 1: Him-isburg, 4. Bat teries Scheibel and Cote; Spi'ogel and Weuto. NATIONAL LEAGUE RESULTS. Brooklyn, 8; Philadelphia, 7. Boston, Hj Now York, 3. Washington, 10; Baltimore, 7. Ciin i'imiti, l'J, Pittsburg, 4. Clovvlaud, Louisville, 0. Cluvolniul, 5; Louisville, 1. Chicago, 15; St. Louis, 11. EASTERN LEAGUE. Ppringlleld, 13; Wllkes-Bnrre, 11. Troy, 6; Biiffnlo, 8. Dingliaiuton, 13; Providence, 2. SUNDAY BALL GAME. At St. Louis Chicago 'J 0 2 0 4 2 0 1 0-11 St. Luuis 3 1 2 8 0 0 0 0 0- tt Hits Chicago, 17; St. Louis, 8. Errors Chicago, 2; St. Louis, 2. Batteries UrtBitb, Terry aud Sctirivor; Clurkson, Uawley and i'oitz. Umpire Hurat. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. rottsville will play in thl city today and tomorrow. Jack Foe is "jollied" and guyed more than any player that coruos to this city. It auuoys him aud the spectators know it. That's the secret of it. Hodiion is wauted by Pittsburg. 'The niaiiHgement f that club telephoned to Manager Swift ou Saturday to know on what terms lloi'.sou could be soeurott. Mr, Swift would not place a prieo on htm. wants to retain him on the team. Fanning, l'ittuburg's now pitcher, in the jiationul luaue iu 18bt for lie was just about sevou uilnuifs. Iu 1JJ the IuUiau apolis team j;avo him a trial against the Pittsburg.!. Hi lusted one. and one-half innings. Con Daily, now with Brooklyn, caught him. With tho exception of Fridav, Scrnnton pl'iyed iu fine form hut week and k;vb a steady exhibition of such ball playing as Serautonlans love to witness. During tho fhbt season it was hard to reconcile tho friquent defeats tho club sustained with tho base bull talent it was known to con tain and tho cranks wero very novo, in deed. Now the club seems to Lavo struck its uait aud, barriug accidents or tho sale el liodson, should cut a very largo figure iu tlie strugglo for the championship this seusuu. All et tho players have beuu hit ting the ball hard recently, Jlaseey, Pat Chen and Rogers particularly distinguish; Ing themselves, whi'o Staltz and Westlake are rivaliug Phelan iu tho timeliness of their hits. Ilogan has shown a decided improvement in his baltiug during the week, while l'luuaghau is making a pull to rival .Mi-..'-ey aLd Jordan as a hard-hitting pitcher. GENERAL SPORTING NOTES. Ed was d A. Nelsou, of the Springfield Bicycle club, is bow in Vienna. He will remain abroad until September 1, and is euteivd in ths world's international cham pionship races a Antwerp. Ho will enter ail the leading events in France nud Uer mauy this huiauinr, and in England if ho cau get a racing license there. Special sanction has been granted to the American Wheelmen to run its Good Roads tournam-'iit at Asbury Park, in-tead of Naw York, as Urst proposed. The lioches ter Athletic club aro permitted to hold a bnlf-mile city championship. Tho Troy Cycling club have been granted permission to ruu races between horses and whoolmen during July and August. The Mutioual Circuit date given to Pastime Athletic club, of St. Louis, has been transferred to thn Associated Cycling clubs of that city. Bob Kitzaimmons says; "I am not in favor of these eight and teu-ronml bouts, and I will not take part in any more. If auy one wants to fight me four rounds, I'll accept a fail' proposition. If that is cot long enough, a finish contest suits me if the Quuuclul arrangements nro satisfac tory. A ten-round coutest is as good as a finish ficht and $2,500 is not enough to pay for it. When I boxed Choynfckt in Boston tho best man was not allowed to win. The flKht wns stopped when I thought I was a winuor. I am readv to meet Chovnskl again any time a ci ub offers enough money lor a nnlau ngnt or, in tact, any other man, bar i'eter JacUson. John u. Sulli van in bin pnlcnv days never wont in for more than four-round bouts, and why should If I stand as high in my class as auother champion who is not worrying over oight, ten or twelve or even fonr- round niuichrtfl. If t no Webster Athletic club will offer ii.M) for a fonr-round match with Smith I'll accept the offor. It isn't a fabuluus sum when you consider there was over y 1,000 iu the house the night I boxed Choy nski, and it was a bad night, too." Quinsy troubled me for twenty years. Sinew I started using Dr. Thomas' Eolec trie Oil, have not hud an attack. Tho oil cures sore throat it once. Mra. Lettn Conrad, Standish, Mich., Oct. 24, 'b3. Financial Statement, TM.VANCIALSTATICJIENT OF THE DAL X ton Indi-peadiiiit sk'hool District for tho year ending June I, lift. TAXES. Amount levied for school pur pose 5701 P3 Auount lovied for building pur pose , 350 14 Totalaraonnt of taxes loviod... 81,052 07 nr.cF.irTs. From stiito appropriation for the year ondlnn Juno. 1WH....J(1H OS Rnlancn on huud from lost year ilsj 03 From North Ablujton township for tuition 710) Frnm (. A. Oay fur tuition re coived from paid pupils 8 80 From collector for taxes col lected , 002 70 Total rocelpta (2,070 SI EXPENDITURES. For ropaira on buildings A7 TA For toHchors' wanes 003 75 For fo s of collector ($12.70) and treasurer fU0) 70 40 For fuel und c jntiiiKonclcd "i 115 For salary of S' crotury ,, LH ml For debt und interest paid OT M Forothur expiTiwis m 60 For school text books and sup plies K18 71 Total expenditures $1,704 46 Cash on hand , $ 305 76 RESOUUL'LS. Cash on hand JOT 75 Amount duo from colloctor V 17 Total J DOOM LIABILITIES. Amount of bondaoutstandinn.82.6H0 00 82,(9)0 00 LlnMllties In excess of rmonrc ?2,2lll 1)9 wituesBOur liauu tnli tUta day of July, EDWARD MILES, Prealdont; A. BALIj, Beeretary. Situation Wanted. SITUATION WANTKI)-nY A GOOD GIRL; O can do gunoral coutinwork: will give ret orencos it reijuired. Address Mo. i. Tribune omce. TlflDDLB AGED MAN. FORMERLY CAB. ill pntor and hnlldor of Now Yor k. desires a position lis foreman; can draw plans und Hpoclflc.ntlons. Address H. It., cor. Crane ave nue aim rai ior street, WANTED MY A LADY WITH FOUR yonra' experience In post nfflco, position In post office or othor ofliou. Addreaa "H. F.," 'i rioting omco. Af ANTED-POSITION A3 CLERK IN clothiers stoM or (rrocor or colloctiug ac- countsany piucooi trust, can be won roonv mendod for sny positiua. Address JOHN M, TAYLUH, Avoca, fa. SITUATION WANTED DY A YOUNG married man as teamster, or any deslra- 1110 employment, vau or aaureaa a. d., lail Ctaur avonw PLENTY VJPSES Meet of the Gentlemen's Driving Club on Saturday tlie Best Yet Held. WHO WINNERS OF EVENTS WERE Gcorgo Maddocks, Magnolia and Daisy Throw Dust Over Their Competitors Mollie and Thief Cap tured the Team Race While Scor ing of tho First Heat of tho Second Race Two Pneumatics Were Smashed. What would have been a large at tendance at Saturday's meting of the Uontlomen's Driving club was eon lined to ubont COO spectutors by the ominous appearuueo of the sky early in the afternoon and a prediction of rain. Two favorites won, u favorite was bouton aud uu outside pair pulled down tho double team race; iu addi tion, three puouuiattce were irrepar ably twisted while scoring for the first hunt of the second race, bo tho crowd had plenty of uncertainty aud excite ment to 111 uko tho meet enjoyable nnd suucossful from every standpoint. The driving honors full to Walter JeiuiyU, to the sutlufaotiou of tlie rail birds' and grandstand audience who hud seen this clever horinmaa beaten out iu uiuny of the races of tlie two pre coding matinees. II r. Jormyu added three wins to ids string with George Maddocks, Magnolia aud with Mr. Spencer's team, Mollie and Tbiof. Magnolia's winning was partlsulurl y pleasing from the fact that ilia Is to bu knocked down to tho highest bidder next Saturday at the truck. Many in yesterday's audience had plnuod thwir faith to the mure in her two previous eugugeiuuuts only to soe her beaten, wheii ou quality ttlouo she should have won. THEItB WE HE FEW DELAYS. A ploasing feature of the sport was the absence of any great delays at the rot, excepting tho heat when the acci dent happened to the pneumatics, und the rapidity in which the dlilcrent events were worked off. There was a total of twenty entries aud too beats. lbe summaries follow: E. J. Goodwin. Blnrter; Dr. Ilausor. Tay- lorvillo, and J. V. Uurney, judge. First nice Road race to wagons. Geo. Maddock's b. g., Walter Jermyn.,1 1 Ilor. JelTersou, or. g., Dr. J.U VV eutz. .4 Harry Ii, b. g J. A, bwayzo 3 6 Nellie, g. in., Jubu IVnore 3 0 Undo Dan, b. g.. James Mears 0 2 Tea Girl, LI. m., G. M. BLelly 5 4 lime, i:joi ii Second rnce 2:40 class. Magnolia, bl. m., Wulter Jermyn... 2 1 1 Net. b. m., J. L. Crawford 1 8 2 Duke. bl. g., L. T. Payne 4 8- 3 Pee Dee, b. m., M. II. Dalo 8 4 4 liluw, s. p., J. H. Ladwig S - - iime, i:i. 1:10, l:iux Nut was driven by Levi l'attersou. Third race Doublo teams to carts and wnsous: ilollie and Thief 2 11 Ambrose Hpeucer. Sam Hall and Fred 1 8 2 J. L. Crawford. Jack and John 3 2 8 Dr. Charles E. Dill. Coxey nnd Johnny 4 4 4 J. Li. Crawford nnd C. 11. Schaut. Time, 1.22: 125&; 1.25. Mollie and Thief driven bv Walter Jor- myn; Coxey nnd Johnny by Mr. Hthadt. Fourth raco 3.C0 class: Daisy, b. m., C. S. Seamans 1 1 Keiley. b. c Georce Hallstead 2 2 lludd, b m., Dr. J. L. Woutz 4 3 l anny JJlalr, D. m , u. Al. htielly a 4 Windsor Boy, b. g., J. M. Kuinmerer...o 5 Time, l.xi; l.lf-H. Kcely driven by Mr. Bchadt: Windsor Boy by Dr. C. E. Dill. George Maddocks was the popular selection 10 win tne road race and ho did the trick without trouble, though he broke while In third position goiuit up the back stretch in the first beat. Uncle Dan made 11 strong play to wlu both heats and Had the crowd on edge In the first when ho challenged Mud docks on tbo last turn; the puce broke bis heart, however, aud ho finished last. Your Bnole was very much in the race the second beat, but could do no better than second, two lengths to the bad, 11IH WHEELS INTERLOCKED. In scoiiug for the firjt boat of the second race Blew swerved as Duke was passing nnd the notion resulted in the interlocking cf tho wheels, both of which collapsed. ' Mr, Dale turned too quickly at the post in the same heat and his sulky came to grief. The ac cident to Blew's outfit excited the horso and he was scratched iu the last two heats. Doth beats were couQued to Magnolia and Net as far as contest was coucerued. Not made tho first quarter of the lirst heat iu 37, while closely prustod by Mr. Juruiyu s mure which might have won the bout had sho not gone iuto the air iu the last furloug. Not also made; the pace tit a 83 clip in the secoud heat, but Magnolia took thopositlou, followed by Pee Dee, ou ths last turn. Here Not went into stc oad position and had a battle royal with Magnolia in the stretoh. but the black mure could not bo thrown from bur stride und wot: by an opon longik. The two marcs agnln had it oat In ti e third heat, with Duke au Important factor, out in tho stretch Met broke and Magnolia wou hard pressed. Tho double team race was devoid of any particular excitement from the fuel that either oue or two teams were In the air most of the time, and at no particular period was there lasting challenge, lu tho last heat Mollie and Thief were drlveu the mile out iu 2 431. Keeloy had been touted to wlu the 3-minuto race in walk, and probably would have captured tho fust heat if he had beeu iu a butter position at the start and not beu pockstvd for tho llrst furlong. lie was within a half length of Daisy coming home, but the pace had been too hot in making up distance and the little uisr won by a leugtb. lieoley Kept Daisy eouipnoy iu the lust heut, but, more to the good driving of Mr.Seaiiuns than the mure' a speed, Daisy won la the fsit time of 1.18. The mare was all pumped out at the CiiUh. legal. a UDITOR'8 NOTICE - TUB UNDER. iV aiirnod, an auditor appolntnd by the Or phan's Court of Lackawanna county to past upon exception filed to acoount of uud to d tribute fund In the hand" of v turlos (Urduer, executor of the hut will of Homy Chaeo, do cooxod. herohy gives notice thai h will attend to attend U tin) dntioi of hi. nuooinimoiit at thu oflloo, No (OH Sprues street, torunton.Pa,, on Friday, tho Kith day of August. A. D. IMH, at IK a. ra ,nt wh ob time and laoj nil Dersoni hatinir c'alini anulont thu skM eitato must pro sent tuem or i'0 loruvnr tnereuitur du- barred rrom coming m on raid rnnj. uaviu m. ukuyvxs, Aimitor. I" ESTATE OF. THOMAS MULLEN, LATE J of thn city of Uoranton, ooutity of Laoka wannu, Statu of Pennayluania, deeoasod. Letter tostameotary upon tne above named estato having bees granted to the undtirsltrned, nil persons having chdnia or demands against the said estate Will present them for payment and those indebted thereto shall please moke immediate paymnni 10 THUS. i. MULLEN, Executor, JKSBUPS& Hahu, Attorneys, A Word. IPaU of all kinds cost Wiaf muc a spf Situations WantecLwhich ore irutrl Help Wanted Male. WANTED-A BOY W1T1IONK Oil TWO v..n..i ........ Hl..n..A i.. ,K. r1.Mii limlrirjHM. Apply ut McOarrab & llioiuas' Druir btoro. lyANTED-EXI'ICUlENCF.D LACK Oi:B- f'urpet Co., Fuurtu streot und Luliltfh avouuo, Pillndidphiu. TANTF.D IF YOU A HE' A CATHOLIC, uiieuiiilovBil nnd will work for SflH per wi'uk. writu MucOomiLll llros.. 11 Franklin street, Huston, Muss. For Sale. A By CARE PIANO, 8LTPUSKD TO BE tho liiiiiiertv ut JIln M vi tie 11. Millard. will he bold at auetioii July ill, 18'Ji, at a. uv Uiieriisoy lirotnois Btoro, 'Si 1 wyo- uiiuK avouuo This p no is si 1.1 for ropaira IlETAILUltOl'EKYllCHINKSa KOHBALK lb doinu n nroiltitblo biisiuuHs. Hest 1'i aDon elvon. Addressm-mll on .1 O. ACKKItMAN', Special Notlcee. OFFKE OF THU ECU AN TON 8TEEL Comiiuiiv. Thn uniiual mootililf of tho stockholders of tU i aboro company for the elucuon of prUHldout and direetors will be held al thu ollleu of tlie ooiup.iuy iu tint city of Scranton ou Thursday, the soeuiid day of . -HUbt luxt, at 4 o'oiocit p 111. No ti 11111 for of stuck will bo made for twelve days next pre ceding tho dute of tho aliove iiieetiut,'. K. I'. KlMUi-litKX, Boerotary. Sc atiton, Pa., July 17, 1S1H. TEW SYSTEM OF SUCCESSFUL SI'ECU 1' lation in tho HtocK and drain market. Dividend nnvahle weekly, l.a'it week's divi dend J per cout. Wnt ifor partlealuni' C. U. UATU:.U, Aleilluutl lluililinx, Clilearfo. OtnTO LIVERPOOL, LONDON, (1LAH 'i?l" now, Oueeu-toivn. Louiloudeiry and Uelfust, on Wlute H:r Lino. J. A. BAH- KON.ngoiit, Prlccburir. VOU WANT T1I1S UELH'-nKl'HINT J. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly War lllUHtrntioim lWll lSllj. Two Volumes Folio. SHl.iVJ; payablo monthly. $i0l). Debverod by express eomnleto, prepaid. Address P. O. allium, (US Uitaon Htroot, Hcrantou, I'a. 1 ) LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA I) lines, otu.. bound or robouuu at Tim T11111LNK uirlca. (J nick work. Ueasouublo prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, lll'l op, ui 'O DHWW nuu .liiuniiu "IU line. Twenty meal tickets for $3.60. Good uiuiu uoaru. Public Sale. I WILL OFFER AT PCBLIO SALE ON X Wednesday. Julv 2j. lSjl. at 10 o'clock a. in., on tho promises, tho leasehold estato and term or years ore.i ton oy inutnture irom u. O. Sclrjoiimakjr to Arthur FrothiuKhatn and Laura Frot hlneuani. dated June 1st. ims. re corded in Morteaira Book No. XI. pnae !t!4. etc., as by reference thereto had will fully appear, in lot No. S in Square or Block No. i, on Wyominir avouuo, on which the "Frothlncham Arcado"stood. Tho lot is 40 feet wide and 1117 feet dcop to an alley. lernis will Demudeauown onuay orsaie. CUAS. H. WELLES. July 11, 1801. Lost. OST-AN ELKS' WATCH CHARM; J finder will b 1 rewarded by leaviuir same at No 4 Lacka. ave.; upstairs. Proposal. T)KOPOiiAL8 WILL BE RECEIVED AT 1 tho office of thn Now York and Scranton Coal comnanv. Pockville. Penna.. until Julv i 1HUI, for sinking an nlr shaft at the Ontario colliery, size iukiu, in mo clear, anil aoout 1,0 feet deep from tho surface to the Dunmore voin. Comnany reserves riuht to rejoct any or all bids. H. CHAPMAN, Insldo Forotnan. Educational. MANSFIELD STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. An effective trainimr sebcol for teach ers. Spociitl attention given to Post Oradunte Work and preparing students for onterlng ooll"H0. Expenses very moderate. Grad uates 1 rom niKiier courses enter oavaneea classes lu collej. Graduates from tho Ele moutary course are equipped for the practl oal work of teaching all branches In the common schools, including drawing and phys ical culture. Prospective teachers recuivo material aid from the state, reducing ex penses for board, tuition, light, steam heat and washing (12 weeks), in t.ie Junior year, tojUW, and in the Senior your to gllg. Four lnrgo buildings, all heated by steam: Ann athletic grounds; healthful location; am plo accommodations; thorough discipline. r un term op ins August i-vi. For catalogun and information address SAMUEL H. ALBUO. A.M., th.D.. Principal, Mansllold, Pa. Rejl Estate. CCRANTON REAL ESTATE AND IN H VESTMENT AGENCY. offers bargains as follows: UJTX HLOI.MiSS I'KOl'JSItTX. 40 ft. front by 60 ft deep, on Spruce street, rents tor 8.00 S10.00O 10 ft. front by 50 feet deep, on Spruce streot, corner alley 10,600 These touether irivo 80 ft: front on Hnrimi, Street between Peuu and Franklin, with alley on sido. Spruce street property is advanciug nipuuy. CITY RESIDENCE PROPERTY. CORNER MONROE AND VINE streota. lot 60xt5, two dwellings, Jll,l00, giving a nice resldenco anil an tnc( mu lor small investment; ALSO A PLOT OF tl LOTS, g.ving IS) ft. front on Mo.troo nvenue. nwir Vino street. Tlie make a ftrst-elaaj rvsliienco jdot in a de.irabio locality. If not sold in ono plot will sell nbove separately. WEST SIDE. Lot GOxUO. South Main avenue, edloiuing resldeneo of 8mith B. Hott, prP-c, &i,i,iO; also lots on Stock street and West Eud place. Only four left. , COUNTRY PROPERTY. A BEAUTIFUL HOME AT DALTON, PA., modern bousa, spring water piped ltiitfiom hill back, barn for three liorsos and two cowa, heunerv with ccuicntsl iloor, younar fruit. film lawn, grand outlook; ono and a halt to threo acres, as deslrea, jo.kw. Also lots of about Bunu size on Westoin Slope, Dalton. Call or address SMITH B. MOTT, Managflr, No. 421 Lack, are. rear boiud trade. GROSS, ankru The balance of stock on hand will be sacri ficed without mercy to convert it at once into spot cash. Short lengths of Silks, Dress Goods knd White Goods at any price to dispose of them. ' Now Is the Accepted Time. GROSS, FOSTER & CO. 316 AND 318 LACKAWANNA. AVENUE. onno Ladies' QUANTITY ioo dozen. QUALITY The best value that has ever come from a for eign shore. COLOR Dyed by "Hermsdorf." That's enough. PRICE 25c. A PAIR. Our own stamp. Our own import. Taffeta Moires 12 lc. per yard. Others advertise them as a bargain at 1 5 cents. Hotel Waverly European Plaa First-class Bar attached. Depot for Uergncr A Engol'i Tanuhwunr hour. ii Cot 15th tn.Flkrt.ts., FhilaJi Voat desirable for resident, of N.E. Penn ylvaiila. All enr.Yonii'iices for travelers to gnd from Broad Btrent elation and the Twelfth and Market Streot station. "Li llrable for vititiug herantoniaiu and p tic In the Anthracite Kegloa. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. j li iirs3 Excitement Don't Delay. You Can't Afford to Wait. No let up. Big crowds at this genuine Fire Sale. Salesroom crowded all the time with eager buyers. The jam of Bargain Seekers was immense last week. This week we've increased our force of salespeople. There will be no crowding now. The Chance of a Lifetime to Get Fine Clothing for Next to Nothing. The goods were damaged by water only from the recent explosion and fire in the store of our neigh bors, Messrs. Davics & Griflln. There is no smell of smoke or fire about them. SALE MOW GOING Om And Goods Sold at 33 Cents on the Dollar Less Than Cost to Make. Three Dollars worth of Clothing for $1 in money. That's what you get at OUR FIRE SALE. Every purchaso a bargain and an actual saving of 67c. on the dollar. BOYS' PANTS, 13c. SIGN OF THE HE SELL UTJIKXT ioon TO the nunNEu dayies & ukiffin building. FOSTER & CO. OF THE GREAT Black 209 WARNING. H' 7iar laef had Feather Beds and Pillowt brought to tu hy strangers who wished to dispose of tht same and from whose actions ue believed the Jeathers didn't belong to them. We will have no dealings with such parties. We wish to caution people against giving into the hands of strang ers who claim to represent tu, any FeaUiers, Carpets, etc., which they wish renovated. Any of our agents can easily identify themselves, or if any one who wishes work done in our line, will drop ut a card or call at our factory, we will promptly attend to their wants and will en deavor to merit the confidence of everybody. THE 8VRSAT0N BEDDING CO., G02 and box Lacka. Ave., Cor. Adams. WHY HOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Sett We sell Furniture as cheap as any house In the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. E3ull mi imp sot i-3 J$L H 230 Lackawanna Avenue. Extraord S PANTS, 50c. CLOTHING BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Sale iery WASHINGTON AVE Opp. Court House. 4 Co. mm ai Hos p1 F It Costs Nothing to Look. Polite Attention to Everybody. inary BOYS' SUITS, 65c. If a Tornado Shonld Strike Scranton It would cause little mors surprise to our citizens than FREEMAN'S NEW SPOT CASH PRICE LIST . HAS DONE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEW ELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC., never have been sold before at such prices; but, remember there is no CREDIT at Freeman's. What Is More Attractive Than pretty face with fresh, bright eomplexlont For it, an Fotsoni't Powder. HOUSE