n THE SCTiANTON 1TJBUNE-SATURDAY MOItNIH". JULY 21. 18174. MATCHLESS SHAI PIAHOS.. STELLE & SEELEY, 134 WYOMING AVE. S II AW, KM i: It SON, MW ENGLAND ffflEST LINE IN THE CITY POR THE PKICE, HEW AND (ECOND HAM) ALL PRICES twos A Foe io Dyspepsia y GOOD BREAD -USE THE- And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AXD FOB SALE TO THE TUADE BY The Weston III Co IEWARB G? COUNTERFEITS ) THE BFNUINF. POPULftB Punch Cigars HAVE THE miTUlS G.. B. & Co., n'nri'iiii m Krhh (Vnar. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr'3. t. ii.i HOI vi: MJl'AKK. DR. H. B. WARE removed to 406 SPRUCE STRE3T, back of Dimo Bank. IMPOHIhAIT 1Y.Ai.0niC fcViNTa. They Will Bi He d at Farvlew and at Saratoga. Local Masonic circles are interested in two events which will rcrnr in th iir-iir fuiur-', the couciiivt) of the Grand Command- ry of l State of Nw York lit b;iriitoB'u, S-pteiuber 10 to 13. inclus ive, and the r-union at Furview Aug ust 2. Ii h expected that ii party of p?rliupi fifty 1HTHOH3, composed of sir ici.ii-his hnd t.ieir vvivis, will go to Saratoga. Arrangements liuVd been nude to leave in a special cur attached to the 2. 17 Delaw.iro a.id Ilndsou tram ."Jjn t;ay afP-rimon, Sept. 10 At Albany other pirus will le j )iued and the nrni-y continued in a special indii. The iviurn trip will be made via tlie l) niton Kiver night boat from Albany to i'ev York, from which point the members of the party will le.ivo for Scrantou during the in terval ot Tbursdiv und Saturday. 'i'Do Furview iiir.ir is purely social, und is being arranged oy the Alalu comuinndery, of Diughiiinton. Tho various communderies in the valley buve tieeu invit d to purtieipite iu u general reunion. iwinogka not:s. Mr. Kit dyne and Martin Lydon were granted a ninrria.ro license yesterday und will bo married t.ex; Wedueaday. Patrick Brown Is prominently mentioned as a candidate tor supervisor iu LtcKa Waiiua township. The board of auditors will meet nt Mul len's hotel tonight and resume tho work of completing ibu report of Inst year's super Visors, Tho family of Miehnol Murray has ro. moved to tbo St. Dui.1.1 hotel iu Scraiiron, of which Mr. Murray is part proprietor. lb Ortat Mu leal Festival. Sinners will pleas read advertisement of mo i.nurei mil park musical festival in another column. In the same apace next wick me revised official programme will appear, which is the only and final pro gramme of the music rominittoe of tho or ganization. No other changes will be made hereafter; singers, therefore, can prepare to rehearse iiiiinndintnlv. Ten lections nr or the highest order, popular vui, uui uimuuit io render. .Nothing ap proaching thin programme in diversity of style has ever before been presented to our singer, and it is to be boped that they will take full opportunity of the great In- uucemuni.3 uumeu uy tne association, fct-leudid reports are binir received hv ih general secrotarv from neighboring and jistant cities. Choirs have been organized 11T.II TJ.. I ... T B ...m..v iu niiHen-oBiir, jTijimiuiu, t'tttstuu, Par sons aud Alluntown, and are buinv i.i-imhi. iZ:'d in Scrantou, Taylor, Olyphaut, Car- bondale ana forest titv. Five of the leaning oanus ot rrnnsyiuania will com' pete for the grand prize o" iiuo. Boup day aud night at the Exchange 1 . . i r i . 1 . - " uotei, ltuuuiuiu uuruui. P. J. O'DONNELU Kuaio Boxes Exclusively. Best made. Play any denired number of tunes, unutscul as cons., manufacturers, J0S0 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won. rierful orehoatrlal orgaus, only t!i and tin. Specialty: Old muiio bozos carofully re paired and improved wltu new tunes. SAnniNKS,Sweltzer and Limberger cheoso at Widmayer's, 6:10 Lackawanna ave. Deal faith never grows weak by hav ing to wait. Sufferers taking Hood's bar Buparilla for chronic complaints should be patient and the result will be satisfactory. uooa s ijuroj. ' Hood'b Fills act easily, yet promptly aua euicioutiy,uD the liver and Dowels, 'mo SHOW WHITE FLOOR CURTIS jyHE TOILS Endeavoring to Soli a Blcyc'e That Eatf Bocn lurloincd at Binamton. SEEKS TO BE AN ALL AROUND SPOUT Curtis Was Arrested While Leaving the Wyoming He Tried to Sell the Bicycle to Dunn, the Hatter A Set of Burnlar Tools Found In Prison er's Room in Wyoming His Plan of Operation. The police yesterday made an im portant o.ipture when they uatherod in, on a charge of violatinir the city or.li n injti', a man giving his name as (J L. Curli, und his business, sign painting. Curtin, by his own admissions and sub- stiuitulini! telegrams from various places, turns out to bo what in police circles is known as a "rouuder,"which, didiiied iu common parlance, means a yiiiirp lttuu who lives on the dullness of others. He is evidently uo common ipt'ciuien of this typ either, lie is a graduate of Harvard and did rept-r-torlai work for liradstreet, "betore Wiman began to pull Duo down,'' as be expressed it himself. Among his accomplishments be numbers that of a wide acquaiulanoe iu the circles in which Joe Hunzuder, "Djnvor" Uarui's, V. K. Post, E I O'Brien and other well known confidence men. lie tallis about the various bunco and con tideuos games with the s;un fluency with which he quotes poetry und sketches even as well as he plays curd tricks. Chief Simpson, who has l)Hd considerable dealings with men of this stripe, confesses that Air. Curtis is about the "slickest" individual that he bus as yet com across. TItllJD TO SKLL H! CYCLE. Curtis wis urKsied as be was com iug troui nis hotel, the Wyoming, on suspicion of having Btoleu a bicycle, the charge, hovvev.r, being that of try ing to dispose of a bicycle without li tviitej to deal in nurcouiidise as pro vided by city ordiuauco. During the morning he entered Dunn's store and after purchasing a necktie tried to in ikd a sale of a ticy cU li t siid had a whoel fjr which he had paid $1-5 and v.-bic':i he was williug to dispose of for sJoO. Mr. Dunn suspected that SLiu-thin was wrong and after making au a; pjiutm..ut to try tiie wheel later ou, communicated the facts to 0111 :cr Roche, who ij at prtsetit cn tiiu lookout for the bicycle ihieves. After making some inquiries i'. was decided to hold Curtis and he was accordingly arrested. A telegram v.ms sent to the Ovevuuu Wheel com pany, the mauulacturers of the wheel m question, aud from them it was learned that tho wheel had baeu eold to a patty in UiIch, X. Y. A telegram to Uiica elicited the fact that the wheel had been stolen from F. L. Jones of that town a few days previous. 1 Ina information was followed up :nd it was leurned that Curtis arrived in Binghamton with tw wheols in his poesessina ut 0 o ciock Thursday even ing. O.ie wheel was disposed of iu ijinghamtou and the ' other is uti- ilouufdly the one v.hi;:h occupies un adjoiniu cell to Curtis in tne base meut of the municipal building. CUItTlS MAKES CONFESSION. List night wheti the chief and Offl- cer Koaci) confronted Curtis with the evidence tbev had secured he broke down and confessed even more than the officers thought he knew, Uo admitted itial he had been en 'aged. in burglary, ouiiC" steering nml coiih.lonc-) iimes aud wueu tne ctuef, to draw him out, hinted that, ho was oulv bragging Cur tissent Ofli.'er R)che after proof, which 8nid lit) v. uui pud in a leather case in rouin 103, Wyoming House. It turned out to ie a tine a -t of burglar's tools. Curtis iinnly b-licVcd thut he coulil r.ot he held in this state, aud to show I. is utter contempt for the law tulked openly of his doings and gave tho f ihvers some pointers on the latest conudonce games. The "bicycle racket," as he c-ilis it, is botu new and rare. It is being worked I y n large gang scattered ail over the country, lhey optrats in pairs some thing after this fashion: Oue of them steals a bicycle and when a reward is r tiered, us is the case nine tim' ont ot ten, the other fellow after a few days represents himself ns a detoctive from such acd such a place and retnrns the) wheel with some ex piunntionns to how ha recovered it. He s cures the reward and by this tim his pal his more detective work for him to i:o. It is not often that tain r-o! t to the bold method in which Curtis came to pvief. That is left for ordinary thieves which may well be believed is not the strips of Curtis. The chief of police of Binglinmton was expected on an early morning train. Ho will probably take Curtis back to New Yorlt state, OTIIEU BICYCLE TIJEFTS. A wheel w.iich was stolen from iu front of tlie. government building n Aubnrn. T Y., was recovered in I'.tts ton by Ollicer llocho, and singular say, another which was stolen irrm Foley & Hfdt has been recovered in Auburn, X Y. Two other Rtoleu wheels have been located and will he reuov ered, it is expected, in n day or two. CONCERT WEDNESDAY EVENING. It Will Bs Given b tho Clho)io Choral Union. Next Wednesday oven! net the Cutbo lie Cuoral union will milte its first ftp pearance nt Laurel Hill park. The union is composed of singers from the diif-rnt Catholic churches nml has Deen in existence about six months, under the direction of Mr. Havdu Evans. B.mer s band will fnrnish th accompaniraeuts for the ohorns aud they will also furnish mnsio for duno lair. One of the interesting features of the programme will be the two competitive choruses for remaie cnoirs wnicli are to be sung at the great festival nt the mirk in SfDtember. I he pwty of la dies is made up entirely of members of th union. The concerts will be oue of the best ever given in the psrk. VOYAGE TO THE CLOUDS. ailco Lulu Randall Will GKvs a Balloon Aeoenaion on July 26 Miss Lulu Randall will uivo a b.il loon ascension at Laurel Hill park on Juiy 'M She will le aecompsnied on her Rrlel jouroey by T. J. Duffy, one of the members or the 1 niitUNic s city stalf. WORK OF PAVING STOPPED. Street Commieeioner Klrst Ohjrots Mothod Being 1'ureund. Street Commissioner Kirit ysterday ordered Unnn Bros., contractors, not to lay any vitrified brick as pave along mo ouiaiue ot tne trscus of the Trao lion company along Lackawanna ave nne. Dunn Bros, have the contraot from the Traction company and filed a bond of $3,000 to carry out the work satis factorily. Tax street commissioner wan its the space along the outside of rails to be pared with either bs- the phal c, j-seigian mock, or witn parts or tlOtl). Ike contravtora would have flu tllH TVnrlf htf thin mrtrti'm it nl. is bed lowed to do so by the street ooinmls- ier. , ftnuml Munacrai Tlr rnwi la In TJViil. adelpbiu, and until b returns Duua Bros, will attempt to do notbincr. BID3 FOR me. BRIDGE BONDS. The Eorantoa Savinira Bank R-curts Them for a Premium of $21,230. Bids for the issue of i''30.000 feridgebomls were opsued in the mayor's iuo yesterday afteruoou by ex-Mayor Fellows, City Clerk Lavello, Controller vi(! mayor und Uputy Trasuror ltu- ne. 1 h bid receivod were as tol- lows: Siiler & Stevenson, Philadel phia, $1 0107; N. W. Harris & Co.. New York, $1 OiIU; Kedmond, Kerr & Co., Now York. 1 0019; Ii L, Day & Jo.. lioKton, l. 0601: liintr & Co., New York, ij.l.UIUl; ticrautou Savings bank, Stl.OSD. Tlie Scrauton S.iviugs bank s bid ba ng the highest was accepted. this bid is at a premium of $21,2ol) . and is the highest money ever received for Scrantou city bonds. Iu addition to the premium the bank agrees to pay in accrued interest from June 1 to the time when the bonds will be floated, which will be about on month, The boiuit era of $1,000 each, bearing four and a half per cent iuterest. There are ninety ten year bonds, fifty of fif teen years, tirty of tweuty years aud sixty of twenty-live years. THE REPORT IS YET UNFINISHED. Teachsrt.' CcmoitUea Will Meet on Mon day Afternoon and Compute It. The teachers' committee of the board of control met last night, but did not tmisii its report. President c. L. Worm ser, chairman of the committee, stated that the work last night was taken up with completing the grades for the coming term,wnich has required much nlior by reason of the new school that will be opened np. .Mr. Worm-oT also said that there has be."ii but one resignation sent in, that of ili-s Helen B. Potter. L ist year's corpi of teachers, with this ex ception, will probably be appointed. ine commutes will meet Hominy afternoon at 4 o'clock and tin i oh the report uud it will ba read at tho spa cial meeting the same evening. mm SIDE JOTTINGS. fA'l advertising matt"!, news ito:ns and now Bubnei iptii us. if left al the followiug bu.iincm places, will ce promptly ntlenilea iu: Aani.-1 uaroer Hhnit. Westuiulirs store. D. W. nuuinli- rvy'B phariu'icr aud .'. J. MuUlerlg's.l aiiitai v U.Iicei' liarkd visited tho South oule yesterday. Several workmen were overcome by the heat ycsteiday at tho lower mill. Mrs. Mngi;io McUuire. of Philadelphia, is viMtii.g her parents ou Prospect avouuo. Mrs. Conrad Kepnler, of Maple street, who lias been very ill, is greatly improved. Frank Swartz, tho S-vear-old boy of loay ijwartz, of btoue avenue, Is seriously ill. Mrs. Edward Colwell, of Pittston ave rue, was oveicoma by heat yesterday, aud is quite HI. Mr. nnd Mrs. Anton Ilafner, of Cedar nveuue, aro cutertaiaiug menus iroui Bioomsburg. Charles Willnrd, one of the foremen at the axle woiks, bus a patent ou n ball bearing axle. Mrs, Emily Hageu, of Remington 'ave line has returned trom a three weeks visit iu Chicago. Mrs. John Manlev, of Prospect avenue. is entertaining Ar. Urolley and daugh ter, iliss Kate llrolley, ot Uostou. A large house and barn are being erectei: at the corner of Ktouo hvoiiiih and Birch street, by illinm jlauk, ,t this side. Tho Scrauton Axle works is turning out on average or hut. sets or axles per week, aud has a market lor all Us product. Tho Mis-seR Fannin?:, nf Carbondale, who have been the guesta of their relations on beech street, returned home yeslorday. F. L. Terppe. of Cedar avonue. exnects to occupy ins new Dome, wuich 13 rapidly ncanng completion, aDout tne nrst ot u tober. George Moore, formerly an employe of the axlo works, left lor V. Ilkes-Larre to- d:iy and will work for tho Lehigh Valley company. William Carpenter annouiuofl hiim-elf as a candidate for delegate to the Republican county convention trom the First district of thu I WelltU ward. Thomas Leuahnn, of Orchard street was arrested yesti-rduy on a warrant issued on complaint ot hn wne :or non-support. At a lute uour last nignt no was coi.ti iu tho Alder Ktro.et staiion house iu de fault of f :' !) bail as a result of a heurin before Alderman Ktouo. Tho appointment of Edward Knoller ns permanent man for tne Century Hose company, is a source of much pleasure to his many menus cm wis side, especially iu the nineteenth ward. Ho has moved bini- felf ouo of the ui-iht daring and reliablo firemen in the KTanlon l ire departinui nnd richly deserves the position to which bo has beiu promote, 1. The upp.'iutmcnt of C. C. Nenls to the police toice Wi s grfod news to his triond on this side, lie is u'meniber of the Scrauton Aihlotio club and. as one tiio uig of-v.ar team, assisted iu winning the Press club's prize nt Lake Ariel last year. In his efforts to get ou the polico force Mr. N uls was assisted by every memlw of the club, Should lie continue to ipnke friends iu bis new position as h has done m ine past, lie will soon lie one the most popular men on the lon e. The residents ol thu Nmuloenth ward feel con li leut. tliut thu tnirt rcposed,iu him is no misplaced. An Ail-Around Heasur Tarty. A party composed of Mrs. Albrt Znl Bini tumily, Mis. F. L. Terppe, Mrs. Hen Premiers and fa mil v. and Mm. Jol Ilumiuler and family, of this city, ppent yrstenlay at wcioii-i's Hotel, UlarkSu init, and from there went overlaud (liavel iiond siiil celt hi'Hted the lurrlnl of Mrs. Fred i 'oichel iu a most pleasau and agreeable mautnir. liiev returuc homo last eveuiuu al't-r s:)endim n mo enjoyabie time, and v.. 'I .Mrs. Fred Wei chelousof tUe cleverest of entertainers S'cranton'e Husmesa Introate. iHK iniiiunn win toon puhiisii a care fully complied aud classided list of the leading wholesale, banking, iniiuufactur ing and professioual interests of Scrauton nml vicinity. The edition will bo bound In book form, beuutifully illustrated with photogravure vinws ol our nubile buihe Ings, business blocks, trreets, etc., together wuu portraits or loaning citizsns, XSo Fimilsr work has ever given nu equal rep. reseutntion of Scranlon's tnanv iniliu tries. It will bo uu iuvnluablo exposition or our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this nnndsome work will attract new comers and be an unequullei advertisement of the cit.v. The circu lation Is on a plau that cannot fail of good results to tho-e concerned as well as the city auarge. wepreseniativos ot Tine tiuhunb will can uuon thosk wuosk nahks are OKSinED in this edition end explniu its nature more fully. Those desiring vio'ws of their residences in tuis edition will please have notice at the oluce. Lamh Tongue, Ox Mouth and Herring, nt Widinnyers, oil Lneliavvanna ave. Tuv 1 UK Imported Ueor on draught, Thu lirmiHwiol.'. 414 Hni'iirn street. , Call at The Hub for good entertain ment. HEWS BF 1ST SIDE Moresling Keeling of the Republican League at Its New Rooms. QRNER STOKE WILL BE LAID Exercises at Washburn Street Pres byterian Church Today Patrick Kane's Wagon Smashed by Beinfr, Struck by an Electric Car Recep tion at the Home of Miss Estella Green Funeral of Mrs. Kennedy. A meeting of the Rapnlilisan league of the West Side was held last evening n its new rooms on South Main ave- ue. Dr. W. A. Psino presided. In the absence of the secretary, K. E. tohatban was appointed pro turn. The first business was tne reading of tho by laws by Thomas Loyshou, of eommiltee on constitution aud by-laws. Tne future meeting of the club will be eld at the rooms, which are now com plete aud fiuvly lilted. One hun dred handsome chairs have been laced id the two rooms, which are spacious aud may eatUy be oonverted into one by moans of wo large folding doors. Tue rooms ace the street uud a large porch in front of the building adds greatly to the comfort of the mtmburs. The iglits of regular meeting will be the second uud fourth Fridays ot each mouth. There are now over 100 members in the club and everything is favorable for a lively campaigu. The Young Men s league promises to bs a most im portant factor mi political circles uud contains some of the m.ist active young men ou tuis side. TO LAY A COfcNER STONE. Exsrciees at Wa'hbura Stroat Prauby- teriun Chuich The comer stone for the new Wash burn Street Presbyterian church will be laid this afternoon, exercises com mencing at 4 o'clock. A platform will be erected on the foundation walls. The services will be conducted by the pastor, R 'V. D. W. Skellingor, and the hurch choir under the direction of R-sse Watkius will sing. The exercises will open with the sal utation, followed by a prayer. A hymn will then be sung. Garrett Smith, president of the board of trustees, will read the history Of the church. Mr. Skelliuger will then deposit in the slouo u box containing papers and coins of the realm. Kev. (ioorge h. Unild, of Providence, will uddrxss the audi ence. Rev. L. C. Flovd, D. D., pnstor of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church, and Rev. J. W. Williams, of Duumore, are expected to participate, STRUCK BY AN ELECTRIC CAR. Patrick Kane's Wagon Was Badly Dam' aired in Collision. While the D'.izerue street car was making a trip down South Main ave- uuo yesterday afternoon, it struck a wagon driven by Patrick Kane, a lesl dent of Fourth street. K ine was on deavoring to cross the street when the car came, and before be could reach a place of safety the car struck the wagon. The wncon was ba ily damagsd. His vegetables were spilled on tiie road but Kane escaped injury. No blame can bo r.tached to the motorman who did his best to prevent the accident, LITTLE WEST SIDE NfcWS NOTES. fThn Wnst Kide offl,:o of til!) SCUANTOS T.,i r.sKis lmvited ut JK1 North .Mam live- Hue. where sulwrllitions. advxrtissmouts and minuaicanons will roeeivj iirompt atieu- tion.l Miss Adkius, of S'jickshiuny, is visitiug friends ou this si Io. Dou't forget to call on P. J. O'Donuell, EiclinnL'o iiotil, Duumore. Luuch day aud night A drawing for the benefit of Mrs. Wal ter Griffiths will occur tuis evening iu Morns' hotel. Mrs. James Lohee and dauiihter Mar garet, of Pittsburg, are visaing Irieuds on this side. Eureka mineral springs sarsaparilla tonic aud giuyer ale ut Alusou s. Mrs. linvdu Ashley, of South Main ave- title, IS Vi Ibiu iiioiit.a iu .iu Kyuii, MissKachel Powell, of North Lincoln avenue, is sojourning at iiarvoy s lane. Misses Rav Williams and Lottie Powell are visitiug friends iu llkes-Barre. Giiii-or ale, root, beer, mineral wntor. wild cherry beverage, blackberry juice nnd other summer drinks ut lieiuer & Warn lie's. Misses Margaret Kdwards and Clara Stioh, of Lastuu, are the gikests of friends on this slue. Miss Anuio Davii a of Fourteenth street, left yesterday for Clifford, whore bhe wiil apoud several weeks. Clam rhowder (iroi) at Eoa Smith's to night. 1-3 North Main. Miss Ruth Jarvis, of Lafayette street, Is visiting mends at iNow lorn aud riow aik, N. J. Fruit jars, extra tops aud ring3, nt Ma- sou s. Harold Dattln, of South Main uueuue, is visiting mends iu wilKe3-liurre. iNnw potatoes, tomatoes, peas, wax beaus, etc., at Iloiser it arnke's. John H. Williams, of Academy street, is suiiering iroiu inuummiuiou 01 iub eye. Dr. J. J. Roberts and John Courier Mor ris nre in Alloutown. Hop tonic pale ale, non-alcoholic, $1 a dozen, at Masou s. ' Mioses Rachel Jones, Minnie Riuker and Anna liroadhi'Tit ai visitlu;; tbe p. lucipul cities Irom lniu.iio to nicno. Picnic parties supplied at Mason's, MifS Esther Honflelii, of Rock street, will visit Miss Swales, of Peckville, today. Very flno ycailiua chlckeu,. killed und d rosed to order, at iieiser & Waruke's. Tho funeral of Mrs. Kennedy, wife of Thomas Kennedy, of Tweuly-fourtn Ptroet, occurred yesterday. Services wore held in bt. Patrick's church. Interment iu Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Drink the best Smith's bitters. Mrs. John J. VnnBuskirk, of West Pitts, ton, is tho gnost of her mother. Mrs. Esther Morris, on South Bromley avenue. David owens and O orgo T. (frimths. both of Sumner avenue, will spend Sunday at LiSKS vv moia. Very hoico dairy nnd creamery buttor nt Holier & warnxos. Miis Bes-ie Cook, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Is tbo nuest ot her consiu airs, ueorgj Uo uore, of S uith Main avenue. B. O. Morgan, S. M. Foster, Harry Mott and Itay Morgan loft for Lake Wiuola yes terday. Fiuo watermelons and canteloupes at Uelser & Warnke's. Miss Sophy Wade, of South Sumner ave nue, is at Drooklyn, Pa. Little Neck clams served with hot butter at all hours at lieu bunt U s. U. W. Walkor. jr., of Division street, left yesterday for a sojourn at Asonry faiit. Now is your time, gentlemen. Call quickly. Froin Now xork to any donot in England or Wales for $'J. B. O. Morgan. At the home of Miss Estella Greeu, on Bellevne street, a reception was given last evening in honor of her gneet, William Maun, of Altuoua. Miss Ureon received her guests in the parlor. Games and music were the principal features aud were in dulged iu until a seasonable hour, when the party dispersed. Those prosent were Misses Grace Acker, Liu Deiipnn, Estella Green, Ethel Porter, Lizzie Mann, Edith House, delate lieeker, Edua Williams, aud David Owens, Walter Jones, Willism Mauu, Eddie Hughes, Sam York, Will Hut ton and Goorgo Phillips. P. J. O'Dounsll. a former botel keener of this side, ia a fuvorito with Duumore peo- Ele. The Exchange Hotel is among the est aud Is worthy of patrouago. Thu bar is stocked with tbo best wiues and liquors and each day aud evening the patrons aie served with the finest soups of tho season. One of the dime entertuiniinnts and fan socials will occur at tho Huninor Avenue Presbvterian church on Tuesday evening. July 31. toine of the best talent in the city lias kindly consented to take part. future announcements will be made witn full particulars. Smith's bitters will regulate your syt- torn during hot weather. Mr-". Powell makes a snecial mutest for the ladies choir, of which she is director. to meet nt tho Sumner Avenue Presby terian church lecture room on Tuesday evening, July H, ut 7,4a. hvery member is purticulariy rttpjested to be prosent. For a new resort, the hotel of Fred Warlike, 115 North Main avenue, is ahead iu the way of beverages and courteous at tention. The lager and ale is the best nnd coolest, and tho whisky well, Old Pepper and Gibson is au good as they make. Free lunch and soups every Saturday evening. NORTH IUO BRIEFS. Pl'lio North End othVo of tho PchANTOn TniliirNU Is located at the Lewis Drue fSturo and Jehu's Store, Wayne avenue, where side ser ptions, advertisements and commuuiculiuu will receive prompt attention. 1 William Connor loft yesterday on a Hill ing trip iu New York state. A baby bov arrived at the home nf John Phillips, of Summit avenue, yesterday. Miss Lucy McTurneuy, of Lackawanna, is visitiug Miss Uerty McEiobou, of Oak street. P. F. McAndrew has been promoted to superintendent of the Metropolitan Lite Insurance society. Owing to a printer's error the namo of Dr. Snreth appeared ns Dr. Smith yester day in the article on mining boys. The Pnnooka lodge, Knights of Pythias, aud the Knights of the Gold-n E.igle have arranged an excursion to Lake Ariel on Sept. S. John Golbin. of 0 Thompson streot, died yesterday nt tbo Luckawauuu hospital. Deceased was Buffering from a choleraic complaint and was on.y uuwella week. He will be be buriod this utternoon. Thomas Davis tailor of Market street, was bitten by his bull pup on the arm yes terday an 1 a very nasty gash was made. Mr. Davies is lib out lij years of iuo and tlie wound was thoroughly cauterized by Dr, Douuo. Ho was reported te ba better lass cveuiug. Constable Colo was called upon yester day to advise Mrs. Eugene iStantou, of Park Flare, who wanton a dissolution ot partnership from her husband. She in formed the constable that nfter mature deliberation she was convinced that, mar riage was a failure and respectfully asked bis advice as to removing tue lurmtur rnmily dispute Luu leu to the rupture and now Mrs. Stanton will retire witn her goods to tbo oblivion of single blessedness. Dn. C. C. LAVnACi!, dentist. Gas and Water company building, Wyoming av uue. L,atett improvements. UgUt years iu fccranton. Buy tbe W.bsr and get the best. At Guernsey Bros, For Decorating. EAVE just opened the finest line of choice White China (Haviland & Co. and Iimoges makes), to be found anywhere. You can buy any- . , -. rp tllinQf lTOm a i lfl 1 V3.Y a to a complete Dinner Service. Come while assortment is com plete. WeicM & Millar n6 Wyoming Ave. Tho Sick to Receive Medical Services FREE OF CHARGE. Wit ST MONTH'S NKtlVICKS WtlOl TO I'VKllYnoiiV. VOR ALL niSMASF.S I'ATIKM'S. AND ALL The west Emrllsh Staf of l'hvlclans. The Must liisri.N' .cim:i) sita ialisis ON TUK I'O.VriNKNT Tli3 Prosldeut and Chief iimn'iusiiri'iii can he found daily iu tho parlor at tho CONWAY HOUS l.'E and PH PENN AVKXUR. They poms rernnim -niled by royalty and the Mm- phvsi elnns of Kurop.- 'i'lioy treat all Hiseasni, HuiitureB cured by n new process. A r)Nl 'i 1VK cure aunranleeil in all 8KXUAL DIS EASES aud WoakuosHos of EITHER SEX by our now treatment Patien s treated by corres)ou(iencvt ami iniMioiiies wirn mil di rections sent by express, lint when possi ble, a iiei-Monal eotisu'tntiou is tireferred. All consultations are hold in strict privacy. N. B. These Specialist can euro all recent ns W KI.IjasalllonK-stanilliiit chronic, iliP.ieult and ob.cnre easo-i that have boon nejrloete.:l or unskillfiilly treated (.'alls maibi by np- pointmnnt. and p itients treated at their heiuM when dusirucl. i lours, U to 4 and J to 8 'M THE CELEBRATED -iir-i mat, i''i r&,ir,'-i lilllEil PIANOS ire at Prcmrnt Hi Mit Popular ii4 rreforred ty Lrailliiij Arit.iB Varercomc: OpposllsColun'bus Monument, j03 Waohinijton Av. Scrnton,Pi. " llHilMa, iILL You ft And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff Our novelty in Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. tennis. Custom Tailors aud Clothiers, WYOMING AYENUE. sazirccjosrjJEHios'iri'!! M 0 P 1 ML 383 Lackasanaa An 308 Lackawanna Ave, I rrt Will offer some Extra SPECIALS for 1 wu Dl 5 ,tm rr m & i T'7 0 tmuiia ami m y 31 dozen Lit'lios' Croam anil Black Si'.k Mitt, worth 30o. K S TO 0L03S, 25c. I! tut 1 vt un ft g 25 dozen I.a 'lies' Fancy Hos?, rnlar mailt, worth 25tt. 5 I 2 PAIS FOR 25c. I gj 9 dozen Ladies' Lawn Wrappers, full sleeves aad irinimed, worth I -1 23 FOR 79c. ID dozen Jleu's Dalbrij-jaa Shirt', worth 3:e. s an wrt TO CLOSE 23c. in , n. ii-i rj flM W m-M V-M I CI S QD7rT A T 53 ,loz011 "IRE'S LACE CAPS, n r S jsj Ol JJUlflL worth from 3'Jc. to I-', for . . . -ZjCiK Scientific Eye a Til It'3 a Great Shock C - . ) i , 4 ' . 1 tn fho fol-s who ar elahnin1? they underset 111 etllers t.l find thr.t 17, til ut 1 110 lotst tuss Dr Mu"ter wo are eivinc. cnsom rs thu boa tilt ot such oppo'.-r.i-iit'.os as t -.oie. A Mrleilv Iliirli lriid Usht-wcls'ir tt beel, 18!) J jie.tlern, 1". r Si 10 r ns It. KlSllI piiltein, J n 1 Wheel, for S7.V 1K!11 iiallei n, A.IOO Vi heel, lr IS8." rnl- These prices ni ko tho business at our store' FLOREY & HOLT Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. It 3 GonectU AND JUST THE THING FOR THIS HOT WEATHI IB. Conrad THE IIATTEU, Soils The m. Days only to introduce NEW brand of our FLOUR $4.00 PER BARREL $1.09 PER SACK C. DITCHBURN 47 LAtKAWAMiiA AVE. ::;J.if'ft';yj4 . ..it-:-.-. i v;,';.",-;-i''.vvvvAr;.."---v'' SASH. Special lese For Ten leeel Tliesn to keep you cool. summer goods is a The proper thing for 3 Testing' Free By DR. DR. BHIMBERG-, The Specialist on the E;e. liendachcs and Ner vousness relieve 1. La: f t nnd lmnroved Stylo of Eyecl.issea aud fcipejiacioi at tun Lowe.-t Pricaj. Le.-t Artificial Lyes insert." I for $3. :$!). Sl'ltrCK ST., 0;p. Old Post Office. H. A. HULBERT'3 City Musio Store, Vi IOilLNli AVB. 6CuM.MX0fc HTFINTVAY ft FOy di;ck.i-:h liHwirKSWl lllIANICH & BACi. Jilt bu-je stock at first-elue UDSICAI, I1EKCII AND13JH WLblC, tXO.. UTU Anoticr Advocate of OnS. HKNWOOU ii WABPKIU OKNTLE.MI.N-It aflnrde ma (real tl(.siire to stato that your tw piwm rfztrociiiiff tni-th wae u grand enooeM la my ease, and I heartily reoommcDd it te all. I sincerely hope that others will teat tta merits. Tonra respectfully, CAFT. S. K. 1IUYANI, boranton, P Henwood k Wardell, DENTISTS, 816 Lackawanna Ave. Will on and after Mav II make s preit redua tloa in the pnos of plates. All work goaa anteod flrst-cbuui ia every narticular. A. W. JUKISCH 435 SPRUCE STREET BICYCLWS AND Sl'ORTIXG GOODS. Vlotor, Gendron, Kelipsc, LovelL aud Othor Vt'bwla. Diamone ROOF tlnnlnff and soldering nil done away with hy the useof HAUTMAN'8 PAT ENT PAINT, which cousista ol ingrcdl ntl well-known to :.1L lt cuu be applied to tin, Falvaniaed tin, h ot iron voofs, also to brick dwellinits, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling cracking , or breaking of the brick. It will outlast tinuliiir ot any kind by - many yenrs,Hiiu n b cus& aues no& oxceeil one- 1 fifth th itot i ho cost of tlnnliiK. Is sold by tho jol or pound. Contracts t.iknn by ANXOMU UAIU'JUANM, 6J3 Birob 1 ORGANS y' W A r V