THE SCI? ANTON TT?IBT7NE-SATUDR A Y MORNING. JULY 21, 1S94. BASE 3 ALL Wo Win Again, This Time by Again Defeat hi Hazlclou. ALLENTOWN BESTSPHELADELPHIA Pott3villa Victorious Over Lancaster, Whlla Harrisburs Takes Reading; Into Camp Standing of tho Clubs. National and Eastern Lsap;ue Sum nmrics Glints from the Diamond. Cicyclo Nosvs and Sporting Notes. CKAXTON and A'- nixn'. ll'lltOWIl WiT.) IHlCIl winiitM in yester day' State L-.'inii'' Contest, lllul there fore tho tie Tor first jil.'t'rt remains un broken, l'ottsvillt' in tlie mean t i in h nlao imttini; lots of Binder into its wor!;, llllil tile U:SS of II gnmo by eitlior of the leaders will nar row the small now existing be tween first uiid second place. The other wiuners ye-ster liy were l'ottrvillp, who i.s now iu second pi o-?. mill linrriliury;, whleli, witli Lancaster mill H.izl-i iii, bnvo honors evenly ill video1 for tliini place, followed by iyir and l'liiUdulpbiu iu t'.ie order as tllllllill The following table jzivus th" per- Ci-ll tali's of tilt tiu'J.M, tOKOtlllT witti the number of crimen won ami lost by each club, mhI their stundini; iu ttio lsasruo race: Won. Lost. Tor ft. l WW' it Sfvaiitun S .'! t Ailentown H 3 )'"' 1'otlsville 11 4 .0 La:ira.--ler ft 0 . !".) Leilleton 5 IS -!"" ilarni-bur;; 5 ti .-lo", IU:i.Iini- t C, .41 0 l'hilaib'lphin.... 1 10 .bUl soukpcle I'Vm: today. Tliu'.eton at Sernnton. Alleutiiwii nt I'liilnilelphia. Lancaster at Hurrisburi;. i:o:iiliiijj at 1'otlsville. FIFTH GAME F0M HAZLETCN. I: Touk Ten Inr.incn to AccomplLh the Teat, Howivir. The intense heat of yesterday afiur noon had a L:ot depn-i.-iiii' - it" ct on tlie Scranton ball tos'iers, and altliongti they won tho sauii from II,iz!e;ou tl:ey iihnost broke the beans of tile crunks before they uciiumplisbtd tue feit. They had ths ganu well in hand un til ti i H H-ventll ilillillt', when StailZ drcppeil a fl v ball and Wtz d mads a wild throw that net:, d llnzletou tl.reo runs with the assistance of a bns on lulls and a single. An error of West lake's and n two t;as bit by C'l.'.rk en iibled II iz'.eton to ti) th scire la tao ninth, bat in the tenth the home t"aui, t hunks to the steady, persevering work of I'liinashan, pulled itjolf together nnd won the i'utiiH. It wus iu reality u Flunajihan victory. LCKKNS INJCRED. Pitcher Lukeus was in the bos for Hazl'fton u'Hi 1 the fonrt'ii inning when l o was bit on the foot by a ball from Patchen's bat an 1 bad to rtir-1, Feo taking hi-i place. While Luk.-iis was In tl.e bos tsL-r inton rdayers s-eured n Lome run, twodoubb-s and five singles nnd scored ei;;ht runs. Yerki'S was in the bos for Scrnnton nnd was touehjd up almost as froely as Liikens. Luck sei'in&d lo be ug iinst him aud furthermore his support was not of the best. In the fourtli ho (fave n base on bulls and was found for a double and n triple. As Fee was pitch ing a fine article of ball Manaer Swift wisely retired Yerkos and told Flana pilau to tnk.i his pi ic in the lifili in itial;, lid retired the eide on strike outs. At the besinninjj of the seventh the fcori stood 11 to 0 i:i favor of Koran ton. The tiuuio team faiMd to add to its score that time, hur, Htzleton was more fortanate. Graham, the , first Imlman, was retired from Plielau to Jlnssey and Catcher Moore then drove a fly out into 1 -ft fidd which tiraltz dropped. Feo struck out, Moran made a siiiyle. Ely was given a base on bails nnd Clark drove a ball out to .Shorty Wetz-d which the latter threw wild to f cond, allowing flloore, Jloran and Ely to score. A howl of anguish at once wont up from blcoclinrs and grand stand aud Welz.'1's head was bowed in sorrow. HOW THE GAME WAS WON. in the eighth neither club scord, but in the ninth we did better. Tho spectators began to yoll and hoot. Fee accomplished his usual feat nnder such rondilioas of becoming rattled anl Holers and Westlake made donbles uiid Welz.d and I'alclien singles, allow ing two rnns to be added to Hcrnnton's total, which enabled it to lend' liazle ton ty one run. Ilnzleton tied the score In the ninth by means of Westlake's error and Clark's two bagger, and the tenth opeued With the spectHtions all excitement. Fee was taken ont of the garno nuil Pitcher Jordan took his place, much to the regret of the roosters. Jordan Hturted out. by striking out Phelan. btnl'z reached first on Ely's error, ltog au flied out to Ely and Westlake made n single. Flnuauban, ut this critical juncture, made a two base bit that en abled Staltz to scoro, while WestlaHo rsached third. The latter scored on a wild pitch. TI1K DKCISIVE HALF. Conroy started the ball rolling In Uiiz'.oton's half of the tenth by flying out to Staltz. Graham made a single nnd advanced a Inm when Moore went out from Wetzel to Mntsey. Jordan sent a hot lino ball into the field, which would have been good for at lesst one base, had not Flanaghan neatly (topped and sent it to Massey, who retired Jordan at first The game was woo after a battle that had lasted for two hours nnd forhy-fivo minutes. It is the fifth consecutive game that and Ordinary Djspepsia, Sir John Andrews, the English professor, believes that in the vast majority of cases constipation may be successfully overcome by taking a teaspoonful of tho gen limb imported Carlsbad Sprudel Halt dissolved in a tumblerful of water (half a pint), cold or hot, early in tho morning, and if nec essary, on going lo bed. liest taken when out-door excrciso can bo had. Scrnnton has won from Hazltton of th aeries between tbeao club's. Tlia score: SCKANTON. n. ii. r.o. A. K. Wetzel, 8. R 1 4 2 4 4 Ilocmi, c. f 0 1 3 I 1 l'nicbuii, c 3 4 ft 1 ' Mn'V, lb 1 I 18 1 I'l'.eUin, 2b 110 3 0 HtnlU, 1. 1 8 1 3 0 3 liters, r. f 8 8 3 0 II We, (lake, 8b 4 3 3 1 2 Yeike. p 0 0 1 1 0 l'laminbtiu, p 0 1 0 4 t Totals. 15 19 80 10 9 HAZLETON. II. it. r.o. A. E. 4 3 4 0 0 8 1 2 0 2 3 8 15 0 1 0 11 0 II 0 2 1 11 , 1 2 2 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 3 0 5 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 15 33 Hi 0 12 1 0 0 2 215 1 0 0 3 0 1 0-18 -Mornn, c. f 11. Kir. 1. f Clark. 11) Jordan, i f I) Kitheruiol, 8. . Convoy, "li..., (it'Hliam, lib... Moore, c Liikens, i I'l l1, Faii-hurst, r. f Totals.. Sernnton. lliu:l.'Un. .8 0 1 utiied i-un SiTunton, ''; linzleton, 8 Two bao bit I'ati'neli, llngera, Voi iiki, ": F'atuiijlKin Joi-ilii"., Conivy, ! co, itotli-r-inn', I'lutk. Three base liitn Wit a I, Clark. Homo runs Massey. Stolen bis, . IVdion. 2: 1'llelan, Slnit;',, lulii', Kotlicrinel, (.'mirny. Doutdo plays M.i-soy, nmi'sisted; Coiiroy to Moi io to t link. Struck out tfcrauton, 2; llalo ton, 4. Fir.-t biiHO on balls Kcruntou, 3; lln.K'toii, ft. Hit by inichur 1'iitclii'ii. Wiiil luteins Jordan. Time 2.25. Um liire Corcoruu. OTHERSTAiE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Pottsvillo- rotlsville 4 3 Ki'iiding 0 1 inn- Pottsviii", ror-i Pottsvillo, 2: 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 0 17; 11 lading. 0 0- S 0 1- 3 10. Kr- Heading, 1. atteriea Wilnon and Polls; Jones and Uoodhart. At Philadelphia Ailentown. . . .4 2 3 3 Philadelphia. .0 0 0 0 liit Ailentown, lit; J'.rrors Allen town, 11; 0 0 3 1 X-15 3, 0 1 2 1-13 I'hibidelphia, Hi. PhiluiloloMa, 0. and Jlilligau; Katt-rii's Donou'iue lirowiiaud Uth. Cmpiro ilitcholl. At llarrisburg llarrifburg.l 3 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 c-ir. 2 0 4 0 0 0 !) Ifi; Lancaster, 11. Lineaster. 7. Pit- l.aiH-ist.T. .0 1 0 2 Pits- Pair:! lairir, Krrrs I liirrl-lnirg, 7. teriea iL-li'ii'V and V tit ; l'leiuiiig, Jlajer uud Cote. Umpire llinu. NATIONAL LEAGUE RESULTS. At Costou rt .ton o s New York 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 x-12 0 0 5 0 1 0 0-1 Xew York, 7. Errors Yolk, 8. Butteries Pasie and Farrell. U m- Hits Buxton, 14: Jloston, 0; New fci'iiv tts nail liyuu; pire M urmv. it Ciin'iunuti Cincinnati .0 2 0 100200 2-7 0 12 10 0 1-0 Pitt-liurg...!! 0 1 libs ( iniii iniiiiti, 11; Pittsburg, 8. Kill r. Cmctiiuati. 3; Pittsburg. 3. trries Cha-' herlam and Murphy; Ehret nnd Mac!:. Umpire Uuffuey. At He oklyn P.roi ki.-ii o 0 1 2 0 0 2 3 x- S l'h;h.ile:i.hin..O 0 0O2OOOO-2 lli.s livooklyn, 10; Philadelphia. 7. Er rors I'.r- ' lilvf, i!; I'hilal.'lpaia, 8. Bat- terii s-Ke 'oi'iiy and ivirlo; Taylor will pin-li ley. Unii'ire Eturiie. At Louisville L .ni-vi'.le 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 x- 7 Cleveland 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0-1 Hi's L nisville, 7; Cleveland, 9 Kr rois Louisville, O; Cleveland, 3. Uatter ies Jleiiafei' and V.euver: Mulluue aud O'C'innor. Umpire Twitchell. At Washington P.altitr.ore 2 1 0 5 0 3 0 0 1-13 Washington...!) 01403 0 0 0 S Hits Hal ti more, 10; Wn-hlngtnn, in. Errors-Ilaltiiiioro. 0; Washington, 3. Bat teries Drown and II diiiison; Petty nnd JIcGuire. Umpire Hoagland. EASTERN LEAGUE. At Troy Buffalo, II; Troy, 5. At Spriiigtield Wilkes-Bari'0,12; Spring field, 3. ST. JOHN HAS ANOTHER SAY. In a Card to the Public Hi Shlia Away from the Truth. President W. A. St. John, of the Base Ball association, in acardinthe Truth last night hud a pood deal to say about passes, and incidentally de clared that he was afraid the article in Till! TlilHUNE might lead people to be lieve that "he was, attempting to make war upon the newapapurs of tho city," something we are free to acknowledge, Mr. St. John is not capable of doing to any alarming extent. Mr, St. John then wont on to say: "Owing to abuses to which soiuo of the passes ifsued by th Base Ball associa tion were being stujctad, the iissocia tion at its last Tuesday evening met ing directed me, as Its exicutivo ofiicer to take up all such passes, no matter to whom issued, if presented by any per son who could not give a sufficient ra roii for having possession thereof, and it was in pursuance of thia duty that the c.iusi for Tim Tkihune's ariiclo was found. association objects to no person connect ed regularly with any tiBwsiiin r office in tho city, from carrier or offlc bov to reporter and editor.using t he pns of any other person connected wilh snch establishment, but we do foel that we aro imposed up in when snch pusses ra regularly given out to bnrtenderp, hotel keepers, lawyers, insti about town, and others to use, who have nut tho least warrant tnerefore. And it is only such abusod nse of the ball park pftFHfH that we desire to correct." In declaring that The Titmu.N'E's ar ticle was caused by thu taking tip of "passes" Mr. St John said something that bo mnstof known was an untruth. He said Thursday night to one of the reporters of this paper that no TltmtTNE ticket had been taken up, for they were nil found in proper hnnds. Furthermore the ar ticle had reference only to the interview with Mr. St. John printed in this paper yesterday in which he de clared that it was the intention of the Base Ball association to itako no all newspaper tickets and pay for inch ad vertising of games as it might see fit to insert. It is a matter of regret to the newspapers that the other directors of the association declare that such a change is not contemplated. Without going into the merits of the question of The TninuNE's right to use its tickets as it sees tit it tuny be re marked that Mr St. John said what was not true when ho inferred that tho tickets of Tun Thiiiu.nk had been found in the hands of bartenders and hotel men. The: Triiiune's position in this matter is plain. It feels that it has given tbo Base Ball assnclaton value several times over for whatever courtesies it Iihb received and it therefore objects to Mr. St. John or auy oue else placing it in tna position ot a mendicant look ing for crumbi at the Base Ball as sociatioti s board. Mr. St. John bus taken pains many times this season to have the writer and other newspa per workers of this city infer that the association was treating them most "charitably ' in allowiug them what ho is pleased to term "passes. lie has stated na much in public plaoes. Tna TitmuNR believes tuut it is time such asinine remarks should be frowned down. We know that the innjority of the members of tin) bia ball i KHOiriaiiou do not endorii tbHU nl tlierelore in tho inturest of jatieo to tlis uowso-ipors renuw our rcquoat that Mr. St. John to suppressed ut ouco. StVERAL PASSED BALLS. Scranton won its seventh coasocntive gunio j t'Sterilny. HoiUoii Rnys ho would rathi-r piny with B.iston than auy ilub iu the National lfiiKup. with fie llo3iblo exceptlou of Clevi'laiid. At the nicnio of tho Hook and Ladder coiiipnny on tbo 2.'!r'l inst. tho William Coiiiii ll coiiiDiinv will cross bats with a team from tbo liookn. Au excitlug contest is to bo oxpretiil, Jn the fourth liming yesterday Pitcher I.nkiMis, of Uunlotoii, was struclc on thu riuht in-top by a bull butted by Paicu"ii. lie linil to lio n.hiBteil f loin the field. No bones worn broken, but Lukeu will nroli-HiilJ- lie disabled for a low duys. He bad one nf his arms injured early this Benson and wan hud up with pnoninnnU tbo uater pan of last v.' Ho b is about concluiioit tbut bo is iilllicted with bard liu k, WHIRLS OF THE WHEEL. Johnson is a very consistent performer en I ho bicycle, and never shirks his work Willi the excuse that lie is i-iel. W. ii. Seiniel, the Huff .do cyclist, is called (he .S onsoa of bicycle rideis, owing to the (act that bo has broken every wheel on which be has ridden. "Chubb" Nelson, the young Springfield cyclist, who broke bis collar bone at the Hartford r.nwt last week, will liotbeuble lo ride uiraiii until September. "(Jus" Huso, tho Buffalo cyclist, give promise of making n lirst-clas lacing num. He rereatly rodo a i pi ar tor -m lie, unpiicod, in 29 2 j seconds, uiulor decidedly tin la vol aide circuiubtauces. Through tbo Caiindian credential isuod to cyclers 11. Eraser, W. S. lsisnaid mid liichard Field, a permit has been granted by the League of American Wheelmen to tho racers to ride iu America. Expert cyclists coudonm ceutury road riding as injurious to health, and the giiinn as foolish iu tho extreme for a lirnu who buys a bicycle for enjoyment, The fact that a cyclist has survived, as it is called, a century run is not to his credit, for any hardy wheelman cau do it. The bicycle fixtures following tho As bm y l'nrk meeting are us follows: Julv IS, Baltimore, JId.; "20 mid 81, Cleveland Wheel Club companv, Cleveland: 28, New ark, I) ; 25 and 2ii, Toledo, ().; 27 and 2S; Indianapolis, lud.; 2S, Flushing, N. Y.; 2S, Jletropolitaa Association of Cycling clubs Waverlv, N. J., and July 80, Lafuyettc, lad. Julinn P. Bliss, known ninoug cyclists as "PiiiKey" Biiss, of CUicagi succeeded iu lowering the records for ODe mile, both standing and Hying ttart, at Wulthain, Saturday lu'teruson. Ho also broke the records for two-thirds aud three quarters of a mile. The two latter records were smashed iu the bitter part of thi flyiug start mile. Nat Butler, of Cambridge, was alsn succe-sful in his onslaught on the one r.iiln record for Class A, riding the mile in 2 01 2-ft. F. M. Hacgerty and C. U. Will iams, of Walthain, i.stiib;ihi'd u taudem record for Class A, riding tho mile in l.i'J 3-D. GHNCRALSP0RTIN5 NOTES. The American Turf congress nt Wed lienlav's session at tho Auditorium nd mitted th" llawthonse, the New Ilarlnni nnd tlie Oikley tracks to membership. The Crescent City track was also admitted and other applications were considered. The inquest in t';e ca;o of Edward Meyer, tbo nice track tout, who was shot In tiout of his lodgin iu New ork on tho nii'ht. if Julv 6. was bed edueuay. (ieoigo boiicherty was arrested theday of utter tbo shooting on susincion of having iiuirileivd iMeyer. The jury returned a verdict that Meyer camo to his death by being shot by au mikuowu person. At Newmarket, Eug., Wednesday the Zetland plate of 5u0 sovereigns added to the sweeptuues of 10 sovereigns each for ;i-vear-olds. was wou ov liuron no ltotns- cliild's Stvx: Kir It. W. Urilllth's Hwet Duchess, second, and Air. netiry Jiiimer s Mecca, third. The only handicap of 10 sovereigns each, with 500 sovereigns added for 3-year-olds and upwards, was won by Jlr. Alan ton's ISoggar's upera (.;); Air. ii. II. Combe's Evernioro (4), second aud Prmco SaltykoiPs Woolsthropo (li), third. EyBrepila and Indigestion In their worst, forms are cured by the uso of P. P. P. If you are debilitated nud run down, or if you need a touio to regain flesh aud lost appetite, streugth and vigor, take P. P. P., nud you will be strong uud healthy. For shattered constitutions and lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Hoot and Potassium) is the king of all medicine'). P. P. P. is the greatest blood purifier iu the world. For sale by nil O nicelM.". He a istate. CCRANTON HEAL ESTATE AND IN- r VESTMENT AGENCY. offers banraiiis an follows: CITY IH SlM'.SSi I'ltUrfcltTY. 40 ft. front bv fill ft. i Icon, on Snruoe street, rents for f ,m 55)0.000 40 ft. f n n i livSI feet Hoop, on sprucj ntreet. corner ill ev in.ftOO These tiigetiier itive so ft. front on Spruce street between renii and r no aim, witli alley on sido. Spruce street property is iidvaiiehig r"l",,ly.-.M-., r.,.,,,.,. e,, I 11 i ii r.ri i ' i . ii i. i j i in o t , iv i i , rnlJNI'It Mo.N'K'il'. AND VINE streets. lot "itixCi. two dwelllacs, th.ivi, giving a nice sldeiice nnd nn me m tor suinll In vestment; ALSO A I'M)!' Dl' a 1.V18, jrivinu l-'l It front on X oiroo iiveiiin), imiir V me street. Thine mako a lirst oi.-.hi residence plot in n ile-irablii locality. If l.ol sold in one plot will sell ubovo separately. lf l MHI'.. T.nt ftnxlWl. South Main uvenun, adioiiiinLr residence ot Minim iv mou, pri e, also lots on Buck street and West End place. (July lour loft. row vi hy rid o'l'.it l v. A BEAUTIFUL HOME AT DA ETON. PA. modern bouse, uprini! water piped b,t i it from hill buck, barn lor lio ee noi so-inud two cows, l.eiinerv witli rcnientl I lloor, young fruit, line lawn, grand outlook; one and a half to three neiv. as desired, !-.,Oil. Also hits of a bout a nun hzo on Western Slope, Dalton. ( nil or aiiurei nan j " " -""i r, mnnnger, No. 121 Lack. avo.-rour board tia io. legal. TESTATE or Martha Taylor. lit of the 1 J Bor ugh of Olvnhiint, Pa,. deceiiniU. Li.'ilers nilndiilstr'itlou upon the ab)vo Tunned estate Imv'.il t been gvanted to tin) iindeiHigiied all persons having cla msor de' uinnds against said ostuto vt ii present them lor i-ayineiit and fioso inib bt"d thorct will plenRo urn K 1 linmeiiiate liavmeut to W1LLAUD, WAKKEN is KNAl'P, Attorueys for Estate. JOHN TAYLOlt. Anmr.. Olynlmnt, Pa, Furnished Rooms to Let 7,-Ult KENT-TWO NH'H FUKNISHKL) V rooiiis.with or without board 2JU ( rank1 liu avenue. Situations Wanted. s '1TUATION WANTFD-BYAOOnl)(IIllI. can do general nousework: will lmvii nil erences it rcijiiiied. Address No. 21, Tribune olliee. H TIDI LE AOED MAN. FOftMEKLY CAR IV L penlor and builder of New York, deaden u position as foreman; can draw plans and gpeeino hour. Aiiurcns ji. u., cor. Liauu avu' line ami 1'ai Kor si rout. WANTED-HY A LADY WITU FOUR years' experience In post office, position In post olllce ur other ofllou, Address "11. F. Triliuuo olllce WANTED-POSITION A CLERK IN clothiers store or grocer or collecting: Be- count an place of trust, run be well reooin' nienueo lor any posit lou. Address JOHN M TAYLOlt, Avoca, I'n. SITUATION WANTKD BY A YOUNG )7 married man us toainster. or any desira ble employment. Cull or addres. -t. B.,'' ISI1 Cednr aveniio. C1TUATION WASTED DY A STONQ 0 man !iri years old. Under.Undg care of lioraeB anil la a uooa Rurduor. Address Fred, 0u7 Cherry street, borauton, Fa, HE PPI3T 3 Ca 2 A Word. Fonts of aU kinds cost that murft, n upt Situations W anted.which art insert Agents Wanted. 1 1 FA'F.UAL AOHNTS WANTED-BBW-' iiiK new aitieles to dealers: exclusive territory, no cini,i'titioii, noeiipitid reipiind; ::iillii;,IO n.t cent, pmllt. I'oluinliiu Clieinl fill Co . till llMarliia'ti ' . ('aieiL'u. 111. Help Wanted Male. U "ANTED-A HOY WITH ONE Olt TWO years'. exiM'i'iiea'O ill tlw di-uir business Apply at .Mcliarra'a ii 'I lamias' liruir ssiure. UT ANTED-If'yoLT A KB A CATHOLIC, uiieni.liveil iml will work for ?ls p r week, write lilaeCoiinell Bros., 11 Franklin street, Boston. Jiian. Helo Wanted Females. UANiEU-A ilunl) STCU1' WOMAN lor laundress; also n (rnol eouk uii'l lnmiccn'ls. Ajmlvt) M'lll'LLKK M AN, nniiiMu iVniisylviiaia Oral Hchool, cor iii rnf , ,n anil Kloclr e avemim. For Sale. )ETAlLUH(irKIIY liirslNESa l'OH SALE t riving ii pri ill t.'i bio Inisl .ess. lii'Ht reason mien. A hlri hs end on .1 I). ACKKIt M A N. Special Notices. ivn E 01.' THE .SCKANTON HTEKL l'hrt annual meetiliir of the Comiianv. st'iel:liuui,-i-.s ,,r til i nbove eninpany fur the election of president and directors will In held at. tho olllm of tlie coiiiiianv in tho cilv of Scruatou on Tlui'sduy, thoseeoud day of Au (Ills! next, at 4 o'c.O' k p. la. No trunsfer of stuck will Iw made fur twelve days next pro coilunj tho date of tho aliove uieutiiii;. K. i'. lviMlisilLKY, Secretary. fe aaton, Pa.. July 17, lstH. VEW SYSTEM OF SUCCESSFUL Sl'ECC i i lation in the Ktneic ai,d (it-alii murkfll. Dividend puyuble weekly. Last week's divi dend 7 per cent. Writ i for liai-ticuliirs' C. O. MATH li, Mi dinah Buililin;, ChieiiL'o. sJinTO L1VEP.1MUL, I.ONHON, OLAS 'J I 1 now. l)Nieiiti,u-n T.iinilimilerrr null ll. llast, cu White S;nr Liue. J. A. BAK- .ON, i'KjuI, Priceburg. YOU VAN T THIS KEL1C HKI'KINT I Frank Leslie' llluc.tratoil Weelilv War Ill'isti'iitions 1 sill. Two Volumes Folio, tili .a i; liayiili'.t- monthly, f -.)U. Delveredhy oxpress i oiriolete, prepaid. AndresH P. O. AlOUIJY, Ut (jiojini street, Sercnteii. Pa. lLANk HOOKS, PASll'HLETS." MAOA I zimn, etc., biaunl or rebound at 'lug Till HUNK ullico. (uiek work. Kcusoiiable )' rices. MEAL cor TICKETS CAN BS HAD AT 111. corner Spruce street and Franklin avo- mie. iweuty uieul tn Kets lor t-J-uo. uooa table board Money to Loan. OKI.oOJ, S1.503, $1.0X1 AND JadO ON F1KST V mortgage; city real estate. THO.S. F. WELLS, Attorney. Common wealth Building, Public Sale. WIIL OFFUK AT 1TB IO SALE ON Wudneiday, euly 2ft, 1S.U, at HI o'clock a. . on the ni'eiuiS"S. the leasehold estate and term of years ere ted by Indenture Irom . O. Sehooumak r to Arthur I rothiugham and Laura Frotliingliain, dated June 1st, lSiS, re- led in Morigago Book No. 81, pane .7-i, etc.. ;n by retereneo thereio h id will fully appear, in lot No. 8 in Square or Block No. in. on Wyoming avenue, on wincll tin) Froth ini:h nu Area le "stood. Too lot in 40 feet wide and b;7 feet deep to nn alley. lei ins will bo made known oti day ot snle. CHAS. H. WELLES. July 11, ISM. Lost. T OST-AN FLK8' WATCH CHAKM; 1j tinder will b rewarded by leaving shiuo nt No 4 Lncka. nve.: upstnlrs. Proposals. pilOPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT 1 thu odlco of th New York and Scranton Coal company. I'ockville, I'enna., until July 2ft, Is. d. fur s ilking an air shaft ut tho Ontario colliery. a:z 10x10, in tho clear, nnd about 170 frut deep from the suilnco to tho Dmmiore vein. Company reserves right to reject nny or all bids. II. CHAPMAN, Inside Foremnn. Charter Application. VOTICE IS HEREBY C1IVEN THAT AN 1 application will be made to thoU ivernor of Pennsylvania on Monday, tlie second day of duly, is'.it. by Watts C. Van Blnrcoin. W. Howard Withers. Edmund A. B.irt . D ivid Siiruks and Louis J. Siehecker, under the Act f A'semblv. entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corp rntioi.s, " approved April Vtl, 1S7I, and till) MipnloinoutK taereto, lor tno emirter or iiitoudou cortiorntlon to no cubed tno Crescent Coal Mining Coinnnny. the rlinrac- ter nnd object of which is tho mining, prepar ing for market nnd selling uiithincito coal, and f er these purpns s to have, possess nud eniov all the rights, benetits and privileges nt said Act of Assembly and supplements thereto. fATTEKSON ic WILCOX. bolieitorn. Educational. MANSFIELD STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. All effective traini4I Belli ol for teach ers. Special attention given to Post Urn 'Inula worK nnu preparing students ror ontertng college. Expeimes very la idorate. Urud uates Irom higlnr courses enter ml vnneed classes in college. Oraduates from tho Ele mentary courso lire ouuipiwd for tho practi cal work of teaching all branches in the common schools, including urawiugiind phvs ical culture. Prmpeetiye teachers recelvo material nut Irom tho state, reducing ex penses for hoard, tuition, light, steam heat nnd washing (12 weeks), iu t'io Junior year, to 'lrx. and iu the Senior year to jllS. Four largo buildings, nit heated by steam: fine uthleile L'rouuiL; healthful locution; am pie neeotnmodatioiis: thorough discipline. Fall term op -lis August 211, 1SIII, l or catalogue iied information ndilress SAMUEL II. AL11KD. A.M., Ph.D., Principal, Maaslleld, Pa. ankrup" The balance of stock on hand ficed without mercy to convert it spot cash. Short lengths of Silks, Dress Goods and White Goods at any price to dispose of them. Now Is the Accepted Time. GROSS, FOSTER & CO. 316 AND 318 LACKAWANNA AVEHUE. Ladies' Black . Hosiery QUANTITY ioo dozen. QUALITY The best value that has ever come from a for eign shore. COLOR Dyed by "Hermsdorf." That's enough. PRICE 25c, A PAIR. Our own stamp. Our own import. Taffeta Moires I2y2c. per yard. Others advertise them as a bargain at 15 cents. COiiLLY & WALLACE Hotel Waverly European Plan. First-class Bar sttnehod Depot lor Bertfaer A Kugel't Tonuhaunr Beer. H. I Cor, 15th and Filbert Stj., Philadi Most dYsirab!. for rea'.flenta of N.E. Pern", tylvsnl. All oonventeueos lor traveler.' to and from Broad Street st.tiou uud the Twelfth and 11 ark. t Street station. Lath-able for Ttaitluff Sarantouluus mad lie In the Anthracite Keg loo. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. jP lacsa Excitement Don't Delay. You Can't Afford to Wail. Xo let up. Biy; crowds at this genuine Fire Sale. Salesroom crowded all the time with eager buyers. The jam of Bargain Seekers was immense last week. This week we've increased our force of salespeople. There will bo uo crowding now. The Chance of a Lifetime to Get Fine Clothing for Next to Nothing. The goods were damaged by waler only from the recent explosion and fire iu the store of our neigh bors, Messrs. Davies & Grifiiu. There is no smell of smoke or fire about them. sale now coarse OM And Coods Sold at Three Dollars worth of Clothing for $1 in money. That's what Every purchase a bargain and an actual saving of 67c. on the dollar. BOYS' PANTS. 13c. THE BELL SIGN OF THE BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. tjTNEXT HOOK TO THE BURNED DAVIES & GRIFFIN BUILDING. FOSTEE & CO. OF THE GREAT 209 WARNING. He 7iar lately had Feutlur htds and Hllows fcroujut to v,s ly slrawjers who wished to dispose of the same and from whose actions we believed the feathers didn't belona to them. We will have no dealimjs wilh such parties. We wish to caution people against giving into the hands of strang ers who claim to represent us, any Feathers, Carpets, etc , which they wish renovulcd. Any vf our agents can easily identify themselvei, or if any one who wishes work done in our fine, will drop us a card or call at our fnctory, we will promptly attend to their wants and will en deavor to merit the confidence of everybody. THE SCILWATOX LEUDISO CO., C02 and box Lacka, Ave., Cor. Adams. WHY NOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAE Solid Oak Bedroom SctT We sell Furniture as cheap a3 any house iu the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. Hull 205 AND 207 ""3 "iL. W PI 230 Lackawanna Avenue. Extraordinary 33 Cents on the Dollar Less MEK'S PANTS, 50c. will be sacri at once into CLOTHING Sal WASHINGTON AVE 0pp. Court H01139. & Co. WtlM AVE. It Costs Nothing to Look. Polite Attention to Everybody. Than Cost to Make. you get at OUR FIRE SALE. BOYS' SUITS. 65c. If a Tornado Should Strike Scranton It would cause little more surprise to our citizens than FREEMAN'S NEW SPOT CASH PRICE LIST HAS DONE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEW ELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC., never have been sold before at such prices; but; remember there is no CREDIT at Freeman's. Ladles Who Value A refined complexion mnstnse Pooonl's Fow-J. o'er. It produoos a soft and beautiful skin. HOUSE