THE SCRAN TON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 20, GENERAL HEWS OF INDUSTRIES Tb decision of Judge Fell of the su preme court, deoyiQg absolutely all tbe claims or the plaintiff in tbe celebrated salt of William L. Lance sgnlnst t ie Lebigh and Wllkrg-Burre CohI com pany ends a litigation of general inter est On October 21, 1871. William L. Lance leased to Tbos. Brodrlck, Tbos. D. CoDyngbam and T. Frank Walter, tbelr executors, administrators and assigns, all tbt coal npoo and under, upwards of etgbty-eigbt acres of land in tbe borough and township of Ply mouth, at a royalty of 23 cents per ton of 2.240 ponnds for all ooal passing over a screen of a flre-elgntb inch mess. Tbe lease was suhs.quently assigued to tbe Lebigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal company. Tbe returns made by tbe Lebigh and Wilkes-Bure Coal com pany not bing satisfactory to Lance, in June, 1890, be instituted proceed ings against tne coal oompany for cer tain amounts wbicb be claimed due vJilm. He claimed a royalty of $121, JlO 03 on tlm pea and buckwh-".' i-o-l mined from bis property; $100.030 00 for tbe Yiilue of llie culm or reluse which U was claimed tbe com oompiv had converted o its own me, iind'iJ'j'J.JOt) for the right of way ou ooal uiiii 'il from otlu?r lauds tlir-nigh his property. Tho total cUiui amount ed to f:s 1,010. Tlie claim hs to the payment of royalty on .the pen und mi'l' buckwheat coul was tim principal one on whioh LviCo b.ised his lionoa of recovery from too coal cotupauy, as bo elaiuled Unit the twna uod iu the lense, "cnlm or refine coal," embraced all the material passing tliroiuu n screen of a 5-iuoti uiesli, and from which coal the pea and buckwheat size were prepared. On the ottier band, toe company contended that such wut not the inteut of the lease. When tbe leans was executed, the sires pea and buck wheat were not of euSicient value to justify the payment of royalty tbereoo, but nevertheless these sizes were knowu sIzjb of coal, and tbe lessees were at liberty to separate out and prep.ire them, without the payment of royalty thereon, Liuco being eutitleJ only to such material us did actually go to tbe culm pil-, and which he at liberty to remove at pleaauru. The matter having been referred to a referee, who fouaJ iu favor of tin de fendant as to all tbe oluims.Lvice car ried the case to tue supreme court, which contirraiHl the referee's judg ment. Judge Foil iu his opiuiou 8 tvs : "At the time the lease was ruudlSTl, there was not a general market for what is known as pea and buckwheat, or for sizes that would cot pass over a five-eigbths inch mesU. They were not considered of sufficient value to justify the payineut of a royalty. They went to the culm or refuse or dirt pile. These piles were of no value and a source of annoyance and expense to them mine, but the belief existed then, as now, that in the future, means might be devised to utilize tbe large quali ties of sood coal which they contained. Negotiating on this basis of fast and belief, the lessee was relieved from tbe payment for unmarketable ooal, and tbe lessor given the title to thai which cost him nothing, and had only a prospective value. The word culm WB llilll IILIMSH UrtlllMb LI. I.IIM I H IU- . . . . l : . 1 . i i. n I -. n ... A .1 G I . r lo quality out unmametabie, ana i i i -a i . . t . tbe lease, meant refuse coal that is to ay, coal refused by the lessee, be cause it was unsalable, and which, of necessity, to make room for the opera tion of tbe weeks, was removed and thrown into a pile. The lease included all the coal on the land, and tbe pro vision as to the sizes on which no roy alty was to be paid, was a stipulation in favor of tbe lessee, not a reservation of anything of value by the lessor. We are of tbe opinion that all the questions wbicb arose in tbe case were properly decided by tbe learned referee and tbe judgment is affirmed." A petition is being circulated among ihe employes of the Reading Railroad company over the entire system for a restoration of the wages paid prior to March 1. After tbe petition has been signed by the employes of all tbe divi sions it will be forwarded to Superin tendent Paxton, of Reading, who will lay it before tbe general manager of the company. It is tbe belief of tbe employes of the company that their pe tition will be granted, and that, com meuoing wua oepc i, ail shops over tbe entire system will go on full time and tbe old rate of wages will be re stored. Says a Dnluth dispatch: The Biwa- bik Bessemer company. coniDoaed of Pennsylvania capitalists, hss leased the niloe of the Biwabik Ore oompany, and win operate it tut such time as tbe lat ter cau resume control. Tbe new lenine hss contracted with a heavy Arm, wnioo win mine a minimum ot l.uuu, UUU tons of ore a year for the next live years, and, should tbe market warrant, is to ao considerably mora than this. Ihe original lessees' minimum outpnt of 800,000 tuns is to be taken out this year. Almost 200 men and a large uiuciiiuery outiu are already at worn Work will be carried on day and uiht, unit ou men win oe employed. Tho Pnllman company according to thehitadelphW Stockholder, pays 3 pur Kvut. yer nunum, nut earn mure than tici as much as It pays. Its 430 Ann nnni ...... . surplus or mora thn ?'i5,000.000, an I of the more than fo0.000.000 of prop erty owned by the Pullman company, onlr 3,000,000 is invesUd in the Of PlillUiaii. Yet it is extifiBted in tinm that ilio 510 acres of l uvl owned by tne company, oat or me e.auu acres ooin p'viilng the town of Pnllman, will event ually be worth tbe capital stock of the company. It may be safely siid that do stockholder ol the Pullman Palaoa Car company has ever received a dol lar In dividends from tbe investment iu tbe town of Pnllman, all tbo divi dends of the company having been earned from tbe mileage of the Pull itiKn cars. The arrangvunnt of the Pullman company with tbe railrovl companies is not the tuuttsr of a day or a year: the Pullman eonlraoia cover two-thirds of the railroad mileage of the country, and most of thnse eon tracts have beta made for periods cov ering twenty-tire years. - . A Wilkes-Bnrre dispatch to. tb Philadelphia Press . says: "About seventy of the miners employed in the No. i slop of the Kingston Coal com pany at iiMwardsdale went out on strike Tneaday afternoon, owlnsr to an order Issued by the snral snperln' teuuens of Ihe company, Morgan Roiser. Notices were pisted early In the day ordering the men in tbe slope whloh Is a very gaseous part of the mine, to discontinue using tbe ordinary min lamp, and instead work with safe ties, Rosser giving as a reason for this order that it was necessary for tbe sarety of the men. Tbe miners at once held a consultation and decld d to obey tbe or lar providing the prac tice of docking was dispensed with. Thev argued with tbe small light of the safety lamp tbey would be unabl to see well in loading their cars, and could not send out clean coal, which would pas tbe boss with moderate or no dockage, without being Very careful and wasting rnuoh time and oonsennently money. They also said that ii" Rosser was not willing to dis continue the docking he might offset tbe eitra time used in cleaning the coal by Increasing tbe amount paid for a car. Tbo men at present get $100. Superintend-nt Rosser refused to advance tbe rate of pay or to stop tbe dockage, and insisted that safety lainDS be used at onoe whereupon tbe meu went out, The company has as yet made no effort to fill tueir places." see Plynion B. Greone, the Vermont Yankee who went west in tbe early tit ties to grow up with the country, invented the sleeping oar. Gresu was an impractical i)'ripatetia photo irrapher. Uore Al. Pultuiun, with whom ho bdcame acquainted in Chi' cago. was a siru-'glinir house movr, i'lin Chinaso ILirald says that Greene coiiti.led iu Pullman and showed him tin drawiiu'E of a model which was al most ci nniwte. lniiiarmtnblo raoorde show tiiiit Cirrous obtaiufd a patent for hu plau in 18"i7, two yeurs before 1 nil man's pateiu was obtamed, Greeue s tnitent was for a sloeniui: oar, embody- in Dvnprnl nutlino the nriuoiplee of the VuUmau sleeping oar of today. Greene was unable, through want of fuuda. to to push his Invention, and gave up In doepair. A patent promotor who had bfbn ou intimate tarms with Mr. Pull miin. made advances to Mr. Greene. Mr. Pullman, as Mr. Greeue soou learned, had disclosed the inventor's plau to the proinotor, and lu utter dis gust Greene sold a half lntrRt in his scheme to Woodruff for 500. The next thing that Greene learned waa that George M. Pullman obuined n patent for an adjustable ilewpiug cir u-rth almost liluiuioally on tne am lines of the model that Greene had tin guardedly shown biui, Greene sacri fn'jd Ilia half iuterft practically for a song. Meanwhile Pullman is worth millions. Minor Indu.stkul NoTiJs: The Lehigh and Uudsou has increased the pay ot its trainmen 10 per cent. Six hundred men went to work in the Illinois Steel company's Bay View, Wis., works. Following the example of American liuff, Cauadiun steamship lines have cut their steerage lines. striking carpet weavers of the Lowell (Mas.) Manutucturing company voted to return to work at reduced pay. The Beading railroad has announced the withdrawal of its Sunday park trains, ou account of the failure of the general public to patronize them. T. II. Aldricb, general manager of tbe Touneaee Coal and Iron Road company, has resigned to go to Cincinnati and eu- gago in commercial pursuit. Revised statistics show that since Jan. 1 twenty-three roads, covoring U,i(68 miles of main track, have gone into the bauds cf recnivors. Theae rouds were capital ized at $iiu, 10I.00U. Engine WJ, which tbe New York Cen tral had ou exhibition at the World's fair. was last week pat into steady service hauliug the Empire State express between Aloany and Syracuse. The La Eelle, Wheeling, Warwick and West Virgiuia China companies, the four largest potteries in this country, resumed iu full after a seven months' stop. Over 1,500 employes are i.ffected. George B. Roberts, president ot the Pennsylvania railroad corporations, has juat commenced his fourteenth year in that position. tie oeing eiecteu to tne preaidency on the death of Thomas A. Scott. It is tboneht probable that the anthra cite sales agents will agree to lower the July restriction from 3,5u0,0U0 tons to h,ogu,uoo tons, despite the opposition oi the western trade, which i just now anxious to market all tbe coal that it can get hold of. In March, 1872, the roads on what are known as the Pennsylvania system were capitalized st 1 10,Uio,oi,0. and the yearly earnings were then f,uw,wu: now tne roads iu tbe system are capitalized at 1815,000,000, and the net earnings are 140,000,000. The report that tbe Amalgamated Asso elation of Iron and Steel Workers was preparing for a big strike has bnn denied by Secretary Kilgullan. The officials re only trying to strengthen their order by regaining aome of the ground lost In tbe struggle of 1S9J. President Garland bat said tuat the iron workers could not afford to and would not break a compact witu the onion manufacturers, who have just signed tbe wage scale lor a year. Two Lives Gavsd. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had Con sumption and tbat there was no hope for ner, oat two Dottles Dr. mug s New Dis covery completely cured her and she savs it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Egitors, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, tried without result everything elite then 0011 (lit one bottle ot Dr. King's New Dis covery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results of which tneae ore examples, thnt prove iue wouueriui eiiicacyoi mm niemnina in (Joncns anu Colds, t ree trial1 nottles at Matthews Bros,, Drug store. Regular size we. and II. CunB fob Ciioup. Use Dr. Thomas' E lectric Oil. according to directions. It is the bust leiuedy for nil suddun attacks of colds, pain and iuQammmlou, and in juries. FINANCIAL AND COPIMERCIAL. Ftncka and Ttond ivj;.,y iniiif, .iuiv in. iiio announce' nir-iit of thutiigiigi-iiieut (if one million ad' ilitioral gold lor sliiiiueiit aftor th opon- ini- or business ruts mortnug bad a ten. (lency to weuknii the cenoral stork tnnr lt"t. T!ie rulhvtiy lUt wa unfavora' bly tiifertcd l.y tlm li;rlit traffic rnceipts for tu Unit half of July and the month of May. Rnmora of dnmatre to the Krowina uorn anil the further decline in wheat also operated ajjainst nn advance in stock price. Notwtthiitandinir the untavorable factors enumoratud, tho deollne in the proiuineat railway iHuen was only i to 1 por cont. una was pronounced 111 tli oimeii of St. Paul and Lnumviile and Nuihville. busi liess was light and ut otima trading in the railways almost at a standstill, American Sugar, howttver,1 was aenln antive and Hi: ured for 02. Duo shares in a grud toiai or tai.suo saartH, The stoulc d cliued 1 to 101 v, rose to 1011, di-cliuod to and closed at 10. The determined stand taken bv ('lialniiftii Wil-on was not to the likinff of the bulls on the property. Chicago lias lininoil nnd Distillers i on the day. At the closu the market was irreuulnr, the raiiwaya balng rather weak aud the In iinstriuls llrm. ExDliantrna show Iohhs of 5 to I pur cent, exept for the Indnntriiils anu vetoru Lniou which gamed M to 1)f 1 us roiinwmc oorapiete table snowing the da 1 ..... nmuuioi m aciiTQ aiooics w sniipllntl d revised daily by UHar FalUr, atock Mkai'i I'll wn.w.i . an brokers, Ul Wjoudm avenual t)wm tn. Am. Cot. Oil K7 Am Hujrais... ,,uni A. T. A8.F 4.U Can. 80. ..." con. w. j ; Hih- Low Clot Hll. Ml. t"V. ei w X7' K'll luiU 10(S ma mm 1Q6J4 Chle A N. W.... q., b. a q Chle. Uaa. C. O. C. A 8t. Ii, ..10V4 10:. inn u iiiii 1: i KM 115 :vm Col., Hock.Val. AT. IMi 3J D. AH. Jim-), 13jj Milt Jr.ti V(l!4 D L. AW D. A O. F trie O. E. Co am it . U '. M .llOj . 118 Lake Share I.. A N Utnliattau. MIm. Pao Nat. Lead N. Y. A N. K... N. Y. Central.., N. Y..O.A W. N. V 8. A W. a. s. c. co North Pao North Pao. pf.. Omaha Pac. Mail KaadlDv Rock lalund B.T 8t Paul T., C. ic I Texas St Pao... Union Padtlo... B; U7J4 1)7)4 1174 iiii ii" iH Mil 3tl)j . 117 U 14M ml iiii ;js int 81.4 1(1 i 104 lH'i ais 17 so 18U H'Z 10 14 mi in 42 6, 8V 10 10 14 p' n' IJniou Mi vtedt W.& L. E 104a 111 4J W.JiU E. pfd... Chloaso Oram and Provlilooi. BrnANTOtt. July 19.-Th following qaota tlotuaro suppliaa and onrrentd dail by La liar A Fuller, stuelt brokers.Ut Yromiagve nun. WHEAT. Opening HiKliext I.OWtWt it Cl.wiug COll.V. (;nln 1-HgllRSt I.OWOkt CIuNing HA I S. Opening lhihi'nt -,t L'luiiiutf , PoitK. Oiif n rifr Jllalu'St Lowest Closing r, SIM 124 1 JU55 VM S0 is-i I1H0 m em Wt tlMl (105 "M W) iiM tw wn Mi tH5 m C-.7 (II) 007 I.'.ltD. Ojn'iiitig Highest I.O i'Hl ik"iing HIK li T KIBrf. OtielMng ILghfst Luwt Closing New Yotk Prcduce Market. New Yohk. July 19. -Flour Dull. neglected. v heat ton and 5Tfi."i7t'fl.: f. rii, j0 ifibc. ; Dul, Vj'o. lower: No. 2 red elevator, St'.?;aWc; atloar, o. 1)., S$i!'4& ; iingiaUei N.i. 1 nor t iut ii, ti."n-j". : op- linns clom.U Hlcaily at r,l"KC. un lr viator Jar; No. S, r lt July. .Vjjj;,.; Aiis'nt,'37,'j.'c. ; tplorabcr. Ei:x Det'Oiuher, ;. COKN llucli ratelv ni'tivc, eaRi-r; No. 2, 4?-1c., levator: -47 jii47c : aflonr; op lioin dull, at cad y at Va.'c. doclinj; July, 47c; August, 47c; September, 47.0. : DMcember, 4 k: U.ITS Dull, irregular, lower; o)tiin-, dull, C lower to J'c. higher, irregular; July, a?;c.: August, H.''o.: Sciitetnber, :!l?-a'c; O. tobcr, ai'i'n ; No. 'J white July, fJ'J'jC. ; spot (liCfK, No. 2. 40a4 Jv'. : No. 2 winte, 4U-i4r)c.; No. 2 Chicago, 43i: No. 3, 40c; No. 6 wliitn, 42c; mixed western, 42c; white do., 42445c; white state, 45 ailoc. Hekf Dull, steady. Tii:hckd Bm:f-Du11, steady. Ct:T MkaTS Steaily. Jlmni.Ks -Noniiiiul. Laud Quiet, steady: western steam, J7.25; city, c.; July, $7.2U: September, 7.2il: reUnod, lull; continent, tr.55; Soutti America, (7.83; couipouud. Buti'c. Point Dull, steady. buTTER Fancy firm, good demand; sta'e dairy, lialic; do. creamery, 1417jr. ; Pennsylvania, do., 14nl4a; factory, US al4c.; vlRiiis, 174'c.; imitatiou creamery, llaUc. Chkksb Firm, easy. Egos Fancy firm and fairly active, state and Pennsylvania, 13a i4c; west, em fresh, llal2.c; do. per case, ll.oi a Z. 10. Philadelphia Tallow Market. PniLAPELPniA. July 19-Talluw was dull and unchan-'ed. Prices were: Prime city in hogshi'ad14Ka)c.; prime country, In barrels. 4t;c.: do. dark lu barrels. 89-;n 4c; cakes, 4Hc grease, 3c. NCT MERiLY IN FUN. rhiladelxlila Timc$. The etriker- had their fun while tearintr up and defying the injunctions of tho United States courts, and a whole nwirm of them are pretty certain to pay for their mi ov spenuinir a lertn in prison. Tbe Unitfd Stntes c urts are iu the habit t.f haviuir their decrees obeyed, not drflwi. and there is a rod in pickle for I hone who supposed tho United States government was only in run in attempting to get its mails carried. PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison 2 gnu gr Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. parities the blood, bnlMsnp the reiik anil debilitated, Rives strength to weuknel nerves, expels dismiss. giving tuo patient health and i)lMoe where Rlcknuno, kIoomit teiillQK nd lanaUnda prevHlloif. For primary, eeoondnry and tertlnrjr evphlfls. forelood poisoning, mercu rial nolnon, umlarl.'i, oypipila, and in all blood end skin dieeanen, like blototios, Tlrooloe, ol J chrome ulcere, tetter, scald h?nd, boils, erysipelas, H'ieu,- we may any, without fear of onlraflletlou,tiiat P. P. P. Is the best blood purifier In the world. and ninkes .w . positiTo, spesuy anu perinaaeut cures in nil cases. Ladles whose systems are poisoned and whose blood Is In an Impure condi tion, duetomunstrusl Irrexii'arltles, are peculiarly benefited by the won derful tuiilo aud blooo olesnslnx nrop enlrsof P. P. P. -Prlukly Ash, Poke Kootaml Potanslum. r1i-aiNOPii?LO, Mo., Aur. 14th. IMiX 1 o:m Hpoitk In the hlKlii'St terms of your nioiliulue from my own personal knowledge, I wasnfteoteil with hoart, plearlsy and rlieumatlsm for 85 yours, was treated by ihe verv best et r1ri . phyk'lana ami spent hundreils of dol ".i" Iarn, tried every knuwn remedy with SX 1 out nmlloir relief, 1 have only tnkon 45J tine oi'iuu im juur i. r. i., sou can cheerfully sny It, hps done me mure fiiKjU tban anything 1 hsveevtrtakeu. C"- aufferorof the ahovo dlsramis. . 7 Mll'J. M. M. YKART. 8pr. jfffleld, Greon Oounly, Mo. w- jMfiftOO Given On August Jnlv. Pent. Dec i .... 0 . rfj3 6 Jj 0 i B 5t 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Gail & Ax's NAVY Lon? CutTOBACCO. ALSO GO I.'.LI GVXT GOI,l WATCHfcS. 75 UAMISORIK M.VXTIi.Ij Ci-OCKS. V 100 KLEGANV MCItlHj WATCIltS. Save your Empty Paper Wrappers. Your Dealer can furnish full particulars. INVALIDS' FOOD. Chronic I Dysentery 1 MARY S. TORREY, 131 West 63d Street, New York. HBR BXrBRIKNCB1 " There is nothing to be com pared to Bovinine for chronic dysentery. During my two years illness I tried every other invalid , food, - without avail. will subdue the worst attack in one day, if taken simply with water, aud other foods discarded. If I had known of Bovinine sooner,niy disease would never have become chronic." For sale ot all druggists. THE BOVININE CO., NEW YORK CNseatio r the Hishmt MiDiem Aimourm MENTHOr TVllATril WOI .'lira win euro you. J Scw.wor.'1111-tu! boon to ru -i mT" f roiu t'ol il , H on T li ftjij Xnenenra, llronc 'Imuran Ul'OUti nchlll orin i i iviii, iminf Hat'rrUff, Anolllclent In nnrkot. rosilT to nrn nn flrnt liitllrnilnn of col HnLiluciionRi!ii-!inti.ndorninnoyreluitled. Price, AO via. Trial (rri. nl DniMRlHln. ilenlrtereil mail. CO cuuti. U. C. CL'SHiAS, lTr., tbiw hurt, kick., C. 8. L CITBIIKAWB r?F,,'TM!ll ''10 ur''1 Bml ff'st retney for l:ht.ln, 1 fros, Ililt'llH, rion. '.Tiinev rrul ret) Oil'.' PII.KS. l'rKr.SRrtt. ntl)rua-pai f cut ir hy nul l ()rrtio'. Aillr"s:i ft ;ilmv.'. C Fi.r mile by Mntthowt Kros. and John II. l'helpx. For Delicacy, For purity, and for improvement of the com plexion, nothing equals Pozzoni's Powder. " 9 and vigor quickly n)uioreo.v ancoceie. i.lfflitly litlv entiHAioni. fttropay, etc., turolr Wit cured l.y IMtAHO. the irreat Itfnii'dy. WltbwrlurcuiirKewtocare. Sold b' Ui'iXUEUS liU0S..lJruggl3tii, Ucruutun.l'a. Look Here! e are a great many cardst pamphlets, circulars and other advertising matter constantly being distributed among ihe public. Not everybody has a taste for read ing. Have your printing done in an attractive and novel style. Draw people's attention by some thing catchy and rarely seen. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE JOB DEPT. . A is able to please you in every Jffim respect. MM. Pimples, Blotches 9 ana uia bores Catarrh, Malaria Kidney Troubles Are entirely removed by P.P.P. Prickly Ash. Poke Boot and Totss slum, the greatest blood yurltlur on earth. ABHnnritN, O. , July 21, 1P91. i e55f nEiiu. i.ii'rsAH nnun., davluunu, Ga. t Drab Hiiifi I IioiikIic a bottle of " -iV your P. P. P. at Hot Spring's. Ark., and . rf It hail done Die more (food thnn three months' troarmentat tiie HotHprings. Wt? Bend three bottles ('. ti. D. ij llespoctfully you i s, JAS. M. KKWTON, -4& Aberdeon, Uronn County, O. . Capt. S. D. Johnston. 4P2S1 ?V al! whom ( mav tmrernt I here- ' "tU by testify to the wonderlul properties of P. P. P. (or erupt! ui of the skin. I suffered for several ye:r with nn tin etfrhlly and dlsuree:il)le eruption on Uiy face. 1 tricil every knotvu retne tly but In vain, until P. P. P. wssusod, aud sm now ctitlrely ciirt'l. Blgned by) J. 1). .lO'IN'fiTON, KnvaunaU, Ua. Skin Cancer Cured. Teiltmonyrom Iht Mayor of &'u'tt,rax, Ofqoik, Tki., Jaunary H, 1S93. . Mlsits. Lipi'Hav Bitos. . Havscnuh, f)a. ! (Itn'l'inm 1 have tried your I'. e 9 P. P. fur a iltMcise of the skin. uminllT known aa skin eaueer.of thirty years' tP eLnnoiiiK, itiio iuuiiii Kri'iiv ri'111.1; is purities tho mood aim removes mi Ir ritation from the sent of tho dlsunse nnd orevents nnv snrt.ailinff of tlia nores. I have taken Qvaur six bottloa and feol confident that anof iter courso will effect a eure. It has also relieved me from lnillif'selon aud etoniaoh o troubles- lours trulr, CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. Book on Bleed Diseases M Free. ALL DRUGGISTS BELL IT. LI PPM AN BROS. PROPKIETOH8, Idppninn'a Bloek,llnvnnali, On 3 1S9 -9 1 Away 15th, 1894, to consumers of 41'U ' 4iiu vm .... 1 The Original Raw Food vw SnEltniOLlNHfllfR pa saw SOAP Improv Soap. In the Trolley Soap old methods and materials are superseded by new ones. The Trolley Soap leaves the clothes sweet and clean and lasts longer than other soaps. "" Ask Your Grocer for It, If he does not keep it send us order for 20 BARS FOR TRIAL FOR $1.00, or for a Box 100 cakes 75 pounds $.(.50. Joseph $. Thorny ElinSon, 227 Chestnut Street, Phila. im fc 3 Eank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, ' $200, n TV T TV T Tin . SURPLUS, $250,000 Tlila IianU ofTers to ileposltore every fsflllty unl rnnli d by tlielr balancra, btni. uess reupminililiity. NpeclKl atti'titlou xiveu to lntslooss ao counts. Interest palU on time deposits. WII.T.TAM CO'INFT I, Tre.ldent. LO. B. ( ATI.1N, t lie-ITeHldenf. WILLIAM II. 1'ttK, Laslile. DllthCIOlta Trillium ronnoll, (ienrun rr. Ciatlln, Alfritl Hand. James Areliuald, I enry Hello, Jr., Ullllnui X. a.uitu Luther I. ,.l..r SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, E. CKOFUT Co. Proprietor. v. I HIS HOTSF, Is 3trictly tumpffrance. Is new at u wen itirniHUed ana oi'r.N .1) in HK PL'BLIC THK YUAH RuL'XD: is located midway butwuon Moiaroiean I S Tan ton, on Montrose and i.auKawan n Rallroai, six miles from J., L, & V. B B. at Alford Station, and flvo mllei from IIu'.mii; ca iiu. ity. eighty-flvo;' walk t roin K. B. atation. GOOD Mi AT. FI'HING TtCKLE, &c, 1'IIF.E T. UlliS S. Altitude aboir. 2,1)00 foot, eijun.Utii? in this respect the Adirondack and Cutiiill Mouu taius. i ins groves, plenty of shale and beautiful scenery, making a Summer Iteaort unex celled in beauty and chetpness. Danoiiic pavilion, swiu ;s, crouit gr ound?, Jtc Cold fipring Water aud pljnty of Ml k Kates, IB 7 to lO per week. W1.5U per day. Lxcnrston tickots sold at all stations ouD. L. & W. lines Porti r moots all trains. MT. PLEASANT CCD JSkXsr AT RETAIL. Yalef th tieat onallty fjr domestlo ose,anfl ef all si tea, delivered lu any part of tun cit) at lowest price. Orders loft at my office. NO, 118, WYOMING ATKNX7E, Bear room, first floor, Third National Bank, or sent by mail or telephone to the mine, will receive prompt attention. hpeclal contracts will ba made for the sail Slid delivery of buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITE malonev uu and nianutac- turing Company Have removed their oflice to their Wareroonis, NUMBERS 141, 143,145,147,149, 15) MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE NUMBER, 8631 DKITKR 8H0K Cu., Inc'p. :apltol.l.()00,000. BEST SHOE IN THE WOBLU, "A dollar iirtrcl it a dollar urtiii." , ThlsT.atlles'Hollil Krentl. Donaola KlilTtut ton ltoot dellveKd free anywhere in the U.S.. on reoelpt olCash, Money Order, or Postal Noto (or tM). ICquals every wsv the bools sold In sll retail stores for tiM. We make this boot ourselves, therefore we guar antf the ttyle and trrnr, and If sny one Is not satlslled we mill roiuna tne rnuury or send snot her pair. Ont-ra Too or oimnon Bcii.t', widths t,', J1 E, KK, sites I to a ani r ur teii. rated Csis- Kite EE Dexter Shoe Co., BOSTON. MASd, twrnH trvf to J'ttlltr: REVIVE RESTORES VITALIT Made i WJtf Well Mai 1st Day, - j n I ui t - THE UntAT SOtll Day. produces tlienborerosulis In 111) tlejt. It fit pnwerlully and gult kly. Cures ttlimi all others (til Youna nieu will reuam their lost uiuihcoil, and eld wen will recover their youllifitl vluor by usli'a RI'lVIVA. It nuiclily anil surely restotts Ninons non, Lnvt Vitality, Iiiiimtniiey, Nlglitly Kiuisuious. Lost Power, Palling Mimery, Wi'Mtlnt: lllnecHes. aud ail effects of sclt-sbusn or rii iwuand Indiscretion, which nnllts one for s'uily. htihlupssor niarrtsne. It net only cures Iir Ht.rtmi: at the sent of dlsetne, b it is a sircnl nerve tnnlii and liloort builder, hrinrj- Ing back the pink glow to naln chei ks a id re storing the Are of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on havliiK ItKYI other. It otu he carried la vsst potkt t. Ity mail H 1.1)0 psr iiaohaK. or six for VA.OO, with a posl ilvo written s;uBrantee to cure or refund tho money. Circular free, Address H0YAL MEDICINE CO., 68 River tt CHICAQ0. ILL. For sale by Matthews Mr os Druggists, Boraa'ion, ft). cmcnt in Third Nations mm l.f.t'JBie-:V mAZfi-vt Iir"" (rosi Uls IKth lluv. 1 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ..ON 1 )B. O. i.l.tioU bl'.AN lias removed to oil i.ruce't. t-.iMuiou. Is. (Just od l osito cour -Uouw Mjimm) 1)" A XJ vo A. J. v-OMii.L.t)IHre 'M Washington 'llllllll rAIHu. k...nd mtt. . . .....a rrnncke a draff store. Residence, TH Vine aU Ultice bniirs: lu.dntol'a. La. and tot aud i to i.;w p, m. Hunday, If to 3 p. m. 1)K. VV. t. Al LKN. uflico cor. Lucks. wanna and Wmhinutou uvea.: over Leon ard tboo store; ollioo hours, lu to 12 a. UL and fcto 4 p. in.; eveuiua-a at rualueuce, 6U A. V ashiii Ktonavo. "I ) K. C L. FUiiY, Practice limited to Dis. XJ cksw of tbo Eye, Ear, Nona and Throat; otllue, la Wyoming ave. Uoaidenae, W Vine ttreel. Dtt. L.M. OATE8. 15 WasliiiiRton Avenuj. OIHce boura. 8 to a.m., to U aud t tog p.m. Kef iilence mid MHiiison avenua l L WliNIZ, M. 1)., OlUces ft! aud fol u.,1 .it JIadlhonave: olUi hour. 10 to U, a to 4, J to ; Biindaya 1! 30 to 4. uvonizi(fa at reaidonoe. A spcrlHlty made of diseases of the eyu, oar. nooe aud throat and KyneooloKV. LAW Y KKS. T II O. KANCK'H Law and Collection of. m . nee, nit .117 Kprui ruce at., o;iposlio Forest jionse. Dcrantuii, l a.; rollertuma a ipeclalty thiouKboiit Pennsylvania; roiiuLlo corrvspoud- entajnovorycouii ty. 1 hsatlt s iS nA.u, Attorneys and Comieol l lor ut Law. Uimmonwealth bullUiu Vashintiton av W.U. Jesri'p, Hokacu li. Hand, w. 11. JKHSIII', Jcl .AI D. WAUIt neys and CouiihoI t'UfMiiiit.WRshinrfm A Counat-llors at Law Al l). WAUltl'M K.sAi f. Att.r. tiHoloriiat Law, Hopubllcaa ave.. Harantnti, l'a. lLt:i;X. Aiionuivs and .fivv (01ii'aH nu.l H bnllUini. bcrauton, l'a. ltor.wEr.L n. PATTinson, Wii,t,M A. Wilcox. A l.HtbDilANU, W11.I.1AM.I. IIANL), At j . torneys and Counsellors, Commonwealth Miiltllnc Uooms lt, 20 and '.'t. VVr B"VLK, Attorney at and JLLi ?0. 1,urr bulldinir, Washington avenue. HKNUY M. HKKLY Law otliios in Price building, lit Washington avenue. lKANK T. OKtLlV Attorney at Uw. Kojm X o.J.osKxchange. Hrranton. Pa. MILTON W. J.OWKY, Att ys, UH. VON STOltl.H, ( ton av. Washing C. H. siiuare lAMJ'.O W. UAKKOHU, jfes r A MICH W. OAKKOHU, Attoruev at Law? I'OOlllS Kt. 64 Slid fi.1. I'.imnuin...llk I,' Attorney at Law. Hcrunt'iu, Pa. A. WATUKS, Attorney at Law. til Lat Kav.'arina niie.. Krisnton. Pa I I) P. hil.'l'H. looiiKoiior at Irftw. ofMea, i ' 'W""S'. . M , Lniltiiti I ' I., l in HKu Attotnev ut l.nvv. Cimi. j . ni'unvi'i a th biiilning. M.-t snt .ti. l-a. (.ti!'i.iiVS. It'.' I Sonic 1 p.. HI'.t i.t l.l.K, Atuiri.ey-j.oMjs ti.ated tin real l I . KILLAil. AUoi'iii-v-at-Law. IJU Wy XJ omibKari'init.. H rantoti. 1'. - ( l.v I.H'll(iOL OK Tilli LACKAWANNA, Scrau O tun. Pa., tiri'iiiivtsH I.m-s and girls lur collet or tnsi)ieN3: thi.rout?;;ly ti'ains Vouiig childrca Caittloiiuo at ietiuo-t. Ki:v. TnoMAs M. CAx W.u.tkii II. Dint u Mllis WOUCLS'l KlNDEUaAllTEN ani School, 4Iii Atiams hVimiu . Pup'U r.'ceive'l i.t a.l t'.mos. Next term will opju Sr-it 'llhor S. I)i N. .. Alr:.I. A. TAFI, D.D.S.. 101 North Waeh- iiicton Ave. hpucinl v in Poi'ccUiin l:e"tnrai ions. Crown a id BriiB Work. ' C. LAUHACU, uigeou Dentist, No, llj yy. Wynnii li if ave. If M. .-'I :IAf'l'iiN. .rtl,' iv,.,i ...... I . V.NS. rpilK KKI'l'H IC Snviii-s and L.iau Asso X ciatiou will loan t ou 'n ney oil easier terms nnd p:iy you hotter on Investment than any other association,. Call ou S. N. CAuL..N IiKlt. T:t-e p-i"'- bnl'd'tf i El.l R. CLARK & CO., Sce.!snien, nortsts J and Nurserymen; store 14'J atliinifton avenue; greon houae,i&U North ilam avenue: tore tcletitione Tf'i TI AS. OK ANU CNIO.'I 1 KA Cti.. .tones Bros. W1KK ItK- NS. TOS. KUETTEL, 6ij Lackawanna avenua. t Sfraiiton. Pa . nm'ini'r of Wir. Sieeps HOIKI.S AMI IIKiTAI'TtAM. 'IM1E WESTMINSTER, 217-2111 1 ave. Rooms heated with steam: all mod ern improvements. C. M. Turn Aw. Prop. fPBE ELK CAFE, 12.". and 127 Franklin ave L nuo. Rates rensonable. 2 J holer. Proprietor. ; Lsl JiislliR HOI KL. W. G. SCHENCK, Manager. Sixteenth street, one block cast ot Broauwav. I-..J,,., u..... X V i. Ainerlian plan, t-ibi per day and upward. at j iiinu fiiiirti Air, i til n. 'OYN'E BOUSE. Lurnpeau plan; good rooms, tipen day and nmut. Bar auu plied witu the best. P. R. COYNE, Trnnrletor. 41 KANTON HOL'l'E, near D., L. ft W. Ttas- i longer uepot. Colitlllct"d on the Enronean plan. Vtt'Ton Kuril. Proprietor. i KAaD CliNTHAL. 1 ho aroat au J bjs: J eoiuppe 1 hotel in Alloutowa nope l note! in li.a) per day. vit'Ttut r. Pa.; ratoi standi Parnfh, Proprietor. AHCHITKCIS. I) AVIS litiUPl', Arclntci'ts. Rooms 'L W sntl -rt Ci,iniuonw''Hith h Itl c. Scranton. I? L. WALTER. Ari-h.tect. Lihrary oui.d I j, Inir. WvominiT avenue. Scranton. 1.'' L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect. Trice 1 l;u:ldimr. 12ii V asliinvtou Ave., Scranton. III I.AMIOI S. 1) ACER'S ORCHESTRA - MUSIO EOR Weil- JJ lialls, picnics, parties, receptions, tiinm and ooncei t work fnrnUhed. Kor termt adtlrehs It. .1. Baner, tomluctor. 117 Wyominj sve., over Hulhert's music store. HOUTON V. SWA UTS WHOLESALE lumber. Price liuildiii Sctantnn, Pa. M tWARUEE BHOTUEHa. riilNTEKS' haps, twine. stiiiplies, envelopes, paper Warehnuio, Pa. ijo asm iiBtou av Scrniiton, TTOhS: H AN I) lAHRlACIiiS FOli SALE .11 at 1 o.i Cupous rvenuo D. L.I'OOTl", ARent IiRANK P. VltOWN & T)., "w'hOLE" I sslo den leva in oodware, Corilae.aud Oil (l oth, t'.ll W. Lackswsiina nviliue. L'iiltA tii..". V: 6i)..S. Luiltii-rs and coiitrai Jtors. art's: Corner t 'live st. and Adiimi ave. ; corner Ash st. and Pi nn ave , Scranton. The GENUINE New Havea Mathushek1' Pianos (i ESTABLISHED 18C0. New York M'areroonis No. 80 Fifth Avenue. E. C. KICKKR & CO., Bute dealers iu this aeoiloa. OmCE-ia Adams Ava., Telephone B'l'd'fl Eureka Lanndry Ca. Cor. Linden St. nnd AUnms Avo. Cl.WU lluL'SE SgUAHli. All kinds ot Lauudry woik gnnrante the beet. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ BCKAKTON AKD WILKEB-BAJEB. PA- U VUFACTORKHB) 'Is1 1 Lccosotives and Stationary Engines,' Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. ' General Offloe, BCIUTOH. FA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF Ii J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, insuring cleanliness and omforb T1MK TAHLR IN KKrFCT MAT 20, 1891. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, Wllkesv. Psrre. etc , at 8 tfi, D.lfi, 11.30 a m., 12.30. 2 Uls. 8.:X), fi lm, 7 r. ll.i p. iu. Bundays, .U0 a. m, l.Wi, 2.1:1. 7.10 p. in. For A lantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newarlc and Elizabeth, 8.33 (express) a. m.. YiJjt) fexpross with Bullet parlor car), li J (express.) p. in, Sunday, 4 IS p. m. Foil Mi!rii Chunk, Ai.i.entowm, BKTitn nKM, Eastob and Philadelphia, 8.3) a. m.. Vl.iO, VU), 6.1)0 (cicept 1'hiiadolphia) p. in. Bunilny, 2 Hi p. m. For Lnso BitAHon, OceAw GnovB, etA, at B.20 (ivi'h tuiouijii car) a. m., li'lp. m. For lioadinff, Lebanon and Harrisbura, via Allontown, WJO a. m, lifiO. 6.00, p.m. Bundav. 2.1ri p. in. For Pottsville, 8.20 a. m., 12.60 p. m. ItoturniiiK. leave Now York, foot of Liberty street. North river, at IU0 (expreas) a. m., l.lli, 1.30. Vi (express with Bullet parlor car p. m. Kiinilny, 4.311 a. in. Leavn Phandelphia, Koadlnj ' Terminal, 8.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.:tl p. ni. Bunday, 6.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may bo had on application In ndvaaue to the ticket agent at tun atation.'- H. P. BALDWIN, (Jen. Pan. Agent J. H. OLHAUSEN, . . . . , Gen. Supt DELAWARE AXD HTJD SON RAILROAD. Commencing- May 29, 1892, trains will run as follows: Trains leave Brldgo Street Station. Scranton. for Pitts. ton, WIlkes Barro, etc., BOO, M.1.07, :17, 10 42 a. to., 12.10, 1,26. 2.38. 4.10. 6.15, 0.16, W.14 ana n.. p. m. l'.v Kev Yorl' und Phila fl.ili.liia H(m m.. 12.10. i.yA 2.K 4.10 and 11.00 n. m. l'or llouusdalofrrom Pelawaro.Laokawanna and westtirn depot;, 7.00, tLXl, U.10 u.u., UM ni., 2. 17, 6. 10 p. m. Kor I'arboudale and Intermediate stotlons, 6.1(1, 7 (JO. t.liO. 10.10 a. m., 12.00 m.,2.17, 8.23,6.111; e aiandUllS p. m.; from triuge Street Depot, 2.IHI a. m., 2.17and 11 li6 p. m. Fast exiiress to Albuuy, Saratoga, the Adl roudack Mountains, Boston and New England points. 5.4U a. m., arriving at Albany 13.46. barutua 2.20 p.m.. and leaving Sorantou at i.17 p. m., arriving at Albany at 4. 81' p. nx, bara ttiira, UM a, in ., and Boston, 7.00 a. m. The only direct route between the ooal fields and Boston. "The Leading Tourist' Route of America'' to the Adirondack Uonntaiu re sorts, Lakea Oeorge and Champlain, Montreal, Tlmo tables showing local and through train service between stations on ail divisions Dela ware aud Hudson system, may be obtained al all ln.-laware and Hudson ticket offices. 11. U. YOUNO. J. W. BURDICK, Becond Vico President Qen. Pass. Agt, Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia an New York via. V. & H II H. it I a.m., 12.10, V6: anil 11.116 p. in via D..L. & W. B. B, OH 8.IM .11.20 a. m.,aud 1.30 p. in. I "ve !-i'r.i:-ton for Pittston and Wllkea Burre via U. L. & W. It. K., 0.0J, aiW, ll.a a. m ,1.80. lf. ti.07, S. dp. m. Li ,tve Scrant.m for White Haven, Hasleton, Putt! viiin sul all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsville branches, via E. A W. V . ti 4'if.m.. v a L. tc H. R. R. at 8 a.m., 12 10, 2.HS. 4.10 p.m . via D., L. & W. R, R., 6.00, g.og, 11.20 a.m., l.i, 11 v m. Leave eirr.mtun for Bithlehera, Eaaton, Ri a lii.g. Ihiri isbnrg and all Intermediate points v, . D. & li. it. K , b a m ,12.10. 2..1a, liii p.m.. via U, L. 4s W. li. R..U.00,6.03, lL20a. nw p m. Leave ifcranton forTunkbannock, Towanda, Elmira, Ilhacs. Geneva aud ad intermedUte pointa vis U. ie H. It R.,tt u7 a m.,Ulu and 1L3 p. m..via D. I ft W. R R., 8 0 a.m., 1.80 p. m, Lesve i. rantou for Rochester. Buffalo. Nf neara Falls, Di'trnt. Chicago and all points west vial). At H. U. R.. 11.07 .m..l3 lU.B.lo.ll W ti ni , via U L. ic W. R. h. and Pittstoa Junction, b 0b a.m., 1A), i .m p. m.. viaE.ta W. R K.. 8.41 p. ni. Kor Eira ra and thi west via Palsmanoi. vl I .S H. K. li. l.o7 a.m., l-lu,t.i,j p. ra . tiD. L A W. K.H., .d.Oia.m.. IM aud 6.1)7 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars ou all trams between L. Se B. Junctiou or Wilkes-bsrre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Snsi'endon Bridge ROl.LIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt East Dlv. CHA8 S. L'E. Oen. Pass. Ag't, Phtla .Pi. A-W.NON'NEMACHER.Ass't Qen.Paas. Ag't, South Bethlfhem. Pa. TAELAW.t RE. LACKAWANNA ANO U wjlSter.v ra I KOAD. Trains leave Scranton aa follows: Expreat for New York aud ah points Ksst. 1.40, t.!t 6.1P. 8.1X1 and 9.6o a. m.; 12 iu and 3.90 p. m. Express tot Easton. Trenton. Philadelphia anil the South, Ma, 8.00 and t.U a. m.; U4 aud a. 50 p. m. Washington and way stations, S.5S p. m. Toliyhanua aocouimodation, 0.10 p. in. Exp'r as for Binghamton, Oswego, Elmira, (.oruing. Bsth. Danaville, Mount Morris anil Buffalo, 1110, 215 a. m. and 124 p. m., making close connections st Buffalo to all point In the West, nortnwestana eoutuweet. Ba h accommodation, a a. m. Biiighamton and way stations, 12.37 p. ra. iNicuol on acoommodaliou, at i p. m. and 6 in n ni. BinRhamton and Elmira Express, 105 p. m. Expross lor CortUnd, Syracuse, Oswego L'tica and Richfltld Sprinsa, IU a. m. and IJ p. m. Itliaca. 2.15 and Bath P a. m. and Ut p. m. PorNorthumberland,Pltuton,Wilkes-Barre, Plymouth. Bloomsburg and Danville, making cluso connections at Northumberland for Wlll.umsport, Harriaburg, Baltimore, Waahr lnaton and the South. Jiortliumbtrland i-nd Intermediate statloni, 6.00. .fw a m. and 1.8U and 6.07 p. m. Nanticoaa ana intermediate atatlona, a.o and 11.31 a. m Plymouth and intermediate stations, 8..V) and 8.6; d. m. . ... Pullman parlor and sleeping eoachei on all exp'ess trams. i For detailed information, pocket tlm i table etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, e Ity Ub lt offloe, itii Lackawauuaavenue, or depot ticket ouioe. VEW YORK. ONTARIO AND WESTERN 1 RAILWAY CO. TtMR IN I.FFGCT SUNDAY, JUKt Trains leave Scranton for Carbondal at 8.30, lO.riSa.m. andfll'ip.m. Kor Hancock Junction, 10.(5 a.m. and 6 10 pm. Trains leave Hancock Junetlon for Foran. ton. tia m and U05 p in. Trains leave Carbondal for Bcraaton at 7 21 a in. and 8.34, 6.31 p.m. SfRANT.. IVKION. In KflVrt Jim 24lh, 1N01. Kcirth Heunu. n.i nn voiT" Miutk Bunnd, Stations g i, h a. iTralns Pallr. Ex- J J , - cept Minilay.) p lArrlvd Leave, in. Y. Frank u sr 7 lu 7tnii ,Wcst s'Jnd street Wcehawken V M V Ml I Arrive Leave i 8 '.Hi I l.s rjlaiiirc Junction s 1 01 1 l.i Hancock Mnrllk'lit. Preston Park Como Povniclla . Bcliiiont Ploitsant Mt. Itclnndnle Vorset, I'lty Cai bonda'e White Bridge Mnyneld Jei myn Archibald Wlnlon Peckvllle Olvphant Ulckaon Throop Providence park Piece tct t m 6 31 8 ' g Hi !njtSMIi . 7 Sllll! .' . it, .... I ail .... 7 I.''I1!40A M 7.'HIV"::iilM0i ?8:):iU lKiotll f -i ii f SI 0 Its S4I Ip 84 1 501 4 60 !68' 4 58 8 . 6 601 8 09 6M 6 46 1 1tl,flS!; !M8: 7 0-111 49 K.HSl 6 3111 8il I.V 16 98 7 10 8 l BIS 7 Ml 8 8t 6 84 7 ST 18 881 6 8? tl l'flliiO !l 1.' M'lnl .... iimii! iniii i ss1 1' in own in 8H 6'f:ns HM f; l 8 IS fB 41 7 84 I 5 4J 7 4H 8 61 BSl 7 431 8.-41 5 61 7 4H' 8 68 5 6 7 4 04' B 04 7 Ml 4 Oil 8 97 7 &, 4 10 B 10 8 lil 4 14 8 It 8 tf4 17 8 II f ? ii iv f.o 8s.Mii irr, 8 44 8 Hi ll 0V H41 ti I'.Ut O.i h w nun (": a1 fll tiri'io:" HM 1t;10!uY 8" K'lantiiD 8 0i 4 SM Id) P M A y t Leave Arrive a ar up m All triil' s l tin dullv except Sunday. f. hiicnllk'S Uiu.t ti ulna stop on elgual for pa Bi'iiiverM .cure rstts vU Ontario Western befor r.ui cbslin,' ti nets and save money. Day d4 Klht Etiprcsstothe 'cgt, J C. Aidi'iann, Onn. Pami Agt. T. 1 lltcroft, Hlv. Piif , Agt Scranton, Pa. 0r .' AY IS. lai'4. i w m . I B .... ,. 810 .... nr it .... Bimi S.Si .... 1 ....