6 'l tL,iii xOjS 'xlixli'Uisiu h liliiAi' iiiOltiSiJSa. JiJx' -0, 10JJ4. LACE AS A TRIMMING. It I Been on Gown, Capes, lints, Bonnets ' and Almost Everywhere. Lac holds a prominent place In summer fashions. It trims gowns and capes. It figures largely in bau and bonnets and is made up into all sorts of pretty accessories that may be worn with any costu e. Wide and narrow applied bands of gu ure are still a favorite mode of decoration, while black net bauds are used bearing a heavy pattern worked in silk or spangles. This flat application of lace shows the heavy-varieties to great advantage. ' Sometimes the entire bra'c of the bodice Is covered with guipure, the fruit haviug figara jacket pieces or being ' otherwise BODICE TRIMMED WITH LACE. adorned with the same lace. This Is a very effective style of trimming and gives an ap pearance of elaboration at thu cost of little trouble. .Not only are black, white and ecu laces worn, but various shades of de cided yellow, ranging from straw color to old gold. A waist of plaid silk was seen, having a cream ground crossed with bands of light violet and tan and trimmed with bretelles of pale yellow luce of a light qual ity, and the combination was most pleas- hig. Separate lace yokes are sold, having a deep flounce of lace around the lower edge. The embroideries shown this year ure also very pretty. There are many new patterns in entirely white goods, both wide and nar row, while colored dress chambrays are shown deeply embroidered along one edge, which has a hemstitched border. The scar let oues, worked in black or white, aro es pecially attractive. Narrower embroidery for trimming white waists appears in white, having an inlaid pattern in colored cambric, turquoise, pink, yellow, red or violet, and the edge is usually embroidered iu the same color. Very open all over embroidery is also in vogue for the yokes of thin gowns. and edged trimming may be obtained to mutch it. With the increased popularity of lace has come a demand for shaped pieces not only corselets and Dgaro jackets, but pelerines, collars, yokes and epaulets. A sketch is given of the corsage of a reception gown made of cress green striped silk. It is a plain round bodice, closing invisibly under the left arm. A sort of pointed pelerine of guipure, divided back and front, covers the shoulders, while wide lace epaulets fall over the balloon sleeves, which extend on'" to the elbow. DRESSES FOR DAISY BELL They Look Sweet on the Seat of Bicycle Built For Two. ' One want supplied makes half a dozen more. Xo sooner was a bicycle for women in vented than necessity arose for a special cat, gown and shoe for the rider to wear. Tim bicycle is an immense weight iu the conventional dress reformers side of the Scale, for it is impossible to ride a wheel to advantage in long skirts, and a great many BICYCLE SUIT. persons will make sacrifices to pleasure that they will not muk for duty's sake. No doubt a large number of women now believe in short stirts who would hav Scouted th idea ot tbem before the advent of the bicycle. The long skirt is an undeniable hindrance in all active amusements and particularly in Dlcyclmg. The placket opening is al- -tays catching on the front of the saddle i mounting, while the hem gets between the loot ana the pedal and prevents the ma chine from starting. Parisian women soon discarded the long skirt for bicycle wear and havo now abandoned the skirt alto gether, appearing In short, tight trousers similar to those worn by men. It is donbt fl if women on this side of the water will follow fashion as far as thut. Indeed it is not at all necessary to go entirely without jklrts, as a scant one falllm? just below the kin' is no burden, does i4, Interfere with freedom of movement r.nd runs no chance of catching in the gearing hen the wheel is In motion a fruitful sourte of accidents. These short skirts are ootnmouly seen tow. Full trousers of the tame material are worn under them In place of a petticoat and cloth or leather leggings buttoning to tho knee, A woman who wears tho modern ibatbing suit has no reason for objecting to ;Siicb a dress, which is comfortable and ru tlonal if not beautiful. For cold weather jit may be mode of heavy oloth and trimmed i with bands of fur, while for summer wear thin cheviot and mixed goods, trimmed with rows of stitching, will be found serv iceable. Drab, gray, brown, navy blue, ;durk green and black are good colors, and all noticeablo kinds of decoration should be strictly avoided. A sketch is given of a bicycle costume In jliavy bluo cloth, the cloth leggings, worn over black shoes, being of the same color. The skirt and Eton jacket are trimmed with jhlack stitching. An outing shirt is worn iwltb a four-in-hand tie. The cap Is of white Muck, " " ! FANCY TRIFLES IN SILVER. Aa Almost Endless List of Pretty Things For the Escritoire, There is no end to the list of pretty silver trifles intended for tho escritoire. Among tketu are pen and pencil cases, stampboxes and trays in numberless pretty designs and tome charming little taper holders made after the pattern of flat candlesticks. These are both round and square, but the pret tiest are the heart shaped ones, embossed ttrounrt the edge and having a handle placed at the division of the wide end of the heart. The wax tapers are of the diameter of a lead pensll and come in red, blue, yollow, green ftudjjpiult, j The fushicn of wido aUk ruffles on couch cushions has not yet been abandoned, al though it gives them rather a millinery look. The stamped silks and velvets used for covering the pillows are extremely pretty. A yellow chinu silk is showu decorated with EMBHOIDEKKD DOILY. paler yellow tulips and light brown leaves, while a dull red velvet has immense dande lions, with their leaves beautifully shaded, closely covering the ground. A cushion made of this velvet had a yellow frill around the edge. 1 he rococo gold openwork photograph frames, which wuro so expensive a short time ago, ure being sold at greatly reduced prices and are reully very attractive. They come iu cabinet size, botli oval and square, and are provided with a glass face and a brace at thu buck. Another thing that is selling at a reduction is lizard skin. For merly the cardcases, bags, purses and other articles made of it commanded u high price; but, whether it be on uccount of hard times or a suddeu surplus of lizaids, they ure Hell ing now at the same price as goods made of kid, alligator and seal. They come iu vari ous colors, but none is prettier than the natural ivory tint. Fitio white linen is still the favorite ma terial for doilies, daintily embroidered with small flowers iu the natural tints. Round ones uro shown six inches across and fringed out around the edge. The fringing is heuded by a tine corded stitch ing in white silk, and inside this is a row of fancy stitching iu white, luside this again is the wreath of flowers violets, forgetiuo uots or tiny pansies while the ceuter is plain. BREATHING ROOM ALLOWED. I'luhlon Is Sonuible ut Leant In the Matter of HOUiti (lowns. Although the pretty Uowered.chullies in delicate natural tints have great attrac tions, there is Komelhing about the close Persian patterns, iu two or three shades of one color on u light ground, the general ef fect being a medium tint, that is more sat isfactory for house and teu gowns. Of course Persian designs are much too old for chil dren and young girls, who should wear only flowered or fancy ligured goods. These oricntul patterns ure well represented in red, ptii'ple and rose on a creaui back ground, but as thu ground is almost com pletely covered the general color effect is not light. The usual assortment of china silk gowns is shown in yellow, turquoise, nilo green and re. They ure usuully trimmed with Valenciennes luce and insertion, which Are light enough to combine well with thin silk. Vuleucieunes is, iu fact, favor- .tig- zii HELIOTROPE HOUSE GOWN. ably looked upon this season, although it is rather delicate for underwear. n? it does not well bear the frequent lauaderings neces sary. It cannot be said that the empire fash ions are really unpopular, since they are often used for indoor costumes. AVIien the entire empire effect is not desired, the ordinary long waisted. close fitting back is made, with a full front gathered close un der the bosom, with perhaps the additional restraint of a loose girdle of metal or heavy cord dropping from the waist line. As far ns house gowns are concerned, oue may do as one chooses and may range from accurately classical drapery to gowns of so thoroughly a nineteenth century character that they can be worn only by the ultra small waisted species of woman. A word to tho wise is stiflieient, however aud most women are wise about clothes, having a natural urtislic tendency, t-ince fashion permits, nay encourages, loose house dresses, take advantage cf the fact aud allow yourself breathing room. A sketch is given for a i'aris model of a house gown in heliotrope glacu silk and ivory silk crepon. It is trimmed with helio trope velvet and pearl passementerie of an oriental pattern. The princess body of the gown is of silk, while the loose part is of crepon. This part is gathered into a narrow low neoked yoke of velvet, cut in three scallops und bordered with passemen terie. A pieco of velvet, scalloped and trim med to correspond, falls over the top of the sleeves and joins the yoke. These nar row velvet straps, sewed with oabochons and terminated with pearl passementerie pieces, full from the yoke. Velvet bands, stridded with cabocliuns, fasten the crejmn part to tho lwdy of the gown. Tho bouf fant elbow sleeve of crepon is surmounted by a short silk sleeve embroidered with pearls. A double puding of silk trims the bottom of tho gown - Tho total production of pig Iron in the United States Iu the first half of Mil whs S,S71,V25 gross tons against 4,50O,D13 gross tons in the first half of 1800, a decrease of 1.188.5S8 gross tons, or 28 per cent. OF SPECIAL VALUE in breaking up sud den attacks of colds, chills, fevers, and in flammation Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets. They curry od these troubles at the start. Aud if you would only keep yourself iu proper condition wun mom tho liver active and the system reg ular you'd find you couldn't take diseases easily. Those tiny, sugar-coated "Pellets" are the most perfectly nafuraf In their action no griping, no violence. Tako them for wind and pain in tho stomach, fullness, and dizziness.. They absolutely and permanently r Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness. Jaundice, Sick or Bilious Headaches, and very Liver, Stomach and Bowel disorder. PIERCE GUAR ANTEES A r Mouey paid for If la medicines la lleturued. mm Wiim mm. l i mi I i Ml I MlUiii ! 7 1 1 ! If; mm CURE LINENS AF.c IN FORCE. To Lduk Cool Is Half tho Battlo In Hot Weather. Fashions aro uot an Inspiring theme iu tho heat of summer. Theoretically they aro always equally important, but practl fnlly the Interest In them diminishes dur ing tho tinio when, clothing, except of the most primitive sort, seems a burden. There am women herolo enough to luce tightly and wear velvet and fur during tho warm season, but their days uro evil, If not few evil days seldom do seem few la number and tho clleot is not pleasing enough to limko it wortii tho suffering. To look cool Is half tho battlo in hot w eather, and that requires thin, loose gar ments. Linens appear in force this season. A plain heavy weave is shown In colors guar anteed fust, tan, blue of various shades, green, rose and red. This makes ideal blazer costumes alone or used u trimming for while linen duck. Cotton duck suits uro seen In utill greater variety of tints, black and navy blue, with hair stripes of white, being particularly neat. A thin lawn blouse may bo worn under tho blazer or a snug, bright colored vest, which la less cool, but smarter. With flowered dim ity for house and country gowns and china or thin glacu silks or grenadine for more elaborate toilets tho fashionable summer wurdrolw may be amply furnish ed without the uld of airtight satius uud SATIN' COSTUME. velvets. There is no limit to tho i "selbill- ties of thin stuns this year since, ruilles, puffs, ribbons and luce aro thu accepted trimmings and ullow of a thousand differ ent arrangements and combinations. Black or whito luco beading sewed on in bands forms u pretty decoration for muslins and may bo left plain or threaded with baby ribbon matching tho color of tho goods. Lightweight wool crepons aro shown in delicate shades, which uro almost as cool as cotton goods and uro more serviceable for seaside weur us dampness docs not af reet them. But wo nro supposed to discuss what Is as well as what ought to be worn, and al though tho thiu materials just mentioned aro in vogue heuvior ones aro also fashion able. Those women who wore skating cos tumes open nt the throat during the win ter will probubly bo tho ones to appear now in thick silks and standing collars in Epito of tho fact that tho mercury bus taken "excelsior for its motto. An illustration is given of a costunio of two shades of Rutin. Tho plan skirt is of myrtlu green satin, and tho round bodice of tho same shudo is covered with luce, us is tho lower part of tho tight green satin sleeves. Tho sloovo puffs and folded belt aro of almond colored satin, und the ac cordion plaited satin collar, forming four points, is of the sumo color und is bordor ed with muvubout. LAWS OF ANATOMY. Some of the Pointed Tapestries Are Fearful and Wonderful. Painted tupostry for curtuins, wall draperies and screens is very much in Toguo at present, nnd sonic of tho speci mens shown uro marvels, not of beauty. but of ignorance- of ull laws of anatomy and artistic effect. Flpuro subjects aro ul most Invuriubly chosen by the tapestry painter, aud nine 1 lines out of teu ho or she, iu thu cuso may be, proudly produces a pleture that would bo a libel on a sow dust stuffed wax doll. If you want a pleco of painted tapestry, do not buy It until you have consulted suv.io capublo artist friend, and thus avoid the chance of bur deningyourself with an unntomicnl onuch ronlsm thut will innko tho well Informed person chucklo in his slcevo every timo ho sees it. Courtesy oftufi compels hlin to listen in silonco to the boastings of tho possessor of somo outrageous piece of so culled nrtlstic work, and ho Is divided be tween a desire to bo appreciative of tho thing shown him und his inability to truthfully praise it. ideas is tho selling of the backs of hand mirrors, huir and clothes brushes und tho handles of combs made of Hue white china. LINKS TItAVELISO BAG. Theso nro to b;' decoi tiled and fired nnd then fitted with glas.-i or bristles. Tho thought Is an excellent one nnd uflords an opportunity for making unique, vuluublo and useiVil gift3. Small detached Januneso heads havo been lately Introduced for uso in fancy work. Eoth men and women nro repre sented with long narrow eyes und veul teeth und hair. Tho heads uro fustencd to wooden pegs, which servo as a moans of at taching them to thermometers, penwipers, pincushions and similar articles for which they nro employed ns a decoration. An illustration is given of a traveling bug of Flemish linen. It Is embroidered Villi blnck or red crewels In a cross stitch pattern. The round ends of tho bag nro kept In shapo by circles of cardbourd, over which tho embroidered linen Is stretched. Pluln linen forms tho lining and body of the ling, which Is gathered on double draw ing strings. A leather handle Is fastened to each sldo of the embroidered portion by which to carry tho bu. Cuppkd from Cm n ad u Presbyterian, un der RiguiLUJO of V. blncketl Hobiusou, propiietor: 1 was cured of oft-recurring bilious headaches by Burdock Blood Bit ters. " When Baby was slclt, we gave her Castor!, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became 311ns, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave Uieiu Castorla. Aro Thcro Any Wild Camels? Tho ungainly appearance of tho camel Is matched by ltsobtuseness. Palgrnvosays of it: "If docile means stupid, well nnd good. In such a case tho camel is tho very model of docility. But If tho epithet Is in tended to designuto an animal that takes an Interest In its rider so far as a beast cun, that in some way understands his inten tions, that obeys from u sort of fellow feel ing with his master, like thu horse or ele phant, then tho camel is by no moans docile very much thecoutrary. Ho takes no heed ot his rider, pays no attention whether he be on his back or not; walks straight on whon once set ugoing, merely because ho Is too Ftupld to turn aside, and should Borne tempting green branch allure him out of thu path continues to walk on In tho new direction because ho Is too dull to turn bock into the right road. Tho stupidity ot tho domesticated camel Is pcrhups due to its wants being so con- A SO CALLED WILD CAMEL, tlnuously provided for that it lms no neces sity for exertion. We aro told that tiie wild camel Is reinarkablu for sagacity und for its keen senses, its sight, hearing und smell being ull wonderfully perfect. Quito recently un English traveler and sportsmun, Mr. St. (J. Llttledalc, hus been following In the footsteps of great hunters. Ho had already shot and secured specimens of tho bison In the Caucasus and of the great Marco l'olo sheep from the upper reaches of tho central Asiutlo pluteuu, and ho hus succeeded in shooting some further specimens of tho bo called wild camel, of which tho skins havo been brought back to hngland. Is this camel truly wild? Przewnlskl argues in favor of Its being so from certain particulars iu which It differs from the tamo camel, such us its having no come on Its foro legs and having much smullet humps, tho inula having no crest or a very small one, tho general color being a red dish sandy hue, rare umong the domesti cated ones, with shorter ours nnd more grizzled muzzle. Mr. Llttledulo warns us that these) cam els may not, after nil, be truly wild, and evidence seems to support tho view that they uro really descended from Individual which hud strayed away or been lost, or, as Cuvier has suggested, hud been given their liberty by the Lainus in pursuance of their liuddhist views; that they are, in fact, domesticated camels which havo be come wild. WEAK MEN yuR attention sjs JB U'sLLtU TU TUB Ureat English Remedy. Gray's Specific Medicine ic vnll SlirrFRfromNer- SHMITBW. Um 1UM VOUS UO- biiitv. Weakness ot Body and Mind. Buornm torrheo, and lmpotency, and all diseases that arise from over-mdulgence nd self -abuse, as Loss of Memory nnd Power, Dimnsns of Vis ion. Prematura Old Age and mauv other dis cuses that lead to Insanity or Consumption ami an early erave. write ror a pampmot. Address URAY MEDICINE CO.. Buffalo. N. Y. Tho bpecifio Medicine is sold by all drucclBts at $ Dor nackaco. or six Dackncus for $0.or sent by mail on receipt of money. and with every f5.Ul order WE GUARANTEE a euro or money reiumieo.. ItOn account of counterfeits we hav adopted the Yellow Wrapper, the only genu ine, bold in berauton uv Mattnews BroJ. Dr. ED. Grewer The PhllRrtripht. SpoelnHst.and his ansodated iuu or iwtiisn and Herman phvletans, are now permanently located at 311 SPItUCM ST., SCnNTON. Tho doctor is a erndimte of the University of Pennsylvania.formarly demonstrator of phvsi oloi'y and sui Berv at tho lledieo-ChlrarRical Collefrs of Philadelphia. A siiolalty of Chronio, Norvous, Skin, Heart, Womb and aiouu uiscases. DISEASES OF THE HERYOOS SYSTEM The symptoms of which ore dizziness, lack of coniKienro, sexual weakness lu mon snd wo man, boll rising in the throat, spots floating before the eyes, loosof niemorv. unable to con centrate the mind on one suhjeot, ensilv startled when suddenly spokon to, aud dull, distressed mind, which unHts them for- per foriniuir tho actual duties of life, makinc Imp pines impossible: distressing the action of the heart, causing flush ot heat, depression or spirits, evil foreliodiniTB, cowardice, fear, dreams, melaneholv. tne exnv of eomnanv feeling as tired in tho morning as when retir ing, lack of encrev, nervousness, trembling-, confusion of thouuht. depression. constipation. weakness of the limbs, cto. Those so effected should consult us immediately and be restor- eu to pcrreei uo:utn. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED Weakness of Youug Men Cured If you havo been Riven no bv vour physician cull unou the doctor and be examined. Ho cures the worst cases of Nervous Dubillty.Scro- liiln,ilrt Boros.i atnrrhf ilea, f emale weakness, AITectlons of the Eyo, Knr, Nose and Throat, AHinina, i.'eanicss, rumors, taucers anu vrip Dies of evorv dpscrmtiou. Consultations free a:id strictly sacred nnd cnntldantial. oflicii hours daily from ft a. m toV p. m. bunday Q to 2. ItiDAPO THK UUKAT HINDOO REMEDY ruuiiuritUTiiK AUOVK Itf.MITI.Trt In 00 DAY. Curua all NiTvmii lisiiiBi.-M. t il 1 1 in cr Mcit'ory, Pni'iiMiM. Hiiiiiil44MiitiM KhrhMv Kinin- iiii!i, tU'., rtiutt'U by ynut nlmwoii, itlvoa Tlpror ami sire toHlininki'iioi'Tiiiif.ainI quickly but mi rely nHlor Lout .11 hiiIiooiI in old or young. KaMly curried in vest pot kcl. l'rii'u .00 a.nckatfe. mix ror o.n wit n writlpuiMiurfl to nuM nr moner rcftimled. lion' li t iinv unprincipled drunirt well you any kind o imitation. ItiHhiton linvtiiK INDAPO none other. II hn lum not (rut It . wo will Mend It hv mall upon receipt ornrli-e. Pnmidili't In iti-nled envcloiie free. Add row Oriental Alcdl.ul Co., Prorfc,lNleiRO, 111., or our !!. SOLD by Matthews Bros., Wholesnle and Retail iriicKits, hCKAxNTON, fA., and otber Lead- uig uruggists, psrnuDUroorl I InW to Sudan bj ! Wnirlo Rem-ii Mv.uiiltrlTUnntT.buk! Dj Vx,aw ljl, Potllin pfool. mkI IDO pw. suok, llluitru4 tnm I llhhwpMpltmrtS.frMbymill. WlMnHaiSpriDfi I Uld (tamrylsU, Our MaslO Ramedy will mMmIt mu: C0OI HUXD1 J. DUm IU. MR a. Wit I T M s Sons' Ll Lager Beer Brewery Vantifacturera of the Celebrt4 PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbla. Per Annum, DUPONT'S 11INIXQ, BLASTING AND BPORTINO Manufactured at tba Wapwallonnn Hills, Lu. teruo county Pa., and at Wil mington, ueiuwaru. HENRY BELIN, Jr, General Aeent for the Wyoming District, n8 Wyoming Ave., Scran ton Pa. Third National Bank Building. A0ENCIF.3. rnna vnt?r, nit n- JOHN B SMITH & SON;Plymonth. Ta. c w. uul,uui., wiuces-uaiTo, fa. A cents for the Kenauna Chemical Com tanj's High Explosives. Atlantic Refining Co. Manufacturers and Dealers in'. IllaminatiM and Lubricating Linseed Oil, Napthas and Goeo- lines of all grades. Axle Grease, Pinion Grease ana Colliery tton pound ; also, a large line of Par- raffine az tanaies. We also handle the Furaous CR0W1 ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON. Managar. Office: Coal KxchanRO, Wyoming Av w orxs at rmo ofouk. Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CORNELL CO. CO, looms 1 and 2 Commonwealth 31 SCrtANTON, PA. MINING andBLA$TING Hodo at the M003IC nnd BUdll DALE WORKS. Laffliu & Rand Powder Oo.'i GRANGE GUN POWDEB Electrio Batteries, Fuses for exploit ing blasts, Safety Fuse and RepaunoChemicaJ Co. 'a High Explosives Complexion Prosaivsd OR. HEBRA'8 VIOLA CREAM RetnoTM FrMkles, Pimples. Liver Moles, Blackheads; lores the akin to its orlgl- A clear aud healthy com-WiA. MaW4 plexton. Superior to all lace w ' nrepamtlons and jwrteotly hsrmlesa. At all CiruggletSi or mailed lor SOuta. Scud lor Circular, VIOLA SKIN 80AP U rtmply lMesnsaMe a. a SUa punfvln, giap, BMqn Ibr tht Wirt, and without a riot U tlii nuwry. Abtoluulr jure aul dlloul Mdl nuA. AUnwfitti, Prie. 25 Cents. G. C. BITTNER & CO., Toledo, O. For sale by Hatihew Bros, and John u. mis. Robinson POWDER szo H and Fertilizers POWDER POWDER .Srt, ssiss vx .ui.iySVBA?; i'-M" ' SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL TTlO olmVA V ... .1 . n . X, , 1 1 i . . , . . . jii u uuur cau oe nao ac any or toe louowiug merooanu, who will accept Thr Tribune flour coupon of 25 on each on hundred pound of flour or 60 on each barrel of flour Ecrnnton-F. P. Price, Washiugtoa avenua I Gold MRrtai Urand. Dunuiore F. P. Pricu, Gold Modal Brand. Lunmoro F. D. Mauley, Superlative Branl. ilyuV Prk Curson & Duvla, Wa'huurn St. uoui iuea:u uranu; i hopn a. wears, Mam avenue. SuDorlutivo Brand. Green Klrtije- A.li.Spiin:or.Gulil Medal Brand. J. T. SIi;ll.ilo, hupiiriativo. I'l'OTidi'nco Fcnner & ChappellN; Main ave nue, buperlutlvo lirand;U. J. uuimpi w. Murkot itreot. Gold M (! il Brand. Olypbant Jumcs Jordan, Stipwlative Brand. Ppclville Hliutlcr ft K4r Superlatiro. Jermyn C, O. Winters It Co. bupornlative Archnald Joaos, a mpson ft Jo . U'l'l Modal. Carbouilnie B. S. Clark, Gold Modal Brand. Honesdalo-I. N. Foster ft Co. Gold Medal. Minooku M. II. Luvell , LOUIS B. Asm. GSSFZze. Dealer in Choice Gosfections and BREAD AND CAKES A SPECIALTY. FINEST ICE CREAM 1437 Capouse Avenue. IRON and STEEL NORWAY IRON BLACK DIAMOND TOE CALK TIKE MACHINERY SPUING SOFT STEEL ANVILS BELLOWS HORSE NAILS EXTRA SPECIAL SANDERSON'S ENGLISH JESSOP'S ENGLISH CAST STEEL HOUSE SHOES AVI LEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS BROS, CUTTING MACHINERY. ttenbender &Go.,Scranton, Wholesale and retail dealers' la Wagonmalcara' and Blacksmiths' SUPPLIES. That e will GIVE you beautiful new pat tern3 of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, cf your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at IKI7 LACKAWANNV AVKNUU "No star was ever lost wa once have seen, We always may be what we might have been A HAPPY PATRON OF II HMDS LUilBER GO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.' TRY US. aumpllonorlliwiniiT. i,v ttmtl tminnhl. With orrefiiiiil the money. bEFOREAHDiFTtR USlNQ.no otbor. For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. a SANDERSON, Druggist, cor. WaahlngtOD inH Snvuoo 8troets. IO PE NNtRQYA i.A5k for B. MOTT'S FENimtOTAl, FIIA8 and tako n e other. KpSend for ciroular. Price $1.00 tier box, boxes lor $5.00, S UE. MO'ITH CHEMICAL CO. - Cleveland, Ohio, k'oroalo byC. M. HAK11IS, Drucglst. EVERY WOMAN 6omUnios needs a reliable, monthly, regulating medicine. Only harmless ( the puiestdrufls should be used. Myoawant tbe beat, get Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills They are prompt, sale li a certain In result. The sennine (Dr. Peal's) nerer Ibap, , . c... ....k.n ai ri Aai HamcuiB Co.. QeTelantLO. For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spvuce : Street, Scranton, Pa. from tts A. T. JWfcme, Aoul.UM. The Flour Awards Thicaoo, Oct 81. Fh flnl fffioljrtj nnoancement ot Worlfi Fair di plomas on flour ha been made. A medal baa been awards by the World's Fair judges to the floor manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co, in tba great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports tbe flour strong and pure, and eitltlea, it to rank aa first-clats patent floor for family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL ' & CON NELL V DOLUS ALE ACEAT4 Taylor Judgs ft Co., Gold Medal Itfaerto ft Co., Huperlatlv Duryea Lawrnnce Wtore Co.. Ooi Medal Mooslc Juhn McCrmdle, Gold Medal. Pittston-M. W. O'Boylo, Gold Medal. C ark's Orevn-Frace ft Parker. Huporlativs, Clark's Kummit-F. M. Vounif, Quid Medal. ballou-S. . Finn ft Son, Gold Medal Brand. ri U.,lton-J. E. Hardini. wavcrly-M. w. Bliss ft Son, Gold Medal I ai toryvMe-G'harles Gardner, Gold Modal JHonuoitom-N. M. Finn ft Bon, Gold Mwlal. TobyhanBa-Tobylianna ft Leblah Lumbjr Co.. Gold Medal Brand. Oouldaboro-8 A. Adams. Gold Meial Braad, Moscow Galye ft Usments, Gold Medal Lake Ariel-James A. Bortree, Gold Medal Forest City J. L. Morgan Ca., Gold Ueda 'jwT-w.iwawau mm SMITHS PARLORS OPEN FROM T A.M. TO 11 P.K, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SUfS PLYING FAMILIES WITH ICE CREAM. WAGON WHEB14 AXLES 6PRING3 HUBS SPOKES RIMS STEEL SKBIK9 It. R. SPIKES SCREW Cpnnell RESTORED!': NERVE SEEDS. Tkla WMd.rfil nmttf iMdloaitN all atrvH. Sit. onw, Kiu'ti ss Wrak Moitiorf. Loss of Bmln Power. Hadacb, WaSsfulneis, IxiKtiMsiihoiHl, Nlyhtlr Bmlsiluns, Narvomnoni, alldrsliusnd Ion or powar In Meliorative Ormuis of either soxoaused by ovsreicrlloii,outhriilrr.rs. xi "Iv8iip of tobaoco. oiilum or stimulants, whlcblcnd to InUrmlty. t - vanosoarneainyeiipoeisu per u, a AS order we a ivrllten anarat.tee so our. Clrenlsr fne. S.ild by alldruiiuuis. A tat H s Auureaa ncuva. z.a.u vti., uasonio 'isoipi. v-w. ?? Th6 only af' TJf? w , m L PILLS. ever offered to Ladies, espeoially reoommend Ar1 tn married Iiadioa. 147 l'enn Arentie. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and