THE SCKANTON THIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. JULY 20, 1894. BASE BALL Br, Kelly Is Now Convinced That His Team Has. a Peer. NARROWLY ESCAPE A WHITEWASH Scranton Puts Up a Magnificent Article) of Call With Hodson In tho Box Other State League Summar iesStanding of tho Clubs Na tional and Eastern League Results. Notes of the Diamond Bicycle and General Sporting News. LLENTOWN and bcruiitou Kre uow H tie for first plno .1 it... r."-'f TTW mine race lor win iClHS tat Leajrne ctaatu- r-. plnnnliip of the sec ond seimon, bat the bcrantou force will have to keep up their excellent work of the iut week if they wish to mail) taiu their euviable pueitiou, as Allen- town the coming week will lace the conceded weaker clubs of the League, while Scranton will do battle with the etronnor ones. la the other State leajju") contest yesterday Ilazletou succeeded in re tiring Manager Randall' Philadelphia colts without a run, while Lancaster turned the tables on l'ottsville and Reading defeated Harriaburg. The following table glv3 the per centage of the clubs, together with the number of g imee won and lost bv each club, and thoir standing iu the league race: Won Lost. 3 3 4 5 . 5 5 0 a Per C't. Fcranton 1 700 Allentowu. rotthville LancitHter llazlettm riuailiut; llarrisbiiru PhiladL-lpbia.... .fir.) .5;K) .4-11 .4(0 AM SCHEDULE FOB TODAY. Ilazh'tnn at Scruutiui. Allentnwn at Philadelphia. Laucasturut Han Sb'irir. Kernling at Pottsville. TIE WITH ALLENTOWN FOR FIRST. Ecrauton Won Another Game by Bril liant Ball PUyiLff. One round mure. Scranton' superb work iu defeating Allentown yesterday placed it on equal terms with Alleotowo for the honor of leaning the State league proeeanion.and if the Iki-3 only keep up their good work we may actually become the lender in the race within a few days. It' n fine thing, as well lis nn entirely new sei.siitiou for the ball crunks iu this city to have a club that can set the puce. Yesterdays' game was a brilliant ex hibition of ball playing in which the home team shone with conspicuous lua tur. S:allz, Hogan and Pbelan mod' phonumeual catches and Westlake made ii stop of a hot lice drive from Kelly' bat that sent the audienco aglow with enthusiasm. The force of the ball turned Westlake completely around, but be recovered himself and sent tne ball to first in time to put out the erst while king of the diamond. Maybe those brilliant plays didn't evoke enthusiasm from the 1,500 spec tators. HISTORY OP THE STRUGGLE. The terrible slugging that marksd the previous day's game was noticeable by its absence from yesterday' eon test. Allentown bad put its best foot forward and with Baldwin in the box was prepared to make a desperate ef fort to win the game and retain undis puted possession of first place. A an c fleet to Baldwin Manager Swift put in Hodson, who proved far more effec tive than the late crince of National league twirlers Mr. Baldwin. Wetzel promptly at 4 o'clock walked to tho plate and faced Baldwin, going out from Mulvey to Kelly, Hogan made a low drive close to the second bag that Short Stop Sweeney brought to stand still by a superhuman effort, lie sent it to first, but not in time to cut off the flet-footed Hogan, who went to third on Fttcben's single, Maseey sent a fly to Wise who caught it and then cut Hogan off at the plate by a throw to Milligan. After Phelun and Staltz had been re tired in the second inning, Rogers made a tingle and Westlake a doable. Both scored on Hodson's double. In the third and fourth Scranton failed to add to its score, ALLENTOWN BADLY RATTLED. Uodscn opened up the fifth inning by Striking out and Wetzel was retired on a fly to Costullo. Hogan made a three bagger and Pateben was hit by a pitched ball. Baldwin purposely gave Massey his base on balls, filling the baee8. Pbelan marched to the plate liko a general and after some pre liminary spurring sent the ball straight for Baldwin. The latter interfered with but did not stop it and Hogan scored, Phelan reached first and the other runners advanced a base. Staltz was the next man to fondle the willow and he broke the hearts of Kelly's men by pushing the sphere out against the fence between center and left field. Patchen, Massy and Phelan scored and the bull was returned so carelessly to the field by the disgusted Allontown playor that Staltz reached third and came homo on Roger's base bit. Westlake wag retired from Bald win to Kelly. There was no further scoring by Scranton during the re mainder of the game, but there had been enough, quite enough. allentowk's one run. The solitary run that Allentown secured was made In the fifth inning. In the third Baldwin secured a two base bit, Wood following with a drive into left field that George Staltz cap- tured with one hand hs it was sailing over bis head. Baldwin succeeded in reaching teeond ou the hit. Then Sam Wise sent the ball out for the center field fence but Hogan stopped Its ca reer by a sensational one-handed catch. It was a remarkable feat and be rein forced it bv throwing Baldwin out at seoond. The latter thought tbe bit was good for three bines and bad al most reached third when the ball was caught. He was unable to retreat. Tne run secured by Allentown was made by Wood ou hits by himself, Wise and Kelly. Allentown secured seven bits, six single end a double off Hodson. He struck out three men, gave three bases on ball and hit one man. Baldwin wa found safely eleven times. Seven were singles, one a three base kit and three two base bits. He struck out two men, gave three bases on balls and hit one with a italied ball. The score t XT? Si SCRANTON. R. II P.O. A. B. 4 a o 6 10 4 0 0 5 10 8 3 0 4 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 0 27 10 1 P.O. A. B. 1 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 8 10 2 4 0 5 0 0 1 0 1 1 R 1 0 1 0 27 13 3 Wetzel, s. s 0 Hogau, u. f. , 1 Patchen, b 1 Massey, lb 1 Phelan, 2b. 1 Staltz, LI 1 Rogers, r. f I Westlake, 3b 1 Hodson, p 0 Totals.. T 11 ALLENTOWN. K. II. Wood, If I 1 Wise, 2b 0 2 Kellv, lb. 0 S! AicConcb, cf 0 0 Mnlvev, Ho. 0 0 Milligau, c 0 2 Costilk), rf. c 0 0 Sweeni'V, bs 0 0 Baldwin, p 0 1 Totals 1 8 Scranton 0 2 0 5 Allentowu 0 0 0 0 0 0- 7 0 0- 1 Earneil runs Hcrnu ton, 5. Two baso liiU Stiiltz, Wodtlaku, lludhon, Baldwiu. Three base hits llugtin. Stolon bases l'au lien, 2. Double jiluys Hogan to Wot zol, Wis lo Kelly, Wise to Milligau, Mul vey to Wise to Kelly. Struck out By Hud son, 1): Hulilwin, 2. Firot babe on Balls liy HoiImju, 3; Ualdwiu, f. Hit by pitcher lV.clien, Mulvey. Timo l.M. Uuipiro Corcoran. OTHER STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Reading Reuding 0 0 5 0 0 1 1 0 fi-13 lliini!lmrg....O 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0-1U lilts Heading, 13; Ilnrrisbnrg, ti. 1 ror Reading, 3; Harrisburg, 6. l!u tnries Cariient r, C'umniiugs and Uood hart; Huston Had W'euto. At Unzlotou nnzteton 2 30o01n0 8-9 Philadelphia.. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Hlis Hazlnton, 11; Philadelphia, G. Er rors Hazlotou, 1; Philadelphia, 7. liar teries Jordau and Mooro; Bradley aud Clark. At Lancaster Lancaster 0 0101100 00 Pottsvllle 0 1000200 14 Hits Lancastor, 11; 1'otn.vilK 10. Er rors Lanraster, 1; l'ofville, 3. Batter its ir'cheibel aud Cote; Fox aud Biggius. NATIONAL LUliUt RESULTS. At Cincinnati ritM.ur.' 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 0 0-0 tin luuat! ....0 1 0 0 0 0 3 i x- S Hit s 1'ittsburn, 15; t'iauciunati, 13. Knvrs, Pitltihurg, 1; Cincinnati, 0. liat-t-ries tvicolottja and Mrmt: Dwyer aud Murphy. Umpire Oailm-y. At tit. Louis Chir.-u:o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 1- 1 x- 7 nt. L''Uis 1 3 2 0 0 0 1 lilts Chicago, 4; St. Louis, 11. Errors Chi.M-'o, 0; .St. Lo its, 0. Latteries Ab bey iud Scliriver; Hroitonsteiu and Twine ham. Unipiie Hurst. At 1 1 uivillo Cleveland-Louisvillo game p. stt'oned; wet grounds. At Xt w York Wiisuiiirjton... .5 1 o 0 New York 1 1 0 0 lilts WiijUiutftou, Hi: 1 0 2 3 0-12 5 2 0 4 x-13 New York, 12. New Y'iric, 3. Errors Washi n gtou, 2 batteries Sullivan anil Mcuuire; Westor- velt, Uerwau aud Farrell, Liupire At Baltimore Urooklvn 0 0 2 4 2 0 4 7 x-10 Baltimore 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 2- Hits liiooklyn, C5; Baltimore, 11. Er rors lirooKlyu, 2: Uult'.morc, 2. Uat tories Stein awl Earle; Inks aud Kobiu sou. Umpire JlctJ laid. EASTERN LEAGUE. At Springfield-Spriuglk'ld, 13; Erie, 2. ST. JOHN 13 AT IT AGAIN. The Lonir Haired President cf the Scran tan Club ArUes to Rcmrk. President St. John, of the Scranton Bis Ball association, is ration elate 1 over tbe success of the borne clnb, so elated in fact that for a second time this season be has decided that the Scranton club can get along very well without tbe assistance tbe newspapers give towards making the national game popular and talked about To a Tri bune reporter he said last night: "We are seriously considering the advisability of taking up nil tbe tickets now held by newspapers and paying for the advertising of such games a the club plays in this city. Some ac tion will be taken with regard to this matter tomorrow. ' The reporter assured Mr. St. John that such action on the put of the as sociation wonld be heartily applauded in tbe business offices of the daily pa pers of the city, every one of which has devoted valuable ppsce and expended much money in ac curately reporting games at home and abroad all of which has been a cer tain extent advertising for the Scran ton Base Ball association and for which, ho far as Tim Tribune i oonorned, it has never been recompensed to the extent of one cent in coin of the realm. It is a business Arrangement in which the base ball association has decidedly tho best of it. If the members of the Scranton Base Ball association are not destitute of busiueas Kenan they will snpproas Air. Sr. John. . The nswspuper people of this city have listened long enough and much too patiently to his mouthing. concerning the obligations they are tindor in being allowed to report the games of the Scranton lima Bill club. ECHOES FROM THE HOME PLATE. Springfield has roloased Pitchors Horner and Sigsby. Tho home team won its sixth straight game today. Pitcher Vote Daniels, of the Kansas City club, seems to linvo the pitcher's record. He has won twonty out of twonty-throe games. Pitcher Moran, of Brookville, a loft hnntler who pitched for N.nhville until the Southern league disbanded, has been signed by Uarrisbu.ig. President Byrne, Bcoordlng to a wontern pnper, pooh-poohs the idea of sectional leagues. Ho says that the twelve-oluh league has come to stay. Hazleton will meet Scranton at the ball park today aud make a strong effort to break the long string of defeats it has sustained from Scranton. Mar in Mi Quaid, tho Cinclnna outfielder, has been released by Captain Comihkey. He did not play In a championship game, and his hardest work has been drawing bis salnry. The Now York players complain that they wer not luruisnon with Ice for the water given thorn to drink either in Brook lyn or Cincinnati and bad to buy It them selves. Scranton Inns are now Rotting the kind or ball playing by tbe home team and they ure appreciating It tou. Fifteen hundred people saw the game yesterday aud 1,-00 tue previous nay. Mulderig hold down a position on the Allentowu ueucn yesterday and before the piinio bigtin twirled the ball for H'Veral minutes tor the edilkation of King Kelly, who actod as catcher. Tho Slars, of Pine Brook, challenge the Stars, of Priceburg, to a game of bull on the Priceburg grouuds en the dnte already mentioned. Auswer through this paper. George Buddy, malinger. John Claikson has made a novel objoc- Hnn tr, hia mlniiai, hi lti.tlirnnpii n..H l,i.a refused to go thero unless he Is given a bonus by tue Cleveland club. Thus tbs deal made on Saturday for tbe exchange oi tiiaricsou lor juunauo bangs ure. A rumor to the effect that the Scranton Base Ball association had been offered II, Dill) by the Boston club for Pitcher Hodsou was confirmed last niuht by President St. John, Ihe offer was made through Maua- ger Rand nil, or the Philadelphia State league club,' but was declined. "Wbeu Mr. Bandall askrd me if Hudson could bo boucut," said Mr. St. John, "I told him yes," provided the offer was a substantial oue. He said that the Boston people would give (1,000. "We know that Hodson is worth more than that to us and conse quently Mr. Randall was informed that Ii would take at least (1,200, aud possibly more, to secure him. That was the extent of our negotiation: nothing further has been said by Mr. Randall, .and certainly we are not. looking for a market for our players." Mr. St. John stated further that iu tbe event of Hudson being released it would bo stipulated that tbe Bale is not to Hike effect until after the present home engagements. Iu reply to the reporter's suggestion that perhaps a new pitcher of Hodson's culiber could not be engaged, tho local president stated that Yerkes gave every indication of being a good t wirier, mid that with Ycrkoa mid Flanauluiu anil some other pitcher who is available, the Scrauton team coulj still play winning ball. Mr. St. John htated that while the roieaso of llodsou hn.l not beon considered until the Boston -offer, Scranton could do without its star pitcher for a coiiHidorntiou. A further statement of Mr. St. John's that "good pitchers nro scarcer than white nileo" seemed rather auiliiuuous mid would indicate that a love or tho need of the long groen nitubt bo construed ns having a bearing ou tho mo tivo for Hudson's release. THE PRESS CLUB'S REGATTA. Protpro s Britfht for 0a of th But Evint Evir H'U In AmM'loa. The regatta to be held at Lake Ariel on Tuesday, Aug. I t. under the direc tion of the Scranton Pre club.alreudy gives promit-e of b in.' n far greuter event than was that of ltt)3, and which oarsuieu who were preent d-clnre I one of tho most successful aquaiio events thoy ever took part iu. There will be eleven kreat contest during the course of the "lay, tho first event begiiiuing about 11 o'clock, and they wiil em brace everything in rowing from the j.luiur sing.o rnll to the great bicht oarod senior shell race, and in tho various struggles will appear such men as ilxilley, Amaii, Don'cgiu. Hawkins, Coughlan mid others who are famous iu ti.e annuls uf American umiitetir oarsmen, the first named uow holding tho championship. he was at L ike Ariel last year and was a priza winner. He expect1 to maintain his record. Another star lu the senior singles will bo Oscar Werts, of Newark, who has inishe - himself to the highest elans by the most earnest work. The Plymouth Stars will also have crow in live dif ferent race, aud to show their enthu uiasm in the rogatta they have ur ranged to run a special excursion train through to L ike Ariel from Plymouth crossing via tha I) -laware and Hudson through Wilkes-Barre and Parsons, assuring to the people of thos" plaos unsurpassed accommodations for gettiug to ami from the lake, and overcoming grandly the inconvenience they snif-jred Inst year. The Arcbbald Hose compauy will handle the excur sion to the like that day from the upper Lickawanna valloy, and thir sales of tickets will iuoiulo from Oly phant north. They are hustlers aud promise to give a big turnout. And as for .Scranton and Pitttton the Press clnb will handle the sales of tickets it self and there is every reason to believe there will be a great rush of people to see the nnsurp-issed sports. The train service will be all that may be desired. WILL HOLD A CLASS A MEET. Oren Ridae Biorcle Club So Decided Last Night. The Qreen Ridge wheelmen bad a special business meeting at their clnb house on Wyoming avenue list night and decided to hold a ClafS A race meet at the Driving Park Wednesday, Aug ust 23. Charles M, Cair was unanimously cbosen manager of the affair, which will no doubt be a sucoess, as no effort will be spared to make it so. To er. I You have to swelter iu tho city or to be able to lloe to tlia shore these hot dnyg. Curse the heat if you will. Far better to be calm and endeavor to cotiutoract its cH'ei.ts. You know better than any one else how it ulTectayoti. With most people it causes irritability, lan guor and indi?Q.stio:i. Johann HolTs Malt Extract cures all such is cooling too---There's nothing better for Sum mer. Look for signature of "Johann Hoff" on neck label. All others are imitations. Educational. MANSFIELD STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. An effective triiiniii); Belli oi for touch ers. Special nttuntiou jrlvcn to Host Urn lnato work and propariug students for oiitorinir colleKO. Eio imh vo y iiijilorato. Urad natea from hliiher rotirson enter ad vum-nd chiKses In eolleir i. (liaflnat"S from the Kle lmiiitary coin so nrn equipp-d tor tho practi cal work f tnachl'iir all lirannhuH In tho common schools. Iiiclu liiiv riravviuxuud phys ical culture. Protective teachers receive material aid Iroin ilio state, reducing ex pen sea for I oird, tuition, lght, steam heat and wnshini; (12 wi-ks), in ti.e Junior year, to - IliH. nml in the Senior yer to jfll8. Four lnriro bii ildinirs, all hrated by steam: fine athluiio i.'iouiid; healthful InCHtion; am pio ac'-oniiuodidloi s; thopeiifh di.scipliiio. Fall term on -ns Amfnxt 21). Mil. ror catalogue and Information address SAMOLL U. AI.UKu. A.M., I'h.U.. Principnl. Mun'-flcld. i a. Furnished Rooms to Let. J1 rooms. with or without board UliUi'rauk jin avenue. Situations Wanted. WANTKD-A llOV WITH ONE OK TWO years' oxporienro in tho drug luisinnss. Apply at McUiuruh & Ihouiaa' DruK btore. WANTKD-BY A LADY WITH FOUR yBnrs' exiierionon in post ofllce, position In post olticc or othar oflioe. Address "H. K," Triliuno office. A NT KUISlTioN A' CLE UK IN V clothinrs store orgrocnrorcollectlnir no founts anr place of trust, can bo well recom mended for liny position. Address JOHN M. TAYLOR, Avoca, I'u. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG 17 married man as teamster, or anydesiip liln empleyiuent, Cull or address "ti. P," lull Ccuur avenue. SITUATION WANTED BY A STKOKO O man '25 years old. I'ndorstands oaro of horses aud is a iiood garduor. Address "t ed, UI7 Cherry stroet, borantou, Pa, GE1T A Word. IPaU of all tcindt cost (Aat muck, a fpt SituatUmt Wanted,which art intert t'HEE. Kelp Wanted Male. ("ilSIK) WtEKLY PAID MAN OF INTKl.ld O K"iioo, piiiiu writer, wlio can lie trusts 1 with llrina in aiey. Call H.U0. Ituom at. Li brary liuild uf. U'ANTKD-IP YOU ARB A CATHOLIC, uiieinploved mid will work lor 418 per weuk, wriiu .SlacCnuiieU llios., 11 Fniukliu streot, lloston, JlnsH. Helo Wanted Females. UrTNTl?l)"trAM')STOU for liiuiidios; also a e- u,l cook and honsoKirls. Apiilyto M S. C. V. hCll L'LLIiR MAN', nmi rem I'eniHVlvaula oral school, cor uer of .J. I t . l-.H. m mid Klei-trie uvenues. For Sale I KT AIL lllilX Kli Y Ul'SINKSS KdRSALU it doiiiK a prulllnlile laisi ess. Real reanni Kiveii. A idi-i-Hs in enil nu .1 O. ACKKliM A N. Special Notices. OI'FI K OK TIIK SCRANTON STEW, '"in i kui - Ihunnniial iiieetiiii f the st'K-lvhoioi-rs of th i uhov- coiiiii.iuv for the oliellon ol'llt 11 id (III rt'il-' wd. be he d at th.i ulllci uf the conip iiiy in tliu city of Sera Hon nu 1 hip sd;,v, tau - i-oinl May i.f An Kiisi next, at 4 n'couK p in. No traiuler of Hto. k will lie nudj lur tin-ive days nixt pro- CudllU tliu uat'! at I llll ill i)V-.' II.'. -till, . K. I'. KiiM- r.H.V, f-c ant-. n, l'u., Jiny ii. l'l. 8S0 TO l.IVKRI'HOL, l.ON'DdN", 01. AS- i.iii'-eii'toiu!. I.ou'iuii'.h-rry anil Lell.l-1, U a t' S:r Lliu. J. A. llAit- i;o.",,;,gn,t, l'r en;. rn! i.AN'i' THIS Ui.Llr-fl.i'UIKT I i'r-ink I.. in i lliuati-ut.'d Weekly War llliiHi.rat'.oii.i l'iiil ls;r,. I'.v i Voiiimi-s V'olio, in'.jo; pny.iL-leuioiit'ily, fri. H). bol vurnd by express -o npicio. pi'e.ii:il. A iiIids 1'. O. MOODY, till) tiiltoun hireet, f-'ci anion, l'u. ILAMC liOUKs, T'A.Ml'llLKl.S, MAUA i r.iiiej, en-., bound or rebound at Tub Ti:iiii:nk uiiico. yidi-k wura. UeusonaUo incna MUM, TU:Kl-.T CAN 1K HAD 't Hi, cornw ripriico ureet and Kraiililiu ave ime. Twenty iiieal tlKcts lor Uood tal'le board. Public Snle. I WIIL OF I-El! AT I'll! II! SALE ON L Wcdin.'.iliiy, uly 'Si, I.MI, at II) o'clock a. in., on the is. llin leasehold nstatoand linn ofyearscie to I by Ii.ili ntnre lro.n . 0. gchoouni.ik r to Arthur 1-rothiiii h nn and 1. R'.iru Fruthiiiitiiiiin, dated June 1st, Isvj, re ei.rdud in Mi-ruai;. ll .ok o. ill, piiRe if.'l, ute., uj by relerenco theietn had wiil lully nppuar, ri lot No. a iu Suliiru or lllock No. ;iil, u-i WvomiiiiT avntiue. on which tile 'Frothiniiloni Areade"stuod. Tliu lot is 1!J feet wide and b)i tei t deep to an ullcy. Teruu wiil bo made on day otsslu. CHAM. U. WELLES. July 11, 1NU. Lost. T OST-A GOLD lTAilt FIN WITH WHITE ij pronijs. Finder will bo suitably re warded by n turiiiuir the same lo Colonol E. 11. Ripple, Third National bunk building. Proposals. PROPOSALS WILL HE RECEIVED AT 1. tho ollijo of th" New York and Scranton Coal company, lVekvillc, I'nuna., until July ;.'i. ISill, lor sinkiin: nu air shaft at the Ontario colliery, size lllxltl, iu the clear, mid about lit) n ot Ueop lrom tuo surluco to the Dunmore vein. Company rusjrves right to rejoct any or nil bids. II. CHAPMAN, Insido Foroman. Legal. "INSTATE OF EZRA DE W1TT.DECEASUD. XJ Notice Is hereby K' veil that a rule has been granted to nhow cause wav Jane U, De Witt, executrix of the last will and t stament of said (lucedeut, shall nut be discharged from tho duties and liabilities of her aiinonitmont. Application will bo mado to have said rule uiaue aosoiute ana tne executrix uisctinrgea, July 2, ISul. 8 a PRICE. Attorney for executrix Financial Statement. TMN AN CTAL STATEMENT OF THE DAL- J tjn Independent School District for the year ending Juno I, 1NJ1. TAXES. Amount levied for school pur poses ST01 S3 Amount levied for building pur pose 8-V) 14 Total amount of taxes levied... 1,002 07 li EC Kins. From state appropriation for the year eiidimrJ one. 1111. ...$HH 08 Balance on hand from last year 1WJ (0 From North Abinutou township for tuition 71 0) Fr m (. A. Oay for tuition re ceived from paid pupils 8 80 From collector for taxes col lected 002 70 Total receipts $2,070 21 txriiNPiTUiirs. For repnirs on buildings $ 07 Wl For touchers' wiikcs OUl 75 For fo s of collector (.8 70; and treasurer (Mil, Ttl.i 70 4(1 For fuel and coiitln-oiicies 72 IT) For salary of secretary 20 IU) For debt and Interest paid 8iH) 60 For other expeiisea 2150 For school text books and sup plies SSJ8 74 Total expenditures.. SL701 40 ? 805 76 Cash on hand IIKSOI'IICT.S. Cnsli nu hand.,... ;il" 73 Amount due from collector 45 17 Total $ 350 1)2 I.I A I II. IT Ei. Amount of bonus outst:iii-llntr.?2.000 00 $2.000 00 Liabilities In cxeoss of resources 82,2111 ow witness our hand this sixth day of July, 1MU. EDWARD MILES, President; A. BALL, Secretary. GROSS, MtltfHV M i D u E L a Bankrupt The balance of stock on hand will be sacri ficed without mercy to convert it at once into spot cash. Short lengths of Silks, Dress Goods and White Goods at any price to dispose of them. Now Is the Accepted' Time. GROSS, FOSTER: & CO. '9 Connolly 1 Lao les QUANTITY 100 dozen. QUALITY The best value that has ever come from a for eign shore. COLOR Dyed by "Hermsdorf." That's enough. PRICE 25c. A PAIR. Our own stamp. Our own import. Taffeta Moires 1 2c. per yard. Others advertise them as a bargain at 15 cents. PnEilFJflliy P l3fAIIAPE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. bUIiihULLQ WHiil.Mb oPP. court no Hotel Waverly Enropean Tlan. Fir't-o'.ass flsr ttehe4. Depot for Lertfuur ti Eiitfjl i Tannhu)uir Ler. H. L Cor, 15tli aniF'totSti, Fhilaii Most deuirabla for of N.E. P.nn rylvanls. All eor.veniHiices lor traTnlori t and from Broad Street station and th. Twelfth and ISarXst Stroot station. D itraklu for Tlnitiug Serautouiaos aail p Vie In the Authraulto Itegloo. T. J. VICTORY. PROPRIETOR. Excitement Don't Delay, You Can't Afford to Wait. No let np. Big crowds at this genuine Fire Salo. Salesroom crowded all the timo with eager buyers. The jam of Bargain Seekers was immense last week. This week we've increased our force of salespeople. There will be no crowding now. The Chance of a Lifetime to Get Fine Clothing for Next to Nothing. The goods were damaged by water only from the recent explosion and fire iu the store of our nelgh bors, Messrs. Davies & Griflin. There is no smell of smoko or fire about them. SALE NOW GOING OM And Goods Sold at S3 Cents on the Dollar Less Than Cost to Make. Three Dollars worth of Clothing for $1 in money. That's what you get at OUR FIRE SALE. Every purchaso a bargain and an actual saving of 67c. on tho dollar. BOYS' PANTS, 13c. .BILL SIGN OF THE BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. KJ-XEXT DOOR TO THE UCRXED DA VIES & G RUTIN BUILDING. FOSTER & CO. THE I AST WEEP llslE lilt! ifXh OF THE GREAT 316 AND 318 LACKAWANNA 1 back WARN iNG. lie id re lately Kail Feather I'.eds and I'illowa broujht lo ua by tlfUhijertu-ho wished lo disjmst of the same and from whose actions' we belicced the leather didn't beluiXQ to them. We will ham no (lct'i'.s with tHvh jvi rt im. We wish to i-aiitivn people againut ylvinp into the hands of scranj. tr who claim to represent us, any Feathers, Carpets, etc , which they wish renovutnl. Any of our ayents can easily identify themselves, or if any one who wishes work done tit our line, will drop us a c ird or call at nnr factory, we will promptly attend to their itunfs antJ will en (tea cor fo merit the confidence of everybody. 'J UK &CHXA TON BEODIXO CO., 6UJ and box Lacka. Ave., Cor, Adam. WHY ROT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAE Solid Oak Bedroom Hetf Wo sell Furniture as cheap as any house in tho country that in tends to give honest value for tho money. Try us. Hull 205 ADD 20, ill 1 230 Lackawanna Avenue. Extraord 'S PANTS. 50c. CLOTHING 1 AVENUE. Wallace Mosierv 4 Co, MCOG AYE. 1 It Costs Nothing to Look, Polite Attention to Everybody. nBry BOYS' SUITS, 65c. Your Hatch Lies if iS docs not toll the timo cor rectly. We guarantee our Watches to bo TRUE TIME KEEPERS and UDhold them as such accord ing to tho terms of our building warranty. diahondTare trumps as a speculation these days. Have you seen tho heavy tariff the Wilson bill imposes on themf Thoir rise in value is aa certain as the shining of the sun in the daytime. FREEMAN, Coaler tur Ciuh in Witches, Diamond bUvei war, eto., Cor.Penn Aya. and Sprues St. What Is More Attractive Than pretty face with fresh, bright oomplexlonf Foi It, use Pouonl'e Powder. HOUSE