'illlu feci.AiYiOfi 1 litJuJiS Jb. j liU liSlAY--MOltN LNr. JuU Itf. irt:J. ft All leading teachers "Ci F BAKING Always makes light wholesome food. Vre.-W faking KwJtr C:, Xf-u V;i, iucnwr to Cl.-jt.nJ Unthcrt. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenu " HEW GOODS iH DIMITIES, JACONETTES, DOTTED SWISSES, DUCK SUITINGS, PRINTED ORGANDIES. Mears & Hagen 415 LACKA. AVE, "dont'" Hare your COT. LARS starched in the cM way, when yon can have them, done wttb sof tillable Buttonholes for TWO CENTS EACH. Lackawanna THE LAUNDRY If you want Carpets. Draperies, Wall Paper or Window Shades, come to us. Wc have a full line of goods, and our prices are ery low. 1!L7 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. Tribune i-oBihr; leaving- for tlilr sntuiner's vncntloii can have Hielr favor- ili gin p i- iit to thm without extra riit, hy iiolll'vjn llil ofilre ot the tie- .Irttrl cliaitgtM Iti thv pjitiir's uillreit. There wtil be a regular nieetinirof Select C'i'iiicil to-night. Ii. 15. Potter, of Hyde Park, has bought n lot on Columbia avenne from Arthur Frothiiighiuii. T'"n Mul,lrlf?, of this city, formerly of ti. Slii-imndnabs, Mined with Allentown yesterday. He is a pitcher. The excursion of the A.-cidcntal Fuud of the Pine Brook shaft to Lake Ariel jester terday n largely attended. Many of tl.e foundation piers of tlin Hot-I Jertnyu bate been completed and biu-k it uovr betun hauled to the site. The Catholic Choral union, of eighty v6its u.ider the leadership of Tallin Mor gan, will tiog at Laurel Ldill park ou J Jiy 25. R'MMie mission sougs-ruicethis evening. The fioworth Lesirue chorui of the Elm Park Methodist Episcopal cbuich will as sist iu the t-initin?. All are welcome. Tl;e Epwnrth Leauiie of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church will bold a law ii aoiial at Jnnor Warden's new resi dence, 1L'2 North Hyde Park avenue. The lennUf ia uoted for their flue social nffairs tind it U hoped that a laro crowd will at lend. All are welcome. The Ladies' Aid of tlio Green Ridjro Ep-tt-t i-hnrdi, will x'wa u social on the Lurch lawn thin evuuing. Ire oream and caki will be served. A pleasant time is anth ip'ifd, and a cordial iuvit.atioii is ex teuiled to all. Should it rniu, tho social will be defei rod until I'Vidny oveiiiiiii Tlie fnuernl of John K. Eyous, of KI9 fifth street, who was fatally injured on tb" D-lawaie, Lackawanna and Western railroad on Tuesday, will take place from )d Inie re'idouce on Fiiday nioiniuirat. W o'clock. A htyh iv.as of i-eqniein will bo lalebraied at M. Peter's Oat tie I ral, inter ment being made in iiyde Park Catholic c.euietery. Open All Night at I .oh man's Spruce street. Go with the Excdilora to New York Au 18. The Exrelslor Athletic club will run an excursion to New York on .Saturday, Aug. IS. Fare for ronud trip, ti.7. Tickets f,.r five days, 14 55. The excursion train will leave over the Erie and Wyoming Valley pIctureMjne. route at 10 a. in., ar riving at New York at fi a. m. Coney Island, that delightful pleasure resort, will tuminh a day's most, delighful recrea liou. Eipbteeu honrs will be given to all to etj iy themselves. Uatbiug suits can be reuied ut the seashore aud an oppor tunily afforded to ftauibol in the lovior etiog salt water will be open to nvery body. The lauics will be protected from All unpleasantness and huichos can bo brought alonif to llghtim expense, if they so desire. The excursion will be run at a time when tbe pleasure season will be In it (lory. Ample accovimodution wtll be furnished without crowding. Trains re luming will leavo New York at II p. m. aud reacb borne 5 o'clocV Monday morn inu. Thus it will beseeu that no exenr elonist need stop work at hour. $40,000 School House No. 27. E. L. Walter, architect, bids to be opened this month, to be built on loiuuiuia avunue. Lots for sale on thin avenue at low pricej (or a brief period. - ARTHUR FROTHINOHAM. Muslo Soxss Exolusivly. Best made. Play any desired number of innet. uantscm & eons., tnanniacturers, 1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orrbestrial organs, ouly 15 and $10. (specialty: Old musio boxes carefully re paired aud improved with new tunes. 'Williams k McAnully of cookery use villus. " Pure", POWDER and Sure." G01RITTEE IS IN A OUANDARY. Does Not Know What Action to Take With Regard to the Grade of Swetland Street. The approach to tbe propositi Lin Jen strt bridge from the .Swetliuxl street bridge to Seventh street, willed li;ia been a thorn in thV side of couu-i-ils and the joint streets and bridges L'ommittoe for several raoiiths, was considered by the oommitteo naia lest night, but without definite conclusion. Ctihtrman Thomas and Membon Mau ley, Sweeney, Regan, Lmier. Rons and Battle sweltered and nr.gn'il over the mutter for an hour luH evouing aud titially adjonruud after deciding to let th matter rest nutil the Linden street bridge is under wny or complctod. svoral tnembeiA assouied Hint the abeyance of SJ important a quentiou would invalidate the issuing or bridge bonds, but it was more generally as sumed that the present approach from S-ventli street to Sixth street fnlly pro tected such ii possibility. Iu accordnuce with a resolution of conucila.tlie city engineer bud prepared and subuiilted to the committee u drawiuif showing the established and proposed 7 or U per cent. grade. The preseut established grade of 10 9 per cut. to the Swetland street btidce at Ninth street is considered trcnra'Uicrtl and the proposed gradus might bo d:mi aga property owners as to aUo be iui Tactic il. That is tho view taken by the committee. The U per cent grade would occasion an 9 fool iilliug, or the 7 percent grndd i lU-ioot tilliiiK or bridge ut Eighth rtreet. The 0 per cent grade starts froui the present established Seventh street grade, while the 7 per cent grade would incur nu 3 foot fill nt this noiiit. i'roperty owners, chiefly Finch fc Bon and E. Robinson's sons, are disposed to opposa eitli'.T of the proposed grades or loank lienvy dam iges. A viaduct from the terminns of tbe bridge at Sixth street to Ninth street we considered by tho committee. Mr. Phillips i xpl.iiued tluit bucIi an np proacn would, at u rough estimate, co-1 s3.j,00d, which, together with the price of coudeuiued land, wouM .lUtike the expense too great to be under taken. The committee may decide finally to recommend the eat&fcliebiug of an H per cent, grade. "From tho Banks" see Saturday's Trib. HITCHCOCK ELECTED PRESIDENT. Kext Meetlog- of til Slate Inauranoe Men Will Be Held la Seranton. Tho Pennsylvania Association of Firo Insurance agents met at Harris burg yesterday afternoon and nfter ills cueaing firo losses and transacting rou tine btniiiss elected tliese officers: Preni.iont, Colonel F. L. Hitchcock, of Scran ten; vicn presidents, W. H. Flickluger. of Erie; Dr. B. Baeh ler, of Hawisburg; II. B. Calder wobd, of Tyr.nie: treainrer, G. F. P. Wanger, Pottstown; corresponding secretary. J. H. Mnsser, Harrisburix: ascretary, H. ,M. Hill, Erie; rxectttive committee, R. V. Lnce, bcranlon; (ieorge .S Winner, biladelplita; L. J. Van Auden, Erie; Joseph S. Hoard, Mansfield ; J. P. Leslie, New Castle; ,lohn A. Bailsman, Lancaster; W. M. Deisher, Reading; George C. Cnapin, Milton. The nest meeting will be held at Seranton. The agents had n lannnet last night nnd will have an excurtioii to Gettysburg today. UP THE STEEPtST INCUNE. An Elrcirlo Car 3uoo4sfalIy Moua'. Lackawanna Avaout Hill. All electric oar .vestrd-iy suoc-fis fully mounted Lackawanna avenue hill, the steepest incline in this city upon which there is an electric rotd. Tho car was loaded with enmpnnv iffutals and was in chars of General Manager Boteiu and-Inspector Galla gher. No trouhlo whatever wan a- prionced in climbing the steep grade or coming down again. It is not known as rt how soon the new piece of road will be put to practical mo. POINTS IN POLITICS. George Okell says he U iu the fi-jbt for "herifT to Btsy, uutll the choicf of the con vention shall have been uiiiiouocd. T have alrehdy done some campaiKa. ing," said Altoniey (Charles L Uuwley, t'roninuion canuiuato lur governor yester day, "and expect to titan, ou another ex peililioii iu iihout n week. This time I will v it-It cities and towns in the central part of the slate." Attorney John P. Qainniui is ns san guine that he will be nominated and elected representative in iho Second Lwmtivfl dialii'.'t, a" that the sun rises and sets. W lien imked if ho could Hive em's nt to who his probable competitor tvoulil o: lie aiu it wa a matter of iu differnnce; bo did not rare who be would be.. Select I'ouimltnau Alex T. Cnnnoil.of the Twentie.tn warn, is inentioned as ilr. (jninuau s Diobahle opponent. The Democratic county convention will be reonired to choo'e between n swarm of aspirants for the office of jury roinmis- siouer. irom tnenoiiiu (list net ot L,acka wnnna township there will bo two caiidl dales, John J. Coyne and William J Burke. 'Squire Patrick Roach, of tho Twentieth waul, aud UcoiRe Shoeuinker. of the Eleventh ward, will he applicant for tbe honor, 'inure Is uo talK of anv Democrats iu the city or North End of the conntv entcrliiB th' race. Ky common consent the South Side will be accorded theomVe and the fight promi-am to ndjiut Itself among lliu lour liiit nieiitloueil, with the chunceH iu favor of Mr. t'oyue, who appears to ciiruiuvolve clover to the Demoi'ialic machine than any of bi com. petitois. Philip Scheuer, jr., of ihu tii tu ot cicheuer Uro., or tJruok street, Is men tinned as tbe probuble candidate ou tbe KtpilDllCHU tick"t. Sheriff John J. Fabey, chairman of the Uemocrntlc county committee, was yesler day asked it ho conld tell ou what date the committer would be called together in order to fit a date for tbe county con- Tuniion. - i uo not Know," was nis reply. He stated that whenever the randld.ttoj called for a meeting ol the committee for this purpose that will bo what shall guide him In cnlllna it. -"It all doDends on the caudidatet." said Sheriff Fabey. "if tbey want au early convention for n good long campaign, or a late convention for a (tioi t one, that is for themselves to de clde. "Well, who are tho nnterriflod ones that are willing to approach'-the Riilllotluer asked tbe reporter. 'Ibe snerirc cogitated a minute or two aud Eszea out the window with a faraway look in bis grsy eyes, then hr remarked with a Isngb, "I do not know, I have not any luea. CIT1ZENSARE IfllXEDUP i Asphalt or Brick for Frinklin 'Avenue Si ill in Doubt. PROPERTY OWNERS ARE AT WAR Paving Committee of Select Council Take No Action in the Matter Some Citizens Want Asphalt,, Soma Want Brick and a Few Are Opposed to Any System Tho Whole Occasions a Fierce War of Words. The paving committee of selectcoun cil met in the city clerk's oflic last evening to couMder the petitions for paving Franklin aveuii", between spruce nnd Mulberry or Vine street-, with aaphaltor vitrified brick, and also lo listen to tho pro and coil arguments of tbe property owners. Nearly nu hour wne consumed in the sossion nnd the committee adjourned to re-consider the mnttur oext week. A ecore or nmro persons interested in the improvement between Spruce and Mulberry streets and but two own ing property" between the latter ami Vine street'wero present. The resnlt of the conference showed tint nearly ull who now are in fav ir of a brick pave petitioned, councils several year.- ago that asphalt be used. This fact left the l)eluvre nnd Hudsou com pany, tuo Dickson Manufacturing com pany and V. C. Connell the only ad vocates of asphalt. The tmnuiittce wonld Imv submitted to the Wishes of tho majority, but lor the fact that property owners between Mulberry nnd Vine streets have not petitionod in favor of either asphalt or brick nnd there is u.i indication that many will oppose a pavement of uoy kind. A VERY MOPEST RFQUKST. The Mulberry Vino street property owners who are In favor of either pav ing system have assumed the position that the comparative decrease iu tuo cost of paving between Sprues mid Mulberry streets, owing to the rail space for which the Scrnutou Traction coinpanv is liable, should make the Spruce-Mulberry owners liable for a pro rata assessment for the additional block between Mulberry aud Vine streets. City Engineer Phillips stated that tbe earns qnestious arose in tbe paving of Madison avenne, and the pro rata assessment which was made caused tnucii dissatisfaction The engiueer said further that Vine street a u J future paving operations would be assessed block by block. Before the property owners departed Jefferson Roesler aud Mr. Shifter agreed to obtain enough signers below Mulberry street for a vitrih-'d brick pave to make a majority of tho whole number of pron-ity owu'ire iroui Sprnce street to Vine. The real excitement of the evening, however, transpired after the petition ers bad departed und Mr. Roesler nnd Mr. Shltter waited to hear the decision of tbe committee composed of Chair man Kosa and Members Man ley, Liner und Burns. HAD A HRATRD TILT. Mr. Burns moved that it was the sense ot the committee that the ordi nance providing for n pavement ou Frankliu avenue be amended by tho substitution of vitrified brick in plac of asphall. The motion was not sec onded. Mr. Lauer moved that consideration of the matter be postponed until next week. Chairman Ross, when usked why be didn't put the motion, replied that it had not been HecoriiHd. ''I eeeond the motion,'' said Mr. Lmier, and the motion prevailed. "You Becondtd yonr own motion, said i:itizjn SliilTer, "which, to say the least seeim a rather qu-aer system for tho deliberations of connciluien. In a heated discussion which occurred a few moments Inter, Mr, Lauer and citizen Shifter had another vocal tilt Said tbe former- "I shall use my influence in favor of an asphalt pave, unless "Whntl" exclaimed Mr. Shifter, There will not be an inch of iiaphult laid in that avenue if it takes all uiy energies to prevent it for two years to come. Understand tout. Sir. Lnu-r. "Yon misunderstand me," replied the councilman, "I mean that I favor asphalt unless ihe whole avenue is to be paved; in that, case the people can have vvimt they want HOME VIGOROUS LANGUAGE. "Tho people will have what Ihey waut without yonr dictation, Mr. Lauer. "said the now thoroughly aroused citiz-n. ''It iB your business to do hs the people say. What hav yon to do with the paving of that nveuu ? "I'm a councilman," repli-d Mr. Lauer. "You're not a councilman unless you do us we want yon to, sir; and uiidir stand there'll be uo asphalt laid in that street. 1 lie ordinance proviuiug lor uu iih- phult pave was referred to commit. teo from select council June 21. The misnro stipulates that t'i cost Is not to exceed more than fe i 0 i p-r ttjuai vard, usa ssed by the iooi-froiit nil Undoubtedly the ordinance wonld liuve been favorably reported two weeks ago and be on its p-iaga now, tint fo1: the counter petition which prays that vit rified brick be the material used, the cost to be uot more than ') 43 per square yard, lite retitioii for the brick pnve was introduced in comrmtu coun cil July 12. in tho form of a concurrent riHolutiiiu .liieciliw tue cily clerk to publish the petition with the nuiu-s of the signers. S'-le' t council has not ytt concurred in the resolution. MI0-5UIVlMe.H MUSICAIG. Mr. Davlot, Puull Olvi a R c Ut Hulbirt'j Nu ic Stor. I-Inlberi'e mu.de store was filled last evening with an audience comp -ed of the friends of Ihe pupils of T. J. 1) ivies Mm. Bao , the occasion being it mi.l- suiiiiner musicale. A rare musics treat was enjoyed and w lanrels were added to Mr. Davie. crown by roaon of tho aliuirable in inner in wuioli nis pupil's aciinitted lh-insolv,s Philip H. Warreu, basso and Miss Maud Wil Hams, elocutionist, nstiste I, Those among the pupils who par tioi pateil wore Missjj Li Vemu Mitchel' Mrs. CMiarles Melzer, Mrs .1 H I'Vutchy, T Bey non, Miss Msry Davie1, Miss Lordtta Jenninvs, D. Olvnn Jsnuf, Miss Anna U Williams, Miss Letlie Dovle, Miss Minnie Parry Thomas, Miss Mate H ml, Robert Bliicltuiao. James T. Giddes, Peter Peuser and B. Prcr Jauiei. Lwu Bsort. Refrleeratorr, Ios Cream Fi-sr. 1 have now on band and will sell at cost price: ' 19 Lawn Raxors, 13 Refrigerators, 15 Ire Crrum Freezers. Come aud get one bsfore tbey are all gone. Thos. F. Leonard, 5US Lackawanna ave. "From the Ranks" see Saturday's Trib-una. SOU MLS be Boom 111 Real Eslale Along Washington : Avenue Continues Unabated. BIG TRANSFERS CONSUIMED George A. Fuller Realizes $40,000 from His Sprues? Street Property, domes W, Oakford Buys Lots on Washington Avenun from the Pierce Estate for $21,500 Echoes of Past nnd Whisperings of Deals to Come. The air has been full of real estate deuls daring the past few woeks and the activity is for the most part cen tered about court house square and along; Washington avenue in that vicinity. following on thehools of the trami- fr of the Boies property to Hand and Davidson for the lanro figure of SS4i) a toot, comas the announcement of sev eral other deals of uo less importance. George A. Fuller il few n-iys ago completed the sale of sixty fent of his 9U-foot lot pu the corner of Spruce street and Iix court just opposite the courthouse, for lbs sum of $10,000 or about $000 per foot front. A. D Demi and lr, D B. Hand are tbe purchasers. air Fuller bought tho lot ta Mr (l U. Memi'H, D.4iiti and n ind have nol as yet announced their lnti-uilon as to what us i they will make of the property. At prosfnt It is occuplad by a livery stable, but it is not nt nil unlikely that n building to be in keep ing with the now ones in that neigh - horliood will soon bo erected. PfliOHASK OF PIERCE LOTS. Another doul announced yesterday wns that by which Attorney James W. O.i k ford came into possession of the three Washington avenue lots of the 11. b. Pierce estate, situated just op posite the high school plot and be tweou the residences of Richard O'Brien and Psul Ii. Weitz-l, The lots have a frontage of 120 fuet and brought $21,500. The laud has never beau improved mid it has not been f ally decided by Mr. Oakford just what he intends to do with it. Arthur D. Dnn and Alfred Harvey have purciinssd sixty-six feet of the Fanrot property on Wushinito" ave mm, tho consideration buing $l',001 A large deal in Linden streot prop erty iu which Mr. Davidson is inter ested will, it is expectad, bo consum mated today. It is believed the prop erty in qnestioD is on the Equate. In the account of the sale ,ot the Rous property the prioe paid should have be ?i made to read sl0 per foot instead of ?900 in printed. MARVELOUS ISt'KKASE IN PRICKS. Tho new owners of this plot feel cod- udeut that it will almost double its value in five years. Forty years ago this plot was sold by the Lscknwannn Iron aud CohI company to William P. Curling for if.'iOO. Eleven years !alt-r- wards Mr. Car I lug sold it with the house which now stands on it for ijG 000, the purchaser being Georire Dlcuson. In February, 1890. Mr. Dick son sold it to Colonel Boies for $'10,000 In four years it has lncreaH.nl in value $7,000. Now that the boom ii on it is expected that it will grow iu value at more rapid rate. RELIGION AND THE JAPANESE. TheSutJ c- of It v. K'idko TJorlya'j Ad dteoo at Elm Park Church. R-v. Kengo Moriva, a native of Japan mid nt present n student ut the Syracuse university, lectured to n fuir- sizt-d iiudi"U('e in the lecture room of the Elm Park church last night on Religion and the Japanese Peopie, Mr. Moriya included in his remarks a discussion of the Shintoism, Buddhism and Confucianism of bis owi! and tho far eastern countries. He in i( descendant of it family of Shinto priests, but was convert ed and his been in this country live years. lb) was i!r'iso l last night, in tho Japanese costume. His comparison of Christian activi ties in Japan and America waH not nl together to the advantage of the Amer ican iinrcli. The sneaker's hits at tho shortcomings of American Christians, and the portrayal of the characteristic differences between the Japanese and Chinese were much onjoyed bv the audience. His foreign nccent adds piquancy to his address, and a slight dittk'iilly of Understanding bun only s rves to stimulate the ear und Ox at lentiou. TO SINS IN THE LNO OF SONG. Frofesior Haydn Evauh' Cntnpany to Lnsv on Auguit 22 Professor Haydn Evans' Conivrt com pany will leave on August 2 ou the City of Berlin for Wales, where a ae rie of thirty or more concerts will be given. B. Davie, the advance agent, will lave on Austin 1 The company is composed of the fo lowing Inilliaut iiitists: Miss Sadie k liser, W ilket-B.irre, soprano; Mus OotdelU l reeman, Huntington, alto .Tvaeph t. Poirus, Wilkes Brre, basso; James Auwyl, Parsons, tenor; Mi Julia Allen, S-raulon, violinist ; Pro feasor Haydn F.nus, nccompanint and director. As formerly composed the company included Richard Tiiomas (Llew Her bert), basso, nnd Richard WiHiaus (Eos Oetiin), Kiii;:fl a, tenor; hut ov in II to ViirioU reasons these two 'vocal ists decided not to io. Dn. C. U Lai uai.'h, uentist, Gas Yit,r ffinniMiiv Itii, 1.1 i n, W v. .,,,, ... and ave- nue. Latest, iiopiovi iueutn. Eijjht years rM-rnoiuit. DON'T YOU KNOW That you can buy your CIGARS jit wholesale cheaper from Coursen than from most jobbers or manufacturers. The greatest 5. cent Cigar in America is "Treaty Tree." Trade 'price, $35 per thousand YOU need them. E G. COURSEN, 429 Lacka. Ave. Mil II! Members of Christian Alliance Fleeced Old Josf-ph Battin of Money and Stocks. AIH01M THAT THE! SECURED is Son, Henry Battin, of This City, Fixes It at $'200,000-An Action in Equity Begun to Have the Stock Transferred to Battin's Adminis tratorNo Dividends Have Been Collected on the Stock. A sequel to the gigantic swindle by A coterie of rapacious ahnrks D'iri.linif n W!r the title of the Christum Alliance of New York, by which Joseph Bitttn, rattier or uur,' LUtin, or this city, and before his death a wealthy resident of New York, wjis fl -eced of flS'J shares of stock of a par Value of f lTt iu the noramou uas ana water comnany. oc curred yesterday morning in court by rue tiling ot a Mil of equity iu the pro tliotiotary's office. Joseph Rutin, the victim, died in August, 1S'.)3. Since September, 1801, he had been confined in a lunatic asy lum. Before his committment Mr, Bat tin. being thenaboiil 81 years of air?. had for n few years prior been losing bis mind. The Christian Alliance nnotde of the Dis nobnr slrina conducted it retreat at the corner of Forty -second street and Eighth avenue, Mew York. Mr. Uattiu. who was livinn with his daughter nt her home in Elizabeth, N. was inveigled by the Christian Al liance people nnd led to beliuve that iu consideration of his earthly possessions they could unlock the Golden Gales and transmit him ou mi ethereal jour ney boroud the ftars. attired iu a robe of crystal. LEFT HIS DAUCIHT-n'S HOME. They perBnuded him to abandon the luxurious surroundings of his daugh ter's happy home and take up his resi dence with them, thrusting him into a Dare cell, where they taught him that be must abide, subsisting on bread and water in order that he wonld prnparo his soul for future glory. This is but a simple versiou of the insny diabolical devices by which these vultnres suc ceeded iu hoodwinking the puretical oi l man. After he had been thus operated upon, he was prevailed to squander over SUU0!0 in cash, all of which wont into the Alliance people's pockets, and iu 1893 Mr, Battin parted with everr dollar that he had and turned over 032 shares ot lias and water company stock to the vampires. In money.pron erty and stocks tlie aggregate timonnt presumed to have been extracted from tho estate of Mr. Battin is figured up by bis son. Homy Battin. at about $200,000. The transfer of the stocks of in- Christian nlliaiice was made iu 1S92, I nt the sharks have never at tempted to collect any of the dividends. MED WITHOUT MAKING A WILL. The old man died without makintr will ami his son. Henry Bittin of this city, was appointed administrator. who applied, in consequence of his not being able to find the certificates ol stock among his father's pnpeTs. to the Seranton Gas aud Wntpr company for A transfer of the slock tinder his right as administrator. The certificates, six In nnmber, r ns follows: No. 10. 1 No No. No. No. and datod Nov. 11. 18a8. for 4fi6 shares 2i9. Nov. 12.1872. for 13 shares: 219, May 10, 1873, for 9 shares; 3S7. May 23. 1878 for 81 abnres; 471. Jnlv 20. 1830, for 200 shares, No. .W3. No. 27. 1882. for 213 shares. The p;ir value of the stock is $23 for a share and th total par value ot iho stock is $21,5o0. i tie Gas nmr Water company re fused lo transfer tlie stoe'; to the ad ministrator, and yesterday Mr. Battin. through his iittorneyj,Jessups fc Hand, began a suit iu equity in tho ufftca of Prothonotary Pry or. Joseph Battin was tho first contrac tor engaged by the Gas and Water cr.mpaiiy, tho year being 1857. At tho beginning of the operation of lh company, Mr. Bitiin hsd $100,000 worth of slock in it. The uurkvt v ilm of each eliaM is now said to b quoted at $1-10. A DANGEROUS DISEASE PREVALENT. Dyaentsrs in Its VluUnt Form Reported by I h v si clans. Dysentery is quiti prevalent in this city at present nccor iing to the state ment of a number of physicians. It is uot. tho simple diarrhrpi which is so often conlotindcd with dysentery by laymen, but the dangerous nnd iiifcc li"iis variety of this kind of disease. Dr. Hand when question concerning the reported prevalence of this dreaded disease stated that there has been more of itso far this year Ihan during any year since he commenced practicing In this city. Oilier physicians with whom he had spoken make a like report. It is not confin"! lo any p irtirular part of tho city. Alley Brill. Handicap for prizes, SI a, f5 find t'S.nt illilio l l-'iuy's uller. unryen, l a., on S it in-day, July 21, 1MM. " ' And Right Up lo Date. . . . STERLING We have- Artistic Designs in Wed ding Gifts and all the Latest Novel ties. W. W, BERRY, Jeweler ' 417 LACK. AVE, " Best Sets of Teeth, $3.00 Irclndlng the rainless extracting el teeth by au entirely new piv IWKS, S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. l&O WYOMING AVIi m eselwe The Engineer Discovered tbe Accident to tbe Engine In Tims. ' PASSENGERS ARE BASLT SCARED Tho Engine of Train No. 19 Oi the Delaware and Hudson Railroad Broke Down at Avoca Yesterday Evening Trouble Was Noiiced by 'Engineer Lin;;felter in Time lo Pre vent a Wreck. Passng.r train No. 19 &n the Dela. Ware slid Hudson Canal company's rail road, due nt 7. 1G ut tlio Bridie streut depot from Wilkes Brr narrowly es caped what might huvu l4u udiuaa trotij wreck yesterday evening, the train left Pittston on time and was heavily loaded with puseamrerj. it was due at Avoca station at fi ,ri7 p. m. The train wns pnlli l. by engine No 81 Engineer Jonu Ltngfelter, of Carbondale, was at the throttle, anil Conductor John Harvey, of tuo name city, was in charge of tb. train. About, 110 feet below the Avoca depot the train came to a standstill, ami in a short while the excited population of Avoca crowded nroninl tho twin. Engineer iiiuMler while slowing up tlie train noticed something 'wrong with tho atHum ciu-st. Investigation proved that something was looee and out of order in the cylinder, and the train was backed to a siding, where the cylinder was taken upurt. A bolt on the piston bad become louao, anii me n .uiiiiieii talttug no chances decided to block tho valve in the steam chest und cioso tbe port holes in me cyiiiiiu-r. Ihe forward driviug rol was re moved and wheu these precautions had been taken the train continued its journey, tbe engine running with one Jriviug rod, arriving iu this city forty minutes lute. At Green Ridge the disabled engine wus sent to the round house nnd engine No, 7 hauled the train to Carbondale. But for the watchfulness of Enui neer Lin'felter in locating the trouble lu the steam chest, a disastrous wreck might have occurred when the train again got under fall speed. "From the Ranks" see Saturday's Tnin- HAMMOCK LOUHGIHG 1 IS NOT A Luxury Wcl -;n of.ii r... proved Mexiwn Ham- i,w.l- r... Ortj S3 in'.", is, jlu uf u rg A fine Cotton I'illow ft Hammock for . . . $1.29 rt Or Jet arid Gold- U ra Frinjjed llaminofks, $3.25 U H. BATTIN & CO. 125 Penn Ave. i Seranton' s Mm Spccidists. m w Tlie Seranton Business College New ntul lintulsoine building. AU inoilern inirirovemeuts. IiOcation t!iu b'st possiMo. Quiot and healthful. Two Sessions Day :ind Kveniiig. Throe Thorough aud Coinplcle Courses: Business Course. Shorthand Course. Combined Course. Proprielors fully alive to t h ? w.vnt-4 aud ronniremeutg of busi ness men. Teachers who have spent many years of active work in counting room and class-room. Announcement of opeu ing later. Office temporarily in Garnev. Brown & RHPr WHiTit'fiP? & M t o ssroi..,cor AdarnsAva snd I,in Ion St. DUlilV, UnliulUUU (X lU. Don't Overlook ie That vvTe are in the Shoe Business. Step in some day and see how well, we can please you, both as to quality aud price. Our Ladies and Gentlemen's S3. OO SFIOKS are marvels of style and quality. Children's Good-wearing Shoes are our hobby. We warrant every pair. BANISTER'S, Iwtmnnami o Wjomiog henoe Sold Elsewhere at 50c. Each. 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. COSS SENT TO JUL. M'c3nr.'i (Anailsut Plasdi Xtuanlty B fors Aldtrmaa Wilg-ht. William Cobs, who viclouslv at tempted to take the life of bis room mate, James McGann. at Eirley'a boarding bonip, Tuesday evening, waa giv-n a bearing before Alderman Wright yesterday morning. t ohm, when risked if he desired to rauke iiuv explanation of his rush ded said that he was crazy from drink and he thought I. is mind was still uubsl anc.'d. The nlderniau, however, did not cm-Rider tho prisoner's statement of sufficient importance to demand tba cailiug together of a committee of lu nacy mid simply committ-d Coss to i;l without bail. McGann dots not appear iinxlous to have Cues pnuished. - - "From tin? H inks'' ee Saturday's Thib- UNK. BE SATISFIED with notliiny but tlie best. You will be satisfied if you call on J. HOLZ and re.t some of tlie bargains he is offering. A $5 Coat for $1.49. A $7 Coat for $3. A Fine BlackClay Worst ed Coat for $5, worth $12. Ladies' Cap83,allshade3, for 93c. Ladies' Tailor-made Suit3 for $4.75, worth $9. STORED and INSURED Mf IK ALTERED BY i US, FREE OF CHARGE During the Summsr. 138 Vyomin' Ave. next dime: bank. m n 128 Wyoming Ave. MARSHALL FIHLD & CO.S 8 BUTTON" ABBOTT. 1 4 RUTTOX ARIioTT. I JT 711 fanfs 4LUTTOV GENEVA. -Hi Id yuJii 4-bUTTON MEPTUNE. a Wl RiARRITZ. J In White Black, Tflns anJ Grey Former Prices, 1, ?1 2"i and ifl.50. BI HATS DDI'S Lit BOYS' SWEATERS S'BEe. HIVE