The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 19, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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    cranfon CrtBune
TmauM PuinsHiNO Company.
NrwVeaROmctt Tmeum Buhdim. ran .
Ca.v, hmmim
tu:A:; jil; iu. iv.
For (lOivrmir:
iK 'iw n;u.
for mtoimif ! n mrr:
W AM' Kit i.YoN,
For Auditor OViiml:
or l.ANcAiTuri
for Srrrftarit f lhrirl .if'Vir.
i ik i im.Ai'Ki.i'iin.
For C 'oniirV'iM(M''i -at-l..t
OK Wl:sTllllii:i.AM).
Flection Tinii-, 0
"No man, in liii individual right,
ran lawfully demand uud insist iihii
conduct by others wliicli will lend to
nu Injury to n, third ierxcii'g liisvful
rights." -J udi;o(iiiiSMi'up'H chnrgi.
This Is No Tima for n Strike
We trust Unit the PitMuirK Dispatch
is misinformed when it credits to the
Amalgamate! Association of lion anil
Kteel Workers au intention of imuigu
rating, on August I, u wholesale strike
for Its own recognition iu the non
union mills of the country. If it be
true, ms asserted, that the officials of
this once-powerful labor organization
regard this as "a particularly auspic
ious time to make u grand etl'orl to re
gain their supremacy, '' they should he
recommended to study well the lute
of Mr. Debs, and think twice before
repeating his costly episode of miry
n ud folly.
Aecouiiug to the average of conser
vative estimates, the Debs' strike has
cost the country in direct money losses,
?l,yil'J,nii), divided as follows: Kail
loads. ".12, 'UK); railroad employes,
5,OOU,or.U: affiliated wage-earners,
tl.loo.OOU; Tnil-d Stales Kovi-ninieut, stale military forces, 7".0,
O'K), and Pullman employes. $:no.oni).
To this must. If wined the 4,oii!i,(n.!ii
worth of perishable g;.ds six-riflVed I y
!ipuu t the strike. Tlu'valiie of the
fourteen lives lost, anil the daniaire
ilone to society during this aw:'.il dra
ma of nnspaiit anareliy and lawless
licfsttre uot included in this accuii.t,
if, indeed, they can be upprnNimately
And what was gained? Tor Deh3
and Ids pals, each a term in jail, for
hcvcral thousand I'atiiiiics.short nuioiis
nnd deduced bodily eoiufort. For the
cause of labor generally, a lu-s of pub
lic sympathy; ami for those u ho wera
promised substantial benelits from the
strike, not one red cent. The Amal
gamated Association of Iron and .Steel
Workers, by a general strike coming
in quick succession alter the big soft
coal strike ami t he Debs strike, might
drive the honest people of die country
another step nearer I he brink of bank
ruptcy and despair; and might acceler
ate the reckoning which is in store for
demagogues, lull it will do little else.
This is no time for strikes. The man
who talks si l ike at this point in the
prevalent business depression, merits
a forcible manifestation of honest la
bor's indignant dissent.
Tke news that a, receiver has been
Appointed for the Jliinianilin company
of Clialau((iia couuty, N. Y., whse
beaut i fill sanitarium at I.akewood has
been the scene of many mai velons res
torations to heath, will be received
with widespread regret. There is ev
ery reason to believe that, this institu
tion was doing a work of great beiiolit
to society; and its tiuancial embarrass
ment will prove a permanent misfor
tune, if it shall be the cause of ending
the institution's usefulness;.
Debs' Vain Vituperation.
The application by Mr. Debs of abus
ive and insulting epithets to Chief
Arthur, of the Drutherhood of Loco
motive Engineers, because the latter
did not ree his way clear to join in a
Htrike which promised to vindicate no
principle in which the locomotive en
gineers of the country were interested,
and which, beyond all doubt, would
have involved at oueea wanton perfidy
toward solemn contract obligat.ionsand
a criminal contempt of (he public wel
fare, will injure Mr. Debs much more
swiftly and irreparably than it will in
jure Mr. Arthur.
The people of the United States have
much confidence in Mr. Arthur. They
know him to be a man careful of
thought and slow to reach extreme
conclusions. They realize that he
expects no cause, however just, to
prosper along lines of violence, blood
shed, arson and broken faith. If labor
ever had a wise and cautious leader, it
has had such a leader In the person of
P. M. Arthur, about whose personality
there collects no suggestion of the en
thusiast, the zealot; the demagogue or
the rattlebrain. That Mr. Debs, In the
agony of foreseen defeat, should fall to
calling abusive names at those who
are his evident superiors simply illus
trates anew the littleness of the man's
real claims to responsible leadeishlp.
We are glad to note on the part of
the American people a rising disposi
tion to acquit organized labor of entire
responsibility for its Debses and its
Sovereigns. The public, after Its' tre
mendous recent losses, wantonly in
flicted, would have had good grounds
for a feeling of vindjetiveuess townrd
labor organizations, which until very
lately seemed to be madly tending to
ward an opeu championship of lawless
ness and revolution. But the sober
seeoud thought which has begun to
set lu very fortunately draw the line
moro fairly and more justly between
the officious place-seekers and dema
gogues who misrepresent labor's cause;
ami the solid sense and firm If unob
trusive loyalty of the great musses of
the working people, who have long
been uncomplainingly imposed upon
by false councillors and uu wise officers.
Against this miction, the disap
pointed envy and rancor of men like
Eugene V. Debs will contend in vain.
The niruKssios is siugularly gen
eral just now that if the labor mag
nates Mill kindly give the country u
chance, a big revival in industry and
pio-pcrity will s ion be due.
, . .
V i" siioi i.D like to know whether
Collector (Irani Herring really meant
it when he told a Philadelphia In
quirer man that "outside of Philadel
phia he knows of no more bustling
place than the ' fleet ric City.' " "Out
side of Philadelphia," indeed! Is this
a cruel lling? We do not see wherein
Sci'untoii has deserved that from
Grant. It has treated him like a fond
parent might treat a cherished son.
It has killed the fatted calf for him
and bade him have free access to the
drinking fountains and the ice, water
tanks. And to get as a reward second
place to Philadelphia! Truly, great is
the ingratitude of politics and politi
cians. . Tub iiAKVi'sriNu of the spell bind
er will begin very appropriately after
that of the twine binder shall have
Very Smi'tl Criticism.
The Eastou Express belittles itself
by the ultevauce of such sentiments as
these: "Edward K. yt urges, who is
president of the association that has
been tryiug to close baker-shops, res
taurants, and soda-fountains at tfcran
toti on Sunday, Is president of an elec
tric light company that runs its plant
on Sunday. People must have light
on Sunday as well as any oilier day,
but why does n man with such deli
cate scruples against Sunday desecra-.
Hon not invest his money in a business
that need not be operated on Sunday?"
It is well known that Mr. Stiuges,
whose character as a Christian gentle
man is not in question, did not favor
straining al gnats in the prosecution
of .Sunday dc.-cci'ators. The only
"scruples" a:'iinst Sunday desecration
that, to our knowledge, are possessed
by Mr. SI urges are those which form
the preponderating moral sentiment
of the Anieiii iii people mid which, in
this stale, have civil expression in a
stain te law. If such scruples are
"delicate," it is a delicacy that does
him sitmal credit, inasmuch as It is the
difference between law and order on
the one hand, and lawlessness aud
disorder on the other.
Are we to understand the Eastou
Express to imply that there is no
diileieiice betwcui operating a work
of public necessity on Sunday aud
operating an unlicensed saloon on that
"No man, in his individual right,
can lawfully demand and insist upon
conduct by others vhieh will lead to
an injury to a third person's lawful
lights." Judge Gros.-.cup's charge.
'fur, Syr Post, a new morn
ing .Republican daily, has been added
to the sprightly journalism of Central
Nev York. lis editor, Frank W. Pal
mer, was public printer under Presi
dent Harrison, and knows bis business
from beginning to end. The Post is
neat, newsy and up to date. It de
serves an immense circulation and will
no doubt get it as soon as the people of learn to appreciate merit.
Socirrv, in n civilized age, will never
be leformed by means of bludgeons.
As to Arbitration.
No better means for I ho prevention
of dungiious disputes between capital
and labor has bi en suggested, in the
opinion of Archbishop Iielaud, than
arbitration "within all the liues of
wisdom and justice that national leg
islation can throw around it. Arbi
tration will give ul least moral conclu
sion, against which neither capital nor
lalwr could well hold out." This is the
growing belief and it has common lieuuid it,
No employe ran be legally held In
slavery to obnoxious work, beyond the
term of his 1111 violated contract. No
employer, by arbitration, can be made
to hire disloyal men at undeserved
wages. Arbitration cannot conquer
the origiual dispute. Hut it can and
must protect the long imposed-upon
public. It must say to the two bellig
erents in oiled: "When your personal
quarrel involves consequences ofgreater
damage lo innocent people than to
yourselves, these disinterested victim
will insist upon self-protection pending
the adjudication of your quarrel in the
Strikes are wars, aud nothing less.
The man who strikes, equally with
the man who goads him to strike, is a
public enemy wheuever, in prose
cution of the strike, Innoceut third
persous are made to Miller. It is lu
behalf of these third persons that ar
bitration is urged. And when the
American people once awaken to the
sense of the enormous losses indicted
upon them by impassioned employes
and employers, and, iu obedience to
"nature's first law," decide upon self
protection, it will have to he a strong
force indeed which can resist its im
perious demand.
"He who respects not the liberty of
others shows himself unworthy of his
own liberty and incapable of citizen
ship in a free couutry." Archbishop
The opinion of Archbishop Ireland
regarding strikes Is of timely luterest.
"I repeat the words of a labor leader,
T. V. Powderly," this venerable cler
gyman says, "strikes are nearly always
failures' and should scarcely ever be
resorted to, even when most Becurely
guarded from wrong doing. The work
man, even wheu he apparently gains
hi purpose, finds on computation that
he lias suffered severe llnaneial losses
and has weakened bis chances for fu
ture employment. Besides, strikes af
fect the great public of America as well
as the employer and the workmen
should consider the rights of this
public whose moral support, moreover,
the cause of labor sorely needs.. For
my own part, I believe the large num
ber of men who join strikes are more
to be pitied than to bo blamed. They
are led on by irresponsible and tyran
nous chiefs. Labor unions have great
value, but one marked evil iu llieni is
that they will put the liberties of tens
of thousands iu the hands of one man."
The theory of our democratic Insti
tutions never contemplated such a
centralization of power. One-man rule
is no less repellent in labor circles than
it Is in communities like Pullman.
"No man, in his individual right,
can lawfully demand and Insist upon
conduct by others which will lead to
au injury to a third person's lawful
rights.'' Judge (.irosscup's charge.
Soil anton city, wo feel compelled
to confess, is displaying premonitions
of a boom.
rX Pie Counter.
Tho numerous Scrsntmi friends of Minn
Sndio Kaiior, the routining huprano, of
Willied-Hnrro. will ilniiliiless bo pleased to
Irani (but upon motion of Dr. Mason, the
Wilkcf-Biirre Oratorio society hm uiihmi
ni'.usly decided to take steps towurd
eri.-btiai? tier in an oepmuiniiy of
prv-vnitiutj lier musical education
nailo;1 llie tie Hon oT l'liropeie.i
ii;H-ti!ts. .Vis Ivu-'or led up to tins lime
mo ti Hlly declined all prut'iem uf Hid in t un
direction; bat her friends, uniler Dr. Ma
sou's iuitiative.urj determined not to per
mit, her reluctance to stand In the way of
the distinsiusliPd lyric iwreir which surely
awaits her til tor tho completion of the re
quisite study. Ah a basis for Ibn ncciiimi
iHtioa of ttio ueceNsnry fund, the Wilkes
Buri e. Lender aiinoiiULVH I but a concert
iv ill be Ri vou in the Cirnud Opora holme on
the eVc'uinq of AiU'. IS if nothing intcr
feies. The liclieis fur this beiietlt or
mibsertption concert will be out in few
days Kid will b.-$1 nacli. As illisa Kniser
is about to go to Europe on a conenrt
lour with I'nydn Evans tho Bociety
Kiiil her friends thought this a most
opportune time to push this matter
and hnvo her stay to continue her
ediiciitiou instcid of coming liomo with t ho
other member of tho party. Keverul snb
sci ii'tlons of y.vO rncli hnvoalrendy been
promised. The progruuiino for this con
curt will b tirst-cliiss. The bi'sl talent
will bo ennutfed imd dlft'oreut oi'iitnuMtions
Invited lo parlieipat". '1 tin TaiHCNK will
b" delighted to assist in this mutter, ami
freely oilers ilsservleen In the furtherance
of the project. Miss Kaisor's exceptional
voi-o Imi bevi hmrl t ndvan;ag la
bcrnutou on tsevernl roc. r.t occasions. With
pioper cnllivnii, ii it will undoubtedly rank
its p ssessor bij;li ataou tho foiem jit voc
alists of this g.'iioiHiion, mi 1 uuy oiicui
ngeuu lit that can b offered by i ho ma de
lovers of Serautoa will be abau lautly re
p.uJ. An endowment no rme, ui;ht r.ot
to be permitted, throti'iii mistaken mod
ehty, to lie partially dormant through lack
of needed instruction.
That Fikndish Impulse;:
Tho boy stood nu the burninu dock;
tie wouldn't stir mi inch;
Bat those who Ltt that awful wreck
S-.-.IW him turn pale nnd flinch.
What depth of angry woe was his!
A unmbor of tho crew
S'ole up lo him and Eitinrmiod, "fs
It hot euouyli lor you '
tt'ushingion Slar.
A cnrloti" case of unlT.'iitiE from the ef
fects of u spider's bile is reported Iroiu
Ilnzlc ton. David Keesp, a few days nj;o,
v.a liittei; ou : he l-ir by a aianll spider.
Jir. o ut li'.ht pai l littlo attention to
tlio bite, n it ia a IVvv hours his leg win
su'.:Huu to twice its normal size. The ser
vices of U. J. Richards were sought Hiid
tiiis skillful surgeon utilized his promptest
remedies for t ho removal of Jlio poisou.
After two hours of tho most tedious lubor
bo succeeded iii removing tbo puism from
tho leg ami relieved tho victim, who was
i.l! this limn nilfoi ing tho nu.-t e .xnuiit
pain. Thin was on lust Friuiiy and
sime then i-ingeon Kieliards has been
tvcalini; the uuloi'tmiaio mini and not un
til Monday, rr we Irain from the Hszlston
isiaudui'd, did he pronouueo the patient
out of dungcr.
An exchange gives n Rtrong illustration
of the farcical lent urea of tho pinsnt jury
system in the statement that a youut; lady
who recently 1 rough! mut aaiuit the city
of Newb'iru would have received $10,00.)
damages but for the unfavorable impres
sion i but ono of the medical c viler 13, en
gaged by the plaintiff, produced upou the
jury. The above case in u fair example of
lh trials by jury throughout the country
aud especially ia ljiukuwaiiua county.
The averago juryman apparently is gov
erned more frequently ly pome foivitfu
prejudice than by law aud evidence in ar
riving at a decision. A well known 8cr.m
t.on criminal lawyer who hits been success
ful in many instances iu cheating
th gallows and clogging the wheels
of justice iu other ways once
Htato.l that in trying a enso his efforts
were directed to one juror. If possible n
jury ulau who was triotiuly to some of the
iltor neys for the defense or to tho prison
er w as secured for t he iianel. When this
could not bo accomplished, one of the ju
rors who appealed to posserg the proper
qualities of vanity and miillvhiiess was
elected iiud during the on tiro trial tho
fforUof the attorney wero directed to
his one Juror. In making the U.iid plea
be eloquence or the speaker would bo coo
entiaied on tho juror alone, no attention
ti log paid to the other eleven. The r suit
Hba seldom tailed to be satislactory. The
eone juror usually either forced n now trial
tor a compromise verdict. At leant one or
ttwo red hiindod murderers, who have tieeu
ctried nt Lackawanna couuty courls,doubt
less owe their escape from tbo gallows to
this system of del'uiise.
Same Way With Men:
A rooiter Hies up on tu fence,
.fust hear him crow I
His FRtiNfitction is immonso.
Ills self-poisesaiou W Intense;
Jim lusty luugs give evidcuco
That this is so.
Another rooster sees him there
And hears liiiucrow.
With Happing wings he cleaves tho sir,
Tho fence top is too small to share. '
And so they fignt and scratch, uud tear,
Till down they no.
Bo 'tis iu lite. Wheu nuy man
dels eminent
Pome jealous rival tries to p an
Home way to down him if he can,
And if he just upsets the pun,
He feels content.
Somrrvillt Journal.
There corner, In the life of every man
who cannot ntferd it, Kays Bob burdette, a
time of buruiug unrest, whoa he is over
powered by an uncontrollable desire to
live In the country. A rallrond mini, who
doesn't know foi the life of him which and
of tho plougu you bitch the horses to, U
always lougiug to go on a farm; a success
ful merchaut, who vaguely knows that
you dig p itntoeo, although by that ho
rnther nuderstandii that you mine them,
as you do coal, hankers nftor a certain
tiiue of life, for acheap little place, not too
far out of town, where be can sink an
artesian milk well uud raise his own
bananas, of which he is very fond. And I
ouce kuew au able aud euiineut lecturer,
who bad lectured on "The Pyramids, Their
Cause nnd Klfect," for twenty years,
and who was far more afraid of a horse
than a tramp Is of work, and who thought
that cows shed their horns every spring,
from which source th brass bands re
newed their supply of iuitrunieuts. Well,
that lunu left I he .platform at last and in
vested the spoils of many successful lec
ture tours iu h stock farm. We cannot
help it; out of the dust we cams; back to
the soil we are drawj. Wo are children
of the earth, aud we do love to croup buck
into the uiother-araii, aud get our faces
down closo to the sweet old mother-heart,
wheu the shadows begiu to grow long,
wheu the days of the second child -hood
come upou ua, aud the time draws near
when she will take us into her arms (or
the last limo, uud husk us to sleep on her
cool brent-t.
Little Hve-yenr-oid Mary is of Hcandiua
Vian parentage. .Somehow she has gotten
it into her wee ueud mat it is a disgrace to
be n Norwegian, and will uever autrer her
se t to be called such without making uu
indignant protest. She was made happy
a short time n-.j by the advent of u Utile
baby brother. Duo night, shortly after
this occurrence, her mother was very
much astonished to hear hr end hor usual
evening prayer with this rather startling
rtquestj "Pleaso Unit, don't make little
brother a Norwegian I ' At auother time
tho asked, very earnestly, of tho winter:
"Do you s'poso Uod made Norwegians'1
Arm J'oi-A- Herald.
Couhkct You Auk:
Teacher Define 'unsophisticated.''
Bright Hoy Unsophisticated" means a
boy wot thinks tho circus soasou raises
the price of louious. Kuvhester 1'ont-lix-press.
Tins Best Books:
lu one reader's opinion the following is
the bust selection or wo Its of fiction that
can ho made in the Kuglish language.
Opinions will obvious! uot coincide;
The bust historical novel "Ivauhoe."
The bobt dramatic novel "The Count of
Monte Christo."
The bot domestic novel "Tbo Vicar of
The best marl no novel "Mr. Midship
man I'.nsy."
The best country life novel "Adam
'llie best military novel "Charles
The best religions novel "Ben Hur."
'Jlioboht sporting novel "Harchedon."
The best political novel "Lotbuir."
The best novel written for a pupose
"Uncle Tom's Cabin."
The best imaginative novel "She."
The best pathetic novel "The Old Curi
OBily Shop."
The best humorous novel "The Pick
wick Papers."
The best Irish novel "Handy Andy."
The best Scotch novel "The Heart of
J! idiot hian.'1
The bestEuglish novel "Vanity Fair."
The best American novel "The Scarlet
Tho best sensational novel "The Wo
man 111 White."
Tho best novel of nll-"Vauity Fair."
As poor as a church mouee,
As thin as u rail,
As fat us ii porpoise,
As rough as a gaio,
As brave as a lion,
As spry m u cat,
As bl ight as a six-pence,
As weak as a nil.
As proud as a peacock,
As sly as a fox,
As mad as a '.laich bare,
As strong as au ox,
As fair as a lily,
As empty as air.
As rich as was Cruians,
As cross as n bear.
As pure ns nn angel,
As iieiit as a piu,
As smart as a steel trap,
As ugly as siu,
As dead us a doornail,
As white m a sheet
As flat as n pancake,
As red in a be t.
As round as an applo,
Am black as your hat,
As brown as a berry,
As blind as a bat.
As mean ns a miser,
As tall as a tick.
Ah plump as a partridge,
As bliurp us a rtlck.
As clean a penny,
A ; dark as a pall,
As hnrd as a millstone,
As bitter as gall,
As fine os. a tidille,
As clear as a bell,
As dry as a herring,
As doep us a well.
As light as a foather,
As hard as a rock,
As s till' as a poker,
As calm us a dork,
As groeu rs a gosling,
As b. isk as a lice,
Aud now let mi stop,
Lest you weary of me.
AViii Orleans Ficayvne.
Do Ton make your own Cream? If go,
White Mountain Freezer.
choice receipts for Ice Cream, fcher
bnl's Water Ices are packed ia every
Refrigerators,Water Coolers,
Baby Carriages, Hammocks
uauy ucu 1 iajt;a, iiaiiiinutrss
Sc CO.
Meat Market
the Finest In the Cit
The latest improved far
rluliitiRi nnd apparatus for
knaplng meat, butter and tgea.
CS3 Wfnmlog At.
For many years this Piano has stood in the front ranks. It has been admired so much for its
pure, rich tone, that it haa become a standard for tone quality, until it is considered the highest com
pli ment that can be paid any Piaho to say "It resembles tho WE BER."
We now have the full control of this Tiano for this section as well as many other fine Pianos
which we are soiling at greatly reduced prices and on easy monthly payments. Don't buy until you 8eo
our goods and get bur price.? . ,
Have "that tired feeling" come over you when you saw shamefully dis
played in bold-faced type that hoary mercantile chestnut
"Selling Off at Cost?"
The expression is about as old as deception some say it originated with
Anamas-anyhow it is preserved in the hieroglyphics and cuneiform in
scnptions of cities whose merchants have been dust and ashes for a thou
sand years.
Our prices, when compared with others, are
Especially Now at Our
It has been our practice ever since we entered into
the mercantile arena not to carry any goods over from
. . one year to the other, and in order to accomplish this
purpose we look at neither cost or value, but put the
price on every seasonable article so that somebody is
bound to take it. Our busy store will always verify v
this assertion.
Goldsmith Brothers & Company.
With the New Valves
Out of Sight. . .
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Boys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are male
ing extremely low prices
Second-hand Wheels.
1 ui
314 Lacka. Ave.
Letter Copying Boob
A 500-pago 10x12 Book, bonntf
in clotb, slieop back and corners,
guaranteed to give satisfaction,
Only 90c.
1 1 T
Kel"ol(ls Bros'
Stationers nnd Engravers,
317 Lackawanna Ave.
Dr. Hill Son
t tmtb, Sft.Nl; bmt not, ffl; for (rotd P
and ti-eth without platen, called crovrn nnd
brliluo work, cnll fur rrlce nod retaronoea.
TONALUiA, for ritraotlu teeth wltlioul
ltu. Nuvthiir. Nogna. ,
n urn 1 iiucjr. nnn
A Full Assortment.
r -s
ZIIIflIIISe8:.SIiaBaSSI8aE2fBIC:ZISKB!!B5IBS9BSBgBSeBn35B9E3BBlf3SSeiEIIil!1 !t1!iMHI!B!i!llj
hoe Store
Selling Agents,
227 Lacka. Ave.
Throw away yonr mouey
ou an ordiuary Refriger
ator when yon can get an
They will keep fresh. meat
for threo weeks in the
hottest weather. We are
selling them at a reduced
price to close out stock
for the season.
513 Lackawanna Ave.
(Red aud Black),
and Get the
Dpp, Tribe Office, ?H Spruce St,
Having bad 12 years' cximrienco f-i the Bicycle tmst.
nesa ani IU9 nir(jy fur londin V.1)ds of nO aVadut
wears prepared lo guaraiitot sutiifaotl m. Those In.
tending to piircbaao are invited to rail and ezamina
cur complete liue. Open evealuun. Call or send stain
fur catulukuuj.
Ritnated at Miminit of the New York, On.
brio and W patera Itailway, fcJ feet alore
ia- Tho hierliost steam railroad point in the
Seven flno lakes within from threi to
twenty minute' walk from hot)l or station.
Two ban lakos conveninnt-perch, pickerel
and other common vnr)tle of flsh. tevwal
othor Inked within half hour's dftvs.
For a day's Kpurt and recreation take New
York.Ontarlo and Western railway train lea v.
InKScrAUtou at b HO u.iu , arriving at Poynt
HtlU.lilaui. Kuturmr.2, tra:i loavoi loyu
tollo 4.50 p.m., arriving in Surauton CWp.m.
$8 TO JjtlO I'KIl WtSKK.
Honao accommodations, GO.
Veterinary Surgeon and
Veterinary Dentist.
Prompt attention t. calls for treaHncnt of
all domextlc animals-
Vitrlimry Medlplncncirofiilly compounded
and for sale at reasonable pricoa
Oflli-e nt the Blumo (,'arriaue Works. 11
DIX rOVKT, Si'i-autou. wkora i direct shoe
ing afternoous.
..... , .rim iiini j iui'
loge ami thu Columbian School of Compara
tive Me ileum.
Well, Sir!
Yes, sir! We
have a special
ist here to lit
you who does
nothing else.
Sit right down
' I t I F I aud have your
1 I II eyes fitted in
a scientific manner.
Inserted in THK THlBUNti at- th
lata of ONE CENT A WORD,