J IIE FCUANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORXING. ' JULY 17, 1894. Duck Suits M a Bo do our DUCK SUITS tho water, suit Until woiuvr nnil weather. Them's uo discomfort in tho fiory rays of a July sun wlion rollcctod Uncle from SUITS LIKE THESE Ladies' Duck Suits at $3, WOKTH 54. "Late' Duck Suits at $3.59, WOUT1I JI.50. Ladies' Dud Suits at $4, V CltTII S3. Ladies' Duck Suits at $5, wouth $u. I&odes a:D Our F.ishion Monthly for July, JUST OUT Describes a:id contains tlio leading fashions, latest dress ma terials, etc. Elevating and pleasing reading for tho home. Given away to those who call for it at our store. GORMAN'! OLD FORGE. of Do(er, N. Mits Soarles, of Dover, N. J., who was the guest of hor cdusins, the Misses hgbert, recoivcd a telegram on batur day evening annouocing that her father had been killed. Mrs. Thomas Berger, aftor ypendiiie two weeks with relatives here has re turned to her home in Cumberland, Md. The Presbyterian Sunday school of Drake's hall held their annual picnio on Saturday, and an enjoyable time Whs had by all, 'J lie Ladies' Aid society of the Brick church, will he held at the home of Mr. Andrew Alden, on Wednesday. Tho firm of Drako & Stewart have placed a now safe in their store. Mrs. Naucy Saundrs, of Avoci, is visiting nt the home of Thomas Drake. . Drako has returned home from a week's stay at Mt. Pocouo. The young men who stoned the house ot II. Johnson were sent to tha county juil. The trustees of tbo Brick ohurch held n business meotiug ou Monday even ing. Lewis Miller, who had his arm broken a week ago, U Improving under i the care of Dr. Stegner. Irs. Eugene lloller returned hoim .Monday from a two weeks' visit elatives in Monroe county. lay afternoon ai Miss Kit driving ovor tho Licka- Ige.her horsa b'-came friglit- ind organ and started to ' to the prompt action of orss was stopped. Uae brokon. Headache. iill forms of Headache. provod to be the very i rmanont cure and tho L'ltual sick headaches We urge nil who ore Lbottlo and give this ' cases or uanttual littors cures by L'iy- I lie bowels, nm I few , or this medicine. I '8 only Fifty cents store. 'iiol Tnbbs wit- I) with Scranton r 'from Williams' 4t church excur Is place this niora- ifined to bis home. ie were at Syracuse llo, had a serious Sunday. The d at an electtio I the sidewalk at ing everything ran out as fur and from there Taylor mines 'od the nearest to in the glass ball ,000, nnd the number wan O.Ool. He won reclining chair offered fie auxiliary of Price 'association. A. Williams called upon the pondout and wanted a correction iu regard to the item which im- Fd in this column last week that he iKigned the management of the clerks ball club and accepted society tor of the lloruld. Mr. Williams has not accepted a position with the Humid hnt will rllnnniah hla hold nil tne clerks. Tukbe m nothing like Dr. Thomas' Ecleo trio Oil to quickly cure a cold or relieve hoarseness. Written bv Mrs. M. J. Fel- lows, Burr Oak, Be. JoBoph county, Mich. A PiTTSTOK. Eiirht valuable, cows owuvl by Sara uol Davis nnil 1 1 is neighbors iu the vi cinity of tlie Boston initio sustained injuries that resulted in thoir death ou Saturday ln"t. The cowb wandered to thc Lel.igh Valley out off trucks whore they wera mot by ft luoomoiive pullinif a train of curs. Tho cows took fright and instead of louyinp; the truck started to run ahead of tho rapidly riproncli inc engine. The cows kept th track for nearly a quarter of h mile. Tho train kept saining and finally struck tint rear cow tossing it down the embankment. The other cows Bet ing the danger loft the track nt a point where a nines of Btono hiy. In jniup tritr. tho cows lundol promiscoinly ou tho ledjjoof rock with tiio rasult that every one of them were, bo badly in jured from brokon let,' that thoir owners wcro compelled to kill tlwiu. For the third time within a fortnight burglars made 1111 unsuccessful at touipt to enter Dr. Heap's dental par lure on Main street. At tho Catholio Total Abstinonco eoiiTenlion held Sunday in this plac a vote of thanks wns tendered th St. Aloysitis society for the hospitable, treatment vstetid'.-d tho delegates, and to tho various nowspnpen that publish tho proceedings of the convention. Tho following young ladies and gon tleinon of this place spent Sunday at Coray's grovo: Misses Nel'.io Cum inings, Maggie Joyce, Annie Eirly Maine MeG-e, May liolin, of Carbon dale, and Nellie lloran. of Duumora; William Fay, J. McOuire, James Roouey, Tim Durkiu, F. Gillospie, P. Uallagher. No 10 and Birtium collieries of tho Peusylvania Coal company are idle this week. All the other collieries are working. The Lehigh Valley pay car passod up tho road yesterday, making glad the hearts of its employes by the distribu tion of the monthly wages. Mr. W. 11. Uaiues Beach, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mcl DeWitt, and Miss Helen Kilchell, of Boonton. N. J., will bo married at the homo of tho bride's parents tomorrow at 2 o'clock, the following people from this placo eave on the 7 .A) Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western train tomorrow morning to attend the. wedding: Mr. and Mrs. A. Mel. Do Witt. Mrs. O. F. Gaines, Lydia K D.iinan, O. U, Daman) W. II. McMillan. Sara McMillan, Maine Ostrnmler, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kipp. Gazette. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walau, of Wilki'9-Barre, called on frionds here Sunday. Mrs. H. M. V lseman and daughter Maud, leu vo to lay for Lake Curoy to gone two weeks. Mrs. L. G. GomTman, of William street, has relumed from Scrantou where she has been visiting fur the past few days. Ihe Misses Nona nnd Anna Ken nedy, Mr. and Mrs. 13. D. Huffman, of Scrauton, and the Misses Tanhill and brothers, of this i)l.au picniced at Fulling Sprius yesierday. CLARK'S GREEN. Mrs. Egbert Leaeli, of Geor:'town, Pa., returned to her homo on Monday ist. Wir.ford and Harry Northup spent a day among relatives here a few days ago Mrs. J. W. Mullinex visited friends iu Scott on Thursday and Friday last. Miss tiuma Conn returned from an extended visit among frionds in New ark, N. J., also visiting many points in Now York city, Brooklyn and along tho ocean bench. Miss Anna Van Nnrt. of Scranton, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. F. Brigham. Miss Mae Benedict visited friends in Olyphant last wack, returning on J. bursa ay. Mrs. Mas Chapman, of Washington State, who has beu visiting her Rister, Mrs, II. N. Patrick.returucid ou Thurs day last. Mr. Cot belt and familv, of Scranton, have taken up their summer boarding at J. D. Aylesworth's. A large nnmbor ot onr Summit po- ple attended the excursion to Butch Grove on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Ackerly are both reported npou tho oick list. S. D. Miller, -of Scott, a woll known and esteemed citizen, dropped d.ad in the street, near his honi", while, driving his cows to pasture on Ihundny last, from paralvsi9. Interment was made in family burying ground near his lilo residcuoe. The lecture pivsn by tho R-?v. J. 0. Woodruff, of Binghumtou, on Friday evening in the interest of the Epworth league was highly apprclated. ihe social, which was given at tho close of the lecture, was well patronized and the league received substantial aid thereby financially. PECKVILLE. Mifi9 Bertha Curli3, of Scrantou, visited with her sister ovor Sunday, Mrs. William Peters. Mrs. Windsor Po;ter loft yesterday to visit with frionds at Benton for a few days. Regular communication of Oriental Star lodge, Free and Accopte l Masons, will bo held this evening. Frank V. Simpson, of Blakoly, is on the sick list. Wesley Whiting, of Syracuse, N, Y. ; M. E. Whiting, of (,'irboudale, aud lloury Llofd, of Kingston, wor among the visitors in town yestorday. The 3-months old child or Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Telford died at their bom at Grassy last Sunday and w is buried at Prospect cemetery hro yesterday afternoon. The severe wind storm hero last Sunday afternoon broke tho top of a big msple tree in front of Mrs. Brown's, on Main street, which fell across the electric wires and stopped the cars from making through trips 'for about one hour. Councilman Foster Sntu mond, Street Commissioner Dirtlott and part of bis Btull soon oloured tho biockude, PRICEBURG. District Grand Chief William Ken nedy, assisted by Past Cuiefs William IIawkin, Thntuns Cook, James Wat kins and Benjamin Jirvie, in"tlloi the nDlcersof John Wesley, 340, Knights of the Golden Erfgle, last Friday even ing. The following are tho officers for ensuing year: Past chief, William Perris; vice chief, Amos Uamphlett, noble chief, John Sirwatkaj nir b"rald, John Bray j muster of records, James Watkins; chief of exchequer, Thomas Cook; knight of exchequer, George Cooper; high priest, Cephas Cooper; worthy chief, Luko Hall; ensign, Ben jamin Williams; venerable hermit, Will Snyder; first guard, John Kelly. Iter. Father Shatiley, formerly of Ashland, has been appointed rector of St. Thomas parish. Tbo reverend geu lletmin clbrutod mass here on Sun day last. Futher MeManne, of Provi dence, in a few well chosen words in troduced Father Shanley to the cou gregation. Miss Alice Barret, of Main street, la very ill with diphtheria. In the name of common sense and snffjring linmanlty we. again call the attention ot nor council to tho need of a bo.ird of health. More will bo said on Ibis ful j'.ct later. IIALLSTEAD. M. P. Dc.ffy, of Sernnton, is visit ing bis brother, M. J. Duffy, iu this place. Tho Women's Christian Temperance union will meet at the home of Mis. E. D. Burton on Thursday ut 3 p. m. Miss Nellio Iiollohan, ot Smqno haiiua, who ha.; been visiting friends in town, has returned home. Frank Brown is having an addition to his residence on Dayton nvonuu. Attorney E It. W. Searle, of Sas ciuehanna, was iu town today. Mr. and Mrs D. E. Stanford, of Cort land, N. Y., who have been visiting nt the reuideuce ot W. h Barnes, have re turned home, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van Former aro visiting Conklin friends. J a lues liutchinyi', of New Milford, huii opened a boot nnd shoe slore in the building recently used us tha p 'SU'iuce. The Jiiillateal school bo.ir 1 have hired the following leuchers for tho enniing year: Principal. Charles E, M"X!ey; grammor departmaut, Miss Kit tie l'u;e; tirs t liilerineiiiato, Miss F.ninii) Simmrell; second intermediate. Misd Anna Adamx; first primary. Miss Ida Tultle; second primary, Mias Winnie 'linley. Tho teachers meeting will Le hold ut t;.e homo of iiufus Smith, of Pino street, un Friday evening. Warren Van Loan spout Sunday with friends iu Hartford, Pa. The grounds about the now bouse of C. J. L uiiIey on Pine streot are being graded au 1 much improved. A number of new houses are being built iu this thriving town this Hum our. Joseph Mcleod's homo on New York avenue is in the nands of the painters, who aro makine- it look much better. Louis Ives, of Blnuhauiton. who has been viuitiug friends in this place, has returned home. A number from out of town have been here to iuyestigatu tlie stone quarry of R. C. DuB iis and pronounce n one of the iiuoat iu this bjcUou. Miles Bennett has killed forty-three rattlesnakes this spring on the moun tains about t:ils place, Ibo largest one that lie killed mo;.BUrfld four feot long an 1 had eleven rattles. James Davis visited Binyliamton to day. C. W. Mtinson, of this place, epout MtiMuy wun trieudi una relatives in Su:iuehauna. Ciaylon lijniiett, who was bitten by a rattlesnako on Saturday, an account of which was published in Monday's iT.:iil'NU, is U"lng Wi ll. Bruce Chase, of E iston, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Chase, in this place. Kev. 1C. Is . Ives, or liiugli.nnton, was caliiug ou his dauthlerii, Mrs. L. G, immons aud Mrs. B. li. Tanner, to day. Ihe Young Peoples Society of Chris tian Endeavor of the Bnptist church will give an entertainment iu that churou Friday tvening, July 19. The programme is not yet arranged, but will be puuiisueu iu a TiiiisU.Nt: of later date. Burgens DoB'iia vetoed Ihe Main street bill, and a special meotiug of tho council is called for Wednesday even ing to decide whother the veto is sus tained. William Adams, the popular nnd genial operator at this place, is enjoy- mg a line bicycle. '1 he cottage meetincr will be held at tho home of Mrs. L. N. Fraudd on Fri day evening. Mr. Amos Biidon. of Cazonova. N. Y., a former resident of Groat Bend, is visiting old mends in that place. there will bo interesting races at the llailutead and Great Bend track on Thursday and Friday, July 10 and 20, Hors.'s from Scranton, Biughamton an I rr.nkhaiinuck, and excellent county hois !s will be present. There will bo bicycle races each day. Ad' mission 2a cents. Mrs. Elitn Wright, of Hopbottom, is visiting jUiss Alice Waterman. Miss Ivtthloeu Sliker. of Ilacketts town, N. J., is tho guest of her brother, A M. bilker. HEART LAKE. Among tho parties reuistered at the Sprinc House, Heart Lake, Saturday July I t, for a weeks' stay, wore tlie following from Montrose: D. A. Tits worth, Mrs. Tilsworth, Lillian Mu Tilsworth, LewUav Titnworth, Gaoru M. Bos'.wick, C. E Tilsworth, Besui Burrs, llmie A Burns. L. S. RivnP' ford, S. McUollum. II. A. Lyons, Wi ham D B Ain-y, W. E. Carpenter nn wife; from Bi.iu'liamton: O. R. Wil Hams, L A. Williams, G. W. Tailman W. A. Armstrong, M. B Nichols, Car no Benjamin, G. G K mppel, A Andrews, Mrs. A. B, Conklin, Miss A 11. Conklin, Mis i G. B. Conklin, Mi- Helen Conklin, G.iorgo Briggs, Wi Marland, Lou Ravmond. May Koacli Eva Adams, Nellie Foster, William Aruistong, William Tailman; New- York city: Thomas E. Conklin; Sorun ton: B. W. Bump. KEYSTONE ACADEMY. William M. Donitoa, chus of '05 the Academy's delegate to tho Young Men C. iridium association cotifer'nee nt Norihfield, Macs., wns in town Friday Ho reports a very pleasant and profit aide tune. Professor E, Hulley is to load th consecration meeting at the Tri-conuty Christian Endeavor union, which meets at Wnverly on Wednesday. Pfofessor Whltford aud family have gonp to Urookhold, N. Y., to Bpond pari ot tne vacation. The ladies' chapel, dining room, lib rarylaud a number of students' rooms havel been painted nud repapered. ( Critioiolng a Youna Lady. "Phil would bo a pretty girl for but one thing.'! "WhVt'slhntr asked Charley. Georio Her face Is always covered with nnrple anu red blotciies. Charity Oh, that' easily enough dis- posoil of. Used to be the snmo way my self, but I caught on to the trouble one day, ami got rid of it in no time, (leorc'i) What was Itf I'harliy Simply blood eruptions. Took a short tourse of P. P. P. I tell you, it1 tho boK blood corrector. The governor had rhetnnatiam so bad that you could hoar hitli holler clour across tho country every uine no moved, lie tried it. am you kuikv what an athletic old cent ho is- now. JI somebody would give JUiss .Daisy a pointer, slin would tlianK tliom after wards.! All the drug stores soil it. ' Colenal Wuttirnn Gitwa Pooticol. I Ijmiirtlln Cit n riff-Jo urn til. Now don't von do it, Mr. Debs Diin't tackle Uncle Hum, Ten thousand thousand Johnny Robs ( nn tell you that the projick, Debs, Ain't worth a "linker's dam." The Bcmn of Prlntnra' Ink. floating ioii. Ubere are printed In this country up .vara of muuu diltoront papers aud inaL'i ziues.aud in all tho rest of the world bi BlUvs ouly FOREST CITY. IL D. Jones, of Cirbondalu, visited the home of John U. Joans, on Dela ware stret, Sunday. Mrs. El ward Pentecost resturnod to her home in Promnton yesterduy after a few days' visit with her parents, Ir. anil Mm. Jennings, of Delaware street. riorence May, the two-and-a-uair- year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones, died on Satnrdty, Funeral was eld yesterday afternoon. Interment u Foreft City cemetery. Miss Lena Reynolds is occupying tne position of clerk in W. T. Davios' shoe store. Frank Carlueci, of Scranton, who is operating au extensive and excollent tone quarry about a mile above tins ace, was in town today. Charles T. Bates, of Reading, is spending his regular summer vaoutiou in tins place with his uncle, Ut. il, L,, Grander. Churlios many young friends are pleased to see him again. A parlor meeting of tho Women s Christian Temperance nniou will be Id in the Methodist iMiluoopal par sonage tomorrow evening. Mrs. Cook, Suhquehnnnu. president of the comity unions, will bo present uud de liver an address. Refreshments will be served. A cordial iuvitation is ex tended to all. Mrs. J, R. Jones visited Carboudalo friends aud relatives yesterday. Uuunie Allen, the uonnlar agunt of Tun TitibUNK, returned Saturday from week s visit with his brotner, ijOW F. Allen, ot Clark's Summit. An escnreion aud basket picnio from this place to Lake Poyntolle by the united Sunday schools will be run ou Tuesday, July 21, via tho Now York. Ontario and Western railroad. Special Miu leaves Povntelle nt 5 30 p. m. Lake Poyntolle is one of the most beau tiful sheets of water in this part of the state of Pennsylvania and iB eiUuted au elevation of over V.wu feet above sea levol. There is splendid grovo with all the necessary ccomuiolations for picknickers. On the lake aro nineteen row boats and it is altogether au id'al place to spend a ay s outing. The committee in hiirge hav provided for amusmmt8 f various kinds and will also furuish xcdlent and abundant music. All iuds of refreshments will bo served on he grounds. The publio is invited, ''aro for round trip from Forest City, 00 oents; children, 05 c.ent3. E.tcntive ommittee, J, jj i:nryl, u. IX. rday anu 'ro lessor W. G. Trim. Rev. Kongo Moriya, of Japan, fa vored the people of this plac , Sunday, bv giving two excellent itdur8es in he Methodist Episcopal church. In the morning Mr. Moriy.i spoke on "Ihe tellglons and People of Japan and Missionary Work Among Them." Iu he evening lie spoke on Ihe lieli- gions ot Japan Compared wiih Chris tianity. Mr. Moriya, seven or eight years ago, became converted to C:iris- tianity through Amorican misBion- nes and nvo years ago came to his country to prepare himsi-lf for ini-siouary work, lie is taking i onrse of study nt Syracuse university. Hia ancestors were Shinto liiuh prieUs, lie was a person lorn to wealth inn position, but was finally persuaded to forsake his ancestral altars, disregard nir tho protest of bis family and friends to ally himsdf with the religion Cbiist. After the address in the evening Mr. Moriya dressed in his na tivo costume aud showed a number of curiosities, CAR1S0NDALF. Mrs Georeo Lewsley retnrned home Saturday evening from a three weeks' visit with friends in Pittston. Sir. and Mrs. F. W. Day nnd son Ralph, of Wilkes Birr, aro the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bassett, of Thorn street. The Columbia Hose company are doing everything possible to make their excursion lo Farview this week, I1 n d iv, a most enjoyable event. Ia the morning there will be running hors races for a priz.i of s.iO, and the follow ing horses will be entered: Blue Eye, Scranton, Mollie V. Windsor, Hjso Uud Wilkes-Bariv. Straight lip, Black Hawke. Carbondalo. During tho af tornoon choice musio will be rendered by tho popular Mezirt band. Messrs. W. il. Lattirop. it. A. Jad win. Charles orchard, u. U uakor. W. Hamilton and George Van Ivmren ppjnt the Subbath at Crystal L ike. il. . iioiton returned to tins citv yesterday morning, aftor a few days' stay nt II nies lale. Miss Mabel Li wards, of Park street, is on an extended visit in tho Cutskill mountains. Calvary Baptist church of Taylor will picnic at a arview lodiiy. George Junes ii'id John Abbott friends. spent Sunday with Ilonesdale Miss Agnes ilemiricus, ot Groat Bend, who has been the guest of Miss Allio Chase during the past two weeks, rotnrnod home yestorday, accompanied by Miss Chase. Miss Cora JiiStabrooic lias returned from a visit with friends iu Conujcti- cut. Miss Laara Davenport, of Pittston.ls the guest of Mrs. C. W. Mollen, of Lincoln aveune. Mr. Barrett, of West Pittston, was tho guest of his sister, Mrs, B, R. Hall, of Girfr.'ld avenue, over Sunday. STJOSIC. The Loynl Temperunce Legion will hold a picnic this evening (Tuo-day) in the grove ou the "river bank. A good timo Ie in store for all who avail them selvts of this opportunity to help along a good cause. Mrs. Charles Snyder is ill. Mrs. John Metz is recovering from her recent illness. The celebrated far famed Crocker family of ltendham, will be present this evening (Tuesday) nt tho services iu the Metnodist Episcopal church and render soma clinic vocal selections. Services begin nt 7 30. The Woman's Foreign Missionary socloty will hold their social at the home of Thomas Hailstone, Thursday evening, July 19. They aro striving to raise money to p iy for bnilding the new parson i go that is in course of erection on Main streot. MesdumeB Bouse and Waterman were in Scrantou yesterday ou a shopping expedition. Miss Helen Ives visited Duumore frionds over Sunday. lhiivinir Suck Industry. P ihuli'lphia fiYroii. George A. McKettridtre, of btroudRburi?, Pa., raisos lo.ooii ducklings per year and finds a ready sale for them as "groen ducks." Uo uses the Tekiu breed, aud makes them weiirh Ave pounds each when they are 10 weeks old. Ho hatches them iu in i abaters nnd raises thm for market In brooders. The prices ure highost iu April, May and June. T he Pekiu Is pu wnito in piumuRB and the tuatiiers aro therefore an Important item also. They are sum, uresseu, una snipped aiuiy. I'ust Comn or Perlth. AVie York tun. Tho flag of Demooracy is jnst where Senator Hill plained it lnte on last Tues day night, and Democracy will come up to mat mars or it win psrisu. MINOOKA. A great many reports havo been cir culated around here concrniug a bear that is at largo nud roaming about the wooua in rue vicinity of the line and Wyoming Valley railroad. A number of women from this plaee. who were picking berries last week claim to huve seen it nud also a number of boys say they saw it on Friday. Nobody has taken the trouble as yot to investi gate the matter of ascertaining the truth of the reports. Director G. T. D.ivis. of Greenwood. left Saturday night for New York to meet a party consisting Mrs. Davis, his wife, and vv. U. iliomiiBon and wife, who ure sojourning at that place. Urnncli lal, loung Mens IiiBlitute. Basn Ball club, of Minooka. cbnlloiiuei the Electrics, of Taylor, to a game on Saturday, the 21st. Answer through The Thiuune. Johu Egan, Manager. A mule belonging to the Greenwood "VhI company was killed yesterday iu the old shaft with a trip of or Mrs. George Furtun, of Wilkos- Birro. is visiting at the home of hor mother, Mrs. Morris Mangan, on Main street. There will bo a upoolal meeting of the Young Men's Institute. No. Hl, to night to urrunge for their coming so cial evviit. An infant girl of John Fenuey, of Main utreet, is very ill. Tho supervisors of the township are doing good work on the roads aud Imvo repaired tno mam thoroughfare as it required to be dono whore dan gerous spots existed. The school board of Lackawanna township will meet on Friday night lu No. 3 school aud appoint tho teachers for the next term. Miss Hannah Mary Thomas bus resigned hor position us assistant at tho Greenwood school and hor position will be filled on Friday night, Griflith T. Davis, of Greenwood, and family are visiting at Atlantic City. HE RESPECTS A CONTRACT. Intvrrtcw with a lliiiln rnj Knginrer. When by an ugi'eemont a scale of wages is fixed upon aud other rules are aureed upon with a railroad company, Urand Chief Arthur insists the brotherhood must olserve the agreement unless sumetliing dishonorable is done by tho railroad company, and this has male him a few enemies iu our own brother hood, but in every case, when investigated by our level-headed members, Arthur is shown to Imvo acted honorably and In a manner which best protected our organi zation, and in every enso ho has lived down any scandal or nukiud thnut made againut him fur not carrying out the wishes of som i hot-ho uled members of our organization or of some other of the railway associations. FOLLIES OF THE PAST. iVcio l'orfc IlnrnliL It is significant und encouraging to note that nowhere hi.s the spirit of loyalty to tho government been stronger than m the south. By the press, in public meetings, and by the voice of tho south on tho Hour of couiiress but ono centirnent bus been ex pressed, and that is in applause of tho gen eral govern men t for its nciion to uphold tho national supremacy when meunrud bv deuauce and violence, rto better proof is needed that sectioual feeling nud stickling for stute rights are, both north and sutiih, follies of the past. Yet Folke Cr for More. Floating Vein. Thoro nre printed in the United States some l,t5() daily newspapers, whoso issue agg! ogates over T,M)0,0iU copies per diem. In other words, there Is a daily paper printed for evory other family in the country. Mood's 5aved I Can Honestly Say This Hy Life "For years I was In a very serious condition Willi catarrh of tho stomach, bowels and Madder. I suffered intensely from dyspepsia, and in fact was a miser able wreck, merely a skeleton. I seem ed to go from bud to none, I really wished 1 was dead. I had no rest day or night. I did not know what to do. I o. s had taken co much C medic ino of the j wrong mini mui il ills' had nolsoncd mo. ''fAVi anil my llmwr nails f( t VV!.,Vl.cBnn I. lru : Mr. w. 15. Yminir, Mai lt and cnino og. 1'uttcr'. Mills, r. i i.j.an to take TJood's Sarsaparllla. I had faith hi tlie medk ine, and It did moi o for me than all prescriptions. I have gradually r'ninr d prrferl liralili, nm entirely free from catarrh of the bowels, and pain in my back. Jly recovery Is simply mar velous." V. It. YOPNU, l'otter's Mills, l'a. Hood's1 Hood's Pills relievo distress after eating. Vhrtint milled from Li in lstDay.f: 15th Day Well Man ' i of Me. THE GREAT aoth l)v prwlnres (be above results in n; days. It neb liuwei'tiillyuml iimrkly. fures when all utliein lull VeniiK men w ill ret. nil thuir lnut lnmileHHl.iiinl old wen will rcenvir tln-lr youtliliil vmnr by iisiiik It V I O. It ftulchly ami surely resloies Ni rvouH neiiH. I.n.-t Vitality, Iiepiileney, Nixlilly Lniissions, Lost bower, FalliiiK Mi-mory, Waslitnr DIki mu, oml II effects o Kelf-atmi.o or excess and iuiliHureliou. whieh uulitNnne or Mmly. liiinnesnor lnanlnBi'. It lint only cureii by staitliiK at the seat of ilineate. but ianirrent nrrie tonln and blond builder, brlnu ir li n t; Hid pink Klnw lo imlo cheeks ami re "loth! tbo Hie of youth. It wards oir IiiKanitv oiul I'otiMinit.tion. Insbt ou lnviim KICVIVO, no other. It ran ho carried In vent iioeket. Uy mall, 1.00 per liaekane, or six for fciJ.Otl, with il posl llvo wrllten Kiiiirunteo to euro or refund I he money. Circular Irco. Address S0YAL MEDICINE CO., 63 River St., CHICAGO, ILL. For sulo by Mnttbows llros., Drucqlsts, Srriintnii, 1'n. SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Su3quchanna Co. U. E. CUOFUf Proprietor. rpIlIS noi'flK Is strictly temnermicn, fa new I and well fiiriiinliiid nnd uPKiVe'l) TO nil'. I'i'HI.IU TliK YKAK HOUND; is located midway b.ttweon Mimtro,o:ui I Scran- trm . .ll.l,t..a., ,,,..1 i .............. n .. .. O..H.. 1 ." ' v. -r.u .,.,, iji.i.n i. iv i.iiii ii i,j,,(, six 111 iles from 1)., L, & W. It It nt Alrord Btntion, nhd tlvo mllm from Mmtroui; ea Hieily, oijthty-llvo; throe minutus' walk t rom it. ii. Klaxon. GOOD ioATs. 1 CUING TVCK1.H, He. I FItKK TO il 10S1H. Altllufle nbout H,nno foot, unualllntt In this roHpecttUo Aillroudack aid C.itmlll Moun timm I inotrovos. plonty of Khalo and bonutlful seenefly, lnnkiiiK a Mnnunor ltesort uucx coileilpn lienuly nnd elie qiuoBS. L)nn4ni(t pavilion, nwin;s, croipiot i?r ounds, &e. (dd Siirlnu Wnter nud plouty of Milk. Iliifei, 7 to SIO per week. 1.0O por liny Kxcurslnn tickets sold at all stations on D. L. k W. lines. Vl -l 1'orttr niuetsall trnlus. GREAT mm ices'csiie - HE 400 and 402 Lackawanna Avenue. WE have just purchased for cash at 50c. on the dollar 32,228 doz. Ladies' Handkerchiefs, the entire stock of an importing house retir ing from business. Sals Commences Saturday, July 7 5c. Eandercliiefs, sale at 10c. nandkerchM3, sale at , 15c. Handkerchiefs, sale at . 25c. Handkerchiefs, sale at. . 39c. Handkerchiefs, sale at . 50c. Handkerchiefs, sale at . H 21 JLl yri il M iJk 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE. JLKJaS'i?.:::i!f32:i32uSSJJ3it::iJ:3S3I!CnS3IDHa::r!StS:i! IF YOU ARE THINKING OF FIHW GAHPETS We can serve you well. All the desirable kinds are here and at right prices. Then we have other kinds of koor s uoirerin Llaolsums, Mattings, Art Squares, Linen Crumb Cloths, fit Byzantine, Smyrna and Oriental Rugs all sizes, from a single door to sizes large enough to cover an entire floor. iCEKFI SISBECICEii 406 and 408 BRANCH STORE: Watt No tales or history goes with . the goods we sell at our dd and End Sab You will find money by attending our Odd and End Sale It is cheap goodness not cheap cheap ness that distinguishes our dd mid End Sale Figures are eloquent when used to indi cate the value we are giving at our dd and End Sale From a critical inspector you will turn an eager buyer at our Odd and End Sale Goods marked in plain, large, low figures at our Odd and End Sale Purchase BY - FAIR . 2Jc. 5c. . 7c. . 12c. . 19c. . 25c. Lacka. Avenue. Building, Carbondale. K
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