TIIE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 17, 1894. GENERAL NEWS OF . A better Inquiry for plt iron and manufactured material bti produced an improred feeling in the trade. Tlir low condition to which bnaiueas was brongUt ai a result of tbe coal itriltr nd tbe wngag disturbance in tbe Pitts burg district could not continue Ion tr, and a recovery was certain as eoon uj aggravation cHUaes were removed, The reuction has not been Anything like what is to be expectel in ordinary time, but it is still satisfactory. It is no ticeable tbnt many blast furnaces hare not resumed operations, although noiv insured of a steady supply of ooke. TV uiotithly canvass of furnaces showj 107 iu b'.ust ou July 1 with a weekly capa city of Sj.OjU tons, aitainst eipbtjr-elifjt furnace wit'.i a weekly capacity of 07. 617 tons oa June 1. ntit stocks haw r-Hcn reduced from C69.705 tons to 573, B&iton. It is generally accepted t'.mi the traile is taking wore iron tliats it lining made, while furnaees out of blast nre going iu very slowly, uml ti:eee conditions have given some stim ulus to the demand. On Friday evening last the City cf London Electrior tiighting company, limited, cave a large banquet ut tl o Caution street hotel, for the pnv; of demonstrating the feasibility u'i 1 convenience cf cooking by eleetrici'v, says "Indafctries and Iron." Befmv the dinner commonce l tlie gaesti yh-- invited to bjo the apparatus at work, aud Dad the opportunity of inspecting the joinst, poultry, flili, ve?et.ili, etc, frying and siumoring iri the electric ovms aud s iucs p.-tis A temporary kitchen hi bsen ' t up cloaeto the dining room; thW vfi, of court', perfectly easy to do, as there were no flues to provide for the escape of the products of combustion of co.il and gas. Tbe influence of tlio near proximity of the cooking apparatus win telt in the hot state of tlio viands. In stead of h ivinit to travel a loug dis timce from a kitchen, either under ground or on the highest story of the building, arriving half cold, as Is toi often the caso at public dinners, tbey were brought direct from an ao joining apartment, and were served tielore they had commenced tc cool. The cookiHg was in every way escellent.and left nothing to be desired ; itf. indeed, it should be when tlio heat is under absolute control, and there are no products of combustion to mingle with the delicate lUvor of tiio comest ibles. At the close of tbe dinner th lord mayor an authority every one will respoct declared thut it had been in every way satisfactory. The chair man, Sir David Solomons, espial nod that there were 12!) guests, an I alxtv unit j of electricity, costing exactly ill, bad been used in cooking thedium-r. This works out to 2 1. per head, or 2 1 per course, a truly insignifi cant amount. While the company charge 81. pr unit for current used foi lighting, they charge only 41, for thai employed for cooling and motive pow er. Dr. Silvanui Thompson, in rp;y tu the toast of "Success to the D.velop inent of Electricity," recalled a former electric dinner given iu 1741) by Deuj i ruin Franklin on the banks of tu Schuylkiil. The tarkay was killed by no electric shock, and cook 'd by a fir. kindled by an electric spirk, while va rious electric experiments seem to have served as entrees iu an intellectual experiment which proceeded tbe din ner. Tho certificate of incorporation of th New York and Philadelphia Tril lion company, capitalized at 10,000. 000, bus been filed with Secretary of Slate K'liey, of New Jersey. With the certificate were filed copies of the maps, surveys, routes an 1 descriptions of what may be the grsatsgt electric railway system in the United States In addition to tho custom try fees a de posit of $25,000 was mads with Stat Trensurer Swain in compliance with the law. The maps show that this pro jected system is a network of electric roads between New York and P.iiln lol puia connecting all the princip il cities, towns and villages of the state and af fording accommodations for travel and traffic. The direct line commence at Puterson, where connections will be made with the electrical street railway system of that city. Tiie entire system will comprise about 150 miles of elec tric railway, and it will take the travel of fully 0,000,000 people. It is designed not only to carry passengers, but to transport farming truck, agricultural implements and merchandise. The New York end of the enterprise will be built, operated aud managed by two corporations the Central Jersay Trac tion company, with a capital of $.100, 0U0 and headquarter ut No. 3 '.Vail Mreet. New York, and the New York and Philadelphia Traction ci mpui;y, whose general offices will be at Tren ton. This company is already incu porated. The directors at uaid to comprise some of the best known capi talists nnd railroad men in New Jersey, New York and Philadelphia. Messrs iiagowun, J. II. Real I and J. II. L'ar rau are the incorporators. Minor Industrial Notes: The Baltirosre and Ohio now has all its shops open and is giving employment to over 3, (H0 men. One week ago Saturday Jones. Simpson & Co.'s Ridge mine prepared 903 ca: a of coal for market and hoisted 60S cars, thus beating tbe mine's record. The first half of 1804 the Pennsylvania lines bandied 3,'!6S,809 tons less of coal than in the corresponding six months of lt)U3, and 458,797 tons less of coke. The west bound tonnage over the Penn sylvania lines has set in heavily, caused bv the forwarding from Pittsburg all delayed freights for Chicago and other western points. Kickert's new washerv, which has been Id course at erection at Tresckow for s-v eral weeks past, will start up some day during tbe comiug week. The machinery is all in place. ' Tbe Vanderbilt roads bove devised a sys tem whoreby passengers will be spared the annoyance of showing their tickets at the end of each division which 1b such a bore to long distance travelers. It will go partly into force on the 15th. A Chicago dispatch says: "II. A. Bis chuff, 63 years old. managor and editor of the Black Diamond, a journal devoted to the coal interests, committed suicide by shooting himself through tho heart at his office this afternoon. No cause is known." A. H. Vaunacker, of Eckley, was on Saturday promoted to tho position of gen eral superintendent over all of Coxe Bros. & Co.'s stores. The appointment takes ef fect on Aug. 1, and is made to till the vacancy creatod by the appointment of . A. Oberrender as private secretary to Hon. E. B. Coxa Eyspepsla and Indignation In tbeir worst forms are enred by the use of P. P. P. If yon are debilitated and run down, or If you need a tonio to regain flesh and lost appetite, strength and vigor, take P. P. P., aud you will be atrong and bealtby. t or shattered constitutions and lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) Is the king of all medicines. P. p. I; is tbe greatest blood purifier in the world. For sale by all druggists. INDUSTRIES FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL! Etooks and Bond. New Yomt July 10. Speculation at the Stock exuhango was more active today aud the undertone of the market was firmer. Professional traders were active on the bull side of the account and they forced somo of tho cbrouic bears to cover rather extensively in certain stocks, notably the Grangers and American Sugar. Tho bulla had iu their favor the gradual return of the railroads to a normal condition and rumors from Washington of probably early action on tariff matters. American Sugar was again the feature, selling up from 9J to Wl. The strength of tbe stocK was due to the impression that the company will gut what it wants in the shape of protection from the conference committee. 1'or the enrae reason Distillers fell from 23"4' to S'i'f, it beinii agreed that if the Sunar retiuing duty is not reduced tho listilllng interests will receive less thau expected. Chicago Gas moved up to 77. but later receded to 7(a7oH. Lead ami the other Industrials were firm. The rail ways were strougor on purchases fur bjtli tho long nnd short accounts. St. Paul ad vanced , Burlington 1, Missouri Pacific "i, Louisville and Nashville Jf, New York t'eutrnl l( nnd Northorn l'acitlo preferred ?. When Distillers fell to 2(IJ iu the last hour Sugar receded )i, and tho general railway list yielded fractionally. In the final liealincB, however, the railroads were tolerably firm. Total bales 174,000 sales. The following eoinpioto table snowing the i!sy' fluctuations in active stocks is supplied sua revised Unity by LtUlur & Fuller, stock brokers, iil Wyoming avenue: Open- Hi.'h- Low Clot iu;. est. est. lug. Am. Cot. Oil A m SiiL'ar. Ii7i .' W VA6 ltd A.'i'.&S.J? as, &i 6v. 6!)9 Can. So. ('.!. , .1 I'hw & N. W IdVi 1U'? Hi", IU'iJs y.B.Q 7a'H "'H '" i". Chle. Gas ;t& 'H I'., t'.C. & St. 1, I'ol., Hock.Val. T 1). at H 1:11 1:11 liW VMi I).. L. ftW Itil'M H'l'ij H'l'i K'fft I). & C, F i::i, --"i M!i Krlo 14' ll'O H'u HVii (4. k. (!., :iti... ;r;.'4 nv 'Si Lake Shore l:W IWl 1 I,. & N Hi's ''i H n' Manhattan 1 ltl 11 IhV'i IM4 it ma. l'au '';l4 7W -'''.'! r!is Nat. Lcail Wvl4 Jl'U i li. Y. M. K X. Y. Central V, !74 t7.'4 7'4 N'.Y.. O. &W li'i V'H l.'ils ''S - Y S. Jis W IJ. S. ('. Co il "-'s "I' t -IW North Pa: !l's N'urth I'ao. of IU:, IV 4 N'6 1' Omaha 'M'?i liia "''In J-tt I'ue. Alail UVadiUK 17ii I7 m KtekMand " t' U W !.T ll'a )'-" !': ;t. l'nni r,vi ti'.. W'u tnik t., c. & 1 m, i-i iv,4 Texas 4' I'ao la N '' . i ntoufai-liic H!a H'd "'a n's WauaaU pf ilii, Hh ll'4 I') Wcsfni i'uKjii MS4 M'i H'' . W.,'.- L V, 1iH ln'4 H1V4 V. ic U E. pfd i-H 4.::'4 ilh Chicasro Grain and Frovlstoni. ScitAMow. July Iti Tho follotviuK (juota- linr.s an Hup;)iiea lllhl u.irro.:tMi uuity uy u: Uar iS; Kullor,strck brokers, 1-1 Wyouiu.' ave' hue. Julv. Wlj Mi m So,it. 0:oninif llitK'Ht I.owust, Closing CO KM. OlK'llillg Hihet , Lowest Closing OA'IS. Oponiiig HiljlN.'xt , Lowest Cl'winc I'OlilC. openni; MiKhost Lowest 'loiii' LAKO. opeuunr , Highest Lowest t lfjsintr KHOHT KIBS. Opt'iiiui liiirliest Lowest l.'.Uailllf f. I L4 til1 ui :i s i.t I'J'i r:r,7 IX! i-r.7 l:uo tr, l.!7 l7 t:r." (.17 r."i 1.67 vr,) liV) 1W IS) s3 f."7 CS7 I'M Scranton WhoUsala Market SCRANTOX, Jllly IB. FitL'IT AND PnO- nvce Dried apples per pound,0a7c: evnn oiated apples, 11mMc, per pouud; Turkish prunes, 5au;.sr. : hiiL'iish currants, a.;ic.: layer rui-ins. $1.75al.8'l; muscatels. Sl.UOa 1.40 per bcx; new Valeucias, 7n7i$c. per pound. HBAN3 ilarrow-rati ?J.O0a3.Ou per Dusnei; mediums, i. i.mi.'.iu. Pus ureen, ll.15a1.2U per bushel jspllt, I'j.ouaJ.cu; leutels.D totc. per noand. I'OTATOKS New, per barrel, $'Ja'J.15. Onions rJaekt, ll.10al.15. Bl'tteii to ;8;c. por lb. Chxksb Sl'a!iic. per lb. Egos Freeh. HaHXc Povltiiy Chickens, dressed, 12 to 13c.; turkeys, 12 to lac. Mkats Hams, 13'c.j small hams, 14c; si;mneil liams, 14c. : California hams, Uj.cc: shoulders, 9c; bellies, 10c; smoked breakfast bacon, 12Uc. tMOKKD UKKK-Outtides. 13Wc: sots. irc: insules and knuckles, Klo. Acme sliced smoxea beer, 1 pjund cans, H1;Z dozen, Pohk Moss at $13; short cut. Sift. Laud Lest In tiers nt 'Jc: in tubs. O'c; in 10-pound pails. W(e.i In 5-Dotind pails, UJ-c; it-pound pnibj. 10s. ptr ponno; compound lard tiercos 7c. ; tub-", life; lb-ronna pans, 7"ic per oound: 5-pound pails, 7c. por pouud; 8-pouud pau;i, ec. per pouud. Floob Minnesota patent, psr barrel. f.20a4.!i0; Ohio and Indiana nrabor, at $3.50; Graham at 13.50; rye Hoar, at Fikd Mixed, per cwt., at $1.01. Gkaix Itye, C5e.j corn, 62 to 55e. oats, SS tofioc. per Dusnei. Ryk Stiiaw Per ton, $!3i15, IlAV-S14.50alO. New York Producs Martet. New York. July 10, Flour Dull, weak; off-red fr ely. Wintkii Wheat Low grndes. fl.SSi t3.5(); do., fair to fancy, 82.4082.90; do., l atents, f3.aOS3.!M; Minnefota clear, $2.25 li$!.t!5; do., ptrnightfl, t.'!a.'i.,r)0; do., patents, :J.40a$4.IO; citv mills, .55aJ3.05; do., pat envs, U 25al!4 35. Whkat Active for export and home trade; prices, firmer; No. 3 red store and elevator, 50c: afloat, fiOs.W.'i'o. : f. o. b., COJsCOc; nngraded rd, 67aC0c: No. I nortuern, BSnOS.'i'e,; options closed ftoady nt ;c. over Sntnrdny; No. 3, rd, July, ttf.; August, mo.; September, C0c; December, 04r. Cokn Dull, tinner: No. 2, 4Sr48,c, ele vator: 4S,'n4j5ic. eflout; options active and c. higher: Jnly, 47c; August, 48Kc: September, 47a: December, 45c Oats Dull, lower, weak; optii n-, dull, c. lower: July, 42c; August, t4c.:Sop tember. 32ic : October, 33c ; No. 3 white July, 43c; spot price", No. 2, 48!c; No. 3 white, 51c; No. 3 Chicago, BoJo.; No. 8, 48c; No. 8 white, 40c; mixed western, SOaolc; white do. and white state, 60a57& Beef Pull, firm; family, tlUaU; extra mean, 8x8.50. Ekek Hams Quior, Arm; 121. TiEitoKO Beev Dull; city extra India mnss, SI7h18. Cut MEATS-Qniet, steady: pickled bel lies, 8c: do. shoulders, OJo.; do. bams, 12c. Middles Nominal. Laud Qniot, firmer: western stenm closed at7.30; city, OjKaCc.; July, $7.25; September, J7.25; retlneil, dull: conti nent, $7.00; South America, $7.85; com pound, CaOlc. PoRK-Qniet, firm; mess, $14a!4.25; ex tra prim, $13sl3.60. Bi'TTKR-Quier, about steady; state dairy, 12al7c; do. creamery, 14a17c; Pennsylvania,do.,14al7o.; western dairy, 10al034'c; do. creamery, 13al7o.t do. fac tory, al4c; Elgius, 17c: imitation cream ery, llial4Hc. Ciiekhe Quiet, firm; slate large, 7Wa 0o.; do. fancy, OKc; do. small, 7Wn9Vc; part skims, 2Ka5Xc; full sklmB. X2o. EooH-Quiet, weaker; state and Penn sylvania, 11b12Xc; western fresh, 11a llc; do. per Case, Ila3.50. Philadelphia Tallow Karket. Philadelphia. July lfl. -Tallow was dull and unchanged. Prices were: Prime city in hogsheads, 4lc; prime conntry, In barrels, 4$c; do. dark in barrels, 85ia 4o. j cakes, 4.c ; grease, 80. "HUWPH1" Thrilling Rescue of m Itlcyrlo Girl Who Hadn't Learned How to Stop. Tho shades of night were gutting in their work, mid tho pence of a righteous commnnity was filtering through tho atmosphere. I3rowu and Jones were en joying their last cigars and conversing on stocks. There is nothing frivolous or flighty about Erown aud Jones. Bnddonly there camo a swish of fem- inino skirts, a skurry of a bicycle, and through tho darkened air a shrill wail faltered, "Oh, won't yon pleaso help mo?" Then a bicycle at full tilt sped across the street crossing, aud Brown and Jones stared ut each other aghast. "O-o-ooh!" half crlod the voice of tho disappearing rider. "What in thunder docs she want help about?" gasped Jones. "Sho wasn't tipping overl" cried Erown. "Her wheel was all right!" "No one was pursuing" "Help!" floated back to tho crossing. With one wild gush of alarm, two ci gars were flung to destruction, and two reputable citizens went spinning down Lake avenue. Never Fineo their collego days have Jones and Erown made aruu ning record like the 0110 credited to that night's performance, with a movable goal for an object. O110 block, two blocks, syX blocks, imil then the fleeing wheel with its sobbing rider eaniu iu view. With an extraordinary spurt Brown and Jones caught up, grabbed tho han dle bin's and stopped tho wild progress of the modern Flying Dutchman. "What" LuKau Jones. "How" gasped Brown, who was stout and un pleasantly conscious of something ridic ulous in th whole proceeding. "Oh," quavered tlio femiuino rider, who was not young and not fair, "oh, how can I ever thank you? Oh, my goodness, what a scare! 1 can ride, you know just learned bnt I can't turn round, and I can't mount, and I can't stop my wheel, and I was getting far ther away from home every minute, and, oh, dear, what would I have dono if" Jones coughed. In her excitement the distressed lady was reposing against his shirt front, it was a fresh shirt front, aiid her act disturbed him. "Shall we get you started for home?" queried Brown, who always had pres ence of mind. "Oh, if you would," said the dis tressed lady, and then the two reputable citizens put her 011 her wheel, turned it around, pushed her half a block and saw her disappear in the darkness, leav ing a trail of inarticulate gasps, thanks, protests and exclamations in her wake. Silence fell over Lake avenuo. Brown and Jones stuffed their handkerchiefs into their collars and looked at each other meditatively. Suddenly Brown went into convulsions. He grabbed Jones' arm. "How," ho stuttered, "how, I say, is that fool woman going to stop when sho does get home?" Then they eat down on tho curbstono to recover and incidentally to calculato whether the woman who hadn't learn ed how to make the wheel stop going round would eventually reach the north polo or be drowned in Lake Superior. "Aud yet," Brown says scornfully when ho tells tho adventure, "yot 601110 misguided mortals claim that women havo sense enough to voto and decide the fate of the nation. Humph!" Tlio way ho says "humph" makes tlio hearer wither right away if tho hearer is a woman. Chicago News. Tlio Wws of Carvers, The blunders of carvers are historic. One of tho most amusing specimens chiefly concerns a spruce young lawyer who led a blushing damsel as a brido from her rural homo and returned with her to tho hospitable mansion of her father-in-law to enjoy tho Christmas fes tival. Ho was called ou to carve. Tiiu turkey was overdono and was somewhat tough withal. Tho spruce young lawyer struggled with it, but the bird wouldn't yield. An enormous pudding stood beside tlio turkey and was in tho law yer's way. Filially he took up tho pudding dish and placed it in his chair behind him and then renewed his nttaek ou the tur key with redoubled vigor. His face was red with effort and embarrassment, his glasses stroamcd with perspiration, but still ho struggled. At last ho niado a tremendous effort and succeeded in launching tho impervious bird onto tho other side of tho table. "There," ho said in despair, "now I've dono it" and sat down in tho pudding. Tit-Bits. LxouiTatod. "Harry, you have taken tho largest peach. Yon should remember that Dod dio is the oldest " "That's not my fault. "Judy. Evening Hodices of Clilduu. Chiffon not alone forms tho trimming on dresses, when it is for the most part ac cordion plaited, but it also makes entire bodices, and no pret tier style for tho youth ful figure can bo found than a full bodice of chiffon made, bo it understood, of the best quality and fixed onto a tight lining, to somewhat overhang abroad belt of lace, embroidery, jet or what you will, which completes tho skirt of moiro or brocade. The flimsy skirt enjoys but little patron age; tho solid skirt of silk or satin or moiro reigns supreme. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her dootore she had Con sumption and that tbero was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's Hew Dis covery completely cured her and she says it saved her lire. Mr. Tbos. Kggera, 139 Florida St., Ban Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, tried without result everything else thou Dough t one bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery and in two weeks wag cured, lie is naturally thankful. It issueh results of which these are examples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medlufue in Coughs and (Colds. Free trial! bottles at Matthews Bros,, Drug store. Regular size 50c. and $1. j Curb ron Crodp. Use Dr. Thorn aV' Ec lectrioOil according to directions, ltis the best remedy for all sudden attacks of colds, pain aud inflammation, aud in juries. T THE WHEEL IN WAR. A lloxton Inventor Attaches Something Re acuiblinff a Uutliuc (juu to Ills Illcjclu. No less an authority than General Nelson A. Miles, the world famous In dian fighter and veteran of tho lato war, has testified to the probable valuo of tho bieyelo for signal service work and scouting in time of hostilities. Further than this, nearly every army of note In tho world has a bicycle corps for its work, and not a few companies, equip ped iu "heavy marching order, " havo niado long runs across country in much less timo than the samo distance could have been covered on horseback. In ventor B. D. Stevens of Boston has giv en the wheel even a moro warlike as pect, lie has invented a sort of gutliug gun attachment for a bicycle which is designed to transform tlio inoffensive, silent steed into a machine gun. Tho entire equipment is simplo and does not add live pounds to the weight of the Wheel. A metal jacket the shape of a BICVCLE WITH Al'TOM ATIC FI UlXl! HKVOLVElt. large pistol is attached to tho front of the wheel, aud when a Bcout or skir misher goes forth with warlike, intent he can slip the pistol into his jacket, lonnoct it with Die front wheel by a se ries of rods nnd iu a few moments find himself ready to give an enemy a very warm reception. Tho pistol carries six cartridges, and eight more may bo fed into it automatically from the magazine above. Tho soldier wheelman thus has 14 shots at his disposal, and, what is more important, tho apparatus is so arranged that by pressing a lever on tho handle bar tho revolver is fired automatically by tho revolving of tlio front wheel of the bicycle. If the rider continues to press tho lever, tho entire 11 shots may lie lired, but by releasing it at a given lime ho may fire only as many as he de sires. Another peculiarity of the attach ment is the fact tint the pistol has an lire of fire as great as the distance the handle bars will tiu'n to right or left. If tho scout is brought to bay aud forc ed to dismount, ho may either stand be side his wheel and fire tho pistol by band or attach the weapon to a light shoulder piece carried ou the wheel and tiso it as if it were a riflo. General Miles has seen the apparatus and speaks very highly of it. Tho inventor is 01 years of aire. His best known work thus 1 far is the Stcvuns dynamite shell, which tho government has successfully tested. Learn to Laugh. "Learn to laugh. A good laugh is bet ter than medicine. Learn how to tell a story. A well told story is as welcome as a suubrum In u sickroom. Learn to keep your own troubles to yourself. Tho world is too busy to care for your Ills and sor rows. Learn to stop croaking. If you cannot see any good iu the world, keep tho bud to yourself. Ijeum to hide your pains and aches under a pleasant 6imlo. No 0110 cares to hear whether you have the earache, headache or rheumatism. Don't cry. Tears do well enough In novels, but they are out of place in real life. Leurn to meet your friends with a smile. Tho good humored man or. woman Is always wel come, but tho dyspeptic or hypochondriac is not wanted anywhere and is a uuisuuco as well, says a family doctor. Beecham's pills are for biliousness, bilious headache dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head' ache, bad taste in the mouth coated tongue, loss of appc tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequen cause of all of them. Book free; pills - 2 c. At drugstores.or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York B Bi m m Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200 SURPLUS, $250,000 This hank offers to depositors ft fry inciiuy wnrrauiea ny iiieir uiuanccs, Dlisl ness anil responsibility. Special attxntion given to business as- couuta. interest jjuiu ou time deposits, WI1.7-TAM CONNKI.T, President. UKO. II. OATLIN. Vlre-I'resldant. WILLIAM H. PUCK, Casulcfc. DIKECTOr.a William Connsll, Oeorira R. Catlln. Alfred Hand. James Arolibnld, Henry iioMn, jr., ttiiuaut x. n-ouiv laitiier ELCOD POISON prm intntlr ourtd Sdy, under lu'raoty.fcut'1 bI t-'."cn.l. Ijji SrefrompfbDUeund.frMhrmiU. WbMllatBprinls L'T; 0 BcrrorfiMI, uur ITillKIO Ifomvaf will F. ainlyeura. COOC lUJlfll! CO. IVim, III.KAVj Mroiihy, etp., urly cured by INOAl'O, the mnduo KemfMlr. WltbriUMfnarutlcar, golub. UAUMUHO jjuuB., urugvvs omwion. ra. A Handsome Complexion Is one of tbe greatest charms a woman can possess. Poszoni's Complexion Powdb Rives it. IS Thi isona Good len Oe serve ANE of the strong nninfs; nf Tin. Tpih une's equipment as a first-class printing es tablishment is the fact that it has a superb Bindery, thoroughly supplied with up-to-date machinery and managed by skilled workmen. For neat work promptly done and at prices that are fair and square, it has no superior in North eastern Pennsylvania. Preserve Those Pic tures Don't Spoil Those Inl- Acinous - eafly The Tribune will promptly preserve any of the art series pur chased by its readers at prices especially moderate. I twill make special rates on the binding of any or all parts of the World's Fair Series America Illustrated Series Multicbrome Series Or Any Otler Series And do the work so thoroughly that you will simply be de lighted. FOR ALL KINDS OF BINDING, STITCHING, RULING AND OTHER MrrTi1T T1 OIHTTT A 1. VVUIUV. VI OlJlilJUiil CHARACTER, TRY THE TRIBUN BINDERY FOR PRICES Oood Clothes Have The BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL IUVSK lASg AMI M 1.1. I.O.N 1. )U. O. KUCJAlt DEAN line removed toliU A , tiruce street, riernntun, la. CJuat OB I'oaite couri-houso Jjijuara 1) It. A. J. CORNELL, Office M WnahinKtoa f J tirouue. corner Hpnico etvwt. orer l' raucko s drug Flora koMdonce, 'iZi Viuest onico li.urs: lu.aitolia. m. mid s to aud 60 to 7..JO p. m. Kunduy. H to 3 u. ra. il)K. W. K. A I. LEN. Ottlco cor. Luckv -f wanna and Waehincton uvea.: over Leon, ard stivw btore; office hours, W to a. m. nnj m-; evouiuw ut rutideuu oiiitf. WasliliiKtou svo. I)1 tl. L. u. rltiiV. I'ractlia limited to I lit. ... ... u. . uj. j liii'iitTH iiumeti effleo, La Wyouiiutf ava ' Uttudouco, oit Viu ' ttreot. 1 ) V UATEH. U'5 Wo8hiii(itiA Avenu.). fJ Office hours, S to Hani., l.auto li aud to 8 p.m. HoMdeaco M Jluilison uvi nu 11I.M U WENyZ, M. U." unices SS'aud I " t.oininonwoaltli buililinc: renidenes VII Sladiiiouavo; olrlco houra. U to U - to 1. 7 to t; Sund.-iys 2 30 Kj 4. oveuincs at resiUouca. A specialty ninde of dihunses of the eye, ear, noss aud thro.'it and (tynoeoloKy. MH'VKIIS. f M. C. UANCK'ri Law aud Colic " . utc, iio. on opruco F'., opposite Purest .j. ,,..., ,-oiai-uoiia u Hpcciuiiy lUrouKUout l'euiisylvuuia; rciiahlu torrostoud- lEHHUi'S I1A.ML), Attorney and foiiimjt. .1 nr. ,jf lti.u t ... , ..ll.rl...jn Rllll I UI1IIM.H. Couiniouu'cnltli bulldiu WuihiugWn av HollAtK K. HAHn. w. li. ji:suf, J it. 11J.AHD WAKKKN & K.NAl'P. Attur- I'Ullilmtr, inir, Washiiutton ave.. Kcraiiton. l'.k ! IJAiTEKSoN He WlLfOX, Atlonicvs an.l i Couuut llors at Law; uUites (i uud is Library luildinifc beruuton, lJn. l.'UKWrr.t, II. rATTDHSOW. JtVll.MAU A. Wilcox. A 1.KUEOHAN1), WILif.iAM jThANdTaT I f tornoys and Counvelloii Conimonwealili ";""K. ut?uis i;i, ii an'l K I5DYLE, Attorney at-l.iiw.Nos.l'J and 20, llurr lmiM:uir, WuKliinirton iivi.-nu. II ENKY M. SKKI.Y Law oIMmm in Pri, 1...0.1,.... In.: n .i ... . uiumiiiK, uuauiuKion avenue IA1?11'- Ktlu Attorney at Uw. liooul i alhiteliaiiK.ticri1ntoii, J'a. ii . W- '-"WHY, Atfys, -i7 Washing . Jl. VON rTOHCll, (ton iv.. C. II. , I AMJiii W. OAKI-'OUD ... vjirw- uiu, Attorney at Lai rooms Kl, M and 05, Commonwealth b'l'ir. Attorney at Law, JAMUMj W. LU.IaH ah, "'e. 1)17 KprupiiHt., Heranton, i'a. A Vk'ATUiru a.. at Law, 42J JLnrjtwaiiria oun.. Hcrautnn. I'a. 1J 1. hJlllH, Counsellor nt Law. Olllce, . rooms IB, .'.il ('ominiinwpiiltli bnlliiin-i. U IMTClil.'iJ A. '. T 7T ... ...v..i,.,v, .rtiiomL'y ac i.aw, .uu . niontVHinth hollaiiu;. Hrrimton, I'a. C.COMKUVH. ail' Sii'riiTO st " U kl.'l.l.Hlil 1' A T .' . i """f-". "oi nov l.oan novo . tinted on real eetntew-ruritv.41ls Sprucn 1-.K1LLA.M, AitoruRv-ut-Liiwi iju Wy- ominavt-nuo, Si-ranton. S IKIIII.K. CX'IIOOL Ol-' TliK LACKAWANNA, Scran O ton. Ta.. itronarcs bovs and uirls for(villiyi or btibiueiia: thoroughly traius vouui; childrea Lutulok'ue ut ruiiuuat. r.r.v. Thomas?!. CAn, Wai.tki: II. Ulei.i.. Miss woKCK.sri-'.ics kindekuahtln and heliool. ll Adainn avenuo. fundi ri-cfivcl nt ull times. Next torm will ouea Sortii-nbor -I. I)I-.N I IM S. TM. A. TAKT. D.D.S., UK North Wash- I V t..,f..,, a .... i i..;.. Kestorations. t row n and liriilno Work n , y:. . J'"" I.. I . Ill 1 UI V.t;iail c C. LAUBACII, fcuiucoa Lleutist, No, 110 ' III 111 IIVH. It M. 'l UA'I 'lu.V. I I I' .-In I.O.V.NS. rrilK Hi:rUIiI,l(J SaviuKS and Loan a'sho J. ciatiou will lo in ou ui..ney on easier ti-niH and p:;y you liuttor on investment than liny other nssoL-latiim. Call oa S. N. CALLLN- IM.lt. P'tne Haul,- l.niifjim' m:i:ds. Gil CLARK & CO., rk-ttlamcnT'rioristt and KurKcrvuien: store U8 Washington avenuo: preen houie, IojU Nurth ilaiu uveiiuo. miro Ti-leooouo J I" AS. GHANU UN li IX '1 LA CO.. .lonei Bros. Wilts: M IIKI XS, JOS. KrKTTF.L, 5ii Laetawanna nvonm Ser-i'it.-.'i. I'a . lrninl'f ef Wire Sereen1! no'ir.Ls am i;r.iT.ruANT. 'i'HB N LSTJUNSS'i'Li'i, ilMlil WyoraiDK 1 uve. lioonn heated with steam: all mod ein Improvmiients. C. M. Tiii mar. frop. nMIE ELK CArr. IS and 127 FrauUlin ave I . I,n l.,t..a .....Kl.. I'. XiF.ci.EH, Proprietor. J LbXAil-Nbi'LH 1IOTKL. tv W f: snitvri: .,.,,... Sixteenth street, or.o block east of Broadway ui. iiuoii nuure, lew lorK. Amertenn pi.ni, SsU'ili per day anil upward. (UYNIS HOUbK. Luropoau plan; '(,'00'.. J roonia. Open day anil ullu. Bar plied with tho Le.it. P. IT. COVNF.. rronvlntor. (JCHANTON HOUSE, near D., U i'w.pits O lengcr depot. Conducted on the Europe..:: plan. Vii jiik Kncn. Proprietor. KA.ND CENTRAL. The iai-jio.se and lus: cmiiopel Imtjl ia Allen to wo, rataj C' nil 'l -Ml t.AH .In.. Vktoii D. BAKNFit. Proprietor. Al!( ItlTLCTS. n AVIS"- lloCPl', Architects. Huim21 2") nnd 20 Commonwealth li'ld'n. Scranton, f,LT WALTIiit" Architect, Library l-uii.'i k J imr. Wynininir nvemi", Sciuntoii. I.i L. HROVv'N. Arch It. Architect. Price I bnlldimr.l2i'i V iishiiietoti Ave.,Scranton. Wl l l.l .AM'OI'S. llAUEli'S OHCUKSTUA - llfslo FOI. i) balls, picnics, perties, receptions, wej dlnifs and ooncnrt work furnished. For terms address It .1. Bauer, rouiluctor, 117 Wyoming ave., over Hulliert's music store. H OKTON D. 8WAKTS-WHOLESALE lumber, Tnco building, Scranton, Pa. Mi.(lAIUiEE HliOTHEHS, " PRINTERS7 supplies, envelopes, paper ba;!s, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington uve., Scranton, I'a. UO nam AXI) CA URIAH ES FOR SALE at lr.33 Cupousj avenue. D. L.FOOTE. Acont I MIANK P. "h MOW S ic CO., WHOLE I sale dcnlem iu Woodware, Cordage uud Oil Cloth, 7.0 W. Lackawanna avenue. IZKA FiNN & SON M, Imiidcra iiii'd cJiitriK" i j tors. Yards: Comer (.dive at. aud Adams ave.; comer Ash st. and Pcim ave., Scranton. The GENUINE Xew Ilavca "MaHiushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 1800. New York 'Varcrooiii9 Xo. 80 Fifth Avcuuo. E. C. RICKER & C0,; Bole dealers in this Bsction. OFFICB-121 Adams Avo., Telephone B'l'd'g Eureka Laundry Co, Cor. Linden St. snd Adams Avo. t'ovai llousa aguAua. All binds of Laundry work gnnrantoal tea best, THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING COl ECRANTON AND W1LKES BARRE. PA.. SIANUFACTOKERBOJ Locomotives and Stationary .Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office. SCRANTON, PA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF H J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Antraeito conl used exclusively, tnsurhiii eleaulinesa and comfort. TIME TA11LE IN EFFECT MAT 20, 1S9I. Trains leave rieraiiton for Pittston, Wilkes, linrre, etc , at 8 Si. U.15, U.i a. m., 12.5U. i.U m o . -' - m1 1U0 p" m- Sundays, 8.00 a. in., l.l'i, " l i, i.lO p. in, for A1 lnntic City. 8.20 a. m. I'or XuW York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.S) reziirvss)- a. m., 12..iu (expross with Buffot parlor car), U.ao (exprotaj p. iu. Sunday, 2.15 1. m. Foil SUlTH ClII'NK, AM.F.NTOWN-, BF.TnL. J!,"!' .VV,1'"1' alKl 1'IIILAUKI.I'HIA, 8.20 a. UL. f or Lono liHAiecn, Ocean Grove, etc.. at !! ( V, i"ioui,'ii em ) a. in., li vo p. m. r or HendiPK. l.elmuon and Harnsbure. via "'l i " mVU t,'"Ua' m-' 1:i"U' D'0' V'm' Bu"da'' For l'ottsville. S.'ida. m., 12.r,0p. m. ItetiirnliiK. liavo Now York, foot of Liberty ytrei't. Iwntli rivir, nt MO (express) m J.M, l.:!0. 4.:So (vxpress with Butlot parlor car) 1. ui. Kundny, 4 :w a. in. Li-ave I'hiludolplila, Koailiiie Terminal, 0.0J B. ui., 2.(10 and fill p. in. Sunday, ti.27 a. in. '1 lu cju','!i tickets to nil points at lowojt ratm mnv ho hud on application iu advance to th ticliot Ui,'uut ut tho st:itiou. 11. P. BALDWIN, J. II. OUIATTSES. Gou. Kupt. DELAWARE AND HUD WN HAILKOAIJ. C omineneinvr 31ay ai, W2. trains will run as follows: Trains leave lirldifo htreot Station. Scranton, for Pitts- win i. . .. .... jt tlrilijSCM ll n' lote-i'Hrre, etc., n.iw, m i-5 2H9:'I,7 B:7. lCa. in., uiu, V i3 $ 1,". 2.:is. 4.1U. 5.13, ii.15, e.lj ft W r and 11. iA p. in. ft' For New York and Phlla- flelphhi, b W u. iu., 12.10, J.ii, !!. .lfinnd II.SIp. m. For Houe.silaioOrom Delaware, Lackawanna nnd western depot;, 7 .0U, .aj, lo. lu a.m., r;.UJ in.. 2. IT, ft. 10 p. in. For Cai liondiilo and Intermediate stations, 5.4(1. 7 U, tvio, 10.10 a. m., 12.00 UL,'il7, a.lti,5.10, .t)i and I) :t, it in.; from bridge atroot Depot, 2.1 H a. ui., 2.17nnil 11 5 p. ra. Fast express to Albany, SarutoKa, the AdI. rendack MouiitaniH, hoston and New England points, ft.40 a. ill., arriving at Albany 12.4j. Surntok'a 2.20 p.m.. umt ieavinnSeruntoa at 2.17 p. m.. n-rivitii at AHmny af.f0 p. in., bara k kii. 12..V5 a. in., and B iston. 1M a. m. The only direct routo lietwoen the coal fteUs and ISoston. "Tho Leading Tourists' Kouta of Amurii-a" to tho Adirondack Mountain ro- sorts, Lakes Geort'o uud Champlaiu, HontroaL etc. Timo tables showing local and through train service l.ctwcen stations on all divisions Dela ware and lludbon fcyhlem, may be obtained ut all Delaware and Hudson ticket otliens. 11. H. YOUNU, J. W. liL'itUIC'K, Second Vice 1'resident Uun. Pass. Agt. 1A 11, IM4. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via. 1). & II. R U. at 8 a.ra , 12.10, 2.3K and 11.35 p. m via D, L. & W. It. 11., U.UU, B.lis.11.20 a. in., and l.Jil p. m. Leave (rcrantoa for Pittston and Wilkss Burro via D.. L. & W. R. It., 0.1W, &0S, 11.2J u. ra ,1.. .'16.1. 0.07. .0 p. in. Leuvo Scranton for YIlito Haven, Ilazleton, Pott'iville urn) all points on the Beavnr Mead 'W and futtsvlllu branches, via E. ic W. V.. li 4 i a.m.. v.a D. Ji H. It. U. at 8 a.m., I2.H 2.:. 4.10 p.m., via D., L. & W. H. K., B.00, 8.W, 11.20 a. in., l.;, 3.M p.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Readir-K, Harrinburif and all Intermedlnti points via D. i: H. 1!. Ii., a.m.. 12.10. 2:M. 11.31 ii.m.,via D., L, is W. It. Ii.,u.UJS.ua, 1L20 a. m l.ilO p.m. Leave Scranton forTunkhannock, Towanlt, Elniirn. Itliacn, Geneva and all intermodliti points via D. ic H. R.R..K.07 a.m., 1210 and 11.31 p. m.,vl i D. L. & W. It. It., 8 0s .m,l.:t)p. m. Leave Seranton for Koehester, Buffalo, Ni agara Falls, Detroit. Clip-ago and all points west viaD. & H. It. R. 0.07 u.n.,12 lO.ii.lo.ll.aj p. m.. via D. L. & W. R. It. and Pittston Junction, 8 us a.m., 1.30, 8. jj p. m., via E. i W. U.K.. H-41D. ui. For Elmira and tho wost via Salamauoi, vi H. tc 11. ii. K. U.07n,m., 12.10,ti.i" p. m , via D., L. is W. H It, .if.OS a.m.. VW and 0.07 p. m. Pullman parlor nud sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. & B. Junction or Wilkes-Uarro and Now York, Philadelphia, Huflalo and SnspeiHou Undue. HOl.LIN' II. WILBUR. ou. bunt. East Dlv. CIIAS. S, LI E. il -n. Pas AVt. Plilla .P.i. A.W.NoXNEMACHER.Ass't ajn.Puss. Ag't, South Bothleheiu. Pa. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERS RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express for New ork and ah points East. 1.40, 2.60, 0. 1r, MM ami II . j:i a. m.; 12 6o anil 3.50 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadelphia and the South, u.l 8.00 aud a. m.; Hit anda.fiil j). in. Wat-iiinnton and way stations, 3.55 p. m, Tob luiuna accommodation, 0.10 p.m. Expr ss for iMnuhaintou, Oswega Elmira, f orniiijf, Hath. Dansvillo, Jlottnt llorris nnd liuiialo, 12.10, 2 Ui a. ni. and 124 p. m., making -iose connections ut Hullalo to all poluts hi th West, Northwest uud boutbwesu Hath acconinioibition, H a. m. Bingliamten uud way stations, 12.37 p. no, Nieuol-ou accuuuuodatiou, at 4 p. m. an4 i 10 tl. III. HlnRhainton and Elmira Express, 6.05 p, ra. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Osweu 1. 'tica and Richtkld Springs, lli u. m, and 1.2 p. in. Ithaca. 2.1ft and Bath Pa. m. and 1.24 p. m. ForNoithumlierl:ind,Pittston,Wilkes-Barre, Plymouth, Hloonuburg anil Danville, making closo connections nt Northumberland for Williamspovt, Harnsburg, Baltimore, WaalK inKtou and the South. .Northumberland mid Intermediate stations, WW. U m a. ut, aud 1.30 uud U.07 p. m. Nnnticoao ana mtoimediste stations, 8.08 and 11.20 a. m Plymouth and intermediata btations, 3.jiland o.b! n. iu. , Pullman parlor aud Bleeping coaches on all express trams. , ... l or detailed informatiou, pocket tim itabloa, ... .,, i 1, smitli. citv tickotomok S2.s Lui kawiiuuaaveuue, or dopot ticket olllcia. 1 Nirelmsii.sr tlckoisana save money. .Ml.l 'i'.,.,ot(lMlH W'PWt T. Flitcrolt, lilv' 1 as, Agt. Scranton, 1 J a mo iimib "-f ' ' inrr'rr ml i" uMii i r yew ynmc. ontaiuo and weste l KA1LWAY CO. TIMK TAUI.K IX 1-Kl'KOT SUNDAY. Trains leave Scranton for Carbuf 8.30, I11..V1 a.m. and i! pi p.m. J I'or Hancock Junction, 10.05 ajr ' Trains lenve Hancock Juuoti ten. lia.m. nnd 'l.Ki p .m. f Trams leave CnrlioncUde 7 1 a in. and 3.L1I, j.jl p.m. j .SCHATy In Eircct .1 Konli lliiiind. 1 80. 203 M ' a e. 3 f l-J J! 5 V. f gB;SkTr:I ...P I. eel e hi ArrlA I Ij CA p'Vi p mi ' ' Arrive, "n'jii 1 lei Uiuieockl H 10; 1 0;i ....j jj1111 7 r.i I'J 4ie .... Prest(i "sTjUHMA w1 I'onvJ 7:su'!iii0 10 I'nyii T WIS INlOOli Hi I ?!KISe:( riens' 7 ;i tia.i"! 4i th 7 Its' 11 0-'i Vif u.Mjii ail ti ir e l A4sru:o n i-.' l M ii1 .... r.Mi; I U4i!ii as, no' I 0 :!.-! 1 1 is! w; jt llil'.'flll,-) KM I 6 II ii a) I U-Jfi'll 07i 8 4-1 '1 ii-.:i ii in an 1 II 111 II (It K.".!l X I) 14 11 t'l K3J ProX fli pilKW 8?:i 1'arltXN OlOdOSS 8 3" bcraniV p v k m a h Leave A "All trains run dully except X .im, in, u thul. M-altiH ston onw i. riKiiniL. - r -m. l-i... 'i'.,.,ot(iMiH W'PWt I V r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers