THE C17AKTON TKIK'UKE 1 UJSSDAY MUIUNIJNfcr. JULY 17, 1S!)4. CYCLING ON THE WATER. A Tlirco Wlirclrd Miielihio I'or Locomotion nml I'lensnre at 8ra. Tlio trloyolo to rlilo on wntrr wns tho D:itur:tl oiileomo of the trioyolo for roiul ridliifr, which iniu'lilno Hindu a ntronpt bid tor jiuliliu fuvur In Knjrlinnl when tho bi tyclo ciimo Into ponovnl uso in ISTii. Tlio Ml her vumliiTftmii) thivp whirled 11m tUino, luiwrviT, had to i;ivo way to tlio bl pyrlc, and it in today practically out of Sate, so far us road traveling is concerned, Although there has been quite a K)lur(jo nuulewilh it on the water as a means of locomotion and pleasure. For this purpose, It has many points in its favor where u bl- LAND AND WAT till TtltCYCLK. ryclo would lwive lKiiie unless linked to a ruinboi'si'iiie system of bout. One of tho bitest noveltiriin this direct ion Is tho land nml water irieyele of Mr. (ieorgo l'inhert of (Jermauy. 'J'lie niacldno consists of a front steering Wheel, wldcli is made of thin steel plates uud is lii inc hes wide at. the axle, forming ti lens shaped, airt!,:ht vessel of great buoyancy. The edge of this is lit ted with a concave metal rim and a rubber tiro for running on land, the keel, so to speak, be Willing the tire. The two largo propelling wheels are compi'd of a circular tube of Bleel plate, foniiiirjaa airtight ring about 4 feet in diameter, connected with tin) nave of the n tie by means of steel pokes mid lilted with paddles on either side of tin) outer circumference. It is like tiio paddlo wheel of a steainlxiat, having a Folid coro running through tho center of tlio wheel, to which tho paddles are at tached, instead of to the two side rims as in the steamboat. Outside, of the airtight core, and attached to it by steel rods, is an ordinary concave metal bieyclo vim fitted witli a hunt rubber tin-. In all other respects tlio tiicyelo Is an ordinary one, having the seat over tho nxle, between the two wheels, which aro rather wide apart for the purpose of giv ing more stid.iiily by tho greater beam. At ti recent trial In l!iu Munich baths tho speed of over six miles un hour was ob tained. As far back as lssj a man named K'unan of Hrusscls invented a machine which was Well tested ill tho smooth water of a bath, nml was, on tlieL'siliof July, ridden across tho Knglish channel by an Englishman unfiled Terry. Dover was left at '.) a. m., and Calais v;s reached in less than eight hours, tho rider being almost exhausted by tho leeway made by his machine. Tho total distance traveled by Terry was esti mated to be nearly 3U miles. Tho machine l.o redo was a high standing one, tho wheels being 50 Inch, this being before tho tiay of tho low whirled ''safety, " and so tlio wind bad a considerablo effect on It find carried tlio vider far out of bis course. Tho New York Sun, authority for the fore H ing, says that I'nelo Sam has not Ween behindhand in the matter of water tricy cles, and no less than 10 of various de signs have been patented and tried with inoro or less success in America. Somo aro for smooth water and somo for rough water at sea, the latter being litted with bonis on the catamaran stylo. Ifmv to Mlllto a Cellar Waterproof, To construct a cellar so as to be water proof a writer in nn exchange advises that tho flur Ixt first covered with cement, tho wails built thereon laid in cement and tho exterior of tho walls covered with cement. Tills makes practically a water tight ba sin. Tlio cement used must bo the best Portland cement, one part; clean sharp sand, one part. After a cellar is built it is not so easy to make it waterproof. ftiU it can bo done. Cover tho exterior of tho wall with tiie above cement, ditto tho bottom, nml work tho cement in under tho bottom of the wall. It these directions aro followed, you will succeed. Hut if Cheap materials aro used and tho work badly dono you will bo sure to fail. Tlio drain put around tho outside of tlio wall, or oven in side, below tho cellar floor, may bo efficient in carrying oil the water if you can give it i good dolivery. The Weight of tiie Urnln. Tho average weight of tho brain of an adult malo Is throe pounds eight ounces, of a fomalo is two pounds four ounces. Tho nerves aro all connected with it directly or by th spinal marrow. These nerves, with their "branches and minute ramifications, probably exceed 10,000,000 lu number. l'opulitr Seionco News. A White. Itabnon, A white baboon has recently arrived in England and is located at Iledford. His .lw.t. ....... ..1. .-. ,J lA'KI.WjU I crn,....! nflM. tlm MtX I ,i i . uxpciiui ii u ru oi niiieli tiino and savage ami resi, Iops nature, but at lust, under tho soothing induciico cf a bottlo of milk, a negativo wasobtalned.This full grown mulo baboon, standing between three and mm. B.11 Ti.fcJfc.4h f -:i H I' four feet high, was 1HK WHITE BAHOON EN captured from his JOYING 11 IS jilll.K. mother After an cwlfing chnso by somo Trek J loom in tho Murehisa range, district of Johannesberg, Sou'h Africa, souiii two years ago, and after being reared in that country has been brought to lingbind by his present owner. During tho voyago ho suffored severely from seasickness, bitt sineo his rirrival he has (piito regained his activity find health. His skin and hair aro per fectly whito, and it is claimed that hols the only white baboon of which there is any authentic record. THE PAINLESS FOOT. Without Whleli i no Can Ilfi Nidtlier Truly Ikullliy Isor linppy. Too many of us know full well what it Is to Buffer with feet that ache, burn and in other ways refuso to pleasantly perform Ilia tasks nssigned them. .Standing much lipon the foot causes (hem to swell, walk l.ig heats thorn, and both troubles aro ex liauilivo when mm lieved. One sliould bo uuawaro that ono lins feet. No ono can accomplish tho day's duties and pleasures In asatisfuctory man lier when conscious that tlio feet aro not thoroughly in order for service Tlio follow ing recommendations from Golden Days contain valuable aids to securing that per fect condition which is necessary to health and haimlncss: Two or three hot foot baths a week and little noiTieurlnK will kIvo great ease and iinifiii'L Tired feet find a warm salt bath I J almost ns restful ns an hour's lay oil. Take a little wooden tub every bathroom should have one fill it with warm water, drop in a cupful of sea or common table Kilt; paddle around in this impromptu shore bath for a time, dry tiio feet on a towel that will produce friction, then slip your 10 toes into a f;sli pair of stockings, and if before jour bath you havo lieen ready to "drop" you wllL feel almost "mudo over," as it were, after this opera tion. A tonic very much in favor with women who aro obliged to stand a great ileal is tlio spirit bath. Alcohol and neutral spirits aro both lino. 1'our into palms and nil) feet vigorously. Professional dancers, men who aro noted pedestrians and . aero bats, keep in goodcomlitioi'y usingspirit baths. ISathing the feet'.iloiiliol, alter one has been exposed to cold and damp, will i 'en prevent serious colds. As hot water causes the feet to swell, it is well after a hot bath tomb them and then iiso slippers while exercising. This will save one from an unpleasant tightness that wearing a snug lilting shoo altera bath is bound to emphasize. Many women find instant relief from fatigue by simply plunging tlio feet into very cold water. Alum and water, it is said, will take out tho painful sensation caused by overfa tigue. Tlio old fashioned foot bath of mustard and water, many mothers believe, will sidetrack a fever, cure a genuine nervous headache and produce sleep. ROSE HUED REFLECTIONS. Light From IVxtlvo Scenes Strained Tiiroi!;li 1'inU Shades. Decorators and furnishers, persons who give entertainments and persons who go to them, have all como to the conclusion that tho light shed upon festive scenes must bo strained through pink shades in order to b.i becoming as well as cheerful, liluo is out of the ((nestum, green is too melancholy, red too demoniacal, yellow too trying lot lie complexion and while too cold. Pink is Ike one and only tint uni versally suitable, and the desired rosy ting ) is obtained by means of numerous little devices not iteees.-nrily expensive. It is not needful to discard white and crystal globes and replace them by others made of pink gbs, for an equally good effect is obtained with -shades c.-nsirm led out of pink cambria or sil!;. Fur electric liglns a leaf shaped shield of rovcl ired paper is provided, which fa!!.-! in front of the light and mellows its rays to the right, degree. A woman wlio has evercarvied n pink par asol knows what, power lies in light so lil U rod to brijjhlea and tran liguw tlio com- -i .r .Mi v a;.-"'., .:!,rxt'--,v,H :.',( :,.(v;.." riN'tCEI'MMKItdOWM. plosion, so slio will at m:?o apprecialc ! deliglilfulnc'S of a ballroom t'nus illuioi nated. Hut why should such a charming effect be left entirely to public ftuictiotis? Pink Is a pretty color for other tilings besides cheeks, however. 1 1 cannot, he worn by a Ka! low person or one with a rough skin, but its various tones are liccimint? to many different, types of women if tiio shade be carefully sclectr d with regard to tlio Individual characteristics. A sketch is given of a costume of rose colored ta'Te ta and ctvpon. Tho llrst skirt is of accor dion plaited taffeta; the second, of embroid ered crepon slightly dmped on tho left side underachoux. The bodice, belt and hasiua are of crepon, while the sleeves and bolero ore of taffeta. Juduj Choi.lix GOING A-MARKETING With tb Safett llorne nml Curt T!;.lt ::'cr Came Out of Any Mnldr. Oh, they a-mariirtii'.g would go All on a liuintiii'r's day. "It i: the linest game we know," Quolli ltcn mid CoiLsia Mr.y. Tliiy liarucss una kitchen chair Fust to a nursery table, Tho safest l.orso nail cart that e'er C.'uni! out uf any statilu. Slay holds her littlo baskrt tight, nd lakes her seat by 11, n's. Two eg's inii'.e, on,) brown, old white, Weru laid by her own hcaa. 8non at tlio nearest mnrket stall Hho'll sell her eitgs today, f lie town lietMinst llic Kurdeu wall, Kut half a mile away. Ten orarks his wlilp; avvny thry ro An fn;.t as chnirs can runt i'liey niiist to homo iik'ain, you know, lly dinner time, at one. Oh, it's fino to go n-niarkc tlng When tho days aro lenr; nml fair, And a table cart is tlio very Jiing When your iiorso Is a kilci"?!! chair. TIIEItR IS HArVGEJM for tiie young girl just entering womanhood. Una is especially sensitive, and many nerv ous troubles, which continue through lifo, have their origin at this period. If there he pain, headache, and nervous disturbances, or irregularity of monthly functions Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription should bo judiciously employed. In catarrhal inflammation, in chronic dis orders and diseases common to women pimsE cuss OK TUB SJOXKV IM IT.r.1 1 It.VF.O. Mipi Mamie flmiK, of Ecctrft, Ualfonl Co., l'mnn., writes: "When I was fourteen years old 1 took a tmii eold and there resulted in ternal troubles. 1 whs a great sufferer for four rears. 1 had tried two Physicians but neither gnvo m nny relief. Alter taking ?l)r. Pierci'a Fnvi.ritn '"'Prescriiition 1 eun't say enougn tor it. it cured me so I lmve no nmix" pnins. I nm now muutcvu J tail of ujfc," Itiss Buntt. ft HINDOO KING ON BOARD THE VESSEL STOPPED THREE HOURS THAT HE MIGHT PRAY. Mrs. David Kor Talks with a Knyal rer Bonugo fr:m Imlbi Siiiiirtliliig; Abuut ft Savage's Jewels nml IT in Large Es cort Ilia Treutmont uf Aincilciuis. There was great stir and excitement among the passengers of thu steamship llowa when we heard at 'Madras that his highness, tho inalmrajal. (great king) of Yinianngram was coining on board our steamer with sixty attendants, bound for Calcutta. V.'e were also told that his highness had paid several thousand rupees to the steam Bhip company to have the si earner stopped for three hours the first night, on which there was to be au eclipse of the moon, this being an event of very great import ance lo Hindoos, who celebrate it with ninny ancient ami curious ceremonies. Now tho Maharajah of Vizianagram Is one of the richest and most important of tho native princes of India, so we were all delighted at f;ho prospect of seeing him, and crowded round the gangway all tho morning, neglecting for once the luxurious Anglo-Indian deck sofas, and even lunch eon itself, so anxious were wo to catch the first glimpse of the famous mnharajah. Hut like all eastern magnates, he evi dent ly liked style, for it was long after tlio appointed time that the guns wero at last lired from tho fort announcing his depart ure from .Madras, ami the royal boats were, seen coming from the shore. ItoYAI.ry on ITS TIIAVKI.S. We were not disappointed, for when the mahunjah himself stepped on deck we all thought we had never seen such a bund some man. . He is tall and very finely built, and lino j n princely bearing, ilis skin, much' lighter than that id t he ordinary native, is soft and line, and his features are hand some and regular. His magnificent black eyes and thick mustache complete the Iviuty of his pi'i'son. His highness wore loose drawer.i of line Indian muslin, and n vest, tunic and scarf of Hid same soft and pretty material. On his head ho wore a silver cap, and had beads around the neck. Tiie nUiMidanfs were dressed in all sorts of gay colored costumev, and many of them were very handsome, jewels, and seemed to he very important personages. Our captain was of course at tho gang way to receive tho maliaraj.Ui, and to in troduce the lirsl class passengers to him. His high ue.-s shook hands with us all, and was most gracious and pleasant. The cap tain then showed him into the cabins pre pared for his use, and we saw him no more that. day. "Well, I've been to sea near forty years, : but I've never seen such goings on ns this," said nn old quartermaster with whom wo often had a yarn, "this 'ere ship's got to stop three moital hours tonight just to let a nigger king say what he calls his prayers. He's a-goiug to draw up water with a ! bucket witn Ins own hands, and pour over hisself, null he's to chuck three bags oi gold and three of silver into the sea to please the gods or sonic sich nonsense. I only wish 1 was a shark to gobble it up, that I do!" Sure enough, at midnight wo woro awakened by the engines suddenly stop ping, but as no one but tho inahurajah anil his attendants were allowed on deck we never got to know exactly what tho ceremonies were. TALKING WITH A KlN'o! We heard next morning that a steamer of another line passed us in tho night, and thinking we weru in a disabled condition, eignalcil to us to ask whet her she should take us in tow. The following evening we had a concert on deck, and tho maharajah was among the audietice. After it was over lie came up to me and paid mo several kind compli ments on my singing, mid then we had a talk about, music, mid ho told me that his native singing was quite on a different principle from ours. He said tlio sound was prodnciil entirely hy the throat, and nose, and upon my expressing a wish to hoar it, lie immediately sent for his first singer, who, although in lied and asleep when the message came, appeared on deck in a few minutes, The poor man squatted down before us, and began singing away to order. The performance consisted of trills and shakes wonderfully well executed, but as there was no tune it soon became very monoto nous. Knowing t hat eastern concerts go on for hours and even days together, after ex pressing my admiration, 1 suggested to tho maharajah that the singer looked very tired, and asked if lie might tint be allowed logo tolled again, and his hi'-ness cour teously assented. A day or two after this, ono :f t he lady passengers persuaded the maharajah's jewel keeper to show ns his highness' jewelry, and wo all crowded into tiie deck saloon to see the display. Wo were shown several diamonds in rings and bracelets which were larger than a quarter, and one or two emeralds ("specially one in a gor geous bracelet, which hud belonged to thu Emperor Aurung.ehe) were, I nm sure, nearly as big as a half dollar. There were ever so many necklaces niado of sapphires and emeralds and rubies strung together, and many more of enormous pearls; anil these, 1 think, were tho most beautiful of all. Tiio jewel keeper told us tlit these were only a few of the maharajah's ornaments, which lie took with him when traveling, mid wo heard afterward that at a ball given at (iovernmoiit llouso his dress, which wasabhiz.0 wit Ii diamonds, was the topic of conversation In society at Calcutta for weeks. Toward the end of the nine days' voyago ho began lo look very weak and ill, and we were told that ho was forbidden by his re ligion to eat any cooko;l food while at sea so he i:te nothing but dried figs and herbs thu whole voyage. Jiefore we parted tho maharajah hogget', us to let him know when we should retun. to Calcutta, for we were en route just then for Hannah. And w hen we did come buck he entertained us most ho-qiitabl) and begged ns when wo returned to India to visit his palace at Viziunagram. Mrs David Ker iu New York Kpoch. Two or thtvodrnps of spirits of camphor on a lump of sugar will often quiet the paroxysms i. f cough In sleeping children, por tills and Its value ns an external ap plication fu bruises, sprains, 'muscular soreness, etc., a fair slued bottlo should ulwuys bo on hand. STothom! Motlnral! Mothnrsll! Sirs, Window's Soothing Syrup has bien used for over fifty years by millions or mothers for their children while teothiinf, with perfect success. It soothes tile child, softens the gums, allays all pniti; cures wind colic, mid is the best remedy for dl nriliaiB. f-'old by dtngKisls in every part of the world, lie sure uud nslc for "Mrs, WIukIow'b toothing Syrup," and take no no other kind. Tweuty-livo coats a hot tie. Dn. Wood's Norway Pino Pyrnp was used for yours us a prescription by a suc cessful pliysiclnn. It is in all respects the best cough niodioido mado today, tolu by all dealers ou a guatanteeot batibfaction. When Baby wan r.tol:, wo cave her Castorffc When slio was a Child, she crlcil f it Castorl. When she nocamo Jtlss, she citing to Cnstorla, When sho hail Children, she gave t'.iCJ a Custwkv crmrcs DYSPEPSIA CUHES DYSPEPSIA CITKKS DYSPEPSIA Hnvlns suffored from DyJ pepsin lor tliroe yirs. I til cided to try BrnuocK Blood BiTTBits. uud after usinir on bottl" I fomul mysolf so mm h butter that 1 was eiicoiirnfoil tonso another; after taklnij this I Ami myself so full y rm stoma that Ido not miod any roiriiH'di"!ii. fecllug truly grateful to II. B. U. Mas. ii. Whitb, Taburg.Dii 'iil'i Co , Jf.T I I Promotes Digestion Dr. 13. Grewer The riiilailelplib PpeelnVst.nnil his nHSoclnteJ Btnlfof Knglish and German plivsicians, are now permanently located at an si'iutk sr., sritwroN. Tlio dortor is a rrrnilnntn of tho University of ri'iinsylvaiiia.lnrniorlv of phvoi clucy nail hmi l-itv at "tho Jicdico-Cliirnridcnl ColK-o f philnd" Inhla. A specialty of J' limine, I.'orvous, Skin, Heart, Womb and liloeil diseases. DISEASES -OF TUB FERVODS SYSTEM The symptoms nf which aro tlizzincsa, la"k of oonllili nco, si'xunl weakness in moil mid wo man. In 11 risiiiK in tlm thrnii t, si'ols floating belere ilio i yes, lussnf memory, mml lo to con tho mind i n ono subject, e:isilv startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull, uistrcsscil iniml, whic h unfits thoui fur per forming thu actual duties f life, lnukiiii; hap piness iiupissililo: diitreisieg tho action of the heart, omviimr flush of heat, depression of ppirits, evil l'orebiHliins, eowarilieo,, dreams, melnaciioly, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in tho moruint! as when retir ing, luck of encru'v, nervues less, tromblimj, contimion of tlnmnlit, di .pi o:-sie!i. const ijint ion. woaltneiis of tlio liinhs, etc. Hum t-o nlf. ct. d sle iild enmuit ns immediately and bo roi, lur ed to perfect he.ilth. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Mcu Cured. If yim h:'.ve lioi-n given up by vonr physician cull u; on tho doclor ntnl 1"! examined, llo cures i hi' wirst can's i.f N'ervnus Dit'ility.Scro fu'a.CUl S. ivs,i 'iitiirrlil'iie.s.I-'.'iiiuln V'e.i,;uo.,j, Ali'eotions ol tlw Lye. Kar, Noso and Throiit, Ahthuia, Deiilin ss, Tumors. Cancers and Crip ples of every description. Consultations free and strictly unorod and conlldi .'lit.ial. dllice hours daily from U a. in, to 'J p. iu. .Suuday U to 'i. TfliMSOllEY SOAP , T" " 'Z:'" : ": ite"', l; . -P. ?v?- ThO',. FtKI.NVO'J, C' v ti Is nil Improvement in Soap. In the Trolley Soap okl methods mid materials are stipcrscdeil by new oiks. The Trolhy iioap leaves the clothes sweet and clean and lasts longer than oilier soaps, Ask Your Grocer for It. If lie docs not keep it send us order for 2C BARS FOR TRIAL FOR $1.00, or for a Hox 100 cakes 75 pounds .(.50. Jojleph p.Thoma? Elinki, 227 Chestnut Street, Hiila. MT. PLEASANT AT UIITAIU Coal or tlm tvt quality for domestic tins, and ef nil bIzoh. dclivorod iu 1U17 purt uf tka cltj (tlowent price. Ordors lull at my offlca, t. 118, WVUMINO AVKKCR, Hear room, flnl floor, Third National Bank, or Bent by mail or tdonhous to tlio iuiud, will rccelvo liromiit attention. hnceial ountrneta v.ill bn made tor the salt and delivery oi l;uck wheat CouL mi. T. SMITH. Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Have removed their office to their Warorooms, NUMBERS 141, 143,145,147,149,151 MERIDIAN ST. TELErnONB NUMBER, 8031 1 DEXTER RlJOri CO,, Inc'n. CspHnl, Ql, 000,000. BKbT KliOK IN TllK WOial), "A dallnr Mrrd l a dollar tarnrd." y Thl.T-Billen1 Slill,l I reiuh DnimolilKidltut ton iloot delivered free tuiynhnre In the U.S., on reeelptoi ivlin, money wruur, or l'ontnl Koto for Jl.fiO. ICqunl. evory wily tho booU .old In nil retull itore. for t-.M, Wn lunke till, bout ouriclvM, thoreforo we guar oiiliif the, itifle and vrnr, anil If nny ono is not sallillod we will re-fund thu Money or.ctidimotlinrpalr. Opern Too or loninion tipime, wldthi V, J 1. 15, St KK, elzca 1 to 8 and unit uis 7.1!.. rtna iour Mae: Cata. l:Kii FREE Dexter -Shoe Co., BOSTON. MAS! 1 Special Imnt to Htnltr: 5TV BUY DIRECT AND RAVE DEALER'S A'""-. !9 A"0 AGENT'S PROFITS. . t 'V-iVf ' '.ifVitlmYO-.irOllord Hnnllicycle.nilt-.j...c:j- ,,), for either '. limileuf liiwtinii .i!' Wrlnt. mmnii, sulwtauttill. Recunileiy R,tjn--U'il nnil inlly wurrnuti'il. Wrlio tu-ilivy fur out lni'Kt) cnniilelc i-.itilerue ct' liirvr.teii, iiarlR, reimirs, vlG tnx. oxtxmi) jvii-'o. 00. 1)33 WulnbU Avuuua. - CU1CAUO, Hi. fOl E, Robinson Sons s Beer Brewery ITannfftctnrors of tbo Cclebratei PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, DU FONT'S UINING, ELABTINQ AND BrOP.TINO Manufnctarrcl t tho Wapwallopn Mills, lu-z-'i im eonnty P.i., anil nt Wil mington, Licluwaro. HENRY BE LIN, Jr, General ARcnt for tho Wyoming District, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa Ililrd Nutlonal Eiinli Bulldlna. Anr.N'cirn. TITnf?. FOKl), I'ittstnti, Ta. JdllN n SJUTli & SOX; Plymouth. Pa. E. W. ML'IJJCAN, W.lkcu-Hurrn, I'D. AiT'iits for tho l'.epauuo Chomioal Coin tany'e lliub Exploitive. Atlantic Refining Co. Mannfncturors and Dealora In'. nintiinating and LnMcaiiog Linsoetl Oil, N!tpthai nivl Gmo line.? of till grades. Axle Grcaso, Pinion Grease and Colliery Com jiotind ; nlso, a lnrjo liuo of 1'ur rnOiao Wax Candle Wo ftlsn linivllotho Famous CROWS ACME OIL, the only fntuily safety burning oil in tlio market. V.'iLLlAiil MASON, Manage. OfTieo: Ceil KxchanRo, Wyoming At orki ut I'ino bruot erftefs Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates fcr ' Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT &C0NNELLG0. Eooms 1 and 2 Commonwsalth Bli'a BCRANTOX, VA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER llado t tho MOOS1C nnd IIUSII DALE WOKIid. Lafllln & Eana Towiler Co.'s ORANGE GUN F0WDE3 Electrlo Bntterlsn, Fiisot for explod ing blasts, f ufety Fuse and GepaunoChemical Co.'sIIiglt Explosive Jtemovoil FrMklM, Pimplm Liver Molo Kluskhcadu, Bunhurn and Ten, nil ro etorts tlio elilu to lis orlirl- n&l frcilmoiin, Tnaucini Jrai-.jkiS'-, clear and lioiiltliy com- Biff yft Vj'J ' All Seeds MOOSIC POWDER CO Cushion PfeservaJ DIH. HEBRV3 . iireimm'tioim nnd jierfeotly TiBrmlrpfl. At all iltugglsts, or miiUod ior SOvu. bcud lor Circular. VIOLA SKIN 80AP ta Inampnm Ikln l.i.rlUliiK hmip, unwinnlfil Ut Uin trllrt, Will IUIOilt rttal lor tlio niimrjr. Almilui. Iv pure and HilV nwll ruled. Al ilro.!lts f"rloo25Cenii. G. C. BITTNEr1iCQ.,T0l.lD0,0. For unto by Multliow Ilroa, anil John ii. riioipn. h'M!kk- A k-.-Lt'i.JlllA,.--7 1 live-- SUPERLATIVE AilD (SOLD MEDAL Tiie nbovo brands of flour can be had at any of the following merchants, who will accept Ihr Tribune Ft.ouit cowon of 25 on each on hundred pounds of flour or 60 ou each barrel of Hour tcr:.nt,n-P. r. Pr'oa Wauhlnutoa aronui I Gold Me.lal linind. Dunniore 1'. P. 1'rii-n Gold MeHal BrRn J. lumnioro R D. iluuluy. .SuporLitivo Kranl. Hyilo t'ni'k CiTFini & Davis, Vavhliurn Ht. Oold MiMlal Hrnml; J miili A. Jloara.Main uvunue, Siiinrlai.;vo llriinj. . Crceo lli.U'tf-A.Iv.Sj mcnr.UolJ JltdalErand. J. 'I'. Jll H.llo, t-ulliiTllltiVO. 1'iorliU :ii'.o I'oMior & Clmip1l. N Main avo nne, Buporlativn lir.nid;i .1. Ullluipi.), W. Mark). Htroot, Hold Moilil Brand. Olyiihiibt Jaiiicn .Inrdan. Snporlntivo HranJ. IVokville SUn tlr It KilaT tr m'M-l)itiv. Jontiyn -(.', l). Vfiifm tt Co. tSupora atlvo Arrbiialil Joiii-m, 8 mp.un Co.. Hold Mulil. fnr'oonilhlo II. ii. I'lirk, Hold Jlodal lirand. llifiict lain- I. -V. Fiwtor ii Co. Uold Modal. Uiuooka M. II. Lavullo LOUIS B. SMITH- Deals? in Choice Confections and Fruits. BREAD AITD CAKES A SPECIALTY. FIHSST ICE CREAM 1437 Capouso Avenue. NORWAY inON Kli.K K DIA3IOXD Sll.VKIl i:TUA srKCIAL S.VXDEKSOX'S EXOMSn Ji:sSOP'S K.NGI.ISil CAST STI-.EL uoitSLi biior.s TOR CALK 111112 IUACHIXIiUX SI'HING KOV'T STEEIj ANVILS Br.LLOWS HORSE NAILS WILEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS BROS, Cl'ITIXG 3IACHINERY. n - wno8siaeryo.,wranton, Wholesulo and retail doalors' in WagODraabera1 and Blacksmithi' HT7PPL1KS. YOU That we will GIVE you bsautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weisht.ounco for ounce, cf your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at S&Sercereau Connell IOCS! :I7 LAChAWAXNl AVKXDSi "No star was ever lost wo onco have seen, Vre always may bo what we might have been," . A HAPPY PATRON OP TBE illMlS LUMBER 81 Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. 'Wx-s A ' .'.Viiini'tlonorliriiiiiltT. t'nnbocnrrlnlln vnstiwckeU 1 pnr box. J0'' MiiVVmiill r'll-l. VMhiiWr.oiMorWoilvrx.;lli'iBiii.rantcrt liElURtANDflFTtHUSIG.iiooil'i-- AililrosnMEKVK MKKIM-o., WbsouIo Touiile. cuicauo.uj. E'or Sale in Scranton, Pa., by II. C. SANDERSON, Drugpist, ct"?. Waahin&toD llirl Snruuo ttrectH. TliOKn'ntriMm'iljr th,i vtn tcni fir ii:X 'iy Till' eumi'tton una lilii OllU AMU Al Tlilt ForSulfl byO. M. If AH Hi s, iMuu'L'int, ftem Ni-w rtlnrotcrj. .... A lAN.Ih In lira i diu -tLmu cni,uni.liin or ihi . 0- ,ir,. tiv ti 1'eal Miam iNB For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spvuse Street, Scranton, Pa. From tin K T. Tribvne, Kov.i,U)X The F.ous Awards "CniCAGO, Oct 81. Fh first ofloUT tnnonncenscnt of World'i Fair di plomas on floar bas been made. A dedal baa been awarded by the World's Fair judges to the flonr mnnti factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co, in tbe groat Washburn Floor Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the flonr Etrong and pure, and entitles it to rank' as first-class patent floor for family and bakers' nse." & CONNELL TnOI.K8Al.lS AGENTS. Taylor-Jm1(?o & Co., Gold Medal; Athorto? Co., Superlative Huryou Lawruui-'u Store Co.. Oold Modal MOOMO-John McTriudle, Gold Medal. I'itteton-M. W. O'lioylo, Oold Mi'dsL C urk'a Qreon Frann & Parker, Suporlatii-a. Uiirk'a t-ummit-F. M. Younar, Gold Medal. lialtoii-S. E. Finn Son, Uold Medal Brand. Isii li ilw.n-J. E. Hardin. VavtrlyM. Vv. Wish Son, Gold Modal l artoryvllle-Charlos Gardner, Oold SI.idaL lliiilottoiu-N. M. Finn & Sou, Gold Mi'dal. 1obylianna-T..hyliaiin! ft LcnUh Lumber to.. Gold Medal lirand. flouidalHiro-H A. Adams, Gold Mo-lal Braad, Moscow Guiije At Clmimts, Gold Modal. Lake Arl-l JamoB A. Bortree, Gold Medal l oroatUty-J. L. Morgan & Co., Gold Muds l PARLORS OPEN FROM 7 A.M. TO U P.Jt SPECIAL ATTKNTIi N GIVEN TO SL'P (PLYlNii FAMILIES WITU ICE CUE AM. WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS 11 UBS SPOKES RIMS STEEL SKEIN'S R. R. SPIKES SCREW KNOW? "NERVE SEECS, Willi ai...iipCi.l hmiiwI BURN .ilrrd In tun nil m-rloil. ilo pnaci. nieli imWrHk Memory, Loss of Urnin l'owor, Hi'inliicho, ukutulnoi'B, Lost Mnnhooil. Nlrhtly Kinl..ilon, Hei viniii.i.iill.1vlniiBiil loss oi mor liiiU'iH'riiitvi'iirsiiiiiof clilH'rmixoaiiM'it liyovi'ronirilo.ymliiiilorror, .r,,,i f iKlmmin. i.nliimnrstliuuliiiitn. which Unit to lnllruiltr, t"" RESTORED 11 M 9 DR. MOTH NEIIVKUINB mi i o. for nervous primtrntlon nml nlliiprvoiisdlsoasc of iirf?iLiifl fit'lt.tior mv. sni'h n Nnrvntm I'tDPtratlrtl. Kali- '?v: iPnor LnctniftuluHrtl, Imputnry.Mi:lilly I:iultUiiiK. Youthful Krnn-g, VMi Montul Wtirry.oxct'sivo nw vi Tobacco or 0lmi.,vli!en lcml to Ton Insumiy. Vitu evory 5ttorm,',woKivoiwniun(iuar nun'i'ir niivm nuimu im iiiiuii'y. rum ni. o i . v i"-i winui;i lortfi.OV. lilt. JUO'lX'MCUtlUlCAl-C'J.iClovcluua.Ohlo. 17 i'emi Avuiiue RESIGN 7 tlTflAr. luoi mm Will brut jon npln poia with WRITTr.1 H.rtnni I. ,. hi. l.nunlHHIUl l'ntl.r ID at.u,H..r itjr, ll.mi jt l hjmml.fiboiniforfcv Wlih c. r- itiun uti.iiiiiit in cure ur reiuuu iuu woDuy. auui oo.. cii.i.iiviia,ouio. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and
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