THE fCIfAKTON TIJIEUNE MONDAY MORNING. JULY 1G. 1S!H. JIItS.MOSQUITO'SBITE SHE IS A BLOODTHIRSTY CREATURE, BUT THE MALE IS HARMLESS. the Old Story of Trouble lulls Relation to 6rx How tlto Mosquito Lives Biul Illes. nowtlioI.lttlolYstMHj- He KjUrmliiatod. K inrily l or tliu Dili's. Siiciiil Corn-siiontlcnrc. Bayonnk, N. J., July 5. Human in pcimily 1ms liei'U oxeivisiil ill n hull ijivd ways to rival o or invent either a cure fur mosquito bites or wnuo prevent ive for the incursions of this imwlcomo dimmer visitor. Otio scientist hustle- iscd u pl.ui to riil himself of uiosrrui t.xs, but it is of such it nature tlmt its use entilcl not be of practical bcnelit in largo mosquito infected areas. Neveltho less it is worthy of recording and may make inoro pleasant the suinnuT resi (u nci's of thoe who can afford to lease a ''country home." Hi i discovered that it was from thn ponds on his estate that the mosquito came. lie examined the -water ami f'.mnd upon its surface under thn micro scepy that myriads or incipient mosqui t'V wero there. They existed in a kind of larval (wiulitiuu and floated upon thu surface. After one year's or season's ex perience of tho scourge this scientist de vised a plan that would undoubtedly rid such residences of mosquitoes. lie bad the ponds ilr;:i?icil until they wero quite dry, and then ho applied in tho f-priiijiHine a wash of diluted creosoto to tlie bottom and sides. Tho next sea son !a.-t year there was not a piiigln mosquito avouml his house, thus prov ing that it is only necessary to arrest the insect in its embryonic stago to iu-F-uro immunity from it. lint, useful as this idea may bo to thosn who possess, similar homes, it could bo but of little value in the f;on eral destruction of tho mosquito, which, so far as New York is concerned, is de veloped fur the most part in tho marshes of Jersey. It is a well known fact to entomolo gists that it is only the l'einalo mosquito Which "biles," or, in other words, only A Mostji-iTo p.kahv fop. nrsiwm the females "draw blood. " Tho malo mosquito subsists generally upon tho ju'cvs of (lowers and decaying vegetable ! veiticr. So does tiio fcinalo "if blood I ; .tils them. " But the female mosquito has an abnormal thirst for mammalian i bleed. She seeks it with an avidity only j understood by thtKso who have saffercd j from her search, and sho is provided i with a most admirable organ for its ex- t ruction. j There is not in all naturo such an in htasico of wasted energy comparablo with that of the femalo mosquito's thirst for blood. It can procreate without satis fying its ravenous appetito for blood, but it seems to boa delight to tho insect to fill its gray, threadlike abdomen at tho price of suifering humanity. For every ono mosquito that gets the cbanco to tastu blood thero nro nearly a million that never taste it, and yet it would seem that warm mammalian blood is a necessity for their existence. It is not. They can live upon decaying vegetable matter and flower juices, but thu ab normal blood thirst of tho female needs a very salutary check beforo anything liko a satisfactory revolution can occur. L!ov this revolution is to ho brought about remains for scientists to explain, ! and I do think that tho scientists and j entomologists of Jersey should inquire into the matter. ! But a more direct method appeals to j us than the (hwiation of tho mosquito's natural propensity. Naturo itself lias i'hown to us this remedy, for in every l.inrsh where ari bred mosquitoes wo lind numberless dragon flies. Thodrag ou lly feeds entirely upon other winged insects, and hi favorito delicacy is a fe male niosqnito; henco nr.turo causes both the dragon fly and the mosquito to como into existence upon the same farm and in tho same place. Unfortunately tho mosquito is found in immeasurably large nutnbew in the.-o jihices, and the dragon tlks nro comparatively few in r.umbor. Theqnestion is, Ilowafoweto J propagato thn dragon fly in such mini- j hers as to afteot thn production of mos-1 quitoes? That is a question for entomolo-1 gists to answer, but it. is certain that in marshes where mosquitoes did abound and afterward the dragon fly made his appearance the former pest is seen or felt no longer. There are some marshes m Jersey which are jn-rfectly free from mosqui toes, as are there also in Long Island and elsewhere, but if a visitor to these places will take the tronblo to observe he wil! tind that in theso marshes thero urn innumerable dragon flies. It is an easy lesson, and it should bo remem bered. All kinds of remedies nro suggested I for mosquito bites and against their bites. Ammonia and washing blue arc perhaps tho best of tho former remedies, while rubbing tho exposed parts of tho body with pennyroyal or lemon juieo nro the liest of tho latter. But the evil itself should be overcome. Tho creosot cd pond will certainly fill the necessity in private parks or farms. Tho propaga tion of tho dragon fly would surely eradi cate tho pest, but all that I have said of how those thills can hcdonowill not, I fear, prevent. JHr. or rather Mrs. Mosquito from wirryitig poor humanity this sea son. Tint, is it not well to know by whom pud hew we live liitten and worried and how if. U possiblo to prevent tho worry? R. W. Francis. SUMMER HANGINGS. Kcw Notions About Cotton 1'nlirlm Tlia 11. -.t CottiiKii Draperies. The one peculiar characteristic of wim jucr hangings is lightness o( weight. Whether one. bus hundreds of dollars to rxpeiid or tens makes only tho difference between choosing silk or cotton stuffs. The colors, the variety, tho beauty of pat tern nro tho same in all. Material at 25 cents a yard, if Well selected, will glvo as good color effect as that, at ?3.fi0; accord ing to Tho Decorator and Furnisher, la which occur tho following notes: Cotton and jtttu Km most In use for low priced goods; silk nml sill: and cotton for thoi'o of pruitor value. Wool Is not found nt all, even as n tilling or woof. Tho old notion that cotton could not bo permanently dyed has been proved false turuiii and a;;ain. Manufacturers now claim that It makes n better illliun for flno class rcmmIs than either wool or linen, and that quito aluno It is capable of fluinj? excellent service. Certainly it is cooler by far than liny fabric which contains even a minimum of wool and Is eminently desirable lor sum mer use. Chester cotton and cretonne take and deserve tho highest place among cottage null bedroom drapi'iics and cull bo found ill all colors and all ili'sijjns. The former deserves u much inmv jreneml ivi;j.nitlill than it has obtained. It costs only 15 or 0 cents a yard, yet is thoroughly piud in culor and iiitilie in desb.'u and will laun der without a vestige of change. lAir pil lows mid cushions il ispcrleeti and for Uil rooni curtains can be made as charming as can Ik) by liiiin;: cither with itself or with line silesla of a Hat tone. Thin silks or Japaiue ami Chinesi) silk;) can be found in all grades and nil prices. They are delightful, as all such soi't, climdiiK taints must always be, and they make ideal pillow covers, but an) hardly suitable fur haii'nipi unless they servo as lining for smuu more stable stulf. SInuy lirms In lilliiif orders, whciit econ omy is no object, use uivlomicornthcrcot ton stuffs for the curtain jir.iper and one of these silks for the lining. The effect is, of course, charmiui;, and the lmnniii'; takes folds such as nothing less pliable Would yield. In t'liiinintj Tiir It may bo news to some young house Wife that fruit may hep-xuvd into a jar with itil the slightest danger to thn plass If only it be set on a folded doth which has been wet wbli cold water, says Harper's The old custom of I'sln;; a silver spoon as a conductor for the heat prevails in many households still, but the wet cloth is simpler. The lillint; of jars may lie greatly expedited by the use of a grocer's funnel, and a small milk ili:iier is the test thimj for ladling out the hot fruit or sirup. The. use of such little conveniences renders canning much less fatiguing, and Indeed it is a process not without interest where success usually results. Tho best and easiest way to cover jellies is to pour melted parallin overthem when they are quite cold. This hardens at once, when a piece of brown paper may be tied over the glass to kein out the dust. The cake of paraliiu may be easily lifted Otf when the jelly is used, and if washed and put away can be melted ever n'Vin to serve the same purpose another year. 1'aralbu is a clear white wax which is absolutely taste hs. Its use was lirst sug gested by a chemist, who once saw his wife laboriously eaiting little rounds of while paper and dipping them in l.iiniy for the tops of her jellies. One trial was Bullicicnt to prove it s value as a time saver. Convenient la Jelly .'M.ikiio;. Those who make jolly and use the ordi nary jelly hags are familiar with thu in convenience, the staining of hands and the spilling of juice that result, from such use. To make the clearest j -lly the crushed fruit must not bo pressed at. ail in the bag, but allowed to drip throiiga it, and this calls for the su.-;ie!inion of the b:j from some point where it will nut hit ayaiast the wall or r.j.y object. Again, tho fruit Juice should pass through the cloth a sec- Sfl'STITI'TIC FOR A JKU.V J1A0. ond time to gain added clearness, and this calls for a second bag and added inconve nience. American Hardening figures an arrangement wjiich Is an easy way out of the dilliculty. Alight frame is mad.) in tho manner iudicat 'd, and over the cross Rapports arc loosely suiq tended two squares of cheesecloth or similar material. Small brads nt the sides hold lhe.-o in place. '1 he crushed fruit. Is into the upper cloth and allowed to :lrip through both cloths into a dish below. Itimsl; Chlchen. Select, two plump ynung fowls and draw them without, unjoialing. Wash the in side of tho fowls, rah dry with a cloth which will not deposit lint and rub them With salt. Tie thin slices of salt pork over tho legs and breasts and put. them in to a roast i r with a little water. Baste them from time to time with nice sweet butter melted in a little water. Servo on a pla-tcr, y.ith a border of nice mashed pi italics. Clmiry I'll. loins. One pint milk, a pint, flour, half cup sugar, 2 eggs, 'J teaspoonl'uls baking pow der, a pint of iloiied cherries. Bub to gether butter nud sugar; add the beaten yolks of the eggs, the milk, the whipped whites, tho Hour and baking powder, ('over the bottom of a pudding dish Willi tho chc'.TiiKffSpriukln with sugar, pour in the baiter and bake quickly, Bat, with a liquid sauce. The Thermometer. It Is told that Hero of Alexander, who lived about bill years before Christ, is said to Imvo boon the real Inventor of tho rude 'weather lestcr" used for measuring tho beat of the atmosphere, which was con tinued in use until about the time of thn openlngot the seventeenth century. About the date last mentioned It was reduced to an instrument more convenient and ac curate by one Sauct.imio, an Italian, and was afterward much Improved by various scientists, especially by Fahrenheit, who, in ITl'O, added Iho scale and other impor tant detail' A DAD TEMPER generally accompanies a torpid liver and indignation. An in-door llfn otton brings on this condition; thero follows auaauia, or lack of blood, frequently another worse cll'rct that of Dyspepsia. 'Dr. I'irrcc's Golden Med ical Discovery is tho restorative tonic and liver invigorntor which will positively cure just such ca&s. Mrs. F. A. Onn. or Cnr licit, lliiltimiire Cn., AM., writes: "Physicians pro nounced my oiim) aeuto Iiuliucntloii. 11' It hn.l ;,f Vl'S, not tieen tor Dr. P ereo i rO '' (iohlen M editnl Discov fjfl V K crynud I'lra-uut IHI-ts I 1 , I firmly bellevo I would l -l -'liy i i - Ji'. v-;imvo u-rii in iny H""1', .!?dfr nothing did mo any 4fiKWKl until I brcrnn tidt- 'iff. 'Cx .IK. lni? them. Tho Dif cov. r f-iZSS& wy" ulso curat my child '',iYi'W -'- 01 niKhwiwents and a i'-iH'fy-y' vrnk Btomuch, which followed tin nttnek of . Pneumonia. Wo cannot Mrs. . A. uun. prniso your medlciaes too highly." Sold by all mcdicliio dealers. PIERCE A. CURE OR MONEV EEU'KKED, CHOKERS ARE DOOMED. Low Neckod tlai'iiit 'its Will Ito In Vone Attain This Year. , J It is said that low necked pannenta nro to lx worn again Ibis year. They nro not cut to cn evening low ness, of coui-, but lire in the rollarlc-s style of live years ago and of till yeers irevlousto thai. Thin will bo a sudden and decided contrast to tho high collars and various tall tlulllnesscs Dow prevalent, but the style has, asu mat ter of fact, uppcnicd in 1'arls, although it is liitlu teen hero yet. It has Us udvuu- "i .'V 1 ilk; f.VMMKli .MANTLE, tngon. It gives entire freedom of move ment to iho noek, niton's relief from the Mdi'oc.'.liug fueling that the well named ''chokers" c;m.-.o and is a particularly be coming mode to lobu ;t women who hav.i a short neck. A ny change in dress which liberates men and women from artificial and unnecessary tramnnls without de tracting Irmn a pleasing appearance is a good one, mid It is unfortunate that the rational intervals of fashion am as tran sient as her absurd caprices. Summer gowns, nt. any rate, are very pretty and comfortable made without a collar, ami it is to bo hoped that this st.lo will prevail (e'er that of the standing col lar, Which lusiqipoared this season even on muslin blouses. For the street the corsage may be cut down about an inch all around and the edge trimmed wit h a rucking of two inch ribbon thickly plaited or n very full frill of lace. This prevents tho neck from seeming too much uncovered and adds very little to its warmth. Numerous adjustable articles of neck wear niv shown which may be worn wit.ii collarless gowns when occasion requires that the co.iutae shall be high at the throat. Black and white are a favored com binal ion for these t rides, and pretty ones are shown niad 'of black crepe do china edged with narrow ei th lace. Asa usual tiling, they have long ends in front, and ribbon enters largely into their composi tion. An illustration is given of a short sum mer mantle made of black satin. It has short capelike sleeves composed of f,ve ruf fles of lace and is trimmed with jet passo incnteiie and tulle embroidered with jet, which forms ivcrs in front and epaulets. The neck is cut down and has no collar, and a rosette of black satin ribbon is placed at the back. Bn tcllesnf ribbon, beginning Under bows at tho shoulders, extend to tho Waist behind. .1 flMO C'HOLLET. TKE FRENCH MONT DE PIETE. An Immense Hiishieas ('ondiicted ly tho Elato In tilt Interests of tho l'oor. Of lato the I reticii system of pawnbrok lag has been receiving attention from phil mithopio and charitable workers in this Country, who have even begun in n, lim ited way to put into practice somu"f its ideas. In Paris there are no private pawnbrok ers. A central corporation, with many branches both in Paris and the provinces, has a slate monopoly of lendiagnionoy oil Movable prope:-ly. The head oliiccrs of this corporation are appointed by the gov crniuciit ,and t he civil service system reigns over Iho appoint meiit of its clerks. The profits of tho corporal ion go to tho public chart lies. Theimmcnse capital needed fir the busi ness is not moMiy of the state, but is bor rowed. A fil'ih of the sum is supplied by tho (.'omedio Fnineniso or statu theater, which is also a corporation of theatrical artists. Altogether there are Ij.lMid lenders of money who prefer the mont do piete's certain interest, of from to i) per cent to any heavier speculation. Tho money thus borrowi .1 by the corporation is burned out by it at a higher rate of interest to all un fortunates who are fortunate enough to ha'.o sonu- properly to put in pawn. The ticket which Iho clerk will hand you for yoiirwatih In airs in large type at the top: "Tho French I'epiblic. Liberty, Equality, Fratetnily." Tho words be neath In larger letters still nro even more consoling, ".Mountain of Piety." This Is ft poetic phrase coined by that pope who first hail the Idea of freeing people from the grip of usurers. There arc people now living in Paris who lm e had their father's Watch or other bcii -loom soaking on this mountain It) years. They keep thu inter est up and hope for hci.trr days. Had it been waitresses, l.cdclotho, un derclothing, tools or any such article of priin i necessity, they would have had ill tl i .. it. :') re r. ll.ieo opportamit ios of g. t . 1 . ' i-uvr property out live. From thu lir..t, i'..r.; of the !;;,,!. republic to the pres ent (into it, has been customary new and then to make a kind of jail delivery oi useful objects held in pawn, thn' money for the purpose comin ; i illier 'Voiu a par Uamcntary ilei no or l.eia ; raised by p a; Ular subsi ripiion. 'I he last thr o chai ilie lit this kind w re In l:s."0, JsVl and IS".. In lsi'l tho money c.-iioe from the Knglkiii association which, under Sir Klchnrd Wal lace, worked to alleviate thu miseries of thu siege. Kvciy siaiulil Know how to pre pare poulDe.-. A linseed meal poultice should be hot, light and uniform. 'I ho iH'st mc.d is 'crushed linseed" previous to the oil being ex l raclcd. Pour boiling wa ter into a heated bowl; then sprinkle in the meal Willi one lianil, si irring with a spoon with the other. Never aiiil the wa ter to the meal. When your poultice Is like dough, turn it out and spread una piccoof muslin, covering it with another piece. T.ToUiMhl Mothers!! KTotlirI!l " Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup has beou used tor over fifty years by millions ot mothers for their childrnn while loi'thliqf, with perfect success. Jt soothes the child, softens tho Riium, nllays all pnlit; cures wind colic, mid is tho l est remody for di nrrlKea. Sold by (linguists in evnry (iart of tho world. Do stiro und ask fur "Jirs. Winslow's Hoothiiitf tiyriqi," and take no no other kind. Twenty-live couts a bot tle Du. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup was U8cd for years us a proscription by a suc cessful physician. It is in ull reqiects tho best cmigh mcdicldo mado tiibiy. Sola by all dmilurs on a guiiraiitefl ot satisfaction. When Tlahy was sick, we gavo her Castorli, Wh alio vtaa a Child, sho cried fur Castorla, flTion sho becnina 5Ilns, she clung to Caatoria. Wbon sho had Children, uhe gavotUcu Custorliv 1 1 Mil a.. WEAK MEN Y0UR attention Az iwuie i'.v, Groat Eiifflitih Hemedy. Cray's Specific Medicine IF YOU SUFFER ,ro" Nr- Wtmum. uru uaiim b lit v. W eaknnwi of Builv nnd Maul. Kj)crm:i- titrrtieii, nntl linnotoiicy, and nil din'mses. that arise train nvoiMiiilulgotK'o slid Bnlf -uljosc. ax Loss of Memory and 1'owor, limnssof Via inn, l'mniituru Oul Ak Hud muiiy oUmrdls i's8 that lend to liisnnlty or teusuniptloa and ancariy khivd, vriti)for a pamphlet. Address GRAY MKDICINK CO., HnCalo, N. V. The Kpeolllo llfdieiuo In wild by all dnik'tfints ut $ per packawi, nr six packauivi lor &r),(ir8unt hymail u receipt of uinney.and ith ovory Sii.mi nrder Wc OUARATEE a rurn or nionuy rcllliidi'cl, ' mm I (" On aeeoant if nmulvrleits wo havo adopted thn Vi-llow Wrapper, Iho only auu ine. Sakl In Kmintou hv Alatthuwii I ros. Dr. E). Grewer The Dhllniiolphiii f-'pocbllst.niul his nwirlatou Klntl ef Pn .lkl, .....I ii....' - ' i.i'i i,-i iiiiii, .innii.iuuni aro now pcrinanontly hw:.ti'il nt 311 sim;rK sr., kcuxnton. Tho doctor is (isfrniliiuteorthn Unlvorsltv of rniinnvlvaniti,fiirii'orlvileinoni!ul'irof phvsi oloiry and Hurgerv at 'the Jledico Chlriiruiciil (o.leifo of phihuleliiliia. A Bpoi-inUy of C iroiiio, Nervous, Skin, Heart, Womb and li.ood ibicasoH. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Tho svmntonin of which nro dlzahions, lack of criiiliilen.'i', iii'suiil weakness in men nnd wo num. 1ml! rising hi tin) throat, spots floutinff Li'tnru tho cycN, ions of nii'iiiory, una Liu to con cenirato tiio mind on ono snlijoct, oaslly Btartkid when Kmlili.nly Hiokeu to, and dull, distressed mind, which unlitH tliem for per Ii.rmhiK tho in tind duties of lire, nniking hap piness iiiipofsihln; diNtrus-'diig tho action of tho heart, causing Hush of hunt, depression of spirits, evil forhoilines, cowiinlico, fear, dreams, nu lniu huly, tiro essy of, feoliut! lis tired In tho morning as when retir ing, lack of enerey, nervoiiBiu'Ks, trembling, confusion of thought, depression. constipation, weakness ot (he linilis, uto. Tlioso so affected fclnaild ennsuit us immediately and bo restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. It you havo lipon (drnn tip by your physicinn cull upon Iho doctor and bo examined. Ho cures I lie worst cases of Nervous lltdnlity.Bcro-ful.-i,iild S. res.('utarrhPiles,l''einiilii Wosltness, Amii'tlonsof tho Eye, Kur, Noso nnd Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors. Caucors and Crip- jiicm ui mory ueserilioon. ConsultKtions free and strictly snored and cnnlhlentinl. ohi hours daily from 11 a. in. to u p. m. bunuuy v to A. tRF-S 8 Y WAP Of kin t Itt-V,fo5. I lVti I mr.- c""- Merit. iBftii: MACK. i ,- p.j. rt.-... 1. IK :' !l I - WyOS.S.K TriOS. 'PI Klr.,v.-,M - ''.'.'.i fr -a ...r. -", ''l!l Is an Improvement in Soap. In the Trolley Soap old methods and materials are superseded by new ones. The Trolley Soap leaves the clothes sweet and clean and lasts louder than other soaps. Ask Your Grocer for It. If he does not keep it send us order for 20 BARS FOR TRIAL FOR $1.00, or for a I5ox ico cakes 75 pounds $4.30. Joseph . Thomng Elinfcon, 227 Chestnut Street, Phila. ' AIT. PLEASANT AT IIRTA1U fY1 of thn tiest qn.allty f.r rtomintlc n,ana ef idl fir.m. di hvorod ia nay part of the clti 1 at lowest price. I Oidr loft at my nfflco. X). UK, WYOMINO AVFNUK, Rear room, tint floor, Thir l National Bank, or mat by mail or tel. 'phono to thu uiina, will receive prompt attention. special contractu will b made for the aali and ilullvury ol' huekwln at CoaL mi. T. SMITH. Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Have removed their office to their Warcrooms, NUMBERS 141, 143,145,147,149, 15) MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE NUMBER, CCS31 leL'.VTOt TdiOK CO., tiir'n.(' 11KST t, SHOK IN THE WOULD. UA dollar tim'rd it n ttollur tarncil." H This leu' Solid French IniigolKldl1iit. ton tiwt ilcllvored frronnvwhrro In tho U.S., on rwiolptofl'nsh, Money Older, or Puatid Nolo for $1.M). Kqunl.i every w:iy Iho boot seld In nil retail torra for t:.60. Wo nmko Hub boot ciiiwlve, therefore wo guaf nntn tho(, Ktul and trrar, and If any ono ! not saihtlod ve itiii ruiiina uio mmiey omvudanoiuurpuir. (incra Too or Uomirion enc, wWUw I', Ii It, K H.K, "'CI Blse. 1 to S ana halt mm .lie. Stndtj-urthr; Dexter Shoe CsStt $.ntrlnl. termt In Dealer: MYfipBWJEE CANNOT m HOW YOO DO :!1U WE, a AND PAY FREISIHT. jTVrj t n'prwtvA tilth Ira Hloi.'oriPwIiiffintcriiM rf h,' n,,,lT Imiiilinl. nkkvl Uil,iirlNp!ftiie lleM t ana whji work; irnrntccd for 10 lini wiib T ft) :1 inltininllTl,,kl,lK to t,.il.r Hlf.TliMBll.. JFHyi4dl,r HlltlllIo,ti(ir.Htllg Nrflltll(lRC0II1tllt I7-- wl M Mf' 4itathmUihlprfd nf htrt oa UOlHy'iTrUI. NoinoneTTru1rfil In idvitnct. TT.OOOnow foutt, Worl.l'i 1 MiUl twirdctl mchtn and atuch Hinli. H'iy from fictnrjr nii deaUr'sand iftnt't prolitt, r nrP i'nt Tdlafiut and pwnrt Irvdnv for maihlna or larca tre f nftb calilctit,ltiltinonlalntnt) (nltn!wiof tht WorM'a Fair, OXFORD IBFfli CO. 313 T7iUia Avt. CHICAQO.ILL, 4 Ei Robinson's Sons' IMAGER Beer Brewery ITannfacturars of tho Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100.000 Bbla. Por Annum, D-UPONT'S MININQ, BLASTING AND BPOliTlNO Manufactured nt the Wapwallnnnn MQU, La, aeruo county Pn and at Wll mingtuu, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr, General Acent for tho Wyoming District, n8 Wyoming Ave., Scran ton Pa, ahird Kaltoiial Bank liuildinj. Aokncies. TTioa. Fonn, i'ittst-ei, r. .JcllNIl KM ITU & SON; Plymouth. Pa, K. W. MULLIGAN, WiUt.w-Harro, Pa. Agentfi for tho Uouaun Chemlonl Com pacy'u Uijti Exploslvua, Atlantic Refining Go. Hnmif acturon and Dealora In'. Illuminating and Mricating Linseed Oil, Nnpthas and Giiw lines of nil grade3. Asia Qreaao, Pinion Grease and Colliery Corrf ponnd j also, a largo lino of Par raCine Wax Candlea Wn nlsr. handle the Famous CROWS ACME OIL, the only family safety turning oil in the market. YILUAM MASON, Manage OtTico: CoiJ Ex;hnnj?o, Wyomln At orks at Pino lirooi ertillzers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. Booms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bid's BcnANTov, rx MINING andBLASTING Made at the M005IO and KOSII DALK WOltKd. Lafllin & Rand Powdor Ca'i ORANGE GUN F0WDHB Electric Batteries, Fusoi for esplol log blasts, riafoty l'une and RepaunoChcmical Co. 's High Explosives PfimnttVI PrnLff at PSmnlis livrr Mollis, blackheads, V Seeds and MQ0S1C POWDER CO Complexion Pres3s3 DR. HEBRA'S i 0Vli"M M'CRES i T .1 ttoren tho sltln to ils oriel- tv'iA tial fKshncaD. prodoolug Mv clear oua houlUiy com- y W ploilon. Biipcrlortoallfiico'' rrciiamtloiiB and porfontly harmless. At an migiils, or mulled lor SOcta. Bend for Clroulur. VIOLA SKIN SO.'.P "inrir m rtlo iniririlnit K"iP uniiW l lln toll. iml UKa ilrol lur tho numry. Hbsolut'lT faro sul tdtotun mm auwl. A drumi",, Price 2ii Cents. G. C. DITTNEB& CO., Toledo, O. For Knla by Maltliow llros. and John H. riielps. s vutiuui n nuu mn, uuu ii i ' nVW-Cl'liiicVT-'X v in . - ----- j-. liny pviazx SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The abovo brnnd of flour can be had nt any of the following merohants, who will accept Tub Tiiibune flour coupon of 25 on each one hundred pounds of flour or CO on each barrel ot flour. Ecranton-F. P. Price, Wiwliliiuton svonue I (Julil Mu'litl Brand. Ihinnioro I'. P. Price, Gold Modal Bran.l. iJUliuiuro-iT. L. Manlcy. Muperlativn bran.l llyiln Park Carson It Unvia, Wai-hburn 8U tlolit .Mi'd.d llrainl; J nupii A. Huara.Muiu arenno, buporlative Hrand. Oreon Hiilifo A b.iK iicor Uulil Medal Brand. J. T.Mi:llnlo, Siip'rrlitivi). l'rovidt'n':o Konuur ii Chaiipetl.N' Main avo- nuo. riutirlativ llranil;0. J. liilli'suio, V, Murkot Htroot, Oolil Jl' dil Urand. Olyiihaiit-Jaiiicn Jordan, fciniwrlritivo Brand. Puckvillo Sliatf-r 41, K. Ib.t (Superlative. Jcrmvn--C, t). Winters & Co. Kupi'i al-itlvo ArchbaldJoiii'!), Himpion & Co . Hold Modal. CarboD'lale D. S. Ciailt, Gold Modal Brand. liriiiidiil:.-I. N. ti Co. Gold Medal. M.uovhu il. II. Luvolle if - '4.-: :LOUIS B. SMITH Dealer in CMce Confections and Frnlts. BSSAD AND CAEES A SPECIALTY. FIHE8T ICE GREAM 1437 Capouse Avenue. NOKWAY IRON BLACK diamond HILVKIi EXTRA srECIAtj SANDERSON'S ENGLISH Ji:sSOI"S ENGLISH CAST STJCEL UOKSU SIIOI-S TOE CALK TIltR MACHINERY SPUING eOI-'T STEEL ANVILS bi:llow9 rouse nails WILEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS BROS. CUTTING MACHINERY. Bntonbender &Co.,Scrantoii, YThoIeaalo and retail dealers' In Wagonmakera' and Blacksmiths' SUPPLIES. That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns cf Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved froe. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at ilercereay Gonneu iW7 LACKAWANNA AVKNUll "No star wa3 ever lost we onco have seen, Wo always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATS O SI OP Scranton, Pa. 2 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. BABH60D rVf t!.iioiiilii m- Imnnlty. i.-.lW?ftviir.?.CXrroftiiitlhrmnn.-y. - A - flu rm 1 uEFOREriiOafTERUSlliG.iiooiiici-. auiu-oss rkkvu kf.eico., Masouio I'ouipie, tuico-" For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by n.C. SANDERSON, Druggist, cor. WashingtoO and Snruco Streets. U.v v.. ti.t.. WftpH j5T:wirv-!ovr. wit.t.h nnd take no othon ; Sand for clroular. tor Nti lo UyC M. 1IAUK1S, UiUKlfUU .EVERY W01V3ASM BomBtlmoanoeils a reliable, monthly, locnlatlrig medicine. Only tiarmUt 0&4 tho purest drugs should be asoJ. 11 jrou want the bust, got Dr. Pazsl's Pcnnrosl Pi.Ss Thor arc prompt, ntJe anil certain In result. Tho .enalne (Dr. Twl's) neTer dlsap. 'twlut. BxntauywUere, 11.00. Miswa fail iUuloma U UoTSl.nd, O, Foraalc by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spvuce Streat, Scranten, Pa. frcm th K I. Trttunt, Kop.l,lt0i. The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct 81. Fha first official, announcement of World's Fair di plomas on flour has been made. A medal has been awarded by th9 World's Fair judges to the flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co , in the grout Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the Hour strong and pure, and entitle! it to rank as first-claw patent flow Io family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL TYBOLKSALK AGENTS. Taylor Judge Co., Gold Medal; Athorto? & Co., iiuporlativ Pnryca Lawrimce Htnre Co.. Gold Medal Moosic John McCrindle, Oold M'-dal. Pittmon-M. W. O'liovlu. liold Mclul. Clark's Oruon-Prncn it Parker. Buporlatl ra. Clark's hunitnlt-P. 11. Younif, Gold Medal. j'auon-!j. a. inn Hon, Uold Modal Brand. Mi'liolsou-J. E. HardinK. Wuvcrly-M. W. Bliss A; Hon, Gold Modal. I'actoryvlllo rrharloo Gardner, Gold Modal. Hotilioltoin- N. M. Finn St Sun, Gold Mudat loliylianna Tjbvlianna LeHiitU Lamlwr Co.. Gold Modal Brand. GouIdsboro-8 A. Adams. Gold Mvlal Brand, Mosaow Ga!((e ft Clements, Gold Medal. Lake Ariel James A. Bortree, Gold Medal Forust City J. L. Morgan ft Co., Gold Meds PARLORS OPRN FROM 7 A.M. TO 11 P.?t KPEC1AL ATTrVTIOJ GIVtN TO SUP PLYING FAMILIES WITH ICE CUE AM. TVAQON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS HUBS SPOKES RIMS STEEL SKEINS R. R. SPIKES SCREW SSSTSHEDr NERVE SEEDS. Thb wnnil.rial rrin.ilj for mImhI Incur all Sll sos surli on Wonk Mpraorjr, I.iiof llrnln I'oircr.llpiiiluclio, Wnkofulno.s, Xost MiiiiIhhhI. Nliihtly KnilMlons, NprTimsiipn,ftllilriilii8nniJloiiot powor Inilout'mllviUiriiiinpon'iiiHirsoxrnus.i'noj-overoxpriioii.youniiii'. nKlTO iis ol I'lhncco. onlitra omtlmuliints, which lend to lndrii'lty. Canliocnrrlmtln vot poi kot. 1 wrDo,tj ior- Clrnlilnr froe. Sold liy all dlWVlst. Afk torlt, MM Price 1.)0 icr box, boxea lor $5.00. Cleveland, OUio 1'41 1'enii Avenue. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenu and ' '