TI1E SCKAKTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MORNING. JULY 1G, 181)4. 3 MATCHLESS SHAW PIAHOS. STELLE & SEELEY, 134 WYOMING AV&. 'J a la wfB v f",AWi 1 afJJ JiliW UNGLANO FINEST LINE IN THE CITY ron xitc rKicnk ;KW AND .KW AND flPjfflflMft 1.1. rnicns W ffilluU tKt: A t . I A Foe to Dyspepsia o GOOD BREAD - UBK THE FLOUR And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTUHICD AND FOR SALE TO THIS TKADE bV The Weston il Co IEWARS C? COUNTERFEITS ) THE fiCm-tHE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIOS G. B. 8t Co., fmprln'ad nn F-el O'Oflf. Garney, Bro?rci & Co. Mfr's. mtitr Hotels DUtAiik. DR. E. B. WARS removed to 406 SPRUCE STREET, back of Dime Bank. PERSONAL. F. S. Scntt, of Scrnnton, was in Ding hamton Friday. Mr. and Airs. R K. Polk, of Danville, were at Lake Ariel yesterday. Jliss Delhi Fiodloy. of Milford, N. Y., Is visiting Miss Carrie Illume, of North Alaia aveuue. Air. and Mrs. Joeenb Cust'ird, of UU iJullierrv street, are spending a few weeks at TnuUhauuock, Air. and Mrs. H. (). Edfar and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wood, of Willus-Darre.were iu the city yesterday. E. S. Dixler, of Eistou: II. M. Pittman, f Williamsport; E. G. Uould, of Reading, v.erc ut the Valley House ovar Suud.iy. James Bilaii'i, ono of Villre- Burro's meat siicccs- ftil imv.irnno men, visitod his brother II. P. U iland, of this city yostor (lay. The Rev. William Cor.ey has bpon ap pointed to take chaipo of the churches or 'lunknnnnock, tipringvdle, Salein and Ariel. Alisi Klin, Baihn dl and Mis Jo ale Ilinrns, of Qulnev nvenu, left Saturday mortMny for Windsor, X. V., whey will spend l l.o summer. Den. L. Jones, Mail Carrier Walter Mc Nicbolns, Money Order Clerk E:i:;an and Thomas O. VVilhiinm will sneud fifteen days lishing at M. John's lake. Ex-Mayor Robert II. McKnne, formerly of rjcrantou but now of Wilkes-Bar re. is vis'tiiiu friends in Dinp;hamton. He is convalescing trotn a severenttack of puou luoniu. Says Saturday's Pittston Gazette: "Jliss Grate 11 ii ley, of Scranton, U the guest of Jliss Ada Uhs, of Kennedy siroet. Coal Operator Cluronce D. Himpson, of Scrnnton, was a visitor in town tnis morn ing." Professor R. J. n.mor left, this raorninj for Willinmsnort, Milton, Ueadinir. Allen- town and i'ottsville. Ho lias been engaged by tho eisteddfod comwUteo of this city to interview the different bnnd masters in the above named planes to try and itidaeo them to enter their musical organizations iittlie comiiij? bnnd contest for a prize of taoo, to ho held at the coming eistaddfod at Laurel Hill park on Sept. 6 and 0. Saturday's Pittsburg Times says: "Dr. joscpn furry, of jjoudoii, an eminent einu preacher and lun-dciuii, who is well known in Pittsburg, is visiting America, and next Tuesday evening will locturo iu tho Sandusky Street Baptist church. The proceeds will be devoted to the buildln fund of Emanuel's Baptist church, Wood's Hun. On Saturday eveuing he will lec ture au'iiin in Old City hall. Dr. Parr was bom Wales, but passed his early life 111 cuuiisyiviiiiiii. - Ecranton'e Business Inttrssta. Tint Tiimujm will soon publish a care ftillv compiled and climsilied list of the leading wholesale, bnnlcing, maiiufiictur ing and professional interna of Scrnnton and vicinity. Tho edition will be bound in book form, beautifully Illustrated with phitoravur viows of our public build inp, liiisineus blocks, streets, etc., tocothor with portraits of loading citizens. No wniiUr work has evor xivun an equal rep resentation of Scranton's many indii. tries. It wilt be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent . to persons outside th city, copies of Ibis handsome work will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of he city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to t hose concerned as well as the city atlare. Representatives of Tun Triduni will call npoii those whobb namks are dehiiikd in this edition and explain its nature more fully. Those dosiring views of tholr residences in this edition will please have notice at the cilice. - Buoltlon' Arsloa Salva. The best salve in the world for Cut Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Khenm. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ell Skin Eruptions, and posi tively wires Piles, or no pay required. It i guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction - cr money refunded. Price 25 cent per box. i'or sale by Matthews Bros. Sill WHITE S Sermon or Re?. John Evans at Plymouth - Congregational Church. FUNERAL GF MISS KlftRY WALTERS Many Bsautiful Floral Offjrinss In terment Made in Washburn Street Cemetery New Officers of tho West Sido Athletic Club Funeral of the Infant ChilJ of M. Barns, of 144 Meridian Street. Tho West Sido titTleo of tho PntiANTOS Tuini'NK is located at 113 North Main ave nue, whero subscriptions, advertisements and communications will receive prompt attention. The) auditorium of the Plymouth OonjfrpRHtiotiaL ehnrob wag' conifurta '! filWd lust evenint; ami Uuv. John Eviui. of Connecticut, ofilcluieJ. He in-earned uu eliiquunt uud able sermon, i.ikinir Ids text from Luke, xix, 10, y iuK. "For tho Son of Man came to sock and ave that which was bit." Dar in K' Mr. Evans' impressive remarks he said : "It is something yry extraordinary for a tuun to Muni fourfold. It is now a hard mutter to get a m m to re turn one fold. I wuut you all to feel assured this evening that you are go ing away with Hod's spirit. 1'ho truth when it comes to n wakes ns feel that i.l od made us, and whou he inspires us with the truth that we nriv be utile to inspire and shvj others. Zioheus said to the Lord: 'If I have taken nny tliiujr from any man I will rostoro it fcur-fold.' When the Prince of Walts ciiino to tiiid country the pupeis took it up au J said: 'What did he com for?' When the Triune of Heaven catne he told us what he was coming for, And what little interest was given it. The business of Jesus Christ was to seek and to save. "People look at this , with no more thought than that it is a very ordinary affair. They do not see anything su-p-rnutural, they fail to observe the divino ni:ij -sty of GoJ. When they do SvO it tln-y jjive thoinseves whollv and uaresorvodly," MISS MAdT WALTERS BURIED. Funeral Services at Welsh Calvialitic Methodist Churcd. Funeral obeequios over the remains of Mios M iry Walters, the eighteen- year old daugnter of Mr. and Mrs. John Walters, of South Lincoln ave- ti'ie, occurred yesterday afternoon ut 2 30 o'clock from the family home. In teresting and impress! vo services were conducted in the Welsh Calviniatio Methodistic churoU by R-v. Hugh Diivtas. the pistor, who spoke of the many estimable qualities which the young lady possessed. The floral offerings were numerous mid beautiful. During the services n party consisting of Mrs. Daniel Pmth eroe, Mrs James Pbiliips, Misses Kate Jonas, Lottie Powoll and Evan Miles, John Ash'on, Elins Williams and DiviJ Smith, salt several very appro priate selections. Interment was made in the Washburn Street cmtery. The pall-bearers were Jaineu M. Powell. John E. Jo' es, Thomas Davles, and uniert mourns. LITTLE WEST SIDE NfcWS NOTES. Miss llinuie Peters, of Eynon street, is in. Miss May Jones, of Washburn street, is uenoutfiy ill. William Postor, of Philadelphia, is visit ing friends on fcwotlaud street. Miw Mnniie Tighe is visiting at the home of James Feeuey, of Evans court. Mrs. D. .1, Moser, of North Everett ave nue, is vMtiug frionds iu Moutroso. A larj;e number of young people from mis Kuiu were ui jiouuiain laKo yostenlay. Mibs Pearl Trevnrton. of Chicago, is the guest of Miss Mable Yost, of Jackson treet Clark Wei more, formerly of this side, but now of Colorado, has returned here to reside. Roy. W. S. Jones, of the First W'olsb uapiiRs cnurcu, preaciioU in iinglish last Bridlet Momn. nf Priva afraaf hna va. turned from a (i mouths' visit with friends iu rnilaaelphla. Mis Pertha Jenkins, danghtor of Drng gistQ. W. Jenkins,! spending afew week w ith f i iends iu Dalton. Dr. Pnine, B. 0. Morgan. S. M. Foster, a. D. i-jynon and Hector Juinos wore at xaKo winoift yesteraay. Oeorgo Fritz, of Now York titv. is thi guest of his brothers, A. and J. Fritz, o South Hyde Park avenue. Rev. J. T. Morris, pastor of the Bello vuo Welsh Calvinistio Methodist church was in Wilkea-Barre yestorday. Iiey. lingh Davies preneliod his monthly uugiisn sermon m ino welsh Calvnnistic Methodist church yestorday morning. Mrs. P. II. Fuller and son, Arthur, of North Main avenue, bnvo roturnwl from f weeks' visit with frionds ut Glasgow, N, Putr U T U, rvlll ... ., tn;iiup, ,'i inu v ill. , AViln ItrOH Hit at the Snbhath school sot vices of ttie wasiiuuru street l resiiytermn church ii St, David's hall, yosterday. Rev. A. W. Coopor, pastor of tho Hamp ton Street Methodist Episcopal church, oc cupied tho pulpit of the Simpson Method 1st Episcopal church yeHterday, The Infant child nf M liiii-na nf u.l M ridiau street, was buried yesterday after noon. ThA flnw.ir h.mrara tvn.a Th,i,,.. O'Donuell and John Gorrity and tho pall rrarera oosepn Yinwooil, John JiCllalO, Edward Howlcy and Frank Schococv. Tho West Side Athleticcltio hns elected tne louowing omcorsf President, John O'Giady; corresponding sctretnrv, Al. Bolton; flunncial secretary, J. Kenrm truntilll-Mr .Tnhn Hiiriin- lnalvnAi... Al Mel-'urldeii! t.rustHrin. AT. f4rnlinin .1 N0. M. Dovine, T. burklu and E. il,' Tiernan. NEWSOUTH SIOE SCHEOULE. All Cara Will Hersafter Go to the City Line. A new schedule will go into effect tomorrow on the booth Hide Una Thcro will be a rotnrn to the 15 minute trip.) that were in vogno when the (ireenwood line was opened. The cars will run to the city line in stead of to the car bam, and the first car will loave Lackawanna avonne at 5 35 instead of at 6 o'clock. There will be a car run between tbe oity line and Greonwood. and passengers will hare to chnnge at the city line, that is those who want to go to Greenwood.- This car will make half bonr trips. There will be a sign posted at the city line so that all passengors can Sit where the 6- centlare ends. AN ENJOYABLE RECEPTION. Olvan by Ut. and lira. T. H. Jackson Saturday Nlaht. Mr. and Mrs. T, H. Juckson gave a rectption to their many frionds Satur day night at their borne, 813 North MI l.l . , iixiiiuKwu avenue, upon tueir re turn from their wedding tour. Musio, yooal aud instrumental, games, etc.. helped to while away the hours until midulorht. when refresh. tnents wera served Tlinun muml were: Misses Mary Powell, Bessie NEW Hart. Mamis McGerity, Mary Hushes, KllR nn;D, Ellen Jones, Maria June", Patrick Uornty.Cilvln Hellar, Michael Stone, John Jones, John Courtney, D.ivid B:iiley, Gforje Taylor, Harry Jones, Llewlyu Maddan, Julius Wad - nird, Uharles Waclavichek, Alex Sikofuky aud Charles Ilitnuiordinger. JOHN MINKO WILL RECOVER. Ha Sustained Bavare I juries in tbe South Works Saturday. John Miuko, an employe at tho South works of the LucKawann Irou and Steal company, received injuries while at work Saturday that for u time were thought to be fatal. lie was using a bar in lovlinir rails iu the rear of the rail shed mid (lid not notice a hot billet roll along the slide. The billet struck tho bar and the bar struck him in tho neck. A wound was inflicted that nearly reached from ear to ear. He was taken to the Moses Tavlor hOHpitnl mid the wound dressed. Last night the physicians lit the hospital cava ont tho oiiluion that Minko's in jury was uot very serious and that he would bo able to work in u lew weeks. FRANK WILSOOJAD PLIGHT. lie Was Dsertod b- His Father After Iteir.fr Iijur,l. Whilo Frank Wilson. 13 years of ago, of Lloyd 8tree:,better kuown as "Blin- kev. was birdussting below inpps orossinu yostorday he full from a very high troe and snot.iinea very serious ii, juries and was convoyed to the Luck uwnnnu hospital. Atter falling irom the troo Wilson rolled down a steep declevity and n Polander. a friend of tho fuiuily, ap pearing on tho sceno, u lady naked him to carry tho boy to a bouse close by, out ho replied "Mo dirty me clothes." A Mr. Hiverlitig carried tho boy to Mr. Bell's hou84 iicir the crossing, and sonio children, who know tbe Wilsons, said that the boy's father, another Po- Inuder, was coming down the tinck. Upon the father's arrival ha was toll of the ticaident and said he was the boy's father, lie was evidently intoxi cated. Ho wont to the boy and said, You go np tree nguin?" One of his countrymen talked with him and then he dented the paternity and said, Me fetch futuor." Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Beckwith wora soon on the soeue and rendered valuable services. The father did not return nnd the boy was taken to the Lickawanna hos pital whero it was found that his shoul der was badly injured. Dr. McAn drew dressed the injury and last night the boy was resting quietly. NORTH END. The Joint Excursion to Furview Was a Splendid Success. Tbe joint excursion of the Puritan Congregational and the Welsh Baptist churches was a grout buccoss. The committee worked industriously to make it tbe North End excursion of the year, and favored by most propi tious weather everything favored a pleasant and enjoyable day. The train arrived at Farview about 0 a. ill., whon everyone set ut once on the task of passing tho day to the best advantivgf, The refreshments were ex Mntly nrranged by Thomas Jehu, of Wayne avenue, superintendent of the Buptist Sundsy school, to whom the committee is indebted, as well ns to tbe ladios who acted as waitresses and ntiendod to the wants of the excur siontsts. NORTH END BRIEFS. Tlin North End tlHeo of tho KrnANTON Tiiiiu nk is located nt tlio Lewis Dm? Store anil Jehu's More. Wavno avenue, where fiiib- ser ptioiiH. advertisements iiiul conimuiiicalioii Will rec. lve prompt attention. I Mrs. Detweilw. of Church avenue, ha9 left Providence for a visit to Ocean Grove. Mrs. Crosiinau, of Throop street, is en tertaiulng Miss Carrie Suiunieroll, ot Wllbes-Uarre. r Ex-Officer Joseph Twis, into of Oly- phant, tin taken a residence on North .Mum avenue. W. J. Morgan, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. for merly t-f Providence, is visiting D. D. Jones, of North Main avenue. Rev. F. A. Dony preached a sermon last evening at the Welsh Baptist church on the Sabbath closing movement. J. R. Johnson, of Wnvorly, paid a visit to his old frioiid, Georso Keys, of 1011 North Main avenue, on Saturday. The sinking of tho new male quartetto nt tho North .Main nvenuo Baptist cnurcu was much uppreciatoo yesterday. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. J ibnaon, of Fort riains, N. Y.,vho have been visiting Mrs, Ira Tripp, are spending a week ut Wyo ming. Kev. S. C. Simpkinc, of the Moscow Methodist Episcopal church, preached two excellent sermons yesterday at t.io Aletno dist Episcopal church, Providence. Tho funeral of Alhort, the little son of William and Jenny Shelp, of 1, 1!U Albright avenue, will tnKo place tomorrow nt 'i p. m. Interment in l orost mil ctiniotery. TheRov. W. F. Davis occupied tho pul tit of tho Puritan church last eveoiuu in the ntisenco nf the Rov. D. A. Evans, who is enjoying l is vacation among his old Iilclids In Uliin. John Polisky nnd K. Cashmere hart a Unlit on Oak streot yesterday and were ar rested. Iu the evening Alderman William finvd tho Pole (1 and CauhmeretD, or thirty days in delimit, as tie whs tne aggressor. Tho Rev. Dr. Logim who has giveu ninoh attention to evangelical work amongst the Poles and Slavs in tbe valley occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church yes tnrday and dealt with the work with which ho is so successfully connected. Tho funeral of tho lato W, 0. Thomas, of We-it Market street, took place nn Satur day, interment being in Forest Hill cuius terv. Stenhon Chappel, formerly of Prov idence, now of Maryland, a son-in-law of the deceased, was cue ot tue mourners. LIEDERKRANZ WILL CELEBRATE. Anniversary of I s Oisranizatlon Occurs Aug. 1. Tho Scranton Liederkrnnz will colo- brate ita twonty-liftli anniversary by a comuierz on the evening of Ang. 1 and a picnic at Lake Ariel the day follow ing. It is expected that many of the lead ing singing societies of this and adja cent states will participate. Societies from Now York, Wilkes-IJarro. Hones dale, Uazleton and Port Jervis are already expected to be in attendance, The members of tho society will im mediately begin to pnt in operation plans for the celebration which have beeu nnder way for some time, to make the event one of magnitude nnd great enjoyment. Go to Poyntolle, Excursion Rates One Dollar. Now York, Ontario and Western rail road will run excursions Wednesday and Saturday. Train leaven Mcranton H.au a. m., roturning leaves Poyntolle 4.51) p. m. Good nailing. ' Single Fare Bate to Toronto, Ont., via Leblgh Valley Ballroad. Special Tickots to Toronto on account of convention Baptist Young People's union at rnte of single fare for round trip will be on sale at olllce of tho L. V. R. R. 801) Lackawanna avenue, Scrauton, Pa., July 11 . .1 Id nnrl fnt ,...-., or, ... I.,l Ul XI UUU IU, RVUU ,, ICVUlu bV UUIJ VI. Route via Lnliich Valley to Ninirara falls. New York Central to Lewiston, thence by Niagara Nay. Co. s steamer. Death ot Fred Reldcubauch, a Yerj Popular Young Han. THE CHILD STRAYED FROM HOIilE It Wa3 'Found by Officer Flaherty at tho Homo of Mrs. O'Hara, of Pear Street Workinj;men Held a Picnic nt tho Mc.rlows Funeral of Child of Mr. and Mrs. Jilin Greenfield. Other Notes and Personals. Fred Roidenbaiich. aged 20 years. died yesterday morning at the homo of his mother, Mrs. Miry IMdouunueb, of Stono uvonuo, of pulmonary trouble after a long illness. Mr. Raidtnbsncb was a popular young man and bad a host of friends. His funeral will take plnco tomorrow and will be In elmrgo of the r.itrintio Order Sons of America of which tho decoas"d was a member. Mr. Reidotibauch is the third mem ber of tho family who has diad. within five year of tho came complaint. LITTLE POLISH GIRL LOST. Found at the Residence of Mrs. O'Hara, cf Pear Street. A litfl Polish girl, who resides on South Wyoming avanuo, Btniyo I away from homo on Saturday and could not ba found by its parents, who reported the matter to the police yesterd-iy. Ulllcnr Martin Flaherty yeatordt'.y found the girl at tho residence of Mrs. 0 llnra ou Pear street, whero tho little girl bad been toiiderly cared for since Saturday. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. IAU advcrlijiiiL' waiter, news Hums and now subscript!,, ns, if left at the following liuiiness places, will ho promptly attended to: Zaies barber eliou. Westiil'ahl's store, 1). W. Humph rey's pharmacy and A. J. Muldurig's. I George Dobort. of Pittston, is visiting friends on this Bide. Dr. Walsh has brokon ground for a fino ro.-idence ou Pittston uvouue. Mrs. Joseph Eichhoru is woll enough to be around again atter bor serious illness. Miss Nora Fenton. who bus been on a viK to Now York city, returned homoou Saturday. Henry Iliour. of Pittston avonuo, will start for Germany next Tuesday on an ex tended visit. Tho heat tho last few days is earning a terrible stonch to nrise from tho gutters m various streets. J. Uoenoy, of Prospect avpnne, who was thrown from bis carriugo recently, is able to bo about nguin. A large number of tho residents of this Bide went to Lily lnko yesterday where they spout a most enjoyable day. Mrs, Catherine Shoutz, of Stone avenue, whoso husband died recently, will con tinuo hor late husband's business. A. D. Powers, of Wilkes. Barro, spent Sunday with his brother, L. D. Powers, the well-known druggist of Cedar avonue. Tho Ladies' society of the Hickory Street j-'reBliytoriau church will lioltl Its annual picnic ou Aug. ib at Central Park garden. Tho Star Social club has moved to 018 Willow Blroet from Pittston avonue. Meetings are hold on the third Monday in every month. Tho Iron Moulders' union will hold a picnic ut Central park ou Aug. 11. Eveiy person buying a ticket will get a chance on a parlor stove. Tho numerous friends of Miss Dorothy May Korkell, of Abler street, who has been seriously ill, will be glad to hear that she is convalescent. A picnic was held on Saturday by the Workiugmen's club, of Prospect avenue, in the Meadows. There were a largo num ber of persons present. August Kussman, of New York, formerly of this city, has returned and will sturt iu business at 7:27 Maple street. Mr. Kuss luan has been iu New York 11 vo years. The active members of the Suengerrunde had thir pictures taken iu a group at Central Park garden yesterday uioruiug. Fritz Uummlor was tho p hotographor. Miss Sadio Hicks, of Long Island City, who has been vkiting friends ou Elm street, returned homo Saturday, nccom paniod by her cou.-dn, Miss Maggie Mc Ureevy. The Badenser Vorein held n mooting in Balducr's htll, on Willow street, on Satur day evening. Nearly 100 members were present. Joseph Weber was initialed into tbe order. Sebastian Griomel succeeded in getting the contract on Saturday for tho fancy cabinet work ut the Pricoburg Presby teriau church. He will begin work on it this morning. I. lleHstrings, of Meadow avenue, lost a number of pigeons on Saturday. The person who stole them is weil known nnd will probably be arrested if the birds nro not returned. A large number of pooplo visited tho reservoir, tbe Meadows and Connell park yei-terday, nud much enjoyment was hud until Into iu the afternoon, when n wind storm came up and made everyone scurry for shelter. The funeral of Joseph Frank, 3-nionths-old child ot Mr. and Mr. John Greiinlleld, of Pittston avenue, took place at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon and was largely at tended. The littlo one was interred at tho Pittston avonue cemetery. Tho picnic held at Central park, on Sat urday, by the French and Swiss tocicties, iu ruiueuibruiico of the French national holiday, was largely attended. Tho Saen gerrundo society, which was present by invitation, gave a few Hue selections in the Herman tongue. Cuths band fur nished the music. r.ilDSUMNlER MUSICALE. It Will Be Olvvn by the Pupils of T. J. Envies, Mm. Sao. Tho pupils of T. J. Davies.Mns.B ic. , will give their musicale nt Hulbort's music store on Wednesday evening nt 8 o'clock. The following programme will be rendered: Duct, "The Mermaids" Pinsutl Miss E. LaVornn Mitchell, Mrs. Charles Motzger. "Toreador". Bizet Mr. P. II. Warren. "Gondoliers' Serenade" Dames Mr. J. 11, Frutehuy. Quartette, "Tlio Itndiant Morn"....Dnvies Miss E. liiiVeroa Mitchell, Mrs. Charles Mntstger, T. iloynon, P. H. Wnrren. "Guard My lleloved One." Mascheroni Miss .Mary Davies. "Quoeu of the Earth" Pinsutl Miss Loretta Jennings. Duet, "Tho Fisherman" Onmbussl Messrs. T. Jleyunu and D. Glyn James. "For All Eternity" Mascheroni Mrs. Char es Mutzgor. Recitation, Miss Mnud Williams. "Morry Chuut tho Summer Birds" De Penua Miss E. LaVerna Mitchell. "The Sailor's Grave" Sullivau Mr. T. Beynou. Part song, "Good Night, Beloved" Piusuti Missos Anna R. Williams, Verna Mitchell, Lettio Doylo, Mrs, Charlos Metzgor, Miss Minnie Parry Thomu", Katie Haul, Messrs. Holiert Bluckmun, James T. Geddes, Peter Pen ser, B. Perry James, D, Glyn Jumev. ADDRESS BY MR. FAIRFIELD. Delivered at Bailroad Y, M. 0. A. Koome Yesterday Afternoon. The services yesterday afternoon at the rooms of the railroad department of the Young Men's Christian assocla- tlou were of excellent order. Before the lecture of Mr. Fairfield, of Great Neok, Long Island, there was quartette singing by the following: William ls.ck, basso; William Jonp, tenor; Mrs. P. Beck, alto; and Miss Cora Storm, soprano. JUr. i airfield reud the seventh chap ter of the book of Mathew and selected it us his text. Ho gave a practical talk on tbe duties of Christians toward their Maker. Mr. Fairfield is a pleasinat sneaker and does not fail to scquit himelf creditably. He spoke of tne goniu ot the Nineteenth century ns exemplified in the inventions and the electrical and railroad lines. All of these the speaker PHld were toward the greater plory of Uod. Nothlug that 18 developed in the business world should bo passed with out cortiliying it as the hnudlwoik of God, because God is the beginning of all things. Mr. Pairliuld's remarks were attentively listened to uud brought forth mush applause. After tho lucture tlio secretary an nounced that on next Sunday tue ser vices would be conducted by Rev. E. Guild of Providence. V"e liavc REDUCED prices on BABY CARRIAGES. r stock is too largo. You can buy a good liaby Cari'iao for tho price of a cheap ono. For Wedding Presents or Fur nishing for Summer Cottages, we have a full and complete line. Lamps, Dinner and Toilet Sets, Efcc. WEIGHEL & MILLAR Ii6 Wyoming Ave. The Sick to Receive Medical Services FREE OF CHARGE. FIRST MONTH'S SERVICES TREE XO EVERYBODY. FOR ALL DISEASES AND ALL PATIENTS. ThocreatKiiL'lisli Sfaff of l'hvsicinns. Thn MUST DIST1N'.JITIIIKI Si'F.ClALlSIS ON T1IK CONTINENT Tho i'rosidimt and Cliiot Oiiigniislieiau caa bo fouud daily in tno parlor at tuo CONWAY HOUSE l:B nd lal PENN AVENUE. Thoy coma recoiiinii'ieuiit by royalty nu tue Ins: plivsi elans of Europe.. Tlioy treat all ui-"ases. ItupturoB cured by a new process. A P SI 1 1VE euro Kuarantued ill all SEXUAL. DIS EASES uud We;ikucsnos of EITHER SEX by our now treatment 1'atloirs treated by correspondence and metnemo witn run ai reetlons Hi'iit bv express, lint when 1 o-st hie, a personal eoli-ailtiitiou is preferred. All consultations sre holO in strict privacy. N. I!. Tluse Specialists can euro all recent as WKI.I; as all long-standing chrouiiylitticnlt arid ol icuro eiiMOS that have been ueylectod or nnskillfully treated (.'ills made hv np point mont nn I patients treated at tb.-lr homes when desireiL itours, U to 1 and 7 to 8 30. Li pi For Ten Days only to introduce our NEW. brand of ri9 $4.00 PER BARREL $1.00 PER SACK C. DITCHBURH 4.7 LACKAWANNA AVE. THE CELEBRATED FT. I tre t Trcwnt tlif Mn. Popular sni I'reftrred by l.raJms aioiM. Warorooms : Opposite, Columbus Monument, '05 WachJ.'Tion Aw. EcrantcnrP: Another Advocate of ORS. HENWOOU & WABDICLT.: GKITLCMEN-It nlTerdi me prenl pleasure to stale that your now procexi of extractlnir toetli was n Rrnnd siicoess It mycuac, ami I licurllly reoommand It t all. I slnooroly liopo that ethers will test Its merits. Yours resprctfnlly, CAfT. S, K. IIIIYANT, Soranton, Piv Henwood & Wardell, DENTISTS, S16 Lackawanna Ave. Will on and after Mav SI make a (treat redua tlon In the prices of plates. All work guar nteeJ flrst-dass in every particular, GUM BALL .r "r i--v Anfflstheno Voti'Need Thesn And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool. Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tennis. ISartin & Delany Custom Tailor3 and Clothiers, WYOMING AYENUE. It, A III C3 303 Lac&awanna Ave. This week all mm Summer Goods sold regard- less of cost to make S and winter stock Coma Early ana Secure First Choice. I r.i Scientific Eye It's a Great Shock isi.?.'8. F ..V . to the folks who are clidmtnar they undersell 11 others to Hud that without tho lonst fuss or bluster wo aro irivluu custom rs the bea fit of sneli opportuniiies a3 these. A btrictlv Hlh Ord I.lcht-welshl Whenl, 18B puitern, fer 8110 cash. lf)S puttern, SlftO Whpnl, for S7. 1804 pattern, 100 Wheel, for 85 easily rheso prices make tho business at our storo. FLOREY & HOLT Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. V8GTOR SASH. !t is Correct!! AND JUST THE THING FOR THIS HOT WEATHER. onrad THE II ATT Ell, Sells Them. A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREE1 BICYCLKS AND 6PORTINQ GOOUS. Victor, Qendron, Eclipse, LovulL Diamond und Other Whoela. WfMs -X 'r -a i- ii i r n i i wim mm WHAT BRINGS RELEASE FROM DIRT AND GREASE? WHY, DON'T YOU KNOW? M mm a at a SC8 Lackawanna Ave, Spring and am room for our fall a Testing Free By DR. DR. SHIMBERG, The Specialist on the Eye. Headaches and Ner vousueis relieved. Latest and Improved Style of Eyr glasses and Spectacles at, the Lowest Prioos. Best Artificial Eyes inserted for ?5. 305 SPltl'CE ST., Opp. Old Post Office, H. A. HULBERT3 City Musio Storo, TRTTrVTAY SOTI PJXJKnn BHOTHEM m ILrtAAHIi it BACH. eMMiakree stock el SreMael UTJSICATj MEROHANDI3e NATIONAL CIRCUIT ALL DIAMOND PRIZES. This circuit includes Wash ington, Denver, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, etc. SCRANTON'S DAY, MONDAY September 17, 1894 ROOF tinnlnjr and soldering all done awn? with by tlio use of HAKTMAN'S I AT ENT PAINT, which consists of ItiKredl nts well-known to all It rnu bo apiiliua to tin, Balvmiined tin, theot iron reofs, si so to brlek dwellings, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling, cracking or brotikuin of tlia brick. It will outUst tinuhiff ot auy kind by mnny yeiirs.Biid it's cost docs uot oxcoed ono fifth thutof ihe cost of tlnninir. Is sold by the job or pnund. Contracts tsknn by AMUMU UAU1MA1N,K.7 Birch Si BICYCLE RACES A.