TIIE SCHANTON TBIBUNE-MONDAY MOHNING. JULY 16, 1894. ASE BALL isranton Adds Another to Its Victories Won the Past Veck. HAZLETON AGAIN THE VICTIM At Philadelphia the Allentown Club Won with Ease Harrisburg Pulls a Game Out of the Fire in the Ninth Inning with Lancaster Reading Pottsvillo Stopped by Rain with the Score a Tie Standing of the Clubs. Gcnerai Base Ball and Sporting News. piv Ms w lob pa'gau in the State loHgne. Allentown bus pns til the ordaal with nix victories ami no defratu, evidently oiideavoring to du plicnto Harrisbtiru'a i cbinVfinxnt of the first aennoti. Liin- h: canUr is in second jiliice aud playing citiirerv ball ns a result of the infusion of new blooJ into its team. Pottsville is in tbini place, with three viotorlea mid two defeats, while Scrtinton holds fourth position, with tbn-e victories and three defeat, as a result of her playing away from home the entire vretk. Iteadinir bead the Becond pha lanx, with Huzlcton uud Ilrrishurtf a tie for sixth )bic, with tha newly or Sanizad Philadelphia club bringing up the rear with one j;uine won and five lot. Tlie StTiintnti ciub returns home with quita a t;ood record, aud by the time lie leaves oa her next outing we con fidently hope and dare xpeet her to oc cupy at leust necond tilace iu the State league. At the sutue Uuiu it is also apparent that the club needs on other irood pitcher, for while both Hod eon and Flauachun are pitching win cing bull, yet there i 110 gaiusuying the possibility of one if not both of tliutn becoming incapacitated for Joins: good work, if not beinsr compelled to retire from the fuu entirely for a sea son, as accidents generally occur wheu we are least likely to be able to cope with them. It is to be hoped that the new pitcher, Yeke, of Shenandoah, will prove :is cnpible as liodsou and Flnnughan and be able to take bis turn regularly with them The lollowinK table gives the per centages, number of games won and lost by each club, and their standing In the league race- Won. Lost. PerC't. Allentown 0 0 1.00 Lnacasti-r 4 2 .00" Pottsville 3 !2 MO Scrantou 3 3 .5UU Heading 3 3 .400 IInz!etou 2 4 .S'-i Harrisbiirc a 4 .i'i-l Philadelphia.... 1 5 . 1U7 ECHEDCLE FOB TODAY. Philadelphia at Scranton. Altonna at Hazleton. BesdiuR at Lancaster. PottBVille at Harrisburg. TALLY FOUR ON HAZLETON. Long Tom F:anahitn Wai ia Fin Form on Saturday. Hazlf.ton, July 13 The Hazleton club suffered another defeat from Soranton on Saturday, making the fourth successive game the Electric City boys hav taken from our club. Flanaghaa and Fee were the pitcliera, mil the long, solemo-visaged youth from Scranton wag too much for ''Car bondale Jack" and liir support. When hits were needed and meant runs for the home club, Flannghan exercised some of his cunning aud the longed for hit never cuius. The giiuie wan sharply plsyrd throughout and was a tine exhib.tou qf the national pastime. Tile score: SCKANTOM. . 11. H. P.O. A, E. Wetzel, S. S 3 3 0 a 0 P.ogan, c. f a 1 8 0 0 Pntchen, c 0 15 10 Jlannev, lb I 1 14 0 0 Pholan, 2b 2 8 a 2 0 fctiiltz, 1. f 0 a u u 0 Rogers, r. f 1 1 3 0 0 Westlake, 3b 1 0 0 5 1 Flauagnan, p 0 0 0 U 0 Total 10 12 27 10 1 HAZLETON. R. II. P.O. A. K. Horan, c. f '. 2 1 a 0 0 li. Ely. 1. f 0 0 1 0 0 ( lark, lb 0 0 10 I 0 Kutlierwel, s. s I 8 1 3 1 Jordan, i f 2 a O 0 0 Conrov, 2b 1 1 3 4 0 Graluini, 3b 0 0 0 2 1 Moore, 0 0 18 0 0 Fee, p 0 1 0 0 Totals 8 9 24 V.) 2 Scranton 0 5 1 2 0 1 1 0 x 10 Hazleton 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 16 Earned runs Hazleton, 6; Scranton, 7, Two-bass hits Wetzel, Rotliermel. Pntchen. Home ruu Rotors, Jordan, 2; Patchon. Stolen bases Moral), Clark, 2: Itotherniel. Honan. Struck out Uy Flnnmighan, 3, by Fee, 8. First on balla Off Flnnaghan, 4; off Fee, 2. Hit by pitched ball Jlassev. Wild pitches Fee. Passfd balls Patchen, ilooie. Time 2 hours. Umpires Keener and Ilodsoa. NATIONAL LEAGUE RESULTS. At I'ittsburg Pitttburg, 5; New York, 0 At Cincinnati Boston, 12; Cincinnati, 14. At Cleveland Philadelphia. 7: Cleve land, U. . At Sr. Louis Baltimore, 7; St. Louis, 8. At Louinvillo Washington, 3; Luuis villo, 5. At Chicago Brooklyn, 8; Chicago, 8. (Rain prevented finishing of game). EASTERN LEAGUE. At Springfield Buffnlo.10; Spriugfleld, 8. At Troy Troy, 8; Wilkes-Barre, 9. At Syracuse (First gume) Syracuse, 24; Bluiihnmtoti, 5. (Second game) Syracuse, 11; .Binhaniton, 8. SUNDAY GAMES. At Chicago Chicago 0 0 0 2 2 8 0 8 010 Brooklyn 0 12010 1117 Hits Chicago, 10: Brooklyn, 18. Er rors Cbiongo, 3; Brooklyn, 1. Battoiles Terry and Kittridge: Qastrlgbt nd Daily. Umpire McQuad, At St. Louis eleven innings St. Louis. .1 003212000 0-8 Baltiuiore.0 800050000 19 Hits St. Louis, 13; Baltimore, 14. Er rors St. Louis, 3; Baltimore, 0. Batteries Clarkson nnd Twinehnm, MoMabon aud Clarke. Umpire Gaffney. At Cincinnati Cincinnati.... 4 0 0 4 0 8 2 4 x 17 Cleveland 0 0 1 0 8 0 2 2 08 Hits Cincinnati, 10; Cleveland, 11. Er rorsCincinnati, 4; Cleveland, 4. Batter ies Dwyer and Vaughn; Cuppy and O'Connor.. Umpire Hunt. GLINTS FROM TriE DIAMOND. Eiio has returned Pitcher Dewald to Clevelnnd. Catcher Jack Ryan has bacome great favorite iu Boston. Pitcher Doron, formerly of Scranton, has signed with Buffalo. ' llnnnnu Lyng has struck out but ouco on the road this seaeon. . Blake, Cleveland'') new outfielder, came from the Southern league. Boston has released Pitcher Lovett. He may sigu with Provideuce. Tho vetorau outfiolder, Dairy mple, has beon released by Iudianapolis, Burke, of the New Yorks, has playod thirty-one games without an error. The Pittsburg papers now demand that tlioir Htnr pitcher, Klllou, be sunt to the bench without pay. it i probable thut Jack Loiper, a former Allentown pitcher, will sigu with the new l'hiladolphia State League olub. Titchor Stockdale does not oxpect to join the Washingtons beture Aug. 1, and possi bly not till some time in Septembor. Larkin, of tho Lancaster club, has fallen off considerably in his batting, although he is putting up a llrst-class fielding game. President VoinW Horst, of the Balti more club, will make ouch of his players a prisenc of HM In gold if they wiu the pennant. Hudson, of the Scranton club, is consid ered by many to be ono of the best pitchers iu the Mate league. Allentown Chronicle. Charley Bnstain, the second baseman of the now l'hiladelphin club, is au ex-lraguo player. Years ago he whs considered tho best second baseman iu tho country. Donovan says bo resigned tho captaincy of tho Pittuburgs because he was ot tho opinion that tho captain of a team should be an iuilolder, if a capable uiau could b found. Mr. McAleer, of tho Cleveland club, was so impressed with Wilson's work that be signed bim immediately after Wednesday's game. He says Wilson will be with Cleve lnnd next season. Wilson's home is uear Columbus, AIh. He pitched iu the South ern lengue with Meauey lust season. Pottsville Miners' Journal. Manager Swift, of the Scranton club, on Saturday at Hazleton came to terms with Yerkes, who bus been one of the pitchers nf the Shennndi'ah cinb. Ho is of the Flaiiahau build and is said to possess great speed nnd good curves. Ho Is ex pected to report iu the city today and may lie given au opportunity to distinguish himsolf in tomorrow's game. Tho wonderful work of Pitcher Wilson, of Pottsville, is being watched by the Na tional league dubs ail over tho country. He undoubtedly comes near heading the State league' lut cf pitchers and a num ber of good offers havo been made for his release. Cleveland would like very much to have him, but there is a strong opposi tion upon the part of the Pottsville board of directors aud the manager toward let ting him go. McAleer of the Cleveland club has returned to his borne after mak ing a tour of the Stato league cities trying to locate talent for his club. He has, it is raid, made arrangements with Pitchers Wilsju, of Pottsvillo; Moany, of Harris burg, aud Hudson of this city to don Cleve land uniforms next year. McAleer watched tho work of Eagau and Wright of Harrisburg und Hogun of this city with a critical eye. It is altogether probable Mint the latter will be a member of the Cleveluud club next season. A sensation was created In Pittsburg bBe ball circles Saturday night by tho re lease of thrue players ono of whom goes to Philadelphia. A few days ago Pitcher Fanning, of New Orleaus, was signed, but today he was released. Manager Irwin arranged that Fanning should be turned oyer to Philadelphia. Jack Faston. who pitcnea turee losing games, also walks tue piank; but the greatest surprise of all is the release of Sclieibeck, the utility man, who has been playing short during Ulass cock's disability. The latter will be out of harness for some days yet and the crunks wonder who will play short. The move is made to cut dowu expenses. Cautain Richard Phelan said vesterrtav that the members of the Scranton club felt that they should have won five out of six games they played while away from the city. Tbe second Philadelphia game was lost through an error, aud the first game at Allentown by the umpire, who ton club plays fourteen games at home now and Captain Phelan is coulldout that it will be up at tha bead of tbe procossion by the time these games are disposed of. He is of tho opinion that the State league pitcher are better tbau those in the E.-tst-0111 league. The way tho local players opened up ou Pitcher Taylor iu th flrBt Philadelphia game caused that young man to leave the box in great haste, Phelan says. FAST TIME WAS MADE. Sccocd Mestlnu tf the Otntlmn's Driv ing Club a Suoctsj. Tbe second meeting of the Gentle men' Driving club, held Saturday at the Driving park, was attended by about 700 persons. The different events had tilled well and many of tbe beats were productive of close and exciting liuishes. J. R, Meats officiated as starter and J. W. Garnoy and Mr. llntohlrn, of Jennyn, us judges. Tbe mule race, participated in by a number of gentlemen drivers, was, tb opening veut, and proved a great source of amusement. It is a question whether John Fritz or Walter Jerruyn, with both their loug-enred steeds on a dead run, reached the wire first; bnt this ciroumstanoe did not change the result, as Frank Spener, who finithol next to last, was given the huge gold (!) medal because ills animal made the circuit without breaking. Councilman Sshadt made a bid for the prizs nnd caught the grand stand by jumping over the rail at tbe first forlong and reaching the judgs' stand btfore his competitors. Th- four trottinjr races are summir- orr YOUR r,,. AMt 9'T INY0UH. " "Take Off Your Flesh and Sit in Your Bones" is a way to bo comfortable in sum mer, said a wit. Would relieve you, too, of all Summer ailmcuta. C'anuot do tbe impossible though. The mercury gives au addi tional jump-now and then. You acknowledge its power by your physical exhaustion or rather did for now Johann Iloffs Malt Extract is always with your bag.en route- on your table, at homo, sea shore or in tho mountains. Why? lie cause it counteracts all the effects of hot weather. Aids digestiou. Cures wakefullness, indigestion aud nervousness also. Beware of imitations. Look for signature of "Johann noff" on neck label. Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sole Agents, New York. IzoJ as follows, and were half-mile heats, best two in three: ' First race, 3.30 clnss to wagons 1, Fred, J. L. Crawford 1 1 3. Hor. Jsfforsoii, Dr. J. L. Weutz....2 'a S. George, Victor Koeh 3 4 4. George Haddocks, W. 11. Jermyn. ..4 .1 0. Nellie, Jobu Bouore & 6 Time, 1.31, 1.E0. Second race, 3.00 class 1. Duke, L. T. Payuo 3 1 1 2. Frank S. J. F. Siogel 1 2 4 8. Net, J. L. Crawford 4 5 2 4. Molly Bawu, Dr. J. L. Woctz....5 8 8 5. Frank II, F. C. Ilazzard 4 6 0. Fanny Blair, G. M. Shelly 3 6 8 7. William, Frank llerriileld 6 8 7 8. Oeorgie W, John Frita 0 9 6 0. Harry R. li. li. Reynolds 7 7 Time, 1,22. 1.21, 1.21. Levi Patterson drove Frank S; E. J. Goodwin drove Not 11 rat aud third heats. Third rare, U.S5 iluss 1. Farmer Uov, Levi Pattorson 2 1 1 2. John, Dr. G. E. Hill 1 2 4 . Jolinuy, C. II. Schadt 8 8 a i. Thief, Ambrose Spencer 4 4 3 6. Coxoy, V. G. Parke 7 6 5 0. Pee Dee, M. H. Palo 0 0 ti 0. Jack, Dr. Charles Hill 5 7 7 Time, 1.18, 1.10, l.i8i. Coxey is owned by J. L. Crawford; Thief driven by Walter Jermyn. Fourth race, free-for-all 1. Jim Mears, Dr. Charles Hill 4 1 1 2. Nellie B, Levi Patterson 1 2 2 3. Mollie S, Ambrose Speucer 2 3 i 4. Jlaguoliii, Walter Jermyn 8 4 4 5. Blow, J. II. Ladwig 5 5 Time. 1.17, l.lli, 1.13. Frauk JlerriQeld drove Mollie S. AN EASY TRICK TOlt FlttU. The first race might as well have been a walkover for Fred, who won the first heat without much trouble and went the second heat under a strong pull. The wonl "go" was given in the sec ond heat of the il-minute race, but Mr. Payne with Duke, Mr. PaUrsou with Frank S, aud two others only accepted the signal. Duke reachtd the wire first ami the judges decided that the heat Rhould be trotted over agaiu. This did not affect the general result. If th judge had been more ulert C. II. Shadl's Johnny would hav been placed first in the second heat of the 2 35 race. Dr. G. E. Hill'f John was plainly run completed around the last turn, passing Johnny and Mr. Patter son's Farmer Ltoy. The latter was thsu put into a run utitil he had overtaken John iu the stretoh where the two fin ished with Farmer Boy ahead by only a nose. These particulars wro uot no ticed by th judges. Mr. Paterson's Nellie B had to re turn in the last race tbe laurels eh took from Dr. Charles IliU'g Jim Mears the week previous. Th time made in the two last heats shows what the gray gelding is capable of doiug, While th races were enjoyed by tbe spectators generally, the method pur sued in starting a heat with two or more horses ahead of the pole horse or with a borse a good as left at the post, were quite properly criticised. ANOTHER MEET SATURDAY. Another meet will be held this week Saturday, wheu only four rvces will be carded and the opening event will be started at 2.30 o'clock. Tb events will possibly include a team race, aud such well known speedy pairs a those owned by J. L. Crawford, Ambrose Spencer aud Dr. G. E. Hill, are mentioned as prospective entries. NOTES ABOUT HORSES. Lola, formoly Sallie Ogden, ia dead at the age of 31 years. She was owned by Mr. Catlin, of Wilki s-Burre, aud trotted in 2.30 wheu 27 years old. Starter James Rowe has been fully ex onerated from the charges brought agaiust him by James R. Keens, regarding th start in the Great Trial stakes. Amboy, the sensation of tbe trotting turf during the month of June.only lauded thud money in th 2.10 mixed clnss at Binghamtou, the fastest mile being 8. 15. Tbe opening of the new West Side club track, at Chicago, will be signalized by a big special race for tbe cracks, a sweep stakes, (500 a corner, with (5,000 added by the club. The bay mare Aheto, that won a reoord of 2.21 in the 2.28 pace at Saugus Inst Thursday, is a daughter of Woolsey, brother of Sunol, 2MS, and was picked up at a Now York sale last winter for $310. Cliited from Canada Presbyterian, un der Bignaluie of C. Blackett Robiuson, proprietor: I was cured of oft-recurring bilious headaches bjr Burdock Blood Bit ters. Public Sale. I WILL OFFEIt AT PUB .10 SALE ON I Wednesday, .iuly :'", 1(M4, at 10 o'clock a. 111., ou tha pri'mis s, the losHenuld estate and turm of years cra-ted by lndenturo iron) 1 '. ti. ychoonmuk r to Arthur Krotuinifhain and Laura I rolhuiKlium, dated June 1st, re corded in Mortgacro Hook Mo. 31, iisro 'Sll, etc., as by reference thereto had will fully nppoar, in lot No. 8 in Square or Block Nu. iiii. on Wvomlng avenue, on which the ' FrothinnlLiin Amr!o"st(ou The lot la 40 feet wide Mid 107 fi'i t deep to an dllcy. Terms will be made known on d:iy or sale. CHAS. 11. WELLES. July 11, lMlt. Proposals. pitOl'OKALS WILL BE RKCEIVED AT i tho olllfo of thx Now York and Bcranton Conl coin oiinv. I'ockvillf. I'enna.. until July ".", lt-'.H, fur Sinking an air shaft at tho Ontario colliery, s.zo luxl'l, in tho clear, and about ITU leot deep irom too surface to tue uunnioro vein. Compsuy reserves right to reject auy or nil bids. II. CHAPMAN, Inside Foreman. CEALEL) rituPOSALS WILL BE RE O ooivedat the rooms of the Board o,f Hnnltli, Hcrantou, l'o until D o'clock p in., Friday, tin) 'Jlth dny of July, lS'.i), to construct a re taining wall and maltothe npei'.ary excava tion tor same, around the Crematory buildiuir in the Ttli ward, in accordance with plans und specifications 0:1 Mo 111 the oftlce ot the city engineer. Bidders shall state a price for which they wl 1 complete tho work. Bidders shall enclose tho sum of (llty dollars, cash or cartiSed check with each proposal, which sum is to be forfeited to tho use 01 tho City of Scranton in caso of contractor omittmir to executo a contract lor tho work within tea days from date f tho award of same. The v ol k ia to be completed within thirty days from date of ox cutiou of contrac t. Thi Board reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. JAMES K. BENi LEY, Jl.d., President Bcranton, Pa., July 11th, 1801. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE ceived at tho otltco of the Street Coranii. s.ouer, -crunt'ii, Pa., until 7. SO o'clock p.m. '1 bursday, July 10, 18(14, for the laying of ft Ketone sidownlks aud the setting: of curb stones on l-outli Jluiu avenue, between Lu t rne mid llnmptoii streets, said work to be done In accordance with plan and specifications tiled in the cilice of tlie City Clerk. Bidders are required to state separata price for lay iiiK ot flagstone sidewalks and setting of curbstones Tho city resorves the right to rej'jctanyandall lids. By order of City Councils. PHILIP KIRST, Street Commissioner. Scranton, Pa., July 10, liStfi OEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE t5 ceived at theoltlco of tin Street Com missioner, Bcranton, l'a., uDtil ! ill e'clock p. m Thursday, July 10, 1SU4. fur the laying of ilairntono si 10 walks, pavel gutters, ami the scttlnv of curliBtones on tho west rn side of Boventh street, 1 om Lackavrauna avenue to lecranton streot, said work to b dona in ac cordance with plans and a eciflca'ions filed In the olllce of the City Clerk. Bidders are rcauired to state seuarato price foe laving ot flagstone sidewalks, paved nutters, and set- uug ot curuBbuiiu. iuu (uy rwrr mm right to reject ony and all bids. By order of City Councils s PiilLlP KIRST, Street Commissioner. Scrnnton. Pa., July 10, lHUt Situations Wanted. OlTUATlON WANTED BY A 8TKON8 O man 'ib years old. Understands osro of horscn and is a good gardnor. Address Fred, (W7 Cherry street, Scranton, Pa, 4J1TUATIUN WANTED BY A YOUNG O lady who rpeulu Uermift and Euglsh. In olllce or at books preferred. Address S. A. M., General Delivery. T IT ANTED A WOMAN WANTS WORK VV by the day. Address 8. M., 611 Mapl street, ocrauiou, ra. CEFT A Word. Fantt 0 aU kind eott that much, M pt Situation WanUd,which art insert iMKE. Agents Wanted. C'76.(KI PER MONTH. CITY OK COUNTRY Ip to eompotsnt wide awake insuruneesolii; Itors; well eatabhshed iiennaneiit bushiest Address or uii;uire seioud door, K4 Lock- wanna live., Bcranton, l'a. Help Wanted Male. IT ANTED IK YOU ARE A CATHOLIC, V unemployed ind will work for $1S per week, write MncCoiiuell Bros., It Franklin street, Boston, JlaH a..!: For Sale. HORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR HALE at Ivkll C'aiOJso avenue, D. L. Foote, airont. yoii BALE-MY CRAY SADDLE HORSE, i- Can be letn at North Main av-. C1IAS. A. BURR. Special Notices. T LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA J sines, etc., bound or rebound at ThU TiuuiiNB olllce. (juick work. Reasonable pricm. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, corner Spruce street and Frankliu avo 1111 e. Twenty meal tickets for Uood luuio uoaru. Lost. T OST-A GOLD HAIR PIN WITH WHITE Xj prongs. Kinder will bo suitably re warded by returning the same to Colonel 1. 11. liipplu, Third Nutional bank building. Real (state. THE PARSONAGE NEXT TO THE FIRST J. Picsbytorlan Church on Viashlngton, will be sold or removed to make room tor a new building 011 the ground. Also the plumb imr furnace ami mantles in the house, aud fence, flagston?, Sce.. outside. For partic ulars cull on M. H. 110 LO ATE, Cemniouwoalth Budding. Legal. AUDITOR'S NOTICE -THE UNDER sxn e 1, an auditor appointed by the Or phan s Court 01 1 ackawunua county to pasi upwi excoilio:i' (Uet ti ac 'ount of and tod s iribute rund m tho hauds ot lories Gardner, ext cut r of th ) be t ill of Henry Chase, do co.isod, hereby gii es notic-that hi will at end touttindt thdu;iuiof hi- uppo nltueiit at thjnfll:u. No 50S Hpruco street, i-oran:on,Pa., 011 Friday, the h.th day of August. A. L. lfOl, at 10 a. in..at wh o 1 time ani placi all 1 ersoni having c'aiuis agaiust tbe sakl euato must present tueui or te forever thereafter de barred from com'ng iu in said f auJ. DAV iD W. BROWN, Auditor. AUDITORS NOTICE -THE UNDER signed, au auditor appointed by the Or phans' Court of Lackawauua t ounty, to pass upon tho exceptions tiled to the tlrst partial account of Mary H. Church, auiuin.stratrix of the estat of Henry E. Church, deceased, aud to report distribution of the fuuus in her hands, hereby gives notice that he will at tend to the duties of bis appointment at his ottlce, No. 6iiti Spruce str jet, Bcruuton, Pa , oil Wednesday tbe Jht day of August. 1SSM. at U o'clock a. m., at which time and place all per sons having an interest in said fund or estate will have au opportunity to be beard and all persons buying claims against said fund or estate must present tlieiu or be torever there after debarred from coining lu on said fund. H, 31. SIREETER. Auditor. INSTATE OK THOMAS MULLEN, LATE J of the city of Scranton, county of Lacka wanna, Stato of Penusyluania, deceased. Letters testamentary upon tho above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims or demands aguinst bo said estate will pronent thrill for payment aud those indebted thereto ahull please make iminediuto payment to THUS. J. MULLEN, Executor. Jesbiips Ss Hand. Attorneys. Financial Statement. TMNAN CIAL STATEMENT OF THE DAL 1 tin Independent School District for tho year eudiug Juno 1, lS'Jl. TAXES. Amount levied for school pur poxes $701 93 Amount levied for building pur poses 850 14 Total amount of taxes levied. . . J1.062 07 KItCEIPTS. From stnte appropriation for lbo year ondiug Juno. lsUC...$liH OS Bukuice on baud from last year StJ Hi i'rom North Abington township for tuition 710) From G. A. Gay for tuition re ceived from paid pupils 8 80 l'rum collector for tuxes col lected 092 70 Total receipts 82.070 21 KXI'F.NblTL'HES. For repairs on buildings ? G7 K For teachers' wages 003 73 For fe s of collo;tor cS4-',7u; and treasurer C13.7B) 70 415 For fuel and contingencies 72 j For salary of secretary 20 HI For debt and interest paid 3t) 60 For other expenses 24 &0 For school text books and sup plies 238 74 Total expenditures $1,704 46 Cash ou hand t 303 73 BESOl'KCES. Cash on hand $305 75 Amount due from collector 43 17 Total $ 3W 03 I.IAHILIT ES. Amount of bonds outstundlug.S2.600 00 J2.IKI0 00 Liabilities in excess of resources $2,210 00 v itiiess our hand this sixth day of July, 1801. EDWARD MILES. President; A. BALL, Secretary. IF YOUR OLD HOOKS NEED FIX ING, BEND THEM TO The Scranton Tribune Bookblndlnc Dept. GROSS, The Great Bankrupt Sale The Great New York Sheriffs Sale Great Hew York Clearance Sales Are now being disposed of at retail by us at Merciless Prices to reduce them into ready cash and make room for some changes we are contemplating at our establishment. We need more room for our steadily increasing trade, and if price is any object for first-class goods, Come Now. Bargains are awaiting you in all, departments. GRdSS,FOSTER & CO. I orinolly& Wallace Lad ies' QUANTITY 100 dozen. QUALITY The best value that has ever come from a for eign shore. COLORDyed by "Hermsdorf." That's enough. PRICE 25c. A PAIR. Our own stamp. Our own import. Taffeta Moires 12c. per yard. Others advertise them as a bargain at 1 5 cents. CON HOLLY & Hotel Waverly European Plan. Firet-olass Tar attached. Depot fur Berifuer It Engul't Tanuhteiuwr Beer. ILL Cor. 15 th and Filbert Ptiilaii Host flpslrabls for resident of N.E. Ponn lylvania. Ail conveniences tor travelers to and from Broid Street station sad thi Twelfth aud Market Btreet station. De sirable fer Tlsitiug; Borantonlaus tad (Is Is tlie Antliraoito Kegtoo. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. OUR STOCK IAHAB (UR STOCK was damaged by water from the recent explosion and fire, which ' occurred Saturday night, June 16, in the store of our neighbors, Messrs. Davies & Griffin. The damaees allowed us by the insurance companies permit us to offer GREAT BARGAINS TO BUYERS OF CLOTHING AND FURNISH INGS. All goods are appraised at 33 cents on the dollar less than cost to make. There is no smell of smoke or fire about them and they are equally as good as be fore. SALE WOW COmO ON and will last about 30 days, as the goods WILL and MUST BE SOLD as quickly as possible. Here is an unequalled chance to procure High-class Clothing and Gents Fur nishings at about one-third the wholesale cost price. Boys' Waists, 12c. MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold fcr $10. MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold for $16. MEN'S PANTS, formerly sod for $5. BOYS' SUITS, formerly sold for $3.. TI BELL CLOTHING HO SIGN OF THE My-NEXT BOOK TO THE BURNED DAVIES & GIUFFIN BUILDING. FOSTER & CO. AND STOCKS FROM THE Black WALLAG 209 WARNING. IT have lately had Feather Beds anil Pillowi brought to tit fcy stranger$ uho wished to dispose of the same and from whose actions we If lie ved the feathers didn't belong to them. We will hate no dealings with such partiei. We wish to caution people against giving into the hands of Strang ers who claim to represent us, any Feathers, Carpets, etc , which they with renovated. Any of our agents can easily identify themselves, or if any one who wishes work done in our line, will drop us a card or call at our factory, tee. will promptly attend to Vmir wants and will en deavor to merit the confidence of everybody. THE SCIIXATOX UEDDIXU CO., (1US and box Lacka. Ave., Cor. Adams. WHY NOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Sett We soil Furniture as cheap as any house In the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. Hull 203 AID 207 fTJ w-S8.a r I OT 63 230 Lackawanna Avenue. ED BY Neckwear Given Away. Boys' Spits, 74c. .NOW $4.75 .NOW $8.25 ....NOW $2 .NOW $1.35 BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Hosierv WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. fa Co MCHM AVE. WATER Underwear, Hats, Handkerchiefs, Outing Shirts, Laundered Shirts, Suspenders, Silk Vests and a-.d all goods that an damaged at your own pries. SE Your Watch Lies if it does not tell the time cor rectly. We guarantee our Watches to be TRUE TIME KEEPERS and uphold them as such accord ing to the terms of our building warranty. DIAMONDURE TRUMPS as a speculation these days. Have you seen tho heavy tariff the Wilson bill imposes on theint Their rise in value is as certain as the shining of the sun in the daytime. FREEMAN, Dealer (or Caah In Watchea, Dlamonda, Silverware, etc, Cor.Fenn At;, and Spmot St. For Delicacy, Far purity, and for Improvement ot tlie oom plexlon, nothing equala Poaaom'i Powder.