The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 14, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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'TMIH il leaded pneumonia or
"grippe" is relegated to the
rear, and "Old Sol" with his pen
'trntin rays is a constant re
minder that wo nro candidates for
Summer Attire.
Exceptional v.diu-s in thla cie-puri-
went. Gomls were tont'lit at clear
inu ninnviCictvirers' prices.
Lisle Thread Vests in white, ecru
nr.d colnrn. Btilbricjiin Vests,
FMBliiiumbln Ribboil Vests, Fi nest
Kjfvptlsiu YuriH. G'H9mur Vests
11 mi in varietiea Novelty and
Tim priiuins on Ginghams are
lvco'.'iiiz'! by nil connoisseurs as
tint lii'iwst iirt in tex'ilo Dress
Gouils. Swivel Silk ftiugrmras, l'in
lieH'l and Slietihei'd's Checks. Solid
colors in iaiicy similes, striyes and
1-1,-iiils, in wniiderriil varieties.
In these dnvs cf iniprovomiut and
perfection we should follow the
timns. The "lat-si" costs no more
than the time worn, ltussst colors
ii mi tans, drup stitch, lisle thread,
Mack staple. All the improve
ments in soloing and heeling.
Corset Department
Contains a eotnp'.etj assortment of
alt the trailing mnKcs, lncl ruling
rll the grades of ventilated and
summer wcigut Corsats at selling
For trimmings, for draporle, and
lor all usrH this lovely fabrio can
le put to, we have in abundance.
That are seldom written Bbout, but
uoeded just the same Wo pay
just as much attention to buying
them right as we do expensive
Silk Twist, Sewing Silk. EmhroM
PTed Silk. Batting Cotton, Cotton,
Linen Thread, Lone Ciiitr. Belting,
Skirt Brnid, Velveteen Minding, Prus
sia! Binding, THlTeta Bindinii, Dai'u
ir.U Wool, Darning Cotton, Carpet
Thread, Jlacrame Cord, Corset Laces.
Silk Corset Laces, Shoe Laces. Covered
DrRs Stays, Horn Bom', Corset Steels.
GurtT Elastic. Silk Klastic, Hooks
aud Eves, India Tape, rolls of Tape,
Pins, Hat Pins, Black Pins, Kid Crimp
ers, Montague Curlers, Silk Tassels,
Needle Cases, Shoo Buttons, Bone
Buttons, Collar Buttons.
If you wish to lie well and fash
ionably dre-sod TliADH AT OUIl
.STOUK. If you wish to save
money, come to us first.
rv Academy
A ri flrs' il solnol homo. Prepiroa for tho
ui St iv 1 e,'. s.
'i lu-run Ii courses in Music anil Art.
TYiiriii-rs' Uuss (jives be.-,t preparation for
Commercial Cotirso includes Typewriting
ano .-mho minui.
1'osi inns HiM'iiroil for Orailuates.
iceud fi r new illustrated circular.
F. M. LOUAUS, A.M., Principal
The entnrtainmant and social at the
Methodist Episcopal church on Thurs
day night was a groat success. Mollie
Tracey Weston, an elocutionist of great
ability, charmed the audienos with
Mies Ida Carter, of Jermyn, is visit
ing Mr?. Fred Wilson, at Rendhara.
William Judge and James McDon
ald, of the First ward, left for Atluntic
City yesterday.
The Lilae., of Tavlor, will play any
ball team in the borough, the Electrics
preferred. James Kilmartin, captain;
Jnmes hnllivan, manager.
The Calvary Baptist church will ran
an exclusion to arview on Tuesday.
Tho Prlci library review, n form of
newspaper, was read Thursday night
at the business meeting of the Pries
Library association, aud was atUn
tively liistensd to by a large audienoe.
Tonight occurs the leading event of
the week, I be handsome reclining
chair offered by the Ladies' auxiliary
or toe Price iiiurary association to the
person who guesses the exact number
or comes the nearest to the number of
shot In a glass ball will bo decided
An elegant musical programme will bo
rendered by the Taylor orchestra, Will
Morris, John E. Evans, Blanche
Ward, Mattie Havard, D. E. Jones
and party. Ice ram will also be
served. The admission is free.
George Appleby will preach in the
mission rooms next Sun lav nf ternoon
nnd Thomas Powell, of Olyphant, will
preach in tne evening. As many peo
pie around the neighborhood have
heard these gentlemen preach before,
they will not miss tho opportunity of
ueiiritiBr ti-em iirhui, bervice will be
gin at ii.JO and 0 o clock. The mission
rooms nro in the Smith block, over the
post office.
James McGowan, of Main street.
is beautifying the exterior of his reai
dene bv n new coat olipnint
Mrs. John Burnett, of the Boulevard
is indisposed.
Miss Gertrnde Wntkins is visiting
menus at Ureen ltulgo.
Kobort Entail, of Rebecca street, has
raised his house aoveral feet, which
anils to the improvement of his already
ilesiraile property.
Mrs. Henry Jarvis is on the sick list
The employes of Storra' mines re
coivml their pay yesterday.
. George, the ii-yoar-old son of W,
GriQin, of Main street, is dangorously
Mischiovons boys who are la the hab
it of opening garden gates at night
and allowing cows to enter and devour
peoples vegetables are warned to fie
Hist at once. If canglit they will bo
made un example or.
We Aro a Nation of Headers,
li'lnutina Him.
The combined periotlii-nl issue In this
country lust year was ovor fonr.tuoiiniiirl
million, or, In American nutation, 4,0110,
0110,000 copips an average of 300 copies of
home periodical Kir earn l.J,UW,O0J lumilies
wmcu miiKo up our population.
Abntit 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon
alarm of lire was turned m from
ox fid. located at the corner of Main
and Market streets. Tho fire was (lis
covered to be located in wooden bam
the rear of Martin Walsh's brick
buildiug on South Main street. The
various fire companies responded
quickly, nnd in n fow minutes suc
ceeded in extiuguiidiing the 11 iiuea be
fore any serious damage was uone.
Tho fire is supposed to bo the work of
fire bugs.
Miso Kittle Judge, of Cork Lane,
takrs the place of Miss Whalen as
deputy at the postoffioe under the new
administration of Postmaster Corcoran
at Durven.
The Look Comet band will give their
next open air concert at tho hospital
rounds on Thursday ovouing, the -btu
A child of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Man-
ley, of Port Gri Hi th, aged 11 mouths,
lied yesterdav morning. 1' uneral this
ufternoon at 3 o'clock.
A consignment of new army knap-
neks was received here yesterday from
lie headquarters of the National guard,
.ir Companies C and H.
Mrs. Keatiti.'!. relict of the lato John
Keating, of Port Griffith, died nt her
mill) in that place yesterday mornins.
Funeral announcement later.
Tho Pittston Iliuh School alumni
held their sixth minimi reception nnd
banquet Thursday eveninit in the Eai;le
hall on Kennedy street. Tho following
named comprised tho company that en
joyed the evening's enurtninmoat :
Anna D. Walsh, John Cowau, h.u;o
'unningham, Gertrude Morrow. H. A.
Mulhnll. Alice Mcllalo, Martin lleston,
lara Colliery, Will Collier, Florence
Meiihonnet, Charles Morrow, John Nash,
Lizsie Nash, Florence Abbott, Frank
Abliott.Graeo Morrow, Barbara Miller,
Kiln O'Malley, Amu Clntk, James
igan, Roger Hines, Michael J. Liu-
uan, Patrick lagnn, Jt'rotessor liotiert,
Shiol, James Murphy, Annie Cawley,
M. V. Lurley, Mits H Cohen, Mr. M.
rice. Belle Moran, Frank Tonhill,
Mary Newcombe, James Wlm'.en, .Al ir-
iret r lanagan, John McNully, .Mary
Maloney, Delia O'Malley, Bessie Stam-
luicli, J. Harold Million, .I'isi-phino
Jawley, Thomas Cawlev, kati Mc-
Kiig, John McKaiit, Erles Krisg-,
Arthur Kresue, Margaret O'Hrivii,
teorge O'Hrion, Thomas Redding,
Maine Redding.
In pursuance to a resolution at tho
recent quartet ly convention of Ihn so
cieties representing tun ihird district
Catholic Jotal Abstinence union, ol
Scran ton diocese, the next quarterly
convention will bo hell at St AloysinV
hall in this place tomorrow, July 1".
The convontiou will be called to order
it 2 p. m.
With a view of making n grade of
Main street before the work of laying
the rails and etc., of the new electric
road. A meeting of the ci:izns' ad
visory committee, members of the fin
ance committee of council and the
Traction company officials was held in
the Town h ill yesterday. There w,re
present Superintendent John Graham,
Civil Kngiueer Wright, of the Traction
ompany; Burgess Maloney. G. B.
Rea() and A. Clifford, of the fin
ance committee, and Bonj. Harding.
John B. Law, Andrew Btyden,
1 homus Mangan, C. Donnelly. J unes
Fitzpe.trick and P. W, Ferguson, of thi
advisory committee, were present. Bur
gess Maloney prerdded and John B.Law
was elected secretary. Mr. Uartl, of
Scranton, who has beon engaged by the
borough to make the grade of Maui
street, and who made tne preliminary
survey yesterday, was prevented from
ittending on account ot illness, lue
qmstton of the widening of the side
walks to tne middle or tne present gut
ter was touched upon but no definite
action was taken. In the absence
of Etu.'ineer Bartl the following resolu
tion offered by John B. Luv was adopt
ed: "Resolved, That the making of
grade and locating of curbs on Main
street be left with tho borough engineer
and the Iruction company engineer,
the work to be done under the burgess,
finance committee of council, and
the advisory committee. Burgess
Malonev showed to the members
of the committeo the contract between
the borough nnd traction company. It
has been signed by President of Coun
cil J. J. Mangnn. Secretary Datnpsey
and Burgess Maloney for the borough,
and J. W. Hoilenback, president, and
O. J. Swan, secretary of tho Pittston
Car company.
Superintendent (irnham say9 tho
company will commence Jionday or
Tuesday morning to build the electric
road ou Main street.
Mothers! Mothers!! Mothsrs!!!
Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup has beon
used for over fit ty years by millions or
mothers for their children whilo teething,
with perfect success. It soothes thu child,
softens tho gums, allays all pam; cr.res
wind colic, and b tho best remedy for di
arrhoea, hold bydtuggists in every part
nf tho world. He sure and nsk for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no
no other kind. Twentj'-hye cents a bot
Two of our verv estimable yum?
ladies, Miss Ora Van Loan and Mi.-s
Myrtle Swarlz, will enter the B!o nn
burg State Normal school this fall,
We wish them success
Mrs. Rose Dayton is repairing her
bouse on Dayton avenue.
Miss Myra Cumin is visiting friends
in Jackson.
Mrs. Daniel Swarlz, of Scranton,
who has been visiting friends i:i town,
has returned home
Mrs. W. C. Auey, of Foster is visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. Giles Carpen
ter. Ex-Superintendent B. E. .Tame", of
Montrose, was shaking hauls with
friends in town last week.
A, A. McCreary und wife, of Now
York, are expected to le here this
week, It is with much pleasure that
we welcome those pleasant people
in our midst again.
Mrs Andrew Shcak, of Bingham ton,
is visiting friends in town.
Mrs. ur. Brook, or uingiiamton, is
spending a few days with friends in
Owing to the absence of the pastor of
the Baptist churcti the Christian En
doavor socioty will have charge of the
morning aud evening services on Sun
day. W, W. Aclair will speak in the
morning anil there will bs an Interest
ing programme.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dusonberv, of
Scranton, visited their parents at Groat
B-'ud this week.
Although the Otonomino House It
not completed it accommodates thirty-
four gtiesls.
The property of-tho late John Kear
ney, of th" Jast Ktde, will bo sold tins
mnrniug 10 o clock.
The Citizens band go to Farview
Monday and will contest with other
bands for prlzeH.
W. A. Bunting, of Scranton; A. C
Brnglor, Of Boston, and F. Bitten
bender, of Nanticoke, were Jermyn
visitors yesterday.
N. Morris & Co. received a car of
beet yesterday ; the first since the strike
b. gau.
The employe! of the Hillsidn Coal
and Iron enmpauy will be paid today.
The clerks irom Taylor fuiled to put
in un appearauce yesterday. The boys
here weia on tho grounds ready to play
and were much disappointed. Mino
Host Avery had prepared a banquot
which the boys here had to dispose of
without assistance
Miss Margaret Manle and scholars,
assisted by Clark S. Thorn is and Harry
Storm, the elocutionist, will gWe a
mnsicnle in the Methodist Episcopal
church Monday evening,
Yesterday occurred tho union Sab
bath school excnrsion and picnic to
Farview. Tho Moz-rt band, which
had been engaged for the occasion,
paraded the principal streets pravions
to departing on the 8 3D a. in. excur
sion train. Tho first train carri-d
many p.-oplo aud all other trains dur
ing tho day carried pleasure seekers to
the pleasant rasort, and it wat un
doiibto.lly one of tha largest picnics of
the season.
Miss Burt Wick wire, of Terrace
street, is the guest of Mrs F. W. Secor,
of lloiiesdalo,
Fred Mosea attended a lawn party in
Wilkes-Barre last evening.
Among the interesting features of
the Columbia Hose company's picnio at
Farview, tho 'IMi, will "be running
hose races. They expect to have five
entries and tho winner's priz-j will be
At a meotinf; of the Miteholl Hose
company on Thursday evning it was
unanimoudy decid-d to accept tne in
vitation to participate in tho parade of
the Archbuld Fire company at Arch
bald on the evening of the 21th inst., it
being the evening previous to the day
of the Archbuld Fire company's excur
sion to Farview.
Miss Jennie Anwger, of Terrace
street, is visiting friends in Oueouta,
N. Y.
Mrs Frank McComb. of fWanton, is
the gnesl of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mo
Comb, of Garfield streot.
Miss Hattie ji'.itchius has relumed
from a visit with friends in Lincister
and Millersville.
Contractor Joseph O'Connor has
nearly completed the laying of tne vit
rili'd brick glittering ou S v-)nth ave
nue and the work is being done in uu
excellent manner.
This afternoon at t o'clock will occur
the annual meeting of the Lidios' aux
iliary of the Young Men's Christian us
sociation in the association parlors.
H II Tyler, of liinghamlon, was a
Carbottdale caller yesterday.
Today occurred the excursion of the
Welsh Baptist church of Providence to
Farview, and on Monday tne Knights
of Father Mather Matuew will run one
Mrs. Silas H '.vie, of IIongdiilu, is
visiting C.irliondale relatives.
Improvements are being lmde on
the Masonic hall building ou Salem
Two Children wore b all v hurt by the
swing at Farview yesterday.
A game of base ball at Farview yes
terday between a club composed of
Methodists and Episcup ils and a Prts
nyterinn team resulted in a victory lor
the loi m"r. The score was 1 l-Ill.
Ei Ensign, of Waym.irt, ws a caller
in this city last evening.
Burt Blakesly, of Forest City, called
on Caruondale friends yesterday.
I.N THn sANiis of ca-es tho euro of n
cough is the preventive of consumption.
The m rest cough medicine in tho world
is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold
by all dealers on a gaurautoe of satisfac
Sunday ball playing has boen in
dulged in to snch an extent that it has
become annoying to a large nninhtr of
our residonts mid many complaints
have been made. Chief of Police
Rhodes is determined to pnt a stop to
Sunday ball playing. Notices will be
posted in conspicions places before Sun
day warning nil to refrain from par
ticipating in ball gnmes npon Hint day,
and iu ense the warning is unbended
the chief will have warrants issued for
the arrest of every one violating the
Avoca school board will hold the
regular monthly meeting on Mommy
night next:.
Rev. McCabo attended tho forty
hours' devotion at Kingston this week.
The debating widely held their regu
lar semi monthly entcrtainuMnt Thurs
day evening. An ixcellcnt programme
was r-'uuered, which proves that the
memNTs nro working earnostly to
make it a sticc.!ss.
Rev. F-.ihers Shanb'V, of Ashluy,
Murphy, of Olyphant, K-rnan, of Par
sons, nnd, ot t;.iruonUaie, vis
ited the parochial residenco on Weduea-
Yesterday morning tho building
owned by Michael Scott, near th
Catholic church, was completely de.
siroyed by (ire. Tho hose cmptny
promptly respondo l, but their llorta
to hsvo the liiiildin.' proved trtutlesi.
Tim Christian Endeavor societies are
not represented at the convention iu
Cleveln ml.
Some mi-wean's hive bmm circulat
ing through town during the p ist- u-w
days trying to piss off counterfeit
monov ou soma of otir business people.
This, h'l'.vever, created littl" excitn
unit linlil soma tinn during lliuisdav
night, when tli-y trie 1 to elfect in eti
tranej into Mitchell & Ljird's st. ,,
but upon finding their efforts b.illl d
repaired to the barns and cut up iu
fragments a valnat.lo set of Irirnosj,
In'n gam.i of ball b- twen the Poun
ders, jr., boys, nf not over II years, of
North Avoca, and a club of young m n
from Durven, the score was 13 to i!!) in
favor of the Pounder".
The following merchants of Avoca
have ngrond to close tlndr respective
Htores of business nt 7 o'clock p. in.
from July 15 till Sent. 1,", Saturday and
pay nights exceptoi; drug stores at 1)
p, in.: J. II. Anderson, E. Miteholl, J.
F. & S. J. McLaughlin, Mrs. E. S.
Torr, Mrs. M. A, Flock, Il'iiiniraan &
Co., M. T. Hobnn, Annie Callahan, G.
H. Boone, 15. Laird & Bro. and W. R
Manners. This includes nil the mer
chants In town. Hollister & Bowman
and McMillan & Co. had established
that rule heretofore.
P. F. Lougnoy, of Tittiton, is the
gnet of his cousin, William Healey,
of West Avoca.
Cristy Bnruieister, of New York
city, will spon l th Hiunimr at the
home of his uncle, Ilujo Bunnoister,
on Main street.
Mrs. Clara Ctisson had an exciting
runaway one day last week. Her horse
became unmanageable, throwing her
from the wagon und iujiuing her quite
Misses Maud and Helon Snyd-r left
for Rhiuheck, N. Y., Wednesday morn
Inir for a visit with relatives.
Yonng people's prayer meeting was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Daniel Fraoe on Tutt lay evening.
Miiis Jennie Dtiuulug gave u party
in honor of her guest, Miss EllaRsy
nolds Friday evpuing.
Rjv. Giorge D. Meigs, of Gjusv.N.
Y., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A B.
Dunning, jr.
Frank Foote, after an absence of
several years in the west and arctic re
gions, returned horns last Thursday.
Mortimer Edwards and Charles
Knickerbocker are engaged in sinking
a well for John R. Farr.
F. J. Amsden and wife were guests
at Hotel Elmhurst this week.
The Sunday schools of Carbondale
held a union picnic at Farview yester
day. They mde a trip to Houesdale
before stopping at Farview, and the
Mozart band plaved one beautiful se
lection iu front of the Delaware and
Hudson depot before roturning.
Albert Jones, of the Carbondalo
Herald, was a caller in town yestorday.
Misses Nell Hurl mirt and Laura
Daty, of Philadelphia, who have been
visiting for several weeks' past at the
homo of Adelbert G.iylord on upper
Main street, returned home yesterday.
The dance at the armory last night
was a grand micct ss.
Miss Anna Moon, of Carbondalo, was
a caller in town yesterday.
The picnic of the season will be hold
next Tuesday at Lake Ariel by tho Rid
Paul W. Gardner returned home to
day after a two weeks' sojourn at L ike
Miss Louise Heft returned today
after a short visit with ftionds at Lako
Theodore Ilerbst, the oartman, camo
very near having his rig badly damaged
this afternoon. His horse was standing
alono in front of the D daware and
Ilnd-ion ollbe, when the horse started
i IV aud upset the wagon aud himself.
After considerable troublo tha horse
and wagon were rightod without any
material damage to ePhor.
Mr. and Mrs. E L. Bacon, of Nichol
son, are visii ing at tne lioin- ot Ben
j iinin Gardner ou East and Fourteenth
si reef.
for Breakfast.
Love's Dkisciino Ci:p:
In oli'en times Iruo lovers stole
The dear one's pretty hhoo,
And ilraul; from it, ns proof of love,
lill everything win blue.
Tail' should 1 Peugy's shoe purloin
To measure nut the s t n IT.
I never could get. full, because
It would not hold enough!
Thk Gossiimno Gutt,:
Oh, the gossiping girl, with artless sniilo,
Is n p i a-ant sight to see,
As she talks of her neighbor's faults ni-jan-whilo
With a savor of charity.
"Yon haven't heard:" she exclaimed with
n hitjh.
"Oh, yes; it is really truo.
I'm sure no one's more surprised than I
She was such a line girl, too!''
Oh, the cofsiping girl is nu innocent thing,
And she lias tor us nil h eliarm,
With her tongue that carries its deadly
For she nover means any harm.
I onro kiww a fellow, the best of men,
Whom I counted my life-long friend:
But be married a gossiping girl, and then
Our friendship catno to an ond.
Of an Expamuno Mind:
The small boy U f powder not afraid.
Iu sinoko and tlame he sees no cud of
And never yet wss a big cracker made
But that he hankered fur a bigger one.
The Day Aftku:
There was a poor widow named Sloven,
Tiie mother of children eleven;
Four went oat for dm
On tho Fourth with a gun,
Aud after she counted but seven.
Sf.asiiik ixi) Shop:
itli a t-i;,h that is soft as tho zophyr at
She greets tho young man in his wooing:
At homo lie's it snlesiiinn; she's rich and
high born:
But Ins pathway with smile3 ihe is
But there's diit'eronco vast between seasido
and town:
F.xpi rieiico lint many sad scholars.
Ivcit tail iu the counter shu'll Btand with
a trow ii,
While ho murmurs "That silk is
II Vf s, f llfrjli .SViir.
i '"''jS.
Mr. ,ro. 11. IXcttcrUh
The Plain Facts
are mat 1 nave liail t'liiurrli 10 Yenr.. No
rutarrh euro diil lae any good, hut llwul's
g Sarsa-
saparllla helped me ,f7 i t vsr
jvoiiilcrlully. My head & MTS
l.seleareil.siMisiMiriiii.!l 4 vu'-'
r tiinitiiit. Hood's s-,r- jT mjjjjTn
saparllla is ,lig ,,iy TyOAai
who ll world of (hmmI lor Thnl 1 !rnl I'rel.
tlKoiniKll. JiiKiTKiui ll,
Hood's Pills are cfllclctit and gentle, 25o
HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co.
U. E. CitOFUT Proprietor
flllllS not'PF. Is strictly teuipersneo, is new
I aid well furiiislnvl and ol'Utf .',l To
'illK 1'1,'RLK! THE YEAH ROUND: is
locnteit mulwny b)tweoti Mimtnuonn I Kerau
ton, on .iloutroso and loonaw iu'i i Railroad,
six niihw from I)., I,, & vV. It It. at Alford
Elation, and live m iloi from Mnitroo; ca
iincity, "inhly-Hvo; throe miuines' walk f rom
Ii. K. station.
tiUOIl llnATs. 1 T'llINd TAC'HI.E, &C-,
I'lll'l'. 1 til-UN IN.
Altitude about 2,IHK) lout, equalling n tills
lespoct tho Adirondack und CiUkill Moun
tains. I hie (jrovni plonty of Hlialo and beautiful
Bceiieiy, mukiiin a Huniiiior Resort unex
collml hi beauly and olio ipnuss.
Laneinu pavilion, swiius, uro.piat ur onnds,
&c. Cold IspilnK Water und plonty of .Milk-
lUtus, W7 10 Kill per uook. Wl.fiU pur
Excursion tickots sold at all stations on D.
L. & W. linos.
Port-r moots all trains.
-:;, jU-N
for th
Luxuriant Hair
With a clean, wholesome scalp, free
from irritating and scaly eruptions,
is produced "by Cuticura Soap,
the most effective skin purifying
and beautifying soap in the world,
as well as purest and sweetest for
toilet, bath, ;r.d nursery. It clears
the scalp and hair of crusts, scales,
and dandruff, destroys microscopic
insects which feed on the hair,
soothes irritated and itching sur
faces, stimulates the hair follicles,
and supplies the roots with energy
and nourishment, for the pre
vention of facial blemishes, for
giving a brilliancy and freshness to
the complexion, as well as for
cleansing the scalp and invigorating
the hair, it is without a peer.
For bad complexions, oily, mothy sVin, red, rough
hands nnd shapeless iuiU, dry, thin, and fuliiug
hair, and simple b.lhy blemishes it is wonderful.
Sold throuchont the world. Price, 25c. Pottrh
Dkuo and Cmkm. Coxy., Se l'rops., Boston.
A pain j;i;mi;dy.
Tor nearly fifty yenrs this wonderful rem
ily has proved'-f th.' heat, (uirkest, saf
tU uud surest antidnu- for giain ill ho world.
THU Titl K KlXi; i
BADWAY'H Rl-AUY ItFLlKPis safe, re
liable unit etl'i-etunl tn-eauso or tlio Htuuulat-
iiiK ni-linii i f thu body, nuillug tj-.w to theone
ind ineitint; to reni-wud and men used vl;or
the Hluiiihi-i'iu.' vitality ol the p'lysieul stiue
turc, mid through tbis lii'iilth'.td Ktiiioilation
ind ini r le-ed neiioa tli i ti-.s,) ot the I'AIN
is di'ivun nwuy und 11 natural eumlition re
utorod. It in thus tl:n. tlm KKADY KI-.UEP
s so ndniinihlv ndanteil fur thu CURt-j OF
I'AIX und without, the ri-l; of injury whieh
is burn to roaiilt Ir nil fie usiof many of tho
bo-ealleil jjiiia remeilb-a of the day.
In usinir im dieineH to htop pain we should
jvoid Hiieh us infl ct injury on tho system.
Opium, Morphine, Ktlior.O irninu mid Chloral
stop nin by destroyini,' lie K-nso of pereep-
lion, wnen tne pariuut insos tnu jiuwrr or
ftolini,'. 'Jhisi the must ilusmietivJ prac
tice; it the syni tonia. slniN up, and,
inst-ad ot retnovim; troubK bleaks down
tho st-irt ieh. liver 11 nl liowlf. and, if i-cui-
tmuV'd on-u lenL'lh 01 tune, kills the nervo-i
nnd nroduees local or iieneral paralysis.
1 hero is no neeessily lor usini; t'limo nn
cer'nin ai.'1-ntv. whin a positive rotnody liko
HAD WAY S BKADV K ELI E K will stop tho
most exc'.-iieiutim? pion (lulek-.-r, without en
tiiiiiui; the lent ditticuity in either inlaat ur
Summer Complaints
Dysentery, Diarrhea,
Cholera Morbus,
Abalf toa teiiSiiO infill of Keadv Relief in
nliall' tiunlilu!- of water, runenu'd us ullun
as tii.j (i,si-hiir;r eonti'inf. und ;i ilaunel sat
urated with Keiidy lielief phieed over the
stomal h uud bowels, wdl afford iniinediato
reliL-f and ;Oui ellVet a cure.
A Lalf to 11 t?Hsi ojiiful iu halt n tumbler of
water will in a few mimittn nire Cramps,
Kuism, Sour Htomaeb, Jli-iii tbuni, Nervous-
Hi ss, MeeplosKuess, o.ek Hendui he, l.larrli.-n.
i-iysenti rj , cone, I'liutuoney all internal
I inns.
Hll Li AM), I KVLltAM)
AO! K (jM11 Itllll.
Not only euros tho patient seized with this
terrible fo to settlers In mwly-sellled ills
triets, wlu-io Iho .Mula.-iR or eristi, ImS
If people expose I to it. will every niorninir,
on getting oul of bed, tak twenty or thirty
drops of tho Ready Relief iu water, and eat,
say, n cracker, they v ill i-soHpa attaeki. This
must bn done before eohii; out
'1 hern is not ft remedial ajeut iu tlio world
that wni cure Fever mi l Agtiu an 1 all other
Malarious, Dilious aided by ll.UUV V'S
1 1.1. ho quick as RADWAY'S READY
50b. Per Bo'.tlo. Sold by Drua'jisSs.
Itie Great Liver and Stomsc'.i Remedy
For tlio cure of n'l disorders of tho Stomach,
Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, liladdir, Nervous
PisoiHOfl, Los 1 of Appetite, Uenil 'i-he, Cos.
tivoness. Indigestion, Udinii-'nfsi Feer, lu.
Ilanimation of thn Moweis. l'lim and a;l other
d ) iiuui-mouts of ill 1 internal V nearii. Purely
e,r table, containing 1 0 111.1 renrj-, uium-uU
or dideto-ioiiR ilruss
I'rice, 2j conls per box. Sold by all drug
Dr. Railway's Fills aro curj for tbis com
plaint. They restore strength to thn st 'tnueh
mid enable it to perioral Its futi' tiuns. Tlio
Rvniptoms of Uysp -nsiii diapper.r. and with
them the liability of Via svstem to contract
diseases. I alio tne medicino neeordl"- to I oloerve what wo say of ''False
and True." respecting diet.
( rV'S.uid h letter stamp t PU. UADWAY
ft CO., Iiock I!ox oiij, Now York, for "FuUo
and True "
Iniu Ulr.
f .'. SV4 cs una;
Made a
if.-" ."
;'Wel! Mar:
nt nay. U-'
15th Day.
of Me.
inc. utl nod, ,.,v,
produces t lie nliovo result s In 111) dnvs. It a'-tr
powerful Is- ami (llliiklv. Cures when nllnlhers full
l'liiiiuineuwilliHiiiu their lost luiiiiliouil.nuil old
men will recover their youlhtiil vitor by uniim
u p. 1 i, u inilckly ami f uri-ly restoreK Nervous
tuns. Lost Vitality. Itiuniii-nrv. Mulitlv liliuissions.
Lust I'oiii-r. l'nilinu Memory, Wostnm Dlsi mn s. anil
all elleels nf sell-nliuso or excess nnd itiillsi-ri'tiou,
wliieli mints one lor Hiuily. bnslness or muri-lime. It
not only cures by star-tin? at tlio sent ot disi -ntie, but
isainvnt nerve tonlo ami blood builder, briim
lull bark tho pink nlow to piiln clu-elis and rn
sloruiw tlui llro ol yojtli. H wards oil Insanity
ami Consumption. Insist ou bnviim Ki l l VO.nn
other. It. can lio earrn il in vest pocket, lly mull
1 1 .11(1 per p;u Mate, or sll lor feiS.UI), with a post
tivo wriltoo Kiiiininloo t rum or rotund
1 no money. Circular truo, Auurcgu
For aula by Mntttions Hros., lriiup;lti,
icriiiitou, 1
lob Work .
I jm..T
The Scranton Tribune
O Job Dept.
I 9
kerchief Purchase
400 and 402 Lackawanna Avenue.
1E have just purchased for cash
b at 50c. on the dollar 32,228 doz.
Ladies' Handkerchiefs, the entire
stock of an importing house retir
ing from business.
Sale Commences Saturday, July 1 .
5c. Handerchiefs, sale at
10c. Handkerchiefs, sale at
10c. Handkerchiefs, sale at
25c. Handkerchiefs, sale at
39c. Handkerchiefs, sale at
50c. Handkerchiefs, sale at
We can serve you well. All the
desirable kinds are here and at
right prices. Then we have
other kinds of
Floor Coverings, Linoleums, Mattings, Art
Squares, Linen Crumb Cloths, &c
Byzantine, Smyrna and Oriental
Rugs all sizes, from a single door to
sizes large enough to cover an entire
406 and 408
No tales or history goes with the goods
we sell at our
Odd 'and End Sale
You will find money by attending our
Odd and End Sale
It is cheap goodness not cheap cheap
nessthat distinguishes our
Odd and End Sale
Figures are eloquent when used to indi
cate the value we are giving at our
Odd and End Sale -
From a critical inspector you will turn an
eager buyer at our
Odd and End Sale
Goods marked in plain, large, low figures
at our
Odd and End Sale
r v
r.-.fa-a. -. ttrtiiLif'-''Tf ill - ii-ii uW - - - 1 " "" "t-'1"JI
, 2l2c.
. 120.
. 19c.
. 25c.
Lacka. Avenue.
Building, Carbondale."
1 17 IT h IO
ill, r mn