The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 14, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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. V
It is probably true tbnc a larger uum
bvr of peruous have loft Scranton. this
umnier than during any previous sea
on or recreation. Tho outpour began
in earnest the first of June, though for
ix wenlig piecodiuif innny bad depart
el, particularly for Europeau travel.
Tliose remaining, however, seoui to Cnil
Scranton not an unplenannt place to
pare the ueattd aeaion, Witbiu a large
radius of territory wliieh can be
reached in from oue to two and a half
hours' travel, ore Luke Ariel, L ike
Winolu, Purview, Lily Lake, Glen
Summit. Delaware Water Gap, Heart
Likev anil ;nunieron other lakes and
cool spots on tbo Pocono and to the
east and north of the city.
A jnentleinan upeaking yesterday of
the suuuner season said: "1 believe
that not less than fifty and perhaps as
innny hi seventy-live Hcrantoniaus are
now in Europe, or have been there
soniM time sines March lo. This year
has been particularly marked for the
desire to go abroad, and tho same has
utfen true o( very year over the on
precdiug. Next season probably will
see the. number increase iu the same
A compiled list of Scrantonlaus who
are spending tho summer out of town
is hb follows: Mrs. Frank X. Hulls
fitn,l and sous, Walter and Frantt.jr., of
Mirllin avenue, at East Hampton,
L I. ; Jiines Aruhbald and fam
ily, at Martha's Vineyard; Mrs.
Alfred Band, daughters and neice, at
Cottage City ; Miss Ros;i Roberts, Siig
Harbor, N. Y. ; Miss Emma Uuelburj,
Europe; Mr. and Mr. C. E. ISrown aud
Mrs. LonUe McFarlanil. Sarntofjn and
the Gren Mountains; Rev. U.F. Mc
Mnrray, Dunmore, seashore; H M
B.mseu, New England states; J. J.
Williams and daughter, Miss
Grace, New Jersey roisi; Hon.
mil Mrs. John: P. Kelly, Misies
Louise and Emily Brainard, Atlantic
City; Mr. und Mrs. C. S. Weston,
Europe; John Jenny u aud S. 15. Price,
Europe; Mrs. Jane L. DeWitt, New
Yorkntute; Mr. and Mrs. C. K Con-n-ll,
lioston and the east; Mr. aud Mrs.
J. S. McAnutly and daughter, lioulder,
Col. ; Miss Eliz i Ruddy, liocknway
Head), L. I. ; A. P. Bsdlord und J. G.
C;.iley, Atlnntio City; Rev. Rogers
Israel, Mrs. Israel and the Misses Jer
uiyu, Eaglesmere, Ph.
Prominent among the pleasantries of
the week was the impromptu receptiou
tendered Tuesday evening by the Wo
uien's Christian Temperance union to
Mrs.- C. D. Simpson, who, with Mrs.
V. II. Peurce, recently returned from
uu European trip. The affair was
given at ihe residence of Mr.. Fances
T. Vail on Jefferson avenue. Remarks
of welcome were made by Mrs. Vail
and Mrs. Dr. Hand. Each spoke of the
comimndubla work done by Mrs Simp
son us a iuembr of the Women'
Christian Temperance union, and n-prt-ti
lent of tu Central union. Mi.s
Simpson responded in a brief but plena
ing mlilress in which the ladies were
thanked for so cordial a greeting, and
reference was mad-i to the trip iu for
eign land). Light refreshments com
pleted the eveniug's enjoyment. .
A number of Delaware and Hudson
ofticUla came to this city from iScr.uit u
on Tuesday night, over the Wilkes
Barre and Eastern railroad from Yates
ville, and left early yesterday morning
over the Wilkes-Barre and E. stern for
New York. In the party were C R.
Mauville, of Carbondale, superintend
ent of the Delaware and Hu laon Canal
company; R. M. Olyphant, James
Roosevelt, Alfred Van .Santvoord and
Kusett Olynhaut, of New York, and
Horace G. Young, of Albany, direct
ors, ami George E Harny, of Now
Yurk,urchitect. Wilkes-Barre Record.
Thomas Kelly, of West Lackawanna
r von ue, and Miss Lizzie Regit), of Gib
son street, were married at 8 o'clock
Wednesday morning at the cathedral
by R';v. Father O'Reilly. Ttiu best
man was Patrick P. Callaghan, of
Newark, X. J., a cousin of the groom.
The bridesmaid was Miss Margaret he
gan, sister of the hride. The yonn;
couple left for New York and points of
interest in the eastern states.
A very pretty wedding took place at
tho home of Robert Henderdon, in Ox
ford, N. J., on Monday evening, July
2. at 8 p m., when Robert II. Cobb, of
Scranton, wag united to Miss Ilattle
Brown, of Lake Ariel. Tue ceremony
was performed by Rev. William J.
Hampton, of the Methodist Episcopal
church. Among those present wore A.
S. Siple, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hender
son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson,
jr., Mrs. Robert Henderson, sr., Mr.
und Mrs. William J. Hampton and Mr.
and Mrs. William B. Cobb and daugh
ter, Ella.of Scranton. Scranton Truth.
Miss Olllora E. Fritz, a popular and
well known yonng lady of this city,
was married to Nathan R. Brower, of
Rochester, In New York city yester
day, the ceremony being performed by
Rev. W. R. Huntington, the rector of
Grace ohurcb. New York, .at the resi
dence of the bride's aunt, Mrs. P. R
Steele, o Oue Hundred and Sixteenth
A surprise party was tendered
Thomas Spruks at his borne, 812 Pros
pect avenue, Monday evening in honor
of his fortieth birthday.
Personal Mention:
Dr. John O'Malloy, of Scranton, Pa, Is
at the Tmymore, the guest of J. J. Jor
dan, one ot the proprietors of the Scranton
Tr,uth, who ia summering at this popular
hoiiKO with bis wife and slater, Migs Lizzie
Jordnn. The doctor, who, by tho way, is
au athlete of more than ordinary abilities,
ia tall, handsome and well proportioned,
Buavo dud agreeable in conversation and a
bachelor. John H. Jordan, of Scranton,
returned home yesterday after spending a
lew days at the Tray raoro with hid brother,
J. ). Jordan. Mr. Jordan is one of the
surviving reporters who chronicled the
news of tbo lloinestoad riots a few years
ago ULder the inspiring gaze of Winchester
rillos, and intended a banquet at Tores
dale, near Philadelphia, lnit week, when a
fieruianont organization was formed. At
autlo City Keview.
Charles R. Pearson, Jr., proporly of
Philadelphia, but tor the past month a
resident of this city, while hero tempora
rily adjusting the accounts of the fcjornu
ton Traction company, has made mauy
friends during bis short stay by his genial
and straightforward deposition. Ilia work
here U tttiunt completed and in the begin
ning of next week be will leave perma
nently for his hoine In the Quaker City.
Among the Scrantonlans who attended
the meeting ot the Anthracite Coal Oper
ators' association at Ulen humroit Wed
nesday were: Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Simpson,
Mits Cltra Simpson, William Con noil, E.
I, . Fuller, Joseph Jermvn, Thomas E.
JoiuiH. Frank demons, Keese O. Urooks
and James CJ. MeCltire.
Among the Kerantouians in N'ow York
during too past week were: (!. D. Simp
son, A. 11. Kiorstcnd, Al. L. .Miiith, Mr. and
Mrs. J. It. Jones anil Miss 11. Jones. .T. L.
(rayuor, V. W. l'aturson, (i. li. Diinniick,
N. H. Hobertson, It. J. Williams, Horace
E. Hand, L. T. .Mattes, Mr. and Mrs. II. 1'.
Simpson, T. 11. Watkius, Itev. i'. 1'. iic
Naliy. Kev. Rogers Israel and .Mrs. Israel and
tho Slices Joruiyn lire lit Kaglusmero.
During Air. Israel's absence St. Luke's
parish will be in charge of liv. A. L.
Urban, of Dim more, who will be ut St.
Luke's roetory every afternoon from 'J un
til it o'cloci;.
Kev. Dr. Voting, of Kentucky, who was
moderator of the general assembly of tbo
Presbyterian church at Portland, Ore., two
years ago when the case of L)r. lsnggs
emtio up for trial, is the guest of W. 11.
l'nrue, of North Wellington avenue.
Among those from this city who at
tended the Christian Endeavor convention
at Cleveland were Miss Cora Decker,
Charles II. Chandler. W. II. Letehworth,
city; Kev. W. 11. Whiraker, Bushville;
Kev. A. U. O'Xeil, Duninore.
Missses Margaret Evans, Irene lyn
oliis, Margaret Harris, Carrie anil llattio
Jones niul ilennio Evans attended the re
ception given at tho Plymouth armory bv
a number of Plymouth young mt-u Tues
day evening.
Miss Eva lirown, of Catinuso avenue, ac
companied by her Histr Kit tie, is spending
her vacation among the lakes. They will
return in August to resume their duties at
tho Colliery Engineer's School of Mines.
Miss Gertrude Ilayden, of Philadelphia,
solo i-omatu ot one of the leading Presby
terian churches, is spending her vacation,
July and August, with her Mstr, Mrs. S.
II. Backus, .Madison avenue.
Dr. (leoaj;e W. Loweu, formerly a
pharmaceutical student with Dr. Doune in
Wtiles, paid the hitter a few days' visit at
his home in Providence this week, alter
which he proceeded to the west.
E. M. Dimmick nnd Lawrence Fuller
have irone for a week's visit at tireat South
Lay. Long Island, whero they will stay at
tue louug Men s Christian association cot
Mrs. Kieliaid J. Callary and family, of
l'.iruey avenue, will leave today for a
week's-vis-it. with friends in Willinmsport
ami other cities in Central 1 euiisylvauia.
Dr. John F. Crowell and wife visited at
the home of Mrs. Charles F. JIunncss, on
.i.itlcrson avenue during the early part of
tho week.
Dr. Charles Dolan and wife, of Phila
delphia, were tlie nuests ol Mrs. 11. A. Do
lan, of Washington avenue, during the
Thomas Moore loft yesterday morning
for New York, from which city ho will nc-
company his friend, Mr. Gaines, to Europe.
Mrs. John H. Williams and children, of
South Main uvenne.tbis afternoon went to
Bradford county to spend a few weeks.
Henry Rentier, of Pittslon nvenue, will
proceed on a visit to (ii-minny tomorrow.
Ho expects to stay about lour months.
Mrs. A. R. Hegnnll, of North Main ave
nue, entertained n number of friends upon
her son Freddy's birthday yesterday.
Mrs, J. . Merty, of S.'dalia, Mo., is vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. Ueorgn li. Mahy,
m Snuderson avenue, Ureen Ridge.
Chris. Wahler and family, of New Ha
ven, visited August Wahler, ot Urovo
street, Dunmore, during tho week.
Miss Clara Scott, of liiiighamton, is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. Willis D. Kemmerer,
at her home on Franklin avenue.
City Solicitor James II. Torrey and fam
ily left Tuesday for Dock Island. They
will be absent about two weeks.
Mrs. Lncv liooth, exponent of tho Prang
art system in the puunc schools, is enjoy
iug a vacation at Ocean drove.
Miss Esther Rowland has returned from
a visit of several weeks with hor sister,
Mrs. W. J. Davis, at Wyoming.
William Stevens aud Miss Maine Jordan,
of Dunmore, were marre-d yesterday af
ternoon at St. Mary's church.
J. II. Ilreoks, captain of tho Princeton
base ball team, Is iu tho west with the
Princeton geological survey.
Miss Esther Farrios nnd Miss Estelle
Piunney havo returned from n throe
weeks' visit at V likes-liarre.
Richard Hall, of Hampton street, has re
turned home after a vi.-it to Now Mexico
and otuer points in tho west.
Charles I'emstein, who has heen engaged
in business at Unngor, Pa., for some
months, has returned home.
Miss Eliza Iluddy, of Peiiti nvenue, left
yesterday for an extended sojourn at
Kockaway lieach, L. I.
miss ueien AiKiinen, or ,nw York, is
the guest of her si- ter, Mrs. William Sha
fer, of Adams nvenue.
W. J. Taggart, of tho New York Mail
and Expresses visiting hiH mother on Mul
berry street.
Mrs. Dr. Hiiggorty nnd sister nro in
Noroton, Coun., whero they will spend n
tew weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Carter left hero
Thursday for a stay of two weeks at As
bury Park.
Miss Floronro Edgar left Tuosdov to
visit hor grandparents at Paupack, for a
lew weons.
Tho Misses Carrie Thorpe and Maine
Willner, ot Chicago, are visiting friends iu
this city.
The Misses .Merrill left Thursday . for
Dalton, whero they will spend most of tho
John Jerinyn and S. R Piico sail from
New York today for Europe via the Cun
nr.l line.
Walter E. Onnster has registered as a
law student in the office of Attorney C. II,
Miss Merriam. of Albany, X. V., is vis
iting Miss Augusta Wright.of Madison
Mr. and Mis. Sprukp, of Pittston nvenue,
aro spending a few days at Atlantic City.
M. K. Edgar, Dr. E. M. Green and E. II.
Connoll will spend Sunday nt Pantiack.
Walter Tripp has nrrived at Los An
geles ou his journey to San Diego, Cul.
August Wontzel, of liirch stroet, has
go no to Chicago to start in busiuos.
Herman Browu, of New York, visited
Scranton frlend3 din ing tho week.
Professor G oss, of New York, is a guest
of P. J. O'Donnell. of Dnnmoro.
Miss Claire Ncimeyer, of Green Ridge, is
visiting fricuds iu Carbondnlo.
Misses Margaret nnd Kittio Mitchell aro
visiting friends In Curbondalo.
Henry ISclin, jr., and fnmily are occupy
ing their cottugo at Glunvorly.
Mrs. Jane L. Dewitt, of Miflliu avenuo
is visiting in Rochester, N. Y. k
Mr. P. II. Durkln loft Tuesday for New
York city and tho seashore.
Frank liitterbcck, of Daltou, is visiting
friends on tho South Side.
Mr. and Mrs. Wultor L. Ilenwood aro
summering at Elmburst.
Ex-Justice Alfred Hand loft yesterday
for Martha's Vineyard.
Mrs. W. II. Caso, of Tobybanna, is visit
ing friends in this city.
E. J. Dimmick, of Chicago, is visiting
friends In this city. , .
Windsor Decker is visiting frionds at
Elberon. N. J.
Mrs. Kato E. Wilcox is visiting friends
iu Baltimore.
R. M. Hall has returned home from Sante
Fe, N. M.
Miss Edith Keeie is visiting Kiug-ton
Compendium of Intelligent;) Mating to
Scrantoa's Religious Activities.
Excursion of the Epworlh League
Union of Scranton and Vicinity to
Honesdale What Ihe Pastors of the
City Churches Are Doing Services
to Be Held in the City Churches
The Epworth League union, of Scran
ton and vicinity, rail an excursion to
llones.lalo limt Thursday. Ten clu li
ters were renre.i"uted, limning i com
pany of about SOU. who onjoyed ono of
the best outings ever planned in the
history of the league movement. i ho
societies wero invited to spend a day
with the Epworth league of the Jloiice-
dnlo Methodist Episcopal cliurcn.
.Many staid because of the threatening
rain, but before noon tho clouds passed
nwny and several parties joined the ex
cursionists later in'tlio day. The whole
band were enthusiastic league workers,
ami tho movement was well represent
ed in its various departments.
After a ideas nit ride ou tho gravity
road to llonesdale amid song nnd livoly
conversation, they were cordially re
ceived by the membors of thellotieB
dule league, and conducted to th)
Methodist Episcopal church. The ad
dress of welcome was given by the Uev.
C. A. P.onj iinin and William H. Peck,
of the Third National batik, responded.
Kev. M. D. Fuller, of Providence,spoke
of the spiritual work of the societies.
Mr.SimUms, of tho Park Place church,
spoke of the purposes of the Koworth
leaguo moveiii ut. D. F. York, of tho
Elm Park church, spoke of the junior
leagues. Miss Ella Uoney, of the Green
Kidge church, spoke ot the literary
features of the leagues. F. P. Eyer, of
the Simpson church, spoke of socials
mid entertainment.). August llempell,
of the First German church, spolto of
branch leagues. The programme was
closed by general remark by Kev, W.
H. Pierce, D.D. and Captain W. A.
May. Tho addresses were without ex
ception, inspiring and interestinir, and
tho service was much aided by tho illi-
cieut services of U. F. Whitteiiine,
who bail charge of the singiug and
Arthur U. Laycock was accompanist.
The singiug of the quartette, (K F
Whitt-more, D. F. Yost, WillJ, Peck
and F. A, Didloman, wits much appre
At the close of the service the ladies
of the Honesd.iie church invited nil to
the parlors of tho church, where the
f xcursionists had all appliances to pre
Dtra and euiov their lunch. After re
freshmonts, they visited points of in
terest in the town and ut 3 .0 p m.
returned to Furview, where they spent
the remainder of the dav in amuse
ments. They returned home to the
city about 8 o'clock in tho evening
aud nil felt that the day was one of
physical refreshment aud spiritual
Rev. D. M. Kiuter bus returned from his
tni) to New York state, nnd has very
pleasaut recollections of the vlit. Ho was
accomnanied by Kev. M. F. Kedline, and
both clergymen did very good work in the
few days they spent nt llorton, Delaware
county, N. Y. Before tho advent of
Messrs. Kinter und Redline to this lumber
ing community, eight young missionaries
had been laboring iu the Held. The young
people were gradun'e-i of a theological
training shcooi in New York, and are wioii
to leave for China us missionaries. Lager
for Evangelistic work, tlie young enthusi
lists went to the-lumbering districts of
Delaware couutv, N. V., to preach the
gospel. Their labor is blessed. Many
have been converted and several organiza
tions have been Instituted. Kevs. Kiuter
nnd liedlinn consummated the work at
llorton. They gathered tho converts to
gether, administered to them tho ordin
ance of baptism, organized them into a
church, and broke lo them the bread of
life. Kev. D. M, Kintor left them with
unfeigned regret, and the newly organized
baud urged upon him to return in tho near
luturo to confirm them in tlie faith. He
left them cheered with the promise that he
would again visit them in August. The
divino says it is a good country for li-li,
ntd undoubtedly it is a good country for
"Ushers of men" to labor in. The work
begun there reads very much liko a sec
tion of the Hook of Acts, recording the
founding of churches by the apostles. A
vacation so spent must be both pleasant
and profitable.
Henry Wnrd Readier snid that in his
llrM charge he was not only pastor, but
sextM, chorister and librarian as well.
This experienco has come to scores of other
pastors, and the Kev. Daniel Savage, of
the Primitive Methodist church, of Provi
dence, passed through something of the
kind this week. Last Sunday his Sunday
school celebrated children's day . A large
platform was constructed and tho audi
ence room decorated with flowers and
evergreens. The church nud congregation
thoroughly enjoyed the exercises, as whs
attested by tlie crowded houses that lis
tened to the children; but the work of re
moving the stage, throwing out withered
flowers nnd cleaning the church was left
to the pastor and his family. Mr. Savage
was i.i his usual genial mood doing the
work nud evidently was monarch of all ho
surveyed, for not member was there to
dispute it with him. The pastor of this
church earns his bread by, the sweat of his
brow, nud his family renders elllcient aid
in the drudgery. Acts (I: J-4, should be
earnestly studied by the Providence Prim
itive Methodist church.
Kev. John U. Williams, of Wind Gap,
has begun his ministry nt tho Cnlvinlstic
Methodist church of Olyphant. He is a
young man and has been in active service
for the hist four years. Mr. Williams is n
native of Walos; he came to this country
live years nuo and has lived in Shitington
and Wind Gup, whero ho was held in high
esteem by those to whom ho ministered.
Rev. William Evans, of Llandudno,
North Wales, is expected in tho city nbout
Aug. 1. Mr. Evans is one of tho lending
preachers of tbo Wesleynu denomination,
nud anticipates spending twelve months
in this country. lie will travel through
most of the states in the union. The di
vine is well known ou both sides of the
Atlantic among the Cymry.nud ranks high
as a lit.eruteur.
Next Tuesday evening a special business
meeting will bo held by the Plymouth
Tha Wonderful Carlsbad Springs
At tho Ninth IiilerntiUoiial Med
ical Congress, Dr. Toboldfc rea l a
paper staling that out of thirty
cases treated with tho Kunuino im
ported Carls bail Sprudel Salt, for
constipation, chronic catarrh and
liver diseases, twenty -six were en
tirely cured, threo much improved
and ono not treated lorn; enough.
I!est results obtained when out
door exerciso can bo had, l!e sure
to buy the "genuine, " which must
have tho signature of ''Eisner &
Mendelson Co., Agents, New
York," ou every bottle.
Cnunregational church to consider the
questiou of ending a pastor. The candi
date that will be presented to the church
is Kev. Thomas Cell, of Dartmouth, Mhss,
.VI r. lieu was bom iu n-ugiana, aua is the
son of a mine foremnu. He studied for
engineering, but later entered tho minis
try, lie bin si'eut ninny yoars ia mining
communities and i.i familiar witu mines
ard tniniug. He was oruaiued in the vear
lhMl anil has been pastor of his presout
charge since I Ml J.
Tho Rev. Uhvs Rees Lloyd, A. M.. R D..
professor, of Now To'ttuniont, Greek and
Exejcsis iu tho I'nciliu Theological soml-
uary, Oakland, Col., is expected in the
city next week, and on July 'J will oc
cupy tho pulpit oi tne i-iynioiitti Congro.
gational church. Professor Lloyd has
been on his way east since last May, and
has visited the leading cities of the Cuion.
Ho conies now from lioston, where he has
spent the last few Sundays, supplying
some of the churches there. Ho is ono of
tho sons of Serantoii, his father lesiding
at present ou North Ilroinley nvenue. Ho
has a large number oi menus in tho city
who will bo pluac.l to see and hear him.
The Sunday school of the Second Gor
man M. E. church will hold their picnic ou
Aug. t nt the .Meadows.
Tho Dutch (lap Mission school is busily
preparing for au entertainment, that will
be given the public the lirst week iu Aug
ust, The Ladies' Aid society of tho Green
lililcie Presbyterian church held n success
ful social last Wednesday evening, nnd
turned over the receipts to the treasurer
of the building fund.
On tlie 25th inst. the yonng pooplo of
the Second German M. E. church will hold
a botanic i iite.-tait.inent, when everyone
who takes part will take Mono llower and
tell the audience all lie knows about it.
Active preparations are being by Uev. D.
W. SKellieirer to lav the corner Ntonoof
the new editice on Washburn street, in the
near future. If arrangements can bo com
pleted it will be laid the latter part of next
The Kings Daughters of thi Cedar ave
nue M-thodist Episcopal church, gave an
entertainment and snciul bit Thursday
evening. It was a bell sociul and tho vari
ous kinds of bells were represented ami a
good rendering given of the "liells of Ab
erdyfii." The Kev. P. I!. Ilawxhurst, D. D., has
agreeably surprised his people with his
ability as a lecturer. Tho series of three
lec tures delivered by him lately pleased the
people very much, aud notwithstanding
tho sultry weather the attendance was
very good. The congregation has recently
incurred much debt iu remodelling the
church nud decorating tho parsonage, hut
they nie greatly encouraged by the fertil
ity of the pnrsou, who is sure of a good
house whenever lie will iu future aunouuee
a stereopticon address.
Last Tuesday an interesting meeting was
held by the pastors of the Primitive Moth
odist churchss, iu tho Second Primitive
Methodist church of Plymouth. The
special work under discussion wits mission
stations, nnd two committees were ap
pointed to visit Jerinyn nud Olyphant,
whero it is believed churches are needed.
Tho denomination sustains a missionary iu
Jerinyn, nud a situ for a church will be se
cured. There are soveral beliovers of this
faith residing in Olyphant, and the com
mittee will try to bund them together and
thus form a nucleus of nnew organization.
Kev. J. T. Morris, of llellevuo.will spend
Sunday at Wilkes-liarre.
Lev. John Lvi.ns, of Massachusetts, will
preach tomorrow morning and eveniug in
the Plymouth Congregational church.
Tho First Congrogntional church of
Wilkes-liarre, located on lirowery Hill,
has extended a call to Hev. Kichard Lloyd
Hoberts, of Hangor, to become their pas
tor. Rev. E. L. Santeo nud family, of tho Ce
dar Avomie Methodist Episcopal church,
spent two weeks with friends at Ilazleton
and AshMnd, and returned home last
Thursday afternoon.
George S. Steward, a native of Canada,
is staying with his father-in-law, Hev.
Daniel Savage, Providence. Mr. Siownrd
is a local preacher and probably will enter
tho work in this valley.
William Coney, a lay reader of St
David's church, was ordained to tliedoucou
ate last Sunday, iu the Church of the Na
tivity at South Hethlehom. Mr. Coney ex
pects soon to begin activo work.
Hev. and Mrs. I). W. Skellieturor occunv
tho Washburn Street Presbyterinti par
sonage, which was removed from its old
site ou to a iot purchased from Mr. Free
man. Tlie decorators are uot through yet,
but nil will he finished in u few days.
Hev. S. C. L ignii, D. I)., will preach at
the Providence Presbyterian church to
morrow morning. Ho will speak of the
missionary work carried ou among tlie
foreign populations in tho vnlley. and
state what is being done in establishing
enemies and maintaining missionaries
among them.
Cards havo been sent forth announcing
the wedding of Hev. W. G. Ford, paster of
the Green Kidge liaptist Church, to Miss
Harriet Amelia Harvey, ou the '.'."th inst.
Tho marriage will take place iu tho church.
Key. s. P. Ford, of Syracuse, an uncle of
tne bridegroom, will pevlorm the cere
mony, assisted by some of tho local clergy
men. H. II. Ilawxhurst, M. D., of Washing
ton, D. C, is visiting his father. Rev. I',
K. Ilawxhurst, D. D., at the Park Place
Methodist Episcopal parsonage. Tho doc
tor will remain hero about a week. Miss
Alum, daughter of the divine. Is also homo
from New Yi.rk city, whero she studies
irusic under the tuitum of Professor
William Mason.
Rev. F. V.. Fuller, son rf Rev. M. D.
Fuller, of tho Providenco Methodist Epis
copal church, is expected home from Flor
ida next. week. His friends are longing to
see his face and are preparing to give him
a cordial reception when ho conns. His
innny admirers will have the pleasure ot
hearing his voice ij-hen be occupies his
father's pulpit. Father nnd sou betwien
them will supply tho Providenco Metho
dist Episcopal pu'pit during the summer
months, while both will also enjoy a vaca
Kev. W. S. Jones, of the First Welsh
Uaptist church, will preach in English to
morrow evening.
Rev. T. J, Collins, of the Scranton Street
Uaptist church, will administer the ordi
nance of baptism ut tomorrow evening's
Key. D. M. Kiuter, of the Providenco
Christian church, will preach tomorrow
evening on the "Duty of Observing tho
Signs of the Times."
The Young PoepKs society of tho Park
Place Methodist Episcopal church will
hold a box social next Wednesday eveniug
iu the uarlors of tho church.
Tho teachers' moetin? of the Green Kidge
Presbyterian church Sunday school will
meet this evening nt the homo of Henry
Fishor ou Wusliingtou avenuo.
The choir of the CVdar Avenue Method
ist Episcopal church nro busily preparing
acantaiitn, entitled "Jennie Vive," which
which will be presented to the public
early in August.
The Washburn Streot Presbyterian
church and tho Jackson Rtreut lluptist
church, will hold union services iu the
latter edillcoon the fourth or fifth Sundays
in this mouth, when Kev. D. W. Skellonger
will preach,
Kev. G. L. liiirson, of Tunkhnnnock,
will occupy tho pulpit of the Evangelical
church ou Capoiise avenue tomorrow
morning and evening. Holy communion
will bo observed at the close of the morn
ing's service. j
Rev. W. I, Steans, of Danville, will
preach tomorrow morning nnd evening at
tho First Presbyterian church, Mr. Steans
was pastor of the Washburn Street Pres
byterian church for many years, and many
of his friends will be pleased to bear him
Thn members ot the Second German
Methodist Episcopal church, are rapidly
paying their subscriptions to the new par
sonage.' The pastor, Kev. J. J. Huter, is
highly pleased, and feels that the indebted-
nets on the pastor's home wid soon bo n
thing of the past. Poer times do not le
much ell', ct on this faithful flick.
The Welsh Congregational church of
Providence has expressed its syinpiC y
with the -strikers of Puuxsutawuey in a
Kiihstnntiul way. Ohkers of one of the
churches ia that region sent to this church
stating tho condition ot some of the men
and a-kiug aid. Action was instantly
taken and the Sunday school donated $10
and the members i t the church subscribed
8-7. 75 and forwarded the money to the
oflicors of the church. Such a practical
expression of sympathy from the church I
with tho workiiigmen in their struggles I
would probably annihilate the chasm u w
existing between tho church and the
Ai.l, Soi ls' Citi iicn Pine street, near
Adams avenue, R-v. George W. Powell,
pastor. Services tomorrow at. iu.30 a. m.
Theme, "Tho Old FmhionedTliings und the
New." No evening service.
At Simpson Mktiioiust i-.i-ihiopai.
Cnui'.cil Rev. A. W. Cooper, pat"r
Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal
church will preach morning nud eveui.ig.
Seats free. All welcome.
Cai.vauv Hitoiimi:i Ciu-iicit-Corner of
Monroe and Cilnou street. Hev. W. II.
Suibblebine pi-dor. Services, lu.llllu. m.
nnd 7.3U p. m. Christian Endeavor at (i.IM
p. ni. Hev. l!os F. Wicks, of Huntingdon,
will preach. Everybody welcome.
Fllisr I'iu:siivt::iuan Ciimtcii, Wash
ington iivenm The moderator ol tho gen
end assembly, Rev. SamuelA. Mutchmore,
I). D. L.L.D., will preach morning and
El.M I'AHK JillllliOlsr El'ISnil'AI.
Ciit:ucit Rev. W. II. Peat , will prcech
in the nioniiir; nnd evening servicm.
FllisT iIaPiist ( 'lll licil -Pastor Collins
will preach tomorrow at lO.Siln.m. nnd T.:M
p. in. Theme iu morning, prayer- liap
tism alter sermon iu evening. Seat.-, fro-'.
All Welcome.
G'iukn KimiE Daitist Ciii ikii. Hov.
W. .1. Ford, pastor. Services at I ll. ISO a.m.
and".:-!) p. in. Subject iu the morning,
"The Sin of Ingratitude," iu the evening,
"Ihe Fourth ( onimandni-'iif '
Guack Enoi.isii Li TiliatAN Ciirncii
Kev. Foster 1". Gift, pastor. Services at
the Young Men's Christian associatinn ut
IU 3U a. in. and 7.:J0 p. m. Everybody wel
come. (I HACK liKFOItMKIl El'ISCl U'M, Cllt lUil
Wyoming avenuo near Linden street,
Services, 11). HI a.m. 7.8U p. in. Sunday
school nt the end of the morning worship.
Young I'eoplc.s Society of Christian Kn
deavor at U..V) p. m. Sunday. Preaching
by the pastor, morning isuoject, Perfct t
Peace," Kalall !!: It. 4. Evening subject,
'Christian Temperance," Ephesiaus ir. Is.
Guicr.x HinnH Evanoki.icai. Chpiicii
Ciipousu nvenue, Kev. (i. L. Maice, pas
tor, Sunday school, U.3U a. in.; K. L. C. E.,
iV-la p. m. Preaching at a. m. and
7.45 p. in. Hev. G. L. Unison, of Tunk
hauuock, will occupy the pulpit both
morning and evening. Holy communion
service in tho moruing. Straugers wel
come. Hampton Street Mr.monisT Episcopal
Ciiubi'H. K'jv. A. W. Coupor, pastor.
Morning sermon by Kev. H. C. Illnmnn.
Eveuing sorinon by Kev. William Parsons
at 7.30. Classmeetiug nt U.liU a.m.; Sun
day school '.'.00 p. iu.; Leaguo prayer ser
vice H.'M. Seats f roe.
Mktiiooist Episcopal C'iipkch Cednr
oveuue. Services tomorrow (Sunday),
preaching nt 10 :IU a. m. and 7.;ti) p. m.
Sunday school at 'i p. m. Epworth leaguo
meeting at 7 p. in. A roll call meeting,
something new aud novel. Everybody
welcome .
Pakk Pi.ach Sunday services conducted
by the pastor, Rev, Dr, Ilawxhurst. Sub
jects, lO.IiU a. m. ''Sinn Seekers,'' 7.45 p.m.
'Labor and Striken" All tire welcome.
Saint LUKK's Ciiphcii Rev. Rogers Is
rael rector. Eighth Sunday after Trinity.
Holy Communion, 8 a. m.; service and ser
mon, 10.30 a. in.; Sunday school und liiblo
class, !J.30 p. in.; evening prayer. 7 p. m.
Nursery closed owing to sale ut Perish
Saint Luke's Dunmorh Mission Kev.
A. L. Urban in charge. Sunday school 3 p.
ui. ; evening prayer und sermon, 4 p. m.
St. David's Cni itcii Corner Jackson
street nnd Kromley avenue, Kev, M. II.
Mill, rector. Eighth Sunday nfter Trinity.
Morning prayer and sermon nt 10.30; evenj
iug prayer at 7.30; Sunday school at -.30.
Seats free.
Tiunitv Evaniibi.ical Cm licit, corner
of Luke and Kurtz streets Kev. J. G.
Whitemore, pastor, Pronchimrat 10.30 n.
m. Prayer and testimony, 11.4." a. m.
Sunday school at 'X p. m. Gospel services ut
745 p. in.
Tub Pknn Avenue Hapti-t Ciiuri it
Rev. Warren G. Partridge, pastor. Ser
vices nt 10.30 a. in. nnd ut 7 30 p. in. The
pastor will preach iu the morning on "Tho
Christian's Dual Nature," and in the
evening on "Eternal Life." A cordial wel
come to all.
Adams, avenue, corner .Mulberry street.
Rev. E. L. Miller, pastor. Services nt 10.30
a. in. and 7.3U p. in. Pews aro freo and
visiting worshipers always welcome.
t Bcccham's pills arc foi
biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
coaled tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, when caused
by constipation; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Hook free ; pills - 25c. At
druirstores.or write 1U Allen
Co.,365 Canal St., New York.
Bank of Scranton.
Tlil liank nfTem lo ilppimltori ryiry
facility wiirruiilitl liy their balmier, luisl
ut aud reHpuimlolllty.
hpec'lul attetttluii civeu In buNlnetia ac
count, luteretit tuUI on lime deioit.
W1L7.IAM COYNFI.T, rrwildrnt.
t,t(J. II.CATI.1N, Vieo-I'rrsldent.
WILLIAM M. l'LCU, Cailiieh
William Commit, Uori;a II. Cat! In,
Alfred Hand. iImiiim Aridibiild, Henry
llelln, Jr., William T. ulth Luthar
A Handsome Complexion
Is one of tho Kroutcst charms a woman can
poasem. l'omjNi's Complexion Powobb
given It.
Lost Manhood Sr5:S3
troiihy, eto.( lurtjtv ciiitiI by lMAlvO, the un-xi
Hindoo Ilenifuy, With urtutBgaRrutrttocnr, Hold b
Third Rational
I'HVsK 1 AMI M l.(. t.O.VS.
I)B. O. KUUAK DEAN hus removed totiU
J-' biruoe ntruet, hiriiuton, l a. (Just op
liosite conn-house Square.)
"I lt. A. j. COiNNKLL, (I Hir e lu I Washington
J avenuo. eorner Sprue street, ovor
l'raiii:i:u K(lriiK fture. IteiiiUouco, TH Vina au
JJIlicu hours: Io.;t t 11! u. m. nud 3 to auU
li.JO t, ,.,iu p. m. Hunduy, S lo li p. in.
W. K. AM.EN. Ollieu eor. Liiekv
J' wnimaiiud S iishiiurtou avi'R. : ovor Leon
ard liljoo atui-r; c.ieo bourn, 10 to 1U a. m. and
to 4 p. in.; uvuuiaiM at lesldoueu, 61- .V.
nshiiitfton nve.
H.C. L. j'KKV, I'nwlmiiu-'ir lo Oi
J ' nmes nf tuo Kve, Ear, Nona ami Throat;
iillli u, tS Wyuiuiug uvj. kualdeuuo, u-A V'iii
DK. 1. M. 1ATKK. IL'5 Washington Aveniu.
Ollieu Ihiui h, 8 to II am., l.Mlo J mid
1"' p.m. liei-iili'hci! ;iu .M.-uli'.o'i uyi nu
(oii.m I,. vi;.i7 m. ,., inn. -,.s and i I
l onioinriwialtii liiiililnnr: ivsidi-neo 711
Jladihonavo; olhVo hours. 10 to 1.', 2 to I, t.i
IS; huiidiiva I'M to 4. ev.-niiiKH nl residence, A
fcpecialty niada of iliMan.s ot tho eye, tar, nuj
nil tin-oat and cvneeoliurv. I
I. A W Y I'. Its.
I M. C. KANCK'S Law and l'ol..etion of
llee. No. Hi; tiprueu nt., opponito Formt
House, tieranton, l a,; collection u Fii!i:ialty
throiikdioiit I'eiinsylvauia; ruliablu correspond
nita in every county.
l.SSUr.S A; IIA.M), Allormtyx nnd I'ouna.-I-
.. ...... vv .w, wjuiiionw(aiin nuiiuiu,
WuohiUiiton av W. II. Jeksup.
lloiiAci: i; II A NIL
W. II. Jr.Msue, Jit
Uni.l.AliD. WAKKK.V KNAI'l', Attor IViiuiu,.!.,.. .,t 1..... O......I.I;
liuildin.', Washington ave.. Scranlon. 1',-l
l)A'l"l Ll(Sl).( & I.ILriiX, Attoi-neysa7rT
A O.llllSI llorS Rt. I.IIW lili..,iHli ,,lnl S I il..-,rtf
Luilduitf, bcranuin, Fa.
I-.os'.vri,r, TI. rArrciian
. Wll.l.lAM A. Wiu-ox.
lornevH mill CoiiTwi.llorj I -,.t, ..u..1,1. I
Imililiin;. lioonn 111. 1.D and I
Y 1''-,li!'Yljl''. AtlMrnev al'J and
. -'0, Hon-l.inld.n-.', Washington avenue
ML.ViY M. S F I '. I , Y " La v ot!i . -e.s i n i'nee !
i ' liiiildioe;, J3i WiuthiuKton avenue.
LMtAXK T. OK'i-.LL, Altoiney at. Law. llooiu j
1 a. I al l.xciiaiue., l'a. .
. ... .. .. 1 J' 11 N --' aMuniz-
!'." Vll.y il'i'H. I tonav.. C. II. H.iiaro
.i .iii- tv IdV. OV . .. ,, .... .
AJ1.-.S W. JAK l i d: 1, Attorney at Law,
roins i;i. M ami l. Commonwealth b'l'i;.
UAMULL W. LUilAi;, Attorney at Law.
I ' (llltce. ;ii: n 1
I A. HAllil-.s, Attorney it
Law. 41LI
ckawanna nnc
r.-mloii. l'a.
. rooms ,'il, U"
( nun,
llor nt Law. )lli-o.
i'li ( 'i.llllll.iU-e:llt.l l.iiih.i...
I ' l(. I'l'I'l'llKl;
ttorney at Law, Cum-
monwea til l.iiiloiin
('. CO.MK1IYS. ss.riir.
ranton, l'a.
l H. KLrLIK.i.L, Altoriiuv"l'L.,:,i ..
tinted on red estate security. ins Spru-.
I'-KILLA.M, Attorney at Law, WWy
l'm LJUJlliK' u v.-iii:c. S-rantou.
m nuni.s.
SciiooL of tiii: Lackawanna, serau
tou, Fa., pre.:ues lioyHitnd uiris lorcolle'j
or businosa: tlKjrouj.diiv trains vouni; childrea
Cutalogue at rcuust. i
lir.v. Thomas m can
W.U.TKII II. Iil Kl.1..
Miss yvokclstlii's ki:;ii:huahti';n
and School, 41J Adams avenue. Fup.l.
r ceive-l at all times. Next term will open
September '.
I)!.N I I !-
U'M. A. TA1T. U.D.s. H'l North Wash
in-toii Ave. So.rialiv in l',.r. i-la.n
Restorations. Crown and;.' Woil;.
f ' C. LAUHACH, -fturueon Dentist, No. lli
V. . Wyoniim; ave.
1: M. sTH 'l"l'iiN. ,.).. c..-,l -..,-h-,n ...
rrK HDPFLLIC Savins and Loan Ass..
1 ciation will lo-tu vou m .ney ou oa- i.-r teriu
and pay you better on investment than auv
nther Ca'.l on S. N. CAI.Li'.N
I UT If . I lot'- U:Mt l.iiii.pp
si: i us.
li. CLAIiK & CO., S lamen. Florist i
' nd Nurynrvini'ii: toro 1 4i V. ashinto-.
avenue; creen house, IJiJ North Main avenue.
Morn teli..l,ttne Vs-,1
1 1: as.
(I If A X 11 I'NUIN' I i: CO.. .Inn.-
tyiiii: M iiKi Ns.
ICS. Kl'FTTFI, fnl Lacl;a wanna aveun.-.
Sc fill lull. Pa , ')..VUit'r of ice Sc.- s
ho i i : i.s ami mvr.U'KANT.
"' I Mil-f F.STMlNs'l Llir ':i;.'Jl:i WyeinTnj
1 ave. Iiooies heated with steam: ail ino.l
ern improvements.
('. M. Tin mas. Prop
'PIIK KI.K CAFF, Inland 1J7 Franliliu ave
1 nue. Latcs reasoiial.le.
P. ii:oi.i:ii. Proprietor.
' LbTJiLNsTHU llO l l-'.i,
W 11. S(J!I1.NTK. Manager.
Sixteenth street, ono block eaat nt llr.iadway
al I uiou sniare, New York.
American plan, ?:i.aOper ilav and unwm.l
COYNt; Hot S:-:. I'.uropejn pun; pio,:
rooina. open day and l.ifht. Bar so;
plied vs itli the best.
P. IT. COVNT.. I'roorletnr
IJ( lLANToN llOl sF.. near I).. L. & V. pa
O leiiK'er uepot. Coiiducted on the l-:iiroio.-in
plan. Virion Kuril. Proprietor.
LAM) t'KNTI'At 'Hi" largest and :'
vl eipup.ol hotel iu Alleutown. Pa. ; r.uoi
t- and S'-'-uO per day.
ViiToii P. ll.Mivrn, I'roprietor.
nAVls" Hot FT, Architects, liooms :i.
L'fi.-.nd -Hi Coi.imonwealth b ld'c. Scranton.
L. WALII.U, Architect, Library i.uiid
i itiir. Wvnmni' aienu-. Sciaiiton.
I,' L. l'.HOWN. Ar.-li P.. Arebiteet. I'ric
I l.uildinL'. l-il tishinton Ave.,Scraut..ti.
HS( I Wi lli s.
TAit-:its eiiciiKsTiiA - Musiu "foi:
J) balls, picnics, p:irti. receptions, we I
iiim;;) and concert work furnished. For terms
uddress li. .1. Lauer. coi.duetor. 117 Wyoniiui
nve . ever llulbert's mnsie store.
lanilier, Trice Lniliiin-,'. Sci-aiitoti, Pa.
supplies, envi'lopes. paper Laps, tuiii...
Warehouse, L-U WiiLdiinloa ave., Scranton,
nOliSFK ANIi CA lil.'lA'lLS FO:i SALli
at l.":'.:l Cat). HI- - venue
1). L. FliOTl", Aisont.
j 'KAN l P. I l:oVN & CO.. w llOLi;
I' s'lln ilealets in V.'oedware, Ct.r.lnu'e and
Oil ( loth, 7-.0 V. Lackawanna avenue.
IZKA 1' iNN A- SONS, builders and conira.s
i j tors. Yards: Corner ulive st. and A.laim
ave.; corner A.ih st. and Peiiu ave., Scranton.
TI10 GENUINE New Haven
"Mathushek" Pianos
Kew York 'avorooms No. SO
Fiftli Avt'iiuo.
Sole dealers iti this section.
OFFICK-ia Adams Avo., Tolerhone B'l'd'g
Eureka Laniidry Co.
Cor. Linden St. snd Adams ho)
Coi'iir House Syt'AKU.
All kiaJs of LiiunJry work gnarnntol
th boat.
Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers,
. General Office. SCRANTON,
Anthracite coal used exclusively, insuring
cleanliness and comfort.
Trains leave t-crauton for Pittston, Wllkn.
p-irre. etc , at-'i, ll.l.i, ll..'to a. m., li.Vj. hkl
;!! o I t; um p- "' .w . m.,
l.iie, .l i, i.Kl p. in.
lor Ailantic ( it v. 8.31 a. in.
For New York, Neivarn aud Elizabeth ? '.')
(express) a. in., l.ViH (expresi with hiitlot
parlor car), SMI) (exprobs; p. m. fcuiiday. ;MJ
p. in. "
iiim, Kasiob and l'iiii..iii:i.i'iii.t, s rsj a. m
11'.. hi J.:in, !,.ui (except rhiiadolnniu) n. ni.
bimilav. - la p. in
Kir I.OMi bllANI'll, (ll'EAN Urove, vtc at
:M uvnb tnroiiKn can a. iu , IJ.'JJp m. "
lor licaduii;. Lebanon and Harrisburir, via
Allentown, b id u. in., '.'.;.u, i.W, p.iu. Buudav
-.1 i p. m. "
For I'ultHville, 8.-U a. m.. 12. jo p. m.
Heluininir. leave New York, foot of Liberty
ni ivct, North river, at I'.lu (express) a. iu.,
l.lo, !.:. -I.:u (express with Battel, parlor carl
p. in. Sunday. 4.:i a. in.
Leave Philadelphia, HuadiiiK Terminal, U.JJ
a. m . i'.Oil and I II) p in. Sunday, 0 a. in.
'1 hnini;li HcketH to all point s at lowuit rat H
may l.e had on application in advanca to llij
ticket aunt at thi stuiiou.
lieu. l'as. AliollL
.1. II. OI.HAI'SKN', k U .
lien. Sllpt.
i omiuericini,' .Uay at. IH1IJ,
trains will run as follows:
Trains leave liridiro Street
Station. Scranton, fur Pitts
ton, Wilkes-Barre, otc., C DO,
:i.n:, H V, UUJa. in., 11M,
2.;m. 4.W, a.i.i, li.iri, u.ij
and 1I.I1.J p. iu,
l'..r New York and Vhila-
tlulpuia, b (HI a. i., 12.1(1, i:.
h an. I i p. in.
For lloiies.lah) 1 1 rem Delaware. Lackawanna
and western depot;, 1 OU, H.H), 1U.1U a.m., li.od
in., . li, r. 10 p. in.
For Carlondalo and Intermediate stations,
.1.40. TOO. k:u. 1U.I0H. in., ' iu.,'J.17. 3,iij,S.ln,
H.-.I and !l p. in. j from Uridya street Oepot,
:'.i.l a. in., L'.Lan.l 11 :Ui p. m.
Fast express to Alb. my. Saratoga, tho Adi
rondack .Mountain lioston and New Kngland
points. ,1,411 a. in., arriving at Albany 1J.4 j.
Saratoga .11 p. m..aii'l leavini Scraulon at 2.1?
p. in., arriviiii? at Albany at.50p. in., bara
L ea. IU V.a. in , and B oslou, .(W iu m
Tne i.nlv direct rout.- bet ween tho coal fields)
and Hoston. 'The Leadimr Tourists' Kouta
ot America'' to the Adirondack Mountain re-i-oi'ts,
Lukes tleoruo and Chainplaiu, Montreal,
Tlmn tables showing local and throtiKh trala
frvico between statious ou all divisions Dela
ware and Hudson system, may bo obtained at
ull lielawaro aud Hudson ticket otti.-es.
II. li. YOL'Nd, J. V. BL'kDlCK,
Second Vico President. lieu. Pass, AgU
..I A i I.;. I s'Jl.
Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia an4
New m k via. L). ii II. It It. at a a.m., li ld,
and II :.a p. in via D., L. & V. It. K., 800,
r.lls.ll.J a. in., and 1M p. m.
Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wllk.
liarro via D.. L & W. K. K., S.W, i. 11.1W
a. in . l.yu, ;i6u. u.07. s. .o p. m.
L. ave Scranton fur White Haven, Hazlotoa,
PottNvilio and all points on the Beaver
Meadow and Fottsville branches, via E. ic W.
V.. 4o a.m.. v. a I). A; IL H. It. at 8 a.m., 11 Id,
i:is. 4 10 p.m , v.a D., L. & W. K. K., D.UU, b.lW,
li. JO a.m., l.;w. i.iu.
Leave S. ranton for Bethlehem, Kaston.
leading, llurrisburn and all intermedials
points via D. & H. 1(. II., u a in., 1'.'. 10, ;. ll
n.iii., via U., L. i; V. K. lli.uu,ft.lMi, ni, p in.
Leave Scranton forTmikhannock, Towandl,
Klmira, Ithaca, Uctiova aud all iutertnediits
po uts via U. A II. K.K.,UA a in., 12 Id and 11.31
in.. via D. L. A- W. It ) a.inL:Wp. rn.
Leave Scranton for Itochestor, Buffalo. Nt
r.itar.i Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all jiolnH
west vial). H. li. B.. U.07 a.iu.,12.10,11.15.11 US
P.m. via 1). L. A VY. 11. K. und Pittstoa
Junction. W a.m., S.m p. m., via E. & V.
It 11.11 p. in.
For Kim ra and thj west via Salamanoi. vl
; '. .v II. K. H t'.o; a.m., 1:; lu.tu.l p. m . via D.,
L. A W. II. li., US a.m., Inland U.U7 p. in.
Pullman v ulor aud sieenlui; or L. V. chair
e-ira on all traiua hotween L. & B. Junction or
Wilkes liarro and iew York, Philad.-lpiili,
Ihil.'.ilo an-1 Snspen-ioti BrtiisH.
i;ol.LIN II. W1LLUH, (ion. Supt. East Div.
( HAS. S. I.KK. Hen. Pass Au t, Phila .Pi.
A W' NuNNLMACliKK.Ass t O.-uPass. Ag't,
S.e-tl, H.-ilil-li -m. Pa.
Trains leave Scranton aa follows: Expreaj
for New York and ah points Kast. 1.40.,
j If-, mm and U.o.i a. in. ; 18 51 and 3.S0 p. m.
l-.x press I'm- Fasten, Trenton, Phdudulphls
and tho South, &. and U.oi a. m.; U.ji
ami :i..1U p. in.
Washington nud way stations, .1.53 p. m,
Telivlianna aecoiiuui-.oatiou, li 10 p. m.
Fxpr ss for Biimhamton, Oswego, Elmlra.
.'ornini;, Hath. Dansville, Mount alorris ami
Lullalo, lilo, 2 15 a. in. and 1 24 p. m., making
eiose connectioiib at Buffalo to all points iu th
West. Northwest and Southwest.
P.a'h accommodation, n a. m.
BiiiRlmmtou aud way statiouj, 1137 p. ru.
A'.cnol-oa i.ccoiiiiniHtatii.u, at i p. m. and
li I" . in.
Kiiiitliamtnn and Elmira Express, G0.1 p, m.
l.xpress for Cortland, Syraeuso, Oswok'.'X
t'tiea and Kichlield Spriiik's, ilj a. m. aud l.St
i. m.
lta.-ic.i, J.1,1 and I'.atli !a. m. aud 1 "I p. iu
For Northumlierlaud, Pittston, Wilkes-Barra,
Plymouth, lilooinsburtf and Uanville, making
cl .se. connections at Northumberland for
Williamsport. Ihtrrisburc, Baltimore, Wash,
ii.uton and the South.
Noi thunib.-rland and intenuediato station,
line, li ill a. m. and l.;iu and 6-07 p. in.
Nanticoito ana lntormediate stations, 8.US
and II. -ii a m Plymouth and intormeaiat
stalions, 3..'iiland S.5; p. m.
Pulhnau parlor and sleeping coaches on all
express trains. , ...
l or detailed information, pocket tiraa tabloj,
"!c , apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket offloj,
e.'s LacUawauiiHaveiiuu, or depot ticket otncn.
timi: taiii.i: in l rm t si xuay. jtne
Trains leave Scranton for Carbondale at
s.:i.l. 10.55 a.m. and li I'
For Hancock .Iiinctiou, lU..Vi a.m. and 0 W
Trains leave Hancock .Innciiou for hcran
too. li a.m. and - 0.1 p tn.
Trains leave Carl.oadalo for Scranton at
: M a 111. and U.MI, 5 ill p.m.
In I lli cl June 2 lib, ISill.
Venn Itouml.
'.Ml 'SHU '.(l
Mouih Heiind,
aba 'in 1 adu
c .-naiieua
I (Trnlns lbilly, Er-'S
I eept Sunday.) H
'Arrive" Leave."
, N. Y Franklin st ! ,
. Wi'sl 4','iid si reel. ,
Weehawken ! .
Arrive l.eave.i
r, B v. 4
i mi::::
e m e M
"S'Jn 11.".
Ml' M
... Hancock
.iiiiiciion UmiiTiSi ....
ii ni ' ni ....
It 18 i! '.'!!. ....
r.i i!:ll ....
6 31 2-11 r II
ii 4 I li 4 so
U 45 S 58' 4 5J
M .'i ii H 1 li ", m
IIH.VS 3 0 6U8
7 in: a ii & id
7V4i a 84 8 31
7 ST 18 S 3,
rr v..8 43 fj4
7 31. 3 45 S4
7 4nj 3 Ml SSI
7 4.1 3f4 S 51
7 48 3 :. 54
7 Ml 4 04 6 04
7 54 4 lT 0 u;
7 r.u 4 10 8 id
8 0U 4 Ml 614
8H'Jf4 171 81
8 05i 4 -JO 9 10
All trains run dully except Sunday.
f slirnlili'S llial trains slop on altfiinl for pu
Mcure rutin via onlarlo a Western before
piirchnsliijtllekels and save money. Day and
Mbut Express to tho Weal.
.1.0. Andersen, (ten. Pass Agt.
T, I'litci-olt, llv. l ass, Agt, scranton, Pa.
s Ml 1 (I!) llancoeic
: :.- i'.'.m; ...J sim-iiKht
; .M ''.' r. Preston Park
7 45 I'J'illt M I'OIUO
7 :s i-."j, :ii 10 l'oyiilelle
7 :;:! :-J is In 01 Ilelinont .
7i'J"3 '.:! riessunt Mt.
7 itMli-e' 'J IN I'liloiidulo I
; u-11 '." Fowl city I
ll.-.l II 3l' il 15 Ciiibiindaie I
t; 1-111:0 11 1-.': While lindife j
: .... I'Mi.i May Held' 1
li 1 1 1 1 1 -.':! 11 11: Jerinvn
11 nr.i 11 l.s .'; Arehlbiild
lilX'-flll.Y 8.M Wlutoil
il-.'.i 11 11 s.'i I'ecliMllo
ll'.'s:ll 7 N il OlyphMit
li'.'l tl 0i s ii Dickson
1; 111 1 1 e.l s :;:i Throop
ii 14 II ee 8.'li'. I'i'oildeiiee
in 1:1 inw kwi lark Place
1; in 10 55 s 3u scranton
r m a ma u Leave Arrive