'I'll Ft SUKAJSTUJN TIJIMUJMJS SATUKDA V MOKN1AH. ,JUli II. l!M. The leading teachers of cookery and writers on Domestic Science use and recommend Cleveland's Baking Fowder, as Mrs. Rorer, the Principal of the Philadelphia Cooking School, " . . f know what yon areW f . eating when you use Its tme composition is given on every label, f T "Pure "and "Sure. 'yT Miss Farmer, the Principal Vol the Boston Cooking School, Miss Bedford, the Superintendent of the New York Cooking School, Mrs. Ewing, the Principal of the Chautauqua School of Cookery. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue NEW GOODS IN DIMITIES, JACONETTES, DOTTED SWISSES, DUCK SUITINGS, PRINTED ORGANDIES. Mears k Hagen 415 LACKS. AYE. DOET'T Hare your riiLUKS starched in th old when you can have them dono with soft, tillable ButloiiUole for TWO CENTS EACH. Lackawanna LAUNDRY If you want Carpets, Draperies, Wall Paper or Window Shades, come to us. We have a full line of goods, and our prices are very low. 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. Trllmno rea-li-ri lonvlnu for their miuiiner' vacation rnn liave tlielr favor ite papar KP.it to tlieiu without extra mat, by nntlfvini; thU nfllep of the ill- Ireil rliancet in the paper' h.IiIi'pkh. Employee of tuo street department will be paid today, ('. I.. Griflln li9 purchased 100 feet front on Columbia avenue from Arthur Frothing ham. The picnic of St. Paul's Pioneer corpi will be held at Laurel Hill park today. A pli'nsnnt time is in store fur those who will Attend. Thomas J. I izpatrick, a traveling sales man for tliH Veidenmayer brewery, of Newark, N. J.,' lliel nt the liuruett House at Strondabiirg yesterday morning. He was well known in this city. The members of the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western Mntunl Aid associa tion and a large number of their friends will npy an excursion today to Pleasant Iteacu and Maple bay at Syracuse. Contracts for constructing sowers in tho Tenth district have been sinned by John Ferguson and Peter Stipp and have been tertifled by the city controller. Mayor onnell's signature will complete the exe cution of the contracts.' S. M. Fairfield, a gentleman engnccd in philanthropic work in Oreat Nerk, N. Y., will address the Railroad Men's moetiug Sandav afternoon at the Kailroad Depart ment Young Men's Christian associat ion, , 15 Lackawanna avenue. Services begin at B. 45 o'clock. All welcome. On Saturday, July 21, the Kngineei's club of this city will visit the mining plant of Eckley H. Coxe at Drifton, Pu. The club will leave Scrauton at 8 a.m. and will tpend the day at Drifton, reaching homo at 7 p.m. The Drif ton mine Is one of the finest in the anthracite region. The lecond photo-opticon entertainment of the Siirricks was given last night at Lanrol Hill park. The programme was a most satisfactory one and pleased n very large audience. Tho third of the series of entertainments will be given tomorrow night with an entire change of views and scents, Opn All Night at Lobnian's Spruce street. Y. M. C 0. NOTES. There will be an informal song service this evening at 8.30 o'clock. Tomorrow afternoon at 8.45 o'clock Secretary ilahy will conduct the third study in the summer series of study in the life of Christ. The subject will be, "The Flight Into Egypt." The 140,000 school bouse to be built on Columbia avenue will be the handsomest school boilding in the city, exceptiug ichool No. 1. . Mutlo Boxes Exolusivsly. Best made. Play any desired number of tunes. Oautscbi & Sons., manufacturers, 1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchen'.r ial organs, only 15 and f IU. Epecialtyt Old music boxes carefully re paired and Improved with new tunes. Williams k iHv DR. fllLEjyilEST Siys the Chickens About Mulberry Street Do Not Slug Id the Sama Key. FULL TEXT OF HIS COMPLAINT It Proves That tho Doctor Has a Mu sical Ear Can Find No Solution for the Problem Recommends That Council Take Some Action Concern ing the Wykoff Pave on Penn Avenue. Other Board of Health Business. The board of health held the first meeting of July yesterday afternoou ut us mom in the municipal building. Dr. Uently, the president, called the meeting to order ami the session which followed wits nothing if not Interest ing Dr. W. E. Allenrhenltli ofii.ier of the board, when called upon for his report uroso with a sly twinkle m his gray eyes. Dr, Allen's report is always looked forward to with pleasurable an ticipations for the sidn splitting Humor that prevniles them. His report of yes terday is herewith giveu: To the board of heath. Scranton, Pa. ti kn it. km kn During the mouth of June forty speviui complaints were made to the board of health, mid all have been attend ed to satisfactorily, excepting the one mut ter of chickens. These bipeds nave been a source of much trouble to t lie people of souio parts of the city and likewise to the board of health. They are complained of for various reasons tho principal ones being the objectionable aroma from their environment, so to speak; the insects, commonly known as lice, which are so uninerous and friendly in their immediate vicinity, and lust hut not least, the music of their voices, which they send up hour ly to heaven 'from early eve till dewy morn," making sleep impossible and life n burden. If they only Ming in tune it would not be so bad, but they do not. Among the hundreds of these vocalists in the neighborhood of Mulberry street, no two, 1 n lit informed, are ever on tho same pitch, from tho quavering high soprano to tho tenors of rather limited experience aud the croaking old rooster who tunes up later iu the morning. Teis certainly is terrible, but what cau be dono about it? I have considered the mutter carefully and have about giveu up. 1 will leave the sol ution of the diUlculty to the board. WYKOFl' l'AVKMEST L'ONDUMSl-D. Tho most delisting, and I think dan gerous nuisance now existing, is tho Wy koff pavement, so culled, on Pen n avenue and Spruce street. The odor from these rotten old biocks that have been saturated with everything oily from the time they were put down is certainly daugorous as well as disagreeable. There can bo no species of genu left out, aud in tn v opinion the atmosphere of tho whole neighborhood is unsafe. 1 would suggest that councils be importuui'd to pass an ordinauce re quiring at least tho removal of tho rotten wood and filth. Scrauton street and Ninth Hreet, below Robinson street, Hvesuffering gmitly from the want of sewers. Tho gutiers nt times receive the contents of water closets oil the side hill, and unless there were an olli cer ou every lot, it would be impossible to stop it. This, I think, should bo urged upon councils. Connor's court, Decker's court and fig street remain iu tho same condition. The report was accepted nnd placsd on file. Secretary Pjiigg'a report showed the mortality of the month of Juno to have been 11U; marriages, 221; births, 111. The total deaths in the city for tlvi lirst bulf of the current year are T IS. Seventy cases of cotitagiou.9 diseases wne reported, rn follows: Aieasles, Co; scarlet fever, T; diphtheria, G;nu" case each of typhoid, scarlet fever, and whooping couli. The report of Superintendent II. W, Loftus of tho garbage crematory tt forth that during the month of June the amount of stun? burned is ns fol lows. Barrels find rims, 2,."i41'; dogs, 10: cats, 7; hogs, 1. Thirty-two tons of coal were tued for the month. The report of Food Inspector Richard Thomas was of the same et-reotypo l lotm us the past monthly effusions of that nrgus eyed official hav-j been. It contained tho important announce ment that he has made 533 official visits and so forth. WHAT DID DUdflAN In) TO HIM? At this juncture James Dngun, of the .North hud, chimed in. James is a scavenger hy profession mid looks like a dominie. Whether he ever kissed the blarney stone or not is not quite cleur, l.nt his 1 ingnag? wottid indicate that by some hook or crook he was endowed with the "gift of the gab." He nude a very v.'.ciferons charge against Food Inspector Thomas, nllvging that Mr. Thomas had gone so far as to instruct heads of families in the North End not to give liny garbage to Dnggan or. in fact, to any or the collectors of dial. Ho alo said that Mr. Thomas was der elict in attending to cafes of contagions diseases, insomuch 119 that he was l.izy in placarding the houses where these diseases were, otten neglecting to post notices until the patients were recov ered. Uiiggau said that Dr. Hobs, of Park Place, reported a ilozm cases of measles nml Mr. Thomas did not plac ard the houses until the children wire well. Secretary Briggs lifted tho charge from the shoulder of Mr, Thomas with the statement that during the past two months there were only four cases of measles reported by Dr, Ross and that in each case the receipts of Mr.Thomas were in his possession showing that pla cards had been taken out, Colonel E. II. Ripple made a motion that in order to justify Mr. Thomas, the sanitary officer bj instructed to visit the houses of the people whose family was utllicted with mans les as reported by Dr. Ross and lenrn from them if Mr. Thomas attended strictly to his duty, Duggnn supplemented ins attack on Mr. Thomas with the charge that a man named John Morris, a hotel-keeper of Providence, who rents a house owned by Mr. Thomas, paying therefor if(55 a month, refused to surrender any gar Page, and Duggan alleged that Mr Thomas was the cause of it, saying that he whs in th habit of going among his friends ami urging them to burn their garbage or throw it In the mauure pile, and not pay a monthly fee to garbage collectors for carting it away. Mr. Thomas stood up to contradict Duggau, and after a spasm of giggling be managed to get off the following sentences: "My yard is perfectly clean and I invite any person to come and examine my little garden, and if he can find a handful of garbage 1 will make him a present of a aigar, a good cigar. Ws do not have much garbago My little family sometimes buys a head 01 cabbage, or two. This succint argument was met in silence. Colonel Ripple made a motion that the collectors of garbage be instructed to give notice wbsre they can be reached by telephone, so that they may oe communicated with when com plaints are Bent to the secretary or any memuer or the board regarding the ao cumulation of garbage at any place. The discussion on the garbage ques tion wai again onnod by Mr. Duucan He was boiling over with wrath and wanted to say anything and everything against Food Inspector Thomas, but Colonel Ripple shut him oil'. The plans for the erection of a retaining wail at the garbage crematory were examined by the bourd and City hncineer Phil-. lips came into the room for the purpose of explaining the plans more fully to the members of the board. I he erec tion of the wall will post, according to tho fsttmste, $11)9 0(1. O.i motion of Colonel Ripple tue city engineer was authorized to advertise for bids. I he election of officers was next in order and it resulted iu the chooiing of tue present competent corns for an other term. The salarv of Health Offi cer Allen was fix id iitjUOO poryear,aud of Secretary Driggs at iSJ;). HOSPITAL IS OVERCROWDED. Seven Patients Were Brouicht to It Yt- teidiiy. Tho Licknwanna hospital is crowded to overflowing; there were seven pa tients brought theroyesterdav. but the officials were only able to accom modate four, owing to the crowJoJ condition. The canes brought iu yesterday were not of n serious nature at nil, except that of William Mahady, of Arohbald. Ho had been repairing the porch of Ins house and iu mime uniiccoiintuble wny slipped off igul seriously injured his spine. He was brought to the hospital where Ins condition wits Bald last night to be rather critical. MARCY SUIT TAKES SEW FORM. LTrVigs an Action in Trospass to Re cover $250,000 for Coal That Has Been Mined. Following in the wake of the famous injunction case of tho Lackawanna Iron and Steel company against the Scranton (ias and Water companv comes the stupendous trespass suit for fJjO.onil of William 11. Mtircy, of Car noudale, against the Hillside Coal and Iron company. The declaration was filed yesterday in the office of Fro thonotary l'rvor. Attorneys Joseph O'Drien, of this city; R. D. Evans, John T. Leniihan and Edvviu S. Oiborn, of Wilkes-llarre. represent Marcy, and the law linn of- ll'.ard, Warren aud Kiinpp are iu behalf of the defendant coal company. The case will be tried during tlie first week of the September term of common pleas court and prom ises to be un unusually conspicuous one. In 1ST -i in Luzerne conntv at the commissioners' sale of unseated lands, Marcy bought a tract of 1!)3 acres of land iu Carboudale township. That was before the land was known to bo underlaid with veins of coal , nud there fore the value of it was not placod at a Very high figure. However, the com pany owning' the land Maintained that it was an improper proceeding on the part of tho commissioners to set tip lor sale tho property as unseated land, alleging that the tract was entitled to classification as seated property. .Not until Viyj did Marcy bring stilt to dispossess the Hillside Coal and Iron company. Then he began an action nndvr the right nnd title conferred upon him in his deed of purchase. Owing to the indisposition of r.. A. Willard at the time the case was con tinued from the June terra. It has been placed on the docket where it Will be reached in September. The declaration tiled yestordiy sets forth that tho defendant company, in the period from Nov. 20, 1SS9, to the date of the present suit, retained 11s profits and revenues from the land in this tract a sum aggregating $)0,00o, and also that by optming 11 mine on tho property removed approximately 400 - OnO tons of en d,' rated at GO cents n ton, altogether $200,000. The suit 111 t j -ftment began in 1880, will determiue the question of damages iu tho trespass suit begun yesterday. VtRDICT OF CORONEti'S JURY. A p-jplfxy Cuusod tho Diath of Edward Laugbey. The denth of Edward Luughev, of Oly pliant, who was found dead near the HillsuU home, where ho was a patient, was investigated by Coroner Kelly aud jurv yesterday. A verdict of ueatn lrom npoplexy was rendered from the evidence that the deceased was an epileptic and from tile result of the post mortem examina tion, in which the coroner was assisted by Dr. L. Kelly. The facj bare the marks of many scratches which were decided to have been caused by the rolling about of Lnughey before he died. The jury consisted of Dr. L Kelly, P. II. Uihlions, Edward Cay gill. John Coggino, Thomas. Fallon and Edward Lyons, ABSCESS CAUSED HIS DEATH. Oaoriri Lutz, of O'Connor Court, Bled After an Operation. Georgo Lnlz, a young mnn 17 years of age, die 1 yestenl iy at his home in O'Connor court, Dodgetown, nfter nn operation hud been performed for the i)iirpo3e of removing on abcess from his side. The funeral of Mr. Lutz will tnkn place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, inttrmout will bo made in Hyde Par It Catholic cemetery. POINTS IN POLITICS. Thero is talk of District Attorney John M. tiarnuin, of Nnnticol;e, going into the l.u.eruo congressional light against limes, but this has nothing hack of it. (iartnau is out for Judge Rhone's Hhoes, and thinks hois going to get 'em. As to lliues, his doom wiM come at tho polh. It is announced that ex-l'nited Stutes Senator (.'harles H. litiekalow is to be nom inated as the candidate for congress in the Seventeenth di-trict This district em braces the counties of ('0I11111 bin, Montour atiii Northumberland, and is at present represented hy Simon P. Wolverton. Uuck alew, however, is generally regarded lis a back number and would ho the Ideal Dem ocratic candidate from the lii publican standpoint. Humor has it that Henry C. McCormick, of Williiimsport, has the promise of the at torney generalship in Hastings' cabinet if be can pull Representative A. (.'. Hopkins through the hixteinth district convention this year, against rx-sonator Horace II. Packer, of Tioga. Packer, however, al ready has tho 'lioga mid Lycoming con ferees and cannot be defeated except through treachery. Tho rumor that he will be is probably false. $40,000 Eohool House No. 27, E. L. Walter, architect, bids to be opened this mouth, to bo hull ton Columbia avenue. Lots for nalo on this avenue at low prices for a brief period. Arthur Frotiiinuiiau. buy 1 ha W.br and got the best. At Guernsey Bros. Rkal kaitu never grows weak by hav ing to wait. Sufferers taking Hood's Sar saparilla for chronic complaints should bs patient aud the result will be satisfactory. Hood's Caret. Hoon's riu.8 act easily, yet promptly and elBciently.on theliyeraud bowels, 'Zba It Was Inspcc'ed Yes'.erday by Memte of the Poor Board. ONE OF THE BEST IN THE STATE Contract for Remodelling the Old Women's Building Awarded to John Bcnore & Son and Hunt & Conncll. When Completed It Will Be Used as a Home for Old and Infirm Men. Structures a Credit to the City. A special meeting of the poor board was held yesterday afternoon ut tho Hillside hom-, overlooKing the picture'ipte Newton valley, which just now wears its most becoming garb. After the meeting the membors inspected the new women's buildinir, which is the most complete of the kind in the state. The mooting was cilled to order by President VI. L. LatiL'stalf; the other directors present being: Mrs, Frances H. Swan, aud Messrs, Gibbons, Wil liams, Sliotten and Murphy. The question of awarding the con tract for the remodelling of the build ing formally used by women wss the mutter that engaged the attention of the board. Toe bids were received at the lust meeting but were referred to tho home committee to ascertain if the district could not linve the building re modelled better and cheaper by having the work dono by the day and employ ing such inmates of the home as could be utilized on the work 11UNOHB AWAllPI'.D CONTUAIT. After fully considering the matter the home c liimittee and Architect Amsden enme to tho conclusion that tho district would not make anything by undertaking the reconstruction of tho building itself, and so reported to the meeting yesterday. Mr. Gibbons inclined to the belief that it would be cheaper for the dls trict to have the work dono by the day and employ as much of its own help us possible, until he heard Architect Ams den 'a opinion and those of the mem bers of the home committee. He then n.-reed with the other members to have tho work done by contract and John ISenore & Sou being the low est bidders were awarded the contract for IJS.200. The contract for steam and gas fitting, plumbing, etc., was award ed to Hunt & Connell for $3,490 Work 011 the remodelling of the building will commence at once aud it will probably be ready for occupancy by winter. Secretary Lynett reported that the hoard of underwriters had reconsidered the adverse report of Mr. Bradell, the electrical expert who examined tho wiring of the new building, nnd were anxious to have the policies stand us originally issnod. On motion of Mr. Gibbons the action of the board in or dering the policies cancelled was re cinded, Tho house committee was directed to have the eiectrio lights taken out of the octagon baru to prevent the possi bility of lire. SEW UUILPINU INf t'KC'TED, After tho business meeting adjourned the members proceeded to tue new women's building nnd inspected it. It was first occupied lust Monday. The building is an imposing brick structure with stone trimmings, and is the first one that greets the evens the visitor ap proaches the farm. It is fireproof, hoi low firebricks and steel girders form ing the floors, nnd the walls are also of hollow firebrick. All of the floors are covered with slate tileB. The very latest sanitary ideas were employed in its construction, nud it is aa nearly a perfect building for the use of old nnd infirm women as could be imagined, The dormitories lire well lighted, cheerful and comfortable. The building is 5(1x100 feet in size, with a wing SiOx'.'U feet, and is three stories in height. Its total coat was about $40, uiio Tue new building and its appoint ments met tho entire approval of the membnrs, who proceeded to make n general inspection of the other build ing, which they found neat and well kept, showing that Mr, Deemer nnd his wife, who is matron of the institu tion, give unceasing care and attention to the proper management of the home and the care of the 'MO inmates they have in charge. ' sew men's uni.nisfl. The building which isabont to be re modelled will, when complotod, be need ns a homo for old and infirmeil men. At present tho men are quar tered in a frame building, which, was the first building nt the farm used ns an nluuhonse, and in the first floor of the insane building. The plans contemplato a thorongh change in the interior of the building and also a radical change in the exte rior. When completed it will bear fa vorable comparison with the ndminis (ration building, women's building and insane buildings. It is doubtful if there is another city in the country of the siza of Scranton that so well and hu manely cires for its insane as does Scranton. The work oT tearing out partitions, grading about the building nnd laying foundations for the additions will be done by tho inmates under the direc tion of Superintendent Bsomcr. KSANITCH'S TROUBLESOME JAW. It Has Cauid a $10,000 Dsmige Suit to Be Instituted. About sis months ago John Ksstiltch, of this city, had an nching tooth that made his nights a continual round of misery. 11j determine! to get the troublesome grin lor removed from its FINE LARGE Maori Lemons 25c. Per Dozen. 5 Dozen for $1. Rodi Sweet Oranges 35c, 40c. and 50c. FAlfCY RED BANANAS, PINEAPPLES, RASPBERRIES, &c. E. G. COURSEN. 429 Lacka. Ave. bed of repose and uccorriiugly wont to the ( flice of Dentist Q E. Hill. The operation to which he submitted iu the dental parlor, he alleges, was a bungling piece of work, and ever since he has not had ease or naca- with his lower mandible. Tue side of bis face became ulcerated and the bones of his jaw are sloughing off, he claims. Therefore yesterday, through bis at torney, V. H. Stanton, he began a damage uit against (Jenrga E. und Charles L. Hill for ifMO.OOO. He claims that prior to the tooth pulling episode his jaw was in a Bound healthy condition, hut that since every moment has been to him one of in tolerable pain, not mentioning the de fection of bit beauty. aught" On the Fly. June is generally supposed to be the most popular month with brides, and there is a belief that a greater number of them make their dohut during June than any otlu r month in the year. Tho facts do not la-nr ont this assertion. During June, 10!) marriage licenses were granted by the clerk of of the courts of this county. Exactly the same number wero grunted in Sep tember and October lust. March has the lowest record, having only til to its credit, while February is next lowest with 70. January was the most popu lar month during the year that ended with June, i:!l licenses having boen is sued during that mouth. In June of last year 1 1 'J licenses were issued. During the year which ended June lit), lfSDl, there was 11 total of 1 ;!n marriage licenses granted by Clerk of the Courts Thomas. The Presbyterians of Wyalming, Bradford county, recently removed to its new church ediliue in the central part of tho village. The beli, which is one of the largest iu Northeastern Pennsylvania, has been removed to the new structure. It was manufactured in 18111 by Jones 00 Hitchcock, of Troy, ,N. Y, and weighs without fixtures, over 1,2J3 pounds, Iu connection with the removal of this old landmark, it may not be 11 mis a to state that the church bell which first broke the sil ence of the upper Susquehanna valley, was the one used iu the Moravian mis sion, in the Indian village, Friedeii shutten, ten miles below Wyalusing.in the year 170'.' or n little Inter, it having been brought from Hetblehem, Pa,, and couveyed through an unsettled region on horseback und by canoe the entire distance. The Easton Express says that some of the "sets" of E iston society have introduced tliepreizdl as the piece do resistance, ns it were, of ths rafrssh meuts served at eveuiug gatherings. Young man who Mud fault at home if the pie is burned or the bread a little hard will sit and munch mouth-choking pretzils as thougu they were luppv, when they are really aching to hie themselves to a saloon to counteract those salt und lie astringents. A tramp became sick at Lewistown, Pa., with a mild attack of small pox and the board of health isolated the case nnd hired another tramp to take care of him. As a mntter of course, No. '1 went near to see how No. 1 was getting along, nud according to tramp No. 2, in a few days No. 1 died. The board of health notified tramp No. '2 to bury No. 1 and present his bill for the same. Tramp No. 2 followed his direc tions and presented a bill for 115, which was promptly paid, It has since transpired that Tramp No. 1 was only sick a few days, nud that the scheme was concocted by both to beat the bor ough. The grave was opened aud the cjilin was found to be empty. Y. W. C. A. NOTES. A pleasing musical proginnimo will bo rendered lit the Young Women's Christian association Tuesday evening, July 17, from 7.;il) till '.(.30. Icecream served at 5 cents per plate. Come aud enjoy tho evening with us. Mits Mary Thompson will lead the short gospel service to bs held iu the Young Voinen's Christian associatiou parlors Sunday. July 1.1, at 3.45 p. m. Topic, "Kx cusing Ourselves." All young women tiro assured a cordial welcome. Lawn E.izjrr, R: fi lgeratorr, lea Cream Freezer. 1 hnve uow on hand nnd will sell at cost price: l'.l Lawn Razors, lit Refrigerators, 15 Ice Cream Freezers. Coino and cot one before they are all gone. Tuos. F. Lkonaiiu, 505 Lackawanna avo. Pit. C. C Laviiauh, uentist, Gas and Water company building, Wyoming ave nue. Latest improvements. Light years in fc-crautou. Mrs. W. F. Ilallstead lodge, Division Si, (. P A., to li. of L. K., will run an excur sii n tj lliiiL'hnmton, Thursday July l!l h. Tickets, i?l :25; children, 5(1 cents. Tram will leave I)., L. V- W. depot nt 1) o'clock a. m,, Thursuay, July l'.l. Tub secret art of benuty lies not in cosmetic, but is only in pure blood, nnd n healthy performance of the vital func tions, to bo obtained by using liurdoek lllood Hitters. And Right Up to Date. . . . STERLING We have Artistic Designs in Wed ding Gifts and all the Latest Novel ties. W. W. BERRY, Jeweler 417 LACKA. AVE. Best Sets of Teeth,$300 Including the painless extracting ct teeth by an entirely uow pre CDes. S. C. Snyder, DD.S. 135 WYOMING AVti OH DECK S01 Two Eltaats Are Very Badly Mixed Up at Providence. ATKINSON WAS DETERMINED Ho Resorted to Vigorous Measures to Prevent the Marriage of His Stepdaughter to William Ace Lat ter Disliked His Treatment and Had the Stepfather Arrastsd and Was Himself Arrested in Turn. A love nffair, followed by a revolver episode nnd an arn-st on it charge of assault nnd buttery, followed by an ar rest on a charge of obtaining uoods un der false pretense, is tho rather con glomerated laws which evolved from an attempt ou the pin t of a Providence ample to become man and wife. It begun quietly notili,but by yesterday the prospective Kroouisman had been arrested tor obtninini? goods under false preten-e, the prospective father iu-laiv had been held in !f:)i) t ail to answer at court to a charge of assault and bat tery, tho bride tint is-not whs lau nuishinir in the seclusion of her bou doir and tho mother-in-law was not waist-deep in excitement and willing to whip anything in sight. It all hap pened this way. ' ni:ci!'i:i to mauhv. William Ace. who lives in the neigh borhood of tho I'l'ishin shaft, had for a long time been worshipping at tile shrine of Miss Liz.io Heese, a step daughter of William Atkiiiflon. As young folks frequently do, they made ii) their minds they would hie them selves to a minister nnd be made one, In the still of u few evening ago they saunttred hand-in -hand toward the homo of a Pink Place clergyman, but hard fate intervened in the shadowy form of the irat'j stepfather, who was also out in the still of the same eveu iug. At tho point of a revolver the pair had to "about face'' and wond their way homeward in single bb ssedness, I nt with two ill-arts tii it beat ns one. Tho stepfather bused his olj action to the match on the delicate health of both the young parties. ACE .M-TKIt KhVKNUE. Now, to wit, the William Ace nfore- snid yesterday Mpp-aled to tho law and had the stepr ituer-in-law-to-le ar HAMMOCK LOUNGING is :dT A Luxury 'e will sell you an Im proved Mexican ll.un-iiioL-k fur 80c. A line Col km Pillow Hummock for . . . $1.20 Or Jot ami ( iolil- Fringed Hammocks, $3.25 H. BATTlYTca i 126 Penn Ave. I Scranton' s Hardware S pscl clists. The Scranton Business College New and liandsomo builtling. All modem improvements. Location tliu In-sl possible. tniel aud healthful. Two Sessions Day and Evening. Three Thorough and Complete Courses: Business Course. Shorthand Course. Combined Course.( Proprietors fully alive to I hi! want -s and requirements of busi ness men. Teachers who have spent many yeirs of active work in counting- room and class-room. Announcement ol opening later. Oflioe tPinporurily in Gnrnev, Brown iV L'o. 'sstorp,enr. Adanm Ave and Lindi'n St. Bon! Overlook the Fact That we are iu the Shoe Business. Step iu some day and see how well we can please you, both as to quality and price. Our Ladies and Gentlemen's 3.00 SHOEyS are marvels of style and quality. Children s Good-wearing Shoes are our hobby. We warrant every pair. BANISTER'S, Discount off Straw Hats, Millinery, Ladies' Suits and Shirt Waists. 'S 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. ' retted for nssanlt and battery .and threat to kill. Alderman William bound the defendant over to the next quarter sessions in the sum of $300 b:iil, which was furnished forthwith, by Mrs. Mary Louchi, ItTnthni-.in.lnw.ln.bA ltTrfl Aflrln.An played her trumps in this little domes tic diversement by having the disap pointed groom arresUd on the charge of having obtuined goods under falsa pretense. Whether tho goods are aup postd to be the body of one Miss Lizzie Knese or dry goods does not appear, but the mother-in-law-to-be played her lit tle cue ball just th same t Friends of tho parties mentioned sny ' that this snarl of love, revolvers, law, false-pretenses, mother-in-law, etc., etc., will never nfi'jct the general re sult of matrimony finally and an ex pression of requiescat iu pace from all concsriifd. BE SATISFIED with nothing but the Lest. You will be satisfied if you call on J. LiOLZ and get some of the bargains he is offering. A $5 Coat for $1.49. A $7 Coat for $3. A Fine BlackClay Worst ed Coat for $5, worth $12. Ladies' Capes,allshade3, for 9Sc. Ladies' Tailor-made Suits for $4.75, worth $9. STORED and INSURED IF ALTERED BY US, FREE OF CHARGB During tbo Sutumtr. BOL 133 Wyoming Ave. NEXT DIME BANK. 128 Wyoming Ave. MAKSHAI.L 1 ll-M) & CO.'S s liUTTON ABCOTT. 1 4 BUTTON A 11 BUTT, IT 71? fPTlt? -I B I ' TTON G I-; - F, V A. ' fl 1 ' t t8Ul) 4-BUTT( IN NEPTUNE, j a Pair. BIARRITZ, , J In White Blac'u, Tan3 and Grey. Former Prices, $1, $1 Q.j and $1.50. mm m BI HATS AT BUCK, WH1H0RE & CO. Cor. lachwanna IWunmlniY to lies 11114 0NU inUHIUIH Sl'ltASTOS. PA. CENT. BEE HIVE Furs mTMM'O PER t