The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 14, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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    8e cmfon txihu
Published daily in Sciunton, Pa.. t Thi
tribun publishino companvt
McwYoaaOmctl Tbibunc Iuudino. rAK I
SNTCI1C0 T THE poarorrici AT CRANTON, P4.,
h.'i;a:;to:;. jn.Y 11. isui.
For (Jovirntir:
For I.ituhmtut tii.ri-nitir:
For Auditor d' nrrtil:
III l..M'.:-Ti;U
For iSVn'ffnry c' lUmnl .ii'ViiYs.'
.l.UIFS W. I, . VITA,
or in 1 1. m i i v.
lor Vonurt suncii'iit- .';:
UAi.rsn a a. i;i:iy,
ir.oi:ui: K'urri'.
IIK V KTUMtl;i . Nl.
Vlectlou Tiinf, Niv.
Touay's mmtinu (it the KpnWican
county committee will tie c:lleil upon
to perform an important pnrtv service;
ml the picv.ileno of h.uiiioiiy ami
pooil will can tie safely ircon'iiK'niled
as one of the btsl ol possible con
comitants. Murphyism as It Is.
While commenting, at various times,
tipon the assassination of Robert Koss
by the Murphy municipal machine of
Troy, N. Y acting temporarily
through the pistol of one of its staff of
subsidized murderers, Bartholomew
Shea, this journal has been led to use
language concerning Senator K Iward
Murphy, jr., that has not made pleas
ant reading for him. Fortunately we
have been actuated by no desire to
please this goutlunuu. Against himJ
personally, we have nothing to say.
lie has uiuuy individual merits. He is
charitable, compunionnble, jovial and
loyal. He gives great Bums to the
poor, is a fine patron of local industry,
has u delightful homo wherein he im
parts unstinted good cheer to accept
able guests; and if these things were
divorced from any suggestion of polit
ical rapine, piracy or plunder; if
they bure no hint of blood mouey
and impartod, to the discerning ob
server, no thought of a systematic
prostitution of positions of public
trust, wo should be tho first to do Sena
tor Murphy houor and tho last to speak
him ill. Hut in order to acquit our
selves of any suspicion of having done
Mr. Murphy injustice, we propose uow
to present a eummary of the testimony
taken this week before the jpecial sen
ate committee appointed to investigate
the Ust Troy charter election ; in other
words, we intend to let the unfamiliar
reader view this man as he really is,
perceive the majesty that encircles his
uncrowned head, mark the absolutism
of his rule and incidentally gather a
faint idea of the perfidy that forms the
corner-stone of bis edifice of cower.
Before us lies the stnogr.iphic tran
script of this committee hearing. If
printed entire, it would fill this pag;
but u few of tho salient features may
bo abbreviated as follows:
John C. Ross, brother of Robert Ross,
wore tLuL he and his two brothers be
longed tu the Iiussey Steamer 'company.
This company the machine control, its
tiri'Uiiin, Edward Spaiti, a Murplty ent,
:old livfs on the Saturday prior to the
Biivng election, that owing to tho activity
alien by the Koss brothers in Republic in
nolitics the steamer company uiijjlit be dis
oiuuled, and re-urbanized wilh tlio Rosses
Irnppei from its membership. Rs' tes
.imouy continued: ''f-paiu told me that
if I woe Id yoro fur Molloy, Murphy's man.
tli- gnutf in tho Tliii teeiith ward would be
i-nllecl (ill. lie sunnested that I should go
to Captain brand or Superinioiideut Wil.
lai'il, niiil they could call tuo gang down
on condition that I and uiy brothers would
Vole for .Molloy. I told him that ho had
betlersee the people lie spoke of but I
thought that tne only person who could
really call the ;;an? oil whs Senator Lit
ward Murphy. Then Spain went down
street, mid 1 Mi'v him take a ear that goes
past Jluiphv's brewery. Then he came
bi ck and said that bo had lixed it for u to
gd down and see tho M'uutur. illinm and
I wont down in tho afternoon to the
brewery with Spain. Then! we snw.Mnllcy
iu the outside I'lice and after a brief wait
we were admitted to the private "Aire,
where we found Senator Jlurphy.
1 told the senator what hail occurred last
fall at the election and expressed a wish lo
put n stop to repealing. I told him the
tfl'orts we had made to prosecute these re
peaters, and how they had failed, and I
leciteil the events of the caucus. 1 told
him a man named Hurko was
arrested and sent to tho Brand jury, one
of the jurors was liurke's bondsman. Tho
senator assured us that there would not he
n repeater in tho citv the next day, but ho
d.i! not say what authority he had oyer the
repeat-'rs. A evert Unless, tlie repeaters
came to tho polls tho next day. The senator
rumurKuil time we would bs porrei.tiy
satisfied with the polka1 protection which
woulJ Der'veu us. We told .Mr. Alurpuv
that all the ccod citizens in the ward
had pledged themselves t go to tho polls
ana e that no liietral practices were cur
ried on. To this he sharply in quired. 'Have
you si en tno superintendent's orderf We
told him that wo had not, and then ho
said that it would be in the nfttrnncm
papers. At the time of tho interview the
papers had not been published, but Mur-
pay Know noont tno order. wo did nut
promise to vote for Jlolloy, and shortly
after wo left tho brewery. We had gone
to mo brewery ror roe purpose of ouiain
iiiC protection, as it hud been comnionlv
repoi ted that the Ross laniily would be tlie
object of an attack by members of the
gang on electiou day. "
The "police order" thus alluded to
required citizens to go to the polls un
armed. Meanwhile "Bat" Shea and
1;U :;ang of repeaters went there armad
to the teeth, ami when tho time came
for them to shoot the Republican
watchers down, they had every advan
tage. It will be perceived from the
foregoing testimony that Senator Ed
ward Mnrphy, seated on bis throne of
state inside his colossal brewery al
though paid a salary for work sup
posed to be done at Washington for
the state of Now York, bad only to
touch a button to have a minion ap
pear and act as messenger to bring to
him whomsoever he might wish to
ee. Mr, Murphy, it will be noted,
took upon himself entire responsibility
'for the condition of affairs on election
day; lipid e no coucealment of his prior
knowledge of official proclamations,
spoke of v.iriouscity officials as a South
ern slaveowner might onco have spoken
of his S'rfs, nud in fine acted with
out subterfuge the part that is really
bis in politics the part of au on '
crowned king, kept on his unofficial
throne by aid of tools clothed with the
semblance of public authority, ropeat
era oranized and instructed to prevent
the return of Republican majorities;
and, finally, in emergencies, of des
peradoes ujually ready to bruise with a
bludgeon, stab with a stiletto or mur
der with a pistol whomsoever tho boss
or the system of which the bois is the
head wanted disciplined.
We have nothing to take buck con
cerning Senator Edward Murphy. If
ha had his deserts ho would not be in
the senate. Wears not at all certain
that be might not occupy a cull,
IImtiu.kwns auk not likly to go to
D niocrnts for advice us to their candi
dates for office; nevertliolosa the auir-
uostion of tho Deiiiocrntio Philadnlphia
Times that Senator Cushuiun K. Divii,
of Miiineaotii, who, on sujci'ssiv.) days,
combed down Kyle uml Pelfer in a
inuuner that loft nothing of cither rant
ing Populist, save an unpieaHAiit mem
ory, would bo a strong nominee for the
presidency, is not without timeliness.
Tho American people, without regard
to parly, admire tho pluck, cundor and
causticity which Mr. Dttvis displayed
upon both occasions They admire his
virile patriotism, his whotbxotn faith
in this governmrtut and his bliilV, hearty
manner of saying just wlint ho thinks.
V pret-idt'iitial nominee presenting
these rare characteristics would lie as
sured of a strong following from the
Standing by Senator Davis.
It is encouraging to note the fact that
at the recent convention of Hennepin
county Republicans, hold in the city of
Minneapolis, the following resolution,
proposed by delegate Humphreys, went
through without a dissenting vote:
Resolved, That wo most emphatically
commend the stand taken by Minne
sota's most loyal statesman, C. K. Da
vis, in regard to tho enforcement of
law and preservation of order in this
country." We lenru from tho Minne
apolis Times that there was a small
minority of chap politicians in that
convention who sat back in one corner
and pouted while this resolution wts
being passed; but tlu'y Licked the man
hood to stand up and voto ''nay."
Perhaps it was jnst as well for thorn
that they did this, otherwise they
might have beard, iu no pleasant man
ner, from their loyal and p itriotio con-
stitu'iils This is n poor summer lor
the deiuogague in politics. Tue people
have been awakened from their indif
ference to rogtio domination, They
purpose taking a hand in future deals.
When a republican convention hesi
tates to accord its unanimous and em
phatic indorsement to the manly course
of a seuator like Cushmiti K. Davis,
who possesses the in iate manliness,
loyalty and spunk to resent tirades of
anarchism upon the senate floor and u
refuse, in pointed language, to sell his
manhood in exchaug for u few ignor
ant Popnlistic votes, it will hi time for
the masses of the Republican party to
purge itself of such chicken-hearted
delegates and put representatives in
their stead who will have tho staady
courage of their convictions.
Mr. Davis, to be sure, did nothing
more than his duly; but in these days
even that appears to coma in tho na
ture of a surprise. Ho deserves full
credit for it; nil the more because it is
conventional to do the other thing. A
body of Republicans which should re
fuse to stand by him, which should
shiver and skedaddle away from bis
side through fear of the Populistiu
phantom, would be worse than cow
ards. They would be traitori to the
party, false lo its teachings, recreant
to its sentiments and contemptuous of
its noble history. The Republicans of
Minneapolis are to be congratulated
cpon thoir oscape from this humilia
tion, is no surveyor in thess parts
who does not know the firm of W. and
L. E. (tiiiley company, of Troy, X. Y..
manufacturers of mathematical instru
ments. R. M. Jones, a gentleman of
Salt L ike City, recoutly wroto to this
company, asking "how it found busi
ness under the present administration. "
This is the reply:
If you were here in our shop and saw
one-third of the normal forci at work,
mill most of them on partial time; and it
you had a lot of poor people, widows, or
plums and others dependent on tho little
income from ono or two small mortgages
and a little railroad stock, and saw tho iu
come disappear mainly or entirely, you
would not ask such questions as you have.
What do you think about it yourself?
Some of our lellow countrymen thongnt
they wanted a cuangn suno months ng.,
and they voted for it, and it seems to us
that they havo got their change What
they will do next election remains to be
The opinion hereabouts is that they
will change back again, quicker than
words can say it.
UoVF.ttNoit .Matthews, of Indiana, is
n Democrat of the Democrats, without
a sp"Cof redeeming virtuo in his parti
san composition. But back of all that,
he is a iquarc-loed American citi.on,
who knows his official duty when he
sees it and doesn't have to bo asked
twico to perform it. If Senator Davis,
of Minnesota, should be nominated for
president by tho Republicans, on the
strength of his vigorous demoli tion of
Socialist Peffer, we shall expect to see
('laudo G. Matthews, of Indiana, pat
on tho opposing ticket. The American
people would then be assured of
another real man for president, which
ever side should win.
The somewhat curious contention is
made in the Wilkos-Barre Times that
tho more money rich men's sons wasto
in luxurious living the quicker will
fortunes be equalized aud financial
stringencies eased. This is daugerons
philosophy. Extravagance is never
permanently bouelicial. Money to clr
culato to the best advantago should
circulate upon the basis of honest Talno
received for every cent expended.
From present appearanceB the Car
negie armor plate could probably be
usid in safoty In the manufacture of
huckleberry pails.
Diciis and Sovereign do not objeot to
strikes. Their salaries go right on
just the same, whether the working
man 's family starves or not.
Tue editor of the Philadelphia Rec
ord, who is aleo the minority candidate
for governor of Pennsylvaniii.nsks this
pertinent and thoughtful question: ''If
it be concede 1 that George M, Pull
man doesn't piy his workmen as much
as be conld or should pay them, does
that justify any other nun, or any
combination of mon, iu upsetting the
business of the whole country in order
to bring Mr. Pullman to terms?'' If
the politicians of the country, Demo
crats and Republicans, would drop
demagogiBDa after this wholesome
fasuioD, it would go a great way to
ward solving the problem of wages
and work.
The gloiiy of old Yale is again In the
empyrean. Captain Hickok'i athletie
young men have reached Loudon, been
attired of a big dinner at the expense
of Ambassador Bayard, had enough
matutinal practice to get off their sea
bgs and bnve been assured, after an
indulgent examination at the hands of
Wallie Astor's Pall Mall Gazette, that
they are a "modest, unassuming lot."
After all this what could New Haven
hope for t
Tine I'HiLAbiii.i'in.v Press asks if it is
not "time that tho honeit, intelligent
men of all parlies combined against
the thug and bully iu politics whether
ho comes in the person of a coarse
brute like 'Llat' Shea, or whether he
lolls on a cushioned chair in tho United
States senato and makvs laws for the
nntionV We are inclined to judgo
that it is. We suspect next full's re
turns will bIiow it.
To i.oi.K at Editor Coon, of the Nmt-
icoke News, one would not imagine
that that benevolent appearing philan
thropist could witld a pen which,
when engaged in combat against a
brother scribe, would reel off copy
that in its bitterness scoffs at the
prophylactic efforts of tho iimsI power
ful disinfectants. Truly, appearances
are deceitful aud things are not what
tl ey scorn.
Tiiiisk Joi itNAi.s in Lnzerne county
which are so cocksure nil of a sudden
that Candidate John L'Hsenring has
en bowled out of tho Republican
congressional tight are recommended
to await later returns. The light will
not bo settled until tho convention
It is now announced that Dobluia
leen slightly unsettled mentally. No
one who has watched his movements
during the pust two weeks will go a
groat way to doubt the statement.
GuviaiNoit l'Luwuit ought to bo high
ly pleased with the estimate put on his
manhood by those Tammany thugs
who aro butting live to one that lie
will pardon "B-it" Shea.
It is a hook plan to let the conven
tion do the nominating; mid the people
do the electing. It is easier, cheaper
and more satisfactory, till 'roucd.
'Ihistai.i: of impeaching Attorney
General Ultp-y eases the surcharged
minds of tno lunatics and does no pos
sibly damage to O.ney.
Fi:eki)EKUast's dead bodv is a vivid
object lefson that if law in this conn
try is fome limes Blow, it is nearly al
ways sure.
Di-iis can forecast his future great
ness by casting a glanc over the twin
careers or Jdarlin. irons anil uugu
If the strike has not been called off
by order of Debs, it most certainly has
boon by order of public opinion.
1 hilwltliiliiu Preit.
Whether th i Pullman company is riuht or
wrumr. It is monstrous tuat all Industry
and bii-inesViiould bo paralyzed because
of a dispute between a single employer
and Ins employes. nat nave tlie rai
roads to do with such a quarrel? What
have nil the other trudes to do with such a
private matter? Why should tho street
cars of C'liicngo be stopped and all the or
dinary means of communication in a great
city be suspended simply oocause.ilr. run
man nud ins workmen cannot nree
about wages:- If every time there hap
pens to bo a dillereuco between any em
Plover and ins workmen, nil otner trades
are to be halted aud all tho business life
of the community it to bo brought to i
undslill. what security is left for nnv In
vestment or any enterpriser Iheschemo
rf undci Hiking to punish, intimidate and
bulldoze tlie whole public in order to sup
port the wanton dictation of some nrbi-
trarv and reckless iieitator is the must un
justifiable nnd outrageous development
yet witnessed. It is repugnaut to the
spirit of the American people; it places
labor in a false position; it is a species of
.coercion which is akin to anarchy; and it
is doomed to certaiu aud speedy failure
Ptttthin'i Clirnniv'e- TtU-rafjh.
Thore are thousands of trades unions in
Ilia country whoso ofticcrs ho steadily
ahead attending to their own busino.'S
and accomplishing great good, hut the
public do not hear of them. It is the sort
of men who talk a L'rent deal but do little,
and delnrbtto rose before the public who
attract public attention. The greaiest dan
cer to luiior interests arises rroiu tlie
laxity in the enforcement of the laws
which gives such latitude to insurrection
ary ngitators, When tho fact is fully rec
oni.ed I hat lawless methods are hopeless,
the power nnd influence of the shiewd,
practical, successful men, who are the real
labor leaders, will be increased, for they
will no longer be exposed to such attacks
upon their authority as the railway unions
have mduivd at the hands of Debs aud his
associates in the present conllict.
J'i.tkbllfil 7 iittf.
Wo are mnny nyear.yes.muiiy a century,
off from a belief in tho theory that a niau
ought to throw away the means of liveli
hood for himself nud his family on the
chance that he may thereby help souio
strnuiier a thousand miles away iu a con
troversy to which he is not a party, nnd
the merits of which lie knows nothing
about The most self-denying creed that
was even preached on earth stopped at
loving one's neighbor as himself. It sug
gested 110 such notiou as that n mai
should love the distant strunser whom he
had never beard of at the expanse aud
sncrilice of himself aud bis own.
Ridicul That Doesn't Hurt.
MnnrUDO is I lines.
The Chicago Herald hits boon calling
General Miles i'H.zy-Wuzzy in numerous
articles before the strike begau. Now
Fii.jy-Wuzzy has uo definite meaning as
a word, and may bo construed as acorn
plimont or a term of ridicule. But no mat
ter what its meaning may be, if Genoral
Miles is Fuzzy-Wuzzy, or If Kuzzy-Wuf.zy
is General Miles, It Is probable Unit the
Chicago Herald as woll us everybody elso
has come to the conclusion that Fuzzv-
Wuzzyisjust what the couutry wants atj
the present tuuo.
Thinking Should Com First.
.VniiKlm.'ij limes.
If people only realized bow helpful it is
sometimes to sit down quietly and think,
before rushing impotuouBly ahead on paths
they do not know, how ninny public as
well m private troubles might be averted.
Not a Had Raaaun.
"Why did you tumble flown my boy?"
tliu kindly tou-li. r ci 1 h1.
"Because I couldn't tnmbh up!" the weop-
lug youth replied.
Xew York World.
rh ilatlrliMa JiniirT.
A distinct issue of fact was mnde and no
possible harm could have resulted from re
ferring the disputed noiuts to a disinter
ested committee to discover the truth. If
tue men were makinn living wages tuey
could soon discover the fact. If the Poll-
man company was making a large prutn,
they could have discovered that fact.
If ;the P ullman people were posi
tive of their position they should
have had no objection to submitting
their proofs. A corporation differs Irom
an individual employer. The olluers or
the Pullman compauy are simply the trus
tees of several tuouaud stockholders, who
colltclivelj own the property of theconi-
istiy. iiiete oili eis, we tmuK, wouiu
lave been entirely iustitled in arbitration
the dill'ui eueui with their meu, who would
probably nave acceded to tno award of
tue arbitrators even if it went against
Violonce Not a Ttamady.
I'liilailcljihiu Inquirer.
If the Pulliudu company is lawless, it
should be brought to book; if extortion
ate, other peiieelul means Bhould be used
to remedy it, but ull the violence of nil the
pious in tno couutry will not mane au-
otuer wrong right.
Cculd Have Ordained PeacH.
I'tttslitiltJ Iimea.
Tho followers uf Mr. Debs havo had it in
their power ut every hour of this strike to
have iho soldiers withdrawn from Chicago
by unking their presence there unneces
Thta Ii lha Q icstlon.
liichmoiul 'littltit.
What havo you. Debs, or I, got to do
with a controversy betweeu tieorge Jl.
Pullman nnd 4, Mm men that Lo has been
employing ut his car shop?
Ihs Gland Clt zo' First Duty.
RceardliFs of his personal sympathies
the lirst duty of every patriotic citizen is
to aid iu the iiiaiuteuauco of law aud
Fortunately PefT-r Loft,
fiilmr fjiii Aeejn.
To think that feller drew his first
brcalh iu Pennsylvania! liut the climate
didn't suit him. Ho emigrated.
Anothor Fatal lllsea c ilatlon.
1'hilmleli hi K'l (A (I.
The Anaicbi-ts have sudly miscalculated
the power of the gov,riiniuiit aud the pa
triotism uf its citizens. '
This 1 1 Writ Surcasllo.
Wi i.intjtun lost.
The burning of Pullniau would doubtless
act us a great wat;o restorer.
Ef Ul' Ono Cbance.
'. ilxilvljihia fiYomf.
If Debs' lawyers should plead insanity
they might clear him.
""THERE is but one
way in the world to be sure
of having the best paint, and that
is to use only a well-established
brand of strictly pure white lead,
pure linseed oil, and pure colors.
The following brands are stand
ard, "Old Dutch" process, and are
always absolutely
Strictly Pure
White Lead
" Jcwett."
" Armstrong & McKelvy."
If you want colored paint, tint
any of the above strictly pure leads
with National Lead Co.'s Pure
White Lead Tinting Colors.
These colors arc sold in one-pound cans, each
can being sufficient to tint 25 pounds of Strictly
Pure White Lead the desired shade ; they are in
no sense ready-mixed paints, but a combination
of perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to
tint Strictly Pure White Lead.
Send us a postal card and get our Louie on
paints and coU-caid, free.
Do you make your own Uream f If bo,
White Mountain Freezer.
choice receipts for Ice Cream. Sher
bet's Water lcs are packed in every
Refrigerators, Water Coolers,
Baby Carriages, Hammocks
e co.
Meat Market
Tlie Finest in the City
The latest improved fur
nlshinfts aud appurafus for
keeping meat, butttir and egga.
833 Wyoming Are.
Tt&Sltr Mdtm.ifl
For many years this Piano Las stood iu the front ranks. It has been admired so much for its
pure, rich touo, that it has become a standard for tone quality, uutil it is considered tho highest com
pliiuent that can bo paid any Fiano to say "It resembles tho WE DER.'
We now have the full control of this Tiano for this section as well as many other lino Piauos
Whitlh wo are selling at greatly roducod prices and ou easy monthly payments. Dou't buy until you seo
our goods aud get our prices
All the people tiro wiser thau some of the people. To say that the public can bo de
ceived continually is to insult their intelligence. No business can be successful without
the cordial co operatiou of its custoiners---no co operatiou cau lie cordial without confi
deuce. That we have this in so largo a measure shows that we have carefully nurtured
this "plant of slow growth" until it's big enough to give shade to all. Our methods of
forcing growth were with
Ladies Jersey Ribbed Vests, all sizes, 5c.
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests, of Maco Yarn, Richelieu ribbed,
neatly trimmed neck and shoulders, 12c.
A very superior quality of Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests, made
from double-combed Egyptian Yarn, Lisle Thread finish,
25c. See window.
Gents' Summer Gauze Shirts and Drawers, 25c.
Boys' Navy Blue' and White Striped Blouse Waists, with
Sailor Collar, Pearl Buttons, including Cord and Whistle
with every Waist, 39c.
With the New Valves
Out of Sight
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Boys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are mak
ing extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels.
314 Lacka. Ave.
A Full Assortment
Letter Copying Booh
ACOO-pase 10x12 Book, bound
lu cloth, slicep back and corners,
guaranteed to give salis faction,
Only 90c.
Stationers and Engravers,
317 Lackawanna Ave.
Dr. Hill 5 Son
et teeth, J.1.50: beat not, S; for sold rapt
and teeth without plate, called crown nnd
bridge work, call fur prices and reforonom.
VONALU1A, for cxtraotiuit leth without
pain. Mo ether. Nogaa.
Y. M. C. A.
n win i wmi nnn
niLLinmuva unu
Items Like These
Brothers &
iiigissiii:ieiiiigi53iiii!i!!!iiiiiiasiii9i(iiiai:iiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iniiiiiiunuiu
?5 M
Shoe Store
Selling Agents,
227 Lacka. Ave.
The comfort aud
of our
till you have ona in your
home. They consume very
little ice and will keep fresh
mrat for three weeks iu the
hottest weather. We have
many styles and sizes.
513 Lackawanna Ave.
(Mod aud Ularli!,
and Get the
ITaving had 12 yoara' experience In tho Bicyd. Inist.
TiP-M and the avonny for leading Wheels of all gradus,
we are prepared to guarantee satisfaction. Those in
tundiui; to iurcbae lire invited to call and examine
our complete line. Open evening. Call or lend atam
fur catalogues.
(SEW ... i
:: House
Sltnated at snminit of the New York,
iarioand Western Railway, 1K0O feet abova
ioa. The highest steam railroad point In the
Seven fine lakes within from three to
twenty minutes' walk from hotel or station.
I'wo baas lakes convenient perch, pickerel
aitd other common varieties of fish, ceveral
other lakes within half hour's drive.
For a day's sport and recreation take New
York, Ontario and Western railway train lea v.
iiiKScrautou at .:i0 a. in., arriving at Poyntelle
at 10.10 am. Kcturninir, train loavei t'oyn
talle 4.30 p.m., arriving in Koran ton 120 p.m.
$8 TO $) l'EH WEEK.
House accommodations, 50.
To those branches I devote especial atten
tion every afternoon.
CfhVnand format the BI.UME CARRIAGl
Uraduiito of tho American Vtoriuary Col
legu Well, Sir!
Yes, sir! We
havo a special
ist here to fit
you who does
nothing else.
Sit right down
nnd have your
eyes fitted iu
a scientific manner.
Inserted in TUB TRIBUNE at th