THE SCI?ANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY AIUH3TNG.' JULY 14, 1S94; ASE BALL Scranton Wins a Sharply-Contested Twelve liming Cama from Dazletou. WON BY HEAVY STICK WORK Allentowii Takes a Close Game from Philadelphia, Reading Defeats Potts villo, and Lancaster1 Crushes Harris burp; Standing of the Clubs Na tional and Eastern League Results. Notes of the Game. TATE lttttgue games I " 1 TL- iiliiyeti y este r u a y l-LLll.',.", weretill remurknbla for lieiivy liiuins. Liiiu'iistor lipiulinx liih Willi tliirlv- V V olio bite to ber ' credit. Allentowii still hoMs tho bead of the list followed by L u n e i 8 te r and Pottsville, with Scranton, H izletou and Heading tie for fonrtli vbie- The following table jives tho per centage, number of guinea won and lost by each club, and their standing iu the loane race: Won. Allentowii 5 I.iim'iister 4 I'ottsville :i Scranton Hiizletou "J Heading 2 llsrrisburi; 1 l'UihuKtnliin 1 Lost. II I II :i J 3 4 4 lVr ft. 1.(1110 .SIKI .111 10 .41 HI .4"0 .4UH .'.''III .Vl'IJ Kt lii'ia't.i: ion today. Scranton at'ton. Allentiiwn. nt I'liiliulelpulu. I'ottsville at Koailinp. llari isbnrg at Lancaster. THREE HOME RUNS. We Bladj Enough H ti Off Jordan to Win T1:U Oam. tlKeial to the Scmn'.on Trihun. Hazi.kton", July 13 SjiMtiton de feated Hnzleton lOi'uy in one of ths most r.xeitinfc contestu ever witnesHed nt Huzleton park. The iiitan was re plete with brilliant plays, aud required twelve inniugs to decide it. The feature of the t ime was the heavy, butitijr of the Scrautou team, hi tul I z and Wcstluke each bad live bits to their credit, one of Staltz' baing u liouie run. Wetz-1 and Mitssey each had four hits and l'.itchon tbree,two of which were homers While Hodson we hit rather freely and guve eilit men their baBes ou balls, lie nevertheless struck out sjven men and aided materially iu winuing the game for tin visitors. Tho score: HAZLETON'. It. II. P.O. A. K. Jluraii, c. f '2 1 'J 0 0 II. Ely, 1. f 2 I) 3 (1 ! ( lark, lb U 1 17 JJ (I itotlieriuel, . s 1 'J 5 s 1 Jordan, p 0 :.' II -i 0 f'onrov, ill) 1 1 'i 5 0 (iraliam, ah 'i II 3 1 Mi or c 1 :l 1! li 0 l uirliurst, r.f 1 a U U 0 Totals 10 i" M 23 li SCRANTON. it. it. r.o. A. K. Wetzel, b. s 1 4 o 4 1 llocau, . f :i 1 5 1 1 l'atchen, r. f 'J 3 t 0 0 JIasiicy, lb 0 4 11 0 0 JPhelnn, lib 0 0 . a 0 Htaltz, L f a 5 4 0 1 iuiRers, c 1 1 s 1 1 Westlake, 3b I 5 a a 0 Ilodson, p 1 a U y 0 Totul 11 23 30 l'J 4 Hazlet'n.3 0040001003 0-10 Scrant'u.O 1 3 0 0 0 1 a 0 U 3 1-11 Earned runs H.izlotun 7, Scranton 0. Two Imse hits Jordan,, llithermel, Wet zel, I'utchon. Three basn hits Staitz, Jordan. Homo runs II. Ely, Patchen a, Stiiltz. Doubh; plays .Moore to t'onroy; Cirahani to Conroy; iiithorinel to Clark to Jloore; Kothennel to Clark; U Jtherniel to Conroy to Clark; Hunan to Westlak-ij I'M chen to Phnlnn. First base on balls OuT Jordan 1, Hodson S. Time Three hours. Umpire Corcoran. OTHER STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Reading lieadim? 4 1 3 1 4 0 1 fi 7-20 i'ottsville (I 1 li 0 a 0 0 3 2 13 Hits Reading. 22; Pottsvillo,' 14. Kr rors Reading, li; I'ottsville, 13. Hatterii's Rhnads aud Goodhart, Wilson, Clare and Difc'Rins: At Philadelphia Philadelphia. ..0 2004228 0-1 3 Allentowii.... 4 0 0 3 3 1 0 2 114 Hits Philadelphia, IS; AllontrVvn,. 10. Errors Philadelphia; 4; Allentowii, 4. Batteries Bradley, -McHuiro and Roth; Kilroy, Donoghne and Milligan. Cmiiire Vnlee. At Lancaster Lancaster 3 4 C 3 4 2 S 5 021 llarritburg....O 0130011 00 Hits' Lancaster, 81: llnrrislmrtt, 10. Er rors Lancaster, 9; Ilarri'sbnrg, 10. 11 t terrips Scheible and Coto; Hut ton, Wright and Wente. NATIONAL LEAGUE RESULTS. At Pittsburg New York.... 2 0200000 04 Pittsburfr 4 8 0 3 0 0 0 0 x 10 Hits New York, 6: Pittsburg, B. Er ror! New York, 0; Pittsburg,' 3 l'.attor-i'-s German, VVestorvelt ..ud Farroll; Ehret and JIaclt. Umpire Emslie. At Cincinnati Koston 4 1 3 2 0 2 0 7 8-22 Cinclunati ...,2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 27 Hits Uoston, 20: Cincinnati, 13. Errors Boston, 2; Cincinnati, a. Batteries Staley and Ryan; Parrott, Tannhlll and Murphy Umpire Uaffney. At Cleveland Philadelnhia.,3 2000001 28 Clevland 1 4 0 S 4 1 1 0 x 10 Hits Pliladelphia, 10; Cleveland, 14. Errors-Philadelphia. !r. Cleveland, 3. s liatteries Callahan and Buckley; Young and O'Connor. Umpires Lynch, VVey hing, Cuppy and Stag. , , At St. Louis Knltiinoro ....2 8 0 0 0 0 0 5 010 St. Louis 3 3 0 0 0 0 5 0 x U Hits Baltimore, 8; St. Louis, 12. Er rorsBaltimore, 8; St. Lnnis, 8. liatteries Ilawke, Me.Miihon and Clarke; Hreiteu ptfiin and Twiii"hal. Umpires Hartley, Quiun and Bonner. EASTERN LEAGUE. At Springfield Hpringtleld, 0; Buffalo, 0. At Syracuhe Syracuse, 8; Binghamtou,5. At Troy Troy, 11; Wilkes-Barre, 10. GLINTS FROM Trie DIAMOND. Pitcher Hughes has not been released by Pottsvillo. Clevelaud wants Right Fielder Hill, of Pottsville. Potts will hereafter altornate with Dig giiis behind the bat for Pottsville. Tim Murnatio says; "Cnt the pitching distance three feet and tbe games will be more interesting." Harry Stovey, the old league ball player, who haabeeu playing captain and left Held on the Now Bedford baso ball' team, has received bis release. Stovey refused to take a reduction In ealary. The team will hereafter be captalntd by Pitcher Sexton. ENTRIES FOR TODAY'S RACES. Seme Very Flo Contest! Are Expected at th Driving Park. Pleasant weather is nil that is re quired to attract a large crowd of men and women to the races of the Gentlemen's Driving club this after noon, while a fairly f.itt track is the only requisite to m-iks the necond meet a succesi from a purely racing stand point. Tho events have filled far beyond the expectations of tho ollicials of the club, no less than tweuty-g!. entries having been carded in the four trotting races, and last, but not lenst, ten gentlemen1 drivers will goad ten etubborn mobs in a mad half-mile scramble for a gold (?) medal. Liauer's bunil will be nn acceptable attraction mid will head a procession of the mules nnd their trainers toward the track nt 1.30 o'clock from the Wyom ing house. The first race will be started nt 2."0 o'clock. Particulars of tho events follow: First liace Mules to sulkies; drivers, J. A. Jlosrs, Frank II. Spencer, J. L. Crawford, L. hunmll, Walter II. Jer- in v n, John A. Fritz, Cltarle Schadt, L. T." Pavno, Dr. U. E. Hill, lr. Charles Hill. " Second Race 3,30 class; 1. Victor Koch, bl. g. Weorgo. 2. James Jliars, b. g. Farmer Jliles. K. .1. L. Crawford, b. g. Fred, 4 Walter Jeruiyn, b. g. (eorge Mad dorks. 5. Lir. J. L. Weutz, b. g. Horace Jeffer son. 0. John lionoro, g. m. Nellie. J lnril Hace 3.IIII c.,rs; 1. Dr. J. L. Ventz, s. m. Molho Itawn. 2. J. F. Siegel, b. g. Frank S. i. .1. A. Frill., b. m. (ieorgio W. 4. F. C. Hiizzard, b. g. Frank. a, 11. Jl. Sliellv, b. m. Fannio Blair. 0. L. T. Payne, bl. g. Duke. 7. Frank Merrifleld, b. g. William. Fourth race, 2.35 class 1. ( li'irles Siliadi, br. g. Johnny. 2. W. u. Parke, (f. g. CoXi'V. 3. Dr. (. E. Hill, b, g. John, 4. Levi patei'sun, b. g. Farmer Boy. a. Dr. Charles Hill, b. g. Jack. l. Dr. J. S. Portens, s. m. Jhuid L. 7. Ambroso Spencer, b. g. Tnief . 5. Kiiudolph (.'rippen, b. g. No N'auio. Fifth race, free for nil 1. Levi Paters in, b. in. Nellie B. 2. Ambrose Spencer, b. ni. ilollie. 3. Walter Jermyn, bl. m. Magnolia. 4. Dr. Charles Hill, g. g. Jim Meant. u. J. H. Ladwig, s. g. Blew. ''Centaur" has again favored The TiiiuL XK with inside information, nnd tips the following horses to liuish one, two and three: Second race 1. J. L, Crawford's Fred. 2. Dr. J. L. Wentz'-i Horace Jefl'erson. 3. .lames Mean' Farmer Miles, or Walter Jermyn's Ueorgo Maddocks. Third r;.ce 1. Frank Merrillebl's William. a. J. F. S igel's Frank S. 3. L. T. Payne's Duke. Fourth race 1. Lovi Paterson's Farmer Boy, 2. Dr. Chnrles Hill's Jack. 3. Dr. J. S. Port-ens' Maud L. Fifth race 1. Dr. Charles Hill's Jim Mears. 2. Levi Patersou's Nellio B. 3. Ambrose Spencer's Mollie. F. C. llnzzird's Frank may npset the calcnlatious in the o-miuute class and W, li, Parke's Coxey may do the same trick iu the 2 o3 race. Cox?y is owned by J. L. Crawford and very little is known of his past performances. The horse is entered iu Mr. Parke's uauie under the rule which allows members to enter and drive other mem ben horses. Ueorgie V and William. 3 minute class; John and Thief, 2. oj class, aud Magnolia and Jim Alears, free-for-all, were conspicuous in last Saturday's races for their erratic performance. Since then, however, they have been given considerable track work und brushes to such an extut that their behavior today will be more docile and satisfactory. hf dies and carriages will be admit ted tj the park Tree, und a 25 cents ad mission charged gentlemen. The starter, timer uud judges will be ap pointed at the track. While the management has many de tails to perfect, it is suggested that for the benefit of the grandstand audience some arrangement be made to an nounce the scratches, starters, change of drivers and other details which, if properly made kuown, will win the fa vor of the spectators and enhance the success of the meetings, AFTER DIAMOND PRIZES. fcranton Men Who Will Participate in Berwick Racas. Ralph A. Gregory and Rib White, of the Green Midge wheelman, left here onthe 0 07 Blooinsbnrg train last night for J-iorwiek, where they willrido today in the local bicycle races. Both are entered in the one-mile open und half-mile events, for which tho first prizes ure a i:!j and !a. diamond re spectively. John Ilolr, of Flory & Holt, was also in tho party and will compete in the lo-mile road race. Gregory, particular? is in fine fettle and his friends nr confident thai he will return at least with honors and probably with prizes; it is nlso ex pected that White uud Holt will give a good account of themselves. Gilmore, of the Scranton club, in tended to participate but had to abandon the idea owing to a disappoint meat in obtaining his raciug wheel. WHIRLS OF THE WHEcLM EN, Tricycle championships are still a feature at Engiisu race meets. The rumor that John S. Johnson, the seinl-proto.-Miiiml liicyclo racer, nau deter mined to go to France and ride for money prizes i-i denied by Tom Eck, his manager anil trainer. Permission has been extended by the l-ipague or American wneeimeu to the fol lowing Cnnndinu cyclists to compete in races held in this country: W. S, liisnard, Kicnnru jjiem aim n. frasor. Johnson intends to visit the Wnltbam track some time during this month, and nttempt to lower Jleintie's hour record. He is confident that under more favorable conditions, be can ride tho mile in about Jm. mi Thomas Mullen, a reckless horseninu of Malone, N. Y.. last week paid $15 "for as sault in the third dogren," the assault con sisting of the upsetting a lady cyclist. who drew to one side of the road to es cape his furious driving. Mullen pleaded a runaway norse, utit it availed nothing. Wood rims aro becoming a source of much complaint. Experience demon trates that spoko wire that will with stand the severest usage in a steel rim is found wanting; when used as it in, In rims ot wooci. i ne mirerunoe in tms tensiio strength of the rims Is marked. The chief clillicnlty with wood rims at prosout ex perienced is caused by the "pokes Dearlnit at the- nipples. I have also seen wood rims smashed to sulluters by a fall or col lision, when metal rims would, at the most, receive but a dent. Trie wheel. EUctrlo Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same Ming of" praise. A purer medicine does notexist und It is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of tho Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Bolls, Salt lthoum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the Bystom and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Continpation aud Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cte. nnd 11 per bottle at Matthews Bros., Drug store if A Word. Ifanis of aft Hnd$ tost that muc ta ttpt Situations T)'aied,uAicA are insert Agents Wanted. 'KNKUAL AGENTS WANTKD-SEU-- 1 ing new artirles to ileali'is: exclusive ii-i lit, , nil i-uiiiirilimu, IHM-ii mini inji 1.1 r. 1 . : i( l per eellt. profit, '.'ullllllbill CllOIIll eid Co., Ill) Dearborn it., (.'Iilnago, III. "II'' ANTED - TWl) ACTIVE. KKLLUU.E ii men to represent us; Sis weekly; Hlato ago anil giv 1'i'lnieinu. Address .MnliulH.'- turer, P. (. llux, Philadelphia, Pa. 07.YHI PER MONTH. CITY OK COUNTKY O to emntietent wititi-jiivitke ilisulMlu'e sole:- itnrs; well estitiilislii"' ; .vnaueut liusinem. Address or inmiire aeenud Moor, 54 i.aeU- uaiiun ave., Scranton, Pa. Help Wanted Male. U' A N T P. 1) - li'' Y (. )V A KK A "c A T 1 1 o L U ', uneniployeil mul will work for Sia per week, write .MMeConnell llroH., 11 I'laiililiu strei't, lUisti.n, Mass. For Sale VnTlTsA l':MTTrurvrAl iDI.H 1 IU It S li. J Can l.e :e;liat Noi tii .Main av . C'HAS. A. lll'IIIt. Special Notices. IlLAXIt HOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAO A It mes, ote., bound ov rebound nt TuK Tuim.'XK olliee. yuiek work. Heinonable I rices. MliAL "TICKETS CAN UK HAD AT H4. coiuer ISpruco street mid Hraukliu ave nue. Twenty meal tickets lur fo.o0. Uood table board. Lost. 1 OST-A UOI.b'lLUU 1'IS WITH WIHTR I i ill I... ...i.ul.K. v.. 14 prongs. rumer ui .-iiMn'"j warded by I'ettirninir the same to Colonel K. II. uipplo, 'J lino national LaiiK ouiuiiiik. Charter Application. VUTICE IS HEKEBY tllVEN THAT AN -i application will be made to tiled .vernor ofPenusvlvania on Monday, tho second day of July, is'.'l. bv Watts C. Van lilarcoin, Howard Withers, Kdmuinl A. lintl. David Siiruks and Louis J. Siebeeker, under the Act of A senibty, entitled "An act to provide lor tlio incorporation nnd regulation of certain corp rations, " approved April t'.i, nTI. and too supplements thereto, for the charter of nn imeneeil corporation to bo called tho Crescent Coal Mining Company, the charac ter and object of which is Iho mining, prepar ing for market and selling anthracite coal, ii'id fer these purpos-s to have, possess awl enjoy nil therightH, benetlts and privileges of said Act of Assembly and supplements thereto. PATTEUSO.N & WILCOX, Solicitors. Proposals. CKAl.KD ''PROPOSALS WILL BE K15- 0 t-eived at the rooms of the Hoard of Health, Scranton, Pa until 3 o'clock fi m., Friday, tlie JUth day of J ily, 1SI, to construct a re taining wall and make the neeehsary excava tion for same, around the Crematory building iu the 7th ward, in accordance with plans und specifications on tile iu the office ot tho city engineer. Hidden shall state a price for which thoy ni l complete the work. Bidders shall enclose the sum of fifty Hollars, cash or ci'i'titted check with each proposal, which sum is to be forfeited to the use ol the City of Scranton in ease of contractor omitting to execute u contra t for file work within ten davsfrom date of tho auai'd of same. Tim work is to be completed within thirty days from date of ex cut ion of contract. Thi Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. jmes k. ben i ley. .w.d., President Scranton. Pa.. July 14th, 18HI. SEALED PUolWALS WILL BE KE ceived at th olliee of the Street Commit. s oner, -crant n, Pu., until 7.8U o'clock p.m. 1 hursday, .1 uly in, 1114. ior the laying of t! ystoue sidewalks and the sotting of curb stones on South Main avenue, between i-u-zei ne nnd Hampt on t-treets, sa'd work to bo don'j in accoi daueou ith ilau and specifications tiled in the ollico of t io City Clerk, liiilders are required to state separate price for lay ing of flagstone sidow.ilks and setting cf cui'bstoiios Tuo city reserves the righ t to reject any and ad Ills. By order of City Councils. PHILIP KIR ST, Street Commissioner. Scranton. Pa., July 10, 1SH4. C BALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE n ceived at the oltieo of tin Street Com. missione". Scranton, Pa., until J. 3 o'clock p. m Thursday, July IV, 18i4, for the laying of flagstone silowalks pavel gutters, and the settinr of curlsionns on tho west rn sidoof Seventh street, f mil Lackawanna avenue to Scranton street, said work to l o dono in ac cordance with plans and k cciilca'ions tiled in the ollico of tho City Clerk. Bidders ure required to slate separate prico for laying of flagstone sidewalks, pavod uutiers. aud set ting of curbstones. The city reserves the right to reject uuy and all bids. .By order of City Councils PHILIP KIRST, Street Commissioner. Scranton. Pa., July 10, IM'I. CEA1.ED PROPOSALS WILL BE HE O ceived nt the olMco of the City Clerk, Scran on, Pa., until ".J) o'clock p, m. Thurs day. .Inly l!l. ls!'(. to construct a ston" ni'i'h culvert on North Main nvotme over I eg wtt s cio iK iu in: "orduuc ' w ih the plan onil si eci lic itiMi llierelor ll!o l in the olliee of City ( lerk. Holders shall s:a'e price fornldeh they will complete th i woi k ns sliown ( n plan and sp client ons, i.u 1 sfall a h is tut a piiuo f r winch they will pevl'orin any cxtia work that ml ht lo nee "sllae I, nnrng a prie) tor ina-ojry. w ith and with' ut ce ment; ul-o for excivatlon and tilliu. Bidders sha'l eie lose. with ou h propo al, the s'.uu o.' n il1 Ion. died dollars, cash or corti -lie 1 check. hi 'h sum is lo bo lorfo.toj to the city lor tin us! of tho city ot Scran ton iu case offind-sion toexecuto a contracc iu nc iiidancii with tbe proposals if nwa-ilsi IlieHaiuo. The work is to lie completed within I'oty linvs from date of avard of coiitniet. 'J In estunat d to-t of the work is S3,:i!H.W3. TO" city reserves tho right to reject any und all bios. Byordorof City Councils. M. T. LAVKLLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa , July , 1H4. CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE ceived at llin ollico of tho city clerk, Scranton, Pa., until l.'ti o'clock, p. in., Thurs day. July In, Istil, to do fllliiigaud fenc ng re quired at tho Prospect avoutie culvert, over the Stat'ord Meadow Brook, iniicordiinc" with plan and ep"Cifcations filed ill the olliee of the city clerk. Bidders shall state a price for which tl oy willcoinplnto tho work. Bi .dors sh ill enclose the sum of fifty dollars, cash or certified check, withcach proposal. which sum is to be forfeited to tho use of the city of Sji antou in o ism oi contractor omitting to ex ecute a contract for the work within ten days from date of award of the same. The work is to be completed within sixty days from date of execution of contract. The city reserves the right to reject liny and all bids. By order of city councils. M. T. LAVELLE, city clerk. Scranton, Pa.. July H, 1SU4. y BALED PROPOSALS WILL' Ii7kT f calved at the oflleo of tho city clerk, Scranton, Pa., until 7.:iU o'clock, p. m., Thurs day, July l'J. lSPt. lo do filling, construction of masonry and retaining wall, also the putting tU and iminting of one hundred und eighty feet of Iron fence, all at Pittston avenue cup vert. 'Hie work is to be done in accordance with plan and specifications Hied in the ollico of city clerk. Bidders hIiuII stats prico for which thoy will complete the work. Bidders shall oncloso the sum of fifty ."id) dollars, cosh or ce tilled check, with encn proposal, which sum Is to be forfeited to the uso ot the city of Scranton in case of contractor omitting to ex ecute a contract for the work within ton dnvs from dnto of award of the siime. The work is to be completed within thirty days from date or execution ot contract. 1 lie city reserves the right to roji-ct any and all bids. By or der of city councils. M. T. LAVELLE, city clerk. 8crsnton, Pa.. July , IMH. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT J tho office of John Jermyn, Prloeburgh, Pa., until July pi, 1WI, for driving n rock tun nel in Jermyn, No. 3, from tho 14 foot voin to cut the Dnnmore vein size to be 7x14 feet in tho clear ami about 1.600 feet long. Also to sink a shaft from surface to Dunmore vein, size to be hxlZ Icetln the clear and about laO font deeu. Specifications may bo seen at Prlceburgh. We reserve tlio rignt to reject nnv or all bids. W. M. JERMYN, Supt. J Mr, WE CAN atVC YOU SATISFACTION 1 Work you 'will meed soon. The Scranton Trihune Job Dept. Real Estate. 'P'HE !'ABSONAOENEXT TOTUKFllWT J. Presbyturion Church o:i Vushlngton, win ou Miiu or removoa to uiaKa rx m ior a new lit i diug on im ground. Also tho plumb iuk miruca mm mautios in uu ooumj, uuu fence, ttaustoun, ic.. out.-ide. For partic ulars call ou M. 11. HOLOATE. Coumuiiv.culth Uui'Uiug. OCRANTON REAL ESTATE AND IN k' VESTMENT AOENt.'Y otter bargains us fsl own: tllY B HI a ESS PROPERTY, lift, front by M ft. deep, ou Sprmo street, relila furS7l $10,0(0 40 fi. front by 60 ft. deep, on Spruce street, corner alley It, front on Sprue, street but ween IVnn and Franklin, with alley on Mile, speak quickly as i-pruco street prop erty is advancing lup.uly. CITY KKSIlHKNLE PROPERTY. CORNER MONROE AND VINE streets, lot iiUxKii, two dwellings, $,MW, giving u nic residence and an income for small iiivuitiuuut; ALSO A PLOT OF 3 LOIS, ea h 4i'.l.'n. aiv ing l'J) tt. front on Monroe avenue n. a- Vim street. '1 hose mnke a lir-t-ehcis ntsidenco plot iu a very dosirablo locality. Coal not reserve under these lots- goes with the surface, ll not sold in one plot will sell aliovj separately. A line rcsideiiu.i inUrecn itidge. coruo- Jcf fersou ami Llucti ic, lot tt'ixoj, S r ioius ai:d bath, easy terms, Ja.ntli. WEST SIDE. Lot iinxlso, South Main uvonue. a-ljoiniiu' residence ol Smith II. Molt, price, S::,7iJ; 'd-(-lots nn Rock street aud West End place. Onlj four left. COCNTRY PROPERTY. A IIEACTIKCL HoML AT DALTON, PA., modern house; spring water piped uito it from hill bin k, barn lor three horses and two cows, lieunery with cemented floor, young fruit, line lawn, grand outlook; one and a half to three acres, usdosircd, t.'i.lHill. Also lot-i of about fame size ou Western Slope, Dulton. Call or undress SMI 1 11 H. Al. TT, Manager, No -l-'l Lack. aye. rear board Hade. Public Sale. I WIIL OFI ER AT P1. B IU SALE ON 1 Wediiisdiiy, .itily aj, ISji, at 10 o'clock u. in., on the preo is s. the leasehold i-state am. term of years ere ted by Indenture from U. Schoonmak rtoArihur Krothinglriai am. Laura )' lotlnughaui, ihited June 1st, ls-s, re corded iu llul mage Book No. page UL'I etc., us by reterenie therein ln.d will full, appear, in lot No. 3 iu Sonar; or Block N" l T ; ...l,i..l. .... tl't, VII ,1 VOlUITlg 11 "11 ll", OU ,,111. I, .1- Fi'otliiuglnui Arcu'lu" stood. The lot is 4 foot wido and hi", feet deep to all sllry. Terms will be made known on day ot sale. LliAS. 11. Y 1-l.LI'. July II, HU. legal. INSTATE o' Martha Taylor, lit- of lb 1 J Borough of Olyphant, Pa., decusid. Letters or admiiustrailou upon tbeub" named estate havtiur liecn grauted to tl in derslgnud all per-oiis I avim cla ins or d mnuds ngiiiiiNt said estate w ll present tliei. tor payment and those iudebti d theret wi. pi. lis i lliak 1 belnediat ! p:ivltl'-llt to WlLLAKl), WARREN" & KNAPP, Attorui.ys for Estate. JOHN TAYLOR, Acinr., Olyohaut, Pa. Situations Wanted. 'rraATiT)NvT O lady who ipeaks llerm:n and Kogish In othceor at I ooks prtfericil. Ad lrei S. A M.. Uelleral Oeliv. rv. UrANTED-A WOMAN WANTS WORK by tho dav. Address S. M.. 611 Mali o striK-t, Scriintoti, Pa. C1TCATION WANTED BY A YOl'NO L 1 la.!,. . a .f t.. .1.. .1. ,u ,,...1.1., . .... ..I..1- sewing by the duy. Ad ;ros (.'. i'r.o me Olliee. The Great Laurel Hill Park September 6 and 794 The committee has re ceived assurances that no less than FIVE of the greatest bands in the states of Pennsylvania and New York will participate in the reat Contest IF YOCTt OLD BOOKS NEED FIX ING, SEND THEM TO The Scranton Tribune Bookbinding Dept. FESTIVAL The Gi eat Bankrupt Sale The Great Great New York Clearance Sales Are now being disposed of at retail by us at Merciless Prices to reduce them intb ready cash and make room for some changes we are contemplating at our establishment. We need more room for our steadily increasing trade, and if price is any object for first-class goods, Come Now. Bargains are awaiting you in all departments.' GROSS, FOSTER Sc CO. onnolly Ladies QUANTITY ioo doen. QUALITY The best value that has ever come from a for eign shore. COLORDycd by "I Iermsdorf." That's enough. PRICE-25c. A PAIR. Our own stamp. Our own import. Taffeta Moires 12c. per yard. Others advertise them as a bargain at 1 5 cents. GOriiOLLY & Hotel Wayerly Eurcponn Fir't-cliuei Bar attichM. l'euot tor Uui'Kiior tt hugel'i Tauihauor Beer. U Cor, 15th End Whlli, Mih Host doairahls for rontdentu cf N.K. Ton' fylvuida. All eonveuieucea lor traveler, to and from Broxd Street itntiorj nod tha Twelfth and Market Struct hUtiou. Lie lirable for vintii.g Scruntonlam uij p lit in tho Anthracite. Haglou. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOB. OUR STOCK was damaged by water from the recent explosion and fire, which occurred Saturday night, June 16, in the store of our neighbors, Messrs. Davies & Griffin. The damages allowed us by the insurance companies permit U3 to offer GREAT BARGAINS TO BUYERS OF CLOTHING AND FURNISH INGS. All goods are appraised at 33 cents on the dollar less than cost to make. There is no smell of smoke or firo about them and they are equally as good as before. and will last about 30 days, as the goods WILL and MUST BE SOLD as quickly as possible. Here is an unequalled chance to procure High-class Clothing and Gents' Fur nishings at about one -third the wholesale cost price. Boys' Waists, 12c. I MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold fir $10 MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold for $ 16 MEN'S PANTS, formerly sod lor $5 BOYS' SUITS, formerly sold for $3 THE SIGN OF THE BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. MT.XKXT DOOK TO THIS BLllXEl) DAVIES & tlUII'l'IN 11U1LD1XU. FOSTER CO. lew York Sheriff's Sale AND STOCKS FROM TIIE lack WALLAC 209 WARNING. ll niaie lately had Feather Hetls and 1'illoun brmtyht to usby stiHMjei who wished to dispose of the same and jroM whose uction we belieced the jeuthers didn't Mohq to them. H'e will hace no dealinis with such purtiei. H'e wish to rautiun people aoainnt ijiciiiy into the hands of strang ers who etuim to represent tlx, any Fealhern, Carpets, (te , ufiicft they v ish rtnoeideil. Any of our ayenf.i can easily identify themielees, or if any one who wishes work done in our tine, will drop us a card or call at our factory, we will promptly attend to their wants and will en deavor to merit the conjidence of everybody. TUK SCHXATUX Itkuli'lXU CO., O.i : and box Lacka, Ace., (.'or. Adams. See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak licdrooni Sett We sell Furniture a3 cheap as any house in the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. m AUD 207 f-3 Z2 Lackawanna Avenue. Neckwear Given Away. ..NOW $4.75 NOW $8.25 NOW $2 NOW $1.35 CLOTHING Hosiery WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court House. 0. MCMiM AVE. Boys' Suits, 74c. y water Underwear, Hals, Handkerchiefs. Outing Shirts, Laundend Shirts, Suspenders, Silk Vests and ar.d all goads that ar damaged at your own pries. HOUSE Your Watch Lies if it does not tell the time cor rectly. We guarautee our Watches to bo TRUE TIME KEEPERS and uphold tbeui as such accord ing to the terms of our building warranty. DIAMONDS ARE TRUMPS as a speculation these days. Nave you seen the heavy tariff the Wilson bill imposes ou themt Their rise iu value is as certaia as the shining of the sun in the daytime. FREEMAN, Dealer fur C'uh In Watches, tlnmondi, Bllvorwnre, etu,, Cor.Fenn Ave. and fprocs St. Ladies Who Value A refined complexion must use Pononl'i Fowl der. It produces soft and beautiful skin,
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