The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 14, 1894, Image 1

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After a Season cf Exaltation the
Chief of Disturbance '
Sues foF Peace,
Ihe Labor inim Make Overtures to the
Railway Managers.
He Carries the Message from Debs
and Sovereign to the General Man
agers' Association The Proposi
tions Will Be Considered Today.
Labor Leaders Still Insist That They
Have Gained a Great Victory Rail
way Officials Are Not Disposed to
Hob-Nob with the Strike Leaders.
Federation of Labor Is Shy.
OiiifAOO, July 13.
THE officers anil director of the
American Railway union held
a special executive meeting this
tnoruing fur the purpose of mak
ing ii proposition to the railway tuuiia-pt-is
looking to a calling olf of the
great strike, They agroed to order the
(tnke oil if the railway malingers
would give the strikers their former
I oaitions, rxept tliose who bnve been
convicted of crime. The proposition
i) fall U flu follow-i:
To the railway managers: The existing
tumbles growing out of the Pullman strike
luving ussumed continental proportions
ni 1 there being unindi ntion of lelief from
tl widespread biisint m demoralization
n: I distress incident th.'ioto, tlie railway
employers, through the board of directors
ol r he American Kailwuy union, respert
fiiilv make the following proposition as the
br. -is ot hottleiiieut:
J Uey agree to return to work in a ho ly
Bl onco provided they shall be restored to
their former positions without prejndicj
incept iu case," if any thorn aro, who have
b cu convicted of cruno. This proposition
lo king to immediate settlement of the
existing strikoon all lines of railroad is
lr.i pired bv a purpose to subserve th pub
lir good. The striue, small and compara
tively uniuiportaut iu its inception baa
extended iu every direction until it
r.i w involves or threatens overy pub
lic interest, but the peace security and
prosperity of our country. The contest
Las waged fiercely. It has extended t ar
bevnud the limits of interests originally
involved and has lnid hold of a vast num
ber of industries and enterprises in no
w so responsible for the differences aud
d sagreemeut that lead to trouble. Fac
tory, mill, mine and shop have been fi
le iced, Widespread demoralization lias
6ay. The interests of multitied thous
ands of innocent people are suffering.
The common welfare is soriously menaced.
The public peace and tranquility are per
illed. Great apprehension of the future
This being trne, and the statement will
not be controverted, we consider it to be
our duty us citizens and as men to make
extraordinary effort to end the existing
ptrilte and avert approaching calamities,
who-e shadows are even now upon us. If
ei ded now the contest, however serious in
its con'equnuce-, will not havo been in
vnin. Sacrifices have been made, biu they
will buve their compensation. Indeed, if
less us shall be taught by experience tbo
troubles now so widely deplored will prove
a blessing of inestimable value in the
lrnnths and years to months to como. Tbo
diff lenco that led to the present compli
cii turns need not be discussed. At this
supreme juncture every consideration of
duty and patriotism demands that a
innedy for existing troubles be found and
The employers propose to do their part
by meeting their employers halt way,
Let it be stated that they do not impose
n'iy condition of settlement except that
they bo restored to their former positions.
They do not iiak the recognition of their
civilization or of any organization Be
lieving this proposition to be fair, reasona
ble aud just, it is respectfully submitted
wiih Ihe belief that its acceptance will re
sult in the prompt resumption of traffic,
the revival of industry and the restora
tion of p 'ace and order. Respectfully.
Eugene V. Debs, president; (i. VV. How
ard, vice president, Hylvestor Keliher,
secretary, American Railway union.
Knowing that the General Managers,
association would not receive a deputa
tion ftom the American Railway
u lion especially the officers who have
been most active in the struggle for
enpremacy over the railroads, it was
decided to have President Debs and
Vicf-Prtsident Howard go to Mayor
Hopkins with the proposition and ask
bis good services in prosentiucr the oon-
dition of settlement to railway man
When the mayor arrived at the of
fice of the Ck-nnral Managers' Associa
lion be found that the regular meeting
had adjourucd and E St. John, of the
Eock Inland road, the only munager
present. Mr. St. John said he would
receive the proposition and lay it be
f, re the next meeting. He was re
quested to call a special meeting, bat
declined to do so. He consented to lis
ten to the gentlemen, because
they were the mayor and a prominent
irember of the eity council. Ho de
dclarod that he fcwould have nothing
to do with Debs or any other labor
Under. After leaving the proposition
with Mr. St John the mayor returned
to bis office. Mr. St. John bad pre
viouFly said that the general managers
wonld not recognize the labor lenders
in any way, and it waa because of this
statement that Messrs. Debs, Howard
and Sovereign did not present their
proposition in person, but delegated the
present attention of the mayor.
Chairninu Egan said, informally:
"The general mannger will, nuder no
circumstances, have a conference witli
Mr. Debs on any subj ct. They will
retain in their employ the men who
filled the strikers' places and are coin
potent." Mr. St John said later that the pro
position would not be submittal to any
meeting of the General Managers to
day, and would not be considered by
them before their regular meeting to
morrow, "if," he added significantly,
"it be considered at all."
The railways operated their principal
passenger trains todiv as they have
been doing for several days past, aud
moved some freight. No change was
made in the national and state troops
guarding the lines but United States
Marshal Arnold began reducing
his force of deputies. Judge Gross
cup today gave the federal
grand jury additional instructions
advising them that in case evidence
was presented showing that the mails
were delayed and inter-stuta commerce
interfered with as the result of an
agreement by railway officials or othors
in order to create public sympathy, it
constituted a conspiracy, aud no matter
how high in position the individuals
may be they are not exempt from in
dictment and trial.
Will Put Up Hooey, bat Its Komberi
Do Not Care to Strike,
CiiiCAUO, July 18. After an all day
seseiou the conference of the executive
committee of the American Federation
of Labor ended by declaring that at
the present time a general strike of the
allied trades would be unwise and in
judicious. '
The only other business transacted
by the coiueronce was the parage of it
resolution recommending that the
American Federation of Luborapnropri
uiu $10,000 to assist Eugene V. Debs in
the cases to be brought and now pend
ing against bim iu the Federal courts.
The following is a portiou of the pro
pounds as adopted by the conference:
The great iudustrinl upheaval now agi
tating this country has been carefully,
considered in a conference of the executive
committee of tbo American Federation of
Labor and the executive officers and rep
resentatives of the National and Interna
tional associations and Brotherhoods of
Railway men called to meet in the city of
Chicago on July 12, lVJk
In the light of all evidence attainable
and in view of the peculiar complications
now enveloping the situation wo are
forced to the conclusion that the best in
terests of the unions vr.f!l.iated with the
American Federation of Labor demand
that they refrain from participating in any
uuy geueral or loc:d suilte which
may be proposed in connection wiih
the railroud troublo now prevail
ing. Iu making this declaration
we do not wish it uudeistood thnt we arc
in any wy antagonistic to labor organiza
tions now struggling for lite or justice,
but rather to the luct that the present
contest bus become surrounded and besot
with complications so grave iu their na
ture that wo cannot consistently advise a
courso which would but add to tlio general
His Talk In Rogard to Appointment of a
Commission JSIisoonstrutd.
Washington, July 14 The presi
dent has been somewhat annoyed today
by tha porsist nt attempts in some
quarters to make it nppear that he had
appointed an arbitration board nt the
request of labor leaders. Nothing ir
further from the truth. The eominis
sion which be has agreed to appoint
eventually under the law having no
power beyond that of making a gen
eral investigation of the strike on the
railroads which led to bis proclama
tion. The investigation commission when
orgauized cannot enter at nil into the
differences between the Pullman com
pany and its employes. It will confine
its work exclusively to the Djbs Amer
ican Railway union and the railway
General Managers association. The
president has been compelled to explain
this to several statesmen, who men
tioned arbitration to him today telling
tbum very positively that no arbitra
tion was contemplated iu bis assurance
to the committee that called on him.
Controller Itaoea Defeated in His Effort
to Reduos Expenses.
Special to the Scranton Tribune,
Pittston, Pn., July 13, Judge Wood
ward today decided in favor of the
plaintiff in the case stated between
Theodore Hart, proprietor of the Pitts
ton Gazette, and the couuty commis
sioners involving the question of pay
ment for printing the annual county
statement. The commissioners had
ngr.ed to pay $:!00 for this advertising,
the contract being made in Deo.. 1893.
When Controller Reese was asked to
draw warrants for thesvi amounts for
the Several papsre that published, ho
refused, offering, however, to piy $U2,
or a total of fl.OOO, whioh he claim-d
was the total amount allowed by law.
A test case was made as to bis right to
interfere and it was decided as abovu
Released Upon $30,000 Bail Pending
D-cliioa Upon Appeal
New York, July 13 Ersstns Wimnn
was today released on $30,000 bail
pending the decision of the general
term of the supreme oourt on his ap
peal irom tue judgment or forgery ren
dvred in tho court of .oyer and ter
miner. Judge Barrett today fixed bml
at that amount, and it was furnished
by Charles Broadway Rouss. wlionu'tli
tied as bondsman in the sum of $00,000
on bis house, JNo. UH'J fifth avenue.
From the district attorney's office
Mr. Wiman wont to the couuty court
house, where his bail was accepted and
nis release iroin tue Tombs ordered ly
tinuge ueorge v. Andrews of the su
preme court. Mr. Wimnn then wont
buck to tlio I oin us to get bis Derionul
ell'eots, and thence went to the office of
General Trncy, his counsel, and after.
ward to his sou's bouse on Staten
Seventeen Families Hindered Homeleoa
by a $30,000 Blc
Lock Haviin, July 13 Fire thnt
swept through the center of Milhall
inisatteruoon destroyed twenty houses
and that many stores. The Wilt hotel,
Brady's hall and the Christian church
me among tue uuuatngs ournea. v
cnteen families ore homeless toultrht.
The total loss ia rntimutad t till)
000. Fire engines from thii city aud
hSelletoute sxtiuguisbed the fire.
The Company's Position Is Fully Explained
by the President.
Detailed Account of the Affairs of the
Corporation from the Company's
Standpoint Reveals tha Fact That
the Car Shops Have Been Operated
at a Loss This Was Explained to
the Committee in May Last Other
Points in Reference to Management
and Condition of tlio Concern.
Nkw YoitK, Jnlv 13,
pjNEORGE M. t'ULLMAN arrived
M-l in this city this morning from
II n Alexandria Bay, accompanied
vsJ by Robert Lincoln. They worn
driven to the Mnrruy Hill hotel, where
tney nail break Innt. From tho hotel
Mr. Pullman went to his office, where
ho announced that Inter in the day he
'"Jul make a statement concerning
tho itrike, Shortly before 8 o'clock Mr.
i oilman gave out the following state
There is hardly nuythinrr now to be said
as to tho position of the Pullman company,
but 1 have so many indications of the
facility with which my expressions and
tuoso authorized by me, have become dis
torted and tlius misleading to the public
and of an entire forgetting of my earnest
efforts to prevent the strike that perhaps
it is well that 1 should again uiiiko a uuinic
assurance that the deplorable events
of tho last lew weeks hnve not been
caused by the Pullman company taking an
obstinate stand iu n debatable matter nutl
refusing to listen to reason. Tho leaders
of the disorder have not hesitated to har
ass the public by all means iu their powor
because, as they say, the Pullman company
would not submit to arbitration, nnd now
that the disorder seems to be quell jd, they
are reinforced in their clamor for arbitra
tion by some prominent newspapers, but,
f-o far as I know, by very lew, if any
business men in the country.
H hat is the demand concealed under tuo
innocently rouh ling word arbitration? A
little more than a year ago tho car shop
nt Pullman wore i i a most prosperous con
dition, woi k was plenty, wages were high
and the condition or tho employes was in
dicated by tue fact tint tho local savings
bttuk bad or saving deposits nearly 70(1.-
u(K), of which nearly ad was the property
of the employes. Our pay rolls for that
year show an average oaruing of over dill)
per annum for every man. woman or vouih
on tho roll. Then came the real panic aud
depression of last summer.
Many customers Btopped negotiations
and cancelled ordors, and our working
force had to be diminished from neariv
0,000 to about 2,000 in November, 1,s9:t.
Ihe great; ousineiS depression existing
throughout the country had naturally re
sulted in a wage depression audtheotily
hope of getting orders was by bidding for
work nt prices as low as or lower than
could be made by other shops, and this, of
course, necessitated a reduction in the
wages of tho omployes at Pullman.
This was arranged sati-factorily as I
supposed, and iu close competitions, disre
garding all account of capital and machin
ery, 1 secured enough work to gradually
increase our force to 4,2.10, the number on
rolls last April. Nine weoks ago tho car
shops at Pullman wore working with car
building contracts enough on hnud to keep
them going for about sixty days, and with
all business forecasts leading to tho belief
that no considerable new orders could be
soon hnd. The most important of the work
in hand had been taken by me in competi
tion at prices which were less than the ac
tual co:'t of the company of delivering the
cars, without reckoning tho use of capital
and plant.
This work wan taken to keep tho large
force of men employed and to postpone,
and with the hope of avoiding tin num
berless embarrassmouts to all clas-ios of
people at Pullman aud its vicinity of a
closing dowu of tho works, to prevent
which the company considered it a wiso
policy to operate the shops temporarily at
an actual loss. In this condition of things
came the agitation seeking to crento a la
bor organization embracing all railway
employes and apparently other industries,
It is my belief that the controversy at
Pullman was merely a movo in tho greater
scheme, these shops being elected, not on
account of discontent in them, but because
of their prominence in various ways, and
because of tho chance ot a show of justi
fication for n simultaneous and causeless
attack upon, the railways or the country
for tho.use, under the long-timo contracts
by three-quarters of thorn, of the Pullinau
sleeping car system, a branch of the com
pany's business totnlly distinct from its
manufacturing of cars for sale.
In the early part of May a committee of
employes demanded a restoration of the
wages of a year ago. 1 explained to a
committco minutely aud laboriously the
facts showing that tho company was al
ready paying them more than it was re
ceiving for their contract work, and I of
fered them for complete assurance, and to
end all question, an inspection of our
books and contracts iu baud. This, aud
the beginning at once at Pullman of a
promised investigation of a number
of shop complainants, appeared to end all
trouble, but a day later, under tho
excitomont of their recruiting into a new
organization the workmen closed tho shops
by abandoning their work.thus themselves
doing what 1 was strenuously trying to
prevent being done by the depression ot
tho building business, and tho employes
who quit their work have deprived them
selves mid their comrades of earnings of
more than $300, 000 up to this time.
The demand made before quitting work
was that wages should be restored to the
scale of last year, or in elloct. that the
actual outgoing money losses then being
daily incurred by tile company lu car
building should be (leliDorntuly increased
to an amount equalling about one-fourth
of the wages of the employes. It must be
clear to every business man nnd to every
thinking workmau that no prudent om
nlover could submit to arbitration the
question whether he should com
mie sucn a piece oi uosiness iony.
Arbitration Blways implies acqui
escence in tho decision of the
arbitrator, whether favorable or advorse.
How could I, as president of the Pullman
company, couseut to agree to thnt if uuy
body of men uot concerned v.ilh the inter
ests of the coiiil nuy's shareholders should.
as arbitrators, for any reasons seeming
good to them, so decree? I would havo to
open shops, employ workmen at wages
greater than tueir woric count oe soiu tor,
and continue this ruinous policy indefinite
ly, or be accused of a bra'-Ji of fnitb.
Who will deny that such a question is
plainly not a subjoct of arbitration? Is ic
not thou, unreasonable, that the company
should bo aslced to arbitrate whether
or not it should submit such a
question to arbitration?S Removing the
origiual and fundamental question one
stage does not help tho matter. The orig
inal question would still rotu dn. C'au 1,
as a business man, knowing the truth f
tho facta which I have stated, bind myself
that I will, in any couliugoucy, opjn and
operate tue Pullman car shops at what
ever loss if it should banpeu to be the
opiniou of some third party that I should
do so? Tho auswer seems plalu,
The public should not permit the real
question beforo it to bo obscured. That
questiou was to tho possibility of the
creation and duration of a dictatorship
which could make all tho industries ot the
United States, aud the daily comfort of
millions dependent upon them, hostages
for tho granting of any fantastij whim of
audi n dictator. Any submission to hiin
would bavo been a long step iu that direc
tion and iu the interest ot every luw abid
ing citizen of the United States was uot to
bo cousidored for u moment.
A few words aro pertinent as to some
industriously spread charges against the
company. One of those charges is that
rents are exorbitant, and it is implied that
the Pullman employes havo no remodybut
to submit. Tho answer is simple. The
averago rental of tenements at Pullman is
at tbo rate ot ifit per room per month and
the routing of houses at Pullman has no
relation to the work iu the shops. Em
ployes may, nnd very many do, rent tholr
uouei outside of the town and the buildings
and business places in tho town aro rented
to employes or others in competition with
neighboring propertied. In short, the rent
ing busiuoM of the Pullimtn company is
governed by the samo conditions which
govern any other large owner of real es
tate, except that tho conipuuy itself does
directly borne things which in Chicago are
astmim'd by tho city. If, therefore, it is
not admitted that the routs of landlords
should be fixed by arbitration, and that
those of the adjoining towns of Kensing
ton and Roseland should also bo so fixed,
it cau hardlv bo asked that tho Pnllmau
company should abandon the ordinary
rules which govern persons in that locutiou.
As to tho charge for wator, the company
until lately had contracts with tha village
of Ilydo Park unuor which it paid 4 cents
per thousand gallons and pumped the
water itself. Tue gioss amount paid the
village per month lor the water cousutned
by the tenants was almost exactly the
gross sum paid by tho ton
ants therefor, bineo tho inclusion
of Ilydo Park and Pullman within
the city of Chicago, the compmy paid the
city about 7 cents per 1,000 gallons and,
not having increased tlio charge to tho ten
ants, is paying for the wnter consumed by
them about ioOO per year more than is
charged to tlnm. The company ins mad?
repciitod efforts to dissociate itself from
the supply of wntor to the tenants, but tho
city ot Chicago has as yet failed to apply
the ordinary frontage rates to thu houses
and shops in Pulimnn, although this is
done in the adjacent to.vus.
Strenuous efforts have also been mado
to creato prejudice against the Pullman
company by charges that its stock is
heavily watered. The 1'ullmau company
was organized twflnty-ie.7wn yetrs ago
with a capital of ?.',ooo,00 1 of which two-
third?, represented tho appraised value of
its capital, theu held by three owners; and
ono-third represented tho appraised value
or its rranchises ana existing contracts.
The company has grown until its
sleeping car servico covers l-o.O.'O
miles of railway or about threo-fourths
of the rnilway system of the coun
try and that iucreuse of servico has
necessitated increases of its capital from
time to time until it is now tflill, 000,000.
Every share of this increase has been of
fered to stockholders and sold to them or
to others in the ordinary course of business
at not less than par In cash, so that for
every increase outstanding the company
lias received 8100 iu cash. There aro
over 4,000 stockholders of tho company of
whom more than one-nan ane women and
trustees of estates and the average holding
of each stockholder is now eighty-six
shares, ono-llf th of them holding less than
six share each.
Trade Reviving in SpitJ of Depression
Caused by Strikes Through
out the Country.
New YoitK, July 13 R. G. Dim &
Co.'s Weekly Trade tomorrow will say:
"Whon circumstances are duly weight
ed, the strength and souudess of busi
ness in this country during the past
two weeks are amazing. With the
second city in the country in
the bands of a lawless and
murdorous mob, besides many other
cities and towns, with railway traf
no almost entirely stopped over
the vast area between Toledo and
tho Pacific, with presidential proalamu
tions declaring the existence of an in
surrectiou aud dispassionate answer or'
dering halt to a million men to stop
worn, with a prolonged strike or coal
miners not fully ended in muny states,
and with dilt reuces between the house
and senate on tariff questions so wide
that duties uffecting mining and manu
factures cannot be anticipated, indus
tries and trades have nevertheless gone
on with sublime hope that the pooplu
and their government would soon re
The shrinkage of business and the
depression of values h.ive been nnej
pi ctedly small, tho failures relativ.-iy
weak nnd unimportant.
Stocks have recovered u little with
restoration of order, and are slightly
higher than a week or two wseks ago.
Speculation in prodtiots have been tame
with great uncertainty us to ueiny of
shipments. Wheat is slightly lower
in profound disregard of the govern
mont r-port indicating a yield of less
thun 400.000 ouo ousueis, ami as
the official estimate of yield in 1893
was more than 100,000,000 bushels short
of actual exports and consumption, it
is really assumed that another ducrep
nncy us large may spring from similar
causes. Receipts and exports in the
present disturbed condition or business
are not significant. Corn bus ad vauoed
a little, though accounts indieate a
good yield.
The decrease in failures exhibited
last week is followed by good returns
for July 8. ,Tbe total number for the
pst week has been 237 iu the United
iStates against 374 last year, aud iu
Cauadu 49 nguitHt Idolast year.
Captnin Hickok, of the Yale team in
England, strained his knee in hsmiuor
throwing yesterday.
Mme. Cnrnot vacated tho Elysee palace
yesterduy and tools up her new residence
at Avenue ue Itiua,
Frince and Princess Bismarck started
from.Fiiedricksruh yistorday for Scholer
hantcii, where Count and Counters Her
bert, uisniarou will join them.
'rcatmcnt ot Republican Conferees Resented J
by Mr. Iklc.
The Unusual Proceeding Commontcd
Upon by Senators Allison, Sherman
and Aldrich Rivar and Harbor Bill
Passed and the Legislative, Execu
tive and Judicial Appropriation Is
Rushed Through at a Rapid Pace.
The House Transacts but Little
Washington, July 13.
ENATOR HALE'S resolution dl
s reeling the chairman of the sen-
ate cnnfert'43 on the tariff bill to
"zs report u full aud free confer
ence Mas not not yet been held was
taken up in the senute today, discussed
for sn hour and a half and then, by com
mon consent sot aside on the calendar.
Mr. Halo in justifying the roi-
olntiou said that no one could teii
what had become of the tariff,
and that so fur as the senate and the
country were conoernod, it was a lost
bill. Mr. Voorbees, while disclaiming
any disrespect or lack of courtesy to
tho Republican conferees, defended the
courso pnraued by tho Democratic con
ferees as being iu the interest of speedy
action on tho bill. They desired to
perfect it, he said, on their own lines
of action before submitting it to the
full conference committ;e.
Three Republican conferees, Sena
tors Allison, Sherman and Aldrich,
spoke of the course pursued by tho inn
j irity conferees iib unusual, aud Mr,
Allison bum that if tho minority con'
ferees were to be more bystanders at
the formal conference It would be hot
ter to have the conference committee
dissolved without delay. Mr. Sherman
thought that tho majority coufrei
should confine themselves to such por
tions, of the bill us presented political
After this matter was laid aside the
river nnd harbor bill was pissed and
conference with tha house was asked.
Then the legislative, executive and
judicial appropriation was rushed
through nt the same rapid rate, only
the paragraphs providing for a re-organization
of tin exocutlvo depart
ments being reservad.
B.tyond adoptlug the report of con
ferees on t'ue bill making appropriations
for the payment of pensions for the
year ending Juno 30, lSUo, the bouse
accomplished but little business and
that only of a preliminary nature. The
entire session of the day was sp 'lit
in consideration of measures on the
private calendar. Two of them uro
known as the omnibus resolutions
recommending in bulk thirty-ieven
claims amounting to $1,010,000 to the
court of claims for investigation were
ordered to be reported to tbe bouse un
favorably. One bill was given a fav
orable recommendation and the rest of
the session was occupied in discussing
a fourth.
At 6 o'clock the customary recess
was taken until 8 o'clock, the evening
session to be for toe consideration of
private pension bills.
PhlUipsburs miners Will Work at the
45 Cent Basin.
PiiiLi.trsBURO, Pa., July 13. To
night at a meeting of the miners em
ployed by R. B. Wiybton & Sou, they
agreed to go to work at tbe compromise
price. The meeting was addressed by
W. 13. Wilson. By Monday tbe Al
teon and Phillipshurg railroad will
have its road completed between
Houtzdale and this place, whore it con
nects with Beach Creek railway.
Samuel Langdon who is president of
the road and who has several large
mines in the Houtzdale region will
start his mines at 45 cent basis on Mon
Of tbo 18.000 miners in the bitumi
nous coal uiiues iu this state in the
Pittsburg district, 14.000 are working
at the compromise and 2,000 out of the
remuiuiug 4,000 who have not received
tbe advuiico rale are iu the Beech Creek
and Clearfield region. The idle men
in this region are now begining to re
ceive support from the miners that are
now at work. Eight hundred dollars
have recently been received from the
bard coal region.
Barracks iu which to house new men
were completed at CouldaleNo. 4 mine
operated by the Conltlule Coal company
No Member cf Americia Kailway Union
Allowed on Waldo'e Road.
Lima, O., July 13 Superintendent
Waldo, of the Cincinnati, Hamilton
und Dayton, has taken a determined
position with tho strikers. lie has no
tified all the men out at points along
the line to report for dutvatonus, stat
ing that those who fuilod to do so
Would bo discharged. '
He also stipulated that ho wonU
tiko buck no men who were members
of the Auiercau Railway uuioa.
Belligerent Striken Hubiuel by Ohio
Nallonnl Querdimen.
CONNAUCIHT IlAlilJOR, O , July 13.
Company K, Film Ohio National
Guards, of forty-lour weu, arrived at
midnight last and proceeded to
the harbor this morning. Tuvy
inarched to the docks and (dosed them
to all of the strikers of Ashtabula,
about S00 iu number. The police made
eight arrests ot loaders from Aahtu
l.nla, nud in doing so fired several shots
aud clubbed on man for drawing a re
volver ou an officer. About 100 of tho
Ashtabula mou took a boat for Ashtn
ti n I toon afterward and the remainder
withdrew ubout town. Sheriff Allan
arrived with the militia and is in com
Captain Day says a majority of the
men refused to strike at the meeting
last night and will go to work this
afternoon. Lust night the Btrikors tried
to board tho Grecian aud take the
buckets from the hold, but the captain
aud bis men kept them off, by
throwing hot water. All is quiet now.
Important Arrett of a Polish Student
and Hie Sister.
St. PsTERsmjita, July 13 The police
of Kirpitschuaja. recently arrested a
Polish studeut who was suspected of
being a member of a Nihilist seoiety.
Upon searching his lodgings anE iglisb
made bomb was found; Further in
vestigation enabled the police to ar
rest another student and the let
ter's sister. These three arrests led to
tbe discovery of sertaln documents of
an. incriminating nature. The brother
and sister, it appears, had long been
sought after by the police.
The judicial inquiry whioh followed
is said to Lave revealed an extensive
plot against the life of the czr.
Aroliblchop Eyau Doldee to dive Ot.
Mary's Cong-reiration a Vaoatlon,
Reading, Pa., July 13 Owing to
the complications among tbe members
of St. Mary's Polish Catholio congrega
tion of this city, which have culmina
ted in frequent disturbances tbe past
two years, Archbishop Ryan, of Phila
delphia, bus decided to close the church
for the present.
He has written to Mayor Shanaban
to that effect.
The Assassin of Harrison Dies Quietly
Without Indulging in Speech
Making Upon tho Gallows
Chicago. July 13. Prendergnst, the
murderer of Garter Harrison, was exe
cuted at 11.48 this toorniug. The af
fair was without sensational features.
After breakfast Prendergnst listened
quietly to the ministrations of Father
Biirrv. Twice be made a request for
chocolate and two quart pitoiier were
taken into him. At 10 o cloak bheria
Gilbert ontered the cull aud read the
death warrant. Prendergnst made no
direct response to the official, but re-
maiked aside to Father Barry: "Wo
may yet hear from the goveraor."
Meanwhile the phyaiehns composing
the jury, the members of the grand
jury now in session, and about 200
ticket holders, had been admitted lo
what is known in the jail as the "death
At 11 o'clock the deputy sheriff on
the scaffold raised bis hand to com
mand silence, and one minute later the
procession rounded the upper corridor
and came in view. Sheriff Gilbert led
the way with Father Barry close be
hind. Prenderast walked between the
deputy s hen 11 aud half a dozen dpU'
ties brought up the rear. It was ap
parent to everyone that tbe condemned
man was on the verge of collapse, he
was nevertheless determined to pre
sent a nervy front. He looked straight
ahead and seemed unconscious of the
sea of faces before him.
Just as the white shroud was being
tied around bis neck he took a long
breath and every one imagined that be
was about to make a speech. In a sec
ond, however, he bud set hie teeth to
gether, while his face grew red and
white by turns. The two deputies led
him to the doortrap, quickly adjusted
the noose and drew the white cap over
his head. His limbs seemed to tremble
for a secoud and then there was a
movemont from uuder the white robe,
us though be waa bracing himself.
The signal was given to the unseen ex
ecutioner, tbe body swung round und
rouud. There was one brief convulsive
struggle aud the murder of Carter Har
rison was avenged.
The body waa surrouudol by a jury
of physiciuns, and us soon as life had
bouu pronounced extinct the body was
cut down. The jail officials said after
tho execution that the condemned man
had requested an indulgence of twenty
miuntes after reaching the scaffold for
the purpose of making a speech. He
was dissosded from bis intention, bow
ever, by Father Barry.
Edward Gaughen, of Bellevae, filet
With a Distressing Aeoidnnt.
Edward Gangban, of 204 Fifth ave
nue, employed as a brakeman in the
Delaware, Luckawanua and Western
yards, was seriously injured yesterday
afternoon by being struck by a yard
engiue as be was just starting for home
after bis day's work had been finished.
Ha tolls a remarkable story concern
ing bis cusi , From bis statement he
was wulkiog along one of the tracks of
the yard that skirt the emtaakment on
wbion runs the maiu Hue of the Dela
ware, Luckawanua and Western rail
road. This was about 8 o'clock in the
afternoon. As he w, s walking along
the switch engine steamed up behind
and he was struck by it, being draggod
quite a distance, at leDgth falling io
I ue sido of the track. No person saw
the accident Def.ill him and be
laid along the tracks in a semi-unconscious
condition until 13 o'clock last
night. At various times be called
weakly for help, but no one beard bis
cries. About 9 o'clock, as he states, he
became a little stronger and managod
to creep until be reached Laoka wanna
nveuue uear tho First National bank.
Thore be was observed by Police OfBoer
Thomas Jones, who immediately tele
phoned to the Moses Taylor hospital
for the ambuluuce. At 1 o'clock this
morning Gaughan was brought to tbe
A Tkidune reporter saw tha injured
man lust night. Both hands were ter
ribly smashed, the right beiug awfully
lacerated. It is probable that this
bund will have to be amputated. He
was otherwise severely injured about
the back and fuce.
Ho is 20 yeurs of age, married and
has a wife aud two children. Those
who know him say that he'is industri
ous aud temperate in bis habits.
Washington. July 13. Forecast
fur Saturday: tor Eastern
Pennsylvania. followtU lu local
thunderstorm, tttnils, thiftinij to north;
cooler Saturday evening. For IVMrarn
1'ennsvlvania, lower showers, winds $IUft
ina to north, oooier.
j ojear
11 &X Tk l?" K
150 Full Eleven
Quarter Marseilles
Quilts at
These we
consider the
best goods we
ever sold
at the price.
510 and 612 Lackawanna Ave.
Wholesale and Retail
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruce Street.
Lewis, Reilly & DaYies
Coifort-Gifing Shoes
The only kind that give
it, for tha summer, is our
"Service & Kumfort" Shoes
in colors and black.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
pemng Day
FRIDAY, of Weichel's
New Jewelry Store.
Every lady caller will
receive a souvenir.
Everybody welcome,
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street
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$126 EsgSi
ml ornT!