The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 13, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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TMIK dreaded pneumonia or
"grippe" is relegated to ilie
rear, and "Old Sol" with his pen
i trating Vays is a eonslaub- re
minder that wo aro candidates for
Siunnii'r Attire. '
Kxe-.-ptional values in this depart
ment. Goods were bought at c!ar
iui: manufacturers' price.
L's!e Thread Vests in white, ecru
mid colors. 1 !alhrk'i;an Vists,
Fashionable. Ribbed Vests, Finest
l'mptiau Yarns. Gossamer Vests
mid iu varieties Novelty and
liie printings on Ginghams are
rcoOL'niz m1 by nil connoisseurs us
tho Ititflifst Hit in toxtilo Press
Hoods. Swivel Hillt Ginghams. I'm
Head mill Sliooherd's (.'hecks. Solid
colors in fancy hIhuImd, stripes ami
plaids, in wonderful varieties.
In these dnvs rf improvement nnil
perfection wo should follow the
tun. Tho "lut'-.So" coats no inoro
than the time worn. Kuaset colors
and tans, drop stitch, lislo thread,
black staples. All tlin improve
ments in soloing und heeling.
Corset Department
Contains a complete assortment of
nil tho loading mukes, including
nil the grades of vantilat'd and
Hummer weitfut t'orsots ut soiling
prices. ,
For trimming", for draperies, flnd
lor all nss thin lovely fabric can
to put to, we have in abundance.
That are seldom written about, bat
needed just the lanii. Wo pay
just na much attention to buyinu'
them nht as we do txpeiiBive
Silk Twist, Sewing Silk, Embroid
ered Silk, liiittinji Cotton, Cotton,
l.iuen Tluead. lions Cusinp, Boltinjr,
!-kirt I'-raid, Velveteen liiudinf, l'rus
slad liindint:,'Tall'et!i Hinding, larn
iiiH Wool, Daruinr Cotton, Carpet
Thread, Macrame Cord, Cjiset Laces.
Si'ik Corset I.aiees, .shoe Laces, Covered
JU''ss Slays, Horn Hone, Corset Steels.
Garter Elastic, Silk Elastic, Hooks
nnd Eyes, India Tape, rolls of Tape,
ins, Hat 1'itts, Ilinck Pius, Kid Crimp
ers, ilontauti Curlers, Silk Tassels,
.Needle Casrs, Sboe Euttons, D:m
iiut'.ons, Cellar Buttons.
If j on wish to lie wed and fash
ionably dressed TKADI' AT OUII
STt ) R K. It' yon wish Lj stive
money, conn; to us
1 x Academy
A r'lined svlirol homo. Pr-pai-es for tlio
i t 1 -.
i Imi-.ji-ii conrs -8 in limit- anil Art.
T- .'u-h'-rs' elans ives b-,t pr,-p:ii'.-ition for
"I. M-i! i ti tr.
i niii'iieri'inl Course includes Typewriting
mil shorthand.
lVHi ions s.-eurod for Hr.nluati's.
fceud f r in w ill-is; rated eirndar.
K M. Lixi.MIS, A.M., kYincip.-d.
Quite a number of onr townspeople
are nttnndine the dedication of the
iinptist church at New Jlilford today.
Mr. and iMrs. John Hawlines. of
Uinehamton, spent the day with Hall
stead friends.
E. K. Xewman, of Honolulu, who
was formerly a clerk in Dr. Lamb's
drng store, called on that gentleman
yesterday. Mr. Newman quit the drnu
business in this place to accept a posi
tion in the United States navy nine
years hro. He was in the navy nearly
three years and then commenced the
trust business in Honolulu and was
very anctesstul. Having a desire to
return to his native land to litv, he
bus recently disposed of his property at
Honolulu and will locate in tho states.
Mr. Newman has many friends il this
place and they will be glad to bear of
Lis f-nccess.
Twelve bicyclists from Susquehanna
were in town today.
The grounds around the Iiaptist par
sonage are being graded and much im
proved. ,
Our railroad organizations, viz., the
lirotherhooda of engineers, t firemen,
conductors and brakoruan, are con
templating giving a grand excursion to
a lake nnar Syracuse next month.
Mrs. W. (J. Van Hlarcom, of Scran
ton, is visiting her parents in Groat
Miss Gcneviva Jl.idigan, of Hcran
ton, is visitinu Mrs. Michael Hayes.
The Van Wormer family had a re
onion at lioss park recently.
The mayor should cull tho attention
( T tho public to ordinance No. 6 in rf
l;ar l to bathing and boing
unlawful lor any person to go in bath
ing or swimming in this borongh be
tween tho hours of 7 a. m, and 8 p. m.
without having on bathing suits.
Rev. John JJavis and wife are in at
tendants at tho Christian Endeavor
convention at Cleveland, O,. as dele
pates from the Iiaptist society of thin
Tho cottago meeting will bo hold at
tho home of Mrs. S. i Moore, on Fri
day evening.
Miss Lizzie Monie started this week
for Canada. She expetts to spend July
n ml August visiting relatives in tho
Horace F.llis is very sick at his home
on Main street.
Tn me Monie returned horns from
North Carolina yesterday, whore he
bad boon for the past few mouths in
the lumber business.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cool baugh are
r. j jicing over the arrival 'of a daugh
ter. Mothern! Mothsrall Mothertlll
Mrs, Win slow's Soothing Pyrnp baa been
U'i'd for over fifty years by millions o:
iiiotliers for their children while teething,
with perfect, success. It soothes the child,
softens tho gums, allays all pain: cures
wind colic, and is tho best romedy for di
nri luua. Sold by diuggists in every pnrt
nf tho world, lie sure uud ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no
no other kind.1 Twenty-live cents a bnt
lio. - . i
Highest of all in Leavening Towel.
Constable M. L. Smith yesterday
morning arrested Harry Terpenning,
of Midillti Snilttifkdd. on a warrant
sworn out by C, W. Anglo, of tho sumo
place, before J untice of the Peace Drake.
Anglo charges TerptMining with ob
structing a private road liolonging to
the complainant near his barn by plac
ing a fence and other obstructions in
front of his property. Whou Angle re
uionstratud with Torpeuuiug about his
behavior ho became very nnvry and
threatened to assault him. Uo then
sworo out tho warrant. Terpenning
wa given a preliminary hearing before
Justice Drake, who hold him in $'M
bail. Security was furnished.
L. Mutch ier ami Mid Clar i Duh
l 'ft for a short visit to Newurk, N. J.,
yesterday morning.
liussull l'rice, of Henryville, whose
rig was detained nt Port Jervis on
Monday by Chief of Police Mead and
the driver thereof place-d in jail, ar
rived in that place Wednesday night.
t he man who whs arrested as a thief is
tbo brother of Price, and bis name, is
Harry Price, lie is partially domenttd
The two are joint owners of the plaee
at Henry villo. and tha rig is part of
their joint possessions. Harry Price
departed suddenly on Thiirsd ly morn
ing without the knowledge of his
brother, intending it seems, to come to
the Port Jervis hospital for truatm-Mit.
Huckleberries from the Pocouo
mountain find a ready sale in Etstou
at 12 cents m quart.
Little Edith Miller, of East Strouds
burg, celebrated her fourth birthday
yesterday. The young lady gavo a re
cepti.m to a number of young friends
in honor of the evetit and a very enj y
ublo time was spout. A supper was
served to the guests.
Twenty persons were baptized in the
Del.iware ut Milford on Sunday, June
2-1, ly Dr Maple, of tho Christian
church, which, considoriug the num
ber of inhabitants of the town of Mtl
totd, shows some energetic work.
J. I). Newbart will soil at auction at
the American Houso, on Saturday,
July II, at 1 o'clock p. in., a carload or
Ltjhigu county horBes.
A curious and interesting story con
cerning the wbercabuuu of "Frank
i)i cker,, a younger brother of Morton
lX'oker,a wull known Eist S'rou isburg
resident, has just oomn to light. For
several years, iu fact evertince the
Johnstown, Mr. Dicker his
mourned hie brother as doud, it being
mppoied that ho had perishod in tlis
lisistrous Hood at Cone luaugh. Frank
Decker was a traveling salesman, but
for several months past, unknown to
his brother, has conducted a store of
his own in Welis, Minn. The placo is
a thriving railroad town of the west,
and young Mr. Decker has a successful
Dr. Curran and wife, of the Normal
school faculty, will leave today for a
vacation in Carlisl1, Pa.
All the members were present nt the
meeting of the East Stro'.nUburg school
hoard held Wednesday niiyht-at A. It.
Brittain's office Joseph H. Zichirias.
the newly elected president, occupied
the chair. Hubert B. Keller, represent
ing the Haney Manufacturing com
pany, appeared before tho board and
gave the pric for furnishing th new
schools with double seats. Messrs.
Drake, Hill, Loder and Principal
Unger were appointed a committee to
get bids from the different concerns
for single seets.
MisB Sallio Keller, of Phillinsburg,
N. J., is on a two weeks' visit V
friends at the Delaware Water Gap.
At Water Gap House thesn guests
are ; Mr. and Mrs. A.
X. eke), Mrs. A. Schorr. Miss Selmi
;--chiirr and maid, MissNiokol, Miss M.
Nickel, Mrs Edward E. Spencei,
Harry Nickel, Mrs. S. D. Parsons.
Miss H, Niekell, New York
At Mt. Minsi Cottsg: Willb.m G.
Victor, Mrs. Vxior, Mrs. E W. Will
cox, James Stanley, New York; Jam-s
liitchell, Eiston; .Mrs, Josephine Al
len, Brooklyn; Mis Cecilo Eissiiig,
Mrs. Biasing. Mrs. . Emily Blako, Har
old Blake and wife, Pniiadalpliia.
Mrs. Charles (iinford, a guest at tin
Water Gap House, cuilgut a bass
weighing three nud oue-haif ponuiis
yesterday in tho Djlawaro.
Miss Stw btone is visiting in Scran
ton. Mips Gertrude Edmund, of tho East
Stroudsbnrg State Normal school, will
Instruct a claBs in reading and elocu
tion during her vacation. Miss
Elmnnd is a graduate of Dr. Ilatinll s
school of ' locution, in Chicago, and
has studied under tnfi best tenciiors in
Now Yoric, Boston and San Francisco.
The Christian Endeavor society of
Eist Stroudsbnrg Presbyterian church
have elected tho following officers to
ssrvo during, the coming year : Joseph
S. iple, president ; J. M. WyckoC, sec
retary; A. G. Teeter, treasurer. Tim
following will act as chairmen of the
different committees: W. P. Talmage,
prayer meeting; .A. (J. Teeter, social,
and J. M. Wyckoff, lookout.
Miss Jassio Wilbur, of Scranton, i.i
visiting Mrs. V. F, Downing.
J. Ulyssus Everett, of McMickeals,
took out a ni'irri age license this morn
ing. His prospective bride is Miss
Ella Felker, of Appenzell.
The Hamilton Union Sunday School
will hold their picnic on Aug. 4 in
Gsorgo Erdman's grove near Kciota.
Tho Sciota baud will furbish mu-.ic iu
the evening.
Among the guests of tho Spring
House are numbered Mrs. A. J. Crau-
dall, of Binghamton ; Mr. and Mrs. E
P. Smith and daughter, Mrs. 0. B.
Smith and family, Mrs. D. M. Boiilo
and daughter, Edward J. Bodlo, Mr.
and Mrs. II. . H. Sanders and family,
Mrs. 0. H. Williams and son, and Miss
Eva Jenmugs, of Candor, N. Y.
Criticising- a Younit Lady.
"She would bo a pretty girl for but ono
"What's thatr asked Charloy.
George tier face is nl ways covered with
purplo and red blotchos.
Charley Oh, that's easily enough dis
posed of. Used to bo tho snmo way my
self, but I caught on to the trouble ouo
day, and got rid of it in do tjime.
Ueorco Whut was it?
( barley Simply blood eruptions. Took
a short course ot Y. V. V. 1 tell yotl, It's
the boss lilood corrector. The governor
had rheumatism so bad that you could
bear him holler clear across the country
every time he moved. Ho tried it, and
you knbw what an athletic old vent he Is
now. If somebody wonld give Miss Daisy
a pointer, she would thank them after
wards. All ttie drug etoros soil it. "
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Fl 0
Tho Lo:-k Cornot band gave an open
nir cono-u t in front of A. Mel. Hewitt's
residence, York av;uue. West Side,
last evening. Following is the pro
gramme rendered: St-la-'ction, "Ameri
can Aire," iieeves; overture, "Dj Ar
mour," M, lobani; cornet duet and
tii nd iiccomptnimuut, llasiu and Will
iams, Coggswell; waltz, "Pleasant
Mi-tiiories." Sueriuan; overture, ".Maid
of Perth," M. Totmni; march, "Kansas
City," P. S. Hog..
Mis. Margaret T. Lizarm died Wed
in b lay morning at her homo on North
Main street. Her death was uot unex
pected. Her Illness dated from live or
six years ago, when she was strickttu
with paralysis. Since then she suf
fered many returns of the attack, and
for several years past she has been in tt
helpless condition. For two years she
has been unable to speak, paralysis
having iiU'-cted her vocal orgu is. Tun
funeral will place tomorrow afternoon.
Uev. Dr. Parke will conduct services
at the family home on North Main
Btri t at 2 o'clock. Tho remains will bo
taken to Wilkee-Uarre for interment
in Hoilciibauk cemetery. John S. Liz
arm and family and Mrs, Minnie llicu
ardson, of livlianapolis.and Miss Helen
Buz irns, of New York, arrived hore
last evt-iiiu;: to attend iho funeral.
Civil Engineer Bartl, of Scranton,
with several assistants, commenced
the work of establishing a grade of
Main street, under the direction of the
burgvjs and street committee.
The llushestowu school board has
appointed tin following school teach
ers: Principal, J. P. Lord, of Hun-
lock's Crook; grammar, EIU Gillespie;
intermediate, John Toye; 1J primary,
Josephino Gillespie; A primary, Grace
C. D.mnellv, of South Main street,
whoso store room an I largo barn wore
destroyed by tiro nut Sunday morning,
announces that he has determined to
bring action ngainst tho water com
pany for 1.500 damages for tho loasof barn. He Bays tho barn, which
took ' lire) from the adjoining burn
ing storeroom could have ben saved,
it the water had not been par
tially shut idt Ihe firemen ho says,
were on the premises in time to have
saved the bam from destruction, but
the stream of water from the fire plug
was very weak, and on this account
the lire me n were powerless to subdue
the Mimes, and ttu barn was destroyed
Mr. Donnelly says tho meinbors of
tiie tire department woo wore engaged
in ii'btiug the fire, and over a score of
spectators have expressed tho opinion
thai lack cf a proper supply of water
was re-p.tisiblo for the destruction of
the building. It will be claimed that
the water company lowered tho gates
at night, thereby reducing the pressure.
Mr. Dounn'.'lly was at Wilkes-Barre
yesterday and engaged counsel to con
ilnct the suit, far ns is known,
is the fust action of tho kind that has
been brought iu this section, nud the
case will attract considerable atten
This evening a certain member of
Company E, will bo shot for desertion
in thi Park at 7.U0 and then everybody
will go to the dance at tiie arm try.
Emil Nenbauer, of Scranton, who
nas been visiting old friends here for
the past two weeks, returned home
yesterday morning.
Fergueson Kiple, of Scranton, called
on Hotiesdale friends yestvrtsay.
A great many exaurs'.onists from
Hcranton who were at Farview, came
:o Hones bile yesterday. Time were
ten carloads in all.
Miss William", of Hawley, is visiting
..Ins Ida lj-ipsa.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tavlor, of
Chicago, and Miss Sarah W. Dean, of
Danville, were visiting fnonds in town
Protection Engine company No. 3
tried both their lire engines last even
ing aud found them to be in perfect
""Lotiio Wick.-nholfer and Jennie
Best, of Scranton, are speuding a few
davs with friends here.
At 1 o'clock next Tuesday afternoon
Miss Jennie Kinney, n tli i It ist Sid
will be married to Michael Lyons, of
Hill street. The ceremony will be
performed in St. Thomas' church.
Tho funeral of the late John Murray
takes place this morning. A high
moss ot requiem will h.' solommz-d in
Sr. Thomas' church at 10 o'clock. In
ferment will bo made tn the Catholic
Mns M-iggia Elton, of Linrel streot,
visiied Irionds in Scranton yesterday,
Miss Lizzie Gaughan, of Scranton, is
visiting her cousin, Miss Mary A
Gaughan, of Rick terrace.
The Traction company expicts to
have its road in ontiro operation befor
Sunday. At present a car is being run
between Moyles hotel an 1 the river
An extra chnrgo of 5 ceuls ist made for
,-i ride between thesi points. Tills, the
matittgers only temporary. When
the cars aro running to the lilakely
line it will be possible to ride from one
end of tho borough to tin otnor for on )
. John Donloy, who has beon in Buff i
Io for the past year, is calling on friends
Frank Smith and mother, who hive
been visiting Irionds ut boster, have re
turned to this place.
Owing to a tie vote nt last night';
meeting of the school board no priu
cipal was elected for tha next school
lerm. The assistants elected are Miss
Francis McCarty, Miss Alice Cjuinn
and Miss Amy Williams.
H. J. D Graw was at Poyntelle
Tuesday of this week.
P. F. Kirksr, of Popular street
visited friends ut Olyphint and' Peck
ville ypsUniav.
Mrs. Thomas Doherty, of Tort Bliin
chard, Is visiting hero.
S. Mendleson, of Hill street, is at
tondiug a businusi school at Carbon-
William Barber was bnrnetl qnito
bndlv about the head, neck and right
nnd hand by an explosion of gas at the
Maltby minea yesterday ufternooa
He was driving a cros heading where
there was some gas, and a man by the
name of James Smith came into his
place with a nuked lump, igniting tho
Mm. J. u. LsFrance and daughter
spent the day at the Wyoming camp
grounds yesterday.
Miss iiuckley. who is visiting at Mrs.
Fergus Townsend's. will leave in sfew
days for Shawnee L ike for ber health.
Fury Townend was at Scranton on
business Wednesday.
uavia l). 1'olen. brother or AtDert
Polen, of this place, died at the horn
of his daughters, in Catawissa, of
HrightB disease Wednesday.aged about
0 years. His remains will be brought
here for iutermont on Saturday. Mr.
Polen was formerly a resident of this
place and run the carriage shop of Lay-
cock & Crouse about thirty-live years
Dr. h. S. Ilavs. wife and daughter;
J. Frank Smith, Mrs. Boleray, and
Annie Glatz, left Wednesday for Tri
angular lake for a week's sojourn.
Upon initiation of Mrs. James Mac-
Millan. tiie Lidies' Missionary society
of the Latigclilfe Presbyterian church,
met at Lauclille cottage, Like Winola,
yesterday. Those who went left at
7 20 a. in., via Lehigh Valley railroad
to Pitton junction and made connec
tion there for thi Fal is, whero they
took tho bus for the lake. It was a
pleasant day and all enjoyol them
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
Episcopal church held a social last
mgt ut the borne of Mr. and Mrs.
iTisiph Hodgson on South Main street.
A large number enjoyed themselves.
Dorn to Mr. and Mrs. Harry lurner,
of Packer street, a daughter.
Mrs, James Brown and Mrs. John
Hastie nnd two children are spending a
week in PeckvilU with Mr. and Mrs.
D. W. Brown, formerly of Avocn.
Toe borough council met on Tuesday
night. Every member was present,
Tbo matter in regard to grading and
paving ot Pittston avenue was talksd
about considerably, but wheu one of
tho members divulged the fact that he
had been offered $100 in cash and free
paving in front ot his property iu aon-
sideration of his vote on the question,
the rest of the members could not bold
back. The result was that thu grad
ing and paving of said avenue hat
beo:i postponed indefinitely. J. he report
of the burgess was next on progr iinine.
Liy bis report ho snowed tuat tno
amount of $1S,73 has been derived Dy
the borough irom licenses, noes, etc.
The report was accepted and placed on
file. The burgess also reported that to
bis bnowlodire six licenses had oeen
granted by his predecessor in office.
ot which no record has been made. On
motion the burgess was instructed to
proceed in the collection of tho amount
due from tho f x-burgess. Tne matter
regarding the 100 deficiency, as it ap
pears ou the mi lit, was also discussed,
und Dr. G. B. Saamaus was appointed
a committee of one to consult with the
borough attornev in the matter with a
view to devise some way to have toe
account straightened out by the next
meeting. The levy for borough tax
was fixed at. 5 mills, which, added lo
the levy of 23 mills made by court, will
make a total of 23 mills for borough
nurnoses. The bill of H. W. Dony, for
printing pnrpo'es. was ordered p ud.
Miss iNellie Welsh, ot 1'ittston, is
passing a tew days witu menus ami
relatives in town.
Mrs. Henry Shales and son, and Mrs.
Frank Shales, spsnt yesterday iu Don
more with Mr. and Mrs Neil Ferguson,
Jonn Clifford is lyiug ill at his home
on Packer street
A little girl has brightened the bom
of Mr. aud Mrs M. J. Bosloy.
Miss Jennie Boyce. of Sugar Notch,
returned to her home after spendinj a
week with relatives here.
Miss Ella O'Malley attended tbo
social that wis held in Pitsston by the
High School alumni last evening.
Grgo Lower, the Delaware and
Hudson ticket agent, who was to New
Jersey to attend the funeral of bis
brother. John, returned to bis home
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Howell left town on
Wednesday to spend a week with
lriends ami relatives up country.
The school teachers of this town have
received their certificates from County
Sutiorintendent S. B. Uirnson.
Im TiioesANiis of cases tho euro of a
conch is the preventive of consumption.
The purest medicine in the world
is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold
by nil dealers on a gauriiiitou of satisfac
The nillsble Coal and Iron company
will pay their employ .'s in thisplao
t day.
Do not forget that the Forest City
board of trade meets this evening. Iui
portant business will be transacted.
lt-v. Mr. H ynolds. of Waverly, will
conduct services in the Biptist church
in this borough Sunday morning and
D in G. Jones hns returned o Toy or
ofter having been in charge of D.vis'
drug store for a few days. Alf Davis
is now on deck after having visited oli
Inns friends in Taylor.
H-.'V. 0. P. Lappeus ami family leave
today for their new homo at LSroolc
villo, N. Y , nt which place Mr. L'n-
pens will become pastor of tho Bap'ist
church. Miss Ad lie Jjapp.-tH stin ted
Wednesday for Atlanta, G;i.. to engage
in missionary work at that place.
Our thrifty suburb, Vandlintr, or
caniz-td a firo onmpany in tli Vand
ling school house but Tujsd ly even
ing. About forty-hve citizms slgm
lied their willingness to join. The fol
lowing ollltvrs wre cnosen: Prasi
dent, Alex Bry len ; Jvica president,
Will Lavin; secretary, George Wede
man; treasurer, Ezra Thomas; fore
man, John Evan; second foreman
billies Hines; third foreman. Will
Lvtins; pip man, Wells Burdic'.t; set
end pipeman,' Hubert Bums; third pipe
man, Pat Haddock. James M Ginty
is chief fireman, A cmnmltton of three
were appointed- to interview the water
co n; a iv.
Stephen O. Yelvlngton, of Allegheny
college, Meudville, is homo for a short
Charles White, a much respected
cilizm of this plaao. died nt his home
on South Main street Wednesday even
ing about H o'clock, of cancer ot the
liver. Mr. While hid an operation
pertorm-d in the Carbondalo turner
gency hospital a short time ago, bnt
bis disease had gained such a foot hold
that his death was not unexpected
Ihe deceased was n member of the Or
der of St. George and Knights of
Dr. J. W. McGuire will settle at
Vandling this week for the practice of
his chosen profession. Th doctor is a
gentleman of fxperlenoe.havlug served
a number or years in one of the largest
hospitals in the U nitoJ Slates. He is
graduate of the Baltimore Medical
college and pnBsttd a very successful
examination, before the medical ex
amiiiprs of this state a short time ago.
His office will bo located iu the Gue
ther's block. The doctor is the first
one to locate at that place and will be
valuable addition ti tha town of
John . Free, of Pittalnr?. was i fi
ne wing acquaintances in town yester
day. Mr. Free er.l wt a Incrative nasi-
tion with tho General Electric com
Miss Jessie smith, of Addison, N. Y.,
who has been attending school in this
place during the past year, returned
iiuuia jtomuuj. euueuay evening
Misa Smith triivn n turtp of tl.A hnma
. - ,j u . .. u uviuq
of her aunt, Mrs. H, F. Aldrich. About
thirty of her friends were present, and
meeveuiuic w ep'-n in an enjoyaDie
mnnnAr. About 10 o'clock u vmi-v aIhIi.
orate spread was served. Miss Smith
nas inajo many irienos in tins place
during bor stay, and has always taken
a nromiuont part in many of the musi
cal entertainments.
Frank Giles is greatly improving the
appeuraiioo of his residence by giving
it a cout of paint.
Mrs. Thomas Bray Is at U inundate
attending tho wedding of her sister,
Miss Lizzie Kimron.
Mr. and Mrs. William Vercoe called
on friends in Scranton yesterday.
Mrs. W. A. Badgor and sou nr the
guests of relatives in Hmo ck, N. Y.
The school boar I will meet tonight.
This being a regular meeting goneral
buiiues will be transacted. J. wo ad
ditional teachers will be selected rroin
the unplictnts.
ibis afternoon on the hast fcnl)
grounds the Jjrmyn clerks will do up
their fellow clerks from Taylor.
Mrs. C. W. G.-evell, of Rochester, is
visiting Mis. J. J. Place.
Mousey s trib Improved Order of
Hid Men, will attend services in the
Mothodist Episcopal church Sunday.
J he factory promised by the board of
trade has not yet mitteralizsd,
Pliers, (.'oiils nnil (iionis All Show Tilts
Hrlulit Color Now.
Ono of the iniiiiiiieniblo attractive pic
tures which the streets of a largo city arc
perpetually offering to tho public eye
they lire dissolving views, to bo (aire, but
while they last they nro charniiug was
seen tho other day w hen n 4 -year-old boy,
tired by his mother's conversational delay
With a fi'iend, hung upon her skirts nnd
nestled thorn uneasily in n way that was
probably prettier to look at than tocxpurl-
n', ,"i .rMv. "vtji hi
ence. Bo was very fair, with short flaxen
curls, and ho wore n ml nnd whito striped
Miilor suit, with kneo breeches, nnd short
white socks that left his legs bare. His
blouse had a wide red collar and rial cull's,
nnd u red straw sailor hut bad slipped to
tho buck of his cherubic little head. A
prettier costume for a Binall boy could not
btivo been devised.
Med is much used for children. Babies
who can just walk go toddling nlong by
tho nurse's sido in minute rial shoes that
must mid ftrcully to the delight nf exercis
ing tho newly acquired accomplishment,
or they wear little scarlet coats or full
powns of Fnft; red eoshmeiv. Kilt suits for
tiny boys aro niinle of whito linen duck
and trimmed with red duck nnd aro worn
with short, ml socks. Thesokilt suits may
also bo found trimmed wit h light nnd dark
Tho custom of dressing nurses in any
uniform except tho modest white muslin
apron and cap litis attained no foothold in
this country, nil hough abroad, except in
Great. Britain, children's nurses nro often
clothed iu tho most brilliant and fantastic
garments a highy decorated cap, with
wide colored st reamers hanging to tho bot
tom of the skirt, and an ample circular of
equally vivid tint. At intervals a vision
of this sort glorifies American streets, but
it is recognized at once as :m exotio mirso
who has biH ii brought hero by n recently
arrived foreign family.
Tho little girl of whoso frock npicturo
is given was in charge of one of these gayly
dressi-d maids. The child's gown was ot
light blue voile, trimmed with three bands
of white insertion, applied in pointson tho
skirt. The round bodice was gathered in
nt the waist under a black sash, the ends
of which weio trimmed with whito lace.
ffusn't l'p on Cows,
It ist said to bo n true story of an Eng
lish clergyman that on his appointment
to a country living ho went about from
houso to houso asking why the good
vivos did not go to church on Suiukty
afternoons. "Milking tho cows" was
tho universal answer. On Sunday morn
ing, therefore, ho spoko hv. mind. "I
hayo been round tho p.-irish," be paid,
"nnd iiml you nil inako tho Mimo ex
cuse. Now, I havo only ono thing to re
quest, nnd that is that you milk your
cows tho last thing on Saturday nii,'lit
and tho first thing on Monday morn
ing." Youth's Companion. '
All That's Claimed
' I had a poor aiipotito, that tired feeling and
was run down, but Hood's Sarsaparilla has
done iui; a great ileal o
good. 1 have a lietter
appetlto and do no',
feel tired, I can rec.
uinnieiid Hood's Sarsa
parlllaas tin excellent
,4.) .. "I'io'B . 011 iiicdieuio
ffi :g to keep the blood In
oruer. tilysoil and
iJS three danghters havo
taken over six huttk-s,
and It has dene us
much good. Wo do
not now havo to call
K llimn ft i1rM.I,r nu f.,.
il m. I nierlv. In tiie snrinir
Albert Kinnry tlino, and I can say that
Auburn, Yn. Hood's Sarsupailllii is
nil that Is claimed for it I most heartily rec
ommend It, and shall always keep It hi my
house." Albem Kinsev, Auburn, Ta.
Hood's Sarsa
parilla 13e sure to get fitrQS
Hood's Pills ore purely vegetable, and do
lot purgo, pain or gripe. Bold by all druggist.
PT3ti tP. VA.-'
vz:i iv v.i
i (tJi
mm, 1
7 tsr-N,
Handkerchief Purchase
BY -
400 and 402 Lackawanna Avenue.
E have just purchased for cash
h at 50c. on the dollar 32,228 doz.
Ladies' Handkerchiefs, the entire
stock of an importing house retir
ing from business.
Sale Coimsncis Saturday, July 7
5c. Handorchicfs, sale at
10c. Handkerchiefs, sale at .
15c. Handkerchiefs, sale at ,
25c. Handkerchiefs, sale at .
39c. Handkerchiefs, sale at .
50c. Handkerchiefs, sale at .
1 lit r A1K
ill AND
For a Few
iuu omjiiia nugs, utot vjuaiiijrj
50 Smyrna Mats, best quality,
25 Ingrain Rugs, fringed,
75 India Rugs, fringed,
48Kasmer Rugs, UESa for
1 9-''.U
23x3 yards, ail-wocl filling, cotton chain,
3x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain,
3x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain,
2x3 yards, all-wool, -
3x3 yards, " -
3x3 yards, " - - -
3x4 yards, "
i&ERR & SlfSBE
406 and 408
i .
No tales or history goes with the goods
we sell at our
Odd and End Safe
You v;ill find money by attending our
del and End Sab
It is cheap goodness not cheap cheap
nessthat distinguishes our
Odd and End Sale
Figures are eloquent when used to indi
cate the value we are giving at our
Odd and End Safe
From a critical inspector you will turn an
eager buyer at our
Odd and End Sale
Goods marked in plain, large, low figures
at our
Odd and End Sale
wv";r -jiy :,'V
. 12c.
. 19c.
1 fl
mil o
Days Only
wauv iiiuiiuoi
16x34 inches,
,75 .50
, 1.25 .00
, 1.25 .90
, 1.60 HO
, 5.00 3.00
$6.00 $4.25
7.20 5.00
8.40 6.00
6.75 4.75
8.10 6,00
9.45 7.00
10.80 8.00
Lacka. Avenue.
TV. C.X-'.